Hemogenyx’s CAR-T Cells are Effective Against AML in vitro – Yahoo Finance
By daniellenierenberg
LONDON, UK / ACCESSWIRE / January 15, 2020 / Hemogenyx Pharmaceuticals plc (HEMO.L) ("Hemogenyx" or the "Company"), the biopharmaceutical group developing new therapies and treatments of blood diseases, is pleased to announce the following update on its activities.
As previously announced, Hemogenyx's CDX product has the potential to treat Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) directly as well as providing a benign conditioning regimen for blood stem cell replacement therapy. The Company has now carried out extensive work developing treatments for AML and has to date obtained encouraging results.
Hemogenyx has successfully constructed and in vitro tested Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) programmed T cells (HEMO-CAR-T) for potential treatment of AML. HEMO-CAR was constructed using Hemogenyx's proprietary humanized monoclonal antibody against a target on the surface of AML cells. The Company has demonstrated that HEMO-CAR was able to programme human T cells (converted them into HEMO-CAR-T) to identify and destroy human AML derived cells in vitro.
Following the successful completion of these tests, in vivo tests of the efficacy of HEMO-CAR-T against AML are being conducted utilising a model of AML using Advanced peripheral blood Hematopoietic Chimera (ApbHC) - humanized mice developed by Immugenyx, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hemogenyx.
Vladislav Sandler, Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We are encouraged by this new data which demonstrates our continuing progress in the development of novel treatments for blood cancers such as AML. The development of HEMO-CAR-T expands Hemogenyx's pipeline and advances it into a cutting-edge area of cell-based immune therapy. We are excited to have developed another product candidate that should, if successful, provide a new and potentially effective treatment for blood cancers for which survival rates are currently very poor."
About AML and CAR-T
AML, the most common type of acute leukemia in adults, has poor survival rates (a five-year survival rate of less than 25% in adults) and is currently treated using chemotherapy, rather than the potentially more benign and effective form of therapy being developed by Hemogenyx. The successful development of the new therapy for AML would have a major impact on treatment and survival rates for the disease.
CAR-T therapy is a treatment in which a patient's own T cells, a type of immune cell, are modified to recognize and kill the patient's cancer cells. The procedure involves: isolating T cells from the patient, modifying the isolated T cells in a laboratory using a CAR gene construct (which allows the cells to recognize the patient's cancer); amplifying (growing to large numbers) the newly modified cells; and re-introducing the cells back into the patient.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.
Hemogenyx Pharmaceuticals plc
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About Hemogenyx Pharmaceuticals plc
Hemogenyx Pharmaceuticals plc ("Hemogenyx") is a publicly traded company (HEMO.L) headquartered in London, with its wholly-owned US operating subsidiaries, Hemogenyx LLC and Immugenyx LLC, located in New York City at its state-of-the-art research facility and a wholly-owned Belgian operating subsidiary, Hemogenyx-Cell SPRL, located in Lige.
Hemogenyx is a pre-clinical stage biopharmaceutical group developing new medicines and treatments to bring the curative power of bone marrow transplantation to a greater number of patients suffering from otherwise incurable life-threatening diseases. Hemogenyx is developing several distinct and complementary product candidates, as well as a platform technology that it uses as an engine for novel product development.
For more than 50 years, bone marrow transplantation has been used to save the lives of patients suffering from blood diseases. The risks of toxicity and death that are associated with bone marrow transplantation, however, have meant that the procedure is restricted to use only as a last resort. Hemogenyx's technology has the potential to enable many more patients suffering from devastating blood diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma, as well as severe autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, aplastic anemia and systemic lupus erythematosus (Lupus), to benefit from bone marrow transplantation.
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Hemogenyx's CAR-T Cells are Effective Against AML in vitro - Yahoo Finance
Criss Angel’s Son Has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, But What Is It? – Moms
By daniellenierenberg
Cancer enters your body when cells begin to grow out of control. There are various types of cancer and cells in almost every part of the body can become cancer. Leukemia is a type of cancer which starts in the cells, then develops into different types of blood cells. It starts in early forms of white blood cells. There are different types of leukemia which can be divided into acute and chronic. Acute is fast growing and chronic is slow growing.
An Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is a type of leukemia which progresses quickly and if not treated, will be fatal in a couple of months. Acute means fast growing and lymphatic means it develops from the early forms of lymphocytes, which is a type of white blood cell. It all starts in the bone marrow and leukemia cells start to invade the body quickly. They can spread to other parts of the body. Some cancers also start in the organs and then spread to the bone marrow, but they are not leukemia.
There are other types of cancer which start in lymphocytes and are known as lymphomas. Leukemias affect blood and bone marrow and lymphomas affect lymph nodes and other organs. It can sometimes be difficult to tell if a cancer of lymphocytes is lymphoma or leukemia. If at least 20% of the bone marrow has cancerous lymphocytes, the disease is considered to be leukemia. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is the most common childhood cancer and children below the age of five are at the highest risk. It can also occur in adults.
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ALL can increase the chances of bleeding and developing infections in the body. Its symptoms include:
In order to diagnose ALL, the doctor must complete a physical exam and also conduct bone marrow tests and blood tests. Doctors are likely to ask about bone pain, since it is the most common symptom of ALL. Here are a few tests doctors carry out.
The doctor might order a blood count, and people who have ALL may have a blood count which shows low platelet count and a low hemoglobin count. The WBC may or may not have increased. A blood smear might show immature cells circulating in the blood, which are usually found in bone marrow.
This process involves taking a sample of the bone marrow from your breastbone or the pelvis. It is an ideal way to test for increased growth in marrow tissue and reduced production of red blood cells.
An X-ray of the chest can allow the doctor to see if the mediastinum, that is the middle partition of the chest is widened. Further, a CT scan can help the doctor estimate whether the cancer has spread to the spinal cord, brain or to any other part of the body.
There are other tests like a spinal tap, which is used to check if cancer cells have spread around the spinal fluid. Tests on the serum urea and liver function might also be done.
The treatment will help bring the count back to normal. When this happens and the bone marrow looks normal, the cancer is in remission. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia can be treated through chemotherapy. You might be asked to stay at the hospital for a few weeks in the first treatment. Later, you can continue the treatment as an outpatient.
For those with a low WBC count, you will be asked to spend time in an isolation room. It ensures that you are protected from contagious diseases and other problems. If leukemia does not respond to chemotherapy, a bone marrow or stem cell transplant might be recommended. The transplanted marrow can be taken from a sibling who is a complete match.There are high chances of cancer remission in case of children.
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Tags:cancer,childhood cancer
Criss Angel's Son Has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, But What Is It? - Moms
World’s First ‘Living Machine’ Created Using Frog Cells and Artificial Intelligence – Livescience.com
By daniellenierenberg
What happens when you take cells from frog embryos and grow them into new organisms that were "evolved" by algorithms? You get something that researchers are calling the world's first "living machine."
Though the original stem cells came from frogs the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis these so-called xenobots don't resemble any known amphibians. The tiny blobs measure only 0.04 inches (1 millimeter) wide and are made of living tissue that biologists assembled into bodies designed by computer models, according to a new study.
These mobile organisms can move independently and collectively, can self-heal wounds and survive for weeks at a time, and could potentially be used to transport medicines inside a patient's body, scientists recently reported.
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"They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal," study co-author Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics expert at the University of Vermont, said in a statement. "It's a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism."
Algorithms shaped the evolution of the xenobots. They grew from skin and heart stem cells into tissue clumps of several hundred cells that moved in pulses generated by heart muscle tissue, said lead study author Sam Kriegman, a doctoral candidate studying evolutionary robotics in the University of Vermont's Department of Computer Science, in Burlington.
"There's no external control from a remote control or bioelectricity. This is an autonomous agent it's almost like a wind-up toy," Kriegman told Live Science.
Biologists fed a computer constraints for the autonomous xenobots, such as the maximum muscle power of their tissues, and how they might move through a watery environment. Then, the algorithm produced generations of the tiny organisms. The best-performing bots would "reproduce" inside the algorithm. And just as evolution works in the natural world, the least successful forms would be deleted by the computer program.
"Eventually, it was able to give us designs that actually were transferable to real cells. That was a breakthrough," Kriegman said.
The study authors then brought these designs to life, piecing stem cells together to form self-powered 3D shapes designed by the evolution algorithm. Skin cells held the xenobots together, and the beating of heart tissue in specific parts of their "bodies" propelled the 'bots through water in a petri dish for days, and even weeks at a stretch, without needing additional nutrients, according to the study. The 'bots were even able to repair significant damage, said Kriegman.
"We cut the living robot almost in half, and its cells automatically zippered its body back up," he said.
"We can imagine many useful applications of these living robots that other machines can't do," said study co-author Michael Levin, director of theCenter for Regenerative and Developmental Biologyat Tufts University in Massachusetts. These might include targeting toxic spills or radioactive contamination, collecting marine microplastics or even excavating plaque from human arteries, Levin said in a statement.
Creations that blur the line between robots and living organisms are popular subjects in science fiction; think of the killer machines in the "Terminator" movies or the replicants from the world of "Blade Runner." The prospect of so-called living robots and using technology to create living organisms understandably raises concerns for some, said Levin.
"That fear is not unreasonable," Levin said. "When we start to mess around with complex systems that we don't understand, we're going to get unintended consequences."
Nevertheless, building on simple organic forms like the xenobots could also lead to beneficial discoveries, he added.
"If humanity is going to survive into the future, we need to better understand how complex properties, somehow, emerge from simple rules," Levin said.
The findings were published online Jan. 13 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Originally published on Live Science.
World’s first living robots created using frog stem cells – The Hill
By daniellenierenberg
Scientists have created the worlds first living robots out of frog stem cells, according to new research. These tiny new lifeforms can be programmed to move around or carry and deliver miniature payloads that could one day be medicines inside a patients body, the Guardian reports.
The scientists knit skin and heart cells scraped from the embryos of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) into 3D shapes designed by artificial intelligence to accomplish certain tasks.
These are entirely new lifeforms. They have never before existed on Earth, study co-author Michael Levin told the Guardian. They are living, programmable organisms.
The living robots, called xenobots after the clawed frogs Latin name, measure 0.04 inches and have enough energy inside them to keep moving for seven to 10 days before calling it quits.
The squishy robots dont have the strength and durability of plastic or metal machines, but biology affords them some unique advantages. They can heal themselves if wounded, and when their biological engines run out of fuel the xenobots simply fall apart and decay. This last part is crucial when it comes to potential medical or environmental applications in which leaving behind shards of plastic or metal presents obvious problems.
The researchers said we cant know for sure what applications await the soft-bodied bots, but imagined uses including cleaning up microplastics in the ocean, digesting toxic materials at polluted sites or scooping plaque from inside human arteries. Apart from scooting around in petri dishes, the researchers also say tinkering with these living machines could help scientists better understand the software of life.
The first generation of xenobots are tiny, but the scientists say the plan is to scale up perhaps even to living robots with blood vessels and nervous systems that can live on dry land.
If the voice of Jeff Goldblums character from Jurassic Park is beginning to echo in the back of your mind, youre not alone: When youre creating life, you dont have a good sense of what direction its going to take, Nita Farahany, who studies the ethics of new technologies and was not involved in the study, told Smithsonian. Any time we try to harness life [we should] recognize its potential to go really poorly.
For their part, the creators of the xenobots acknowledged the potential ethical implications, but say its up to society and policymakers to decide what those might be.
I think theyd acquire moral significance only if they included neural tissue that enabled some kind of mental life, such as the ability to experience pain, ethicist Thomas Douglas told the Guardian. But some are more liberal about moral status. They think that all living creatures have interests that should be given some moral consideration. For these people, difficult questions could arise about whether these xenobots should be classified as living creatures or machines.
World's first living robots created using frog stem cells - The Hill
Team Builds the First Living Robots – Newswise
By daniellenierenberg
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Research Results
Newswise A book is made of wood. But it is not a tree. The dead cells have been repurposed to serve another need.
Now a team of scientists has repurposed living cells--scraped from frog embryos--and assembled them into entirely new life-forms. These millimeter-wide "xenobots" can move toward a target, perhaps pick up a payload (like a medicine that needs to be carried to a specific place inside a patient)--and heal themselves after being cut.
"These are novel living machines," saysJoshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics expert at the University of Vermont who co-led the new research. "They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It's a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism."
The new creatures were designed on a supercomputer at UVM--and then assembled and tested by biologists at Tufts University. "We can imagine many useful applications of these living robots that other machines can't do," says co-leader Michael Levin who directs theCenter for Regenerative and Developmental Biologyat Tufts, "like searching out nasty compounds or radioactive contamination, gathering microplastic in the oceans, traveling in arteries to scrape out plaque."
The results of the new research were published January 13 in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
People have been manipulating organisms for human benefit since at least the dawn of agriculture, genetic editing is becoming widespread, and a few artificial organisms have been manually assembled in the past few years--copying the body forms of known animals.
But this research, for the first time ever, "designs completely biological machines from the ground up," the team writes in their new study.
With months of processing time on the Deep Green supercomputer cluster at UVM'sVermont Advanced Computing Core, the team--including lead author and doctoral student Sam Kriegman--used an evolutionary algorithm to create thousands of candidate designs for the new life-forms. Attempting to achieve a task assigned by the scientists--like locomotion in one direction--the computer would, over and over, reassemble a few hundred simulated cells into myriad forms and body shapes. As the programs ran--driven by basic rules about the biophysics of what single frog skin and cardiac cells can do--the more successful simulated organisms were kept and refined, while failed designs were tossed out. After a hundred independent runs of the algorithm, the most promising designs were selected for testing.
Then the team at Tufts, led by Levin and with key work by microsurgeon Douglas Blackiston--transferred the in silico designs into life. First they gathered stem cells, harvested from the embryos of African frogs, the speciesXenopus laevis. (Hence the name "xenobots.") These were separated into single cells and left to incubate. Then, using tiny forceps and an even tinier electrode, the cells were cut and joined under a microscope into a close approximation of the designs specified by the computer.
Assembled into body forms never seen in nature, the cells began to work together. The skin cells formed a more passive architecture, while the once-random contractions of heart muscle cells were put to work creating ordered forward motion as guided by the computer's design, and aided by spontaneous self-organizing patterns--allowing the robots to move on their own.
These reconfigurable organisms were shown to be able move in a coherent fashion--and explore their watery environment for days or weeks, powered by embryonic energy stores. Turned over, however, they failed, like beetles flipped on their backs.
Later tests showed that groups of xenobots would move around in circles, pushing pellets into a central location--spontaneously and collectively. Others were built with a hole through the center to reduce drag. In simulated versions of these, the scientists were able to repurpose this hole as a pouch to successfully carry an object. "It's a step toward using computer-designed organisms for intelligent drug delivery," says Bongard, a professor in UVM'sDepartment of Computer ScienceandComplex Systems Center.
Many technologies are made of steel, concrete or plastic. That can make them strong or flexible. But they also can create ecological and human health problems, like the growing scourge of plastic pollution in the oceans and the toxicity of many synthetic materials and electronics. "The downside of living tissue is that it's weak and it degrades," say Bongard. "That's why we use steel. But organisms have 4.5 billion years of practice at regenerating themselves and going on for decades." And when they stop working--death--they usually fall apart harmlessly. "These xenobots are fully biodegradable," say Bongard, "when they're done with their job after seven days, they're just dead skin cells."
Your laptop is a powerful technology. But try cutting it in half. Doesn't work so well. In the new experiments, the scientists cut the xenobots and watched what happened. "We sliced the robot almost in half and it stitches itself back up and keeps going," says Bongard. "And this is something you can't do with typical machines."
Both Levin and Bongard say the potential of what they've been learning about how cells communicate and connect extends deep into both computational science and our understanding of life. "The big question in biology is to understand the algorithms that determine form and function," says Levin. "The genome encodes proteins, but transformative applications await our discovery of how that hardware enables cells to cooperate toward making functional anatomies under very different conditions."
To make an organism develop and function, there is a lot of information sharing and cooperation--organic computation--going on in and between cells all the time, not just within neurons. These emergent and geometric properties are shaped by bioelectric, biochemical, and biomechanical processes, "that run on DNA-specified hardware," Levin says, "and these processes are reconfigurable, enabling novel living forms."
