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[Seminar introduction] Stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy – Video


[Seminar introduction] Stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a non-treatable neurologic disability where only conservative therapy has been practiced so far. Professor Minyoung Kim will present a brea...

By: Choi Chulhee

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Insurance Covered Stem Cell Therapy in California at TeleHealth (888) 828-4575 – Video


Insurance Covered Stem Cell Therapy in California at TeleHealth (888) 828-4575 Stem Cell Therapy procedures at TeleHealth are offered for a number of conditions and often covered by insurance. Thes...

By: USPainNetwork

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Insurance Covered Stem Cell Therapy in California at TeleHealth (888) 828-4575 - Video

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Pets Best Insurance Announces Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Veterinary Medicine by Vet-Stem, Inc. Covered by …


Poway, California (PRWEB) September 24, 2013

Vet-Stem, Inc., the world's leading Regenerative Veterinary Medicine company, is pleased to announce that Pets Best Insurance plans provide coverage for Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy. Pets Best Insurance knows that with pets come vet bills, especially when a pet is suffering from the pain of injury or arthritis. Pets Best Insurance wants the best for pets and their owners and Vet-Stem offers the best in regenerative medicine for them. Pets suffering from pain of osteoarthritis, joint issues, and injuries of the muscle, tendon and ligament can now be given stem cell therapy.

Vet-Stem first offered stem cell therapy for dogs and cats in 2007. One of the success stories and stem cell advocates is part of the Pets Best Insurance family, Jetta, owned by Greg McDonald, CEO of Pets Best Insurance.

Jack L. Stephens, DVM and President/Founder of Pets Best Insurance talks about Gregs experience: "Our CEO had a wonderful experience utilizing Vet-Stem therapy in his twelve year old lab. He loved throwing, and she loved chasing, a ball every evening. But as she aged, she just could not do it due to severe arthritis. Surgery was not a viable alternative and he asked me about stem cell therapy. I told him we had seen claims with the treatment and it was covered with our insurance. He had it done, her condition very much improved and she was able to chase the ball again. Pets Best Insurance provides full coverage for Vet-Stem Regenerative Cell Therapy, in fact we were early adopters of providing coverage and paying for the therapy. Any procedure performed by practicing veterinarians that helps pets, we are in favor of.

"We are proud that so many dog owners and veterinarians have placed their trust in Vet-Stem Cell therapy. We feel a great sense of accomplishment knowing that there are thousands of dogs and dog owners who have experienced the benefit of stem cell technology. This practical and beneficial application of technology puts stem cell therapy into the present day instead of a future theoretical concept. The fact that Pets Best provides coverage for our therapy is an added plus and makes this a viable treatment option for many more pet owners," said Robert Harman, DVM, MPVM, Founder and CEO of Vet-Stem.

For more information about Pets Best Insurance visit

About Vet-Stem, Inc. Vet-Stem, Inc. was formed in 2002 to bring regenerative medicine to the veterinary profession. The privately held company is working to develop therapies in veterinary medicine that apply regenerative technologies while utilizing the natural healing properties inherent in all animals. As the first company in the United States to provide an adipose-derived stem cell service to veterinarians for their patients, Vet-Stem, Inc. pioneered the use of regenerative stem cells in veterinary medicine. The company holds exclusive licenses to over 50 patents including world-wide veterinary rights for use of adipose derived stem cells. In the last decade over 10,000 animals have been treated using Vet-Stem, Inc.s services, and Vet-Stem is actively investigating stem cell therapy for immune-mediated and inflammatory disease, as well as organ disease and failure. For more on Vet-Stem, Inc. and Veterinary Regenerative Medicine visit or call 858-748-2004.

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Pets Best Insurance Announces Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Veterinary Medicine by Vet-Stem, Inc. Covered by ...

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spino Muscular Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India – Video


Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spino Muscular Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India
Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spino Muscular Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Stam...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spino Muscular Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India - Video

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Will you consider stem cell therapy for your child with autism?


There is no doubt that parents of persons with autism will exhaust all possible means to look for ways to improve the lives of their children. Some will even look for the ''cure'' at all costs literally, especially if they can afford it.

The buzz word for possible autism cure these last few years is stem cell therapy, a medical intervention that involves extracting the body's repair cells and injecting them back to the body to replace old cells. The controversies about this therapy as autism ''cure'' include its high cost.

Angels Talk recently asked parent members of Autism Society Philippines the following question: If money was not an issue, will you consider stem cell therapy for your child with autism? Some were willing to take the chance while others were either cautious of trying ''cures'' that still need to be validated, or consider their children's autism as a gift. Here are some of their sentiments.

