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6 Ingredients to Avoid Putting on Your Skin – Healthline

By daniellenierenberg

What we put in our bodiesfoodis regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

What we put on itskin care and beauty productsis not.

That could be an issue.

In one 2021 report, scientists tested 231 popular makeup products from the U.S. and Canada and found that more than 100 had Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These are chemicals that dont break down and build up in the body over time.

They include perfluorooctanoic acid, which may cause cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.

Clean skin goes beyond washing your face.

Your skin is a living, dynamic organ, says Nava Greenfield, M.D. of Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City. Just like you consider carefully what you put into your mouth, you should take care in what you place on your skin.

Understanding whats in your products can help you achieve long-term health thats more than skin-deep.

Heres what the science says you should avoidand what to use instead.

The skin is our largest organ, notes Marianna Blyumin-Karasik, board-certified dermatologist, co-founder of Precision Skin Institute, and founder of Stamina Cosmetics.

The skin has high absorption, so skin care products that can be absorbed and enter our bloodstream can have detrimental effects on our overall health, Blyumin-Karasik says.

Some ingredients like synthetic or highly concentrated fragrances or chemicals in personal care products can trigger skin sensitivity, irritation, or a more intense allergy.

Symptoms can include:

Other ingredients have been linked to more serious problems, like:

For example, a 2018 review suggested that phthalates found in certain personal care products could adversely affect male fertility.

A 2021 study indicated that exposure to formaldehyde, sometimes used in keratin hair treatments, could lead to heart malformations in a developing fetus.

In 2020, California became the first state to issue a statewide ban on 24 chemicals, including methylene glycol and formaldehyde.

Other states dont have these bans, leaving consumers to analyze and interpret labels themselves.

Complicating things, some recommendations to avoid specific ingredients arent one-size-fits-all. Different people may have different (or no) reactions to certain ingredients, even if theyre common allergens.

Aside from real toxins and dangerous chemicals, a list like this will be different for each person, Greenfield says. Unfortunately, its not all black and white.

Having an idea of whats potentially toxic and whats more likely to cause skin irritation can help you make informed decisions about the products you choose.

From common allergens to potential carcinogens, here are the ingredients Blyumin-Karasik and Greenfield suggest avoiding:

Blyumin-Karasik and Greenfield warn that PEGs are a potential skin irritant.

Theyre most often found in lotions, creams, and hair products because they can act as skin conditioners and humectants, a common moisturizing agent.

A small 2021 case study examined six cases of acute sensitivity to PEGs. However, researchers also noted the allergy was rare.

Blyumin-Karasik notes that methyl and propyl parabens are preservatives with reputations for being hormone disruptors. However, research is mixed.

A 2017 study on gerbil prostates indicated that methylparaben could disrupt estrogenic and androgenic receptors that might affect the prostate.

Another 2017 study suggested parabens, including methyl and propyl parabens, posed little health risk. However, researchers noted that parabens could inhibit compounds with anti-estrogenic properties.

The FDA wrote in 2022 that it didnt have enough evidence to warn that parabens affect human health. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) reported similarly in 2019, noting that allergic reaction risks were low.

Found in some eye make-up products, lipsticks, and deodorants, aluminum can cause skin irritation, according to Greenfield.

Theres also been discussion as to whether aluminum is a carcinogen, or cancer-causing agent.

A 2015 study suggested aluminum can increase the migration of breast cancer cells and called for more research.

In 2013, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review said alumina and aluminum hydroxide was safe to put in cosmetics, noting that it doesnt get absorbed into the skin and less than 1 percent is absorbed orally.

This ingredient is a preservative commonly found in soaps and shampoos and may cause skin irritation or allergies, Blyumin-Karasik explains. Greenfield agrees with avoiding formaldehyde, saying its a common irritant.

A 13-year retrospective study of patch tests published in 2020 indicated that a polymer known as toluene-sulfonamide-formaldehyde resin (R-TSF or TSFR), often used in nail polish, was one of the most common allergens. Its also known as a carcinogen, but data shows its only hazardous if a person inhales a significant amount.

The American Cancer Society says formaldehyde in personal care products like shampoos typically contains formaldehyde levels that are far below hazardous to health. The organization says keratin hair smoothing treatments can raise indoor air concentration to hazardous levels.

Phthalates are typically used to make sure plastic doesnt break. They can also be used in fragrances in skin products. Blyumin-Karasik warns they may disrupt hormones.

A 2020 literature review indicated that phthalates could lead to:

A 2018 study suggested phthalates could lead to pregnancy loss and fertility issues.

However, its important to note that neither piece of research above was specific to phthalates in beauty products.

Key West and Hawaii recently banned oxybenozone, which is commonly found in sunscreen. Blyumin-Karasik says it can disrupt hormones and cause allergic reactions.

A 2020 review of 29 studies indicated no a link between fertility issues and oxybenzone and called for more research.

However, an older 2016 study indicated that men with higher levels of benzophenone-type ultraviolet (UV) filter concentrations had lower sperm concentrations.

Avoiding fragranced products and using a mineral-based sunscreen can help avoid harmful chemicals, Blyumin-Karasik says. Looking for preservative-free items can also cut down on risks of irritants and health hazards.

The main purpose of preservatives is to maintain the integrity of the personal care products, Blyumin-Karasik says. The natural alternatives may not attain as long of the shelf-life as the chemical ones, but theyre better for our well-being.

To clean up your beauty regimen, Blyumin-Karasik suggests looking for products that contain these safer ingredients instead.

Blyumin-Karasik suggests using tea tree oil, an essential oil found in shampoos, skin care items, hand sanitizers, and first aid products.

A 2021 study suggested tea tree oil could help disinfect hands when used in sanitizer.

Research from 2015 indicated it could aid wound healing, and a 12-week pilot study published in 2017 suggested it could reduce acne.

Instead of PEGs, opt for a humectant with fewer potential side effects. Blyumin-Karasik recommends glycerin.

One small 2017 study of women indicated that products with a mix of hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and Centella asiatica (gotu kola) could boost skin hydration for 24 hours.

A 2019 safety assessment suggested glycerin was safe to use in cosmetic practices.

Coconut oil, or Cocus nucifera, is extracted from the meaty part of a coconut fruit.

Blyumin-Karasik recommends it because its moisturizing and can reduce mold growth in skin care products.

A 2022 study indicated that a coconut oil-based serum combined with deer antler stem cell extract for two weeks could:

A 2019 study indicated virgin coconut oil had anti-inflammatory properties and supported its use in skin care products.

Blyumin-Karasik says elderberry, or Sambucus nigra extract, often found in serums, has versatile benefits for our skin.

She notes these benefits include antimicrobial effects and high levels of vitamin C.

Research on elderberry is limited, particularly in topical products. However, a 2019 study suggested it had anti-aging benefits when ingested as a supplement.

Blyumin-Karasik says willow bark, or Salix nigra extract, is an excellent source of skin preservation. She recommends it for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Besides that, willow bark contains a potent salicin ingredient which has gentle exfoliating properties to cleanse pores and reduce skin surface oil, she says.

A 2019 study suggested willow bark total extract may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

An older 2010 study suggested that salicin, which is extracted from white willow bark, may have benefits when applied to the skin topically.

When shopping for personal care products, there are a few things youll want to keep in mind, depending on your age and any conditions you have.

Leave the layering for sweater weather, not skin care. Blyumin-Karasik says the biggest issues she sees in her clinic happen when people try to cake on too many products or ingredients.

Trying to be innovative or frugal, young individuals play with potentially hazardous ingredients such as baking soda or lemon juice which can lead to significant skin irritation, Blyumin-Karasik says. Older individuals try to layer too many products onto their skin such alpha hydroxy acids and potent retinoids and as a result, create skin allergy or irritation.

Blyumin-Karasik recommends working with a dermatologist to find the correct ingredients for your skin type and beauty goals.

A long ingredients list doesnt necessarily mean there are a ton of items working to boost your skins health. Sometimes, simple ingredient lists are most effective.

In general, if a skin care product has too many chemicals or fragrances, it can irritate the skin and cause skin rashes, and its best to avoid, Blyumin-Karasik says.

Individuals with sensitive skin, eczema, dermatitis, or rosacea will want to pay particular attention to product labels and the less is more mantra, Blyumin-Karasik says, as people with these conditions are more prone to irritation.

Theyre best served by using fragrance-free, sensitive skincare lines such as Avene and Bioderma, and definitely avoiding any of the above skin allergens, Blyumin-Karasik says.

Blyumin-Karasik advises acne-prone individuals to opt for products that wont clog pores. She suggests looking for words like oil-free and noncomedogenic and minimizing the use of occlusive moisturizers or make-up.

These can cause more breakouts and blemishes, Blyumin-Karasik warns.

When purchasing skin care products, youre making an investment in your bodys largest organ.

But some ingredients may not serve your skin or overall health.

Though research in some cases is minimal and others are mixed, Phthalates and some parabens are linked to hormonal disruption. Other ingredients are carcinogens or may cause irritation.

Speaking with a dermatologist can help you figure out the best and safest products and ingredients for your skin and overall health.

Beth Ann Mayer is a New York-based freelance writer and content strategist who specializes in health and parenting writing. Her work has been published in Parents, Shape, and Inside Lacrosse. She is a co-founder of digital content agency Lemonseed Creative and is a graduate of Syracuse University. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.

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6 Ingredients to Avoid Putting on Your Skin - Healthline

To Read More: 6 Ingredients to Avoid Putting on Your Skin – Healthline
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Regenerative Properties of the Newborn Heart Offers Hope for Those With Congenital Heart Disease – The Epoch Times

By daniellenierenberg

Researchers from the Murdochs Children Research Institute (MCRI) are developing new treatments for congenital heart disease that could enable children born with birth defects can regenerate the damaged organ.

In 2011, Prof. Enzo Porrello, who is nowhead of the Heart Regeneration Laboratory at the MCRI,demonstrated the regenerative properties of newborn mouse hearts at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre. Prior to this research, the capacity of mammalian hearts to regenerate was a debated topic.

This sort of changed our thinking of what was possible in terms of stimulating the human heart to regenerate itself following damage, such as a heart attack, Porrello said, reported theAustralian. And I guess this also fuelled my own interest in my subsequent career in the area of regenerative medicine.

After hearing about cases where newborns recovered from massive heart attacks, Porrello began to explore the regenerative properties of human newborn hearts.

In 2017, Porrello and Prof. James Hudson manufactured living and beating heart tissues from stem cells in a laboratory at the University of Queensland.

Porrello said that although other scientists had grown heart muscle cells from stem cells, nobody had grown the cells as miniature complex three-dimensional tissues. Additionally, they were not able to grow such tissues in a format compliant to drug development, he said.

And thats really the technological breakthrough that we were able to make.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, approximately nine out of every 1,000 babies born around the world will be born with congenital heart disease. In Australia, it is estimated that 2,400 babies are born with congenital heart disease annually, while in America, nearly one percent of all babies born are estimatedby the Centre For Disease Control to have the condition.

Porrello said that, at the moment, if a child develops heart failure and doesnt respond to standard frontline therapies, a heart transplant is their only option. Children in this situation are put on a transplant waiting list, and whilst waiting for a heart to become available, they are put on mechanical support.

Heart transplantation is limited by organ donor availability, and its also limited by the need for lifelong immunosuppression in those patients, Porrello said.

And so if were able to develop these bioengineered heart tissues from stem cells, this could potentially prevent or delay the need for heart transplantation in these very unwell individuals with end-stage heart failure.

Porrello said that the ultimate goal of his research is to harness the self-repairing capacity of the newborn heart and to develop drugs that waken the hearts dormant regenerative abilities so that the organ may repair itself after damage.

I would say that based on recent studies in the field in the past 10 years since we first made our discovery in mice, we are certainly getting closer, he said.

There is sort of proof of concept that this is possible now, at least in mice, and the question is whether or not we can now make that a therapeutic reality in humans.

The first step in creating these complex heart tissues is attaching special molecules to stem cells; these molecules trigger the cells to morph into heart muscle tissue. The heart tissues are then developed in a plastic culture dish that consists of 96 tiny wells.

The geometry of the well is designed in such a way that the heart tissues spontaneously form when the heart muscle cells are inserted into the well, Porrello said.

He said that within each well of the device are tiny elastic micropillars; the pillars function as elastic cantilevers since they are attached to the dish at only one end and extend horizontally to the dish. The heart muscle cells condense around these cantilevers to produce tiny miniature beating heart tissues that contract around the micropillar; every time the tissue contracts, the micropillar within it deflects.

Porrello said that the device enables researchers to measure the force that the tissues are generating, allowing them to observe how fast the tissues are beating and whether they display any irregularities in their heartbeat. These capabilities are useful for treatment testing because the effect that medication or genetic manipulations of stem cells have on the tissues heartbeat can be seen.

And so it serves as a pretty powerful platform for looking at drug responses, but also modelling genetic forms of heart disease.

Were actually now scaling up these tissues and growing very, very large bioengineered heart tissue patches that can be implanted onto the heart.

In an email to The Epoch Times, Porrello said in the future that, bioengineered heart tissue patches could be used to treat adults with heart failure, and alternative approaches are already being trialled.

Our bioengineered heart tissues could also be used to support the failing heart in adults with underlying heart disease.

Further studies are required to confirm that our bioengineered heart tissue patches are safe and effective in animal models before progressing to human trials. These pre-clinical safety and efficacy studies are underway.

He noted that although significant advances and a better understanding of the hearts regenerative mechanisms have been made in recent years, using this knowledge to develop a safe and effective drug is a slow process.

It typically takes 10 years and around $1 billion dollars to develop a new heart failure drug and take it all the way through to clinical approval. We are at the beginning of that journey.

We need to gain a better understanding of the fundamental biology underlying heart regeneration before we can develop effective treatments.

Porello is now applying his discoveries in a clinical context at theMCRIto reach his goal of regenerating human hearts. The regeneration research at the institute has two branches, the first focuses on studying diseases using lab-grown models of the heart muscle. The models are made using blood and tissue samples collected from sick children at the Royal Childrens Hospital in Melbourne.

He said that this branch of the research enables the team to model the genetic basis of the disease in any individual.

Were using this technology to model childhood heart disease, trying to understand its causes, and then using those genetic models of heart disease to test and develop therapeutic approaches to treat those conditions, he said.

Porrello said that the second branch of the research performed at the MCRI explores the regenerative approach to growing the very, very large bioengineered heart tissue patches. The researchers plan is to eventuallyimplant the patches into a heart to function as a biological assistance device that supports the function of the heart.

If it works, it would be transformative, Porrello said.

Stem cells have been used in medicine for more than fifty years, with the most common stem cell procedure currently beingbone marrow transplantsalso known as hematopoietic stem cell transplantsused to treat patients with blood cancers such asleukemiaand blood disorders such assickle cell diseaseandthalassemia.

More recently, skin grown from stem cells has been used to treat extensive burns, and stem cells from fat (adipose tissue) have been used as tissue fillers.

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Regenerative Properties of the Newborn Heart Offers Hope for Those With Congenital Heart Disease - The Epoch Times

To Read More: Regenerative Properties of the Newborn Heart Offers Hope for Those With Congenital Heart Disease – The Epoch Times
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Meet White Orange: The Vitamin C Skin Care Brand For Sensitive Skin – Bustle

By daniellenierenberg

After struggling with acne for years, White Orange founder Carishma Khubhani still had a hard time finding skin are products that worked for her and even when her acne cleared, she was worried that her skin may revert back to its old habits. I always wanted to have my own skin care line one day, said Khubani, who was a musician in Los Angeles before becoming a brand founder. [My dermatologist and esthetician] told me that the only things that have been proven to make a visible difference in your skin are vitamin C and retinol. Other vitamin C serums were expensive or unpleasant to use or simply didnt work which led her to create White Orange.

