Researchers identify ‘signal’ crucial to stem cell function in hair follicles – Medical Xpress
May 24, 2017 by Collene Ferguson Jeff Biernaskies research identifies a factor essential for dermal stem cells to continuously divide during tissue regeneration. Credit: Riley Brandt, University of Calgary
Stem cell researchers at the University of Calgary have found another piece of the puzzle behind what may contribute to hair loss and prevent wounds from healing normally.
Jeff Biernaskie's research, published recently in the scientific journal npj Regenerative Medicine identifies a key signalling protein called platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). This protein is critical for driving self-renewal and proliferation of dermal stem cells that live in hair follicles and enable their unique ability to continuously regenerate and produce new hair.
"This is the first study to identify the signals that influence hair follicle dermal stem cell function in your skin," says Biernaskie, an associate professor in comparative biology and experimental medicine at the University of Calgary'sFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society Chair in Skin Regeneration and Wound Healing. Biernaskie is also a member of the Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute.
"What we show is that in the absence of PDGF signalling hair follicle dermal stem cells are rapidly diminished because of their inability to generate new stem cells and produce sufficient numbers of mature dermal cells within the hair follicle."
Biernaskie and his team of researchers study dermal stem cells located within hair follicles. They are looking to better understand dermal stem cell function and find ways to use these cells to develop novel therapies for improved wound healing after injury, burns, disease or aging.
This study, co-authored byRaquel Gonzalez and Garrett Moffatt,shows that PDGF is key to maintaining a well-functioning stem cell population in skin. And in normal skin, if you don't have enough of it the stem cell pools start to shrink, meaning eventually the hair will no longer grow and wounds will not heal as well.
"It's an important start in terms of how we might modulate these cells towards developing future therapies that could regenerate new dermal tissue or maintain hair growth" says Biernaskie.
Biernaskie's lab is looking at the potential role of stem cells in wound healing and the potential to stimulate these cells to improve skin regeneration, as opposed to forming scars.
Explore further: Using stem cells to grow new hair
More information: Raquel Gonzlez et al. Platelet-derived growth factor signaling modulates adult hair follicle dermal stem cell maintenance and self-renewal, npj Regenerative Medicine (2017). DOI: 10.1038/s41536-017-0013-4
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Stem cell researchers at the University of Calgary have found another piece of the puzzle behind what may contribute to hair loss and prevent wounds from healing normally.
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Researchers identify 'signal' crucial to stem cell function in hair follicles - Medical Xpress
‘Signal’ Crucial to Stem Cell Function in Hair Follicles Identified – Technology Networks
By daniellenierenberg
Stem cell researchers at the University of Calgary have found another piece of the puzzle behind what may contribute to hair loss and prevent wounds from healing normally.
Jeff Biernaskies research, published recently in the scientific journal npj Regenerative Medicine identifies a key signalling protein called platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). This protein is critical for driving self-renewal and proliferation of dermal stem cells that live in hair follicles and enable their unique ability to continuously regenerate and produce new hair.
This is the first study to identify the signals that influence hair follicle dermal stem cell function in your skin, says Biernaskie, an associate professor in comparative biology and experimental medicine at the University of Calgary's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society Chair in Skin Regeneration and Wound Healing. Biernaskie is also a member of the Alberta Childrens Hospital Research Institute.
What we show is that in the absence of PDGF signalling hair follicle dermal stem cells are rapidly diminished because of their inability to generate new stem cells and produce sufficient numbers of mature dermal cells within the hair follicle.
Biernaskie and his team of researchers study dermal stem cells located within hair follicles. They are looking to better understand dermal stem cell function and find ways to use these cells to develop novel therapies for improved wound healing after injury, burns, disease or aging.
This study, co-authored by Raquel Gonzalez and Garrett Moffatt, shows that PDGF is key to maintaining a well-functioning stem cell population in skin. And in normal skin, if you dont have enough of it the stem cell pools start to shrink, meaning eventually the hair will no longer grow and wounds will not heal as well.
Its an important start in terms of how we might modulate these cells towards developing future therapies that could regenerate new dermal tissue or maintain hair growth says Biernaskie.
Biernaskies lab is looking at the potential role of stem cells in wound healing and the potential to stimulate these cells to improve skin regeneration, as opposed to forming scars.
The research is funded by a grant from Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) and the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society.
This article has been republished frommaterialsprovided bythe University of Calgary. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.
The rest is here:
'Signal' Crucial to Stem Cell Function in Hair Follicles Identified - Technology Networks
Trendy Skin Care Ingredients Are Being Added to Hair Care Products – Allure Magazine
By daniellenierenberg
Beauty elicits a deep, instinctive need to share from an early age. In fact, we defy you to find a more generous creature than a 7-year-old with a sparkly, new lip gloss in her backpack. Cooties be damned, she will prettify every second grader in sight. And we get it: weve built careers on swapping beauty secrets (and, okay, maybe a gloss or two).
We see this same communal spirit, shall we say, within the industry. Across brands and categories, this borrowing of ideas and technologies sparks trends and spawns knock-offs. In 2017, cosmetic ingredients flow freely, breaking all boundaries: Those once reserved for creams find their way into compacts . The same earthy clay and charcoal that purify pores can also whiten teeth and degrease roots.
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And were all for spreading the love when the science is legit. But the latest take-over hair-care companies co-opting buzzy skin-care actives, like peptides, stem cells, and antioxidants has us questioning just how translatable such technology truly is. Are we going too far in attempting to anti-age and revitalize something thats technicallydead?
Because, facts, after all: While skin and hair are composed of similar proteins and fats, living (innervated, blood-perfused) skin cells are in a constant state of renewal, rising up, plump and fresh, from the basal layer before eventually flattening out and sloughing off, says cosmetic chemist Randy Schueller . When injured or damaged, skin has the capacity to heal itself through normal biological processes, adds cosmetic chemist Jim Hammer . Hair, on the other hand, is dead at least the grown-out lengths of which we see and style and twirl. Hairs only vital part is nestled deep within the scalp: The cells of the hair follicles reproduce rapidly, pushing out hair fibers in the process, explains Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. But once sprouted from the scalp, those strands possess no living cells or repair mechanisms.
These distinctions have long dictated product goals: Skin care aims to affect biological processes, such as boosting cell turnover, increasing collagen synthesis, and inhibiting pigment production, says cosmetic chemist NiKita Wilson. Knowing this, we obsess over penetration can those actives actually get into the skin to do their good work? and chemists devise deep-diving delivery systems and penetration enhancers to guarantee performance. For hair, there really isnt much that can be done on a biological front short of improving the condition of the scalp to promote healthier strands, adds Wilson. It makes sense, then, that the majority of hair potions are designed to work on the surface, moisturizing and sealing hair to make it glassy, smooth, and full, while minimizing friction and breakage. While certain perfectly sized and shaped hydrators and proteins can seep past the hairs outer cuticle layer, into the deeper cortex, says Wilson, their effect is short-lived. Only chemicals like hair dyes and relaxers can alter hair in a lasting way.
