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Clinical trial for stem-cell therapy to reverse liver cirrhosis – The Straits Times

By JoanneRUSSELL25

SINGAPORE - The use of stem cells to reverse liver cirrhosis - or the hardening of the liver - is being explored in a clinical trial.

Conducted by a multi-centre team led by the National University Hospital (NUH), doctors aim to determine if stem cell therapy can improve liver function.

Previously, liver cirrhosis, caused by various diseases such as chronic hepatitis B and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, was thought to be irreversible.

A liver transplant provides a definitive cure to end-stage cirrhosis.

However, in Singapore, less than 5 per cent of end-stage liver cirrhosis patients receive a liver transplant.

The number of people on the waiting list for a liver transplant has been increasing over the years, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health.

In 2007, there were nine on the waiting list, compared with 57 last year. There are around 50 waiting for a liver transplant this year.

Also, many patients do not fulfil the eligibility criteria to receive a liver transplant due to other health complications or being above the age limit of 70 years.

The $2.6 million study, which was launched on Tuesday (July 11),is funded by the National Medical Research Counciland 46 patients will be recruited for it. It will run for four years and patients will not need to bear the costs of the stem cell treatment.

Stem cells will be taken from a patient's own bone marrow and will be isolated and injected directly into the patient's liver to initiate the repair.

Similar therapy treatments have been conducted overseas in countries such asEgypt and India, although they have not been fully evaluated for efficacy.

Associate Professor Dan Yock Young, a senior consultant in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology at NUH, said: "We are conducting the study in a systematic and scientific mannerto get definitive evidence of the effects of the treatment."

He also notes that the stem cell therapy is not a substitute for a liver transplant. "This treatment is not intended to pull patients off the waiting list, but provide an option for those who are not eligible for a transplant."

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Clinical trial for stem-cell therapy to reverse liver cirrhosis - The Straits Times

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Researchers are closer to working capillaries in 3D-printed organs – Engadget

By raymumme

All of our blood vessels are lined with a type of cell called endothelial cells. To form vessels, individual endothelial cells begin to create empty holes in themselves, called vacuoles. They then connect with other endothelial cells that have done the same thing and the linked vacuoles form tubes, which ultimately become capillaries. Here, the researchers took endothelial cells and mixed them with either fibrin -- a protein involved in blood clotting -- or a semi-synthetic material called gelatin methacrylate (GelMA), which can be easily 3D-printed. When mixed with fibrin, the endothelial cells formed tubes fairly easily, but that wasn't the case with the GelMA. However, when the researchers added in another type of cell, a stem cell found in bone marrow, the endothelial cells were then able to form tubes in the GelMA.

"We've confirmed that these cells have the capacity to form capillary-like structures, both in a natural material called fibrin and in a semi-synthetic material called gelatin methacrylate, or GelMA," Gisele Calderon, the lead author of the study, said in a statement, "The GelMA finding is particularly interesting because it is something we can readily 3D print for future tissue-engineering applications."

The benefits of this method over others include cells that can be patient-specific, reducing the risk of immune system complications, and growth environments that are well suited for organ and vasculature growth -- they're reproducible, not likely to induce immune responses and help boost cell growth and vessel development. Along with making 3D-printed organs more viable, this method will also allow for the development of tissue that could make for more effective and efficient drug testing. In a statement, Jordan Miller, whose lab the work was done in, said, "Preclinical human testing of new drugs today is done with flat two-dimensional human tissue cultures. But it is well-known that cells often behave differently in three-dimensional tissues than they do in two-dimensional cultures. There's hope that testing drugs in more realistic three-dimensional cultures will lower overall drug development costs."

You can watch a video of the cells beginning to form tubes here and Calderon explaining her work in the video below.

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Researchers are closer to working capillaries in 3D-printed organs - Engadget

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Christchurch MS patient Andrea Cameron-Hill plans Russia trip for stem cell treatment – The Press

By daniellenierenberg


Last updated14:01, July 9 2017


Andrea Cameron-Hill has lived with multiple sclerosis for about 10 years. She wants to receive treatment in Russia that could stop the disease.

Andrea Cameron-Hill thought having to lift her leg to get in the carwhile pregnant was part of carrying twins.

About 10 weeks after they were born she learned she had multiple sclerosis (MS).

"To start with, you wouldn't know I had MS at all. But now it's 10 years on and I'm having to walk with a crutch," she said.


MS sufferer Cameron-Hill wants to receive treatment that could stop the disease in its tracks but, despite it being offered here to treat some cancer, must travel to Russia to get it.

"If I have to go down to the floor to load the fire with wood, the difficulty for me now is getting off the floor."

READ MORE: *Multiple sclerosis sufferer Royce Brewer cleared after experimental treatment in Russia *Multiple sclerosis patient to receive 'experimental' treatment in Russia *Friends rallying to help Upper Hutt woman reach Mexico for stem cell treatment *Marlborough woman's search for cure *Plea to help fund stem-cell treatment for Andrea Campbell *Hunt after cure for MS disease

Cameron-Hill has injured her shoulder fromfalls and reliedon her husband, Paul, and sons Lachlanand Oliverto help with household chores.


Normal household chores like washing are a challenge because of the debilitating condition.

She wanted to do things like go onto the rugby field while her childrenplayed, but MS meant she had to watch from the car.

"We've got a basketball hoop [at home], which they quite like playing, but they normally play with Grandma because I can't."

"I feel like a spectator in their lives. I hate it. I hate it with a passion."


Cameron-Hill's sons, Lachlan and Oliver, pictured, help her complete tasks many do effortlessly.

Cameron-Hill's condition drove herto look at a treatmentused in New Zealand for some forms of cancer, but not available for MS.

She plans to head to Russia for undergohematopoieticstem cell transplantation (HSCT).

HSCT would remove, purifyand concentrate her stem cells.Chemotherapy would wipeher immune system before the stem cells were returned. An extended period of recovery would follow.


Cameron-Hill wants to take part in her children's lives, rather than watch from the sidelines.

Cameron-Hill mustraise about $80,000 to get the treatment.So far about $10,000 has been raised through fundraising events and aGivealittlepage.

Leading New Zealand neurologist Dr Deborah Mason said HSCT wasunlikely to be trialledin New Zealand because it wouldnot make drug companies money.

Treatment for MSin New Zealandreliesonimmunosuppressantdrugs.HSCTwaslikened more to a surgical procedure than drug treatment.

"It's incredibly expensive ... We're very keen to participate in [trials and research] and I'd certainly enroll patients, but it's just finding somebody who would fund that, and nobody will because there's no drug involved," Mason said.

Mason saidHSCT might help young patients in the early stages of MS.

She said the treatment was "unproven" and came with risks.

"It's really hard to imagine why I get all these calls about bone marrow transplants ... all bone marrow transplant allows us to [do is] give industrial doses of chemotherapy."

"People talk aboutrebootingthe immune system and all of that. There isn't a lot of proof of that."

Mason knew of about six or seven people who had travelled forHSCT, but did not have a lot of follow-updata.

Studies and clinical trials New Zealanders took part in primarily focussed on medication.

Her "big beef" was with the government not allowing the use of some drugs, "which we absolutely know will benefit the patients".

