Everyday Hero: Littlestown man donates bone marrow stem cells to stranger
By JoanneRUSSELL25
A Littlestown resident went through a five-day procedure to give bone marrow stem cells to a man living in France
By Adam Michael
@goodoletwonames on Twitter
John Sibirtzeff will never meet the man who used his stem cells to heal. He'll never know exactly what his affliction was, and he's OK with that.
A month ago, Sibirtzeff spent five days in Washington D.C. donating bone marrow stem cells that would be used to heal a 69-year-old man living in France.
"I'll never know who the recipient was," he said. "I'll never know if he was American or French, military or non."
When Sibirtzeff, of Littlestown, was in Navy boot camp in 2007, he opted into the C.W. Bill Young Department of Defense Marrow Donor Program. Naval doctors drew a vial of his blood and stored it after identifying his type. In 2011, Sibirtzeff finished his tour of duty, but his name remained on the donor list.
This past January, the program contacted Sibirtzeff requesting that he return for testing, as he was a potential match for a 69-year-old man living in France.
According to the program's website, salutetolife.org, 70 percent of patients are unable to find a match within their families. Sibirtzeff's receiver was among them.
Everyday Hero: Littlestown man donates bone marrow stem cells to stranger
Columbia University team grows human cartilage from stem cells
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Perched on the end of the scientists green glove, the tiny oblong-shaped object looks like a small jewel. It is in fact artificially-grown human cartilage, developed from human stem cells in the laboratory for the first time.
Cartilage, which protects the bone ends in joints, does not have blood vessels or nerves and does not heal over time if damaged.
Scientists at Columbia University in New York took cells from adult bone marrow and developed them into cartilage as robust as the natural human tissue.
We do have technology. We do understand underlying principles. But we are not ready to go into patients. There is a lot of pre-clinical work that will need to be done to make this happen, said Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University, who led the study.
Until now, scientists have made cartilage from young animal cells but the resulting tissue was often weak.
In the new study stem cells were condensed via a process that imitates how the body produces the tissue naturally.
The research team now plans to test the cartilage grown from stem cells to examine its long-term effects.
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Columbia University team grows human cartilage from stem cells
One cell's meat is another cell's poison: How the loss of a cell protein favors cancer cells while harming healthy cells
By NEVAGiles23
As a new therapeutic approach, Janus kinases are currently in the limelight of cancer research. The focus of interest is the protein JAK2. By inhibiting this protein one tries to cure chronic bone marrow diseases, such as myelofibrosis and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).
Loss of JAK2 is advantageous for leukemia cells
Scientists working with Veronika Sexl at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology may initiate a transformation of thought in regard of JAK2 inhibition. To simulate the human disease as accurately as possible, the scientists used a mouse leukemia model. In an experiment, mice received blood cancer cells as well as healthy hematopoietic stem cells in which JAK2 had been removed. "In mice, the absence of JAK2 accelerated the course of leukemia drastically," the scientists concluded.
The loss of JAK2 caused healthy hematopoietic stem cells to disappear in mice. "Leukemic cells, on the other hand, remained entirely unaffected; they do not need JAK2. This led to an imbalance in which the number of leukemia cells was very predominant, and eventually caused the acceleration of leukemia," says Eva Grundschober, one of the lead authors.
"The oncogene BCR-ABL, which was present in mice with leukemia, does not appear to require JAK2 for its activity. However, JAK2 is essential for healthy cells," explains Andrea Hlbl-Kovacic, the other lead author.
JAK2 is important for survival of hematopoietic stem cells
A closer investigation of healthy stem cells supports this hypothesis. In the absence of JAK2, healthy stem cells cannot survive and reproduce blood cells. As the next step, the following question will be raised in Sexl's laboratory: how does JAK2 mediate its life-sustaining effect on healthy stem cells? What portions of the JAK2 protein are required for this purpose and are these affected by current therapies?
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The above story is based on materials provided by Veterinrmedizinische Universitt Wien. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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One cell's meat is another cell's poison: How the loss of a cell protein favors cancer cells while harming healthy cells
Drive held to save El Paso boy and other children in need of donations
By Dr. Matthew Watson
By: Stephanie Guadian EL PASO, Texas - Inaki Arruti is an El Paso boy battling leukemia and a shortage of blood and bone marrow donations from the Hispanic community. I recently shared his story with KFOX 14 viewers.
The story hit home for Janet Chavarria. She is an employee at Western Technical College and Inaki's cousin.
