A glimpse into Indian consumers expectations for cosmetic treatments and consumption insights – The Financial Express
By daniellenierenberg
By Dr Chytra V Anand
The fascination with beauty and skincare in India has grown leaps and bounds in recent times, and understandably so, given that the culture of beauty is deeply rooted in the country. The days when beauty was an aspect of social class and the cosmetic treatments and products you access gave away your economic status are long gone, as are the days when cosmetic treatments were considered a girl thing. With cosmetic treatments becoming more accessible and sought-after, the Indian skincare and derma cosmetics market generated an estimated revenue of a whopping USD 188.2 million in 2021. The same is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.2% between 2021 and 2030.
Today, with changing lifestyles, demographic growth, cutting-edge technology, and improving economic and social conditions thanks to rising per capita and disposable income, India is quickly heading towards becoming a leader in the global cosmetics industry. But for a bit of self-introspection, what are Indian consumers looking for when it comes to cosmetic treatments? What does their consumption tell industry players?
Body hair removal has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures done across the world today. But compared to shaving, waxing, or using an epilator or a trimmer, laser hair removal is a more permanent hair removal method that has gained immense traction of late. Especially in urban India, laser hair removal has quickly gained popularity, with mothers even bringing their 16-year-olds for Laser hair removal.
In 2021, the global laser hair removal market was valued atUSD 798.6 million, with an estimated CAGR of 18.4% from 2022 to 2030. Given that laser hair removal is a one-time procedure, although one has to sit through multiple sessions, the results, when done by a reliable cosmetic professional, are impressive. The Asia Pacific is projected to be the fastest-growing segment for laser hair removal, especially in countries like India and China.
A cosmetic procedure where a chemical solution is applied to your skin to remove the top layers, Chemical Peels ensure that the skin becomes smoother and clearer, making it radiant. On the other hand, a Medical Clean-up, in the simplest terms, is the procedure of cleaning your skin, ridding impurities like blackheads and white head spots to clear clogged pores. Besides, Medical Clean-ups are also beneficial for people struggling with acne scars, making it a popular procedure that an increasing number of people are choosing. For Chemical Peels, the market size is expected to touch USD 68.81 million between 2021 to 2025, making their popularity surge.
As we grow older, our skin begins to age too, and wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear on our face. Cosmetic procedures like Hydra Facials and skin maintenance with Laser Photofacials are a weekly must-do for 30-45-year-olds to ensure their skin is supple and glowing. Apart from this, the perception of Indian consumers when it comes to cosmetic treatments like Botox and Fillers has begun to change. These are no longer viewed as taboo as people now realise that they give your skin a lift.
Such treatments are also no longer only available for a certain section of society, like the wealthy. Botox and Fillers are now available to everyone, and consumers are looking at them from a skin maintenance standpoint rather than as a luxury, unnecessary treatment. Annually, the Botox segment is registering 20-25% growth in the country proof of evolving consumer preferences and the rising popularity of such treatments. Besides these, derma cosmetics and medical skin care have also gained a fair amount of traction, with skincare aficionados looking for effective and efficient skin care procedures that are non-surgical.
Alongside our skincare, taking care of our mane is equally important. For people struggling with hair fall, flaky and dry scalp, and other issues that affect your hair, stem cell therapy is the answer. Often done annually, stem cell therapy helps rejuvenate your hair cells to retain hair and repair damage. And with the global hair restoration market standing at over USD 4.2 billion in 2020, we can safely say its here to stay.
With consumerism changing face gradually and Indian consumers gaining access to world-class cosmetic treatments that are non-surgical, which still trump surgical procedures, the future of the Indian cosmetic treatments market shines bright. As long as the procedures are done by qualified and experienced professionals and are reliable and effective, the demand for such cosmetic procedures will continue to grow.
(The author isfounder ofKosmoderma Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.Views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of the FinancialExpress.com.)
Originally posted here:
A glimpse into Indian consumers expectations for cosmetic treatments and consumption insights - The Financial Express
Tajmeel redefines beauty to give its patients the best results – Gulf News
By daniellenierenberg
Dr Giulia Svizzero, Plastic Surgeon, Tajmeel Clinic, emphasises the importance of patients having realistic expectations to ensure safety and get the best results for their specific needs
Tajmeel is a beauty clinic from Burjeel holdings. We offer an elegant environment supported by the commitment to excellence of our group. We have a team of board-certified specialists with over 15 years of experience in their field. Tajmeels main departments are dental, plastic surgery and dermatology. Tajmeel redefines beauty to give its patients the best results they are looking for.
* Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that impair healing.
* Individuals with realistic expectations and positive outlook.
* What do you recommend as the best strategy for youth preservation or anti-aging?
* Sleep is the best anti-aging tool we have, at least 7-8 hours per night.
* Eating a healthy diet. No smoking and no alcohol.
* Healthy dose of omegas in your diet, fish oil supplements of 1,000-2,000mg daily.
* Take vitamin C 1,000mg daily.
* Decrease your sugar intake, as high sugar is very damaging to the skin. Collagen and elastin are particularly susceptible to glycosylation. Damage to these proteins leads to sallow, wrinkled, and sagging skin.
* Consume marine collagen and hyaluronic acid powder.
* Keep yourself well hydrated with alkaline water.
* Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
* Try yoga and meditation, and also do what you love to do.
* Daily use of sunblock SPF 50.
* Early use of neurotoxins (Botox or Dysport).
* Non-invasive skin treatments can help maintain the integrity of the skin over time.
* Retin A or vitamin A derivative anti-aging topical therapies.
Dr Giulia Svizzero, Plastic Surgeon
Dr Giulia is a board-certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience. Dr. Giulia received training at several hospitals and specialised clinics in Italy, France and Singapore. She gained broad experience performing high-precision surgeries, microsurgery, plastic surgery, and reconstructive plastic surgery.
Dr Giulias areas of expertise include aesthetic breast surgery (breast lifts, breast reductions, and breast augmentation), liposuction, abdominoplasty, ear reconstruction, oncoplastic breast surgery, and head and neck reconstruction. She is committed to staying current with the latest techniques and procedures in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, which is why she attends numerous specialised seminars and international conferences.
Can you prolong the length of time of the need to have a facelift by using new anti-wrinkle alternatives such as injectables?
Genetics play a role in how our face will age to some degree but our lifestyle choices and the way we care for our skin can actually delay the process. Liquid facelift, which uses an assortment of different injectables can help delay the need for surgery. You can go for Botox and fillers to smoothen dynamic wrinkles and restore the volume. Skin boosters can treat the skin superficially using new collagen stimulators or much better stem cells to tighten it to the underlying tissues before its too late, because the extra excess skin is the only thing we cant correct without surgery. However, be careful about not having an over injected look that can result after several liquid facelifts. When that starts happening its better to consider the pony tail lift or the complete face lift.
Body contouring, if done properly, can have wonderful results. What methods do you use for optimal results?
Yes, but again realistic expectations. We dont have a magic wand. We have to draw limits to ensure the safety of the patient and get the best results for the specific surgical indications. It also depends on the starting point, on the deposit of localised fat, and the skin laxity and quality.
With the introduction in the market of new technologies for skin tightening such as J-plasma and Bodytite, I always perform liposculpting with radio frequency that permits us to conduct heat on the skin and shrink it consequently. We can combine the treatment with fat transfer (sometimes enriched with stem cells) to specific areas to correct some depressions and to create more definition in the waistline. And eventually Brazilian butt lift, but again we need to have realistic expectations as not all the reinjected fat will survive long-term, but only about 60 per cent.
We cant ignore that when we have a severe skin laxity and extra excess of skin, we need the body lift or dermolipectomy (cutting the skin) as abdominoplasty, 360 belt abdominoplasty, thighs lift, and arms lift. However, this will result in permanent scarring, even though we position and suture the scar meticulously. Scar healing is a long, complicated and very individual process.
How much of your consultations and treatments are dedicated to assisting individuals who have had less than optimal results from previous procedures?
One of the most requested procedures is liposuction, which may require revisions. This is similar to what happened to the fake large breasts in the past. Breast implants are more popular than ever but now the augmentation has been moving towards a smaller size and natural shape. Patients wearing big and heavy implants are having unpleasant aesthetic consequences such as severe ptosis of the breast that requires a mastopexy or breast lift with implants exchange.
We need to need to be aware of the disaster caused due to the placement of permanent fillers in on the face and body that may lead to serious complications such as allergic reactions, infections, and necrosis (death of skin cells). So to conclude, lets say maybe around 70 per cent of all my procedures.
We see many plastic surgery clinics promoting patient education. How important is this aspect to patients?
It is very important. Patients need to understand perfectly what they will encounter and the realistic results that we can ensure. Besides, all the risks and benefits and the post-surgery or treatment care. The success and good results of plastic surgery is not only in the surgeons hands, but a well done post-operative care will definitely enhance the result.
The Tajmeel Royal Clinic is located on Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai. For appointments and enquiries call 800 825
* Board-certified surgeon with over 15 years of experience
List of treatments
* Breast surgeries (augmentation, reduction, and lifts)
* Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
* Body lifts (arms lift, thighs lift, and belt lift)
* Eyebrows and eyelid lifts (ponytail lift)
* Oncoplastic breast surgery
* Head and neck reconstruction
Tajmeel redefines beauty to give its patients the best results - Gulf News
Here Is Why You Heal Slower As You Age – Health Digest
By daniellenierenberg
You probably know what hormones are, and you may have at least heard about stem cells, but what is a growth factor? According to Britannica, it is a protein that stimulates growth in specific tissues. There are many types of growth factors, each with the job of repairing certain body parts. Some growth factors include epidermal growth factor (responsible for skin repair), platelet-derived growth factor (responsible for repairing muscles and connective tissues), and nerve growth factor (responsible for stimulating brain cell growth and repair).
According to a 2020 mini-review in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, growth factors are critical for tissue repair and regeneration. In short, growth factors help maintain skin health and heal wounds. As you age and fewer growth factors are available to help with repair and regeneration, injuries take longer to heal. Stem cells factor in because they release growth factors to instigate wound healing, according to a 2010 study in theInternational Journal of Stem Cells.
And the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone play a part in wound healing too. Low estrogen levels or high amounts of testosterone can slow healing. For women, estrogen levels drop after menopause, resulting in slowed healing time (via Wounds).
See original here:
Here Is Why You Heal Slower As You Age - Health Digest
Development and validation of a predictive model to guide the use of plerixafor in pediatric population | Bone Marrow Transplantation – Nature.com
By daniellenierenberg
The main patient characteristics are described in Table2. Type of tumor and mobilization were similar between the groups.
Based on AIC minimization, the combined variability structure was selected. The equation of the estimated base model was AP-CD34+=1.63+1.02 (PB-CD34+)+e where e had a zero-mean normal distribution N (0, s2 (k+prediction)2).
The parameter values for intercept, PB-CD34+, k, and were 1.63 (SE=0.72), 0.12 (SE=0.01), 1.76 and 0.49, respectively.
The base model showed a satisfactory goodness-of-fit plot. In the predicted vs the observed scatterplot, the dots were well scattered around the identity line indicating unbiased model predictions. Additionally, the plot of residual values confirmed non-homogeneous variance with greater residual variability for larger predicted values of the AP-CD34+ cell counts. In terms of predictive accuracy, the base model was able to properly predict the percentage of patients achieving both 2 106 and 5 106 AP-CD34+ cells/kg (Fig.2).
AP-CD34+ cluster of differentiation 34+ cells on the first day of apheresis, CI confidence interval.
