15 Best Peptide Skin-Care Products 2021 for Smoother, Firmer, and Plumper Skin – Allure
By daniellenierenberg
Peptides don't get talked about nearly enough as some other ingredients, like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and retinol, but their benefits are bountiful and play a key role in improving the elasticity and plumpness of your skin. As we previously reported, peptides essentially act as tiny messengers that send messages directly to our skin cells to promote better communication. (If only they could perform the same task to better our relationships we kid.)
At their core, peptides are "chains of different types of amino acids, like glycine, arginine, histidine, etc.," David Kim, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York City explains to Allure. "Peptides in skin-care products are designed to boost and replenish amino acids, which are the building blocks for collagen production." Since amino acids are the smallest unit of a protein, peptides are able to mimic another type of protein, collagen. And compared to topical collagen, peptides also have a much smaller particle size and can actually be absorbed into your skin.
"By boosting collagen production, [peptides] can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and make the skin firmer," Dr. Kim says, adding that everyone can incorporate and benefit from using the powerhouse ingredient in their routines. To that end, he says that you shouldn't experience any side effects while using peptides. "If someone has a [negative] reaction, it's most likely from the preservatives, other chemicals, or essential oils in the formula, not the peptides," Dr. Kim explains.
Mature skin can definitely benefit from peptides since, unfortunately, our bodies start to produce less and less collagen as we age. And, not to mention, the quality of said collagen also decreases over time, board-certified dermatologist Corey L. Hartman, M.D. who is based in Birmingham, Alabama, explained to us. As a result, wrinkles start to form and skin begins to sag.
Common categories of peptides consist of signal, carrier, enzyme-inhibitor, and neurotransmitter-inhibitor depending on how they work. For example, copper peptides activate wound healing, which, in turn, stimulates collagen production. But that's a bit hard to remember, especially considering that labs and brands can and do trademark their own peptide complexes.
As a consumer, you'll often find "peptide" placed front and center on the actual product packaging, you can also look out for ingredients like dipeptide, tripeptide, and hexapeptide. It's not uncommon to see multiple peptides strung together to maximum their collagen-boosting benefits, like Paula's Choice Peptide Booster and The Ordinary "Buffet."
To help you sort out the vast market, we asked dermatologists and our very own Allure editors to recommend their favorite peptide skin-care products, so you can be well on your way to achieving smoother, firmer skin.
Read the original here:
15 Best Peptide Skin-Care Products 2021 for Smoother, Firmer, and Plumper Skin - Allure
Common But Overlooked Causes for Hair Loss – The Cherokee Scout
By daniellenierenberg
By Suzy Cohen
I was talking with a friend the other day who said she is experiencing hair loss, and that it is very disappointing to her because it appears to be getting worse. She was leaning on me for advice because she said,I cant look in the mirror anymore.
She has tried all the expensive shampoos, and color treatments, she has asked her doctor, and she has finally retreated to the reality of losing her hair, when she is still a very pretty woman in her mid 70s. Basically, shes given up hope for restoration.
Within minutes I was able to discern the problem for her, and arm her with information to regrow her hair.
Todays article is to help you too. Id like to show you some more possible causes for your own hair loss in case youve given up hope yourself. Its not always because of advancing age, although that is one obvious reason.
An estimated 100 hairs are shed every day! Thats hard to believe, but its true. If youre not growing new hairs, the hair loss becomes more evident. So hair loss and hair growth are two different things. You cant stop the shedding, thats natural, but you do have some control over new hair growth. You also have a little control over factors that lead to excessive hair shedding, maybe not stem cells but certainly other factors. The stem cell theory is brand new!
Stem cell studies suggest that the 1.5 grams of dead material that we shed daily (about 500 million cells) is replaced by new stem cells, and our stem cells are compromised, and lower in number as we age. The see-saw of hair growth to hair shedding tilts in favor of hair loss with higher age. But as you will soon see, my article will show what else accelerates the hair loss.
My point is that its not always about a reduction in hormones due to menopause, although that is another obvious reason. There are many common reasons that physicians can find and help you with. Im not dealing with the easy, obvious reasons for hair loss today. I want to tackle the harder, overlooked causes.
I think millions of you reading this today will benefit. At the end of the day, I feel like this: If you cant figure out the root cause of the hair loss, you are never going to solve it! So I want to help you determine the root cause because hair is important to many people. The loss of it makes people avoid looking in the mirror.
Statin Use.
People with elevated cholesterol sometimes take statin medications such as atorvastatin to help improve their ratios. A well-documented side effect of this category of medications is reduced production of thyroid hormone. And that leads to hair loss. This was exactly the problem with my friend the other day she told me she had been on a statin drug for about 2 or 3 years, and thats when her problem began. Statins, through their drug mugging effect, lead to reduced hair growth and extra shedding.
The fix for statins:Since you cant discontinue your medication, the fix for this problem is simple. Id suggest you talk to your physician and get a prescription for Cytomel or Compounded T3 timed release, or the generic drug Liothyronine which is a biologically active form of thyroid hormone. All of these require a prescription. You could also try a good thyroid supplement to support thyroid hormone synthesis. You may also want to look into one particular mineral called selenium.
Selenium supplementation all by itself may be useful because statins are a drug mugger of selenium, and without that mineral, you could become hypothyroid. For that matter, coffee is a drug mugger of iron and magnesium which also leads to hypothyroidism. You can watch my shortVIDEOabout that.
Im not recommending all of the above options, Im just giving you choices to consider. Work with your physician to determine what is best with you.
COVID.Aside from lingering issues like inability to smell properly, C*V1D can cause hair loss. A Lancet STUDY showed that 22% of hospitalized patients reported hair loss 6 months later. Its from increased hair shedding. We know that tremendous stress on the body leads to hair loss, and the hair loss occurs months later. So it may be a combination of stress from hospitalization, as well as something that the virus itself does to the body. Either way, this is a consideration for many people today who have had the respiratory illness, and now suddenly have wads of hair falling out. I would think it is temporary.
The fixfor illness:The fix here would be time and probiotics. Time will allow your body to reduce all those stress chemicals that you had during illness. The probiotics havethe ability to counteract hair loss by supporting your bodyin a unique way more specifically they can help manage new hair growth and support the health of your hair follicles which enable faster hair growth.
Certainly, other factors may be involved like antibody formation to ones own hair follicles, but that has yet to be teased out. It may very well also cause telogen effluvium which I will discuss next.
Antibiotics and Antifungals.Many people today are treating themselves for mold illness or other infections such as Lyme disease, H. pylori, SIBO, or even acne. The medications that kill organisms are well known to cause hair loss, and this begins about 2 to 4 months into drug therapy. Its often overlooked by doctors who have one goal in mind, that is to cure your infection.
But the hair loss can be profound and frightening to the patient, so Im listing this category of medications so you understand what is happening and can take action. Itraconazole therapy is widely known to cause hair loss, and the first case study I could find was from 1986. Its no secret, but the importance of this medication and similar ones for serious illness cannot be dismissed, nor can they be discontinued if they are for a life-threatening systemic infection.
The antibiotics and antifungals can interfere with your normal cycle of hair growth. The term for this is called Telogen effluvium which causes the hair roots to be forced into a resting state. Telogen hair shedding is a condition can be acute or chronic and with medications, I would guess its chronic until discontinuation of the offending agent. After that it may take 6 months to a year to regrow.
The fix for antibiotics and anti-fungals:Probiotics can help for the same reason I explained earlier in this article. Probiotics have a counter effect to the intestinal damage done by the antibiotics. Looking into natural remedies may also be useful to some of you if the medications are too harsh. For example, Oil of Oregano and Enteric Coated Peppermint Oil capsules, Andrographis, and even Berberine are useful for some situations like SIBO, and Lyme, systemic mycosis and more! There are hundreds of choices when it comes to natural antimicrobials. If you can talk to your doctor about using more simple remedies, then perhaps the hair loss will not be so profound.
Collagen Loss.As we age, our ability to produce collagen diminishes. Because collagen protects the skin, and the layer of skin that holds the hair roots, it may help indirectly with age-related hair loss. To be clear, collagen is not really in the hair, it simply supports the hair follicle. Collagen production goes down with age, so its one piece of the puzzle.
The fix for collagen loss:Consider collagen peptides which go on to form collagen in the body. It can support healthy beautiful skin, as well as hair since the collagen peptides help build hair proteins and strengthen skin around your hair roots.
Reduced Parathyroid Hormone.The condition is termed Hypoparathyroidism. This has nothing to do with the thyroid gland, it is another set of glands that reside behind your thyroid gland, and there are four of them. The parathyroid glands regulate calcium and produce parathyroid hormone or PTH.
Symptoms of low parathyroid hormone include brittle nails, patchy hair loss, thinning eyebrows, anxiety and sometimes muscle weakness, fatigue and headaches. Most doctors do not test for the condition, but its quite common. So is the opposite condition called Hyperparathyroidism where the parathyroid glands produce too much parathyroid hormone (PTH).
If you have low PTH, you will experience hair loss and you can go for years without them figuring this out!
The fix for low PTH:Test yourself by self-ordering your own blood test, or asking your doctor to test forPTH hormone, along with vitamin D, serum calcium and ionized calcium.All four of these tests is critical. You will go from there when you get your results because the treatment for low PTH is different than the treatment for high PTH.
Oftentimes, the treatment for low PTH is simple, and nutrients are used, or PTH hormone is given to restore declining levels. But either way, at least you will know if your hair loss is being driven by a problem of the parathyroid glands. There is more information in thisPAPER
for doctors reading this today who want to understand the mechanisms behind the PTH-driven hair loss.
A PTH blood test, along with the others listed above is a very simple, affordable way to evaluate any person experiencing chronic fatigue and hair loss! If left untreated, the PTH imbalance can lead to heart problems such as Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and more. The best site for information on the parathyroid gland isparathyroid.com.Ive also written an article about calcium and PTH which may be useful and it is availableHERE.
Autoimmune Process.Many people suffer with autoimmune disease and do not even know it. Thats because the symptoms get treated one by one, with one medication at a time.You have joint pain, you get celecoxib.You have fatigue, or night sweats, youll be given an antidepressant or estrogen drug.You have neuropathy, you get gabapentin.You have a few white spots on your skin, so now you get clobetasol or betamethasone.You get a low thyroid test, so you are put on levothyroxine.You have dry eyes or dry cough, youll be given a few more drugs!
All of these symptoms could actually be autoimmune driven. In the same respective order, it would look like this:
You have joint pain, it might be Rheumatoid Arthritis.You have neuropathy, it could be Small Fiber Neuropathy, Multiple Sclerosis or Autoimmune NeuropathyYou have fatigue, or night sweats, it may be Sarcoidosis.You have a few white spots on your skin, you could have Vitiligo.You have dry eyes or dry cough, you may have Sjgrensdisease.You get a bad thyroid test, you may haveHashimotos thyroiditisorGraves disease.
My point is to make you wonder if youve been diagnosed properly, because if you have any one of these autoimmune disorders, you could also have antibodies against your own hair follicles. Hair loss is very common with all of the conditions above. Autoimmune illness is a very common, but overlooked cause for hair loss. Another one that comes to mind that I didnt list above is Celiac disease. Because the gut cannot absorb all the nutrients like normal, a deficiency may occur, which then affects hair growth. Many laboratories today test for autoimmune illness.
The fix for autoimmune process:First of all, make sure you are diagnosed properly. If you think your hair loss is being driven by an autoimmune process, you can look into new, appropriate methods of treatment. What I mean specifically, is if you are only being treated for dry eyes with a fish oil supplement, but you find out that you actually have Sjgrens, then you can get proper treatment for the Sjgrens and that in and of itself may slow down the hair loss. Improper treatment of an autoimmune process only allows the self-attack to continue. So one fix is getting adequate, proper treatment for your specific illness and your physician will help you do that. The other fix for an autoimmune illness is to improve your diet. Nothing makes the body weaker than eating junk food, and exposing yourself to more free radicals which increase the inflammatory cytokines. So a clean, healthy, well-balanced diet is critical. Gluten and casein are two common proteins which exacerbate autoimmunity.
In closing, there are many common, but overlooked causes for hair loss. I encourage you to do more searching into the possible reasons behind your hair loss, and not to give up. As always, I would urge you to consider taking nutrients that are known to support hair growth and eating a healthy diet that excludes unhealthy oils and refined or manufactured foods. I would also encourage you to avoid excessive or harsh hair treatments which can ultimately contribute to hair loss.
