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Eczema Could Reduce The Risk Of Skin Cancer, Research Shows

By daniellenierenberg

We put up with dry, itchy skin and are constantly applying creams to try (in vain) to fight the flake - but there might be some much needed good news for us eczema sufferers.

New research suggests eczema sufferers may have less chance of developing skin cancer.

A study conducted by experts at King's College London found the immune response triggered by eczema could stop tumours forming by shedding potentially cancerous cells.

Genetically engineered mice lacking three skin proteins - known as "knock-out" mice - were used to replicate some of the skin defects found in eczema sufferers.

Cancer-causing chemicals were tested on normal mice and the knock-out mice. Researchers found the number of benign tumours per mouse was six times lower in knock-out mice.

The new study, published in eLife, suggests both types of mice were equally susceptible to getting cancer-causing mutations, but an exaggerated inflammatory reaction in knock-out mice led to enhanced shedding of potentially cancerous cells from the skin.

Professor Fiona Watt, director of the centre for stem cells and regenerative medicine at King's College London, said: "We are excited by our findings as they establish a clear link between cancer susceptibility and an allergic skin condition in our experimental model.

"They also support the view that modifying the body's immune system is an important strategy in treating cancer.

"I hope our study provides some small consolation to eczema sufferers - that this uncomfortable skin condition may actually be beneficial in some circumstances."

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Eczema Could Reduce The Risk Of Skin Cancer, Research Shows

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Public warned of fly-by-night stem cell procedures, products

By daniellenierenberg

Human embryonic stem cells can become any cell in the body. AFP FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines Health authorities warned the public anew on Saturday about health facilities and medical practitioners offering unauthorized stem cell therapy and products.

In an advisory, the Food and Drug Administration said that to date, not one stem cell or human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products (HCT/Ps) that applied for registration has been registered by the FDA for compassionate or clinical trial use, or general use.

The use of HCT/Ps without the authorization or permission by the FDA is considered illegal, it said, reminding hospitals and health facilities of the provisions of the FDA Act of 2009, which prohibits the manufacture, use, advertisement or sponsorship of unregistered health products.

This warning extends to all unlicensed practitioners from other countries and to tourists who visit the Philippines for leisure and medical needs, the advisory added.

According to FDA acting director general Kenneth Hartigan Go, the FDA recognizes only hematopoietic (pertaining to the formation and development of blood cells) stem cell transplantation, corneal resurfacing with limbal stem cells and skin regeneration with epidermal stem cells as generally accepted standards of health care procedures.

If health institutions are doing these three procedures, they can continue doing them because those are allowed. Go said, adding that the efficacy of the use of stem cells for the treatment of other diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and autism, among others, has yet to be proven.

Go noted that while many spa centers and salons are advertising stem cell therapy and products, none of them has the approval of the health agency.

As of now we have not accredited any health facility offering stem cell therapy yet, Go said.

Several facilities had applied for accreditation but Go said many of these were asked to correct their deficiencies.

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Skin cells turned into sperm

By daniellenierenberg

Skin cells from infertile men can be turned into the precursors of sperm cells in a lab, according to a new study.

The findings raise the possibility of one day making sperm from the skin cells of men with fertility problems, the researchers said. However, much more research is needed to determine if this is possible and whether it is safe.

In the new study, researchers first transformed the men's skin cells into stem cells, then implanted the cells into the testes of mice where they formed sperm precursor cells. However, one safety issue is that some of the stem cells formed tumors in the mice, said study researcher Renee Reijo Pera, who conducted the work while at Stanford University, and is now a professor of cell biology and neurosciences at Montana State University.

To conduct the study, Pera and colleagues took skin samples from three infertile men, and two fertile men. The infertile men had a genetic mutation in a region of the genome called AZF1 that prevented them from making mature sperm, a condition called azoospermia. [Sexy Swimmers: 7 Facts About Sperm]

The researchers used the skin cells to produce what are called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which have the ability to become nearly any tissue type in the body. These iPS cells were then implanted into the testes of mice, where they turned into germ cells, which normally give rise to sperm in males.