The base model can be used to characterize the necessary counts of PB-CD34+ to achieve thresholds of 2 106 and 5 106 AP-CD34+ cells/kg (Fig.3).
AP-CD34+ cluster of differentiation 34+ cells on the first day of apheresis, PB-CD34+ peripheral blood-cluster of differentiation 34.
According to the base model, an estimated PB-CD34+ counts of 57.01 (90% CI: 21.76130.76) and 125.24 (90% CI: 72.09330.71) 106/L were necessary to reach thresholds of 2 106 and 5 106 AP-CD34+ cells/kg, respectively, with a probability of 0.90.
Based on AIC minimization, the best model includes the tumor type (neuroblastoma and other) as covariate. The equation of the estimated final model was as follows:
$${{{{{{{mathrm{Neuroblastoma}}}}}}}}:{{{{{{{mathrm{AP}}}}}}}} {mbox{-}} {{{{{{{mathrm{CD}}}}}}}}34^ + = 3.01 + 0.13 times left( {{{{{{{{mathrm{PB}}}}}}}} {mbox{-}} {{{{{{{mathrm{CD}}}}}}}}34^ + } right) + e$$
$${{{{{{{mathrm{Other}}}}}}}};{{{{{{{mathrm{tumor}}}}}}}};{{{{{{{mathrm{types}}}}}}}}:{{{{{{{mathrm{AP}}}}}}}} {mbox{-}} {{{{{{{mathrm{CD}}}}}}}}34^ + = 0.01 + 0.13 times left( {{{{{{{{mathrm{PB}}}}}}}} {mbox{-}} {{{{{{{mathrm{CD}}}}}}}}34^ + } right) + e$$
where e had a zero-mean normal distribution N (0, s2 (k+prediction)2).
The parameter values for intercept-neuroblastoma, intercept-other, PB-CD34+, and were 3.01 (SE=1.10), 0.01 (SE=0.006), 0.13 (SE=0.01), (simeq) 0.00 and 0.54, respectively.
According to the model, the predicted count of AP-CD34+ cells was slightly larger for neuroblastoma tumor types than for the other tumor types. It should be noted that the final model was selected considering the type of tumor as an additional covariate (in addition to PB-CD34+) based on statistical information criterion (AIC), and that the tumor type was correlated with the age of the patients - the patients with Neuroblastoma tumor type, with mean age of 3.7 years (standard deviation, SD=2.1 years), being younger than the others with mean age of 8.9 years (SD=4.8 years). However, the choice of considering tumor type in the final model instead of age was driven by the fact that the fit of the data was improved when tumor type was considered as predictor, as compared to age, which reflected in lower value of the statistical information criterion with tumor type (AIC=288.6) than with age (AIC=310.1).
The final model also showed a good predictive property in terms of goodness-of-fit plot and prediction of the percentages of patients achieving both 2 106 and 5 106 AP-CD34+ cells/kg (Fig.4). The model predicts that a smaller PB-CD34+ cell count was needed to reach 2 106 and 5 106 AP-CD34+ cells/kg with a probability of 0.90 in patients with neuroblastoma tumor type than in those with other tumor types (Fig.5). According to the final model, in patients with neuroblastoma tumor type, the estimated PB-CD34+ counts necessary to reach apheresis thresholds of 2 106 and 5 106 AP-CD34+ cells/kg with a probability of 0.90 were 27.32 (90% CI: 0.1650.51) and 103.20 (90% CI: 56.15165.18) 106/L, respectively. The estimated PB-CD34+ counts necessary to reach thresholds of 2 106 and 5 106 AP-CD34+ cells/kg with a probability of 0.90 in patients with other tumor type were 50.51 (90% CI: 29.3079.12) and 126.39 (90% CI: 77.25198.28) 106/L, respectively.
AP-CD34+ cluster of differentiation 34+ cells on the first day of apheresis, CI confidence interval.
AP-CD34+ cluster of differentiation 34+ cells on the first day of apheresis, PB-CD34+, peripheral blood-cluster of differentiation 34+.
The uncertainty related to these PB-CD34+ estimated values with the final model was slightly less in comparison to the base model probably due to a reduced residual variability.
The physiological process of stem cell mobilization via CXCR4 is comparably the same in subjects of all ages, and when adult data on CXCR4 is extrapolated into children it should closely mirror that seen in children [19]. We complemented our analyses with data from the adult NHL and MM patients who participated in the two plerixafor studies [15, 16], focusing on the first day of apheresis similar to the MOZAIC study. The details of the analyses can be found in theSupplementary section.
Mesenchymal stem cells market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 13.82% by 2032: Visiongain Research Inc – GlobeNewswire
By daniellenierenberg
Visiongain has published a new report entitled Mesenchymal Stem Cells Market 2022-2032. It includes profiles of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Market and Forecasts Market Segment by Type {Product (Cell & Cell Lines, Kits Media & Reagents, Others), Services}, Market segment by Source (Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue, Cord Blood, fallopian Tube, Fetal Liver, Lung, Peripheral Blood, Other Sources), Market Segment by Indication (Bone & Cartilage Repair, cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, GvHD, Inflammatory & Immunological Diseases, Liver Diseases, Other Diseases), Market Segment by Application (Disease Modelling, Drug Discovery & Development, Stem Cell Banking, Tissue Engineering, Toxicology Studies, Other Applications) plus COVID-19 Impact Analysis and Recovery Pattern Analysis (V-shaped, W-shaped, U-shaped, L-shaped), Profiles of Leading Companies, Region and Country.
The mesenchymal stem cells market was valued at US$2.44 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 13.82% during the forecast period 2022-2032.
Rising Awareness About Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem CellsThe mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) market has a huge potential for expansion as it's the most prevalent stem cell type used in regenerative medicine. MSCs are now the most commonly used stem cell type in clinical trials and the most researched stem cell type in the scientific literature. MSC-based therapies are also gaining popularity due to the rapidly aging population and rising prevalence of chronic diseases. Mesenchymal Stem cells play a significant role in effective management of disease and research initiatives in specialized areas such as genomic testing and personalized medicine. As a result of rising awareness of the therapeutic potential of stem cells and the scarcity of effective therapeutic treatments for rare diseases there is rise in investment leading to the growth of the market, however significant operational cost associated with the mesenchymal stem cell expansion and banking is anticipated to hinder the market growth.
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How has COVID-19 had a Significant Negative Impact on the Mesenchymal Stem Cells Market?
The biotechnology industry has experienced evolutionary changes with regards to the operational management. Typical biopharmaceutical companies manufacturing products for mesenchymal stem cell development had a better response to staff disruptions and challenges evolving due to COVID-19.
There was an impact on the research & development activities and clinical trials as there were interruptions in the new patient enrolment for the active clinical trial. However, the business focused on inventing new therapies for the treatment of COVID-19 disease. In the past years, MSCs have established itself to be an effective technique to treat pulmonary disease, including COVID-19. MSC derived stem cell therapies have showed the potential for the treatment of the Covid 19 disease. Therefore, an increase in the number of clinical trials using MSCs has been observed. Countries such as the US, the UK, Belgium, France, Spain and Mexico are conducting clinical trials with mesenchymal stem cells to be used in the treatment of COVID-19.
How will this Report Benefit you?
Visiongains 281-page report provides 117 tables and 184 charts/graphs. Our new study is suitable for anyone requiring commercial, in-depth analyses for the mesenchymal stem cells market, along with detailed segment analysis in the market. Our new study will help you evaluate the overall global and regional market for Mesenchymal Stem Cells Market. Get financial analysis of the overall market and different segments including type, Source, Indication, Application, and company size and capture higher market share. We believe that there are strong opportunities in this fast-growing mesenchymal stem cells market. See how to use the existing and upcoming opportunities in this market to gain revenue benefits in the near future. Moreover, the report will help you to improve your strategic decision-making, allowing you to frame growth strategies, reinforce the analysis of other market players, and maximise the productivity of the company.
What are the Current Market Drivers?
MSCs in the Development of Engineered Tissues and OrganshMSCs are considered as one of the prominent bio fabrication materials for decades as they are proved safe and effective in treating various injuries and diseases such as bone or cartilage regeneration, stroke & cancer. Bioprinting is a rapidly expanding tissue engineering area with a lot of promise for product customization and addressing the global tissue and organ scarcity, with a global market of $1.82 billion USD predicted by 2022. hMSCs have also been found to be capable of being guided toward hepatocyte differentiation thus indicating huge demand for hMSCs as tissue engineering of organ develops. The requirement for hMSC in engineered tissue and organ applications is, of course, reliant on cell generation, differentiation, and maturation technologies for the parenchymal cells required for organ function and thus it is expected that the increased availability of hMSC sources as a result of manufacturing technology advancements will pave the way for quick improvement and growth of the mesenchymal stem cells market.
Rise in Focus Towards Regenerative Medicine TherapiesMSCs are a good cell source for tissue regeneration because of the following characteristics. MSCs can be sourced from various tissue, including umbilical cord, fetal liver, bone marrow, and synovium. MSCs have the ability to develop into practically any end-stage lineage cell, allowing them to seed specific scaffolds. MSCs are potential immune tolerant agents as they have characteristics such as anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory & immunosuppressive. Several clinical papers back up MSC-based cell therapy's potential efficacy; while its efficacy is still restricted, the results are encouraging.
MSCs have been investigated and used extensively in regenerative medicine. MSCs have moved closer to therapeutic applications for disease therapy and tissue repair in recent years due to improvements in extraction, culture, and differentiation procedures , therefore future research into better biomaterials and effective inducing factors will help MSCs advance in their regenerative medicine applications.
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Where are the Market Opportunities?
MSC Therapy to Treat Multiple SclerosisThe therapeutic application of MSCs in treating Multiple Sclerosis has proved to provide huge potential by improving clinical symptoms, thereby stabilizing the disease progression. MSCs have properties such as immunomodulator, tissue-protector and repair promotion has proved MSCs to be an attractive therapy option in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis as well as in other conditions such as inflammation and tissue injury.
MSCs when administered, combat the inflammation in body and regulate the immune system which will further prevent myelin degradation. Clinical trials demonstrating the application of MSCs in Multiple Sclerosis patients have shown increased energy levels, improved flexibility, strength, and mobility. It has also been observed that if MSCs are administered intravenously may have the ability to halt diseases progression for an extended time duration.
MSCs offer intrinsic benefits over hematopoietic stem cells, that MSCs can differentiate into a cell types, release immunoregulatory molecules and promote release of exosome and growth factors
Competitive LandscapeThe major players operating in the mesenchymal stem cells market are Thermo Fischer Scientific Inc., Merck KGaA (Millipore Sigma), STEMCELL Technologoes Inc., Cytori Therapeutics Inc. (Plus Therapeutics Inc.), Cyagen Biosciences, PromoCell GmbH, Celprogen Inc. Stemedica Cell Technologies Inc., Cell Application Inc., Lonza, Celltex Therapeutics Corporation. These major players operating in this market have adopted various strategies comprising M&A, investment in R&D, collaborations, partnerships, regional business expansion, and new product launches.
Recent Developments
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Visiongain is one of the fastest-growing and most innovative independent market intelligence providers around, the company publishes hundreds of market research reports which it adds to its extensive portfolio each year. These reports offer in-depth analysis across 18 industries worldwide. The reports, which cover 10-year forecasts, are hundreds of pages long, with in-depth market analysis and valuable competitive intelligence data. Visiongain works across a range of vertical markets with a lot of synergies. These markets include automotive, aviation, chemicals, cyber, defence, energy, food & drink, materials, packaging, pharmaceutical and utilities sectors. Our customised and syndicatedmarket research reportsoffer a bespoke piece of market intelligence customised to your very own business needs.