Excerpt from:
Common But Overlooked Causes for Hair Loss - The Cherokee Scout
How To Look Less Tired According To Experts | Grazia – Grazia
By daniellenierenberg
Whether you're still coming to terms with that earlier pre-commute wake-up call or being kept awake by the little ones on the nightly, it's likely you're feeling (and seeing) the results of disrupted sleep. According to a study from the University of Southampton, the number of people experiencing insomnia rose from one in six to one in four during the height of the pandemic and the majority are experiencing more of the same.
'The last 18 months have been turbulent, and we need to prioritise sleep more than ever', says Dr Anna Persaud, CEO of This Works. 'It is essential good health, well-being and quality of life.'
Nights spent tossing and turning have an impact on our energy levels and yes, our skin too.
Skin cells have their own schedule. Sleep paves the way for their 'repair and renew' phase, that's when stem cells work to replace old cells with bright, shiny, new fully-functioning ones. The less sleep we get, the less efficient this process is. Enter dull, lacklustre skin. So, how to combat it?
According to skincare and laser specialist Debbie Thomas, gentle exfoliation can mimic the glow you get from a great night's sleep. 'To brighten up the skin first of all address your exfoliation. Gentle and regular is best, I always recommend a liquid exfoliator over a scrub, think acids or enzymes.'
Work vitamin C into your morning skincare routine too. 'Vitamin C is known for its brightening qualities,' explains Thomas, 'and with consistent use it also helps boost collagen levels too.' Never underestimate a two-pronged approach.
Who doesn't wake up with a slightly puffy face in the morning? Puffiness comes from fluid retention and fluid retention can be eased with a gentle lymphatic drainage massage. 'De-puffing your face takes a little gentle arm work', says Thomas. 'While washing your face with a slippery cleanser, use the heel of your hand to firmly massage up and out in sweeping movements to push the fluid build-up towards your ears and the lymph nodes. The idea is to push up to lift then sweep out to drain. Just make sure that your skin is a little slippery so that you aren't tugging at it.'
'For puffy eyes specifically, reach for something cold,' advises Thomas. 'Holding something cold against your eye area helps to tone down inflammation and puffiness. If you don't own a cryo-massage tool then grab an ice cube with some tissue, let it warm enough to be slippery on your skin then sweep it around your eyes and over your skin for 1-2 minutes.'
It goes without saying, but routine is key says This Works sleep expert Dr Anna Persaud. 'On a practical level establishing and maintaining a nightly wind down or sleep routine helps to reset and rebalance our minds. Try dimming lights, limiting brain stimulation - for example turning off Netflix an hour earlier and disconnecting from our devices - can help to signal to our brain that it is time to sleep.'
And from a beauty perspective? Never knock the instant results of a decent under-eye concealer.
This new overnight mask is infused with kombucha to help combat irritation and redness, and niacinamide for super soft, supple skin. Simply pop on overnight and let it get to work whilst you sleep, leaving skin refreshed, energised and glowy with minimal work. A time saving treasure.
A one stop shop for refreshed and rejuvenated skin, the Essential Skin Grade treatment combines the necessary services for your skin concerns as recommended by consultation. Think mild peels, extractions, microdermabrasion, Byonik pulse triggered cold laser, photodynamic red and blue light therapy, lymphatic drainage, radiofrequency, and ultrasound product infusion, as well as an assortment of serums and masks
"Our collection of pillow sprays all contain a clinically proven Sleep Superblend to you fall asleep faster. A natural, aromatherapeutic fragrance with 100% natural essential oils including French Lavender, wild Camomile and Vetivert. The Sleep Plus, Love Sleep and Deep Sleep Pillow Sprays calm both the mind and body and target various sleep issues. Independent consumer studies found that after using the product, 97% reported less broken sleep and 89% said they fell asleep more quickly than usual. As a result of using Deep Sleep Pillow Spray, 98% felt more relaxed in the morning and 97% felt less tired the day after using. We've sold over 8 million pillow sprays thanks to ongoing scientific research and continuous product innovation so it's fair to say they really work." Dr Anna Persaud, CEO, This Works and VP Skincare & Topicals, Canopy Growth
Angela Caglia's ultra-luxurious Self Love Rose Quartz Eye Mask is garnering a cult following for its calming and soothing properties. If you're drawn to the energy in crystals, real rose quartz is woven together to create a pampering eye mask to release tension and focus the mind. Sign us up.
"You don't need us to tell you that sleeping is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle", says Becky O'Neill, Global Brand Manager of Sanctuary Spa. "It improves concentration levels, mood and ability to cope with stress. Getting a good night's rest also lowers the levels of cortisol in the body, promoting a healthy and stress-free mindset". So soak away the days stress with Sanctuary Spa's wellness bath salts. The rest of the range includes a CBD calming oil, de-stress balm and pillow spray to help you properly unwind from bath to bed.
To touch up dark circles on the go, this full coverage but easily blendable concealer has a smooth, buttery formula that blends seamlessly into skin for a brightening lift. The best part? It doesn't dry out and crack, so this second skin will last as long as your day does.
This lightweight but potent serum packs a punch to give fatigued skin a dose of Vitamin C for a brighter complexion, and perceptibly plumper and more even skin. Use before moisturiser for a shot of extra hydration.
According to Slip, 'by the time we are 60 we will have slept for an average of 20 years' so better make that time count. This pure silk eye mask (and accompanying range of pillowcases) are anti aging, anti sleep crease, anti bed head and can help to reduce friction and irritation on delicate facial skin. Perfect for blocking out the early morning light and getting you to sleep through to your alarm.
Ease tense and aching joints with this concentrated CBD balm that is a non-greasy and easily absorbed formula, to massage into localised areas and melt away stress.
Aromatherapy is great for unwinding, and this calming and tranquil scented candle has notes of Lavender and Ylang Ylang. to help you take a moment to ground yourself and reset.
READ MORE: The Best Body Scrubs To Soften Dry Winter Skin, Fast
READ MORE: November 2021 Beauty Edit: The Best New Beauty Buys Out This Month
Read the rest here:
How To Look Less Tired According To Experts | Grazia - Grazia
Managing superficial pyoderma with light therapy – DVM 360
By daniellenierenberg
Phovia is highly effective for treating superficial and deep skin infections.
This article is sponsored by Vetoquinol.
Superficial bacterial folliculitis, also called superficial pyoderma, is a commonly diagnosed dermatological condition in dogs.1,2 These infections are secondary to primary conditions affecting normal skin barrier function (eg, allergic skin disease, trauma, burns), keratinization (eg, nutritional deficiency, liver disease), and immune regulation (eg, neoplasia, autoimmunity, endocrinopathy).2 Cats less commonly develop superficial pyoderma perhaps because of decreased adhesion of staphylococci to feline corneocytes, but the primary issues causing infection are similar to those seen in dogs.3-8
The primary pathogen associated with superficial pyoderma in dogs and cats is a normal resident of the skin, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, but other flora may be involved.2,8-12 As the normal homeostasis of this organism is disrupted from a primary disease, these gram-positive cocci invade deeper regions of the epidermis and hair follicle epithelium, increase in number, and enhance inflammation.
Classical clinical lesions of superficial pyoderma include papules and pustules that may eventually progress to alopecia, epidermal collarettes, scales, and crusts. Often the skin is erythematous and pruritic. Chronic cases may demonstrate lichenification, hyperpigmentation, and scarring alopecia from long-standing inflammation and infection.2 Cats may develop even more unique cutaneous reaction patterns and skin lesionsespecially when allergic skin disease is presentincluding miliary dermatitis, eosinophilic plaques, rodent ulcers, and eosinophilic granulomas.5
Identifying and addressing the primary disease is paramount in achieving complete, permanent resolution of the superficial pyoderma. Therefore, treatment is multifactorial and aimed at addressing the primary disease, reducing skin inflammation, and treating the infection directly. Current guidelines for the treatment of superficial pyoderma in dogs recommend the use of topical antimicrobials as sole therapy whenever possible; however, overuse of systemic antibiotics remains common.2,13-16
Topical therapy has many benefits including direct antimicrobial effects without use of an antibiotic, reduction in antibiotic-resistant bacterial populations, restoration of the normal skin barrier, enhancement of skin hydration, physical removal of keratinous debris, and removal of offending allergens from the haircoat.2,14 However, topical therapy is met with challenges that impede clinical application. Adherence is the biggest concern when recommending topical therapy to pet owners. Frequent bathing or application of medicated solutions to the skin can be difficult when busy owner lifestyles combine with a nonadherent patient. Skin inflammation can be painful and animals may be resistant to topical therapy. Cats are fastidious groomers and may lick away a medicated topical therapy before it can achieve appropriate contact time. Additionally, some topical agents can cause oral erosions and ulcerations or even gastrointestinal disturbance when groomed off. For these reasons, systemic antibiotics continue to be a common prescribing practice for superficial pyoderma.
All antibiotic use, despite duration or frequency, contributes to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacterial populations on the animal and in the environment.17-19 From that very first dose, bacteria are constantly evolving to implement inherent and acquired resistance mechanisms necessary for survival. One well-recognized mechanism is oxacillin resistance through the mecA gene, which produces a penicillin-binding protein receptor with poor affinity for -lactam antibiotics.2,14,15,20-23 Even more concerning than these oxacillin-resistant strains are those that develop multidrug resistance, which is defined as resistance to 3 or more antibiotic drug classes. This may happen over time with repeated antibiotic exposure or after a single dose of certain antibiotics such as fluorinated quinolones.2,20,23-25 The continued emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria inhibits the successful treatment of bacterial infections in pets and humans. As veterinarians consider how their antibiotic use contributes to this growing pandemic, they must look for alternative, safe, effective, affordable, and convenient antibacterial treatment modalities.
Phovia as a solution
Investigation into the photobiological effects of light therapy has been ongoing for the past 50 years. Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy is a type of light treatment that uses visible or near infrared light to promote therapeutic benefits including induction of tissue healing and regeneration and inhibition of biological responses that induce pain or inflammation. The treatment distance, wavelength, fluence, pulse parameters, spot size, and irradiation time influence the effects of light energy on tissue. Visible light with wavelengths ranging from 400 to 700 nm can stimulate positive photobiomodulatory effects that promote wound healing, reduce inflammation and pain, modulate stem cell populations, and reduce bacterial contamination of wounds.26,27
Once visible light enters the skin, it is absorbed by the cells and initiates chemical changes dependent on the wavelength (or color) of light and the chromophore within the skin.27 Within each cell, membrane-bound organelles called mitochondria contain chromophores that absorb the light energy and begin making energy (adenosine triphosphate; ATP) via activation of cytochrome c oxidase. Outcomes of the mitochondrial respiratory pathway activation include stimulation of secondary messenger pathways, production of transcription factors and growth factors, and increased ATP production. However, excessive light energy exposure will overstimulate mitochondrial respiration and cause expenditure of all ATP reserves, which creates oxidative stress resulting in damaging elevations of nitric oxide, production of harmful free radicals, and activation of cytotoxic mitochondrial-signaling pathways leading to apoptosis.27,28 This is why creating PBM therapy protocols is important for targeting the beneficial effects while avoiding unintended harm.
Specific benefits of light energy within the visible light spectrum can be broken down into each color of light. Blue light (400-500 nm) has a lower penetration depth and primarily interacts with keratinocytes, reduces bacterial adhesion and growth, and increases intracellular calcium and osteoblast differentiation.29-31 Green light (495-570 nm) affects the superficial tissue and alters melanogenesis, reduces hyperpigmentation of the skin, and reduces tissue swelling.29,30 Red light (600-750 nm) penetrates deeper into the dermis and subcutis where it acts on cellular mitochondria to reduce inflammation and promote collagen synthesis through fibroblast proliferation and production of transforming growth factor-, fibroblast growth factor, platelet derived growth factor, and others.26-28,32,33 Red light has proliferative effects on mesenchymal stem cells and induces proliferation of epithelial colony forming units important for tissue repair and regeneration.34,35
Phovia, sold by Vetoquinol, is a form of fluorescent PBM therapy utilizing a blue light emitting diode (LED lamp, 400-460 nm) and topical photoconverter gel that emits low-energy fluorescent light (510-600 nm) when illuminated by the LED lamp.36,37 This interaction results in the formation of multiple wavelengths of visible light, each with a unique depth of penetration and effect on the tissue as described above. Application is fast and simple. The affected skin may be clipped free of hair and cellular debris removed with gentle cleaning. The skin is allowed to dry before application of the photoconverter gel. Just prior to application, 1 ampule of fluorescence chromophore gel is added to 1 container of photoconverter carrier gel and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is applied in a 2-mm layer to the affected skin, and the LED lamp is held 5 cm above the lesion and used to illuminate the area for 2 minutes. The gel is wiped away using saline-soaked gauze. The application can be repeated immediately after 5 to 10 minutes of rest or a second application can occur a few days later. Twice-weekly applications are continued until the wound is healed. Appropriate eyewear is required to protect the operator from the intensely bright light. Application is pain free and stress free for the patient, so sedation is not typically required.
