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Negrin Shines Light on the Orca-T Story in GVHD – OncLive

By daniellenierenberg

What started out as a journey to better understand regulatory T cells has now led to an intriguing approach with an investigational cell therapy designed to prevent the risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and to improve relapse-free survival rates in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

Data of a phase 1/2 trial recently showed that the first-generation precision cell treatment Orca-T compared with a historical control of standard HSCT demonstrated faster neutrophil (median, 12 days vs 14 days; P < .0001) and platelet engraftment (median, 11 days vs 17 days; P < .0001), decreased incidence of grade 2 or higher GVHD at 100 days (10% vs 30%, P = .005) and chronic GVHD at 1 year (3% vs 46%, P = .0002).1,2

The 1-year GVHD-free and GVHD relapse-free survival (GRFS) rates were 75% with the use of Orca-T vs 31% with standard HSCT (P < .0001). The comparator cohort was derived from contemporaneous patients who had been treated at Stanford University with a conventional allograft.

Along with feasibility of the approach, the results also highlight how Orca-T demonstrates potent anti-leukemic activity in patients who have active disease at HSCT, which suggests that the decrease of GVHD does not impact graft-vs-leukemia (GvL).

That is the most exciting part about the Orca-T story; it is the ability to do this with precision, with speed, and to export it to other sites. The results are intriguing, and very supportive, said Robert Negrin, a professor of medicine (blood and marrow transplantation), and chief of the Division of Blood and Marrow Transplantation at Stanford University.

In an interview with OncLive, Negrin, who is senior author on the trial, shared the evolution of Orca-T as a novel approach to HSCT, highlighted his robust experience with using this cell therapy at Stanford University, and how Orca-T is a potential prevention method for GVHD.

OncLive: Please provide some background to this therapeutic approach. What is the mechanism of action? How is it effective in patients undergoing transplant?

Negrin: This whole idea came from mouse studies many, many years ago, where we identified GVHD as being a dysregulated immune reaction that just keeps going, and going, and going. Like you and I, when we react to something, we have a reactionlet's say, influenza. Our body responds, and then we stop reacting and you get better. With GVHD, what we noticed in using a bioluminescent animal model is that the alloreactive T cells just keep going, going, and going and are unrelenting in mice, just like in people. The problem is very similar and affects certain organs in a very similar way.

Therefore, we went about trying to understand the use of so-called regulatory cells. These are cells that everybody has that help control immune reactions. We just applied them in this clinical scenario, first in mice work done by Matthias Edinger, MD, when he was a postdoctoral fellow many years ago [and other researchers]. All of them were very actively involved in these studies, and showed, somewhat surprisingly, that the administration of regulatory T cells could control this dysregulated immune response that we called GVHD.

Probably more surprising was that, at least in the animal models, it also allowed for the benefits of transplant, namely, the graft-vs-tumor effect and better immune recovery. This was in large part because GVHD also impacts the immune repertoire and where the immunity is developed in the recipient.

All of this was very nice in mouse models and was very elegant. We did a lot of studies, published a number of nice papers, and thought this would be a great idea because it sort of solved, or at least addressed, the principal problems after bone marrow transplantationnamely, avoidance of GVHD yet retention of graft-versus-tumor effects and better immunity. A lot of times, people say, "Oh, that sounds good in mice, but, that's too good to be true." And, theyll ask, "Will that all work in people?"

Where did the biggest challenges lie in this approach?

The big challenge came about to try to apply this to patients. We also have one other interesting point that is relevant. If we gave the regulatory T cells first, before the so-called conventional CD4+/CD8+ cells, that allowed for a lower dose of regulatory T cells. This is because a big challenge is the paucity of these cells; you and I don't have that many.

Then, the other big challenge was the technical ability to isolate in cells. What we do in mice is cell sorting, which is a standard technology. But, that was not developed in people because we're bigthere are a lot of cells, and cell sorting is rather slow, and it's very specific. To get enough cells takes a really long time. It's somewhat of a heroic thing to do in people, to get the adequate amount ourselves; of course, we don't really know what this proper cell dose is.

However, what we thought we learned was that the ratio of conventional to regulatory T cells was the key component. Also, if you give the regulatory T cells first, you can get fewer numbers. Those are things you can do in transplant. You can get the cell from the donor, and you can give cells in a certain sequence; all of those things are very doable. It seemed like an attractive thing to do in patients.

Then, the question was: Does it work? There are 3 groups that have really pioneered this work. The first study came from the University of Perugia in Italy. They did this in haploidentical transplantation; you cannot avoid immunosuppression in haploidentical transplants. They were able to show in several nice papers that you could do this strategy, and seemingly, get away with low risk of GVHD, and also low relapse. This is because the other issue is: how do you measure the graft-vs-tumor effect? There is no assay, and we have no test; you have to wait and see who relapses and who doesn't. Therefore, they also showed rather convincingly that you could reduce GVHD risk, yet, there was a very low risk of relapse in their high-risk patient population. Those were very important [data].

Another study from the University of Minnesota did this with umbilical cord blood. They expanded the regulatory T cells from a third cord blood unit, which is somewhat heroicit is another level of complexity to isolate the cells and then expand them. We did this in matched donorseither matched siblings or matched unrelated donors. We published a paper in JCI Insight several years ago showing the initial results, and they look quite favorable.

Therefore, what I think is most exciting about what Orca Bio has done is they are developing technology to isolate the cells more quickly, to be able to do this on a clinical scale, with precision, and with speed. Also, [they are developing the technology] to be able to distribute it to anybody, because the criticism of all these studies is that, "Oh, that's nice. But, this is a single-institution study. Is this really true? Can this be exported? Could this be something that [an organization] other than these [individual] centers are really focused in this area and have developed these technologies could really do? Orca Bio is developing the technology, and improving the technology, because it's still very cumbersome, and exporting the technology so that you could do this, theoretically, at any center.

That's what I think is most exciting about the Orca Bio abstract; it is demonstrating that this can be done. It certainly opens the door to prevention of GVHD. As we move into an era of using cell-based therapeutics, now, this opens up many other possibilities, because you use these regulatory cells and autoimmune disorders and organ transplant tolerance. There are many other cell types that have potential clinical utility, but getting them, and purifying them, is a big challenge. There are many other possibilities that one could think of.

Obviously, more time will be required to follow these patients, but they certainly are supportive of the idea that you can improve overall outcomes using this strategy. That's what we hope to be able to demonstrate further.

Please focus on the scalability of this approach. Through these types of collaborations, how do you see Orca-T potentially moving through the FDA pipeline?

In academia, we don't develop drugs. It's too much, we don't have the resources, we don't have the capability, and we don't have the monitoring capability that is required for multi-institutional studies. Where these commercial partners come in is, they can raise money for interesting concepts, which Orca Bio has done, and they can export this to other centers, and that's critically important.

As we've seen in the CAR T-cell [therapy] world, that can be a quite successful commercial business. Also going through the process of an FDA approvalwhich Orca Bio is moving along in that processand getting the right designations is critically important to commercial entities. In academia, it's important to us, but that's just not our focus.

We don't have the resources around, the people and the expertise to really drive things through that process. We're good at developing the studies and getting FDA approvals, and [investigational new drug applications], but not really [good at] developing drugs as a commercial entity. This collaboration is key to doing this successfully; for example, at Orca Bio, [they have] technology to separate cells more efficiently and effectively. They also have the resources to do a multi-institutional clinical trial, and the expertise to move something through and present it to the FDA. Those are key components.

Could you expand on the study and respective data from this phase 1/2 trial?

Here at Stanford Cancer Institute, we did find in our patients that giving low doses of immunosuppressive medications with a single agent seem to improve the outcomes, and it's remarkable how well these patients have gone through the transplant. It's a little bit hard to appreciate an abstract until you take care of these patients, and many of them just sort of move to the transplant with relatively little challenges. We have not seen greater risks of things like infection [or] disease recurrence; those are obviously things that will be followed.

When we look at the 1-year GVHD relapse-free survival rate, which is an endpoint that most transplant studies would agree is the most important end point, the overall outcomes are much more favorable compared with a historical control group.

The data are very encouraging, and the overall outcomes look very strong in a reasonable number of patients now. We think it's important for the community to hear about it, and to get it on everybody's radar, and be excited about trying to move this forward as a more standard therapy. This is still a clinical trial, so it's not, it's not part of any standard therapies yet. We are using this quite regularly and have been very encouraged by the ease of which patients go through the transplant. It's still an allogeneic transplant; there still are many challenges there. However, these patients seem to be doing quite well, we're very encouraged, and so we keep going.

How does this approach impact patient outcomes as it relates to quality of life (QoL)?

The hard end points of 1-year relapse-free survival is obviously the most important to patients. However, going through an allogeneic transplant is obviously an incredibly difficult thing. Fortunately, I've only seen it [from] the doctor side, not [as a] patient.

However, I've seen many, many patients, and the quality of their life as they go through this experience is very important to all of us. As we saw these patients go through these studies, we felt like we were capturing something that was really important, and that is the ease [at which] many patients went through this experience, which just seemed different. It's hard to capture that.

It's really important for patients to speak and, and the way patients speak is in different ways. One way is through the QoL measures that they answer. This is [what they find] important, this is what they experiencednot what we say is happening. That's really important to hear that voice too. Those are data we're trying to collect. It's not so easy, because going through a bone marrow transplant is a poor QoL for everybody. But, by just to trying to capture this, [Orca-T seems] better than what we what we thought.

How has this changed the mindset of cell-based approaches in the community?

What has changed is the belief in the concept of cell-based therapies. A lot of these things are somewhat fanciful. It is also important to show that we can translate from an animal model [to a human]. There is a lot of criticism of animal modeling, because people say, "Well, it's nice for animal models, but it doesn't really translate into the clinic." Actually, my view is that because we don't actually follow the animal models, there are many compromises one needs to make. When you translate studies from animals to humans, there are many differences, and it's really important to try to follow them as carefully as you can within the limitations of what is possible. We were very engaged in that and tried to follow as carefully as we could. To me, that is very encouragingthat you can study things in animals that generate new concepts and be able to translate that into a clinical trial.

Obviously, with all of the caveats of an early-phase clinical trial, more time needs to pass, more patients to be treated, and you need to export [the treatment] to other centers. That's a really important point, because there are many things that get lost because, "it's too complicated. It's too expensive. People can't do it." I don't think anybody can do high-speed cell sorting, as a clinical project in a standard or standard cell-processing laboratory. It's above the level of what most processing laboratories can do.


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Negrin Shines Light on the Orca-T Story in GVHD - OncLive

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ASH virtual event hears about CRISPR and CAR-T based approaches to hard-to-treat blood disorders and cancers –

By daniellenierenberg

In the first study, researchers used CRISPR/Cas9 to treat two inherited blood disorders, beta thalassemia and sickle cell disease (SCD). The trial, which demonstrated remarkable improvements in all participants, is the first time this revolutionary approach has been used successfully in these patient populations.

Given that the only FDA-approved cure for sickle cell disease, a bone marrow transplant, is not widely accessible, having another curative option would be life-changing for a large number of the sickle cell disease population, said press briefing moderator, Dr Catherine Bollard, of Childrens National Research Institute and George Washington University. While longer follow-up data are needed, this study is extremely exciting for the field.

Investigators reported interim safety and efficacy data from 10 patients who received an investigational gene-editing based therapy, CTX001. The trials are the first to test a CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing therapy in humans for a genetic disease, the researchers reported.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) can cause a variety of health problems including episodes of severe pain, called vaso-occlusive crises, as well as organ damage and strokes, while patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT) are dependent on blood transfusions from early childhood.The only available cure for both diseases is a bone marrow transplant from a closely related donor, an option that is not available for the vast majority of patients because of difficulty locating matched donors, the cost, and the risk of complications.

In the studies, the researchers goal is to functionally cure the blood disorders using CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing by increasing the production of fetal hemoglobin, which produces normal, healthy red blood cells as opposed to the misshapen cells produced by faulty hemoglobin in the bodies of individuals with the disorders.

The clinical trials involve collecting stem cells from the patients. Researchers edit the stem cells using CRISPR-Cas9 and infuse the gene-modified cells into the patients. Patients remain in the hospital for approximately one month following the infusion.

Prior to receiving their modified cells, the seven patients with beta thalassemia required blood transfusions around every three to four weeks and the three patients with SCD suffered episodes of severe pain roughly every other month.

All the individuals with beta thalassemia have been transfusion independent since receiving the treatment, a period ranging between two and 18 months. Similarly, none of the individuals with SCD have experienced vaso-occlusive crises since CTX001 infusion.

All patients showed a substantial and sustained increase in the production of fetal hemoglobin.

Researchers report that the safety of CTX001 infusion was generally consistent with the chemotherapy regimen received prior to cell infusion.