''Yes, I would. Whatever will help my nine-year old Sean, I will take the chance. I accept Sean and his condition but not everyone is accepting of autism. If stem cell therapy will give Sean a chance to enjoy life like an average kid, then I will pursue this.'' - JASMINE NADJA PINUGU, a parent who represents the views of 22 other respondents

''No. I would not subject my child to a treatment that has questionable therapeutic claims and safety issues. What we read in the news now are anecdotal reports from celebrity parents that include endorsement of a certain clinic or doctor. Our son Jorel, is doing well trying to adapt in the ''normal'' world. We would rather spend the money for his job or independent living training later on.'' - MENCHIE ALEGRE

''Not at this time but I am open to the possibility. I attended Dr. Samuel Bernal's talk on this topic at Medical City early this year and even this expert is not making claims that stem cell can ''cure'' autism. They are still doing further studies. I have also not heard about the results on the six children who've undergone the test for it. The procedure is quite scary and there will surely be side effects. Until such time that the procedure becomes less invasive, I will not agree to have this procedure done to my child. I appreciate though the efforts of all the people trying to find solution to improve the lives of our children. I pray that God may guide them well.'' - OLIVE MEDINA

''NO! I love him for what he is and he was born unique. Autism is not an illness; all special children need love, support and understanding from family, friends and especially our society. Special children are God's gift to society, to help us be humble, happy and content of what we have.'' - BERNADETTE TABARES

''No, I have two autistic sons and I have learned to respect their condition as God allowed it. I asked God for wisdom in rearing them and I enjoy their company. They showered me with so much attention and love. After 20 years of searching for solution for my two boys to act normal and be able to conform to the norms of society, I have witnessed that each one of us also have abnormalities. Being with them at all given time is the best treatment. Integrating them in all house activities boost their self-esteem.''- LOURY JACOB

''Autism is not the problem. Only ACCCEPTANCE can CURE AUTISM.'' - WHENG DOLLENTE

''What is the point of compelling your child to be someone he is not?'' - GERARD ATIENZA

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Will you consider stem cell therapy for your child with autism?

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Stem-cell therapy 'can be lethal'


People considering stem-cell treatment have been advised to think again, with six groups of medical specialists issuing a strong warning yesterday that unlicensed stem-cell treatments on offer could kill a patient.

The medical societies that issued the statement include the Royal College of Physicians, the Dermatological Society, Heart Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King, the Thai Society of Haematology, the Nephrology Society and the Neurology Society.

The statement said the Medical Council of Thailand had only approved the use of stem-cell treatment on blood diseases - namely leukaemia, malignant lymphoma, aplastic anaemia, multiple myeloma and thalassemia.

Clinical research on the use of stem-cell treatment is ongoing, but there is no scientific evidence that stem-cell therapy can effectively increasing a person's longevity, or delay organ degeneration or improve a patient's quality of life, Prof Kriang Tungsanga, president of the Royal College of Physicians, said.

The move by the medical societies was prompted by widespread ads about stem-cell-based "miracle pills" that claim to ease the symptoms of chronic symptoms such as diabetes and heart disease.

The unlicensed use of stem-cell therapy to treat heart disease, diabetes or for aesthetic purposes has become popular among celebrities and rich people who can afford the treatment, which can cost anything from Bt100,000 to Bt1 million.

Some patients even fly to private clinics in Germany to receive stem-cell injections extracted from unborn sheep that they believe will improve their health and make them look younger.

However, Kriang reiterated that stem-cell therapy is not recommended or included in the standard clinical practice guidelines of any disease other than some blood conditions.

Wrong usage 'can hurt'

Moreover, inappropriate use of stem-cell therapy may be harmful to patients as they could develop an allergy, clotting in blood vessels, contamination of the blood stream, foreign protein materials, chemicals microbial organisms and other non-pure types of cells and cancer transforming cells.

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Advanced Care Veterinary Services Proves Stem Cell Therapy May Be the Best Weapon in Fighting Pet Pain Due to Arthritis


Lewisville, TX (PRWEB) September 05, 2013

Douglas P. Stramel, DVM, CVPP, CVMA owner of Lewisville based Advanced Care Veterinary Services and a certified Pain Practitioner and Veterinary Medical Acupuncturist has been a firm believer in stem cell therapy for over six years and continues to prove its effectiveness in relieving his patients from the chronic suffering that osteoarthritis can create.

A recent patient, Jake, suffered from pain caused by chronic osteoarthritis in both hips. At the young age of seven months he had special surgery on both hips, but unfortunately by seven years old this Catahoula dog was showing severe suffering and lameness. He had problems getting up from a lying position, decreased activity, and was taking a long regimen of anti-inflammatory and pain medications to manage his discomfort. Jakes range of motion in his back legs was very limited and when asked to move he would whimper in pain.

