Bone marrow transplant patient credits positive recovery to staying close to home – KSFY
By Sykes24Tracey
Multiple myeloma is cancer that involves our bone marrow with a specific cell called a plasma cell that patients can develop. Most patients will need a bone marrow transplant.
Patients needing bone marrow transplants dont have to travel far to receive this potentially life-saving transplant.
The actual day of the diagnosis was November 18th of 2015 and it was a diagnosis for multiple myeloma, said Steven Simpson.
Simpson was ready to fight from that day on. He learned from Dr. Kelly McCaul, the director of Avera Hematology Transplant Program, that he would need a bone marrow transplant.
There are many different types of transplant that we do. Theres basically an autologous transplant where patients would be their own donors for their stem cells and then theres allogenic transplant which are some sort of donor process. And so Steve has multiple myeloma. We would normally look at autologous transplant as the preferred pathway for patients with that disease, said Dr. McCaul.
Weve never had to leave anywhere other than here. This is it, said Simpson.
Simpson and his immediate family live no further than 20 minutes away from Avera McKenna so getting the transplant elsewhere was out of the question. But that didnt come without resistance from his insurance company.
Youre asking somebody to go three or four hours out of the way minimum for a period of time that could last anywhere from a week to whatever the process is. You lose your doctors. You lose the ability to have any local family support there as you need them and you dont really know what youre getting into. You just know what youre told, said Simpson.
Simpson and his insurance company worked together and was able to stay at Avera for his transplant.
I came in the day before scheduled for the transplant but left three hours after the transplant because I didnt have any reactions. Plus, we all knew that I had somebody available to watch me 24/7 for the period of time that we would have. The fact that you have your doctors here, your oncologist, your lab people, your nursing staff, everybodys here. They know who you are, said Simpson.
17 years ago when I first looked at this program one of the big things I looked at was the need in the community and it was felt from my perspective, and obviously Avera, that our need in the community was high. And it allows patients to stay within the community, close to family members, without having to drive four, five hours away, said Dr. McCaul.
Today, Simpson is well on his way to feeling like his old self, something he credits to staying close to home for his transplant.
For more information just call 877-AT-AVERA
Originally posted here:
Bone marrow transplant patient credits positive recovery to staying close to home - KSFY
Chippewa Valley Schools hosts bone marrow registration drive – The Macomb Daily
By NEVAGiles23
As a third grade teacher at Ottawa Elementary School, Kelly Gianotti teaches students many important life lessons along with reading and math.
The most important lesson she has instructed was taught by example: how to save the life of a blood cancer patient.
Gianotti donated her stem cells in 2013 to help save the life of a blood cancer patient. The patient was in need of a bone marrow stem cell transplant and had no donor match in her family.
I had seen a flier at a local gym for a high school student who was looking for a match. That intrigued me. I went online to register, Gianotti said.
A year later Gianotti learned she was a potential match, but not for the high school patient. She went through more testing and did the outpatient donation procedure.
Gianotti later found out her donation assisted MaryAnn Hastings, who lived near Boston, Mass. The two chatted via e-mail and were able to meet in 2016, when Gianotti traveled to Boston.
The lady I donated for died last February of a different type of cancer. I wanted to honor her and spread the word, Gianotti said, adding that Hastings family indicated she was able to give Hastings three extra years of life with her donation.
The donation experience motivated Gianotti to host the first DKMS bone marrow registration drive through Chippewa Valley Schools district. DKMS is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders, according to its website.
The goal of the drive is to help register potential donors. It will be held Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Cheyenne Elementary School in Macomb Township. Gianotti said she hopes to register between 100 and 200 potential donors.
Requirements to join the bone marrow registry are that the donor be in good health and between the ages of 18 and 55. The process involves filling out a form, understanding the donation methods and swabbing the inside of each cheek for 30 seconds with a cotton swab. Donors swab their cheeks in a circular motion.
There is no cost to register, although donations are accepted. The donations assist DKMS in covering the $65 registration processing fee.
According to DKMS, 70 percent of people suffering from blood-related illnesses rely on donors other than their families.
If selected as a match for a patient, there are two different methods of donation, according to the DKMS website.
According to the DKMS website, a donation method used in about 25 percent of cases is a one or two hour surgical procedure performed under anesthesia to collect marrow cells from the back of the pelvic bone using a syringe.
To obtain more information about the drive or to make a monetary donation, visit Those who want to join the bone marrow registry but are unable to attend the June 6 drive can register at
The rest is here:
Chippewa Valley Schools hosts bone marrow registration drive - The Macomb Daily
Oxford University staff join bone marrow stem cell donor drive for Oxford toddler Ally Kim – Witney Gazette
By raymumme
COUNTLESS lives across the world could be saved by an Oxfordshire familys appeal to find a bone marrow donor for their little boy.
Two-year-old Alastair Ally Kim has Chronic Granulomatous Disorder (CGD), a life-threatening condition.
He has now become the fourth person in the world to start an experimental gene therapy course at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
In the meantime, his parents have spearheaded 200 international donor drives to find their son a match, signing up 7,000 would-be donors in the process - some of whom have since been matched with other patients.
Father Andrew Kim, 37, of Hinton Waldrist near Longworth, said: We want to use whatever momentum Allys story has to help someone else. We know that matches have come through our drives for other people. Its awesome that someone will benefit from all this.
On Thursday, May 25 family friend Cathy Oliveira organised a drive at the Oxford Universitys Old Road research building, signing up 80 staff members in a day.
Ms Oliveira said: When everything happened with Ally I wanted to show support in any way we could; this is directly beneficial not just for Ally but for others.
Allys CGD means his immune system is compromised and the tiniest infection could leave him seriously ill.