Four serious adverse events (SAEs) related or possibly related to CTX001 were reported in one patient with TDT: headache, haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), acute respiratory distress syndrome, and idiopathic pneumonia syndrome. All four of these SAEs occurred in the context of HLH and were either resolved or clinically improving at the time of this analysis. No other CTX001-related SAEs were reported in the other patients with TDT or in any patients with SCD, said the investigators.

Haydar Frangoul, MD, Medical Director of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at Sarah Cannon Research Institute, HCA Healthcares TriStar Centennial Medical Center, said:What we have been able to do through this study is a tremendous achievement. By gene editing the patients own stem cells we may have the potential to make this therapy an option for many patients facing these blood diseases.

Because of the precise way CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing works, Dr Frangoul suggested the technique could potentially cure or ameliorate a variety of diseases that have genetic origins.

The trial was sponsored by CRISPR Therapeutics and Vertex Pharmaceuticals.

The second two studies indicate new opportunities to reach a broader patient population with chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy, which has been shown to be effective in some blood cancers but does not work in all patients.

One of the new studies offers an explanation as to why some patients do not respond to CD19-CAR-T therapy and suggests a way to overcome this resistance. The other study suggests CD19-CAR-T may be a viable option for some patients with high-risk non-Hodgkin lymphoma who have not responded to standard treatments.

Getting more data on CD19-CAR-T therapy in the high-risk non-Hodgkin lymphoma population is very important, said Dr Bollard. We know that CD19-CAR-T therapy does not work for some patients, so these studies underscore the need to better understand the immune evasion mechanisms T cells might be susceptible to and not just focus on their role as a vehicle for the CAR. Doing so may improve our capacity to administer effective T-cell immunotherapies.

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Researchers Trace the Origin of Blood Cancer to Early Childhood, Decades before Diagnosis – PRNewswire

By daniellenierenberg

WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Genetic mutations linked with cancer can occur during childhood or even before birth and proliferate in the body for many years before causing cancer symptoms, according to a new study. The study, which traced the genetic origins of a blood cancer in 10 individuals, suggests there may be untapped opportunities to detect cancer warning signs much earlier and potentially intervene to prevent or slow cancer development.

"Our preliminary findings show these cancer driver mutations were often acquired in childhood, many decades before the cancer diagnosis," said senior study authorJyoti Nangalia, MD,of the Wellcome Sanger Institute and University of Cambridge. "Our results finally answer the common question posed by patients, 'How long has this cancer been growing?' as we were able to study how these particular cancers developed over the entire lifetime of individual patients."

The researchers analyzed bone marrow and blood samples from 10 people with Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms, a type of cancer that causes stem cells in the bone marrow to produce too many blood cells. In the majority of patients, this cancer is driven by a genetic mutation called JAK2V617F. By assessing JAK2V617F, other cancer-linked mutations and hundreds of thousands of other mutations that a person naturally acquires throughout life, the researchers were able to trace the ancestry of different blood cells and estimate the time at which each patient acquired JAK2V617F and other important mutations.

They determined that, in these 10 patients, the first cancer-linked mutations emerged as early as a few weeks after the start of life and up to the first decade of childhood despite clinical disease presenting many decades later in life.

"We were not expecting this," said Dr. Nangalia. "In fact, in one patient, the JAK2 mutation was acquired more than 50 years before their diagnosis."

While it is often assumed that most cancers are diagnosed within a few years of their emergence, the findings point to a more gradual, lifelong process in which a single cell acquires a cancer-linked mutation early in life and then slowly grows over decades, ultimately leading to cancer.

"Some of these cancer-linked mutations are found in healthy individuals as we get older, suggesting that aging causes them," said Dr. Nangalia. "However, aging per se doesn't drive such growth it simply takes a long time for the clones to grow." Sometimes, the growing clones pick up additional cancer-linked mutations along the way, accelerating their growth, researchers found.

"For these patients, we calculated how many of these cancer clones would have been present in the past, and our results suggest that these clones may have been detectable up to 10 to 40 years before diagnosis," said Dr. Nangalia. "In addition to detecting the mutations, the rate at which the mutated clones grew was also very important in determining whether, and when, cancer develops." The findings suggest that genetic testing could help identify people at risk for cancer much earlier than current methods allow, according to researchers.

The next steps would be to understand the factors that influence the different rates of cancer growth and determine whether there could be ways to intervene and slow the growth of cells with cancer-linked mutations. The researchers say their method for pinpointing the origin of this blood cancer could also be applied to other mutations and other blood cancers. "Understanding the timelines of development of different cancers is critical for efforts aimed at early cancer detection and prevention," said Dr. Nangalia.

Jyoti Nangalia, MBBChir,Wellcome Sanger Institute and University of Cambridge, will present this study during the Late-Breaking Abstracts session on Tuesday, December 8 at 7:00 a.m. Pacific time on the ASH annual meeting virtual platform.

For the complete annual meeting program and abstracts, visit Follow ASH and #ASH20 on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook for the most up-to-date information about the 2020 ASH Annual Meeting.

The American Society of Hematology (ASH) ( is the world's largest professional society of hematologists dedicated to furthering the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders affecting the blood. For more than 60 years, the Society has led the development of hematology as a discipline by promoting research, patient care, education, training, and advocacy in hematology. ASH publishes Blood (, the most cited peer-reviewed publication in the field, and Blood Advances (, an online, peer-reviewed open-access journal.

SOURCE American Society of Hematology

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Researchers Trace the Origin of Blood Cancer to Early Childhood, Decades before Diagnosis - PRNewswire

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Magenta Therapeutics Announces Commencement of First Phase 2 Clinical Trial of MGTA-145 for Stem Cell Mobilization, Oral Presentation of MGTA-145…

By daniellenierenberg

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Magenta Therapeutics (NASDAQ: MGTA), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel medicines to bring the curative power of stem cell transplant to more patients, today announced final clinical results from its earlier completed Phase 1 clinical trial as well as development updates for its MGTA-145 stem cell mobilization therapy, including commencement of enrollment in a Phase 2 clinical trial in multiple myeloma, and its plans for a Phase 2 clinical trial in allogeneic stem cell transplant for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The company also previously announced a clinical collaboration with bluebird bio to evaluate MGTA-145 for mobilizing and collecting stem cells in adults and adolescents with sickle cell disease (SCD). Additional preclinical results were also presented at the 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition, taking place virtually from December 5-8, 2020, on the Magenta conditioning platform, including MGTA-117 program, which is a targeted antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) to prepare patients for stem cell transplant.

MGTA-145 Advancement to Phase 2 Development in Blood Cancers

The company announced that enrollment has started and is ongoing in a Phase 2 clinical trial of MGTA-145, used in combination with plerixafor, to mobilize and collect stem cells for autologous stem cell transplantation of multiple myeloma patients at Stanford University. Magenta expects that this trial will provide patient-level data on stem cell mobilization and collection, characteristics of the mobilized graft and engraftment in patients with multiple myeloma.

Additionally, through a collaboration with the National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match, a global leader in facilitating allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Magenta plans to initiate a Phase 2 clinical trial in early 2021 using MGTA-145 to mobilize and collect stem cells from allogeneic donors for transplant in patients with AML, ALL and MDS. Allogeneic stem cell transplant provides a potentially curative therapeutic option for patients with these diseases. This clinical trial will evaluate stem cell mobilization, collection, cell quality, engraftment and the potential for reduced Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD), which is of particular importance in the allogeneic transplant setting.

MGTA-145 in Sickle Cell Disease

Magenta Therapeutics recently announced an exclusive clinical collaboration with bluebird bio to evaluate the utility of MGTA-145, in combination with plerixafor, for the mobilization and collection of stem cells in adults and adolescents with SCD.

The data from this clinical trial could provide proof-of-concept for MGTA-145, in combination with plerixafor, as the preferred mobilization regimen for patients with SCD. bluebird bios experience with plerixafor as a mobilization agent in SCD aligns with Magentas combination therapy approach, utilizing MGTA-145 plus plerixafor with potential for safe, rapid and reliable mobilization of sufficient quantities of high-quality stem cells to improve outcomes associated with stem cell transplantation.

MGTA-145 Presentations at ASH

Magenta presented final clinical data from its MGTA-145 stem cell mobilization Phase 1 clinical trial in healthy volunteers at the ASH Annual Meeting. All primary and secondary endpoints were met in the study completed earlier this year.

The results demonstrate that a single dose of MGTA-145, in combination with plerixafor, rapidly and reliably mobilized high numbers of stem cells in a single day without the need for G-CSF for potential use in diseases that can benefit from autologous and/or allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The additional data also offer further confirmation that MGTA-145, in combination with plerixafor, was well tolerated and provides a rapid and reliable method to obtain large numbers of hematopoietic stem cells. Transplant of these cells in preclinical models resulted in enhanced, durable engraftment, in addition to highly immunosuppressive properties, leading to reduced GvHD.

Results from this study provide a robust dataset and proof of concept that MGTA-145, in combination with plerixafor, provides rapid and robust mobilization of stem cells and that these cells have better engraftment potential, are able to be gene modified and engraft and reduce GvHD in preclinical models compared to cells mobilized with other available agents. The data reinforce the availability of compelling opportunities for development in both the autologous and allogeneic transplant settings, said John Davis Jr., M.D., M.P.H., M.S., Head of Research & Development and Chief Medical Officer, Magenta Therapeutics.

The data were presented by Steven M. Devine, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match and Associate Scientific Director of the CIBMTR (Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research).

Conditioning Program (MGTA-117 and CD45-ADC) Presentations at ASH

Magenta also provided updates on its conditioning platform at the ASH Annual Meeting, including MGTA-117 and CD45-ADC programs. Preclinical data from a study of MGTA-117 demonstrate that it is an effective, potent conditioning agent for transplant with anti-leukemic activity, significantly decreasing tumor burdens, leading to delayed tumor growth and increased median survival rates in animal models of AML. Ongoing GLP toxicology and GMP manufacturing progress continue to be supportive of advancing MGTA-117 towards an IND filing in AML and MDS.

Additionally, preclinical data from a study of Magentas CD45-ADC, a CD45-targeted conditioning agent designed to remove the cells that cause autoimmune diseases to enable curative immune reset, demonstrated the ability to achieve successful outcomes as a single agent in the most challenging disease model through fully mismatched allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant, where only radiation or combinations of toxic chemotherapies are available, potentially providing patients the option of a reduced toxicity conditioning regimen. The company continues to evaluate this program preclinically.

About MGTA-145

MGTA-145 is being developed in combination with plerixafor to harness complementary chemokine mechanisms to mobilize hematopoietic stem cells for collection and transplantation. This new combination has the potential to be the preferred mobilization regimen for rapid and reliable mobilization and collection of hematopoietic stem cells to improve outcomes in autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation, which can rebuild a healthy immune system for patients with blood cancers, genetic diseases and autoimmune disorders.

MGTA-145 has the potential to replace the current standard of care for patients and allogeneic donors who currently rely on the use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) alone or in combination with plerixafor, which can take up to five days or longer to mobilize sufficient numbers of stem cells, often resulting in significant bone pain and other side effects.

About Magenta Therapeutics

Magenta Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing medicines to bring the curative power of immune system reset through stem cell transplant to more patients with blood cancer, genetic diseases and autoimmune diseases. Magenta is combining leadership in stem cell biology and biotherapeutics development with clinical and regulatory expertise, a unique business model and broad networks in the stem cell transplant world to revolutionize immune reset for more patients.

Magenta is based in Cambridge, Mass. For more information, please visit

Follow Magenta on Twitter: @magentatx.

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release may contain forward-looking statements and information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws. The use of words such as may, will, could, should, expects, intends, plans, anticipates, believes, estimates, predicts, projects, seeks, endeavor, potential, continue or the negative of such words or other similar expressions can be used to identify forward-looking statements. The express or implied forward-looking statements included in this press release are only predictions and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, without limitation risks set forth under the caption Risk Factors in Magentas Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 3, 2020, as updated by Magentas most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this press release may not occur and actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Although Magenta believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee that the future results, levels of activity, performance or events and circumstances reflected in the forward-looking statements will be achieved or occur. Moreover, except as required by law, neither Magenta nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the forward-looking statements included in this press release. Any forward-looking statement included in this press release speaks only as of the date on which it was made. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

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Magenta Therapeutics Announces Commencement of First Phase 2 Clinical Trial of MGTA-145 for Stem Cell Mobilization, Oral Presentation of MGTA-145...

To Read More: Magenta Therapeutics Announces Commencement of First Phase 2 Clinical Trial of MGTA-145 for Stem Cell Mobilization, Oral Presentation of MGTA-145…
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Haywards Heath woman’s bid to fund stem cell treatment to combat MS – Mid Sussex Times

By daniellenierenberg

Joceline Colvert was diagnosed with relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis in her early 20s and says she spent the first eight years researching and managing her condition while trying to mention it as little as possible to others and completing her Sound Production degree.