However, in the study, the germ cells did not go on to form mature sperm in the mice, likely because of evolutionary differences between humans and mice that blocked the production of such mature cells, Pera said.

The stem cells from fertile men were much better at generating germ cells than those from infertile men. Still, the fact that the infertile men's stem cells produced germ cells at all was surprising, because men with the AZF1 mutation often have no germ cells, Pera said.

The new findings suggest that these infertile men do in fact have the potential to produce germ cells, but the germ cells are lost over time, Pera said. If that's true, young boys with this mutation might be able to preserve their germ cells for the future by collecting and freezing samples of testes tissue, Pera said.

The mouse model used in the study will help researchers better understand the earliest stages of sperm development, Pera said. For example, the cells of human embryo "decide" whether they are going to be germ cells at day 12 after conception, she said. "We've developed a way to study the earliest steps," which take place in the fetus, Pera said.

Previously, the same group of researchers created germ cells from human embryonic stem cells. And last year, experiments in mice showed that skin cells of the animals can be turned into stem cells, which can then be turned into germ cells. When researchers implanted these germ cells in sterile mice, the mice became fertile.

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Skin cells provide new hope for infertile men

By daniellenierenberg

Topics: editors picks, family, relationships, science, sex

INFERTILE men could in future be offered a new form of treatment based on converting their skin cells into the sperm-making tissue that is missing in their testicles, scientists have said.

A study has found that it is possible to convert skin cells into male "germ cells" which are responsible for sperm production, using an established technique for creating embryonic-like stem cells, in a form of genetic engineering.

The research, published in the journal Cell Reports, showed that stem cells derived from human skin become active germ cells when transplanted into the testes of mice - even when the man suffers from a genetic condition where he lacks functioning germ cells in his own testes.

Although the mice had functioning human male germ cells, they did not produce human sperm, said Renee Reijo Pera, of Montana State University, who led the study.

"There is an evolutionary block that means that when germ cells from one species are transferred to another, there is not full spermatogenesis unless the species are very closely related," she added.

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Skin cells provide new hope for infertile men

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Doubts over heart stem-cell therapy

By daniellenierenberg

Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters/Corbis

Many companies around the world offer stem-cell treatments to patients with heart disease.

An analysis of clinical studies that use adult stem cells to treat heart disease has raised questions about the value of a therapy that many consider inappropriately hyped.

Early-phase clinical trials have reported that adult stem cells are effective in treating heart attack and heart failure, and many companies are moving quickly to tap into this potentially lucrative market. But a comprehensive study that looked at discrepancies in trials investigating treatments that use patients own stem cells, published this week in the journal BMJ (ref. 1), finds that only trials containing flaws, such as design or reporting errors, showed positive outcomes. Error-free trials showed no benefit at all.

The publication comes as two major clinical trials designed to conclusively test the treatments efficacy are recruiting thousands of patients.

The BMJ paper is concerning because the therapeutic approach is already being commercialized, argues stem-cell researcher Paolo Bianco at the Sapienza University of Rome. Premature trials can create unrealistic hopes for patients, and divert resources from the necessary basic studies we need to design more appropriate treatments.

Therapies that use adult stem cells typically involve collecting mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow taken from the patients hip bone. The cells are then injected back into the patient, to help repair damaged tissue. Original claims that they differentiated into replacement cells have been rejected2, and many clinicians now believe that the cells act by releasing molecules that cause inflammation, with an attendant growth of oxygen-delivering small blood vessels, in the damaged tissue.

The approach has spawned international commercialization of various forms of the therapy, with companies offering treatments for disorders ranging from Parkinsons disease to heart failure. But the effectiveness of such therapies remains unproven.

I have a lot of hope for regenerative medicine, but our results make me fearful.

The BMJ study, led by cardiologist Darrel Francis at Imperial College London, examined 133 reports of 49 randomized clinical trials published up to April last year, involving the treatment of patients who had had a heart attack or heart failure. It included all accessible randomized studies, and looked for discrepancies in design, methodology and reporting of results.