So what of these new skin-inspired #hairgoals were hearing about, like anti-aging, anti-pollution, and high-tech hydration? Most of this is marketing driven with maybe a kernel of truth underneath, says Schueller. That kernel could be a single lab test showing a specific active, when dripped on cells in a glass dish, has some sort of effect which, by the way, doesnt mean it will work when delivered in final products on real people, he notes. Or perhaps a company finds a common water contaminant causes some degree of hair damage and then concocts an antioxidant to combat it. Even if the trauma to hair is miniscule compared to ordinary wear and tear, theyve now got enough data to make an antipollution claim and a new line of products to go with it, Schueller says. Across beauty lines, science sells: How do you make hair care more innovative? By using skin-care ingredients that elevate the level of sophistication, says cosmetic chemist Ginger King.
A successful tactic, judging from the proliferation of skin-inspired shampoos and serums on shelves, real and virtual. But why are we so eager to buy? Our population is aging, of course; yearning to maintain a healthy appearance, to look as young as we feel, says psychologist and marketing consultant Vivian Diller, PhD. Any product that promotes youth, well being, and vitality will be enormously appealing.
According to Rachel Anise, a communication studies professor at Golden West College in Huntington Beach, CA, there may also be social-psychology constructs at work here. People, on the whole, are largely swayed by what she calls the halo effect: We see stem cells, for example, as good at a basic level, and thereby extend their goodness to everything else in which they may be included, even if that reasoning is fundamentally flawed. And then theres the way we process advertising claims, she says, quickly and effortlessly, without thinking critically about them. Instead of questioningif or whyantioxidants may work on hair as they do skin, we'll just see a model with beautiful hair, acknowledge from past experience that antioxidants benefit skin, and automatically make the connection in two seconds, no less that they'll give our hair a youthful edge as well, says Anise.
Lucky for you, beauty analysis is sort of our jam. Here, we reality-check three adapted-for-hair-care claims:
THE CLAIM: Slowing down the aging process
WHAT IT MEANS FOR HAIR: The way hair ages has a lot to do with genetics and overall health, says dermatologist Lindsey Bordone. Hair tends to become finer over time as follicles miniaturize after menopause, she adds. It may turn coarse and brittle, and as pigment production wanes, fade to gray. On the scalp, cell turnover slows, giving rise to oil and flakes. UV rays a main cause of skin aging can degrade hairs proteins and color, but youd need a lot of concentrated sun exposure for that to be a real problem, says Schueller.
WHAT WORKS: Collagen and elastin proteins can cling to hairs surface, plumping and softening but only until your next shampoo. Plant-based stem cells essentially serve as antioxidants, curbing free radical damage, but their ability to thicken hair (or skin for that matter) is largely unproven. Surprisingly, peptides, which rev up collagen production, do show promise for aging hair. On the face, they plump skin to delay wrinkles and sagging. When applied to the scalp in a leave-on formula, they aid in anchoring the follicles to help strands remain firmly planted for a thicker head of hair, says Wilson. According to dermatologist Jeannette Graf , peptides are especially beneficial for thinning hair, which results from weakened scalp skin and circulation. Alongside peptides, she suggests looking for essential oils of lavender, orange, sage, and lemon peel to improve microcirculation, and enhance the delivery of nutrients to the hair bulb for healthier strands. As for sun care, hats trump UV filters. Think about how much sunscreen you need to put on skin to truly protect it, Schueller says. Its the same for hair and scalp: Youd need a tremendous amount, and whos going to apply that heavy of a coating?
THE CLAIM: Combatting pollution
WHAT IT MEANS FOR HAIR: Every day, our hair, like our skin, is exposed to free radical-inciting pollutants in the air and water. According to dermatologist Michelle Henry, all types of pollution, including particulate matter, dust, smoke, nickel, lead, and sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide [emitted from vehicles and power plants] can settle on the scalp and hair causing significant inflammation, dryness, dullness, even hair loss.If that werent devastating enough, ground-level smog, which contains high levels of ozone, can bleach our hair color, says Hammer. Other contaminants may rob it completely: Premature graying is seen more in smokers than non-smokers as a result of oxidative stress, says dermatologist Nicole Rogers, adding that free radicals from all sources not just cigarettes can affect the follicles' ability to repigment. That said, pollutions precise toll on hair is unknown. I havent seen a ton of research proving its a major threat, says Schueller. Of all the things that can harm hair chemicals, brushing, heat Id imagine free radicals are low on the list.
WHAT WORKS: With thinning and graying as potential consequences, why take chances? While only a diet rich in free radical-quelching antioxidants can truly defend hair at a follicular level, certain products and practices can help safeguard strands from the environment. For starters, washing your hair thoroughly, and with sufficient frequency for your hair type, is key to curbing the scalp inflammation that contributes to hair loss, says Henry.Shampoos with chelating agents, like EDTA, will gently extract heavy metals (found in car exhaust, cigarette smoke, hard water). Youll also want to look for leave-ins with concentrated doses of antioxidants (think: vitamins, tea extracts, idebenone, resveratrol) to neutralize free radicals, and strand-coating silicones, proteins, and polymers, which provide a physical barrier, walling off hair from pollutants, says Hammer.
THE CLAIM: Healing hydration
WHAT IT MEANS FOR HAIR: With a rich blood supply and an abundance of oil glands, the scalp is an extension of our skin, says dermatologist Francesca Fusco . It shares the same lipids and humectants, and is equally prone to dryness and irritation. Hair suffers from dehydration, too, particularly when its cuticle is eroded (by water, heat, and chemicals).
WHAT WORKS: Hyaluronic acid, a water-binding humectant, and ceramides, moisture-retaining lipids, are both found naturally in the skin (and in countless creams and serums). Since they improve the functioning of skin cells, making them more resilient and efficient, both can help keep the scalp in peak condition. When applied to hair (again, leave-on products work best), they coat strands to lock in moisture while also shielding from heat and styling damage, says Rogers, noting a 2002 study in which ceramides were shown to bind to African hair, helping to reduce breakage. Coconut oil and panthenol (a B vitamin) also nourish the scalp, and unlike most other ingredients, can penetrate inside the hair shaft, hydrating from within to enhance pliability, and keeping the cuticle tight and intact.
Bottom Line: The secret to beautiful hair is a healthy scalp. When the scalp is out of whack meaning theres poor circulation, an oil imbalance, or a build-up of cells we see not only flakes and inflammation, but hair that looks and feels unhealthy, and may even shed before its time, says Fusco. Seek out proven actives that take aim at the scalp (many of which do hail from the skin realm): dandruff-fighting pyrithione zinc (in Doves new DermaCare Scalp collection); clays that absorb excess oil and calm irritation (like those in LOral Paris Extraordinary Clay Pre-Shampoo Mask ); exfoliating salicylic acid or willowbark extract, which keep cells shedding at a normal clip to prevent pile-ups; and the aforementioned hydrators to soothe and replenish dry, depleted follicles.