Benefits of Phovia
Phovia shows great promise as a safe, effective therapy for treatment of numerous inflammatory dermatoses in dogs including superficial pyoderma,38 deep pyoderma,39 perianal fistula,40 interdigital dermatitis,41 calcinosis cutis,42 acute traumatic wounds,43 chronic wounds,37 surgical wounds,44 and otitis externa.45 Phovia as a sole therapy speeds time to healing by 36% in canine superficial pyoderma as compared with dogs receiving oral antibiotics alone.38 In one study, dogs with superficial pyoderma were treated with Phovia alone or with an oral antibiotic alone. Dogs treated twice weekly with Phovia demonstrated complete clinical healing in about 2.3 weeks (P < .05)whereas dogs receiving oral antibiotic healed in about 3.75 weeks.38 Additionally, Phovia speeds time to healing by nearly 50% in deep pyoderma when used with an oral antibiotic (5.7 weeks of treatment) compared with dogs receiving only oral antibiotic (11.7 weeks of treatment).39 The ability of this fluorescent PBM therapy to eliminate or significantly reduce duration of exposure to antibiotics will decrease the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains within pets and humans.
Phovias high safety profile makes it a beneficial tool to implement in everyday practice. Training the veterinary team to communicate therapy benefits with clients as well as to perform treatments is fast and easy. Training the veterinary technicians to perform treatments will give the veterinarian time to examine other patients. A single back-to-back application takes about 15 minutes, so pet owners can be in and out of the clinic quickly; however, the 2 weekly treatments can be separated by a few days if the veterinarian prefers to evaluate the patient more frequently. Additionally, when used as a sole therapy, clients are not required to administer oral or topical medications at home. This greatly improves treatment adherence and success. Instruct clients to use once-daily smartphone photos to document improvement at home. This can be useful when deciding how many treatments to perform. Most cases of superficial pyoderma will resolve completely by the third treatment.38 It is a good idea to communicate to clients that 3 to 4 weekly treatments may be required.
Phovia is a versatile, innovative therapeutic approach to numerous types of dermatitis.36 It is easy to implement in general practice, and is safe, pain free, and affordable. Phovia is highly effective for superficial and deep skin infections and eliminates the need for clients to administer numerous at-home treatments. This greatly improves the pet-owner bond and treatment outcomes by promoting adherence. Phovia accelerates time to wound healing, which decreases duration of antibiotic exposure and may reduce risk of antibiotic resistance development in these cases.2,13,36-39 Phovias efficacy against antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant bacteria shows promise as an alternative therapeutic approach that promotes the principles of antimicrobial stewardship.36 If you are interested in purchasing this medical device for your practice, contact your Vetoquinol service representative.
Amelia G. White, DVM, MS, DACVD is an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Original post:
Managing superficial pyoderma with light therapy - DVM 360
COVID-19: Researchers warn against overhyping early-stage therapies – Medical News Today
By daniellenierenberg
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a sense of urgency to generate new drugs and vaccines. In many cases, this urgency became a regulatory opportunity to bypass established regulatory pathways for new drugs.
While this has led to the fast emergence of many useful drugs and vaccines for COVID-19, it has also led to a general reduction in the quality of medical research from which to derive conclusions.
For example, according to Janet Woodcock, former director of the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, an FDA analysis found that 6% of clinical trials are yielding results the agency deems actionable.
The lack of regulation coupled with a sense of urgency has also led to overhype and rushed development of certain treatments, including cell-based therapies often sold as stem cell treatments.
While some of these products have undergone well-designed, adequately controlled trials, most are in the early stages. Some clinics are nevertheless offering these unproven and unlicensed treatments to people, promising to boost their immune system or overall health to protect against COVID-19.
Promoting and selling unproven and unlicensed treatments can harm public health and could lead many to undergo untested and potentially harmful treatments.
Recently, a group of researchers from the University of California, Irvine, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University at Buffalo, NY, and the University of Melbourne in Australia, published a report outlining misinformation around cell-based treatments for COVID-19, calling for their stronger regulation.
Efforts to rapidly develop therapeutic interventions should never occur at the expense of the ethical and scientific standards that are at the heart of responsible clinical research and innovation, said Dr. Laertis Ikonomou, assistant professor of Oral Biology at the University at Buffalo, and co-author of the study.
Scientists, regulators, and policymakers must guard against the proliferation of poorly designed, underpowered, and duplicative studies that are launched with undue haste because of the pandemic, but are unlikely to provide convincing, clinically meaningful safety and efficacy data, said co-author Dr. Leigh Turner, professor of Health, Society and Behavior at the University of California, Irvine.
The researchers published their report in Stem Cell Reports.
Researchers conducted a study in August 2020 of 70 clinical trials involving cell-based treatments for COVID-19. They found that most were small, with an average of 51.8 participants, and only 22.8% were randomized, double-blinded, and controlled experiments.
The authors concluded that the cell-based interventions for COVID-19 were likely to have a relatively small collective clinical impact.
Cell-based treatments for COVID-19 are still at an experimental stage, Dr. Ikonomou told Medical News Today. There are tens of clinical trials, of varied complexity and rigor, that evaluate various cell types, such as mesenchymal stromal cells, for COVID-19 treatment.
Expanded or compassionate use of cell-based interventions has also been reported, but these individual cases are unlikely to tell us whether and how cell therapies could help with COVID-19 and do not substitute for the systematic clinical evaluation of cell-based products, he added.
A few completed phase 1/2 trials have shown a favorable safety profile, but larger size trials are required. Eventually, properly-powered, controlled, randomized, double-blinded clinical trials will help determine whether cell-based treatments are a viable therapeutic option for COVID-19 and its complications, he explained.
The urgency of the pandemic has made it easy to exaggerate early-stage research. The scientists highlight this is especially the case in press releases, where media professionals can over-hype findings and understate or omit limitations to gain more media coverage.
The researchers also say that even when online media include limitations and key aspects of studies, other communication channels can strip these away easily. What is left then gets amplified, as the public is desperate to see positive news.
To address this, the researchers say science communicators should ensure they have an accurate understanding of the information they report and highlight the required steps for the science to advance without exaggerating its speed.
The researchers also say that simply feeding the public more information in what is known as the information deficit model alone is insufficient. They also suggest science communicators should strive for an engaged or dialogue-based communication approach.
Over-hyping of promising treatments and in particular cell-based treatments has been a longstanding problem, and it did not first emerge with the COVID-19 pandemic, said Dr. Ikonomou. It has become a salient issue during these times due to the global nature of this health emergency and the resulting devastation and health toll.
Therefore, it is even more important to communicate promising developments in COVID-19-related science and clinical management [responsibly]. Key features of good communication are an accurate understanding of new findings, including study limitations and avoidance of sensationalist language, he explained.
Realistic timeframes for clinical translation are equally important as is the realization that promising interventions at preliminary stages may not always translate to proven treatments following rigorous testing, he added.
The researchers say that commercial investments by biotechnology companies to develop cell-based therapies for COVID-19 have led to well-designed and rigorous clinical trials.
However, some other businesses have overlooked the demanding process of pre-marketing authorization of their products. Instead, they made unsubstantiated and inaccurate claims about their stem cell products for COVID-19 based on hyperbolic reporting of cell-based therapies in early testing.
Some clinics advertise unproven and unlicensed mesenchymal stem cell treatments or exosome therapies as immune boosters that prevent COVID-19 and repair and regenerate lungs.
Often, these businesses make their treatments available via infusion or injection. However, one anti-aging clinic in California shipped its kits to clients, where they were to self-administer with a nebulizer and mask.
Such companies often market stem cell treatments via online and social media. In an initial review of many of these brands, the researchers could not find published findings from preclinical studies and clinical trials to support their commercial activities.
Instead, they found that these companies drew from uncritical news media reports, preliminary clinical studies, or case reports in which those diagnosed with COVID-19 received stem cell interventions.
Promoting such therapies that have not undergone proper tests for safety and efficacy have the potential for significant physical and financial harm.
Health experts have documented adverse events due to unlicensed stem cell products, including vision loss and autoimmune, infectious, neurological, and cardiovascular complications.
Early in the pandemic, scientific and professional societies, including the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine and the International Society for Stem Cell Research, have warned the public against businesses engaged in the marketing of cell-based treatments that have not undergone adequate testing.
The researchers highlight that it is unclear whether these warnings reached individuals and their loved ones or significantly affected public understanding of the risks of receiving unlicensed and unproven stem cell treatments for COVID-19.
They also indicate that it is unclear whether these societies and organizations have an important role in convincing regulatory bodies to increase enforcement in this space. Nevertheless, at the time of writing, the FDA and Federal Trade Commission have issued 22 letters to businesses selling unproven and unlicensed cell-based therapies.
And while many of these companies have ceased market activity, the presence of other companies continuing to pedal the same claims makes it clear that regulatory bodies must increase their enforcement.
Additionally, the researchers question whether warning letters are sufficient to disincentivize clinicians and others to sell unlicensed products. They write:
If companies and affiliated clinicians are not fined, forced to return to patients whatever profits they have made, confronted with criminal charges, subject to revocation of medical licensure, or otherwise subject to serious legal and financial consequences, it is possible that more businesses will be drawn to this space because of the profits that can be generated from selling unlicensed and unproven cell-based products in the midst of a pandemic.
The researchers conclude that regulators should increase enforcement against unproven and unlicensed therapies for COVID-19.
They also say that science communicators should report on scientific claims more realistically and include the public in more discourse.
In the U.S. and elsewhere, there are regulations and enforcement mechanisms that deal with harms caused by unproven and unlicensed cell-based interventions and false advertising claims, said Dr. Ikonomou. It may be preferable to implement existing regulations more vigorously than introduce new ones.
Stakeholders, such as scientific, professional, and medical associations, can contribute towards this goal with reporting and monitoring of cell therapy misinformation. There is a shared responsibility to combat cell-therapy related misinformation and disinformation that undercuts legitimate research and clinical efforts and portrays unproven interventions as silver bullets for COVID-19, he concluded.
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COVID-19: Researchers warn against overhyping early-stage therapies - Medical News Today
Kate Hudson Shares Her Morning Beauty Routine on Instagram – Prevention.com
By daniellenierenberg
At 42, Kate Hudson makes aging look effortlessand now we finally know why. In an Instagram video shared by True Botanicals, the actress revealed two products she can't live without in the morning: The Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Instant Eye Lift Algae Mask and True Botanicals Resurfacing Face Mask.
Organic Resurfacing Moisture Mask
"Everybody loves a beauty tip. This is my morning routine: Juice Beauty Eye Patches and this Resurfacing Mask," Hudson says in the video. First, she puts on the eye patches and lets them set. Then, she applies the resurfacing face mask, making sure to cover her face and neck.
"Sometimes a little mask in the morning is my favorite way to wake up my skin. Cause my skin can get tiiiirrrreeeed ," she wrote in an Instagram post from April.
With stem cellular activator fluid and freeze-dried biomatrix algae, the Juice Beauty Eye Patches smooth out fine lines around the eyes in just 10 minutes. The best part? They only cost $10, and Juice Beauty customers say they really work. "There were instant results," one shopper wrote in a review. "The dark circles and puffiness under my eyes were almost gone."
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
As for the True Botanicals Resurfacing Mask, this facial-in-a-jar has lactic acid, a chemical fermentation of lactoseto increase cell turnover and eliminate dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. In addition to exfoliating your pores, the face mask uses avocado butter to hydrate the skin. Basically, it's everything your skin needs to stay hydrated through the cold, dry winter months ahead.
Amazon shoppers love it, too. "This is the only resurfacing mask that doesn't irritate my skin and I use it once a week. Absolutely in love with this!" one customer wrote. Another person said they "could not be happier" with the results: "It leaves skin glowing and silky smooth."
Hudson previously told InStyle, she was inspired by her mom Goldie Hawn to start taking care of her skin. "For her, it's all about eating right, detoxifying, energizing your body, drinking water. But we do love our makeup and creams."
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
In addition to the Juice Beauty Eye Patches and True Botanical Resurfacing Face Mask, Hudson shared in an Instagram post that she also loves Symbiomes The Renewal Daily Cleanser, Tata Harpers Regenerating Cleanser, and Juice Beautys Resurfacing Micro-Exfoliant. She also never leaves the house without sunscreen.
