MarketsandMarkets – 4th Annual Bioprocessing of Advanced Cellular Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress – Hitz Dairies
By daniellenierenberg
In the 4th edition of MarketsandMarkets Bioprocessing of Advanced Cellular Therapies & Regenerative Medicine, we would be focusing on the pre-clinical, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory aspects of cell therapies and regenerative medicine. This Congress event will be held on 10th and 11th March 2020 in London -UK
Since the past three editions of Bioprocessing of Advanced Cellular Therapies and Regenerative Medicine, MarketsandMarkets aims to provide demonstrative approach to the latest developments in technologies of bioprocessing of cellular therapies.
What to expect:
The 4th edition of MarketsandMarkets Bioprocessing of Advanced Cellular Therapies & Regenerative Medicine would be concentrating on the pre-clinical, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory facets of cell therapies and regenerative medicine. The prime importance would be given on discussing topics such as tissue engineering, car-T cell-based immunotherapies, automated manufacturing, allogeneic therapies, from challenges in supply chain management and regulatory concern, point of view.
The conference will be useful for all the respective stakeholders of Advanced Cellular Therapies, majorly Pharma/Biotech delegates, Solution provider Delegates and Academic Delegates. The event will host VPs, directors, managers, leaders, engineers, scientists, academic heads, students which will boost the networking capacity of the attendees.
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MarketsandMarkets - 4th Annual Bioprocessing of Advanced Cellular Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress - Hitz Dairies
IFN-: The T cell’s license to kill stem cells in the inflamed intestine – Science
By daniellenierenberg
IFN- produced by T cells directly induces intestinal stem cell death upon inflammation-induced intestinal injury (see the related Research Article by Takashima et al.).
Intestinal regeneration upon tissue damage is fueled by intestinal stem cells (ISCs) residing in the crypt bottom of the epithelium and marked by the gene Lgr5 (1, 2). There is growing evidence that tissue repair is at least partially mediated by a regenerative inflammatory response (3, 4). How inflammation-induced intestinal injury influences ISCs and their microenvironment (stem cell niche) remains poorly understood. In this issue of Science Immunology, Takashima et al. (5) explore the changes in the ISC niche in vivo upon T cellmediated injury as a model of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and in vitro using organoid T cell cocultures. Although earlier studies already implicated interferon- (IFN-) as a negative regulator of intestinal epithelial homeostasis (68), Takashima et al. now demonstrate that IFN- directly acts on ISCs by triggering apoptosis.
In an allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT) model, Takashima and colleagues found that ISC numbers per intestinal crypt were markedly reduced in mice receiving bone marrow alone or bone marrow and T cells when compared with normal control mice. While the ISCs in the mice receiving only bone marrow recovered 7 days later, the ISC numbers remained reduced in those mice also transplanted with donor T cells. Of note, Paneth cell numbers were also reduced after ISC depletion. The numbers of organoids established from the intestines of mice 10 days after BMT recovered back to that of control mice, whereas the organoid forming capacity from crypts of mice after combined transplantation of bone marrow and T cells remained significantly lower. Similar in vivo and in vitro results were obtained when autoreactive T cells were transplanted, pointing to a common feature of T cellmediated intestinal injury.
As seen by three-dimensional confocal microscopy, intraepithelial T cells (CD3+ IELs) preferentially localized to the villus region, whereas lamina propriaassociated T cells (CD3+ LPLs) were equally distributed along the crypt-villus axis of control mice (Fig. 1A). Conversely, mice receiving bone marrow and allogeneic T cells showed a progressive increase in the density of both CD3+ LPLs and CD3+ IELs in the crypt region.
To identify signaling molecules that cause the loss of ISCs in this model, Takashima and colleagues performed several elegant murine and human epithelial organoid coculture experiments. Murine nave allogeneic T cells did not impair murine intestinal organoid numbers, whereas alloreactive T cells effectively reduced organoid numbers. Likewise, human allogeneic cytotoxic T cells robustly inhibited human intestinal organoid forming efficiency. Even bead-activated autologous T cells suppressed human intestinal organoid growth. The authors then proceeded to screen for potential pathways mediating cytotoxicity. Organoids cocultured with T cells in the presence of antiIFN- neutralizing antibodies showed normal growth. Although IFN- receptor (IFN-R)depleted T cells were still able to affect organoid viability, IFN-Rdepleted organoids were resistant to T cellmediated killing. Organoid toxicity by IFN- was also observed in the absence of T cells. Live imaging confirmed the progressive ISC depletion upon organoid exposure to IFN-. Treatment of organoids with the immunosuppressive JAK1/2 inhibitor ruxolitinib robustly preserved numbers of both organoids and ISCs in the presence of IFN-, irrespective of whether the organoids were cultured alone or together with T cells. The authors additionally demonstrated that JAK1-depleted organoids are resistant to IFN- treatment. Further downstream, ruxolitinib prevented STAT1 phosphorylation by IFN- in intestinal crypts, and, in line, STAT1-depleted organoids were resistant to growth suppression in response to IFN- treatment.
IFN-treated organoids showed reduced expression of ISC marker genes. ISCs underwent apoptosis in vitro in a direct response to IFN-. Next, the authors confirmed in vivo that ISC numbers did not change upon transplanting allogeneic bone marrow and T cells when treating mice with IFN- neutralizing antibodies. Likewise, ruxolitinib treatment protected ISCs from T cellmediated killing in vivo. Donor T cells, particularly T helper 1 cells, were activated and IFN-+. Transplanting IFN-depleted allogeneic T cells robustly reduced the ISC loss and allowed epithelial cell proliferation to increase.
Takashima and colleagues lastly investigated whether IFN- directly induces ISC apoptosis. Using tissue-specific depletion of IFN-R1, the authors found that epithelial loss of the receptor protects from the immune-mediated GVHD phenotype. IFN-R1 is expressed by both ISCs and Paneth cells, the epithelial component of the ISC niche (9). However, Paneth celldeficient organoids remained sensitive to both IFN- and allogeneic T cellmediated cytotoxicity. Likewise, T cells were able to reduce the number of organoids containing IFN-R1deficient Paneth cells, whereas organoids containing IFN-R1deficient ISC were protected from cytotoxicity. The authors demonstrated in further experiments that IFN- directly induces ISC apoptosis independent of Paneth cells (Fig. 1, B and C).
The study by Takashima et al. extends our knowledge on signaling between ISCs and immune cells, identifying ISCs as direct targets of IFN- secreted by T cells in immune-mediated intestinal damage (as caused by GVHD). In the 2015 study by Lindemans et al., this group already identified that interleukin-22 (IL-22) secreted by group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) directly stimulates ISCs to proliferate and regenerate the intestinal epithelium upon inflammation-induced intestinal injury (4). Modulating the effects of T cellderived IFN- on ISC, for instance, by suppressing JAK/STAT signaling via ruxolitinib treatment, may provide a new therapeutic avenue to reducing GVHD-induced damage of the intestinal epithelium (10).
(A) ISCs maintain adult homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium. T lymphocytes patrol the intestine. (B) Takashima et al. show that in GVHD as modeled by BMT and aberrant activation of T lymphocytes, T cellderived IFN- directly acts on ISCs and induces apoptosis via JAK/STAT signaling. (C) Disease progression results in marked intestinal damage due to loss of ISCs and their niche.
Acknowledgments: Funding: K.K. is a long-term fellow of the Human Frontier Science Program Organization (LT771/2015). Competing interests: H.C. and K.K. are named inventors on patents or patents pending on Lgr5 stem cellbased organoid technology.
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IFN-: The T cell's license to kill stem cells in the inflamed intestine - Science
Cellex Opens New Plant to Manufacture Innovative Cell Therapy Products for Cancer – Yahoo Finance
By daniellenierenberg
COLOGNE, Germany, Dec. 5, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Cellex has opened a new Cell Manufacturing Plant in Cologne, Germany that will be the focal point for the production of innovative cell therapy products (e.g. CAR-T cells) as targeted treatments for different types of cancers and other diseases. The new facility has doubled the company's manufacturing capacity. Reasons for the expansion include the rising global demand and worldwide bottlenecks in production, as well as a considerable amount of promising research on new treatment approaches for various types of cancer. With this expansion, Cellex has laid the groundwork to provide comprehensive support to patients all over the world who are dependent on new therapies for the treatment of serious diseases. The facility offers more than 800 square meters of floor space and contains a clean room laboratory and other rooms for manufacturing and quality control.
At the new Cell Manufacturing Plant, advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) such as CAR-T cells are produced using state-of-the-art methods including magnetic selection, cell purification, cryopreservation and cell-based efficacy tests. Other services include long-term cryo-storage for ATMPs. Through international partnerships, Cellex is already operating at a global level and is expecting to see growth in worldwide demand for its products. In addition to specialized expertise in manufacturing cell therapy products, the company also operates collection centers for stem cell and bone marrow donations as well as a CellCommunity for the donation of cells to science and research all over the world.
The Cellex Group was founded in 2001 with a primary focus on the collection of stem cells and bone marrow. Today, the Cellex Collection Center is the world's largest and most experienced collection center for allogeneic blood stem cell and bone marrow donations. Furthermore, Cellex has grown into an important full service provider for other companies in the production of innovative cellular therapy products (e.g. CAR-T cells). Since 2014, the company has been working on the development of its own innovative CAR-T cells and bispecific antibodies for the treatment of cancer in collaboration with its Dresden-based affiliate, GEMoaB.