The scientists see the work presented in their newPNASstudy--"A scalable pipeline for designing reconfigurable organisms,"--as one step in applying insights about this bioelectric code to both biology and computer science. "What actually determines the anatomy towards which cells cooperate?" Levin asks. "You look at the cells we've been building our xenobots with, and, genomically, they're frogs. It's 100% frog DNA--but these are not frogs. Then you ask, well, what else are these cells capable of building?"
"As we've shown, these frog cells can be coaxed to make interesting living forms that are completely different from what their default anatomy would be," says Levin. He and the other scientists in the UVM and Tufts team--with support from DARPA's Lifelong Learning Machines program and the National Science Foundation-- believe that building the xenobots is a small step toward cracking what he calls the "morphogenetic code," providing a deeper view of the overall way organisms are organized--and how they compute and store information based on their histories and environment.
Many people worry about the implications of rapid technological change and complex biological manipulations. "That fear is not unreasonable," Levin says. "When we start to mess around with complex systems that we don't understand, we're going to get unintended consequences." A lot of complex systems, like an ant colony, begin with a simple unit--an ant--from which it would be impossible to predict the shape of their colony or how they can build bridges over water with their interlinked bodies.
"If humanity is going to survive into the future, we need to better understand how complex properties, somehow, emerge from simple rules," says Levin. Much of science is focused on "controlling the low-level rules. We also need to understand the high-level rules," he says. "If you wanted an anthill with two chimneys instead of one, how do you modify the ants? We'd have no idea."
"I think it's an absolute necessity for society going forward to get a better handle on systems where the outcome is very complex," Levin says. "A first step towards doing that is to explore: how do living systems decide what an overall behavior should be and how do we manipulate the pieces to get the behaviors we want?"
In other words, "this study is a direct contribution to getting a handle on what people are afraid of, which is unintended consequences," Levin says--whether in the rapid arrival of self-driving cars, changing gene drives to wipe out whole lineages of viruses, or the many other complex and autonomous systems that will increasingly shape the human experience.
"There's all of this innate creativity in life," says UVM's Josh Bongard. "We want to understand that more deeply--and how we can direct and push it toward new forms."
What Does Cancer Metastasis Have to Do with Wound Healing? More than You Might Think – On Cancer – Memorial Sloan Kettering
By daniellenierenberg
Scientists at the Sloan Kettering Institute have discovered that the ability of cancers to metastasize to other organs is dependent upon their ability to coopt natural wound-healing pathways. The findings provide a new way of looking at metastasis and its possible treatment.
Metastasis the spreading of cancer to other regions in the body is responsible for 90% of cancer deaths. Yet not much is known about what makes cancer cells capable of metastasizing. Now a major study from investigators at the Sloan Kettering Institute concludes that metastasis-initiating cells employ a devilish trick to spread: They co-opt the bodys natural wound-healing abilities.
The new findings, published January 13 in the inaugural issue of the journal Nature Cancer, provide a novel framework for thinking about metastasis and how to treat it.
We now understand metastasis as the regeneration of the wrong tissue the tumor in the wrong place distant vital organs, says Joan Massagu, Director of the Sloan Kettering Institute and the corresponding author on the paper. This is not just a metaphor. It is literally true in molecular and physiological terms.
There were previously clues that cancers might make use of wound-healing pathways to support their growth. Back in the 1980s, researcher Harold Dvorak dubbed tumors wounds that do not heal. But the new findings present the first detailed picture of how this process works on the level of cells and molecules and there are plenty of surprises.
This is not just a metaphor. It is literally true in molecular and physiological terms.
Though metastasis is deadly, its not something that cancer cells can do easily. To spread, cancer cells must successfully detach from their neighbors, break through tissue layers separating them from the circulation, swim or crawl to a new location in the body through blood or lymph fluid, exit these vessels, then take root and start growing in the new location.
At each step in this process, the majority of loose cancer cells die off. Fewer than 1% of all cancer cells shed from a tumor will ultimately form measurable metastases. But those that do will have proven themselves to be unusually hearty.
Once cancer cells learn how to survive the stress of living in a foreign environment, theyre very difficult to get rid of, says Karuna Ganesh, a physician-scientist in the Molecular Pharmacology Program at SKI and the papers first author. They are a completely different entity from the tumor that they started off in. But not, it seems, because they have different mutations.
Dr. Ganesh and her colleagues wanted to understand what enables some cells to survive this stressful journey. They homed in on a molecule called L1CAM, which previous studies from the Massagu lab had shown is necessary for numerous types of cancer cells to successfully metastasize to organs. Normal healthy tissues do not typically make L1CAM, but advanced cancers often do. Exactly what triggers the expression of L1CAM has so far been a mystery.
From looking at human tumor tissues under a microscope, it was clear to the researchers that dividing cells with L1CAM were more common in areas where an epithelial layer was disrupted that is, wounded. This led the scientists to wonder whether L1CAM is required for normal wound repair, such as occurs in the intestine following colitis. Using a mouse model of colitis, they found that indeed this was the case.
Next, they wanted to know exactly what it is about the wounding process that causes cells to switch on L1CAM. To find out, they turned to a recently developed technology called tissue organoids. These three-dimensional structures are grown from human cells and in many ways resemble human organs. Working with MSK colorectal cancer surgeon Julio Garcia-Aguilar, Dr. Ganesh was able to obtain fresh samples of metastatic colorectal tumors, which she then grew in jelly until they formed three-dimensional tumor organoids.
Using these tumor organoids, she and her colleagues were able to show that simply separating cells from their neighbors was enough to trigger L1CAM production. Whats more, the organoids enabled the researchers to work out in detail the molecular signals that switch on L1CAM.
Why would metastasis-initiating cells share a marker of wound healing? Fundamentally, wounds are a breach in the integrity of the epithelial layer of our skin: Cells that are normally linked tightly to each other to form a protective barrier are suddenly separated from their neighbors. Similarly, in metastasis, cells detach from their neighbors and adopt a migratory behavior to reach new locations. The researchers suspect that the wound repair program equips both types of cells to survive this anchorless state. In the first case, it allows cells to move into the breach and make new tissues, which is a good thing; in the second, it enables metastatic cells to detach and colonize new destinations, which is very bad.
Metastasis is wound healing gone wrong, Dr. Ganesh says.
What Is Metastatic Cancer? Answers to Six Common Questions
Learn about MSKs approach to treating cancer that has spread from the original tumor to other parts of the body.
Since previous researchers had linked cancer growth to wound healing, the SKI scientists asked whether cells that produce L1CAM are necessary to initiate the growth of a primary tumor. Using a mouse model, they found somewhat surprisingly that they were not; tumors formed fine without it. However, these L1CAM-making cells were necessary for tumors to metastasize. This led the researchers to conclude that the stem cells that form primary tumors are different from the ones that form metastases.
Scientists are increasingly interested in cancer stem cells the subset of cells within a tumor than can regrow a tumor. A crucial lesson from these findings is that cancer models that rely on the growth of primary tumors are not adequate for understanding metastasis or for testing medicines that might treat it. Thats because the stem cells that generate primary tumors are fundamentally different from those that generate metastases.
The SKI scientists think that this newly identified connection between metastasis-initiating cells and wound healing will open up promising avenues of research. They are currently looking for drugs that might block L1CAM and thereby rob cancer cells of their ability to metastasize. They plan to continue collaborating with MSK colleagues to bring these insights to the patients in the clinic.
There is such astrong translational environment at MSK, Dr. Ganesh adds. Everybody is eager to collaborate on work that might improve outcomes for patients with metastatic cancer.
What Are Poblano Peppers? Nutrition, Benefits, and Uses – Healthline
By daniellenierenberg
Poblano peppers (Capsicum annuum) are a type of chili pepper native to Mexico that can add zing to your meals.
Theyre green and resemble other varieties of peppers, but they tend to be larger than jalapeos and smaller than bell peppers.
Fresh poblanos have a mild, slightly sweet flavor, although if they are left to ripen until theyre red, they taste much hotter.
Dried poblano peppers that are fully ripe and deep red are known as ancho chiles, a popular ingredient in mole sauces and other Mexican dishes.
This article provides a complete overview of poblano peppers, including their possible benefits and uses.
Poblanos are low in calories and rich in fiber and several micronutrients.
In fact, 1 cup (118 grams) of chopped raw poblano peppers provides (1):
Poblanos are particularly rich in vitamins A and C. These two nutrients act as antioxidants in your body and help fight underlying damage from free radicals, which may lead to disease (2).
Dried poblano peppers, or ancho chiles, have higher amounts of vitamins A and B2 and other nutrients, compared with fresh poblanos (3).
Poblano peppers are rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, and several other nutrients.
Due to their high amounts of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds, poblano peppers may provide health benefits.
However, there is no substantial research on the health effects of eating poblanos in particular.
Poblanos and other peppers in the Capsicum annuum family are rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, capsaicin, and carotenoids, some of which turn into vitamin A in your body (4).
Antioxidants help fight oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals.
Free radicals are reactive molecules that lead to underlying cell damage, which in turn may increase your risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia, and other chronic conditions (5).
Therefore, eating antioxidant-rich poblanos may help prevent illness related to oxidative stress (6, 7).
Capsaicin, a compound in poblanos and other peppers that imparts a spicy taste, may exert anticancer effects.
Specifically, capsaicin may influence genes involved in the spread of cancer and promote cancer cell death, though its role in this process is not fully understood (8).
Test-tube studies suggest that capsaicin may exert anticancer activity against human lung and colorectal cancer cells (9, 10).
However, a review of 10 observational studies in humans found that low capsaicin intake was associated with protection against stomach cancer, while medium-high intake may increase the risk of this disease (11).
More research is needed to fully understand whether eating poblano peppers and other foods with capsaicin has anticancer effects.
Capsaicin may also fight inflammation and help alleviate pain.
Some studies suggest that it binds to nerve cell receptors and, in turn, decreases inflammation and pain (12, 13).
There is limited research on the effects of dietary capsaicin, especially from poblano peppers, on pain. Still, studies in humans and rats suggest that capsaicin supplements may fight inflammation (14, 15).
One study in 376 adults with inflammatory bowel diseases and other gastrointestinal issues found that capsaicin supplements prevented stomach damage (14).
Still, be sure to consult your healthcare provider before taking capsaicin supplements to treat a medical condition.
Poblano peppers are loaded with vitamin C, a water-soluble nutrient thats vital to immune function. Not getting enough vitamin C can lead to an increased risk of developing an infection (16).
Whats more, the capsaicin in poblano peppers has been linked to optimal immune function.
Several animal studies have shown that capsaicin may influence genes involved in the immune response and help protect against autoimmune conditions (17, 18).
While theres no substantial research on the health effects of eating poblanos specifically, studies on the compounds in these peppers suggest that they may have anticancer effects, help fight inflammation, and even boost immunity.
Poblano peppers can be used in a variety of ways.
They can be enjoyed raw in salsas and other dips, as well as added to chilis, taco meat, or sauces.
To prepare a poblano pepper for these dishes, halve the pepper lengthwise, remove the stem and seeds, and then dice it into pieces.
You can also roast poblano peppers whole and then remove the skin, stem, and seeds.
One of the most popular ways to enjoy poblanos is stuffed with ground meat, beans, rice, spices, corn, and tomatoes.
To make stuffed poblanos, halve the peppers, remove the seeds, and roast them in the oven at 350F (177C) for 1015 minutes.
Stuff each pepper half with filling and sprinkle cheese on top, then put them back in the oven for a few more minutes.
You can enjoy poblano peppers in salsas and tacos, or make stuffed poblanos by filling them with meat, beans, tomatoes, corn, and cheese and baking them in the oven.
Poblano peppers are a mild variety of chili peppers that are highly nutritious and equally delicious.
Theyre rich in vitamins A and C, carotenoids, capsaicin, and other compounds that may act as antioxidants, have anticancer activity, and fight inflammation.
Poblano peppers can be added to soups, tacos, or salsas, or stuffed with meat, beans, rice, and cheese.
Read more here:
What Are Poblano Peppers? Nutrition, Benefits, and Uses - Healthline
Celgene exec jumps to head bluebird bio ops in Europe, where its $1.8M gene therapy Zynteglo is now available – Endpoints News
By daniellenierenberg
Days after shaking hands with German regulators over the launch and coverage of its beta-thalassemia gene therapy, bluebird bio has wooed a Celgene exec to lead its European operations.
Nicola Heffron, a biopharma vet with stints across Eli Lilly, GSK and Shire, jumps from a brief tenure overseeing marketing for Celgenes myeloid portfolio in Summit, NJ. She will now be based in Zug, Switzerland.
Shes replacing Andrew Obenshain as he joins CEO Nick Leschly and the leadership team in Boston, according to Bloomberg, which first reported the news. Obenshains new title is chief of wings.
On Monday bluebird announced that Germany will be the first country to commercially offer Zynteglo, their procedure encoding A-T87Q-globin gene in CD34+ cells extracted from patients. Under their value-based payment scheme, the $1.8 million price is divided into five installments. After an initial payment is made at the time of infusion, the payers wait and see and only pay if the patients continue to be transfusion-free.
Multiple statutory health insurances have signed onto the plan, bluebird said, and University Hospital of Heidelberg will host the first qualified treatment center.
The biotech has been busy sorting out manufacturing specs and talking to individual countries since the EU issued an historic OK last June. Its sanctioned for a specific group of beta-thalassemia patients those who are 12 years and older, transfusion dependent, do not have a 0/0 genotype and for whom hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is appropriate but a donor is not available.
For patients with TDT, lifelong chronic blood transfusions are required in order to survive, bluebird chief commercial officer Alison Finger emphasized in a statement. Their one-time infusion promises to do away with the transfusions for good.
A rolling BLA submission to the FDA has begun, bluebird added.
Here is the original post:
Celgene exec jumps to head bluebird bio ops in Europe, where its $1.8M gene therapy Zynteglo is now available - Endpoints News
Mutations in donors’ stem cells may cause problems for cancer patients – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
By daniellenierenberg
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Heart problems, graft-versus-host disease are concerns
A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that bone marrow or blood stem cells from healthy donors can harbor extremely rare mutations that can cause health problems for the cancer patients who receive them. Such stem cell transplants are important for treating blood cancers, including acute myeloid leukemia. In the healthy bone marrow pictured, mature red blood cells are shown as small brownish-pink discs; red blood cells that are still developing are in deep blue; and developing white blood cells are in lighter blue.
A stem cell transplant also called a bone marrow transplant is a common treatment for blood cancers, such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Such treatment can cure blood cancers but also can lead to life-threatening complications, including heart problems and graft-versus-host disease, in which new immune cells from the donor attack a patients healthy tissues.
A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that extremely rare, harmful genetic mutations present in healthy donors stem cells though not causing health problems in the donors may be passed on to cancer patients receiving stem cell transplants. The intense chemo- and radiation therapy prior to transplant and the immunosuppression given after allow cells with these rare mutations the opportunity to quickly replicate, potentially creating health problems for the patients who receive them, suggests the research, published Jan. 15 in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
Among the concerns are heart damage, graft-versus-host disease and possible new leukemias.
The study, involving samples from patients with AML and their stem cell donors, suggests such rare, harmful mutations are present in surprisingly young donors and can cause problems for recipients even if the mutations are so rare as to be undetectable in the donor by typical genome sequencing techniques. The research opens the door to a larger study that will investigate these rare mutations in many more healthy donors, potentially leading to ways to prevent or mitigate the health effects of such genetic errors in patients receiving stem cell transplants.
There have been suspicions that genetic errors in donor stem cells may be causing problems in cancer patients, but until now we didnt have a way to identify them because they are so rare, said senior author Todd E. Druley, MD, PhD, an associate professor of pediatrics. This study raises concerns that even young, healthy donors blood stem cells may have harmful mutations and provides strong evidence that we need to explore the potential effects of these mutations further.
Added co-author Sima T. Bhatt, MD, an assistant professor of pediatrics who treats pediatric patients with blood cancers at Siteman Kids at St. Louis Childrens Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine: Transplant physicians tend to seek younger donors because we assume this will lead to fewer complications. But we now see evidence that even young and healthy donors can have mutations that will have consequences for our patients. We need to understand what those consequences are if we are to find ways to modify them.
The study analyzed bone marrow from 25 adult patients with AML whose samples had been stored in a repository at Washington University. Samples from their healthy matched donors, who were unrelated to the patients, also were sequenced. The donors samples were provided by the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research in Milwaukee.
The 25 AML patients were chosen because they each had had samples banked at four separate times: before the transplant, at 30 days post-transplant, at 100 days post-transplant, and one year post-transplant.
