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‘Ghost heart’: Built from the scaffolding of a pig and the patient’s cells, this cardiac breakthrough may soon be ready for transplant into humans -…

By daniellenierenberg

"It actually changed my life," said Taylor, who directed regenerative medicine research at Texas Heart Institute in Houston until 2020. "I said to myself, 'Oh my gosh, that's life.' I wanted to figure out the how and why, and re-create that to save lives."

That goal has become reality. On Wednesday at the Life Itself conference, a health and wellness event presented in partnership with CNN, Taylor showed the audience the scaffolding of a pig's heart infused with human stem cells -- creating a viable, beating human heart the body will not reject. Why? Because it's made from that person's own tissues.

"Now we can truly imagine building a personalized human heart, taking heart transplants from an emergency procedure where you're so sick, to a planned procedure," Taylor told the audience.

"That reduces your risk by eliminating the need for (antirejection) drugs, by using your own cells to build that heart it reduces the cost ... and you aren't in the hospital as often so it improves your quality of life," she said.

Debuting on stage with her was BAB, a robot Taylor painstakingly taught to inject stem cells into the chambers of ghost hearts inside a sterile environment. As the audience at Life Itself watched BAB functioning in a sterile environment, Taylor showed videos of the pearly white mass called a "ghost heart" begin to pinken.

"It's the first shot at truly curing the number one killer of men, women and children worldwide -- heart disease. And then I want to make it available to everyone," said Taylor to audience applause.

"She never gave up," said Michael Golway, lead inventor of BAB and president and CEO of Advanced Solutions, which designs and creates platforms for building human tissues.

"At any point, Dr. Taylor could have easily said 'I'm done, this just isn't going to work. But she persisted for years, fighting setbacks to find the right type of cells in the right quantities and right conditions to enable those cells to be happy and grow."

Giving birth to a heart

"We were putting cells into damaged or scarred regions of the heart and hoping that would overcome the existing damage," she told CNN. "I started thinking: What if we could get rid of that bad environment and rebuild the house?"

Soon, she graduated to using pig's hearts, due to their anatomical similarity to human hearts.

"We took a pig's heart, and we washed out all the cells with a gentle baby shampoo," she said. "What was left was an extracellular matrix, a transparent framework we called the 'ghost heart.'

"Then we infused blood vessel cells and let them grow on the matrix for a couple of weeks," Taylor said. "That built a way to feed the cells we were going to add because we'd reestablished the blood vessels to the heart."

The next step was to begin injecting the immature stem cells into the different regions of the scaffold, "and then we had to teach the cells how to grow up."

"We must electrically stimulate them, like a pacemaker, but very gently at first, until they get stronger and stronger. First, cells in one spot will twitch, then cells in another spot twitch, but they aren't together," Taylor said. "Over time they start connecting to each other in the matrix and by about a month, they start beating together as a heart. And let me tell you, it's a 'wow' moment!"

But that's not the end of the "mothering" Taylor and her team had to do. Now she must nurture the emerging heart by giving it a blood pressure and teaching it to pump.

"We fill the heart chambers with artificial blood and let the heart cells squeeze against it. But we must help them with electrical pumps, or they will die," she explained.

The cells are also fed oxygen from artificial lungs. In the early days all of these steps had to be monitored and coordinated by hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Taylor said.

"The heart has to eat every day, and until we built the pieces that made it possible to electronically monitor the hearts someone had to do it person -- and it didn't matter if it was Christmas or New Year's Day or your birthday," she said. "It's taken extraordinary groups of people who have worked with me over the years to make this happen."

But once Taylor and her team saw the results of their parenting, any sacrifices they made became insignificant, "because then the beauty happens, the magic," she said.

"We've injected the same type of cells everywhere in the heart, so they all started off alike," Taylor said. "But now when we look in the left ventricle, we find left ventricle heart cells. If we look in the atrium, they look like atrial heart cells, and if we look in the right ventricle, they are right ventricle heart cells," she said.

"So over time they've developed based on where they find themselves and grown up to work together and become a heart. Nature is amazing, isn't she?"

Billions and billions of stem cells

As her creation came to life, Taylor began to dream about a day when her prototypical hearts could be mass produced for the thousands of people on transplant lists, many of whom die while waiting. But how do you scale a heart?

"I realized that for every gram of heart tissue we built, we needed a billion heart cells," Taylor said. "That meant for an adult-sized human heart we would need up to 400 billion individual cells. Now, most labs work with a million or so cells, and heart cells don't divide, which left us with the dilemma: Where will these cells come from?"

"Now for the first time we could take blood, bone marrow or skin from a person and grow cells from that individual that could turn into heart cells," Taylor said. "But the scale was still huge: We needed tens of billions of cells. It took us another 10 years to develop the techniques to do that."

The solution? A bee-like honeycomb of fiber, with thousands of microscopic holes where the cells could attach and be nourished.

"The fiber soaks up the nutrients just like a coffee filter, the cells have access to food all around them and that lets them grow in much larger numbers. We can go from about 50 million cells to a billion cells in a week," Taylor said. "But we need 40 billion or 50 billion or 100 billion, so part of our science over the last few years has been scaling up the number of cells we can grow."

Another issue: Each heart needed a pristine environment free of contaminants for each step of the process. Every time an intervention had to be done, she and her team ran the risk of opening the heart up to infection -- and death.

"Do you know how long it takes to inject 350 billion cells by hand?" Taylor asked the Life Itself audience. "What if you touch something? You just contaminated the whole heart."

Once her lab suffered an electrical malfunction and all of the hearts died. Taylor and her team were nearly inconsolable.

"When something happens to one of these hearts, it's devastating to all of us," Taylor said. "And this is going to sound weird coming from a scientist, but I had to learn to bolster my own heart emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically to get through this process."

Enter BAB, short for BioAssemblyBot, and an "uber-sterile" cradle created by Advance Solutions that could hold the heart and transport it between each step of the process while preserving a germ-free environment. Taylor has now taught BAB the specific process of injecting the cells she has painstakingly developed over the last decade.

"When Dr. Taylor is injecting cells, it has taken her years to figure out where to inject, how much pressure to put on the syringe, and the best speed and pace to add the cells," said BAB's creator Golway.

"A robot can do that quickly and precisely. And as we know, no two hearts are the same, so BAB can use ultrasound to see inside the vascular pathway of that specific heart, where Dr. Taylor is working blind, so to speak," Golway added. "It's exhilarating to watch -- there are times where the hair on the back of my neck literally stands up."

Taylor left academia in 2020 and is currently working with private investors to bring her creation to the masses. If transplants into humans in upcoming clinical trials are successful, Taylor's personalized hybrid hearts could be used to save thousands of lives around the world.

In the US alone, some 3,500 people were on the heart transplant waiting list in 2021.

"That's not counting the people who never make it on the list, due to their age or heath," Taylor said. "If you're a small woman, if you're an underrepresented minority, if you're a child, the chances of getting an organ that matches your body are low.

If you do get a heart, many people get sick or otherwise lose their new heart within a decade. We can reduce cost, we can increase access, and we can decrease side effects. It's a win-win-win."

Taylor can even envision a day when people bank their own stem cells at a young age, taking them out of storage when needed to grow a heart -- and one day even a lung, liver or kidney.

"Say they have heart disease in their family," she said. "We can plan ahead: Grow their cells to the numbers we need and freeze them, then when they are diagnosed with heart failure pull a scaffold off the shelf and build the heart within two months.

"I'm just humbled and privileged to do this work, and proud of where we are," she added. "The technology is ready. I hope everyone is going to be along with us for the ride because this is game-changing."

Original post:
'Ghost heart': Built from the scaffolding of a pig and the patient's cells, this cardiac breakthrough may soon be ready for transplant into humans -...

To Read More: ‘Ghost heart’: Built from the scaffolding of a pig and the patient’s cells, this cardiac breakthrough may soon be ready for transplant into humans -…
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Current and Future Innovations in Stem Cell Technologies – Labmate Online

By daniellenierenberg

Stem Cells 101

Every cell type in the body that makes up organs and tissues arose from a more primitive cell type called a stem cell. Stem cells are the foundation of living organisms, with the unique ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialised cell types. There are three different types of stem cell, classified by the number of specialised cell types they can produce: i) pluripotent stem cells (e.g. embryonic stem cells) can generate any specialised cell type; ii) multipotent stem cells (e.g. mesenchymal stem cells) are able to generate multiple, but not all, specialised cell types; and, iii) unipotent stem cells (e.g. epidermal stem cells that produce skin) give rise to only one cell type. It was long believed that stem cell differentiation into specialised cell types only occurs in one direction. There have been many exciting advances in stem cell biology, most notable the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that demonstrated a mature differentiated specialised cell can be reverted to a primitive pluripotent stem cell (Takahashi K, 2006). This discovery transformed our understanding of stem cell biology enabling exciting and substantial advances in stem cell tools, technologies and applications. This article focuses on pluripotent stem cells, as they offer the most promising future applications.

To harness the power of stem cells, they must first be maintained in vitro tissue culture. Culture expansion of stem cells is tricky because they must be maintained in an undifferentiated state and not permitted to differentiate into other cell types until desired. In short, if stem cells are not dividing in log phase growth, they are differentiating. Historically, pluripotent stem cells were notoriously difficult to work with in the lab largely because of the of inherent variability of reagents derived from animal tissues.

An important concept affecting current and future innovations in stem cell technologies is Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). This is governed by formal regulations administered by drug regulatory agencies (for example the FDA) that control the manufacture processes of medicines. The use of stem cells as therapeutic agents has necessitated specialised drug regulations known as Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products (ATMPs). Unlike chemically synthesised medicines where the final product can be defined through chemical analysis, ATMPs are complex biological living entities whereby the entire manufacturing process defines the final product. In simple terms, every reagent that touches the stem cells in the manufacturing process throughout the entire lifetime of the stem cell becomes a component of the final product. As such, in the real world the quality and consistency of the reagents used in a stem cell manufacturing process is paramount for downstream clinical applications, even if the project is still in the R&D or preclinical phase. Once reserved for clinical applications, GMP has become a dominating concept that affects all aspects of stem cell research and applications. Researchers and clinical developers benefit alike from GMP-focused innovations in stem cell technologies that deliver consistent growth properties and high-quality results.

Significant advances that overcome the challenges of the past have been made in all aspects of in vitro stem cell culture. These include advances in tissue culture medium, extracellular matrix, 3D synthetic cell culture plastic, growth factors, dissociation enzymes, cryopreservation agents and differentiation technologies. The workflow to culture stem cells in vitro is not a linear process but rather a continuous circle that can be broken down into 6 steps: 1) Extracellular Matrix coating of tissue culture plasticware; 2) Revival/seeding of tissue culture flasks; 3) Expansion of the cell culture in an incubator; 4) Culture medium change; 5) Subculture or passaging one flask to many; and 6) Cryopreservation of the stem cell culture. The stem cell workflow is shown in Figure 1.

The art of culturing stem cells is a lot easier today than in the past. Stem cells grow as adherent cultures on the surface of tissue culture flasks or dishes (image shown in Figure 1, Step 3). For the stem cells to adhere to the surface it must be coated with extracellular matrix. In the early days, it was an effort to maintain stem cells in culture because the cultures needed to be grown on a feeder layer of fibroblast cells. The requirement for a second cell culture combined with the stem cell culture is laborious to set up and severely limited experiments and applications (due to the contaminating fibroblasts mixed with the stem cells). Extracellular matrix isolated from mouse tumours removed the need for feeder layer cultures but can be variable in consistency and contain contaminants. Today, researchers benefit from recombinantly expressed extracellular matrix containing laminin-511 fragments that provides highly efficient adherence of a broad range of cell types and is easy to use (with only 1 hour coating time required that saves time and cost). Exceptional pluripotent stem cell adherence is achieved with laminin-511 fragments. The recombinant extracellular matrix laminin-511 is expressed in mammalian cell culture (e.g. CHO cells) or insect culture (e.g. silkworm) that eliminates the need for animal derived products in the extracellular matrix. Alternatively, synthetic 3D plastic scaffolds (e.g. Alvetex) are also available that offer a rigid defined matrix that is non-biological.

Early stem cell culture media required the medium to be replenished daily. This means 7 days a week in the lab tending to the stem cell cultures. Optimisation of tissue culture medium composition enables cultures to be maintained over the weekend without a medium change, enabling feeder-free, weekend-free stem cell culture. This may sound insignificant but does have a huge impact on the lifestyle of researchers working with stem cells. Unlike early tissue culture media, the composition of the culture media are fully defined and contain no animal derived products. Removal of animal-derived products offers important advantages by removing variability inherent in animal-derived products and guaranteeing consistent cell growth. Furthermore, animal-free formulations eleminate the risk of infection arising from the animal product (e.g. TSE risk). Growth factors are a critical component of the culture medium to maintain the stem cells in an undifferentiated state. Products available on the market contain growth factors that are expressed and isolated from barley.

Stem cells undergo cellular division in the culture vessel. As they expand, they will eventually outgrow their home and must be subcultured to separate flasks to provide space for further growth. Common practice is to use a digestive enzyme to free the stem cells from the culture surface. Trypsin isolated from bovine is commonplace in the tissue culture laboratory. Advances in the products available today use trypsin expressed in maize that is stable at room temperature in solution. Collagenase is an alternative dissociation reagent that is gentle and efficient on a wide range of cells and is available both animal-free and GMP grade - again enabling robust consistent culture conditions, and removing the dependence on animal derived products that are inherently variable.