During the opening ceremonies, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ehninger, founder and owner of Cellex, pointed to the encouraging possibilities offered by CAR-T cell therapies being developed by Cellex. "Battling cancer with CAR-T cells specifically targeted against tumor cells is one of the most promising treatment approaches today. However, CAR-T cells developed so far harbor various risks, such as excessive cytokine release or the development of resistances. Therefore, we are now collaborating with our affiliate, GEMoaB, to develop new platforms that are easier to control such as bispecific antibodies or UniCAR cells, which are currently undergoing initial testing."
About Cellex
Cellex wants to help people suffering from serious diseases through stem cell donations, but also through innovative treatment options. Cellex develops, tests and establishes new therapy approaches for people with cancer. These new cutting-edge medicines are manufactured by Cellex at the company's Cell Manufacturing Plant.
Story continues
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Cellex Opens New Plant to Manufacture Innovative Cell Therapy Products for Cancer - Yahoo Finance
Rocket Pharmaceuticals Announces First Patient Treated in Global Registrational Phase 2 Study of RP-L102 Process B for Fanconi Anemia – BioSpace
By daniellenierenberg
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: RCKT) (Rocket), a clinical-stage company advancing an integrated and sustainable pipeline of genetic therapies for rare childhood disorders, today announces that the first patient in the global Phase 2 registration-enabling study of RP-L102 Process B received investigational therapy. RP-L102 is the Companys lentiviral vector (LVV)-based gene therapy for the treatment of Fanconi Anemia (FA).
The initiation of Rockets first Phase 2 trial is an important milestone for the company as well as patients throughout the world battling FA, said Kinnari Patel, Pharm.D., MBA, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Development of Rocket. With the recent feedback received from the FDA and EMA of MMC-resistance as the primary endpoint, we are optimistic about the prospect of benefiting patients and, if the data are positive, working towards BLA and MAA submissions.
The registrational package will include twelve patients from the U.S. and EU, two from the U.S. Phase 1 study and 10 additional patients from the global Phase 2 study (NCT04069533). Patients will receive a single intravenous infusion of RP-L102 that utilizes fresh cells and Process B which incorporates a modified stem cell enrichment process, transduction enhancers, as well as commercial-grade vector and final drug product. Improved mitomycin-C (MMC) resistance in bone marrow colony forming (progenitor) cells is the primary endpoint, and may also serve as a surrogate endpoint for accelerated approval. Additional outcome measures include stability or increase in blood counts with no significant worsening in anemia, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia and peripheral blood and bone marrow genetic correction, as demonstrated by progressive increases in vector copy number (VCN) over the months subsequent to infusion.
Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital Stanford and Hospital Infantil Universitario Nio Jess are serving as the lead clinical sites and University of Minnesota is conducting centralized evaluation of bone marrow MMC-resistance and engaging in advisory activities for the global trial of RP-L102. RP-L102 was in-licensed from the Centro de Investigaciones Energticas, Medioambientales y Tecnolgicas (CIEMAT), Centro de Investigacin Biomdica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER), Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria Fundacin Jimnez Daz (IIS-FJD) and Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica Hospital Infantil Universitario Nio Jesus (FIB-HIUNJ).
About Fanconi Anemia
Fanconi Anemia (FA) is a rare pediatric disease characterized by bone marrow failure, malformations and cancer predisposition. The primary cause of death among patients with FA is bone marrow failure, which typically occurs during the first decade of life. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), when available, corrects the hematologic component of FA, but requires myeloablative conditioning, which is highly toxic for the patient. HSCT is frequently complicated by graft versus host disease and also increases the risk of solid tumors, particularly upper aerodigestive tract squamous cell carcinomas. Approximately 60-70% of patients with FA have a FANCA gene mutation, which encodes for a protein essential for DNA repair. Mutations in the FANCA gene leads to chromosomal breakage and increased sensitivity to oxidative and environmental stress. Chromosome fragility induced by DNA-alkylating agents such as mitomycin-C (MMC) or diepoxybutane (DEB) is the gold standard test for FA diagnosis. These assays can further differentiate FA patients from mosaic patients. Somatic mosaicism occurs when there is a spontaneous reversion mutation that can lead to a mixed chimerism of corrected and uncorrected bone marrow cells leading to stabilization or correction of an FA patients blood counts in the absence of any administered therapy. Somatic mosaicism provides strong rationale for the development of FA gene therapy and demonstrates the selective advantage of gene-corrected hematopoietic cells in FA1.
1Soulier, J.,et al. (2005) Detection of somatic mosaicism and classification of Fanconi anemia patients by analysis of the FA/BRCA pathway. Blood 105: 1329-1336
About Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: RCKT) (Rocket) is advancing an integrated and sustainable pipeline of genetic therapies that correct the root cause of complex and rare childhood disorders. The companys platform-agnostic approach enables it to design the best therapy for each indication, creating potentially transformative options for patients contending with rare genetic diseases. Rocket's clinical programs using lentiviral vector (LVV)-based gene therapy are for the treatment of Fanconi Anemia (FA), a difficult to treat genetic disease that leads to bone marrow failure and potentially cancer, Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I), a severe pediatric genetic disorder that causes recurrent and life-threatening infections which are frequently fatal, and Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD) a rare, monogenic red blood cell disorder resulting in increased red cell destruction and mild to life-threatening anemia. Rockets first clinical program using adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapy is for Danon disease, a devastating, pediatric heart failure condition. Rockets pre-clinical pipeline program is for Infantile Malignant Osteopetrosis (IMO), a bone marrow-derived disorder. For more information about Rocket, please visit
Rocket Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Various statements in this release concerning Rocket's future expectations, plans and prospects, including without limitation, Rocket's expectations regarding the safety, effectiveness and timing of product candidates that Rocket may develop, to treat Fanconi Anemia (FA), Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I), Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD), Infantile Malignant Osteopetrosis (IMO) and Danon disease, and the safety, effectiveness and timing of related pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, may constitute forward-looking statements for the purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws and are subject to substantial risks, uncertainties and assumptions. You should not place reliance on these forward-looking statements, which often include words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "will give," "estimate," "seek," "will," "may," "suggest" or similar terms, variations of such terms or the negative of those terms. Although Rocket believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, Rocket cannot guarantee such outcomes. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including, without limitation, Rocket's ability to successfully demonstrate the efficacy and safety of such products and pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, its gene therapy programs, the pre-clinical and clinical results for its product candidates, which may not support further development and marketing approval, the potential advantages of Rocket's product candidates, actions of regulatory agencies, which may affect the initiation, timing and progress of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials of its product candidates, Rocket's and its licensors ability to obtain, maintain and protect its and their respective intellectual property, the timing, cost or other aspects of a potential commercial launch of Rocket's product candidates, Rocket's ability to manage operating expenses, Rocket's ability to obtain additional funding to support its business activities and establish and maintain strategic business alliances and new business initiatives, Rocket's dependence on third parties for development, manufacture, marketing, sales and distribution of product candidates, the outcome of litigation, and unexpected expenditures, as well as those risks more fully discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Rocket's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2019, filed November 8, 2019. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All such statements speak only as of the date made, and Rocket undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
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Novadip Biosciences to present data at 17th Annual Meeting of the International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science – GlobeNewswire
By daniellenierenberg
Novadip Biosciences to present data at 17th Annual Meeting of the International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science
Mont-Saint Guibert, Belgium, 4 December, 2019: Novadip Biosciences (Novadip or the company), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company leveraging its unique tissue regeneration technology platform to generate multiple product candidates, announces that it is presenting data in a series of presentations at the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science (IFATS) taking place in Marseille, France, from 4-7 December 2019.
Dr Denis Dufrane, Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder, Novadip, commented: The findings that will be presented at IFATS highlight the capabilities of Novadips 3-dimensional, scaffold-free extracellular matrix (ECM) technology platform utilizing adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) to generate product candidates to address critical size bone and skin reconstruction, as well as our manufacturing capabilities and expertise. We look forward to progressing our clinical programmes and generating further data in support of our unique platform as we look to address hard and soft tissue reconstruction for patients who have limited or no treatment options.
Novadip will deliver five oral presentations and one video presentation. Details of the presentations and short summaries are below.
Genetic stability assessment in bone tissue-engineered productsCline Pierard, oral presentation #8 (abstract 1395), 5 December 2019, 8:38 am CET
The presentation will discuss the different analytical approaches to predict the genetic behavior over the entirety of the manufacturing process for the companys product candidates for bone reconstruction.
A scaffold-free graft for large critical size bone defect: preclinical evidence to clinical proof of conceptSophie Veriter, video presentation #V5 (abstract 1363), 5 December 2019, 2:48 pm CET
The session will discuss how the scaffold-free 3D-graft (comprised of ASCs) plays a major role promoting ASCs engraftment and to induce osteogenesis in a fibrotic environment and promote bone fusion in a critical-sized bone defect.
The in vivo immunogenicity of a human 3D scaffold-free tissue engineered product for bone reconstruction: a xenogenic modelGatan Thirion, oral presentation #30 (abstract 1382), 5 December 2019, 4:30 pm CET
Detail will be provided on how the human scaffold-free 3D approach, in a xenogenic model, can elicit a specific anti-human immune response but can maintain the potential of in vivo osteogenicity.
An allogenic 3D scaffold-free tissue engineered product for deep thickness skin regeneration: in vitro development to in vivo proof of conceptSophie Veriter, oral presentation #88 (abstract 1317), 6 December 2019, 5:50 pm CET
The presentation will discuss how the scaffold-free approach with the allogenic 3D-graft (derived from ASCs) demonstrated safety and efficacy in a stringent xenogenic model of hyperglycemic and ischemic deep-thickness wound.