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of New Zealand recently changed its standpoint on HSCTafter a report indicated the treatment workedfor some with MS in Australia and the UK.

Vice president Neil Woodhams said the group asked the Ministry of Health to start a process to lead to eligible people havingHSCTin New Zealand.

Cameron-Hill's MS had not progressed since 2013and she had not been on medication for it since.

She recently met Christchurch manRoyce Brewer who lived with MS for about 20 years. After undergoing HSCT in Russia in early 2016, hereturned to work as a landscaper at the end of the year.

"I'd just really love to be able to do ... normal stuff that parents do with their kids," Cameron-Hill said.

The Health Research Council of New Zealandhad not funded any research regarding MS andHSCT, a spokeswoman said.


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Christchurch MS patient Andrea Cameron-Hill plans Russia trip for stem cell treatment - The Press

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Dad set to undergo gruelling chemotherapy to kill his immune system despite not having cancer in bid walk again –

By Dr. Matthew Watson

A father of two has taken the decision to undergo chemotherapy, despite not having cancer.

Roy Palmer lost the use of his legs 12 years ago as a result of his multiple sclerosis and has been seeking successful treatment ever since.

But it was while watching Panorama that the 48-year-old realised a combination of stem cell treatment and chemotherapy could be the answer he was looking for, GloucestershireLive reports.

The latter is strongly associated with cancer treatment , but its properties in rendering the body's immune system almost useless are a key part of the stem cell programme Roy hopes will see him up and about again.

He and his wife Helen decided they needed to make some calls and get appointments organised to be able to try and get this pioneering treatment going.

The onset of MS in Roy's case had been swift. In less than a week what began as pins and needles ended with him having no use of his legs.

Even with intense physiotherapy and a combination of steroids and drugs Roy relapsed several times and has been off his feet for 12 years. However when he saw the treatment that is out there, in a Panorama documentary, he and his wife cried.

Roy, 48, said: I just couldnt believe what I was seeing, the stories that I saw on the programme about how well people have been doing and the stem cell treatment actually worked.

I am really pleased that I am going to be able to start the treatment. I lost the use of my legs in 2005. I was encouraged by another woman that has been through it and she was in a wheelchair and now walking.

In the process to have treatment Ive had so many knockbacks being told that I did not fit the criteria but now I am finally getting the treatment.

His treatment will see him travel to the Imperial College Hospital in Hammersmith where a course of drugs will be administered to draw stem cells from Roy's bones into his bloodstream. Over a course of time, those stem cells will then transfer to a pack similar to a blood transfusion bag and be frozen.

It is then that Roy will undergo an intensive course of chemotherapy to render his immune system virtually useless - so much so he will live in isolation for four to six weeks to minimise risk of infection.

The treatment is called HSCT. The MS Society website states that: HSCT aims to 'reset' the immune system to stop it attacking the central nervous system. It uses chemotherapy to remove the harmful immune cells and then rebuild the immune system using a type of stem cell found in your bone marrow.

Roy's wife Helen, 45, said: After the chemo they will reintroduce the stem cells, and because his body will be at zero, it will be rebooted and the MS stopped in its tracks.

Roy has been on lots of different drugs over the years and his body has gradually got used to them and they stop working.

Roy has suffered with his hands not working properly and blurred vision which they call a brain fog. His legs ceasing to work has been a huge set-back for Roy as he used to work as a courier.

Roy said: I want to be able to get out the door without having to use the ramp, it is not a huge deal to anyone else but it is to me.

My goal now is to be able to reach the end point and be able to walk again.

Roy and Helen have two children Jack, 21 and Abigail, 12, and they are fully supportive of their fathers treatment.

Helen said: I am really pleased that we went to see the GP to get this going. Roy was desperate for this treatment.

It is difficult and my father is travelling from Wales to come and look after the children and I am really grateful to that.

The children are really supportive of their dads treatment and look forward to him coming out the other side.

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BioTech Holdings Announces First Clinical Use of Microbiome Optimized Autologous Stem Cells – PR Newswire (press release)

By Sykes24Tracey

SAN DIEGO, July 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- BioTech Holdings announced today clinical safety data on 3 patients suffering from critical limb ischemia treated with the Company's Procell microbiome-optimized personalized stem cell product.

In the investigator initiated pilot study, patients with diabetes associated circulation deficit in the legs (critical limb ischemia), who failed previous treatments were administered their own bone marrow derived stem cells that were treated with the Company's proprietary microbiome-derived compounds.

No treatment associated adverse reactions were observed and patients were followed-up for 3 months. Furthermore, 2 of the 3 patients had documented improvement in leg circulation and healing of previously unhealing ulcers.

"It is well known that the microbiome controls many aspects of human health and disease ranging from obesity, to autoimmunity, to even neurological function," said Thomas E Ichim, Ph.D, President and CEO of Biotech Holdings. "We are fortunate to have filed intellectual property on application of probiotics and microbiome manipulation to stem cells more than a year ago1. The current study supports our forward movement of our ProCell product to formal clinical trials."

The Company's product, Procell, comprises of bone marrow stem cells from the same patient, that are treated with factors generated by the microbiome of healthy patients. The key ingredient that the company has identified as secreted by the microbiome which augments stem cell activity is already approved by the FDA for other indications. Accordingly, the company believes it is eligible for accelerated FDA registration pathways, including the 505b2 pathway.

The Company intends to develop the indication of critical limb ischemia as its first condition. Patients with this conditions have a major amputation rate as high as 40% at 6 months and a mortality rate of 20% to 25% in the first year after presentation. Critical limb ischemia represents a market of approximately 10 billion dollar per year2.


Thomas E Ichim, Ph.D President and Chief Executive Officer BioTech Holdings 9255 Towne Centre Drive, #450 San Diego, CA 92121 858 353 4303 Twitter: @biotechholdings



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SOURCE Biotech Holdings

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WVU researchers study leukemia, bone marrow treatments – The Dominion Post

By NEVAGiles23

TheDPost.comComment Policy encourages readers to engage in conversations about site content. If you would like to comment, please abide by the follow guidelines: Stay on topic:Do not include comments about other subjects. Be civil:Challenge opinions but dont personally attack or degrade others. No use of all-caps, bold or italics. Watch your language and image:No vulgarity, obscene or profane photos or language (actual or implied), including intentionally misspelling words, using characters or dashes. No frauds:Do not use the identity of a company or another person (living or dead). No free ads:Do not use comments to promote a business, money-making endeavor or individual promotion. Link limit:It is not permitted to excessively link to external sites. reserves the right to remove any comment deemed unacceptable or that fails to meet our commenting guidelines. The also reserves the right to suspend or revoke commenting privileges should a user violate the commenting guidelines. A suspension or revocation of privileges could affect the commenting privileges of others in your household. takes seriously any attempts to threaten, harass or intimidate readers and employees, and will report such behavior to authorities.

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WVU researchers study leukemia, bone marrow treatments - The Dominion Post

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Avera Medical Minute AMcK: Firefighter with recurrent Hodgkin Lymphoma will need bone marrow transplant in future … – KSFY

By raymumme

Firefighter Dustin Luebke puts his life on the line everyday protecting and serving the community. Never did he think his life would be threatened in a different way.