Druley co-invented a technique called error-corrected sequencing, to identify extremely rare DNA mutations that would be missed by conventional genome sequencing. Typical next-generation sequencing techniques can correctly identify a mutation that is present in one in 100 cells. The new method, which can distinguish between true mutations and mistakes introduced by the sequencing machine, allows the researchers to find true mutations that are extremely rare those present in as few as one in 10,000 cells.
The healthy donors ranged in age from 20 to 58, with an average age of 26. The researchers sequenced 80 genes known to be associated with AML, and they identified at least one harmful genetic mutation in 11 of the 25 donors, or 44%. They further showed that 84% of all the various mutations identified in the donors samples were potentially harmful, and that 100% of the harmful mutations present in the donors later were found in the recipients. These harmful mutations also persisted over time, and many increased in frequency. Such data suggest the harmful mutations from the donor confer a survival advantage to the cells that harbor them.
We didnt expect this many young, healthy donors to have these types of mutations, Druley said. We also didnt expect 100% of the harmful mutations to be engrafted into the recipients. That was striking.
According to the researchers, the study raises questions about the origins of some of the well-known side effects of stem cell transplantation.
We see a trend between mutations from the donor that persist over time and the development of chronic graft-versus-host disease, said first author Wing Hing Wong, a doctoral student in Druleys lab. We plan to examine this more closely in a larger study.
Though the study was not large enough to establish a causal link, the researchers found that 75% of the patients who received at least one harmful mutation in the 80 genes that persisted over time developed chronic graft-versus-host disease. Among patients who did not receive mutations in the 80 genes, about 50% developed the condition. Because the study was small, this difference was not statistically significant, but it is evidence that the association should be studied more closely. In general, about half of all patients who receive a stem cell transplant go on to develop some form of graft-versus-host disease.
The most common mutation seen in the donors and the cancer patients studied is in a gene associated with heart disease. Healthy people with mutations in this gene are at higher risk of heart attack due to plaque buildup in the arteries.
We know that cardiac dysfunction is a major complication after a bone marrow transplant, but its always been attributed to toxicity from radiation or chemotherapy, Druley said. Its never been linked to mutations in the blood-forming cells. We cant make this claim definitively, but we have data to suggest we should study that in much more detail.
Added Bhatt: Now that weve also linked these mutations to graft-versus-host disease and cardiovascular problems, we have a larger study planned that we hope will answer some of the questions posed by this one.
This work was supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), grant number R01CA211711; the Hyundai Quantum Award; the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar Award; the Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation; and the Kellsies Hope Foundation. The Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research is supported by a Public Health Service Grant/Cooperative Agreement from the NCI, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), grant number 5U24CA076518; a Grant/Cooperative Agreement from NHLBI and NCI, grant number 1U24HL138660; a contract with Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA/DHHS), number HHSH250201700006C; and the Office of Naval Research, grant numbers N00014-17-1-2388, N00014-17-1-2850 and N00014-18-1-2045. Support also was provided by a UKRI future leaders fellowship and by a CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme group leader grant.
The Washington University Office of Technology Management has filed a patent application for Ultra-rare Variant Detection from Next-generation Sequencing, which has been licensed by Canopy Biosciences as RareSeq. Druley is a coinventor on this patent. Canopy Biosciences was not involved in the generation of the data presented.
Wong WH, Bhatt S, Trinkaus K, Pusic I, Elliott K, Mahajan N, Wan F, Switzer GE, Confer DL, DiPersio J, Pulsipher MA, Shah NN, Sees J, Bystry A, Blundell JR, Shaw BE, Druley TE. Engraftment of rare, pathogenic donor hematopoietic mutations in unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Science Translational Medicine. Jan. 15, 2020.
Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.
Read the rest here:
Mutations in donors' stem cells may cause problems for cancer patients - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
bluebird bio Announces Launch in Germany of ZYNTEGLO (autologous CD34+ cells encoding A-T87Q-globin gene) Gene Therapy for Patients 12 Years and Older…
By daniellenierenberg
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--bluebird bio, Inc. (Nasdaq: BLUE) announced the launch in Germany of ZYNTEGLO (autologous CD34+ cells encoding A-T87Q-globin gene), a one-time gene therapy for patients 12 years and older with transfusion-dependent -thalassemia (TDT) who do not have a 0/0 genotype, for whom hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation is appropriate but a human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched related HSC donor is not available. This is the first time ZYNTEGLO is commercially available.
TDT is a severe genetic disease caused by mutations in the -globin gene that result in significantly reduced or absent adult hemoglobin (HbA). In order to survive, people with TDT maintain hemoglobin (Hb) levels through lifelong chronic blood transfusions. These transfusions carry the risk of progressive multi-organ damage due to unavoidable iron overload. ZYNTEGLO is a one-time gene therapy that addresses the underlying genetic cause of TDT and offers patients the potential to become transfusion independent, which, once achieved, is expected to be lifelong.
Due to the highly technical and specialized nature of administering gene therapy in rare diseases, bluebird bio is working with institutions that have expertise in stem cell transplant as well as in treating patients with TDT to create qualified treatment centers that will administer ZYNTEGLO. bluebird bio has established a collaboration with University Hospital of Heidelberg as the first qualified treatment center in Germany.
In addition, bluebird has entered into value-based payment agreements with multiple statutory health insurances in Germany to help ensure patients and their healthcare providers have access to ZYNTEGLO and that payers only pay if the therapy delivers on its promise. bluebirds proposed innovative model is limited to five payments made in equal installments. An initial payment is made at the time of infusion. The four additional annual payments are only made if no transfusions for TDT are required for the patient.
For patients with TDT, lifelong chronic blood transfusions are required in order to survive. We are thrilled to announce that ZYNTEGLO will now be available for patients in the EU living with this severe disease, says Alison Finger, chief commercial officer, bluebird bio. In addition to confirming manufacturing readiness of our partner, apceth Biopharma GmbH, bluebird has also submitted a dossier to the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) in Germany for drug benefit assessment. We would like to thank our collaborators for their commitment in helping us transform the healthcare system by accepting innovative payment models, and we look forward to treating our first commercial patient soon.
About LentiGlobin for -Thalassemia (autologous CD34+ cells encoding A-T87Q-globin gene)
The European Commission granted conditional marketing authorization for LentiGlobin for -thalassemia, to be marketed as ZYNTEGLO (autologous CD34+ cells encoding A-T87Q-globin gene) gene therapy, for patients 12 years and older with TDT who do not have a 0/0 genotype, for whom hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation is appropriate, but a human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched related HSC donor is not available.
TDT is a severe genetic disease caused by mutations in the -globin gene that result in reduced or significantly reduced hemoglobin (Hb). In order to survive, people with TDT maintain Hb levels through lifelong chronic blood transfusions. These transfusions carry the risk of progressive multi-organ damage due to unavoidable iron overload.
LentiGlobin for -thalassemia adds functional copies of a modified form of the -globin gene (A-T87Q-globin gene) into a patients own hematopoietic (blood) stem cells (HSCs). Once a patient has the A-T87Q-globin gene, they have the potential to produce HbAT87Q, which is gene therapy-derived hemoglobin, at levels that may eliminate or significantly reduce the need for transfusions.
Non-serious adverse events (AEs) observed during the HGB-204, HGB-207 and HGB-212 clinical studies that were attributed to LentiGlobin for -thalassemia were hot flush, dyspnoea, abdominal pain, pain in extremities, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia and non-cardiac chest pain. One serious adverse event (SAE) of thrombocytopenia was considered possibly related to LentiGlobin for -thalassemia for TDT.
Additional AEs observed in clinical studies were consistent with the known side effects of HSC collection and bone marrow ablation with busulfan, including SAEs of veno-occlusive disease.
The conditional marketing authorization for ZYNTEGLO is valid in the 28 member states of the EU as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. For details, please see the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC).
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted LentiGlobin for -thalassemia Orphan Drug status and Breakthrough Therapy designation for the treatment of TDT. LentiGlobin for -thalassemia is not approved in the United States.
bluebird bio has initiated the rolling BLA submission for approval in the U.S., and is engaged with the FDA in discussions regarding the requirements and timing of the various components of the rolling BLA submission. Subject to these ongoing discussions, the company is currently planning to complete the BLA submission in the first half of 2020.
LentiGlobin for -thalassemia continues to be evaluated in the ongoing Phase 3 Northstar-2 and Northstar-3 studies. For more information about the ongoing clinical studies, visit http://www.northstarclinicalstudies.com or clinicaltrials.gov and use identifier NCT02906202 for Northstar-2 (HGB-207) or NCT03207009 for Northstar-3 (HGB-212).
bluebird bio is conducting a long-term safety and efficacy follow-up study (LTF-303) for people who have participated in bluebird bio-sponsored clinical studies of LentiGlobin for -thalassemia. For more information visit: https://www.bluebirdbio.com/our-science/clinical-trials or clinicaltrials.gov and use identifier NCT02633943 for LTF-303.
About bluebird bio, Inc.
bluebird bio is pioneering gene therapy with purpose. From our Cambridge, Mass., headquarters, were developing gene therapies for severe genetic diseases and cancer, with the goal that people facing potentially fatal conditions with limited treatment options can live their lives fully. Beyond our labs, were working to positively disrupt the healthcare system to create access, transparency and education so that gene therapy can become available to all those who can benefit.
bluebird bio is a human company powered by human stories. Were putting our care and expertise to work across a spectrum of disorders including cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy, sickle cell disease, -thalassemia and multiple myeloma, using three gene therapy technologies: gene addition, cell therapy and (megaTAL-enabled) gene editing.
bluebird bio has additional nests in Seattle, Wash.; Durham, N.C.; and Zug, Switzerland. For more information, visit bluebirdbio.com.
Follow bluebird bio on social media: @bluebirdbio, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.
ZYNTEGLO, LentiGlobin, and bluebird bio are trademarks of bluebird bio, Inc.
The full common name for ZYNTEGLO: A genetically modified autologous CD34+ cell enriched population that contains hematopoietic stem cells transduced with lentiviral vector encoding the A-T87Q-globin gene.
Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding the Companys plans and expectations for the commercialization for ZYNTEGLO (autologous CD34+ cells encoding A-T87Q-globin gene, formerly LentiGlobin in TDT) to treat TDT, and the potential implications of clinical data for patients. Any forward-looking statements are based on managements current expectations of future events and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those set forth in or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the risk that the efficacy and safety results from our prior and ongoing clinical trials of ZYNTEGLO will not continue or be repeated in our ongoing or planned clinical trials of ZYNTEGLO; the risk that the current or planned clinical trials of ZYNTEGLO will be insufficient to support regulatory submissions or marketing approval in the US, or for additional patient populations in the EU; the risk that the production of HbAT87Q may not be sustained over extended periods of time; the risk that we may not secure adequate pricing or reimbursement to support continued development or commercialization of ZYNTEGLO; the risk that our collaborations with qualified treatment centers will not continue or be successful; and that the risk that commercial patients treated with ZYNTEGLO will not achieve or maintain transfusion independence. For a discussion of other risks and uncertainties, and other important factors, any of which could cause our actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see the section entitled Risk Factors in our most recent Form 10-Q, as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in our subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release, and bluebird bio undertakes no duty to update this information unless required by law.
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bluebird bio Announces Launch in Germany of ZYNTEGLO (autologous CD34+ cells encoding A-T87Q-globin gene) Gene Therapy for Patients 12 Years and Older...
The Next Big Thing: Exosomes versus Stem Cells
By daniellenierenberg
The exosomes (or extracellular vesicles) released by stem cells may be the disruptive therapy for tackling age-related diseases doctors and patients have been waiting for. Despite over a decade and a half of hope and hype, stem cell therapy has failed to deliver on the promise.
Stem cell therapy once seemed beguilingly simple. As we age the number of stem cells in our bodies declines and degeneration increases.
The idea back in the early 2000s was that progenitor or adult stem cells (MSCs) could be given to patients as an unmatched (allogeneic) off-the-shelf drug and the administered cells would migrate to sites of damage or disease in the body.
Once there, it was thought, the cells would engraft and persist at these sites of injury and directly replace the patients own damaged cells. The administered cells treating cardiac disease would become a part of the patients heart tissue, for example.
It was thought that by injecting additional stem cells into the body, the new cells would transform the way that we treat certain conditions such as joint pain, stroke and cardiac degeneration. Animal studies and early human trials appeared to bear the idea out.
But nearly 20 years on, the general safety and efficacy of stem cell therapy has still not been proven, experts from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently concluded in the New England Journal of Medicine.1
Despite the earlier promise, cellular therapy for regenerative medicine is struggling to get approvals and to generate sales. Only a few allogeneic off-the-shelf cellular therapies have been approved for sale worldwide for regenerative medicine, despite huge investments2.
It turned out that a therapy based on transplanting living cells from donors into the patients body was anything but simple.
The first key issue with stem cell therapy is the question mark over safety. Introducing foreign living cells into a system as complex as the human body is challenging.
Predicting the cells behaviour once injected is a problem, FDA experts say.
A growing list of cautionary examples catalogue how things can go wrong when unproven stem cell therapies are used in the clinic; from a kidney failure patient who developed tumours following stem cell therapy, to patients with an age-related eye condition called macular degeneration, who were left blinded by their therapy given at a US clinic3.
In late 2018 and after infections linked to unapproved stem cell treatments sent 12 people to hospital, the FDA issued a stern warning about the cell products4.
Some autologous therapies using the patients own cells have also become notorious in certain countries and the subject of doubtful or dangerous medical tourism.
Today, the only stem cell therapy that has received FDA approval in the regenerative medicine field is the use of blood-forming stem cells for patients with specific blood production disorders.
Stem cells appear to be making little progress toward FDA-approved clinical use. Little wonder, then, that regenerative medicine researchers are increasingly turning to exosomes: packets of beneficial biomolecules released by stem cells.
We now know that the old working hypothesis for how stem cells exert their regenerative effects was wrong. The transplanted stem cells dont stick around long in the recipients body to replace damaged cells; most are cleared within a week.
As researchers from Oxford5 to Scripps6 have now concluded, its the exosomes stem cells release, rather than the cells themselves, that impart the regenerative benefit.
Exosomes are being described as the secret sauce of stem cells. Exosome therapy would avoid all the problems of a therapy based on live stem cells and yet harness a natural regenerative capability from stem cells.
Tellingly, some biotech stocks established back in the early 2000s as stem cell companies have shifted their focus to exosome research.
Exosome drugs could be harvested from stem cells housed in a bioreactor and then purified as a proper drug product to be administered by injection or infusion.
Exosomes should be a simpler, safer, lower cost, more easily stored and transported, alternative to stem cells.
Critically, exosomes are inherently less risky that live stem cell transplants. Exosomes cannot replicate; they cannot transform into malignant cells or other harmful cell types; they are less likely to trigger an immunogenic response; they cannot be infected with virus.
As a further demonstration of their safety, blood plasma contains high concentrations of unmatched exosomes, and blood transfusions have been carried out in hospitals for decades.
And exosomes should have an efficacy advantage, too. Being much smaller than whole cells, exosomes can circulate much more easily through the body to reach sites of injury or disease and trigger healing.
Early academic clinical studies are starting to prove exosomes potential. A recent placebo-controlled trial on 40 patients with advanced chronic kidney disease showed that the patients receiving exosomes saw enhanced kidney function at 12 months after treatment and no adverse events in the treatment group7.
Exosomes administered to patients could exert their regenerative effects in a number of ways giving treatment by exosomes multiple shots at goal.
Some degeneration, such as Parkinsons Disease, is due to a loss of specialised cells over time. Struggling cells that take up exosomes can be rescued from programmed cell death (apoptosis), and restored to health, thanks to the regenerative genetic material and the protein and lipid cellular building blocks that the exosome delivers.
Degeneration with age has also been associated with an increase in senescence cells. Senescent cells are like zombie cells that dont undergo normal clearance, yet cannot divide and proliferate to generate new tissue.
Recent research points to a benefit in animal models of human disease when the number of senescent cells is reduced. In 2019 researchers published that exosomes and vesicles from stem cells can alleviate cellular aging (senescence) in cells exposed to the exosomes/vesicles8.
Exosomes can also play a role in a recently discovered, previously unsuspected regenerative process in our bodies. Exosomes can trigger fully differentiated, specialised cells such as liver cells (hepatocytes) to a de-differentiate into a more stem cell-like state cell type9 and then maintain a pool of progenitor cells that can replenish the damaged liver with new cells10.