After three years of formulating, White Orange claims to bring on a new generation of vitamin C. Vitamin C is the king of skin care ingredients for good reason its proven to help with sun damage, dark spots, and even acne. But you might be surprised to learn that there are different types of vitamin C in the products you use. Most vitamin C products on the market (including the priciest products) use a form of vitamin C called L-ascorbic acid. Its a go-to because there have been so many clinical studies supporting its efficacy; however, the downside is that it can be irritating and unstable. (Stability ensures that the product retains its potency over time.) It's cheap and it's inexpensive and [brands who use it] want to maximize their profit margins to be able to pay all their overhead, Khubani says.

With this knowledge, Khubani chose to use a less-common form of vitamin C called tetra hexadecyl ascorbate, or BV-OSC. She claims its the most potent, yet stable form of vitamin C, and so far, the science looks promising: A study found that after an aqueous gel with 10% BV-OSC was applied to a group of patients over the span of two to 10 months, age spots, acne and skin redness all showed immense improvement.

In addition to tetrahexadecyl ascorbate, one of the most significant ingredients that influenced the name of the product is pith the white part of the orange (hence the brand name) which was included for its high concentration of vitamin C. Other ingredients include hyaluronic acid, ferulic acid, and vitamin E all superstar skin care ingredients proven to fight free radicals and help overall skin texture and brightness. White Orange also added orange stem cells, which feature their own exclusive proprietary complex, and a liposomal delivery system to help the ingredients penetrate more deeply into the skin.

Other products also use tetrahexadecyl ascorbate, like Sunday Riley C.E.O 15 Vitamin C Brightening Serum so what makes White Orange different? Its all in the delivery system. Many vitamin C products come in glass dropper bottles, so the product is exposed to light and air every time you use it, which allows the product to oxidize and become less effective. White Orange puts their product in a syringe-style bottle, so your product isnt exposed to air and you only pump out the amount you need, preserving the freshness of the serum. The formula is also vegan and cruelty-free.

Khubani recommends using the product before you apply your moisturizer and SPF and after you wash your face and potentially apply a toner. After washing my face with my CeraVe Hydrating facial cleanser, I used the White Orange serum and finished off with my trusty CeraVe moisturizer. The formula is very light and non-sticky and so far, the product seems to be very gentle and non-irritating (I have highly sensitive skin). I also really like the syringe bottle, which is travel-friendly and dispenses the perfect amount each time. I havent noticed any anti-aging or acne-preventing effects, but I would recommend trying this product if youre looking to add a gentle serum to a simple skincare routine and if you have sensitive skin, you can rest easy knowing this formula wont irritate.

Studies cited:

Telang P. S. (2013). Vitamin C in dermatology. Indian dermatology online journal, 4(2), 143146.

Al-Niaimi, F., & Chiang, N. (2017). Topical Vitamin C and the Skin: Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Applications. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 10(7), 1417.

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Meet White Orange: The Vitamin C Skin Care Brand For Sensitive Skin - Bustle

To Read More: Meet White Orange: The Vitamin C Skin Care Brand For Sensitive Skin – Bustle
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Rejuvenation Roundup August 2022 – News

By daniellenierenberg

EARD2022 is over, but the research and events continue. Heres a summary of everything thats happened in August.

We are hiring! We are currently looking for a full-time chief of staff, a full-time data-driven Senior Marketing Manager, a part-time Youtube sponsorship/partnership acquisition lead, a social media intern, a part-time grant writer, and volunteers to support various programs. If you are interested in learning more about any of these positions, please contact us with your resume and salary expectations.

Announcing the Longevity Prize: The Longevity Prize is a series of prizes designed to honor the researchers who are helping to build a future in which age-related diseases are a thing of the past. This new initiative aims to accelerate progress in the rejuvenation biotechnology field and encourage innovation.

Stephanie Dainow to Present at the 9th ARDD Conference: On August 22, 2022, Executive Director Stephanie Dainow participated in the Decentralized Science and Blockchain session as a part of the Emerging Tech Workshop at the worlds largest annual Aging Research and Drug Discovery conference (9th ARDD).

Longevity Camp: The Longevity Summer Camp is a four-day retreat featuring people from many longevity-related walks of life. Recently, somewhere between the former gold mining town of Nevada City and the infamous Donner Pass, a unique gathering took place.

Cells Return from Death: Cells, dead for an hour under warm conditions, have been revived. Questions about when life begins have been hot topics for awhile, but there is also debate about when life ends.

Rapamycin and Metformin: Rapamycin and metformin, two well-studied drugs in aging research, can be combined for synergistic effects in mice. Rapamycin and metformin are viewed by many as the two most promising anti-aging drugs, but now scientists have found that these drugs can work hand in hand.

Steve Horvath on the Present and Future of Epigenetic Clocks: Dr. Steve Horvath is the inventor of the epigenetic clock and, currently, principal investigator at Altos Labs. We talked about the recent developments in this immensely important field, including pan-mammalian clocks, two-species clocks, and single-cell clocks, along with the challenges the field faces.

Prof. Albert-Lszl Barabsi on Network Medicine: Albert-Lszl Barabsi is the Robert Gray Dodge Professor of Network Science at Northeastern University, and he also holds an appointment in the Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. We talked about a revolutionary network medicine approach that can greatly enhance our ability to understand biological processes and seek cures for disease.

Martin ODea Talks About the Longevity Summit: We recently had the opportunity to speak to Martin ODea about a new longevity-focused event happening in Irelands capital city on September 18th-20th. Martin holds an MBS and is a business lecturer at Dublin Business School in Dublin, Ireland. He is also the author of Beyond the Subjectivity Trap.

Dr. Aubrey de Grey Will Speak at the Longevity Summit Dublin: We recently caught up with Dr. Aubrey de Grey and talked to him about the upcoming Dublin Longevity Summit and how things are looking on the advocacy landscape.

Old Plasma Dilution Reduces Human Biological Age: The Journal Club has returned to our Facebook page with your host, Dr. Oliver Medvedik. This month, we have investigated a paper, Old plasma dilution reduces human biological age: a clinical study, in which Irina Conboy and her team investigated the effects of therapeutic plasma exchange on aging in people.

Vitamin D Fails to Improve Bone Health in Mega-Study: A high-quality, randomized, controlled trial found no effect of vitamin D supplementation or blood levels on the incidence of fractures in an aging population.

Hesperetin Upregulates Metabolism and Longevity in Mice: Researchers publishing in Journal of Biomedical Science have concluded that hesperetin, a compound found in various herbs, improves longevity in mice by promoting the expression of the pro-longevity gene Cisd2.

Caloric Restriction Improves Immune System Function: A new study published in Mechanisms of Aging and Development has shown that caloric restriction effectively restores T cell abundance in aged mice. Caloric restriction has become a well-known anti-aging intervention, as it can reverse several hallmarks of aging and extend lifespan in different animal models.

Ghrelin Is Associated with Worse Muscle Aging in Mice: A team of researchers publishing through Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute has described an association between ghrelin and skeletal muscle aging in mice. Ghrelin is a peptide containing 28 amino acids. Its main function is to stimulate the appetite through receptors in the hypothalamus.

Sauna Combined with Exercise Improves Cardiovascular Health: In a randomized, controlled trial, scientists have shown that sauna and exercise, when taken together, might have a synergistic, beneficial effect on cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels. Sauna bathing has been credited with many health benefits, predominantly for the cardiovascular system.

Developing Nanobodies to Fight Parkinsons Disease: A team of researchers publishing in Nature Communications has described nanobodies that can destroy the -synuclein aggregates that characterize Lewy bodies, which are associated with dementia and Parkinsons disease. Traditional antibody therapies, while promising in some studies, are too large to enter cells in order to affect the aggregates there.

Scientists Move the Boundaries of Post-Mortem Recovery: Researchers have been able to achieve substantial recovery of cellular and organismal activity in pigs that had been dead for a full hour. Advances in resuscitation have already moved the boundaries of life and death, making it possible to revive a person several minutes after the heart stops beating.

An In-Depth Review of Skin Aging Genes: In a new systematic review published in Scientific Reports, multiple genes driving skin aging were identified. The authors start by explaining the intrinsic (genetic and chronological) and extrinsic (environmental) factors that drive skin aging.

Hypertension Is Associated with Brain Drainage Changes: Researchers publishing in Aging have found that enlarged perivascular spaces in the brain are correlated with vascular disorders. These spaces, which are part of the brains glymphatic system, allow for the drainage of potentially dangerous metabolites such as beta amyloid.

Rapamycin-Loaded Microneedles Reverse Hair Loss in Mice: Scientists have successfully regrown hair in a mouse model of hair loss using custom-made plastic microneedles loaded with rapamycin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an active ingredient in green tea.

Identifying Mitonuclear Genes for Longevity: Publishing in GeroScience, a team of researchers that included Nir Barzilai and Matt Kaeberlein examined genes that may affect both mitochondria and lifespan.

Dietary Restrictions Do Not Help Cognitive Function in Mice: A new study published in Neurobiology of Aging has shown that neither caloric restriction nor intermittent fasting improve late-life cognition in genetically diverse mice, but the effect depends on genetic composition.

Combining Senolytic Pathways Has Synergistic Effects: A team of researchers have explained in Aging how multiple compounds that target the BCL-2 protein family are considerably more effective against senescent cells than each compound by itself.

New Synthetic Molecule Alleviates Alzheimers in Mice: Scientists have synthesized a molecule that alleviates Alzheimers in a mouse model by targeting inflammation. Two of the most prominent and probably interconnected symptoms of Alzheimers disease are the accumulation of amyloid beta (A) and chronic neuroinflammation.

The Relationship Between Stroke and Inflammation: Publishing in Aging, a team of Chinese researchers has provided evidence showing a relationship between systemic inflammation and prognosis after a stroke. As the researchers point out, strokes are the leading cause of death in China.

Almost Half of Cancer Deaths Worldwide are Preventable: Researchers have shown that 44.4% of cancer deaths worldwide can be attributed to preventable risk factors, including behavioral and environmental ones. It is well known that many cancer cases occur due to behavioral and environmental and factors such as smoking and pollution, which makes them theoretically preventable.

Rapamycin and Metformin Show Synergy in Mice: Scientists have found that rapamycin and metformin work hand in hand in diabetes-prone mice, boosting each others effectiveness and blocking side effects. Both have been in use for various indications for decades and have decent safety profiles.

Plasma Dilution Appears to Rejuvenate Humans: Published in GeroScience, a groundbreaking study from the renowned Conboy lab has confirmed that plasma dilution leads to systemic rejuvenation against multiple proteomic aspects of aging in human beings. This paper takes the view that much of aging is driven by systemic molecular excess of signaling molecules, antibodies, and toxins.

Mitochondrial Drug Alleviates Atherosclerosis in Mice: Scientists have drastically improved various symptoms of atherosclerosis in mice by precisely targeting mitochondria with a plant-derived antioxidant. Atherosclerosis, the accumulation of plaques on arterial walls, is one of the deadliest age-related diseases.

Intravenous Stem Cells Alleviate Guinea Pig Osteoarthritis: Scientists have shown that intravenous delivery of mesenchymal stem cells, which has some advantages over the more conventional intra-articular injection, alleviates age-related osteoarthritis and decreases inflammation in guinea pigs. Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, is one of the most common causes of disability in old age.

Glycans as Biomarkers of Aging: In a new review published in Clinica Chimica Acta, researchers from the University of Zagreb discuss immunoglobulin G glycans, the changes that their composition undergoes with aging, and their potential as biomarkers of aging. One of the reviews co-authors is Prof. Gordan Lauc, who gave a presentation on them at EARD2022.

A wearable electrochemical biosensor for the monitoring of metabolites and nutrients: The monitoring of metabolites for the early identification of abnormal health conditions could facilitate applications in precision nutrition.

Epigenome-wide association study analysis of calorie restriction in humans, CALERIE TM Trial analysis: DNA methylation changes may contribute to caloric restrictions effects on aging.

Association of Leisure Time Physical Activity Types and Risks of All-Cause, Cardiovascular, and Cancer Mortality Among Older Adults: There were significant associations between participating in 7.5 to less than 15 MET hours per week of any activity and mortality risk.

Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 plus acetylcholinesterase inhibitors improved cognitive function in patients with mild cognitive impairment: These findings suggest that combined therapy with EGb 761 plus AChEI may provide added cognitive and functional benefits in patients with MCI.

Suppression of trimethylamine N-oxide with DMB mitigates vascular dysfunction, exercise intolerance, and frailty associated with a Western-style diet in mice: These therapies may be promising for mitigating the adverse effects of a Western diet on physiological function and thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Canagliflozin retards age-related lesions in heart, kidney, liver, and adrenal gland in genetically heterogenous male mice: Canagliflozin can be considered a drug that acts to slow aging and should be evaluated for potential protective effects against many other late-life conditions.

Fecal microbiota transplantation can improve cognition in patients with cognitive decline and Clostridioides difficile infection: This study revealed important interactions between the gut microbiome and cognitive function. Moreover, it suggested that FMT may effectively delay cognitive decline in patients with dementia.

Mitochondrial dynamics maintain muscle stem cell regenerative competence throughout adult life by regulating metabolism and mitophagy: As mitochondrial fission occurs less frequently in the satellite cells in older humans, these findings have implications for regeneration therapies in sarcopenia.

Long-lasting, dissociable improvements in working memory and long-term memory in older adults with repetitive neuromodulation: These findings demonstrate that the plasticity of the aging brain can be selectively and sustainably exploited using repetitive and highly focalized neuromodulation

Supplementing Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) in Older Adults Improves Aging Hallmarks: By combining the benefits of glycine, NAC and GSH, GlyNAC is an effective nutritional supplement that improves and reverses multiple age-associated abnormalities to promote health in aging humans.

VitaDAO Funds ApoptoSENS Project for $253,000: Preventing the dysfunction of natural killer cells may be a promising area to explore in the fight against cellular senescence. Researchers are hoping to define the correlation between the increase in senescent cells and the onset or worsening of disease in humans.

VitaDAO Backs Research into Chronic Oral Disease: Periodontal disease affects more than 47% of adults aged 30 and over. For people over 65 years of age, that number rises to over 70%, making periodontitis one of the most commonly observed age-related illnesses. Jonathan Ans lab seeks to research inflammation-targeting compounds that can help treat periodontal disease.

Researchers Propose Five New Hallmarks of Aging: Publishing in Aging five months after their panel discussion in Copenhagen, many well-known researchers have explained their reasons for wishing to add new hallmarks of aging to the existing paradigm.

SENS Research Foundation Announces Ending Aging Forum 2022: SENS Research Foundation has announced this years Ending Aging Forum, which will be held through a virtual conference platform with an immersive environment.

Longevity Investors Conference: Organized and sponsored by Maximon, the Longevity Investors Conference is focused on the investment aspects of longevity. The LIC welcomes everyone with an interest in the financial aspects of the longevity sector, including venture capitalists, asset managers, and managers of private equity funds and private banks.

Longevity Summit Dublin: This conference will feature two days of inspiring research developments along with top longevity entrepreneurs, biotech companies, longevity investors, and researchers from around the world.

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Rejuvenation Roundup August 2022 - News

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Increasing Road Accidents and Fall Injuries among Aged Population Primarily Driving Need for Orthopedic Navigation Systems: Fact.MR Analysis – Yahoo…

By daniellenierenberg


Over the coming years, the orthopedic navigation systems market is expected to experience significant growth due to rapid technological innovations, introduction of new orthopedic navigation products, rising cases of cardiovascular diseases, increased funding in R&D activities to improve orthopedic navigation product effectiveness, and rise in the prevalence of osteoarthritis.