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Stem Cells from a Diabetes Patient

By daniellenierenberg

Researchers hope stem cells could one day treat chronic conditions like diabetes and Parkinsons disease.

Healthy bloom: Insulin, shown in red, is being produced by cells that started as embryonic stem cells derived from a patient with type 1 diabetes.

A series of breakthroughs in cloning technology over the last year and a half are stoking hopes that cells could be used as treatments for patients with chronic, debilitating diseases such as diabetes and Parkinsons.

In January 2013, researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University reported that they had successfully created embryonic stem cells from a human embryo formed when the nucleus of one persons cell was transferred into another persons egg that had its original nucleus removed (see Human Embryonic Stem Cells Cloned). That was the first time stem cells had been made from such a cloned embryo, and the advance provides a potential route by which scientists could create various kinds of replacement cells based on a patients own genome. Many other research teams are pursuing another method of creating stem cells from a patients own cells, but some believe cells made with the cloning technique could be more likely to develop into a wide variety of cell types.

In the most recent advance for the cloning-based approach, a new report describes stem cells produced by cloning a skin cell from a woman with type 1 diabetes. The researchers were then able to turn those stem cells into insulin-producing cells resembling the beta cells that are lost in that disease. The immune system attacks these pancreatic cells, leaving patients unable to properly regulate their blood sugar levels.

Susan Solomon, a coauthor of the new study and cofounder of the New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF), told reporters the results are an important step forward in our quest to develop healthy patient-specific stem cells to be used to replace cells that are diseased or dead.

The ultimate idea is to treat diabetes with insulin-producing cells made from a patients own cells and a donated egg. Currently, insulin-producing cells harvested from a cadaver are transplanted into some diabetes patients. But patients treated this way must take immunosuppressing drugs, and the number of cadaver cells is limited.

The cloned cells are thought to be better accepted by the immune system. But given that the body attacks its own beta cells, how can researchers prevent the immune destruction of the transplants? Its very difficult, says Solomon. We are acutely aware of the need to address both sides of the problem.

There are also regulatory issues surrounding the cloning method. Lead researcher and coauthor Dieter Egli began the research at Harvard University but moved it to the New York institution because Massachusetts restrictions on egg donation prevented the work from progressing.

Egg supply is another challenge. The cloning works about 10 percent of the time, and only three of the four cloned embryos in the experiment led to viable stem-cell lines. When you think about wider application of this technology for patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, [and others], you are talking about hundreds of millions of people, says Robert Lanza, a stem-cell pioneer at Advanced Cell Technology and coauthor of a recent cloning report. When you start talking about numbers like that, its just not going to be practical to use these cells in that patient-specific way.

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Scientists report another embryonic cloning success

By daniellenierenberg

Scientists have taken skin cells from a woman suffering from type 1 diabetes, reprogrammed them into embryonic stem cells, and then converted those cells into insulin-producing cells in mice, according to a new study.

The announcement, which comes soon after another stem cell success involving therapeutic cloning, was published Monday in the journal Nature.

"This advance brings us a significant step closer to the development of cell replacement therapies," said senior study author Dieter Egli, a researcher at the New York Stem Cell Foundation.

Embryonic stem cells, or pluripotent cells, are cells that can reproduce endlessly and transform themselves into any type of human tissue. Researchers hope that the cells will one day be used to create transplant tissues that will not be rejected by the patient's body, because they carry their own DNA.

Egli and his colleagues used a cloning technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT -- a process similar to the one used to clone "Dolly" the sheep in 1996.

The process involves removing the nucleus from a human egg cell, replacing it with the nucleus from a foreign "donor" cell, and then allowing the egg to divide and develop for a period of days. The developing embryo will contain a mass of pluripotent cells, which are removed and used to create a line of reproducing cells.

If the cloned embryo were implanted in the womb of a surrogate mother -- an act scientists consider unethical for a number of reasons -- it could possibly develop into a baby.

Up until now, the stem cell field has relied on a very different method of pluripotent cell production called induced pluripotency. The process is viewed as being much easier than SCNT, because it does not involve the controversial use of human egg cells, which are also difficult to obtain.