This same mechanism could be used to treat cardiac disease (e.g. cardiac ischemia where a lack of blood flow leads to cardiac muscle cell death). Normally a damaged heart fails to regenerate and becomes fibrotic with scar tissue.
Unfortunately, the scar tissue doesnt have the capacity to beat like cardiomyocytes, so increased fibrosis leads to progressive loss of heart pumping ejected volume and impairment or death. But using exosomes to reprogram the patients own heart muscle cells into cardiac progenitor stem cells offers a new way to treat cardiac damage and drive regeneration.
Exosomes from stem cells could be a better medicine than live stem cells a way to harness stem cells regenerative power without all the problems and disappointment.
But while stem cells secrete trillions of exosomes naturally, efficient separation and purification of exosomes has proven to be very difficult indeed11. Until now.
Exopharms proprietary LEAP technology is a robust and reliable method for producing a well-defined set of proprietary pharmaceutical-grade exosome product as a next-generation cell-free regenerative medicine.
See the rest here:
The Next Big Thing: Exosomes versus Stem Cells
4. The Adult Stem Cell | stemcells.nih.gov
By daniellenierenberg
For many years, researchers have been seeking to understand the body's ability to repair and replace the cells and tissues of some organs, but not others. After years of work pursuing the how and why of seemingly indiscriminant cell repair mechanisms, scientists have now focused their attention on adult stem cells. It has long been known that stem cells are capable of renewing themselves and that they can generate multiple cell types. Today, there is new evidence that stem cells are present in far more tissues and organs than once thought and that these cells are capable of developing into more kinds of cells than previously imagined. Efforts are now underway to harness stem cells and to take advantage of this new found capability, with the goal of devising new and more effective treatments for a host of diseases and disabilities. What lies ahead for the use of adult stem cells is unknown, but it is certain that there are many research questions to be answered and that these answers hold great promise for the future.
Adult stem cells, like all stem cells, share at least two characteristics. First, they can make identical copies of themselves for long periods of time; this ability to proliferate is referred to as long-term self-renewal. Second, they can give rise to mature cell types that have characteristic morphologies (shapes) and specialized functions. Typically, stem cells generate an intermediate cell type or types before they achieve their fully differentiated state. The intermediate cell is called a precursor or progenitor cell. Progenitor or precursor cells in fetal or adult tissues are partly differentiated cells that divide and give rise to differentiated cells. Such cells are usually regarded as "committed" to differentiating along a particular cellular development pathway, although this characteristic may not be as definitive as once thought [82] (see Figure 4.1. Distinguishing Features of Progenitor/Precursor Cells and Stem Cells).
Figure 4.1. Distinguishing Features of Progenitor/Precursor Cells and Stem Cells. A stem cell is an unspecialized cell that is capable of replicating or self renewing itself and developing into specialized cells of a variety of cell types. The product of a stem cell undergoing division is at least one additional stem cell that has the same capabilities of the originating cell. Shown here is an example of a hematopoietic stem cell producing a second generation stem cell and a neuron. A progenitor cell (also known as a precursor cell) is unspecialized or has partial characteristics of a specialized cell that is capable of undergoing cell division and yielding two specialized cells. Shown here is an example of a myeloid progenitor/precursor undergoing cell division to yield two specialized cells (a neutrophil and a red blood cell).
( 2001 Terese Winslow, Lydia Kibiuk)
Adult stem cells are rare. Their primary functions are to maintain the steady state functioning of a cellcalled homeostasisand, with limitations, to replace cells that die because of injury or disease [44, 58]. For example, only an estimated 1 in 10,000 to 15,000 cells in the bone marrow is a hematopoietic (bloodforming) stem cell (HSC) [105]. Furthermore, adult stem cells are dispersed in tissues throughout the mature animal and behave very differently, depending on their local environment. For example, HSCs are constantly being generated in the bone marrow where they differentiate into mature types of blood cells. Indeed, the primary role of HSCs is to replace blood cells [26] (see Chapter 5. Hematopoietic Stem Cells). In contrast, stem cells in the small intestine are stationary, and are physically separated from the mature cell types they generate. Gut epithelial stem cells (or precursors) occur at the bases of cryptsdeep invaginations between the mature, differentiated epithelial cells that line the lumen of the intestine. These epithelial crypt cells divide fairly often, but remain part of the stationary group of cells they generate [93].
Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are defined by their origin (the inner cell mass of the blastocyst), adult stem cells share no such definitive means of characterization. In fact, no one knows the origin of adult stem cells in any mature tissue. Some have proposed that stem cells are somehow set aside during fetal development and restrained from differentiating. Definitions of adult stem cells vary in the scientific literature range from a simple description of the cells to a rigorous set of experimental criteria that must be met before characterizing a particular cell as an adult stem cell. Most of the information about adult stem cells comes from studies of mice. The list of adult tissues reported to contain stem cells is growing and includes bone marrow, peripheral blood, brain, spinal cord, dental pulp, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, epithelia of the skin and digestive system, cornea, retina, liver, and pancreas.
In order to be classified as an adult stem cell, the cell should be capable of self-renewal for the lifetime of the organism. This criterion, although fundamental to the nature of a stem cell, is difficult to prove in vivo. It is nearly impossible, in an organism as complex as a human, to design an experiment that will allow the fate of candidate adult stem cells to be identified in vivo and tracked over an individual's entire lifetime.
Ideally, adult stem cells should also be clonogenic. In other words, a single adult stem cell should be able to generate a line of genetically identical cells, which then gives rise to all the appropriate, differentiated cell types of the tissue in which it resides. Again, this property is difficult to demonstrate in vivo; in practice, scientists show either that a stem cell is clonogenic in vitro, or that a purified population of candidate stem cells can repopulate the tissue.
An adult stem cell should also be able to give rise to fully differentiated cells that have mature phenotypes, are fully integrated into the tissue, and are capable of specialized functions that are appropriate for the tissue. The term phenotype refers to all the observable characteristics of a cell (or organism); its shape (morphology); interactions with other cells and the non-cellular environment (also called the extracellular matrix); proteins that appear on the cell surface (surface markers); and the cell's behavior (e.g., secretion, contraction, synaptic transmission).
The majority of researchers who lay claim to having identified adult stem cells rely on two of these characteristicsappropriate cell morphology, and the demonstration that the resulting, differentiated cell types display surface markers that identify them as belonging to the tissue. Some studies demonstrate that the differentiated cells that are derived from adult stem cells are truly functional, and a few studies show that cells are integrated into the differentiated tissue in vivo and that they interact appropriately with neighboring cells. At present, there is, however, a paucity of research, with a few notable exceptions, in which researchers were able to conduct studies of genetically identical (clonal) stem cells. In order to fully characterize the regenerating and self-renewal capabilities of the adult stem cell, and therefore to truly harness its potential, it will be important to demonstrate that a single adult stem cell can, indeed, generate a line of genetically identical cells, which then gives rise to all the appropriate, differentiated cell types of the tissue in which it resides.
Adult stem cells have been identified in many animal and human tissues. In general, three methods are used to determine whether candidate adult stem cells give rise to specialized cells. Adult stem cells can be labeled in vivo and then they can be tracked. Candidate adult stem cells can also be isolated and labeled and then transplanted back into the organism to determine what becomes of them. Finally, candidate adult stem cells can be isolated, grown in vitro and manipulated, by adding growth factors or introducing genes that help determine what differentiated cells types they will yield. For example, currently, scientists believe that stem cells in the fetal and adult brain divide and give rise to more stem cells or to several types of precursor cells, which give rise to nerve cells (neurons), of which there are many types.
It is often difficultif not impossibleto distinguish adult, tissue-specific stem cells from progenitor cells, which are found in fetal or adult tissues and are partly differentiated cells that divide and give rise to differentiated cells. These are cells found in many organs that are generally thought to be present to replace cells and maintain the integrity of the tissue. Progenitor cells give rise to certain types of cellssuch as the blood cells known as T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, and natural killer cellsbut are not thought to be capable of developing into all the cell types of a tissue and as such are not truly stem cells. The current wave of excitement over the existence of stem cells in many adult tissues is perhaps fueling claims that progenitor or precursor cells in those tissues are instead stem cells. Thus, there are reports of endothelial progenitor cells, skeletal muscle stem cells, epithelial precursors in the skin and digestive system, as well as some reports of progenitors or stem cells in the pancreas and liver. A detailed summary of some of the evidence for the existence of stem cells in various tissues and organs is presented later in the chapter.
It was not until recently that anyone seriously considered the possibility that stem cells in adult tissues could generate the specialized cell types of another type of tissue from which they normally resideeither a tissue derived from the same embryonic germ layer or from a different germ layer (see Table 1.1. Embryonic Germ Layers From Which Differentiated Tissues Develop). For example, studies have shown that blood stem cells (derived from mesoderm) may be able to generate both skeletal muscle (also derived from mesoderm) and neurons (derived from ectoderm). That realization has been triggered by a flurry of papers reporting that stem cells derived from one adult tissue can change their appearance and assume characteristics that resemble those of differentiated cells from other tissues.
The term plasticity, as used in this report, means that a stem cell from one adult tissue can generate the differentiated cell types of another tissue. At this time, there is no formally accepted name for this phenomenon in the scientific literature. It is variously referred to as "plasticity" [15, 52], "unorthodox differentiation" [10] or "transdifferentiation" [7, 54].
To be able to claim that adult stem cells demonstrate plasticity, it is first important to show that a cell population exists in the starting tissue that has the identifying features of stem cells. Then, it is necessary to show that the adult stem cells give rise to cell types that normally occur in a different tissue. Neither of these criteria is easily met. Simply proving the existence of an adult stem cell population in a differentiated tissue is a laborious process. It requires that the candidate stem cells are shown to be self-renewing, and that they can give rise to the differentiated cell types that are characteristic of that tissue.
To show that the adult stem cells can generate other cell types requires them to be tracked in their new environment, whether it is in vitro or in vivo. In general, this has been accomplished by obtaining the stem cells from a mouse that has been genetically engineered to express a molecular tag in all its cells. It is then necessary to show that the labeled adult stem cells have adopted key structural and biochemical characteristics of the new tissue they are claimed to have generated. Ultimatelyand most importantlyit is necessary to demonstrate that the cells can integrate into their new tissue environment, survive in the tissue, and function like the mature cells of the tissue.
In the experiments reported to date, adult stem cells may assume the characteristics of cells that have developed from the same primary germ layer or a different germ layer (see Figure 4.2. Preliminary Evidence of Plasticity Among Nonhuman Adult Stem Cells). For example, many plasticity experiments involve stem cells derived from bone marrow, which is a mesodermal derivative. The bone marrow stem cells may then differentiate into another mesodermally derived tissue such as skeletal muscle [28, 43], cardiac muscle [51, 71] or liver [4, 54, 97].
Figure 4.2. Preliminary Evidence of Plasticity Among Nonhuman Adult Stem Cells.
( 2001 Terese Winslow, Lydia Kibiuk, Caitlin Duckwall)
Alternatively, adult stem cells may differentiate into a tissue thatduring normal embryonic developmentwould arise from a different germ layer. For example, bone marrow-derived cells may differentiate into neural tissue, which is derived from embryonic ectoderm [15, 65]. Andreciprocallyneural stem cell lines cultured from adult brain tissue may differentiate to form hematopoietic cells [13], or even give rise to many different cell types in a chimeric embryo [17]. In both cases cited above, the cells would be deemed to show plasticity, but in the case of bone marrow stem cells generating brain cells, the finding is less predictable.
In order to study plasticity within and across germ layer lines, the researcher must be sure that he/she is using only one kind of adult stem cell. The vast majority of experiments on plasticity have been conducted with adult stem cells derived either from the bone marrow or the brain. The bone marrow-derived cells are sometimes sortedusing a panel of surface markersinto populations of hematopoietic stem cells or bone marrow stromal cells [46, 54, 71]. The HSCs may be highly purified or partially purified, depending on the conditions used. Another way to separate population of bone marrow cells is by fractionation to yield cells that adhere to a growth substrate (stromal cells) or do not adhere (hematopoietic cells) [28].
To study plasticity of stem cells derived from the brain, the researcher must overcome several problems. Stem cells from the central nervous system (CNS), unlike bone marrow cells, do not occur in a single, accessible location. Instead, they are scattered in three places, at least in rodent brainthe tissue around the lateral ventricles in the forebrain, a migratory pathway for the cells that leads from the ventricles to the olfactory bulbs, and the hippocampus. Many of the experiments with CNS stem cells involve the formation of neurospheres, round aggregates of cells that are sometimes clonally derived. But it is not possible to observe cells in the center of a neurosphere, so to study plasticity in vitro, the cells are usually dissociated and plated in monolayers. To study plasticity in vivo, the cells may be dissociated before injection into the circulatory system of the recipient animal [13], or injected as neurospheres [17].
The differentiated cell types that result from plasticity are usually reported to have the morphological characteristics of the differentiated cells and to display their characteristic surface markers. In reports that transplanted adult stem cells show plasticity in vivo, the stem cells typically are shown to have integrated into a mature host tissue and assumed at least some of its characteristics [15, 28, 51, 65, 71]. Many plasticity experiments involve injury to a particular tissue, which is intended to model a particular human disease or injury [13, 54, 71]. However, there is limited evidence to date that such adult stem cells can generate mature, fully functional cells or that the cells have restored lost function in vivo [54]. Most of the studies that show the plasticity of adult stem cells involve cells that are derived from the bone marrow [15, 28, 54, 65, 77] or brain [13, 17]. To date, adult stem cells are best characterized in these two tissues, which may account for the greater number of plasticity studies based on bone marrow and brain. Collectively, studies on plasticity suggest that stem cell populations in adult mammals are not fixed entities, and that after exposure to a new environment, they may be able to populate other tissues and possibly differentiate into other cell types.
It is not yet possible to say whether plasticity occurs normally in vivo. Some scientists think it may [14, 64], but as yet there is no evidence to prove it. Also, it is not yet clear to what extent plasticity can occur in experimental settings, and howor whetherthe phenomenon can be harnessed to generate tissues that may be useful for therapeutic transplantation. If the phenomenon of plasticity is to be used as a basis for generating tissue for transplantation, the techniques for doing it will need to be reproducible and reliable (see Chapter 10. Assessing Human Stem Cell Safety). In some cases, debate continues about observations that adult stem cells yield cells of tissue types different than those from which they were obtained [7, 68].
More than 30 years ago, Altman and Das showed that two regions of the postnatal rat brain, the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb, contain dividing cells that become neurons [5, 6]. Despite these reports, the prevailing view at the time was that nerve cells in the adult brain do not divide. In fact, the notion that stem cells in the adult brain can generate its three major cell typesastrocytes and oligodendrocytes, as well as neuronswas not accepted until far more recently. Within the past five years, a series of studies has shown that stem cells occur in the adult mammalian brain and that these cells can generate its three major cell lineages [35, 48, 63, 66, 90, 96, 104] (see Chapter 8. Rebuilding the Nervous System with Stem Cells).
Today, scientists believe that stem cells in the fetal and adult brain divide and give rise to more stem cells or to several types of precursor cells. Neuronal precursors (also called neuroblasts) divide and give rise to nerve cells (neurons), of which there are many types. Glial precursors give rise to astrocytes or oligodendrocytes. Astrocytes are a kind of glial cell, which lend both mechanical and metabolic support for neurons; they make up 70 to 80 percent of the cells of the adult brain. Oligodendrocytes make myelin, the fatty material that ensheathes nerve cell axons and speeds nerve transmission. Under normal, in vivo conditions, neuronal precursors do not give rise to glial cells, and glial precursors do not give rise to neurons. In contrast, a fetal or adult CNS (central nervous systemthe brain and spinal cord) stem cell may give rise to neurons, astrocytes, or oligodendrocytes, depending on the signals it receives and its three-dimensional environment within the brain tissue. There is now widespread consensus that the adult mammalian brain does contain stem cells. However, there is no consensus about how many populations of CNS stem cells exist, how they may be related, and how they function in vivo. Because there are no markers currently available to identify the cells in vivo, the only method for testing whether a given population of CNS cells contains stem cells is to isolate the cells and manipulate them in vitro, a process that may change their intrinsic properties [67].