United States, Rockville MD, Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Expanding at a high-value CAGR of 17%, the global demand for orthopedic navigation systems is projected to increase to a valuation of US$ 433.8 million by 2027, predicts Fact.MR, a market research and competitive intelligence provider.

By expressing three-dimensional computer images in comparative patient analysis, which is a feature of image-guided surgical systems, the orthopedic navigation system integrates information from pre-operative planning and intra-operative execution. These computer workstations for image-guided surgery include a surgical planning and display monitor, image-processing software, and a digitizing system.

As a result of bone spine damage to the spinal nerves, spinal cord, or neurological injury weakening, spinal injuries are the primary cause of mortality and morbidity. To reduce long-term functional disability, prompt medical and surgical care is essential, thereby driving the need for orthopedic navigation systems.

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Effective Results of Computer-assisted Navigation Systems

Other elements anticipated to influence the industry's revenue include associated benefits of computer-assisted surgeries (CAS), including low blood loss, shorter hospital stays, and simpler recovery.

Accurate implant alignment is made possible by CAS, which also enhances functioning, and quality-adjusted life years, and causes reduced discomfort, tissue damage, and problems.The aforementioned reasons are behind therising demand for minimally-invasive surgeries.

Story continues

Another factor that is anticipated to increase orthopedic navigation system demand is the development of technology in orthopedic surgical navigation procedures, as well as the rising prevalence of osteoarthritis, and increased investments in R&D.

Key Takeaways from Market Study

Demand for orthopedic navigation systems is expected to surge at a CAGR of 17% from 2022 to 2027.

Global orthopedic navigation system sales areanticipated to be driven by an increase in the use of minimally-invasive procedures and navigation software by doctors and surgeons due to the availability of affordable orthopedic navigationsolutions and greater awareness.

In terms of technology, optical navigation systems are superior to electromagnetic (EM) systems because they expose users to less radiation and provide greater accuracy during difficult operations, allowing surgeons to move accurately through the anatomy of a patient.

Sales of optical navigation systems are expected to balloon at a CAGR of 19% from 2022 to 2027.

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Winning Strategy

Top manufacturers of orthopedic navigation systems are concentrating on raising knowledge about these systems as well astheiruse and advantages among patients and medical professionals alike. By providing Continual Medical Education (CME) sessions, manufacturers of surgical navigation solutionsin developed nations have started to reach out to local communities.

As a result, more doctors and specialists are aware of the existence and application of orthopedic navigation systems. Furthermore, the 6- to 7-year warranty on commercially available orthopedic navigation devicesmakes the entire product sales cycle 7 years.

The market for orthopedic navigation systems is anticipated to expand rapidly over the forecast period due to increasing demand for technological assistance in orthopedic therapies.

Robotic-assisted surgical navigation robot NaoTrac was given CE mark clearance by Taiwan-based firm Brain Navi Biotechnology in November 2021. The company specialises in cutting-edge navigation robots.

Acuson Freestyle Elite ultrasound system, which can be used in conjunction with Artis angiography devices to provide quick and simple ultrasound guidance during interventional procedures, was introduced by Siemens Healthineers in March 2017.

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Segmentation of Orthopedic Navigation Systems Industry Research

By Technology :





By Application :




Joint Replacement


By End User :

By Region :

North America

Latin America


East Asia

South Asia & Oceania


More Valuable Insights on Offer

Fact.MR, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the global orthopedic navigation systems market, presenting historical demand data (2017-2021) and forecast statistics for the period of 2022-2027.

The study divulges essential insights on the market on the basis of technology (electromagnetic, optical, radiography, others), application (knee, spine, hip, joint replacement, others), and end user (hospitals, clinics, ambulatory surgical centers, others), across five major regions of the world (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and MEA).

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Orthopedic Power Tools Market:The global orthopedic power tools market is estimated atUSD 2.2 Billionin 2022 and is forecast to surpassUSD 3.5 Billionby 2032, growing at a CAGR of4.8%from 2022 to 2032.North America orthopedic power tools market accounts for the largest market share of24.8%.The escalating online presence of players with a strong distribution network coupled with well-established healthcare infrastructure is one of the key factors fueling the market growth.

Orthopedic Footwear Market:The global orthopedic footwear market is majorly driven by rise in the number of accidents, which is the major cause of orthopedic injury. In addition to this, increase in the availability as well as variability of orthopedic footwear in various applications also promotes the market growth. In context of this, about 6% of the U.S. population has foot injuries, bunions and flat feet or fallen arches each year. About 60% of U.S. population older than 17 are suffering from foot and ankle related injuries, sprains and strains of the ankle.

Bone Biopsy Systems Market:The global bone biopsy systems market is set to enjoy a valuation ofUS$ 227.6 millionin 2022 and expand at aCAGR of 6%to reachUS$ 408.9 millionby the end of 2032.Sales of bone biopsy systems accounted for more than30%of the global bone biopsy market at the end of 2021.Bone biopsy and bone marrow biopsy sampling have been one of the most painful experiences for patients. Efforts towards reducing this pain has led to the development of powered bone biopsy systems with increased efficiency.

Bone Marrow Processing Systems Market:A bone marrow processing system is a functionally closed, sterile system designed for automatically isolating and concentrating stem cells derived from donated bone marrow aspirate. Rising applications of bone marrow transplant procedures and bone marrow donation procedures used in the treatment of bone marrow cancers, such as acute leukemia, multiple myeloma, immune deficiency disorders, aplastic anemia, spinal fusions, lymphomas, non-union fractures, osteonecrosis and other rare genetic diseases of the bone marrow, is the primary driver in the market.

Bone Growth Stimulator Market:Bone growth stimulator market was nearly worthUS$ 1.8Bn in 2020 and is anticipated to expand1.6xover the forecast period, anticipated to reach a valuation ofUS$ 3Bn by 2031. In the short-run, bone growth stimulators revenue is likely to topUS$ 1.9Bn by 2022.The market for bone growth stimulators is dominated by North America. This is mostly due to the region's expanding elderly population and the growing burden of orthopedic illnesses. As of 2031, the U.S is expected to register a CAGR worth 5%.

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Increasing Road Accidents and Fall Injuries among Aged Population Primarily Driving Need for Orthopedic Navigation Systems: Fact.MR Analysis - Yahoo...

To Read More: Increasing Road Accidents and Fall Injuries among Aged Population Primarily Driving Need for Orthopedic Navigation Systems: Fact.MR Analysis – Yahoo…
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Ask the Expert: How do bone marrow transplants work, and what conditions do they treat? – The Daily Progress

By daniellenierenberg

How do bone marrow transplants work, and what conditions do they treat?

A bone marrow transplant is actually a misnomer, as these procedures transplant stem cells, not the actual bones. Specifically, these procedures use hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), also known as blood-forming stem cells, to potentially cure an ever-expanding number of diseases.

There are three main cell types found inside a persons blood based on their function:

red blood cells: these cells carry oxygen throughout the body

platelets: these cells help form clots to stop bleeding

white blood cells: these cells lead the charge in fighting infections (also known as the immune system)

Each of these cell types, despite their different functions, shapes, sizes and lifespan, arise from the same source the hematopoietic stem cell, which constantly replenish each cell type. HSCs reside almost exclusively deep inside our bones in the center of the hard, protective shelter of calcium and other minerals. So, the marrow (soft, middle portion of our bones) can be thought of as the factory that supply each person with the blood cells needed to overcome infections, trauma, and to live a healthy, long life.

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When we perform a transplant, we are actually either using a patients own stem cells (autologous transplant) or stem cells from another human (allogeneic transplant), leading to the more appropriate name of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). These transplants are most commonly used to treat and cure cancer.

Autologous transplants are used in the treatment of many types of solid tumors (such as brain tumors, germ cell tumors, neuroblastoma), where the tumor can only be effectively destroyed by giving very high doses of chemotherapy that also damage the patients own HSCs. Before giving a patient those high doses of chemotherapy, we collect his or her own HSCs with a process very similar to dialysis (we remove stem cells from their blood), and then freeze and store them in a specialized lab.

After the patient receives that high dose of chemotherapy, the treatment team then thaws the stem cells and infuses them back into the patient via a specialized catheter placed in his or her veins. The stem cells quickly return home and find the bone marrow space, and within 10 to 21 days, they will start making new white blood cells and platelets, followed by red blood cells.

Allogeneic transplants are performed for many types of leukemias or bone marrow failure syndromes (such as aplastic anemia or Fanconi anemia) where the patients own stem cells are broken and need to be replaced by a healthy humans stem cells. However, many other non-malignant conditions (not cancer) can be effectively cured with this procedure, as conditions that result from defects of different blood cell types (red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets) are corrected when the factory is replaced with a healthy donors stem cells.

This is an exciting time in the field of transplant, as we are now able to offer cures for many childhood diseases that historically are chronic and/or life-threatening. HSCT is now being offered to patients with sickle cell disease/thalassemia (red blood cells are defective), along with many conditions that are now called inborn errors of immunity (white blood cells are defective).

Among the more than 500 different genetic conditions that damage white blood cells include severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), and severe congenital neutropenia (SCN). Not only are the numbers of conditions potentially cured with HSCT rapidly growing, but the success rates and ability to prevent and treat complications of this procedure are improving exponentially as well. We are looking forward to offering these procedures to more children here at UVa Childrens.

To learn more about Dr. Roehrs and the care he provides, visit

Dr. Philip Roehrs is the clinical director for pediatric stem cell transplant and cellular therapy at UVa Childrens and UVa Health.

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Ask the Expert: How do bone marrow transplants work, and what conditions do they treat? - The Daily Progress

To Read More: Ask the Expert: How do bone marrow transplants work, and what conditions do they treat? – The Daily Progress
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From optimized stem cell transplants to CAR T cell therapy: Advancing options for cancer, HIV and more – City of Hope

By daniellenierenberg

City of Hope recently shared significant news at the 24th Annual AIDS Conference about a patient treated in 2019 whose HIV has been in remission. The man had been living with HIV for 31 years before coming to City of Hope with another grave diagnosisacute myeloid leukemia.One of the best hopes for long-term remission of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a stem cell transplant, and City of Hope has one of the nations leading transplant programs, having performed more than 17,000 transplants since 1976. In addition, the institution is at the forefront of using transplants to treat older adults with blood cancers, including increasing efficacy and safety in those over 60 and those with comorbidities, like the then 63-year-old City of Hope patient with HIV. The research was presented by Jana K. Dickter, M.D., City of Hope associate clinical professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases.

City of Hope hematologist Ahmed Aribi, M.D., assistant professor in the Division of Leukemia, prepared the patient for an allogeneic blood stem cell transplant with a chemotherapy-based, reduced-intensity regimen developed for treatment of older patients with blood cancers. Reduced-intensity chemotherapy makes the transplant more tolerable for older patients and reduces the potential for transplant-related complications from the procedure.

Aribi and his team worked with City of Hopes Unrelated Donor BMT Program directed by Monzr M. Al Malki, M.D. to find a donor who was a perfect match for the patient and had the rare genetic mutation, homozygous CCR5 Delta 32, which is found in just 1 to 2% of the general population.

People who have this mutation have a resistance to acquiring HIV. CCR5 is a receptor on CD4+ immune cells, and most strains of HIV use that receptor to enter and attack the immune system. But the CCR5 mutation blocks that pathway, which stops HIV from replicating.

After this successful transplant for both AML and HIV, the patient has been in remission for HIV since stopping ART in March 2021. While this outcome has happened in three other patients, the City of Hope patient was both the oldest to undergo a transplant with HIV and leukemia and go into remission for both. He had also lived with HIV the longest 31 years.

The City of Hope patient is another major advancement. It demonstrates that research and clinical care developed and led at City of Hope are changing the meaning of an HIV diagnosis for patients across the United States and the world, said John Zaia, M.D., director of City of Hopes Center for Gene Therapy, Aaron D. Miller and Edith Miller Chair for Gene Therapy and a leader in HIV research. City of Hope remains at the forefront of clinical research that changes peoples lives for the better.

When I was diagnosed with HIV in 1988, like many others, I thought it was a death sentence. I never thought I would live to see the day that I no longer have HIV. City of Hope made that possible, and I am beyond grateful. The City of Hope patient

The story above is one significant example of several important advances being made at City of Hope in the care of people with HIV. When many centers still treated patients with low-intensity, noncurative treatment approaches for HIV-related lymphoma, City of Hope challenged that paradigm by demonstrating that autologous transplantation could be used to cure patients who would otherwise die.

More recently, City of Hope is leveraging its leadership in CAR T cell therapya groundbreaking treatment currently used to rally the bodys natural defenses against cancer and exploring its potential in tandem with another advance, City of Hopes vaccine for cytomegalovirus (CMV).

In a proof-of-concept study, funded by theCalifornia Institute for Regenerative Medicine, lab models demonstrated that the combination therapy could recognize and eliminate HIV without serious toxicity to cells in the virus host. In cultured human cells, the CAR T cells killed cells tagged with the gp120 protein, and kept killing them, without significant signs of risking damage to healthy cells. In a mouse model for HIV/AIDS, high doses of the dual-action CAR T cells followed by the CMV vaccine were successful in controlling HIV, and even nestled into the bone marrow, indicating potential for treatment to keep working over the long term.

In addition to achieving breakthrough outcomes in cancer and HIV, City of Hope has been recognized as the seventh "Best Hospital" for cancer in the nation according to U.S. News & World Report's 2022-23 Best Hospitals: Specialty Ranking. This marks the first time the cancer treatment center has cracked the top 10 of the U.S. News & World Report annual rankings and the 16th consecutive year it has been distinguished as one of the nation's elite cancer hospitals. It was also rated as high performing in four cancer surgery specialties: lung, colon, prostate and ovarian cancers.

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From optimized stem cell transplants to CAR T cell therapy: Advancing options for cancer, HIV and more - City of Hope

To Read More: From optimized stem cell transplants to CAR T cell therapy: Advancing options for cancer, HIV and more – City of Hope
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Bone Grafts And Substitutes Market Is Expected To Witness An Impressive CAGR Of 4.9% Due To Rise In Usage Of Bone Grafts And Substitutes For Healing…

By daniellenierenberg

North America Market Comprises Of 53.1% Market Share Due To Rising Number Of Spine-Related Disorders

Fact.MR A Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Provider: Theglobal bone grafts and substitutes marketreached a valuation ofUS$ 3.06 Bnin 2020. Moreover, sales of bone grafts and substitutes are slated to rise at a CAGR of4.9%to reachUS$ 4.44 Bnby the end of 2028.

Bone grafts and substitutes (BGS) are rapidly used common materials used mainly to replace missing bones or mend fractures. Moreover, it is commonly being used in the hip, foot, and ankle surgeries, as well as fractures and musculoskeletal injuries. Moreover, the primary goal of using bone grafts and substitutes is to aid in the healing of fractures and bone injuries, as well as to replace natural bone.

Moreover, surge in demand for synthetics and xenografts, rise in usage of bone graft substitutes in regenerative medicines, and the surge in the number of illnesses that necessitate their usage would propel the market for bone grafts and substitutes forward.

In addition to this, continuous R&D initiatives to upgrade product offerings are one of the most common trends in the market. This rise in R&D initiatives is driven by surge in need for bone graft substitutes for bone-related occurrences fractures and trauma. Researchers from across the globe are putting in efforts to find new ways to use bone grafts in regenerative medicines.

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Bone grafts manufacturers are constantly investing in the development of new products with improved bioactivity, biocompatibility, and mechanical qualities. Companies have a varied product portfolio that is technologically advanced, as well as a larger global presence. Key players in the market are putting emphasis on innovative products in various orthopedic application areas.