I spent most of my late 20s and early 30s finding ways to manage relapses, the symptoms of which have included whole body numbness, loss of the use of both hands, right eye blindness, vertigo and double vision, she said. Thankfully these symptoms did resolve however left scarring on my nerves. This results in reduced vision in my formerly blind eye and hands that dont function very well with repetitive tasks.

This semi-denial worked for me until about 2010 when I started to become a bit limpy which I did my best to hide. After a couple of memorable falls and fractures I decided to face up to being slightly rickety and got a hiking pole that I used occasionally in public. Since then Ive needed to get used to being visibly disabled, and switch between two hiking poles for very short distances and a wheelchair everywhere else.

Joceline, who lives with her husband and her five beloved cats and dogs, says she is not eligible for Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), on the NHS which is the first treatment I have ever got excited about and believe could work. It could be truly life-changing.

As a result she is trying to raise money to fund the treatment herself.

HSCT is a procedure that aims to reset the faulty immune system which, in my case, is attacking my nervous system from within, Joceline said. Stem cells will be taken from my bone marrow or blood before my immune system is wiped out with chemotherapy. My cells are then reintroduced into my blood, where they grow a new immune system which will hopefully no longer attack my nerves or have any memory of MS.

The aim of HSCT is to completely halt progression, putting MS into remission with no requirement for immunosuppressant drug therapy. The success rate for relapsing remitting MS is 80% - 90% which is absolutely phenomenal compared to the limited available drug treatments, which only aim to slow down disability.

HSCT is available on the NHS, however there is a very strict criteria for which I do not qualify. The expense of the treatment and the increased pressures on the public purse mean the NHS will only treat patients who have been diagnosed for fewer than 15 years.

I have been diagnosed for 18 years.

I had prepared myself for this possibility and, for the last year, have been researching treatment with The National Pirogov Medical Centre Russia (Moscow). Russia has been pioneering in their use of HSCT to treat MS and are world renowned for their expertise and care. Im excited to have a treatment date in March 2021 which fills me with hope for a future free from progression. I need your help to get there.

Joceline, who loves making stop-motion animation puppets and props and playing musical instruments, says the treatment will cost 40,800, and the flights 800.

She has launched a Go Fund Me page at which has already seen donations of more than 26,000.

I am incredibly grateful for any help you can give towards enabling me to access this life-changing treatment, she said.

After almost two decades of managing MS flare-ups and their consequences, its hard to put into words just what a future without them would mean to me.

Thank you for reading this and for any help you can put towards this goal.

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Haywards Heath woman's bid to fund stem cell treatment to combat MS - Mid Sussex Times

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Antileukemic Activity Seen With Flotetuzumab in Primary Induction Failure, Early-Relapse AML – Hematology Advisor

By daniellenierenberg

Flotetuzumab was found to demonstrate antileukemic activity in patients with primary induction failure (PIF) and early-relapse acute myeloid leukemia (ER-AML), and the treatment appears tolerable with infrequent neurologic adverse events, according to results from an updated analysis of an ongoing open-label phase 1/2 study ( Identifier: NCT02152956). The preliminary findings were presented by Ibrahim Aldoss, MD, of the Gehr Family Center for Leukemia Research at City of Hope in Duarte, California, at the virtual 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition.

CD123 is overexpressed on AML cells, including leukemia stem cells, as well as other hematological malignancies, said Dr Aldoss. Flotetuzumab is a humanized CD3 x CD123 bispecific T-cell engager that redirects T cells to kill tumor cells expressing CD123.

The open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase 1/2 study previously identified the recommended phase 2 dosage of flotetuzumab as 500 ng/kg/d administered via continuous infusion in 28-day cycles following a step-up lead-in dose administered during cycle 1 in week 1 of treatment. The primary objective of the study was to assess safety and antileukemic activity of flotetuzumab in patients with PIF/ER-AML.

A total of 44 patients (PIF, n= 27; ER-AML, n=17) were included in the study. Median patient age was 63.5 years (range, 28.0-81.0), and most patient were men (70.5%). According to the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) 2017 risk stratification criteria, the majority of patients had nonfavorable risk (97.7%).

Evidence of antileukemic activity was documented in 59.1% of patients, with a median decrease of 81.0% in bone marrow blasts. Median time to first response was 1 cycle (range, 1-3).

The combined complete response rate (CR, <5% bone marrow blast) and CR with partial hematologic recovery (CRh) was 25.0% (PIF, 33.3%; ER-AML, 11.8%) and 31.8% when including CR with incomplete hematologic recovery (CRi). Among the 14 patients with CR/CRh/CRi, 8 patients subsequently underwent stem cell transplantation.

In addition, morphologic leukemia-free state was reported in 3 patients (PIF, n=1; ER-AML, n=2). Of the 10 patients with TP53 mutation, 5 were reported to have CRR/CRh/CRi, and 3 of those patients (60.0%) underwent stem cell transplantation.

For all patients who achieved CR/CRh/CRi, median duration of response was 8.13 months, and median overall survival was 10.7 months.

Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), the most frequently reported treatment-related adverse event, occurred in 100% of patients (n=44; all grade). One grade 3 CRS event occurred. Approximately half of CRS events (52%) occurred during step-up dosing in the first week of treatment, and the incidence of CRS progressively decreased over time.

Neurologic adverse events were reported as infrequent and of mild to moderate severity (all-grade headache, n=13; 29.5%). Neurologic treatment-related adverse events of grade 3 or more were confusional state (n=3) and dizziness (n=1).

Flotetuzumab demonstrated encouraging activity in patients with primary induction failure in early-relapse AML, a population with poor prognosis and high unmet medical need, Dr Aldoss concluded.

The study ( Identifier: NCT02152956) is currently enrolling patients.

Disclosure: Some authors have declared affiliations with or received funding from the pharmaceutical industry. Please refer to the original study for a full list of disclosures.

Read more ofHematology Advisorscoverage of the ASH 2020 meeting by visiting theconference page.

Aldoss I, Uy G, Vey N, et al. Flotetuzumab as salvage therapy for primary induction failure and early relapse acute myeloid leukemia. Presented at: American Society of Hematology (ASH) 62nd Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 5-8, 2020. Abstract 331.

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Antileukemic Activity Seen With Flotetuzumab in Primary Induction Failure, Early-Relapse AML - Hematology Advisor

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Venetoclax/Azacitidine Combination Efficacious for the Treatment of Older Patients With Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome – Oncology Nurse Advisor

By daniellenierenberg

The following article features coverage from the ASH 2020 virtual meeting. Click here to read more of Oncology Nurse Advisors conference coverage.

Patients who received venetoclax with azacytidine for the treatment of higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (HR-MDS) had high overall survival rates and clinically meaningful improvements of dyspnea and fatigue through 48 weeks. These findings were presented during the American Society of Hematology (ASH) 62nd Annual Meeting and Exposition.

Jacqueline S. Garcia, MD, coauthor of this study, explained the mechanism of this therapy. Apoptosis is normally under tight control by the interaction between pro-survival and pro-biotic proteins. In HR-MDS, myeloblasts overexpress BCL-2 and blasts are generally highly prone to pro-apoptotic proteins. Azacytidine indirectly decreases other apoptotic proteins, which sensitizes cells to venetoclax. Venetoclax is a BCL-2 inhibitor, which induces death. Thus, these drugs have the potential to irreversibly commit the cell to death.

Patients (N=78) with HR-MDS who were not candidates for intensive chemotherapy were recruited for this ongoing, open-label, dose-escalation, phase 1b study. Study participants received venetoclax 400 or 800 mg for 28 days followed by an escalating dose (100, 200, and 400 mg) for 14 days in a 28-day cycle with azacitidine 75 mg/m2 subcutaneously or intravenously administered on the first 7 days of each cycle. Participants were assessed for adverse events and efficacy.

Patient group was 75% men, median age 71 years (range, 26 to 85) and 56% had very high-risk disease.

Of the 31 patients with baseline marrow data, the most frequent mutations were located in tumor protein p53 (TP53; 35.5%), additional sex combs like 1 (ASXL1; 19.4%), and stromal antigen 2 (STAG2; 16.1%).

All participants experienced at least 1 adverse event during the study. The most commonly observed events were constipation (54%), nausea (55%), and neutropenia (83%). Adverse events grade 3 or higher were experienced by 96% of patients and included febrile neutropenia (49%) and thrombocytopenia (42%). Few infections were observed, likely due to the antibiotic prophylaxis.

At 30 days, the mortality rate was 1% and 1.3% experienced disease progression. A total of 16 patients received post-study transplants (bone marrow, 7 patients; stem cell, 9 patients).

The objective response rate was 79%; in which 39.7% entered into complete remission, 39.7% into marrow complete remission, and 14.1% had stable disease.

The median duration of response was 12.9 months (range, 12.1 to 16.8), and among those who achieved complete remission, the median duration of response after remission was 13.8 months (range, 6.5 to 20.9). The median time to complete remission was 2.6 months (range, 1.2 to 19.6).

Physical function through 48 weeks was generally maintained and fatigue, dyspnea, and global health quality of life were improved among patients who received 400 mg of venetoclax for 14 days.

This study was limited by its small sample size and short duration; however, this study was still on-going, and a phase 3 trial has begun.

These results indicated venetoclax with azacitidine was efficacious, allowing for maintenance of physical functioning for up to 48 weeks among patients with HR-MDS who were not candidates for intensive chemotherapy.

Disclosure: Multiple authors declared affiliations with industry. Please refer to the original article for a full list of disclosures.


Garcia JS, Wei AH, Borate U, et al. Safety, efficacy, and patient-reported outcomes of venetoclax in combination with azacitidine for the treatment of patients with higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome: a phase 1b study. Presented at: American Society of Hematology (ASH) 62nd Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 5-8, 2020. Abstr 656.

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Venetoclax/Azacitidine Combination Efficacious for the Treatment of Older Patients With Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome - Oncology Nurse Advisor

To Read More: Venetoclax/Azacitidine Combination Efficacious for the Treatment of Older Patients With Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome – Oncology Nurse Advisor
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Precigen Presents New Data Supporting the Safety, Clinical Activity, Expansion and Persistence of PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T at the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting…

By daniellenierenberg

GERMANTOWN, Md., Dec. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Precigen Inc., a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the development of innovative gene and cell therapies to improve the lives of patients, today announced at the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition (Abstract 2864) clinical progress and new data from the ongoing Phase 1/1b clinical study of PRGN-3006UltraCAR-Tin patients with relapsed or refractory (r/r) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and higher risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) (clinical trial identifier: NCT03927261).

AML is a rapidly progressing disease with poor prognosis and high unmet need. Precigen's UltraCAR-T platform is designed to overcome limitations of currently available chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T therapies by utilizing an advanced overnight non-viral gene delivery manufacturing process at a medical center's cGMP facility without the need for ex vivo expansion. Current CAR-T cell therapies are limited due to, inter alia, the prolonged interval between apheresis to product infusion and an exhausted phenotype of T cells resulting from lengthy ex vivo expansion. As announced in November 2020, UltraCAR-T cells for the PRGN-3006 study are now manufacturedovernight using Precigen's proprietary UltraPorator device. PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T is a multigenic autologous CAR-T simultaneously expressing a CAR specifically targeting CD33; membrane bound IL-15 (mbIL15) for enhanced in vivo expansion and persistence; and a kill switch to conditionally eliminate CAR-T cells for an improved safety profile. CD33 is over-expressed on AML blasts with lesser expression on normal hematopoietic stem cells.

An investigator-initiated, non-randomized Phase 1/1b dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety and maximal tolerated dose of PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T is currently ongoing in collaboration with the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute (Moffitt). The study population includes adult patients ( 18 years) with r/r AML and hypomethylating agent (HMA) failure, higher risk MDS or chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) patients with 5% blasts. To test the hypothesis that expression of mbIL15 on PRGN-3006 can promote UltraCAR-T cell expansion and persistence without the need for lymphodepletion and improve the overall safety profile, studysubjects receive the PRGN-3006 infusion either without prior lymphodepletion (Cohort 1) or following lymphodepleting chemotherapy (Cohort 2). A multicenter expansion of the trial is planned.

Key findings:

A case study of the patient with the longest follow-up as of the data cutoff was also presented. This patient received, one day after gene transfer and without prior lymphodepletion, a very low dose, approximately three hundred thousand UltraCAR-T per kilogram (3 x 105 UltraCAR-T/kg) for a total of only 24 million UltraCAR-T. She is a 69 year old female with secondary AML (sAML) and four prior lines of therapy, including induction chemotherapy (IC), allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), HMA plus venetoclax (HMA+VEN), refractory to all therapy post allo-HSCT. The patient had approximately 40% peripheral blasts and 47% bone marrow blasts at baseline.