His only chance of a permanent cure is a bone marrow stem cell donation, with a match likely to be of Korean or East Asian origin.
In April the youngster and mum Judy Kim, 36, an Oxford University researcher, travelled to London for him to begin a pioneering new gene therapy treatment.
After a week of chemotherapy to wipe out Allys immune system, cells taken from him are modified in a lab and re-introduced to correct the disorder.
Mr Kim said: Bone marrow would give him back 100 per cent functionality and gene therapy is 10 to 15 per cent; its enough to live in the real world, and not be scared he will die every time he gets an infection.
It has been a roller-coaster of a year, but theres nothing to do but move forward. We are really excited at the thought of him being able to come home this summer.
Blood cancer charity DKMS supported last weeks donor drive in Oxford.
Senior donor recruitment manager Joe Hallet said: Around 30 per cent of patients in need of a blood stem cell donor will find a matching donor within their own family.
The remaining 70 per cent, like Ally, will need to find an unrelated donor to have a second chance of life, so events like these are crucial.
View original post here:
Oxford University staff join bone marrow stem cell donor drive for Oxford toddler Ally Kim - Witney Gazette
Stem Cells Fast Facts | KABC-AM – KABC
By Sykes24Tracey
(CNN) Here is some background information about stem cells.
Scientists believe that stem cell research can be used to treat medical conditions including Parkinsons disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
About Stem Cells:Stem cell research focuses on embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.
Stem cells have two characteristics that differentiate them from other types of cells:- Stem cells are unspecialized cells that replicate themselves for long periods through cell division.- Under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, stem cells can be induced to become mature cells with special functions such as the beating cells of the heart muscle or insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
There are four classes of stem cells: totipotent, multipotent, pluripotent, and unipotent.- Totipotent stem cells that develop into cells that make up all the cells in an embryo and fetus. (Ex: The zygote/fertilized egg and the cells at the very early stages following fertilization are considered totipotent)- Multipotent stem cells can give rise to multiple types of cells, but all within a particular tissue, organ, or physiological system. (Ex: blood-forming stem cells/bone marrow cells, most often referred to as adult stem cells)- Pluripotent stem cells (ex: embryonic stem cells) can give rise to any type of cell in the body. These cells are like blank slates, and they have the potential to turn into any type of cell.- Unipotent stem cells can self-renew as well as give rise to a single mature cell type. (Ex: sperm producing cells)
Embryonic stem cells are harvested from four to six-day-old embryos. These embryos are either leftover embryos in fertility clinics or embryos created specifically for harvesting stem cells by therapeutic cloning. Only South Korean scientists claim to have successfully created human embryos via therapeutic cloning and have harvested stem cells from them.
Adult stem cells are already designated for a certain organ or tissue. Some adult stem cells can be coaxed into or be reprogrammed into turning into a different type of specialized cell within the tissue type for example, a heart stem cell can give rise to a functional heart muscle cell, but it is still unclear whether they can give rise to all different cell types of the body.
The primary role of adult stem cells is to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found.
Uses of Stem Cell Research:Regenerative (reparative) medicine uses cell-based therapies to treat disease.
Scientists who research stem cells are trying to identify how undifferentiated stem cells become differentiated as serious medical conditions, such as cancer and birth defects, are due to abnormal cell division and differentiation.
Scientists believe stem cells can be used to generate cells and tissues that could be used for cell-based therapies as the need for donated organs and tissues outweighs the supply.
Stem cells, directed to differentiate into specific cell types, offer the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat diseases, including Parkinsons and Alzheimers diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Policy Debate:Cloning human embryos for stem cells is very controversial.
The goal of therapeutic cloning research is not to make babies, but to make embryonic stem cells, which can be harvested and used for cell-based therapies.
Using fertilized eggs left over at fertility clinics is also controversial because removing the stem cells destroys them.
Questions of ethics arise because embryos are destroyed as the cells are extracted, such as: When does human life begin? What is the moral status of the human embryo?
Timeline:1998 President Bill Clinton requests a National Bioethics Advisory Commission to study the question of stem cell research.
1999 The National Bioethics Advisory Commission recommends that the government allow federal funds to be used to support research on human embryonic stem cells.
2000 During his campaign, George W. Bush says he opposes any research that involves the destruction of embryos.
2000 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) issues guidelines for the use of embryonic stem cells in research, specifying that scientists receiving federal funds can use only extra embryos that would otherwise be discarded. President Clinton approves federal funding for stem cell research but Congress does not fund it.
August 9, 2001 President Bush announces he will allow federal funding for about 60 existing stem cell lines created before this date.
January 18, 2002 A panel of experts at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recommends a complete ban on human reproductive cloning, but supports so-called therapeutic cloning for medical purposes.
February 27, 2002 For the second time in two years, the House passes a ban on all cloning of human embryos.
July 11, 2002 The Presidents Council on Bioethics recommends a four-year ban on cloning for medical research to allow time for debate.
February 2005 South Korean scientist Hwang Woo Suk publishes a study in Science announcing he has successfully created stem cell lines using therapeutic cloning.
December 2005 Experts from Seoul National University Hwang of faking some of his research. Hwang asks to have his paper withdrawn while his work is being investigated and resigns his post.
January 10, 2006 An investigative panel from Seoul National University accuses Hwang of faking his research.
July 18, 2006 The Senate votes 63-37 to loosen President Bushs limits on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research.
July 19, 2006 President Bush vetoes the embryonic stem-cell research bill passed by the Senate (the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005), his first veto since taking office.
June 20, 2007 President Bush vetoes the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007, his third veto of his presidency.