But ultimately, for the actress, beauty starts on the inside. "I think number one is managing your stress, because when were stressed out, it shows all over. And if you are stressed, there are all sorts of things you can do," she told The Skincare Edit. "I think for me that's sort of where the beauty regimen starts, with healthmental and physical healthand then the fun stuff."
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Kate Hudson Shares Her Morning Beauty Routine on Instagram - Prevention.com
The Power of the Immune System: New Treatment for Painful Blood Cancer Side Effect – Curetoday.com
By daniellenierenberg
Using BK virus (BKV)-specific T cells from healthy donors to treat BKV-associated hemorrhagic cystitis, a painful side effect associated with immunosuppression from stem cell transplants, may relieve the complication faster in patients with lymphoma or leukemia, according to trial results.
What was very important was that within a week of giving the cells, the majority of patients symptoms improved, Dr. Katy Rezvani, professor of stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and lead study author, said in an interview with CURE. The effect of the cells is relatively rapid.
BKV-associated hemorrhagic cystitis occurs more frequently in patients with leukemia or lymphoma who received a treatment of allogeneic stem cell transplantation. As a result, it can lead to patients having blood in their urine and passing clots, which can cause urinary retention (difficulty urinating or completely emptying the bladder) and, in more severe cases, kidney disease.
In patients who receive stem cell transplants, those who have a half match (when patients only have some genetic similarities with the donors immune system) are at an increased risk for BKV-associated hemorrhagic cystitis because they are more immunosuppressed. Approximately 40% of patients who have a half match develop this complication.
In the phase 2 trial, BKV-specific T cells, which recognize and attack BKV, from healthy donors were given once intravenously, with the option to receive additional doses every two weeks if needed. Of the 59 patients enrolled in the trial, 67.7% had complete (all symptoms resolved) or partial (almost all symptoms resolved) responses within 14 days. This increased to 81.6% after 28 days.
Some intolerance was observed in patients who were previously treated with steroids, which can kill T cells. There were no side effects, and there were no reports of new liver or gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD, occurs when the donor's cells attack the patient's cells) associated with the antiviral T cells, aside from a few cases of skin GVHD that quickly resolved with corticosteroids.
This treatment has the potential to stop the vicious cycle that comes with the current standard of care, which consists of hospitalization with continuous bladder irrigation (using a catheter to wash out the bladder) and morphine infusion to help patients tolerate the pain, according to Rezvani.
This outpatient treatment is preventing patients from having to be admitted (to the hospital), which is wonderful because patients come into hospital with one thing, they stay in the hospital for a few weeks, then they develop other complications, Rezvani explained. They start getting other infections, they get pneumonia, they become malnourished, etc.
According to Rezvani, one donor can produce up to 50 doses of T cells, which are frozen until needed. Every time the patient comes (into the hospital), within 24 hours we can treat them, she said.
Of note, the therapy is only available at MD Anderson, so patients with the complication would need to travel to the health center to receive it an option that may not be possible because of physical condition or finances. Im hoping that we will get to a situation where well be able to start a multicenter study at some point, Rezvani said, which would make the care more accessible to patients. In the meantime, I think the greatest limitation really is that patients will have to come to MD Anderson to receive the treatment, and for many patients with the terrible BKV hemorrhagic cystitis, this is not obviously possible.
Until then, Rezvani is focusing on the next generation of the treatment: genetically modifying BKV-specific T cells that are more resistant to steroids, thus broadening the patient spectrum that the treatment could help.
Its important to realize that the use of immunotherapy against viruses and cancers (has) opened up a very exciting new era of treatment for our patients, she concluded. We are learning a lot more from the immune system (and are harnessing) the power of the immune system to fight infections and cancers. ... I think the field is going to continue to grow, and many more such treatments to target both viruses and cancers (are) going to become available.
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The Power of the Immune System: New Treatment for Painful Blood Cancer Side Effect - Curetoday.com
Medical Innovation In Pet Healthcare Is Taking Things Up a Notch – Entrepreneur
By daniellenierenberg
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
India is currently home to over 10-plus million pets. Over time, pet parents have realized the importance of medicine and innovation and the change it can bring about in a pets life. Pet innovation today is booming across treats, food, grooming, wearables, insurance, online veterinary services, genetic testing, stem cell therapy, diagnostics and much more. According to PETEX INDIA 2021, the pet food market alone is projected to cross $310 million by FY22. The pet care industry is globally expanding horizontally and vertically with innovative and challenging minds at work. Medical innovation has brought about effective growth thus making way for new products, services and medicines for pets. Medical procedures such as lasers for joint pains and joint care have helped pet owners make the lives of their furry babies a little less painful.
A few medical innovations in India have particularly taken the Indian pet care sector a notch higher:
CBD & Hemp Seed Oil For Overall Health & Wellness
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical found in the cannabis sativa plant and is known to have wonderful pain-relieving properties. CBD is one of the most effective natural therapies for dogs suffering from arthritis and many other diseases. It is safe and has no side effects. CBD oil interacts with the cells in the muscle, skin and nerves of pets thereby reducing their pain. CBD and hemp seed oils are now available in the form of oil, shampoos and treats. It also benefits pets with anxiety issues triggered due to loud noises, people or travel and keeps them calm and relaxed. CBD oil is finding an innovative use in health and wellness based products for pets and its multiple visible benefits.Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in hemp seed oil help control skin breakouts and protect the skin.
They are responsible for creating a healthy cell membrane and help to avoid excessive fur shedding. Hemp serves as the optimum plant-based nutrition that is easily digestible and includes antioxidants that aid elevated health in pets. Hemp seed oil has recently been added to pet food and treats and is also being used in healing balms for dry paws and skin.
Prebiotics & Probiotics For Gut Health
Probiotics are the billions of good bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. Pets respond to supplements in the form of immunity boosters and probiotic strips are easy dissolving strips unlike pills, powders or tablets which the pet might refuse to intake. Probiotics treat diarrhoea, stomach related issues, irritable bowel syndrome, improve digestive health, prevent anxiety, reduce stress and improve general health and well-being. Given its health benefits, prebiotics and probiotics have found their way in pet food as they help to maintain the pH balance in the gut and keep the digestive tract healthy. Probiotics have also recently been introduced in shampoos as they help in supporting a healthy microbiome and defend against common skin problems such as itching dryness, dandruff, hot spots, excessive shedding and yeast in pets.
Assistive Devices To Aid Mobility
Harnesses and slings for dogs suffering from hip dysplasia are gaining popularity among vets and pet parents. These act as a wheel-chair and support the pets rear body and enable them to move around. They also help pets who have lost their hind legs in accidents. Harnesses for pets who are blind have been created such that they form a halo around their head and this will alert the pet if they happen to bump against any object. These innovations may alter the pets appearance but what is important is that it helps pets to live a normal life. The same goes for pets afflicted with arthritis. Elevated feeding stations, ramps to reduce the stress on joints have also become common to households who have aging pets.
Veterinary Diagnostics
Innovation in the use of technology that equips veterinarians to view real-time information on internal bone and muscle structure is in the fray. This will help to speed up the prototype required to create an animal bone model that is generated using the tomography scan technology. This technology is building steam though still in its nascent stage. Two new blood types, Langereis and Junior, have been identified in pets apart from the 12 dog blood types. New diagnostic techniques through tests which can help to diagnose the possibility of diseases in pets, confirm or even classify disease status in pets, is the need of the hour.
According to a study by Grand View Research on veterinary medicine, the global veterinary medicine market size was estimated at $29.2 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.4 per cent from 2021 to 2028. Steady medical innovation is solving unsolved and unattended problems that pets have faced since decades. While the offline gap has been filled in by the online D2C revolution in pet care and wellness, advancements in medical innovation remain unhindered despite the pandemic.
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Medical Innovation In Pet Healthcare Is Taking Things Up a Notch - Entrepreneur
Get Around-The-Clock Glowing Skin With Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream – The Kit
By daniellenierenberg
The first step in any flawless makeup application is nailing your moisturizing routine (who wants makeup clinging to dry skin patches, #AmIRite?). And makeup artist Charlotte Tilburythe pro best known for making her celeb and model clients glow like they just stepped off the beaches in her hometown Ibizahas created a glowing skincare trifecta to prime and perfect skin 24/7, all but guaranteeing a *chefs kiss* makeup application.
The trio includes her iconic Magic Creamadored by celebrities and supermodels alike, thanks to star ingredients like peptides, hyaluronic acid plus antioxidants like vitamins C & E. With the Magic Night Cream, Tilbury turns up the glow while you sleep. Its a nourishing balm texture that boasts time-released retinol (famed to smooth lines), plant stem cells, plus CoEnzyme Q10 and vitamin E to ensure dewy, bouncy looking skin by morning. The final secret weapon of the trio is the Magic Eye Rescue: a smoothing, brightening eye cream packed with time-released retinol and plant stem cell extracts to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness on tired-looking eyes. (Bonus: each is now available in refillable, recyclable glass jars).
To learn more on how to keep the glow going, we asked board-certified dermatologist Dr. Angela Lamb, who has teamed up with Charlotte Tilbury, how to nail your best day-and-night skincare routine for dewy results (including her pro advice on eye cream).
For the winter you want a product with humectants. These are ingredients that trap moisture and can fall into many categories. Some examples are glycerin, shea butter, and hyaluronic acid. They create a seal on the skin and attract water, which helps keep water close to the skin surface and prevents it from evaporating too quickly. The Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream contains two of these key humectants, hyaluronic acid as well as aloe vera and shea butter, helping to hydrate skin for up to 24 hours and making it a perfect product for the winter.
The key ingredients for long-lasting improvement would be retinol. It builds collagen and decreases fine lines. To get that immediate boost, you want ingredients that provide hydration and reflect light, and give a refreshed look, like in the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Eye Rescue.
A retinol! It is the main ingredient that will provide what most people want: younger-looking eyes.
The time that you sleep allows the body to regenerate, repair cells and refresh. A great night cream will help your body accomplish these goals. The CoEnzyme Q10 in the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Night Cream does this well. As an antioxidant, it is able to actually help your skin repair some of the daily damage and regenerate for smooth, healthy-looking skin.
For product layering, I like moisturizer or serum first, then eye creams on top. I recommend layering a retinol on top of a moisturizer. You get the same benefits without any potential dryness.
The Kit created this content; Charlotte Tilbury funded and approved it.
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Get Around-The-Clock Glowing Skin With Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream - The Kit
FDA Approves Genentech’s Tecentriq as Adjuvant Treatment for Certain People With Early Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer – BioSpace
By daniellenierenberg
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Genentech, Inc., a member of the Roche Group (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY), today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Tecentriq (atezolizumab) as adjuvant treatment following surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy for adults with Stage II-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose tumors express PD-L11%, as determined by an FDA-approved test.
Tecentriq is now the first and only cancer immunotherapy available for adjuvant treatment of NSCLC, introducing a new era where people diagnosed with early lung cancer may have the opportunity to receive immunotherapy to increase their chances for cure, said Levi Garraway, M.D., Ph.D., chief medical officer and head of Global Product Development. Todays landmark approval gives physicians and patients a new way to treat early lung cancer that has the potential to significantly reduce risk of cancer recurrence, after more than a decade with limited treatment advances in this setting.
Too many patients with early-stage lung cancer experience disease recurrence following surgery. Now, the availability of immunotherapy following surgery and chemotherapy offers many patients new hope and a powerful new tool to reduce their risk of cancer relapse, said Bonnie Addario, Co-founder and Chair, GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer. With this approval, it is more important than ever to screen for lung cancer early and test for PD-L1 at diagnosis to help bring this advance to the people who can benefit.
The approval is based on results from an interim analysis of the Phase III IMpower010 study that showed treatment with Tecentriq following surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy reduced the risk of disease recurrence or death by 34% (hazard ratio [HR]=0.66, 95% CI: 0.50-0.88) in people with Stage II-IIIA (UICC/AJCC 7th edition) NSCLC whose tumors express PD-L11%, compared with best supportive care (BSC). Safety data for Tecentriq were consistent with its known safety profile and no new safety signals were identified. Fatal and serious adverse reactions occurred in 1.8% and 18%, respectively, of patients receiving Tecentriq. The most frequent serious adverse reactions (>1%) were pneumonia (1.8%), pneumonitis (1.6%), and pyrexia (1.2%).