At a news conference, Egli told reporters that the SCNT process was becoming increasingly refined and should be viewed as a reliable source of pluripotent cells.

"For me this is the way to go," Egli said. "This is about reprogramming a patient's own cells, with their own genotype, with their own DNA that are immunologically matched to them and no one else, essentially. I think this is going to become a reality."

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Scientists report another embryonic cloning success

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Scientists Create Personalized Stem Cells, Raising Hopes for Diabetes Cure

By daniellenierenberg

Regenerative medicine took a step forward on Monday with the announcement of the creation of the first disease-specific line of embryonic stem cells made with a patient's own DNA.

These cells, which used DNA from a 32-year-old woman who had developed Type-1 diabetes at the age of ten, might herald the daystill far in the futurewhen scientists replace dysfunctional cells with healthy cells identical to the patient's own but grown in the lab.

The work was led by Dieter Egli of the New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) and was published Monday in Nature.

"This is a really important step forward in our quest to develop healthy, patient-specific stem cells that can be used to replace cells that are diseased or dead," said Susan Solomon, chief executive officer of NYSCF, which she co-founded in 2005 partly to search for a cure for her son's diabetes.

Stem cells could one day be used to treat not only diabetes but also other diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Embryonic Stem Cells Morph Into Beta Cells

In Type 1 diabetes, the body loses its ability to produce insulin when insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas become damaged. Ideally this problem could be corrected with replacement therapy, using stem cells to create beta cells the body would recognize as its own because they contain the patient's own genome. This is the holy grail of personalized medicine.

To create a patient-specific line of embryonic stem cells, Egli and his colleagues used a technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer. They took skin cells from the female patient, removed the nucleus from one cell and then inserted it into a donor egg cellan oocytefrom which the nucleus had been removed.

They stimulated the egg to grow until it became a blastocyst, a hundred-cell embryo in which some cells are "pluripotent," or capable of turning into any type of cell in the body. The researchers then directed a few of those embryonic stem cells to become beta cells. To their delight, the beta cells in the lab produced insulin, just as they would have in the body.

This research builds on work done last year in which scientists from the Oregon Health and Science University used the somatic cell nuclear transfer technique with skin cells from a fetus. It also advances previous work done by Egli and his colleagues in 2011, in which they created embryonic stem cell lines with an extra set of chromosomes. (The new stem cells, and the ones from Oregon, have the normal number of chromosomes.)

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Scientists Create Personalized Stem Cells, Raising Hopes for Diabetes Cure

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Stem Cell Institute Welcomes Special Guest Speaker Roberta F. Shapiro DO, FAAPM&R to Stem Cell Therapy Public Seminar …

By daniellenierenberg

New York, NY (PRWEB) April 29, 2014

The Stem Cell Institute located in Panama City, Panama, welcomes special guest speaker Roberta F. Shapiro, DO, FAAPM&R to its public seminar on umbilical cord stem cell therapy on Saturday, May 17, 2014 in New York City at the New York Hilton Midtown from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Dr. Shapiro will discuss A New York Doctors Path to Panama.

Dr. Shapiro operates a private practice for physical medicine and rehabilitation in New York City. Her primary professional activities include outpatient practice focused on comprehensive treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal and myofascial pain syndromes using manipulation techniques, trigger point injections, tendon injections, bursae injections, nerve and motor point blocks. Secondary work at her practice focuses on the management of pediatric onset disability.

She is the founder and president of the Dayniah Fund, a non-profit charitable foundation formed to support persons with progressive debilitating diseases who are faced with catastrophic events such as surgery or illness. The Dayniah Fund educates the public about the challenges of people with disabilities and supports research on reducing the pain and suffering caused by disabling diseases and conditions.

Dr. Shapiro serves as assistant clinical professor in the Department of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center.

Stem Cell Institute Speakers include:

Neil Riordan PhD Clinical Trials: Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Autism and Spinal Cord Injury

Dr. Riordan is the founder of the Stem Cell Institute and Medistem Panama Inc.