The stem cells harvested from cultures can be frozen and stored (or cryopreserved) safely for several decades. When required, the cryopreserved stem cells may be defrosted, revived and expanded in culture providing a renewable source of stem cells. During cryopreservation of stem cells, it is critical to prevent cell death and changes in genotype/phenotype. Todays cryopreservation media can maintain consistent high cell viability after thawing; maintaining cell pluripotency, normal karyotype and proliferation even after long term cell storage. Traditionally, the cryopreservation process involved a rate-controlled freezer or a specialised container to freeze the cells at -1C/min. Advances in cryopreservation agents have removed the need for rate-controlled freezing. The process is now simple - you just place the stem cell suspension into a -80C freezer. Moreover, cryopreservation agents are available in GMP grade and with no animal-derived ingredients.

The power of stem cells lies in their ability both to self-renew and to differentiate into specialised cell types. The process of differentiation removes the stem cells from the workflow towards applications. Directed differentiation of stem cells into specific cell types enables the number of applications to grow. A typical differentiation protocol uses stepwise changes in culture medium, cytokines, growth factors and extracellular matrix over several weeks to direct the stem cells into a particular lineage and fate. Today, innovative technologies use genetic reprogramming factors that rapidly (< 1 week) differentiate stem cells into mature cell phenotypes. This advance significantly reduces time to experiment and increases manufacturing capacity for differentiated cell types.

Table 1. Advances in Stem Cell Technologies.Description Area of Innovation Examples of Innovative ProductsExtracellular Matrix Recombinant Laminin Expressed in CHO and Silkworm iMatrix-511Culture Medium No medium change required over the weekend, GMP grade, animal free StemFit MediumGrowth Factors Recombinant, GMP grade, animal free StemFit PuroteinDissociation Reagents Trypsin enzyme recombinantly expressed in maize. Collagenase & Neutral Protease expressed in Clostridium histolyticum TrypLECollagenase NBNeutral Protease NBCryopreservation Rate-controlled freezing not required. GMP grade, animal free and available for clinical use. Suitable for all cell types. STEM-CELLBANKERDifferentiation Rapid directed differentiation through genetic reprogramming Quick-Skeletal MuscleQuick-EndotheliumQuick-Neuron

There are unlimited applications that arise from a renewable source of mature cell types. One exciting area of innovation using differentiated stem cells is in disease modelling. Studying a disease state in an organ or tissue has in the past been limited to using in vivo animal models; whereas, differentiated stem cells opened the opportunity to create disease states in specific cell types in vitro. In addition, current technologies enable organoids or mini organs to be generated in the laboratory. Disease specific induced pluripotent stem cells can also be used to create disease models in vitro that are valuable tools for the study of disease and drug development without the need for in vivo animal models. In theory, any tissue is possible to create in vitro. In an exciting example of stem cell disease modelling, Dr Takayama from the CiRA in Kyoto, Japan has successfully modelled the life cycle of SARS-CoV-2 in both organoids and undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells (Takayama, 2020) (Sano, 2021) (Figure 2). In another example, the Skeletal Muscle Differentiation Kit was used to produce skeletal muscle myotubes from stem cells to create an in vitro disease model (Figure 3). In a direct application, pluripotent stem cell models of skeletal muscle have also been successfully used to develop a novel treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Moretti, 2020).

Promising progress is being made to create meat in the laboratory or what is commonly called cultured meat. Environmental concerns are driving the need for more sustainable meat production over traditional farming methods. Stem cell research in itself is reducing the need for the use of animals across multiple aspects as highlighted here. Producing cultured meat is straightforward in principle but faces many challenges in practice, for example maintaining the correct environment and stimuli for cultured cells to produce meat with the correct consistency and characteristics of the animal derived product. Stem cell cultures are expanded at scale in bioreactors and differentiated into skeletal muscle cells. These can be structured, using an edible scaffold for example, or used unstructured as the raw material to produce meat products (Figure 4). Tools and technologies are readily available to achieve this goal: expansion and differentiation of stem cells is highly efficient. However, a key consideration is the cost of goods. Current technologies are too costly but these are pioneering times and research is moving at an exciting pace.

The promise and potential of stem technologies to advance biology, medicine and food production can only be fulfilled if stem cell culture conditions are consistent, and accessible to research scientists and commercial operations alike. Exciting advances across multiple aspects of the stem cell workflow have streamlined processes to deliver products that are fully defined and animal-free. Furthermore, clinical translation of stem cell therapies and drug discovery are accelerated by the availability of GMP compliant reagents. The foundations are set for a bright future of discoveries and applications emerging from stem cell technologies.

Dr William Hadlington-Booth is the business unit manager for stem cell technologies and the extracellular matrix at AMSBIO. Erik Miljan, PhD, is a pioneer in the development of cellular therapies for a range of degenerative and disease conditions. He holds a PhD in biochemistry from Hong Kong University. For further information please

Moretti, A. F., et al. (2020). Somatic gene editing ameliorates skeletal and cardiac muscle failure in pig and human models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Nature Medicine, 26, 207214.Takahashi K., et al. (2006). Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. . Cell, 126, 663-676.Takayama, K. (2020). In Vitro and Animal Models for SARS-CoV-2 research. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 41. 513-517.Sano, E., et al. (2021). Modeling SARS-CoV-2 infection and its individual differences with ACE2-expressing human iPS cells. Iscience, 24(5), 102428.

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Current and Future Innovations in Stem Cell Technologies - Labmate Online

To Read More: Current and Future Innovations in Stem Cell Technologies – Labmate Online
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Bioabsorbable Stents Market to Grow at a Fine CAGR of 9.6% through 2032: Improvements in Healthcare Infrastructure and Growing Geriatric Population to…

By daniellenierenberg

Owing to Rising Demand for Less Invasive Treatments Among Heart Patients, Fact.MR Study Opines the Global Bioabsorbable Stents Market Share is Estimated to Reach a Value of Nearly US$ 1 Billion by 2032 from US$ 372 Million in 2021

Growing incidences of physicians and healthcare professionals preferring bioabsorbable stents over conventional stents is believed to have rapidly surged the bioabsorbable stent market growth in the global market.

Fact.MR, a Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Provider - The global bioabsorbable stents market is predicted to witness a moderate growth rate of 9.6% during the forecast years 2022 to 2032. The net worth of the bioabsorbable stents market share is expected to be valued at around US$ 1 Billion by the year 2032, growing from a mere US$ 372 Million recorded in the year 2021.

The growing prevalence of cardiovascular disease is sighted to be the leading cause of heart-related mortality worldwide. Around 17.5 million people die each year as a result of cardiovascular disease as a consequence of changing lifestyles, dietary habits, and rising blood pressure difficulties. All these factors have boosted the demand for bioabsorbable stents in the global market.

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Cardiovascular illnesses were responsible for more than 32% of fatalities in 2015, and this number is anticipated to grow to 45 per cent by 2030. The number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased. Obesity, which is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes in adults, has increased as a result of changes in trends, food patterns, and regular exercise. The proliferation of such correlated diseases is suggested to be the major driving factor for the sales of bioabsorbable stents across the globe.

However, due to an increase in the prevalence of coronary artery disease, increased knowledge of bioabsorbable stents, increased demand for minimally invasive surgery, and increased adoption of unhealthy lifestyles, Asia-Pacific is predicted to have the highest CAGR from 2021 to 2032.

What is the Bioabsorbabale Stents Market Outlook in Asia Pacific Region?

As per the global market study on bioabsorbable stents, Asia Pacific is predicted to develop at the quickest rate. The rising number of cardiac patients in the Asia Pacific countries with the highest population count is predicted to drive the demand for bioabsorbable stents in the regional market.

During the projected period, the China bioabsorbable stents market is predicted to lead at the fastest rate of 8.8% in this geographical region. The net worth of the market is estimated to be around US$ 28 Million in 2022 and is projected to reach a total valuation of US$ 71.6 Million in the year 2032.

Other than that, bioabsorbable stents market opportunities in Japan and South Korea are also quite promising for the forecasted years, with an estimated growth rate of 8.1% and 7.3%, respectively. This new market research report on bioabsorbable stents also sheds light on the growth prospects in Indian Market as well.

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Point of Care Diagnostics Market - Shipments of point of care test (POCT) kits are projected to surge at a CAGR of around 7% from 2021 to 2028, as per this new analysis. In 2020, the global point of care diagnostics market stood at US$ 34.1 Bn, and is anticipated to surge to a valuation of US$ 66 Bn by the end of 2028.

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Coronary Stents Market- Worldwide sales of coronary stents were valued at around US$ 10.1 Bn in 2020. The global coronary stents market is projected to register 12.9% CAGR and reach a valuation of US$ 25.7 Bn by the end of 2028.

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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Market- The global induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) market stands at a valuation of US$ 1.8 Bn in 2022, and is projected to climb to US$ 2.3 Bn by the end of 2026. Over the 2022 to 2026 period, worldwide demand for induced pluripotent stem cells is anticipated to rise rapidly at a CAGR of 6.6%.

Doxorubicin Market- Demand for doxorubicin is anticipated to increase steadily at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2022 to 2026. At present, the global doxorubicin market stands at US$ 1.1 Billion, and are projected to reach a valuation of US$ 1.3 Billion by the end of 2026.

Heart Attack Diagnostics Market- The heart attack diagnostics market is predicted to grow at a moderate CAGR of 7.1% during the forecast period of 2022 to 2032. The global heart attack diagnostics market is estimated to reach a value of nearly US$ 22.2 Billion by 2032 by growing from US$ 10.4 Billion in 2021.

Smart Implants Market- The global smart implants market is estimated at US$ 3.9 billion in 2022, and is forecast to surpass a market value of US$ 22.2 billion by 2032. Smart implants are expected to contribute significantly to the global implants market, with demand surging at a CAGR of 19% from 2022 to 2032.

Facial Implants Market- The global facial implant market was valued at US$ 2.7 Billion in 2022, and is expected to rise at a 7.7% value CAGR, likely to reach US$ 5.6 Billion by the end of the 2022-2032 forecast period.

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Bioabsorbable Stents Market to Grow at a Fine CAGR of 9.6% through 2032: Improvements in Healthcare Infrastructure and Growing Geriatric Population to...

To Read More: Bioabsorbable Stents Market to Grow at a Fine CAGR of 9.6% through 2032: Improvements in Healthcare Infrastructure and Growing Geriatric Population to…
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Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Spinal Cord Injury: In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis – Newswise

By daniellenierenberg

Abstract: Electrical stimulation influences neural stem cell neurogenesis. We analyzed the effects of electrical stimulation on neurogenesis in rodent spinal cord-derived neural stem cells (SC-NSCs) in vitro and in vivo and evaluated functional recovery and neural circuitry improvements with electrical stimulation using a rodent spinal cord injury (SCI) model. Rats (20 rats/group) were assigned to a sham (Group 1), SCI only (Group 2), SCI + electrode implant without stimulation (Group 3), and SCI + electrode with stimulation (Group 4) groups to count total SC-NSCs and differentiated neurons and evaluate morphological changes in differentiated neurons. Further, the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan scores were analyzed, and the motor and somatosensory evoked potentials in all rats were monitored. In vitro, biphasic electrical currents increased SC-NSC proliferation and neuronal differentiation and caused qualitative morphological changes in differentiated neurons. Electrical stimulation promoted SC-NSC proliferation and neuronal differentiation and improved functional outcomes and neural circuitry in SCI models. Increased Wnt3, Wnt7, and -catenin protein levels were also observed after electrical stimulation. In conclusion, our study proved the beneficial effects of electrical stimulation on SCI. We believe that Wnt/-catenin pathway activation may be associated with this relationship between electrical stimulation and neuronal regeneration after SCI.

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Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Spinal Cord Injury: In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis - Newswise

To Read More: Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Spinal Cord Injury: In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis – Newswise
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UK Judge to Decide if 12-Year-Old Will Be Removed from Life Support, Parents Beg for More Time to Heal –

By daniellenierenberg

A 12-year-old boy's parents in the United Kingdom are trying to keep him hooked up to life support systems after doctors have said they believe he is "brain stem dead."

Archie Battersbee's mother and father, Holly Dance and Paul Battersbee want to give their son every chance at life after he was found unconscious on April 7 with a ligature around his neck. He reportedly had participated in what is believed to be an online blackout challenge, according to watchdog Christian Concern.

The boy is in critical condition at the Royal London Hospital.

His parents say a video of Archie gripping his mother's fingers is proof that he's still alive and his brain is functioning.

But his doctors believe there's no hope for the boy to recover since they believe his brain stem is dead. Scans show blood is not flowing to the area, according to Sky News. The stem lies at the base of the brain above the spinal cord. It is responsible for regulating most of the body's automatic functions essential for life. Doctors have said Archie's stem is 50% damaged and that 10% to 20% of the stem is in necrosis - where cells have died and/or are decaying.

Lawyers for the Barts Health NHS Trust said that doctors have repeatedly recreated the moment of the boy holding a clinician's hand, but the hospital workers felt "friction" not a grip, which the doctors say is consistent with muscle stiffness.

The hospital group has asked the Family Division of the High Court to rule that it is in Archie's 'best interests' to die by removing life support. However, Archie's family is not convinced that he is brain dead. They have experienced behavior that contradicts what the hospital first told them, and have also seen stories of remarkable recoveries from similar conditions in other patients, according to Christian Concern.

A High Court judge will decide if the boy will be taken off life support.

On Thursday, Archie's mother sat down for an interview with Christian Concern. She said she's fighting to keep her son alive.

Archie's mother Holly also told Sky News her son has not been given enough time to recover from his brain injury. "I don't understand the rush," she said. "I know they haven't got a lot of beds in hospital, but I don't understand the rush."

"I know he's in there and I know all that child needs is time. My gut instinct is spot on. My child is in there. He needs time to heal," she said.

An online petition to the hospital's chief executive officer has been created to ask that legal action be withdrawn in Archie's case. So far, almost 68,000 people have signed it.

Watch Christian Concern's video about Archie Battersbee below:

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UK Judge to Decide if 12-Year-Old Will Be Removed from Life Support, Parents Beg for More Time to Heal -

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First-of-its-Kind Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Highlighted at Annual Stem Cell Meeting – Newswise

By daniellenierenberg

Newswise LOS ANGELES (June 9, 2022) --Investigators from Cedars-Sinai will present the latest novel stem cell and regenerative medicine research at the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, which is being held in person and virtually June 15-19 in San Francisco.