January 23, 2009 The FDA approves a request from Geron Corp. to test embryonic stem cells on eight to 10 patients with severe spinal cord injuries. This will be the worlds first test in humans of a therapy derived from human embryonic stem cells. The tests will use stem cells cultured from embryos left over in fertility clinics.
March 9, 2009 President Barack Obama signs an executive order overturning an order signed by President Bush in August 2001 that barred the NIH from funding research on embryonic stem cells beyond using 60 cell lines that existed at that time.
August 23, 2010 US District Judge Royce C. Lamberth issues a preliminary injunction that prohibits the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
September 9, 2010 A three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit grants a request from the Justice Department to lift a temporary injunction that blocked federal funding of stem cell research.
September 28, 2010 The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit lifts an injunction imposed by a federal judge, thereby allowing federally funded embryonic stem-cell research to continue while the Obama Administration appeals the judges original ruling against use of public funds in such research.
October 8, 2010 The first human is injected with cells from human embryonic stem cells in a clinical trial sponsored by Geron Corp.
November 22, 2010 William Caldwell, CEO of Advanced Cell Technology, tells CNN that the FDA has granted approval for his company to start a clinical trial using cells grown from human embryonic stem cells. The treatment will be for an inherited degenerative eye disease.
April 29, 2011 The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia lifts an injunction, imposed last year by a federal judge, banning the Obama administration from funding embryonic stem-cell research.
May 11, 2011 Stem cell therapy in sports medicine is spotlighted after New York Yankee pitcher Bartolo Colon is revealed to have had fat and bone marrow stem cells injected into his injured elbow and shoulder while in the Dominican Republic.
July 27, 2011 Judge Lamberth dismisses a lawsuit that tried to block funding of stem cell research on human embryos.
February 13, 2012 Early research published by scientists at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Johns Hopkins University show that a patients own stem cells can be used to regenerate heart tissue and help undo damage caused by a heart attack. It is the first instance of therapeutic regeneration.
May 2013 Scientists make the first embryonic stem cell from human skin cells by reprogramming human skin cells back to their embryonic state, according to a study published in the journal, Cell.
April 2014 For the first time scientists are able to use cloning technologies to generate stem cells that are genetically matched to adult patients,according to a study published in the journal, Cell Stem Cell.
October 2014 Researchers say that human embryonic stem cells have restored the sight of several nearly blind patients and that their latest study shows the cells are safe to use long-term. According to a report published in The Lancet, the researchers transplanted stem cells into 18 patients with severe vision loss as a result of two types of macular degeneration.
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See the original post here:
Stem Cells Fast Facts | KABC-AM - KABC
Want to save a life? Cuban American searches for bone marrow donor – Miami Herald
By daniellenierenberg
Miami Herald | Want to save a life? Cuban American searches for bone marrow donor Miami Herald According to Gift of Life, a nonprofit, Boca Raton-based bone marrow and blood stem cell registry, 55 percent of Hispanic cancer patients and 75 percent of multiracial patients are never matched, some dying while waiting to get a transplant. The data ... |
View original post here:
Want to save a life? Cuban American searches for bone marrow donor - Miami Herald
Oxford University staff join bone marrow stem cell donor drive for … – Oxford Mail
By daniellenierenberg
COUNTLESS lives across the world could be saved by an Oxfordshire familys appeal to find a bone marrow donor for their little boy.
Two-year-old Alastair Ally Kim has Chronic Granulomatous Disorder (CGD), a life-threatening condition.
He has now become the fourth person in the world to start an experimental gene therapy course at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
In the meantime, his parents have spearheaded 200 international donor drives to find their son a match, signing up 7,000 would-be donors in the process - some of whom have since been matched with other patients.
Father Andrew Kim, 37, of Hinton Waldrist near Longworth, said: We want to use whatever momentum Allys story has to help someone else. We know that matches have come through our drives for other people. Its awesome that someone will benefit from all this.
On Thursday, May 25 family friend Cathy Oliveira organised a drive at the Oxford Universitys Old Road research building, signing up 80 staff members in a day.
Ms Oliveira said: When everything happened with Ally I wanted to show support in any way we could; this is directly beneficial not just for Ally but for others.
Allys CGD means his immune system is compromised and the tiniest infection could leave him seriously ill.
His only chance of a permanent cure is a bone marrow stem cell donation, with a match likely to be of Korean or East Asian origin.
In April the youngster and mum Judy Kim, 36, an Oxford University researcher, travelled to London for him to begin a pioneering new gene therapy treatment.
After a week of chemotherapy to wipe out Allys immune system, cells taken from him are modified in a lab and re-introduced to correct the disorder.
Mr Kim said: Bone marrow would give him back 100 per cent functionality and gene therapy is 10 to 15 per cent; its enough to live in the real world, and not be scared he will die every time he gets an infection.
It has been a roller-coaster of a year, but theres nothing to do but move forward. We are really excited at the thought of him being able to come home this summer.
Blood cancer charity DKMS supported last weeks donor drive in Oxford.
Senior donor recruitment manager Joe Hallet said: Around 30 per cent of patients in need of a blood stem cell donor will find a matching donor within their own family.
The remaining 70 per cent, like Ally, will need to find an unrelated donor to have a second chance of life, so events like these are crucial.
The rest is here:
Oxford University staff join bone marrow stem cell donor drive for ... - Oxford Mail
Limitless Lab-Grown Blood Is ‘Tantalizingly Close’ After 20 Years – Singularity Hub
By Sykes24Tracey
Blood stem cells are things of wonder: hidden inside each single cell is the power to reconstitute an entire blood system, like a sort of biological big bang.
Yet with great power comes greater vulnerability. Once these master cells are compromised, as in the case of leukemia and other blood disorders, treatment options are severely limited.