Contact:Dev VisavadiaPR at Visiongain Reports LimitedTel: + 44 0207 336 6100Email: dev.visavadia@visiongain.com
Read the original here:
Mesenchymal stem cells market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 13.82% by 2032: Visiongain Research Inc - GlobeNewswire
Jasper Therapeutics Announces Positive Clinical Data from Investigator Sponsored Study of JSP191 Conditioning in Fanconi Anemia Patients at IEWP…
By daniellenierenberg
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Sept. 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jasper Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: JSPR), a biotechnology company focused on hematopoietic cell transplant therapies, today announced that data from the companys investigator-sponsored study of JSP191 as a conditioning agent in the treatment of Fanconi Anemia were presented at the annual conference of the Inborn Errors Working Party (IEWP), a research group of the European Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, held on September 23-25, 2022, in Paris, France.
The study is a Phase 1/2 clinical trial (NCT04784052) utilizing JSP191 to treat Fanconi Anemia patients in bone marrow failure requiring allogeneic transplant with non-sibling donors. The objective of the study is to develop cell therapy for Fanconi Anemia which enables enhanced donor hematopoietic and immune reconstitution with decreased toxicity by transplanting TCR ab+ T-cell/CD19+ B-cell depleted stem cells from a donor, after using JSP191 as a part of conditioning. Primary outcome measures include the number of patients without treatment-emergent adverse events following the administration of JSP191.
In the data series presented, 100% complete donor chimerism was achieved through six months for the first patient and at one month for the second patient. Neutrophil engraftment was reached on day 11 for both patients and platelet engraftment was achieved on days 9 and 14. JSP191 was cleared by day 9 after dosing and no treatment-related adverse events or toxicities were observed.
Patients affected by Fanconi anemia have increased sensitivity to conventional conditioning regimens and radiation due to innate defects in DNA repair, said Ronald Martell, President, and CEO of Jasper Therapeutics. JSP191 offers a targeted conditioning strategy that eliminates the need for radiation or alkylating agents like busulfan. Initial data from this study suggest that a conditioning regimen that includes JSP191 has the potential to achieve successful donor transplant with no JSP191-related adverse events or toxicities reported to date. The positive update presented gives us increased confidence in JSP191, which has now shown promise as a conditioning agent in four indications including acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, severe combined immunodeficiency, and Fanconi anemia. We look forward to continuing support for Stanfords investigation of JSP191 and advancing our broader pipeline for JSP191 to the next phase of development.
The details of the oral presentation are as follows:
Title: JSP 191 clinical trial updateSession Name: Conditioning for HSCT in IEIPresenter: Rajni Agarwal-Hashmi, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Stem Cell Transplantation, the Stanford University School of MedicineDate/Time: Saturday, September 24, 2022, 2 pm CESTLocation: The Imagine Institute in Paris, France
About Fanconi AnemiaFanconi Anemia (FA) is a rare but serious blood disorder that prevents the bone marrow from making sufficient new red blood cells. The disorder can also cause the bone marrow to make abnormal blood cells. FA typically presents at birth or early in childhood between five and ten years of age. Ultimately it can lead to serious complications, including bone marrow failure and severe aplastic anemia. Cancers such as AML and MDS are other possible complications. Treatment may include blood transfusions or medicine to create more red blood cells, but a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) is the only cure.
About JSP191
JSP191 is a humanized monoclonal antibody in clinical development as a conditioning agent that blocks stem cell factor receptor signaling leading to clearance of hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow, creating an empty space for donor or genetically modified transplanted stem cells to engraft. To date, JSP191 has been evaluated in more than 100 healthy volunteers and patients. Four clinical trials for acute myeloid leukemia (AML)/ myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), sickle cell disease (SCD) and Fanconi anemia are currently ongoing. The Company plans a new study of JSP191 as a second-line therapeutic in lower-risk MDS patients in 2022 as well as to a pivotal study in AML/MDS transplant in early 2023. Enrollment in additional studies are planned in patients with chronic granulomatous disease and GATA2 MDS who are undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation as well as a study of JSP191 as a chronic therapeutic for low to intermediate risk MDS patients.
About Jasper Therapeutics
Jasper Therapeutics is a biotechnology company focused on the development of novel curative therapies based on the biology of the hematopoietic stem cell. The company is advancing two potentially groundbreaking programs. JSP191, an anti-CD117 monoclonal antibody, is in clinical development as a conditioning agent that clears hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow in patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation. It is designed to enable safer and more effective curative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplants and gene therapies. In parallel, Jasper Therapeutics is advancing its preclinical mRNA Stem Cell Graft Platform which is designed to overcome key limitations of allogeneic and autologous gene-edited stem cell grafts. Both innovative programs have the potential to transform the field and expand hematopoietic stem cell therapy cures to a greater number of patients with life-threatening cancers, genetic diseases, and autoimmune diseases than is possible today. For more information, please visit us at jaspertherapeutics.com.
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements included in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are sometimes accompanied by words such as believe, may, will, estimate, continue, anticipate, intend, expect, should, would, plan, predict, potential, seem, seek, future, outlook and similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the potential long-term benefits of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) engraftment following targeted single-agent JSP191 conditioning in the treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and Jaspers ability to potentially deliver a targeted non-genotoxic conditioning agent to patients with SCID. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this press release, and on the current expectations of Jasper and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as, and must not be relied on by an investor as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Actual events and circumstances are difficult or impossible to predict and will differ from assumptions. Many actual events and circumstances are beyond the control of Jasper. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including general economic, political and business conditions; the risk that the potential product candidates that Jasper develops may not progress through clinical development or receive required regulatory approvals within expected timelines or at all; risks relating to uncertainty regarding the regulatory pathway for Jaspers product candidates; the risk that clinical trials may not confirm any safety, potency or other product characteristics described or assumed in this press release; the risk that Jasper will be unable to successfully market or gain market acceptance of its product candidates; the risk that Jaspers product candidates may not be beneficial to patients or successfully commercialized; patients willingness to try new therapies and the willingness of physicians to prescribe these therapies; the effects of competition on Jaspers business; the risk that third parties on which Jasper depends for laboratory, clinical development, manufacturing and other critical services will fail to perform satisfactorily; the risk that Jaspers business, operations, clinical development plans and timelines, and supply chain could be adversely affected by the effects of health epidemics, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; the risk that Jasper will be unable to obtain and maintain sufficient intellectual property protection for its investigational products or will infringe the intellectual property protection of others; and other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in Jaspers filings with the SEC. If any of these risks materialize or Jaspers assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. While Jasper may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Jasper specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Jaspers assessments of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.
Contacts:John Mullaly (investors)LifeSci Advisors617-429-3548jmullaly@lifesciadvisors.com
Jeet Mahal (investors)Jasper Therapeutics650-549-1403jmahal@jaspertherapeutics.com
Chilliwack man, diagnosed with leukemia, and family raise more than $10000 for hospital foundation – Chilliwack Progress
By daniellenierenberg
The family of a Chilliwack man who was diagnosed with leukemia raised more than $10,000 during a golf fundraiser to help fellow patients battling the disease.
Dave Corke was diagnosed with leukemia just two days before Christmas 2020.
Earlier this year, the Corke family hosted a fundraiser golf tournament The Corke Classic to raise money for a B.C. hospital foundation.
He is now a year since his stem cell transplant and doing well, said wife Vanessa Corke. We wanted to help other families battling this cruel disease by organizing a fundraising golf tournament (with) all proceeds benefiting the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of BC.
In April, friends and family came out to the Cheam Mountain Golf Course for the event and raised a total of $11,337.70.
Dave and Vanessa Corke hold a cheque which was presented to Chelsea Wallace, community partnerships officer at VGH Foundation. (Submitted by Vanessa Corke)
Vanessa said the money will significantly impact patients and their families.
She added that she felt it was an important time to share the news of the successful fundraiser as September is Leukemia Awareness Month, plus Daves birthday is Sept. 24.
They plan to make the golf fundraiser an annual event. Next years is set for April 22, 2023.
Back in 2021, the Corke family had financial help while Dave underwent treatment at Vancouver General Hospital.
READ MORE: Maple Ridge woman runs more kms each day to raise funds for Chilliwack friend with leukemia
Friends rallied to raise funds to help pay for hospital appointments, medication and to ease their financial stresses due to Dave being unable to work.
April Migneault was one of those friends who stepped up, doing a month-long fundraiser run. She started out on April 1, 2021 running one kilometre and gradually increased her distance by a kilometre every day, ending with a 30-kilometre run on April 30.
Earlier that same month another friend, Sharon Reeder, organized a golf fundraiser which brought in more than $10,000. And Debbie Channing set up a GoFundMe where more than $15,000 was raised.
Patients who undergo leukemia/bone marrow transplants have their diseased bone marrow destroyed by high-dose chemotherapy and are then transplanted by infusing healthy bone marrow stem cells. Through the course of their treatment, patients need to visit the hospital regularly until they can return back to their community.
Donations received through VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation support temporary relief to patients and families in need by providing them with travel vouchers, grocery cards, medication and accommodation support so they can take the time to heal without worrying about living essentials.
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See the original post here:
Chilliwack man, diagnosed with leukemia, and family raise more than $10000 for hospital foundation - Chilliwack Progress
A Houston doctor who saved a life by donating bone marrow wants to help others do the same. – Houston Chronicle
By daniellenierenberg
Dr. Zachary Prudowsky has never met the woman whose life he helped save by being a bone marrow donor, but he feels a special connection to her.
Prudowsky, a pediatric hematologist/oncologist, was preparing to move to Houston when the National Marrow Donor Program reached out to him in 2018. The nonprofit, which receives funding from Congress to operate its Be The Match registry of volunteer donors in the U.S., told Prudowsky he was a preferred donor for a woman with leukemia.
It wasnt until one year after his donation that he learned the woman lived in Katy and had her bone marrow transplant at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
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Absolute serendipity, said Prudowsky, who is now 33. This saved a Texan, which is really, really cool.
She also sent him a note, saying his donation allowed her to meet her newborn grandchild. She referred to herself as granny, which tugged at Prudowskys heartstrings. That's what he calls his own grandmother.
That child gets to grow up with a grandmother because of Be The Match, he said. Thats where its really special for me.
Donate bone marrow: If you are between the ages of 18 and 40 and meet health guidelines, you can sign up to join the Be The Match Registry at bethematch.org. You can sign up online or find a local Be The Match Registry event.
Make a financial donation: You can also sign up to make one-time or monthly donations to the Be The Match Registry, or arrange your own fundraiser, at bethematch.org.
Prudowsky now serves as an advocate for Be The Match and the NMDP, which oversees a registry that includes more than 39 million potential donors. The NMDP helps facilitate more than 7,500 bone marrow transplants each year, Chief Policy Officer Brian Lindberg said.
Prudowsky and Lindberg are now advocating for Congress to pass H.R. 7770, or the Life-Saving Leave Act. The bill, introduced in May by Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, would amend the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 to provide up to 40 hours of unpaid, non-consecutive leave for bone marrow or blood stem cell donors.
The bill essentially seeks to guarantee that a donor wont lose his or her job while taking time off to help save a life, Lindberg said.
The thing that we cant do is promise that person that after theyre done with this process that their job will be waiting for them in the end, he said. Thats what this bill is intended to solve.
Prudowsky enrolled as a donor in 2011, during his first year of medical school in South Carolina. He knew he planned to treat cancer and blood disorders for a career, so he felt it made sense for him to sign up.
