Illumia Therapeutics, Singapore’s Latest Full-Service Medispa, Lets You Address Your Beauty And Wellness Needs In One Place – Singapore Tatler
By daniellenierenberg
If you havent had the chance to visit Illumia Therapeutics, thelatest hotspot on OrchardRoad for transformative, nextlevel facial and body treatments, then you are missing out on an opportunity that is hard to find anywhere else. Thenewly opened fullservice medispa allows you to address your beauty and wellness needs all in one place, with skilled experts and staff focused on providing a restful escape from your hectic schedule.
Founded by aesthetic doctors and backed by plastic surgeons, Illumia Therapeutics offers clients the star treatment whenever they visit. Thename Illumia was chosen to signify that clients are at the centre of what we do. It all starts with u, the client, says CEOElizabethLeong. All the treatments at IllumiaTherapeutics are non-invasive, safe and clinically proven, andusually done one step at a time. We believe in subtle tweaking, so our clients look fresher and more youthful in phases rather than doing too much at onego,addsLeong.
We find out more about five treatments offered at the medispa.
(Related: What is Face Fitness? Look Out For This Major Beauty Trend in 2020)
Every treatment combines at least two or more highly effective technologies, including stem cell therapy, to provide unparalleled results. Leong explains, This proprietary combination approach is Illumias Hybrid2 Protocol. Different technologies target different skin layerssaving time and doubling results. We believe in visible changes with minimum effort at accessible prices that allow clients to get back to their normal routinesimmediately.
(Related: Biohack Your Way To Beauty And Health Using Your DNA And Stem Cells At These Wellness Retreats Around The World)
One of its signature treatments is the LDMFaceRegen, which is under the llumiaSkinBrite series of skin therapies. It is afavourite of brand ambassador and beauty connoisseur KimLim to maintain her velvety smooth, naturally clear and glowing skin. Thetreatment, which uses German technology based on dual-frequency ultrasound waves, increases elasticity for wrinkle reduction, enhancesrejuvenation, resolves acne issues andsoftens acnescars.
The Illumia FaceLift series, on the other hand, adopts the Korean-styled face design technique that defines the uniqueness of the facial contours. Take the Illumia HyfuUltra treatment, for instance. It is a speedy face-lifting method using ultrasound waves to tighten the skin, minimise wrinkles and eyebags, and fill out sunken cheeks with lastingresults.
Here is the original post:
Illumia Therapeutics, Singapore's Latest Full-Service Medispa, Lets You Address Your Beauty And Wellness Needs In One Place - Singapore Tatler
Advancells Group & IFC Concluded their 3-Day Workshop on Regenerative Medicine – APN News
By daniellenierenberg
Published on January 23, 2020
New Delhi:On Saturday, January 18th, 2020, the Advancells Group & the International Fertility Center together ended their first workshop Sub-Specialty Training in Application of Regenerative Medicine (S.T.A.R. 2020). The three-day workshop had specialized doctors, medical practitioners, learned scientists of Advancells, the leaders in cell manufacturing & processes and IFC, one of Indias most prestigious Fertility institute who were joined by candidates with MBBS/BAMS/BHMS/BPharma & Masters degree in Life Sciences.
The key-note speaker of the workshop was Dr. Rita Bakshi, founder and chairperson of International Fertility Centre, the oldest fertility clinic and one of the most renowned IVF clinics in India, one of the organizers of the event. Participants also had a privilege to listen to Dr. Sachin Kadam, CTO, Advancellsand gain hands-on experience in the preparation of PRP; Liposuction method; and Bone Marrow aspiration. All these techniques were talked about at length and demonstrated in the form of manual & kit-based models to help the candidates gain exposure.
Dr. Punit Prabha, Head of Clinical Research and Dr. Shradha Singh Gautam, Head of Lab Operations at Advancells successfully set the base of stem cell biology for the participants who were experts in gynecology field, stem cell research and pain specialist. With the help of detailed analysis of Application of PRP for Skin rejuvenation; Preparation of Micro-fragmented Adipose Tissue and Nano Fat & SVF (Stromal Vascular Fraction) from Adipose Tissue; and Cell Culturing and Expansion in a Laboratory, applicants understood the application of stem cells in aesthetics, cosmetology, and anti-aging.
Vipul Jain, Founder & CEO of Advancells Groupsaid, Educating young scientists about stem cells is important for us. With this workshop we wanted to discuss and share the challenges and lessons we have learned in our journey of curing our customers. We wanted to establish more concrete knowledge base in the presence of subject matter experts and help our attendees in more possible ways. We are hopeful to have successfully achieved what we claimed with this workshop.
Given the resounding success of the Sub-Specialty Training in Application of Regenerative Medicine (S.T.A.R. 2020), its hoped that the future events shall offer even greater wisdom to the participants by helping them improve and the lead the community into the age of greater awareness.
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Advancells Group & IFC Concluded their 3-Day Workshop on Regenerative Medicine - APN News
The Xenobots Have Arrived: Scientists Have Created Living Robots – Parentology
By daniellenierenberg
The day of the robot frog is here. Sort of. Researchers in the United States have taken stem cells from the tissue of African clawed frogs and put them together to build tiny living robots. These are the worlds first living machines, robots made from biological tissue that have advantages your run-of-the-mill plastic and metal robots dont have.
These lifeforms have never before existed on earth, Michael Levin, director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University, which conducted the research alongside scientists from the University of Vermont, said. They are living, programmable organisms.
Researchers are calling these new creatures xenobots, derivedfrom Xenopus laevis, the scientific name for the African clawed frog. The botsare less than a millimeter wide, which is small enough to travel through thehuman body. And they dont look anything like the robots weve all seen before.Xenobots are basically tiny dollops of moving pink flesh.
According to CNN,the researchers took stem cells from frog embryos, left them to incubate, thenused a supercomputer to cut and shape the cells into body forms. For example,you can have a xenobot with a hole in the middle that could possibly be used todeliver medication inside the human body.
Once they were created, the robots operated on their own. Theskin cells bonded to form structure, and the heart cells would actually pulse,allowing the bots to propel themselves.
What else might the xenobots be used for? Scientists say theycould potentially be used to remove plaque from artery walls, locate anddestroy radioactive waste, and even clean up microplastic pollution in theoceans.
And although metal and plastic robots are strong and durable, there are good reasons to create bots from biological tissue. For one thing, the xenobots are self-healing. And once their task is complete, says The Guardian, they fall apart, just as natural organisms decay when they die. That makes them more environmentally friendly than traditional robots, as well.
Creating these xenobots does raise some ethical issues,particularly because future versions of them might actually have nervoussystems and cognitive abilities. And then what will they be, living creaturesor just machines?
Whats important to me, Sam Kriegman, a PhD student on the University of Vermont team, said, is that this is public, so we can have a discussion as a society and policymakers can decide what is the best course of action.
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The Xenobots Have Arrived: Scientists Have Created Living Robots - Parentology
El Paso scientists team up for project that will be sent to the International Space Station – KVIA El Paso
By daniellenierenberg
EL PASO, Texas -- Biomedical research scientists from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso and The University of Texas at El Paso are partnering up to send "artificial mini-hearts" to the International Space Station to better understand how microgravity affects the function of the human heart.
The three-year project, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the space station's U.S. National Laboratory, brings together TTUHSC El Paso faculty scientist Munmun Chattopadhyay, Ph.D., and UTEP biomedical engineer Binata Joddar, Ph.D. The researchers will collaborate in their Earth-bound labs to create tiny (less than 1 millimeter thick) heart-tissue structures, known as cardiac organoids, using human stem cells and 3D bioprinting technology.
By exposing the organoids to the near-weightless environment of the orbiting space station, the researchers hope to gain a better understanding of a health condition known as cardiac atrophy, which is a reduction and weakening of heart tissue. Cardiac atrophy often affects astronauts who spend long periods of time in microgravity. A weakened heart muscle has difficulty pumping blood to the body, and can lead to problems such as fainting, irregular heartbeat, heart valve problems and even heart failure. Cardiac atrophy is also associated with chronic disease.
The first year of the project, which began in September, will focus on research design. During this phase, Dr. Joddar will use 3D printing to fabricate the cardiac organoids by coupling cardiac cells in physiological ratios to mimic heart tissue. The second year will be centered on preparing the organoid payload for a rocket launch and mission in space. The third and final year of the research will involve analyzing data from the experiment after the organoids are returned to Earth.
The project will also provide an educational opportunity for the El Paso community, with a workshop for K-12 students to learn about tissue engineering projects on the space station. It will also include a seminar for medical students, interns and residents about the benefits and challenges of transitioning research from Earth-based laboratories into space.
The Spinal Cord Organizes Locomotion Like a Three-gear Engine – Technology Networks
By daniellenierenberg
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have revealed a new principle of organisation which explains how locomotion is coordinated in vertebrates akin to an engine with three gears. The results are published in the scientific journal Neuron.
A remarkable feature of locomotion is its capacity for rapid starts and to change speed to match our intentions. However, there is still uncertainty as to how the rhythm-generating circuit - the locomotor engine - in the spinal cord is capable of instantaneously translating brain commands into rhythmic and appropriately paced locomotion.
Using zebrafish as a model organism, researchers at Karolinska Institutet reveal in detail a full reconstruction of the rhythm-generating engine driving locomotion in vertebrates.
"We have uncovered a novel principle of organisation that is crucial to perform an intuitively simple, yet poorly understood function: the initiation of locomotion and the changing of speed," says Abdel El Manira, Professor at the Department of Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, who led the study.
The researchers performed a comprehensive and quantitative mapping of connections (synapses) between neurons combined with behavioural analyses in zebrafish. The results revealed that the excitatory neurons in the spinal cord which drive locomotion form three recurrent, rhythm-generating circuit modules acting as gears which can be engaged at slow, intermediate or fast locomotor speeds. These circuits convert signals from the brain into coordinated locomotor movements, with a speed that is aligned to the initial intention.