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Trendy Skin Care Ingredients Are Being Added to Hair Care Products - Allure Magazine
UCalgary researchers identify ‘signal’ crucial to stem cell function in hair follicles – UCalgary News
By JoanneRUSSELL25
UCalgary researchers identify 'signal' crucial to stem cell function in hair follicles UCalgary News This is the first study to identify the signals that influence hair follicle dermal stem cell function in your skin, says Biernaskie, an associate professor in comparative biology and experimental medicine at the University of Calgary's Faculty of ... |
What are Stem Cells? – Health News – Medical News Today
By JoanneRUSSELL25
knowledge center home stem cell research all about stem cells what are stem cells?
Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types. Commonly, stem cells come from two main sources:
Both types are generally characterized by their potency, or potential to differentiate into different cell types (such as skin, muscle, bone, etc.).
Adult or somatic stem cells exist throughout the body after embryonic development and are found inside of different types of tissue. These stem cells have been found in tissues such as the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin, and the liver. They remain in a quiescent or non-dividing state for years until activated by disease or tissue injury.
Adult stem cells can divide or self-renew indefinitely, enabling them to generate a range of cell types from the originating organ or even regenerate the entire original organ. It is generally thought that adult stem cells are limited in their ability to differentiate based on their tissue of origin, but there is some evidence to suggest that they can differentiate to become other cell types.
Embryonic stem cells are derived from a four- or five-day-old human embryo that is in the blastocyst phase of development. The embryos are usually extras that have been created in IVF (in vitro fertilization) clinics where several eggs are fertilized in a test tube, but only one is implanted into a woman.
Sexual reproduction begins when a male's sperm fertilizes a female's ovum (egg) to form a single cell called a zygote. The single zygote cell then begins a series of divisions, forming 2, 4, 8, 16 cells, etc. After four to six days - before implantation in the uterus - this mass of cells is called a blastocyst. The blastocyst consists of an inner cell mass (embryoblast) and an outer cell mass (trophoblast). The outer cell mass becomes part of the placenta, and the inner cell mass is the group of cells that will differentiate to become all the structures of an adult organism. This latter mass is the source of embryonic stem cells - totipotent cells (cells with total potential to develop into any cell in the body).
In a normal pregnancy, the blastocyst stage continues until implantation of the embryo in the uterus, at which point the embryo is referred to as a fetus. This usually occurs by the end of the 10th week of gestation after all major organs of the body have been created.
However, when extracting embryonic stem cells, the blastocyst stage signals when to isolate stem cells by placing the "inner cell mass" of the blastocyst into a culture dish containing a nutrient-rich broth. Lacking the necessary stimulation to differentiate, they begin to divide and replicate while maintaining their ability to become any cell type in the human body. Eventually, these undifferentiated cells can be stimulated to create specialized cells.
Stem cells are either extracted from adult tissue or from a dividing zygote in a culture dish. Once extracted, scientists place the cells in a controlled culture that prohibits them from further specializing or differentiating but usually allows them to divide and replicate. The process of growing large numbers of embryonic stem cells has been easier than growing large numbers of adult stem cells, but progress is being made for both cell types.
Once stem cells have been allowed to divide and propagate in a controlled culture, the collection of healthy, dividing, and undifferentiated cells is called a stem cell line. These stem cell lines are subsequently managed and shared among researchers. Once under control, the stem cells can be stimulated to specialize as directed by a researcher - a process known as directed differentiation. Embryonic stem cells are able to differentiate into more cell types than adult stem cells.
Stem cells are categorized by their potential to differentiate into other types of cells. Embryonic stem cells are the most potent since they must become every type of cell in the body. The full classification includes:
Embryonic stem cells are considered pluripotent instead of totipotent because they do not have the ability to become part of the extra-embryonic membranes or the placenta.
A video on how stem cells work and develop.
Although there is not complete agreement among scientists of how to identify stem cells, most tests are based on making sure that stem cells are undifferentiated and capable of self-renewal. Tests are often conducted in the laboratory to check for these properties.
One way to identify stem cells in a lab, and the standard procedure for testing bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), is by transplanting one cell to save an individual without HSCs. If the stem cell produces new blood and immune cells, it demonstrates its potency.
Clonogenic assays (a laboratory procedure) can also be employed in vitro to test whether single cells can differentiate and self-renew. Researchers may also inspect cells under a microscope to see if they are healthy and undifferentiated or they may examine chromosomes.
To test whether human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, scientists allow the cells to differentiate spontaneously in cell culture, manipulate the cells so they will differentiate to form specific cell types, or inject the cells into an immunosuppressed mouse to test for the formation of a teratoma (a benign tumor containing a mixture of differentiated cells).
Scientists and researchers are interested in stem cells for several reasons. Although stem cells do not serve any one function, many have the capacity to serve any function after they are instructed to specialize. Every cell in the body, for example, is derived from first few stem cells formed in the early stages of embryological development. Therefore, stem cells extracted from embryos can be induced to become any desired cell type. This property makes stem cells powerful enough to regenerate damaged tissue under the right conditions.
Tissue regeneration is probably the most important possible application of stem cell research. Currently, organs must be donated and transplanted, but the demand for organs far exceeds supply. Stem cells could potentially be used to grow a particular type of tissue or organ if directed to differentiate in a certain way. Stem cells that lie just beneath the skin, for example, have been used to engineer new skin tissue that can be grafted on to burn victims.
A team of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital reported in PNAS Early Edition (July 2013 issue) that they were able to create blood vessels in laboratory mice using human stem cells.
The scientists extracted vascular precursor cells derived from human-induced pluripotent stem cells from one group of adults with type 1 diabetes as well as from another group of healthy adults. They were then implanted onto the surface of the brains of the mice.
Within two weeks of implanting the stem cells, networks of blood-perfused vessels had been formed - they lasted for 280 days. These new blood vessels were as good as the adjacent natural ones.
The authors explained that using stem cells to repair or regenerate blood vessels could eventually help treat human patients with cardiovascular and vascular diseases.
Additionally, replacement cells and tissues may be used to treat brain disease such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's by replenishing damaged tissue, bringing back the specialized brain cells that keep unneeded muscles from moving. Embryonic stem cells have recently been directed to differentiate into these types of cells, and so treatments are promising.
Healthy heart cells developed in a laboratory may one day be transplanted into patients with heart disease, repopulating the heart with healthy tissue. Similarly, people with type I diabetes may receive pancreatic cells to replace the insulin-producing cells that have been lost or destroyed by the patient's own immune system. The only current therapy is a pancreatic transplant, and it is unlikely to occur due to a small supply of pancreases available for transplant.
Adult hematopoietic stem cells found in blood and bone marrow have been used for years to treat diseases such as leukemia, sickle cell anemia, and other immunodeficiencies. These cells are capable of producing all blood cell types, such as red blood cells that carry oxygen to white blood cells that fight disease. Difficulties arise in the extraction of these cells through the use of invasive bone marrow transplants. However hematopoietic stem cells have also been found in the umbilical cord and placenta. This has led some scientists to call for an umbilical cord blood bank to make these powerful cells more easily obtainable and to decrease the chances of a body's rejecting therapy.