A bone marrow transplant is often the only chance for survival. The surgery takes a healthy donors marrowrich with blood stem cellsand reboots the patients blood system. Unfortunately, like organ transplants, finding a matching donor places a chokehold on the entire process.
According to Dr. George Daley at Harvard Medical School, a healthy sibling gives you a one in four chance. A stranger? One in a million.
For 20 years, scientists have been trying to find a way to beat the odds. Now, two studies published in Nature suggest they may be tantalizingly close to being able to make a limitless supply of blood stem cells, using the patients own healthy tissues.
"This step opens up an opportunity to take cells from patients with genetic blood disorders, use gene editing to correct their genetic defect and make functional blood cells," without depending on donors, says Dr. Ryohichi Sugimura at Boston Childrens Hospital, who authored one of the studies with Daley.
Using a magical mix of seven proteins called transcription factors, the team coaxed lab-made human stem cells into primordial blood cells that replenished themselves and all components of blood.
A second study led by Dr. Shahin Rafii, a stem cell scientist at Weill Cornell Medical College took a more direct route, turning mature cells from mice straight into genuine blood stem cells indiscernible from their natural counterparts.
This is the first time researchers have checked all the boxes and made blood stem cells, says Dr. Mick Bhatia at McMaster University, who was not involved in either study, That is the holy grail.
The life of a blood stem cell starts as a special cell nestled on the walls of a large blood vesselthe dorsal aorta.
Under the guidance of chemical signals, these cells metamorphose into immature baby blood stem cells, like caterpillars transforming into butterflies. The exact conditions that prompt this birthing process are still unclear and is one of the reasons why lab-grown blood stem cells have been so hard to make.
These baby blood stem cells dont yet have the full capacity to reboot blood systems. To fully mature, they have to learn to respond to all sorts of commands in their environment, like toddlers making sense of the world.
Some scientists liken this learning process to going to school, where different external cues act as textbooks to train baby blood stem cells to correctly respond to the body.
For example, when should they divide and multiply? When should they give up their stem-ness, instead transforming into oxygen-carrying red blood cells or white blood cells, the immune defenders?
Both new studies took aim at cracking the elusive curriculum.
In the first study, Daley and team started with human skin and other cells that have been transformed back into stem cells (dubbed iPSCs, or induced pluripotent stem cells). Although iPSCs theoretically have the ability to turn into any cell type, no one has previously managed to transform them into blood stem cells.
A lot of people have become jaded, saying that these cells dont exist in nature and you cant just push them into becoming anything else, says Bhatia.
All cells in an organism share the same genes. However, for any given cell only a subset of genes are turned into proteins. This process is what gives cells their identitiesmay it be a heart cell, liver cell, or blood stem cell.
Daley and team focused on a family of transcription factors. Similar to light switches, these proteins can flip genes on or off. By studying how blood vessels normally give birth to blood stem cells, they found seven factors that encouraged iPSCs to grow into immature blood stem cells.
Using a virus, the team inserted these factors into their iPSCs and injected the transformed cells into the bone marrow of mice. These mice had been irradiated to kill off their own blood stem cells to make room for the lab-grown human replacements.
In this way, Daley exposed the immature cells to signals in a blood stem cells normal environment. The bone marrow acts like a school, explains Drs. Carolina Guibentif and Berthold Gttgens at the University of Cambridge, who are not involved in the study.
It worked. In just twelve weeks, the lab-made blood stem cells had fully matured into master cells capable of making the entire range of cells normally found in human blood. Whats more, when scientists took these cells out and transplanted them into a second recipient, they retained their power.
This a major step forward compared with previous methods, says Guibentif.
In contrast, the second study took a more direct route. Rafii and team took cells lining a mouses vessels, based on the finding that these cells normally turn into blood stem cells during development.
With a set of four transcription factors, the team directly reprogrammed them into baby blood stem cells, bypassing the iPSC stage.
These factors act like a maternity ward, allowing the blood stem cells to be born, says Guibentif.
To grow them to adulthood, Rafii and team laid the cells onto a blanket of supporting cells that mimics the blood vessel nursery. Under the guidance of molecular cues secreted by these supporting cells, the blood stem cells multiplied and matured.
When transplanted into short-lived mice without a functional immune system, the cells sprung to action. In 20 weeks, the mice generated an active immune response when given a vaccine. Whats more, they went on to live a healthy 1.5 yearsroughly equivalent to 60 years old for a human.
Rafii is especially excited about using his system to finally crack the stem cell learning curriculum.
If we can figure out the factors that coax stem cells to divide and mature, we may be able to unravel the secrets of their longevity and make full-fledged blood stem cells in a dish, he says.
Calling both experiments a breakthrough, Guibentif says, this is something people have been trying to achieve for a long time.
However, she points out that both studies have caveats. A big one is cancer. The transcription factors that turn mature cells into stem cells endow them with the ability to multiply efficientlya hallmark of cancerous cells. Whats more, the virus used to insert the factors into cells may also inadvertently turn on cancer-causing genes.
That said, neither team found evidence of increased risk of blood cancers. Guibentif also acknowledges that future studies could use CRISPR in place of transcription factors to transform cells into blood stem cells on demand, further lowering the risk.
The techniques will also have to be made more efficient to make lab-grown blood stem cells cost efficient. Itll be years until human use, says Guibentif.
Even so, the studies deter even the most cynical of critics.
After 20 years, were finally tantalizingly close to generating bona fide human blood stem cells in a dish,"says Daley.