At this years scientific forum,Clive Svendsen, PhD, a renowned scientist and executive director of theCedars-SinaiBoard of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute, willassume the role as treasurerfor the organization. In this position, he will be working with leading scientists, clinicians, business leaders, ethicists, and educators to pursue the common goal of advancing stem cell research and its translation to the clinic.

Along with taking on this leadership role, Svendsens work on a combination stem cell-gene therapy for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, afatal neurological disorder known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, was selected as a Breakthrough Clinical Advances abstract and one ofthe years most compelling pieces of stem cell science. Svendsen will present data from the first spinal cord trial and a synopsis of the ongoing cortical trial and the potential impact this may have on this devastating disease.

The breakthrough oral session, A new trial transplanting neural progenitors modified to release GDNF into the motor cortex of patients with ALS, takes place on Thursday, June 16, from 5:15 to 7 p.m. The presentation is part of the Biotech, Pharma and AcademiaBringing Stem Cells to Patients Clinical Applications track.

Through this highly collaborative work, we hope to develop new therapeutic options for patients with such a debilitating and deadly disease, said Svendsen, who is also the Kerry and Simone Vickar Family Foundation Distinguished Chair in Regenerative Medicine.

All abstracts are embargoed until the start of each individual presentation.

Additional noteworthy presentations featuring Cedars-Sinai investigators at ISSCR 2022 include:

FollowCedars-Sinai Academic Medicineon Twitterfor more on the latest basic science and clinical research from Cedars-Sinai.

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First-of-its-Kind Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Highlighted at Annual Stem Cell Meeting - Newswise

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Leukemia After COVID-19: Is There a Connection? – Healthline

By daniellenierenberg

More than 500 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since late 2019. Most people who develop COVID-19 have mild disease, but theres compelling evidence that people with certain health conditions like leukemia are at elevated risk of severe disease or death.

A 2021 study presented at the 63rd American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition found that people with blood cancer have a 17 percent chance of dying from COVID-19, significantly higher than the general population.

Its less clear if COVID-19 increases your risk of developing leukemia or other blood cancers. Some researchers think its plausible that COVID-19, in combination with other factors, could contribute to cancer development. At this time, the link remains theoretical.

Read on to learn more about how COVID-19 could, in theory, contribute to the development of leukemia.

Some types of blood cancer have been linked to infections. Its not clear if COVID-19 contributes to the development of leukemia, but scientists have found some theoretical links.

Cancer development is usually a consequence of multiple factors that drive genetic mutations in cancer cells. Its plausible that COVID-19 could predispose your body to cancer or accelerate cancer progression.

Most people with COVID-19 recover within 2 to 6 weeks, but some people have symptoms that linger for months. Its thought that the lingering effects result from chronic low grade inflammation triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Chronic inflammation can cause DNA damage that contributes to the development of cancer. In a study published in April 2021, researchers hypothesized lingering inflammation in people with COVID-19 could increase cancer risk.

The immune response in people with COVID-19 is orchestrated by pro-inflammatory molecules linked to the development of tumors, specifically:

COVID-19 is also associated with other processes known to drive cancer formation such as:

A few case studies have reported people admitted to the hospital with leukemia shortly after developing COVID-19. However, its not clear if COVID-19 played a role or how much of a role it played. Leukemia may have developed coincidentally.

The authors of a 2022 study present a theoretical framework of how COVID-19 could influence the development of blood cancers. According to the researchers, an abnormal immune response to viral infections can indirectly trigger gene mutations that promote leukemia.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can also significantly interact with the renin-angiotensin system, which is suggested to have a role in the development of cancerous blood cells.

In a case study published in 2021, researchers present the case of a 61-year-old man who developed acute myeloid leukemia 40 days after developing COVID-19. The researchers concluded that more studies are needed to assess whether theres an association between COVID-19 and acute leukemia.

In another case study from 2020, researchers presented a man who developed COVID-19 as the first sign of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The researchers found that the persons lymphocyte count doubled over 4 weeks, suggesting the viral infection is associated with the replication of B cells, the type of white blood cell that CLL develops in.

Some other types of viral infections have been linked to the development of leukemia.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common childhood cancer, and its rates have been increasing. Growing evidence strongly suggests an abnormal immune response to infections early in life is responsible.

Having a human adult T-cell leukemia virus type 1 infection is linked to the development of T-cell leukemia. This virus is transmitted primarily through bodily fluids. The World Health Organization estimates that 5 to 10 million people have the viral infection.

Some types of infections have been linked to the development of another type of blood cancer called lymphoma. They include:

The FDA has approved the drug remdesivir for adults and some children with COVID-19.

At the time of writing, theres no evidence that remdesivir can cause leukemia.

In a 2021 study, a 6-year-old child with newly diagnosed ALL and COVID-19 was treated with remdesivir and convalescent plasma therapy before starting leukemia treatment.

No adverse events were linked to the therapy, and the researchers concluded this treatment could be considered in people with cancer to accelerate the resolution of the viral infection and to start cancer treatment sooner.

Some researchers have raised concerns that the antiviral drug molnupiravir, which received FDA Emergency Use Authorization on December 23, 2021, could potentially cause cancerous mutations or birth defects. Researchers are continuing to examine these potential adverse effects.

The development of blood cancer is complex. Researchers are continuing to examine whether COVID-19 infection can contribute to the development of leukemia or any other blood cancer. Some researchers have posed a theoretical link, but more research is needed.

None of the vaccines approved for use in the United States interact with your DNA or cause cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its a myth that mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) can cause changes to your DNA.

About 25 percent of blood cancer patients dont produce detectable antibodies after vaccination, according to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). However, the CDC continues to recommend that everyone with cancer still get vaccinated.

LLS experts say vaccination should be combined with other prevention precautions for the best protection.

People with cancer seem to be at a higher risk of severe COVID-19. According to the National Cancer Institute, people with blood cancer may have a higher risk of prolonged infection and death than people with solid tumors.

Researchers are continuing to examine the link between leukemia and COVID-19. Strong evidence suggests that people with leukemia are at an increased risk of developing severe COVID-19.

Some researchers have posed that COVID-19 could contribute to leukemia formation, but as of now, the link remains theoretical. Much more research is needed to understand the connection.

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Leukemia After COVID-19: Is There a Connection? - Healthline

To Read More: Leukemia After COVID-19: Is There a Connection? – Healthline
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First children in UAE to receive bone marrow transplants bring hope to others – The National

By daniellenierenberg

The success story of two young children who were the first to receive paediatric bone morrow transplants in the UAE was shared at an event in Abu Dhabi.

Burjeel Medical Citys bone marrow transplant unit, which was inaugurated in the capital in September, carried out the procedures on Jordana, 5, and Ahmed Daoud Al Uqabi, 2, just two weeks apart in April.

Both are now on the road to recovery and act as examples of the life-saving work being performed under a landmark health strategy.

Previously patients in the Emirates requiring bone marrow transplants would have to seek medical treatment abroad.

In the next two years, doctors hope to cut by half the number of patients needing to undergo such transplant procedures.

They spoke of efforts to drive forward the country's health sector at the first Emirates Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Congress in Abu Dhabi on Friday.

Jordana's donor for the milestone procedure was her 10-year-old sister Jolina. Photo: Burjeel Medical City

Two-year-old Ahmed Daoud Al Uqabi was the first child with thalassemia, a genetic defect in the composition of haemoglobin, to receive a bone marrow transplant at the Burjeel unit. His donor was an older sibling.

He had travelled to the Emirates from Iraq for treatment, highlighting the UAE's mission to deliver world-class health care and become a centre for medical tourism.

Jordana, 5, from Uganda, who has sickle-cell anaemia, benefited from a matched sibling transplant that involved her receiving healthy stem cells from her sister Jolina, 10.

Her sister attended the Abu Dhabi conference, along with their mother.

The allogeneic stem cell transplant involves transferring healthy blood stem cells from a donor to replace a patients diseased or damaged bone marrow.

The complex procedure requires collecting stem cells from the donor's blood, bone marrow within a donor's hipbone, or from the blood of a donated umbilical cord, before transferring them to the patient.

Dr Zainul Aabideen, head of paediatric haematology and oncology at BMC, said after Jordana's surgery that she had endured great pain and suffering in her life.

Two-year-old Ahmed Daoud Al Uqabi was the first child with thalassemia, a genetic defect in the composition of haemoglobin, to receive a bone marrow transplant at the Burjeel unit. Photo: VPS Healthcare

The only curative option for this life-threatening condition is bone marrow transplantation," Dr Aabideen said.

"Prior to this procedure, there would have been immense suffering for the patient. The entire care team here at the hospital, as well as the childs parents, are delighted that the transplant will remove this pain from her life.

Both Ahmed and Jordana are on the road to recovery and medics have their sights set on helping hundreds more like them.

"Abu Dhabi is currently distinguished by the application of the highest standards used in the treatment of bone marrow transplantation," said Dr Fatima Al Kaabi, director of the Abu Dhabi Bone Marrow Transplant Programme at the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Centre.

"Providing these distinguished services in the country makes it easier for us as specialists in this field to provide medical care ... in addition to reducing costs compared with treatment abroad.

"We expect, during the next two years, with the presence of bone marrow transplants for children, to reduce requests for treatment abroad for these cases to 50 per cent.

Updated: May 28, 2022, 3:45 AM

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First children in UAE to receive bone marrow transplants bring hope to others - The National

To Read More: First children in UAE to receive bone marrow transplants bring hope to others – The National
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Biogennix’s DirectCell advanced bone grafting system used in 500th case – Spinal News International

By daniellenierenberg

DirectCell system (Biogennix)

Biogennix has announced that itsDirectCelladvanced bone grafting systemhas now been used in more than 500 cases.

The DirectCell system includes a bone graft product with advanced bone regeneration properties along with novel instrumentation engineered to harvest high concentrations of patient stem cells, say Biogennix.

The cell-stimulating graft within the system is theadvanced synthetic bone graft, Agilon, which is available in a mouldable and strip form. Agilon products are based on Biogennixs TrelCor technologythat contains ananocrystalline hydroxycarbanoapatite graft surfacewhich actively participates in bone regeneration.

The DirectCell system also provides surgeons two methods of collecting bone marrow derived stem cells, either through the harvesting of stem cell aspirate with significantly higher stem cell counts (compared to standard bone marrow aspirate) or marrow-rich autograft dowels.

The DirectCell System provides surgeons the means to harvest tissue with high stem cell counts and combine it with a graft material that is actively involved in the cellular bone formation response, said Mark Borden, Biogennixs CTO. This results in an optimal biological graft that immediately begins the bone regeneration process.

Jeffrey Wang, chief of orthopaedic spine service at USC and co-director of the USC Spine Center (Los Angeles, USA), has been he using the product in his spine fusion cases. He commented: When you combine live cells with an advanced surface, you are optimising the healing response. Surgeons and hospitals alike need innovative solutions with strong scientific backing, which incorporate new biological technologies.

Biogennix CEO Chris MacDuff, added: As a company our strength has always been our focus and deep expertise in advanced bone regeneration technologies. I attribute the swift success of the DirectCell system primarily to the solid science supporting its benefits.

When you use the patients own cells, you completely eliminate the risk of disease transmission that has recently been seen with cadaver-based stem cell products. The DirectCell system not only enables the harvest of significantly higher cell counts, but it is a safer and significantly more cost-effective alternative.

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Biogennix's DirectCell advanced bone grafting system used in 500th case - Spinal News International

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Global Stem Cell Banking Market To Be Driven At A CAGR Of 13.5% In The Forecast Period Of 2021-2026 ManufactureLink – ManufactureLink

By daniellenierenberg

The new report by Expert Market Research titled, Global Stem Cell Banking Market Report and Forecast 2021-2026, gives an in-depth analysis of the globalstem cell banking market, assessing the market based on its segments like Service type, product type, utilisation, bank type, application, and major regions like Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. The report tracks the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market. It also assesses the market dynamics, covering the key demand and price indicators, along with analysing the market based on the SWOT and Porters Five Forces models.

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The key highlights of the report include:

Market Overview (2021-2026)

The global stem cell bank market is primarily driven by the advancements in the field of medicine and the rising prevalence of genetic and degenerativediseases. Further, the increasing research and development of more effective technologies for better preservation, processing, and storage of stem cells are aiding the growth. Additionally, rising prevalence of chronic diseases globally is increasing the for advances inmedicaltechnologies, thus pushing the growth further. Moreover, factors such as rising health awareness, developinghealthcare infrastructure, growing geriatric population, and the inflatingdisposableincomes are expected to propel the market in the forecast period.

Industry Definition and Major Segments

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells present in bone marrow,umbilical cordadipose tissue and blood. They have the ability to of differentiate and regenerate. The process of storing and preserving these cells for various application such as gene therapy, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering is known as stem cell banking.

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By service type, the market is divided into:

Based on product type, the industry can be segmented into:

The market is bifurcated based on utilization into:

By bank type, the industry can be broadly categorized into:

Based on application, the industry can be segmented into:

On the basis of regional markets, the industry is divided into:

1 North America1.1 United States of America1.2 Canada2 Europe2.1 Germany2.2 United Kingdom2.3 France2.4 Italy2.5 Others3 Asia Pacific3.1 China3.2 Japan3.3 India3.4 ASEAN3.5 Others4 Latin America4.1 Brazil4.2 Argentina4.3 Mexico4.4 Others5 Middle East & Africa5.1 Saudi Arabia5.2 United Arab Emirates5.3 Nigeria5.4 South Africa5.5 Others

Market Trends

Regionally, North America is projected to dominate the global stem cell bank market and expand at a significant rate. This can be attributed to increasing research and development for stem cell application in various medical fields. Further, growing investments of pharmaceutical players and development infrastructure are other factors that are expected to stem cell bank market in the region. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific market is also expected to witness fast growth owing to the rapid development in healthcare facilities and increasing awareness of stem cell banking in countries such as China, India, and Indonesia.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are Cryo-Cell International, Inc., Smart Cells International Ltd., CSG-BIO Company, Inc., CBR Systems Inc., ViaCord, LLC, LifeCell International Pvt. Ltd., and a few others. The report covers the market shares, capacities, plant turnarounds, expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest developments of these market players.