After being inspired by our story to take action, she and the school organized a two-day Be the Match blood and bone marrow drive. Those who agreed to register simply swabbed their cheeks. The DNA will be compared to patients for a possible match.
It's not just Inaki. There are more children out there you know that have this. There are more people that have this. So, if we are not helping out Inaki, there might be someone else. But hopefully, there will be a match, said Janet Chavarria.
According to Be the Match, a national marrow donor program, Hispanics have only a 72 percent chance of finding a donor, compared with 93 percent for white patients. Anita Gonzales is a Be the Match employee working in El Paso.
We are blessed with another country right next to us. But everything they blow into the air. Unfortunately, it comes into El Paso and we breathe it. It's in the particles in the air, the ground that we walk on, the food that we eat. So, anyone can get leukemia. It's not inherited, said Gonzales.
Today -- the most common way of collecting stem cells is done by filtering them from a person's blood. The procedure is considered painless and similar to donating blood. The donation could one day save of the life of someone like Inaki.
Nearly 300 people signed up to be potential matches at the two day blood and bone marrow drive at Western Technical College. If you would like to find out how you can sign up to be a donor, check outbethematch.org
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Drive held to save El Paso boy and other children in need of donations
One cell's meat is another cell's poison
By NEVAGiles23
30.05.2014 - (idw) Veterinrmedizinische Universitt Wien
Janus kinases (JAKs) are proteins that can promote the growth of cancer cells. The protein JAK2 is of special therapeutic significance: its inactivation is believed to destroy cancer cells. However, the effect of JAK2 inhibition on healthy blood stem cells is so far unknown. Scientists at the Vetmeduni Vienna show that the loss of JAK2 in the mouse causes healthy blood stem cells to disappear while cancer cells preserve their growth potential. Future studies will address the question as to whether these data can be passed on to treatment in humans. The results were published in the journal Leukemia. As a new therapeutic approach, Janus kinases are currently in the limelight of cancer research. The focus of interest is the protein JAK2. By inhibiting this protein one tries to cure chronic bone marrow diseases, such as myelofibrosis and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).
Loss of JAK2 is advantageous for leukemia cells
Scientists working with Veronika Sexl at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology may initiate a transformation of thought in regard of JAK2 inhibition. To simulate the human disease as accurately as possible, the scientists used a mouse leukemia model. In an experiment, mice received blood cancer cells as well as healthy hematopoietic stem cells in which JAK2 had been removed. "In mice, the absence of JAK2 accelerated the course of leukemia drastically," the scientists concluded.
The loss of JAK2 caused healthy hematopoietic stem cells to disappear in mice. "Leukemic cells, on the other hand, remained entirely unaffected; they do not need JAK2. This led to an imbalance in which the number of leukemia cells was very predominant, and eventually caused the acceleration of leukemia," says Eva Grundschober, one of the lead authors.
"The oncogene BCR-ABL, which was present in mice with leukemia, does not appear to require JAK2 for its activity. However, JAK2 is essential for healthy cells," explains Andrea Hlbl-Kovacic, the other lead author.
A closer investigation of healthy stem cells supports this hypothesis. In the absence of JAK2, healthy stem cells cannot survive and reproduce blood cells. As the next step, the following question will be raised in Sexl's laboratory: how does JAK2 mediate its life-sustaining effect on healthy stem cells? What portions of the JAK2 protein are required for this purpose and are these affected by current therapies?
The article Acceleration of Bcr-Abl+ leukemia induced by deletion of JAK2, by Eva Grundschober, Andrea Hlb-Kovacic, Neha Bhagwat, Boris Kovacic, Ruth Scheicher, Eva Eckelhart, Karoline Kollmann, Matthew Keller, Florian Grebien, Kay-Uwe Wagner, Ross L. Levine and Veronika Sexl was published today in the journal Leukemia. doi:10.1038/leu.2014.152 http://www.nature.com/leu/journal/vaop/naam/abs/leu2014152a.html
About the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna in Austria is one of the leading academic and research institutions in the field of Veterinary Sciences in Europe. About 1,200 employees and 2,300 students work on the campus in the north of Vienna which also houses five university clinics and various research sites. Outside of Vienna the university operates Teaching and Research Farms. http://www.vetmeduni.ac.at
Scientific Contact: Prof. Veronika Sexl
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One cell's meat is another cell's poison
Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute Now Offering Stem Cell Procedures for Meniscal Tears and Ligament Injuries of the …
By Sykes24Tracey
Beverly Hills, California (PRWEB) May 29, 2014
The Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute is now providing several types of stem cell procedures for healing ligament injuries and meniscal tears of the knee. The stem cell therapies are often able to repair the injuries, provide pain relief and help patients avoid the need for surgery. For more information and scheduling, call (310) 438-5343.