Another reason why stem cell research is being pursued is to develop new drugs. Scientists could measure a drug's effect on healthy, normal tissue by testing the drug on tissue grown from stem cells rather than testing the drug on human volunteers.
The debates surrounding stem cell research primarily are driven by methods concerning embryonic stem cell research. It was only in 1998 that researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison extracted the first human embryonic stem cells that were able to be kept alive in the laboratory. The main critique of this research is that it required the destruction of a human blastocyst. That is, a fertilized egg was not given the chance to develop into a fully-developed human.
The core of this debate - similar to debates about abortion, for example - centers on the question, "When does life begin?" Many assert that life begins at conception, when the egg is fertilized. It is often argued that the embryo deserves the same status as any other full grown human. Therefore, destroying it (removing the blastocyst to extract stem cells) is akin to murder. Others, in contrast, have identified different points in gestational development that mark the beginning of life - after the development of certain organs or after a certain time period.
People also take issue with the creation of chimeras. A chimera is an organism that has both human and animal cells or tissues. Often in stem cell research, human cells are inserted into animals (like mice or rats) and allowed to develop. This creates the opportunity for researchers to see what happens when stem cells are implanted. Many people, however, object to the creation of an organism that is "part human".
The stem cell debate has risen to the highest level of courts in several countries. Production of embryonic stem cell lines is illegal in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, and Ireland, but permitted in Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK. In the United States, it is not illegal to work with or create embryonic stem cell lines. However, the debate in the US is about funding, and it is in fact illegal for federal funds to be used to research stem cell lines that were created after August 2001.
Medical News Today is a leading resource for the latest headlines on stem cell research. So, check out our stem cell research news section. You can also sign up to our weekly or daily newsletters to ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest news.
This stem cells information section was written by Peter Crosta for Medical News Today in September 2008 and was last updated on 19 July 2013. The contents may not be re-produced in any way without the permission of Medical News Today.
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What are Stem Cells? - Health News - Medical News Today
Mice embryos from skin cells and by 2037 human embryos from skin cells – Next Big Future
By daniellenierenberg
By 2027 to 2037 scientists will likely be able to create a baby from human skin cells that have been coaxed to grow into eggs and sperm and used to create embryos to implant in a womb.
The process, in vitro gametogenesis, or I.V.G., so far has been used only in mice. But stem cell biologists say it is only a matter of time before it could be used in human reproduction opening up mind-boggling possibilities.
With I.V.G., two men could have a baby that was biologically related to both of them, by using skin cells from one to make an egg that would be fertilized by sperm from the other. Women with fertility problems could have eggs made from their skin cells, rather than go through the lengthy and expensive process of stimulating their ovaries to retrieve their eggs.
IVF (Invitro fertilization) produces 70,000, or almost 2 percent, of the babies born in the United States each year. Worldwide there been more than 6.5 million babies born worldwide through I.V.F. and related technologies.
I.V.G. requires layers of complicated bioengineering. Scientists must first take adult skin cells other cells would work as well or better, but skin cells are the easiest to get and reprogram them to become embryonic stem cells capable of growing into different kinds of cells.
Then, the same kind of signaling factors that occur in nature are used to guide those stem cells to become eggs or sperm.
Last year, researchers in Japan, led by Katsuhiko Hayashi, used I.V.G. to make viable eggs from the skin cells of adult female mice, and produced embryos that were implanted into female mice, who then gave birth to healthy babies.
Nature Reconstitution in vitro of the entire cycle of the mouse female germ line
The female germ line undergoes a unique sequence of differentiation processes that confers totipotency to the egg. The reconstitution of these events in vitro using pluripotent stem cells is a key achievement in reproductive biology and regenerative medicine. Here we report successful reconstitution in vitro of the entire process of oogenesis from mouse pluripotent stem cells. Fully potent mature oocytes were generated in culture from embryonic stem cells and from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from both embryonic fibroblasts and adult tail tip fibroblasts. Moreover, pluripotent stem cell lines were re-derived from the eggs that were generated in vitro, thereby reconstituting the full female germline cycle in a dish. This culture system will provide a platform for elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying totipotency and the production of oocytes of other mammalian species in culture.
Scientists could make an egg out of skin cells from women who cant produce viable eggsor who have other fertility problems, or who dont want to go through the difficult process of surgical removal of their eggs for IVF. Or men with fertility problems involving their sperm. Two women could make a child that was truly theirs, with eggs from one and sperm made from skin cells of the other. Or two men, vice-versa.
Mouse oocytes created from embryonic stem cells. Credit: Katsuhiko Hayashi, Kyushu Univ
In a couple of decades, Greely predicts, it will be possible to examine and select an embryo not just for a particular genetic disease but also for other traits, ranging from hair color to musical ability to potential temperament.
Greely concedes that Easy PGD will be mostly available in rich countries, but he also thinks it will be widely available in those countries because it will be free. Preventing the birth of people with genes that increase their risk of serious (and expensive) disease will save health care systems so much money that Easy PGD will be convincingly cost-effective.
That will be a powerful incentive to encourage prospective parents to further decouple procreation from sexual intercourse, and make it easy for them to drop off their skin cells at a lab. The lab will then generate a big supply of embryos containing the couples genes, embryos that can be examined for desirable characteristics as well as disease genes. The winner of this elimination contest will, presumably, be selected for implantation.
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Mice embryos from skin cells and by 2037 human embryos from skin cells - Next Big Future
Lab-grown blood stem cells produced at last –
By raymumme
Rio Sugimura
Researchers made these blood stem cells and progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
After 20 years of trying, scientists have transformed mature cells into primordial blood cells that regenerate themselves and the components of blood. The work, described today in Nature1, 2, offers hope to people with leukaemia and other blood disorders who need bone-marrow transplants but cant find a compatible donor. If the findings translate into the clinic, these patients could receive lab-grown versions of their own healthy cells.
One team, led by stem-cell biologist George Daley of Boston Childrens Hospital in Massachusetts, created human cells that act like blood stem cells, although they are not identical to those found in nature1. A second team, led by stem-cell biologist Shahin Rafii of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, turned mature cells from mice into fully fledged blood stem cells2.
For many years, people have figured out parts of this recipe, but theyve never quite gotten there, says Mick Bhatia, a stem-cell researcher at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, who was not involved with either study. This is the first time researchers have checked all the boxes and made blood stem cells.
Daleys team chose skin cells and other cells taken from adults as their starting material. Using a standard method, they reprogrammed the cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, which are capable of producing many other cell types. Until now, however, iPS cells have not been morphed into cells that create blood.
The next step was the novel one: Daley and his colleagues inserted seven transcription factors genes that control other genes into the genomes of the iPS cells. Then they injected these modified human cells into mice to develop. Twelve weeks later, the iPS cells had transformed into progenitor cells capable of making the range of cells found in human blood, including immune cells. The progenitor cells are tantalizingly close to naturally occurring haemopoetic blood stem cells, says Daley.
Bhatia agrees. Its pretty convincing that George has figured out how to cook up human haemopoetic stem cells, he says. That is the holy grail.