Case study findings:

"There is an urgent need for novel therapies for relapsed or refractory AML patients as the median overall survival for this patient population is less than six months. Current CAR-T approaches for AML have faced challenges due to long manufacturing durations resulting in subsequent delays in treatment," said David A. Sallman, MD, of Moffitt and lead investigator for the PRGN-3006 clinical study. "We are encouraged by the initial data, including safety and manufacturing success from patients treated with autologous UltraCAR-T cells, which were manufactured on-site with almost instant turnaround. We are excited by the expansion and continued persistence of PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T cells in the patient case study for over seven months post-infusion without prior lymphodepletion and are looking forward to higher doses in the lymphodepleted and non-lymphodepletion cohorts."

"Currently commercialized CAR-T therapies have not demonstrated the persistence needed to drive sustained, durable responses," said Helen Sabzevari, PhD, President and CEO of Precigen. "The results from Dr. Sallman's patient case study are particularly encouraging as the patient received a very low dose of cells without any ex vivo expansion or activation and no lymphodepletion, which highlights the importance of membrane bound IL-15 in expansion and persistence of these cells and, we believe, differentiates the UltraCAR-T platform from other CAR-T's. In particular, expansion and persistence of UltraCAR-T cells in the patient's blood through seven months post-infusion show promise for the durability of PRGN-3006. We look forward to providing additional details for the PRGN-3006 study at our upcoming clinical update call this month."

About Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)AML is a cancer that starts in the bone marrow, but most often moves into the blood.1 Though consideredrare, AML is among the most common types of leukemia in adults.2 In 2019, it was estimated that 21,450 new cases of AML would be diagnosed in the US.2 AML is uncommon before the age of 45 and the average age of diagnosis is about 68.2 The prognosis for patients with AML is poor with an average 5year survival rate of approximately 25 percent overall, and less than a 5 percent 5year survival rate for patients older than 65.3 Amongst elderly AML patients ( 65 years of age), median survival isshort, ranging from 3.5 months for patients 65 to 74 years of age to 1.4 months for patients 85 years of age.3

About Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)MDS are diseases of the bone marrow generally found in adults in their 70s.4 Incidence in the US is not known for sure, but estimates range from 10,000 each year and higher.4 Using International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R), median survival for MDS patients can vary from less than one year for the "very high" IPSS-R risk group to more than eight years for the "very low" IPSS-R group.4

About PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-TPRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T is a multigenic autologous CAR-T cell treatment utilizing Precigen's non-viral Sleeping Beauty system to simultaneously express a CAR specifically targeting CD33, which is over expressed on acute myeloid leukemia blasts with lesser expression on normal hematopoietic stem cell populations and minimal non-hematopoietic expression; membrane bound IL-15 for enhanced in vivo expansion and persistence; and a kill switch to conditionally eliminate CAR-T cells for animproved safety profile. PRGN-3006 is being evaluated in collaboration with the Moffitt Cancer Center in a nonrandomized, investigatorinitiated Phase 1/1b dose escalation study to evaluate the safety and maximal tolerated dose of PRGN3006 UltraCAR-T (clinical trial identifier: NCT03927261). The study population includes patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia or higher risk myelodysplastic syndrome. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug designation (ODD) for PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T in patients with AML.

Precigen: Advancing Medicine with PrecisionPrecigen (Nasdaq: PGEN) is a dedicated discovery and clinical stage biopharmaceutical company advancing the next generation of gene and cell therapies using precision technology to target urgent and intractable diseases in our core therapeutic areas of immuno-oncology, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases. Our technologies enable us to find innovative solutions for affordable biotherapeutics in a controlled manner. Precigen operates as an innovation engine progressing a preclinical and clinical pipeline of well-differentiated unique therapies toward clinical proof-of-concept and commercialization. For more information about Precigen, visit or follow us on Twitter @Precigen and LinkedIn.

TrademarksPrecigen, UltraCAR-T, UltraPorator and Advancing Medicine with Precision are trademarks of Precigen and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking StatementsSome of the statements made in this press release are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon the Company's current expectations and projections about future events and generally relate to plans, objectives, and expectations for the development of the Company's business, including the timing and progress of preclinical studies, clinical trials, discovery programs and related milestones, the promise of the Company's portfolio of therapies, and in particular its CAR-T therapies, and the Company's refocus to a healthcare-oriented business. Although management believes that the plans and objectives reflected in or suggested by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including the possibility that the timeline for the Company's clinical trials might be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and actual future results may be materially different from the plans, objectives and expectations expressed in this press release. The Company has no obligation to provide any updates to these forward-looking statements even if its expectations change. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. For further information on potential risks and uncertainties, and other important factors, any of which could cause the Company's actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

References1 American Cancer Society. What is Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)?2 American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)3 Thein, M., et al., Outcome of older patients with acute myeloid leukemia: an analysis of SEER data over 3 decades. Cancer, 2013. 119(15): p.2720-74 American Cancer Society.Key Statistics for Myelodysplastic Syndromes

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Precigen Presents New Data Supporting the Safety, Clinical Activity, Expansion and Persistence of PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T at the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting...

To Read More: Precigen Presents New Data Supporting the Safety, Clinical Activity, Expansion and Persistence of PRGN-3006 UltraCAR-T at the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting…
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Rocket Pharmaceuticals Presents Positive Clinical Data from its Fanconi Anemia and Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I Programs at the 62nd American…

By daniellenierenberg

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: RCKT) (Rocket), a clinical-stage company advancing an integrated and sustainable pipeline of genetic therapies for rare childhood disorders, today presents updated interim data from its Fanconi Anemia (FA) and Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I) programs at the 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting. The data are highlighted in two oral presentations.

We are highly pleased with the data presented at ASH demonstrating ongoing evidence of efficacy and durability using Process B in both FA and LAD-I as we move towards potential registration, said Gaurav Shah, M.D., Chief Executive Officer and President of Rocket. Follow-up data from the Phase 1 and 2 trials for FA continue to support RP-L102 as a potential hematologic treatment option in the absence of cytotoxic conditioning. In five of the seven patients treated as of October 2020, there was evidence of engraftment. In addition, stabilization of peripheral blood counts in two of the three patients with at least 12-month follow-up, which declined substantially in these patients prior to gene therapy, suggests a halt in bone marrow failure progression. We look forward to reporting longer-term follow-up on these patients in the first half of 2021.

Dr. Shah continued, Additionally, we continue to see encouraging evidence of efficacy for RP-L201 for the treatment of LAD-I. Patients have shown sustained CD18 expression of 23% to 40%, far exceeding the 4-10% threshold associated with survival into adulthood. These data, on top of our exciting results from our lentiviral program for PKD, show our steady progress across three of our five gene therapy programs. We are proud of this progress and are committed to advancing our investigational gene therapies through development for patients and families facing these devastating disorders.

Key findings and details for each presentation are highlighted below. To access the presentations at the conclusion of the oral presentation, please visit:

Gene Therapy for Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group A: Updated Results from Ongoing Global Clinical Studies of RP-L102The data presented in the oral presentation are from seven of the nine patients treated as of the cutoff date of October 2020 in both the U.S. Phase 1 and global Phase 2 studies of RP-L102 for FA. Seven patients had follow-up data of at least 2-months, and three of the seven patients had been followed for 12-months or longer. Key highlights from the presentation include:

Presentation Details:Title: Gene Therapy for Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group A: Updated Results from Ongoing Global Clinical Studies of RP-L102Session Title: Gene Editing, Therapy and Transfer IPresenter: Agnieszka Czechowicz, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Stem Cell Transplantation, Stanford University School of MedicineSession Date: Monday, December 7, 2020Session Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)Presentation Time: 12:15 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Phase 1/2 Study of Lentiviral-Mediated Ex-Vivo Gene Therapy for Pediatric Patients with Severe Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I): Results from Phase 1The data presented in the oral presentation are from three pediatric patients with severe LAD-I, as defined by CD18 expression of less than 2%. The patients were treated with RP-L201, Rockets ex-vivo lentiviral gene therapy candidate. Patient L201-003-1001 was 9-years of age at enrollment and had been followed for 12-months as of a cutoff date of November 2020. Patient L201-003-1004 was 3-years of age at enrollment and had been followed for over 6-months. Patient L201-003-2006 was 7-months of age at enrollment and was recently treated with RP-L201. Key highlights from the presentation include:

Rockets LAD-I research is made possible by a grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (Grant Number CLIN2-11480). The contents of this press release are solely the responsibility of Rocket and do not necessarily represent the official views of CIRM or any other agency of the State of California.

Presentation Details:Title: Phase 1/2 Study of Lentiviral-Mediated Ex-Vivo Gene Therapy for Pediatric Patients with Severe Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I): Results from Phase 1Session Title: Gene Editing, Therapy and Transfer IPresenter: Donald Kohn, M.D., Professor of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, Pediatrics (Hematology/Oncology), Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, and member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at the University of California, Los AngelesSession Date: Monday, December 7, 2020Session Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)Presentation Time: 12:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Conference Call DetailsRocket management will host a conference call and webcast today December 7, at 6:00 p.m. EST. To access the call and webcast, please click here. The webcast replay will be available on the Rocket website following the completion of the call.

Investors may listen to the call by dialing (866) 866-1333 from locations in the United States or +1 (404) 260-1421 from outside the United States. Please refer to conference ID number 50038102

About Fanconi AnemiaFanconi Anemia (FA) is a rare pediatric disease characterized by bone marrow failure, malformations and cancer predisposition. The primary cause of death among patients with FA is bone marrow failure, which typically occurs during the first decade of life. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), when available, corrects the hematologic component of FA, but requires myeloablative conditioning. Graft-versus-host disease, a known complication of allogeneic HSCT, is associated with an increased risk of solid tumors, mainly squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck region. Approximately 60-70% of patients with FA have a Fanconi Anemia complementation group A (FANCA) gene mutation, which encodes for a protein essential for DNA repair. Mutation in the FANCA gene leads to chromosomal breakage and increased sensitivity to oxidative and environmental stress. Increased sensitivity to DNA-alkylating agents such as mitomycin-C (MMC) or diepoxybutane (DEB) is a gold standard test for FA diagnosis. Somatic mosaicism occurs when there is a spontaneous correction of the mutated gene that can lead to stabilization or correction of a FA patients blood counts in the absence of any administered therapy. Somatic mosaicism, often referred to as natural gene therapy provides a strong rationale for the development of FA gene therapy because of the selective growth advantage of gene-corrected hematopoietic stem cells over FA cells.

About Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-ISevere Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I) is a rare, autosomal recessive pediatric disease caused by mutations in the ITGB2 gene encoding for the beta-2 integrin component CD18. CD18 is a key protein that facilitates leukocyte adhesion and extravasation from blood vessels to combat infections. As a result, children with severe LAD-I are often affected immediately after birth. During infancy, they suffer from recurrent life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections that respond poorly to antibiotics and require frequent hospitalizations. Children who survive infancy experience recurrent severe infections including pneumonia, gingival ulcers, necrotic skin ulcers, and septicemia. Without a successful bone marrow transplant, mortality in patients with severe LAD-I is 60-75% prior to the age of 2 and survival beyond the age of 5 is uncommon. There is a high unmet medical need for patients with severe LAD-I.

About Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: RCKT) (Rocket) is advancing an integrated and sustainable pipeline of genetic therapies that correct the root cause of complex and rare childhood disorders. The companys platform-agnostic approach enables it to design the best therapy for each indication, creating potentially transformative options for patients afflicted with rare genetic diseases. Rocket's clinical programs using lentiviral vector (LVV)-based gene therapy are for the treatment of Fanconi Anemia (FA), a difficult to treat genetic disease that leads to bone marrow failure and potentially cancer, Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I), a severe pediatric genetic disorder that causes recurrent and life-threatening infections which are frequently fatal, Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD) a rare, monogenic red blood cell disorder resulting in increased red cell destruction and mild to life-threatening anemia and Infantile Malignant Osteopetrosis (IMO), a bone marrow-derived disorder. Rockets first clinical program using adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapy is for Danon disease, a devastating, pediatric heart failure condition. For more information about Rocket, please visit

Rocket Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking StatementsVarious statements in this release concerning Rocket's future expectations, plans and prospects, including without limitation, Rocket's expectations regarding its guidance for 2020 in light of COVID-19, the safety, effectiveness and timing of product candidates that Rocket may develop, to treat Fanconi Anemia (FA), Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I (LAD-I), Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD), Infantile Malignant Osteopetrosis (IMO) and Danon Disease, and the safety, effectiveness and timing of related pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, may constitute forward-looking statements for the purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws and are subject to substantial risks, uncertainties and assumptions. You should not place reliance on these forward-looking statements, which often include words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "will give," "estimate," "seek," "will," "may," "suggest" or similar terms, variations of such terms or the negative of those terms. Although Rocket believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, Rocket cannot guarantee such outcomes. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including, without limitation, Rocket's ability to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on its business operations and take steps to ensure the safety of patients, families and employees, the interest from patients and families for participation in each of Rockets ongoing trials, our expectations regarding the delays and impact of COVID-19 on clinical sites, patient enrollment, trial timelines and data readouts, our expectations regarding our drug supply for our ongoing and anticipated trials, actions of regulatory agencies, which may affect the initiation, timing and progress of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials of its product candidates, Rocket's dependence on third parties for development, manufacture, marketing, sales and distribution of product candidates, the outcome of litigation, and unexpected expenditures, as well as those risks more fully discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Rocket's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, filed November 6, 2020 with the SEC. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All such statements speak only as of the date made, and Rocket undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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Rocket Pharmaceuticals Presents Positive Clinical Data from its Fanconi Anemia and Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I Programs at the 62nd American...