Allogenic 3D scaffold-free tissue engineered product for deep thickness skin regeneration: in vitro characterization and in vivo biocompatibilityValrie Lebrun, oral presentation #90 (abstract 1341), 6 December 2019, 6:06 pm CET
The presentation will provide an overview on how the allogenic scaffold-free 3D-graft improves ASC bioactivity for the angiogenesis and in vivo remodeling by the specific ECM-proteins of wound healing.
Monitoring of cell culture conditions and early prediction of the quality of an osteogenic cell-based medicinal productAnas Namur, oral presentation #136 (abstract 1392), 7 December 2019, 2:44 pm CET
The session will describe how cellular metabolism was studied throughout the companys manufacturing process to better understand the physiology of the proliferative and differentiated cells and subsequently develop predictive tests focused on critical attributes of the final product.
To view the full abstracts, please follow this link.
The full list of abstracts can be found here. Further information on IFATS is available here.
- Ends -
Notes to editors
Novadip Biosciences
Novadip Biosciences is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company leveraging its unique 3D tissue regeneration technology platform to generate multiple product candidates to address hard and soft tissue reconstruction for patients who have limited or no treatment options. The companys proprietary 3M3 platform is a 3-dimensional, extracellular matrix that utilizes adipose-derived stem cells to deliver highly-specific growth factors and miRNA to mimic the physiology of natural healing and creates a range of products that address specific challenges in tissue regeneration. Novadips initial focus is on critical size bone reconstruction and its lead program is in development for a rare pediatric orthopedic disease. The company is also applying its 3M3 platform to develop truly novel off-the-shelf/allogeneic therapies to address more prevalent tissue defects. For more information, visit .
For further information, please contact:
Novadip Biosciences
Jeff Abbey
Chief Executive Officer
+32 (10) 779 220
For media enquiries:
Consilium Strategic Communications
Chris Gardner, Matthew Neal, Angela Gray
+44 (0) 20 3709 5700
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Novadip Biosciences to present data at 17th Annual Meeting of the International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science - GlobeNewswire
Gift of the Day: A Cream That Will Give You Rich Person Skin – The Cut
By daniellenierenberg
Photo: Courtesy of the Retailer
Some of the best things in life take a month before you can reap their full benefits. Like Advent calendars, or Augustinus Baders The Cream.
It takes between 30 and 40 days for skin cells to turn over, so using any new beauty product requires patience, not to mention compliance. It can be hard to wait that long, but for this cream, its worth it. Just ask Kate Bosworth, who says, It is truly the ONE product I cant live without. Or L.A. beauty expert Cassandra Gray, who puts it more succinctly: I look younger. Thats the easiest way to sell it. Or the Cuts own Kathleen Hou, who has called it the secret to rich-person skin.
The cream is fueled by a cocktail of active ingredients that includes vitamins, natural amino acids, and a bunch of allegedly miraculous synthesized molecules referred to as Trigger Factor Complex 8. The latter was formulated by a professor of applied stem cell biology at the University of Leipzig, who was looking for solutions to help burn survivors heal faster. Turned out, TFC8 kicks off the regeneration process within stem cells, enabling them to repair fine lines, dark spots, redness, and uneven tone and texture.
At $265, this product is not cheap. But it would be a great gift for someone you really love, who really loves skin care. Just make sure to check in with them 30 to 40 days later to hear what they think.
Augustinus Bader The Cream
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Gift of the Day: A Cream That Will Give You Rich Person Skin - The Cut
15 Best Neck Creams (That Actually Work) – New Idea
By daniellenierenberg
RELATED: This brand new anti-ageing treatment is a game-changer
The neck is a delicate area thats easy to overlook, but it plays a big role in giving our face an attractive shape and profile. Over time, the skin may weaken from sun damage, dryness, and stress making us look much older. This is where firming neck creams come in handy! Here are some important active ingredients to look for in anti-aging products:
These products are packed with anti-wrinkle chemicals that tighten problem areas with regular use. Simply apply it with gentle motions after a shower and work it into your skin until fully absorbed. Pair it with your trusted eye cream and your skin will be thanking you!
If youre worried about the price, you can rest easy! Weve made sure to include a few budget options in our list for the savvy consumer.
Pros & Cons: This cream is made with organic ingredients and collagen to give your skin a supple glow! The downside is that it can be hard to find local stocks since its made in China.
Price: $AUD46.30
Buy It On: eBay
Pros & Cons: The combination of Hyaluronic Acid and creatine work together with Q10 coenzymes to regenerate new skin cells. A fair warning: some customers dont enjoy how the yellow colour of the pearls that stick to the skin.
Price: $AUD17.99
Buy It On: Amazon
Pros & Cons: This cream is made with aloe vera and Hyaluronic Acid, perfect for refining stubborn lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation on the neck. However, some people dont enjoy the grainy texture of the cream.
Price: $AUD52
Buy It On: Brickell Mens Products
Pros & Cons: Harnessing natures powerful vitamins, this cream uses botanical extracts to purge your skin of impurities. It works best for medium to dry skin, but could cause oily skin to break out.
Price: $AUD24.95
Buy It On: Swiss
Pros & Cons: This rich night cream is infused with Hyaluronic Acid and Retinol to replenish dull skin. It has lots of rave reviews for boasting visible results within a week, but the smell might be a little intense for some people.
Price: $AUD24.49
Buy It On: Amazon
Pros & Cons: Made with rosehip, olive, green coffee, and quinoa; this non-toxic, vegetarian cream brings out the best in your skin. But it may take a while to see results since it contains mild ingredients.
Price: $AUD16.95
Buy It On: Ebay
Pros & Cons: South Beach Skincare combines Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid with Retinol to create a paraben-free cream for all skin aging problems. Although its quite pricey, customers believe its worth every dollar!
Price: $AUD189
Buy It On: Life Cell Skin
Pros & Cons: This fragrance-free night cream evens out discolouration to give you a healthy glow, minimising stubborn imperfections with vitamins and minerals. Use it sparingly at night to avoid feeling greasy.
Price: $AUD20.99
Buy It On: Chemist Warehouse
Pros & Cons: Made with collagen and aloe vera, this cream repairs, hydrates, and protects your skin all day and night. Its the cheapest option available, so some customers think its too good to be true!
Price: $AUD5.26
Buy It: Ebay
Pros & Cons: Enriched with sunflower and green seaweed extracts, this light cream is easily absorbed by the skin for fast-acting results. Its great for all skin types, but some claim that they changed their formula recently.
Price: $AUD100
Buy It: Clarins
Pros & Cons: This cold cream works wonders on dry, flaky skin! Infused with organic Manuka honey from New Zealand, it locks moisture in to reduce pores and wrinkles. Apply sparingly to avoid getting sticky!
Price: $AUD40
Buy It On: Woolworths
Pros & Cons: Proven to be one of the top choices for middle-aged women, this cream uses Idebenone technology to target and repair areas damaged from harsh chemicals. Its quite costly, but it totally works!
Price: $AUD140
Buy It On: Myer
Pros & Cons: This cream is clinically-proven to fight saggy skin, discolouration, and visible signs of aging with amino acids and stem cell extracts. Just take it easy with application because the scent can be a bit overpowering.
Price: $AUD69.95
Buy It: NeoStrata
Pros & Cons: This tiny jar of plastic surgeon-approved cream is jam-packed with collagen, niacin, and complex amino acids. Its considered the holy grail for restoring the necks elastic texture, but it tends to run out fast!
Price: $AUD68
Buy It On: Sephora
Getting yourself a neck lift doesnt have to be drastic! Its all about keeping yourself moisturised and protected so you can look and feel younger at any age. Its time to get your cream on!
RELATED: Why the world can't stop talking about jade rollers
See more here:
15 Best Neck Creams (That Actually Work) - New Idea
Say Hello to Hydration With These Winter Beauty Essentials – Brit + Co
By daniellenierenberg
Transitional beauty can be a challenge. With shifting temperatures and weather, our hair and skin can feel dried out and dull, leaving our overall look (and feel) a little less than. But never fret, beauty babes! Ahead we've got our favorite new finds to keep you hydrated, moisturized, and looking luminous as heck all winter long and beyond!
Each & Every Worry-Free Deodorant ($15): Calling all sweaty Betty's, this 'Everlane of deodorants' is 2019's all-natural answer to your stinky woes. Made without aluminum, parabens, synthetic fragrances, gluten (yes, that's a thing), or baking soda, this cruelty-free stick comes in eight fab fragrances to keep you feeling dry and smelling fresh all day long.
On All Eyes On Me ($28): Instantly lift and cool those puffy, morning-after eyes with these slip-free eye gels. Packed with the good stuff like vitamin C, cucumber, and arnica and none of the bad, this travel-friendly 5-pack is ideal for your upcoming holiday adventures.
Kiehl's Avocado Nourishing Hydrating Mask ($45): What's better than avocado toast? Almost nothing. But this ultra-nourishing face mask is a close second. Rich and creamy, this fragrance-free formula takes just 15 minutes to give you the full, moisturized effects.
Maria Nila Silver Shampoo ($27): Summer may be gone, but your bright blonde doesn't have to go anywhere. Violet pigment and blackberry extract are the secrets to this 100% vegan and Swedish-made shampoo that's formulated to make your golden locks shine their lightest and brightest.