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Expert Market Research is a leading business intelligence firm, providing custom and syndicated market reports along with consultancy services for our clients. We serve a wide client base ranging from Fortune 1000 companies to small and medium enterprises. Our reports cover over 100 industries across established and emerging markets researched by our skilled analysts who track the latest economic, demographic, trade and market data globally.

At Expert Market Research, we tailor our approach according to our clients needs and preferences, providing them with valuable, actionable and up-to-date insights into the market, thus, helping them realize their optimum growth potential. We offer market intelligence across a range of industry verticals which include Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverage, Technology, Retail, Chemical and Materials, Energy and Mining, Packaging and Agriculture.

Media Contact

Company Name: Claight CorporationContact Person: Steven Luke, Corporate Sales Specialist U.S.A.Email:[emailprotected]Toll Free Number: +1-415-325-5166 | +44-702-402-5790Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USAWebsite:

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Global Stem Cell Banking Market To Be Driven At A CAGR Of 13.5% In The Forecast Period Of 2021-2026 ManufactureLink - ManufactureLink

To Read More: Global Stem Cell Banking Market To Be Driven At A CAGR Of 13.5% In The Forecast Period Of 2021-2026 ManufactureLink – ManufactureLink
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A Systematic Review of the Role of Runt-Related Transcription Factor 1 (RUNX1) in the Pathogenesis of Hematological Malignancies in Patients With…

By daniellenierenberg

Therunt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) gene is known as a critical regulator of embryogenesis and definitive hematopoiesis in vertebrates, playing a vital role in the generation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and their differentiation into the myeloid and lymphoid lineage. The discovery of RUNX1 mutationsas the cause of familial platelet disorder (FPD) was pivotal to understanding the implications of this gene in hematological malignancies.FPD is an inherited bone marrow failure syndrome (IBMFS) with quantitative and qualitative platelet abnormalities and a highpredisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (AML)[1,2].IBMFS are genetic disorders characterized by cytopenia and hypoproliferation of one or more cell lineages in the bone marrow[1]. The production of blood cells (erythrocytes, granulocytes, and platelets) is compromised because of the mono-allelic gene mutation in one of certain bone marrow genes. Besides FPD, the other most common IBMFSs include Fanconi anemia (FA), Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA), Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS), and severe congenital neutropenia (SCN)[3]. Patients with IBMFSs show a predisposition to developinghematological complications, such as myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or AML[3]. MDS is a pre-leukemic state defined by the presence of refractory cytopenia or refractory cytopenia with an excess of blasts (5-29%) in the bone marrow. AML is a blood cancer that is characterized by rapid leukemic blast cell growth and the presence of more than 30% myeloid blasts in the bone marrow[2].

Recent studies have shown that RUNX1 germline mutations in patients with IBMFS arelikeacquiredorsomatic RUNX1 mutations that were found in myeloid malignancies, particularly in MDS and AML[3].It has become clear that somatic RUNX1 mutations are more prevalent in MDS/AML that is secondary to IBMFS, such as FA and SCN. Unlike acquired MDS/AML, these forms of secondary MDS/AML are often refractory to treatment,resulting ina poor prognosis. Because the somatic mutation of RUNX1 was first identified in MDS and AML, RUNX1 has become known to be one of the most frequently mutated genes in a variety of hematologicalmalignancies[4].

Despite recent research having demonstrated the strong association of RUNX1 mutations in a variety of hematological malignancies, it is unclear howRUNX1 mutations contributetothepathogenesis of hematological malignancies in IBMFS. What are the frequencies of different RUNX1 mutations in various subgroups of hematological malignancies, as well as their impact on prognosis? Furthermore, is there any potential for the developmentof new cancer therapies following recent findings regarding the role of RUNX1 in the malignanttransformation[5]?

In this article, we summarize new research onthe role of RUNX1 mutations, published in February 2020 by three different groups[6-8].They performed different experiments in human, mouse, and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) models to decipher the role of the RUNX1 gene in the malignant transformation of IBMFS; the mechanisms of pathogenesis; clinical and molecular characteristics of RUNX1 mutations; and the potential for the treatmentof cancers. The mouse and iPSC models suggested that secondary RUNX1 mutations in clones with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 3 receptor (GCSF3R) mutations are weakly leukemogenic and that an additional clonal mutation in theCXXC finger protein 4 (CXXC4) gene is required for the full transformation to AML[9].Mutations in the CXXC4 gene lead to the hyperproduction of inflammatory proteins called theten-eleven translocation (TET2) proteins.This inflammation, in combination with the RUNX1 mutations, drives the development of myeloid malignancies[10].The other pathogenic mechanisms wherein RUNX1 mutations may initiate tumor cellproliferation 18arethe inhibition of the p53 pathway and hypermethylation of the promoter of Wingless and Int1 (WNT) inhibitor gene called secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP2)[11,12].

These discoveries may have the potential to aidthe development of new therapeutic strategies.Specifically, immunotherapy may be employed for suppression of the excessive immune response to hyperproduction of TET2 proteins.The other potential therapeutics, such as mouse double minute 2 (MDM2) andpoly adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase(PARP) inhibitors, may be used to inhibit the hyperactivation of the p53 pathway or hypersensitivity to DNA damage resulting from RUNX1 mutations[11]. Because the presence of RUNX1 mutation represents a poor prognostic factor in patients with MDS or AML, the investigation of various biomarkers is critical as they may detect the clones with RUNX1 mutation, in the early stages of leukemic progression[7].

Search Strategy

The PubMed online database search was used to select the articles which are included in this review. The findings were reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The following medical subject heading (MeSH) parameters were used: inherited and bone marrow and failure and syndromes. This search resulted in 5,051 articles.

Selection Criteria

The identified articles were further filtered. Thereview selectedonly articles that met the following criteria: (1) papers published between January and December 2020; (2) free full-text available; (3) papers written in English; and (4) studies conducted on human participants. Among screened articles, only clinical trials, meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, and systematic reviews were included. Five citations from other sources were not included because they were not relevant to the topic. To further select the articles, we included the following MeSH terms: hematologic neoplasms, gene expression regulation, leukemic, RUNX1 protein, human, and Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, Autosomal recessive. Any articles that were not relevant to the role of the RUNX1 gene were excluded. These criteria allowcomparison between articles; however, it should be noted that differing lab protocols between studies prevents validation of results using the same assessment tool. A systematic search review is reported using the PRISMA 2020 guidelines [13].The diagram is presented in Figure1.

The selected articles were used to evaluate the clinical and molecular characteristics of RUNX1 mutation in various types of hematological malignancies, the mechanisms of pathogenesis caused by RUNX1 mutations, and potential therapeutic strategies for hematological malignancies with RUNX1 mutations.

Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of RUNX1 Mutation in Hematological Malignancies

RUNX1 gene has multiple biological functions in the human body. It regulates hematopoiesis, the cell cycle and genome stability, the p53 signaling pathway, apoptosis, and ribosomal biogenesis. During hematopoiesis, this gene controls the development of HSCs and their differentiation in different lineages. The transition from the G1-S to the G2/M phase of the cell cycle is facilitated by RUNX1. This gene controls cellular proliferation and differentiation via direct regulation of transcription, achieved by binding promoters of the genes that are encoding ribosomal RNA/proteins. According to recently published data, somatic mutations of RUNX1 were observed in various types of hematological malignancies. We present the frequency of RUNX1 mutations in various types of hematological malignancies in Table 1 below.

Most frequently, somatic mutations of RUNX1 were associated with the development of myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) (10.3-37.5%) and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) (32.1-37%). Despite this, the association between RUNX1 somatic mutations and MDS was only 10%.

The Mechanisms of Pathogenesis Caused by RUNX1 Mutations

In the selected studies, the different mechanisms of pathogenesis caused by RUNX1 mutations were characterized. It has been shown that loss of RUNX1 function causes inhibition of differentiation of HSCs. Therefore, in pre-leukemia, we found expansion of HSCs and progenitor cells. RUNX1 mutations may attenuate the G1-S phase and enhance the proliferation of hematopoietic cells that occur during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle (G2/M) [7]. The mutations can also result in genomic instability, leading to increased DNA damage and impaired DNA repair. Some mutations in RUNX1 are associated with alterations of signaling pathways, such as WNT and p53. Hypermethylation of the WNT inhibitor gene promoter, SFRP2, can lead to aberrant activation of the WNT signaling pathway and leukemogenesis in AML. When functioning normally, the RUNX1 gene acts to increase transcriptional activity of the p53 signaling pathway, in response to DNA damage caused by exposure to different agents such as chemicals, radiation, and toxins. Mutations in RUNX1 may lead to defects in p53-mediated apoptosis/DNA repair/cell cycle regulation resulting in tumorigenesis. Furthermore, loss-of-function mutations of RUNX1 may aid tumor-initiating cells in hematological malignancies via inhibition of p53 signaling and apoptosis, among other mechanisms. Such mutations have reduced ribosomal biogenesis in HSCs and directed to malignant proliferative processes in the pre-leukemic stage [6]. In vivo studies, administration of amino acid L-leucine to patients with DBA resulted in loss-of-function mutations in ribosomal protein genes. Research into iPSC confirmed that the introduction of the mutated RUNX1 gene into CD34+CD45+ cells via lentivirus can stimulate receptor which binds the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 3 receptor (GCSF3R) and initiates the production of immature cells. The percentage of immature cells was significantly increased when compared to the percentage in empty vector (ev) control studies. The myeloid differentiation of GCSF3R-d715/RUNX1-D171N and GCSF3R-d715/ev cells without RUNX1-D171N lentiviral expression vector or with an ev is presented in Figure 2.

Potential Therapeutic Strategies for RUNX1-Mutated Cases of Hematological Malignancies

Clinical trials demonstrated potential therapeutic strategies for RUNX1 mutated hematologic malignancies.Based on the current RUNX1 roles in human hematopoiesis, various therapeutic options were developed. Thus far, the different DNA repair inhibitors can be useful in the M phase of cell cycle repair or bypassing the cells with damage because RUNX1 mutations lead to DNA damage and impaired DNA repair[32].In addition, adriamycin as an antineoplastic drug can stimulate the RUNX1-p53 complex which is important in the activation of p53-mediated apoptosis[11].L-leucine can be used to improve anemia in the genetic DBA mouse models and DBA patients. This agent is a potent stimulator of protein translation that is initialized by the activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein kinase. This kinase stimulates protein synthesis[33].Another agent, clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeats-associated genes (CRISPR-Cas) can be used as a genomic targeted treatment as this agent can edit the RUNX1 gene by cutting pieces of DNA where RUNX1 mutations are, followed by stimulating natural DNArepair[6].Finally, hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) inhibitor can potentially treat various hematological malignancies as a modulator of cell metabolism. MDS and other hematological malignancies are in hypoxia-like status and produce their energy through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The use of HIF-1 inhibitor can suppress the TCA cycle and modulate it into an aerobic metabolic pathway called glycolysis through which the normal cells are supplied with energy. The recent studies proposed therapeutic strategies that employed the different pathophysiological mechanisms to correct the RUNX1 mutations, as shown in Figure3.

The RUNX1 gene plays essential roles in a wide range of biological processes, including the development of HSCs, cell proliferation,megakaryocyte maturation, T lymphocyte-lineage differentiation,and apoptosis. It is not surprising that RUNX1 dysfunction is associated with the development of IBMFSs and various hematological malignancies[7,21,34].

Previous studies have shown that RUNX1 is one of the most frequently mutated genes in hematologicalmalignancies. RUNX1mutations account for about 10-15% of all somatic mutations that have been detected in MDS[21,35].The incidence of RUNX1 mutations in CMML and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is even higher, ranging from 32.1% to 37%, respectively[36].RUNX1 mutations have also been reported in 14% of patients withMPN,15.6% of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL),and 10.3-37.5% of AML patients. Importantly, these studies have shown that mutated RUNX1can be used as an independent prognostic factor for event-freesurvival (EFS), relapse-free survival (RFS), or overall survival (OS) in hematological malignancies[37].Therefore, AML patients with RUNX1 mutations had worse prognosis, resistance to chemotherapy, and inferior EFS,RFS, and OS. Reduced OS was also observed in high-risk MDS patients with RUNX1mutations who had poor clinical outcomes and shorter latency for progression to secondary AML[38,39].