Despite these barriers, three groups of CNS stem cells have been reported to date. All occur in the adult rodent brain and preliminary evidence indicates they also occur in the adult human brain. One group occupies the brain tissue next to the ventricles, regions known as the ventricular zone and the sub-ventricular zone (see discussion below). The ventricles are spaces in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid. During fetal development, the tissue adjacent to the ventricles is a prominent region of actively dividing cells. By adulthood, however, this tissue is much smaller, although it still appears to contain stem cells [70].
A second group of adult CNS stem cells, described in mice but not in humans, occurs in a streak of tissue that connects the lateral ventricle and the olfactory bulb, which receives odor signals from the nose. In rodents, olfactory bulb neurons are constantly being replenished via this pathway [59, 61]. A third possible location for stem cells in adult mouse and human brain occurs in the hippocampus, a part of the brain thought to play a role in the formation of certain kinds of memory [27, 34].
Central Nervous System Stem Cells in the Subventricular Zone. CNS stem cells found in the forebrain that surrounds the lateral ventricles are heterogeneous and can be distinguished morphologically. Ependymal cells, which are ciliated, line the ventricles. Adjacent to the ependymal cell layer, in a region sometimes designated as the subependymal or subventricular zone, is a mixed cell population that consists of neuroblasts (immature neurons) that migrate to the olfactory bulb, precursor cells, and astrocytes. Some of the cells divide rapidly, while others divide slowly. The astrocyte-like cells can be identified because they contain glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), whereas the ependymal cells stain positive for nestin, which is regarded as a marker of neural stem cells. Which of these cells best qualifies as a CNS stem cell is a matter of debate [76].
A recent report indicates that the astrocytes that occur in the subventricular zone of the rodent brain act as neural stem cells. The cells with astrocyte markers appear to generate neurons in vivo, as identified by their expression of specific neuronal markers. The in vitro assay to demonstrate that these astrocytes are, in fact, stem cells involves their ability to form neurospheresgroupings of undifferentiated cells that can be dissociated and coaxed to differentiate into neurons or glial cells [25]. Traditionally, these astrocytes have been regarded as differentiated cells, not as stem cells and so their designation as stem cells is not universally accepted.
A series of similar in vitro studies based on the formation of neurospheres was used to identify the subependymal zone as a source of adult rodent CNS stem cells. In these experiments, single, candidate stem cells derived from the subependymal zone are induced to give rise to neurospheres in the presence of mitogenseither epidermal growth factor (EGF) or fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). The neurospheres are dissociated and passaged. As long as a mitogen is present in the culture medium, the cells continue forming neurospheres without differentiating. Some populations of CNS cells are more responsive to EGF, others to FGF [100]. To induce differentiation into neurons or glia, cells are dissociated from the neurospheres and grown on an adherent surface in serum-free medium that contains specific growth factors. Collectively, the studies demonstrate that a population of cells derived from the adult rodent brain can self-renew and differentiate to yield the three major cell types of the CNS cells [41, 69, 74, 102].
Central Nervous System Stem Cells in the Ventricular Zone. Another group of potential CNS stem cells in the adult rodent brain may consist of the ependymal cells themselves [47]. Ependymal cells, which are ciliated, line the lateral ventricles. They have been described as non-dividing cells [24] that function as part of the blood-brain barrier [22]. The suggestion that ependymal cells from the ventricular zone of the adult rodent CNS may be stem cells is therefore unexpected. However, in a recent study, in which two molecular tagsthe fluorescent marker Dil, and an adenovirus vector carrying lacZ tagswere used to label the ependymal cells that line the entire CNS ventricular system of adult rats, it was shown that these cells could, indeed, act as stem cells. A few days after labeling, fluorescent or lacZ+ cells were observed in the rostral migratory stream (which leads from the lateral ventricle to the olfactory bulb), and then in the olfactory bulb itself. The labeled cells in the olfactory bulb also stained for the neuronal markers III tubulin and Map2, which indicated that ependymal cells from the ventricular zone of the adult rat brain had migrated along the rostral migratory stream to generate olfactory bulb neurons in vivo [47].
To show that Dil+ cells were neural stem cells and could generate astrocytes and oligodendrocytes as well as neurons, a neurosphere assay was performed in vitro. Dil-labeled cells were dissociated from the ventricular system and cultured in the presence of mitogen to generate neurospheres. Most of the neurospheres were Dil+; they could self-renew and generate neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes when induced to differentiate. Single, Dil+ ependymal cells isolated from the ventricular zone could also generate self-renewing neurospheres and differentiate into neurons and glia.
To show that ependymal cells can also divide in vivo, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was administered in the drinking water to rats for a 2- to 6-week period. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) is a DNA precursor that is only incorporated into dividing cells. Through a series of experiments, it was shown that ependymal cells divide slowly in vivo and give rise to a population of progenitor cells in the subventricular zone [47]. A different pattern of scattered BrdU-labeled cells was observed in the spinal cord, which suggested that ependymal cells along the central canal of the cord occasionally divide and give rise to nearby ependymal cells, but do not migrate away from the canal.
Collectively, the data suggest that CNS ependymal cells in adult rodents can function as stem cells. The cells can self-renew, and most proliferate via asymmetrical division. Many of the CNS ependymal cells are not actively dividing (quiescent), but they can be stimulated to do so in vitro (with mitogens) or in vivo (in response to injury). After injury, the ependymal cells in the spinal cord only give rise to astrocytes, not to neurons. How and whether ependymal cells from the ventricular zone are related to other candidate populations of CNS stem cells, such as those identified in the hippocampus [34], is not known.
Are ventricular and subventricular zone CNS stem cells the same population? These studies and other leave open the question of whether cells that directly line the ventriclesthose in the ventricular zoneor cells that are at least a layer removed from this zonein the subventricular zone are the same population of CNS stem cells. A new study, based on the finding that they express different genes, confirms earlier reports that the ventricular and subventricular zone cell populations are distinct. The new research utilizes a technique called representational difference analysis, together with cDNA microarray analysis, to monitor the patterns of gene expression in the complex tissue of the developing and postnatal mouse brain. The study revealed the expression of a panel of genes known to be important in CNS development, such as L3-PSP (which encodes a phosphoserine phosphatase important in cell signaling), cyclin D2 (a cell cycle gene), and ERCC-1 (which is important in DNA excision repair). All of these genes in the recent study were expressed in cultured neurospheres, as well as the ventricular zone, the subventricular zone, and a brain area outside those germinal zones. This analysis also revealed the expression of novel genes such as A16F10, which is similar to a gene in an embryonic cancer cell line. A16F10 was expressed in neurospheres and at high levels in the subventricular zone, but not significantly in the ventricular zone. Interestingly, several of the genes identified in cultured neurospheres were also expressed in hematopoietic cells, suggesting that neural stem cells and blood-forming cells may share aspects of their genetic programs or signaling systems [38]. This finding may help explain recent reports that CNS stem cells derived from mouse brain can give rise to hematopoietic cells after injection into irradiated mice [13].
Central Nervous System Stem Cells in the Hippocampus. The hippocampus is one of the oldest parts of the cerebral cortex, in evolutionary terms, and is thought to play an important role in certain forms of memory. The region of the hippocampus in which stem cells apparently exist in mouse and human brains is the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. In mice, when BrdU is used to label dividing cells in this region, about 50% of the labeled cells differentiate into cells that appear to be dentate gyrus granule neurons, and 15% become glial cells. The rest of the BrdU-labeled cells do not have a recognizable phenotype [90]. Interestingly, many, if not all the BrdU-labeled cells in the adult rodent hippocampus occur next to blood vessels [33].
In the human dentate gyrus, some BrdU-labeled cells express NeuN, neuron-specific enolase, or calbindin, all of which are neuronal markers. The labeled neuron-like cells resemble dentate gyrus granule cells, in terms of their morphology (as they did in mice). Other BrdU-labeled cells express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) an astrocyte marker. The study involved autopsy material, obtained with family consent, from five cancer patients who had been injected with BrdU dissolved in saline prior to their death for diagnostic purposes. The patients ranged in age from 57 to 72 years. The greatest number of BrdU-labeled cells were identified in the oldest patient, suggesting that new neuron formation in the hippocampus can continue late in life [27].
Fetal Central Nervous System Stem Cells. Not surprisingly, fetal stem cells are numerous in fetal tissues, where they are assumed to play an important role in the expansion and differentiation of all tissues of the developing organism. Depending on the developmental stage of an animal, fetal stem cells and precursor cellswhich arise from stem cellsmay make up the bulk of a tissue. This is certainly true in the brain [48], although it has not been demonstrated experimentally in many tissues.
It may seem obvious that the fetal brain contains stem cells that can generate all the types of neurons in the brain as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, but it was not until fairly recently that the concept was proven experimentally. There has been a long-standing question as to whether or not the same cell type gives rise to both neurons and glia. In studies of the developing rodent brain, it has now been shown that all the major cell types in the fetal brain arise from a common population of progenitor cells [20, 34, 48, 80, 108].
Neural stem cells in the mammalian fetal brain are concentrated in seven major areas: olfactory bulb, ependymal (ventricular) zone of the lateral ventricles (which lie in the forebrain), subventricular zone (next to the ependymal zone), hippocampus, spinal cord, cerebellum (part of the hindbrain), and the cerebral cortex. Their number and pattern of development vary in different species. These cells appear to represent different stem cell populations, rather than a single population of stem cells that is dispersed in multiple sites. The normal development of the brain depends not only on the proliferation and differentiation of these fetal stem cells, but also on a genetically programmed process of selective cell death called apoptosis [76].
Little is known about stem cells in the human fetal brain. In one study, however, investigators derived clonal cell lines from CNS stem cells isolated from the diencephalon and cortex of human fetuses, 10.5 weeks post-conception [103]. The study is unusual, not only because it involves human CNS stem cells obtained from fetal tissue, but also because the cells were used to generate clonal cell lines of CNS stem cells that generated neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, as determined on the basis of expressed markers. In a few experiments described as "preliminary," the human CNS stem cells were injected into the brains of immunosuppressed rats where they apparently differentiated into neuron-like cells or glial cells.
In a 1999 study, a serum-free growth medium that included EGF and FGF2 was devised to grow the human fetal CNS stem cells. Although most of the cells died, occasionally, single CNS stem cells survived, divided, and ultimately formed neurospheres after one to two weeks in culture. The neurospheres could be dissociated and individual cells replated. The cells resumed proliferation and formed new neurospheres, thus establishing an in vitro system that (like the system established for mouse CNS neurospheres) could be maintained up to 2 years. Depending on the culture conditions, the cells in the neurospheres could be maintained in an undifferentiated dividing state (in the presence of mitogen), or dissociated and induced to differentiate (after the removal of mitogen and the addition of specific growth factors to the culture medium). The differentiated cells consisted mostly of astrocytes (75%), some neurons (13%) and rare oligodendrocytes (1.2%). The neurons generated under these conditions expressed markers indicating they were GABAergic, [the major type of inhibitory neuron in the mammalian CNS responsive to the amino acid neurotransmitter, gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)]. However, catecholamine-like cells that express tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, a critical enzyme in the dopamine-synthesis pathway) could be generated, if the culture conditions were altered to include different medium conditioned by a rat glioma line (BB49). Thus, the report indicates that human CNS stem cells obtained from early fetuses can be maintained in vitro for a long time without differentiating, induced to differentiate into the three major lineages of the CNS (and possibly two kinds of neurons, GABAergic and TH-positive), and engraft (in rats) in vivo [103].
Central Nervous System Neural Crest Stem Cells. Neural crest cells differ markedly from fetal or adult neural stem cells. During fetal development, neural crest cells migrate from the sides of the neural tube as it closes. The cells differentiate into a range of tissues, not all of which are part of the nervous system [56, 57, 91]. Neural crest cells form the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), including the network of nerves that innervate the heart and the gut, all the sensory ganglia (groups of neurons that occur in pairs along the dorsal surface of the spinal cord), and Schwann cells, which (like oligodendrocytes in the CNS) make myelin in the PNS. The non-neural tissues that arise from the neural crest are diverse. They populate certain hormone-secreting glandsincluding the adrenal medulla and Type I cells in the carotid bodypigment cells of the skin (melanocytes), cartilage and bone in the face and skull, and connective tissue in many parts of the body [76].
Thus, neural crest cells migrate far more extensively than other fetal neural stem cells during development, form mesenchymal tissues, most of which develop from embryonic mesoderm as well as the components of the CNS and PNS which arises from embryonic ectoderm. This close link, in neural crest development, between ectodermally derived tissues and mesodermally derived tissues accounts in part for the interest in neural crest cells as a kind of stem cell. In fact, neural crest cells meet several criteria of stem cells. They can self-renew (at least in the fetus) and can differentiate into multiple cells types, which include cells derived from two of the three embryonic germ layers [76].
Recent studies indicate that neural crest cells persist late into gestation and can be isolated from E14.5 rat sciatic nerve, a peripheral nerve in the hindlimb. The cells incorporate BrdU, indicating that they are dividing in vivo. When transplanted into chick embryos, the rat neural crest cells develop into neurons and glia, an indication of their stem cell-like properties [67]. However, the ability of rat E14.5 neural crest cells taken from sciatic nerve to generate nerve and glial cells in chick is more limited than neural crest cells derived from younger, E10.5 rat embryos. At the earlier stage of development, the neural tube has formed, but neural crest cells have not yet migrated to their final destinations. Neural crest cells from early developmental stages are more sensitive to bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) signaling, which may help explain their greater differentiation potential [106].
The notion that the bone marrow contains stem cells is not new. One population of bone marrow cells, the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), is responsible for forming all of the types of blood cells in the body. HSCs were recognized as a stem cells more than 40 years ago [9, 99]. Bone marrow stromal cellsa mixed cell population that generates bone, cartilage, fat, fibrous connective tissue, and the reticular network that supports blood cell formationwere described shortly after the discovery of HSCs [30, 32, 73]. The mesenchymal stem cells of the bone marrow also give rise to these tissues, and may constitute the same population of cells as the bone marrow stromal cells [78]. Recently, a population of progenitor cells that differentiates into endothelial cells, a type of cell that lines the blood vessels, was isolated from circulating blood [8] and identified as originating in bone marrow [89]. Whether these endothelial progenitor cells, which resemble the angioblasts that give rise to blood vessels during embryonic development, represent a bona fide population of adult bone marrow stem cells remains uncertain. Thus, the bone marrow appears to contain three stem cell populationshematopoietic stem cells, stromal cells, and (possibly) endothelial progenitor cells (see Figure 4.3. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation).
Figure 4.3. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation.
( 2001 Terese Winslow, Lydia Kibiuk)
Two more apparent stem cell types have been reported in circulating blood, but have not been shown to originate from the bone marrow. One population, called pericytes, may be closely related to bone marrow stromal cells, although their origin remains elusive [12]. The second population of blood-born stem cells, which occur in four species of animals testedguinea pigs, mice, rabbits, and humansresemble stromal cells in that they can generate bone and fat [53].
Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Of all the cell types in the body, those that survive for the shortest period of time are blood cells and certain kinds of epithelial cells. For example, red blood cells (erythrocytes), which lack a nucleus, live for approximately 120 days in the bloodstream. The life of an animal literally depends on the ability of these and other blood cells to be replenished continuously. This replenishment process occurs largely in the bone marrow, where HSCs reside, divide, and differentiate into all the blood cell types. Both HSCs and differentiated blood cells cycle from the bone marrow to the blood and back again, under the influence of a barrage of secreted factors that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration (see Chapter 5. Hematopoietic Stem Cells).
HSCs can reconstitute the hematopoietic system of mice that have been subjected to lethal doses of radiation to destroy their own hematopoietic systems. This test, the rescue of lethally irradiated mice, has become a standard by which other candidate stem cells are measured because it shows, without question, that HSCs can regenerate an entire tissue systemin this case, the blood [9, 99]. HSCs were first proven to be blood-forming stem cells in a series of experiments in mice; similar blood-forming stem cells occur in humans. HSCs are defined by their ability to self-renew and to give rise to all the kinds of blood cells in the body. This means that a single HSC is capable of regenerating the entire hematopoietic system, although this has been demonstrated only a few times in mice [72].
Over the years, many combinations of surface markers have been used to identify, isolate, and purify HSCs derived from bone marrow and blood. Undifferentiated HSCs and hematopoietic progenitor cells express c-kit, CD34, and H-2K. These cells usually lack the lineage marker Lin, or express it at very low levels (Lin-/low). And for transplant purposes, cells that are CD34+ Thy1+ Lin- are most likely to contain stem cells and result in engraftment.