By contrast, Rafiis team generated true blood stem cells from mice without the intermediate step of creating iPS cells. The researchers began by extracting cells from the lining of blood vessels in mature mice. They then inserted four transcription factors into the genomes of these cells, and kept them in Petri dishes designed to mimic the environment inside human blood vessels. There, the cells morphed into blood stem cells and multiplied.
When the researchers injected these stem cells into mice that had been treated with radiation to kill most of their blood and immune cells, the animals recovered. The stem cells regenerated the blood, including immune cells, and the mice went on to live a full life more than 1.5 years in the lab.
Because he bypassed the iPS-cell stage, Rafii compares his approach to a direct aeroplane flight, and Daleys procedure to a flight that takes a detour to the Moon before reaching its final destination. Using the most efficient method to generate stem cells matters, he adds, because every time a gene is added to a batch of cells, a large portion of the batch fails to incorporate it and must be thrown out. There is also a risk that some cells will mutate after they are modified in the lab, and could form tumours if they are implanted into people.
But Daley and other researchers are confident that the method he used can be made more efficient, and less likely to spur tumour growth and other abnormalities in modified cells. One possibility is to temporarily alter gene expression in iPS cells, rather than permanently insert genes that encode transcription factors, says Jeanne Loring, a stem-cell researcher at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California. She notes that iPS cells can be generated from skin and other tissue that is easy to access, whereas Rafiis method begins with cells that line blood vessels, which are more difficult to gather and to keep alive in the lab.
Time will determine which approach succeeds. But the latest advances have buoyed the spirits of researchers who have been frustrated by their inability to generate blood stem cells from iPS cells. A lot of people have become jaded, saying that these cells dont exist in nature and you cant just push them into becoming anything else, Bhatia says. I hoped the critics were wrong, and now I know they were.
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Lab-grown blood stem cells produced at last -
Growing an entire baby from skin cells could happen in a decade … – The San Diego Union-Tribune
By NEVAGiles23
Nearly 40 years after the world was jolted by the birth of the first test-tube baby, a new revolution in reproductive technology is on the horizon and it promises to be far more controversial than in vitro fertilization ever was.
Within a decade or two, researchers say, scientists will likely be able to create a baby from human skin cells that have been coaxed to grow into eggs and sperm and used to create embryos to implant in a womb.
The process, in vitro gametogenesis, or I.V.G., so far has been used only in mice. But stem cell biologists say it is only a matter of time before it could be used in human reproduction opening up mind-boggling possibilities.
With I.V.G., two men could have a baby that was biologically related to both of them, by using skin cells from one to make an egg that would be fertilized by sperm from the other. Women with fertility problems could have eggs made from their skin cells, rather than go through the lengthy and expensive process of stimulating their ovaries to retrieve their eggs.
It gives me an unsettled feeling because we dont know what this could lead to, said Paul Knoepfler, a stem cell researcher at UC Davis. You can imagine one man providing both the eggs and the sperm, almost like cloning himself. You can imagine that eggs becoming so easily available would lead to designer babies.
Some scientists even talk about what they call the Brad Pitt scenario when someone retrieves a celebritys skin cells from a hotel bed or bathtub. Or a baby might have what one law professor called multiplex parents.
There are groups out there that want to reproduce among themselves, said Sonia Suter, a George Washington University law professor who began writing about I.V.G. even before it had been achieved in mice. You could have two pairs who would each create an embryo, and then take an egg from one embryo and sperm from the other, and create a baby with four parents.
Three prominent academics in medicine and law sounded an alarm about the possible consequences in a paper published this year.
I.V.G. may raise the specter of embryo farming on a scale currently unimagined, which might exacerbate concerns about the devaluation of human life, Dr. Eli Y. Adashi, a medical science professor at Brown; I. Glenn Cohen, a Harvard Law School professor; and Dr. George Q. Daley, dean of Harvard Medical School, wrote in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
Still, how soon I.V.G. might become a reality in human reproduction is open to debate.
I wouldnt be surprised if it was five years, and I wouldnt be surprised if it was 25 years, said Jeanne Loring, a researcher at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla who, with the San Diego Zoo, hopes to use I.V.G. to increase the population of the nearly extinct northern white rhino.
Loring said that when she discussed I.V.G. with colleagues who initially said it would never be used with humans, their skepticism often melted away as the talk continued. But not everyone is convinced that I.V.G. will ever become a regularly used process in human reproduction even if the ethical issues are resolved.
People are a lot more complicated than mice, said Susan Solomon, chief executive of the New York Stem Cell Foundation. And weve often seen that the closer you get to something, the more obstacles you discover.
I.V.G. is not the first reproductive technology to challenge the basic paradigm of baby-making. Back when in vitro fertilization was beginning, many people were horrified by the idea of creating babies outside the human body. And yet, I.V.F. and related procedures have become so commonplace that they now account for about 70,000, or almost 2 percent, of the babies born in the United States each year. According to the latest estimate, there have been more than 6.5 million babies born worldwide through I.V.F. and related technologies.
Of course, even I.V.F. is not universally accepted. The Catholic Church remains firm in its opposition to in vitro fertilization, in part because it so often leads to the creation of extra embryos that are frozen or discarded.
I.V.G. requires layers of complicated bioengineering. Scientists must first take adult skin cells other cells would work as well or better, but skin cells are the easiest to get and reprogram them to become embryonic stem cells capable of growing into different kinds of cells.
Then, the same kind of signaling factors that occur in nature are used to guide those stem cells to become eggs or sperm. (Cells taken from women could be made to produce sperm, the researchers say, but the sperm, lacking a Y chromosome, would produce only female babies.)
Last year, researchers in Japan, led by Katsuhiko Hayashi, used I.V.G. to make viable eggs from the skin cells of adult female mice, and produced embryos that were implanted into female mice, who then gave birth to healthy babies.
The process strikes some people as inherently repugnant.
There is a yuck factor here, said Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University. It strikes many people as intuitively yucky to have three parents, or to make a baby without starting from an egg and sperm. But then again, it used to be that people thought blood transfusions were yucky, or putting pig valves in human hearts.
Whatever the social norms, there are questions about the wisdom of tinkering with basic biological processes. And there is general agreement that reproductive technology is progressing faster than consideration of the legal and ethical questions it raises.
We have come to realize that scientific developments are outpacing our ability to think them through, Adashi said. Its a challenge for which we are not fully prepared. It would be good to be having the conversation before we are actually confronting the challenges.
Some bioethicists take the position that while research on early stages of human life can deepen the understanding of our genetic code, tinkering with biological mechanisms that have evolved over thousands of years is inherently wrongheaded.
Basic research is paramount, but its not clear that we need new methods for creating viable embryos, said David Lemberg, a bioethicist at National University in California. Attempting to apply what weve learned to create a human zygote is dangerous, because we have no idea what were doing, we have no idea what the outcomes are going to be.
Lewin writes for The New York Times.