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More Valuable Insights on Bone Grafts and Substitutes Market

Explore Fact.MRs Coverage on the Healthcare Domain

Bone Growth Stimulator Market - Bone growth stimulator market was nearly worthUS$ 1.8Bn in 2020 and is anticipated to expand1.6xover the forecast period, anticipated to reach a valuation ofUS$ 3Bn by 2031. In the short-run, bone growth stimulators revenue is likely to topUS$ 1.9Bn by 2022.

Bone Marrow Processing Systems Market - A bone marrow processing system is a functionally closed, sterile system designed for automatically isolating and concentrating stem cells derived from donated bone marrow aspirate.

Bone Broth Protein Powder Market - Bone broth protein powder supports a healthy gut, skin hydration, immune system, joint health, and flexibility and physical functioning of the body and thus is a significant attraction for health enthusiast and sportspersons. The market for bone broth protein powder is anticipated to increase over the forecast years owing to its restorative and healing properties.

Bone Meal Supplement Market - The demand for bone meal supplement is anticipated to increase over the forecast year due to increasing application of bone meal supplements in animal feed and fertilizers. The bone meal supplement is obtained from crushed and coarsely ground animal bones and waste from slaughterhouses.

Bone Biopsy Systems Market - The global bone biopsy systems market is set to enjoy a valuation of US$ 227.6 million in 2022 and expand at a CAGR of 6% to reach US$ 408.9 million by the end of 2032. Sales of bone biopsy systems accounted for more than 30% of the global bone biopsy market at the end of 2021.

Antibiotic-loaded Bone Cement Market - Infections are among the major issues encountered during various orthopedic surgeries, and antibiotic-loaded bone cement is commonly used to avoid any sorts of medical predicaments. To ensure the safety of patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries, the demand for antibiotic-loaded bone cement is increasing across the healthcare industry.

Injectable Bone Graft Substitutes Market - Growing instances of bone defects among individuals has fuelled demand for the bone grafting techniques in the healthcare industry. As the need to conduct trauma and orthopedic surgeries persist, manufacturers are developing a range of bone grafts or bone graft substitutes to stimulate insufficient or impaired bone regeneration.

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Fact.MR is a market research and consulting agency with deep expertise in emerging market intelligence. Spanning a wide range from automotive & industry 4.0 to healthcare, technology, chemical and materials, to even the most niche categories. 80% of Fortune 1000's trusts us in critical decision making. We provide both qualitative and quantitative research, spanning market forecast, market segmentation, competitor analysis, and consumer sentiment analysis.


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Bone Grafts And Substitutes Market Is Expected To Witness An Impressive CAGR Of 4.9% Due To Rise In Usage Of Bone Grafts And Substitutes For Healing...

To Read More: Bone Grafts And Substitutes Market Is Expected To Witness An Impressive CAGR Of 4.9% Due To Rise In Usage Of Bone Grafts And Substitutes For Healing…
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A new gene therapy based on antibody cells is about to be tested in humans – MIT Technology Review

By daniellenierenberg

So far, Bcells havent gotten the same attentionindeed, genetically engineered versions have never been tested in a human. Thats partly because engineering B cells is not that easy, says Xin Luo, a professor at Virginia Tech who in 2009 demonstrated how to generate B cells that have an added gene.

That early work, carried out at Caltech, explored whether the cells could be directed to make antibodies against HIV, perhaps becoming a new form of vaccination.

While that idea didnt pan out, now biotech companies like Immusoft, Be Biopharma, and Walking Fish Therapeutics want to harness the cells as molecular factories to treat serious rare diseases. These cells are powerhouses for secreting protein, so thats something they want to take advantage of, says Luo.

Immusoft licensed the Caltech technology and got an early investment from Peter Thiels biotech fund, Breakout Labs. Company founder Matthew Scholz, a software developer, boldly predicted in 2015 that a trial could start immediately. However, the technology the company terms immune-system programming didnt turn out to be as straightforward as coding a computer.

Ainsworth says Immusoft had to first spend several years working out reliable ways to add genes to B cells. Instead of using viruses or gene editing to make genetic changes, the company now employs a transposona molecule that likes to cut and paste DNA segments.

It also took time to convince the FDA to allow the trial. Thats because its known that if added DNA ends up near cancer-promoting genes, it can sometimes turn them on.

The FDA is concerned if you are doing this in a B cell, could you develop a leukemia situation? That is something that they are going to watch pretty closely, says Paul Orchard, the doctor at the University of Minnesota who will be recruiting patients and carrying out the study.

The first human test could resolve some open questions about the technology. One is whether the enhanced cells will take up long-term residence inside peoples bone marrow, where B cells typically live. In theory, the cells could survive decadeseven the entire life of the patient. Another question is whether theyll make enough of the missing enzyme to help stall MPS, which is a progressive disease.

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A new gene therapy based on antibody cells is about to be tested in humans - MIT Technology Review

To Read More: A new gene therapy based on antibody cells is about to be tested in humans – MIT Technology Review
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The Promise Of Gene Silencing To Treat Not-So-Rare Diseases – BioProcess Online

By daniellenierenberg

By Giles Campion, EVP, head of R&D and chief medical officer, Silence Therapeutics

siRNA is a gene-silencing technology with great potential for treating a wide range of rare diseases, as I discussed in my previous article, but its promise doesnt end there. In this last article in the series, I examine siRNAs potential for treating not-so-rare and even quite common diseases.

Unlike rare diseases, which are often caused by pathological genetic mutations, common diseases may be associated with genetic variants that are not pathological and therefore do not dysregulate a biological process. For example, variants of the LPA or PCSK9 gene can increase a persons risk of cardiovascular disease by affecting cholesterol levels, but these variants do not directly cause cardiovascular disease by disrupting a fundamental biological process. This contrasts with, for example, mutations in the HBB gene that cause beta thalassemia and disrupt the mechanisms that protect the body from toxic iron buildup.

Nevertheless, the approach to treating rare and common diseases with siRNA therapies is similar: silence a gene that has little or no effect on phenotypes outside the disease, thereby maximizing safety. This is an important factor in rare diseases, which often begin early in life and require lifelong treatment. But it is equally important in common chronic diseases, such as hyperlipidemia, in which a patient has abnormally high levels of fats in the blood, where patients may live for decades before they experience any overt symptoms from their condition and are not likely to tolerate a therapy with even minor side effects that interfere with their quality of life.

At the forefront of common conditions being targeted by gene silencing is elevated lipoprotein (a), or Lp(a), a cholesterol-rich particle closely related to the well-known cardiovascular risk factor LDL. High levels of Lp(a) are associated with high risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes; low levels of Lp(a) are associated with a low risk of these events.

Unlike other types of cholesterol-carrying particles, Lp(a) levels are not significantly modifiable by lifestyle factors; levels are genetically determined by the variant of the LPA gene, which encodes apolipoprotein (a) a major protein component of Lp(a) that a person has. Because these variants are not pathological mutations, the person may not experience disease symptoms for years and may even be unaware of their elevated Lp(a) levels. Yet the condition is common: One in five people have high levels of Lp(a), defined as 50 mg/dl or 120 nmol/L. Other cholesterol-reducing medicines, such as statins, have no effect on Lp(a) and can even increase levels; currently there are no approved Lp(a)-reducing therapies.

However, assessments of human genetic databases, such as the UK Biobank, have revealed that cardiovascular risk is the only phenotype associated with Lp(a) levels. Some individuals have zero levels of Lp(a), and the only known phenotype in them is a much-reduced incidence of cardiovascular events. This indicates that silencing LPA with a properly designed siRNA therapy, such as Silences clinical-stage asset SLN360, could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with elevated Lp(a) while minimizing the risk of any unwanted or unexpected side effects.

The PCSK9 gene is another example of an siRNA target for the common condition of hyperlipidemia. The PCSK9 protein negatively regulates the cellular uptake of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) in the bloodstream by reducing the number of LDL receptors on the surface of cells. This means that high levels of PCSK9 decrease cellular uptake of LDL-C, leaving more of it in circulation.

High LDL-C levels in blood are associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). While not entirely determined by genetics, as Lp(a) levels are, some variants of the PCSK9 gene are associated with low levels of LDL-C and a reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease. Similar to the LPA gene, this suggests that silencing PCSK9 with an siRNA could reduce LDL-C levels in the blood to treat hyperlipidemia and reduce the risk of CAD. Indeed, the siRNA therapy inclisiran, which silences PCSK9, was approved by the European Union in December 2020 and in the United States in December 2021 for use in people with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), ASCVD risk equivalents, and heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH), in conjunction with lifestyle changes and other cholesterol-lowering medicines.

An important feature of siRNA therapies in the treatment of common chronic conditions such as elevated Lp(a) and elevated LDL-C is that they have long-lasting effects, and thus they require less frequent dosing than statins and other small molecule drugs, which must be taken daily. This in turn should increase patients compliance with the therapeutic regimen and thereby improve outcomes. In fact, a 2018 retrospective study found that hyperlipidemia patients who were prescribed the right intensity (level) of statin treatment and complied 100% with their therapy had a 40% lower risk of cardiovascular events than patients who received low-intensity statin treatment and had 5% compliance.1The study concluded that an optimal therapy could reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by 30% in three years.

Though published before any siRNA therapy was approved for hyperlipidemia, the studys implications are clear: Therapeutic intensity and patient compliance are important factors in saving peoples lives. With siRNA therapies, the intensity is known, and the compliance issues are likely to be less of an issue compared with oral drugs. This is just one aspect of siRNA that makes it as well-suited for treating common diseases as rare diseases.

siRNA also has the potential to improve outcomes in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Though not a disease per se, HCST is a procedure commonly used to treat a range of blood cancers and, with increasing frequency, certain autoimmune disorders.

HCST involves ablating the existing bone marrow to make way for a healthy stem cell graft to repopulate the marrow. This ablation shifts an enormous load of dead iron-laden blood cells into the circulation. Retrospective studies suggest this acute release of toxic iron from ablated cells can adversely affect the survival of the stem cell graft and increase the risk of potentially lethal infections in HSCT patients.

As in the rare disease examples I mentioned previously, silencing TMPRSS6 with an siRNA could increase hepcidin to reduce iron levels in HSCT patients, potentially improving their survival and engraftment outcomes.

I am passionate about RNA technology and the benefits that targeted, precision siRNA medicines can bring to patients with rare diseases and not-so-rare diseases who need new therapeutic options. As both a physician and drug developer, I find it rewarding and exciting to witness this technology finally coming into its own, with the promise of delivering even greater benefits in the coming years.


About The Author:

Giles Campion, MD, joined Silence Therapeutics as head of R&D and chief medical officer in 2019 and was appointed as an executive director in 2020. He is an expert in translational medicine and an experienced biotech and pharmaceutical professional across many therapeutic areas, most recently in orphan neuromuscular disorders. He has held senior global R&D roles in several large pharma, diagnostics, and biotech companies, including as group vice president of the neuromuscular franchise at BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc., and chief medical officer and senior vice president of R&D at Prosensa. He is also a co-founder of PepGen Ltd. He earned his bachelors and doctorate degrees in medicine from the University of Bristol and is listed on the General Medical Council (UK) Specialist Register (Rheumatology).

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The Promise Of Gene Silencing To Treat Not-So-Rare Diseases - BioProcess Online

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Neural crest – Wikipedia

By daniellenierenberg

Pluripotent embyronic cell group giving rise to diverse cell lineages

Neural crest cells are a temporary group of cells unique to vertebrates that arise from the embryonic ectoderm germ layer, and in turn give rise to a diverse cell lineageincluding melanocytes, craniofacial cartilage and bone, smooth muscle, peripheral and enteric neurons and glia.[1][2]

After gastrulation, neural crest cells are specified at the border of the neural plate and the non-neural ectoderm. During neurulation, the borders of the neural plate, also known as the neural folds, converge at the dorsal midline to form the neural tube.[3] Subsequently, neural crest cells from the roof plate of the neural tube undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition, delaminating from the neuroepithelium and migrating through the periphery where they differentiate into varied cell types.[1] The emergence of neural crest was important in vertebrate evolution because many of its structural derivatives are defining features of the vertebrate clade.[4]

Underlying the development of neural crest is a gene regulatory network, described as a set of interacting signals, transcription factors, and downstream effector genes that confer cell characteristics such as multipotency and migratory capabilities.[5] Understanding the molecular mechanisms of neural crest formation is important for our knowledge of human disease because of its contributions to multiple cell lineages. Abnormalities in neural crest development cause neurocristopathies, which include conditions such as frontonasal dysplasia, WaardenburgShah syndrome, and DiGeorge syndrome.[1]

Therefore, defining the mechanisms of neural crest development may reveal key insights into vertebrate evolution and neurocristopathies.

Neural crest was first described in the chick embryo by Wilhelm His Sr. in 1868 as "the cord in between" (Zwischenstrang) because of its origin between the neural plate and non-neural ectoderm.[1] He named the tissue ganglionic crest since its final destination was each lateral side of the neural tube where it differentiated into spinal ganglia.[6] During the first half of the 20th century the majority of research on neural crest was done using amphibian embryos which was reviewed by Hrstadius (1950) in a well known monograph.[7]

Cell labeling techniques advanced the field of neural crest because they allowed researchers to visualize the migration of the tissue throughout the developing embryos. In the 1960s Weston and Chibon utilized radioisotopic labeling of the nucleus with tritiated thymidine in chick and amphibian embryo respectively. However, this method suffers from drawbacks of stability, since every time the labeled cell divides the signal is diluted. Modern cell labeling techniques such as rhodamine-lysinated dextran and the vital dye diI have also been developed to transiently mark neural crest lineages.[6]

The quail-chick marking system, devised by Nicole Le Douarin in 1969, was another instrumental technique used to track neural crest cells.[8][9] Chimeras, generated through transplantation, enabled researchers to distinguish neural crest cells of one species from the surrounding tissue of another species. With this technique, generations of scientists were able to reliably mark and study the ontogeny of neural crest cells.

A molecular cascade of events is involved in establishing the migratory and multipotent characteristics of neural crest cells. This gene regulatory network can be subdivided into the following four sub-networks described below.

First, extracellular signaling molecules, secreted from the adjacent epidermis and underlying mesoderm such as Wnts, BMPs and Fgfs separate the non-neural ectoderm (epidermis) from the neural plate during neural induction.[1][4]

Wnt signaling has been demonstrated in neural crest induction in several species through gain-of-function and loss-of-function experiments. In coherence with this observation, the promoter region of slug (a neural crest specific gene) contains a binding site for transcription factors involved in the activation of Wnt-dependent target genes, suggestive of a direct role of Wnt signaling in neural crest specification.[10]

The current role of BMP in neural crest formation is associated with the induction of the neural plate. BMP antagonists diffusing from the ectoderm generates a gradient of BMP activity. In this manner, the neural crest lineage forms from intermediate levels of BMP signaling required for the development of the neural plate (low BMP) and epidermis (high BMP).[1]

Fgf from the paraxial mesoderm has been suggested as a source of neural crest inductive signal. Researchers have demonstrated that the expression of dominate-negative Fgf receptor in ectoderm explants blocks neural crest induction when recombined with paraxial mesoderm.[11] The understanding of the role of BMP, Wnt, and Fgf pathways on neural crest specifier expression remains incomplete.