The review of this application was conducted under the FDAs Project Orbis initiative, which provides a framework for concurrent submission and review of oncology medicines among international partners. According to the FDA, collaboration among international regulators may allow patients with cancer to receive earlier access to products in other countries where there may be significant delays in regulatory submissions. Simultaneous applications were submitted to regulators in the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil and Australia under Project Orbis. Additionally, the FDA reviewed and approved the supplemental application under its Real-Time Oncology Review pilot program, which aims to explore a more efficient review process to ensure safe and effective treatments are available to patients as early as possible.
Tecentriq has previously shown clinically meaningful benefit in various types of lung cancer, with six currently approved indications in the U.S. In addition to becoming the first approved cancer immunotherapy for adjuvant NSCLC, Tecentriq was also the first approved cancer immunotherapy for front-line treatment of adults with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) in combination with carboplatin and etoposide (chemotherapy). Tecentriq also has four approved indications in advanced NSCLC as either a single agent or in combination with targeted therapies and/or chemotherapies. Tecentriq is available in three dosing options, providing the flexibility to choose administration every two, three or four weeks.
Genentech has an extensive development program for Tecentriq, including multiple ongoing and planned Phase III studies across different lung, genitourinary, skin, breast, gastrointestinal, gynecological, and head and neck cancers. This includes studies evaluating Tecentriq both alone and in combination with other medicines, as well as studies in metastatic, adjuvant and neoadjuvant settings across various tumor types.
About the IMpower010 study
IMpower010 is a Phase III, global, multicenter, open-label, randomized study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Tecentriq compared with BSC, in participants with Stage IB-IIIA NSCLC (UICC/AJCC 7th edition), following surgical resection and up to 4 cycles of adjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy. The study randomized 1,005 people with a ratio of 1:1 to receive either Tecentriq for 1 year (16 cycles), unless disease recurrence or unacceptable toxicity occurred, or BSC. The primary endpoint is investigator-determined DFS in the PD-L1-positive Stage II-IIIA, all randomized Stage II-IIIA and intent-to-treat (ITT) Stage IB-IIIA populations. Key secondary endpoints include overall survival (OS) in the overall study population, ITT Stage IB-IIIA NSCLC.
About lung cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, it is estimated that more than 235,000 Americans will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2021. NSCLC accounts for 80-85% of all lung cancers and approximately 50% of patients diagnosed with NSCLC are diagnosed with early-stage (Stages I and II) or locally advanced (Stage III) disease. Today, about half of all people with early lung cancer still experience a cancer recurrence following surgery. Treating lung cancer early, before it has spread, may help prevent the disease from returning and provide people with the best opportunity for a cure.
About Tecentriq (atezolizumab)
Tecentriq is a monoclonal antibody designed to bind with a protein called PD-L1. Tecentriq is designed to bind to PD-L1 expressed on tumor cells and tumor-infiltrating immune cells, blocking its interactions with both PD-1 and B7.1 receptors. By inhibiting PD-L1, Tecentriq may enable the re-activation of T cells. Tecentriq may also affect normal cells.
Tecentriq U.S. Indications
Tecentriq is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with:
A type of lung cancer called non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
A type of lung cancer called small cell lung cancer (SCLC).
It is not known if Tecentriq is safe and effective in children.
Important Safety Information
What is the most important information about Tecentriq?
Tecentriq can cause the immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in any area of the body and can affect the way they work. These problems can sometimes become severe or life threatening and can lead to death. Patients can have more than one of these problems at the same time. These problems may happen anytime during their treatment or even after their treatment has ended.
Patients should call or see their healthcare provider right away if they develop any new or worse signs or symptoms, including:
Lung problems
Intestinal problems
Liver problems
Hormone gland problems
Kidney problems
Skin problems
Problems can also happen in other organs.
These are not all of the signs and symptoms of immune system problems that can happen with Tecentriq. Patients should call or see their healthcare provider right away for any new or worse signs or symptoms, including:
Infusion reactions that can sometimes be severe or life-threatening. Signs and symptoms of infusion reactions may include:
Complications, including graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), in people who have received a bone marrow (stem cell) transplant that uses donor stem cells (allogeneic). These complications can be serious and can lead to death. These complications may happen if patients undergo transplantation either before or after being treated with Tecentriq. A healthcare provider will monitor for these complications.
Getting medical treatment right away may help keep these problems from becoming more serious. A healthcare provider will check patients for these problems during their treatment with Tecentriq. A healthcare provider may treat patients with corticosteroid or hormone replacement medicines. A healthcare provider may also need to delay or completely stop treatment with Tecentriq if patients have severe side effects.
Before receiving Tecentriq, patients should tell their healthcare provider about all of their medical conditions, including if they:
Patients should tell their healthcare provider about all the medicines they take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
The most common side effects of Tecentriq when used alone include:
The most common side effects of Tecentriq when used in lung cancer with other anti-cancer medicines include:
Tecentriq may cause fertility problems in females, which may affect the ability to have children. Patients should talk to their healthcare provider if they have concerns about fertility.
These are not all the possible side effects of Tecentriq. Patients should ask their healthcare provider or pharmacist for more information about the benefits and side effects of Tecentriq.
Report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or http://www.fda.gov/medwatch.
Report side effects to Genentech at 1-888-835-2555.
Please see http://www.Tecentriq.com for full Prescribing Information and additional Important Safety Information.
About Genentech in cancer immunotherapy
Genentech has been developing medicines to redefine treatment in oncology for more than 35 years, and today, realizing the full potential of cancer immunotherapy is a major area of focus. With more than 20 immunotherapy molecules in development, Genentech is investigating the potential benefits of immunotherapy alone, and in combination with various chemotherapies, targeted therapies and other immunotherapies with the goal of providing each person with a treatment tailored to harness their own unique immune system.
In addition to Genentechs approved PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitor, the companys broad cancer immunotherapy pipeline includes other checkpoint inhibitors, individualized neoantigen therapies and T cell bispecific antibodies. For more information visit http://www.gene.com/cancer-immunotherapy.
About Genentech in lung cancer
Lung cancer is a major area of focus and investment for Genentech, and we are committed to developing new approaches, medicines and tests that can help people with this deadly disease. Our goal is to provide an effective treatment option for every person diagnosed with lung cancer. We currently have five approved medicines to treat certain kinds of lung cancer and more than 10 medicines being developed to target the most common genetic drivers of lung cancer or to boost the immune system to combat the disease.
About Genentech
Founded more than 40 years ago, Genentech is a leading biotechnology company that discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes medicines to treat patients with serious and life-threatening medical conditions. The company, a member of the Roche Group, has headquarters in South San Francisco, California. For additional information about the company, please visit http://www.gene.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211015005506/en/
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FDA Approves Genentech's Tecentriq as Adjuvant Treatment for Certain People With Early Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - BioSpace
Are ‘robot massages’ the future of muscle repair? – Medical News Today
By daniellenierenberg
Skeletal muscle enables the body to move and maintain posture. Direct injury for instance, from trauma can impair a persons movement and quality of life.
People have been using massage and other mechanotherapies for thousands of years to soothe aching and injured muscles. However, the science behind the effects of massage has not been examined in detail.
Lots of people have been trying to study the beneficial effects of massage and other mechanotherapies on the body, but up to this point, it hadnt been done in a systematic, reproducible way, explains lead author of the current study Dr. Bo Ri Seo, Ph.D.
Our work shows a very clear connection between mechanical stimulation and immune function, he continues.
Like much of the human body, skeletal muscle can repair itself. The process involves three stages:
When muscle injury occurs, muscle fibers rupture and die. White blood cells invade the injury site, removing the dead muscle cells and activating cells that help mount an immune response. This includes the release of growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines.
During the repair phase, satellite cells, or muscle precursor cells, grow and differentiate into muscle cells. These then replace injured cells in the muscle fiber, and scar tissue forms.
In the remodeling phase, muscle fibers mature, and scar tissue contracts. However, extensive injuries may cause dense scar tissue formation, impeding muscle repair and resulting in incomplete recovery of muscle function.
Despite its complications, surgical treatment remains the current standard of care for severe muscle injury.
Recognizing the need for an effective noninvasive treatment for severe skeletal muscle injury, researchers from Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, conducted a study investigating the use of mechanotherapy as a potential treatment.
Their findings appear in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
Dr. Seo, who is a postdoctoral fellow at the Wyss Institute at Harvard, explained to Medical News Today:
Our previous study has shown the beneficial impacts of compressive loading for skeletal muscle regeneration. Based on the finding, we wanted to develop a [scientifically] validated, optimal protocol for mechanotherapy and to understand the mechanisms associated with the therapeutic impacts.
The researchers developed an external robotic device to deliver a precise, controlled, and measurable pressure to the leg muscle in mice. The scientists also used ultrasound to measure tissue response to the stress applied.
One to 14 days after injury, the scientists gave the mice in the treatment group mechanotherapy with pressure corresponding to muscle strains of 10, 20, or 40% for 5 minutes every 1012 hours. The scientists did not treat mice in the control group.
Compared with the control mice, the mice in the treatment group demonstrated a significant reduction in muscle fiber damage and scarring. The authors also note increased muscle fiber diameter, which is an indicator of repair and strength recovery.
Since muscle repair improvements were similar across the 10, 20, and 40% groups, the study continued using the 20% muscle strain pressure setting for the remaining experiments.
To uncover how mechanotherapy promoted muscle repair, the researchers also measured levels of inflammatory factors cytokines and chemokines over time.
The study identified that mechanotherapy reduced levels of a cytokine responsible for the movement of neutrophils by more than half by day 3. Neutrophils help clear damaged cells and communicate with other cells to promote repair and immune response. Neutrophils also play a role in inflammation.
To understand why neutrophils and cytokines were moving out of the muscle, the researchers injected a fluorescent compound into the muscle. They observed that mechanotherapy was directly causing this exodus from the muscle.
Next, the scientists cultured satellite cells which are essentially muscle stem cells with factors that neutrophils secrete. They wanted to assess their effects on muscle repair.
The study authors found that neutrophil-secreted factors initially promoted repair, but when they were present for a longer time, they impaired muscle fiber production.
After analyzing the muscle fibers produced in the two groups after 14 days, the researchers found that the leg muscle cells treated with mechanotherapy contained more type IIX fibers.
Type IIX fibers have a larger diameter and can produce increased force, consistent with the results the researchers saw in the mice that received mechanotherapy.
In the final experiment, the scientists used an antibody treatment to remove neutrophils in the mice during the first 3 days after injury. They found that the muscles of the treated mice recovered more quickly.
They discovered that both mechanotherapy and antibody treatment led to significantly reduced muscle damage and the development of larger muscle fibers.
Dr. Bert Mandelbaum, who was not involved in the study, also spoke with MNT. Dr. Mandelbaum is an orthopedic surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute and co-director of the Cedars-Sinai Regenerative Orthobiologics Center in Los Angeles.
He was intrigued by the experimental design particularly the use of robotics to prescribe specific muscle loads and then assessing the biological factors that the loads produce.
Speaking about the results, lead author Dr. Seo told MNT:
It was super exciting to see that the severely injured muscle treated with biologic-free/noninvasive compressive loading shows comparable functional outcomes to the ones treated with biologics-based therapies found from other studies.
Also, we were surprised by the fact that neutrophils were significantly involved in this process by directly influencing muscle progenitor cell activities, he continued.
In addition, we found that compressive loading rapidly reduces neutrophils and their associated factors by day 3 after injury with this change [] confined to the injured site. This makes mechanotherapy a great therapeutic candidate for patients who are already using other medical interventions or existing health complications for example, inflammatory diseases.
He went on to say: Our findings are based on [studies in] mice, so further studies are needed to confirm its impacts for larger animals and humans. Furthermore, since the kinetics and amplitudes of immune response can differ depending on types of injuries, how and what to be delivered should be optimized accordingly.
In conclusion, Dr. Mandelbaum told MNT, I think its a great hypothesis, something needing to be proven over time.
Read more:
Are 'robot massages' the future of muscle repair? - Medical News Today
The Best Skincare Treatments For Time-Crunched Moms (Or Anyone Else Who Only Has Five Minutes To Spare) – Forbes
By daniellenierenberg
As a beauty writer and longtime skincare fanatic, Ive subscribed to various multi-step routines. Fast forward to having a baby and the general day-to-day life upheaval that comes along with it, and my definition of a worthwhile personal beauty regimen has changed a bit. While I still enjoy trying new products and learning about innovations in the beauty space, I find myself with less time (and patience) for the more laborious treatments and layering routines, and more interest in noticeable efficacy and multitasking capabilities.
The most effective skincare products and tools are great for paring down your routineand also ... [+] saving you some precious minutes in your day.