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CLL patients in England to get AZ’s Calquence after okay from NICE – – pharmaphorum

By daniellenierenberg

NHS England is to grant immediate access to AstraZenecas cancer drug Calquence (acalabrutinib) for certain patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) after NICE backed it in first draft recommendations.

NICE recommended regular NHS funding for Calquence in CLL who are considered high-risk due to 17p deletion or TP53 mutations.

It is also recommended for adults with CLL who have had at least one previous treatment and only if AbbVie and Janssens class rival Imbruvica (ibrutinib) is their only suitable treatment option.

NHS England is granting access via an interim funding arrangement with AstraZeneca, which will end 30 days after publication of positive final guidance, after which treatment will be funded by routine commissioning budgets.

However the guidance has rejected Calquence for a third group of patients with untreated, non-high risk CLL who are unsuitable for treatment with chemotherapy.

AZ said it will provide further data analyses for continued discussions with NICE about this group of patients.

Calquence was approved in CLL by the EMA last month as monotherapy or in combination with Roches Gazyvaro (obinutuzumab).

In CLL, too many blood stem cells in the bone marrow become abnormal white blood cells, and these have difficulty in fighting infections.

As the number of abnormal cells grows there is less room for healthy white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This could result in anaemia, infection, and bleeding.

B-cell receptor signalling through Brutons tyrosine kinase (BTK) is one of the essential growth pathways for CLL.

In B-cells, BTK signalling results in the activation of pathways necessary for growth: proliferation, trafficking, chemotaxis, and adhesion.

Calquence binds selectively to BTK, inhibiting its activity.

This is the second recommendation of a therapy for CLL in the space of a month in November it recommended AbbVie/Roches chemotherapy-free option of Venclyxto (venetoclax) and Gazyva.

NICEs decision allows for a 12-month fixed duration treatment option based on data from the phase 3 CLL14 trial.

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CLL patients in England to get AZ's Calquence after okay from NICE - - pharmaphorum

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Regenerative Medicine: Market Trends and Legal Developments on the Horizon for 2021 – MedTech Intelligence

By daniellenierenberg

As the second wave of the pandemic engulfs us and the world works at warp speed to develop vaccines and therapies to respond, the importance of regenerative medicine has never been higher. Since 2017, Goldman Sachs has touted the sector as one of the most compelling areas for venture capital investment. With billions of dollars of global government spending being poured into the search for vaccines and therapies to respond to the novel coronavirus, and with the FDA having now granted approval to the first vaccines based on CRISPR mRNA gene-editing technologies, business models based on regenerative medicines are commanding record values. Despite the flood of cash into regenerative medicine, legal and ethical considerations will continue to cause much controversy.

Regenerative medicine ultimately accelerates the human bodys healing process. It is an area of biomedical sciences that involves medical treatments to repair or replace damaged cells, tissues, or organs. Instead of merely focusing on the symptoms, regenerative medicine uses cellular therapies, tissue engineering, medical devices, and artificial organs to improve peoples health. For example, stem cell therapies, tissue grafts, and organ transplants are all part of regenerative medicine.

Today, cellular and acellular regenerative medicines are often used in clinical procedures such as cell, immunomodulation, and tissue engineering therapies. They have the potential to effectively treat many chronic diseases, including Alzheimers, Parkinsons and cardiovascular disorders, osteoporosis, and spinal cord injuries.

A small number of unscrupulous actors, according to the FDA, however, have seized on the clinical promise of regenerative medicine to offer patients unproven treatments. The FDA and other regulators are challenged to provide assurances of safety for these therapies without stifling development, as well as to approve treatments based on manipulation of stem cells derived from human and animal embryos given the ethical issues involved.

In the future, stem cell research will play an increasingly outsized role in regenerative medicine techniques. In November 2020, voters in California narrowly passed Proposition 14, a referendum to approve $5.5 billion in new government funding for stem cell research. Other governments around the world are doing the same.

Today, the growing prevalence of chronic medical ailments and genetic disorders across the globe is a primary factor driving the regenerative medicine industrys growth, according to the Regenerative Medicine Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2020-2025. The increasing aging population, prone to various musculoskeletal, oncological, dermatological, and cardiological disorders, is a key growth driver. Widespread adoption of organ transplantation is another contributing factor to this growth in market share. The current pandemic that began in January 2020, however, has changed the paradigm for regenerative medicine.

Market applications are burgeoning. Regenerative medicine can prevent and cure disease through effective vaccines and efficacious therapies. It can minimize the risk of organ rejection post-transplant and speed recovery. Technological advancements in cell-based therapies, such as the development of 3-D bioprinting techniques and the adoption of artificial intelligence in the production of regenerative medicines, are also stimulating growth. These advancements also facilitate dermatological grafting procedures to treat burns, bone defects, and skin wounds. Other factors, including extensive research and development activities in medical sciences and improving healthcare infrastructure, are also predicted to drive the market even further.

According to the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, there are approaching approximately 1,000 companies focusing on this evolving area worldwide. These new companies are focusing on gene therapy, cell therapy and tissue engineering therapeutic developers. More than half of these companies are in North America, followed by almost a quarter in Europe and Israel and approximately 20% in Asia. More than 50% of these companies are focusing on cell therapy and gene therapy.

From 2014 to 2019, the global regenerative medicine market experienced a nearly 16% CAGR. Companies involved in gene and cell therapies as well as other regenerative medicine areas raised $4.8 billion during the first half of 2019, including $2.6 billion in the second quarter. Meanwhile, companies in Europe and Israel saw an acceleration of fundraising, with $1.3 billion amassed in just the first half of 2019, representing a 17% increase over the same period in 2018. Project Warp Speed has attracted billions of dollars of U.S. government spending, and similar efforts are ongoing in China, Russia, the European Union and among other major powers. Consequently, regenerative medicine has never before benefited from such a combination of public and private investment.

Whenever the viability and quality of human life are at stake, ethical and legal considerations always arise.

The modern ethical controversy surrounding regenerative medicine began in 1998 when research scientists at the University of Wisconsin succeeded in deriving and growing stem cells from early-stage human embryos. Ethicists and right-to-life activists protested that scientists were taking away human life (embryos) to conduct scientific experiments. Left unchecked, so the argument went, doctors could usurp nature and play God by developing the power to create and terminate life. A society where human life could be fundamentally perverted by medicine conjured up comparisons to Nazi Germany and Frankenstein. In 2001, then-U.S. President George W. Bush cut off federal funding for any research involving newly created embryonic stem cell lines, but agreed to continue funding research on 60 existing stem cell lines, where the life and death decision ha[d] already been made. The State of California responded in 2004 and again in 2020 with voter-approved programs directing billions of funding into stem cell research, making the region the global hub of regenerative medicine.

The use of human-derived embryonic stem cells, or animal-derived stem cells, continues to cause much controversy among ethicists and society at large. Some fear the risks of enrolling humans in experimental stem cell studies. Others fear the use of organs from human-animal chimeras in transplantation.

While these techniques have the potential to cure disease and save lives, they also have the potential to forever alter the nature of life as we know it and fundamental aspects of our society.

In the United States, legal jurisdiction for regulating regenerative medicine on a federal level lies with the FDA and in a patchwork of state laws, R&D funding programs and non-binding, NGO-promulgated statements of policy. The main responsibility of the FDA is to protect the public from dangerous products and ensure its safety, including overseeing medications for humans and animals, vaccines, and more.

During the Trump Administration, the FDA has largely focused on enabling developers to gain product approvals through a less burdensome and costly process. In numerous policy statements, the FDA under President Trump has deferred questions about the efficacy of new regenerative health products to the free markets, so long as they posed no serious safety or toxicity concerns.

The U.S. federal government is now transitioning to an administration led by President-elect Biden. The president-elect has spent many years advocating for increased R&D funding and going for moonshots. With a new mandate from the U.S. electorate to address the coronavirus, more money will be earmarked for regenerative medicines and stem cell research. How this will affect the release of new products into the market remains to be seen.

Regenerative medicine is poised to change the way we live, work and interact like never before. The fourth industrial revolution is upon us. CRISPR gene-editing technologies, facilitated by quantum-computing capabilities at the edge of a computer network powered by 5G telecommunications bandwidths, artificial intelligence and machine learning, have changed the game for regenerative medicine. We can foresee a day when those suffering from paralysis regain movement, when a damaged heart reverses course through regeneration, and when a diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease no longer means neurodegeneration. What a wonderful day that will be.

Changing the traditional healthcare model and moving from cure to prevention will take time.

The rise in chronic disease and the effort to reduce healthcare costs presents a large opportunity for the field of regenerative medicine.

As the continent becomes a bigger player, western companies should explore the potential prospects.

Topics from regenerative medicine to artificial intelligence to cannabis will be discussed.

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New health researchers at Dal, IWK and Nova Scotia Health receive funding from Research Nova Scotia – Dal News

By daniellenierenberg

Researchers with affiliations to Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia Health and the IWK Health Centre are the recipients of over $1.3 million in funding from Research Nova Scotia.

The funding has been provided by the New Health Investigator Grant, which supports new health researchers who are engaged in work that aligns with the provinces health research priorities. The grant aims to provide two years of support of up to $100,000 for researchers who are within the first five years of their academic appointment in Nova Scotia, or who are new to the field of health research.

There has never been a greater need to support new health researchers in Nova Scotia to help inform practice, policy and decision making, says Stefan Leslie, CEO of Research Nova Scotia in a news release. Were pleased to announce funding for these researchers and are confident their work will positively impact the health of Nova Scotians.

For the 2020-21 academic year, funding for this grant is provided by the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness. It will support the establishment of independent programs of research and support and expand the research productivity necessary for obtaining long-term funding from national and external agencies and provide opportunities for early-career investigators to make significant contributions in their field.

Congratulations to all the recipients of funding from Research Nova Scotia, says Dr. Alice Aiken, vice president research and innovation at Dalhousie. With projects that span a wide range of topics, like diabetes, cancer, dementia care, and the COVID-19 pandemic, these researchers are improving health care and helping people in the Maritimes and beyond to be healthier.

Highlights of some of the funded projects:

Dr. Christine Cassidy, Faculty of Health

Designing an integrated pediatric inpatient-ambulatory care service delivery model

The health care system is facing challenges related to poor quality of care, rising health care costs, and outdated technology. Efforts are needed to redesign health services to improve outcomes for patients, health care providers, and the overall health system. One way to address these challenges is to integrate care across multiple health care providers and services. This means that care is coordinated to meet patient needs and preferences.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the IWK Health Care Centre identified gaps in their current approach to delivering services to children, youth, and their families which includes the need to improve the integration of care across their outpatient and inpatient settings. Healthcare interventions are more effective when patients and care providers are included in the design process, and the integrated approach developed by Dr. Cassidy and her research team will help strengthen the delivery of care within the pediatric health system.

Dr. Parisa Ghanouni, Faculty of Health

Community-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities: Transition to adult care

Despite the great progress signaled by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, individuals with disabilities worldwide continue to confront barriers to equitable access to the health resources and social supports that enable their full participation in society. Gaps in access have improved for many, especially for children, but the transition to adulthood continues to represent a services cliff that people with disabilities confront in their late teens.

Through their research, Dr. Ghanouni and her team plan to uncover barriers and facilitators related to community-based healthcare services during the transition of adolescents with developmental disabilities to adulthood in rural areas, and co-develop a toolkit with stakeholders that outlines implementation strategies to promote successful transitions. This initiative will advance knowledge on services available that support the transition to adulthood in rural areas, highlight service gaps, point to important areas for investment, and contribute to academic, policy and community understandings and capacity around services for people with disabilities.

Dr. Brendan Leung, Faculty of Dentistry

Harnessing oral microbiota to prevent chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis: Functional screening using a bio-printed mammalian-microbe co-culture model

Chemotherapy induced oral mucositis (CIOM) is a painful and debilitating side effect of cancer treatment that affects 20-40% of cancer patients. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells, but it also affects fast growing normal cells in the body, especially those that line the mouth. When those are damaged, painful mouth ulcers form. These can affect patients ability to eat, drink, talk and even rest, and significantly reduce their quality of life. Currently there is no effective way to prevent CIOM from happening, and the only way to treat it is to provide supportive care such as numbing gels, ice chips and painkillers.