Signaling events that establish the neural plate border lead to the expression of a set of transcription factors delineated here as neural plate border specifiers. These molecules include Zic factors, Pax3/7, Dlx5, Msx1/2 which may mediate the influence of Wnts, BMPs, and Fgfs. These genes are expressed broadly at the neural plate border region and precede the expression of bona fide neural crest markers.[4]

Experimental evidence places these transcription factors upstream of neural crest specifiers. For example, in Xenopus Msx1 is necessary and sufficient for the expression of Slug, Snail, and FoxD3.[12] Furthermore, Pax3 is essential for FoxD3 expression in mouse embryos.[13]

Following the expression of neural plate border specifiers is a collection of genes including Slug/Snail, FoxD3, Sox10, Sox9, AP-2 and c-Myc. This suite of genes, designated here as neural crest specifiers, are activated in emergent neural crest cells. At least in Xenopus, every neural crest specifier is necessary and/or sufficient for the expression of all other specifiers, demonstrating the existence of extensive cross-regulation.[4] Moreover, this model organism was instrumental in the elucidation of the role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway in the specification of the neural crest, with the transcription factor Gli2 playing a key role.[14]

Outside of the tightly regulated network of neural crest specifiers are two other transcription factors Twist and Id. Twist, a bHLH transcription factor, is required for mesenchyme differentiation of the pharyngeal arch structures.[15] Id is a direct target of c-Myc and is known to be important for the maintenance of neural crest stem cells.[16]

Finally, neural crest specifiers turn on the expression of effector genes, which confer certain properties such as migration and multipotency. Two neural crest effectors, Rho GTPases and cadherins, function in delamination by regulating cell morphology and adhesive properties. Sox9 and Sox10 regulate neural crest differentiation by activating many cell-type-specific effectors including Mitf, P0, Cx32, Trp and cKit.[4]

The migration of neural crest cells involves a highly coordinated cascade of events that begins with closure of the dorsal neural tube.

After fusion of the neural fold to create the neural tube, cells originally located in the neural plate border become neural crest cells.[17] For migration to begin, neural crest cells must undergo a process called delamination that involves a full or partial epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).[18] Delamination is defined as the separation of tissue into different populations, in this case neural crest cells separating from the surrounding tissue.[19] Conversely, EMT is a series of events coordinating a change from an epithelial to mesenchymal phenotype.[18] For example, delamination in chick embryos is triggered by a BMP/Wnt cascade that induces the expression of EMT promoting transcription factors such as SNAI2 and FoxD3.[19] Although all neural crest cells undergo EMT, the timing of delamination occurs at different stages in different organisms: in Xenopus laevis embryos there is a massive delamination that occurs when the neural plate is not entirely fused, whereas delamination in the chick embryo occurs during fusion of the neural fold.[19]

Prior to delamination, presumptive neural crest cells are initially anchored to neighboring cells by tight junction proteins such as occludin and cell adhesion molecules such as NCAM and N-Cadherin.[20] Dorsally expressed BMPs initiate delamination by inducing the expression of the zinc finger protein transcription factors snail, slug, and twist.[17] These factors play a direct role in inducing the epithelial-mesenchymal transition by reducing expression of occludin and N-Cadherin in addition to promoting modification of NCAMs with polysialic acid residues to decrease adhesiveness.[17][21] Neural crest cells also begin expressing proteases capable of degrading cadherins such as ADAM10[22] and secreting matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that degrade the overlying basal lamina of the neural tube to allow neural crest cells to escape.[20] Additionally, neural crest cells begin expressing integrins that associate with extracellular matrix proteins, including collagen, fibronectin, and laminin, during migration.[23] Once the basal lamina becomes permeable the neural crest cells can begin migrating throughout the embryo.

Neural crest cell migration occurs in a rostral to caudal direction without the need of a neuronal scaffold such as along a radial glial cell. For this reason the crest cell migration process is termed free migration. Instead of scaffolding on progenitor cells, neural crest migration is the result of repulsive guidance via EphB/EphrinB and semaphorin/neuropilin signaling, interactions with the extracellular matrix, and contact inhibition with one another.[17] While Ephrin and Eph proteins have the capacity to undergo bi-directional signaling, neural crest cell repulsion employs predominantly forward signaling to initiate a response within the receptor bearing neural crest cell.[23] Burgeoning neural crest cells express EphB, a receptor tyrosine kinase, which binds the EphrinB transmembrane ligand expressed in the caudal half of each somite. When these two domains interact it causes receptor tyrosine phosphorylation, activation of rhoGTPases, and eventual cytoskeletal rearrangements within the crest cells inducing them to repel. This phenomenon allows neural crest cells to funnel through the rostral portion of each somite.[17]

Semaphorin-neuropilin repulsive signaling works synergistically with EphB signaling to guide neural crest cells down the rostral half of somites in mice. In chick embryos, semaphorin acts in the cephalic region to guide neural crest cells through the pharyngeal arches. On top of repulsive repulsive signaling, neural crest cells express 1and 4 integrins which allows for binding and guided interaction with collagen, laminin, and fibronectin of the extracellular matrix as they travel. Additionally, crest cells have intrinsic contact inhibition with one another while freely invading tissues of different origin such as mesoderm.[17] Neural crest cells that migrate through the rostral half of somites differentiate into sensory and sympathetic neurons of the peripheral nervous system. The other main route neural crest cells take is dorsolaterally between the epidermis and the dermamyotome. Cells migrating through this path differentiate into pigment cells of the dermis. Further neural crest cell differentiation and specification into their final cell type is biased by their spatiotemporal subjection to morphogenic cues such as BMP, Wnt, FGF, Hox, and Notch.[20]

Neurocristopathies result from the abnormal specification, migration, differentiation or death of neural crest cells throughout embryonic development.[24][25] This group of diseases comprises a wide spectrum of congenital malformations affecting many newborns. Additionally, they arise because of genetic defects affecting the formation of neural crest and because of the action of Teratogens [26]

Waardenburg's syndrome is a neurocristopathy that results from defective neural crest cell migration. The condition's main characteristics include piebaldism and congenital deafness. In the case of piebaldism, the colorless skin areas are caused by a total absence of neural crest-derived pigment-producing melanocytes.[27] There are four different types of Waardenburg's syndrome, each with distinct genetic and physiological features. Types I and II are distinguished based on whether or not family members of the affected individual have dystopia canthorum.[28] Type III gives rise to upper limb abnormalities. Lastly, type IV is also known as Waardenburg-Shah syndrome, and afflicted individuals display both Waardenburg's syndrome and Hirschsprung's disease.[29] Types I and III are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion,[27] while II and IV exhibit an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. Overall, Waardenburg's syndrome is rare, with an incidence of ~ 2/100,000 people in the United States. All races and sexes are equally affected.[27] There is no current cure or treatment for Waardenburg's syndrome.

Also implicated in defects related to neural crest cell development and migration is Hirschsprung's disease (HD or HSCR), characterized by a lack of innervation in regions of the intestine. This lack of innervation can lead to further physiological abnormalities like an enlarged colon (megacolon), obstruction of the bowels, or even slowed growth. In healthy development, neural crest cells migrate into the gut and form the enteric ganglia. Genes playing a role in the healthy migration of these neural crest cells to the gut include RET, GDNF, GFR, EDN3, and EDNRB. RET, a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), forms a complex with GDNF and GFR. EDN3 and EDNRB are then implicated in the same signaling network. When this signaling is disrupted in mice, aganglionosis, or the lack of these enteric ganglia occurs.[30]

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is among the most common causes of developmental defects.[31] Depending on the extent of the exposure and the severity of the resulting abnormalities, patients are diagnosed within a continuum of disorders broadly labeled Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Severe FASD can impair neural crest migration, as evidenced by characteristic craniofacial abnormalities including short palpebral fissures, an elongated upper lip, and a smoothened philtrum. However, due to the promiscuous nature of ethanol binding, the mechanisms by which these abnormalities arise is still unclear. Cell culture explants of neural crest cells as well as in vivo developing zebrafish embryos exposed to ethanol show a decreased number of migratory cells and decreased distances travelled by migrating neural crest cells. The mechanisms behind these changes are not well understood, but evidence suggests PAE can increase apoptosis due to increased cytosolic calcium levels caused by IP3-mediated release of calcium from intracellular stores. It has also been proposed that the decreased viability of ethanol-exposed neural crest cells is caused by increased oxidative stress. Despite these, and other advances much remains to be discovered about how ethanol affects neural crest development. For example, it appears that ethanol differentially affects certain neural crest cells over others; that is, while craniofacial abnormalities are common in PAE, neural crest-derived pigment cells appear to be minimally affected.[32]

DiGeorge syndrome is associated with deletions or translocations of a small segment in the human chromosome 22. This deletion may disrupt rostral neural crest cell migration or development. Some defects observed are linked to the pharyngeal pouch system, which receives contribution from rostral migratory crest cells. The symptoms of DiGeorge syndrome include congenital heart defects, facial defects, and some neurological and learning disabilities. Patients with 22q11 deletions have also been reported to have higher incidence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.[33]

Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS) results from the compromised development of the first and second pharyngeal arches during the early embryonic stage, which ultimately leads to mid and lower face abnormalities. TCS is caused by the missense mutation of the TCOF1 gene, which causes neural crest cells to undergo apoptosis during embryogenesis. Although mutations of the TCOF1 gene are among the best characterized in their role in TCS, mutations in POLR1C and POLR1D genes have also been linked to the pathogenesis of TCS.[34]

Neural crest cells originating from different positions along the anterior-posterior axis develop into various tissues. These regions of neural crest can be divided into four main functional domains, which include the cranial neural crest, trunk neural crest, vagal and sacral neural crest, and cardiac neural crest.

Cranial neural crest migrates dorsolaterally to form the craniofacial mesenchyme that differentiates into various cranial ganglia and craniofacial cartilages and bones.[21] These cells enter the pharyngeal pouches and arches where they contribute to the thymus, bones of the middle ear and jaw and the odontoblasts of the tooth primordia.[35]

Trunk neural crest gives rise two populations of cells.[36] One group of cells fated to become melanocytes migrates dorsolaterally into the ectoderm towards the ventral midline. A second group of cells migrates ventrolaterally through the anterior portion of each sclerotome. The cells that stay in the sclerotome form the dorsal root ganglia, whereas those that continue more ventrally form the sympathetic ganglia, adrenal medulla, and the nerves surrounding the aorta.[35]

The vagal and sacral neural crest cells develop into the ganglia of the enteric nervous system and the parasympathetic ganglia.[35]

Cardiac neural crest develops into melanocytes, cartilage, connective tissue and neurons of some pharyngeal arches. Also, this domain gives rise to regions of the heart such as the musculo-connective tissue of the large arteries, and part of the septum, which divides the pulmonary circulation from the aorta.[35]The semilunar valves of the heart are associated with neural crest cells according to new research.[37]

Several structures that distinguish the vertebrates from other chordates are formed from the derivatives of neural crest cells. In their "New head" theory, Gans and Northcut argue that the presence of neural crest was the basis for vertebrate specific features, such as sensory ganglia and cranial skeleton. Furthermore, the appearance of these features was pivotal in vertebrate evolution because it enabled a predatory lifestyle.[38][39]

However, considering the neural crest a vertebrate innovation does not mean that it arose de novo. Instead, new structures often arise through modification of existing developmental regulatory programs. For example, regulatory programs may be changed by the co-option of new upstream regulators or by the employment of new downstream gene targets, thus placing existing networks in a novel context.[40][41] This idea is supported by in situ hybridization data that shows the conservation of the neural plate border specifiers in protochordates, which suggest that part of the neural crest precursor network was present in a common ancestor to the chordates.[5] In some non-vertebrate chordates such as tunicates a lineage of cells (melanocytes) has been identified, which are similar to neural crest cells in vertebrates. This implies that a rudimentary neural crest existed in a common ancestor of vertebrates and tunicates.[42]

Ectomesenchyme (also known as mesectoderm):[43] odontoblasts, dental papillae, the chondrocranium (nasal capsule, Meckel's cartilage, scleral ossicles, quadrate, articular, hyoid and columella), tracheal and laryngeal cartilage, the dermatocranium (membranous bones), dorsal fins and the turtle plastron (lower vertebrates), pericytes and smooth muscle of branchial arteries and veins, tendons of ocular and masticatory muscles, connective tissue of head and neck glands (pituitary, salivary, lachrymal, thymus, thyroid) dermis and adipose tissue of calvaria, ventral neck and face

Endocrine cells:chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, glomus cells type I/II.

Peripheral nervous system:Sensory neurons and glia of the dorsal root ganglia, cephalic ganglia (VII and in part, V, IX, and X), Rohon-Beard cells, some Merkel cells in the whisker,[44][45] Satellite glial cells of all autonomic and sensory ganglia, Schwann cells of all peripheral nerves.

Enteric cells:Enterochromaffin cells.[46]

Melanocytes and iris muscle and pigment cells, and even associated with some tumors (such as melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy).

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Neural crest - Wikipedia

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Rise In Number Of CROS In Various Regions Such As Europe Is Expected To Fuel The Growth Of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Market At An Impressive CAGR…

By daniellenierenberg

Rise In Research And Development Projects In Various Regions Such As East Asia, South Asia Are Expected To Offer An Opportunity Of US $ 0.5 Bn In 2022-2026 Period.

Fact.MR A Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Provider: The global induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) market was valued at US $ 1.8 Bn in 2022, and is expected to witness a value of US $ 2.3 Bn by the end of 2026.

Moreover, historically, demand for induced pluripotent stem cells had witnessed a CAGR of 6.6%.

Rise in spending on research and development activities in various sectors such as healthcare industry is expected to drive the adoption of human Ips cell lines in various applications such as personalized medicine and precision.

Moreover, increasing scope of application of human iPSC cell lines in precision medicine and emphasis on therapeutic applications of stem cells are expected to be driving factors of iPSC market during the forecast period.

Surge in government spending and high awareness about stem cell research across various organizations are predicted to impact demand for induced pluripotent stem cells. Rising prevalence of chronic diseases and high adoption of stem cells in their treatment is expected to boost the market growth potential.

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Besides this, various cells such as neural stem cells, embryonic stem cells umbilical cord stem cells, etc. are anticipated to witness high demand in the U.S. due to surge in popularity of stem cell therapies.

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Many key players in the market are increasing their investments in R&D to provide offerings in stem cell therapies, which are gaining traction for the treatment of various chronic diseases.

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Rise In Number Of CROS In Various Regions Such As Europe Is Expected To Fuel The Growth Of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Market At An Impressive CAGR...

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Discover the Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Fasting – Intelligent Living

By daniellenierenberg

Healthy fasting is therapeutic if appropriately done, and evidence supports this. Our body can cure itself if given the correct nourishment, movement, sleep, emotional wellness, and surroundings; fasting boosts its curing capabilities. Its vital for holistic health.

It has beneficial effects on physical, emotional, brain, and spiritual health. In fact, it exists as a practice in most religions (religious fasting). For example, Muslims reduce caloric intake for a period of time during Ramadan to cleanse the mind, body, and soul. Other religious fasts include Christians, Greek Orthodox Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists, reducing caloric intake on certain days of the week or year.

Fasting has been performed for millennia with favorable effects, but only lately have studies shown its significance in adaptive cellular responses that minimize oxidative damage and inflammation, optimize energy metabolism and heart health, and bolster cellular defense. Furthermore, it helps with weight loss because it depletes liver glycogen, causing lipolysis and ketone body production, which reduces body fat (fat percentage) and hip circumference.

Fasting is such a popular scientific research topic today that the number of these studies demonstrating how good it is for holistic health keeps growing. The outcomes of these studies show that it can make you smarter, increase longevity by slowing down the aging process, and heal diseases, digestive issues, neurodegenerative disorders, and neurological disorders (mood disorders). Other health effects include the prevention of cardiovascular disease and chronic diseases.