"The insights gained in our study can be directly applicable to mammals, including humans, given that the organising principle of the brainstem and spinal circuits is shared across vertebrate species," says Abdel El Manira. "Understanding how circuits in the brainstem and spinal cord initiate movements and how speed is controlled will open up for new research avenues aimed at developing therapeutic strategies for human neurological disorders, including traumatic spinal cord injury, and motoneuron degenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)."
Reference: Song, J., Pallucchi, I., Ausborn, J., Ampatzis, K., Bertuzzi, M., Fontanel, P., Picton, L. D., & Manira, A. E. (2020). Multiple Rhythm-Generating Circuits Act in Tandem with Pacemaker Properties to Control the Start and Speed of Locomotion. Neuron, 0(0).
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The Spinal Cord Organizes Locomotion Like a Three-gear Engine - Technology Networks
New Nerve-Growing Method Could Help Injured Soldiers and Others – Scientific American
By daniellenierenberg
A small injury to a nerve outside the brain and spinal cord is relatively easy to repair just by stretching it, but a major gap in such a peripheral nerve poses problems. Usually, another nerve is taken from elsewhere in the body, and it causes an extra injury and returns only limited movement.
Now researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have found an effective way to bridge such a gapat least in mice and monkeysby inserting a biodegradable tube that releases a protein called a growth factor for several months. In a study published Wednesday in Science Translational Medicine, the team showed that the tube works as a guide for the nerve to grow along the proper path, and the naturally occurring protein induces the nerve to grow faster.
Kacey Marra, a professor at the universitys departments of plastic surgery and bioengineering, says shes been working for a dozen years on the device, which she particularly hopes will help soldiers injured in combat. More than half of injured soldiers suffer nerve injuries, she says. And as the daughter and granddaughter of military men, she considers it her mission to help their successors. Combat gear does a good job of protecting a soldiers chest and head, but arms and legs are often exposed, which is why peripheral nerve injuries are so common, Marra says. Car crashes and accidents involving machinery such as snowblowers can also damage nerves involved in hand, arm, leg and foot control.
In the U.S., there are about 600,000 nerve injuries every year, she says, though she is unsure how many are severe enough to require the relocation of a second nerve because that information is not tracked yet. When the injuries are severe, the only current treatment is to take a nerve from somewhere else on the body, Marra says. But patients recover just about 50 to 60 percent of function in the damaged nerve.
Longer nerve grafts are always more challenging, says Christine Schmidt, a professor and chair of the department of biomedical engineering at the University of Florida, who was not involved with the research. It would be great to be able to tackle long-term nerve damage. She notes that the nerve the Pittsburgh team tested is relatively small in macaques. It will still be a challenge to scale up to larger nerves, she says. It would be nice to see a little bit larger nerve, which would be more relevant to patients.
The new device restored nearly 80 percent of function, the study showed. It uses glial-cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), a protein that promotes nerve cell survival. Marra chose GDNF, she says, because if you get a nerve injury like a paper cut, the cells in your nerves are going to express this protein at high levels. And that recruits other cells to come in and repair the nerve. The tube is made of the same polymer as dissolvable stitches, which has already been federally approved for surgical use.
Other researchers are exploring the use of stem cells or other cells to help bridge the gap in the nerve, but Marra and her colleagues approach is likely to have an easier time receiving federal approval because it does not involve cells. If they were to go adding stem cells or too many complexities, it would be harder to win a regulatory green light, Schmidt says. It is better to make advances with small steps, as the Pittsburgh researchers have, she says. Theyre doing it in a very realistic way that can lead to a clinical outcome, and thats really what you want, Schmidt adds.
Nerves can regenerate at a rate of about one millimeter per day, and there are three months worth of GDNF in the tube, allowing for closing injuries of about 12 centimetersor 4.7 inches.
In the eight-year-long study, the researchers trained rhesus macaques to eat with their forefinger and thumbwhich they could only do if a repaired nerve was working properly. They used this finger maneuver rather than grabbing food with their fist, as they usually do when they eat. If they pinched the banana pellet, they got a second treat, Marra says. We were able to see the recovery, she adds. At that point, we knew we were ready to test in humans.
Marra says she and her colleagues have several pending proposals for the first clinical trials in humans, which are likely to start in 2021 and take at least three years. A start-up she launched, AxoMax Technologies, licensed the technology from the University of Pittsburgh to begin the experiments. Marra believes her device can be competitively priced, compared with moving a nerve from elsewhere in the bodyand, potentially, even compared with existing repair approaches for small nerve gaps.
Her team is also beginning to study whether its method will work for facial nerves, but she thinks it is unlikely to be effective for spinal cord injuries, which are far more complex and involve more nerves. The researchers are looking at regenerating the muscles affected by injured nerves as well. I think [this approach] really could revolutionize thinking about nerve repair and the different options a patient will have, Marra says.
Read the original here:
New Nerve-Growing Method Could Help Injured Soldiers and Others - Scientific American
Ncardia and BlueRock Therapeutics Announce Collaboration Agreement and Licensing of Process Development Technologies for the Manufacture of…
By daniellenierenberg
Ncardia and BlueRock Therapeutics today announced an agreement covering process development technologies for the manufacture of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes. Under the terms of the agreement, Bluerock gains access to Ncardias large-scale production processes and intellectual property for the production of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes for therapeutic use.
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"BlueRock is a leader in the field of cell therapy and our collaboration is a perfect match of mission and capabilities. This relationship allows us to utilize our experience in iPSC process development to help advance potential cell therapies for cardiac diseases," said Stefan Braam, CEO of Ncardia.
"There are hundreds of millions of people worldwide that suffer from degenerative cardiovascular disease where the root cause is the loss of healthy heart muscle cells, and where medical treatment options are limited. BlueRocks authentic cellular therapy is a novel approach that has the potential to transform the lives of patients, but will require the manufacture of our cell therapies at unprecedented scale. The Ncardia team has developed key technologies related to this scale-up challenge, and we are pleased to work with them as we advance BlueRocks novel CELL+GENE platform towards the clinic and those patients in need," said Emile Nuwaysir, President and CEO, BlueRock Therapeutics.
About BlueRock Therapeutics
BlueRock Therapeutics, a wholly owned and independently operated subsidiary of Bayer AG, is a leading engineered cell therapy company with a mission to develop regenerative medicines for intractable diseases. BlueRock Therapeutics CELL+GENE platform harnesses the power of cells for new medicines across neurology, cardiology and immunology indications. BlueRock Therapeutics cell differentiation technology recapitulates the cells developmental biology to produce authentic cell therapies, which are further engineered for additional function. Utilizing these cell therapies to replace damaged or degenerated tissue brings the potential to restore or regenerate lost function. BlueRocks culture is defined by scientific innovation, highest ethical standards and an urgency to bring transformative treatments to all who would benefit. For more information, visit
About Ncardia
Ncardia believes that stem cell technology can deliver better therapies to patients faster. We bring cell manufacturing and process development expertise to cell therapy by designing and delivering human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) solutions to specification. Our offerings extend from concept development to pre-clinical studies, including custom manufacturing of a range of cell types, as well as discovery services such as disease modelling, screening, and safety assays. For more information, visit
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Ncardia and BlueRock Therapeutics Announce Collaboration Agreement and Licensing of Process Development Technologies for the Manufacture of...
The Living Robots Made With Frog Cells Could Boost Our Health – Dual Dove
By daniellenierenberg
Theres a team of scientists who basically discovered live robots. You read that right. They found a new purpose for living cells, which they took from frog embryos, and they constructed new life forms. These life forms were named Xenobots, and they can move in small places and carry stuff, too. They also want to try to see if they are useful in medicine.
Apparently, they can heal themselves after theyre cut, which gives them a longer life span. They are not a species of animals, and they are not robots in a real way. As Joshua Bongard states, Its a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism. He is a computer scientist at the University of Vermont.
A supercomputer developed these live robots at UVM. The idea behind this creation is not a new one. But it is the first time they actually improved it from scratch. The team was led by doctoral student Sam Kriegman, who used an evolutionary algorithm to develop thousands of designs for these new life forms.
They gave the program the basic rules about biophysics about the frog skin and the cardiac cells. They tested about a hundred algorithms to find the best design. Then, the team worked with microsurgeons to transfer the silicon designs into life. They took the stem cells from Xenopus lavevis, an African frog. Then the embryos were assembled in body forms, so the cells began to work.
Almost everything we see today is made out of steel, silicon, or plastic. While its true that the material is durable, it also creates human health problems. Bongard stated that the living tissues degrade quickly. Also, these living robots made with frog cells could help us live a healthier life. More research will be conducted.
Tanya is an expert in reddit and health subjects. She finds good stories where no one ever thinks to look.
Original post:
The Living Robots Made With Frog Cells Could Boost Our Health - Dual Dove
National Research (NASDAQ:NRC) versus US Stem Cell (NASDAQ:USRM) Head-To-Head Review – Riverton Roll
By daniellenierenberg
US Stem Cell (OTCMKTS:USRM) and National Research (NASDAQ:NRC) are both small-cap medical companies, but which is the superior investment? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their earnings, risk, valuation, dividends, profitability, analyst recommendations and institutional ownership.
Institutional & Insider Ownership
39.7% of National Research shares are owned by institutional investors. 16.7% of US Stem Cell shares are owned by insiders. Comparatively, 4.5% of National Research shares are owned by insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that hedge funds, endowments and large money managers believe a stock will outperform the market over the long term.
Analyst Recommendations
This is a breakdown of current ratings and price targets for US Stem Cell and National Research, as provided by
Volatility & Risk
US Stem Cell has a beta of 4.87, meaning that its stock price is 387% more volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, National Research has a beta of 0.78, meaning that its stock price is 22% less volatile than the S&P 500.
Valuation and Earnings
This table compares US Stem Cell and National Researchs gross revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.
National Research has higher revenue and earnings than US Stem Cell.
This table compares US Stem Cell and National Researchs net margins, return on equity and return on assets.