Research has found that the types of bacteria that normally live in the mouth change when someone develops CIOM. It is difficult to study cause and effect between bacteria and CIOM, partly because it is difficult to grow bacteria and human cells together in the lab in a controlled and repeatable way. Through his research, Dr. Leung will use a unique method to grow oral bacteria to investigate how microbes interact with oral cells during chemotherapy in order to identify microbial species that may offer protection against CIOM.

Dr. Elaine Moody, Faculty of Health

Primary healthcare for people with dementia: Exploring care provided by collaborative family practice teams in Nova Scotia

There is an increasing need to improve the health care of people with dementia in Nova Scotia. As the population ages, it will become even more important to provide good care to people with dementia to ensure they can live well in the community. In Nova Scotia, there has been a move to develop collaborative family practice teams, where physicians, nurse practitioners, family practice nurses and other healthcare providers work together to address the primary health care needs of individuals. Primary care providers in these teams require dementia-specific knowledge, skills, resources and supports to enable people with dementia and their caregivers to live well in the community.

Dr. Moody and her research team hope to better understand how collaborative family practice teams in Nova Scotia are addressing the needs of people living with dementia in the community, and to identify ways to improve their care. To achieve their goal, the researchers will gather the perspectives of people living with dementia and caregivers on how collaborative family practice teams provide care in order to identify gaps in current service provision and opportunities to improve care, with a particular focus on diversity and inclusion. Additionally, they will explore how care provided by collaborative family practice teams to people with dementia has been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Other funded projects include:

Dr. Leah Cahill, Faculty of Medicine

Does a simple blood test predict who needs strict blood sugar control to prevent heart disease?

Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, Faculty of ManagementHome food gardening in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for food security considerations

Dr. Ketul Chaudhary, Faculty of MedicineCardiac Vascular Stem Cells in Right Heart Failure

Dr. Jon Dorling, Faculty of MedicinePreterm Infant Gut microbiome associations with Environment and Outcomes in the NICU (PIGEON)

Dr. Denys Khaperskyy, Faculty of MedicineRole of stress granule formation in immune responses to respiratory viruses

Dr. Michael Kucharczyk, Faculty of MedicineCan Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the prostate combined with a Radiomics Evaluation determine the invasive capacity of a tumour (Can MRI-PREDICT)

Dr. Paula McLaughlin, Faculty of MedicineIdentifying, understanding, and mitigating gaps in dementia care

Dr. Sandra Meier, Faculty of MedicineAn app responding to behaviour of people to promote mental wellbeing in anxious youth

Dr. Deniz Top, Faculty of MedicineDifference in the regulation of behaviour genes as a proposed mechanism for mental illness

Dr. Igor Yakovenko, Faculty of ScienceScreening, self-management and referral to treatment for young cannabis users: Fulfilling an unmet need

For a complete list of recipients and projects, visit the Research Nova Scotia website.

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New health researchers at Dal, IWK and Nova Scotia Health receive funding from Research Nova Scotia - Dal News

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BeyondSpring Announces New Positive PROTECTIVE-2 Phase 3 Registrational Trial Results at the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium – BioSpace

By daniellenierenberg

NEW YORK, Dec. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BeyondSpring (the Company or BeyondSpring) (NASDAQ: BYSI), a global biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of innovative cancer therapies, today announced the new data from its Phase 3 PROTECTIVE-2 Study 106 demonstrating that plinabulin in combination with pegfilgrastim offers greater protection against chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN) than the standard of care, pegfilgrastim alone. The study not only met the primary and key secondary objectives, as previously disclosed on Nov. 16, 2020, but also demonstrated that the combination was 53% more effective than pegfilgrastim alone in reducing the incidence of profound neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count or ANC < 0.1 x 10E9 cells/L), 21.6% vs. 46.4%, respectively, p=0.0001, in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy with TAC (docetaxel, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide). Profound neutropenia (PN) is a well-known risk factor to increase the rates of infection, febrile neutropenia (FN), and hospitalization among patients undergoing chemotherapy. Of clinical importance, the combination has shown to reduce the odds of having FN by 41% in comparison to pegfilgrastim, based on reduction of profound neutropenia.

It is clinically meaningful to reduce FN risk by 41% in the combination, compared to pegfilgrastim alone, which is the only major breakthrough advancement in CIN prevention in the last 30 years. The CIN protection from plinabulin added to pegfilgrastim, particularly in the first week of chemotherapy when 75% of CIN-related complications occur before the effect of pegfilgrastim kicks-in in Week 2, fills the treatment gap in current standard of care, said Douglas Blayney, M.D., Professor of Medicine at Stanford Medical School, and global PI for the plinabulin CIN studies. The combination of plinabulin with pegfilgrastim represents a major advancement in offering protection against CIN, with the potential to reduce FN risk, in the care of cancer patients.

The data were presented via a poster at the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS): Superior and Clinically Meaningful Protection Against Profound Neutropenia with the Plinabulin/Pegfilgrastim (Plin/Peg) Combination versus Peg In Breast Cancer Patients ReceivingTAC Chemotherapy. Profound neutropenia, an exploratory endpoint representing the most severe form of CIN, is associated with significant risk to patients and may require antibacterial or antifungal prophylaxis [Flowers JCO 2013]. It is attributed to both febrile neutropenia (48%) and infection (50%) [Bodey Cancer 1978]. In BeyondSprings PROTECTIVE-2 studies, patients with profound neutropenia had close to nine times the risk of FN compared to patients with no profound neutropenia. The new data presented at SABCS included:

This trial is a global, multicenter, randomized, double-blinded study in patients with breast cancer undergoing myelosuppressive chemotherapy with TAC (docetaxel at 75 mg/m2, doxorubicin at 50 mg/m2, and cyclophosphamide at 500 mg/m2) for the evaluation of protection against CIN, comparing plinabulin (40 mg) in combination with pegfilgrastim (6 mg) in 111 patients to pegfilgrastim alone (6 mg) in 110 patients. On Day 1, they received TAC and plinabulin or placebo, and on Day 2, they received pegfilgrastim. Topline data from the Protective-2 Phase 3 trial were reported on November 16, 2020 highlighting that the study met its primary endpoint as well as key secondary endpoints.

It is well recognized that CIN is directly related to chemotherapys ability to kill rapidly dividing cells. Unfortunately, fast dividing neutrophils in the bone marrow are adversely affected regardless of the chemotherapy type. As a result, we believe these outcomes are universally applicable to any chemotherapy, and are independent of cancer types, added Gordon Schooley, Ph.D., BeyondSprings Chief Regulatory Officer. As both the U.S. FDA and China NMPA recently awarded BeyondSprings Plinabulin CIN program with Breakthrough Therapy Designation status based on the interim phase 3 data of PROTECTIVE-2, and the Company now completing the PROTECTIVE-2 trial with positive and consistent results to the interim, we are well on track to submit our NDA for CIN in Q1 2021. The improved CIN prevention benefit of the Plinabulin/G-CSF combination would have the potential for CIN prevention of the myelosuppressive effects of different chemotherapeutic agents in millions of patients with multiple tumor types.

Ramon Mohanlal, M.D., Ph.D., BeyondSprings Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President, Research and Development concluded, Plinabulin represents a new treatment paradigm for CIN prevention, an area wherein G-CSF has established efficacy, but with short-comings due to its delayed onset of action, next day dosing requirement, bone pain induction, and platelet count reduction. Plinabulin has a fast onset mechanism of action, without causing relevant bone pain or thrombocytopenia, and can be given on the same day as chemotherapy. Plinabulin added to G-CSF offers superior prevention of CIN, and has the potential to avoid life-threatening infections and to improve short-term and long-term survival. Plinabulins anticancer activity from its immune-enhancing mechanism of action, together with its CIN preventive effects, has the potential to become a universal add-on to anti-cancer treatments in general.

The above data are available on BeyondSpringswebsite in the Posters section.

About PlinabulinPlinabulin, BeyondSprings lead asset, is a differentiated immune and stem cell modulator. Plinabulin is currently in late-stage clinical development to increase overall survival in cancer patients, as well as to alleviate chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN). The durable anticancer benefits of Plinabulin have been associated with its effect as a potent antigen-presenting cell (APC) inducer (through dendritic cell maturation) and T-cell activation (Chem and Cell Reports, 2019). Plinabulins CIN data highlight the ability to boost the number of hematopoietic stem / progenitor cells (HSPCs), or lineage-/cKit+/Sca1+ (LSK) cells in mice. Effects on HSPCs could explain the ability of Plinabulin not only to treat CIN, but also to reduce chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia and increase circulating CD34+ cells in patients.

About CINPatients receiving chemotherapy typically develop chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN), a severe side effect that increases the risk of infection with fever (also called febrile neutropenia, or FN), which necessitates ER/hospital visits. The updated National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines expanded the use of prophylactic G-CSFs, such as pegfilgrastim, to include not only high- risk patients (chemo FN rate>20%), but also intermediate-risk patients (FN rate between 10-20%) to avoid hospital/ER visits during the COVID-19 pandemic. The revision of the NCCN guidelines effectively doubles the addressable market of patients who may benefit from treatment with plinabulin, if approved, to approximately 440,000 cancer patients in the U.S. annually. Plinabulin is designed to provide protection against the occurrence of CIN and its clinical consequences in week 1, for early onset of action after chemotherapy. CIN is the primary dose-limiting toxicity in cancer patients who receive chemotherapy treatment.

About BeyondSpringBeyondSpring is a global, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of innovative cancer therapies. BeyondSprings lead asset, plinabulin, a first-in-class agent as an immune and stem cell modulator, is in a Phase 3 global clinical trial as a direct anticancer agent in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and Phase 3 clinical programs in the prevention of CIN. The U.S. FDA granted Breakthrough Therapy designation to plinabulin for concurrent administration with myelosuppressive chemotherapeutic regimens in patients with non-myeloid malignancies for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN). BeyondSpring has strong R&D capabilities with a robust pipeline in addition to plinabulin, including three immuno-oncology assets and a drug discovery platform using the protein degradation pathway, which is being developed in a subsidiary company, Seed Therapeutics, Inc. The Company also has a seasoned management team with many years of experience bringing drugs to the global market. BeyondSpring is headquartered in New York City.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release includes forward-looking statements that are not historical facts. Words such as "will," "expect," "anticipate," "plan," "believe," "design," "may," "future," "estimate," "predict," "objective," "goal," or variations thereof and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on BeyondSpring's current knowledge and its present beliefs and expectations regarding possible future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of several factors including, but not limited to, difficulties raising the anticipated amount needed to finance the Company's future operations on terms acceptable to the Company, if at all, unexpected results of clinical trials, delays or denial in regulatory approval process, results that do not meet our expectations regarding the potential safety, the ultimate efficacy or clinical utility of our product candidates, increased competition in the market, and other risks described in BeyondSprings most recent Form 20-F on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date of this release and BeyondSpring undertakes no obligation to update publicly such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances, except as otherwise required by law.

Media Contacts

Investor Contact:Ashley R. RobinsonLifeSci Advisors, LLC+1

Media Contact:Darren Opland, Ph.D.LifeSci Communications+1

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BeyondSpring Announces New Positive PROTECTIVE-2 Phase 3 Registrational Trial Results at the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium - BioSpace

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Joliet 2-year-old gets pre-holiday gift: tests that show he’s cancer-free – The Herald-News

By daniellenierenberg

Thats how Valerie Mitchell of Joliet is expressing the pre-holiday news that her son Owen Buell, 2, is showing no evidence of disease in regards to the neuroblastoma hes been fighting all year.

We are really happy, Mitchell said. I still cannot believe he is cancer-free. Everyone is really overjoyed about it, especially being around Christmastime.

On Friday, Owen had a number of scans including CT MRI, MIBG and an echocardiogram, along with bone marrow and hearing tests. Mitchell said. All scans came back clear, she said.

He fought as hard as he could and beat cancer, Mitchell said.

But Owen must remain cancer-free for the next five years before the word remission can be used, she said. In addition, Owen also has more treatments ahead of him: six months of immunotherapy, which Mitchell said will be extremely painful and hard on the body.

Owen will need a five to six-day stay in the hospital each month and a pain pump just to receive the treatments, Mitchell said. But the treatment is necessary to eliminate any remaining cancer cells in Owens body; otherwise new tumors or spots of cancer may form.

Were all really tired, Mitchell said. But we can push through knowing that hes going to be cancer-free. Its just one more step and then he should be good.

When Owen was diagnosed in February, he had two tumors and 21 spots of cancer, Mitchell said. His father Brian was working a job and a half at the time and he and Mitchell shared the family van.

Since then, Owen has undergone many scans, a central line placement, five rounds of chemotherapy, surgery to remove tumors, a stem cell harvest, two stem cell transplants that required a three-month hospital stay, 12 rounds of radiation and 10 days of being intubated in the hospitals intensive care unit, Mitchell said.