He didnt hear anything until 2018, near the end of his residency in Ohio. The NMDPreached out to inform him that he was the preferred donor for the Texas woman. Coincidentally, Prudowsky was preparing to move to Texas for a fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine.
He underwent several tests to confirm he was the best match. Less than three months after the call, he made his donation at the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center in Houston.
Prudowsky donated via a process called peripheral blood stem cell collection (PBSC). Prior to the donation, donors get five days of injections of a drug called filgrastim to increase the number of blood-forming cells in their bloodstream. Those same blood-forming cells are found in bone marrow. The injections are given in outpatient clinics, and there are many instances where donors can return to work immediately afterward, Lindberg said.
On the day of the donation, blood was taken from Prudowskys arm and routed through a machine that collects those blood-forming cells. The rest of his blood was then returned to him through a needle in his other arm. The whole procedure took roughly four hours.
It was pretty uncomplicated, Prudowsky said. I kind of knew what I was getting myself into, but it was not a difficult process by any means.
Approximately 70 to 80 percent of all marrow donations occur via PBSC, Lindberg said.
The rest occur via traditional bone marrow donation, where a donor is put under anesthesia so a physician can collect cells from their hip. After that procedure, donors may experience soreness for the next few days, Lindberg said.
Weve heard it described many times as the kind of soreness that would be involved if you accidentally bumped into the corner of your dining room table.
The 40 hours outlined in the Life Saving Leave Act could be applied to recovery time, Lindberg said.
Prudowskys decision to be a donor while working as a doctor is not unique; both he and Lindberg said they know of others who work in medicine and are also signed up to be potential donors. But actually being matched can be tricky. Genetics has a lot to do with it: roughly 30 percent of patients have a family member who will be a fully-matched donor; the other 70 percent will need an anonymous donor from a registry.
Even then, the odds of finding a match vary greatly by ethnicity. While 79 percent of white patients will find an anonymous match, that drops to just under 50 percent for Asian and Hispanic patients, and to just 29 percent for Black patients, according to the NMDP.
The NMDPdoes help facilitate bone marrow transplants involving international donors and patients to increase the odds of finding a match, Lindberg said.
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However, its critical to keep recruiting a diverse pool of potential donors, Lindberg said. The greater the number, the greater the chance a patient will find a match.
Signing up to be a donor is straightforward, Prudowsky said. Anyone who is interested can sign up online on the Be The Match website. Theyll then submit a swab of the inside of their cheek, he said.
But Lindberg and Prudowsky also feel the Life Saving Leave Act could make the decision to be a donor even more straightforward. The NMDP can help donors by covering lost wages, as well as travel costs and other expenses during the process. But it cant guarantee theyll have a job if they take time off to donate.
There is simply no reason for anyone to be at risk of losing their job when it comes to potentially saving a life, Phillips said in a news release announcing the introduction of the bill.
Thirty-eight states already have laws that offer some level of paid or unpaid leave for bone marrow donors, but they vary widely, Lindberg said. Texas, for example, offers up to five days of leave without a reduction in salary, but the law only applies to state employees. The Life Saving Leave Act would create a uniform, federal standard, Lindberg said.
Lindberg is optimistic that the bill will become law. It has bipartisan support among seven cosponsors. Lindberg also said it has little to no economic impact because the leave is unpaid.
In the meantime, Prudowsky hopes more people will sign up for the Be The Match registry. He's seen his own patients learn they had a match for a bone marrow transplant, so he knows what a difference it can make.
"In my time in medicine, one of the most fulfilling things, if not the most fulfilling thing I've ever done, is this," he said. "And I didn't even have to be a doctor to do it."
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A Houston doctor who saved a life by donating bone marrow wants to help others do the same. - Houston Chronicle
Creative Medical Technology Announces Peer Reviewed Publication of Positive Results for StemSpine Study – Yahoo Finance
By daniellenierenberg
--Two-Year Follow-Up Results Confirm Significant Efficacy and No Serious Adverse Effects in Patients who Underwent the StemSpine Procedure for Treating Chronic Lower Back Pain --
PHOENIX, Sept. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. ("Creative Medical Technology" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: CELZ), a leading biotechnology company focused on a regenerative approach to immunotherapy, endocrinology, urology, neurology, and orthopedics, today announced the peer reviewed publication of positive, two-year follow-up data for the Company's StemSpine study, showing significant efficacy of the StemSpine procedure for treating chronic lower back pain without any serious adverse effects reported.
Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. Logo (PRNewsfoto/Creative Medical Technology Hol)
The StemSpine publication demonstrates the clinical use of the patented procedure that utilizes a patient's own bone marrow aspirate for the treatment of chronic lower back pain. There were no safety related concerns at up to two years follow-up. The StemSpine procedure resulted in an efficacy rate of 87% in the treated patients in terms of decreased pain and increased mobility.
"The positive two-year data from our StemSpine study is very encouraging and may help alleviate the current opioid crisis related to prescription medication abuse for chronic lower back pain," said Timothy Warbington, President and CEO of the Company. "To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the clinical efficacy of injecting bone marrow aspirate into areas surrounding the disc, which may repair, remodel and improve the blood supply around the disc and lower back area. We believe StemSpine represents an attractive non-surgical option for many of the millions of Americans who suffer from chronic lower back pain and look forward to further translation."
The StemSpine patent also covers the use of off the shelf adult donor stem cells (allogeneic) for this indication.
The publication may be found at http://www.creativemedicaltechnology.com.
Story continues
About Creative Medical Technology Holdings
Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. is a biotechnology company specializing in regenerative medicine in the fields of immunotherapy, endocrinology, urology, neurology, and orthopedics. For further information about the Company, please visit http://www.creativemedicaltechnology.com.
Forward Looking Statements
This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming clinical trials and laboratory results, marketing efforts, funding, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and, therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. See the periodic and other reports filed by Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on the Commission's website at http://www.sec.gov.
View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/creative-medical-technology-announces-peer-reviewed-publication-of-positive-results-for-stemspine-study-301632695.html
SOURCE Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc.
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Creative Medical Technology Announces Peer Reviewed Publication of Positive Results for StemSpine Study - Yahoo Finance
Stem Cells Market Size Expected to Reach USD 19.31 Billion by 2028: Increasing Number of Clinical Trials Across the Globe – Digital Journal
By daniellenierenberg
The global stem cell market size is expected to reach USD 19.13 Billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 8.4% during the forecast period, according to the latest report by Reports and Data.
The globalstem cell marketsize is expected to reach USD 19.13 Billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 8.4% during the forecast period, according to the latest report by Reports and Data. Growing adoption of stem cell therapies to treat chronic and rare diseases, rising number of clinical trials for regenerative medicine globally, and rapid progress in stem cell research are key factors expected to drive market revenue growth over the forecast period. In addition, increasing investment by major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, advancements in regenerative medicine, and development of advanced gene editing and tissue engineering techniques are also expected to contribute to revenue growth of the market going ahead.
Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have the ability to develop into different types of cells such as liver cells, muscle cells, and brain cells, among others. Stem cells have remarkable ability of self-renewal in undifferentiated state and can differentiate into various cell types with specific functions under appropriate triggers. Stem cells have played a major role in regenerative medicine, with increasing focus on stem cells of human origin such as adult stem cells, somatic stem cells, and embryonic stem cells. These cells can be used to regenerate human cells, organs, and tissues and have the capability to restore normal function after disease or debilitating injury. During embryonic development, stem cells can form cells of all three germ layers mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm. They play a crucial role in repair system of body and normal turnover of regenerative organs such as skin and blood, and this has boosted their importance in medical therapies for the treatment of various degenerative illnesses.
Get a sample of the report @https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/2981
Increasing investment to accelerate stem cell research, rapid adoption of stem cell therapies for the treatment of chronic and neurodegenerative disorders, and the increasing number of clinical trials across the globe are some key factors expected to drive market growth Our Expert Review
Recent advancements in stem cell biology and research have enhanced the application scope of stem cell therapy in treating diseases wherein currently available medical therapies have failed to cure, prevent progression, or alleviate symptoms. This is also a key factor expected to contribute to revenue growth of the market over the forecast period. However, ethical issues and political controversies, concerns related to immunity, and stringent regulatory policies associated with stem cell research are some key factors expected to restrain market growth to a certain extent over the forecast period.
Some Key Highlights from the Report:
Asia Pacific is expected to lead the market growth over the coming years owing to rapid advancements in the healthcare sector in APAC countries such as India, China, and Japan. North America is anticipated to register the highest market growth over the forecast period attributed to the increasing availability of robust healthcare and clinical settings, legalization of medical marijuana, favorable reimbursement scenario, presence of key market players, and rapid technological advancements in the region.
The growing popularity of over-the-counter medications driving market growth
Growing incidence of acute and chronic diseases and lesser access to advanced medical facilities owing to low disposable income levels are driving the demand for over-the-counter medications. Availability of generic and low-cost alternatives to medical therapies are some other factors playing a major role in driving demand for over-the-counter medications.
Restriction on product launches and R&D activities to hamper the market growth
The imposition of strict government regulations and shortage of funds has put a halt on product launches and R&D activities and is expected to restrain market growth over the forecast period. In addition, the launch of expensive drugs and therapies and increasing regulations regarding safety and approvals are also hampering the market growth.
Competitive Landscape:
The global market comprises various market players operating at regional and global levels. These key players are adopting various strategies such as R&D investments, license agreements, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, and joint ventures to gain a robust footing in the market.
Top Companies Profiled in the Report:
Celgene Corporation, Virgin Health Bank, ReNeuron Group plc, Biovault Family, Mesoblast Ltd, Precious Cells International Ltd, Caladrius, Opexa Therapeutics, Inc., Neuralstem, Inc., and Pluristem.
Stem Cells Market Segmentation:
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Therapy Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Regional Outlook:
Frequently asked questions addressed in the report:
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Creating stem cells from minipigs offers promise for improved treatments – University of Wisconsin-Madison
By daniellenierenberg
A breed of pigs called Wisconsin Miniature Swine created by a team of UWMadison scientists will help researchers better model and understand human diseases. Photo: Jeff Miller
Cells from miniature pigs are paving the way for improved stem cell therapies.
A team led by University of WisconsinMadison Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center researcher Wan-Ju Li offers an improved way to create a particularly valuable type of stem cell in pigs a cell that could speed the way to treatments that restore damaged tissues for conditions from osteoarthritis to heart disease in human patients.
In a study published in Scientific Reports, Lis team also provides insights into the reprogramming process that turns cells from one part of the body into pluripotent stem cells, a type of building block cell that can transform into any type of tissue. These new insights will help researchers study treatments for a wide range of diseases.
The researchers turned to pigs, a well-established animal model for potential human treatments, because translating research to improve human health is deeply important to Li, a professor of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation and Biomedical Engineering. He has spent much of his career studying cartilage and bone regeneration to develop innovative therapies to help people.
Li and members of his Musculoskeletal Biology and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory obtained skin cells from the ears of three different breeds of miniature pigs Wisconsin miniature swine, Yucatan miniature swine and Gttingen minipigs.
University of WisconsinMadison Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center researcher Wan-Ju Li (left) shows a collagen fiber sample to Gwen Plunkett and Karen Plunkett. Funding from the Plunkett Family Foundation has contributed to research on cartilage repair therapies in UWMadisons Musculoskeletal Research Program.