Alfie Firming Facial Serum ($64): Buh-bye pesky wrinkles! This serum does it all with the help of a few friends. Hyaluronic Acid, plant stem cells, and organic CBD are blended to firm up your face, hydrate lost moisture, improve blood flow, and reduce tension.
Kitsch Dalmatian Jasper Crystal Facial Roller ($24): ICYMI, gemstone rollers are all the rage right now, and we can see why. This Jasper beaut will gently massage away tension and stress to reduce wrinkles and help circulate blood.
Save Me From Chemical Conflict Tip To Hair Reboot ($78): Is your hair broken and therefore your life feels a little broken, too? Repair bleach damage and overprocessed locks with a scalp and hair treatment we can't stop raving about. Your radiant reboot begins NOW.
Milo New York Amber Fort Elixir Oud ($62+): A little facial oil can go a long way, especially when it's packed with vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acid, and Indian pink lotus flower. Brighter, smoother, more luminous skincare is here.
UMA Oils Flawlessly Firming Neck, Chest & Decolletage Serum ($105): Your skin deserves to feel smooth and firm no matter how old of a millennial you happen to be. Worth the extra buck, this antioxidant-rich serum is fast-absorbing and gives a more ageless appearance to your most delicate areas.
Tweezerman Lash Assist ($18): Lash on, lash off. From the pros who brought us a really good brow tweeze comes a one and done for your fake lashes. Seamlessly and precisely apply either individual or strip lashes for that glam effect you've always wanted sans stress!
Verb Curl Kit ($80): Calling all curly gals! This four-part kit is just what your locks will love. Clean, hydrate, restore, and define and keep those curls lookin' and feelin' healthy year-round.
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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.
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Say Hello to Hydration With These Winter Beauty Essentials - Brit + Co
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Assessed To Tell Apart High Growth By Implies In 2018 to 2026 – Wolf Mirror
By daniellenierenberg
The healthcare industry has been focusing on excessive research and development in the last couple of decades to ensure that the need to address issues related to the availability of drugs and treatments for certain chronic diseases is effectively met. Healthcare researchers and scientists at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the Hong Kong University have successfully demonstrated the utilization of human induced pluripotent stem cells or hiPSCs from the skin cells of the patient for testing therapeutic drugs.
The success of this research suggests that scientists have crossed one more hurdle towards using stem cells in precision medicine for the treatment of patients suffering from sporadic hereditary diseases. iPSCs are the new generation approach towards the prevention and treatment of diseases that takes into account patients on an individual basis considering their genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. Along with the capacity to transform into different body cell types and same genetic composition of the donors, hiPSCs have surfaced as a promising cell source to screen and test drugs.
In the present research, hiPSC was synthesized from patients suffering from a rare form of hereditary cardiomyopathy owing to the mutations in Lamin A/C related cardiomyopathy in their distinct families. The affected individuals suffer from sudden death, stroke, and heart failure at a very young age. As on date, there is no exact treatment available for this condition. This team in Hong Kong tested a drug named PTC124 to suppress specific genetic mutations in other genetic diseases into the iPSC transformed heart muscle cells. While this technology is being considered as a breakthrough in clinical stem cell research, the team at Hong Kong University is collaborating with drug companies regarding its clinical application.
The unique properties of iPS cells provides extensive potential to several biopharmaceutical applications. iPSCs are also used in toxicology testing, high throughput, disease modeling, and target identification. This type of stem cell has the potential to transform drug discovery by offering physiologically relevant cells for tool discovery, compound identification, and target validation. A new report by Persistence Market Research (PMR) states that the globalinduced pluripotent stem or iPS cell marketis expected to witness a strong CAGR of 7.0% from 2018 to 2026. In 2017, the market was worth US$ 1,254.0 Mn and is expected to reach US$ 2,299.5 Mn by the end of the forecast period in 2026.
Customization to be the Key Focus of Market Players
Due to the evolving needs of the research community, the demand for specialized cell lines have increased to a certain point where most vendors offering these products cannot depend solely on sales from catalog products. The quality of the products and lead time can determine the choices while requesting custom solutions at the same time. Companies usually focus on establishing a strong distribution network for enabling products to reach customers from the manufacturing units in a short time period.
Entry of Multiple Small Players to be Witnessed in the Coming Years
Several leading players have their presence in the global market; however, many specialized products and services are provided by small and regional vendors. By targeting their marketing strategies towards research institutes and small biotechnology companies, these new players have swiftly established their presence in the market.
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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Assessed To Tell Apart High Growth By Implies In 2018 to 2026 - Wolf Mirror
2019: the year gene therapy came of age – FRANCE 24
By daniellenierenberg
Washington (AFP)
In the summer, a mother in Nashville with a seemingly incurable genetic disorder finally found an end to her suffering -- by editing her genome.
Victoria Gray's recovery from sickle cell disease, which had caused her painful seizures, came in a year of breakthroughs in one of the hottest areas of medical research -- gene therapy.
"I have hoped for a cure since I was about 11," the 34-year-old told AFP in an email.
"Since I received the new cells, I have been able to enjoy more time with my family without worrying about pain or an out-of-the-blue emergency."
Over several weeks, Gray's blood was drawn so doctors could get to the cause of her illness -- stem cells from her bone marrow that were making deformed red blood cells.
The stem cells were sent to a Scottish laboratory, where their DNA was modified using Crispr/Cas9 -- pronounced "Crisper" -- a new tool informally known as molecular "scissors."
The genetically edited cells were transfused back into Gray's veins and bone marrow. A month later, she was producing normal blood cells.
Medics warn that caution is necessary but, theoretically, she has been cured.
"This is one patient. This is early results. We need to see how it works out in other patients," said her doctor, Haydar Frangoul, at the Sarah Cannon Research Institute in Nashville.
"But these results are really exciting."
In Germany, a 19-year-old woman was treated with a similar method for a different blood disease, beta thalassemia. She had previously needed 16 blood transfusions per year.
Nine months later, she is completely free of that burden.
For decades, the DNA of living organisms such as corn and salmon has been modified.
But Crispr, invented in 2012, made gene editing more widely accessible. It is much simpler than preceding technology, cheaper and easy to use in small labs.
The technique has given new impetus to the perennial debate over the wisdom of humanity manipulating life itself.
"It's all developing very quickly," said French geneticist Emmanuelle Charpentier, one of Crispr's inventors and the cofounder of Crispr Therapeutics, the biotech company conducting the clinical trials involving Gray and the German patient.
- Cures -
Crispr is the latest breakthrough in a year of great strides in gene therapy, a medical adventure started three decades ago, when the first TV telethons were raising money for children with muscular dystrophy.
Scientists practising the technique insert a normal gene into cells containing a defective gene.
It does the work the original could not -- such as making normal red blood cells, in Victoria's case, or making tumor-killing super white blood cells for a cancer patient.
Crispr goes even further: instead of adding a gene, the tool edits the genome itself.
After decades of research and clinical trials on a genetic fix to genetic disorders, 2019 saw a historic milestone: approval to bring to market the first gene therapies for a neuromuscular disease in the US and a blood disease in the European Union.
They join several other gene therapies -- bringing the total to eight -- approved in recent years to treat certain cancers and an inherited blindness.
Serge Braun, the scientific director of the French Muscular Dystrophy Association, sees 2019 as a turning point that will lead to a medical revolution.
"Twenty-five, 30 years, that's the time it had to take," he told AFP from Paris.
"It took a generation for gene therapy to become a reality. Now, it's only going to go faster."
Just outside Washington, at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers are also celebrating a "breakthrough period."
"We have hit an inflection point," said Carrie Wolinetz, NIH's associate director for science policy.
These therapies are exorbitantly expensive, however, costing up to $2 million -- meaning patients face grueling negotiations with their insurance companies.
They also involve a complex regimen of procedures that are only available in wealthy countries.
Gray spent months in hospital getting blood drawn, undergoing chemotherapy, having edited stem cells reintroduced via transfusion -- and fighting a general infection.
"You cannot do this in a community hospital close to home," said her doctor.
However, the number of approved gene therapies will increase to about 40 by 2022, according to MIT researchers.
They will mostly target cancers and diseases that affect muscles, the eyes and the nervous system.
- Bioterrorism -
Another problem with Crispr is that its relative simplicity has triggered the imaginations of rogue practitioners who don't necessarily share the medical ethics of Western medicine.
Last year in China, scientist He Jiankui triggered an international scandal -- and his excommunication from the scientific community -- when he used Crispr to create what he called the first gene-edited humans.
The biophysicist said he had altered the DNA of human embryos that became twin girls Lulu and Nana.
His goal was to create a mutation that would prevent the girls from contracting HIV, even though there was no specific reason to put them through the process.
"That technology is not safe," said Kiran Musunuru, a genetics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, explaining that the Crispr "scissors" often cut next to the targeted gene, causing unexpected mutations.
"It's very easy to do if you don't care about the consequences," Musunuru added.
Despite the ethical pitfalls, restraint seems mainly to have prevailed so far.
The community is keeping a close eye on Russia, where biologist Denis Rebrikov has said he wants to use Crispr to help deaf parents have children without the disability.
There is also the temptation to genetically edit entire animal species -- malaria-causing mosquitoes in Burkina Faso or mice hosting ticks that carry Lyme disease in the US.
The researchers in charge of those projects are advancing carefully, however, fully aware of the unpredictability of chain reactions on the ecosystem.
Charpentier doesn't believe in the more dystopian scenarios predicted for gene therapy, including American "biohackers" injecting themselves with Crispr technology bought online.
"Not everyone is a biologist or scientist," she said.