National Research beats US Stem Cell on 7 of the 9 factors compared between the two stocks.
US Stem Cell Company Profile
U.S. Stem Cell, Inc., a biotechnology company, focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialization of autologous cellular therapies for the treatment of chronic and acute heart damage, and vascular and autoimmune diseases in the United States and internationally. Its lead product candidates include MyoCell, a clinical therapy designed to populate regions of scar tissue within a patient's heart with autologous muscle cells or cells from a patient's body for enhancing cardiac function in chronic heart failure patients; and AdipoCell, a patient-derived cell therapy for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, chronic heart ischemia, and lower limb ischemia. The company's product development pipeline includes MyoCell SDF-1, an autologous muscle-derived cellular therapy for improving cardiac function in chronic heart failure patients. It is also developing MyoCath, a deflecting tip needle injection catheter that is used to inject cells into cardiac tissue in therapeutic procedures to treat chronic heart ischemia and congestive heart failure. In addition, the company provides physician and patient based regenerative medicine/cell therapy training, cell collection, and cell storage services; and cell collection and treatment kits for humans and animals, as well operates a cell therapy clinic. The company was formerly known as Bioheart, Inc. and changed its name to U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. in October 2015. U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Sunrise, Florida.
National Research Company Profile
National Research Corporation (NRC) is a provider of analytics and insights that facilitate revenue growth, patient, employee and customer retention and patient engagement for healthcare providers, payers and other healthcare organizations. The Companys portfolio of subscription-based solutions provides information and analysis to healthcare organizations and payers across a range of mission-critical, constituent-related elements, including patient experience and satisfaction, community population health risks, workforce engagement, community perceptions, and physician engagement. The Companys clients range from acute care hospitals and post-acute providers, such as home health, long term care and hospice, to numerous payer organizations. The Company derives its revenue from its annually renewable services, which include performance measurement and improvement services, healthcare analytics and governance education services.
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National Research (NASDAQ:NRC) versus US Stem Cell (NASDAQ:USRM) Head-To-Head Review - Riverton Roll
These robots made of living frog cells are meant to revolutionize treatment methods – International Business Times, Singapore Edition
By daniellenierenberg
5 Ways To Stay Healthy If You Sit All Day At Work
Ever since the 1966 film 'Fantastic Voyage', an American science-fiction about a submarine crew who are shrunk to microscopic size and venture into the body of an injured scientist to repair damage to his brain, it remained a possible conception for robotic engineers too.
Now, a team of scientists from the University of Vermont has succeeded by repurposing living cells of frog embryos into entirely new millimeter-long life-forms, called "xenobots", which can move toward a target, carry a payload, say, a medicine and reache a specific body part of a patient.
"These are novel living machines," says Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics expert at the University of Vermont, part of the research team. "They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It's a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism."
Bongard says they tried to slice the robot almost in half and found it stitching itself back up and moving ahead. This is "somtheing you can't do with typical machines. These xenobots are fully biodegradable. When they're done with their job after seven days, they're just dead skin cells," explained Bongard.
Initially designed on a supercomputer and then assembled and tested by biologists at Tufts University, these robots can have many useful applications as first batch of living robots that other machines cannot become, said Michael Levin, team member and director of Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology at Tufts.
Some of the applications include searching out nasty compounds or radioactive contamination, gathering microplastic in the oceans, traveling in arteries to scrape out plaque. The results of the new research were published January 13 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The team used an evolutionary algorithm to create thousands of candidate designs for the new life-forms, which can carry out a task like locomotion in one direction. First they gathered stem cells, harvested from the embryos of African frogs, the species Xenopus laevis, which led to its name "xenobots."
Assembled into body forms never seen in nature, the cells formed a more passive architecture, while the once-random contractions of heart muscle cells were put to work creating ordered forward motion and aided by spontaneous self-organizing patterns -- allowing the robots to move on their own.
Later, tests showed that groups of xenobots would move around in circles, pushing pellets into a central location -- spontaneously and collectively. "It's a step toward using computer-designed organisms for intelligent drug delivery," says Bongard.
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These robots made of living frog cells are meant to revolutionize treatment methods - International Business Times, Singapore Edition
Scientists Combine AI With Biology to Create Xenobots, the World’s First ‘Living Robots’ – EcoWatch
By daniellenierenberg
Formosa's plastics plant is seen dominating the landscape in Point Comfort, Texas. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
Diane Wilson is seen with volunteers before their meeting across the street from Formosa's Point Comfort manufacturing plant. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
Within 10 minutes she collected an estimated 300 of the little plastic pellets. Wilson says she will save them as evidence, along with any additional material the group collects, to present to the official and yet-to-be-selected monitor.
Wilson received the waiver forms from Formosa a day after the deadline. The group planned to set out by foot on Jan. 18, which would allow them to cover more ground on their next monitoring trip. They hope to check all of the facility's 14 outtakes where nurdles could be still be escaping. Any nurdles discharged on or after Jan. 15 in the area immediately surrounding the plant would be in violation of the court settlement.
Ronnie Hamrick picks up a mixture of new and legacy nurdles near Formosa's Point Comfort plant. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
Ronnie Hamrick holds a few of the countless nurdles that litter the banks of Cox Creek near Formosa's Point Comfort facility. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
Lawsuit Against Formosas Planned Louisiana Plant
On that same afternoon, Wilson learned that conservation and community groups in Louisiana had sued the Trump administration, challenging federal environmental permits for Formosa's planned $9.4 billion plastics complex in St. James Parish.
The news made Wilson smile. "I hope they win. The best way to stop the company from polluting is not to let them build another plant," she told me.
The lawsuit was filed in federal court against the Army Corps of Engineers, accusing the Corps of failing to disclose environmental damage and public health risks and failing to adequately consider environmental damage from the proposed plastics plant. Wilson had met some of the Louisiana-based activists last year when a group of them had traveled to Point Comfort and protested with her outside Formosa's plastics plant that had begun operations in 1983. Among them was Sharon Lavigne, founder of the community group Rise St. James, who lives just over a mile and a half from the proposed plastics complex in Louisiana.
Back then, Wilson offered them encouragement in their fight. A few months after winning her own case last June, she gave them boxes of nurdles she had used in her case against Formosa. The Center for Biological Diversity, one of the environmental groups in the Louisiana lawsuit, transported the nurdles to St. James. The hope was that these plastic pellets would help environmental advocates there convince Louisiana regulators to deny Formosa's request for air permits required for building its proposed St. James plastics complex that would also produce nurdles. On Jan. 6, Formosa received those permits, but it still has a few more steps before receiving full approval for the plant.
Anne Rolfes, founder of the Louisiana Bucket Brigade, holding up a bag of nurdles discharged from Formosa's Point Comfort, Texas plant, at a protest against the company's proposed St. James plant in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Dec. 10, 2019. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
Construction underway to expand Formosa's Point Comfort plant. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
Silhouette of Formosa's Point Comfort Plant looming over the rural landscape. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
From the Gulf Coast toEurope
Just a day after Wilson found apparently new nurdles in Point Comfort, the Plastic Soup Foundation, an advocacy group based in Amsterdam, took legal steps to stop plastic pellet pollution in Europe. On behalf of the group, environmental lawyers submitted an enforcement request to a Dutch environmental protection agency, which is responsible for regulating the cleanup of nurdles polluting waterways in the Netherlands.
The foundation is the first organization in Europe to take legal steps to stop plastic pellet pollution. It cites in its enforcement request to regulators Wilson's victory in obtaining a "zero discharge" promise from Formosa and is seeking a similar result against Ducor Petrochemicals, the Rotterdam plastic producer. Its goal is to prod regulators into forcing Ducor to remove tens of millions of plastic pellets from the banks immediately surrounding its petrochemical plant.
Detail of a warning sign near the Point Comfort Formosa plant. The waterways near the plant are polluted by numerous industrial facilities in the area. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
Nurdles on Cox Creek's bank on Jan. 15. Wilson hopes her and her colleagues' work of the past four years will help prevent the building of more plastics plants, including the proposed Formosa plant in St. James Parish. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
A sign noting the entrance to the Formosa Wetlands Walkway at Port Lavaca Beach. The San Antonio Estuary Waterkeeper describes the messaging as an example of greenwashing. Julie Dermansky / DeSmogBlog
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Scientists Combine AI With Biology to Create Xenobots, the World's First 'Living Robots' - EcoWatch
1000 Entrepreneurs: Ken Aldrich on 30 Years of Venture Capital and 50 Successful Businesses –
By daniellenierenberg
Over the last three decades, Ken Aldrich has successfully invested in over 50 businesses and has personally co-founded almost a dozen himself. He considers himself a jack of all trades, having been involved in everything from biomedicine to real estate. Some of his most successful investments include helping start one of the first wind parks in Palm Springs and Green Dot Corp. (NYSE:GDOT), which has become the worlds largest prepaid debit card company. In May, Aldrich published his book, "Dream Toolbox," which aims to guide readers toward establishing an entrepreneurial mind and gaining control over their financial world.
Before the business
Prior to entrenching himself as an entrepreneur, Aldrich started his career as a wage earner practicing law. He spent a great deal of time and effort to earn his law degree and land a spot in a well-established firm. With a clear career path ahead of him, Aldrich got to work earning his keep and establishing his position in the firm. However, one definitive moment stands out as the time when he became dissatisfied with his work.
This moment would revolve around sandwiches of all things. Working alongside one of the senior partners at the firm, Aldrich was helping to create a registration statement for a public company. At the end of the session that fateful day, the underwriters and the people from the company headed out to get dinner:
At the end of the day the company and the firm that was doing the underwriting turned to us, the lawyers, and said Well that was really good. Can we have a new draft of the work in the morning at nine and we will start again? Off they went to have dinner at Chasens and we ordered sandwiches, Aldrich said.