The researchers reprogrammed the cells to create induced pluripotent stem cells and demonstrated that they have the capacity to become different types of tissue cells. Pluripotent stem cells are the bodys master cells, and they are invaluable to medicine since they can be used for the regeneration or repair of damaged tissues.
Findings of this study suggest that the miniature pig is a promising animal model for pre-clinical research. The team plans to use the established pig model to reproduce their recent findings of cartilage regeneration in rats as reported in Science Advances. Regenerating cartilage in animals even more alike to humans moves science one step closer to helping patients experiencing joint diseases such as osteoarthritis.
In successfully developing induced pluripotent stem cells from three different breeds of minipigs, we learned we can take somatic skin cells from these pigs that we programmed ourselves and then inject them back into the same animal to repair cartilage defects, says Li. Or we can create induced pluripotent stem cells from the skin cell that carried the gene causing cartilage diseases such as chondrodysplasia and put that into the culture dish and use that as a disease model to study disease formation.
Li says the approach can be applied to regenerative therapies targeting any organ or tissue.
The team also found that a particular protein complex involved in managing the way genes are expressed, and tied to cellular growth and survival, could influence how efficiently induced pluripotent stem cells are generated. While we successfully created induced pluripotent stem cells from the three different strains of pig, we noticed that some pigs had a higher reprogramming efficiency, says Li. So, the second part of our findings, which is significant in biology, is understanding how these differences occur and why.
These findings, he says, may directly translate to understanding differences in the effectiveness of induced pluripotent stem cell generation between individual people one study has shown cellular reprogramming efficiency varying by age and ancestry and lead to better tailored therapies.
I want to make sure that our findings in stem cell research can be used to help people, says Li. I just feel this internal drive to study this area and I feel good knowing this model carries significant weight in terms of its potential for translational stem cell research and the development of therapeutic treatments.
Interest in moving these treatments forward has grown, and while the study was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, Li also received support from the Milwaukee-based Plunkett Family Foundation through their donation to the UW Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center. After hearing of Lis research, Gwen Plunkett and her daughter Karen visited Lis lab in 2019 to learn more. They were inspired to support research into stem cells for cartilage regeneration.
Innovation in medicine sparks critical change, for the world and the survival of our species, and the Plunkett Family mission is to be a catalyst in stem cell and regenerative medicine research, says Karen Plunkett.
The donation was profoundly impactful, says Li, allowed him to further his goal of using stem cells to help patients living with osteoarthritis and other joint diseases many of whom write his lab regularly in hope of finding a clinical trial opportunity.
I have to keep saying, Wait for another two, three years, maybe well be ready for a clinical trial, Li says. But for me, its time to move on and really do our larger animal studies to fulfill our promise. At least that way, I can fill the gap between the lab and clinical trials as the larger animals must be studied before you go into a clinical trial.
This research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01 AR064803), the Plunkett Family Foundation and UW Carbon Cancer Center.
See the original post here:
Creating stem cells from minipigs offers promise for improved treatments - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Israeli Biotech Firm Plans to Create Human Embryos to Harvest Organs, Field Experts Say There are Ethical Concerns – CBN.com
By daniellenierenberg
An Israeli biotech company that recently created mouse embryos using stem cells, hasannounced plans to make human embryos to harvest tissue for organ transplants and anti-aging procedures. But an ethical scientist and stem cell expert with the Charlotte Lozier Institute told CBN News that these strides in stem cell research are a "real call for concern".
Renewal Bio is pursuing advances in stem-cell technology and artificial womb development with the help of Jacob Hanna, a biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot.
In a peer-reviewed scientific journal, Cell, Hanna explained that without the use of sperm, egg, or fertilization, stem cells placed in a Petri dish spontaneously joined together, outside of the womb, and assembled embryos with beating hearts, intestinal tracts, and brains.
"Remarkably, we show that embryonic stem cells generate whole synthetic embryos, meaning this includes the placenta and yolk sac surrounding the embryo," Hanna said. "We are truly excited about this work and its implications."
Hanna noted that the synthetic embryos were not "real" embryos and did not have the potential to develop into live animals. But that is partly because they don't have the technology, right now, to do so. He did admit that the synthetic mouse embryos are "95% similar to normal mouse embryos."
"My contention would be the technique to create them may be synthetic, but if you have something growing [that has]a beating heart and a nervous system and limbs and digits and other organs that look exactly like the organism you would take out of the womb, its an embryo," Dr. David Prentice, Ph.D. from the Charlotte Lozier Institute told CBN News.
Prentice is the vice president and research director at the Charlotte Lozier Institute and was a founding advisory board member for the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center, a unique comprehensive stem cell center in Kansas that he was instrumental in creating.
He told CBN News that using the term synthetic to describe the embryos is misleading.
"It's being disingenuous to make us think that these are not actual organisms," Prentice explained.
"They're coming up with new and different ways to make an embryo is the bottom line," he noted. "And by calling it synthetic, you might say we are lulled into a false sense of security that 'oh there not experimenting on embryos [and]we don't have any problems with them doing this with mice.' But as they've said in their papers they also want to do this with humans."
And Prentice is right about why the firm wants to advance its research.
Hanna admits to taking his "ground-breaking" technology to the next level and creating human embryos. The purpose is to harvest tissue to be used in transplant treatments meant to lengthen a person's life and health.
He's behind Renewal Bio, a startup to make "humanity younger and healthier".
"The vision of the company is 'can we use these organized embryo entities that have early organs to get cells that can be used for transplantation?' We view it as perhaps a universal starting point," Hanna said.
CBN News reached out to Renewal Bio for comment and CEO Omri Amirav-Drory, Ph.D. said they were "not really ready to speak too much about the company."
Hanna told MIT Technology Review they plan to grow human embryos that are the equivalent of a 40 to 50-day-old pregnancy or about two months old. It is an age Hanna considers to be "the best entity to make organs and proper tissue."
Those embryonic blood cells would then be collected, multiplied, and transferred to an individual to help with "infertility, genetic diseases, and longevity", according to the company's website.
"There's a real call for concern here that whether they are making these the old fashion way with an egg and a sperm or they're making it by mixing stem cells together," Lozier explained. "You're still talking about instrumental use of a human being to harvest their spare parts."
Other field experts contend that Hanna's experiments are a step too far and not necessary.
"It's absolutely not necessary, so why would you do it?" Nicolas Rivron, a stem-cell scientist at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in Vienna said. He argues that scientists should only create "the minimal embryonic structure necessary" to yield cells of interest.
Prentice pointed out to CBN News that there are more ethical ways to get the same kind of cells.
"Something may be constructed or manufactured ethically and have an ethical source...and you could feel very good about your research because you haven't crossed an ethical line until somebody says 'well let's use it this way'," he explained.
In his next set of experiments, Hanna plans to use his own blood or skin cells and those of his team as the starting point for human embryos.
"It does raise a problem for the stem cell field in general and maybe scientists need to ask that question 'should I do this experiment?' rather than 'can I do this experiment?'," Prentice said.
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Israeli Biotech Firm Plans to Create Human Embryos to Harvest Organs, Field Experts Say There are Ethical Concerns - CBN.com
CellResearch Corporation (CRC) announces positive results of Phase I study for CorLiCyte – PR Newswire
By daniellenierenberg
SINGAPORE, Sept. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --CellResearch Corporation, a Singapore-based biopharmaceutical company today announced it has successfully closed the first Phase I study in CorLiCyte, a stem cell therapy derived from umbilical cord lining stem cells, with research partners at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus and ClinImmune Cell and Gene Therapy.
CorLiCyte is in development for the treatment of a number of serious conditions, with a first target indication of treating diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). In the study protocol nine patients with chronic DFU were treated with CorLiCyte twice weekly for 8 weeks. None of the patients participating in the study experienced any treatment-related adverse events and all subjects saw a reduction in wound size during the treatment period.
"These results are encouraging and can be used to support further research with CorLiCyte in future studies, with the potential to address unmet medical needs in treatment of patients with chronic DFUs." said Cecilia Low-Wang, the lead investigator at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus.
About CorLiCyte
CorLiCyte is a live mesenchymal stem cell therapy derived from human umbilical cord lining stem cells, with a proprietary optimised expression of cytokines, growth and cellular factors for the treatment of a number of serious health conditions. In addition to DFU, CRC is pursuing a range of potential indications at pre-clinical stage such as osteoarthritis, venous leg ulcers, chronic inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.
About CellResearch Corporation
CellResearch Corporation (CRC) was founded in 2002 as a contract research provider focusing on skin cells. In 2004, the company made the discovery that the umbilical cord lining of mammals was an abundant source of both mesenchymal and epithelial stem cells. Today, the company owns this technology through a family of patents and holds the rights to commercialise this technology in most major markets globally.
CellResearch Consumer Health (Formerly known as CALECIM Cosmeceuticals) is a wholly owned subsidiary of CRC and produces an innovative range of skin and hair care products using cord lining stem cell media to power its products. It is used in medical hair and aesthetic clinics for in-office treatments and as part of an at-home anti-aging skincare regime. It is distributed globally through over 600 aesthetic physicians and online via its own website. It has a key distribution partnership with Menarini Group across South East Asia.
CRC partner, Cordlife offers parents the opportunity to bank their child's umbilical cord tissue alongside their cord blood. Cordlife has what is believed to be the largest licensed bank of umbilical cord tissue globally. As cell therapies move into the clinic, Cordlife will have the ability to expand stem cells from a banked umbilical cord for autologous and donor-related uses.
Business Development and Investor Relations:Xavier SimpsonTel: +65 8815 6139Email: [emailprotected]
http://www.cellresearchcorp.com http://www.calecimprofessional.com
SOURCE CellResearch Corporation
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CellResearch Corporation (CRC) announces positive results of Phase I study for CorLiCyte - PR Newswire
The best CBD and hemp products for pampering your skin this fall – Leafly
By daniellenierenberg
There are so many ways to ingest and inhale cannabis for better health, but we tend to overlook the ways cannabis can help us from the outside, too. Cannabis plants contain a bevy of compounds in addition to THC and CBD that benefit the body, such as antioxidants, inflammation fighters, and fatty acids.
The topical application of cannabis or hemp allows us a way to absorb cannabinoids, target specific areas, or take care of the bodys largest organthe skinfor everything from scalp dandruff to sun protection. And with the seasons changing from summer to fall, theres no better time to stock up on ways to maintain your skin barrier before the temperatures really drop.
Check out these CBD and hemp skincare picks for daily use, fun in the sun, and giving your body some much-needed TLC.
Derma-Es Skin De-Stress Calming CBD Cleanser is infused with CBD oil and other soothing ingredients such as aloe and hemp seed oil to gently [lift] away impurities, leaving the skin feeling ultra-moisturized, calm and stress-free. Use it as you would any face cleanser: lather it with water over your face and neck for 60 seconds, rinse, and pat dry.
Product can be found on the Derma-E website and beauty sites such as Ulta.
Flora + Bast has released its Age Adapting Facial Serum, infused with 750mg of CBD, 100mg CBC, 50mg CBG, and 2% hemp seed oil. This luxurious serum claims to help reduce redness, blemishes, and correct other skin imbalances. Rich in phytocannabinoids, Flora + Bast says the serum is designed so skin can be brought to a state of equilibrium where it can repair itself naturally, allowing for optimal skin aging.
This product is the perfect addition to a face routine that needs a little more moisture due to brisk weather.
Product can be found on the Flora + Bast website, and the 357mg CBD version is available on beauty sites such as Sephora.
Primas indulgent broad-spectrum face cream, The Afterglow Deeply Restorative Cream, boasts 500mg of CBD in addition to hyaluronic acid and vegan collagen.