Jakes owners had become increasingly concerned, Jake wants to stay outside, hes less interactive with the family, limps while taking walks, and doesnt want to play ball. Previously these activities were Jakes favorite ways to pass time with his family. The pain had become so serious that Jake even hesitated to obey a sit command, only following with a whine and vocal protest. Jakes owners feared they may have exhausted all therapies for their beloved pet, but were relentless in their search to help him.

They found their answer at Advanced Care Veterinary Services with Dr. Stramel. His recommendation of stem cell therapy seemed to have unrealistic expectations, but was worth a try. In a matter of 48 hours Jake started the process by having a small amount of fat collected from his side that would be shipped overnight to Vet-Stems labs in California. There, Jakes fatty tissue would be processed to create small injectable doses of Jakes own concentrated stem cells to be put directly into the joints that were causing him pain. Two days after Jakes fat sample was collected he received a stem cell injection in each hip and a stem cell dose by IV.

Jake was able to start rehabilitation two weeks after his stem cell therapy where his range of motion increased as well as his willingness to be more active. It seemed stem cells were doing their job of decreasing pain and encouraging healing in Jakes arthritic joints. Jake steadily improved and was able to discontinue rehabilitation at six weeks. He stopped taking daily medications at eight weeks, and was able to minimize his physical health regimen to a supplement that supported his joint cartilage and a fatty acid diet. Jakes owners were very pleased with the progress, and could not believe his ability to play so aggressively that he wore the pads from his paws.

His first stem cell injection wasvery successful.It allowed Jake to run, play ball and swim. In May 2013 we decided that due to his age, we should utilize the stem cells that were in storage. It is amazing how this has improved Jakes functional ability. At age 11, Jake enjoys a full, pain-free life of running, playing ball and especially swimming. I believe the stem cell injections have prolonged his life as well as his functional status, Jerry & Debbie testify to Jakes improved quality of live.

Jake was able to live in comfort for years after his first stem cell therapy, only being treated a second time recently at a ripe age of 11 years old. His owners and Dr. Stramel are confident Jake has a few more good years left in him still.

Jakes response to the stem cells has dramatically improved his life and the life of his owners. He is one of many patients that we have treated and seen good success," reports Dr. Stramel.

About Advanced Care Veterinary Services Advanced Care Veterinary Services is proud to announce the opening of the first Pain Management and Rehabilitation Clinic in Lewisville, Texas. The first of its kind in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, it has a state-of-the-art 4,000 square foot facility equipped with an indoor public canine pool, physical therapy, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, laser therapy, and other rehabilitative exercise activities. This new facility focuses on multi-modal pain management of osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc disease, and cancer. The clinic also offers cutting edge technology in obesity/weight management, geriatric and sport conditioning programs, and regenerative medicine including stem cell therapy for small animals. To find out more visit the website at

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Advanced Care Veterinary Services Proves Stem Cell Therapy May Be the Best Weapon in Fighting Pet Pain Due to Arthritis

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Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India – Video


Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India
Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Command foll...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India - Video

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Stem cell therapy treats animal ailments, vets see improvement – Video


Stem cell therapy treats animal ailments, vets see improvement
Stem cell therapy is typically tied to controversy but now, some Southern Arizona veterinarians are turning to a different form of the cutting edge treatment...

By: kgun9

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NIH joins opposition to charging patients for experimental stem cell therapy


By: Jet Villa, August 16, 2013 8:24 AM The online news portal of TV5

MANILA, Philippines -- (UPDATE - 10:12 a.m.) A consultant of Secretary Enrique Ona resigned Friday, calling the Health chiefs position that patients undergoing experimental stem cell therapy should pay unacceptable.

Dr. Anthony Leachon, who is in Davao City, said he emailed his resignation letter to Ona.

It is with deep regret that I'm resigning asDepartment of Health consultant for non-communicable diseases effective today (Friday). I have been privileged and honored to be a part of your administration even as a one peso a year consultant. I value our friendship and camaraderie which started years ago, Leachon, vice president of the Philippine College of Physicians and Onas consultant for non-communicable diseases, wrote.

Because his position is directly opposed to Onas, Leachon told the Health secretary, I believe I have lost your trust and confidence and I might not be effective serving the DOH and fighting the PCP and medical societies ' cause in the service of the Filipino patient.

Leachon was Onas consultant for non-communicable diseases since November 2011.

Ang pinaka-hindi ko nagustuhan ay yung sisingilin ang pasyente kahit clinical trial pa lang. Yon ang unacceptable sa akin (What I disagree with most is charging patients even if what they undergo are just clinical trials. That is unacceptable), Leachon said.

His resignation came as the National Health Institute, the research arm for health sciences of the University of the Philippines-Manila, joined the growing opposition to the Health secretarys stand on experimental stem cell therapy.