Little is known about the role of the RUNX1 gene in the development of secondary somatic mutations in patients with IBMFSs and how these mutations lead to hematological malignancies. The data have shown that individuals with IBMFSs, such as FPD and FA, have a high lifetime risk (30-44%) of developing MDS and AML [29,30]. Among FA-associated MDS or MDS/AML patients, RUNX1 mutations were detected in the range from 20.7% to 31.25%, respectively. In SCN-MDS/AML patients RUNX1 mutations were seen at the highest rate of up to 64.5% which revealed that these types of mutations are the most frequent somatic secondary mutations in SCN-MDS/AML [31,40,41]. Given that the patients with SCN are more prone to develop somatic RUNX1 mutations, SCN/AML has been recognized as an important model to further investigate the role of secondary RUNX1 mutations in the molecular pathogenesis of hematological malignancies. SCN is an IBMFS classified by severe neutropenia and life-threatening infections such as fungal infections or bacterial sepsis [40]. The most frequent mutated gene is encoding neutrophil elastase (ELANE). The treatment consists of life-long administration of GCSF3 that successfully alleviates the neutrophil counts [42]. As is common with other forms of IBMFSs, SCN patients have a high risk of developing MDS or AML. The incidence of developing MDS or AML directly correlates to the number of years on GCSF3. Therefore, after 15 years on GCSF3, the incidence of developing MDS or AML is 21% [31]. The majority of SCN patients with leukemic progression develop hematopoietic clones with somatic mutations in GCSF3R, resulting in a truncated form of GCSF3R [42]. It is important to note that these clones can persist for several months or years before MDS or AML becomes symptomatic, raising the question of how these GCSF3R mutants contribute to the malignant transformation of SCN [31,41]. Given this, a mouse model was used to study the role of RUNX1. In this study, a truncated GCSF3R (GCSF3R-D715) identical to the mutant GCSF3R form in SCN patients was expressed in mice [43]. In addition, a lentiviral expression vector was used to express RUNX1-mutant D171N in conjunction with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) [8]. The mouse bone marrow (BM) cells with expressed GCSF3R-D715 mutation were subsequently serially transplanted into wild-type recipients. Before transplantation, the recipients were treated either three times per week with GCSF3 or with peripheral blood solvent (PBS) control. Primary recipients who were treated with GCSF3 and transplanted with GCSFR3-RUNX1-mutant BM cells developed myeloblasts in peripheral blood (PB) that were sustained for at least 30 weeks. None of these mice developed symptoms of AML, suggesting that the elevated myeloblasts in the PB reflected a pre-leukemic state rather than a fully transformed state. However, upon transplantation in secondary and tertiary recipients, mice developed GCSF3R-RUNX1-mutant AML. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) was performed on lin-c-kit (LK) cells and revealed that AML cells from the secondary and tertiary recipients had seven-fold higher expressions of CXXC4 mutations than the cells from the primary recipient. Recently, CXXC4 mutations have also been detected in human AML cases [9]. It seems that CXXC4 mutations enhance the production of TET2 protein which is known to be an inflammatory factor and has a similar role to interferon-gamma, interleukin-6, and others. Interferon-gamma and interleukin-6 are cytokines that are produced in response to infections and tissue damage, with pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. Hyperproduction of TET2 leads to inflammatory processes that may play an important role in the development of myeloid malignancy involving RUNX1 mutations [10]. In conclusion, isolated RUNX-Runt homology domain (RHD) mutations are only weakly leukemogenic and an additional clonal mutation that reduces levels of TET2 is what drives the full transformation to AML [8,32]. The data suggest the need for further investigation into the somatic RUNX1 mutations in HSPCs that already harbour a GCSF3R nonsense mutation. To achieve this, a CRISPR/Cas9-based strategy was used to introduce a patient-derived GCSF3R nonsense mutation into iPSC. CRISPR-Cas9 is a technology used for removing, adding, or altering sections of the DNA. After culturing iPSC, CD34+CD45+ cells were transduced using a lentivirus to express the RUNX1-RHD D171N mutant. The experiments confirm that the combinations of GCSF3R and RUNX1 mutations have a moderate effect on myeloid differentiation and result in an increasing number of myeloblasts. These findings corroborate the findings in the mouse model and suggest that secondary RUNX1 mutations in clones with GCSF3R mutations are not sufficient to fully transform to AML.

Most of the RUNX1 mutations are mono-allelic, such as in FPD, an IBMFS resulting in apredisposition to leukemia[1,2]. Germline RUNX1 mutations are dominant-negative mutations and correlate toa higher risk of developing hematological malignancies compared to RUNX1 loss-of-function mutations[5-8].It is important to note, however, that such germline mutations alone are not sufficient for the development of leukemia and additional mutations in RUNX1 (bi-allelicmutations)or epigenetic modifiers, splicing factors, or tumor suppressors are required to induce myeloid malignancies[1,4].

It has been observed that mutations in RUNX1 are associated with alterations of p53 and other signaling pathways, such as WNT, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-), rat sarcoma-the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (RAS-ERK), Hippo-yes-1-associated protein (YAP1), and Notch.Unlike mono-allelic mutations, loss-of-function mutations of RUNX1 are responsible for initiating tumor cell proliferation by inhibiting the p53 signaling pathway and apoptosis.Thep53 pathway is activated in DNA damage and is responsible for DNA repair.RUNX1 increases the transcriptional activity of p53, potentially via up-regulation of p300-mediated acetylation of p53. RUNX1 mutations lead to a reduction of p53-mediated apoptosis[11].The WNT pathway is important for cellular proliferation and differentiation, with aberrant activation of this pathway being reported in various tumors. RUNX1 mutations were closely associated with hypermethylation of the promoter of one of the WNT inhibitor genes (SFRP2) in AML. It was suggested that the WNT inhibitor hypermethylation might lead to aberrant activation of the WNT signaling pathway. It is suggested that mutation in the RUNX1 gene can interact with the SFRP2 gene which is known as an inhibitor gene responsible for the suppression of the WNT signaling pathway. Due to interaction with genetic alterations, the hypermethylation of SFRP2 gene promoter is initiated and leads to leukemogenesis where cellular proliferation and differentiation are uncontrolled[12].

This review has highlighted the importance of studying the role of somatic RUNX1 mutations in the pathogenesis of hematological malignancies and the potential implications in the development of oncological therapies. This review does, however, had some limitations.First,the results presented in this review were collected from only three articles that were published over the limited time frame of one year. In addition, we included only articles that were available in the PubMed database and in both free text format and English language. This review did not apply the same assessment tools such as the lab protocols for conducting experiments. Variations between lab protocols did not allow the comparison of study results. In all the articles included, the scope of the study was the role of RUNX1 mutations in animal and human disease models, including only SCN and FA as the IBMFS representatives without knowing if RUNX1 mutations may contribute to the development of malignancies in other IBMFS. A broader literature search and greater inclusion of studies about RUNX1 mutations in pathogenesis in other IBMFS may better represent and validate the inferences from this review.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market Growth: 2022, Observing High Industry Demand and Business Trends Carbon Valley Farmer and Miner -…

By daniellenierenberg

The latest release titled Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report 2022-2028 (by Product Type, End-User / Application, and Regions / Countries) provides an in-depth assessment of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy including key market trends, upcoming technologies, industry drivers, challenges, regulatory policies, key players company profiles, and strategies. Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market study with 100+ market data Tables, Pie Chat, Graphs & Figures is now released. The report presents a complete assessment of the Market covering future trends, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry-validated market data forecast until 2028.

A sample report can be viewed by visiting (Use Corporate eMail ID to Get Higher Priority) at:

Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market and Competitive Analysis:

Know your current market situation! Not only an important element for new products but also for current products given the ever-changing market dynamics. The study allows marketers to stay in touch with current consumer trends and segments where they can face a rapid market share drop. Discover who you really compete against in the marketplace, with Market Share Analysis know market position, % Market Share, and Segmented Revenue of Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market.

Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, a detailed analysis of the competitive landscape, and product services of key players. Analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy companies, key tactics followed by Leading Key Players:

Mesoblast, Roslin Cells, Regeneus, ReNeuron Group, International Stem Cell Corporation, Takeda

Market Segments by Type:

Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Bone Marrow Transplant, Adipose Tissue Stem Cells

Market Segments by Application:

Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Specialty Clinics

The base on geography, the Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy market has been segmented as follows:

North America includes the United States, Canada, and MexicoEurope includes Germany, France, the UK, Italy, SpainSouth America includes Colombia, Argentina, Nigeria, and ChileThe Asia Pacific includes Japan, China, Korea, India, Saudi Arabia, and Southeast Asia

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The Study Objectives are:

A comprehensive insight into key players operating in the Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy market and their corresponding data. It includes product portfolio, annual revenue, expenditure on research and development, geographical presence, key developments in recent years, and growth strategies. Regional analysis, which includes insight into the dominant market and corresponding market share. It also includes various socio-economic factors affecting the evolution of the market in the region. The report offers a comprehensive insight into different individuals from value chains such as raw materials suppliers, distributors, and stockholders.

Key Opportunities:

The report examines the key opportunities available in the Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. It considers the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers, and the current and future trends.

Pricing and Forecast

Pricing/subscription always plays an important role in buying decisions; so we have analyzed pricing to determine how customers or businesses evaluate it not just in relation to other product offerings by competitors but also with immediate substitute products. In addition to future sales Separate Chapters on Cost Analysis, Labor*, production*, and Capacity are Covered.

(Note: * if Applicable)

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Life with Leukaemia: The consultant’s words that made us think about how we spend our ‘now’ – Bishop’s Stortford Independent

By daniellenierenberg

A Bishop's Stortford family's story of navigating the emotional, physical and financial challenges of living with blood cancer, by Amy Gannon

Cancer has been in the press a lot lately. With cancer care in the NHS still suffering from the Covid pandemic causing disruption to health services, the cancer backlog is still very much a concern.

Now, more than ever, it is so important to promote cancer awareness and encourage people to get help and go to their GP if they feel something is not right.

Headlines have been full of Deborah James known online as BowelBabe being made a dame for her tireless efforts to promote awareness of cancer. Whilst receiving end-of-life care for her terminal bowel cancer she has raised over 6 million for cancer research. She is truly an inspiration. Her sheer lust for life and desire to continue living is just so pure and inspiring.

My fianc Joels blood cancer diagnosis has changed the whole way we view the world. This year showed me life is not just something you wake up to, it is not just a given.

Life is something you have to fight for, and if youre not fighting for it, if youre just inhaling and exhaling and walking through this world without a worry, then you truly have everything.

After a tough appointment with Joels consultant, who told us that for a cure Joel would most likely need a bone marrow transplant, we had a big think about the way we wanted to spend now.

The consultant said: "You need to start living for now, not in fear of the battle that is to come."

Those words stayed with me as we walked down the corridors of Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge to the car. Those corridors hold so many memories. The words said and treatments given in the rooms off those corridors hold so much power over peoples lives, emotions and existence.

Our appointment really highlighted to me the importance of bone marrow and stem cell donors. With only 30% of patients able to find a compatible donor within their family, it is so important to have people of all ages and races signed up to the donor register.

DKMS is a charity dedicated to fighting blood cancer and blood disorders, giving people a second chance at life through its donor database.

To register to donate stem cells, it couldnt be easier: go to the DKMS website and register online. Youll be sent a swab kit. Simply swab your cheeks and return to DKMS. Once your swab has been analysed you will be added to the register and available to save the life of someone anywhere in the globe!

With a transplant potentially on the horizon and the consultants words ringing in our ears, we decided to get away for the week. We headed to Center Parcs to be among the trees and nature. We turned off our phones and focused on us.

Watching Joel walk alongside other people, he looks a picture of health. He blends into the flow of the crowd. Nothing notable that screams I have cancer. Sometimes, for a moment, I forget that he has cancer all together.

While the majority of the country has ditched masks and returned mainly to normal, we still have to be very careful. We lateral flow test regularly, avoid crowded places and still wear masks. We have to trust in people making the right decisions; immuno-compromised people were somewhat neglected when the Government stopped compulsory isolating and access to free tests.

The reassurance and protection that frequent testing and isolating if Covid positive offered societys medically vulnerable have vanished, and trying to socialise in safe ways has become even more challenging.

This last fortnight has taught us to stop just existing and actually start living life with Joels leukaemia.

To anyone battling this cruel illness, you are more than your cancer. Cancer is part of your life but it doesnt define you.

Living alongside cancer is tough, but that doesnt mean it has to be all your life is about. You can still be yourself let your old self shine through the illness.

Sure, life has to change in certain ways; benefit versus risk has to be weighed up a lot. There are many challenges and its not easy, but I promise you can still find ways to be happy.

You can strive to not just simply exist but to actually live with cancer.

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READ ALSO Walk of Light in aid of Blood Cancer UK: Isla and I walking in step with our friends to live in a world free of blood cancer

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Life with Leukaemia: The consultant's words that made us think about how we spend our 'now' - Bishop's Stortford Independent

To Read More: Life with Leukaemia: The consultant’s words that made us think about how we spend our ‘now’ – Bishop’s Stortford Independent
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Stem Cells: A Case for the Use of Human Embryos in Scientific Research

By daniellenierenberg


Embryonic stem cells have immense medical potential. While both their acquisition for and use in research are fraught with controversy, arguments against their usage are rebutted by showing that embryonic stem cells are not equivalent to human lives. It is then argued that not using human embryos is unethical. Finally, an alternative to embryonic stem cells is presented.

Embryonic stem cells have the potential to cure nearly every disease and condition known to humanity. Stem cells are natures Transformers. They are small cells that can regenerate indefinitely, waiting to transform into a specialized cell type such as a brain cell, heart cell or blood cell [1]. Most stem cells form during the earliest stages of human development, immediately when an embryo is formed. These cells, known as embryonic stem cells (ESCs), eventually develop into every single type of cell in the body. As the embryo develops, adult stem cells (ASCs) replace these all-powerful embryonic stem cells. ASCs can only become a number of different cells within their potency. This limited application means an adult mesenchymal stem cell cannot become a neural cell.

By harnessing the unique ability of embryonic stem cells to transform into functional cells, scientists can develop treatments for a number of diseases and injuries, according to the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, a private organization which awards grants for stem cell research [1]. For example, scientists at the Cleveland Clinic converted ESCs into heart muscle cells and injected them into patients who suffered from heart attacks. The cells continued to grow and helped the patients hearts recover [2].

With this enormous potential to cure devastating diseases, including heart failure, spinal cord injuries and Alzheimers disease, governments and research organizations have the moral imperative to support and encourage embryonic stem cell research. President Barack Obama signed an executive order in 2009 loosening federal funding restrictions on stem cell research, saying, We will aim for America to lead the world in the discoveries it one day may yield. [3]. The National Institute of Health and seven state governments, including California, Maryland and New York, followed Obamas lead by creating programs that offered over $5 billion in funding and other incentives to scientists and research institutions for stem cell research [4].