Owen now also has damage to one kidney and high blood pressure, Mitchell said. The COVID-19 pandemic made treatments even harder on Owen and his family, she added, especially since Owen's brothers Elliott and Bentley, age 4.were just 7 and 4 when Owen was diagnosed.

We didn't have the help everyone was offering in fear Owen would catch this virus, Mitchell wrote on her Facebook page. We couldn't go anywhere in between treatment to cheer Owen up. We couldn't bring him into the store to pick out a new toy or get him out of the house. He couldn't go swimming; he couldn't go to any arcades; he couldn't even have his father or siblings by his side undergoing surgery or chemo. It wasn't/ isnt fair that Owen had to suffer as much as he did. But we are happy he is still here.

Mitchell said the family celebrated Owens good news with pizza, cake and silly string. And she said Owen is going to go crazy with happiness when he sees all the Christmas gifts toys theyve bought for him.

In the meantime, Owen is enjoying the holiday season like any other 2-year-old.

Hes already playing with the Christmas tree bulbs, Mitchell said.

Donate to the "Help for baby Owen Buell and his Family" GoFundMe page at

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Joliet 2-year-old gets pre-holiday gift: tests that show he's cancer-free - The Herald-News

To Read More: Joliet 2-year-old gets pre-holiday gift: tests that show he’s cancer-free – The Herald-News
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COVID-19 and graft-versus-host disease: a tale of two diseases (and why age matters) – DocWire News

By daniellenierenberg

This article was originally published here

Lab Invest. 2020 Dec 9. doi: 10.1038/s41374-020-00520-2. Online ahead of print.


Disorders involving injury to tissue stem cells that ensure normal tissue homeostasis and repair have potential to show unusually devastating clinical consequences. Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) is one condition where relatively few cytotoxic immune cells target skin stem cells to produce significant morbidity and mortality. By analogy, SARS-CoV-2 is a vector that initially homes to pulmonary stem cells that preferentially express the ACE2 receptor, thus potentially incurring similarly robust pathological consequences. In older individuals, stem cell number and/or function become depleted due to pathways independent of disease-related injury to these subpopulations. Accordingly, pathologic targeting of stem cells in conditions like aGVHD and COVID-19 infection where these cells are already deficient due to the aging process may have dire consequences in elderly individuals. A hypothesis is herein advanced that, as with aGVHD, lung stem cell targeting is a potential co-factor in explaining age-related severity of COVID-19 infection.

PMID:33299126 | DOI:10.1038/s41374-020-00520-2

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COVID-19 and graft-versus-host disease: a tale of two diseases (and why age matters) - DocWire News

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Avenoir Cosmetics Launches Cell Repair Serum – Clinical Strength to Enhance Skin Tone & Minimize Appearance of Sunspots, Blemishes, Discoloration,…

By daniellenierenberg


Investing is all about profits, and part of generating profits is knowing when to start the game. The old adage says to buy low and sell high, and while its tempting just to discount cliches like that, theyve passed into common currency because they embody a fundamental truth. Buying low is always a good start in building a portfolio.The trick, however, is recognizing the right stocks to buy low. Prices fall for a reason, and sometimes that reason is fundamental unsoundness. Fortunately, Wall Streets analysts are busy separating the wheat from the chaff among the markets low-priced stocks, and some top stock experts have tagged several equities for big gains. These stocks are trading low now but the reasons are not necessarily bad for investors.Weve used the TipRanks database to pull up the data and reviews on two stocks that are priced low now, but may be primed for gains. Theyve been getting positive reviews, and despite their share depreciation, they hold Buy ratings and show upwards of 60% upside potential.Digital Media Solutions (DMS)We will start with Digital Media Solutions, an adtech company which connects online advertisers with customers through performance-based branding and marketplace solutions. DMS boasts a powerful consumer intelligence database, which it uses to fine-tune customer acquisition campaigns while offering advertisers accountability for the project budget.DMS went public in July of this year, via a merger with a special purpose acquisition company, Leo Holdings. The combination took the DMS name for the ticker, and initiated trading at $10 per share. The stock has been volatile since, and is currently down 27% since it started trading.Digital advertising is a huge and growing sector, worth $100 billion in 2019 and expected to reach $130 billion by the end of next year. DMS has a solid piece of that cash cow, and the Q3 numbers demonstrate that. Quarterly revenue hit a company record, of $82.8 million, which was up 10% sequentially and 44% year-over-year. Of that total revenue, the company saw a gross profit of $25.1 million, for a 30% gross margin. All in all, DMSs first quarter as a publicly traded company showed strong results.Covering the stock for Canaccord is analyst Maria Ripps, who is rated 5 stars by TipRanks, and stands in the top 1% out of more than 7,100 stock analysts. The company saw meaningful volume growth from both new and existing clients, with particular strength from its auto insurance business along with the eCommerce, education, and non-profit verticals We continue to think investors will gradually come to appreciate DMS similarities with other leading digital marketing peers that trade at more premium valuations, and expect multiple expansion over time as the story becomes better understood, Ripps noted.To this end, Ripps rates DMS stock a Buy, and her $15 price target suggests an upside of 106% from the current share price of $7.20. (To watch Ripps track record, click here)Overall, DMS Moderate Buy consensus rating is based on 2 recent reviews, both positive. The stock has an average price target of $14, which indicates a 92% upside potential. (See DMS stock analysis on TipRanks)ViaSat, Inc. (VSAT)From digital advertising we move on to digital networking. ViaSat provides customers with high-speed broadband access through a secure satellite network system. The company serves both military and commercial markets, meeting the growing need for secure communications links.The anti-coronavirus shutdown policies have particularly hard on ViaSat. This may sound counterintuitive, as online networking has been busier than ever, but a large segment of ViaSats business comes from the airlines, and with air travel first grounded and still facing depressed travel volumes, ViaSats shares have yet to recover from their February/March swoon.On a positive note and one that is indicative of the essential nature of secure satellite communications in todays networked economy ViaSat reported $577 million in Q3 contract awards, representing a 29% yoy gain. For the year to date, the company has seen awards totaling $1.9 billion, which is up 5% from this time last year. The third quarter (the companys fiscal Q2) revenues and earnings were somewhat mixed, reflecting both the increase in contract awards and the decline in airline business. Revenues were $554 million, down 6% yoy, but up almost 4% sequentially. EPS was 3 cents per share, beating the predicted 5 cent loss by a wide margin.JPMorgan analyst Philip Cusick writes of ViaSat: [We] believe long-term growth levers remain intact highlighted by record segment backlog of $1.1b We view ViaSat as a satellite innovation leader and believe the companys future ViaSat-3 fleet will accelerate growth in satellite services over the coming years. At the same time, we see a long-term government systems tailwind driven by the companys radio portfolio, mobile broadband, and SATCOM.In line with his bullish comments, Cusick rates VSAT shares an Overweight (i.e. Buy), and his $60 price target implies ~72% upside on the one-year time horizon. (To watch Cusicks track record, click here)Overall, the stock has 5 recent reviews, including 3 Buys and 2 Holds. Shares are priced at $34.14, and the average price target of $55 suggests a 61% upside potential from that level. (See VSAT stock analysis on TipRanks)To find good ideas for stocks trading at attractive valuations, visit TipRanks Best Stocks to Buy, a newly launched tool that unites all of TipRanks equity insights.Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the featured analysts. The content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment.

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Avenoir Cosmetics Launches Cell Repair Serum - Clinical Strength to Enhance Skin Tone & Minimize Appearance of Sunspots, Blemishes, Discoloration,...

To Read More: Avenoir Cosmetics Launches Cell Repair Serum – Clinical Strength to Enhance Skin Tone & Minimize Appearance of Sunspots, Blemishes, Discoloration,…
categoriaSkin Stem Cells commentoComments Off on Avenoir Cosmetics Launches Cell Repair Serum – Clinical Strength to Enhance Skin Tone & Minimize Appearance of Sunspots, Blemishes, Discoloration,… | dataDecember 10th, 2020
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CBD: the beauty ingredient trend that can’t be stopped – USA

By daniellenierenberg

Even while legalization and regulations are in flux throughout the Americas region and around the globe, cannabis beauty is making tremendous progress.

The cannabis market is emerging very, very rapidly around the world, said Shane MacGuill, Senior Head of Nicotine and Cannabis at Euromonitor during a webinar last month reviewing the global cannabis industry across market sectors and showcasing the launch of the market research companys newest Passport Research System focus: cannabis. And he added,the market is currently heavily concentrated in US Canada.

This year2020was the year that both Amway and Avon launched CBD skin care. Avon made the announcement first. In April, as Cosmetics Design reported, the social-selling beauty maker announced plans for a new vegan skin care line that would include a CBD oil. And today, Avon has 3 CBD products in its portfolio: Green Goddess Facial Oil, Veilment CBD Soothing & Nourishing Body Cream, and Veilment CBD Nourishing Body Cream, all of which contain 100mg of CBD. Though as the online product descriptions note, our collection does NOT contain THC. The only high youll get is knowing your skin feels cool, calm and collected.

Amway, as Cosmetics Design reported, announced the launch of its new Artistry Skin Studio product collection in September 2020. And that product line now includes Artistry Studio Zen Daze Ahead Facial Oil +300 mg CBD.

Colgate also got involved in the CBD Beauty market this year. In January the company announced an acquisition deal to buy Hello Products and the following month, Hello launched its CBD product collection, as Cosmetics Design reported. Hello is best known for its oral care products but the brand also makes CBD lip balm, for instance.

Ayuna, a luxury skin care brand out of Spain, just launched the latest limited-edition product in its sought-after Terra collection at the start of November: Terra Bella.

There are no cannabinoids, no THC, no CBD in this new cream. But the Terra Bella face cream is formulated with a remarkable extract derived from cultured Cannabis Sativa stem cells, as Isabel Ramos, Chief Scientific Officer at Ayuna, tells Cosmetics Design.

And the ingredient does something truly extraordinary: it instigates communication between the skin microbiome and the brain, explains Ramos. This topical ingredient is, she says, the first known instance of a skin care input helping and demonstrating that microbiota are acting on [or affecting] how we feel.

As the Ayuna example illustrates, theres a lot more to cannabis beauty than the ever-enchanting CBD. In fact, the entire cannabis plant and a full range of cannabinoid molecules are shaping the future of this buzz-worthy cosmetics and personal care category.

In October, Jennifer Grant, a biomedical engineer turned beauty entrepreneur launched a clean skin care brand called empyri that relies on upcycled cannabis root at its hero ingredient. And not long before that news made headlines here on Cosmetics Design, the biotechnology company behind brands like Bissance and Pipette, announced having successfully scaled production of biotech CBG (one of many cannabinoids naturally occurring in cannabis) for use in skin care product formulations. So while CBD beauty is here to stay, theres much more to Cannabis Sativa and to cannabis beauty than this one molecule. Ready to learn more? Revisit all the top CBD beauty news from 2019 here on

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CBD: the beauty ingredient trend that can't be stopped - USA

To Read More: CBD: the beauty ingredient trend that can’t be stopped – USA
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A Potential Therapy for One of the Leading Causes of Heart Disease – PRNewswire

By daniellenierenberg

After 15 years of unrelenting work, a team of scientists from Gladstone Institutes has now discovered a potential drug candidate for heart valve disease that works in both human cells and animals and is ready to move toward a clinical trial. Their findings were just published in the journal Science.

"The disease is often diagnosed at an early stage and calcification of the heart valves worsens over the patient's lifetime as they age," says Gladstone President and Director of the Roddenberry Stem Cell Center Deepak Srivastava, MD,who led the study. "If we could intervene early in life with an effective drug, we could potentially prevent the disease from occurring. By simply slowing the progression and shifting the age of people who require interventions by 5 or 10 years, we could avoid tens of thousands of surgical valve replacements every year."

This also applies to the millions of Americansabout one to two percent of the populationwith a congenital anomaly called bicuspid aortic valve, in which the aortic valve only has two leaflets instead of the normal three. While some people may not even know they have this common heart anomaly, many will be diagnosed as early as their forties.

"We can detect this valve anomaly through an ultrasound," explains Srivastava, who is also a pediatric cardiologist and a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at UC San Francisco (UCSF). "About a third of patients with bicuspid aortic valve, which is a very large number, will develop enough calcification to require an intervention."

Srivastava's research into heart valve disease started in 2005, when he treated a family in Texas who had this type of early-onset calcification. All these years later, thanks to the family's donated cells, his team has finally found a solution to help them and so many others.

A Holistic Approach in the Hunt for a Therapy

Members of the family treated by Srivastava had disease that crossed five generations, enabling the team to identify the causea mutation in one copy of the gene NOTCH1. Mutations in this gene cause calcific aortic valve disease in approximately four percent of patients and can also cause thickening of valves that trigger problems in newborns. In the other 96 percent of cases, the disease occurs sporadically.