Jorge Paz-Rodriguez MD Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Disease: MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus

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Stem Cell Therapy | Genetics and Rheumatoid Arthritis – Video

By daniellenierenberg

Stem Cell Therapy | Genetics and Rheumatoid Arthritis
What do genes have to do with arthritis? No... not those kinds of genes... these kinds of jeans. Genetics can explain why infections can trigger rheumatoid arthritis Appearing in Science Codex...

By: Nathan Wei

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2020 Stem Cell Therapy Market Alternative Strategies – Video

By daniellenierenberg

2020 Stem Cell Therapy Market Alternative Strategies

By: paul harris

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Wounded Warrior severe low back pain 3 months after stem cells by Dr Harry Adelson – Video

By daniellenierenberg

Wounded Warrior severe low back pain 3 months after stem cells by Dr Harry Adelson
Seven years ago while serving in Special Forces in Afghanistan, Ben was hit directly in the chest by a Rocket-Propelled-Grenade which slammed him against a wall and crushed his spine. THEN...

By: Harry Adelson, N.D.

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Wounded Warrior severe low back pain 3 months after stem cells by Dr Harry Adelson - Video

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NHC showcase bone marrow transplant to cure blood disorders

By daniellenierenberg

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Bangalore, Apr 22 : City-based Narayana Health City (NHC) with over 300 successful Bone Marrow Transplants to its credit, today show cased the efficacy of this treatment modality with over 80 per cent success rate for curing cancerous and genetic blood diseases.

The two types of diseases which can be cured by bone marrow transplant are Leukemia, Severe Aplastic Anemia, Thassemia and Immune Deficiency Disorders.

Bone marrow transplant is a highly advanced procedure that involves transfusion of bone marrow stem cells from a healthy donor to a patient.

Speaking to reporters here, Dr Sharat Damodar, HoD and Senior Consultant Hematologist, Bone marrow transplant unit at NHC said the nature of blood diseases/disorders is either genetic in nature or acquired due to exposure to several risk factors including hazardous environment and consumption of adulterated food.

"Bone marrow transplants are now producing high success rates as it is curative in nature and offers hope to patients of a life beyond painful and fatal diseases," he said.

Dr Damodar, however, regretted that most of bone transplants are now done using bone marrow stem cells from blood relatives of the patients. "In India it is a challenge to find donors and we should consider it as our social responsibility to volunteer for donating healthy bone marrow and help patients in need," he added.

He said the government had recently opened donor registry DATRI and 50,000 people had enrolled into it.

"Compared to a population of 126 crore, we have just 50,000 donors. This is in comparison to an European country like Germany you can find millions of them," he added.

Dr Damodar and his team of experts also presented and shared the cases of patients who have been in remission for five years and leading a disease free life post bone marrow transplantation.

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NHC showcase bone marrow transplant to cure blood disorders

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Cloning advance means human tissues could be regrown, even in old age

By daniellenierenberg

The advance could lead to tissue-transplant operations for a range of debilitating disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease and spinal cord injuries.

Last year, a team created stem cells from the skin cells of babies, but it was unclear whether it would work in adults.

However, a team of scientists from the Research Institute for Stem Cell Research at CHA Health Systems in Los Angeles and the University of Seoul said they had achieved the same result with two men, one aged 35, the other the 75-year-old. "The proportion of diseases you can treat with lab-made tissue increases with age. So if you can't do this with adult cells it is of limited value," said Robert Lanza, co-author of the research, which was published in the journal Cell Stem Cell.

The technique works by removing the nucleus from an unfertilised egg and replacing it with the nucleus of a skin cell. An electric shock causes the cells to divide until they form a "blastocyst", a small ball of a few hundred cells.

In IVF, a blastocyst is implanted into the womb, but with the new technique the cells would be harvested to create other organs or tissues.

The breakthrough is likely to reignite the debate about the ethics of creating human embryos for medical purposes and the possible use of the same technique to produce cloned babies - which is illegal in Britain.