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Growing an entire baby from skin cells could happen in a decade ... - The San Diego Union-Tribune
Cells Responsible for Hair Growth Discovered – Wall Street Pit
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Its one of those times when serendipity went to work. As a team of UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers were studying a rare form of genetic cancer called Neurofibromatosis Type 1 that causes tumors to grow on nerves, what they discovered instead were hair progenitor cells. Essentially, these are the cells that cause hair to grow. With this new information on hand, the path towards managing hair growth problems, including hair discoloration (a.k.a greying of hair) now seems to have become clearer.
As explained by Dr. Lu Le, one of the researchers and currently an Associate Professor of Dermatology: With this knowledge, we hope in the future to create a topical compound or to safely deliver the necessary gene to hair follicles to correct these cosmetic problems.
Prior to this discovery, researchers were already aware that skin stem cells located in the bulge on bottom of hair follicles were involved, in one way or another, in the growth of hair. What they didnt know was how these skin cells turn into hair cells, specifically, what happens after those cells move down to the bulb or the base of hair follicles. This also meant they had no idea what to do to stimulate and manipulate their growth.
As they were studying the nerve cells and how tumors formed on them, they discovered a protein that differentiates the skin stem cells from other types of cells. The protein is called KROX20 and as far as they knew, this protein was more commonly associated with nerve development. In the hair follicles of their mice test subjects, however, they found out that KROX20 becomes activated in the skin cells which eventually turn into hair shafts that cause hair to grow. That said, though, its not as simple as that.
It turned out that KROX20 works in tandem with another protein called SCF (short for stem cell factor) and without either one, hair growth happens abnormally, or not at all.
When KROX20 turns on in a skin cell, it causes the cell to produce SCF. With both proteins now active, they move up the hair bulb, interact with melanocyte cells (the cells that produce pigment), and grow into healthy, colored hairs.
When the team removed the KROX20-producing cells, the mice did not grow any hair, meaning, they became bald. And when they removed the SCF gene, the mices hair started out as gray-colored, then turned white with age.
From these results, the obvious way forward is to backtrack whats happening, possibly try to figure out why and how aging affects KROX20 protein production. Another aspect that will also be looked at is the reason why the SCF gene stops functioning, thereby resulting in gray hair production. The findings could also help provide answers on why hair loss and graying of hair are among the first indications of aging.
The research was recently published in the journal Genes & Development.
Here is the original post:
Cells Responsible for Hair Growth Discovered - Wall Street Pit – The Christian Institute
By Sykes24Tracey
The new technique heals burns much faster and more effectively than traditional skin grafting.
Burn victims may no longer be forced to undergo painful skin grafts, thanks to a revolutionary piece of technology that uses adult stem cells.
Instead of taking skin from one part of the body and transplanting it onto the burned area, a stem-cell spraying device simply covers the affected area with the victims own stem cells.
By taking adult stem cells from a healthy section of skin, placing them in a solution, and spraying the solution onto the wound, the patients own skin grows back and heals naturally.
The procedure has been in development for some time, and is not yet commercially available, but its capability was publicised in the press earlier this month.
The technology was featured in the Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, and showed incredible before and after images of the horrific injuries, and the victims almost full recoveries.
Patients who have benefitted from early treatments say their new skin is virtually indistinguishable from the rest of their body.
Commenting on the journals research, Thomas Bold, CEO of RenovaCare a company developing this technology said, the skin that regrows looks, feels and functions like the original skin.
By using adult stem cells, the healing process of the victims was also vastly accelerated.
While a skin graft treatment can take weeks or even months, and leave scarring, these patients were able to grow healthy skin in as little as four days.
In one case, a man who had suffered electrical burns to over a third of his body after touching a live wire had 24 million adult stem cells harvested and then sprayed back onto his body.
The process itself lasted only 90 minutes, and within four days, he had regrown a thin layer of skin over his arms and chest, where the burns were least severe.
After 20 days, all of the areas treated by the stem cell grafting process were described as completely healed.
RenovaCare is applying for a licence to use the technology in routine practice in Europe.
In January, it was revealed that a new technique allowed adult stem cells to be used in the treatment of heart problems.
The technique involves implanting synthetic cardiac stem cells which repair heart muscle. It has been praised as both an ethical and less risky alternative to other treatments.
Read the original here: - The Christian Institute
Babies From Skin Cells? Prospect Is Unsettling to Some Experts … – New York Times
By JoanneRUSSELL25
New York Times | Babies From Skin Cells? Prospect Is Unsettling to Some Experts ... New York Times Researchers say that scientists may soon be able to create a baby from human skin cells that have been coaxed to grow into eggs and sperm. |
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Babies From Skin Cells? Prospect Is Unsettling to Some Experts ... - New York Times
Encouraging results after Jonathan Pitre’s transplant, mother says – CTV News
By daniellenierenberg
Nick Wells, Published Wednesday, May 17, 2017 7:04AM EDT Last Updated Wednesday, May 17, 2017 12:28PM EDT
An Ottawa-area boy who suffers from a rare and painful blistering skin disease is recovering in a Minneapolis hospital, after undergoing a second potentially life-changing transplant.
Jonathan Pitre, known as the "Butterfly Boy" because of his delicate, blistering skin, received a second transfusion of his mother Tina Boileaus stem cells in April.
In a Facebook post Tuesday, Boileau said the donor study tests are showing that her son is officially growing her cells.
Pitre was born with a severe form of epidermolysis bullosa (EB), an incurable genetic collagen disorder. The condition causes a never-ending series of raw and painful blisters -- some of which hes had for years.
His mother told CTV News on Wednesday that the positive turn in Pitres long and painful treatment was exactly what we needed.
Boileau said her son has had infections on top of infections and endured much pain over the past year. The second stem cell transplant has been really hard on his body, she said, but there now seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.
Yesterday was just the greatest day. We were speechless. Jonathan hugged me and we were like, We did it, she said in an interview from the hospital.
Boileau said that even some of the nurses were crying when Pitre received the good news.
Its finally now feeling like its all been worth it.
However, she pointed out that if Pitre is unable to grow his own cells, he could be diagnosed with Graft vs. Host disease a condition where the donor's cells take over the host's organs and bodily functions, leading to complications.
We still have a long road ahead of us, but you know what, this is definitely what weve been waiting for, Boileau said.
The $1.5-million transplant procedure Pitre is undergoing is currently only performed as a University of Minnesota clinical trial.
Continued here:
Encouraging results after Jonathan Pitre's transplant, mother says - CTV News
International Stem Cell Corporation Announces Operating Results for the Quarter ended March 31, 2017 – P&T Community
By raymumme
International Stem Cell Corporation Announces Operating Results for the Quarter ended March 31, 2017 P&T Community ISCO also produces and markets specialized cells and growth media for therapeutic research worldwide through its subsidiary Lifeline Cell Technology (, and stem cell-based skin care products through its subsidiary Lifeline Skin ... |
Skin Cells Into Babies: Bioethicists Freakout Again – Reason (blog)
By daniellenierenberg
Ella1977/DreamstimeIn the not too distant future most human babies will be born using eggs and sperm produced from the skin cells of their parents, claims Stanford University law professor and bioethicist Hank Greely in his book, The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction. Basically, Greely is making informed speculation how in vitro gametogenesis (IVG) will progress over the next few years. And considerable progress has been made.