So now in 2017, Im going through it for the third time. So now its again recurring Hodgkins, said Luebke.

It all started in March of 2014. After 12 rounds of chemotherapy and six months in remission, it came back. He needed a stem cell transplant and was able to use his own stem cells.

Shortly after completing a year of chemotherapy after the transplant, it came back for the third time.

Its tough to swallow the first time and the second time. And then with the third time, its frustrating, said Luebke.

This father to three little girls will eventually need a bone marrow transplant.

But with this time, right now Im just doing an immunotherapy and were hoping that brings it back down to a cellular level and I can be on that for as long as until it stops working. So then it would require a stem cell transplant with a donor this time, said Luebke.

Thats where you and I can do our part and become part of the bone marrow registry and potentially be the match and save a life like Luebke's.

You fill out a short questionnaire. It talks about your health history and some personal questions, like how willing would you be to become a donor and then the swabbing process is really simple. We just swab each of your cheeks for a couple of minutes and then youre done, said Jalisa Spittler, transplant coordinator.

Spittler says 70% of patients who need a donor dont have a match in their family making the bone marrow registry their only hope.

We do have a lot of patients here that are waiting for matches that we just cant find for them. So its really helpful if we can create a diverse list with tons of people from here in South Dakota, said Spittler.

I got three little girls to raise and beautiful wife at home so I gotta stick around for a few more years, said Luebke.

Its pretty tough to realize that now youre relying on someone else where before it was all the medicine and just chemotherapy and now youre relying on somebody else with healthy stem cells to keep you going, said Luebke.

Sometimes it takes months to find a match.

Its taxing on them because they have to take more chemotherapy the longer it takes us to find a match for them. And the more chemotherapy they take, the harder it is on their body to get through the transplant. So its really important that we have a huge number of people to look at first, said Spittler.

Theres many ways that you can help out with people lives. And whether its in a fire, on a medical call and even helping somebody with life itself and furthering their life and making it better so they dont have to do chemotherapy anymore, said Luebke.

Luebke is a hero to this family and the community.

The first step to being someones cure is to join Be the Match Registry.

This Tuesday at the Oyate Community Center in Sioux Falls, there will be a bone marrow registry drive from noon to 7PM. It is put on by Avera, the city of Sioux Falls, and Be the Match. Registering takes less than 15 minutes.

For more information, just call 877-AT-AVERA.

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Avera Medical Minute AMcK: Firefighter with recurrent Hodgkin Lymphoma will need bone marrow transplant in future ... - KSFY

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Private clinics’ unproven stem cell treatment is unsafe and unethical – Business Standard


Professional medical organisations have raised concerns about these expensive cell therapies

Stem cell science is an area of medical research that continues to offer great promise. But as this weeks paper in Science Translational Medicine highlights, a growing number of clinics around the globe, including in Australia, are exploiting regulatory gaps to sell so-called stem cell treatments without evidence that what they offer is effective or even safe.

Such unregulated direct-to-consumer advertising typically of cells obtained using liposuction-like methods not only places the health of individuals at risk but could also undermine the legitimate development of stem cell-based therapies.

Many academic societies and professional medical organisations have raised concerns about these futile and often expensive cell therapies. Despite this, national regulators have typically been slow or ineffective in curtailing them.

As well as tighter regulations here, international regulators such as the World Health Organisation and the International Council on Harmonisation need to move on ensuring patients desperate for cures arent sold treatments with limited efficacy and unknown safety.

So whats on offer?

Hundreds of stem cell clinics post online claims that they have been able to treat patients suffering from a wide range of conditions. These include osteoarthritis, pain, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and infertility. The websites are high on the rhetoric of science often using various accreditation, awards and other tokens to imply legitimacy but low on proof that they work.

Rather than producing independently verified results, these clinics rely on patient testimonials or unsubstantiated claims of improvement. In so doing these shonky clinics understate the risks to patient health associated with these unproven stem cell-based interventions.

Properly administered informed consent is often overlooked or ignored, so patients can be misled about the likelihood of success. In addition to heavy financial burdens imposed on patients and their families, there is often an opportunity cost because the time wasted in receiving futile stem cells diverts patients away from proven medicines.

The many recent reports of adverse outcomes demonstrate the risks of receiving unproven cell therapies are not trivial. In the USA three women were blinded following experimental stem cell treatment for macular degeneration (a degenerative eye disease that can cause blindness). One man was rendered a quadriplegic following a stem cell intervention for stroke. And a woman whose family sought treatment for her dementia died in Australia.

Other notorious cases involving the deaths of patients include the German government shutting down the X-Cell Centre and the Italian government closing the Stamina Foundation it had previously supported.

Whats approved?

At present, the only recognised stem cell treatments are those utilising blood stem cells isolated from bone marrow, peripheral blood (the cellular components of blood such as red and white blood cells and platelets) or umbilical cord blood.

Hundreds of thousand of lives have been saved over the last half-century in patients with cancers such as leukaemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma, as well as rare inherited immune and metabolic disorders.

A few types of cancer and autoimmune diseases may also benefit from blood stem cells in the context of chemotherapy. Different stem cells are also successfully used for corneal and skin grafting.

All other applications remain in the preclinical research phase or are just starting to be evaluated in clinical trials.

Often dismissed by for-profit clinics as red tape hampering progress, the rigour of clinical trials allows for the collection of impartial evidence. Such information is usually required before a new drug or medical device is released into the marketplace. Unfortunately, in the case of for-profit stem cell clinics, their marketing has gazumped the scientific evidence.

The action is required on many fronts. Regulators at both an international and national level need to tackle regulatory loopholes and challenge unfounded marketing claims of businesses selling unproven stem cell interventions.

Researchers need to more clearly communicate their findings and the necessary next steps to responsibly take their science from the laboratory to the clinic. And they should acknowledge that this will take time.

Patients and their loved ones must be encouraged to seek advice from a trained reputable health care professional, someone who knows their medical history. They should think twice if someone is offering a treatment outside standards of practice.

The stakes are too high not to have these difficult conversations. If a stem cell treatment sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

For more information on recognised stem cell treatments visit the National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia and Stem Cells Australia, Choice Australia, EuroStemCell, International Society for Stem Cell Research, and International Society for Cellular Therapy.

Megan Munsie, Deputy Director - Centre for Stem Cell Systems and Head of Education, Ethics, Law & Community Awareness Unit, Stem Cells Australia, University of Melbourne and John Rasko, Clinical Haematologist and President-Elect, International Society for Cellular Therapy., University of Sydney

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Private clinics' unproven stem cell treatment is unsafe and unethical - Business Standard

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Take-Homes From the 2017 Equine Ophthalmology Symposium –

Take-Homes From the 2017 Equine Ophthalmology Symposium
In her second presentation Schnabel described current progress on ophthalmologic applications of stem cell therapy in horses. She shared recent results of in-vitro (in the lab) studies on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC), including their use ...

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Artsakh soldier saves life of cancer patient in Iran – Public Radio of Armenia

By daniellenierenberg

Asbarez The Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) announced that it has facilitated its 30th bone marrow stem cell transplant, thanks to stem cells harvested from a young ABMDR matched donor. The stem cells of the donor, Sergey, who is a 23 year-old army officer serving on the frontline in Artsakh, were utilized to save the life of a cancer patient in Iran.