Image Credit: Pond5
See the article here:
Limitless Lab-Grown Blood Is 'Tantalizingly Close' After 20 Years - Singularity Hub
Scientists Close to Generating Unlimited Blood Supply from Stem Cells – Wall Street Pit
Two separate research teams have succeeded in generating blood stem cells using completely different procedures. One team was led by stem cell biologist Dr. George Q. Daley of Harvard Medical School and Boston Childrens Hospital. The other team was spearheaded by Dr. Shahin Rafii of the Weill Cornell Medicines Ansary Stem Cell Institute in New York.
In both cases, reprogrammed blood stem cells were able to successfully produce blood cells when implanted into mice. And if either or both procedures turn out to be viable for humans, a future where blood donors will no longer be needed may soon be in the horizon because science has provided us with a way to produce unlimited blood supply.
Stem cells are specially programmed cells that are responsible for creating all of the bodys other cells. There are two types of stem cells embryonic and adult. Embryonic stem cells are located you guessed it in the embryo where they stay before they start to specialise. Adult stem cells are the ones used to repair and replace worn out or old cells.
Those are the natural types. Theres another type, though. Theyre called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells for short). Unlike the first two types, iPS cells arent naturally present. Theyre actually adult stem cells that were converted back to their primitive state, which means they can be coaxed to turn into any type of cell.
Dr. Daley and his team chose to use both embryonic stem cells and iPS cells for their research. Using a combination of proteins, they coaxed the cells to turn into hemogenic endothelium a kind of embryonic tissue that eventually turns into blood stem cells. Next, they tested several transcription factors genes that tell other genes what to do until they came up with the combination (specifically: ERG, HOXA5, HOXA9, HOXA10, LCOR, RUNX1, and SPI1) that pushed the hemogenic endothelium into a blood-forming or blood stem cell state. They then injected those modified cells into the bone marrow of their mice subjects. After several weeks, portions of the mices blood and bone marrow developed different types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and even immune cells.
As Daley described the feat: Were tantalizingly close to generating bona fide human blood stem cells in a dish.
On the other hand, Rafii and his team chose a different route. They didnt make use of iPS cells. Instead, they created true blood stem cells, starting off by extracting stem cells from the blood vessel lining of mature mice. Next, they inserted transcription factors (Fosb, Gfi1, Runx1, and Spi1) into the genomes of the extracted cells, then kept these cells in Petri dishes designed to replicate the environment within human blood vessels.
Over time, the cells turned into blood stem cells and multiplied. They then injected those stem cells into mice treated with radiation (which meant most of their blood and immune cells were gone). The stem cells regenerated not just the blood, but the immune cells too. Consequently, the mice recovered and went on to live for over 1.5 years in the lab.
As described by Rafii, the procedure they used is similar to a direct aeroplane flight, while Daleys is like a flight that took a detour prior to reaching its ultimate destination. Doing away with the iPS part kind of makes Rafiis method slightly better than Daleys because it minimizes the threat of tumors forming or the body rejecting the stem cells, which is a typical reaction that iPS cells might cause. But if Daleys team is able to refine their process to eliminate this risk, then that will level the playing field, so to speak.
Whatever happens from here on, both procedures are nonetheless considered significant breakthroughs. And even though its not yet certain which method will turn out to be the better one for humans, whats clear is that both methods have the potential to be game-changers when it comes to any kind of treatment involving blood infusion and transfusion.
Both studies have been published in the journal Nature, with Daleys under the title Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from human pluripotent stem cells and Rafiis under the title Conversion of adult endothelium to immunocompetent haematopoietic stem cells.
Here is the original post:
Scientists Close to Generating Unlimited Blood Supply from Stem Cells - Wall Street Pit
Unrelated donor transplants to aid thalassemics – The Hindu – The Hindu
The Hindu | Unrelated donor transplants to aid thalassemics - The Hindu The Hindu A study carried out at Chennai's Apollo Speciality Cancer Hospital now gives hope to children who have no related donors. |
Read the original here:
Unrelated donor transplants to aid thalassemics - The Hindu - The Hindu
Baby Max can only survive with a constant supply of stem cells … – Devon Live
By NEVAGiles23
A Devon family are swimming to Great Ormond Street Hospital to help a mum whose 15-month-old son has been diagnosed with very rare syndrome called Diskeratosis Congenita. Little Max Hilton's treatment is reliant on a steady supply of stem cell donors and after being around children with similar conditions Max's mum, Becca, is determined to encourage donors to come forward.
Through a touching Facebook group called Be There For Buzz Man Becca, has charted her son's journey and the difficulty they both face.
Becca's North Devon family have sprung into action to help spread the message that the UK needs more Stem Cell donors and to raise funds for the Antony Nolan Register, an organisation dedicated to researching stem cells and matching donors to those in need of help.
"We're delighted with the support we have received by so many people in aid of raising money for Anthony Nolan, including Reef, Tace and Aimee who are based in North Devon, have organised a charity swim called Swimming to Max; swimming 250 miles from Barnstaple to Romford, the distance between them and Max, over 20 weeks to raise as much as they can for the charity," said Becca.
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"Nobody ever expects their newborn child to be diagnosed with such a rare condition, to see him fighting every day is extremely painful, and to see so many brave children in the same ward really does showcase the need of more stem cell and bone marrow donors. Great Ormond Street Hospital are doing all they can, and we'd like to thank the staff for providing invaluable support to both Max and our family.
"For us, converting the negativity we have experienced with Max into making a positive impact for other patients in the same position will make our day.
"If just one person who reads our story decides to see if they're eligible, that could then continue to save a life. Please don't let it affect someone you love to then decide to register. There are so many patients waiting for suitable donors."
For Becca, telling Max's story is not just important for friends and family, but primarily to raise awareness of the desperate need for donors.