For example, Japanese researchers have turned skin cells from mice into eggs which they fertilized to produce embryos that were implanted into surrogates that then gave birth to healthy mouse pups. In April, Spanish researchers announced that they had made significant progress toward transforming human skin cells into viable sperm.
Harvard bioethicist Glenn Cohen and his colleagues described how "disruptive reproductive technologies" derived from IVG might evolve in a January article in the journal Science Translational Medicine. They go on to assert that "IVG raises vexing ethical and social policy challenges in need of redress."
First let's consider the biomedical benefits of IVG. One result would be the creation of an unlimited supply of early-stage embryos for research. In the reproductive realm, IVG could produce sperm or eggs for people suffering from various forms of infertilty, e.g., congenital and chemotherapy-induced. In addition, IVG could be used to prevent mitochondrial diseases by creating eggs without those mutations and boost regenerative medicine by creating patient-specific stem cell lines that could be used as transplants to replace diseased tissues and organs.
More speculatively, IVG could be used by same sex couples to produce genetically related children. In addition, since skin cells could be used to produce both sperm and eggs, they might be used to create single-parent children (Women wanting a boy would have to find a donated Y-chromosome.) In addition, there is the possibility that someone lift some cells left behind on a glass or comb by a celebrity and turn them into gametes without their permission. Furthermore, the ability to produce unlimited quantities of gametes and embryos will make it feasible to use genome-editing techniques to correct genetic defects and, perhaps, eventually introduce gene variants that could enhance physical and mental functioning.
Glenn and his colleagues observe that some religious believers object to the creation of embryos outside of human bodies and that doctrinaire anti-market folks oppose the "commodification" of human reproduction. Certainly, opponents are entitled to their opinions, but there is no ethical reason why their beliefs should be permitted to interfere with the biomedical and reproductive choices of those who don't agree with them.
Safety concerns will be paramount before rolling out this technology. With regard to reproduction, one benchmark might be that the likelihood of producing birth defects in babies using IVG is no greater than IVF. As I explained in my Designer Babies and Human Enhancement lecture in Moscow:
Greely believes that in about 40 years half of all American babies will born using what he calls Easy PGD. At that time most people will use gametes produced from their skin cells to create scores of IVF embryos that will each have his or her entire genomes sequenced. Prospective parents will then choose among the embryos based on which combination of genetic traits they would prefer. Presumably they would tend avoid those embryos afflicted with debilitating genetic diseases.
Greely believes that Easy PGD will be extremely cheap, e.g., whole genome testing should fall to around $10 by the beginning of the next decade. Easy PGD would also make it possible for same sex couples to have offspring genetically related to both parents and it might even be possible for a person to have both sperm and eggs created from their skin cells, enabling them to be both mother and father of their child.
Interestingly, biologist Craig Venter, the leader of the group that raced the government to a tie in sequencing the human genome, and now founder of the life extension company Human Longevity, Inc. can sequence a fetal genome and give the mother "a picture of what her future child will look like at 18."
"There is a yuck factor here," said Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University in The New York Times today. "It strikes many people as intuitively yucky to have three parents, or to make a baby without starting from an egg and sperm. But then again, it used to be that people thought blood transfusions were yucky, or putting pig valves in human hearts." Just so.
Naturally, Glenn and his colleagues call for a vigorous ethical debate and government regulation of the technologies. I would gently suggest that a front page article in the Times means that a vigorous public debate is already taking place.
With regard to government regulation - there may be a role for it to the extent that safety issues cannot be handled by developers of the technology. However, the government should certainly stay far, far away from any eugenic efforts to tell people when and what sort of children they may have. The last time the U.S. government started meddling with the reproductive decisions of Americans, it didn't turn out well.
For more background, see my article, "Is Heaven Populated Chiefly by the Souls of Embryos?"
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Skin Cells Into Babies: Bioethicists Freakout Again - Reason (blog)
Bizarre Mini Brains Offer a Fascinating New Look at the Brain – Singularity Hub
By daniellenierenberg
Brain balls sound like something straight out of a Tim Burton movie: starting as stem cells harvested from patients, they eventually develop into masses of living neurons, jumbled together in misshapen blobs.
Just like the developing brain, these neurons stretch and grow, reaching out skinny branches that grab onto others to form synapsesjunctions where one neuron talks with the next.
And they do talk: previous attempts at growing these brain organoids found that they spark with electrical activity, much like the webs of neurons inside our heads that lead to thoughts and memories.
Theyre creepy. Theyre fascinating. And they may be neuroscientists best bet at modeling developmental disorders like autism in a dish.
Last week, two studies published in the prestigious journal Nature argued for brain balls as a reductionist model for broken brains. In one study, scientists took skin cells from patients with Timothy syndrome, a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder that often ends with childhood death, and grew them into brain balls to study where and how the developing brain veered off track.
In a separate paper, researchers used cutting-edge technology to profile the inhabitants of brain balls as they matured for eight months in a dish. Heres a creepy teaser: some blobs contained retinal neurons that normally allow us to see. Brain balls with eyes?!
As bizarre as that sounds, the fact that brain balls can develop a variety of neuron types with densely packed synapses is a win. Because theyre made from human cells, brain balls may eventually mimic diseases like schizophrenia, autism, or Alzheimers better than mouse models, revealing what went wrong and offering ample test grounds for potential treatments.
Weve never been able to recapitulate these human-brain developmental events in a dish before, says Dr. Sergiu Pasca at Stanford, who led the Timothy syndrome study. Our method lets us see the entire movie, not just snapshots.
Brain balls, better known by their scientific name cerebral organoids, first came onto the neurodevelopmental scene in 2013.
They often begin their short life as run-of-the-mill skin cells. Scientists first transform them back into stem cells. Then, using a chemical concoction of nutrients and signaling molecules, the stem cells are pushed to spontaneously assemble into little Frankenstein blobs of brain tissue.
But the process isnt just random bursts of division and growth. Rather, the way the brain balls mature roughly echoes how a fetuss cortex develops in the womb: the outer edges curl inward, forming outer and deeper layers.
What really sparked scientists interest was this: almost 90 percent of the neurons within a brain ball had active synapses, often spontaneously shooting electrical pulses to others in their network. While scientists believe brain balls arent capable of thinkingthe high-level cognitive processes constantly churning in our headstheyre definitely doing something.
To begin getting some answers, Dr. Paola Arlotta and team at Harvard followed a number of brain balls for nine months as they gradually maturedroughly the amount of time for human gestation, and much longer than any previous attempts.
Periodically, the researchers harvested more than 80,000 brain balls and ran sophisticated genetic tests to figure out their gene expression profile. Like law enforcement using DNA to match a perpetrators identity, this allowed researchers to profile the inhabitants of the organoids.
It was a cellular bonanza: as expected, excitatory neurons and non-neuronal cells called glia both made an appearance. More surprising were inhibitory neurons that dampen network activity, and cells that normally form the corpus callosum, a highway that connects the brains two hemispheres.