On July 3, 2017, Sergey became the 30th ABMDR donor to experience the joy of saving the life of someone he had never met, said ABMDR President Dr. Frieda Jordan.

In 2012, Sergey had joined the ranks of ABMDRs donor registry during a recruitment drive at the Vazken Sagsyan Military Institute, in Yerevan. Five years later, he was found to be a perfect match for a patient in Iran who was suffering from leukemia and whose only hope for survival was to receive a bone marrow stem cell transplant from a compatible donor. Sergey turned out to be a perfect match for the patient. He was given a day off to leave the frontline to come to ABMDRs Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan to donate his stem cells and save a patients life.

Accompanied by his young wife and six-month old son, Sergey was greeted by ABMDR staff at the Stem Cell Harvesting Center. The painless, non-invasive harvesting procedure, performed by Dr. Andranik Mshetsyan, lasted approximately four hours. Also present at the procedure were ABMDR Executive Director Dr. Sevak Avagyan and Medical Director Dr. Mihran Nazaretyan.

At the conclusion of the harvesting, as staff members performed quality-control analyses of the harvested cells and packed them for the special courier who was waiting to transport the precious gift of life to the patient in Iran, Sergey, a hero in the eyes of all, on the frontlines as well as far away from them, joined his young family while someone in Iran was about to get a second chance at life.

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Artsakh soldier saves life of cancer patient in Iran - Public Radio of Armenia

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How to Grow a Human Hand – Edgy Labs (blog)

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Heres an interesting project: somebody has been growing a human hand in a lab and displaying it for the world to see.

We live in a time where the meaning of impossible needs to be updated.

As we make new discoveries, new possibilities open up to us. And if you want a good example of that, just look at how advanced prosthetics have become in the last decade. Soon, you might be able to grow a humanhand like a Chia pet.

Or take a look at Dr. Sergio Canavero, who plans to perform a full-on head transplant later this year.

But that example may be a little extreme.

See, theres something miraculous about giving something vital like a limb or an organ to someone to needs it. In the past, it couldnt be done, but with the future in sight, were slowly changing our minds on that.

So, the future can be full of hope. And when one of us loses a hand, possibly due to someone we have only just learned is our father, we wont have to worry too hard.

Ok, heres a better example of the kind of future Im talking about.

Artist Amy Karle has an interesting new project that combines 3D printing with stem cell research. The idea is to grow a functional human hand, and if it works she wants to make the design free and open source.

And trust me, that will be one weird-yet-cool day for the people who frequent

Karle may be an artist, but shes no amateur. She works with nonprofit groups that design 3D printed prosthetic arms, and she has help from a team of scientists.

The project is called Regenerative Reliquary, and it is being displayed in San Franciscos Pier 9 space while it grows. Or, to be more accurate, while part of it grows.

Karle has designed a 3D printed trellis in CAD which was printed using a cellular growth medium called pegda. Over several weeks, the pegda trellis was grown in a bioreactor on display. The next step will be to grow a cell line on the trellis, something Karle is culturing stem cells for now.

The team is using stem cells extracted from bone marrow, and with any luck, the idea will bear fruit and be released to the public.

I like the sound of an open source prosthetic design, especially considering how much more of an option 3D printing is these days. Lose a limb, and you may one day be able to make a replacement within the comfort of your own garage.

For now, though, were still waiting to see if Karles project will work. According to the artist, Well see if the cells have a mind of their own. I like to step back and let the artwork take over.

Now you know how Karle plans to grow a human hand. Lets rewind a bit, back to where I mentioned Dr. Canavero and his upcoming head transplant.

As crazy as it sounds, if Canaveros plan works science will have taken a big step toward manipulating the central nervous system. And thats really, really important. If scientists can connect a head to a spine, and they can grow a limb in a tank, it follows that they may one day be able to attach that limb as a replacement.

And that doesnt just apply to limbs, either. Scientists have been looking into growing replacement organs for years, just look at this article from way back in 2014.

We may be on the verge of the ability to reproduce and replace parts of the human body. And at this rate, who knows what kind of effect this can have on the survivability rate of human beings in the future.

Im sure well never resurrect the dead or anything, but I think the fictional Dr. Frankenstein would be proud.

Creating replacement body parts is something that has been a mainstay of science fiction, and it isnt crazy any longer to think that it may become a reality. So, like I said earlier, we may need to push the goal posts back on the word impossible.

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Artsakh Soldier Saves Life Of Cancer Patient In Iran – Asbarez Armenian News

By Sykes24Tracey

Sergey with his wife and son

ABMDR salutes young officer and celebrates its 30th life saved through a transplant

LOS ANGELESThe Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) announced that it has facilitated its 30th bone marrow stem cell transplant, thanks to stem cells harvested from a young ABMDR matched donor. The stem cells of the donor, Sergey, who is a 23 year-old army officer serving on the frontline in Artsakh, were utilized to save the life of a cancer patient in Iran.

On July 3, 2017, Sergey became the 30th ABMDR donor to experience the joy of saving the life of someone he had never met, said ABMDR President Dr. Frieda Jordan.

Dr. Sevak Avagyan, Sergey, Dr. Andranik Mshetsyan

In 2012, Sergey had joined the ranks of ABMDRs donor registry during a recruitment drive at the Vazken Sagsyan Military Institute, in Yerevan. Five years later, he was found to be a perfect match for a patient in Iran who was suffering from leukemia and whose only hope for survival was to receive a bone marrow stem cell transplant from a compatible donor. Sergey turned out to be a perfect match for the patient. He was given a day off to leave the frontline to come to ABMDRs Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan to donate his stem cells and save a patients life.

Accompanied by his young wife and six-month old son, Sergey was greeted by ABMDR staff at the Stem Cell Harvesting Center. The painless, non-invasive harvesting procedure, performed by Dr. Andranik Mshetsyan, lasted approximately four hours. Also present at the procedure were ABMDR Executive Director Dr. Sevak Avagyan and Medical Director Dr. Mihran Nazaretyan.

Sergey, Dr. Mihran Nazaretyan, and Lab Staff Member

At the conclusion of the harvesting, as staff members performed quality-control analyses of the harvested cells and packed them for the special courier who was waiting to transport the precious gift of life to the patient in Iran, Sergey, a hero in the eyes of all, on the frontlines as well as far away from them, joined his young family while someone in Iran was about to get a second chance at life.

Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians and non-Armenians worldwide survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 29,000 donors in 42 countries across four continents, identified over 4,190 patients, and facilitated 30 bone marrow transplants. For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit

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Artsakh Soldier Saves Life Of Cancer Patient In Iran - Asbarez Armenian News

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Stem cell therapies: medical experts call for strict international rules – The Guardian

By NEVAGiles23

Stem cells have long been used to treat blood cancers and some immune diseases. But some doctors are offering stem cell treatments for diseases still under clinical trial. Photograph: Mauricio Lima/AFP/Getty Images

Medical and legal experts from around the world have united to call for more stringent regulation of stem cell therapies to prevent people pursuing unproven and potentially deadly treatments overseas.