To see if you're eligible to donate stem cells, you must be 16 or over, and it is as easy as spitting in a cup to provide a saliva sample for Anthony Nolan to then assess eligibility to then donate - all done through a free sample kit sent via post, from their website.
Donating bone marrow and stem cells is not invasive at all; 9 out of 10 people donate stem cells via the bloodstream, in a procedure called peripheral blood stem cell collection. One in 10 people will have stem cells taken from the bone marrow itself, whilst under general anaesthetic.
Neither procedure hurts, and it's time more is done to increase the people on the register so patients, similar to Max, have a chance in recovering from their rare conditions with the help of those that are genetically matched to their blood type.
The Be There For Buzz Man Facebook page can be found at, and to find out how to donate stem cells visit
See original here:
Baby Max can only survive with a constant supply of stem cells ... - Devon Live
Stem cells show promise in helping to heal eye injuries in horses … – Horsetalk
By raymumme
These photomicrographs show the initial scratches created with a pipette tip compared with the same scratch 36 hours later and at end of study, at 72 hours, for each experimental group. ac show the control group, from left, at the start, after 36 hours, and after 72 hours. df show the results for the same horse with use of the supernatant solution; and gi show the results for the same horse from the stem cell group. Images: Sherman et al DOI: 10.1186/s13287-017-0577-3
Stem cells taken from bone marrow may substantially improve corneal wound healing in horses, evidence from a study suggests.
Eye injuries are common in horses, most likely because of the size of their eyes and their prominent position in the head.
Researchers from the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine conducted a laboratory experiment to assess the performance of stem cells taken from bone marrow in the breast bone of five horses.
Amanda Sherman and her colleagues, writing in Stem Cell Research & Therapy, described the process by which they collected and isolated the autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells for their study.
Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent connective-tissue cells that can change into a variety of cell types to form the likes of bone, cartilage, muscle and fat.
The supernatant solution comprising cell-medium sediment left over from the centrifuging process was also used in the study to compare its performance against the stem cells. A naive culture media was used as a control.
Corneal stromal cells were cultured and transferred on to six collagen-coated plates. A scratch was then placed the length of these equine corneal fibroblast cultures using a fine pipette.
The plates were then exposed to either the stem cells, the supernatant solution or the naive culture medium.
The researchers reported a significant percentage decrease in the scratch area remaining in the stem cell and supernatant groups compared to the control group after 72 hours.
The decrease was significantly greater in the stem-cell group compared to the supernatant group 36 hours after exposure and at all times thereafter.
The performance of the supernatant solution was most likely due to the presence of the growth factor TGF-1, which was identified on analysis. TGF-1 was found in even greater concentrations in the stem cell group.
The researchers concluded that the use of autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells may substantially improve corneal wound healing in horses.
The supernatant solution may also improve corneal wound healing, given the significant decrease in scratch area compared to control treatments, and would be an immediately available and cost-effective treatment option, they said.
The researchers said studies in live horses were warranted to evaluate the potential treatments safety and effectiveness for corneal wound healing.
The universitys study team comprised Sherman,Brian Gilger,Alix Berglund and Lauren Schnabel.
Effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and stem cell supernatant on equine corneal wound healing in vitro Amanda B. Sherman, Brian C. Gilger, Alix K. Berglund and Lauren V. Schnabel Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2017 8:120 DOI: 10.1186/s13287-017-0577-3
The study, published under a Creative Commons License, can be read here.
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Stem cells show promise in helping to heal eye injuries in horses ... - Horsetalk
Sickle cell cure is real, as this Kansas patient proves – Kansas City Star
By daniellenierenberg
Sickle cell cure is real, as this Kansas patient proves Kansas City Star Intense pain. Fatigue. Repeated infections, emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Desiree Ramirez endured them often until she became the first adult cured at a Kansas hospital of sickle cell disease. Bone marrow stem cells donated by a ... |
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Sickle cell cure is real, as this Kansas patient proves - Kansas City Star
Bone marrow donor drive honors Iowa City boy battling lymphoma … – The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines
By raymumme
By By Elianna Novitch, The Gazette
May 29, 2017 at 5:00 am | Print View
IOWA CITY More than 20 million people are registered as bone marrow donors in the Be the Match registry, the largest and most diverse donor registry in the world.
But none can help Calder Wills, a 12-year-old Iowa City boy battling stage 4 T-cell lymphoma, or cancer of the blood.
Only one person has been identified as a 100-percent match for Calder, but that person was deemed medically unable to donate bone marrow.
This has left the Wills family with few options.
And so, friends of the family are hosting a donor registry drive on Tuesday to raise awareness about the need for more marrow donors and to perhaps find a match for Calder and others like him.
The event takes place from 3 to 8 p.m. inside the gym at Hoover Elementary School, 2200 E. Court St., Iowa City. Those who attend can join the Be The Match registry. Those who are unable to attend can register online at
Calder was diagnosed with lymphoma in February 2016. He went into remission within the first 30 days but found out on April 11 the day after his 12th birthday that he had relapsed and would need a bone-marrow transplant. He is one of thousands searching for a match.
He is among the 70 percent of patients who surprisingly dont have a match in their own family, explained Colleen Reardon, manager of the Iowa Marrow Donor Program at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. We are looking for a tissue type match and each sibling has about a 25 percent chance of being a match.
Calder has three siblings, a twin brother Grayson and sisters Charlotte, 7, and Arden, 5, all of whom were not matches. The next best chance a patient has, statistically, is to find an unrelated donor that is a 100-percent match.
Calders mother Brianna Wills described it as devastating when the family found out that the 58-year-old woman who matched with Calder was deemed medically unable to donate.