To provide context for those who do not know the Los Angeles restaurant history, Chasens was a well-known restaurant that was often frequented by famous celebrities until its closing in 1995. Based upon the prestige of the restaurant's chili, it is easy to conceive a distaste for sandwiches after a long day at work.
While in his 20s Aldrich did not have an issue eating sandwiches, yet he was thinking toward his future. My partner, that I was working for, was in his 30s or 40s. I do not want to be the guy eating sandwiches in his 30s or 40s, and I do not care how much they pay me for it, Aldrich said. It was in this moment that he decided that he would much prefer to be the guy going out for a nice dinner after work.
With clear motivation, Aldrich set out to find himself a new career path. He landed himself a contractual position at an investment banking firm. This provided him with some needed experience and training, alongside a foot in the door with a name behind him. This new venture would come with an inherent risk, one that Aldrich would feel almost immediately.
Working at the law firm, he had earned himself a paycheck and a solidified position. Upon leaving, that paycheck disappeared. To compound the pressure, Aldrich was working on a contract for the investment banking firm, meaning that if he were to no longer be productive in their eyes, he would be cut from their team. In essence, the already large pay cut he had taken could go away in an instant. He went on to say:
Wide World of Sports had a sports program on Saturday and their opening montage was a skier, it might have been a tobogganer, coming down a ski run and losing control and flying head over heels into a snowbank. The tagline was Wide World of Sports, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I realized that with conventional jobs you are either working for a paycheck or in the case of a lawyer you are measuring your life out in coffee spoons as Eliot once said in a poem. There is never the chance of a real thrill of victory. The expectation is do not screw up and I wanted something more than that.
Finding success
With a drive to succeed and find that thrill of victory, Aldrich set out on his journey to become a successful entrepreneur. By nature of the business, he would find himself in the world of seed stage venture capital, investing and co-founding businesses from the ground up. Through both luck and skill, he was able to grow many of these businesses to success, yet there is seemingly no connection between them. However, Aldrich considers himself a jack of all trades and finds that his curiosity has led him to such diverse portfolio.
While he has found himself invested in many different fields, there is one key factor that ties them all together. If there is technology involved, I want to make sure that if it is successful, often it is not completely developed when we start, but that if it is successful it will make a fundamental change in some business, or industry, or science, Aldrich said. Having this significant change in the way things are done makes either the business or the product stand out in a way that the market cannot deny. For Aldrich, this is key for these types of ventures to be a success.
It is very hard to be successful starting a new business if you are just doing it a little bit better because, you know, everybody is looking for perfect, but perfect is the enemy of the good. If there is an existing process that is serving the market adequately it is usually just a fools errand to try to make something else that is just a little bit better, he continued.
As with many lessons, Aldrich had to learn to make fundamental changes first hand. One of the first businesses he found himself involved in was working to develop a new device for LASIK procedures. This device would allow for the surgeon to be more accurate when applying the procedure. Initially, the company found success in that the device did improve the accuracy of the procedure. However, it was not a big enough difference and nobody cared according to Aldrich.
Going back to the drawing board, the company went about redesigning the product so that it could be an aid to curing amblyopia in children, yet the market there was too small. With the aid of an ocular physician, the company found its true purpose. The new design would allow a surgeon in the process of doing cataract surgery to take an accurate measurement of the eye.
Prior to this new design, the surgeon would attempt to measure the eye through the clouded portion as best as possible before removing the affected area. As the measurement had to be taken through the affected area, it was generally not overly accurate and that is how people ended up with those coke bottle glasses, Aldrich said.
With their newly pioneered technology, the surgeon had a new device that would attach to the microscope that they used during the procedure. This would allow for them to take an accurate measurement of the lens of the eye prior to the surgery. This technology resulted in vision on par with a LASIK procedure as a byproduct of conventional cataract surgery. It was very gratifying for me because I have, over my life, had enough eye problems to realize just how life changing that small procedure can be, Aldrich said. This business would eventually go on to sell for $350 million.
Managing risk
With the prospect of millions, if not billions, on the horizon, there is constant risk involved with starting these businesses. For Aldrich, the key to success comes in managing this risk, although it can never be entirely eliminated. Once he has established that the technology or the business will make a fundamental change in the industry it operates in, he looks toward the people involved. First and foremost, he questions if they have enthusiasm and skin in the game as he calls it. Now that does not necessarily mean that they have written big checks, but they have put some portion of their life on hold to pursue this, he said.
Finding a person who fits these qualities allows for Aldrich to be confident that if things get difficult with the company, nobody is going to give up. In many cases, things do go wrong when starting a business. Very rarely does a business make its way to success without encountering a road bump. At some point everyone has to take some genuine risk. I have never known a startup that did not involve that, Aldrich said.
Over the course of 30 years in business, Aldrich has experienced his fair share of risk and road bumps. One of the most egregious cases that he recalled involved a biotechnology company. The company in question was working to develop new stem cells similar in nature to embryonic stem cells. The winning factor was that the company had found a way to access these cells without needing a fertilized embryo. So we took all, or we thought we took all of them, some people still managed to find objections, but we took basically all the real objections away from those who were concerned, for religious or for other reasons, with whether or not using embryonic stem cells was in effect killing a human being in utero, Aldrich said.
While they had overcome a major roadblock to progress their research, they still had not reached calm seas. The company would go public and found itself in the midst of the economic downturn of 2008. Almost overnight, funding that had been promised had disappeared and the company was left stranded with no backing.
To further compound issues, the CEO of the company died of a heart attack shortly after. Aldrich found himself running the company and as an investor himself. He put forth a check for $500,000, one that would have been very painful to have lost in his own words. In a stroke of luck, he was able to find an investor for the company. However, the man was in Paris, was Russian and spoke no English. Not a man to be stopped, Aldrich flew to Paris, dug up a translator on the eve of a French holiday and made a deal with the new investor.
With the help of this new partner and his own investment, Aldrich would pull the company out of the hole it found itself in. The company would continue to make progress on its stem cell research. Eventually, the majority shareholder of the company would push Aldrich out of a leadership position and he decided it would be best to pull himself out of the company entirely. During his time there, Aldrich would grow the stock from 15 cents per share to over $2 per share.
The biggest perks
While Aldrich has undoubtedly seen rough times working with companies, he has found himself, more often than not, in the position of successfully creating a business. The thrill of just saying, I did that, claimed Aldrich, is one of the best parts of what he does. Continuously, he has had the ability to take the vision that someone brings him and help them turn it into a reality. For him that has been extremely gratifying, yet he has been able to take it one step further.
Many of the companies that he has been involved in have changed people's lives for the better. The first LASIK company aided many people in having better vision, which Aldrich considers life changing. The stem cell company has the potential to change the way stem cells are used, and he believes they ultimately will. Even present day he is working with a company that is working to make chemotherapy drastically more effective to the point that it can cure certain types of cancers.
Without a doubt Aldrich has found the thrill of victory and helped people in the process. Now it is still a whole lot of fun to make money from a deal and see it take off, he said. One of his most ludicrous investments was Green Dot Corp., in which he was an early investor. Since throwing his hat in the ring, the company has not only reached a billion-dollar market cap, it has created an entirely new industry of prepaid debit cards.
Even the wind park in Palm Springs that Aldrich helped start has seen him cashing monthly checks from land rights for the last 20 years. Having both built companies and earned money for decades, it is easy to understand how he has no desire to change anything, yet Aldrich believes that he has no regrets for a different reason.
I think in each case we did the most we could do with what we had available, Aldrich said. In his opinion, there will always be something that could have gone differently or a potential to have found greater success. The reality is I had gone everywhere I could think of and took the option that was available, he continued.
In the end, worrying becomes unproductive. It creates a situation in which you are cautious about your current ventures and begin to question every decision. Aldrich believes this type of fear, the fear of failure, is one that is extremely detrimental to an entrepreneur. Overcoming this fear has been key to his success.
No end in sight
In his most recent ventures, Aldrich has found himself seeking to inspire both youth and entrepreneurs alike. He has spent time working with at-risk teenagers to provide them with financial lessons as well as the skills to develop their dreams into reality. From these lessons, Aldrich developed a podcast series that would eventually become his first book, titled "Dream Toolbox," for anyone frustrated by unfulfilled dreams.
Although Aldrich has had a career outlasting many other entrepreneurs, he does not believe he will ever be able to stop. While he has made a promise to himself to not start any new companies, he will continue to fund and advise them as much as he can:
I can not see stopping because, frankly, it is so darn much fun. I have flunked retirement several times in the sense of really trying to turn it off. What I have discovered is just about the time I am getting all excited to go play a round of golf, or go play tennis or something like that, somebody will call me up with a new idea, or a new concept, and I will cancel the golf or cancel the tennis because nothing is more exciting than dealing with a new idea that has great promise.
Question and answer
GuruFocus: As an entrepreneur, and a serial entrepreneur at that, is there anything in the future coming up or already starting to reach the market that you are really excited about and would love to get your hands on?
Aldrich: My experience has been that the things that are already visible to me, out there in the market, somebody else has already started and is way ahead of me. So what I am looking for are the things that are not yet obvious and those can come in many ways. I recently became an investor in a company. It is not a startup anymore. I invested through some friends, but it is very exciting. They have, I believe, a way to, I will not say cure, but to take any of the existing chemotherapies that are used in cancer and make them way, way more effective, and the reality is, based upon the data we have, in many cases cure cancers that the physicians had given them up as incurable and a death sentence. That is enormously exciting to me and I think that we will see that.
I have also invested, although I am not a principle, in three or four other companies that have varying ways of approaching, particularly cancer, but other disease forms. That to me is an exciting area and I think we are just beginning to scratch the surface of what can be done medically. There are things going on with AI that will affect the medical world. I read in this mornings newspaper about a new AI technique that I think was developed by Google that has greatly improved the accuracy, or looks like it has greatly improved the accuracy of mammograms. That could be life-saving.
GuruFocus: Where do you look for inspiration?