In a perspective piece for the US journal Science Translational Medicine, 15 experts from countries including the UK, the US, Canada, Belgium, Italy and Japan wrote that national efforts alone would not be enough to counter an industry offering unproven treatments to vulnerable patients.

Stem cell-based interventions are classified under diverse and potentially incompatible national regulatory frameworks, the authors wrote.

Approaches for international regulation not only need to develop consistent rules over the commercialisation of medical practices and products but also need to give them teeth by developing cross-border partnerships for compliance.

Stem cells found in bone marrow and umbilical cord blood have long been used to successfully treat blood cancers including leukaemia and some immune diseases. But those are among the few proven treatments. Legitimate and ethics-approved clinical trials by academic centres are also occurring, exploring the potential of stem cells to treat a wider range of diseases.

But some doctors are directly offering to the general public stem cell treatments for diseases still under clinical trial or for which no evidence exists and for which the safety and efficacy is as yet unproven.

Deaths as a result of stem cell treatments have already occurred. In 2013 Sheila Drysdale died in a New South Wales nursing home after undergoing an unproven liposuction stem-cell therapy at a western Sydney clinic. Following Drysldales death, her doctor, Ralph Bright, gave a statement to police in which he claimed that stem-cell treatment could improve comorbidities and that stem cells could move from joints to other parts of the body to improve disease in distant sites including lungs and brain, vision, mentation and pain.

In his report into Drysdales death, the coroner Hugh Dillon wrote that he could not say what motivated Dr Bright to perform this unproven, dubious procedure on Sheila Drysdale.

But regardless of his motivation, Dr Brights performance as a medical practitioner was, for the reasons outlined above, poor and resulted in Sheila Drysdales death.

The Medical Council of NSW investigated Bright and placed a number of restrictions on his right to practice. Bright is still authorised to practise stem cell therapy for patients with osteoarthritis or who are taking part in research studies approved by an ethics committee. He is also still allowed to treat patients returning for remaining injections of stored cells.

In 2013 a Queensland woman, Kellie van Meurs, died when she travelled to Russia to undergo stem-cell treatment for a rare neurological disorder. She died of a heart attack as a result.

Australias drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, last year sought feedback on the regulation of autologous stem-cell therapies but is yet to publish those submissions. The TGA now considers autologous treatments, which involve treating someone with their own tissue or cells, to be a therapeutic good and, therefore, does not regulate them. Stem cells used for medical practice and therapeutic purposes are covered by different regulatory frameworks.

Associate Professor Megan Munsie, a University of Melbourne stem cell scientist and a co-author of the paper, said: The idea that stem cells are magical holds court in the community, along with this idea the advances in treatment are being held up by red tape.

Unethical health practitioners exploited this, she said, along with the vulnerability of patients with difficult-to-treat or incurable conditions.

There is a precedent for international regulation of this industry because regulations already exist around drugs the way they are manufactured, she said.

This could be extended to the regulation to the stem cell and tissue-based therapies. This international stance would then force or encourage stronger local regulations.

There have been successful efforts by scientists to push back against unscrupulous doctors. In Italy scientists and regulators highlighted the unproven yet government-subsidised treatments being offered by the entrepreneur Davide Vannoni and fought to stop him. He was convicted of criminal charges but the sentence was later suspended.

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Stem cell therapies: medical experts call for strict international rules - The Guardian

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Stem cell therapies breaking barriers – Guardian (blog)

By daniellenierenberg

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RegenOrthoSport facility launched in Mumbai – BSI bureau (press release)

By JoanneRUSSELL25

It will provide Regenexx, a regenerative stem cells procedure to treat orthopedic and sports injuries.

Regenexx, a national network of musculoskeletal doctors specializing in the nations most advanced regenerative protocols for treating orthopedic conditions and sports injuries has entered in Mumbai. This is its second branch in Asia. It would offer two stem cell procedures using imaging and interventional orthopaedic techniques to non-surgically repair and regenerate. The first one is a same-day procedure where stem cells are harvested, isolated and re-implanted on the same day. The second one is blood-derived plasma-rich platelet procedure. They would help athletes and non-athletes overcome early, mild, moderate ortho problems in a way that is devoid of surgery.

Regenexx is the most advanced stem cell and platelet procedures for treating orthopedic injuries, arthritis and other degenerative conditions. These procedures offer non-surgical alternatives to commonly occurring musculoskeletal conditions. PatentedRegenexx procedures use precise injections of your own stem cells or blood platelets to help your body's ability to heal damaged muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, spinal disc and bone.Regenexx Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Procedures, avoid the need for invasive surgery, in turn eliminating any complications that are typically seen with surgeries.

On this occasion Dr.Venkatesh Movva, MD, Regenexx India says,The only option till now was total knee replacement. Now with this technology we can heal and regenerate the lost tissues like cartilage, meniscus and ligaments to reverse the arthritis and in turn avoid any major surgery. Patients return to their loved activities in no time. We could also treat conditions like lower back pain, hip arthritis, bulging discs, ankle and shoulder rotator cuff tears with stem cells orthopedics procedure. Majority of these are lifestyle related conditions,

Regenexx procedures are image guided needle based procedures, so the downtime for recovery is minimal or none. These are truly ambulatory procedures without the need for hospitalization. The procedure process involves harvesting bone marrow stem cells, using our sophisticated lab process to separate cells and precise image guided injections into the target joints in an outpatient setting.

Dr. Apurv Mahalle, MGIMS, says, Regenexx procedures are out-patient procedures and that patients can walk out of the treatment the same day. Physiotherapy team at Regenexx will help patients make the necessary changes to their physical movements so that the procedures are effective.

There is no alternative for arthritis patients but to wait until the joint is bad enough for a replacement and then go through a surgery. Regenexx procedures are going to help these patients get back to the normal routine without the necessity of a replacement surgery.

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RegenOrthoSport facility launched in Mumbai - BSI bureau (press release)

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Global Cell Therapy Report 2017 – Technologies, Markets and Companies 2016-2026 with Profiles of Key Companies … – PR Newswire (press release)

By raymumme

This report describes and evaluates cell therapy technologies and methods, which have already started to play an important role in the practice of medicine. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is replacing the old fashioned bone marrow transplants. Role of cells in drug discovery is also described. Cell therapy is bound to become a part of medical practice.

Stem cells are discussed in detail in one chapter. Some light is thrown on the current controversy of embryonic sources of stem cells and comparison with adult sources. Other sources of stem cells such as the placenta, cord blood and fat removed by liposuction are also discussed. Stem cells can also be genetically modified prior to transplantation.

Cell therapy technologies overlap with those of gene therapy, cancer vaccines, drug delivery, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Pharmaceutical applications of stem cells including those in drug discovery are also described. Various types of cells used, methods of preparation and culture, encapsulation and genetic engineering of cells are discussed. Sources of cells, both human and animal (xenotransplantation) are discussed. Methods of delivery of cell therapy range from injections to surgical implantation using special devices.

Cell therapy has applications in a large number of disorders. The most important are diseases of the nervous system and cancer which are the topics for separate chapters. Other applications include cardiac disorders (myocardial infarction and heart failure), diabetes mellitus, diseases of bones and joints, genetic disorders, and wounds of the skin and soft tissues.