And whether youre a busy mom or simply short on me time these days (who isnt?), there are a myriad of tried-and-true products that get the job done without requiring a ton of effort on your part. From Herauxs next-level anti-inflammaging serum to NuFaces skin-smoothing device, these standout skincare products and tools are ideal for a results-driven regimen thats effective enough to knock a few steps off your routineand save you some precious minutes in your day.
Since its launch seven years ago, this antioxidant-rich hydrating facial oil has remained a cult favorite for anyone who wants an instant glow, with the added benefit of skin soothing, balancing and repair. Infused with 22 active botanical and essential oils, the lightweight yet potent treatment can help with everything from acne to sun damage. And when applied using founder April Gargiulos signature push-press technique, it feels like a simple yet luxurious way to start and end the day.
Like the brands Trinity device, the NuFace Fix uses microcurrent technology at a gentler level to help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles on the more delicate areas of the face: on the forehead, between brows and around the eyes and lips (filler-free plumping, anyone?). Its sleek, compact shape combined with ease of use makes it a no-brainer for skin smoothing results in a matter of minutes. Plus, it holds an ample 120-minute charge, which amounts to a couple months worth of use before needing to plug it ini.e. no fumbling with cords or a hefty device on a regular basis.
The latest product in Kate McLeods sustainably packaged, handcrafted self care collection and the first to focus on skincare, the Face Stone is essentially a waterless moisturizer that melts on contact with skin. A rich blend of nourishing and antioxidant ingredients like blue tansy, kokum butter and plum kernal borage helps even and soothe stressed skinsomething we could all use these days. An added bonus? Its solid form and shape makes it a natural massaging tool, making it ideal for a morning pick-me-up or the start of an evening wind-down ritual.
While it covers your mineral-based broad spectrum sunscreen needs, this multitasker does much more than that. The unique product uses the U Beautys proprietary Sun-Siren Capsule Technology to help reduce hyperpigmentation, discoloration and dark spots (whether from pregnancy melasma or suntanning sins of the past) while also shielding against UVA, UVB, infrared and blue light exposure. A little goes a long way with this rich balm-cream formula, and its hydrating enough to double as a moisturizer or primer by day and also great as an overnight spot treatment.
An excellent (and cleaner) dupe for Biologique Recherches oft-elusive Lotion P50, this Moon Juice exfoliator is a skin savior in its own right. The liquid formula includes glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids for gentle, pore-minimizing exfoliation paired with niacinamide and adaptogenic reishi to help boost the skins natural barrier. And besides looking pretty, the packaging is completely recyclable, from the sculptural cap and glass bottle to the outer carton.
January Labs is a clean beauty favorite for its science-backed, results-driven products that have long been favored by top aestheticians. Even those with more sensitive (or dry) skin can use this retinol serum without dealing with typical downsides (like redness, drying or peeling) thanks to its use of Retistar, a .5% retinol thats super effective yet non-irritating.
This at-home peel is as easy as can be, requiring a single once-over with the pre-soaked pad to revive dull skin. The duo of glycolic and salicylic acids provide skin-smoothing exfoliation while ingredients like chamomile and bilberry extract calm, soothe and help even skin tone. Pro tip: Use up excess product on any dry, flakey patches on arms and legs.
Created by stem cell biologists at the University of Southern California, this innovative serum features an anti-inflammaging HX-1 molecule thats combined with tried-and-tested ingredients like vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, peptides and red maple bark. The result? A silky, lightweight formula thats both rejuvenating (designed to help reduce the effects of stress and aging factors on skin) and preventative (strengthening stem cells on a molecular level).
The rest is here:
The Best Skincare Treatments For Time-Crunched Moms (Or Anyone Else Who Only Has Five Minutes To Spare) - Forbes
Losing Your Hair? You Might Blame the Great Stem Cell Escape. – The New York Times
By daniellenierenberg
Every person, every mouse, every dog, has one unmistakable sign of aging: hair loss. But why does that happen?
Rui Yi, a professor of pathology at Northwestern University, set out to answer the question.
A generally accepted hypothesis about stem cells says they replenish tissues and organs, including hair, but they will eventually be exhausted and then die in place. This process is seen as an integral part of aging.
Instead Dr. Yi and his colleagues made a surprising discovery that, at least in the hair of aging animals, stem cells escape from the structures that house them.
Its a new way of thinking about aging, said Dr. Cheng-Ming Chuong, a skin cell researcher and professor of pathology at the University of Southern California, who was not involved in Dr. Yis study, which was published on Monday in the journal Nature Aging.
The study also identifies two genes involved in the aging of hair, opening up new possibilities for stopping the process by preventing stem cells from escaping.
Charles K.F. Chan, a stem cell researcher at Stanford University, called the paper very important, noting that in science, everything about aging seems so complicated we dont know where to start. By showing a pathway and a mechanism for explaining aging hair, Dr. Yi and colleagues may have provided a toehold.
Stem cells play a crucial role in the growth of hair in mice and in humans. Hair follicles, the tunnel-shaped miniature organs from which hairs grow, go through cyclical periods of growth in which a population of stem cells living in a specialized region called the bulge divide and become rapidly growing hair cells.
Sarah Millar, director of the Black Family Stem Cell Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who was not involved in Dr. Yis paper, explained that those cells give rise to the hair shaft and its sheath. Then, after a period of time, which is short for human body hair and much longer for hair on a persons head, the follicle becomes inactive and its lower part degenerates. The hair shaft stops growing and is shed, only to be replaced by a new strand of hair as the cycle repeats.
But while the rest of the follicle dies, a collection of stem cells remains in the bulge, ready to start turning into hair cells to grow a new strand of hair.
Dr. Yi, like most scientists, had assumed that with age the stem cells died in a process known as stem cell exhaustion. He expected that the death of a hair follicles stem cells meant that the hair would turn white and, when enough stem cells were lost, the strand of hair would die. But this hypothesis had not been fully tested.
Together with a graduate student, Chi Zhang, Dr. Yi decided that to understand the aging process in hair, he needed to watch individual strands of hair as they grew and aged.
Ordinarily, researchers who study aging take chunks of tissue from animals of different ages and examine the changes. There are two drawbacks to this approach, Dr. Yi said. First, the tissue is already dead. And it is not clear what led to the changes that are observed or what will come after them.
He decided his team would use a different method. They watched the growth of individual hair follicles in the ears of mice using a long wavelength laser that can penetrate deep into tissue. They labeled hair follicles with a green fluorescent protein, anesthetized the animals so they did not move, put their ear under the microscope and went back again and again to watch what was happening to the same hair follicle.
What they saw was a surprise: When the animals started to grow old and gray and lose their hair, their stem cells started to escape their little homes in the bulge. The cells changed their shapes from round to amoeba-like and squeezed out of tiny holes in the follicle. Then they recovered their normal shapes and darted away.
Sometimes, the escaping stem cells leapt long distances, in cellular terms, from the niche where they lived.
If I did not see it for myself I would not have believed it, Dr. Yi said. Its almost crazy in my mind.
The stem cells then vanished, perhaps consumed by the immune system.
Dr. Chan compared an animal's body to a car. If you run it long enough and dont replace parts, things wear out, he said. In the body, stem cells are like a mechanic, providing replacement parts, and in some organs like hair, blood and bone, the replacement is continual.
But with hair, it now looks as if the mechanic the stem cells simply walks off the job one day.
But why? Dr. Yi and his colleagues next step was to ask if genes are controlling the process. They discovered two FOXC1 and NFATC1 that were less active in older hair follicle cells. Their role was to imprison stem cells in the bulge. So the researchers bred mice that lacked those genes to see if they were the master controllers.
By the time the mice were 4 to 5 months old, they started losing hair. By age 16 months, when the animals were middle-aged, they looked ancient: They had lost a lot of hair and the sparse strands remaining were gray.
Now the researchers want to save the hair stem cells in aging mice.
This story of the discovery of a completely unexpected natural process makes Dr. Chuong wonder what remains to be learned about living creatures.
Nature has endless surprises waiting for us, he said. You can see fantastic things.
Excerpt from:
Losing Your Hair? You Might Blame the Great Stem Cell Escape. - The New York Times
Stanford neuroscientist’s ‘assembloids’ pave the way for innovative brain research – Scope
By daniellenierenberg
A recent article in the journal Nature credits Stanford physician-neuroscientist Sergiu Pasca, MD, with blazing a trail toward a more profound understanding of early brain development, and of what can go wrong in the process, using a cell-based research innovation he named "assembloids."
In 2015, Pasca and his colleagues published a paper in Nature Methods describing a fascinating feat: His tinkering with induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells -- former skin cells transformed so that they've acquired an almost magical capacity to generate all the tissues in the body -- had borne a three-dimensional product. From these "magic" iPS cells grew a complex conglomerate of cells capable of modeling specific organs.
Pasca's particular interest was in the brain, and in the experiments detailed in the study, his lab had caused human iPS cells to multiply and differentiate into small spherical clusters of brain tissue suspended in laboratory glassware.
These clusters recapitulated the architecture and physiology of the human cerebral cortex -- the outermost layer of brain tissue, critical to perception, cognition and action. Pasca named these clusters, which grew to several millimeters in diameter and contained millions of cells, "cortical spheroids." Today, researchers around the world are using similar methodology to create models, broadly known as "organoids," to study other parts of the human body.
Two years later, in a study published in Nature, Pasca upped the ante by, first, generating a second kind of neural spheroid -- this time, representative of a deeper part of the developing forebrain called the subpallium -- and, second, by growing this kind of spheroid in conjunction with cortical spheroids, in the same dish.
To the researchers' amazement, spheroids of both types fused together, with nerve cells from subpallial spheroids migrating and poking extensions into the cortical spheroids and establishing working connections with nerve cells of a different type in the latter spheroids, just as occurs in fetal development.
"It's amazing that these cells already self-organize and know what they need to do," Pasca marveled in "Brain Balls," an article I wrote for our magazine, Stanford Medicine, a few years ago.
Pasca sensibly dubbed the two-fused-spheroid combos "assembloids," the Nature recap notes.
But why stop at two? Pasca has since created three-element assembloids composed of spheroids representative of cerebral cortex, spinal cord and skeletal muscle in order to model the circuitry of voluntary movement. He's also shown that stimulating the "cerebral cortex" spheroid can result in contraction of the "muscle" spheroid. (This accomplishment was published in Cell in late 2020.) He has explored other assembloid combinations, as well, such as the fusing of cortical spheroids with spheroids representing the striatum, a brain structure implicated in regulating our movements and responses to rewarding and aversive stimuli.
Because each spheroid begins with skin cells, they can be grown on a personalized basis -- and can therefore be extracted from patients with neurological disorders known or suspected to spring from early developmental aberrations (such as autism or schizophrenia). The cells can then be used to create models to probe these disorders' molecular, cellular and circuit-based deviations from the pathways of normal brain development, allowing scientists to study the brain in way they could never do with a living patient.
From the Nature article:
Assembloids are now at the leading edge of stem-cell research. Scientists are using them to investigate early events in organ development as tools for studying not only psychiatric disorders, but other types of disease as well.
An assembloid is by no means a complete, working brain. But, the article notes, "Pasca stands by the aphorism that all models are wrong, and some are useful. 'There's been important progress in the field in a short period of time,' he says."
Photo courtesy of the Pasca laboratory
Originally posted here:
Stanford neuroscientist's 'assembloids' pave the way for innovative brain research - Scope
3 of the Best Fall Beauty Buys – Pursuitist
By daniellenierenberg
Fall is here, and now is the perfect time to upgrade your beauty routine for the cooler temperatures. Here are a few of our favorite products:
Parfums de Marly
The famed perfume house founded by Julien Sprecher will launch sensual Oriana on September 12th. Packaged in a hot pink bottle, the airy and dreamy fragrance is captivating withnotes of orange blossom, marshmallow, and Chantilly cream. Available on parfums-de-marly.com and Saks Fifth Avenue. $320.
This innovative skincare brand continuously seeks out innovative ingredients and technologies from around the world and incorporates them into premium high-performance formulas like the BEYOND C Corrective Serum. This reincarnating serum is housed in a beautiful dual vessel package. One side is black, the other gold with each containing corrective technologies that reach maximum potency at the moment of unity.
The black side contains a novel probiotic and micronized niacin that fortifies skin defenses, intensifies cellular activity, quells inflammation, and amends blotchiness. The gold vessel contains a patented, hyper-potent, permeable form of vitamin C that helps brighten, fade age spots, even skin tone, and protect against oxidation. $132.