And the possibility of military hijacking to create soldier-killing viruses or bacteria that would ravage enemies' crops?
Charpentier thinks that technology generally tends to be used for the better.
"I'm a bacteriologist -- we've been talking about bioterrorism for years," she said. "Nothing has ever happened."
2019 AFP
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2019: the year gene therapy came of age - FRANCE 24
As per new Study on Stem Cell Therapy Market 2019 Future Strategy, Analysis and Prediction by Leading Manufacturers, its Application and Types…
By daniellenierenberg
A new business intelligence report released by Garner Insights with title Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report 2019 that targets and provides comprehensive market analysis with prospects to 2024. The analysts of the study have garnered extensive research methodologies and data sources (i.e. Secondary & Primary Sources) in order to generate collective and useful information that delivers latest market undercurrents and industry trends.
Stem-cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition. Bone marrow transplant is the most widely used stem-cell therapy, but some therapies derived from umbilical cord blood are also in use.
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Some of key competitors or manufacturers included in the study are: Osiris Therapeutics, NuVasive, Chiesi Pharmaceuticals, JCRPharmaceutical, Pharmicell, Medi-post, Anterogen, Molmed, Takeda (TiGenix),
If you are involved in the Global Stem Cell Therapy industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. Its vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports, we can provide customization according to your requirement.
Market Segment by Type, covers: Autologous, Allogeneic
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into: Musculoskeletal Disorder, Wounds & Injuries, Cornea, Cardiovascular Diseases, Others,
Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversNorth AmericaEuropeChinaRest of Asia PacificCentral & South AmericaMiddle East & Africa
What are the affecting elements that are made reference to in the report?
Market Scenario:The report further highlights the development trends in the global Stem Cell Therapy market. Factors that are driving the market growth and fueling its segments are also analyzed in the report. The report also highlights on its applications, types, deployments, components, developments of this market.
Key Market Highlights:The Stem Cell Therapy report gives a top to bottom examination on a portion of the key elements, involving income, cost, limit, limit usage rate, creation, generation rate, utilization, import/send out, supply/request, net, piece of the pie, CAGR, and gross edge. Furthermore, the report shows a far reaching investigation of the market development factors and their most recent patterns, alongside important market fragments and sub-portions.
Analytical Tools:The Global Stem Cell Therapy Market report incorporates the decisively examined and assessed information of the significant market members and their market scope utilizing various investigative devices. The diagnostic apparatuses incorporate Porters five powers examination, SWOT investigation, achievability study, and venture return investigation, which have been utilized to consider the development of the key players working in the market.
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Some of the Points cover in Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report is:
Chapter 1: Overview of Global Stem Cell Therapy Market (2019-2024) Definition Specifications Classification Applications Regions
Chapter 2: Market Competition by Players/Suppliers 2019 and 2024 Manufacturing Cost Structure Raw Material and Suppliers Manufacturing Process Industry Chain Structure. Continued
The main points which are answered and covered in this Report are-
What will be the total Stem Cell Therapy Market in the coming years till 2024?What will be the key factors which will be overall affecting the industry?What are the various challenges addressed?Which are the major companies included?
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As per new Study on Stem Cell Therapy Market 2019 Future Strategy, Analysis and Prediction by Leading Manufacturers, its Application and Types...
Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrates Market is Anticipated to Expand at a CAGR of 5% from 2017 to 2025 – Drnewsindustry
By daniellenierenberg
The global bone marrow aspirate concentrates market was valued around US$ 130.0 Mn in 2016 is anticipated to register a stable CAGR of over 5.0% during forecast period of 2017 to 2025, according to a new report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR) titled Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrates Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 20172025.
Growth of the global bone marrow aspirate concentrates market is driven by increased prevalence of and incidences of orthopedic diseases, and sports injuries, along with high growth of the cosmetic surgery industry and increasing applications of the BMAC products in the cosmetic and orthopedic surgeries. The bone marrow aspirate concentrates market in Asia Pacific is expanding with a high potential to grow registering a CAGR above 6.0% on the backdrop of unmet clinical needs, rising geriatric population, large patient pool, favorable government regulations, development in health care sector, and increased focus on research and developmental activities.
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Increase in incidences of Osteoarthritis on the backdrop of rising geriatric population to drive market growth
According to a collaborative survey conducted by the United Nations and the World Health Organization, 1.2 billion people in China are suffering from OA, of which more than 55% are aged 60 years or above. On the backdrop of such a huge patient base, there has been several developments in the field orthopedic surgery. Bone marrow-derived stem cell treatment is considered a promising and advanced therapy. It reduces the injury healing time in orthopedic diseases to five to six weeks from four to six months in case of surgery.
Reduction in the healing time is a factor likely to propel the Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrates market during the forecast period. However, pain associated with the treatment, lack of product approval, and preference for alternative treatments are negatively affecting the market growth. Moreover, high investments in R&D and clinical trials, slow approval processes entailing sunken costs, and marginal returns on investment (RoI) for stakeholders are primary concerns faced by manufacturer further hampering growth of the market.
Rise in the Number of BMAC Assisted Procedures to Boost Growth of Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrates Accessories Segment
The product type segment is fragmented into bone marrow aspirate concentrates systems and bone marrow aspirate concentrates accessories. The bone marrow aspirate concentrates accessories segment is anticipated to carry major share of the market on the backdrop of rise in number of BMAC assisted procedures. Cell therapies have been used extensively over the past decade for a variety of medical applications to restore cellular function and enhance quality of life. Owing to the differentiation property, stem cells are being used for repair and regeneration of bone. Moreover, increase in awareness about hygiene and risk of cross-contamination in developing countries such as Brazil, China and India are expected to increase the use of single-use Jamshidi needles for bone marrow stem cell procedures. This is likely to fuel the growth of the accessories segment in the near future.
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Orthopedic Surgery Application to Dominate the Global Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrates Market
The application segment of global bone marrow aspirate concentrates market is divided into orthopedic surgery, wound healing, chronic pain, peripheral vascular disease, dermatology, and others applications. Of which, orthopedic surgery segment is anticipated to dominate the market owing to rising geriatric population, and surge in incidences of osteoarthritis around the globe.
The dermatology segment is anticipated to expand at the highest CAGR of over 6.0% during forecast period of 2017 to 2025 owing to current boom in the industry, increase in disposable income, and technological advancements in the market. The utilization of the regenerative ability of fibroblasts and keratinocytes from human skin has formed new ways to develop cell-based therapies for patients. Moreover, capacity of bone marrow derived extra-cutaneous cells is being researched for its plasticity in regenerating skin; it is likely to lead to the future growth of cell therapies in dermatology.
Rise in Healthcare Expenditure to Fuel Growth of Hospitals & Clinics End-user Segment
In terms of end-users, market is divided into hospitals & clinics, pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies, Contract Research Organizations (CROs) & Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs), and academic & research institutes. The hospitals & clinics segment dominated the bone marrow aspirate concentrates market in 2016. The trend is expected to continue during the forecast period. The hospitals & clinics segment is likely to be followed by the biotechnology & biopharmaceutical companies segment in terms of market share during the forecast period. The segment is anticipated to hold more than 8.0% of market share in 2016. Growth of the segment is attributed to increasing number of biotechnology companies and rising partnerships among the market players to expand global presence.
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Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrates Market is Anticipated to Expand at a CAGR of 5% from 2017 to 2025 - Drnewsindustry
Stem Cell Therapy Market Size, Share, Trends, and Opportunity Analysis by 2017 – 2025 – The Market Expedition
By daniellenierenberg
Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis
The recent report published by TMRR on the global Stem Cell Therapy market is an in-depth analysis of the overall prospects of the Stem Cell Therapy market in the upcoming years. The data collected from credible primary and secondary sources is accurately represented in the report backed up by relevant figures, graphs, and tables. The report includes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the various aspects of the market by collecting data from the key participants in the Stem Cell Therapy market value chain.
The report reveals that the global Stem Cell Therapy market is set to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% over the forecast period (2019-2029) and surpass the value of ~US$XX by the end of 2029. The presented study also includes a thorough analysis of the micro and macroeconomic factors, regulatory framework, and current trends that are expected to influence the growth of the Stem Cell Therapy market during the assessment period.
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Stem Cell Therapy Market Segmentation
The market study put forward by TMRR segments the global Stem Cell Therapy market to offer a microscopic understanding of the various aspects of the Stem Cell Therapy market. The Stem Cell Therapy market is segmented on the basis of region, product type, end-user, and more.
The study offers a Y-o-Y growth projection of each market segment and sub-segment over the stipulated timeframe of the study.
Key Trends
The key factors influencing the growth of the global stem cell therapy market are increasing funds in the development of new stem lines, the advent of advanced genomic procedures used in stem cell analysis, and greater emphasis on human embryonic stem cells. As the traditional organ transplantations are associated with limitations such as infection, rejection, and immunosuppression along with high reliance on organ donors, the demand for stem cell therapy is likely to soar. The growing deployment of stem cells in the treatment of wounds and damaged skin, scarring, and grafts is another prominent catalyst of the market.
On the contrary, inadequate infrastructural facilities coupled with ethical issues related to embryonic stem cells might impede the growth of the market. However, the ongoing research for the manipulation of stem cells from cord blood cells, bone marrow, and skin for the treatment of ailments including cardiovascular and diabetes will open up new doors for the advancement of the market.
Global Stem Cell Therapy Market: Market Potential
A number of new studies, research projects, and development of novel therapies have come forth in the global market for stem cell therapy. Several of these treatments are in the pipeline, while many others have received approvals by regulatory bodies.