Scientists believe that harnessing the capability of embryonic stem cells will unlock the cure for countless diseases. I am very excited about embryonic stem cells, said Dr. Dieter Egli, professor of developmental cell biology at Columbia University. They will lead to unprecedented discoveries that will transform life. I have no doubt about it. [5]. The results thus far are inspiring. In 2016, Kris Boesen, a 21-year-old college student from Bakersfield, California, suffered a severe spinal cord injury in a car accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. In a clinical trial conducted by Dr. Charles Liu at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Boesen was injected with 10 million embryonic stem cells that transformed into nerve cells [6]. Three months after the treatment, Boesen regained the use of his arms and hands. He could brush his teeth, operate a motorized wheelchair, and live more independently. All Ive wanted from the beginning was a fighting chance, he said. The power of stem cells made his wish possible [6].

Embryonic stem cell treatments may also cure type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, which affects 42 million worldwide, is an autoimmune disorder that results in the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells found in the pancreas [7]. ViaCyte, a company in San Diego, California, is developing an implant that contains replacement beta cells originating from embryonic stem cells [7]. The implant will preserve or replace the original beta cells to protect them from the patients immune system [7]. The company believes that if successful, this strategy will effectively cure type 1 diabetes. Patients with the disease will no longer have to closely monitor their blood sugar levels and inject insulin [7]. ViaCyte projects that an experimental version of this implant will become available by 2020 [7].

Ultimately, scientists believe they will grow complex organs using stem cells within the next decade [8]. Over 115,000 people in the United States need a life-saving organ donation, and an average of 20 people die every day due to the lack of available organs for transplant, according to the American Transplant Foundation [9]. Three-dimensional printing of entire organs derived from stem cells holds the most promise for solving the organ shortage crisis [8]. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have successfully printed part of a functional liver [8]. While the printed liver is not ready for transplant, it still performs the functions of a normal liver. This has helped scientists reduce the need for often cruel and unethical animal testing. The scientists expose drugs to the printed liver and observe how it reacts. The livers response closely mimics that of a human beings and no living animals are harmed in the process [8].

Research using embryonic stems cells provides an unprecedented understanding of human development and the potential to cure devastating diseases. However, stem cell research has generated controversy among religious organizations such as the Catholic Church as well as the pro-life movement [3]. That is because scientists harvest stem cells from embryos donated by fertility clinics. Opponents of embryonicstem cell research equate the destruction of an embryo to the murder of an innocent human being [10]. Pope Benedict XVI said that harvesting stem cells is not only devoid of the light of God but is also devoid of humanity [3]. However, this view does not reflect a reasonable understanding and interpretation of basic biology. Researchers typically harvest embryonic stem cells from an embryo five days after fertilization [1]. At this stage, the entire embryo consists of less than 250 cells, smaller than the tip of a pin. Of these cells, only 30 are embryonic stem cells, which cannot perform any human function [11]. For comparison, an adult has more than 72 trillion cells, each with a specialized function [3]. Therefore, this microscopic blob of cells in no way represents human life.

With no functional cells, there exist no characteristics of a human being. Fundamentalist Christians believe that the presence or absence of a heartbeat signifies the beginning and end of a human life [10]. However, at this stage there is no heart, not even a single heart cell [10]. Some contend that brain activity, or the ability to feel, defines a human being. Michael Gazzaniga, president of the Cognitive Neuroscience Institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara, explains in his book,The Ethical Brain,that the fertilized egg is a clump of cells with no brain. [12]. There is no brain nor nerve cells that could allow this cellular object to interact with its environment [12]. The only uniquely human feature of embryonic cells at this stage is that they contain human DNA. This means that a 5-day-old human embryo is effectively no different than the Petri dishes of human cells that have grown in laboratories for decades with no controversy or opposition. Therefore, if the cluster of cells in the earliest stage of a human embryo is considered a human life, a growing plate of skin cells must also be considered human life. Few would claim that a Petri dish of human cells is morally equivalent to a living human or any other animal. Why, then, would a microscopic collection of embryonic cells have the same moral status as an adult human?

The status of the human embryo comes from itspotentialto turn into a fully grown human being. However, the potential of this entity to become an individual does not logically mean that it has the same status as an individual who can think and feel. If this were true, virtually every cell grown in a laboratory would be subject to the same controversy. This is because scientists have developed technology to convert an ordinary cell such as a skin cell into an embryo [10]. Although this requires a laboratory with special conditions, the normal development of a human being also requires special conditions in the womb of the mother. Therefore, almost any cell could be considered a potential individual, so it is illogical to conclude that a cluster of embryonic cells deserves a higher moral status.

Hundreds of thousands of embryos are destroyed each year in a process known as in vitro fertilization (IVF), a popular procedure that helps couples have children [13]. Society has an ethical obligation to use these discarded embryos to make medical advancements rather than simply throw them in the trash for misguided ideological and religious reasons as opponents of embryonic stem cell research desire.

With IVF, a fertility clinician harvests sperm and egg cells from the parents and creates an embryo in a laboratory before implanting it in the womans womb. However, creating and implanting a single embryo is expensive and often leads to unsuccessful implantation. Instead, the clinician typically creates an average of seven embryos and selects the healthiest few to implant [13].

This leaves several unused embryos for every one implanted. The couple can pay a fee to preserve the unused embryos by freezing them or can donate them to another family. Otherwise, they are slated for destruction [14]. A 2011 study in the Journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine found that 19 percent of the unused embryos are discarded and only 3 percent are donated for scientific research [14]. Many of these embryos could never grow into a living person given the chance because they are not healthy enough to survive past early stages of development [14]. If a human embryo is already destined for destruction or has no chance of survival, scientists have the ethical imperative to use these embryos to research and develop medical treatments that could save lives. The modern version of the Hippocratic oath states, I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required [to heal] [10]. Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah supports the pro-life movement, which recognizes early embryos as human individuals. However, even he favors using the leftover embryos for the greater good. The morality of the situation dictates that these embryos, which are routinely discarded, be used to improve and save lives. The tragedy would be in not using these embryos to save lives when the alternative is that they would be discarded. [3]

Although scientists have used embryonic stem cells (ESCs) for promising treatments, they are not ideal, and scientists hope to eliminate the need for them. Primarily, ESCs come from an embryo with different DNA than the patient who will receive the treatment, meaning they are not autologous. ESCs are not necessarily compatible with everyone and could cause the immune system to reject the treatment [11]. The most promising alternative to ESCs are known as induced pluripotent stem cells. In 2008, scientists discovered a way to reprogram human skin cells to embryonic stem cells [15]. Scientists easily obtained these cells from a patients skin, converted them into the desired cell type, then transplanted them into the diseased organ without risk of immune rejection [15]. This eliminates any ethical concerns because no embryos are harvested or destroyed in the process. However, induced stem cells have their own risks. Recent studies have shown that they can begin growing out of control and turn into cancer [3]. Several of the first clinical trials with induced stem cells, including one aimed at curing blindness by regenerating a patients retinal cells, were halted because potentially cancerous mutations were detected [3].

Scientists believe that induced stem cells created in a laboratory will one day completely replace embryonic stem cells harvested from human embryos. However, the only way to create perfect replicas of ESCs is to thoroughly understand their structure and function. Scientists still do not completely understand how ESCs work. Why does a stem cell sometimes become a nerve cell, sometimes become a heart cell and other times regenerate to produce another stem cell? How can we tell a stem cell what type of cell to become? To develop a viable alternative to ESCs, scientists must first answer these questions with experiments on ESCs from human embryos. Therefore, extensive embryonic stem cell research today will eliminate the need for embryonic stem cells in the future.

The Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics calls upon engineers to use their knowledge, skills, and abilities to enhance the safety, health and welfare of the public. [16] Stem cell research epitomizes this. Stem cells hold the cure for numerous diseases ranging from spinal cord injuries to organ failure and have the potential to transform modern medicine. Therefore, the donation of human embryos to scientific research falls within most conventional ethical frameworks and should be allowed with minimal restriction.

Because of widespread ignorance about the science behind stem cells, ill-informed opposition has prevented scientists from receiving the funding and support they need to save millions of lives. For example, George W. Bushs religious opposition to stem cell research resulted in a 2001 law severely limiting government funding for such research [3]. Although most opponents of stem cell research compare the destruction of a human embryo to the death of a living human, the biology of these early embryos is no more human than a plate of skin cells in a laboratory. Additionally, all embryos sacrificed for scientific research would otherwise be discarded and provide no benefit to society. If society better understood the process and potential of embryonic stem cell research, more people would surely support it.

Within the next decade, stem cells will likely provide simple cures for diseases that are currently untreatable, such as Alzheimers disease and organ failure [1]. As long as scientists receive support for embryonic stem cell research, stem cell therapies will become commonplace in clinics and hospitals around the world. Ultimately, the fate of this new medical technology lies in the hands of the public, who must support propositions that will continue to allow and expand the impact of embryonic stem cell research.

By Jonathan Sussman, Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California

At the time of writing this paper, Jonathan Sussman was a senior at the University of Southern California studying biomedical engineering with an emphasis in biochemistry. He was an undergraduate research assistant in the Graham Lab investigating proteomics of cancer cells and was planning to attend an MD/PhD program.

[1] Stem Cell Information,Stem Cell Basics, 2016. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[2] Cleveland Clinic, Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Disease | Cleveland Clinic, 2017. [Online]. Available at: 14 Oct. 2018].

[3] B. Lo and L. Parham, Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research,Endocrine Reviews, 30(3), pp.204-213, 2009.

[4] G. Gugliotta,Why Many States Now Have Stem Cell Research Programs, 2015. [Online]. Available at: 14 Oct. 2018].

[5] D. Cyranoski,How human embryonic stem cells sparked a revolution,Nature Journal, 2018. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[6] K. McCormack,Young man with spinal cord injury regains use of hands and arms after stem cell therapy, The Stem Cellar, 2016. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[7] A. Coghlan,First implants derived from stem cells to cure type 1 diabetes,New Scientist, 2017. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[8] C. Scott,University of California San Diegos 3D Printed Liver Tissue May Be the Closest Weve Gotten to a Real Printed Liver, | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing, 2018. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[9] American Transplant Foundation,Facts and Myths about Transplant. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[10] A. Siegel, Ethics of Stem Cell Research,Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2013. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[11] I. Hyun,Stem Cells The Hastings Center,The Hastings Center, 2018. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[12] M. Gazzaniga,The Ethical Brain,New York: Harper Perennial, 2006.

[13] M. Bilger,Shocking Report Shows 2.5 Million Human Beings Created for IVF Have Been Killed |,LifeNews, 2016. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[14] Harvard Gazette, Stem cell lines created from discarded IVF embryos, 2008. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[15] K. Murray,Could we make babies from only skin cells?, CNN, 2017. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

[16] Biomedical Engineering Society,Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics, 2004. [Online]. Available at: 11 Oct. 2018].

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Stem Cells: A Case for the Use of Human Embryos in Scientific Research

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Human Embryonic Stem Cells | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia

By daniellenierenberg

Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are capable of dividing for long periods of time and can give rise to specialized cells under particular conditions. Embryonic stem cells are a particular type of stem cell derived from embryos. According to US National Institutes of Health (NIH), in humans, the term embryo applies to a fertilized egg from the beginning of division up to the end of the eighth week of gestation, when the embryo becomes a fetus. Between fertilization and the eighth week of gestation, the embryo undergoes multiple cell divisions. At the eight-cell stage, roughly the third day of division, all eight cells are considered totipotent, which means the cell has the capability of becoming a fully developed human being. By day four, cells begin to separate and form a spherical layer which eventually becomes the placenta and tissue that support the development of the future fetus. A mass of about thirty cells, called the inner cell mass, forms at one end of the sphere and eventually becomes the body. When the sphere and inner cell mass are fully formed, around day 5, the pre-implantation embryo is referred to as a blastocyst. At this point the cells in the inner cell mass have not yet differentiated, but have the ability to develop into any specialized cell type that makes up the body. This property is known as pluripotency. As of 2009, embryonic stem cells refer to pluripotent cells that are generally derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts.

In November 1998, two independent publications announced the first successful isolation and culture of pluripotent human stem cells. While working at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, James A. Thomson and his team of researchers cultured human embryonic stem cells from the inner cell mass of donated embryos originally produced for in vitro fertilization. The characteristics of the cultured cells were consistent with previously identified features in animal stem cells. They were capable of long-term self-renewal and thus could remain undifferentiated for long periods of time; they had particular surface markers; and they were able to maintain a normal and stable karyotype. Thomsons team also observed derivatives of all the three germ layersendoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Since the three germ layers precede differentiation into all the cell types in the body, this observation suggested that the cultured cells were pluripotent. The team published Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Derived from Human Blastocysts, in the 6 November Science issue. Soon afterwards, a research team led by John D. Gearhart at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, published Derivation of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Cultured Human Primordial Germ Cells in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. The paper detailed the process by which pluripotent stem cells were derived from gonadal ridges and mesenteries extracted from aborted five-to-nine week old human embryos. Gearhart and his team noted the same observations as Thomsons team. Despite coming from different sources, according to NIH, the resultant cells seem to be the same.

The largest source of blastocysts for stem cell research comes from in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics. Used for reproductive purposes, IVF usually produces an abundance of viable blastocysts. Excess blastocysts are sometimes donated for research purposes after obtaining informed consent from donors. Another potential method for producing embryonic stem cells is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). This has been successfully done using animal cells. The nucleus of a differentiated adult cell, such as a skin cell, is removed and fused with an enucleated egg, an egg with the nucleus removed. The egg, now containing the genetic material from the skin cell, is believed to be totipotent and eventually develops into a blastocyst. As of mid-2006, attempts to produce human embryonic stem cells using SCNT have been unsuccessful. Nonetheless, scientists continue to pursue this method because of the medical and scientific implications of embryonic stem cells lines with an identical genetic makeup to particular patients. One problem faced in tissue transplants is immune rejection, where the host body attacks the introduced tissue. SCNT would be a way to overcome the incompatibility problem by using the patients own somatic cells.