Two kinds of HSCs have been defined. Long-term HSCs proliferate for the lifetime of an animal. In young adult mice, an estimated 8 to 10 % of long-term HSCs enter the cell cycle and divide each day. Short-term HSCs proliferate for a limited time, possibly a few months. Long-term HSCs have high levels of telomerase activity. Telomerase is an enzyme that helps maintain the length of the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, by adding on nucleotides. Active telomerase is a characteristic of undifferentiated, dividing cells and cancer cells. Differentiated, human somatic cells do not show telomerase activity. In adult humans, HSCs occur in the bone marrow, blood, liver, and spleen, but are extremely rare in any of these tissues. In mice, only 1 in 10,000 to 15,000 bone marrow cells is a long-term HSC [105].
Short-term HSCs differentiate into lymphoid and myeloid precursors, the two classes of precursors for the two major lineages of blood cells. Lymphoid precursors differentiate into T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells. The mechanisms and pathways that lead to their differentiation are still being investigated [1, 2]. Myeloid precursors differentiate into monocytes and macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, megakaryocytes, and erythrocytes [3]. In vivo, bone marrow HSCs differentiate into mature, specialized blood cells that cycle constantly from the bone marrow to the blood, and back to the bone marrow [26]. A recent study showed that short-term HSCs are a heterogeneous population that differ significantly in terms of their ability to self-renew and repopulate the hematopoietic system [42].
Attempts to induce HSC to proliferate in vitroon many substrates, including those intended to mimic conditions in the stromahave frustrated scientists for many years. Although HSCs proliferate readily in vivo, they usually differentiate or die in vitro [26]. Thus, much of the research on HSCs has been focused on understanding the factors, cell-cell interactions, and cell-matrix interactions that control their proliferation and differentiation in vivo, with the hope that similar conditions could be replicated in vitro. Many of the soluble factors that regulate HSC differentiation in vivo are cytokines, which are made by different cell types and are then concentrated in the bone marrow by the extracellular matrix of stromal cellsthe sites of blood formation [45, 107]. Two of the most-studied cytokines are granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-3 (IL-3) [40, 81].
Also important to HSC proliferation and differentiation are interactions of the cells with adhesion molecules in the extracellular matrix of the bone marrow stroma [83, 101, 110].
Bone Marrow Stromal Cells. Bone marrow (BM) stromal cells have long been recognized for playing an important role in the differentiation of mature blood cells from HSCs (see Figure 4.3. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation). But stromal cells also have other important functions [30, 31]. In addition to providing the physical environment in which HSCs differentiate, BM stromal cells generate cartilage, bone, and fat. Whether stromal cells are best classified as stem cells or progenitor cells for these tissues is still in question. There is also a question as to whether BM stromal cells and so-called mesenchymal stem cells are the same population [78].
BM stromal cells have many features that distinguish them from HSCs. The two cell types are easy to separate in vitro. When bone marrow is dissociated, and the mixture of cells it contains is plated at low density, the stromal cells adhere to the surface of the culture dish, and the HSCs do not. Given specific in vitro conditions, BM stromal cells form colonies from a single cell called the colony forming unit-F (CFU-F). These colonies may then differentiate as adipocytes or myelosupportive stroma, a clonal assay that indicates the stem cell-like nature of stromal cells. Unlike HSCs, which do not divide in vitro (or proliferate only to a limited extent), BM stromal cells can proliferate for up to 35 population doublings in vitro [16]. They grow rapidly under the influence of such mitogens as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) [12].
To date, it has not been possible to isolate a population of pure stromal cells from bone marrow. Panels of markers used to identify the cells include receptors for certain cytokines (interleukin-1, 3, 4, 6, and 7) receptors for proteins in the extracellular matrix, (ICAM-1 and 2, VCAM-1, the alpha-1, 2, and 3 integrins, and the beta-1, 2, 3 and 4 integrins), etc. [64]. Despite the use of these markers and another stromal cell marker called Stro-1, the origin and specific identity of stromal cells have remained elusive. Like HSCs, BM stromal cells arise from embryonic mesoderm during development, although no specific precursor or stem cell for stromal cells has been isolated and identified. One theory about their origin is that a common kind of progenitor cellperhaps a primordial endothelial cell that lines embryonic blood vesselsgives rise to both HSCs and to mesodermal precursors. The latter may then differentiate into myogenic precursors (the satellite cells that are thought to function as stem cells in skeletal muscle), and the BM stromal cells [10].
In vivo, the differentiation of stromal cells into fat and bone is not straightforward. Bone marrow adipocytes and myelosupportive stromal cellsboth of which are derived from BM stromal cellsmay be regarded as interchangeable phenotypes [10, 11]. Adipocytes do not develop until postnatal life, as the bones enlarge and the marrow space increases to accommodate enhanced hematopoiesis. When the skeleton stops growing, and the mass of HSCs decreases in a normal, age-dependent fashion, BM stromal cells differentiate into adipocytes, which fill the extra space. New bone formation is obviously greater during skeletal growth, although bone "turns over" throughout life. Bone forming cells are osteoblasts, but their relationship to BM stromal cells is not clear. New trabecular bone, which is the inner region of bone next to the marrow, could logically develop from the action of BM stromal cells. But the outside surface of bone also turns over, as does bone next to the Haversian system (small canals that form concentric rings within bone). And neither of these surfaces is in contact with BM stromal cells [10, 11].
It is often difficultif not impossibleto distinguish adult, tissue-specific stem cells from progenitor cells. With that caveat in mind, the following summary identifies reports of stem cells in various adult tissues.
Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Endothelial cells line the inner surfaces of blood vessels throughout the body, and it has been difficult to identify specific endothelial stem cells in either the embryonic or the adult mammal. During embryonic development, just after gastrulation, a kind of cell called the hemangioblast, which is derived from mesoderm, is presumed to be the precursor of both the hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages. The embryonic vasculature formed at this stage is transient and consists of blood islands in the yolk sac. But hemangioblasts, per se, have not been isolated from the embryo and their existence remains in question. The process of forming new blood vessels in the embryo is called vasculogenesis. In the adult, the process of forming blood vessels from pre-existing blood vessels is called angiogenesis [50].
Evidence that hemangioblasts do exist comes from studies of mouse embryonic stem cells that are directed to differentiate in vitro. These studies have shown that a precursor cell derived from mouse ES cells that express Flk-1 [the receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in mice] can give rise to both blood cells and blood vessel cells [88, 109]. Both VEGF and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) play critical roles in endothelial cell differentiation in vivo [79].
Several recent reports indicate that the bone marrow contains cells that can give rise to new blood vessels in tissues that are ischemic (damaged due to the deprivation of blood and oxygen) [8, 29, 49, 94]. But it is unclear from these studies what cell type(s) in the bone marrow induced angiogenesis. In a study which sought to address that question, researchers found that adult human bone marrow contains cells that resemble embryonic hemangioblasts, and may therefore be called endothelial stem cells.
In more recent experiments, human bone marrow-derived cells were injected into the tail veins of rats with induced cardiac ischemia. The human cells migrated to the rat heart where they generated new blood vessels in the infarcted muscle (a process akin to vasculogenesis), and also induced angiogenesis. The candidate endothelial stem cells are CD34+(a marker for HSCs), and they express the transcription factor GATA-2 [51]. A similar study using transgenic mice that express the gene for enhanced green fluorescent protein (which allows the cells to be tracked), showed that bone-marrow-derived cells could repopulate an area of infarcted heart muscle in mice, and generate not only blood vessels, but also cardiomyocytes that integrated into the host tissue [71] (see Chapter 9. Can Stem Cells Repair a Damaged Heart?).
And, in a series of experiments in adult mammals, progenitor endothelial cells were isolated from peripheral blood (of mice and humans) by using antibodies against CD34 and Flk-1, the receptor for VEGF. The cells were mononuclear blood cells (meaning they have a nucleus) and are referred to as MBCD34+ cells and MBFlk1+ cells. When plated in tissue-culture dishes, the cells attached to the substrate, became spindle-shaped, and formed tube-like structures that resemble blood vessels. When transplanted into mice of the same species (autologous transplants) with induced ischemia in one limb, the MBCD34+ cells promoted the formation of new blood vessels [8]. Although the adult MBCD34+ and MBFlk1+ cells function in some ways like stem cells, they are usually regarded as progenitor cells.
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells. Skeletal muscle, like the cardiac muscle of the heart and the smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels, the digestive system, and the respiratory system, is derived from embryonic mesoderm. To date, at least three populations of skeletal muscle stem cells have been identified: satellite cells, cells in the wall of the dorsal aorta, and so-called "side population" cells.
Satellite cells in skeletal muscle were identified 40 years ago in frogs by electron microscopy [62], and thereafter in mammals [84]. Satellite cells occur on the surface of the basal lamina of a mature muscle cell, or myofiber. In adult mammals, satellite cells mediate muscle growth [85]. Although satellite cells are normally non-dividing, they can be triggered to proliferate as a result of injury, or weight-bearing exercise. Under either of these circumstances, muscle satellite cells give rise to myogenic precursor cells, which then differentiate into the myofibrils that typify skeletal muscle. A group of transcription factors called myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) play important roles in these differentiation events. The so-called primary MRFs, MyoD and Myf5, help regulate myoblast formation during embryogenesis. The secondary MRFs, myogenin and MRF4, regulate the terminal differentiation of myofibrils [86].
With regard to satellite cells, scientists have been addressing two questions. Are skeletal muscle satellite cells true adult stem cells or are they instead precursor cells? Are satellite cells the only cell type that can regenerate skeletal muscle. For example, a recent report indicates that muscle stem cells may also occur in the dorsal aorta of mouse embryos, and constitute a cell type that gives rise both to muscle satellite cells and endothelial cells. Whether the dorsal aorta cells meet the criteria of a self-renewing muscle stem cell is a matter of debate [21].
Another report indicates that a different kind of stem cell, called an SP cell, can also regenerate skeletal muscle may be present in muscle and bone marrow. SP stands for a side population of cells that can be separated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. Intravenously injecting these muscle-derived stem cells restored the expression of dystrophin in mdx mice. Dystrophin is the protein that is defective in people with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy; mdx mice provide a model for the human disease. Dystrophin expression in the SP cell-treated mice was lower than would be needed for clinical benefit. Injection of bone marrow- or muscle-derived SP cells into the dystrophic muscle of the mice yielded equivocal results that the transplanted cells had integrated into the host tissue. The authors conclude that a similar population of SP stem cells can be derived from either adult mouse bone marrow or skeletal muscle, and suggest "there may be some direct relationship between bone marrow-derived stem cells and other tissue- or organ-specific cells" [43]. Thus, stem cell or progenitor cell types from various mesodermally-derived tissues may be able to generate skeletal muscle.
Epithelial Cell Precursors in the Skin and Digestive System. Epithelial cells, which constitute 60 percent of the differentiated cells in the body are responsible for covering the internal and external surfaces of the body, including the lining of vessels and other cavities. The epithelial cells in skin and the digestive tract are replaced constantly. Other epithelial cell populationsin the ducts of the liver or pancreas, for exampleturn over more slowly. The cell population that renews the epithelium of the small intestine occurs in the intestinal crypts, deep invaginations in the lining of the gut. The crypt cells are often regarded as stem cells; one of them can give rise to an organized cluster of cells called a structural-proliferative unit [93].
The skin of mammals contains at least three populations of epithelial cells: epidermal cells, hair follicle cells, and glandular epithelial cells, such as those that make up the sweat glands. The replacement patterns for epithelial cells in these three compartments differ, and in all the compartments, a stem cell population has been postulated. For example, stem cells in the bulge region of the hair follicle appear to give rise to multiple cell types. Their progeny can migrate down to the base of the follicle where they become matrix cells, which may then give rise to different cell types in the hair follicle, of which there are seven [39]. The bulge stem cells of the follicle may also give rise to the epidermis of the skin [95].
Another population of stem cells in skin occurs in the basal layer of the epidermis. These stem cells proliferate in the basal region, and then differentiate as they move toward the outer surface of the skin. The keratinocytes in the outermost layer lack nuclei and act as a protective barrier. A dividing skin stem cell can divide asymmetrically to produce two kinds of daughter cells. One is another self-renewing stem cell. The second kind of daughter cell is an intermediate precursor cell which is then committed to replicate a few times before differentiating into keratinocytes. Self-renewing stem cells can be distinguished from this intermediate precusor cell by their higher level of 1 integrin expression, which signals keratinocytes to proliferate via a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase [112]. Other signaling pathways include that triggered by -catenin, which helps maintain the stem-cell state [111], and the pathway regulated by the oncoprotein c-Myc, which triggers stem cells to give rise to transit amplifying cells [36].
Stem Cells in the Pancreas and Liver. The status of stem cells in the adult pancreas and liver is unclear. During embryonic development, both tissues arise from endoderm. A recent study indicates that a single precursor cell derived from embryonic endoderm may generate both the ventral pancreas and the liver [23]. In adult mammals, however, both the pancreas and the liver contain multiple kinds of differentiated cells that may be repopulated or regenerated by multiple types of stem cells. In the pancreas, endocrine (hormone-producing) cells occur in the islets of Langerhans. They include the beta cells (which produce insulin), the alpha cells (which secrete glucagon), and cells that release the peptide hormones somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. Stem cells in the adult pancreas are postulated to occur in the pancreatic ducts or in the islets themselves. Several recent reports indicate that stem cells that express nestinwhich is usually regarded as a marker of neural stem cellscan generate all of the cell types in the islets [60, 113] (see Chapter 7. Stem Cells and Diabetes).
The identity of stem cells that can repopulate the liver of adult mammals is also in question. Recent studies in rodents indicate that HSCs (derived from mesoderm) may be able to home to liver after it is damaged, and demonstrate plasticity in becoming into hepatocytes (usually derived from endoderm) [54, 77, 97]. But the question remains as to whether cells from the bone marrow normally generate hepatocytes in vivo. It is not known whether this kind of plasticity occurs without severe damage to the liver or whether HSCs from the bone marrow generate oval cells of the liver [18]. Although hepatic oval cells exist in the liver, it is not clear whether they actually generate new hepatocytes [87, 98]. Oval cells may arise from the portal tracts in liver and may give rise to either hepatocytes [19, 55] and to the epithelium of the bile ducts [37, 92]. Indeed, hepatocytes themselves, may be responsible for the well-know regenerative capacity of liver.
Chapter 3|Table of Contents|Chapter 5
Historical content: June 17, 2001
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4. The Adult Stem Cell | stemcells.nih.gov
Michael Schumacher will be treated in Paris with stem cells – The Times Hub
By daniellenierenberg
German racing driver, Formula 1 Michael Schumacher was hospitalized in one of medical institutions of Paris for the holding of special procedures, namely therapy using stem cells. According to the wife of a holder of numerous records, her husband decided not to disseminate information about their own health, but the woman said that the former athlete is in good hands.
In early autumn last year Michael Schumacher was taken to Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou, located in Paris, it was said that seven-time world champion was conscious. The athlete was placed in the division of cardiovascular surgery, and to fight for the health of Schumacher took 69-year-old Professor and renowned cardiac surgeon Phillip Menashe, the first at the time transplantiversary patients muscle stem cells from human myocardial infarction.
According to preliminary reports, Schumacher is in the hospital plan to treat the nervous system, but doctors doubt the effectiveness of stem cell therapy to regenerate its functioning. While these experiments have not brought positive results over the last thirty years, writes the Express.
Natasha Kumar is a general assignment reporter at the Times Hub. She has covered sports, entertainment and many other beats in her journalism career, and has lived in Manhattan for more than 8 years. Natasha has appeared periodically on national television shows and has been published in (among others) Hindustan Times.? Times of India
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Michael Schumacher will be treated in Paris with stem cells - The Times Hub
MicroCures Announces Issuance of New Patent Covering First-of-its-Kind Cell Movement Decelerator Technology with Potential Applications in Oncology…
By daniellenierenberg
New Japanese Patent Further Strengthens Intellectual Property Portfolio Covering Companys Novel Platform for Precisely Controlling Core Cell Migration Mechanisms
Decelerator Technology Serves as Key Complement to Companys Cell Motility Accelerator Platform for Enhanced Tissue Repair
NEW YORK, Jan. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MicroCures, a biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutics that harness the bodys innate regenerative mechanisms to accelerate tissue repair, today announced the issuance of a new Japanese patent providing broad protection for the companys first-of-its-kind cell movement decelerator technology, which has potential therapeutic applications in combating cancer metastases and fibrosis. The companys decelerator technology is being developed alongside MicroCures accelerator technology, which is designed to enhance recovery after trauma. With the newly issued Japanese patent (#6562906), the companys global patent estate now includes eight issued and eight pending patents covering its underlying technology, as well as the therapeutic programs that have emerged from the platform.