Injuries to the knee may occur from sports injuries, auto accidents or result from degenerative arthritis. Conventional treatments typically work well for pain relief, however, they do not repair the damaged soft tissue. Therefore, conventional treatments result in healing that is incomplete and may still lead to the need for the surgery.
At Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute, Double Board Certified Los Angeles Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Raj has been a pioneer in stem cell procedures for the knee. He is an expert in several types of stem cell therapies for knee injuries including amniotic derived or bone marrow derived stem cell injections.
The regenerative medicine procedures are performed as an outpatient and maintain exceptionally low risk. The amniotic-derived stem cell material is processed at an FDA regulated lab, while the bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy involves a short harvesting procedure from the patient himself. Both types of procedures have been shown in small studies to have excellent clinical results for knee conditions.
Along with treating all types of knee injuries with stem cell therapy, Beverly Hills orthopedic surgeon Dr. Raj also treats shoulder, hip ankle and spinal conditions with regenerative medicine as well. Treatments are provided for amateur and professional athletes, weekend warriors, executives, grandparents, students and more.
For those who desire to explore stem cell procedures for helping repair knee injuries and avoiding surgery, call the Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute at (310) 438-5343.
European rights court says Stamina ban legit
By NEVAGiles23
Discredited stem-cell treatment loses in Strasbourg
(ANSA) - Strasbourg, May 28 - The European Court of Human Rights on Wednesday ruled that an Italian ban on a controversial stem-cell therapy was legitimate. The case centered around a woman suffering from a degenerative brain disease since birth who argued her rights had been violated by the State denying her Stamina treatment. The process involves extracting bone-marrow stem cells from a patient, turning them into neurons by exposing them to retinoic acid for two hours, and injecting them back into the patient. But its credibility has long been suspect, and last fall the health ministry ruled that the Stamina Foundation would no longer be allowed to test the treatment on humans. The foundation was also stripped of its non-profit status after a study found its treatment was "ignorant of stem-cell biology". Recent investigations have shown risks of the treatment range from nausea to cancer, and as many as one quarter of all patients treated have experienced "adverse effects". The head of the foundation, Davide Vannoni, may face indictment.
See the original post:
European rights court says Stamina ban legit
Bride Saves The Life Of Her Fianc Who Had Only 60 Days To Live By Finding A Stem Cell Donor
By Sykes24Tracey
Mike Brandon was given just 60 days to find a bone marrow transplant. If he didn't, his leukaemia - cancer of white blood cells - was going to overwhelm his body.
Most people faced with such odds may have given up, but Brandon's fiance, Kate Robertson launched a desperate bid to find a matching donor for her husband-to-be.
The odds paid off: less than a month after Miss Robertson's campaign was launched, a donor has been found.
Anthony Nolan said that her efforts has led to a 650% increase in people joining the bone marrow register. The blood cancer charity said that there was a particular surge among potential donors in the couple's home city of Bristol.
Miss Robertson, 31, said the response has been "astounding".
"It's been an incredibly difficult time so the relief we're feeling is overwhelming," she said.
"A matching donor means that we can go ahead with Mike's bone marrow transplant. We know we have a rocky road ahead as a transplant is a serious procedure, but knowing there is a good match for Mike is a fantastic boost that we desperately needed.
"We are hugely grateful to the selfless person who has stepped forward to help Mike, and to everyone who has pledged to do the same for someone else, by joining the Anthony Nolan register."
See original here:
Bride Saves The Life Of Her Fianc Who Had Only 60 Days To Live By Finding A Stem Cell Donor
After cancer rebound, Victoria's little Hannah Day back into life of pain as transplanted stem cells attack her body
By raymumme
The seemingly miraculous recovery of little Hannah Day who rebounded earlier this month after a rare bone marrow transplant cancer free for 60 days has suffered a major setback.
Mother Brooke Ervin said her stem cells, which were transplanted into her daughter on March 19, are attacking her four-year-old daughters body from the inside out, manifesting in a rash and third-degree-like burns.
She has burns to 90 per cent of her body and is now admitted back to [B.C. Childrens] hospital in hopes they can stop it.
Hannah is in immeasurable pain as her family watches, terrified and helpless, Ervin said Wednesday.