This innovative product was created by Heraux Co-Founder Dr. Ben Van Handel, a Stem Cell Biologist at the University of Southern California and leading inflammaging researcher. Dr. Handel notes that Retinols are anti-inflammatory at the molecular level, acting as antioxidants and blocking hyperactivation of the immune system. HX-1, the proprietary ingredient in HerauxsMolecular Anti-Inflammaging Serum, acts to shield skin stem cells from pro-inflammaging stressors and concurrently supports the youthful function of stem cells. The regenerative program enabled by HX-1 promotes the secretion of collagen and elastin as well as improved skin barrier function.
Kimberly Fisher is a Pursuitist contributor. As a freelance writer and on-camera host, Kimberly has traveled the world and has published over 400 articles in over 44 publications including Sherman's Travel, Huffington Post, Just Luxe, Luxury Lifestyles UK, eHow, Examiner, Food Wine Travel Magazine, Luxe Beat, NiteGuide, Ocean View, and USA Today. Disclosure: Kimberly is employed by Remy Cointreau Americas.
12 of the best face serums 2021 – Medical News Today
By daniellenierenberg
Facial serums are skin care products that the skin can absorb rapidly. They are formulated to contain high doses of ingredients, including actives such as vitamin C and retinol. They are not moisturizers. Instead, they are an additional step in a skin care routine selected to address specific skin concerns.
While many facial serums make claims about their benefits, limited scientific data is available to support these claims. The potential uses and benefits of a serum will depend on the ingredients and their concentration.
Many serums use active ingredients such as:
Common issues face serums claim to address include acne, rosacea, and signs of aging such as wrinkles.
One study of a facial serum targeting fine lines and wrinkles found that after 12 weeks, women showed statistically significant improvements in:
Face serums are generally considered safe. They are available without a prescription. However, because face serums deliver concentrated doses of active ingredients such as vitamin C or hyaluronic acid, people should exercise caution when trying them for the first time.
Pregnant people should exercise caution when selecting skin care products. Using products made with concentrated forms of vitamin A, such as retinol, can harm a developing fetus. Pregnant people should avoid skin care products that contain retinoids or other harmful ingredients.
People who are already using prescription or high dosage skin care products should check with their healthcare providers before using face serums to ensure they are not taking in unhealthy levels of powerful ingredients, such as retinoids.
When introducing a new active ingredient to the skin, there is a possibility of side effects such as:
If a person experiences these symptoms, they should reduce the frequency and dosage of the serum or stop using it altogether if symptoms do not reduce.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends trying just one new product, like a facial serum, at a time. Starting several new products all at once, particularly anti-aging products, can irritate the skin and make it difficult to determine which products are beneficial.
It is also helpful to perform a patch test for a week before using a new product on facial skin. A patch test involves applying small amounts of the new product on the inner forearm for a few days to check for reactions.
A skin serum will not be effective if it is not used properly. The best time to apply face serum is after cleaning the skin and before applying moisturizer.
Facial serums are concentrated, so people should only use a small amount to cover the facial skin.
Learn more about skin care routines here.
No single skin care product can address all skin health needs. To pick out the best face serum, a person should first decide what skin concern they want to address, such as wrinkles or acne.
Look for a face serum that is a good fit for individual concerns and needs. For example, a person should choose a face serum that suits their skin type, such as oily, dry, combination, or aging.
Some people may wish to find products that are hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic, which means they are less likely to cause allergic reactions or acne.
Products do not have to be expensive to be effective, and serums are available to suit various budgets.
Please note that the writer of this article has not tried these products. All information presented is purely research-based.
This is an oil-free vitamin C face serum designed for people with oily or blemish-prone skin.
SkinCeuticals claims this serum can reduce skin oiliness and wrinkles, and improve skin texture.
The ingredients include:
This serum costs $166 for a 30ml bottle.
Made with Avene Thermal Spring Water, this water-gel serum is safe for adolescents and adults.
It is suitable for oily skin and should be used after cleansing in the morning and evening.
Avena claims that this product can be used safely alongside other acne treatments and can reduce the appearance of pores.
This serum costs $28.00 for 30ml.
This antioxidant face serum is fragrance- and oil-free, and certified cruelty-free.
Drunk Elephant claims it can reduce the signs of sun damage and aging while hydrating the skin. It stays active on the skin for up to 72 hours and should be applied in the morning.
Customers must mix a powder and liquid to create the fresh activated serum.
This serum costs $78.00 for 28ml.
This face serum contains aloe, vitamin A, niacinamide, vitamin C, vitamin E, tea tree oil, and other vitamin and herbal ingredients.
Klur states that this serum may even out skin texture, helps calms inflammation, and increases skin clarity.
People should use it at night and no more than 3 times a week.
This serum costs $110.00 for 30ml.
This serum uses forms of retinoid that The Ordinary states may reduce the signs of aging better than other retinoid products, without causing irritation.
The company recommends people patch test the serum, before using it on facial skin. People should not use it in combination with other retinoid products.
Use only in the evening after cleansing, and refrigerate after opening.
This serum is vegan and free from oil, silicones, nuts, and gluten.
This low-cost serum sells for $9.80 for 60ml.
This cruelty-free skin serum contains milk protein, seaweed extract, and arnica. Ren claims it may calm and soothe the skin while reducing redness and irritation.
It should be used morning and/or night before moisturizing.
This serum costs $58.00 for 30ml.
True Botanicals claims that this anti-aging serum may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
It uses natural antioxidants such as chebula, elderberry, ginger, and echinacea to help strengthen the skins immunity to signs of aging.
After morning and evening cleansing, users can apply one half or full drop to their faces.
This serum costs $90.00 for 30ml.
Skin Authority claims that this lightweight serum reduces the appearance of fine lines, by plumping skin folds and smoothing skin texture.
This serum is designed for use after morning cleansing.
This serum costs $155.00 for 15ml.
Peach and Lily claims that this serum can brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots.
It contains various ingredients from botanical sources, including green tea extracts, mushrooms, and arbutin. It also contains niacinamide.
It is suitable for all skin types.
This serum costs $39.00 for 50ml.
SkinCeuticals claims that this serum may reduce the appearance of dark spots and improves skin tone.
Ingredients include:
It is suitable for people with all skin types.
This serum costs $98.00 for 30ml.
Bioderma claims that this face serum may increase the skins ability to retain moisture. Made specifically for people with dry skin, it is noncomedogenic, meaning it will not block pores.
People can use this serum in the morning and evening.
This serum costs $27.99 for 40ml.
This serum is suitable for use by people with all skin types. Eminence claims that this face serum helps reduce the appearance of sun-induced skin damage.
Its active ingredients include vitamin C and other antioxidants, which work together to brighten the skin and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
This serum costs $110.00 for 30ml.
Original post:
12 of the best face serums 2021 - Medical News Today
Man discovers nasty red rash on his hands and elbows is potentially fatal – The Mirror
By daniellenierenberg
A man went to a clinic in Mannheim, Germany, where tests found that the rash on his hands and elbows was in fact leukaemia cutis, where the cancer cells are in the skin tissue
Image: NEJM)
A man suffering from a nasty skin rash on his hands and elbows that looked like psoriasis found that it was actually a form of leukaemia.
The 65-year-old went to a dermatologist in Mannheim, Germany, due to the red patches that had developed on the back of his hands and arms and he later found the worrying diagnosis that it was leukaemia cutis.
Tests done at the hospital showed that he had a high white-cell count along with a low number of platelets, it is reported.
The case was published in the New England Medical Journal where it said that a diagnosis of leukaemia cutis was made.
While extremely rare, the condition means that the leukaemia cells are in the skin tissue.
It is found to happen in around three percent of leukaemia cases where the rash has been found on skin including the arms, back or face.
Other leukaemia symptoms include fever, tiredness and susceptibility to infections.
But in the case of the 65-year-old in Germany, he only had the rash on his hands and elbow.
The New England Medical Journal stated: "A diagnosis of leukemia cutis was made, and the patient was urgently referred to the oncology clinic.
"The patient received a diagnosis of chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia and underwent stem-cell transplantation.
"Two weeks after the transplantation, the patients skin changes had resolved, and the cancer has been in remission since."
Leukaemia Care UK said that usually patients who have the cancer and find rashes do not have this particular condition.
It stated: Leukaemia cutis is very rare, occurring in only about three percent of total cases of leukaemia.
"With this in mind, it is unsurprising that most lesions seen in leukaemia patients are not leukaemia cutis.
In fact, most lesions (40%) seen in leukaemia patients are caused by other complications of leukaemia.
It continued: In the rare occasion that leukaemia cutis occurs, the patient will normally have already been diagnosed with leukaemia.
"However, in seven percent of cases of leukaemia cutis, the skin lesion is the very first symptom of a blood cancer. This is sometimes referred to as aleukaemic leukaemia cutis.
See original here:
Man discovers nasty red rash on his hands and elbows is potentially fatal - The Mirror
Drug that stops ALS progression found using iPS cells from patients – The Japan Times
By daniellenierenberg
Kyoto A drug discovered through a method using induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, from sufferers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was effective in stopping the progression of the neurological disease in five out of nine patients in a clinical trial, a research team at Kyoto University said Thursday.
While drugs that slow down the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrigs disease, have been used in the past, this is the first time that a chronic myeloid leukemia drug called bosutinib has been found to stop its progression, according to the team.
Haruhisa Inoue, a professor of neurology at Kyoto University leading the team, said that larger clinical trials will be needed to determine if the drug can be put to practical use, but We are now looking at the possibility of being able to control ALS with the power of science.
The team reproduced the disease by culturing iPS cells derived from the skin of patients into motor neurons. They then tested a series of drug compounds on the cells to find that bosutinib was effective in slowing down the progression of ALS.
The drug was administered for around three months to nine patients who were in the early stages of the disease and showing signs of deterioration. Progression of the disease stopped in five patients during the treatment period, while four patients continued to deteriorate at the same pace as before.
A comparison of the blood samples from both sets of patients showed that they had differing amounts of a protein unique to nerve cells before the drug was administered. Researchers plan to conduct clinical trials with larger groups while adjusting the dosage and other conditions in the future.
There are about 9,000 people in Japan who suffer from ALS. The disease causes motor neurons to progressively die, resulting in paralysis, with many patients requiring a ventilator to stay alive. Its exact cause is unknown, and no fundamental treatments have been established.
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More here:
Drug that stops ALS progression found using iPS cells from patients - The Japan Times
The Appalling Moral Failure of Francis Collins – Discovery Institute
By daniellenierenberg
Photo: Francis Collins, by NIH Image Gallery, via Flickr.
Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH),has just announcedhis intention to step down at the end of 2021 after more than 12 years heading the agency. The accolades are already rolling in. Noted evangelical political commentator David French, for example, rushed to praise Collins as a national treasure.
But Collinss real legacy is anything but praiseworthy, and the tendency of figures in the faith community to ignore his real record is far from admirable.
This year of all years should have made the truth about Francis Collins clear. Last month, documents were released suggesting that top National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials may haveliedwhen they denied that the NIH had funded gain of function research in Wuhan, China, that could have resulted in a pathogen that could infect humans.
After reviewing the documents, Rutgers University biologist Richard Ebright had a blistering response: The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement are untruthful.
It was another blow to the reputation of Collins in a year when his agency has faced multiple scandals and controversies.
Among evangelical Christians and other people of faith in America, Collins has long been the equivalent of a rock star. But Collinss days of glory as a non-partisan role model, especially for the faith community, may be numbered and its not just because of the latest scandal over the origins of COVID-19.
In recent months, Collinss agency has become embroiled in controversies over its funding of stomach-churning medical experiments involving body parts harvested from aborted babies. The disclosures about the experiments followed Collinssrepealearlier this year of restrictions on the use of aborted fetal tissue in NIH-funded research.
Collins has also stirred controversy with his increasingly shrill attacks on unvaccinated Americans and his support for harsh mandatory vaccination policies that will require the firing of employees who choose not to be vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine.
The former head of the Human Genome Project, Collins catapulted to fame (and the cover ofTimeMagazine) in 2000 with the announcement of a working draft of the sequence of the human genome.He then became a hero to many Christians with the publication in 2006 of his bookThe Language of God, which recounted his journey from atheism to Christianity.
In an increasingly polarized national environment, Collins is one of the rare heads of a major federal agency to serve under both Republican and Democratic Presidents. Appointed by President Obama to head the NIH in 2009, Collins continued in that role under President Trump and now President Biden. He has regularly drawn praise from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. At gatherings of evangelical Christians, he has been known to strum the guitar and sing worship songs and receive the adoration of attendees. At one 2019 eventit was reportedthat conference participants lined up for selfies with him.