MicroCures technology is based on foundational scientific research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The company has shown that complex and dynamic networks of microtubules within cells crucially control cell migration, and that this cell movement can be reliably modulated to achieve a range of therapeutic benefits. Based on these findings, the company has established a first-of-its-kind proprietary platform to create siRNA-based therapeutics capable of precisely controlling the speed and direction of cell movement by selectively silencing microtubule regulatory proteins (MRPs).
The company has developed a broad pipeline of therapeutic programs with an initial focus in the area of tissue, nerve and organ repair. Unlike regenerative medicine approaches that rely upon engineered materials or systemic growth factor/stem cell therapeutics, MicroCures accelerator technology directs and enhances the bodys inherent healing processes through local, temporary modulation of cell motility. Additionally, the company is developing a decelerator technology based on the same foundational science. Instead of accelerating cell movement for therapeutic repair and regeneration, this technology is designed to slow or halt the movement of cells, potentially offering a unique, natural approach to preventing cancer metastases and fibrosis.
We have been diligent in building a strong and extensive intellectual property portfolio around our pioneering work focused on precisely controlling core cell migration mechanisms to achieve targeted therapeutic outcomes. This newly issued Japanese patent represents the latest layer of protection for our novel therapeutic platform and the broad pipeline of therapeutic programs that have emerged from it, said Derek Proudian, co-founder and chief executive officer of MicroCures. Not only does this patent portfolio position MicroCures as the industry leader in therapeutic modulation of cell movement, it also opens the company up to a broad range of partnering and licensing opportunities with life science companies of all types.
About MicroCures
MicroCures develops biopharmaceuticals that harness innate cellular mechanisms within the body to precisely control the rate and direction of cell migration, offering the potential to deliver powerful therapeutic benefits for a variety of large and underserved medical applications.
MicroCures has developed a broad pipeline of novel therapeutic programs with an initial focus in the area of tissue, nerve and organ repair. The companys lead therapeutic candidate, siFi2, targets excisional wound healing, a multi-billion dollar market inadequately served by current treatments. Additional applications for the companys cell migration accelerator technology include dermal burn repair, corneal burn repair, cavernous nerve regeneration, spinal cord regeneration, and cardiac tissue repair. Cell migration decelerator applications include combatting cancer metastases and fibrosis. The company protects its unique platform and proprietary therapeutic programs with a robust intellectual property portfolio including eight issued or allowed patents, as well as eight pending patent applications.
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For more information please visit: http://www.microcures.com
Contact:Vida Strategic Partners (On behalf of MicroCures)
Stephanie Diaz (investors)415-675-7401sdiaz@vidasp.com
Tim Brons (media)415-675-7402 tbrons@vidasp.com
Tacitus Therapeutics Launches in Collaboration with Mount Sinai to Develop Stem Cell Therapies for Life-Threatening Diseases – Yahoo Finance
By daniellenierenberg
Tacitus Therapeutics exclusively licenses technology for expansion, differentiation and engineering of hematopoietic stem cells for use in therapeutic applications
NEW YORK, Jan. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Tacitus Therapeutics, a clinical-stage company, has launched in collaboration with the Mount Sinai Health System to develop stem cell therapies initially targeting blood cancers and related clotting disorders. Their first therapy, HSC100, currently is being investigated in a Phase I clinical trial1.
Tacitus is building upon technology developed by and exclusively licensed from Mount Sinai. Based on research by scientific co-founders Ronald Hoffman, M.D., and Camelia Iancu-Rubin, Ph.D., the technology includes proprietary cell expansion, differentiation and engineering methods. Together, these methods manufacture healthy cells that overcome the limitations of traditional allogeneic, or donor, cell transplantations.
Blood cancers comprise about 10% of new cancer cases in the U.S. each year, and almost 60,000 people die from blood cancer complications annually. Most blood cancers start in the bone marrow, where blood is produced. A common therapy for such blood cancers is a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) treatment or, as more commonly referred to, bone marrow transplantation. In this process, doctors infuse healthy HSCs into the patient's bloodstream, where they migrate to the bone marrow to grow or engraft.
HSCs for this process can be collected from bone marrow, circulating blood, or umbilical cord blood (CB) of healthy donors. While HSC transplants are common, significant barriers to success exist, including high levels of graft-versus-host disease, low numbers of healthy cells obtained from CB, and increased risk of bleeding due to delayed megakaryocyte, or platelet, engraftment.
Hoffman and Iancu-Rubin are pioneers of bone marrow cell therapy treatments, and development of this technology was enabled by the New York State Stem Cell Science program, NYSTEM. As a New York State Department of Health initiative, NYSTEM awarded a $1 million grant to Hoffman in 2010 that supported the original research underpinning this platform technology. In 2015, NYSTEM awarded Hoffman and Iancu-Rubin an $8 million grant to translate the technology from the laboratory into the clinic, where it is currently in clinical trial1.
Hoffman also serves as Director of the Myeloproliferative Disorders Research Program and Professor of Medicine (Hematology and Medical Oncology) and Iancu-Rubin is Associate Professor of Pathology at the Icahn School of Medicine and Director of the Cellular Therapy Laboratory at Mount Sinai Hospital.
"Promising discoveries by Mount Sinai scientific thought leaders may lead to new, essential cell-based therapies that will broadly benefit patients," said Erik Lium, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Innovation Officer, Mount Sinai Innovation Partners. "We're pleased to be collaborating with Tacitus to launch the next stage of development for these technologies."
"Tacitus is committed in its mission to advance next-generation cell therapies with curative potential," said Carter Cliff, CEO of Tacitus. "Based on our founders' solid foundation of research, we are translating these discoveries into broad clinical practice as we look to dramatically improve the standard of care for patients with life-threatening conditions."
About HSC100
HSC100 is an investigational therapy based on allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) expanded from umbilical cord blood. HSC100 is being investigated currently in an open-label Phase I clinical trial1 in the United States for treatment of hematological malignancies. The success of unmanipulated cord blood as a source of stem cells has been hampered by the small number of stem cells present in a single cord, leading to delayed engraftment and frequent graft failure. Our proprietary technology includes the use of an epigenetic modifier, valproic acid, to expand the number and the quality of HSCs found in cord blood collections. For more information on HSC100 clinical trials, please visit http://www.clinicaltrials.gov.
1ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT03885947.
About Tacitus Therapeutics
Tacitus Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing advanced medicines for treatment of blood cancers, immune disorders and other intractable disease conditions. Our mission is to pioneer best-in-class therapies using proprietary cell expansion, differentiation and engineering platform technologies that overcome the limitations of traditional cell transplantation. Initial targets include a lead clinical program (HSC100) investigating the treatment of blood cancers, followed by preclinical programs to address clotting disorders and other serious unmet medical needs. For additional information, please visit http://www.tacitustherapeutics.com.
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About Mount Sinai Health System
The Mount Sinai Health System is New York City's largest integrated delivery system, encompassing eight hospitals, a leading medical school, and a vast network of ambulatory practices throughout the greater New York region. Mount Sinai's vision is to produce the safest care, the highest quality, the highest satisfaction, the best access and the best value of any health system in the nation. The Health System includes approximately 7,480 primary and specialty care physicians; 11 joint-venture ambulatory surgery centers; more than 410 ambulatory practices throughout the five boroughs of New York City, Westchester, Long Island, and Florida; and 31 affiliated community health centers. The Icahn School of Medicine is one of three medical schools that have earned distinction by multiple indicators: ranked in the top 20 by U.S. News & World Report's "Best Medical Schools", aligned with a U.S. News & World Report's "Honor Roll" Hospital, No. 12 in the nation for National Institutes of Health funding, and among the top 10 most innovative research institutions as ranked by the journal Nature in its Nature Innovation Index. This reflects a special level of excellence in education, clinical practice, and research. The Mount Sinai Hospital is ranked No. 14 on U.S. News & World Report's "Honor Roll" of top U.S. hospitals; it is one of the nation's top 20 hospitals in Cardiology/Heart Surgery, Diabetes/Endocrinology, Gastroenterology/GI Surgery, Geriatrics, Gynecology, Nephrology, Neurology/Neurosurgery, and Orthopedics in the 2019-2020 "Best Hospitals" issue. Mount Sinai's Kravis Children's Hospital also is ranked nationally in five out of ten pediatric specialties by U.S. News & World Report. The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai is ranked 12th nationally for Ophthalmology, Mount Sinai St. Luke's and Mount Sinai West are ranked 23rd nationally for Nephrology and 25th for Diabetes/Endocrinology, and Mount Sinai South Nassau is ranked 35th nationally for Urology. Mount Sinai Beth Israel, Mount Sinai St. Luke's, Mount Sinai West, and Mount Sinai South Nassau are ranked regionally. For more information, visit http://www.mountsinai.org or find Mount Sinai on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
About Mount Sinai Innovation Partners (MSIP)
MSIP is responsible for driving the real-world application and commercialization of Mount Sinai discoveries and inventions and the development of research partnerships with industry. Our aim is to translate discoveries and inventions into health care products and services that benefit patients and society. MSIP is accountable for the full spectrum of commercialization activities required to bring Mount Sinai inventions to life. These activities include evaluating, patenting, marketing and licensing new technologies building research, collaborations and partnerships with commercial and nonprofit entities, material transfer and confidentiality, coaching innovators to advance commercially relevant translational discoveries, and actively fostering an ecosystem of entrepreneurship within the Mount Sinai research and health system communities. For more information, please visit http://www.ip.mountsinai.orgor find MSIP onLinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook,Medium, and YouTube.
Media Contacts:
Mount Sinai Cynthia Cleto Mount Sinai Innovation Partners (646) 605-7359 cynthia.cleto@mmsm.edu
Tacitus TherapeuticsJoleen RauRau Communications(608) 209-0792232130@email4pr.com
View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/tacitus-therapeutics-launches-in-collaboration-with-mount-sinai-to-develop-stem-cell-therapies-for-life-threatening-diseases-300984051.html
SOURCE Tacitus Therapeutics
See the article here:
Tacitus Therapeutics Launches in Collaboration with Mount Sinai to Develop Stem Cell Therapies for Life-Threatening Diseases - Yahoo Finance
Actinium Pharmaceuticals Announces Iomab-ACT Program Gene Therapy Collaboration with UC Davis in Ongoing Clinical Trial for Patients with HIV-Related…
By daniellenierenberg
- Trial will replace currently used chemotherapy conditioning with apamistamab-I-131, Actinium's targeted conditioning ARC, to selectively eliminate lymphoma cancer cells and stem cells to enable engraftment of stem cell gene therapy
- Anti-HIV stem cell gene therapy intended to simultaneously treat patients' HIV-related lymphoma and develop immune cells resistant to HIV
NEW YORK, Jan. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE AMERICAN: ATNM) ("Actinium"), announced today that it has entered into an agreement with the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) to utilize Actinium's Antibody Radiation-Conjugate or ARC apamistamab-I-131 for targeted conditioning and replace the chemotherapy conditioning being used in an ongoing Phase 1/2 stem cell gene therapy clinical trial. In the trial, patients with relapsed or refractory HIV-related lymphoma are being treated with autologous stem cell gene therapy. This is the first gene therapy clinical trial that will utilize ARC based conditioning. The clinical trial will be conducted at UC Davis and may be expanded to additional sites in the future.
(PRNewsfoto/Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.)
Dr. Mehrdad Abedi, Professor, Hematology and Oncology at UC Davis and study lead, said, "This collaboration represents an exciting combination of revolutionary technologies that could further our ability to treat patients with HIV and other life-threatening diseases with gene therapy. Despite the advances made in the field of gene therapy, the reliance on non-targeted chemotherapy and external radiation as conditioning regimens is less than optimal and poses a problem that we hope to reduce or eliminate as part of this collaboration by replacing our conditioning regimen in this study with Actinium's ARC based targeted conditioning. Advances in HIV therapies have dramatically improved patient survival, but current therapies require life-long daily use to keep the HIV virus at bay, can have severe side effects, may be overcome by HIV resistance and do not address the needs of all patients like those in this study with HIV-related lymphomas. We envision a future where a single treatment of our stem cell gene therapy can cure patients of their lymphoma and HIV leaving the patient with a new immune system that can fight, be resistant to and prevent the mutation of HIV. Apamistamab-I-131's demonstrated antitumor effect against lymphoma and ability to condition patients in a targeted manner with a demonstrated tolerable safety profile in the bone marrow transplant setting makes it an ideal conditioning agent for this patient population. Based on these factors and extensive supporting clinical data in the Iomab-B program, we selected this ARC as the conditioning agent for the next phase of our trial as we believe antibody radiation-conjugates are more advanced and hold distinct advantages over novel but unproven conditioning technologies such as Antibody Drug Conjugates and naked antibodies that are beginning to be developed albeit at the preclinical stage."
In the current clinical trial, the anti-HIV stem cell gene therapy is produced by taking a patient's own or autologous, blood forming stem cells and genetically modifying them via gene therapy with a combination of three anti-HIV genes. The intended result is for the gene modified bone marrow stem cells to produce a new immune system and newly arising immune cells that are resistant to HIV via a single treatment. Conditioning is necessary prior to adoptive cell therapies such as gene therapy to eliminate certain cell types such as immune cells and stem cells in the bone marrow so the transplanted cells can engraft. Until now, conditioning in this trial, as is typical, used a multi-drug chemotherapy regimen administered over several days. This approach is non-targeted, associated with toxicities that impairs patients and restricts the use and efficacy of cellular therapy. Apamistamab-I-131, which requires just one therapeutic administration, will displace the non-targeted chemotherapy to condition patients in a targeted manner with the goal of reducing conditioning related toxicities and improving patient outcomes. Actinium and UC David will cross-reference their respective Investigational New Drug applications and will work collaboratively to obtain necessary regulatory and institutional approvals. In this clinical collaboration, Actinium will provide drug product, support for its administration and certain trial costs. UC Davis will be responsible for the production of the anti-HIV stem cell gene therapy and overall conduct of the study and its cost.
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Dr. Dale Ludwig, Actinium's Chief Scientific Officer, said, "We are excited to be working with Dr. Abedi on this clinical study and we appreciate his recognition of the value of our Iomab-ACT targeted conditioning program may provide in support of gene stem cell therapy. This targeted approach using our CD45 ARC, enables both anti-tumor activity and effective conditioning with the potential for reduced toxicity compared to non-targeted chemotherapy and external radiation in the bone marrow transplant setting. Supported by extensive clinical investigation in 12 trials and over 300 patients, a single therapeutic dose of apamistamab-I-131 is sufficient for conditioning and, due to its dual activity, even a patient with active disease could expect to receive therapy within two weeks, which is anticipated to lead to better outcomes compared to chemotherapy, external beam radiation, or exploratory approaches such as naked antibodies or Antibody Drug Conjugates. In addition, CD45, the target of apamistamab-I-131, is ideal for targeted conditioning, as it is not expressed outside of the haemopoietic system and, because it is a poorly internalizing receptor. An ARC approach which does not require internalization of its radionuclide warhead for target cell killing, is anticipated to be more viable and more effective than Antibody Drug Conjugate approaches which need to internalize their payloads. Given the potential of this ARC targeted conditioning technology for bone marrow transplant, we are grateful to Dr. Abedi for the opportunity to advance the Iomab-ACT program into the promising field of gene stem cell therapy."
Sandesh Seth, Actinium's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, "Actinium is thrilled to be working with UC Davis and honored to now be part of this important trial. It has become evident that better conditioning regimens are needed for cell and gene therapies to reach their full potential. Our team is proud to be the first company to establish a clinical stage targeted conditioning portfolio for both cell and gene therapy. We are pleased to extend our ARC technology for targeted conditioning into these rapidly advancing fields and we are committed to establishing a strong leadership position in enabling these adoptive cell therapies fully realize their great potential for improving patients' lives."