Hannah is not responding to oral antibiotics, and steroids being pumped into her body to stop the burning are suppressing her immune system, which is needed to fight off the cancer.
This is such a horrible life she got, a distraught Ervin said.
She has spent most of her life suffering just to stay alive. No one should have to fight so hard, especially an innocent child.
She wants to live so bad and she shows us every day with her fight and will to live, Ervin said. She wont give up and we cant either. We have to hold strong in the hopes one day this will end.
On May 6, Hannah was discharged from hospital in Vancouver after receiving stem cells from her mother in a haploidentical transplant.
Although only a half match, doctors hope Hannahs cells will recognize her moms cells which once protected her in the womb and allow them to kill off cancer cells in Hannahs body.
Stem Cells Market By Application (Regenerative Medicine), By Technology (Acquisition, Sub-Culture), By Product (Adult …
By Dr. Matthew Watson
San Francisco, California (PRWEB) May 22, 2014
The global market for stem cells is expected to reach USD 170.15 billion by 2020, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. Growing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and liver disease, diabetes and cancer coupled with the presence of high unmet medical needs in these disease segments is expected to drive market growth during the forecast period. Moreover, increasing government support pertaining to funding R&D initiatives and the growing demand for medical tourism and stem cell banking services is expected to boost the demand for stem cells over the next six years. The future of this market is expected to be driven by opportunities such as the growing global prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases, increasing demand for contract research outsourcing services and the substitution of animal tissues by stem cells in the
The stem cells technology market was valued at USD 12.88 billion in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 12.0% during the forecast period. This market was dominated by the cell acquisitions technology segment in terms of share in 2013 owing to the fact that this technology serves as the foremost step to process involving stem cells culture. The global stem cell acquisition technology market is expected to reach USD 10.88 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of over 14.0% over the next six years.
The report Stem Cells Market Analysis By Product (Adult Stem Cells, Human Embryonic Cells, Pluripotent Stem Cells), By Application (Regenerative Medicine, Drug Discovery and Development) And Segment Forecasts To 2020, is available now to Grand View Research customers at http://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/stem-cells-market
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Patient receives 3D printed titanium hip
By NEVAGiles23
19 May 2014
Hip surgery conducted with a 3D printed titanium implant and bone stem cell graft has been conducted in Southampton.
The 3D printed hip was designed using the patients CT scan and CAD CAM file, thereby matching the patients exact specifications and measurements.
According to Southampton University, the implant will provide a new socket for the ball of the femur bone to enter. Doctors have also inserted a graft containing bone stem cells behind the implant and between the pelvis .
The graft is said to acts as a filler for the loss of bone, with the patients own bone marrow cells added to the graft to provide a source of bone stem cells to encourage bone regeneration behind and around the implant.
The benefits to the patient through this pioneering procedure are numerous, said Douglas Dunlop, consultant orthopaedic surgeon who conducted the operation at Southampton General Hospital. The titanium used to make the hip is more durable and has been printed to match the patients exact measurements this should improve fit and could recue the risk of having to have another surgery. The bone graft material that has been used has excellent biocompatibility and strength and will fill the defect behind the bone well, fusing it all together.
Over the past decade Dunlop and Prof Richard Oreffo, at Southampton University, have developed a translational research programme to drive bone formation using patient skeletal stem cells in orthopaedics.
The graft used in the operation is made up of a bone scaffold that allows blood to flow through it. Stem cells from the bone marrow will attach to the material and grow new bone, which will support the 3D printed hip implant.
In a statement, Prof Oreffo said: The 3D printing of the implant in titanium, from CT scans of the patient and stem cell graft is cutting edge and offers the possibility of improved outcomes for patients.
Fractures and bone loss due to trauma or disease are a significant clinical and socioeconomic problem. Growing bone at the point of injury alongside a hip implant that has been designed to the exact fit of the patient is exciting and offers real opportunities for improved recovery and quality of life.
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Patient receives 3D printed titanium hip
Herpes-loaded stem cells help kill brain tumor in mice
By Sykes24Tracey
Home > News > health-news
Washington, May 18 : Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital have found a potential solution for how to more effectively kill tumor cells using cancer-killing viruses.
The investigators report that trapping virus-loaded stem cells in a gel and applying them to tumors significantly improved survival in mice with glioblastoma multiforme, the most common brain tumor in human adults and also the most difficult to treat.