In March 2017, Belgian biotech company TiGenix announced that its cardiac stem cell therapy, AlloCSC-01 has successfully reached its phase I/II with positive results. Subsequently, it has been approved by the U.S. FDA. If this therapy is well- received by the market, nearly 1.9 million AMI patients could be treated through this stem cell therapy.
Another significant development is the granting of a patent to Israel-based Kadimastem Ltd. for its novel stem-cell based technology to be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) and other similar conditions of the nervous system. The companys technology used for producing supporting cells in the central nervous system, taken from human stem cells such as myelin-producing cells is also covered in the patent.
Global Stem Cell Therapy Market: Regional Outlook
The global market for stem cell therapy can be segmented into Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa. North America emerged as the leading regional market, triggered by the rising incidence of chronic health conditions and government support. Europe also displays significant growth potential, as the benefits of this therapy are increasingly acknowledged.
Asia Pacific is slated for maximum growth, thanks to the massive patient pool, bulk of investments in stem cell therapy projects, and the increasing recognition of growth opportunities in countries such as China, Japan, and India by the leading market players.
Global Stem Cell Therapy Market: Competitive Analysis
Several firms are adopting strategies such as mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, and partnerships, apart from product development with a view to attain a strong foothold in the global market for stem cell therapy.
Some of the major companies operating in the global market for stem cell therapy are RTI Surgical, Inc., MEDIPOST Co., Ltd., Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., NuVasive, Inc., Pharmicell Co., Ltd., Anterogen Co., Ltd., JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., and Holostem Terapie Avanzate S.r.l.
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Stem Cell Therapy Market Size, Share, Trends, and Opportunity Analysis by 2017 - 2025 - The Market Expedition
First UK Clinical Trial Site Open for Recruitment of Diabetic Patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Using Novel Patient-Specific…
By daniellenierenberg
London, UK, 4 December 2019:The first UK clinical trial site for the treatment of diabetic patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLI) using a novel patient-specific regenerative therapy has opened for patient recruitment at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff. The site will be evaluating Rexgeneros REX-001 in two Phase III trials, codenamed the SALAMANDER trials. The trials are being led by Mr Ian Williams, a Consultant Vascular Surgeon and the Principal Investigator at the site.
The University Hospital of Wales is participating in the trials through a consortium, the Midlands-Wales Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (MW-ATTC), part of the Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre Network (ATTC) which aims to bring pioneering advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) to patients. THE MW-ATTC has been working in collaboration with the Cardiff & Vale University Health Board to progress the initiation of the two SALAMANDER trials and is planning to activate new clinical trial sites in the Midlands in England shortly.
CLI is a chronic disease and the most serious form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a common condition in which a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries reduces the blood flow to the legs and feet. CLI is characterized by chronic ischemic at-rest pain, ulcers or gangrene in one or both legs. CLI is a common condition in Europe and the United States affecting 1-1.5% of the population aged over 401. It represents an area of high unmet medical need as there are currently no approved therapies that successfully treat the CLI patient population. Patients with CLI have a very negative prognosis. A year after initial diagnosis, around 12% of patients have had an amputation. Five years after diagnosis the situation is even worse with mortality at 50%, rising to 70% after ten years2.
REX-001 represents a new class of regenerative medicines. It is an autologous cell therapy manufactured using the patients own bone marrow and consists of immune cells (lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes) and progenitor cells involved in immune modulation and tissue regeneration. It is administered as a single dose within 4 days after collection of bone marrow cells.
Ian Williams, Consultant Vascular Surgeon and Principal Investigator commented,Chronic limb-threatening ischemia is a serious disease with severe consequences and limited treatment options. There is a high unmet need for novel and innovative therapiessuch as REX-001that have the potential to be a highly effective treatment and to reduce amputation and mortality rates amongst the patient population.
Chris Fegan, Consultant Haematologist, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board said, We have brought together many highly specialized teams from diabetes, surgery, radiology and stem cell transplantation to participate in the pioneering SALAMANDER study here at Cardiff and Vale, which we hope will revolutionize treatment options for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia.
Rexgenero, the company pioneering the development of REX-001, says that the experimental product has already demonstrated efficacy in Phase I/II studies. In the Phase II clinical trial, 82% of patients with non-healing ischemic ulcers were healed within the first 12 months after a single administration dose of REX-001.
Joe Dupere, CEO of Rexgenero added, Treating our first patient with REX-001 in the UK will be an important milestone for our Phase III program in diabetic patients with chronic-limb threatening ischemia, a severe condition with high unmet need. With clinical trial sites and manufacturing bases now open across multiple countries in Europe, we are one step closer to completion of the Phase III studies and potential regulatory and market approval for an innovative and much-needed product.
Rexgenero is planning to treat a total of 60 patients with CLI and rest pain and 78 patients with CLI and non-healing ischemic ulcers in two independent Phase III SALAMANDER trials in approximately 25 hospitals across Europe.In addition to the trial sites in the UK, Rexgenero is also recruiting patients for both trials at sites inSpain, Austria, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.
For more information about the REX-001 Phase III SALAMANDER trials, and how to participate, please visit theclinical trial website.
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At Rexgenero
For media enquiries (Rexgenero)
Joe Dupere, CEO+44 (0)20 3700
Instinctif PartnersAshley Tapp+44 (0)20 7866
At the University Hospital of Wales
Cardiff and University Health BoardCommunications Team+44 (0)29 2074
About Rexgenero
Rexgenero is a clinical-stage regenerative medicine company developing innovative cell-based therapies targeting serious diseases with unmet medical needs.
The Companys lead candidate, REX-001, is a highly innovative autologous cell therapy that is being studied in a Phase III clinical programme in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLI) with diabetes, a poorly treated disease with a high risk of amputation and death. REX-001 has been shown to be effective in Phase I/II and Phase II trials, alleviating CLI in the majority of patients, offering the potential to increase the quality of life of CLI patients by reducing pain, alleviating ulcers, increasing mobility, improving sleep and reducing the need for amputation. Rexgenero is developing REX-001 in a range of indications and, pending approval, intends to launch and market this specialty product in major territories.
Rexgenero is a privately-owned company, which draws on an exceptional understanding of the fundamental science of cell therapies developed by the Andalusian Health Authority (Servicio Andaluz de Salud) and Andalusian Initiative of Advanced Therapies.
The Company was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in London (UK) with R&D and manufacturing operations in Seville (Spain) and Frankfurt (Germany).
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About the REX-001 Phase III SALAMANDER Trials
REX-001 has shown efficacy in 70% of patients in Phase I and I/II studies and is currently progressing through two Phase III SALAMANDER trials in Europe being conducted at approximately 30 sites, with plans to enrol a total of 138 patients. The trials are given the name SALAMANDER in reference to the amphibians ability to regenerate its tail and limbs.
ThePhase III studyin patients with Rutherford stage 4 CLI will assess the efficacy and safety of REX-001 with a primary endpoint of complete relief of ischemic rest pain.
ThePhase III studyin patients with Rutherford stage 5 CLI will assess the efficacy and safety with a primary endpoint of complete ulcer healing.
Amputation-free survival is included as a secondary endpoint in both studies. The trials are expected to produce interim analysis in early 2021 with full results expected later that year; all dependent on the speed of patient recruitment.
For more information about the REX-001 Phase III SALAMANDER trials, please visit:
About the Midlands and Wales Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (MW-ATTC)
The Midlands and Wales Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (MW-ATTC) consists of a large regional network with the necessary commercial and NHS infrastructure required to facilitate the delivery of advanced therapy treatments to patients. The centre includes a wide range of specialists in advanced therapy manufacturing including academic and commercial partners, logistics companies, specialists in clinical trial delivery and teams focussed on IT solutions and health economics.
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The ATTC Network Programme is a world-first, UK system of Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres (ATTC) operating within the NHS framework and coordinated by the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult to address the unique and complex challenges of bringing pioneering advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) to patients. The centres include Innovate Manchester Advanced Therapy Centre Hub (iMATCH), Midlands-Wales Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (MW-ATTC, comprising Birmingham, Wales and Nottingham) and Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre (NA-ATTC, comprising Scotland, Newcastle and Leeds).
The network is initially supported by the Industrial Challenge Strategy Fund with the aim to develop first-of-a-kind technologies for the manufacture of innovative medicines across areas including blindness, cancer, heart failure, liver disease, neurological conditions and rare paediatric diseases.
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First UK Clinical Trial Site Open for Recruitment of Diabetic Patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Using Novel Patient-Specific...
Stem Cells Market to a Revenue Opportunity of US$270.5 bn During the Period from 2025 – News Description
By daniellenierenberg
In theglobal stem cells marketa sizeable proportion of companies are trying to garner investments from organizations based overseas. This is one of the strategies leveraged by them to grow their market share. Further, they are also forging partnerships with pharmaceutical organizations to up revenues.
In addition, companies in the global stem cells market are pouring money into expansion through multidisciplinary and multi-sector collaboration for large scale production of high quality pluripotent and differentiated cells. The market, at present, is characterized by a diverse product portfolio, which is expected to up competition, and eventually growth in the market.
Some of the key players operating in the global stem cells market areSTEMCELL Technologies Inc., Astellas Pharma Inc., Cellular Engineering Technologies Inc., BioTime Inc., Takara Bio Inc., U.S. Stem Cell, Inc., BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc., Cytori Therapeutics, Inc., Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., and Caladrius Biosciences, Inc.