Recent discoveries in cultivating human embryonic stem cells may potentially lead to major advancements in understanding human embryogenesis and medical treatments. Previously, limitations in access and environmental control have stunted research initiatives aimed at mapping out the developmental process. Insights into differentiation factors may lead to treatments into such areas as birth defects. Manipulation of the differentiation process may then lead to large supplies of stem cells for cell-based therapies on patients with Parkinsons disease, for example. In theory adult stem cells can also be cultivated for such purposes, but isolating and identifying adult stem cells has been difficult and the prospects for treatment are more limited than using embryonic stem cells.

Despite the potential benefits that may come about through human embryonic stem cell research, not everyone in the public embraces it. Several ethical debates surround this newly developing research field. Much of the debate stems from differing opinions on how we should view embryos: is an embryo a person? Should an embryo be considered property? Ethical concerns in embryonic stem cell research include destroying human blastocysts, laws surrounding informed consent, and particularly for SCNT, misapplication of techniques for reproductive cloning. For the latter concern, SCNT does produce a blastocyst which contains stem cell clones of an adult cell, but the desired application is in growing replacement tissues. Still, a portion of the public fears the hypothetical one day, when someone decides to use SCNT to develop and raise a human clone.

The public debate continues, advancing along with the changes in the field. As of 2006, public opinion polls showed that majority of religious and non-religious Americans now support embryonic stem cell research, but opinions remain divided over whether it is legitimate to create or use human blastocysts solely for research.

Wu, Ke, "Human Embryonic Stem Cells".

(2010-09-13). ISSN: 1940-5030

Arizona State University. School of Life Sciences. Center for Biology and Society. Embryo Project Encyclopedia.

Arizona Board of Regents Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

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Human Embryonic Stem Cells | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia

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New Technique Turns Back the Aging Clock by 30 Years – Gilmore Health News

By daniellenierenberg

Researchers from the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, United Kingdom have revealed a new method that can make it possible to reverse aging considerably.

This novel technique can time jump skin cells by around 30 years, according to the research team. The number of years is notably longer than what earlier reprogramming techniques had managed.

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Findings from this study have the potential of transforming regenerative medicine, which aims to fix or replace old or worn-out cells. They could promote a more focused approach to fighting aging.

The research appeared in eLife, a peer-reviewed biomedical and life sciences journal.

Stem cells are at the core of regenerative medicine, which is also sometimes called stem cell therapy. They help in repairing or replacing injured, dysfunctional, or diseased cells or tissue. They can transform into any specialized cells.

Regenerative medicine researchers have also been exploring for years how to reserve the process that is, converting specialized cells to stem cells. They have developed ways to create what are called induced stem cells, key tools in regenerative biology.

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While helpful for many things, stem cells can also cause problems. They could, for instance, lead to cancers through wild cell multiplication. It is, therefore, valuable to be able to reprogram induced stem cells back to the specialized cells they are from.

However, scientists have found it difficult to re-differentiate stem cells back into specialized cells. The new method in the current study helps to overcome the existing challenge.

The technique, which derives from the work of Professor Shinya Yamanaka, does not totally get rid of cell identity. It stops halfway through the process of reprogramming. This, thus, enabled cells to become younger and regain their youthful function.

Yamanaka, who got the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, discovered in 2007 a method for turning normal cells into unspecialized stem cells. The process involves four specific molecules known as the Yamanaka factors and takes about 50 days to complete.

By contrast, this new technique referred to as maturation phase transient reprogramming exposes skin cells to those molecules for only 13 days. The cells temporarily lost their identity after that. However, the partly reprogrammed cells appeared to regain markers of skin cells when allowed to grow under usual conditions.

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Researchers examined measures of cellular age to confirm the rejuvenation of the cells. They looked at both the epigenetic clock and the transcriptome. Those measures indicated that the reprogrammed cells were comparable to cells that were around 30 years younger.

However, it was not just about appearance. The cells also regained youthful function.

Rejuvenated fibroblasts (skin cells) produced more collagen proteins, which provide structure to tissues and help to heal wounds. The cells also moved into areas in need of repair faster, compared to older cells. This indicates they have the potential of being used to make cells that promote more rapid wound healing.

The scientists noted that the new technique produced an effect on other genes connected to age-related disorders and symptoms. For instance, the APBA2 gene (linked to Alzheimers disease) and the MAF gene (associated with cataracts) displayed changes in youthful transcription levels.

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Future research may, therefore, open up more curative possibilities, going by these findings.

Our results represent a big step forward in our understanding of cell reprogramming, said Dr. Diljeet Gill, study co-author and a postdoc in Professor Wolf Reiks lab. We have proved that cells can be rejuvenated without losing their function and that rejuvenation looks to restore some function to old cells. The fact that we also saw a reverse of ageing indicators in genes associated with diseases is particularly promising for the future of this work.

The research team next plans to try and figure out the mechanism that underlies the successful cell reprogramming. This, scientists hope, could make it possible to promote rejuvenation without needing to reprogram but relying only on underlying regulators.

Multi-omic rejuvenation of human cells by maturation phase transient reprogramming

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New Technique Turns Back the Aging Clock by 30 Years - Gilmore Health News

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Does it matter whose brain cells we use in gadgets of the future? – The Next Web

By daniellenierenberg

The year is 2030 and we are at the worlds largest tech conference, CES in Las Vegas. A crowd is gathered to watch a big tech company unveil its new smartphone. The CEO comes to the stage and announces the Nyooro, containing the most powerful processor ever seen in a phone. The Nyooro can perform an astonishing quintillion operations per second, which is a thousand times faster than smartphone models in 2020. It is also ten times more energy-efficient with a battery that lasts for ten days.

A journalist asks: What technological advance allowed such huge performance gains? The chief executive replies: We created a new biological chip using lab-grown human neurons. These biological chips are better than silicon chips because they can change their internal structure, adapting to a users usage pattern and leading to huge gains in efficiency.

Another journalist asks: Arent there ethical concerns about computers that use human brain matter?

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Although the name and scenario are fictional, this is a question we have to confront now. In December 2021, Melbourne-based Cortical Labs grew groups of neurons (brain cells) that were incorporated into a computer chip. The resulting hybrid chip works because both brains and neurons share a common language: electricity.

In silicon computers, electrical signals travel along metal wires that link different components together. In brains, neurons communicate with each other using electric signals across synapses (junctions between nerve cells). In Cortical Labs Dishbrain system, neurons are grown on silicon chips. These neurons act like the wires in the system, connecting different components. The major advantage of this approach is that the neurons can change their shape, grow, replicate, or die in response to the demands of the system.

Dishbrain could learn to play the arcade game Pong faster than conventional AI systems. The developers of Dishbrain said: Nothing like this has ever existed before It is an entirely new mode of being. A fusion of silicon and neuron.

Cortical Labs believes its hybrid chips could be the key to the kinds of complex reasoning that todays computers and AI cannot produce. Another start-up making computers from lab-grown neurons, Koniku, believes their technology will revolutionize several industries including agriculture, healthcare, military technology and airport security. Other types of organic computers are also in the early stages of development.

While silicon computers transformed society, they are still outmatched by the brains of most animals. For example, a cats brain contains 1,000 times more data storage than an average iPad and can use this information a million times faster. The human brain, with its trillion neural connections, is capable of making 15 quintillion operations per second.

This can only be matched today by massive supercomputers using vast amounts of energy. The human brain only uses about 20 watts of energy, or about the same as it takes to power a lightbulb. It would take 34 coal-powered plants generating 500 megawatts per hour to store the same amount of data contained in one human brain in modern data storage centers.

Companies do not need brain tissue samples from donors, but can simply grow the neurons they need in the lab from ordinary skin cells using stem cell technologies. Scientists can engineer cells from blood samples or skin biopsies into a type of stem cell that can then become any cell type in the human body.

However, this raises questions about donor consent. Do people who provide tissue samples for technology research and development know that it might be used to make neural computers? Do they need to know this for their consent to be valid?

People will no doubt be much more willing to donate skin cells for research than their brain tissue. One of the barriers to brain donation is that the brain is seen as linked to your identity. But in a world where we can grow mini-brains from virtually any cell type, does it make sense to draw this type of distinction?

If neural computers become common, we will grapple with other tissue donation issues. In Cortical Labs research with Dishbrain, they found human neurons were faster at learning than neurons from mice. Might there also be differences in performance depending on whose neurons are used? Might Apple and Google be able to make lightning-fast computers using neurons from our best and brightest today? Would someone be able to secure tissues from deceased geniuss like Albert Einstein to make specialized limited-edition neural computers?

Such questions are highly speculative but touch on broader themes of exploitation and compensation. Consider the scandal regarding Henrietta Lacks, an African-American woman whose cells were used extensively in medical and commercial research without her knowledge and consent.

Henriettas cells are still used in applications which generate huge amounts of revenue for pharmaceutical companies (including recently to develop COVID vaccines. The Lacks family still has not received any compensation. If a donors neurons end up being used in products like the imaginary Nyooro, should they be entitled to some of the profit made from those products?

Another key ethical consideration for neural computers is whether they could develop some form of consciousness and experience pain. Would neural computers be more likely to have experiences than silicon-based ones? In the Pong experiment, Dishbrain is exposed to noisy and unpredictable stimuli when it gets a response wrong (the paddle misses the ball), and predictable stimuli when it gets it right. It is at least possible that a system like this might start to experience the unpredictable stimuli as pain, and the predictable stimuli as pleasure.

Chief scientific officer Brett Kagan for Cortical Labs said:

Fully informed donor consent is of paramount importance. Any donor should have the opportunity to reach an agreement for compensation as part of this process and their bodily autonomy respected without coercion.

As recently discussed in a study there is no evidence neurons on a dish have any qualitative or conscious experience so cannot be distressed and without pain receptors, cannot feel pain. Neurons have evolved to process information of all kinds being left completely unstimulated, as currently done all over the world in labs, is not a natural state for a neuron. All this work does is allow neurons to behave as nature intended at their most basic level.

Humans have used animals to do physical labor for thousands of years, despite often leading to negative experiences for the animals. Would using organic computers for cognitive labor be any more ethically problematic than using an ox to pull a cart?

We are in the early stages of neural computing and have time to think through these issues. We must do so before products like the Nyooro move from science fiction to the shops.

This article by Julian Savulescu, Visiting Professor in Biomedical Ethics, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute; Distinguished Visiting Professor in Law, University of Melbourne; Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics, University of Oxford; Christopher Gyngell, Research Fellow in Biomedical Ethics, The University of Melbourne, and Tsutomu Sawai, Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University, is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Does it matter whose brain cells we use in gadgets of the future? - The Next Web

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North America is the largest region in the Stem Cell Therapy Market, worth $2 Billion in 2021. What does the future hold? As Per The Business Research…

By daniellenierenberg

LONDON, May 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to The Business Research Companys research report on the stem cell therapy market, North America was the largest region in the stem cell therapy market and was worth $2.16 billion in 2021. The market accounted for 0.009% of the region's GDP. In terms of per capita consumption, the market accounted for $4.3, $3.8 higher than the global average. The stem cell therapy market in North America is supported by factors including the presence of key players engaged in developing stem cell therapies; advanced healthcare infrastructure; extensive research and development; supportive reforms from healthcare organizations; and strong reimbursement policies. For instance, companies are collaborating from different parts of the world to fund and develop new methods for stem cell therapy. In 2021, RxCell, a USA-based biotechnology company specializing in stem cell therapy, will collaborate with the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR)s Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) to co-fund and develop cellular therapeutics for age-related diseases.The Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR)s Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) is a Singaporean biotechnology institute.

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The global stem cell therapy market size is expected to grow from $10.67 billion in 2021 to $11.99 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4%. The growth in the market is mainly due to the companies resuming their operations and adapting to the new normal while recovering from the COVID-19 impact, which had earlier led to restrictive containment measures involving social distancing, remote working, and the closure of commercial activities that resulted in operational challenges. The stem cell therapy market is expected to reach $21.17 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 15.3%.

To sustain product innovation in an increasingly competitive market, major companies in the animal stem cell therapy market as well as the placental stem cell therapy market are undertaking strategic initiatives such as collaborations, partnerships, and acquisitions. The advantages of strategic partnerships include sharing of resources, expansion of distribution, and promotion of products. For instance, in June 2021, Catalent, a New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company involved with gene therapies, announced the acquisition of RheinCell Therapeutics, a company specializing in the GMP-compliant generation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and therapies, for an undisclosed amount. Through this acquisition, Catalent further strengthens its cell therapy portfolio and offers enhanced iPSC-based cell therapy capabilities. RheinCell Therapeutics is headquartered in Langenfeld, Germany, and was founded in 2017. In June 2020, Century Therapeutics, a US based developer of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived allogeneic cell therapies, announced the acquisition of Empirica Therapeutics for an undisclosed amount. This acquisition will leverage Century Therapeutics' iPSC-derived allogeneic cell therapies against glioblastoma (GBM). Empirica Therapeutics is a Canada-based developer of therapeutic drugs designed to treat aggressive forms of cancer.

Major players in the stem cell therapy market are Anterogen, JCR Pharmaceuticals, Medipost, Osiris Therapeutics, Pharmicell, Astellas Pharma, Cellectis, Celyad, Novadip Biosciences, Gamida Cell, Capricor Therapeutics, Cellular Dynamics, CESCA Therapeutics, DiscGenics, OxStem, Mesoblast, ReNeuron Group, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Magellan, Kolon TissueGene, Stemedica Cell Technologies, Holostem Terapie Avanzate S.r.l., NuVasive, RTI Surgical, and AlloSource.