The work was led by Khalid Shah, MS, PhD, an HSCI Principal Faculty member. Shah heads the Molecular Neurotherapy and Imaging Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Cancer-killing or oncolytic viruses have been used in numerous phase 1 and 2 clinical trials for brain tumors but with limited success. In preclinical studies, oncolytic herpes simplex viruses seemed especially promising, as they naturally infect dividing brain cells.
However, the therapy hasn't translated as well for human patients. The problem previous researchers couldn't overcome was how to keep the herpes viruses at the tumor site long enough to work.
Shah and his team turned to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-a type of stem cell that gives rise to bone marrow tissue-which have been very attractive drug delivery vehicles because they trigger a minimal immune response and can be utilized to carry oncolytic viruses.
Shah and his team loaded the herpes virus into human MSCs and injected the cells into glioblastoma tumors developed in mice.
Using multiple imaging markers, it was possible to watch the virus as it passed from the stem cells to the first layer of brain tumor cells and subsequently into all of the tumor cells.
Using imaging proteins to watch in real time how the virus combated the cancer, Shah's team noticed that the gel kept the stem cells alive longer, which allowed the virus to replicate and kill any residual cancer cells that were not cut out during the debulking surgery. This translated into a higher survival rate for mice that received the gel-encapsulated stem cells.
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Herpes-loaded stem cells help kill brain tumor in mice
Homeland star David Harewood on donating bone marrow: 'They needed my stem cells urgently – it was horrifying'
By daniellenierenberg
On his journey from Birmingham boy to Hollywood star David Harewood has shared the silver screen with Leonardo Di Caprio and earned an MBE for services to drama.
But the Homeland actor says his finest moment came away from the cameras and the red carpet.
Seven years ago David received a telephone call from the Anthony Nolan Trust. Someone somewhere had the blood cancer leukaemia and was in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant to help them beat the disease.
David was the closest match.
David, 48, says: The call came completely out of the blue, I felt like I had won the lottery. It was like a giant finger in the sky pointing me out and saying, its you. I immediately wanted to do whatever I could to help.
The transplant was initially scheduled for a few months later, but those plans had to be hastily revised while RADA-trained actor David was in Romania filming The Last Enemy for BBC One.
I had another call to say my recipient had taken a turn for the worse, says David, who is best known for playing CIA counter-terrorism chief David Este in the hit US spy drama Homeland.
They couldnt wait until I finished filming as they might not make it. They needed my stem cells urgently, it was horrifying.
Thankfully David was due a break in filming, which he used to flew straight home to the UK. A nurse then visited him at home every morning for four days, giving him injections to boost his stem cell production.
On the fifth day David went to Harley Street in London to have his stem cells harvested. He was hooked up to a machine that took blood from one arm, filtered out the vital stems cells that would replace his recipients bone marrow and fed the blood back into his body through a needle in the other arm.
Read the rest here:
Homeland star David Harewood on donating bone marrow: 'They needed my stem cells urgently - it was horrifying'
First ever hip surgery with 3D printed implant and bone stem cell graft conducted
By Sykes24Tracey
Home > News > technology-news
Washington, May 17 : Researchers have completed their first hip surgery with a 3D printed implant and bone stem cell graft.
The 3D printed hip, made from titanium, was designed using the patient's CT scan and CAD CAM (computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing) technology, meaning it was designed to the patient's exact specifications and measurements.
The implant will provide a new socket for the ball of the femur bone to enter. Behind the implant and between the pelvis, doctors have inserted a graft containing bone stem cells.
The graft acts as a filler for the loss of bone. The patient's own bone marrow cells have been added to the graft to provide a source of bone stem cells to encourage bone regeneration behind and around the implant.
Southampton doctors believe this is a game changer. Douglas Dunlop, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, conducted the operation at Southampton General Hospital. He says: "The benefits to the patient through this pioneering procedure are numerous. The titanium used to make the hip is more durable and has been printed to match the patient's exact measurements - this should improve fit and could recue the risk of having to have another surgery.
"The bone graft material that has been used has excellent biocompatibility and strength and will fill the defect behind the bone well, fusing it all together."
--ANI (Posted on 17-05-2014)
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First ever hip surgery with 3D printed implant and bone stem cell graft conducted
Ground breaking hip and stem cell surgery completed using 3D printed implant
By daniellenierenberg
Doctors and scientists in Southampton have completed their first hip surgery with a 3D printed implant and bone stem cell graft.
The 3D printed hip, made from titanium, was designed using the patient's CT scan and CAD CAM (computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing) technology, meaning it was designed to the patient's exact specifications and measurements.