Fasting activates our inner intelligence via calorie restriction. Its straightforward science. Fasting lets the digestive system rest by halting calorie intake. This break saves energy that would have gone toward digesting food. This conserved energy is used for repair, recovery, development, rejuvenation, and healing, which are needed for curing every human disease.

What happens first when were sick? Reduced appetite. So, what does this tell us? Our body reduces appetite to save energy that would have gone to digestion for mending and repair instead. Fasting does the same thing. It activates good genes with protective mechanisms, such as the SIRT1 gene, which regulates longevity, inflammation, fat and glucose metabolism, and other health effects.

A PLOS One study found that fasting reduces hunger hormones, improves metabolism, and helps people lose weight. Chicago researchers tested intermittent fasting on 20 obese adults for eight weeks. It enhanced the participants insulin resistance and glucose regulation, reduced cravings, and increased the feeling of fullness. Furthermore, they felt better overall and experienced no side effects.

Most people today overeat by incessantly munching and nibbling. Constant and excessive eating and out-of-balance dietary intake can overload the digestive system, leading to illness and a majority of health-related problems. Fasting helps mend this damage.

Chronic fasting (long-term fasting) enhances the lower eukaryote lifetime by altering metabolic and stress resistance pathways. Intermittent fasting (short-term fasting) protects against diabetes, malignancies, heart disease, neurodegeneration, obesity, hypertension, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Most people fast by only drinking water, dubbed water fasting. Other versions include juice fasting (apple cider vinegar, lemonade, carrot juice, celery juice, etc.) and eating light, where participants primarily eat vegetables, fruits, and lean meats like fish and chicken. However, real fasting involves going without food, solid, and liquid (aside from water) for at least 12 hours.

Several variations exist. Sometimes spiritual disciplines like prayer and meditation are included, turning it into a ritual. These disciplines make the process easier by calming the psyche.

As mentioned, various methods (diets) exist; all deliver positive effects. Here are a few examples:

This is the most common style of fasting and the most accurate form. Except for water, no solids or liquids are consumed. For those doing an extended water fast (over three days), sometimes herbal teas, tonics, and broths are consumedbut absolutely no caffeine or alcohol.

People following this diet will only drink vegetable and fruit juices for the duration of the fast.

This variation allows anything liquid, like broth or pureed soups, smoothies, and juices.

Its odd to call this one a fast because you can eat. Nevertheless, this diet is for people looking to purify their bodies. They must eliminate all non-plant-based foods (only things like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are allowed).

Skipping meals regularly, known as intermittent fasting or partial fasting, is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. People realize its physical and mental health benefits. It enhances energy, moods, sleep, and sex life. However, it involves a set daily fasting time.

Intermittent fasting also has the following benefits:

There are over twenty variations of intermittent fasting. The most popular include:

This strategy entails daily periods of fastingof 18 hours and then eating a light meal every other day. On alternate days you can eat healthy things like vegetables, berries, nuts, lean protein, etc.

Every day, you consume within specific periods of time. For example, your daily fast may be limited to eating from midday to 8:00 p.m..

You follow a schedule of regular eating for five days, then two days of fasting (preferably water fasting).

This fast allows one meal a day, but not breakfast. It is also commonly referred to as the One Meal a Day diet (OMAD).

You designate a six-hour window per day in which you can eat.

Most people fast to shed weight, regulate blood sugar, cleanse themselves of toxins, or regain mental clarity and emotional stability. However, it is a difficult thing to do alone. For those that need a little motivation, inspiration, and guidance, there are many fasting or detox retreats worldwide.

In addition, a growing number of medical clinics are offering guided fasting treatments. During these rehabilitation sessions, physicians supervise patients while undertaking water-only or very low-calorie (less than 200 kcal/day) fasting periods of one week or more. People participate for help in weight management or disease treatment and prevention.

Mexico has fasting pods, aka Fast incubators. These locations surround individuals with nature and block out food odors and noise. One can fast for 10 to 30 days. As a result, various disorders have reportedly healed faster. Many even experience improved eyesight and hearing.

While fasting is a simple concept, it can perplex many people due to the abundance of claims, methods, and precautions floating around the internet. However, it does not have to be challenging. On the contrary, it should be second nature to us.

Circadian rhythm fasting is the most natural and realistic technique to fast. In laymans terms, sunset to sunrise fasting involves eating ones last meal of the day early (near to or with sundown) and breaking it after sunrise. This provides for a minimum of 12-hour fasting and is one of the most efficient strategies to incorporate the practice into your lifestyle.

If you are still not hungry after 12 hours, gently extend your fast until you experience actual physical hunger, and then break youre fast correctly. You are not required to have breakfast if you arent hungry. Not feeling hungry in the morning indicates that your body is still detoxifying and processing your evening meal. Respect your body by fasting accordingly.

Fasting while sleeping is ideal since all critical detoxification, repair, and recovery processes occur during deep sleep. Our bodies detoxify at night, and the physical health benefits are more noticeable when fasting.

When you want to break the fast, however, it is entirely up to you and the signs your body is sending. Some people wake up hungry, while others do not till the afternoon. Pay attention to your body. There is a distinct distinction between fasting and starvation. If you are not hungry, respect your hunger and continue your fast for a few more hours.

Breaking a fast gently awakens your digestive system. So, gorging after a fast is terrible. It could overwhelm your stomach. Water breaks a dry fast best. Take a few sips, then eat fruit or 1-2 fresh dates. After 30-40 minutes, cook a wholesome meal. This is particularly important for long fasts.

Some fasters drink tea, coffee, or juice. Acidic drinks can damage stomach linings. Therefore, one should fast appropriately or not at all. If opting for juice fast, stick with vegetable juice like celery, green juice, or non-acidic fruits. Likewise, teas should be caffeine-free and herbal only (lavender, jasmine, etc.).

Theres no one-size-fits-all answer. Some find fasted workouts beneficial, while others find them hazardous. Fasted workouts depend on objectives, energy and hunger levels, training, and health conditions. However, do it if you can because fasted workouts are fantastic for insulin resistance, weight loss, and abdominal fat.

Note: Your body needs time to acclimate to a fast before you experience mental changes. You may get headaches or discomfort early on. Your brain is granted a cleaner bloodstream after your body eliminates toxins. This improves your thoughts, emotions, memory, and other senses.

Fasting causes ketogenesis, promotes potent changes in metabolic pathways and cellular processes such as stress resistance, lipolysis, and autophagy, and can have medical applications that are as effective as approved drugs, such as dampening seizures and seizure-associated brain damage, alleviating rheumatoid arthritis, and maximizing holistic health, as explained in the rest of this page.

Fasting uses up excess carbohydrates. The body burns fat. The metabolic rate rises, unlike with caloric restrictionweight loss results.

Half of our energy goes into digestion. This energy can be used to heal and regenerate, which happens during a fast. The human body recognizes what needs mending.

Sick and weaker cells are killed after 24-36 hours via apoptosis and autophagy, then recycled into new cells. Its natural. Apoptosis kills 50 to 70 billion human cells daily. Fasting boosts this rate.

Stem cell production and activation rise after fasting. The number of new stem cells and HGH peak during days 3-5 of a fast, then fall. Additional research shows that new white blood cells are created with increased stem cell growth, boosting the immune system.

Besides fat burning and strengthening the immune system, it reduces inflammation, rebalances the gut microbiome and hormones, protects the brain from neurological diseases, reduces cancer risk, slows aging, and promotes cell maintenance and repair.

Fasting is the best medicine, and its free!

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Improving the differentiation potential of pluripotent stem cells by optimizing culture conditions | Scientific Reports –

By daniellenierenberg

Correlation between PSC differentiation potential and level of CHD7 expression

The potential to differentiate is a critical feature of PSCs used for cell transplantation therapy. Therefore, establishing an assay to evaluate differentiation potential is essential for the maintenance culture of PSCs. EB formation in EB assays is used as a minimum requirement to demonstrate differentiation potential, although EB formation assays may not necessarily guarantee the ability to differentiate into the designated target cells without bias. We used ESC H9 cells in the majority of experiments shown in this study as a representative PSC cell line to minimize the concern of clonal variance in PSC clones that is typically observed among iPSC clones generated from somatic cells with various genetic and epigenetic profiles and with versatile reprogramming methods. H9 cells cultured on VTN-Ncoated dishes with Es8 (Thermo Fisher) medium formed a considerable number of EBs; however, the number of EBs was reduced considerably after the cells were transferred to RFF2 medium and cultured for 15days (3days/passage5). The cells showed an ability to form a comparable number of EBs again when transferred to Es8 and cultured for 24days (3days/passage8 passages), consistent with our previous report using ESC KhES-1 and iPSC PFX#91. The expression level of CHD7 determined by flow cytometry and the copy number of CHD7 measured by ddPCR was higher in cells cultured with Es8 than in cells cultured with RFF2 (Fig.1A). We noted that the cell number scored at day 3 was approximately 3 times higher in cells cultured with Es8 than with RFF2. There was a positive relationship between cell growth rate, CHD7 expression level, and differentiation potential when H9 cells were cultured on VTN-Ncoated dishes and passaged in a single-cell suspension.

The differentiation potential of cells in culture can be altered by culture medium. (A) H9 cells cultured with Essential 8 (Es8) medium on vitronectin-N (VTN)coated dishes were transferred to RFF2 medium, cultured for 15days (3days/passage5 passages), transferred again to Es8 medium, cultured 24days (3days/passage8 passages), and then transferred again to RFF2 medium. Photos of cells in designated culture conditions, with the cell number scored at day 3 after seeding 1.0105 cells (left panels); flow cytometric analysis of CHD7, CHD7 copy numbers from 5ng total RNA at day 3 (middle panels); and photographs of EBs formed by day 14 from cells in each culture condition and numbers of EBs formed (right panels). The results are representative of three independent experiments. (B) H9 cells were cultured either with Es8 or RFF2 on VTN-Ncoated dishes. The loci of copy number variants (CNVs) detected when cells were cultured with Es8 medium (left panels) or RFF2 medium (right panels) are shown. CHD7 expression was determined by flow cytometry (mean values are shown), and CHD7 copy numbers were determined by digital droplet PCR in cells cultured with Es8 or RFF2 medium.

We next explored the mechanisms through which cells had altered CHD7 expression levels and the ability to form EBs by simply changing the culture medium. There were at least two possible explanations for this mechanism. First, cells in culture might exhibit alterations in both CHD7 expression and the resultant differentiation potential because of signals initiated and mediated by certain factors in the medium. Alternatively, CHD7 expression levels might be genetically and epigenetically predetermined in individual cells and might not be regulated or changed by signals triggered by factors in the culture medium. In the latter case, CHD7 expression levels in cultured cells might change if different dominant cell populations were selected based on a growth advantage in a new culture medium. To evaluate these possible mechanisms, cells in the culture were marked by their CNVs so that changes in the dominant cell population could be detected by comparing CNV profiles. H9 cells cultured with Es8 medium were transferred to RFF2 medium and then were placed back in Es8 medium, and the CNV profiles of H9 cells were examined and compared. Notably, the CNV profiles of cells cultured with Es8 medium included CNVs at loci 4q22.1, 8q23.1, 16p11.2, and Xq26.1, whereas cells cultured with RFF2 medium had CNVs at none of these loci. Additionally, cells cultured with RFF2 medium contained CNVs at the specific locus 14q32.33, and these CNVs were not detected in cells cultured with Es8 medium, indicating that the cell population cultured with Es8 medium was different from that cultured with RFF2 medium (Fig.1B). This observation led us to explore the mechanisms through which certain cell populations could be selected to expand under specific culture conditions.

Next, we explored the impact of cell culture medium on the metabolic systems of cultured cells. The major metabolic pathway used by PSCs and cancer cells is the glycolytic pathway7, which is coupled with suppression of mitochondrial activity, as reflected by a low mitochondrial membrane potential (M) and reduced ROS in the mitochondria8,9. We found that the majority of cells cultured with Es8 medium did not show marked ROX staining, which was used to detect ROS produced by mitochondrial activity; the exception was that cells along the rims of colonies did show ROX staining. Furthermore, JC-1 assays showed a suppression of mitochondrial membrane voltage, suggesting that there was no marked mitochondrial activity by day 3 of culture (Fig.2A). In contrast, cells cultured with RFF2 showed marked ROX staining in most cells and an activated mitochondrial membrane potential by the JC-1 assays, suggesting activated mitochondrial function in cells cultured with RFF2 (Fig.2A). RFF2 medium contained high concentrations (approximately 23mg/mL) of protein and various amino acids in addition to moderately high glucose (2.52g/L), which could support mitochondrial function. However, Es8 medium contained high glucose (3.1g/L) and a limited amount of amino acids. Thus, Es8 medium could support the glycolytic pathway and at the same time limit the activation of mitochondrial function. The suppressed mitochondrial membrane voltage of cells cultured with Es8 medium supported this idea. There was a reciprocal relationship between the expression of CHD7 and mitochondrial function when cells were maintained in an undifferentiated state (Fig.2A). Metabolic analysis showed that the RFF2 culture medium contained malate and citrate as a result of activation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in cells, whereas the Es8 culture medium did not (Fig.2B), consistent with the above argument. Furthermore, 2-aminoadipic acid (2-AAA) was detected in the RFF2 medium but not in the Es8 medium (Fig.2B), indicating that the kynurenine catabolic pathway, which leads to loss of an undifferentiated state and initiation of ectoderm differentiation6, was activated in cells cultured with RFF2. This observation suggested that some cells cultured with RFF2 exhibited activated mitochondrial function and underwent spontaneous differentiation, but could not be maintained in RFF2 as this medium lacked the factors necessary to support differentiated cells, and therefore these cells died. Thus, only undifferentiated cells with mitochondrial activation below the permissible level not to undergo differentiation could be cultured and maintained with the RFF2 medium. A positive correlation between the activation of mitochondrial membrane voltage and the initiation of differentiation, as suggested by the secretion of 2-AAA, was observed during the culture of cells with RFF2. This observation was supported by additional experiments; namely, H9 cells cultured with Es6 medium depleted of basic fibroblast growth factor and transforming growth factor 1 compared with Es8 medium showed both an initiation of ectodermal differentiation, as demonstrated by gene expression profiling using RT-qPCR (Fig.2C, Fig. S1), and an elevated mitochondrial membrane voltage (Fig.2A,C). Thus, there is evidence that the activation of mitochondrial function is coupled with the initiation of differentiation processes. Next, we examined the impact of elevated CHD7 expression levels and the induction of spontaneous differentiation by introducing mCHD7 into undifferentiated cells.

Activation of mitochondrial function is coupled with differentiation. (A) Morphology, CellROX (ROX) immunostaining, CHD7 copy numbers, and mitochondrial membrane voltage (JC-1 assays) in cells cultured with Es8 medium on VTN-Ncoated dishes (Es8/VTN) for 3days (left panels) or with RFF2 medium on VTN-Ncoated dishes (RFF2/VTN) for 3days (right panels) are shown. Mitochondrial membrane voltage was assessed by subtracting baseline electrons (after depolarization) from total electrons (red circle). The percentage of each fraction in the scatter plot of JC-1 assays is shown. (B) H9 cells were cultured with Es8 or RFF2 medium, and culture medium was collected and replaced with fresh medium every day for 3days. 2-Aminoadipic acid (2-AAA), malate, and citrate levels in culture medium were measured using LCMS/MS. The measured values were standardized as the mean area ratio/cell/h for 3days. The average values (n=3) with error bars (SD) are shown in the bar graphs. The results of three independent experiments are shown. (C) Morphology, ROX staining, mitochondrial membrane voltage (JC-1 assays; red circle), and gene expression profiles (RT-qPCR score card panels) of H9 cells cultured with Es8 medium on VTN-Ncoated dishes on day 5 (left panel: starting material for differentiation by Es6 medium) and Es6 medium on VTN-Ncoated dishes on day 5 are shown (right panel). The interpretation of gene expression levels by RT-qPCR is shown in the attached table. The results of three independent experiments are shown.