Regulatory and ethical issues involving cell therapy are important and are discussed. Current political debate on the use of stem cells from embryonic sources (hESCs) is also presented. Safety is an essential consideration of any new therapy and regulations for cell therapy are those for biological preparations.

The cell-based markets was analyzed for 2016, and projected to 2026. The markets are analyzed according to therapeutic categories, technologies and geographical areas. The largest expansion will be in diseases of the central nervous system, cancer and cardiovascular disorders. Skin and soft tissue repair as well as diabetes mellitus will be other major markets.

The number of companies involved in cell therapy has increased remarkably during the past few years. More than 500 companies have been identified to be involved in cell therapy and 306 of these are profiled in part II of the report along with tabulation of 291 alliances. Of these companies, 170 are involved in stem cells. Profiles of 72 academic institutions in the US involved in cell therapy are also included in part II along with their commercial collaborations. The text is supplemented with 64 Tables and 22 Figures. The bibliography contains 1,200 selected references, which are cited in the text.

Key Topics Covered:

Part I: Technologies, Ethics & Regulations

Executive Summary

1. Introduction to Cell Therapy

2. Cell Therapy Technologies

3. Stem Cells

4. Clinical Applications of Cell Therapy

5. Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disorders

6. Cell Therapy for Cancer

7. Cell Therapy for Neurological Disorders

8. Ethical, Legal and Political Aspects of Cell therapy

9. Safety and Regulatory Aspects of Cell Therapy

Part II: Markets, Companies & Academic Institutions

10. Markets and Future Prospects for Cell Therapy

11. Companies Involved in Cell Therapy

12. Academic Institutions

13. References

For more information about this report visit

Source: Jain PharmaBiotech

Media Contact:

Laura Wood, Senior Manager

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SOURCE Research and Markets

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Global Cell Therapy Report 2017 - Technologies, Markets and Companies 2016-2026 with Profiles of Key Companies ... - PR Newswire (press release)

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Cancer survivor shares how she was saved by stem cell transplant – The Borneo Post


MIRI: The second child cancer survivor I met, Winnie Foo Hui Yii, is an encouraging story and a living proof to the community how blood stem cell transplantation could help cancer patients.

Foo, born and raised in Kuching, was 17 years old when she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML).

The news was definitely not something Foo and her family would have expected as she was then studying A-Level.

I looked very pale, felt drowsy, nauseous and always felt tired. It persevered for three weeks before my parents suggested a check-up with our family doctor, she said, sharing her experience with The Borneo Post during a visit to Miri recently.

A blood test, she said, showed she had AML and before she could prepare herself for anything that followed, she was already warded in Sarawak General Hospitals haematology ward and in queue for chemotherapy in two weeks time.

Thereafter, she was transferred to Hospital Ampang, one of the 11 haemopoietic transplant centres performing haemopoietic stem cell transplants in Malaysia.

The doctor told me that though my condition was at the edge of turning cancerous, there was still hope for treatment and best, a transplant. I was in a state of shock. So were my parents. They too werent prepared for anything like this.

Honestly, at first my mind kept recalling a book My Sisters Keeper that Id just finished reading right before I was diagnosed. The novel tells the story of a main character, Anna, and her sister who was suffering from leukaemia.

After my diagnosis, I really felt the dying sisters feeling and facing death isnt easy, especially for parents.

While she was on cycles of chemotherapy, her family members were tested for possibility as matching bone marrow donor.

Unfortunately, there was no match and her parents decided to seek another option.

My doctor suggested stem cell transplant, a transplant of blood-forming stem cells to restore the bone marrow. We were given option whether to search in China or Taiwan. We saw hope, however, not without expecting huge expenses, Foo said.

At the time, Taiwan seemed to be the best hope for Foo to find a matching donor, who her doctor had targeted at least 60 per cent of compatibility. A total of seven matching donors were found over the span of three months since search begun, which was splendid news for them.

Being a middle-income family, the expenses for the transplant that cost tens of thousands of ringgit were too much for my parents to bear.

It was said that if the donor happened to be amongst the patients family members, part of the cost would be covered by the government. In Foos case, she had no other choice but to seek a donor internationally.

That was when Sarawak Childrens Cancer Society stepped in to assist Foo and her family, financially and on moral support.

Before the transplant, Foo underwent rounds of chemotherapy that used higher doses of medication and radiation therapy to kill the cancer cells. The final round of chemo right before the transplant was intended to get rid of the bodys immune system, getting the body ready.

The chemotherapy resulted in Foos hair dropping severely to baldness. Initially, she felt the physical changes were interesting, however, not long after, she missed her hair terribly, but tried to put up a brave face.

After the transplant, Foo experienced post-transplant rejection, which according to her doctor is a condition known as immuno-suppression. She was put under doctors observation and prescribed medication such as steroid to stabilise her condition.

My doctor told me that after transplant, my bodys immune system was not quite ready yet. Eventually, it turned out okay for me, she said.

Now, at the age of 21 and on the road to recovery, Foo has restarted her A-Level and is now in her second year.

Looking back at these three years, it taught me a lot about life and to be appreciative. My first day back to school wasnt easy for me because I was the oldest amongst my course-mates. Handling stares is the hardest part but I managed to overcome it.

My parents went through a lot during that period. Apart from enduring the emotional roller-coaster, they made sure that I was well taken care of and not emotionally affected by my own condition. For that, I am so thankful to them.

I guess I managed my emotion well in front of them too, though I would sometimes feel so helpless and weak and at times feeling angry on why things like this happen to me.

But many a times, I told myself that I can do it, because I am still young and have the energy and time to battle against the sickness in me, Foo said.

When she isnt busy with her studies, Foo would spare her time to volunteer with SCCS.

These children with cancer, though some of them may have been in the ward for a long time, they look cheerful.

Being a volunteer, spending time with them, has taught me to be more empathetic, to be content with simple things and that there are many things in life that are more precious. Life is too short to burden yourself with negative thoughts.

This year, Foo has planned to have her head shaved in the coming Kuching leg of Go Bald campaign that will be held on July 9 at CityOne Megamall.

Stem Cell Donor Awareness campaign

President of SCCS, Jocelyn Hee, said the awareness on stem cell donation in the country, particularly Sarawak, is still at a very low level.

This is a new effort taken by SCCS to give hope and save lives of these cancer-stricken children as well as their family, Hee told The Borneo Post.

According to statistics by Malaysian Stem Cell Registry (MSCR), there are 28,500 registered volunteers and only 372 of them are of Sarawak ethnicity.

It is important to know that the diversity of race and intermarriage among Malaysians is one of the contributing factors to the low probability of finding a matching donor for a patient.

Hence, she said, an awareness campaign on stem cell is the initial step theyve taken to call on more donors.

Sarawakians are highly encouraged to pledge as blood stem cell donors, to increase the percentage in finding a compatible donor for patients from Sarawak.

Stem Cell Donor Awareness Drive and Talk will be held at CityOne Megamalls main stage on July 8 from 1.45pm to 2.30pm.

The talk will be sharing information on how stem cell donor-ship helps cancer patients, how one can be eligible to be a donor and the process to become one.

We hope that more people could come and support the good cause, and to spread the word to every member of the society, Hee said.