"The NOTCH1 mutation provided a foothold for us to figure out what goes wrong in this common disease, but most people won't have that mutation," says Srivastava. "However, we found that the process that leads to the calcification of the valve is mostly the same whether individuals have the mutation or not. The valve cells get confused and start thinking they're bone cells, so they start laying down calcium and that leads to hardening and narrowing of the valves."

In the hunt for a treatment, the group of scientists chose a novel, holistic approach rather than simply focusing on a single target, such as the NOTCH1 gene.

"Our goal was to develop a new framework to discover therapeutics for human disease," says Christina V. Theodoris, MD, PhD, lead author of the study who is now completing her residency in pediatric genetics at Boston Children's Hospital. "We wanted to find promising therapies that could treat the disease at its core, as opposed to just treating some specific symptoms or peripheral aspects of the disease."

When Theodoris first joined Srivastava's lab at Gladstone, she was a graduate student at UCSF. At the time, they knew the NOTCH1 gene mutation caused valve disease, but they didn't have the tools to study the problem further, largely because it was very difficult to obtain valve cells from patients.

"My first project was to convert the cells from the patient families into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, which have the potential of becoming any cell in the body, and turn them into cells that line the valve, allowing us to understand why the disease occurs," says Theodoris. "My second project was to make a mouse model of calcific aortic valve disease. Only then could we start using these models to identify a therapy."

One Drug Candidate Rises to the Top

For this latest study, the scientists searched for drug-like molecules that could correct the overall network that goes awry in heart valve disease and leads to calcification. To do so, they first had to determine the network of genes that are turned on or off in diseased cells.

Then, they used an artificial intelligence method, training a machine learning program to detect whether a cell was healthy or sick based on this network of genes. They subsequently treated diseased human cells with nearly 1,600 molecules to see if any drugs shifted the network in the cells enough that the machine learning program would reclassify them as healthy. The researchers identified a few molecules that could correct diseased cells back to the normal state.

"Our first screen was done with cells that have the NOTCH1 mutation, but we didn't know if the drugs would work on the other 96 percent of patients with the disease," says Srivastava.

Fortunately, Anna Malashicheva, PhD, from the Russian Academy of Sciences, had collected valve cells from over 20 patients at the time of surgical replacement, and Srivastava struck up a fruitful collaboration with her group to do a "clinical trial in a dish."

"We tested the promising molecules on cells from these 20 patients with aortic valve calcification without known genetic causes," Srivastava adds. "Remarkably, the molecule that seemed most effective in the initial study was able to restore the network in these patients' cells as well."

Once they had identified a promising candidate in cells in a dish for both NOTCH1 and sporadic cases of calcific aortic valve disease, Srivastava and his team did a "pre-clinical trial" in a mouse model of the disease. They wanted to determine whether the drug-like molecule would actually work in a whole, living organ.

The scientists confirmed that the therapeutic candidate could successfully prevent and treat aortic valve disease. In young mice who had not yet developed the disease, the therapy prevented the calcification of the valve. And in mice that already had the disease, the therapy actually halted the disease and, in some cases, led to reversal of the disease. This finding is especially important since most patients aren't diagnosed until calcification has already begun.

"Our strategy to identify gene networkcorrecting therapies that treat the core disease mechanism may represent a compelling path for drug discovery in a range of other human diseases," says Theodoris. "Many therapeutics found in the lab don't translate well to humans or focus only on a specific symptom. We hope our approach can offer a new direction that could increase the likelihood of candidate therapies being effective in patients."

The researchers' strategy relied heavily on technological advancements, including human iPS cells, gene editing, targeted RNA sequencing, network analysis, and machine learning.

"Our study is a really good example of how modern technologies are facilitating the kinds of discoveries that are possible today, but weren't not so long ago," says Srivastava. "Using human iPS cells and gene editing allowed us to create a large number of cells that are relevant to the disease process, while powerful machine learning algorithms helped us identify, in a non-biased fashion, the important genes for distinguishing between healthy and diseased cells."

"By using all the knowledge we gathered over a decade and a half, combined with the latest tools, we were able to find a drug candidate that can be taken to clinical trials," he adds. "Our ultimate goal is always to help patients, so the whole team is very pleased that we found a therapy that could truly improve lives."

About the Research Project

The paper, "Network-based screen in iPSC-derived cells reveals therapeutic candidate for heart valve disease,"was published online by Science on December 10, 2020.

Other authors include Ping Zhou, Lei Liu, Yu Zhang, Tomohiro Nishino, Yu Huang, Sanjeev S. Ranade, Casey A. Gifford, Sheng Ding from Gladstone; Aleksandra Kostina from the Russian Academy of Sciences; and Vladimir Uspensky from the Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre in Russia.

The work was funded by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; and the National Center for Research Resources. Gladstone researchers also received support from the Winslow Family, the L.K. Whittier Foundation, The Roddenberry Foundation, the Younger Family Fund, the American Heart Association, several programs and fellowships at UCSF, residency programs from Boston Children's Hospital and the Harvard Medical School, the Uehara Memorial Foundation, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.

About Gladstone Institutes

To ensure our work does the greatest good, Gladstone Institutes focuses on conditions with profound medical, economic, and social impactunsolved diseases. Gladstone is an independent, nonprofit life science research organization that uses visionary science and technology to overcome disease.

Media Contact: Julie Langelier | Assistant Director, Communications | [emailprotected] | 415.734.5000

SOURCE Gladstone Institutes

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A Potential Therapy for One of the Leading Causes of Heart Disease - PRNewswire

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Creative Medical Technology Holdings files Patent on Induction of Infectious Tolerance by Ex Vivo Reprogrammed Immune Cells Utilizing ImmCelz Cellular…

By daniellenierenberg

PHOENIX, Dec. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Creative Medical Technology Holdings trading under the ticker symbol CELZ announced today its patent filing based on data covering utilization of the Company's ImmCelz product at generating what is termed in the field of immunology as "infectious tolerance."

Using an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis, investigators demonstrated administration of ImmCel protected mice from immunologically mediated joint damage. Importantly, cells from treated mice were able to reverse disease when transferred to arthritic mice. Detailed scientific analysis revealed that ImmCelz administration caused generation of T regulatory cells and tolerogenic dendritic cells. Both of these cell types have previously been described to possess ability to suppress autoimmunity.

"In 2003, Dr. Weiping Min from the University of Western Ontario and myself published a paper describing the Tolerogenic Loop, in which we were able to perform fully mis-matched cardiac transplants without need for long term immune suppression1." Said Dr. Thomas Ichim, Chief Scientific Officer of the Company. "We are extremely enthusiastic to discover that ImmCelz, which is a personalized immunotherapy can induce similar biological processes and in this case suppress autoimmunity."

Creative Medical Technology Holdings possesses numerous issued patents in the area of cellular therapy including patent no. 10,842,815 covering use of T regulatory cells for spinal disc regeneration, patent no. 9,598,673 covering stem cell therapy for disc regeneration, patent no. 10,792,310 covering regeneration of ovaries using endothelial progenitor cells and mesenchymal stem cells, patent no. 8,372,797 covering use of stem cells for erectile dysfunction, and patent no. 7,569,385 licensed from the University of California covering a novel stem cell type.

"Given that our issued intellectual property covers multi-billion dollar markets, it is critical in our development plans to establish scientific mechanisms of action. By understanding how our products work at a cellular and molecular level, we feel we have an advantage when engaging Big Pharma in discussions for licensing/partnering interactions." Said Timothy Warbington, President and CEO of the Company.

The company intends to publish an update on the overall 2020 activities in the coming weeks.

About Creative Medical Technology Holdings

Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. is a commercial stage biotechnology company specializing in stem cell technology in the fields of urology, neurology and orthopedics and trades on the OTC under the ticker symbol CELZ. For further information about the company, please

Forward Looking Statements

OTC Markets has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming clinical trials and laboratory results, marketing efforts, funding, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and, therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. See the periodic and other reports filed by Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on the Commission's website

Timothy Warbington, CEO[emailprotected]


SOURCE Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc.


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Creative Medical Technology Holdings files Patent on Induction of Infectious Tolerance by Ex Vivo Reprogrammed Immune Cells Utilizing ImmCelz Cellular...

To Read More: Creative Medical Technology Holdings files Patent on Induction of Infectious Tolerance by Ex Vivo Reprogrammed Immune Cells Utilizing ImmCelz Cellular…
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The Technology Behind Bone Marrow Cellular Processing: The PXP System –

By daniellenierenberg

Cell therapies involve the transfer of live cells into a patient to help treat, prevent or potentially cure diseases. One category of cell therapy focuses specifically on the use of stem cells, or cells within the body that have the potential to replace those that are lost through injury or disease. Their versatility and ability to transform allow them to replace problematic or deactivated cells with new, healthy ones is giving patients around the world a second chance at life.Stem cells are found all throughout the human bodyincluding the skin, muscle tissue and even deep inside bone marrow.

Bone marrow, the spongy substance that fills the inner cavities of our bones, is a rich source ofhematopoietic stem cells. These cells are particularly valuable for their ability to develop into all types of blood cells, including white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Due to their unique ability,hematopoietic cells can be used to treat certain types of cancer, such as leukemia and lymphomaand have become a staple in the field of regenerative medicine.

Bone marrow aspirate concentrate(BMAC) is a procedure that collects bone marrow from a patient's body and then concentrates it to create the optimal level of stem cells and other crucial growth factors, which can offer a variety of health benefits that traditional surgical methods simply can't offer. Stem cells and their descendants, known as progenitor cells, combined with other bone marrow cells and platelets, have the potential to restore function when injected directly into the patient's damaged tissue. The BMAC procedure is popularly used by physicians who practice orthopedic surgery, pain management and sports medicine. It has been shown torepair tissue damage, preserving function and strengthand in some cases has even beenused as an alternative for more intensive procedures such as joint and hip replacements.

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate is currently being used to:

While there are many bone marrow concentrate technologies currently out on the market, there are none quite like theThermoGenesis PXPSystem. The PXPSystem is an automated, closed system designed for sterile bone marrow separation and concentration. The automated system utilizes highly sensitive sensors to reduce the amount of red blood cells (RBCs) from the initial bone marrow aspirate, providing physicians with a high-quality final product.Red blood cell contaminationis, by far, the biggest issue physicians encounter when using open, non-automated bone marrow processing systems. When high RBC contamination occurs in the bone marrow concentrate, it can impair cell function and diminish the overall effectiveness of the cell treatments. The PXPSystem is specifically designed to eliminate RBCs contamination head-on, boasting aRBC reduction of over 99 percent.


The PXPSystem obtains bone marrow concentrates easily, consistently, and reliably, setting itself apart from any other competitors on the market today. The automated nature of the system eliminates factors created by human error and allows for increased precision and control. It gives its user the ability to harvest a precise volume of cell concentrate from the bone marrow aspirate, while producing consistently high mononuclear cells (MNCs) and CD34+ progenitor cell recoveries.


Bone marrow aspirate is collected from the patient through a minimally invasive procedure, usually done under local or general anesthesia. After extraction, the aspirate is transferred into the PXP System and processed in a centrifuge to compartmentalize the aspirate into three separate chambers within the Disposable Cartridge - the central processing chamber, the red blood cell depletion chamber and the harvest chamber. The plasma, nucleated cells and RBCs are all sorted by density to create maximum separation of components. The RBCs are then removed and transferred to the depletion chamber, leaving users with a 6 ml harvest of enriched bone marrow concentrate (containing stem cells, platelets, growth factors) ready to be reintroduced into the patient.

The entire process only takes about twenty minutes from the moment the bone marrow aspirate is placed in the system to the point where it can be reinjected. For added convenience, the automated control module provides users with accurate data tracking and serves as a record for the entire process.

The PXPSystem is a tool for physicians looking for a quick, easy and efficient system for processing bone marrow. It is one of the most innovative systems available on the market and our mission is to make it even better. We are currently working with our partners in the field and evolving our products based on their feedback. Based on their response, we've begun designing a stripped-down version of the PXPSystem that requires less accessories and generates a smaller footprint, while still delivering a high-quality final product. Our applications are being developed with the needs of laboratories and physicians in mind, giving them the resources, they need to better serve their patients.

ThermoGenesis Holdings, Inc. (formerly Cesca Therapeutics Inc.), is a pioneer and market leader in the development and commercialization of automated cell processing technologies for the cell and gene therapy fields. We market a full suite of solutions for automated clinical biobanking, COVID-19 testing, point-of-care applications and large-scale cell processing and manufacturing with a special emphasis on the emerging CAR-T immunotherapy market. We are committed to making the world a healthier place by creating innovative solutions for those in need.

To see our full suiteof automated solutions,please visit the shop portion of our website today.


Thermogenesis Holdings Inc. published this content on 08 December 2020 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 09 December 2020 18:24:01 UTC

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