Prima writes that their cream is clinically proven to combat age-inducing stressors, reduce the appearance of redness and discoloration, and increase elasticity for healthy, plump, radiant skin while being hydrating and moisturizing. Packed with antioxidants as well, this cream is more like splendor in a bottle.
This product can be found on the Prima website and beauty sites such as Sephora.
Cannuka is known for their CBD and manuka honey-infused skincare products, and their CBD Calming Eye Balm is the perfect choice for nurturing the delicate skin around your eyes.
Containing 15mg of CBD isolate, the eye balm works to moisturize, protect and refresh your skin while waving goodbye to dark circles. Cannuka writes that the balm is cool to the touch and warms upon contact with your skin and that the balm can be used twice daily.
This product can be found on the Cannuka website and beauty sites such as Ulta.
When taking care of the skin on your face, be sure not to overlook your lips. NYXs Bare With Me Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Lip Conditioner combines hydration with shine for a soothing lip fix.
NYX says its hemp-infused lip conditioner is ideal for a parched pout and that the silky formula slips on smoothly and glosses lips with a clear shine thats oh so glowy.
This product can be found on the NYX website and beauty sites such as Ulta.
JSNs De-Stress Hemp Seed Oil Body Wash is the perfect way to get an all-over hemp-infused clean. Hemp seed oil, aloe, oatmeal, and lavender come together for a skin-nurturing combination in this body wash.
JSN writes that their body wash helps to balance your dry, stressed out skin for a relaxing, healthy feeling clean.
This product can be found on the JSN website using their store selector.
Exfoliation is one of the cornerstones of luminous skin. The Pink Pomelo & Himalayan Sea Salt Herbal Body Salt Scrub from Hempz is enriched with hemp seed oil and formulated to help reverse aging damage and leave skin soft.
The scrub is microbead free, so you can rest easy knowing no plastics are being wasted, and the lovely citrus scent will leave skin smelling fresh.
This product can be found on the Hempz website and beauty sites such as Ulta.
6 cannabis strains for people who love citrus terpenes
Shaving can cause inflammation and irritation, so using a cannabis-infused product makes sense to help manage some of those negative effects. Andalous CannaCell Botanical Shave Cream has hemp seed oil and hemp cell culture extract, in addition to ingredients such as aloe, rosemary, and lemon balm.
Andalou writes that this skin soothing shave cream with vegan probiotics, CannaCell super antioxidants, nourishing organic hemp seed oil, and hydrating aloe vera provides effortless glide against nicks, cuts, and irritation, as the semitransparent cream allows for easy navigation.
This product can be found on the Andalou website and in select stores.
Packed with 300mg of CBD isolate and hemp seed oil, the Unicorn Soothe & Glow Whipped Body Butter by Truly is a whipped rainbow of hydration.
Truly says their formula helps calm skin inflammation while reducing redness and promoting glowing, naturally healthy skin. Combined with its sweet fruity scent and explosion of colors, its hard to resist.
This product can be found on the Truly website and on beauty sites such as Ulta.
Skincare is not complete with sun protection. Andalous CannaCell Sun Buddy SPF 30 is a facial lotion with SPF 30 and hemp seed oil and vegan hemp stem cells. The sheer sunscreen is gentle on all skin types and packed with pure plant essential oils.
Dont forget to wear sunscreen every day, not just in the heat of summer.
This product can be found on the Andalou website and on beauty sites such as Ulta.
Dont stop at your face. Sunscreen is important for the whole body. This Hemp SPF 50 Sunscreen Lotion from Uncle Bud helps to prevent sunburn while also moisturizing the skin with a powerful blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and hemp seed oil.
Product can be found on the Uncle Buds website and at select stores such as Target.
Uncle Buds CBD Sunburn Gel with Aloe is the perfect remedy for after-sun woes if you come away burnt. This soothing gel has 120mg of CBD and cooling aloe to nurture skin thats been left red hot.
Product can be found on Uncle Buds website and at select stores such as GNC.
Briogeos luxurious CBD + Arnica Flower Soothing Skin & Scalp Oil features 100mg of broad-spectrum CBD, hemp seed oil, and other nurturing ingredients (such as arnica flower and jojoba seed oil) to bring your scalp back to life.
The phytoactive formula is a omega-rich but light. Simply rub it into your scalp as instructed and leave it on overnight to harness the benefits.
This product can be found on the Briogeo website and on beauty sites such as Sephora.
If your skin has ink then that ink is a part of your skin, and it deserves care too. INKEEZEs hemp tattoo ointment contains 1000mg of CBD and can be used as a lubricant during the tattoo process and as aftercare by providing healing support. Infused with essential oils, the ointment was developed by a team of tattooers and skin care specialists.
This product can be found on the INKEEZE website and many online tattoo supply shops.
The Body Shops Hemp Foot Protector is perfect for dry feet that need a little love. Combining hemp seed oil with cocoa butter, the cream will help soften rough heels and moisturize tired feet that have been in sandals all summer.
The Body Shop writes that the cream provides blissful moisture for your hard-working feet. It helps to soothe and soften ultra-dry feet with 24 hours of heavy-duty hydration.
This product can be found on The Body Shops website and in their brick-and-mortar stores.
Rae Lland
Rae Lland is a freelance writer, journalist, and former editor for Weedist and The Leaf Online. With a focus on culture, music, health, and wellness, in addition to her work for Leafly, she has also been featured in numerous online cannabis publications as well as print editions of Cannabis Now Magazine. Follow her on Instagram @rae.lland
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View original post here:
The best CBD and hemp products for pampering your skin this fall - Leafly
Benjamin Button For Real? Scientists Are Close To Cracking The Code To Reverse Aging – Worldcrunch
By daniellenierenberg
PARIS Barbra Streisand loved her dog Samantha, aka Sammy. The white and fluffy purebred Coton of Tulear was even present on the steps of the Elyse Palace, the French Presidents official residence, when Streisand received the Legion of Honor in 2007.
As the singer and actress explained inThe New York Times in 2018, she loved Sammy so much that, unable to bring herself to see her pass away, she had the dog cloned by a Texas firm for the modest sum of 50,000 dollars just before she died in 2017, at the age of 14. And that's how Barbra Streisand became the happy owner of Miss Violet and Miss Scarlet, two puppies who are the spitting image of the deceased Samantha.
This may sound like a joke, but there is one deeply disturbing fact that Harvard Medical School genetics professor David A. Sinclair points out in his book Why We Age And Why We Dont Have To. It is that the cloning of an old dog has led to two young puppies.
This proves that DNA ours as well as that of Sammy has everything it takes to restore lost youth. This is a property that could be used to "reverse" aging without having to go through the problematic stage of cloning.
The idea rests on identifying the "reset" button of the organism. And aging specialists all have the same piece of good news to announce: this button has been found.
Its name sounds like a Japanese techno-thriller title: "The Yamanaka factors". But Shinya Yamanaka is not a fictional character. He is a scientist specialized in stem cell research who received the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
If all this sound a bit too science-fictional, you should know that the U.S. biotech company Altos Labs, which was just founded early this year, received a check of three billion dollars from billionaires Yuri Milner and Jeff Bezos. Not bad for a start-up. But this is a start-up with a very promising technology cellular reprogramming, which is nothing more than the name given by biologists to the famous "reset" button.
In 2006-2007, Yamanaka announced to the scientific community that he had discovered a combination of four genes Oct4, Klf4, Sox2 and c-Myc which, when injected into a cell, induces it to go from being a differentiated cell (nerve, blood, and so on) to being a pluripotent stem cell, i.e., one that can subsequently redevelop into any cell type.
It didn't take long for Yamanaka's colleagues to take advantage of his amazing discovery. In 2011, French researcher Jean-Marc Lematre, who worked at the Institute of Functional Genomics at the University of Montpellier (which never received the same financial support as American biotech company Altos Labs!) was the first to experimentally prove, on human tissues, that cellular aging was a reversible process. He and his team succeeded in transforming aging or senescent human skin cells back into young skin cells.
The process has since been improved, since it is no longer necessary to go through the stage of pluripotent cells which can degenerate into cancerous cells to reverse cellular aging. Interrupting the process before reaching this stage is enough to start the series of gene reactions that counter cellular aging.
But that's not all. Since Lematre's pioneering work, biologists from both sides of the Atlantic have shown that what was possible at the level of the cell is also possible at the level of the organism as a whole. As is often the case, they used mice as guinea pigs. At the end of 2016, in a famous study published by the "Cell" magazine, a professor at the Salk Institute (San Diego, California) Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte revealed the more than promising results recorded on genetically modified rodents.
The rodents' genome had been enriched with the Yamanaka factors as well as a small piece of additional genetic code, corresponding to a sort of on-off switch. Controlling the activation of the four genes, this "promoter" was itself activated only if the mouse ingested an antibiotic the doxycycline to be precise.
By prescribing this molecule (and thus activating the Yamanaka factors) two days a week throughout the life of the mice, Belmonte and his team increased their lifespan by 40%. "Aging is no longer a unidirectional process, as we thought. We can slow it down and even reverse it," he announced triumphantly. In a very similar experiment, Jean-Marc Lematre has obtained a more modest lengthening, of 15%, but thanks to a single dose of doxycycline. And above all, insists the French researcher, this "extra" lifespan proved to be free of all age-related diseases: osteoporosis, arthritis, pulmonary or renal fibrosis, etc.
The genetic modification of mice is common practice in labs. But should we do the same with humans to get the same result? There was public outcry in 2018 when Chinese researcher He Jiankui gave birth to twins with tampered genomes the first genetically modified children in history with the objective of giving them resistance to HIV.
How we view "GMO babies" may change over the next few decades. But whether it changes or not, it will not be necessary to go that far to do cell reprogramming in humans. A simple vaccine will probably do the trick.
The Covid-19 pandemic made the public aware that a vaccine whether RNA or DNA could be used as a vector to introduce genetic material into the human body. BioNTech's and Moderna's messenger RNA vaccines do this, but many other "viral vectors" exist, such as adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), small, non-pathogenic DNA viruses commonly used in molecular biology to carry one or more "genes of interest. On paper, there is nothing to prevent these genes of interest from being precisely those highlighted by Yamanaka.
And this is what our near future could look like. Around the age of 30, when we are alas, only temporarily! at the peak of our mental and physical fitness, we would receive one or more injections of this viral vector responsible for carrying Yamanaka's factors into us. Nothing would change in our body yet, as the Yamanaka factors have been programmed to remain silent until activated by the promoter. So we would continue to age normally. The passing of the years would no longer be irreparable!
Indeed, as soon as we would start to feel their first undesirable effects, let's say in our mid-forties, we would be prescribed a month's treatment with doxycycline. And then but only then would the youth therapy kick in. White hair disappearing, wounds healing faster, wrinkles fading, organs regenerating, glasses becoming useless... "Like Benjamin Button," writes David Sinclair, "you would experience the sensations of a 35-year-old. Then 30. Then 25. But unlike Benjamin Button, you would not go beyond that limit, because the statute of limitations would be interrupted... You would be about two decades younger biologically, physically and mentally, without having lost any of your knowledge, wisdom or memories."
Of course, such a possibility, if it becomes a reality and especially if it becomes widespread, will revolutionize large parts of society and will not be without its own tricky problems for a resource-limited planet. But who among us, once we reach a certain age, wouldn't dream of regaining our lost youth, while retaining the "benefits of experience"?