Aldrich: One of the great books and it is overlooked, but I think everybody should read it right after they finish mine, actually before, is "Think and Grow Rich." Which has been around for almost a century, I guess. It is absolutely a brilliant set of ideas and structures for entrepreneurship. There are certainly more modern books. I happen to like Peter Thiels book, which I think he calls "Zero to One." It talks about entrepreneurship and finding a niche that you can fill and expand into making something big. Of course, if you just start looking and get specific, there are tons and tons of books on how to structure a business, how to handle the accounting, finance and so on. Again, I think it starts with changing the belief systems so that you believe you can do it and for that there probably is no better book that I have read than "Think and Grow Rich."
GuruFocus: What are you most grateful for at this point in your life?
Aldrich: Oh wow. I am most grateful that I have had the incredible good fortune to have the love of not one, but two wonderful women in my life. First my wife, who died a few years ago, and second, the woman who is now sharing my life. That has been remarkable. I have also had the good fortune through most of my life of having good health. I have had plenty of health issues that I have had to deal with, but they have all been like the puzzles I talked about. OK, I have a problem. I had a vision problem. I have had other things. How can we solve them? So far, they have all been soluble. I have been very fortunate. As you can see from this ugly photograph on your screen, I am not a young man anymore. I wake up in the morning thinking I am at least 20 or 30 years younger than I am until I look in the mirror. And that is a good thing because age ultimately matters as none of us live forever. In terms of our capacity to do things, it is how we view ourselves, so that is important.
Aldrichs advice for entrepreneurs
Have a vision both personally and in business:
Try to visualize what life would look like if you were to find the success that you have. Once you have this vision, there is something for you to strive for. In Aldrichs opinion, this is one of the most powerful tools an entrepreneur can utilize. Visualize yourself being successful while standing in front of the mirror. It may feel stupid at first, as it did for Aldrich, but you will eventually make that vision a reality by translating it into the present. Use your vision to tell yourself that you are successful now and, before you realize it, you will have reached many of your early milestones.
Put some skin in the game:
It can be simplified to one word: commit. You need to absolutely dedicate yourself to what you are doing if you want to succeed. This will require personal sacrifice. Your life will not continue to exist in the same way that it had previously and you have to be OK with that. Once you have committed your life to achieving your goals and truly put some skin in the game, you will find success. If you do not do this, you are going to give up when things get tough.
Determine if the worst outcome is survivable:
Another of Aldrichs most powerful tools is determining if the worst possible outcome is survivable. Look at the worst thing that could happen in the course of starting this business. Are you looking at bankruptcy? Or could it be something personal that ends life as you know it? Once you have determined what could happen, you need to decide if you have the ability to keep going on after that. If you can survive the worst outcome, than there is nothing that can stop you on your journey. All your problems become puzzles that have a solution. You simply need to find it.
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1000 Entrepreneurs: Ken Aldrich on 30 Years of Venture Capital and 50 Successful Businesses -
Cell Processing Technologies Market Advance Technology And New Innovations By 2027 Illuminated By New Report – Melanian News
By daniellenierenberg
Automobile Antenna Market Overview Forecast To 2028
The research report contains a detailed summary of the Global Automobile Antenna Market that includes various well-known organizations, manufacturers, vendors, key market players who are leading in terms of revenue generation, sales, dynamic market changes, end-user demands, products and services offered, restricted elements in the market, products and other processes. Technical advancements, market bifurcation, surplus capacity in the developing Automobile Antenna markets, globalization, regulations, production and packaging are some of the factors covered in this report.
The research report on Global Automobile Antenna Market is a detailed study of the current market scenario, covering the key market trends and dynamics. The report also presents a logical evaluation of the major challenges faced by the leading market players operating in the market, which helps the participants to understand the barriers and challenges they may face in future while functioning in the international market over the forecast 2020-2028.
The following manufacturersare assessed in this report in terms of sales, revenue, and market share for each company:Kathrein, Harada, Laird, Yokowa, Northeast Industries, Hirschmann, Suzhong, Ace Tech, Fiamm, Tuko, Inzi Controls, Shenglu, Riof, Shien, Tianye
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Types of Automobile Antenna covered are: Fin TypeRod TypeScreen TypeFilm TypeIntegrated TypeOthers
Applications of Automobile Antenna covered are: Passenger VehicleCommercial Vehicle
The Global Automobile Antenna Market report analyses the production of goods, supply, sales, and the current status of the market in a detailed manner. Furthermore, the report examines the production shares and market product sales, as well as the capacity, production capacity, trends in sales, cost analysis, and revenue generation. Several other factors such as import/export status, industrial statistics, demand and supply ratio, gross margin, and industry chain structure have also been studied in the Global Automobile Antenna Market report.
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Regional Analysis For Automobile AntennaMarket
North America(the United States, Canada, and Mexico)Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)Asia-Pacific(China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)South America(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)The Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)
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Table of Contents:
Study Coverage:It includes key manufacturers covered, key market segments, the scope of products offered in the global Automobile Antennamarket, years considered, and study objectives. Additionally, it touches the segmentation study provided in the report on the basis of the type of product and application.
Executive Summary:It gives a summary of key studies, market growth rate, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues, and macroscopic indicators.
Production by Region:Here, the report provides information related to import and export, production, revenue, and key players of all regional markets studied.
Profile of Manufacturers:Each player profiled in this section is studied on the basis of SWOT analysis, their products, production, value, capacity, and other vital factors.
The objectives of the report are:
To analyze and forecast the market size of Automobile AntennaIndustry in theglobal market. To study the global key players, SWOT analysis, value and global market share for leading players. To determine, explain and forecast the market by type, end use, and region. To analyze the market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks of global key regions. To find out significant trends and factors driving or restraining the market growth. To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments. To critically analyze each submarket in terms of individual growth trend and their contribution to the market. To understand competitive developments such as agreements, expansions, new product launches, and possessions in the market. To strategically outline the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
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Cell Processing Technologies Market Advance Technology And New Innovations By 2027 Illuminated By New Report - Melanian News
There’s More Than One Type of Pain. Scientists Are Learning to Treat Each of Them – Discover Magazine
By daniellenierenberg
The first squeeze of my left thumb is gentle, almost reassuring. I rate it as 0 out of 100 on the pain scale.
But as a technician ramps up pressure on the custom-made thumb-squeezing device, it becomes less pleasant. I give ratings of 2, 6 then 36. A few squeezes later, Im at 79.
At 84, Im glad the test is over as I put my tender thumb to my lips.
Ive offered myself up for a pain study at the University of Michigan, in a long, low-slung building northeast of the universitys main campus in Ann Arbor. As the day wears on, Ill undergo needle pokes, leg squeezes and an MRI scan all part of a grand bid tobetter understand the root cause of an individuals pain, and point to the best solutions.
Its an understanding thats sorely needed. Lucky for me, Im just a control in this experiment, and I can cry for mercy whenever I want. Thats not the case for the multitudes of people 50 million in the US alone who have ongoing, chronic pain, for whom the medical pause buttons are far from adequate.
The thumb pressure test, in which participants rate their pain level on a scale from 0 to 100 as their thumbs are subjected to increasing pressure, is one of several ways that clinicians and researchers can evaluate a persons pain responses. Since peoples thresholds to pain in tests like this vary according to pain syndrome, such tests can help with diagnosis. (Credit: Amber Dance)
Our treatments for chronic pain are very bad, says Richard E. Harris, a neuroscientist at the University of Michigans Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center and a co-researcher on the study, which should ultimately help to improve diagnoses and therapies. Today, doctors mostly define pain by where it is: the abdomen, the lower back, the joints. Then they offer up treatments, usually anti-inflammatories or opioids, that too often do nothing to the cells and molecules causing a person to hurt. A recent analysis in theJournal of the American Medical Associationfound thatopioids reduced pain by an average of less than one point on a 10-point scale, across a variety of chronic conditions.
As part of the precision medicine movement and thanks to modern brain-imaging technology, scientists are starting to puzzle out the different types of pain: what causes them, how to diagnose them and how to prescribe treatments to match. Its an area that is far from settled. As recently as 2017, the International Association for the Study of Pain defineda new pain type, called nociplastic. Its characterized by the absence of any nerve or tissue damage in the parts that hurt.
Dan Clauw, director of the Michigan pain center, is passionate about helping people with this kind of long-misunderstood pain, which could underpin chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia, that afflict millions. His blue eyes flash behind spectacles as he describes crisscrossing the globe to educate other physicians about nociplastic pain. Hes wearing a navy blazer and slacks when we meet for lunch between my testing sessions, because hes just returned from giving a presentation about marijuana and pain. He jokes that his colleagues wont recognize him out of his usual jeans.
Imaging the brain, along with doing prodding and poking tests of the type I endured, is beginning to point to signatures that explain the problem and suggest solutions. Eventually, this knowledge will help scientists to develop more targeted therapies, so doctors can treat patients better.
In broad strokes, pain falls into three categories: nociceptive, neuropathic and nociplastic. (Noci- is from the Latin for to do harm.)
Nociceptive pain results from inflammation or direct damage to tissues. When thattorture devicesqueezes my thumb, for example, pain-sensing nerves notice the pressure and spring into action. They transmit messages to my spinal cord, which sends them on to my brain, telling me Ouch!
This kind of discomfort is often short-lived; mine dissipates after Ive sucked on my thumb for a few moments. Nociceptive pain can also be chronic, though for example in osteoarthritis, where the cartilage in joints wears away and causes stretching of tendons and ligaments, or through the ongoing inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis.
Neuropathic pain, in contrast, happens when the pain-sensing nerves themselves are damaged or irritated, so that they send inappropriate Ow! signals to the brain. It typically results from some injury or disease, such as diabetes or shingles. It can also happen when a nerve is pinched, as in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome, when a nerve in the wrist gets squeezed. Its often long-lasting, unless the damage is repaired.