That left us with no match, no options, she said. Weve decided to pursue cord blood for his transplant, Wills said. He is going to have a cord blood transplant at the University of Minnesota because a bone marrow match wasnt available and he couldnt wait until one became available.
According to the Be The Match website, cord blood is one of three sources of blood-forming cells used in transplant. The others are bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells. Cord blood can be used to treat more than 80 diseases, including blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma. Cord blood comes from a babys umbilical cord.
Wills said that even though Calder is receiving a different type of transplant, she does not want people to not register as a marrow donor.
I dont want that to dissuade people from continuing to do it because he has about a two out of three chance that this transplant will fail because he has T-cell lymphoma that is very aggressive and very hard to treat, Wills said. Realistically, statistically, we are looking at him needing a second transplant down the road and thats when we hope that well find a donor and we can use a bone marrow match then.
Please still do it and not just for Calder, do it for the thousands of people who also dont have a match.
According to Reardon, of every 540 people who register as a donor, only one will be identified as that perfect match for someone and be asked to donate.
Were not realistically hoping to find Calders donor, I mean that would be amazing, but really were hoping to expand the database. Were just hoping that some family in Texas or somewhere else in the world is also doing this and maybe theyll find Calders donor, Wills said. If were all doing it, were going to expand the database for everyones benefit.
Wills recognizes that even though the drive is in Calders honor, it is truly to the benefit of thousands of other people who dont have donors.
There are other ethnic groups that have very little participation and to be a match you need to be matched with donors that have similar ethnic background as you do, Wills said. So African Americans, Hispanics, people that have mixed races, or Asian background wed love to have them come because there are people waiting for donors of all kinds of backgrounds.
What: Bone Marrow Donor Drive
When: 3 to 8 p.m. Tuesday
Where: Hoover Elementary School, 2200 E. Court St., Iowa City
Details: Join the Iowa Marrow Donor Program and Be The Match Registry using a simple cheek swab.
Info: or call the Iowa Marrow Donor Program at (319) 356-3337.
l Comments: (319) 368-8538;
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Rahman lends his voice for stem cell donation – The Hindu
The Hindu | Rahman lends his voice for stem cell donation The Hindu Sign up with me as bone marrow donor, Mr. Rahman says, in a short video made by the Jeevan Stem Cell Foundation, which maintains a registry for those in need to find a stem cell match. The video has been uploaded to Youtube ahead of the World Blood ... |
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Rahman lends his voice for stem cell donation - The Hindu
How a simple cheek swab can save a life – FOX31 Denver
By Dr. Matthew Watson
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DENVER -- The need is undeniable. The majority of cancer patients in need of a stem cell or bone marrow transplant are not able to get one, in part because they cant find a match.
Doctors hope more people will register to be a donor, and say all it takes to get started is a simple cheek swab.
Paige McCoy, of Parker, did find a match. After she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at age 28, she needed a stem cell transplant to survive. I honestly thought I was going to die at 28, she said.
But a total stranger absolutely saved her life.
She got to meet her donor for the first time this month at the Gift of Life Gala in New York City. When I saw him I just broke down, because here is basically my hero walking towards me, Paige said.
It was an emotional night. Her donor was a 22 year old student at the University of Tennessee who had registered with a cheek swab at a campus event.
When he agreed to donate, he had to get some shots, then the stem cells were gathered during a type of blood draw. "The blood goes out to the machine. The machine processes the blood, and returns the red blood cells and the rest of the blood products, except for some of the stem cells, back to the donor, said Dr. Michael Maris, the director of research at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute in partnership with Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Presbyterian/St. Lukes.
He says this act, that required no surgery, saved Paiges life.
But Paige knows others werent as lucky. I saw patients that didnt have a donor, and I had a donor and they didnt, and somebody could save their life. Just swab your cheek please. You could really help somebody out, and its so easy, she said.
If you would like to register, you can go to for cheek swab instructions, or a list of local donation events. Your registration could also help patients needing bone marrow transplants. But the marrow harvesting does require surgery.
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How a simple cheek swab can save a life - FOX31 Denver
Indian researchers develop 3D bioprinted cartilage – The Hindu
By JoanneRUSSELL25
The Hindu | Indian researchers develop 3D bioprinted cartilage The Hindu The bioink has high concentration of bone-marrow derived cartilage stem cells, silk proteins and a few factors. The chemical composition of the bioink supports cell growth and long-term survival of the cells. The cartilage developed in the lab has ... |
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Indian researchers develop 3D bioprinted cartilage - The Hindu
Be bone marrow donors: Rahman’s appeal to youth- The New … – The New Indian Express
By NEVAGiles23
AR Rahman (Pic: ENS).
CHENNAI: Double Oscar winning Indian composer A R Rahman has made an appeal to youngsters to register themselves as bone marrow donors. The music directors appeal is made on behalf of the Chennai-based Jeevan Stem Cell Foundation to mark the world blood cancer day (May 28, Sunday).
The foundations co-founder and chairman, P Srinivasan said every year over 1.2 lakh Indians are diagnosed with blood cancer and another 10,000 children born with diseases like Thalassemia. They could hope for a 60 to 80% chance of cure, with matching stem cell donors. So, the foundation has created a registry, which is a database of potential stem cell donors, and matching donors are identified when needed.
To encourage more people to register in this database, the foundation with the help of AR Rahman has put out a YouTube video to mark world blood cancer day. Over 90 per cent of us cant find a stem cell match because Indian DNA is different and we dont have a large bone marrow registry.
If you are between 18 and 50, it is your time to save an Indian life, sign up with me as bone marrow donor in Jevan stem cell registry, said Rahman in the video.