Cancer survivor shares how she was saved by stem cell transplant - The Borneo Post

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Danvers health group offers alternative solution to surgery – Wicked Local North of Boston

By raymumme

Stem cell therapy: the next wave in regenerative medicine?

All it involved was a quick injection no different, really, than a flu shot.

A few weeks later, Bill Ambrose realized hed become significantly less reliant on taking Aleve for knee pain, and he was re-learning how to walk without shuffling his feet.

Surgery, it turned out, might not be necessary after all.

Last November, Ambrose scheduled knee surgery to alleviate discomfort in his knees caused by what orthopedic doctors called true bone-on-bone at the joint. But for one reason or another, he kept missing pre-surgery and the surgery never happened.

The next month, Ambrose met with Dr. Bill Nolan, of Cherry Street Health Group, to discuss advertising space in the Danvers Herald.

For the purpose of full disclosure, Ambrose is an employee of Gatehouse Media Company, and he works in the advertising department for Wicked Local, the local branch of GHM newspapers.

After Nolans ads ran inthe Jan. 5issue of the Herald, Ambrose said he reached out to Nolan again. This time, for himself.

Nolans practice offered a solution to his knee pain an alternative to knee surgery he had never considered before: stem cell therapy.

Essentially, the solutionCherry StreetHealth Group offered was an injection of amniotic fluid into Ambrose's knee joint. The stem cells and other growth factorsin the fluid would allow for the regeneration of the cartilage at the joint.

I became interested so I decided to go ahead with it, Ambrose said.

He brought in scans to show Nolan, who said, contrary to what orthopedic doctors had told him, he didnt have true bone on bone. There was still a small space between the bones.

I decided to have one leg done and my knee started getting much better, he said.

Satisfied with the results of the first injection, Ambrose decided to get his left knee done in April.

I still experience some pain in [the left knee], but I get up in the morning and theres very little pain at all, he said in an interview a few weeks following the appointment.

The stem cell option

In the U.S., there are three ways that stem cells are used, Nolan said. Theyre either taken from bone marrow, fat cells, or the amniotic membrane of a healthy c-section from a consenting woman.

When stem cellsare injected into the body,they're expected to increase space at the joint, rebuild cartilage, and ultimately, provide more stability in the joint. As many as 570 businesses across the country advertise some kind of stem cell therapy, according to a 2016 paper.

Stem cell therapy is not necessarily a new discovery, but it is relatively recent in the world of regenerative medicine.Stem cells were first used as much as century ago, first for eye procedures and as filler for the spinal cord, according to Regenexx, which claims to have pioneered orthopedic stem cell treatments in 2005.

Adult stem cells are retrieved directly from the patient, either frombone marrow or fat cells,and concentrated beforeits reinjectedinto the patient's site of pain.

In the case of amniotic fluid therapy,amniotic fluid, which contains stem cells and other growth factors, is injected into the site. These cellshave been shown to "expand extensively" and show "high renewal capacity,"according to research published in the National Library of Medicine.

We know that as you age, your stem cell count decreases,Nolan said, explaining the benefit of using cells from the amniotic membrane. We know that when we get it from the amniotic membrane, theres a large amount of stem cells that are present. From the amniotic membrane, there are no antibodies or antigens, so its safe for anyone to get.

At Cherry Street Health Group, theproduct usedis produced by General Surgical and distributed by RegenOMedix, according to Nolan.The product, which is called ReGen Anu RHEO, is American Tissue Bank approved and FDA cleared.

RHEO is marketed as "a human tissue allograft derived from placental tissue; amniotic membrane and amniotic fluid."Its a"powerful combination" of amniotic fluid and mesencymal stem cells, which are known to differentiate into a variety of cell types, according to RegenOMedix.It also contains growth factor proteins andis "rich" in other necessary components for tissue regeneration.

The product is non-steroidal and comes with no side effects, and the company says no adverse events have been recorded using the product.

Nolan said stem cell therapy has been offered as a treatmentat Cherry Street since 2016.

Across the U.S., there are as many as 56 businesses marketing some form of amniotic stem cellsto its consumers, according to the same paper.

At Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, for example, orthopedic surgeon Adam Yanke enrolled one of his patients into an experimental amniotic cell therapy treatment program. The woman, a 65-year-old suffering from osteoarthritis in both knees, told reporters the injections were "by far the most effective pain treatment" she had tried, and so farthat relief has lasted up to a year.

But while the use of amniotic fluid therapyas a regenerative medicine is becoming increasingly popular throughout the U.S.,the use of amniotic stemcellsdoesn't comewithout concern from some within the community.

Dr. Chris Centeno, who specializes in regenerative medicine andthe clinical use of adult stem cells, has blogged numerous times for Regenexx on the "scam" of using amniotic stem cells most recently in sharply worded post on May 22.

"Regrettably, we have an epidemic on our hands that began when sales reps began telling medical providers thattheir dead amniotic and cord tissues had loads of live cells on it," he wrote.

Nolan said he was familiar with Centeno's posts.

"A lot of the stem cell stuff is new," he said. "Some of the products out there ... They were doing testing on them and not finding cells."

Cherry Street Health Group has treatedabout 50patients with this form of regenerative medicine and had significant success, according to Nolan. Although Nolan owns the health group on Cherry Street in Danvers, the stem cell treatments are provided under the medical practice of Dr. Pat Scanlan.

Weve had really, really amazing success, Nolan said. Weve had over 95 percent success of all the patients weve had in the office. Its been a game changer from a practice standpoint.

The "worst thing" that could happen is there might not be any regeneration, he explained.

"You might get pain relief, but no regeneration," Nolan said. "But from what weve seen, there have been no negative side effects."

At Cherry Street, knees are the most commonly treated joints, followed by hips, shoulders and the lower back. The cervical spine is the least common.

"I hesitated on the surgery, and I'm gladI did," Ambrose said. "Even if[the stem cells]don't do any more than what they've done, its been well worth it."

Patients who do present with true bone on bone, however, are not candidates for this form of therapy, Nolan said.

The cost comparison

At Cherry Street Health Group, the cost of the injection comes toroughly $4,000 per knee, a cost that isn't covered by insurance. By comparison, health-care providers often charge insurers more than $18,000 for knee replacement surgeries in the Boston area, according to a report by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

The report, however, doesn't account for what the patient actually pays.

Nolan said when other factors of post-op are considered time off of work, rehabilitation time and cost the out-of-pocketcost for surgery compared to stem cell treatment is comparable.

"When you really boil it down, it can be the same or, in a lot of cases, a savings," he said.

Ambrose said it "boggles his mind" that more people don't choose this treatment over surgery.

"Why would you spend $40,000 on a car and not want to spend $4,000 on a knee?," he said."Its crazy. Yes, its out of pocket. So what? We buy a lot of stuff we dont need, and then for something like this, something that people, if they do it, theyll be glad they did it. Its just hard to convince them to do it."

In arecent report in STAT news, a health news start up of the Boston Globe, a study of orthopedic procedures in the U.S. suggested an estimated one-third of knee replacement surgeries are inappropriate. More than 640,000 of these surgeries are performed each year, making for a $10 billion dollar industry in knee surgery.

The study said that evidence isn't limited to just knee surgeries.