Although the embryos created may not produce a human clone even if implanted in a womb, the prospect is now closer. However, scientists have tried for years to clone monkeys and have yet to succeed.

Dr Lanza admitted that without strong regulations, the early embryos produced in therapeutic cloning "could also be used for human reproductive cloning, although this would be unsafe and grossly unethical". However, he said it was important for the future of regenerative medicine that research into therapeutic cloning should continue.

Shoukhrat Mitalipov, a reproductive biologist from Oregon Health and Science University, who developed the technique last year, said: "The advance here is showing that [nuclear transfer] looks like it will work with people of all ages.

"I'm happy to hear that our experiment was verified and shown to be genuine."

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Cloning advance means human tissues could be regrown, even in old age

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stem cell therapy treatment for cerebral palsy with mental retardation with low vision by dr alok – Video

By daniellenierenberg

stem cell therapy treatment for cerebral palsy with mental retardation with low vision by dr alok
improvement seen in just 3 months after stem cell therapy treatment for cerebral palsy with mental retardation with low vision by dr alok sharma, mumbai, ind...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Umbilical cord blood transplants become standard

By daniellenierenberg

Marie McCullough, Inquirer Staff Writer Last updated: Sunday, April 20, 2014, 8:51 AM Posted: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 4:05 PM

Mason Shaffer was seven months old when doctors treated him for a fatal genetic bone disorder by destroying his blood and immune systems and rebuilding them with donated blood stem cells.

That's when his parents, Sarah and Marc Shaffer of Lansdowne, learned about a fairly unsung medical trend: public, nonprofit facilities that collect, store, and distribute blood from donated umbilical cords. The stem cells that saved Mason, now a healthy 5-year-old, were in cord blood.

Nonprofit cord-blood banking is a complicated, costly network, but it has been growing steadily, thanks to federal support, stem-cell research - and families like the Shaffers.

Sarah and Marc discovered that in the Philadelphia area, even if parents realized umbilical cords were more than just waste products of childbirth, there was no easy way to donate the tissue. So they established the Mason Shaffer Foundation to change that.

This month, Temple University Hospital launched a program in collaboration with the foundation and the New Jersey Cord Blood Bank to educate expectant parents and enable them to donate in a convenient way - at no charge to them or Temple. The foundation provides the educational material, and the cord-blood bank covers the collection costs, which are offset by health insurance reimbursement for transplants.

Three years ago, Lankenau Medical Center in Wynnewood became the foundation's first cord-blood donation center.

Temple, however, is expected to help fill the desperate need for a more racially diverse cord-blood stockpile. That need was recognized by the federal Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, which included funding that will help underwrite the first year of Temple's program.

Of the 3,200 babies delivered at Temple each year, 65 percent are African American, and 30 percent are Hispanic.

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Umbilical cord blood transplants become standard

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Scientists use cloning to make stem cells matched to two adults

By daniellenierenberg

Scientists have replicated one of the most significant accomplishments in stem cell research by creating human embryos that were clones of two men.

The lab-engineered embryos were harvested within days and used to create lines of infinitely reproducing embryonic stem cells, which are capable of growing into any type of human tissue.

The work, reported Thursday in the journal Cell Stem Cell, comes 11 months after researchers in Oregon said they had produced the world's first human embryo clones and used them to make stem cells. Their study, published in Cell, aroused skepticism after critics pointed out multiple errors and duplicated images.

In addition, the entire effort to clone human embryos and then dismantle them in the name of science troubles some people on moral grounds.

MORE: Medicines and machines, inspired by nature

The scientists in Oregon and the authors of the new report acknowledged that the clones they created could develop into babies if implanted in surrogate wombs. But like others in the field, they have said reproductive cloning would be unethical and irresponsible.

The process used to create cloned embryos is called somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT. It involves removing the nucleus from an egg cell and replacing it with a nucleus from a cell of the person to be cloned. The same method was used to create Dolly the sheep in 1996, along with numerous animals from other species.

Human cloning was a particular challenge, in part because scientists had trouble getting enough donor eggs to carry out their experiments. Some scientists said SCNT in humans would be impossible.