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See the original post here:
Benjamin Button For Real? Scientists Are Close To Cracking The Code To Reverse Aging - Worldcrunch
I took an international trip with my frozen eggs to learn about the fertility industry – MIT Technology Review
By daniellenierenberg
Depending on whats being carried and how much they can pay, the patient or patients involved will choose either a hand-carry service, a commercial carrier such as DHL or FedEx, or something in between, such as the combination of commercial flights and local couriers that Loewen relied on during the pandemic. The cost of transporting my eggs with FlyVet Europa was 1,300 euros, or about $1,400 at the time. That includes the price of two one-way tickets for Paolo and the egg suitcase, and a few incidental expenses. (When I told Monaco how many eggs were traveling, he quipped, Uno squadro di calcio!a soccer team.)
CryoStork, the division of Cryoport devoted to the fertility sector, offers all three tiers of servicecommercial carriers for something that can be easily replaced (sperm, in other words), a middle-tier service using local couriers and air freight, and a door-to-door hand-carry servicefor prices ranging from a few hundred dollars to as much as $7,000 or $8,000 for an international hand-carry trip.
Ultimately, the pandemic boosted business for Loewen. Today, he and a team of eight colleagues, half employees and half working on a per-shipment basis, handle around 30 to 40 IVF-related shipments each month. Similarly, when the war in Ukraine began, Loewen and other colleagues received frantic requests from clients desperate to move their biomaterials out of the capital, Kiev, where most of the countrys IVF clinics and surrogacy agencies are based, and business shifted to nearby Georgia. But by September, Loewen was planning to once again deliver biomaterials to Ukraine. People want to have babiesconflict or not, he says.
What does it take to be a tissue courier, and how does one get into the field? Everyone I spoke to said that to succeed, you must love traveling, have a calm personality (in case, as happened to Loewen, youre ever surrounded by a knot of armed Belarusian soldiers at the airport and accused of trafficking human organs), and be adept at problem-solving.
Loewen looks for people with experience in the travel sector, who can navigate new cities and wont be rattled by a flight cancellation or a grumpy customs official. Mark Sawicki of Cryoport has several former pilots now working as couriers; their security clearances enable them to move through airports more easily than civilians.
Nicole Dorman, 43, has always loved children; she jokes that her current job as a courier is babysitting. She has three kids, aged 14 to 22, and has been a teachers aide and a school crossing guard, following four years in the US Army. When shes home for a week or two at a time with her kids in between gigs, she also makes deliveries for DoorDash in Clarksville, Tennessee.
Dorman had begun by transporting stem cells for a Frankfurt-based courier service. When she was looking for work in November of 2020, she emailed a half-dozen IVF courier companies and heard back from Loewen within 15 minutes. She has been working for him ever since, and also does US shipments for the Ukrainian company ARK Cryo, as well as EmbryoPort, a UK-based firm.
Dorman is on the road roughly 70% of each month; when we spoke in mid-May, she was preparing for a weeklong trip beginning with a pickup in Indianapolis, a drop-off in Bratislava, a train ride from there to Prague for another pickup, and then a flight to Greece. Like all couriers whove been working for any length of time, she has frequent flier status. In the 18 months since she started, she has transported more than 90 shipments. Now I can pretty much do it in my sleep, she says.
See the article here:
I took an international trip with my frozen eggs to learn about the fertility industry - MIT Technology Review
Rehabilitating spinal cord injury and stroke with graphene and gaming – Nanowerk
By daniellenierenberg
Sep 17, 2022(Nanowerk News) Few human injuries are as catastrophic as those to the spine. An accident, disease or act of violence affecting the spine can result in poor function even paralysis almost anywhere in the body.The spinal column is enormously complex, with limited capacity for regeneration and any health implications are usually long-term and chronic.While there is no known way to repair a spinal cord injury (SCI), scientists may be on the cusp of some important breakthroughs. New approaches are being taken to reverse the nerve damage, with some researchers attempting to reshape the architecture of the spinal cord using materials engineered in the laboratory.Prof Paula Marques, material scientist at the University of Aveiro in Portugal and her colleagues, are seeking to mould a particular biomaterial into a scaffold that can replace damaged spinal tissue. This will create a working bridge over an injured area giving the brain an alternative pathway to communicate with the body.The hope is that, within the next decade, these biomaterials will result in radical new treatments for the 250-500 000 people who suffer a spinal cord injury around the world every year.Even a small improvement in treatment can lead to a big change to quality of life, said Prof Marques.The spinal column is enormously complex. (Image: CHUTTERSNAP via Unsplash)Nerve regenerationIn addition, the scaffold implant would support the regeneration of natural nerve cells, enabling the body eventually to resume its natural function unassisted.Prof Marques is the principal researcher of the NeuroStimSpinal project, an EIC Pathfinder project under Horizon 2020 focusing on graphene-based material combined with a protein-rich material derived from humans known as a 'decellularised extracellular matrix'. In the human body, an extracellular matrix provides the structure and support to living cells.This blend of matrix and graphene-based material creates a 3D structure that skilfully mimics the morphology of the native spinal cord. It will form the backbone as it were of the projects implant.Graphene shows excellent electrical properties, meaning a current can run along it a prerequisite for any material that might be employed to send electrical impulses along the spinal cord.Importantly, the scaffold is porous, meaning cells and spinal fluids can pass through it. Its also biocompatible, preventing rejection by the body, and biodegradable, allowing it to be programmed to degrade over time.Restoring functionProf Marques describes her work as disruptive and says the potential prize of restoring function to people with paralysis is huge.I see real hope, she said. My only frustration is that we cant move forward faster with this research spinal cord injury has such a big impact on human life.There are two main types of cells in nerve tissue: neurons, which transmit electrical impulses, and glial cells, which are non-conductive and provide a support system for the neurons.In lab experiments, the NeuroStimSpinal team which includes experts in material science, electronic engineering, physics and biology have found that when their scaffold is seeded with embryonic neural progenitor cells (cells that renew themselves and have the potential to develop into either neuronal or glial cells) and an electrical stimulus is applied, the blank stem cells successfully differentiate into a mixture of the two cell types.This is very encouraging, said Prof Marques. It shows that the scaffold can provide a good environment for nerve cell regrowth.Her group is one of just a handful around the world that has managed to make neural stem cells develop into new cell lineages in lab conditions.However, to date, no such success has been achieved in live animals. Prof Marques wants her next round of experiments to set SCI research on a new course.In the months ahead, her team will transplant miniature versions of their scaffold into rats. An electric current will be applied to the implant through a control unit inserted under the animals skin to accelerate tissue regrowth. If these experiments show regeneration of the animals spinal cord is possible with the scaffold in place, Prof Marques will apply for fresh funding to take her work to the next level.I hope we can contribute with our scientific knowledge to take a step forward towards SCI repair, she said.Catastrophic strokeA stroke is another catastrophic life event that can result in damage to the nervous system. Strokes, besides being the number two cause of death worldwide, are the third-leading cause of disability-adjusted life years (DALY), a metric used to assess the burden of death and disease.Scientists have yet to find a way to replace the dead brain cells that result from a clot blocking the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, but they are starting to exploit the latest technology such as advances in virtual reality (VR) to help patients recover from some of the long-term consequences.After a stroke, hands can become stiff due to disrupted connections between the brain and the hand muscles. This spasticity can make it hard, almost impossible, to straighten fingers or grasp an item.These hand impairments can severely impact daily life, said Dr Joseph Galea, a researcher in motor neuroscience at the University of Birmingham in the UK.Though theres been a lot of focus on improving large, reaching-arm movements after a stroke, theres been little work on improving hand functionality.Dr Galea wants to improve hand-movement recovery through the ImpHandRehab project. With funding from the European Research Council, this project asks stroke patients to perform tasks involving increasingly complex hand movements a form of rehabilitation that will ultimately improve dexterity and quality of life. Users perform their tasks wearing a VR headset paired with affordable, off-the-shelf motion-capture gloves.Demonstration of VR training for stroke treatments. (Video: Joseph Galea)What motivates users to stick to their tasks?Immersive VRGaming, explained Dr Galea. Weve developed two really immersive VR games that reward people for doing better and better at something like popping a balloon or controlling a submarine. Weve noticed that the more points or coins are at stake, the harder a person will try and the better theyll perform.Best of all, he and his colleagues have found that after a game has been played for a prolonged period of time, the improved hand performance persists even when the VR headset is removed.We envisage our solution being used by patients at home, said Dr Galea. It would be complementary to traditional rehab techniques.
See original here:
Rehabilitating spinal cord injury and stroke with graphene and gaming - Nanowerk
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Reaches at a CAGR of 8.0% in the Forecast Periods [2021-2031] – BioSpace
By daniellenierenberg
The induced pluripotent stem cells production market has been estimated to reach a CAGR of 8.0% in the foreseeable years from 2021to 2031.
The revenue generation opportunities in the induced pluripotent stem cells production market are attributed to an increased number of R & D activities by numerous organizations and companies to explore iPSCs potential in cell therapeutics that are targeted to treat various diseases.
Induced pluripotent stem cells come with various advantages compared to ESCs (Embryonic Stem Cells), for instance, maximum flexibility in research applications that are based on cells and avoiding the ethical implication associated to stem cells. These advantages of the industry services are likely to contribute to expansion opportunities in the induced pluripotent stem cell production market in the following years.
Increasing uses of iPSCs and robust pipelines for the cell therapeutics that are derived from iPSC have also been projected to serve as revenue generators in the induced pluripotent stem cells production market in the coming years.
In recent years, regenerative medicines are gaining popularity across the globe. In addition to this, iPSCs have been used at an increased rate to regenerate tissue-specific cells to transplant to patients who are experiencing various injuries. The researchers have also been taking an interest to use iPSCs for ex-vivo expansion of different blood components. These factors are likely to contribute to growth opportunities in the induced pluripotent stem cells production market.
Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market: Overview
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hold profound potential in replacing the use of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as important tool for drug discovery and development, disease modeling, and transplantation medicine. Advent of new approaches in reprogramming of somatic cells to produce iPSCs have considerably advanced stem cell research, and hence the induced pluripotent stem cells market. The iPSC technology has shown potential for disease modeling and gene therapy in various areas of regenerative medicine. Notable candidates are Parkinsons disease, spinal cord trauma, myocardial infarction, diabetes, leukemia, and heart ailments.
Over the past few years, researchers have come out with several clinically important changes in reprogramming process; a case in point is silencing retroviruses in the human genome. Molecular mechanisms that underlie reprogramming have gained better understanding. However, the tools based on this growing understanding are still in nascent stage. Several factors affect the efficiency of reprogramming, most notably chromosomal instability and tumor expression. These have hindered researchers to utilize the full therapeutic potential of iPSCs, reflecting an unmet need, and hence, a vast potential in the induced pluripotent stemcellsmarket.
Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market: Growth Dynamics
The growing application of induced pluripotent stem cells in generating patient-specific stem cells for drug development and human disease models is a key dynamic shaping their demands. Growing focus on personalized regenerative cell therapies among medical researchers and healthcare proponents in various countries have catalyzed their scope of induced pluripotent stem cells market. Advent of new methods to induce safe reprogramming of cells have helped biotechnology companies improve the clinical safety and efficacy of the prevailing stem cells therapies. The relentless pursuit of alternative source of cell types for regenerative therapies has led industry players and the research fraternity to pin hopes on iPSCs to generate potentially a wide range of human cell types with therapeutic potential.