Leachon, a cardiologist at the Manila Doctors Hospital, called Onas position a complete violation of the Code of Ethics (for doctors) and being the secretary of health, alam niya dapat yon (he should know that). This is not a sign of ignorance, pero siguro may mga taong iba ang sinasabi sa kaniya (but there may be people telling him otherwise).

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Bill filed to regulate stem cell therapy in PH


By Christian V. Esguerra Philippine Daily Inquirer

La Union Rep. Eufranio Eriguel. Photo from

MANILA, PhilippinesA congressman has joined the call to regulate stem cell therapy administered in the country.

La Union Rep. Eufranio Eriguel has introduced House Bill No. 212, which would put up a bioethics advisory board that would establish ethical standards governing the practice of stem cell research and therapy.

Under the proposed Stem Cell Research and Therapy Act of 2013, the board shall be responsible for addressing contentious ethical, scientific and legal issues in stem cell and cell-based or cellular research and therapies.

There is much to be learned from stem cell therapy, its benefits and application in the cure of some of the most devastating diseases and conditions. As of now, the full promise of stem cell treatment remains unknown, Eriguel said in a statement.

But the cost far outweighs its benefits because it is very expensive and only a few physicians are trained to do stem cell procedures here in the Philippines.

In his proposal, the board will be headed by the health secretary and the National Transplant Ethics Committee, while the Food and Drug Administration director will serve as vice chairman.

A proposed institutional review committee will be tasked to approve stem cell and cell-based or cellular research and therapies based on existing Department of Health guidelines.

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. – Video


Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India.
Improvement seen after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy PT assessment: Objectively : 1) Grade 3-4 spasticity in...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. - Video

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Whoifwhat: Stem Cell Therapy- Knees, Hip, Back, etc.! – Video


Whoifwhat: Stem Cell Therapy- Knees, Hip, Back, etc.!
It works: Now in St. Louis, New York Phily: coming to your town soon ! Using stem cells from belly fat ( got any) platelets to mark area an injection is ...

By: whoifwhat

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Whoifwhat: Stem Cell Therapy- Knees, Hip, Back, etc.! - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spastic Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. – Video


Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spastic Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India.
Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spastic Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Droo...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spastic Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy Docere Clinics – Video


Stem Cell Therapy Docere Clinics

By: KeysToYoungerLiving

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. Part 2 – Video


Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. Part 2
Improvement seen in just 7 months after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Emotional respons...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. Part 2 - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. Part 2 – Video


Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. Part 2
Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Ball throw...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. Part 2 - Video

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stem cell therapy for Sports injuries. – Video


stem cell therapy for Sports injuries.
Videos is about the Stem Cell Treatment provided to various athletes and sports persons. Dr. Purita had provided treatment for the knee, elbow, shoulder, wri...

By: Stem Md

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Michael – The Alliance for the Advancement of Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Research – Video


Michael - The Alliance for the Advancement of Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Research
The Alliance is here to assist people like Michael to receive adult stem cell treatment. Your donation WILL make a difference. If you #39;d like your donation to go to a specific person just mention...

By: TheStemCellAlliance

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Michael - The Alliance for the Advancement of Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Research - Video

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Stem-cell therapy wipes out HIV in 2 patients


LONDON - Two men with HIV have been off AIDS drugs for several months after receiving stem-cell transplants for cancer that appear to have cleared the virus from their bodies, researchers reported on Wednesday.

Both patients, who were treated in Boston and had been on long-term drug therapy to control their HIV, received stem-cell transplants after developing lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.

Since the transplants, doctors have been unable to find any evidence of HIV infection, Timothy Henrich of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston told an International AIDS Society conference in Kuala Lumpur.

While it is too early to say for sure that the virus has disappeared from their bodies altogether, one patient has now been off antiretroviral drug treatment for 15 weeks and the other for seven weeks.

Last July Henrich first reported that the two men had undetectable levels of HIV in their blood after their stem-cell treatment, but at that time they were still taking medicines to suppress HIV.

Using stem-cell therapy is not seen as a viable option for widespread use, since it is extremely expensive, but the latest cases could open new avenues for fighting the disease, which infects about 34 million people worldwide.

The latest cases resemble that of Timothy Ray Brown, known as "the Berlin patient", who became the first person to be cured of HIV after receiving a bone marrow transplant for leukaemia in 2007. There are, however, important differences.

While Brown's doctor used stem cells from a donor with a rare genetic mutation, known as CCR5 delta 32, which renders people virtually resistant to HIV, the two Boston patients received cells without this mutation.

"Dr. Henrich is charting new territory in HIV eradication research," Kevin Robert Frost, chief executive officer of the Foundation for AIDS Research, which funded the study, said in a statement.

Scientific advances since HIV was first discovered more than 30 years ago mean the virus is no longer a death sentence and the latest antiretroviral AIDS drugs can control the virus for decades.

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Stem-cell therapy wipes out HIV in 2 patients

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