The implant will provide a new socket for the ball of the femur bone to enter. Behind the implant and between the pelvis, doctors have inserted a graft containing bone stem cells.
The graft acts as a filler for the loss of bone. The patient's own bone marrow cells have been added to the graft to provide a source of bone stem cells to encourage bone regeneration behind and around the implant.
Southampton doctors believe this is a game changer. Douglas Dunlop, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, conducted the operation at Southampton General Hospital. He says: "The benefits to the patient through this pioneering procedure are numerous. The titanium used to make the hip is more durable and has been printed to match the patient's exact measurements -- this should improve fit and could recue the risk of having to have another surgery.
"The bone graft material that has been used has excellent biocompatibility and strength and will fill the defect behind the bone well, fusing it all together."
Over the past decade Mr Dunlop and Professor Richard Oreffo, at the University of Southampton, have developed a translational research programme to drive bone formation using patient skeletal stem cells in orthopaedics.
The graft used in this operation is made up of a bone scaffold that allows blood to flow through it. Stem cells from the bone marrow will attach to the material and grow new bone. This will support the 3D printed hip implant.
Professor Oreffo comments: "The 3D printing of the implant in titanium, from CT scans of the patient and stem cell graft is cutting edge and offers the possibility of improved outcomes for patients.
"Fractures and bone loss due to trauma or disease are a significant clinical and socioeconomic problem. Growing bone at the point of injury alongside a hip implant that has been designed to the exact fit of the patient is exciting and offers real opportunities for improved recovery and quality of life."
Ground breaking hip and stem cell surgery completed using 3D printed implant
Dr. Broyles’ Cartilage Regeneration: Why Bone Marrow Stem Cells? – Video
By daniellenierenberg
Dr. Broyles #39; Cartilage Regeneration: Why Bone Marrow Stem Cells?
Dr. Broyles highlights the differences between Dr. Saw #39;s methods and his own, including FDA regulations in the US regarding autologous stem cells. For more i...
By: boneandjointclinicbr
See the rest here:
Dr. Broyles' Cartilage Regeneration: Why Bone Marrow Stem Cells? - Video
Scientists get closer to the stem cells that may drive cancers
By Sykes24Tracey
THURSDAY, May 15, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Although the very concept of cancer stem cells has been controversial, new research provides proof that these distinct types of cells exist in humans.
Using genetic tracking, researchers found that a gene mutation tied to cancer's development can be traced back to cancer stem cells. These cells are at the root of cancer and responsible for supporting the growth and progression of the disease, the scientists report.
Cancer stem cells are able to replenish themselves and produce other types of cancer cells, just as healthy cells produce other normal cells, the study's British and European authors explained.
"It's like having dandelions in your lawn. You can pull out as many as you want, but if you don't get the roots they'll come back," study first author Dr. Petter Woll, of the MRC Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford, said in a university news release.
The researchers, led by a team of scientists at Oxford and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, said their findings could have significant implications for cancer treatment. They explained that by targeting cancer stem cells, doctors could not only get rid of a patient's cancer but also prevent any remaining cancer cells from sustaining the disease.
The study, published May 15 in Cancer Cell, involved 15 patients diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), a type of cancer that often develops into acute myeloid leukemia, a form of blood cancer.
The researchers examined the cancer cells in the patients' bone marrow. Four of the patients were also monitored over time. One patient was followed for two years. Two patients were followed for 30 months and another patient was monitored for 10 years.
According to the researchers, in prior studies citing the existence of cancer stem cells, the lab tests that were used to identify these cells were considered by many to be unreliable.
However, "In our studies we avoided the problem of unreliable lab tests by tracking the origin and development of cancer-driving mutations in MDS patients," explained study leader Sten Eirik Jacobsen, of Oxford's MRC Molecular Haematology Unit and the Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine.
According to the research, a distinct group of MDS cells had all the characteristics of cancer stem cells, and only these particular cancer cells appeared able to cause tumor spread.
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Scientists get closer to the stem cells that may drive cancers
Genetic tracking identifies cancer stem cells in human patients
Contact: University of Oxford news.office@admin.ox.ac.uk 44-186-528-0530 University of Oxford
The gene mutations driving cancer have been tracked for the first time in patients back to a distinct set of cells at the root of cancer cancer stem cells.
The international research team, led by scientists at the University of Oxford and the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, studied a group of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes a malignant blood condition which frequently develops into acute myeloid leukaemia.
