Cancer-hit mum’s plea for donor after her ex murdered son who could have been match – Mirror Online

By daniellenierenberg

A mum whose ex bludgeoned her teenage son to death with a hammer before killing himself is making a heartfelt plea to strangers to try and save her own life.

Tania Morris fears this Christmas may be her last after being diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma shortly after the tragedy in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent.

The 49-year-old, who was the only survivor of the brutal attack, was later told that her only chance of survival is a stem cell transplant, StokeonTrentLive revealed.

In the most cruel twists of fate, her only hope would have been heronly child, 19-year-old Nathan Bates, who was murdered just weeks before she was diagnosed with the deadly blood disease.

Tania and her loved-ones are now desperately urging people to join the Antony Nolan register in the hope they can get their very own Christmas miracle.

Tests on other family members including Tania's mum Viv, 69, and dad Robert, aged 70, showed they are not suitable as they are too old and one has a pacemaker.

And her brother Darren Morris, 48, was not a match either.

Meanwhile, her younger brother Adam Morris, who could have fitted the bill, died of a heart attack at the age of 41 four years ago.

Brave Tania, of Burlsem. told StokeonTrentLive: "It's heartbreaking. The doctors just keep saying we need a fit-and-healthy 19-year-old and that breaks my heart as that's how old Nathan was when he was murdered.

"My younger brother could have been a match but he died of a heart attack.

"My other brother Darren was devastated when he was tested and wasn't a match. He wanted so much to help me.

"Dad's only a half match. He's too poorly himself to go ahead but if and when it becomes life or death he could be a last roesort. They're worried it would kill both me and him.

"It would really be desperate measures if it comes to that. It would be my last option because it could kill me.

"My mum's not even been tested because she's had a heart bypass.

"We are just hoping that someone comes forward. It's my only chance of beating this."

Tania's ex, Robert Goodwin, attacked Nathan as he slept at his home, knowing Nathans mum would be out.

An inquest heard Goodwin then left the property and hanged himself in nearby woodland at a spot where Tania would routinely walk her dogs.

It is believed he did so with the intentions that his ex would discover not just her sons body, but also his.

At the time of Nathan's murder, Goodwin was on bail after being charged with assaulting Tania and had retained his liberty despite having breached a condition not to contact her.

And it was while she was coping with the stress of organising Nathan's funeral the following December that she first noticed her own health decline.

The official blood cancer diagnosis then came in January this year.

She has since endured endless rounds of chemotherapy - but has just been told the latest treatment is not working.

Tania said: "He's just a coward for what he did to Nathan. He wouldn't accept any responsibility for what he did. He wanted me to drop the charges but I refused because I was scared he would do it to someone else.

"He just couldn't cope with the thought of going to prison so he killed Nathan, killed himself and if I don't find a donor, he may yet kill me. All the stress he's put our family through also led to my mum's heart attack.

"He had no reason to do what he did, he just wanted to upset me in the worst possible way.

"He said he loved me to pieces but then he did this.

"Since the day he attacked me, it's just been one thing after another."

Tania, who is currently too sick to work at Churchill China, added: "I haven't properly grieved for Nathan because of the cancer.

"I'm up at hospital every week and fighting this disease just leaves me so tired. I can't sleep anymore. If I'm not thinking about the cancer, my thoughts turn to Nathan.

"I'm not coping very well. It's been a rollercoaster couple of years.

"I've then got all my money worries. I just don't know what more I can cope with.

"I was planning on having a 50th birthday in the new year but we've put the plans on hold because I don't know when I'll be in hospital. I wanted to something to say thank-you to all my friends and family but everything is still up in the air.

"I can't plan anything. My life has been on hold since the day that man attacked me."

Tania has monthly appointments at Christies in Manchester to check whether there is a match.

Urging people to join the register, she added: "It's just a simple test you do in your own home send off.

"I'm not doing this just for me but for everyone else who needs a donor. You never know, you could save someone's life. It's my last chance to see another Christmas."

Who can join?

Anyone aged 16 to 30 and in good health can join.

Younger donors provide better outcomes for patients, so our recruitment age range means we focus on recruiting the best possible donors.

How to join?

Fill in the online application form and Antony Nolan will send a swab pack in the post to complete and send back which will then be added to the stem cell register.

How long will I be on the register?

Those who join will remain on the register until the age of 61. If you ever come up as a match for a patient, Antony Nolan be in touch straightaway.

What happens if I'm a match?

Antony Nolan will organise everything including travel and accommodation.

How do you make a donation?

There are two ways you might be asked to donate:90% of people donate via their bloodstreamand10% have their stem cells collected via their bone marrowwhile under general anaesthetic.

See the article here:
Cancer-hit mum's plea for donor after her ex murdered son who could have been match - Mirror Online

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