Apamistamab-I-131's demonstrated conditioning and antitumor effect in lymphoma1
Actinium's apamistamab-I-131 ARC has been studied as a targeted conditioning agent in over 300 patients in the bone marrow transplant setting in the Iomab-B Program and is currently being studied in a pivotal Phase 3 clinical (SIERRA) trial in patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia. Clinical proof of concept has been established with Iomab-B for targeted conditioning in high-risk, relapsed or refractory lymphoma patients prior to an autologous stem cell transplant where a favorable safety profile with no dose limiting toxicities and minimal non-hematologic toxicities observed and promising efficacy with median overall survival not reached (range: 29 months to infinity) and 31% of patients in prolonged remission at a median of 36 months follow up (range: 25 41 months)1.
1) Cassaday et al. Phase I Study of a CD45-Targeted AntibodyRadionuclide Conjugate for High-Risk Lymphoma. AACR Clin Cancer Res Published OnlineFirst September 3, 2019
About Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing ARCs or Antibody Radiation-Conjugates, which combine the targeting ability of antibodies with the cell killing ability of radiation. Actinium's lead application for our ARCs is targeted conditioning, which is intended to selectively deplete a patient's disease or cancer cells and certain immune cells prior to a BMT or Bone Marrow Transplant, Gene Therapy or Adoptive Cell Therapy (ACT) such as CAR-T to enable engraftment of these transplanted cells with minimal toxicities. With our ARC approach, we seek to improve patient outcomes and access to these potentially curative treatments by eliminating or reducing the non-targeted chemotherapy that is used for conditioning in standard practice currently. Our lead product candidate, apamistamab-I-131 (Iomab-B) is being studied in the ongoing pivotal Phase 3 Study of Iomab-B in Elderly Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (SIERRA) trial for BMT conditioning. The SIERRA trial is over fifty percent enrolled and promising single-agent, feasibility and safety data has been highlighted at ASH, TCT, ASCO and SOHO annual meetings. Apatmistamamb-I-131 will also be studied as a targeted conditioning agent in a Phase 1/2 anti-HIV stem cell gene therapy with UC Davis and is expected to be studied with a CAR-T therapy in 2020. In addition, we are developing a multi-disease, multi-target pipeline of clinical-stage ARCs targeting the antigens CD45 and CD33 for targeted conditioning and as a therapeutic either in combination with other therapeutic modalities or as a single agent for patients with a broad range of hematologic malignancies including acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome and multiple myeloma. Ongoing combination trials include our CD33 alpha ARC, Actimab-A, in combination with the salvage chemotherapy CLAG-M and the Bcl-2 targeted therapy venetoclax. Underpinning our clinical programs is our proprietary AWE (Antibody Warhead Enabling) technology platform. This is where our intellectual property portfolio of over 100 patents, know-how, collective research and expertise in the field are being leveraged to construct and study novel ARCs and ARC combinations to bolster our pipeline for strategic purposes. Our AWE technology platform is currently being utilized in a collaborative research partnership with Astellas Pharma, Inc.
Forward-Looking Statements for Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
This press release may contain projections or other "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe-harbor" provisions of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 regarding future events or the future financial performance of the Company which the Company undertakes no obligation to update. These statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated or estimated future results, including the risks and uncertainties associated with preliminary study results varying from final results, estimates of potential markets for drugs under development, clinical trials, actions by the FDA and other governmental agencies, regulatory clearances, responses to regulatory matters, the market demand for and acceptance of Actinium's products and services, performance of clinical research organizations and other risks detailed from time to time in Actinium's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), including without limitation its most recent annual report on form 10-K, subsequent quarterly reports on Forms 10-Q and Forms 8-K, each as amended and supplemented from time to time.
Investors:Hans VitzthumLifeSci Advisors, LLCHans@LifeSciAdvisors.com(617) 535-7743
Media:Alisa Steinberg, Director, IR & Corp Commsasteinberg@actiniumpharma.com(646) 237-4087
View original content to download multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/actinium-pharmaceuticals-announces-iomab-act-program-gene-therapy-collaboration-with-uc-davis-in-ongoing-clinical-trial-for-patients-with-hiv-related-lymphoma-300985502.html
SOURCE Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Bomedemstat Receives Fast Track Status for Essential Thrombocythemia – Monthly Prescribing Reference
By daniellenierenberg
Home News Drugs in the Pipeline
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Fast Track designation to bomedemstat (IMG-7289; Imago BioSciences) for the treatment of essential thrombocythemia, a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by high platelet counts.
[Essential thrombocythemia] is a quiet bone marrow cancer that can linger for years, said Hugh Young Rienhoff, Jr. MD, CEO, Imago Biosciences. In a subset of patients, the excess of platelets leads to bleeding and clotting including strokes and infractions, each having a significant impact on these patients.
Bomedemstat is believed to inhibit lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1 or KDM1A), an enzyme that plays an important role in the production and function of megakaryocytes and in self-renewal of malignant hematopoietic stem cells. The investigational agent has been shown to be effective in preclinical studies across a range of myeloid malignancy models. The Company plans to initiate a phase 2 trial to assess bomedemstat in patients with essential thrombocythemia.
With only one FDA approved therapy, one that does not increase overall survival, patients are in desperate need of new options. Based on its mechanism and safety data obtained to date, we believe bomedemstat has the promise to be that new treatment, added Rienhoff.
For more information visit imagobio.com.
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Bomedemstat Receives Fast Track Status for Essential Thrombocythemia - Monthly Prescribing Reference
Helen Obando Is The Youngest To Successfully Undergo Sickle Cell Therapy – Moms
By daniellenierenberg
Sickle cell disease is a painful condition that thousands of kids have to endure. The genetic disease impacts the blood, but it can cause organ damage and other issues, including lots of pain.
Most of the time there is no end in sight, which makes it even harder on families. But the bravery of one teen is helping scientists to develop a potential cure that could change the lives of so many.
Helen Obando recently became the youngest person to ever go through a special gene therapy using stem cells.
The usual treatment for sickle cell therapy is a bone marrow transplant form a healthy sibling, but Helen's older sister Haylee also has sickle cell, so that isn't really an option for the family.
The Obandos were excited to learn about an experimental treatment that has the potential to flip the switch on the genetics and actually cure the disease.
Scientists are hoping that the new treatment could help people with a number of genetic conditions using a technique to manipulate the DNA.
Helen had to spend four weeks in the hospital after her infusion to get strong enough to go home, and they don't know yet if the treatment has worked.
The poor girl has gone through a lot. Her pelvis was harmed before she even turned 1, and at 2, her spleen had to be removed. She's had a lot of painful episodes, and while Haylee was able to match with their younger brother Ryan for a bone marrow transplant, that wasn't an option for Helen.
In the Boston Globe, Helen's mom said that she was scared of the gene therapy option when she first heard of it. But she decided that it was worth the risk to have a chance at being healthy.
Six months since the treatment, it's so far, so good. Helen's hemoglobin levels are at a point that she has never achieved. She actually has no signs of sickle cell right now, and that is just amazing.
What a brave girl to go through a risky procedure.It's a big burden for a teenager to bear, but luckily things have worked out well so far. We hope that Helen continues to find success and health in the new year.
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Boy Recovers From Kidney Transplant After Father Murdered His Mother
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Helen Obando Is The Youngest To Successfully Undergo Sickle Cell Therapy - Moms
BioLineRx Receives Orphan Drug Designation for Motixafortide (BL-8040) for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer in Europe – Olean Times Herald
By daniellenierenberg
TEL AVIV, Israel, Jan. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- BioLineRx Ltd. (NASDAQ: BLRX) (TASE: BLRX), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on oncology, today announced that the European Commission (EC) has granted Orphan Drug Designation to its lead oncology candidate, Motixafortide (BL-8040), for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, based on a positive opinion from the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Last year, Motixafortide received Orphan Drug Designation for the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
"The Orphan Drug status we received for Motixafortide, from both the US and European regulatory bodies, is of significant strategic importance for the development of our lead product for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, an extremely difficult to treat indication with a poor response to the currently available treatments," stated Philip Serlin, Chief Executive Officer of BioLineRx."We recently reported very encouraging initial data from the triple combination arm of our ongoing Phase 2a COMBAT/KEYNOTE-202 studyin second line metastatic pancreatic cancer patients, which served as the basis for this ODD, and we believe that this designation will maximize the potential to make this new treatment available for patients in the fastest way possible."
Motixafortide is currently being evaluated in a Phase 2a study for the treatment of pancreatic cancer in combination with KEYTRUDA and chemotherapy under a collaboration agreement with Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, N.J., USA (known as MSD outside the United States and Canada).
The EMA grants orphan medicinal product designation to investigational drugs intended to treat, prevent or diagnose a life-threatening or chronically debilitating disease affecting fewer than five in 10,000 people in the EU and for which no satisfactory treatment is available or, if such treatment exists, the medicine must be of significant benefit to those affected by the condition. Orphan medicinal product designation provides regulatory and financial incentives for companies to develop and market therapies, including ten years of market exclusivity, protocol assistance, fee reductions and EU-funded research.
About Motixafortide in Cancer Immunotherapy
Motixafortide is targeting CXCR4, a chemokine receptor and a well validated therapeutic target that is over-expressed in many human cancers including PDAC. CXCR4 plays a key role in tumor growth, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis and therapeutic resistance, and CXCR4 overexpression has been shown to be correlated with poor prognosis.
Motixafortide is a short synthetic peptide used as a platform for cancer immunotherapy with unique features allowing it to function as a best-in-class antagonist of CXCR4. It shows high-affinity, long receptor occupancy and acts as an inverse agonist.
In a number of clinical and preclinical studies, Motixafortide has been shown to affect multiple modes of action in "cold" tumors, including immune cell trafficking, tumor infiltration by immune effector T cells, and reduction in immunosuppressive cells (such as MDSCs) within the tumor niche, turning "cold" tumors, such as pancreatic cancer, into "hot" (i.e., sensitizing them to immune checkpoint inhibitors and chemotherapy).
About Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer has a low rate of early diagnosis and a poor prognosis. Its incidence rate in the US is estimated at 3.2% of new cancer cases. Each year, about 185,000 individuals globally are diagnosed with this condition, and an estimated 55,000 individuals were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the US during 2018. Symptoms are usually non-specific and as a result, pancreatic cancer is often not diagnosed until it reaches an advanced stage. Surgical resection does not offer adequate treatment since only 20% of patients have resectable tumors at the time of diagnosis. The overall five-year survival rate among all pancreatic cancer patients is 7-8%, which constitutes the highest mortality rate among solid tumor malignancies. The overall median survival is less than one year from diagnosis, highlighting the need for the development of new therapeutic options.
Despite advances in chemotherapeutics and immunotherapy, increases in median and overall survival rates in pancreatic cancer have been modest. Pancreatic cancer remains an area of unmet medical need, with no new approved therapies since the approval of nab-paclitaxel in combination with gemcitabine (Abraxane) for first-line treatment in 2013 and Onivyde in combination with fluorouracil and leucovorin for second-line treatment in 2015. The limited clinical benefits demonstrated by these existing standard treatment options reinforce the need for additional approaches.
About BioLineRx
BioLineRx Ltd. (NASDAQ/TASE: BLRX) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on oncology. The Company's business model is to in-license novel compounds, develop them through clinical stages, and then partner with pharmaceutical companies for further clinical development and/or commercialization.
The Company'slead program, Motixafortide (BL-8040), is a cancer therapy platform currently being evaluated in a Phase 2a study for the treatment of pancreatic cancer in combination with KEYTRUDA and chemotherapy under a collaboration agreement with MSD. Motixafortide is also being evaluated in a Phase 2b study in consolidation AML and a Phase 3 study in stem cell mobilization for autologous bone-marrow transplantation. In addition, the Company has an ongoing collaboration agreement with Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, evaluating Motixafortide in combination with Genentech's atezolizumab in two Phase 1b/2 solid tumor studies.
BioLineRx is developing a second oncology program, AGI-134, an immunotherapy treatment for multiple solid tumors that is currently being undergoing in a Phase 1/2a study.
For additional information on BioLineRx, please visit the Company's website at http://www.biolinerx.com, where you can review the Company's SEC filings, press releases, announcements and events. BioLineRx industry updates are also regularly updated on Facebook,Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Various statements in this release concerning BioLineRx's future expectations constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include words such as "may," "expects," "anticipates," "believes," and "intends," and describe opinions about future events. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of BioLineRx to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Some of these risks are: changes in relationships with collaborators; the impact of competitive products and technological changes; risks relating to the development of new products; and the ability to implement technological improvements. These and other factors are more fully discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of BioLineRx's most recent annual report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 28, 2019. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent BioLineRx's views only as of the date of this release and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. BioLineRx does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements unless required by law.
Contact:Tim McCarthyLifeSci Advisors, LLC+1-212-915-2564tim@lifesciadvisors.com
Tsipi HaitovskyPublic Relations+972-52-598-9892tsipihai5@gmail.com
There is a new player in adult bone healing – Baylor College of Medicine News
By daniellenierenberg
Adult bone repair relies on the activation of bone stem cells, which still remain poorly characterized. Bone stem cells have been found both in the bone marrow and in the outer layer of tissue, called periosteum, that envelopes the bone. Of the two, periosteal stem cells are the least understood.
Having a better understanding of how adult bones heal could reveal new ways of repair fractures faster and help find novel treatments for osteoporosis. Dr. Dongsu Park and his colleagues at Baylor College of Medicine investigate adult bone healing and recently uncovered a new mechanism that has potential therapeutic applications.
Previous studies have shown that bone marrow and periosteal stem cells, although they share many characteristics, also have unique functions and specific regulatory mechanisms, said Park, who is assistant professor of molecular and human genetics and of pathology and immunology at Baylor.
It is known that these two types of bone stem cells comprise a heterogeneous population that can contribute to bone thickness, shaping and fracture repair, but scientists had not been able to distinguish between different subtypes of bone stem cells and study how their different functions are regulated.
In the current study, Park and his colleagues developed a method to identify different subpopulations of periosteal stem cells, define their contribution to bone fracture repair in live mouse models and identify specific factors that regulate their migration and proliferation under physiological conditions.
The researchers discovered specific markers for periosteal stem cells in mice. The markers identified a distinct subset of stem cells that showed to be a part of life-long adult bone regeneration.
We also found that periosteal stem cells respond to mechanical injury by engaging in bone healing, Park said. They are important for healing bone fractures in the adult mice and, interestingly, they contribute more to bone regeneration than bone marrow stem cells do.
In addition, the researchers found that periosteal stem cells also respond to inflammatory molecules called chemokines, which are usually produced during bone injury. In particular, they responded to chemokine CCL5.
Periosteal stem cells have receptors molecules on their cell surface called CCR5 that bind to CCL5, which sends a signal to the cells to migrate toward the injured bone and repair it. Deleting the CCL5 or the CCR5 gene in mouse models resulted in marked defects or delayed healing. When the researchers supplied CCL5 to CCL5-deficient mice, bone healing was accelerated.
The findings suggested potential therapeutic applications. For instance, in individuals with diabetes or osteoporosis in which bone healing is slow and may lead to other complications resulting from limited mobility, accelerating bone healing may reduce hospital stay and improve prognosis.
Our findings contribute to a better understanding of how adult bones heal. We think this is one of the first studies to show that bone stem cells are heterogeneous, and that different subtypes have unique properties regulated by specific mechanisms, Park said. We have identified markers that enable us to tell bone stem cell subtypes apart and study what each subtype contributes to bone health. Understanding how bone stem cell functions are regulated offers the possibility to develop novel therapeutic strategies to treat adult bone injuries.
Find all the details of this study in the journal journal Cell Stem Cell.
Other contributors to this work include Laura C. Ortinau, Hamilton Wang, Kevin Lei, Lorenzo Deveza, Youngjae Jeong, Yannis Hara, Ingo Grafe, Scott Rosenfeld, Dongjun Lee, Brendan Lee and David T. Scadden. The authors are affiliated with one of the following institutions: Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Childrens Hospital, Pusan National University School of Medicine and Harvard University.
This study was supported by the Bone Disease Program of Texas Award and The CarolineWiess Law Fund Award, the NIAMS of the National Institutes of Health under award numbers 1K01AR061434 and 1R01AR072018 and U54 AR068069 and the NIDDK of the NIH.
By Ana Mara Rodrguez, Ph.D.
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There is a new player in adult bone healing - Baylor College of Medicine News