The researchers say their findings, reported in the journal Cancer Cell, offer conclusive evidence for the existence of cancer stem cells.
The concept of cancer stem cells has been a compelling but controversial idea for many years. It suggests that at the root of any cancer there is a small subset of cancer cells that are solely responsible for driving the growth and evolution of a patient's cancer. These cancer stem cells replenish themselves and produce the other types of cancer cells, as normal stem cells produce other normal tissues.
The concept is important, because it suggests that only by developing treatments that get rid of the cancer stem cells will you be able to eradicate the cancer. Likewise, if you could selectively eliminate these cancer stem cells, the other remaining cancer cells would not be able to sustain the cancer.
'It's like having dandelions in your lawn. You can pull out as many as you want, but if you don't get the roots they'll come back,' explains first author Dr Petter Woll of the MRC Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford.
The researchers, led by Professor Sten Eirik W Jacobsen at the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit and the Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford, investigated malignant cells in the bone marrow of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and followed them over time.
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Genetic tracking identifies cancer stem cells in human patients
Raman method analyzes live cells quickly and accurately
By NEVAGiles23
The Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) in Stuttgart, Germany, has developed a technique to analyze living cells quickly and accurately based on Raman spectroscopy. The non-invasive optical procedure, which can identify the molecular fingerprint of different materials, has primarily been employed in quality control for medications and pharmaceutical substances.
Now biomedical researchers can also use this technology thanks to the research at IGB involving joint projects with universities, industrial partners, and the State of Baden-Wrttemberg. The tmethod is suited to investigating living cells without requiring invasive techniques or altering them with dyes.
In order to characterize stem cells or identify changes to tissues that are caused by tumors, inflammations, fungi, or bacteria, for example, it is now sufficient to determine the individual cells Raman spectrum which is a specialized energy spectrum having particular analytical capability.
Prof. Katja Schenke-Layland from IGB commented, We have developed comprehensive know-how in this area and have advanced the technology from use in pure research to industrial implementation. We can now investigate not just individual cells, but entire tissue structures and organs. Next we want to further refine the technology and develop more applications.
Cell biologists at IGB use a specially developed Raman spectroscope jointly designed and built with physicists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM) in Freiburg. The device is compact and can be conveniently used to investigate a wide range of scientific problems. The scientists are accumulating the spectra they have recorded into a database.
Cancer testing
Schenke-Layland added, Each cell has a unique, unmistakable Raman spectrum. Doctors can compare the sample from their patients cells with our database and complete their diagnoses more quickly. The technology is already being employed on a practical basis by industrial partners. The scientists are working at present on a rapid test for cancer diagnosis.
Doctors using mobile Raman spectroscopes during an operation could unambiguously say whether a patient has cancer or not simply by comparing the cell sample with the data base.
Conventional cancer diagnoses are still complicated and prolonged. After excising the tissue for biopsy, it first must be prepared for further analysis for example by suitably sectioning or dying it to identify biomarkers. But this always requires intervention in the specimen and manipulating it in some way, she said.
Diverse applications
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Raman method analyzes live cells quickly and accurately
Bone Marrow Stem Cells – Dr. Steenblock- Regenerative Medicine
By NEVAGiles23
Bone Marrow Stem Cells
Dr. Steenblock performing a bone marrow stem cell treatment
The latest discovery in the world of natural medical therapies is STEM CELLS!
You have within you a powerful set of tools to repair your body and keep you healthy. The future of medicine is NOT better drugs but better use and application of your bodys own stem cells. As of now stem cell-rich tissue can be extracted from your hip with virtually no discomfort and used to help restore your body. This opens up an exciting new horizon in terms of preventing and treating disease and tackling the symptoms of aging if not aging itself. Already, patients are returning to Dr. Steenblock for additional bone marrow treatments because they are seeing that their gray or white hair is turning back to its original color. Their skin not infrequently looks younger too and they report having more energy and less arthritic aches and pains!