There was a positive correlation between the level of CHD7 expression in undifferentiated cells and the differentiation potential manifested by the number of EBs formed in the EB formation assay (Fig.1A). Interestingly, mCHD7 induced differentiation of the three germ layers simultaneously, as determined by RT-qPCR in cells cultured with both Es8 and RFF2 media (Fig.3A, Fig. S2), suggesting a positive role of CHD7 in both endodermal and mesodermal differentiation processes as well as in ectodermal development. Furthermore, this suggested that there is an upper permissible level of CHD7 being in an undifferentiated state. Es8 and RFF2 media are designed to support the proliferation of undifferentiated cells, not differentiated cells, and cells that forced to differentiate following the introduction of mCHD7, could not be maintained in these culture media. Consequently, the number of cells to form EBs was markedly reduced after introduction of mCHD7 (Fig.3A). Moreover, the introduction of siCHD7 reduced the differentiation potential of cells cultured with Es8, as reflected by the marked reduction in the number of EBs formed (Fig.3A). The introduction of siCHD7 to cells cultured with RFF2 further reduced the level of CHD7 and naturally led to no or few EBs being generated. These results provided evidence for the observation in Fig.1A, demonstrating that the differentiation potential of undifferentiated cells correlated with CHD7 expression.

CHD7 expression affected the differentiation potential and growth of undifferentiated cells. (A) H9 cells cultured with Es8 on VTN-Ncoated dishes (Es8/VTN, left panels) or with RFF2 on VTN-Ncoated dishes (RFF2/VTN, right panels) were transfected with mock (control), mCHD7, or siCHD7. The morphology, CHD7 copy numbers, gene expression profiles (RT-qPCR), EB morphology, and EB numbers formed at day 14 under different culture conditions are shown. The representative results of three independent experiments are shown. (B) CHD7 expression in H9 cells determined by flow cytometry after cells were transferred from RFF2 to Es8 on VTN-Ncoated dishes at passage 0 (P0), P5, and P7. Cells were cultured for 3days between passages. (C) Fold increase of H9 cells after 48h (upper panel) and CHD7 expression, as determined by RT-qPCR, after transfection of H9 cells with various doses of siCHD7 (lower panel). The average values (n=3) with error bars (SD) are shown in the bar graphs. Representative data from three independent experiments are shown.

It is interesting to note that both the increased expression of mCHD7 and the activation of mitochondrial function induced differentiation. Therefore, there must be a reciprocal relationship between these events in cells in an undifferentiated state. In other words, cells with activated mitochondrial function need to express a limited level of CHD7 to grow in an undifferentiated state at the expense of having a reduced differentiation potential, whereas cells with suppressed mitochondrial function could have relatively high CHD7 levels, enabling these undifferentiated cells to retain differentiation potential. The level of CHD7 that can ensure the differentiation potential of cells varied across cell lines and culture methods, therefore we cannot determine a universal cutoff value for every cell line. However, H9 cells with a CHD7 copy number of less than 2000 copies/5ng total RNA showed a limited differentiation potential when cultured on VTN-Ncoated dishes (Figs. 1B, 2A, 3A).

In the previous sections, we have shown (1) the introduction of mCHD7 induced spontaneous differentiation (Fig.3A), (2) the differentiation process was coupled with the activation of mitochondrial function (Fig.2C), and (3) there was a reciprocal relationship between the CHD7 expression level and the degree of mitochondrial function in undifferentiated cells (Fig.2A). The question is how the CHD7 expression and the degree of mitochondrial function corelated each other. We showed culture medium selected a cell population to grow (Fig.1B), and the activation of mitochondria of cells in culture is directly affected by the formula of culture medium (Fig.2A). While, we could not demonstrate the relationship between formula of the medium and the expression of CHD7, rather the CHD7 expression level in cells as assessed by flow cytometry showed a broad coefficient of variation (CV) just after the culture medium was changed from RFF2 to Es8 (Fig.3B, P0). Then, the level of CHD7 expression came to converge at the highest level during the culture (Fig.3B, P5 and P7). This result suggests that cells with a higher CHD7 expression have a growth advantage and become dominant during the culture. This presumption was manifested by the CHD7 knockdown experiment using siCHD7. This experiment indicated that the level of CHD7 was positively correlated with cell proliferation potential (Fig.3C) and cells with a higher CHD7 expression became dominant due to a growth advantage after a couple of passages. This would explain the observation that the expression of CHD7 reached its highest level during the late passages, as shown in Fig.3B (P7).

In addition to the differentiation potential, the retention of self-renewal potential is a key feature of PSCs. PSCs require cell-to-cell contact to grow and, therefore, PSCs need to form colonies. For the clinical application of PSCs, we must focus on an animal-free cell culture system. Therefore, synthetic ECM was used as the dish-coating material based on regulatory considerations. However, cells on the rims of the 2-dimensional (2-D) colonies lack the signals triggered by cell-to-cell contact at one open end, which is in sharp contrast with the majority of cells located in the middle of the colony that are surrounded by other cells along their cell membrane without interruption. Cells along the rim of the colony have an uneven distribution of molecules and ion flux related to the cell-to-cell contact-mediated signals and undergo uneven segregation in mitosis. This, then, results in a break of the self-renewal state where two identical daughter cells are generated from a mother cell, triggering spontaneous differentiation10,11,12. Indeed, cells on the rims of the colonies were positively stained with anti-superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) antibodies (Fig.4A). SOD2 is an enzyme that belongs to the Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase family, which scavenges excess ROS generated as a result of mitochondrial activation. SOD2 gene expression in H9 cells in the culture showed that these cells committed ectoderm and mesoderm differentiation (Fig.4A). Consequently, the population of undifferentiated cells would decrease if the spontaneously differentiated cells were not properly removed from the culture. Notably, the percentage of SOD2-positive cells (4.9%) on day 5 of culture with Es8/L511 was reduced after cells were seeded in single-cell suspensions on VTN-N(0.9%), L521-(2.6%), or L511-(2.8%) coated dishes after 30h (Fig.4B). This suggests that the ability of cells to adhere to the ECM was reduced in differentiated cells compared with undifferentiated cells, and the cell-binding ability of L511 or L521 for differentiated cells was higher than that of VTN-N. Gene expression profiles showed that cells cultured on L511 or L521 were committed to ectoderm and mesoderm differentiation (Fig.4B). Thus, by exploiting the reduced cell adhesion properties of differentiated cells and the less potent cell-binding properties of VTN-N, differentiated cells could be effectively eliminated from the culture at a single-cell level by seeding cells in a single-cell suspension at each passage.

The removal of differentiated cells by seeding on a less adhesive material. (A) H9 cells cultured with Es8 on L511-coated dishes for 5days were stained with anti-SOD2 antibodies (upper left panel), and SOD2-positive (red dots) and SOD2-negative (black dots) cells were sorted (upper right panel) to examine the ectodermal or mesodermal gene expression patterns of each population by RT-qPCR (bottom panel). (B) H9 cells cultured with the conditions described in panel A (total 2.1106 cells, 4.9% SOD2-positive cells) were collected and 5.0104 cells from them were seeded as single-cell suspensions either on L511-, L521-, or VTN-Ncoated dishes and cultured for 30h with Es8. The total cell numbers harvested and the percentages of SOD2-positive cells under different culture conditions are shown. The ectodermal or mesodermal gene expression levels of cells cultured under relevant conditions as determined by RT-qPCR are shown in the lower bar graph. The interpretation of gene expression levels determined by RT-qPCR is shown in the attached table. Representative results from three independent experiments are shown.

In previous sections, we showed data using ESC H9 cells as the standard control PSC clone to avoid possible arguments about iPSC clones having diverse genetic and epigenetic backgrounds. Therefore, there is a strong need to standardize iPSC clones to develop iPSC-based cell therapy. In the previous section, we showed that the differentiation potential of even ESC H9 cells, which have relatively homogenous genetic and epigenetic profiles, could be altered by culture medium (Fig.1) and there is a possibility that we can improve the differentiation potential by optimizing culture conditions. Optimized culture conditions may include the selection of an appropriate culture medium that supports the glycolytic pathway, the seeding of cells as single-cell suspensions during passaging, and the culture of cells on an ECM substrate with a relatively weak cell-binding capacity, such as VTN-N, to minimize the inclusion of differentiated cells in undifferentiated cell cultures and to maintain the self-renewal population for the expansion of cell clones. To verify that culture conditions improved the differentiation potential of established iPSC clones, we cultured the iPSC clones 253G113, 201B75, PFX#9, and SHh#24 and the ESC clone H9 (control) with iPSC medium4 or mTeSR1 and maintained them on feeder cells or on L511- or L521-coated dishes that were transferred to Es8 medium, cultured on VTN-Ncoated dishes, and passaged as single-cell suspensions. The CHD7 expression profile by flow cytometry and the number of EBs formed before and after the transition to Es8/VTN-N culture were measured. Notably, increased levels of CHD7 expression by flow cytometry before and after recloning (Fig.5A) may be a good index for an improved differentiation potential of cells, as manifested by an increase in the number of EBs formed (Fig.5B). The convergence of CHD7 expression by flow cytometry (Fig.5A) may represent a decreased variance in the differentiation potential among iPSCs in a given culture.

Recloning of cells with differentiation potential based on culture conditions. (A) iPSC clones (201B7, PFX#9, SHh#2, or 253G1 cells) or ESC clones (H9 cells) were cultured either on feeder cells or on L511- or L521-coated dishes with iPSC or mTeSR1 medium. Clones were then transferred to Es8 medium and cultured on VTN-Ncoated dishes. The mean and convergence of CHD7 expression of cell clones was determined by flow cytometry before (gray histogram) and after (red histogram) changing culture conditions. Representative results from three independent experiments are shown. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of cell clones for the mean and coefficient of variation (CV) measured before (circle) and after (square) changing culture conditions are plotted on the left panel and the differentiation potential before and after changing the culture conditions was assessed by the number of EBs formed and is shown on the right panel. The data set shown in (B) was generated from the same samples shown in (A).

Although we cannot alter the genetic background of individual cells by changing culture conditions, a cell population with a higher differentiation potential could be selected to grow, or be recloned, by culture conditions that support the glycolytic pathway and by eliminating spontaneously differentiated cells by seeding on an ECM with a less potent cell-binding capability, thus exploiting their reduced adhesive properties. This could also reduce the variability in differentiation potential, especially among iPSC clones.

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To better understand Parkinson’s disease, this San Diego expert sent her own cells to space – The San Diego Union-Tribune

By daniellenierenberg

Jeanne Loring likes to say shes been to space without her feet even leaving the ground.

Just weeks ago, the Scripps Research Institute professor of molecular medicine sent some of her own genetically mapped cells to space as part of first-of-its-kind research to study the progression and onset of Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases.

I love traveling. Ive been on all the continents, and so I figured, whats left? Loring said jokingly. I just jumped at the opportunity when I learned that it was possible.


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In July, the cells arrived via cargo spacecraft at the International Space Station, where they remained under close observation for about a month 250 miles above Earth, and traveling at 17,500 miles per hour before they splashed back down to Earth last week.

The study is part of new National Stem Cell Foundation-funded neurodegeneration research to observe how cells communicate in microgravity in a way not possible on Earth, explained Paula Grisanti, founder and CEO of the foundation.

Its really pure exploration at this point, because theres no history of anybody doing this before, she said. Were paving the path.

An organoid derived from Dr. Jeanne Lorings induced pluripotent stem cells is prepared to be sent to the International Space Station.

(Courtesy of Dr. Davide Marotta)

Loring, a Del Mar resident who is one of the worlds leading experts in Parkinsons and a senior scientific advisor for the foundation, has been working with human-induced pluripotent stem cells since the technology was first discovered in 2006.

Called organoids, these cells are made from human skin tissue, which is put into a culture dish and turned into pluripotent stem cells, Loring explained.

Pluripotent stem cells only exist in culture dishes, they dont exist in our bodies, she said. Pluripotent means they can form any cell type in the body so for Loring, that meant forming nerve cells to create brain-like structures.

Its hard to study peoples brains, Loring said. You can do all this external stuff like they do with physical exams, but theres not any window into the brain so this is providing a sort of brain avatar.

Organoids provide a stand-in for the brain that can be studied by researchers, Loring explained. They make connections with each other, the cells talk to each other, so in a lot of ways, its a really good model of the brain, she added.

Moreover, the organoids mimic the brains of people with MS and Parkinsons.

Loring has been working with these organoids for years through Aspen Neuroscience, a San Diego-based company she co-founded that is working to create the worlds first personalized cell therapy for Parkinsons, using a patients own cells so they dont have to worry about rejection. Clinical trials may start as early as next year, she said.

Tubes containing neural organoids are loaded into a rack in preparation for placement in Cube Lab to travel to the International Space Station.

(Courtesy of Space Tango)

For the last four years, the foundations team of bicoastal researchers has been working together to study these organoids in space.

While an experiment in space presents its own challenges, Loring said its worth the work, as researchers hope to gain valuable and unique insight into how disorders like Parkinsons and MS develop. You can see them interacting and talking to each other in 3-D in a way that you cannot on Earth, Grisanti said.

Along with Lorings healthy organoids, which are used as a control, organoids derived from patients with Parkinsons and MS were sent to the space station, while the entire experiment was replicated on Earth.

Specifically, researchers are studying the neuroinflammation in the organoids, which is like when the immune system in the brain is overactive, Grisanti explained.

Organoid cultures are sealed in holders and ready to be placed in Cube Lab for space flight. The cover shows National Stem Cell Foundations SpaceX CRS-25 mission patch.

(Courtesy of Space Tango)

What we hope to find is a point at which things start to go wrong in those neurodegenerative diseases, where we could then intervene with a new drug or cell therapy, she said. And were seeing signs that that happens more in space than it does on the ground, so it helps create the type of interaction that you would see early in a neurodegenerative disease.

Grisanti said they hope to be able to use this research to develop a new drug or cell therapy to treat these disorders and potentially other neurodegenerative diseases in the future.

I think weve cracked the door open, but weve got some more flying to do, she added.

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To better understand Parkinson's disease, this San Diego expert sent her own cells to space - The San Diego Union-Tribune

To Read More: To better understand Parkinson’s disease, this San Diego expert sent her own cells to space – The San Diego Union-Tribune
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Inside the race to make human sex cells in the lab – MIT Technology Review

By daniellenierenberg

But there are other hurdlessome so challenging that many scientists have given up. For one thing, nudging the stem cells in the right direction requires, it seems, a unique touch and expertise. Not just anyone will be able to make egg and sperm cells in the lab, says Saitou.

Saitou and Hayashi, now at Kyushu University, lead world-renowned teams of extraordinary skill. Their achievements might not have been possible without the contributions of Hiroshi Ohta, for example. Ohta is an expert in anesthetizing newborn mice using ice, performing intricate surgery on them, and injecting cells into the animals miniature gonads. The entire procedure must be completed within five minutes or the animals die. Only a few people have such skills, which take months to develop. I think our group was kind of lucky, says Saitou. It was a get-together of many talented scientists.

The work is hampered by the lack of in-depth knowledge about how the primitive forms of egg and sperm cells develop naturally in the embryoa process that is far from fully worked out in humans. Some of the embryos cells begin to differentiate into these primitive sex cells at around 14 days. But in some countries, it is illegal for researchers to even grow human embryos beyond 14 days. They would send me to jail if I went beyond day 14, says Azim Surani, who is working with precursors to artificial sex cells at the University of Cambridge in the UK.