Dr. Robert Lanza, the chief scientific officer for Advanced Cell Technology Inc. in Marlborough, Mass., has been working on SCNT off and on for about 15 years. He and his colleagues finally achieved success with a modified version of the recipe used by the Oregon team and skin cells donated by two men who were 35 and 75.

After swapping out the nucleus in the egg cell, both groups used caffeine to delay the onset of cell division a technique that has been called "the Starbucks effect." But instead of waiting 30 minutes to prompt cell division, as was done in the Oregon experiment, Lanza and his team waited two hours.

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Scientists use cloning to make stem cells matched to two adults

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GTGP Dr Linzey Stem Cell Therapy – Video

By daniellenierenberg

GTGP Dr Linzey Stem Cell Therapy

By: Mountain Television Network

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Bone Marrow Stem Cells Help TBI Case! See the Amazing Before & After Results! – Video

By daniellenierenberg

Bone Marrow Stem Cells Help TBI Case! See the Amazing Before After Results!
Dr. Steenblock treated John F. for a TBI. John suffered from a TBI or a traumatic brain injury after a bike accident. He had just one bone marrow stem cell t...

By: David Steenblock

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Bone Marrow Stem Cells Help TBI Case! See the Amazing Before & After Results! - Video

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Researchers Clone Cells From Two Adult Men

By daniellenierenberg


After years of failed attempts, researchers have finally generated stem cells from adults using the same cloning technique that produced Dolly the sheep in 1996.

A previous claim that Korean investigators had succeeded in the feat turned out to be fraudulent. Then last year, a group at Oregon Health & Science University generated stem cells using the Dolly technique, but with cells from fetuses and infants.

MORE: Stem-Cell Research: The Quest Resumes

In this case, cells from a 35-year-old man and a 75-year-old man were used to generate two separate lines of stem cells. The process, known as nuclear transfer, involves taking the DNA from a donor and inserting it into an egg that has been stripped of its DNA. The resulting hybrid is stimulated to fuse and start dividing; after a few days the embryo creates a lining of stem cells that are destined to develop into all of the cells and tissues in the human body. Researchers extract these cells and grow them in the lab, where they are treated with the appropriate growth factors and other agents to develop into specific types of cells, like neurons, muscle, or insulin-producing cells.

Reporting in the journal Cell Stem Cell, Dr. Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer at biotechnology company Advanced Cell Technology, and his colleagues found that tweaking the Oregon teams process was the key to success with reprogramming the older cells. Like the earlier team, Lanzas group used caffeine to prevent the fused egg from dividing prematurely. Rather than leaving the egg with its newly introduced DNA for 30 minutes before activating the dividing stage, they let the eggs rest for about two hours. This gave the DNA enough time to acclimate to its new environment and interact with the eggs development factors, which erased each of the donor cells existing history and reprogrammed it to act like a brand new cell in an embryo.

VIDEO: Breakthrough in Cloning Human Stem Cells: Explainer

The team, which included an international group of stem cell scientists, used 77 eggs from four different donors. They tested their new method by waiting for 30 minutes before activating 38 of the resulting embryos, and waiting two hours before triggering 39 of them. None of the 38 developed into the next stage, while two of the embryos getting extended time did. There is a massive molecular change occurring. You are taking a fully differentiated cell, and you need to have the egg do its magic, says Lanza. You need to extend the reprogramming time before you can force the cell to divide.

While a 5% efficiency may not seem laudable, Lanza says that its not so bad given that the stem cells appear to have had their genetic history completely erased and returned to that of a blank slate. This procedure works well, and works with adult cells, says Lanza.

The results also teach stem cell scientists some important lessons. First, that the nuclear transfer method that the Oregon team used is valid, and that with some changes it can be replicated using older adult cells. It looks like the protocols we described are real, they are universal, they work in different hands, in different labs and with different cells, says Shoukhrat Mitalopov, director of the center for embryonic cell and gene therapy at Oregon Health & Science University, and lead investigator of that study.

Originally posted here:
Researchers Clone Cells From Two Adult Men

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