Interested individuals can login to, read who are eligible and register as potential stem cell donors.
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Be bone marrow donors: Rahman's appeal to youth- The New ... - The New Indian Express
Stranger saves life of woman with stem cell transplant – FOX31 Denver
FOX31 Denver | Stranger saves life of woman with stem cell transplant FOX31 Denver DENVER -- This is a terrible statistic. Eighty percent of blood cancer patients in need of stem cell or bone marrow transplant are not able to get one, in part because they can't find a match. But you can help change that and save a life by registering ... |
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Stranger saves life of woman with stem cell transplant - FOX31 Denver
UW Health trial involves injecting stem cells into patients with heart failure – – WISC-TV3
By Sykes24Tracey
UW Health trial involves injecting... More Headlines
MADISON, Wis. - Doctors at UW Health are involved in a clinical trial using stem cells for the treatment of heart failure.
The CardiAMP therapy involves withdrawing a patients bone marrow. The bone marrow is then processed on-site to separate the stem cells from the plasma. The patients own stem cells are then injected into damaged areas of the heart using a catheter.
It is hopeful that we can improve things. I dont think we can necessarily cure the damage, but I think we can improve things, said Dr. Amish Raval, director of cardiovascular clinical research at UW Health.
The CardiAMP Heart Failure Trial is a phase III study that will eventually enroll up to 260 patients. For the first 10 patients, UW Health is one of three sites nationwide performing the procedure.
I figured it was possibly going to do something good for me, said Dan Caulfield, a Madison man enrolled in the study.
Caulfield, who is 81 years old, has had three heart attacks.
I was 46 years old and had a heart attack. It was called a fatal heart attack in those days, Caulfield said. I had two more heart attacks in 2002, and since then it has been sort of downhill.
Improving the quality of life of individuals with heart failure is a goal of the CardiAMP therapy.
There is about a 50 percent five-year mortality associated with this condition and those five years can be awfully tough on these folks because they have a lot of problems with shortness of breath, weakness and sometimes chest discomfort while walking. So it is not just a matter of quantity of life, it is also a quality of life issue, Raval said.
The procedure involves a very targeted injection of stem cells into the area near where the heart is damaged.
We create a targeted map and based on that targeted map we have a really clear sense of where the damage is. Then it is my task to go in and try to get into the adjacent border areas, Raval said.
In the U.S. there are approximately 6.5 million people living with heart failure. According to the American Heart Association, that number is expected to rise by 46 percent by the year 2030.
This is one of the few pivotal trials in the United States that is really, I think, going to pave the way for future studies, Raval said.
The outcome of the CardiAMP trial will be measured by any change in distance during a six-minute walk 12 months after an initial baseline measurement is taken.
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UW Health trial involves injecting stem cells into patients with heart failure - - WISC-TV3
‘It has been a long few days’: Jonathan Pitre on medical roller-coaster – Canoe
By daniellenierenberg
Andrew Duffy, Postmedia Network May 23, 2017
, Last Updated: 5:01 PM ET
Jonathan Pitre has been on a medical roller-coaster in the week since blood tests revealed that his stem cell transplant has taken root in his bone marrow.
While his white blood cell count has soared its now well within the normal range he has also suffered a series of complications that have severely tested his physical endurance.
It has been a long few days, said his mother, Tina Boileau. Hes been through hell.
Pitre, 16, is battling liver, kidney and gastrointestinal problems.
He has been diagnosed with typhlitis, a serious inflammation in part of his large intestine, that brings with it risk of a bowel perforation. He has undergone a series of x-rays and ultrasounds to check for perforations, all of which have come back negative.
At the same time, Pitre is fighting a liver infection that has caused his fever to spike, and his skin to yellow. His blood pressure has fluctuated, and his kidneys are struggling to process all of the fluids and medications that have been been pumped into his body. He hasnt been allowed to eat or drink for days to protect his damaged gastrointestinal system.
Pitre will undergo surgery Wednesday to have another central line installed so that he can be fed intravenously rather than through his existing g-tube, which sends nutrition directly to his stomach.
All of the complications have made it difficult to deliver enough medication to control Pitres pain levels, his mother said.
Its got to get better, she said.
Boileau is placing her faith in her sons new immune system, which has been rebuilt with the help of her donated stem cells. His white blood cell count is at 6.7 which is amazing, she said. And hopefully, that helps him fight everything hes going through.
A normal white blood cell count ranges from 4.0 to 11.
Pitre found out last Tuesday that the white blood cells in his system were all donor cells, which signalled that his transplant had successfully engrafted in his bone marrow. Bone marrow stem cells produce most of the bodys blood, including the white blood cells that are responsible for fighting bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.
Pitres lead physician, Dr. Jakub Tolar, said last week that the Russell teenager remains extremely fragile and susceptible to all kinds of complications. But Tolar also said the success of the transplant has established the pre-condition for his recovery.
It has now been 40 days since Pitre was infused with stem cells drawn from his mothers hip bone at the University of Minnesota Masonic Childrens Hospital.
In the next three months, doctors will be on the lookout for signs of acute graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD), a complication in which the donors white blood cells turn on the patients tissues and attack them as foreign. Last week, Pitre showed signs of a rash which can sometimes be a telltale sign of the disease, but a skin biopsy showed that the problem was not related to GVHD.
Anyone who receives stem cells from another person is at risk of developing the condition, which can range from mild to life-threatening. It commonly affects the skin, liver or gastrointestinal tract.
Pitre suffers from a severe form of epidermolysis bullosa (EB), a painful and progressive skin disease that has inflicted deep, open wounds on his body.
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'It has been a long few days': Jonathan Pitre on medical roller-coaster - Canoe