The problem, from a research point of view, is that the 14-day rule comes in just as the embryos start to get interesting, says Surani. Without being able to easily study the critical process of how primitive cells begin forming egg and sperm cells, scientists are limited in their ability to mimic it in the lab.

Even if scientists were able to study embryos more freely, some mysteries would remain. Once the cells that make eggs and sperm are created, they are held in a kind of suspended animation until puberty or ovulation. What happens to them in the years in between? And how important is this phase for the health of mature eggs and sperm? The honest answer is we dont know, says Surani.

The stem cells in the lab must also be generated and cared for under precise conditions. To survive, they must be bathed in a cocktail of nutrients that must be replaced every day. Its very time consuming and labor intensive and it takes a lot of money, says Bjorn Heindryckx at Ghent University in Belgium, one of the scientists who have given up on creating human eggs this way in the lab. The outcome was too limited for the effort and the money that we spent on it, he says.

Part of the challenge is that for the precursor stem cells to develop into fully matured egg or sperm cells, they must be placed in an environment mimicking that of newly developing ovaries or testes. Researchers studying mice use tissue taken from mouse embryos to induce the stem cells to differentiate into sex cells. But similarly using human tissue from discarded embryos is ethically and legally problematic. So scientists are working on ways to create the right environment without using tissue from embryos.

The upshot is that it will likely take a highly skilled team years of dedicated research. Its not impossible, but it would not be easy to do, says Surani.

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Inside the race to make human sex cells in the lab - MIT Technology Review

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Global Biomaterials Market to Reach Value of $372.7 Billion by 2028 | Demand For Biomaterials in the Healthcare Industry will Grow by 53% Over the…

By daniellenierenberg

Westford, USA, Aug. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the world increasingly becomes connected and people live longer, surgery and medical procedures become more complex. Surgery, one of the most common medical procedures, is now estimated to use over 1 million surgical tools each year. In order to meet the rising demand for surgical tools, surgeons are turning to biomaterials as a key component in their procedures. The main reason for this growth of the global biomaterials market is the increasing demand for novel biomaterials in various sectors such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and medical applications.

The growing demand for biomaterials has led to several companies developing unique biomaterials specifically for surgery. Some of the most well-known biomedical materials including polypropylene microspheres, chitosan hydrogel, and alginate matrix were pioneers in the field of biomaterials. Today, there are numerous new types of biomaterials being developed and marketed for a variety of medical applications, such as wound healing and orthopedic surgery. Global biomaterials market is expanding rapidly due to increasing public awareness of the benefits of using these materials and growing demand from pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

SkyQuest has published a report on global biomaterials market. The report provides a detailed market analysis, which would help the market participant in gaining is insights about market forecast, company profiles, market share, pricing analysis, competitive landscape, value chain analysis, porters five, and pestle among others.

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Demand For Biomaterials in the Healthcare Industry will Grow by 53% Over the Next Five Years

The demand for biomaterials market in the healthcare industry is growing rapidly, according to SkyQuest study. We studied global economic data and discovered that the demand for biomaterials in the healthcare industry will grow by 53% over the next five years. In 2021, 10.7 million patients used some kind of biomaterials across different applications such as wound care, tissue implant, surgeries, and medical devices, among others. This rising demand is impacting not only hospitals and clinics, but also diagnostic laboratories and pharmaceutical companies.

Most biomedical materials are manufactured from organic materials such as skin, bone, cartilage, and tendons. While these materials can be derived from a variety of sources, synthetic biomedical materials are often cheaper and more readily available. However, synthetic biomedical materials do not have the same properties as natural materials, which means they may not be as effective when used in medical treatments. Biologically based biomaterials are more effective because they can mimic the properties of natural tissues. Their potential benefits make them a highly desired commodity in the healthcare industry across the global biomaterials market. In 2021 alone, sales of artificial joints were worth $2.2 billion, while sales of regenerative medicine products such as stem cells and platelet-rich plasma were estimated to be worth $8.8 billion in the same year.

SkyQuest has done a detailed study on global biomaterials market and prepared a report that also covers current consumer base, potential demand for products, demand analysis by category and volume, expected growth, prominent growth factors, market dynamics, trends, opportunities, and innovation, among others.

Browse summary of the report and Complete Table of Contents (ToC):

Top 4 Biomaterials in Global Market

1. Stem cells- Stem cells have become one of the most promising areas of biomaterial research because they can be modified to create a wide variety of tissue types, including cartilage, skin, and bone.

2. Chitosan- Chitosan is a natural polymer found in creatures ranging from crabs to shrimp, and it is prized for its ability to form strong and durable bonds with other materials.

3. Polycaprolactone- Polycaprolactone is a modified form cellulose that has been shown to have many potential biomedical applications, including as a replacement for hard tissues like heart valves and bones.

4. Mesenchymal stem cells- Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult cells found in the connective tissue and skeletal muscles of mammals. MSCs have characteristics that make them especially effective at repairing tissues damaged by disease or injury, which is why they are commonly used in studies on regenerative therapies.

Recent Advancements in Biomaterials Market

Successful applications of biomaterials in disease treatment have made them a preferred choice for many medical procedures. For example, use of biomaterials for artificial heart valves has revolutionized the way these devices are operated and prevented heart failure in patients.

In addition, various biomaterials are being developed for use in regenerative medicine. For example, researchers in the global biomaterials market are exploring the possibilities of using nano-sized polymers to promote the growth of new tissue in injured or damaged tissues. This approach may prove to be an effective way to restore function to damaged organs and limbs.

Biomaterials are also being used to create new types of prosthetic devices. For example, doctors are currently testing a new type of artificial hip that uses a biocompatible material as its main component.

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SkyQuests report on global biomaterials market would help you in gaining insights about current developments and its impact on the overall market growth, pricing, demand and supply, change in growth strategies of existing players, among others. Also, the report would help in understanding how the market value is changing and affecting the forecast revenue over the period.

Top Players in the Global Biomaterials Market

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Global Biomaterials Market to Reach Value of $372.7 Billion by 2028 | Demand For Biomaterials in the Healthcare Industry will Grow by 53% Over the...

To Read More: Global Biomaterials Market to Reach Value of $372.7 Billion by 2028 | Demand For Biomaterials in the Healthcare Industry will Grow by 53% Over the…
categoriaSkin Stem Cells commentoComments Off on Global Biomaterials Market to Reach Value of $372.7 Billion by 2028 | Demand For Biomaterials in the Healthcare Industry will Grow by 53% Over the… | dataAugust 26th, 2022
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A Groovy Guide to Anti-Aging Products With CBD and Mushrooms – Out Magazine

By daniellenierenberg

We are what we eat. And drink. And how we sleep, detox, and exercise or not.

Nothing new there. But in a world where new-to-market serums, creams, and spiritual berry tonics extracted by hand by Tibetan monks are in our (digital) face every day, were being presented with so many cool options on how to cleanse, moisturize, and treat wrinkles, lackluster skin, and hair that its next to impossible to keep up, let alone care for.

And while I wont be ditching my tried-and-true products any time soon, these newer, technologically advanced plant-based offerings are, in truth, quite effective. Products flooded with adaptogens help the body respond and adapt to various kinds of stress and inflammation. And how we weave them into our lifestyle regimens can be fun too.

Rather than barrage you with a ton of products, I thought a conversation regarding upcoming trends that embrace these new, full-circle, inside-and-out additions to our anti-aging routines is in order. We may have to look a little harder for these over-the-counter retail items, but not for long. Keep in mind that several of these brands combine two or three categories as ingestibles and topicals, which include CBD, functional mushrooms, and waterless skin care all of it nonpsychoactive, of course.

While recreational and medicinal marijuana are slowly becoming legal in more and more states, its tempting to get into the weeds with a cannabis/hemp/CBD tutorial. Lets simplify: it all comes from the same hemp plant thats loaded with restorative and preventative properties. CBD is legal (no high) and widely used for general to advanced wellness. Categories include singular isolates (113+ CBD extracts); broad spectrum (whole plant extract minus THC); and full spectrum (whole plant extract with less than 0.3 percent THC, the legal limit for all CBD products in the U.S.).

See the rest here:
A Groovy Guide to Anti-Aging Products With CBD and Mushrooms - Out Magazine

To Read More: A Groovy Guide to Anti-Aging Products With CBD and Mushrooms – Out Magazine
categoriaSkin Stem Cells commentoComments Off on A Groovy Guide to Anti-Aging Products With CBD and Mushrooms – Out Magazine | dataAugust 26th, 2022
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The bone marrow niche for haematopoietic stem cells – PubMed

By daniellenierenberg

Figure 3. HSCs and restricted haematopoietic progenitors occupy distinct niches in the bone marrow

a. HSCs are found mainly adjacent to sinusoids throughout the bone marrow,,,, where endothelial cells and mesenchymal stromal cells promote HSC maintenance by producing SCF, CXCL12,,, and likely other factors. Similar cells may also promote HSC maintenance around other types of blood vessels, such as arterioles. The mesenchymal stromal cells can be identified based on their expression of Lepr-Cre, Prx1-Cre, Cxcl12-GFP, or Nestin-GFP transgene in mice and similar cells are likely to be identified by CD146 expression in humans. These perivascular stromal cells, which likely include Cxcl12-abundant Reticular (CAR) cells, are fated to form bone in vivo, express Mx-1-Cre and overlap with CD45/Ter119PDGFR +Sca-1+ stromal cells that are highly enriched for MSCs in culture. b. It is likely that other cells also contribute to this niche, likely including cells near bone surfaces in trabecular rich areas. Other cell types that regulate HSC niches include sympathetic nerves,, non-myelinating Schwann cells (which are also Nestin+), macrophages, osteoclasts, extracellular matrix ,, and calcium. Osteoblasts do not directly promote HSC maintenance but do promote the maintenance and perhaps the differentiation of certain lymphoid progenitors by secreting Cxcl12 and likely other factors,,,. Early lineage committed progenitors thus reside in an endosteal niche that is spatially and cellularly distinct from HSCs.

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The bone marrow niche for haematopoietic stem cells - PubMed

To Read More: The bone marrow niche for haematopoietic stem cells – PubMed
categoriaBone Marrow Stem Cells commentoComments Off on The bone marrow niche for haematopoietic stem cells – PubMed | dataAugust 26th, 2022
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Bone Marrow Transplant: Types, Procedure & Risks – Healthline

By daniellenierenberg

What Is a Bone Marrow Transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure performed to replace bone marrow that has been damaged or destroyed by disease, infection, or chemotherapy. This procedure involves transplanting blood stem cells, which travel to the bone marrow where they produce new blood cells and promote growth of new marrow.

Bone marrow is the spongy, fatty tissue inside your bones. It creates the following parts of the blood:

Bone marrow also contains immature blood-forming stem cells known as hematopoietic stem cells, or HSCs. Most cells are already differentiated and can only make copies of themselves. However, these stem cells are unspecialized, meaning they have the potential to multiply through cell division and either remain stem cells or differentiate and mature into many different kinds of blood cells. The HSC found in the bone marrow will make new blood cells throughout your lifespan.

A bone marrow transplant replaces your damaged stem cells with healthy cells. This helps your body make enough white blood cells, platelets, or red blood cells to avoid infections, bleeding disorders, or anemia.

Healthy stem cells can come from a donor, or they can come from your own body. In such cases, stem cells can be harvested, or grown, before you start chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Those healthy cells are then stored and used in transplantation.

Bone marrow transplants are performed when a persons marrow isnt healthy enough to function properly. This could be due to chronic infections, disease, or cancer treatments. Some reasons for a bone marrow transplant include:

A bone marrow transplant is considered a major medical procedure and increases your risk of experiencing:

The above symptoms are typically short-lived, but a bone marrow transplant can cause complications. Your chances of developing these complications depend on several factors, including:

Complications can be mild or very serious, and they can include:

Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have. They can help you weigh the risks and complications against the potential benefits of this procedure.

There are two major types of bone marrow transplants. The type used will depend on the reason you need a transplant.

Autologous transplants involve the use of a persons own stem cells. They typically involve harvesting your cells before beginning a damaging therapy to cells like chemotherapy or radiation. After the treatment is done, your own cells are returned to your body.

This type of transplant isnt always available. It can only be used if you have a healthy bone marrow. However, it reduces the risk of some serious complications, including GVHD.

Allogeneic transplants involve the use of cells from a donor. The donor must be a close genetic match. Often, a compatible relative is the best choice, but genetic matches can also be found from a donor registry.

Allogeneic transplants are necessary if you have a condition that has damaged your bone marrow cells. However, they have a higher risk of certain complications, such as GVHD. Youll also probably need to be put onmedications to suppress your immune system so that your body doesnt attack the new cells. This can leave you susceptible to illness.

The success of an allogeneic transplant depends on how closely the donor cells match your own.

Prior to your transplant, youll undergo several tests to discover what type of bone marrow cells you need.

You may also undergo radiation or chemotherapy to kill off all cancer cells or marrow cells before you get the new stem cells.

Bone marrow transplants take up to a week. Therefore, you must make arrangements before your first transplant session. These can include:

During treatments, your immune system will be compromised, affecting its ability to fight infections. Therefore, youll stay in a special section of the hospital thats reserved for people receiving bone marrow transplants. This reduces your risk of being exposed to anything that could cause an infection.

Dont hesitate to bring a list of questions to ask your doctor. You can write down the answers or bring a friend to listen and take notes. Its important that you feel comfortable and confident before the procedure and that all of your questions are answered thoroughly.

Some hospitals have counselors available to talk with patients. The transplant process can be emotionally taxing. Talking to a professional can help you through this process.

When your doctor thinks youre ready, youll have the transplant. The procedure is similar to a blood transfusion.

If youre having an allogeneic transplant, bone marrow cells will be harvested from your donor a day or two before your procedure. If your own cells are being used, theyll be retrieved from the stem cell bank.

Cells are collected in two ways.

During a bone marrow harvest, cells are collected from both hipbones through a needle. Youre under anesthesia for this procedure, meaning youll be asleep and free of any pain.

During leukapheresis, a donor is given five shots to help the stem cells move from the bone marrow and into the bloodstream. Blood is then drawn through an intravenous (IV) line, and a machine separates out the white blood cells that contain stem cells.

A needle called a central venous catheter, or a port, will be installed on the upper right portion of your chest. This allows the fluid containing the new stem cells to flow directly into your heart. The stem cells then disperse throughout your body. They flow through your blood and into the bone marrow. Theyll become established there and begin to grow.

The port is left in place because the bone marrow transplant is done over several sessions for a few days. Multiple sessions give the new stem cells the best chance to integrate themselves into your body. That process is known as engraftment.

Through this port, youll also receive blood transfusions, liquids, and possibly nutrients. You may need medications to fight off infections and help the new marrow grow. This depends on how well you handle the treatments.

During this time, youll be closely monitored for any complications.

The success of a bone marrow transplant is primarily dependent on how closely the donor and recipient genetically match. Sometimes, it can be very difficult to find a good match among unrelated donors.

The state of your engraftment will be regularly monitored. Its generally complete between 10 and 28 days after the initial transplant. The first sign of engraftment is a rising white blood cell count. This shows that the transplant is starting to make new blood cells.

Typical recovery time for a bone marrow transplant is about three months. However, it may take up to a year for you to recover fully. Recovery depends on numerous factors, including:

Theres a possibility that some of the symptoms you experience after the transplant will remain with you for the rest of your life.

The rest is here:
Bone Marrow Transplant: Types, Procedure & Risks - Healthline

To Read More: Bone Marrow Transplant: Types, Procedure & Risks – Healthline
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