The global stem cell therapy market is segmented by type into allogeneic stem cell therapy, autologous stem cell therapy; by cell source into adult stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, embryonic stem cells; by application into musculoskeletal disorders, wounds and injuries, cancer, autoimmune disorders, others; by end-user into hospitals, clinics.

The Middle East is expected to be the fastest growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the stem cell market analysis report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa.

Stem Cell Therapy Global Market Report 2022 Market Size, Trends, And Global Forecast 2022-2026 is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provide stem cell therapy market overviews, stem cell therapy market analyze and forecast market size and growth for the whole market, stem cell therapy market segments and geographies, stem cell therapy market trends, stem cell therapy market drivers, stem cell therapy market restraints, stem cell therapy market leading competitors revenues, profiles and market shares in over 1,000 industry reports, covering over 2,500 market segments and 60 geographies.

The report also gives in-depth analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the market. The reports draw on 150,000 datasets, extensive secondary research, and exclusive insights from interviews with industry leaders. A highly experienced and expert team of analysts and modelers provides market analysis and forecasts. The reports identify top countries and segments for opportunities and strategies based on market trends and leading competitors approaches.

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North America is the largest region in the Stem Cell Therapy Market, worth $2 Billion in 2021. What does the future hold? As Per The Business Research...

To Read More: North America is the largest region in the Stem Cell Therapy Market, worth $2 Billion in 2021. What does the future hold? As Per The Business Research…
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Scientists are cryoconserving animals to stop them going extinct – Euronews

By daniellenierenberg

Animals at risk of extinction are having their reproductive cells stored at a major biobank, as security for their species.

Jaguar, Eastern black rhino and mountain chicken frog are some of the highly threatened species which have been given the freezing treatment by scientists at Natures SAFE, one of Europes largest biobanks of living tissue.

Small tissue samples from ovaries and testicles are taken from the animals that have passed away at Chester Zoo and, using cutting-edge technologies, cryogenically frozen at temperatures of -196C in liquid nitrogen.

Time essentially stops at this deeply low point, pausing all natural chemical processes in the cells. The frozen samples could be used in the future to resurrect a species otherwise lost on Earth.

With gene pools and animal populations continually shrinking in the wild, the work of modern conservation zoos like ours has never been more important, says Dr Sue Walker, head of science at Chester Zoo and co-founder of Natures SAFE.

Technologies, such as cryopreservation, offer us a new, critical piece of the conservation puzzle and help us provide a safeguard for many of the worlds animals that, right now, were sadly on track to lose.

More than 40,000 species are deemed to be threatened with extinction today, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). A large underestimate as only 7 per cent of the worlds species have actually been evaluated.

Human activity is known to have forced 869 species to extinction in the last 500 years, and we are now amid a biodiversity crisis that threatens to extinguish one million species of plants and animals.

Animals that pass away at the UKs largest charity zoo can still contribute to the continued existence of their species. The unique genetic code of a Javan green magpie, for example - driven to the brink of extinction by poachers - lives on in vials at the Shropshire-based biobank.

Natures SAFE outlines a number of different ways it preserves species, depending on what kind of sample is harvested.

Sperm cells can be extracted from an animals testes post-castration, before being stored in test tubes of nutrient-rich, cell-friendly anti-freeze and placed in the containers of liquid nitrogen.

The idea is that the sperm can be thawed, and used to fertilise an (also frozen) egg, with the embryo then implanted in a surrogate mother.

Ovarian and testicular tissue is also being kept indefinitely at the biobank, with scientists working on ways to make cultures from it that can produce egg and sperm cells for future breeding programmes.

Even skin cells can, under the right conditions, be reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells - meaning they can be turned into any kind of body cell, including sperm and egg cells.

Under this pioneering method, a skin biopsy from an Eastern black rhinos ear could be the key to saving the species.

Of course, most conservationists hope the biobank will never be necessary. It is not a replacement for protecting the dwindling numbers of wildlife which still live but Tullis Matson, chair and founder of Natures SAFE says it offers a final hope.

We know the sixth mass extinction on Earth is underway, and there will be rough times ahead, he says.

The question is what do we want to do about it? And our answer is: we want to secure future options for biodiversity, by acting now.

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Scientists are cryoconserving animals to stop them going extinct - Euronews

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13 Best Hair Growth Serums Of 2022 That Actually Work –

By daniellenierenberg

mbg Associate Beauty & Wellness Editor

mbg Associate Beauty & Wellness Editor

Jamie Schneider is the Associate Beauty & Wellness Editor at mindbodygreen, covering beauty and wellness. She has a B.A. in Organizational Studies and English from the University of Michigan, and her work has appeared in Coveteur, The Chill Times, and Wyld Skincare.

Image by Clique Images / Stocksy

May 26, 2022

If you find your hair shedding more than usual, you're not alone. Thinning happens for a number of reasons, and it's extremely common; that said, because there are so many potential causes, there are also myriad ways to naturally encourage regrowthand one popular method is to invest in a hair growth serum. The market is chock-full of products that promise thick, full-bodied strands and a thriving scalpbut which ones are actually worth your hard-earned dollars?

Here, we reveal the best hair growth serums to add to your routine. Whether you're looking to repair breakage, spot treat a sparse hairline, or just introduce some va-va-voom volume, you'll be sure to find a formula that meets your hair goals.

How do hair growth serums work?

Hair growth starts internally, with healthy hair follicles. So you may be wondering: How do topical serums work, anyway? Well, many serums include naturally derived ingredients to help stimulate the scalp (rosemary oil, lavender oil, and the like), which, in turn, deliver vital nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicle.

These serums also keep the hair you already have healthy and thriving, which is crucial when you're trying to encourage length. For example, many formulas contain antioxidants, which can help combat free radicals from UV rays or pollution. Finally, you'll find plenty of humectants and fatty-acid-rich oils to moisturize the strands and keep them strong: "The hair on your head is probably the driest thing on the body, and if you are trying to grow it longer, you need to keep it moisturized," says hairstylist Anthony Dickey regarding faster hair growth. "If your texture is naturally drier, it is even more essential to keep hair hydrated. Dry hair turns to brittle hair, and brittle hair breaks."

Healthy hair growth starts with a healthy scalp, so we specifically looked for ingredients that nourish the skin.

We made sure to include formulas that suit several strand patterns and needs.

Some serums are meant for leave-in treatments, while others are best to use pre-shampoo. Some are lightweight and absorb quickly, while others thickly glaze the strands in moisture. You'll find plenty of options here.

We tested out products firsthand to see what worked and what didn't. When this wasn't possible, our editors utilized verified customer experiences.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Lightweight

This serum simply nourishes the scalp and hair with apple stem cells, which are known for their rejuvenating and antioxidant abilities; bamboo and pea extract, which help protect the strands against free radicals; and aloe vera, a star hydrator. The application itself feels like a splash of moisture, especially after a good, long rinse.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Lightweight

If you're looking to "spot treat" with a hair growth serumsay, you have a sparser hairline you'd like to fillthis high-performing number is your best bet. With nicotiana benthamiana for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric to calm and nourish the skin, and red clover and mung bean extracts to neutralize free radicals, it's the perfect nongreasy number to nourish fragile strands.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Wash-out treatment

This reviewer says it best: "I really feel like I'm treating my senses when using this for my hairthe jasmine scent is romantic and beautiful." Along with the fragrant jasmine, you'll find sunflower oil to add moisture and shine, along with amla, a classic Ayurvedic ingredient with powerful antioxidant properties.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Sensitive skin-safe, Leave-in treatment

You can read all about castor oil for hair here, but the fatty-acid-rich ingredient comes with a load of healthy hair benefits. The medium-weight oil is brimming with vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, and other antioxidants to help protect the strands from physical damage and environmental aggressors. Grab a 100% organic, naturally cold-pressed option, like Briogeo's, to wrap your tresses in a blanket of moisture.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Wash-out treatment

Ever seen a hair oil so good, you thought about slathering it all over? This do-it-all serum aims to please, with a cocktail of nourishing plant and essential oils to calm and moisturize your skin and hair. It's simply a must-grab for a scalp-slash-face massagewho doesn't love a streamlined routine?

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Lightweight

This antioxidant-rich formula is like a tall drink of water for your scalp. Arctic root, Siberian ginseng, chaga mushroom, and red clover extracts help protect and soothe the skin up top, while peptides help support collagen production. It's super lightweight and provides a cooling experience upon application. Plus, the lightweight formula easily soaks into your strands without leaving a greasy feel.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment

Your hair bonds can become broken over timeby heat styling, chemical processing, and other physical stressors (harsh brushing, too-tight hairstyles, and the like), which is where protein-rich repairing serums come into play: These help reconstruct those bonds, thus leading to stronger, smoother, and more defined strands. Aveda's strengthening serum contains proprietary bond-building plant molecules, along with organic avocado, green tea, and sacha inchi, and Nangai oils to deeply moisturize and further protect the strands.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment

Moringa oil, argan oil, castor oil, and aloe vera make this simple scalp serum an absolute dream. Not to mention, the lavender aroma sets you up for a relaxing night's sleepit also helps stimulate the scalp and has even been linked to hair growth in animal studies.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Wash-out treatment, Lightweight

Unless your strands tend to drink in product, chances are you'll want a lightweight leave-in serum that won't clog hair follicles or cause buildup. This Innersense formula leaves an undetectable trace, as it features dry oils (jojoba and safflower seed) that immediately sink into the strands.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Lightweight

Healthy hair growth starts with a healthy, thriving scalp. Look no further than this hydrating formula, with apple stem cells, hydrolyzed lupine protein, and glycerin to soothe and protect the skin barrier. It also contains rosemarywhich boasts a number of hair growth benefitsand rosewater, which has a mildly astringent nature and can help reduce extra oil in between washes.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Wash-out treatment

This wash-out serum is jam-packed with hair-healthy, fatty-acid-rich oils: meadowfoam seed oil, chia seed oil, aai fruit oil, and rapeseed oil, to name a select few. It's best used as a pre-shampoo product; those heavyweight oils might weigh down the strands (unless you're gunning for a chic, slicked-back look; then by all means, marinate away). But if your strands are especially thirsty, it can also work as an overnight mask.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Lightweight

This leave-in tonic is beloved for plumping the hair fibers and increasing volume, so you can rock a thick, full-bodied 'do. It contains a "hair energy complex" to improve the density of the hair shaft, along with mung bean and clover extracts to soothe and protect the scalp.

Considerations: Vegan, Cruelty-free, Leave-in treatment, Lightweight

Scalp buildup can hinder your hair growth goals, which is why this daily serum includes apple cider vinegar to exfoliate and unclog hair follicles. Aside from the star ingredient, you'll find peptides to stimulate collagen production, organic maca root for antioxidant properties, hyaluronic acid and aloe vera for hydration, and lavender extract to further stimulate the scalp. Not to mention, the formula is super lightweight and absorbs almost instantly.

Other ways to encourage hair growth.

As you can tell by now, hair growth is a complex topic that may require multiple angles. So in addition to snagging one of the serums above, you might fare well with these extra methods:

1.Scalp massages

"Beautiful, strong hair depends on good blood circulation, proper nutrition, and a healthy and supple scalp," says board-certified dermatologist Raechele Cochran Gathers, M.D., hair care expert and founder of MDHairMixtress, about scalp massages. In fact, regular massages have been clinically shown to promote hair growth. That's because they help release tension and encourage blood flow to the areawhich, in turn, delivers oxygen and hair-healthy nutrients to the follicles.

While you can always give yourself a tension-relieving scalp massage with nothing but your fingertips, a scalp massager tool can help you address those hard-to-reach places, like the very back of the head or behind the ears. This Brush From Hairstory is a solid option to use in and out of the shower, or find mbg's full list of favorite scalp massagers here.

2.Collagen & biotin supplements

Ready for a little hair anatomy lesson? Hair is made of the protein keratin, which has an amino acid profile including cysteine, serine, glutamic acid, glycine, and proline. Both collagen and biotin supplements have high amounts of many of these amino acids, meaning the supplements provide the body with the building blocks of hair.* Research backs this up, too, as studies show taking these supplements can support hair growth.*

Check out our list of collagen and biotin supplements, or if you're looking for a one-stop shop that has 'em both, go ahead and grab mbg's beauty & gut collagen+. In addition to 17.7 grams of grass-fed collagen peptides and 500 micrograms of biotin, it has vitamins C and E for enhanced collagen production and antioxidant support, hyaluronic acid for skin hydration, and curcumin from turmeric extract and sulforaphane from broccoli seed extract for supporting detoxification and combating oxidative stress.*

3.Clarifying scrubs

Too much scalp buildup can suffocate the follicle root, which is literally the source of hair growth. That's why many experts tout scalp-stimulating treatments for speedier hair growth; a clean, happy scalp leads to full, lush strands.

If you think you might be dealing with buildup, try folding a scalp scrub into your routine. With these, you can choose physical exfoliators, with granules (like sugar and salt) to manually remove buildup, or chemical formulas, with naturally exfoliating acids and enzymes to dissolve dead skin and lift up debris.

mbg review process.

At mbg, high standards are earned and there are no shortcuts. Our beauty editors stay up to date on the latest ingredient research and innovation. It's a dynamic, continuously evolving space, and it's important we look into the science so we can make informed choices about which formulas earn our stamp of approval (figuratively speaking).

Our high standards also come from testing productsmany, many products. Our editors and writers rigorously test and research the products featured in our roundups to offer you the best, most informed recommendations. When we write reviews, you can trust we spend quality time with the formulas: We don't simply rave about products we've slathered on the back of our hand. We endorse products we've tried and loved.

Learn more about our testing process and clean beauty standards here.

The takeaway.

Even if hair growth isn't your main concern right now, these serums can all help moisturize and nurture the scalpwhich anyone can benefit from, no matter your length goals. Again, helping your hair grow faster is a tricky feat; make sure to keep all of these tips in mind before embarking on your hair growth journey.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.

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