As per a report by Transparency Market Research, the global market for stem cells is expected to register a healthy CAGR of 13.8% during the period from 2017 to 2025 to become worth US$270.5 bn by 2025.
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Depending upon the type of products, the global stem cell market can be divided into adult stem cells, human embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, etc. Of them, the segment of adult stem cells accounts for a leading share in the market. This is because of their ability to generate trillions of specialized cells which may lower the risks of rejection and repair tissue damage.
Depending upon geography, the key segments of the global stem cells market are North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. At present, North America dominates the market because of the substantial investments in the field, impressive economic growth, rising instances of target chronic diseases, and technological progress. As per the TMR report, the market in North America will likely retain its dominant share in the near future to become worth US$167.33 bn by 2025.
Investments in Research Drives Market
Constant thrust on research to broaden the utility scope of associated products is at the forefront of driving growth in the global stem cells market. Such research projects have generated various possibilities of different clinical applications of these cells, to usher in new treatments for diseases.
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Since cellular therapies are considered the next major step in transforming healthcare, companies are expanding their cellular therapy portfolio to include a range of ailments such as Parkinsons disease, type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injury, Alzheimers disease, etc.
The growing prevalence of chronic diseases and increasing investments of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies in stem cell research are the key driving factors for the stem cells therapeutics market. The growing number of stem cell donors, improved stem cell banking facilities, and increasing research and development are other crucial factors serving to propel the market, explains the lead analyst of the report.
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Transparency Market Research is a next-generation market intelligence provider, offering fact-based solutions to business leaders, consultants, and strategy professionals.
Our reports are single-point solutions for businesses to grow, evolve, and mature. Our real-time data collection methods along with ability to track more than one million high growth niche products are aligned with your aims. The detailed and proprietary statistical models used by our analysts offer insights for making right decision in the shortest span of time. For organizations that require specific but comprehensive information we offer customized solutions through adhoc reports. These requests are delivered with the perfect combination of right sense of fact-oriented problem solving methodologies and leveraging existing data repositories.
TMR believes that unison of solutions for clients-specific problems with right methodology of research is the key to help enterprises reach right decision.
ContactTransparency Market ResearchState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY 12207United StatesTel:+1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free:866-552-3453Email:[emailprotected]Website:http://www.transparencymarketresearch.comResearch Blog:
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Paralyzed survivor of Humboldt Broncos crash at a loss for words over progress since spinal surgery – The Globe and Mail
By daniellenierenberg
Ryan Straschnitzki sits in a hockey sled while he does physiotherapy in Bangkok, Thailand after spinal surgery.
Tom Straschnitzki/The Canadian Press
A hockey player paralyzed in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash says he is thrilled with the progress hes made since receiving spinal surgery in Thailand a month ago.
Doctors implanted an epidural stimulator in Ryan Straschnitzkis spine, and one week later injected stem cells above and below the injury to try to reverse some of the damage.
The 20-year-old has just a week to go before returning home to Airdrie, Alta.
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Its been progressively getting better and harder at the same time, which is good. They put me through a good sweat, doing a couple of laps around the buildings. Its good work, Mr. Straschnitzki said in an interview from Bangkok with The Canadian Press.
One video of his rehab shows him straightening a leg. In another, he is strapped into a harness as physiotherapists slowly help him walk with the use of a wheeled machine.
I was at a loss for words. I was really shocked and excited at the same time. It kind of scared me a little bit, but again, it was pretty excited, Mr. Straschnitzki said.
I dont remember being that tall.
He said he felt all sorts of emotions when he took his first steps since climbing aboard the Broncos hockey bus on April 6, 2018.
It gave me kind of a shock and brought back obviously a lot of memories ... [including] all the sports activities I was involved in.
Mr. Straschnitzki was one of 13 players injured when an inexperienced truck driver blew through a stop sign and into the path of the Saskatchewan junior teams bus. Sixteen others on the bus would die.
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Mr. Straschnitzki, who was paralyzed from the chest down, isnt expecting a cure, but hopes the implant will restore some muscle movement.
Tom Straschnitzki, the young mans father, said the only downside is that his son is enduring spasms after using muscles that havent been working for the past 19 months.
Hes getting pain where he never had before, which is a good thing, but it takes months for it to kick in.
Tom Straschnitzki said the best part of the journey has been watching his son react to the changes hes experiencing.
When he took his first steps on his own and he controlled it ... he was pretty revved.
The surgery can cost up to $100,000 and isnt covered by public health care or insurance, because the epidural procedure has not been approved by Health Canada. The Straschnitzki family is paying for it, but is angry the treatment isnt available here.
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Health Canada says it has licensed spinal-cord stimulators but only for pain relief.
The department has not licensed a spinal-cord stimulator device for regaining motor skills or sensory functions following spinal injuries, nor received an application for this intended use as of yet, Health Canada spokesman Geoffroy Legault-Thivierge wrote in an email.
Ryan Straschnitzki, who is hoping to make the Canadian sledge-hockey team and compete in the Olympics, took his sled with him to Thailand and has been sitting in it as part of his rehab.
Its supposed to help me with more balance, so when Im on the ice Im not falling over as easily.
Hes finally been cleared to return to the ice in Bangkok later this week.
Ive been itching to get out there and I cant wait.
Scientists develop artificial nerve cells which behave just like real cells – CNET
By daniellenierenberg
The tiny artificial nerve cell fits on a fingertip.
Scientists have built tiny silicon microchips, small enough to fit on a fingertip, which are "nearly identical" to biological nerve cells present in the human body. The research team suggests the low-power cells-on-a-chip could be used in bio-electronic devices and implants, providing a new way to combat diseases affecting the nervous system, such as Alzheimer's, or spinal cord injury.
Nerve cells, or neurons, are present throughout the brain and the nervous system and rapidly send electrical signals through their long, spindly arms, relaying information from brain to body and back. Their signalling activities require ion channels that convert mechanical or chemical signals into electrical ones. It's a complex dance underlying all our nerve impulses -- but that complexity has made it difficult to unravel how cells respond to certain stimuli.
"Until now neurons have been like black boxes, but we have managed to open the black box and peer inside," said Alain Nogaret, a physicist at the University of Bath and co-author of the study, in a press release. "Our work is paradigm changing because it provides a robust method to reproduce the electrical properties of real neurons in minute detail."
The new study,published in the journal Nature Communications on Tuesday, details the breakthrough technology which reproduces the electrical properties of a neuron on the tiny chip. The team were able to replicate the dynamics of individual nerve cells in the brain required for memory ("hippocampal neurons") and those required for breathing ("respiratory neurons"). The chips have a number of synthetic ion channels, which are responsible for the electrical impulses in biological cells.
Comparing the signals to those found in rat hippocampal neurons and rat brain stem neurons, the research team subjected their chip to 60 different stimulation protocols and modeled the responses, finding each time the chip was able to recapitulate responses seen in real cells.
While the study shows promise for potential bio-medical implants in the future, the authors note that other features of nerve cells will need to be considered.
The chip acts like a single cell, but nerve cells are complex beasts with branching arms, known as dendrites, responsible for propagating signals from cell to cell. The team suggests their model allows for the "complete dynamics of a biological neuron" to be placed on the chip, while noting a second compartment may need to be added that could describe the active properties of dendrites.
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Scientists develop artificial nerve cells which behave just like real cells - CNET
Stem Cells Market is Expected to Register a Healthy CAGR of 13.8% During the Period from 2017 to 2025 – Statsflash
By daniellenierenberg
In theglobal stem cells marketa sizeable proportion of companies are trying to garner investments from organizations based overseas. This is one of the strategies leveraged by them to grow their market share. Further, they are also forging partnerships with pharmaceutical organizations to up revenues.
In addition, companies in the global stem cells market are pouring money into expansion through multidisciplinary and multi-sector collaboration for large scale production of high quality pluripotent and differentiated cells. The market, at present, is characterized by a diverse product portfolio, which is expected to up competition, and eventually growth in the market.
Some of the key players operating in the global stem cells market areSTEMCELL Technologies Inc., Astellas Pharma Inc., Cellular Engineering Technologies Inc., BioTime Inc., Takara Bio Inc., U.S. Stem Cell, Inc., BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc., Cytori Therapeutics, Inc., Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., and Caladrius Biosciences, Inc.
As per a report by Transparency Market Research, the global market for stem cells is expected to register a healthy CAGR of 13.8% during the period from 2017 to 2025 to become worth US$270.5 bn by 2025.
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Depending upon the type of products, the global stem cell market can be divided into adult stem cells, human embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, etc. Of them, the segment of adult stem cells accounts for a leading share in the market. This is because of their ability to generate trillions of specialized cells which may lower the risks of rejection and repair tissue damage.
Depending upon geography, the key segments of the global stem cells market are North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. At present, North America dominates the market because of the substantial investments in the field, impressive economic growth, rising instances of target chronic diseases, and technological progress. As per the TMR report, the market in North America will likely retain its dominant share in the near future to become worth US$167.33 bn by 2025.
Investments in Research Drives Market
Constant thrust on research to broaden the utility scope of associated products is at the forefront of driving growth in the global stem cells market. Such research projects have generated various possibilities of different clinical applications of these cells, to usher in new treatments for diseases.
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Since cellular therapies are considered the next major step in transforming healthcare, companies are expanding their cellular therapy portfolio to include a range of ailments such as Parkinsons disease, type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injury, Alzheimers disease, etc.