In 2020, Collins wasawarded the prestigious Templeton Prize, worth more than $1.3 million, for his work integrating science and faith. Previous recipients of the prize have included Mother Teresa, John Polkinghorne, Charles Colson, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Among secular as well as religious journalists, Collins often receives what verges on fawning treatment. A writer forThe New Yorkergushedthat Collins is a model of geek cool. He likes big, noisy motorcycles, and, despite a mild manner, he is famously unself-conscious. At the unlikeliest moments, he will strap on a guitar and accompany himself in song, often a tune he has composed for the occasion.
This year, however, Collinss reputation has taken continued beatings, not just because of evasive answers about the role of the NIH in gain-of-function research in China, but also because of publicity around NIH-funded experiments that many Americans, especially people of faith, would find horrific.
In May, reports surfaced aboutmacabre NIH-funded experimentsthat utilized body parts collected fromaborted human fetuses to createhumanized mouse and rodent models with full-thickness human skin.For the experiments, researchersat the University of Pittsburghcut into tiny pieces human fetal spleen, thymus, and liver organs and then transplanted the tissues and hematopoietic stem cells into irradiated mice. Researchers also sliced off skin from the scalp of the aborted babies and then grafted the fetal skin onto the mice. In the words of the scientists: Full-thickness human fetal skin was processed via removal of excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin, then engrafted over the rib cage, where the mouse skin was previously excised.
The body parts used for these experiments were harvested from aborted human fetuses with a gestational age of 18-20 weeks. By that age, an unborn baby hasbrain wavesand abeating heart. He canhear sounds and move his limbs and eyes, and his digestion system has started to work.In other words, the human fetuses whose organs were harvested for this NIH-funded research were well-developed tiny humans, not blobs of undifferentiated cells.
In August, an additional project funded by the NIH came to light thanks to documents obtained in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress. The lawsuit was filed after Collinss NIH dragged its feet in responding.According to Judicial Watch, the documents show that theNIH has provided nearly $3 million in tax dollars to support a fetal organ harvesting operation by the University of Pittsburgh in its quest to become a Tissue Hub for human fetal tissue ranging from 6 to 42 [!] weeks gestation.
David Daleiden, president of the Center for Medical Progress,commented: The NIH grant application for just one of Pitts numerous experiments with aborted infants reads like an episode ofAmerican Horror Story. Infants in the womb, some old enough to be viable, are being aborted alive and killed for organ harvesting, in order to bring in millions of dollars in taxpayer funding.
Daleiden furtherallegedthat NIH funding was used to underwrite labor induction abortions, where the baby is pushed out of the mother whole and then killed to obtain the desired tissues. In other words, the NIH was facilitating a process where babies, some of the age of viability, [are] to be delivered alive, and then killing them by cutting their kidneys out.
Francis Collins self-identifies as an evangelical Christian, and most evangelicals as well as faithful Catholics regard abortion as the destruction of innocent human life.
So how has Collins responded to these revelations? With horror? With a pledge to investigate? With a promise to stop taxpayer funding of such research?
Since early August, Ive repeatedly tried to get Collins to answer questions about these NIH funded experiments using aborted fetal organs and tissues.Does Collins support this research funded by his agency? Does he have any ethical objections to it? How does he personally justify the research given his religious convictions? I repeatedly emailed these and other questions to the media contacts for the NIH Office of the Director.
The response? His office has refused to answer.
But its not just NIH research involving humans that has been raising controversy this year. In recent months, Collinss NIH has come under fire for fundingabusive medical experiments on dogsthat critics say were unnecessary as well as barbaric. The experiments were funded by the NIH division headed by Anthony Fauci, but that division is under the ultimate oversight of Collins. In late August, 15 members of Congresssent a letterraising questions about the research.
Again, I tried to get a response from Collins about this latest controversy. Again, he refused to respond to questions.
Ironically, while Collins is AWOL when it comes to answering basic questions about the research his agency is funding, he is more than willing to speak out on other topics, especially COVID-19, where he is now becoming a polarizing figure to many because ofincreasingly shrill advocacy of compulsory vaccination as well as his demonization of those who choose not to take a COVID-19 vaccine.
At the end of April,Collins claimedthat he would not require NIH employees to get vaccinated, and he seemed to argue for a positive approach of selling the benefits of vaccines rather than demonizing the unvaccinated or engaging in finger-wagging. Yet by early August his public posture had changed. He was nowcheerleading for compulsory vaccine requirementsimposed by private businesses as well as enthusiastically overseeing compulsory vaccinations for the very workers at the NIH that he earlier said would not face compulsory vaccination.
After President Bidens speech in September declaringwar on the unvaccinated, Collins ramped up his own rhetoric.In an appearance on MSNBC after Bidens speech, Collins firstsuggestedunvaccinated people were selfish, declaring that this is really an occasion to think about loving your neighbor, not just yourself.
Collins then branded both unvaccinated people and politicians who dont favor vaccine mandates as killers on the wrong side of history. Dismissing their views as merely a philosophical political argument that is part of the culture war, Collins complained that this philosophical political argument is killing people, including, Im sad to say, some children. We have to get past this if we really have a future as a nation.
I would like to say particularly to those leaders who are on the wrong side of this, what Lincoln said one time, Collins declared. Citizens, we will not escape history. Do you want to be looked at in the lens of that backward look ten years from now and defend what you did when in fact, we are losing tens of thousands of lives that didnt have to die?
A question for Collins: Is attacking your fellow citizens (including many fellow Christians) as heartless killers because they disagree with you on either vaccinations or vaccine mandates an example of loving your neighbor?
Whatever one thinks about COVID-19 vaccinations, Collinss over-the-top rhetoric demonizing those he disagrees with as killers is beyond the pale, especially for someone who wears his Christianity on his sleeve. As I have writtenelsewhere, his rhetoric is also based on several falsehoods.
So just how far is Collins willing to go to push coercive medicine? Thats an interesting question.
In my home state of Washington, the governor has issuedan emergency orderthat will compel private religious schools and day care centers as well as other private businesses to fire employees later this month if they wont get vaccinated. While there technically is a route for religious exemptions, it is so narrow and onerous that many religious people may not qualify.
Its now being suggested in some states that discharged employeeswont be able to get unemployment benefits. Perhaps the idea is that if the unvaccinated dont die of COVID they can die of starvation instead.
As if that werent bad enough, the unvaccinated face the denial of medical care. Also in my home state, the University of Washington medical system is now apparently denyingorgan transplantsto patients who are unvaccinated, even if those patients have a credible medical reason for not having the vaccinations.
This is pure, unadulterated social Darwinism: Brand a whole class of people as biologically unfit (in this case, the unvaccinated) and then make sure they cant receive medical care, hold jobs, or basically survive. Heap scorn on them, demonize them as killers, and stir up hatred against them so other people begin to abuse them. If Collins is truly concerned about the judgment of history, he should read a little more widely about the sorry results of demonizing entire classes of people as the enemies of society.
Let me be clear: I am not arguing here about whether people ought to get COVID-19 vaccinations, or whether those vaccinations are helpful. For the record, depending on ones risk profile, I think vaccinations are in a persons best interest. The issue is whether in the name of vaccination people should be stripped of their livelihoods, denied medical care, and demonized as enemies of society. In any morally sane universe, the policies being proposed are as immoral as they are unprecedented.
So does Francis Collins endorse depriving unvaccinated people of their right to work and to support their families? Does he endorse denying them unemployment insurance? Does he go even further and endorse denying medical care to the unvaccinated?
I again asked Collins media relations staff for answers. Again, crickets.
Although Collins likes to tout his personal faith, he appears to have very little concern for any sort of conscience rights of fellows religious believers who disagree with him.After all, he dutifully served in a previous administration that repeatedly weakenedconscience protectionsfor medical workers opposed to abortion and thatviolated federal lawby turning a blind eye when California mandated abortion coverage in all private insurance plans.
It might also be noted that as late as December 2020, Collins was still urging thatmost churches should not meet in person, even implying that they shouldnt do sountil the summer or fall of 2021.
And his current promotion of compulsory vaccinations seemingly has no qualifiers. At least, he isnt talking about any.
Collins hasconcededthat various COVID-19 vaccines used cell lines originally derived from an aborted fetus in either their production or testing, which is one reason some people have moral qualms about the vaccines. Yet you wont find Collins advocating for the conscience rights of these people. In fact, Collins has been silent in the face of attacks on religious exemptions for vaccines.
Reasonable people can disagree about whether the use of abortion-derived cell lines is a moral deal-killer for the vaccines. But thats the point: Reasonable people candisagreeabout what violates their conscience. The test of support for religious liberty is not whether you only support the right of people who agree with you.
Not being willing to stand up for the conscience rights of others to determine their own medical treatment is not morally neutral. It is a moral failure. In the words of theCatholic Bishops of Colorado, A person is morally required to obey his or her conscience, and others should respect the right of others to follow their conscience.
Alas, for those who have followed Francis Collins closely over the years, his current failures of moral leadership come as no surprise. As I will discuss in an upcoming article, Collinss career has been one long testament to moral cowardice and confusion.
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The Appalling Moral Failure of Francis Collins - Discovery Institute
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) Market by Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2021-2027) UNLV The Rebel Yell – UNLV The Rebel Yell
By daniellenierenberg
Hematopoietic somatic cell Transplantation (HSCT) may be a specialized sort of blood somatic cell transplant therapy. The term hematopoietic refers to the function of the stem cells in citizenry . Stem cell refers to specialized somatic cell types which are capable of developing into specific cells like bone, muscle, blood, and nerve cells.
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Hematopoietic somatic cell transplantation are often utilized in the treatment of certain cancers of the blood or bone marrow, like myeloma or leukemia. High prevalence of such diseases is predicted to assist in growth of the hematopoietic somatic cell transplantation (HSCT) market. consistent with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 176,200 people within the US are expected to be diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma in 2019.
The hematopoietic somatic cell transplantation (HSCT) market in North America is witnessing high growth, due to high adoption of allogeneic hematopoietic somatic cell transplant. Around 30,000 patients undergo allogeneic hematopoietic somatic cell transplant annually within the us .
Hematopoietic cell transplantation is that the transplantation of stem cells, generally derived from bone marrow, duct , or peripheral blood. It also can be allogenic, autologous or syngeneic. the foremost common sort of somatic cell transplant is that the allogenic transplant, which is actually the method of harvesting such stem cells that have the power to become many various specialized cell types, like bone, kidney, heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, nervous, and immune cells. However, approximately 20% to 85% of the patients develop acute Graft Versus Host Disease that affects the skin, gut, or liver. Such scenario hinders the expansion of hematopoietic somatic cell transplantation (HSCT) market.
There are different methods of transplant. just in case of a basic transplant, the stem cells are directly transplanted into an individuals veins, while a minimal invasive procedure also referred to as a micro-implantation requires the injection of the cells into the patients veins. supported the precise needs of the patient, the precise sort of transplant is completed . for instance , a toddler who has undergone bone marrow transplantation can continue to possess other somatic cell types utilized for an equivalent purpose. this is often one among the foremost commonly performed sorts of transplants.
High prevalence of red blood cell anemia is additionally expected to assist in growth of the hematopoietic somatic cell transplantation (HSCT) market. Specially created somatic cell therapies are often utilized in the treatment of red blood cell anemia. These cells are basically taken from the bone marrow of the person then induced to make a thick, jelly like substance. The patient will got to take medicine for a couple of days after the procedure to assist his bodily process the cells.
Hematopoietic cell transplantation has its own set of complications, which limit the expansion of the hematopoietic somatic cell transplantation (HSCT) market. a number of these include infection, allergies , bleeding, and scarring. Infection can occur if theres a severe immune deficiency. The patient also will need to take antibiotics to clear up the infections. If the stem cells are used, they need to be grown under very strict conditions to avoid rejection. Most surgeons attempt to perform this transplant first on those people that suffer from serious diseases like leukemia or cancer as these are the people that stand the simplest chance to achieve success .
Competitive Landscape
Key players operating in the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) Market are Pluristem Therapeutics Inc., CellGenix GmbH, Regen Biopharma Inc., Lonza Group, Kiadis Pharma, Taiga Biotechnologies, Inc., Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Escape Therapeutics, Inc., Bluebird Bio, Talaris Therapeutics, Inc., Marker Therapeutics Inc., and Stempeutics Research Pvt Ltd.
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Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) Market by Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2021-2027) UNLV The Rebel Yell - UNLV The Rebel Yell