And nociplastic, the newly named type, results from no obvious inflammation or injury. Rather, its as if the volume knob for pain is turned up way too high, not at the pain site itself but further afield. Nociplastic pain seems to arise in parts of the central nervous system the brain or spinal cord that receive, transmit or process those Ouch! signals. These nerves misfire, creating a sensation of pain even though nothing may be wrong. The location of the problem, the central nervous system, is why Clauw prefers to call it central sensitization. The classic example is fibromyalgia, which causes pain that seems to stem from muscles, tendons and joints, despite the real problems lying in the brain or spinal cord.
Scientists understanding of pain continues to evolve and so do the various terms used to describe it. Ideally, definitions are standardized and reflect the biology underpinning the pain, but the lack of straightforward tests for parsing types of pain makes defining it a challenge. Nociceptive pain involves pain-sensing nerves called nociceptors, which also can be involved in neuropathic pain. A third pain type is believed to arise wholly in the central nervous system. But there can be overlap: Nociceptive and neuropathic pain can, over time, lead to central nervous system-generated pain.
Complicating the picture, a person might have more than one type of pain going on at the same time. In 2012, the journalPainpublished a case report of a person with burning, prickling pain on both sides of the body. Treatment with pregabalin, an epilepsy medication that can also address neuropathic pain and central sensitization,relieved pain on the right side of the body, but not the left.
All this pain classifying is more than an academic exercise: It should help guide how to treat people. For example, consider a patient with knee pain. If the issue is nociceptive, anti-inflammatories or knee surgery should help. But if the problem is central, those treatments probably wont make much difference. A better bet would be medications that can directly influence the misfiring central nervous system. Some antidepressants, for example, act on the brains chemical messengers neurotransmitters that are involved in pain, altering their signaling to quell the Ouch message.
Non-drug treatments such as acupuncture and cognitive behavioral therapy also may help because they influence how the brain perceives pain. Acupunctureboosts availability of brain receptors that respond to the bodys natural painkillers. A recent analysis inJAMA Internal Medicineof more than 6,000 people taking opioids found that treatments such as meditation, hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapyreduced pain and diminished the drug doses needed to control it.
Though the term nociplastic is new, Clifford Woolf, a neurobiologist at Boston Childrens Hospital and Harvard Medical School,first proposed the concept in 1983. Yet the idea has been slow to catch on. In the 1990s, when Clauw began studying fibromyalgia, it was a disease so vague, so puzzling, that some physicians simply denied its existence.
Today, fibromyalgia is more likely to be accepted as a real condition. But many doctors still dont appreciate how centralized problems might underlie pain even when the symptoms look nociceptive or neuropathic, Clauw says. The distinctions between pain types are not clean: If left untreated, nociceptive pain may sensitize the nervous system, turning a temporary problem into chronic, nociplastic pain, for example. Clauw and his Michigan colleagues believe that central sensitization shows up in myriad conditions, from irritable bowel syndrome to chronic pelvic pain to dry eye disease. And in the study Ive signed up for, they want to clarify how often this happens and how doctors might detect it in patients who show up begging for pain relief.
To that end, the team has enrolled people with three different pain disorders that seem, on the surface, to be nociceptive or neuropathic. The scientists will test their pain before and after standard treatments. If the pain is in fact central, the treatments shouldnt work a disappointment for the participants, but one that might eventually lead to better understanding and treatment for them and others like them.
Two categories of subjects have what looks like nociceptive pain: those with osteoarthritis of the hip, who will receive a hip replacement, and those with inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis, who will be treated with modern medications. A third group, people with carpal tunnel syndrome, represent neuropathic pain and will get surgery to receive the pressure on the nerve.
But if Clauw and his crew are right, then some of these people will really be suffering from central sensitization, instead of or in addition to the nociceptive or neuropathic problem. Two control groups will help tease that out: People with fibromyalgia will show the researchers what pure central sensitization looks like, and those like me, with no chronic pain, will represent the non-central state.
The primary way that physicians measure pain today is to ask someone how much theyre hurting. Identification of biomarkers from, for example, brain imaging or blood tests could provide more objective measures of pain that would offer benefits in a variety of settings.
Once all the data are in, the researchers hope that pain features shared by the people with fibromyalgia and the others whose treatments dont work will reveal a potential signature for central sensitization.
The challenge is that theres no simple blood test or X-ray that will distinguish one type of pain from another. Theres no single measure that, by itself, will represent pain, says Woolf, author of a paper in theAnnual Review of Neuroscienceabout pain caused by problems in the sensory machinery. We need a composite.
To build that composite, scientists must resort to a variety of indirect measures, including responses to the pokes and prods being inflicted on me and other subjects.
This particular piece of the picture, called quantitative sensory testing or QST, measures the threshold at which a person can feel a given sensation such as pressure, heat or cold and when that sensation becomes painful. This can reveal how a persons nervous system deals with pain, and how that system might be off-kilter. Specific defects in nerves lead to specific changes in pain responses, helping scientists to distinguish one pain type from another.
Its simple, but revealing. For example, in the case of the thumb-press test, a person with fibromyalgia would probably start to feel pain at around four pounds of pressure. Clauw, who has no chronic pain of any stripe and is relatively pain-insensitive, says that he can handle up to about 18 pounds of pressure before it becomes uncomfortable. The average person would probably start to feel bothered at around eight pounds.
Or take a test where Im poked in the forearm with a needle. The device retracts into the handle like a Hollywood special-effects knife, so it doesnt pierce my skin, but it doesnt feel great I rate it a 7 out of 100. Then I get 10 pokes in quick succession. That hurts more, at 32. This is a normal response, but if I had central sensitization, I would likely have found the 10-poke series much more painful.
In addition to sorting out nociceptive or neuropathic from centralized pain, QST also seems able to reveal subtypes. In research published in 2017, three European consortia performed QST on 900 people with diverse pain conditions, all considered to be neuropathic. The testingseparated the subjects into three clusters, and the study authors predicted that each would be suited to different treatments.
Better-defined markers for different types of pain could radically improve pain management. As shown, it would allow patients to be sorted into clinical trials that would reveal the best treatments for each pain subtype. Results of those trials would help physicians treat individual patients more effectively.
The first cluster was characterized by deficits in sensation to touch, heat or pokes that would normally be painful. This suggests that central sensitization might be behind the pain in some of these people, says study coauthor Nadine Attal, a pain specialist at the Assistance Publique-Hpitaux de Paris. Opioids, antiepileptics or antidepressants (used for their effects on pain nerves, not mood) might help, because they act in the brain.
The second group was defined by extreme sensitivity to hot and cold like skin when its sunburned, which puts pain-sensing nerves on high alert. For this kind of neuropathic pain, local, numbing medications such as lidocaine, Botox or capsaicin (a therapeutic substance from hot peppers) might be the right choice.
People in the third group were particularly sensitive to pressure and pinpricks, and its members often reported pain akin to burning or electrical shock. This was a more complex group, Attal says; she thinks topical medications or antiepileptics might help. But now that researchers have the categories better defined, they can directly test medications to find what truly works best for each.
Looking at the brain in pain also can help scientists distinguish pain types, although the answers arent clear-cut. Theres no one, lone spot where pain lights up the brain, says Sean Mackey, chief of the division of pain medicine at Stanford University in California. Rather, the pain response is distributed across a circuit that encompasses several brain areas.
In the afternoon of my day as a pain-study subject, Im led to the universitys North Campus for an MRI. The technician slides me into a gray, General Electric-branded, upright donut about the size of a golf cart. The outside is festooned with frolicsome animal stickers (many subjects from other studies are children), but these do nothing to allay the discomfort of lying perfectly still with my head in a vise for an hour and a half.
As I lie there, listening to the scanners inharmonious beeps, rumbles and alien-laser-gun sounds, Im not thinking of anything in particular. Nonetheless, certain parts of my brain tend to draw blood at the same time, suggesting that theyre acting in sync. These are called networks.
Roughly half of people with rheumatoid arthritis experience pain even when using medications that control the inflammation. MRI scans of some of these patients reveal amped up connectivity between two brain regions, the default mode network and insula. This brain connectivity also has been found in people with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition with roots in the central nervous system. The discovery suggests that rather than inflammation alone, a dysfunctional central nervous system can also play a role in the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. (Credit: Image acquired and generated from the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Center with assistance from the FMRI laboratory at the University of Michigan)
One that Harris and colleagues are particularly interested in is called the default mode network. It turns on when Im at rest and my mind wanders to topics involving myself: what I had for breakfast, perhaps, or what Im planning for tonight once my day of pain is over.
Another network theyre watching is the salience network, which lights up when a person notices a new sensation say, the squeezing of their thumb to determine which sensations are worth responding to. It includes the insula, a pyramid-shaped bit of brain that Mackey and others have linked to pain.
Normally, the insula and the default mode network are unlikely to act at the same time. But Harris and colleagues discovered that in people with fibromyalgia,they were much more likely to flash in synchrony.
That makes sense, says Rob Edwards, a pain psychologist at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston. For someone living with chronic pain, the pain can become a core part of their identity. The salience-related threat intrudes on, and even takes over, the way that you think about yourself, he says.
It may be possible to undo that intrusion, though. Edwards is currently testing cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, in people with fibromyalgia. In no way is he suggesting that their pain, or any pain, is imaginary, but therapy can help people deal with pain better and even reduce it. Its all about enforcing a sense of control and mastery, says Bob Kerns, a pain psychologist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, who coauthored a paper in theAnnual Review of Clinical Psychologyonpsychological treatment for chronic pain.
In the study so far, CBT seems to be disentangling the salience and default mode networks in some people with fibromyalgia. Edwards predicts those people will also experience pain relief.
Being able to forecast who will benefit from a given treatment could make a huge difference not just for individual patients, but also in clinical trials for new pain-relief drugs. If scientists test a pain drug on 100 people, but only a fraction of those subjects actually have the pain mechanism the drug can treat, the medicine will look like a flop even if its a superstar for a particular subset of patients. This has almost certainly happened in past trials, Woolf says.