The growing prevalence of chronic diseases and increasing investments of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies in stem cell research are the key driving factors for the stem cells therapeutics market. The growing number of stem cell donors, improved stem cell banking facilities, and increasing research and development are other crucial factors serving to propel the market, explains the lead analyst of the report.
About Us
Transparency Market Research is a next-generation market intelligence provider, offering fact-based solutions to business leaders, consultants, and strategy professionals.
Our reports are single-point solutions for businesses to grow, evolve, and mature. Our real-time data collection methods along with ability to track more than one million high growth niche products are aligned with your aims. The detailed and proprietary statistical models used by our analysts offer insights for making right decision in the shortest span of time. For organizations that require specific but comprehensive information we offer customized solutions through adhoc reports. These requests are delivered with the perfect combination of right sense of fact-oriented problem solving methodologies and leveraging existing data repositories.
TMR believes that unison of solutions for clients-specific problems with right methodology of research is the key to help enterprises reach right decision.
ContactTransparency Market ResearchState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY 12207United StatesTel:+1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free:866-552-3453Email:[emailprotected]Website:http://www.transparencymarketresearch.comResearch Blog:
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Stem Cells Market is Expected to Register a Healthy CAGR of 13.8% During the Period from 2017 to 2025 - Statsflash
Global Cell Therapy Processing Market Growth, Demand, Industry Verticals, and Forecast upto 2022 – News Description
By daniellenierenberg
TheCell Therapy Processing marketreport [6 Year Forecast 2016-2022] focuses on Major Leading Industry Players, providing info likeCell Therapy Processing product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks.Profile the top manufacturers of Cell Therapy Processing, with sales, revenue and globalmarket share ofCell Therapy Processingare analyzed emphatically bylandscape contrastandspeak to info.Upstream raw materials and instrumentation and downstream demand analysis is additionally administrated. The Cell Therapy Processing marketbusiness development trends and selling channelssquare measure analyzed. From a global perspective, It also represents overall Cell Therapy Processing industry size by analyzingqualitative insights and historical data.
There are numerous indications that can be cured using cell therapies, and with increased R&D activities for cell therapies, the number of therapeutic uses is anticipated to increase in the near future. Some of the indications under investigation for the treatment using cell therapy are cerebral disorders such as Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers disease, and also cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease could be treated using cell therapies with the aim to restore normal heart functions. Moreover, many studies are undergoing in the attempt to improve the safety and efficacy in treatment of different malignancies. Cell therapy could also be used to cure metabolic disorder such as diabetes mellitus type 1 where there is lack of insulin production in the patient. Researchers are also trying to restore normal liver and kidney function by introducing modified cells of respective origins. Presently, cell therapy could be a promising technique for the treatment of numerous conditions such as orthopedic, oncology, neurological and variety of autoimmune diseases. The increase in the potential of cell therapies in the treatment of diseases associated with lungs using stem cell therapies is anticipated to drive the markets growth in the near future. In addition, improved understanding of the role of stem cells in inducing development of functional lung cells from both embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells offers lucrative opportunities for the cell therapy processing markets growth. The rising significance of stem cell therapies provides further understanding of lung biology and repair after lung injury, and further a sound scientific basis for therapeutic use of cell therapies and bioengineering approaches in the treatment of lung diseases.
Report Scope:
This research report presents an in-depth analysis of the global cell therapy processing market by offering type, application and geographic regional markets. The report includes key inhibitors that affect various factors that help in growth of cell therapy processing. The report discusses the role of supply chain members from manufacturers to researchers. The report analyzes key companies operating in the global cell therapy processing market. In-depth patent analysis in the report will provide extensive technological trends across years and regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and ROW.
The cell therapy processing market is mainly segmented into three major components: offering type, application and region. Based on offering type, the market is segmented into products (cell lines, instruments, among others), services (product design, process design, among others) and software (enabling software). Based on application, the market is categorized into cardiovascular diseases, bone repair, neurological disorders, skeletal muscle repair, cancer and others. The market is segmented by region into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the ROW.
The cell therapy processing market is mainly segmented into three major components: offering type, application and region. Based on offering type, the market is segmented into products (cell lines, instruments, among others), services (product design, process design, among others) and software (enabling software). Based on application, the market is categorized into cardiovascular diseases, bone repair, neurological disorders, skeletal muscle repair, cancer and others. The market is segmented by region into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the ROW.
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Report Includes:
40 data tables and 25 additional tables
An overview of the global market for cell therapy processing technologies
Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2016 and 2017, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2022
Analysis of the market by technology, application, and region
An outline of the present state of applications of rainwater harvesting
Descriptions of trends in price and price-performance and other factors, including demand in the market
Profiles of key companies in the market, including Biotime Inc., Cell Design Labs., Flodesign Sonics, Lonza Group Ltd. and Sanbio Co. Ltd.
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Fat grafting improves range of motion in limbs damaged by radiation therapy – Yahoo Finance
By daniellenierenberg
A new study released today in STEM CELLS outlines how fat grafting - which previous studies have shown can reduce and even reverse fibrosis (scar tissue) buildup - also improves the range of motion of the affected limb. The study, conducted by researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine, was conducted on mice.
DURHAM, N.C., Dec. 3, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ --A new study released today in STEM CELLS outlines how fat grafting which previous studies have shown can reduce and even reverse fibrosis (scar tissue) buildup also improves the range of motion of the affected limb. The study, conducted by researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine, was conducted on mice.
The tumor-destroying capabilities of radiation therapy can be a life saver for a person suffering from cancer. But it's a therapy that has several unwanted side effects, too, including causing substantial damage not just to cancerous cells, but any healthy tissue in its path. Over time, fibrosis builds up in the treated area which, in the case of an arm, shoulder, or leg, for example, can lead to painful contractures that significantly limit extensibility and negatively impact the person's quality of life.
The Stanford team irradiated the right hind legs of subject mice, which resulted in chronic fibrosis and limb contracture. Four weeks later, the irradiated limbs of one group of the mice were injected with fat enriched with stromal vascular cells (SVCs). These potent cells already naturally exist in fat, but supplementation of fat with additional SVCs enhances its regenerative capabilities. A second group was injected with fat only, a third group with saline and a fourth group received no injections, for comparison. The animals' ability to extend their limb was then measured at baseline and every two weeks for a 12-week period. At the end of the 12 weeks, the hind limb skin underwent histological analysis and biomechanical strength testing.
"Each animal showed significant reduction in its limb extension ability due to the radiation, but this was progressively rescued by fat grafting," reported corresponding author Derrick C. Wan, M.D., FACS. Fat grafting also reduced skin stiffness and reversed the radiation-induced histological changes in the skin.
"The greatest benefits were found in mice injected with fat enriched with SVCs," Dr. Wan added. "SVCs are easily obtained through liposuction and can be coaxed into different tissue types, where they can support neovascularization, replace cells and repair injured issue.
"Our study showed the ability of fat to improve mobility as well as vascularity and appearance," he continued. "We think this holds enormous clinical potential especially given that adipose tissue is abundant and can be easily collected from the patients themselves and underscores an attractive approach to address challenging soft tissue fibrosis in patients following radiation therapy."
Furthermore, said co-author and world-renowned breast reconstructive expert Arash Momeni, M.D., FACS, "Our observations are potentially translatable to a variety of challenging clinical scenarios. Being able to reverse radiation-induced effects holds promise to substantially improve clinical outcomes in implant-based as well as autologous breast reconstruction. The study findings are indeed encouraging as they could offer patients novel treatment modalities for debility clinical conditions.
"Excessive scarring is a challenging problem that is associated with a variety of clinical conditions, such as burn injuries, tendon lacerations, etc. The potential to improve outcomes based on treatment modalities derived from our research is indeed exciting," Dr. Momeni added.
"Skin and soft tissue scarring and fibrosis are well-established problems after radiation. The current study, showing that human fat grafting can normalize the collagen networks and improve tissue elasticity in immune deficient mice, provides molecular evidence for how fat grafting functions," said Dr. Jan Nolta, Editor-in-Chief of STEM CELLS. "The studies indicate that, with the appropriate regulatory approvals, autologous fat grafting could potentially also help human patients recover from radiation-induced tissue fibrosis."
The full article, "Fat grafting rescues radiation-induced joint contracture," can be accessed at
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About the Journal: STEM CELLS, a peer reviewed journal published monthly, provides a forum for prompt publication of original investigative papers and concise reviews. The journal covers all aspects of stem cells: embryonic stem cells/induced pluripotent stem cells; tissue-specific stem cells; cancer stem cells; the stem cell niche; stem cell epigenetics, genomics and proteomics; and translational and clinical research. STEM CELLS is co-published by AlphaMed Press and Wiley.
About AlphaMed Press: Established in 1983, AlphaMed Press with offices in Durham, NC, San Francisco, CA, and Belfast, Northern Ireland, publishes three internationally renowned peer-reviewed journals with globally recognized editorial boards dedicated to advancing knowledge and education in their focused disciplines. STEM CELLS ( is the world's first journal devoted to this fast paced field of research. THE ONCOLOGIST ( is devoted to community and hospital-based oncologists and physicians entrusted with cancer patient care. STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE ( is dedicated to significantly advancing the clinical utilization of stem cell molecular and cellular biology. By bridging stem cell research and clinical trials, SCTM will help move applications of these critical investigations closer to accepted best practices.
About Wiley: Wiley, a global company, helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions, help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work. For more than 200 years, we have delivered consistent performance to our stakeholders. The company's website can be accessed at
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Fat grafting improves range of motion in limbs damaged by radiation therapy - Yahoo Finance