"There's a lot that needs to change when we look at health care in general,"Nolan said. "It's really no surprise that something like doing this regenerative medicine is going to take time for it to really take off."

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Regen Ortho sport facility launched – Business Standard

By JoanneRUSSELL25

ANI | New Delhi [India] July 4, 2017 Last Updated at 20:22 IST

Regenexx, the world's most advanced stem cell procedures for treating orthopedic conditions and sports injuries has entered in Mumbai. This is their second branch in Asia. It would offer two stem cell procedures using imaging and interventional orthopedic techniques to non-surgically repair and regenerate.

The first one is a same-day procedure where stem cells are harvested, isolated and re-implanted on the same day. The second one is blood-derived plasma-rich platelet procedure. They would help athletes and non-athletes overcome early, mild, moderate ortho problems in a way that is devoid of surgery.

Regenexx is the most advanced stem cell and platelet procedures for treating orthopedic injuries, arthritis and other degenerative conditions. These procedures offer non-surgical alternatives to commonly occurring musculoskeletal conditions. Patented Regenexx procedures use precise injections of your own stem cells or blood platelets to help your body's ability to heal damaged muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, spinal disc and bone.

Regenexx Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Procedures, avoid the need for invasive surgery, in turn eliminating any complications that are typically seen with surgeries.

"The only option till now was total knee replacement. Now with this technology we can heal and regenerate the lost tissues like cartilage, meniscus and ligaments to reverse the arthritis and in turn avoid any major surgery. Patients return to their loved activities in no time. We could also treat conditions like lower back pain, hip arthritis, bulging discs, ankle and shoulder rotator cuff tears with stem cells orthopedics procedure. Majority of these are lifestyle related conditions," said Dr. Venkatesh Movva, MD, Regenexx India.

Regenexx procedures are image-guided needle-based procedures, so the downtime for recovery is minimal or none. These are truly ambulatory procedures without the need for hospitalisation. The procedure process involves harvesting bone marrow stem cells, using our sophisticated lab process to separate cells and precise image guided injections into the target joints in an outpatient setting.

"Regenexx procedures are out-patient procedues and that patients can walk out of the treatment the same day. Physiotherapy team at Regenexx will help patients make the necessary changes to their physical movements so that the procedures are effective," said Dr. Apurv Mahalle, MGIMS.

There is no alternative for arthritis patients but to wait until the joint is bad enough for a replacement and then go through a surgery. Regenexx procedures are going to help these patients get back to the normal routine without the necessity of a replacement surgery.

(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

Regenexx, the world's most advanced stem cell procedures for treating orthopedic conditions and sports injuries has entered in Mumbai. This is their second branch in Asia. It would offer two stem cell procedures using imaging and interventional orthopedic techniques to non-surgically repair and regenerate.

The first one is a same-day procedure where stem cells are harvested, isolated and re-implanted on the same day. The second one is blood-derived plasma-rich platelet procedure. They would help athletes and non-athletes overcome early, mild, moderate ortho problems in a way that is devoid of surgery.

Regenexx is the most advanced stem cell and platelet procedures for treating orthopedic injuries, arthritis and other degenerative conditions. These procedures offer non-surgical alternatives to commonly occurring musculoskeletal conditions. Patented Regenexx procedures use precise injections of your own stem cells or blood platelets to help your body's ability to heal damaged muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, spinal disc and bone.

Regenexx Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Procedures, avoid the need for invasive surgery, in turn eliminating any complications that are typically seen with surgeries.

"The only option till now was total knee replacement. Now with this technology we can heal and regenerate the lost tissues like cartilage, meniscus and ligaments to reverse the arthritis and in turn avoid any major surgery. Patients return to their loved activities in no time. We could also treat conditions like lower back pain, hip arthritis, bulging discs, ankle and shoulder rotator cuff tears with stem cells orthopedics procedure. Majority of these are lifestyle related conditions," said Dr. Venkatesh Movva, MD, Regenexx India.

Regenexx procedures are image-guided needle-based procedures, so the downtime for recovery is minimal or none. These are truly ambulatory procedures without the need for hospitalisation. The procedure process involves harvesting bone marrow stem cells, using our sophisticated lab process to separate cells and precise image guided injections into the target joints in an outpatient setting.

"Regenexx procedures are out-patient procedues and that patients can walk out of the treatment the same day. Physiotherapy team at Regenexx will help patients make the necessary changes to their physical movements so that the procedures are effective," said Dr. Apurv Mahalle, MGIMS.

There is no alternative for arthritis patients but to wait until the joint is bad enough for a replacement and then go through a surgery. Regenexx procedures are going to help these patients get back to the normal routine without the necessity of a replacement surgery.

(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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Former Emerald standout eyes next season – Index-Journal

By Sykes24Tracey

Emerald baseball coach Stanley Moss called current College of Charleston infielder Bradley Dixon one of the better players and kids he's ever coached.

The former Emerald standout was a slick-fielding shortstop, according to Moss, who was a cornerstone to the Emerald program.

"He was one of my favorites of all time," Moss said. "He always did what he was asked to do and went above and beyond to try to represent our program."

Dixon shared the field with current Clemson commit Sheldon Reed, who was a year under him at Emerald. Having the two of them play together was a joy and pleasure to be a part of, Moss said.

"(Dixon) and Sheldon hit in the middle of our lineup the whole time," Moss said. "They were big producers for us offensively."

Dixon's dominant play at Emerald earned him an opportunity to play Division I baseball with the Cougars. Dixon's senior season at Emerald, College of Charleston made it to a Super Regional which was just the second appearance in the program's history.

"It's what you grow up dreaming to do, playing Division I baseball," Dixon said. "Whenever you get an opportunity to do it, you take it and make the best of it."

But dreams have sometimes been met with struggles for Dixon. His freshman year in 2015 a week before opening weekend he sprained his MCL, ACL and suffered a bone contusion, forcing him to redshirt.

The following season, though, Dixon's redshirt freshman campaign, everyone got a glimpse of what he could do on the ball field when he's healthy.

Dixon started 45 games and was fourth on the team in batting average hitting .273 with a homer. They weren't the most eye-popping stats, but they proved what he was worth when on the field.

His 2017 season, however, was met with more injuries. Dixon recently had to get stem cells taken from the bone marrow in his hip and injected into the sesamoid bones in both his feet.

All the cartilage had worn down, which meant Dixon didn't have any protection around his bones. He played through the injury the entire season, hitting just .251.

Moss believes he'll be a force again once healthy.

"Bradley's work ethic has always been where you would like to be," he said. "He's that kid in the offseason. Obviously if he can get himself completely healthy he's the kind of kid that can definitely go out and have a big year for College of Charleston."

The recovery time for his injury is 12 weeks, Dixon said, which means he'll be ready for the fall.

The team put together an underwhelming year last season, going just 13-11 in the Colonial Athletic Association, 28-31 overall and losing to Northeastern in the conference tournament.

On top of that, College of Charleston's coach, Matt Heath, was fired on Friday.

Despite the setbacks, Dixon is looking help right the ship.

"I really want to increase some of the numbers I had last year," Dixon said. "And just do better for my teammates, know my role and do whatever I can to help us win."

Contact staff writer Julian McWilliams at 864-223-1814 or on Twitter @JulianMack105

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