Beauty Innovation: Young-looking skin with stem cell therapy
By Sykes24Tracey
Admit it or not, as you age your skin starts showing signs that you would rather hide. Spots, wrinkles, and even crow's feet are just some of those signs that you would camouflage with makeup and skin creams to make them disappear-temporarily. But fear not, for beauty experts have discovered that stem cell treatment can also help in maintaining youthful skin.
According to Ma Fe Doria, a skin care expert, stem cell therapy is an intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. As many may be aware, the most popular stem cell treatment is in Germany, where lots of celebrities and personalities (i.e. politicians) have flown to have stem cell injections for their ailments, using cells mostly harvested from the sheep. According to those who have undergone the procedure, the treatments have improved their body and the pains they've experienced have disappeared.
Today, many medical researchers continue to do experiments to determine if stem cell can help in curing various types of ailments from cancer to diabetes, which doctors have said may not be far behind. Aside from its healing benefits, stem cell is now being used by the beauty industry. Many cosmetic and beauty centers have started offering stem cell injections for the face, which is said to regenerate the skin where the cells are injected. While some continue to use sheep cells, plant and fat stem cells are now becoming the popular alternatives, with the fat stem cells being used to heal wounds, improve scars, and rejuvenate the skin.
But stem cell treatment is not cheap. Those who can afford it need to fly out of the country to avail of the treatment. Realizing the need in the market, Flawless Facial Center partnered with a local industry leader to produce Flawless' Stem Cell line, which uses the potent power of plant stem cells. Dubbed as the "superfood for the skin," Flawless' Stem Cell line is the epitome of skin nutrition.
"This new range of products allowed us to mark several milestones not just for Flawless but for the local beauty industry. Once again, we have taken something that, for the longest time, has remained exclusive to celebrities and other influential people, and made it affordable for the regular Juan and Juana," says Flawless ceo Ruby Sy.
For P2,500, the line includes a cleanser, day cream, and night serum. Flawless' Stem Cell line utilizes the plant stem cell technology to achieve the skin's youthful appearance by protecting it against oxidative stress and boosting the skin's repair and rejuvenation systems. "Times have really changed. No thanks to free radicals that are present in almost everything around us-from the food we eat to the air we breathe-people today age so much faster. This is especially true for people who like to spend late nights partying or spend too much time in front of the [TV/computer] monitor. Various studies have proven time and again the harmful effects such activities have on our skin," Sy said.
But with Flawless' latest baby, you can say goodbye to those ugly marks on your face. The Stem Cell line promises to solve all these, and more, by providing your skin with the right amount of nutrition and protection. Indeed, youthful glow is not only safe and available in a bottle, it's also now within reach of your pocket.
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Beauty Innovation: Young-looking skin with stem cell therapy