Over the past six years, Dr. Steenblock and his medical team have done over 2,000 bone marrow procedures with much success. Contrary to the conventional painful methods used, he and his colleagues have developed an almost painless approach to extract bone marrow and the hidden trove of stem cells contained within. Using the patients own bone marrow rather than someone elses has totally eliminated the risk of graft versus host disease and the need for toxic chemotherapy to suppress the immune system. Since Dr. Steenblock is merely transferring stem cells from a persons bones into their blood stream there is never an allergic or rejection type of reaction since these are the patients own cells. The results have at times been phenomenal especially for those under 40 and for those who are really physically fit and walk or run a lot every day. The stronger an individuals bones are the better the bone marrow stem cells are. Even children that are paralyzed and who do not put weight on their legs are generally not going to have good results unless add another facet is added to their treatment. For those people who do not walk much, are not physically fit and who are older than 40, Dr. Steenblock generally recommends that they undergo five successive daily injections of a natural bone marrow mobilizer called Neupogen (Filgrastim) beginning 19 days before they come to his office for their bone marrow treatment(s). The ideal treatment for anyone with a complicated health issue is to first have certain tests done to determine if they have any problems that could interfere with the treatments success. These tests include standard blood tests for anemia, hormones, metabolism, infections, autoimmunity, inflammation and special tests for heavy metal poisons and intestinal infections and infestations. If problems are discovered with these tests then the underlying problem should be corrected before beginning the process of using the Neupogen and the scheduling of the bone marrow treatment(s). The word marrows is pleural intentionally because a person in general has a better result if more stem cells are given. By having two bone marrow procedures on successive days an individual will double the number of stem cells they receive. For example, if a 60 year old sedentary person comes in and does only one bone marrow treatment Dr. Steenblock will generally extract about 400 milliliters of stem cell-rich bone marrow (buffy coat after centrifugation) which is put directly back into the blood stream by intravenous means. The number of active, healthy stem cells in this simple procedure may only be 100 million and these in general will not be as healthy or as active as they will be if the patient first has any known or potential impediments to their post-infusion activity eliminated and they are given the 5 daily injections of Neupogen. When a person comes to the clinic 14 days after their last Neupogen injection, that same 400 ml of bone marrow will have somewhere between 500 and 1000 million stem cells and then if they repeat the process the next day they will get another 500-1000 million stem cells. By this combination of eradicating infections, correcting other problems discovered using our testing, and then using Neupogen followed by two bone marrow treatments patients will be receiving well over a billion stem cells.
Benefits of Bone Marrow Stem Cells
What is the secret behind the successes Dr. Steenblock has seen with the bone marrow treatments? While bone marrow transplants have been done for the past 50 years for cancer patients and those with blood disorders, the whole bone marrow procedure done by Dr. Steenblock is different because it is so SIMPLE! He uses a persons own bone marrow and instead of isolating one type of stem cell, he takes and uses the whole raw bone marrow which contains a rich variety of stem and progenitor cells. In fact, bone marrow is rich in two different types of stem cells: One type turns into blood cells, blood vessels, and cells of the immune system and are called hematopoietic stem cells (heme meaning blood-related). The other type of stem cell is the support (stromal or mesenchymal) stem cell that produces bone, fat, tendons, skin, muscles and connective tissue. Recent research shows that these hematopoietic and the support stem cells are also able to divide into all types of brain cells, including glial cells (white matter) and neurons (gray matter). The bone marrow also contains retinal progenitor cells and several patients have actually commented on how their vision improved as a side benefit of their bone marrow procedure. These two type of stem cells work better together in a ratio of one hematopoietic to 4 to 8 support (stromal or mesenchymal) stem cells which is the ratio found normally in most peoples bone marrow.
In regard to its anti-aging effects, the bone marrow contains primitive progenitor cells that are associated with the early development of the fetus. These primitive cells reside dormant deep inside each of our bones and sport a virginal profile from early development in that these stem cells are generally resting and not active. This inactivity protects them from chemicals or stresses that induce mutations such as occurs in those bone marrow stem cells that are located in the more superficial areas of the bone which are constantly making red and white blood cells. When these primitive, more pure cells are released into a persons system, there can be a revitalization of the body that physiologically sets the clock back in-a-way since these stem cells get into all parts of the body and produce more growth factors than would otherwise be possible. It is this increase in growth factors that induces the regenerative processes. For those that can afford it Dr. Steenblock uses growth factors oriented toward improving the organs that are diseased. For example, if a patients chief problem is their lungs then he may suggest some lung growth factors to be taken right along with the Neupogen and then continued for 6 weeks to help push the stem cells into becoming more like lung tissue cells.
Bottom line: Bone marrow stem cells have the potential to repair damaged tissues and organs. Whether a person wants an anti-aging treatment or needs the procedure to repair damage in joints, liver, kidneys, heart or brain, bone marrow transplants is an efficient and sure way to flood their body with stem cells.
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Bone Marrow Stem Cells - Dr. Steenblock- Regenerative Medicine