Mackey envisions a future in which pain patients can be tested for the underlying problem, perhaps with the same kinds of tests I underwent at the University of Michigan, plus many more assessments. For example, scientists are analyzing nerve endings in small skin samples from pain patients, and others aim to tease outthe role of genetics in chronic pain. Simple questionnaires can also help to identify pain types, all with this goal of prescribing medications tailored for a persons specific flavor of misery.
Medicine isnt quite there yet in fact, only 10 years ago Mackey would have called that scenario science fiction. Stay tuned, he says, because its no longer science fiction. . . . Were going to get there.
As required by the University of Michigan Institutional Review Board, Amber Dance was compensated $275 for her participation in the study at the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center. She donated that amount tothe American Chronic Pain Association.
This article originally appeared in Knowable Magazine, an independent journalistic endeavor from Annual Reviews.
Read the original here:
There's More Than One Type of Pain. Scientists Are Learning to Treat Each of Them - Discover Magazine
At NSUH, a cell of the century in the Don Monti unit – Innovate Long Island
By daniellenierenberg
That light at the end of the tunnel comes from the Northwell Health Cancer Institute, which provided hope and bona fide bone marrowy health improvements to a record number of patients last year.
As 2019 ticked down, staffers of the NHCIs Don Monti Adult Stem Cell Transplant Program gathered inside North Shore University Hospitalto recognize what Ruthee Lu-Bayer, chief of the Don Monti Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, called a monumental milestone: the units 100th stem cell transplant of the year.
While any cancer clinic worth its salt is going to embrace hope, joy can be a rare commodity but the 100th stem cell transplant of 2019 triggered a full-on celebration at the Manhasset hospital, where stem cell transplants began in 1987 and are now performed in the 10-bed, inpatient Don Monti unit.
Complete with balloons, cake and a salute to No. 100 herself cancer-battling patient Teresa OHalloran the celebration assembled the units myriad doctors, nurses and other professionals, with Bayer applauding the combined efforts of every member of our staff who made this moment happen.
I always say that getting through their diagnosis is half the battle, the board-certified medical oncologist noted. When our patients arrive for transplant, I ask them to think of their transplant date as their second birthday, a time when they can begin to live their lives again.
Century mark: Don Monti Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit chief Ruthee Lu-Bayer and No. 100, Teresa OHalloran.
The gathering was also a celebration of the patients themselves, Bayer added, including OHalloran, whos fighting back against adult acute myeloid leukemia, a type of cancer in which the bone marrow produces abnormal white blood cells.
The 62-year-old East Islip resident, known affectionately as No. 100 around the unit, received the tough diagnosis last August and was admitted to NSUH in December for a bone marrow transplant. Following several days of preparatory chemotherapy, she received her infusion as the calendar flipped to 2020 and is now making an unusually rapid recovery, according to Northwell Health.
OHalloran, who joined the celebration from the safety of her isolated recovery room, credits her faith and positive outlook Ive always looked at the glass as half full, she noted and urged potential stem cell donors to check in with Be The Match, the national, nonprofit marrow-donor program.
I wish everyone could understand how important it is to be tested as a possible match, OHalloran added. Its a simple cheek swab and you could wind up saving someones life.
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At NSUH, a cell of the century in the Don Monti unit - Innovate Long Island
Cell therapy trialed in mice offers diabetes treatment hope – SelectScience
By daniellenierenberg
New cell treatment could help maintain healthy blood sugar levels
A new cell treatment to enhance islet transplantation could help maintain healthy blood sugar levels in Type 1 diabetes without the need for multiple transplants of insulin producing cells or regular insulin injections, research suggests.
In Type 1 diabetes the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are destroyed. Insulin injections maintain health but blood glucose levels can be difficult to control. Currently in the UK it is estimated that approximately 400,000 people in the UK have type 1 diabetes.
The current recommendation for people with type 1 diabetes who have lost awareness of low blood glucose levels is the transplantation of islets the insulin producing part of the pancreas.
A study in mice found that transplanting a combination of islets with connective tissue cells found in umbilical cords known as stromal cells - could potentially reduce the number of pancreases required for the procedure.
Mice that received the islet-stromal cell combination were found to have better control of blood glucose and less evidence of rejection of islets after seven weeks, compared to those that received islets alone.
In humans, more than two donor pancreases, which are scarce, are often needed because islets can be rejected and are slow to form new blood supplies.
Therefore, multiple islet transplantations and anti-rejection medication are required to control blood sugar levels in people with Type 1 diabetes. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh hope their findings could be a way of overcoming these issues.
The researchers found that islets combined with stromal cells successfully returned normal blood glucose levels just three days after transplantation.
Other studies have used cells sourced from bone marrow and fat. This is the first to use stem cells from umbilical cords and has produced superior results.
The research is published in the journal Science Translational Medicine and funded by Chief Scientist Office in Scotland and Diabetes UK.
Shareen Forbes, Professor of Diabetic Medicine at the University of Edinburgh and Lead Physician for the Islet Transplant Program in Scotland, said: Should this research prove successful in humans, we could reduce the number of islets needed to control blood sugar levels using this co-transplantation approach. This would mean more people with Type 1 diabetes could be treated using islet transplantation while significantly reducing the waiting time on the transplant list.
John Campbell, Professor and Associate Director Tissues, Cells & Advanced Therapeutics at the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service has said that further work is needed to establish the long-term safety of using this type of stromal cell in this setting before proceeding to clinical trials in humans.
Dr. Elizabeth Robertson, Director of Research at Diabetes UK, said: Islet transplants have been life changing for some people with Type 1 diabetes, treating dangerous hypo unawareness. But there currently arent enough donated pancreases to go around, and the procedure itself isnt yet as effective as it could be.
This new research from the University of Edinburgh is a promising step forward, and one we hope will lead to islet transplants becoming both more effective and more widely available in the future.
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Cell therapy trialed in mice offers diabetes treatment hope - SelectScience
Darzalex EU nod marks first newly diagnosed MM treatment in six years – PharmaTimes
By daniellenierenberg
Janssen has announced that the European Commission (EC) has grantedmarketing authorisationfora new Darzalex (daratumumab) combo, for newly diagnosed, transplant eligible patients with multiple myeloma (MM).
On the news, the combination, which consists of the biologic combined with bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone(VTd) is now the first regimen approved in over six years for newly diagnosed patients who are eligible for a stem cell transplant. It also means that the patient population now has their first opportunity to be treated with a monoclonal antibody.
The company says that the approval was based on results from part one of the Phase III CASSIOPEIA (MMY3006) study, which showed that after consolidation, the stringent complete response (sCR) rate was 9% higher in the Darzalex-VTd arm than the VTd alone arm.
Further, at a median follow-up of 18.8 months, PFS was significantly improved in the Darzalex-VTd group, with the addition of the drug resulting in an 18-month PFS rate of 93%, compared to 85% for VTd alone.
The effectiveness of first line treatment is critical to maximise time until relapse, explained Philippe Moreau, principal investigator and Head of the Haematology Department at the University Hospital of Nantes.
He continued, The CASSIOPEIA study answered that question definitively, demonstrating that the addition of Darzalex in combination with VTd can lead to very deep remissions and also prolong PFS. Im pleased to see the European Commission have recognised this as well.
MM is an incurable blood cancer that starts in the bone marrow and is characterised by an excessive proliferation of plasma cells. In Europe, more than 48,200 people were diagnosed with MM in 2018, with more than 30,800 deaths related to the disease.
Originally posted here:
Darzalex EU nod marks first newly diagnosed MM treatment in six years - PharmaTimes
The Tiny Brain Cells That Connect Our Mental and Physical Health – WIRED
By daniellenierenberg
When enlarged under a high-resolution microscope, microglia resemble elegant tree branches with many slender limbs. As they pass by neurons, microglia extend and retract their tiny arm-like protrusions, tapping on each neuron as if to inquire, Are we good here? All okay? Or not okay?as a doctor might palpate a patients abdomen, or check reflexes by tapping on knees and elbows.
Back in 2004, Barres and Stevens were examining how synapses originally come to be pruned to form a healthy brain during early, normal development. Theyd recently discovered that immune molecules known as complement were sending out eat me signals from some brain synapses, and these synapsestagged with a kind of kiss of death signagewere destroyed. Think of the way you click and tag emails that you want deleted from your inbox. Your email servers software recognizes those tags, and when you click on the Trash icon, bing, theyre gone. Thats similar to what Stevens and Barres were seeing happen to brain synapses that were tagged by complement. They disappeared.
What they described happening in the brain, which they reported in the journal Cell in 2007, echoed a similar process that was well-understood to happen in the body. When a cell dies in a bodily organ, or if the bodys immune system senses a threatening pathogen, complement molecules tag those unwanted cells and invaders for removal. Then, a type of white blood cell known as macrophagesGreek for big eatersrecognizes the tag, engulfs the cell or pathogen, and destroys it. In the body, macrophages play a role in inflammation as well as in autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and Guillain Barre. When activated, they can mistakenly go too far in their effort to engulf and destroy pathogens and spew forth a slew of inflammatory chemicals that begin to do harm to the bodys own tissue.
Stevens and Barres werent sure what was eating away at these tagged synapses, causing them to disappear in the brain, but Stevens had a hunch that it might have something to do with microglia.
We could see that when microglia sensed even the smallest damage or change to a neuron, they headed, spider-like, in that neurons direction, then they drew in their limbs and morphed into small, amoeba-like blobs, Stevens says. Soon after, those same synapses disappeared. Poof.
Could microglia be the culprit at the center of it all, the macrophage corollary in the brain, responding to eat me signals and pruning the brains circuitry during development? And what if this process was not only taking place in utero? Stevens wondered, when she first saw microglia behaving this way. What if it was also being mistakenly turned back on again later in life, during the teen years, or in adulthoodonly now its a bad thing and microglia are sometimes mistakenly engulfing and destroying healthy brain synapses too?