Advances pertaining to better utilizing of retrovirus and lentivirus as reprogramming transcription factors in recent years have expanded the avenue for players in the induced pluripotent stem cells market. Increasing focus on decreasing the clinical difference between ESCs and iPSCs in all its entirety has shaped current research in iPSC technologies, thus unlocking new, exciting potential for biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market: Notable Development
Over the past few years, fast emerging markets in the global induced pluripotent stem cells are seeing the advent of patents that unveil new techniques for reprogramming of adult cells to reach embryonic stage. Particularly, the idea that these pluripotent stem cells can be made to form any cells in the body has galvanized companies to test their potential in human cell lines. Also, a few biotech companies have intensified their research efforts to improve the safety of and reduce the risk of genetic aberrations in their approved human cell lines. Recently, this has seen the form of collaborative efforts among them.
Lineage Cell Therapeutics and AgeX Therapeutics have in December 2019 announced that they have applied for a patent for a new method for generating iPSCs. These are based on NIH-approved human cell lines, and have been undergoing clinical-stage programs in the treatment of dry macular degeneration and spinal cord injuries. The companies claim to include multiple techniques for reprogramming of animal somatic cells.
Such initiatives by biotech companies are expected to impart a solid push to the evolution of the induced pluripotent stem cells.
Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market: Regional Assessment
North America is one of the regions attracting colossal research funding and industry investments in induced pluripotent stem cells technologies. Continuous efforts of players to generate immune-matched supply of pluripotent cells to be used in disease modelling has been a key accelerator for growth. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific has also been showing a promising potential in the expansion of the prospects of the market. The rising number of programs for expanding stem cell-based therapy is opening new avenues in the market.
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Read the original here:
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Reaches at a CAGR of 8.0% in the Forecast Periods [2021-2031] - BioSpace
Axolotls can regenerate their brains – Big Think
By daniellenierenberg
Theaxolotl(Ambystoma mexicanum) is an aquatic salamander renowned for its ability toregenerate its spinal cord, heart and limbs. These amphibians alsoreadily make new neuronsthroughout their lives. In 1964, researchers observed that adult axolotls couldregenerate parts of their brains, even if a large section was completely removed. But one study found that axolotlbrain regenerationhas a limited ability to rebuild original tissue structure.
So how perfectly can axolotls regenerate their brains after injury?
As aresearcher studying regeneration at the cellular level, I and my colleagues in theTreutlein Labat ETH Zurich and theTanaka Labat the Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna wondered whether axolotls are able to regenerate all the different cell types in their brain, including the connections linking one brain region to another. In ourrecently published study, we created an atlas of the cells that make up a part of the axolotl brain, shedding light on both the way it regenerates and brain evolution across species.
Differentcell typeshave different functions. They are able to specialize in certain roles because they each express different genes. Understanding what types of cells are in the brain and what they do helps clarify the overall picture of how the brain works. It also allows researchers to make comparisons across evolution and try to find biological trends across species.
One way to understand which cells are expressing which genes is by using a technique calledsingle-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). This tool allows researchers to count the number of active genes within each cell of a particular sample. This provides a snapshot of the activities each cell was doing when it was collected.
This tool has been instrumental in understanding the types of cells that exist in the brains of animals. Scientists have used scRNA-seq infish,reptiles,miceand evenhumans. But one major piece of the brain evolution puzzle has been missing: amphibians.
Our team decided to focus on thetelencephalonof the axolotl. In humans, the telencephalon is the largest division of the brain and contains a region called theneocortex, which plays a key role in animal behavior and cognition. Throughout recent evolution, the neocortex hasmassively grown in sizecompared with other brain regions. Similarly, the types of cells that make up the telencephalon overall havehighly diversifiedand grown in complexity over time, making this region an intriguing area to study.
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We used scRNA-seq to identify the different types of cells that make up the axolotl telencephalon, including different types ofneuronsandprogenitor cells, or cells that can divide into more of themselves or turn into other cell types. We identified what genes are active whenprogenitor cells become neurons, and found that many pass through an intermediate cell type called neuroblasts previously unknown to exist in axolotls before becoming mature neurons.
We then put axolotl regeneration to the test by removing one section of their telencephalon. Using aspecialized method of scRNA-seq, we were able to capture and sequence all the new cells at different stages of regeneration, from one to 12 weeks after injury. Ultimately, we found that all cell types that were removed had been completely restored.
We observed that brain regeneration happens in three main phases. The first phase starts with a rapid increase in the number of progenitor cells, and a small fraction of these cells activate a wound-healing process. In phase two, progenitor cells begin to differentiate into neuroblasts. Finally, in phase three, the neuroblasts differentiate into the same types of neurons that were originally lost.
Astonishingly, we also observed that the severedneuronal connectionsbetween the removed area and other areas of the brain had been reconnected. This rewiring indicates that the regenerated area had also regained its original function.
Adding amphibians to the evolutionary puzzle allows researchers to infer how the brain and its cell types has changed over time, as well as the mechanisms behind regeneration.
When we compared our axolotl data with other species, we found that cells in their telencephalon show strong similarity to the mammalianhippocampus, the region of the brain involved in memory formation, and theolfactory cortex, the region of the brain involved in the sense of smell. We even found some similarities in one axolotl cell type to the neocortex, the area of the brain known for perception, thought and spatial reasoning in humans. These similarities indicate that these areas of the brain may be evolutionarily conserved, or stayed comparable over the course of evolution, and that the neocortex of mammals may have an ancestor cell type in the telencephalon of amphibians.
While our study sheds light on the process of brain regeneration, including which genes are involved and how cells ultimately become neurons, we still dont know whatexternal signalsinitiate this process. Moreover, we dont know if the processes we identified are still accessible to animals that evolved later in time, such as mice or humans.
But were not solving the brain evolution puzzle alone. TheTosches Labat Columbia University explored the diversity of cell types inanother species of salamander, Pleurodeles waltl, while the Fei lab at the Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences in China and collaborators at life sciences companyBGIexplored how cell types arespatially arranged in the axolotl forebrain.
Identifying all the cell types in the axolotl brain also helps pave the way for innovative research in regenerative medicine. The brains of mice and humans havelargely lost their capacityto repair or regenerate themselves.Medical interventionsfor severe brain injury currently focus on drug and stem cell therapies to boost or promote repair. Examining the genes and cell types that allow axolotls to accomplish nearly perfect regeneration may be the key to improve treatments for severe injuries and unlock regeneration potential in humans.
This article is republished fromThe Conversationunder a Creative Commons license. Read theoriginalarticle.
Original post:
Axolotls can regenerate their brains - Big Think
Implanting a Patient’s Own Reprogrammed Stem Cells Shows Early Positive Results for Treating Dry AMD – Everyday Health
By daniellenierenberg
Specially treated stem cells derived from a single individual have been successfully implanted into that same individuals eyes in a first-of-its-kind clinical trial testing ways to treat advanced dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
The therapy, currently in its first phase of testing to ensure that its safe for humans, involves harvesting and processing a persons blood cells and using them to replace the persons retinal cells that had succumbed to AMD, a leading cause of vision loss globally.
The procedure was performed by researchers from the National Eye Institute (NEI), a branch of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and from the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. The NIH researchers have been working on the new treatment for a decade.
The scientists, who previously demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of the therapy in rats and pigs, took blood cells from the patient and, in the laboratory, converted them into patient-derived induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. These immature, undifferentiated cells have no assigned function in the body, which means they can assume many forms. The researchers programmed these particular iPS cells to become retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, the type that die in AMD and lead to late-stage dry AMD.
In healthy eyes, RPE cells supply oxygen to photoreceptors, the light-sensing cells in the retina at the back of the eyeball. The death of RPE cells virtually dooms the photoreceptors, resulting in vision loss. The idea behind the new therapy is to replace dying RPE cells with patient-derived induced iPS ones, strengthening the health of the remaining photoreceptors.
Before being transplanted, the iPS-derived cells were grown in sheets one cell thick on a biodegradable scaffold designed to promote their integration into the retina. The researchers positioned the resulting patch between atrophied host RPE cells and the photoreceptors using a specially created surgical tool.
The patient received the transplanted cells during the summer and will be followed for a year as researchers monitor overall eye health, including retina stability, and whether any inflammation or bleeding develop, says Kapil Bharti, PhD, a senior investigator at the NEI and for the clinical trial.
Safety data are critical for any new drug, says Gareth Lema, MD, PhD, a vitreoretinal surgeon at New York Eye & Ear Infirmary, a division of the Mount Sinai Health System. Stem cells have added complexity in that they are living tissue, Dr. Lema says. Precise differentiation is necessary for them to fulfill their intended therapeutic effect and not cause harm."
This therapy also requires a surgical procedure to implant the cells, Lema says, adding that its an exquisitely elegant surgery, but introduces further risk of harm. For those reasons, he says, Patients must know that ocular stem cell therapies should only be attempted within the regulated environment of a nationally registered clinical trial.
The rules of a clinical trial dont generally allow specifics to be discussed this early in the process, says Dr. Bharti. Announcing that we were able to successfully transplant the cells now hopefully allows us to recruit more patients, since we can take up to 12 in this phase, he says. We also hope that it will give some optimism to patients with dry AMD and to researchers studying it.
It took seven months to develop the implanted cells, says Bharti, and although the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the clinical trial in 2019, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic delayed the start by two years, he says.
Macular degeneration comprises several stages of disease within the macula, the critical portion of the retina responsible for straight-ahead vision. Aging causes retinal cells to deteriorate, generating debris, or drusen, within the macula, setting the stage for early (aka dry) AMD. Geographic atrophy represents a more advanced stage. If the disease progresses to the relatively rare wet AMD, so named for the leaking of blood into the macula, central vision can be snuffed out.
Risk of AMD increases with age, particularly among people who are white, have a history of smoking, or have a family history of the disease.
Treatment to slow wet AMDs progression includes eye injections with anti-VEGF (or VEGF-A for vascular endothelial growth factor antagonists), a medication that halts the growth of unstable, leaky blood vessels in the eye. Some people may undergo photodynamic therapy, which combines injections and laser treatments.
Currently, there is no cure for dry AMD; it cant be reversed. Nor are there treatments to reliably stop its onset or progression for everyone at every stage of the disease. (Research has confirmed that a specialized blend of vitamins and minerals, available over the counter as AREDS, or Age-Related Eye Disease Studies supplements, reduces the risk of AMDs progression from intermediate to advanced stages.)
There are other, ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of dry AMD. Regenerative Patch Technologies, in Menlo Park, California, for example, is a little further along in testing a different stem cell treatment. Patients have been followed for three years, and 27 percent have shown vision improvement, says Jane Lebkowski, PhD, the companys president. There are a number of AMD clinical trials ongoing in the U.S., and patients should ask their ophthalmologists about trials that might be appropriate.
ClinicalTrials.gov, the NIHs clinical trials database, lists close to 300 AMD clinical trials at various stages in the United States.
Ferhina Ali, MD, MPH, a retinal specialist at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, New York, who isnt involved in the trial, describes the newest stem cell therapy as elegant and pioneering. These are early stages but there is tremendous potential as a first-in-kind surgically implanted stem cell therapy and as a way to achieve vision gains in dry macular degeneration, Dr. Ali says.
Bharti says that in laboratory animals the implanted cells behaved as retinal cells should maintaining the retinas integrity. Over the next few years, he and his colleagues will determine whether they function effectively in humans.
Does that mean, however, that the same AMD disease process that destroyed the original retinal cells could destroy the transplanted ones? It takes 40 to 60 years to damage human cells, Bharti says, and if we get that long with the transplanted cells, well take it.
Read more from the original source:
Implanting a Patient's Own Reprogrammed Stem Cells Shows Early Positive Results for Treating Dry AMD - Everyday Health