You can imagine how you could have too many synapses, or not enough synapse connectivity, Stevens says, her hands spreading wide with excitement. And you can imagine, given how our brain works, if that connectivity is even slightly off, that could potentially underlie a range of neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders.
When she landed at Harvard, Stevens and her postdoc, Dori Schafer, tried to get a closer look at what microglia were up to in the brain. Schafer injected dye into the eyes of mice, which she then traced down from the neurons in the eye nerves and into the brain. This made the brains synapses glow bright fluorescent red. Microglia were stained fluorescent green. If they saw structuresthe synapsesglowing like red, fluorescent lit-up dots inside the bellies of the green microglia, they would know that microglia were eating synapses.
Six months into their efforts, Schafer came running into Stevenss office with photo images flapping in her hand. Theyre in there! she told Stevens. The synapses are inside the microglia! We can see it! It was such a high-five moment, Stevens recalls. Microglia were like tiny little Pac-Men in the brainand brain synapses were in the belly of the Pac-Men! We felt we were on to something really wonderful, really novel. This was deeply important in terms of looking ahead to microglias role in disease.
See more here:
The Tiny Brain Cells That Connect Our Mental and Physical Health - WIRED
BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics COO and CMO, Dr. Ralph Kern, to Present at the 10th Annual California ALS Research Summit – Yahoo Finance
By daniellenierenberg
NEW YORK and LOS ANGELES, Jan. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. (BCLI), a leading developer of adult stem cell therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases, announced today that Ralph Kern, MD, MHSc, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Medical Officer, will present at the 10th Annual California ALS Research Summit, January 24-25 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California.
Dr. Kern will provide an update on BrainStorms Phase 3 ALS Clinical Trial on Friday, January 24, 10:30 -11:10 AM PT, during the session: CIRM funded Stem Cell Clinical Trials in California Updates.
Dr. Kern stated, This prestigious Summit works to increase, expedite and promote the amount and level of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research done in California that has been reinforced and amplified by the international ALS scientific and medical community. I am pleased to have the opportunity to share all that BrainStorm has accomplished in our fully enrolled Phase 3 clinical trial of NurOwn(NCT03280056).
Chaim Lebovits, President and CEO of BrainStorm, stated, California continues to be a global leader in stem cell research and scientific funding. Due to Californias commitment to stem cell scientific investigation, BrainStorm is at an inflection point as we bring our investigational therapy, NurOwn, toward the submission of a biological license application. In July 2017, BrainStorm was awarded a grant of $15.9 million from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and three of Californias most prestigious medical centers: University of California, Irvine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and California Pacific Medical Center have contributed immensely to advancement of NurOwn. Everyone at BrainStorm is proud Dr. Kern will have the opportunity to present to the ALS community of California all that has been accomplished due to their ongoing support and encouragement.
About The California ALS Research Summit:
The California ALS Research Summit is the tenth annual gathering of researchers, investigators, clinicians, biotech companies, government representatives, partner organizations, and advocates in ALS and related fields in the State of California.
The purpose of the Summit is to help increase, expedite and promote the amount and level of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) and related research done in California; and to foster networking, collaboration and cooperation among investigators, their peers and their colleagues to identify, develop and deliver new and effective treatments, ideas and, ultimately, cures for ALS.
The result of our efforts is an ongoing roadmap for ALS research in California, which will provide the basis for partnering within the state and other supporters to further studies to find new treatments and ultimately a cure for the disease.
About NurOwn
NurOwn (autologous MSC-NTF cells) represent a promising investigational approach to targeting disease pathways important in neurodegenerative disorders. MSC-NTF cells are produced from autologous, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that have been expanded and differentiated ex vivo. MSCs are converted into MSC-NTF cells by growing them under patented conditions that induce the cells to secrete high levels of neurotrophic factors. Autologous MSC-NTF cells can effectively deliver multiple NTFs and immunomodulatory cytokines directly to the site of damage to elicit a desired biological effect and ultimately slow or stabilize disease progression. NurOwn is currently being evaluated in a Phase 3 ALS randomized placebo-controlled trial and in a Phase 2 open-label multicenter trial in Progressive MS.
About BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.
BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. is a leading developer of innovative autologous adult stem cell therapeutics for debilitating neurodegenerative diseases. The Company holds the rights to clinical development and commercialization of the NurOwn technology platform used to produce autologous MSC-NTF cells through an exclusive, worldwide licensing agreement. Autologous MSC-NTF cells have received Orphan Drug status designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in ALS. BrainStorm has fully enrolled a Phase 3 pivotal trial in ALS (NCT03280056), investigating repeat-administration of autologous MSC-NTF cells at six sites in the U.S., supported by a grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM CLIN2-0989). The pivotal study is intended to support a filing for U.S. FDA approval of autologous MSC-NTF cells in ALS. For more information, visit BrainStorm's website at
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Safe-Harbor Statement
Statements in this announcement other than historical data and information, including statements regarding future clinical trial enrollment and data, constitute "forward-looking statements" and involve risks and uncertainties that could causeBrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.'sactual results to differ materially from those stated or implied by such forward-looking statements. Terms and phrases such as "may", "should", "would", "could", "will", "expect", "likely", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "predict", "potential", and similar terms and phrases are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. The potential risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, BrainStorms need to raise additional capital, BrainStorms ability to continue as a going concern, regulatory approval of BrainStorms NurOwn treatment candidate, the success of BrainStorms product development programs and research, regulatory and personnel issues, development of a global market for our services, the ability to secure and maintain research institutions to conduct our clinical trials, the ability to generate significant revenue, the ability of BrainStorms NurOwn treatment candidate to achieve broad acceptance as a treatment option for ALS or other neurodegenerative diseases, BrainStorms ability to manufacture and commercialize the NurOwn treatment candidate, obtaining patents that provide meaningful protection, competition and market developments, BrainStorms ability to protect our intellectual property from infringement by third parties, heath reform legislation, demand for our services, currency exchange rates and product liability claims and litigation,; and other factors detailed in BrainStorm's annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on BrainStorm's forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based on the beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this press release. We do not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect actual results or assumptions if circumstances or management's beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, unless otherwise required by law. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements.
Corporate:Uri YablonkaChief Business OfficerBrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.Phone:
Media:Sean LeousWestwicke/ICR PRPhone:
Or:Katie GallagherLaVoieHealthSciencesPhone: + 1 617-374-8800
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BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics COO and CMO, Dr. Ralph Kern, to Present at the 10th Annual California ALS Research Summit - Yahoo Finance
Royal Biologics Announces The Launch of CRYO-CORD The First NON-DMSO Viable Umbilical Cord Graft – OrthoSpineNews
By daniellenierenberg
Debuts at the NY20 Foundation for Podiatric Medicine Meeting
HACKENSACK, N.J.,January 21, 2020 RoyalBiologics, an ortho-biologics company specializing inthe research and advancement of novel ortho-biologics solutions, todayannounced the launch of Cryo-Cord, the first DMSO-free viable umbilical cord graft.The company will be showcasing Cryo-Cord along with its new portfolio ofAutologous Live Cellular (ALC) technologies at the NY20 Foundation forPodiatric Medicine meeting, held January 24-26 in New York, NY for more than1500 clinical attendees.
The companywill feature its full suite of surgical biologic offerings at exhibit booth #322,and on the podium for Innovation Theater presentations at 10:30am on Friday1/24/20 and 12pm on Saturday 1/25/20. Thesescientific presentations will feature several products within the RoyalBiologics portfolio. At its booth, RoyalBiologics will showcase its comprehensive ALC portfolio designed to personalizelive regenerative healing for a wide variety of wound types across theorthopedics continuum.
The launch of Cryo-Cordenablesproviders with the first DMSO-free viableumbilical cord tissue. Cryo-Cord hasbeen obtained with consent from healthy mothers during cesarean sectiondelivery and is intended for use as a soft tissue barrier or wound dressing. Cryo-Cord is processed using aseptic techniques and frozenwith a proprietary cryoprotectant.
Cryo-cord offers a new enhancement to traditional wound caretherapies and we are excited to pave the way with the first DMSO-freecryoprotectant graft on the market, said Salvatore Leo, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Royal Biologics.
Other featuredproducts at NY20 will include Maxx-Cell, which was launched as the worlds mostadvanced bone marrow aspiration device. Maxx-Celloffers a new technique to a gold standard approach of aspirating a patientsautologous bone marrow cells. Maxx-Cell however does not requirecentrifugation to deliver a final end product. The Maxx-Cell system maximizesstem and progenitor cell yields by giving the surgeon the ability toefficiently harvest bone marrow from multiple levels within the medullaryspace, while restricting dilution of peripheral blood. As a result, Maxx-Celldelivers a high, most pure enriched form of bone marrow aspirate without theneed for centrifugation.
This month, the company has alsoannounced the launch of MAGNUS, which is a DMSO-free viable cellular boneallograft and demos will be available during the conference. MAGNUS presents aunique solution to traditional viable cellular allograft technology as itutilizes a DMSO-free cryoprotectant. This novel approach to the viable cellularallograft market differentiates MAGNUS from other technologies currently available.
Leo added, We are excited to participatein NY20 and share how our Autologous Live Cellular based therapies give thesurgeons an efficient and effective way to enhance surgical outcomes by providingalternatives to conventional therapies for bone and soft tissue relatedinjuries. We also believe that in a cost-conscious industry, we can provide novelviable cellular products that provide value at the point of care.
Towatch the latest ALC product videos and learn more about the range ofregenerative medical products offered by Royal Biologics, along with a scheduleof 2020 conferences, visit
About Royal Biologics
Royal Biologics is an orthobiologicscompany specializing in the research and advancement of Regenerative CellularTherapy. Its primary focus is on usingautologous bioactive cells to help promote healing in a wide range of clinicalsettings, with its portfolio of FDA-approved medical devices. For more information on its line of products,visit
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Royal Biologics Announces The Launch of CRYO-CORD The First NON-DMSO Viable Umbilical Cord Graft - OrthoSpineNews