But creepiest by far, every single type of retinal cell also made an appearance. Although they couldnt really see in the normal sense, when bathed under light they did fire off electrical signals.
Just like a developing brain, the older they got the more complex the brain balls became. At eight months old, they contained roughly the same density of synapses as a human fetus cortex.
The cells connect witheach other, forming circuits, and once theyre connected, they can synchronize their activity, potentially mimicking higher-order functions of the human brain, says Arlotta.
Thats great, because it means mini brains could be used to study how different types of neurons connect with each other, and how disrupting the process leads to developmental problems.
Thats the direction the second study took. Rather than letting the mini brains grow wild, Pasca and team at Stanford tweaked the protocol to force them into different identities.
As a fetus brain grows, it gradually separates into an outer layer chock full of excitatory neurons, and an inner sanctum where inhibitory neurons reside. A big part of brain wiring is inhibitory neurons reaching out towards the surface and hooking up with their respective partners.
Starting from skin cells collected from patients with Timothy disease, the scientists used distinct chemical concoctions to form two batches of brain balls, each roughly 1/16 of an inch across and containing one million cells. One batch contained mostly inhibitory neurons, mimicking deeper brain regions, whereas the other modeled the cortex.
The spheroid cells were remarkably similar to those from corresponding regions of the human fetal brain, says Dr. J. Gray Camp and Dr. Barbara Treutlein at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, who were not involved in the studies.
The team then stuck the two types of brain blobs together into the same dish, and as expected, the inhibitory ball started nudging its way into the cortical one, until the two fused together.
As it turns out, the inhibitory neurons from Timothy patients were terrible migrants. Rather than smoothly slithering their way into the mesh of excitatory partners, they stuttered, stopped, but somehow ended up much further than theyre supposed to go, as if making up for their inefficiency.
The problem seemed to be the faulty neurons themselves, rather than defective signals from the environment. When researchers fused a Timothy inhibitory ball with a healthy excitatory one, they still fumbled without heads or tails.
But surprisingly, when treated with a chemical normally used for high blood pressure, the Timothy balls calmed down and migrated normally.
Spheroids are opening up new windows through which we can view the normal development of the fetal human brain, says Pasca. More importantly, it will help us see how this goes awry in individual patients.
While the scientists dont know whether the same drug could help babies with Timothy after theyre bornand their basic brain wiring already establishedPasca hopes that there may be a window of opportunity later on in life to correct the misguided migration.
All said, brain balls are an extremely reductionist model of the human brain. Although its hard to say whether the root of Timothy disease is faulty inhibitory neuron migration, its a great place to start looking for answers.
Pasca is rushing to speed up the process of growing spheroids, hoping to develop a giant depository harvested from many patients to screen for drugs that steers them towards a normal developmental path.
Others are a bit more cautious. These new studies show that brain balls whipped up from the same patient or patients with the same disease can express very different genes, warned Camp and Treutlein. The problem is likely more prominent in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, in which the cause is a lot more heterogeneous.
But the fact that brain organoids behave like actual brains on several fundamental functionsmaking connections, spontaneously firing, responsive to external cuesis promising, so much so that theyre sparking intense ethical debates. Can they eventually see or think? Do they feel? Will consciousness spontaneously emerge without us detecting it?
For now, the mini brains are simply too tiny for higher-level thinking. Only time will tell what theyll eventually become, and how much information these mini brains can provide, says Camp and Treutlein.
Image Credit:PascaLab
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Bizarre Mini Brains Offer a Fascinating New Look at the Brain - Singularity Hub
Skin regeneration, universal donor stem cells and new SMA treatment approach – The San Diego Union-Tribune
By raymumme
Injured skin repairs itself with the help of stem cells, but how this process works isnt well understood. A new study proposes that differentiated skin cells turn back into stem cells to heal the wound.
The process is regulated by a protein called Gata6 made by sebaceous duct cells. In response to injury, these cells migrate out into the skin and de-differentiate into stem cells, which then give rise to replacement skin, according to researchers led by Fiona Watt of Kings College London.
The study was published in Nature Cell Biology. When placed online, the study, Wounding induces dedifferentiation of epidermal Gata6 cells and acquisition of stem cell properties, can be found at Watt was senior author. Giacomo Donati, also of Kings College London, was senior author.
Our data not only demonstrate that the structural and functional complexity of the junctional zone is regulated by Gata6, but also reveal that dedifferentiation is a previously unrecognized property of post-mitotic, terminally differentiated cells that have lost contact with the basement membrane, the study stated.
This resolves the long-standing debate about the contribution of terminally differentiated cells to epidermal wound repair.
One of the most-anticipated results of stem cell research would be generation of replacement tissues for those lost by disease or injury. But the potential for immune rejection limits this potential. While immune-matching can be achieved through patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells, this process takes time and is costly.
Immune-tolerant allogenic stem cells have been produced in a study reported Monday in Nature Biotechnology. These cells were produced by making them express minimally variant human leukocyte antigen class E molecules. Production of these molecules causes a self response that inhibits attack by NK natural killer cells.
When published, the study, HLA-E-expressing pluripotent stem cells escape allogeneic responses and lysis by NK cells, can be found online at David W Russell was senior author and Germn Gornalusse was first author. Both are of University of Washington, Seattle.
A study conducted in a mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy suggests that symptoms might be reduced by increasing the activity of synapses between sensory and motor neurons. It suggests there may be more than one path to improving or preserving muscle function in SMA patients.
SMA is caused by the deterioration and eventual death of spinal motor neurons. The only treatment shown to affect the underlying course of the disease, Spinraza, was researched by Ionis Pharmaceuticals in Carlsbad and brought to market in a partnership with Biogen.
The study was published Monday in Nature Neuroscience. George Z Mentis was the senior author and Emily V Fletcher was first author. Both are of Columbia University in New York. When placed online, the study, Reduced sensory synaptic excitation impairs motor neuron function via Kv2.1 in spinal muscular atrophy, can be found at
Researchers treated the mice with kainate, which restored near-normal synaptic functioning and improved motor functioning. While the chemical induces seizures, the mice were given doses lower than the seizure threshold.
Because of kainates seizure-inducing potential, the researchers are looking for safer chemicals to stimulate the synaptic connections.
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Originally posted here:
Skin regeneration, universal donor stem cells and new SMA treatment approach - The San Diego Union-Tribune
Skin Cell Discovery Could Lead to Possible Treatments for Balding … –
By NEVAGiles23
A team of scientists at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center has identified the cells that directly give rise to hair as well as the mechanism that causes hair to turn gray. The research is published in the journal Genes & Development.
Layers of the skin. Image credit: M.Komorniczak / Madhero / CC BY-SA 3.0.
With this knowledge, we hope in the future to create a topical compound or to safely deliver the necessary gene to hair follicles to correct these cosmetic problems, said senior author Dr. Lu Le, an associate professor of dermatology with the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Dr. Le and colleagues found that a protein called KROX20 (also termed EGR2), more commonly associated with nerve development, turns on in skin cells that become the hair shaft.
These hair precursor cells then produce a protein called stem cell factor (SCF) that the researchers showed is essential for hair pigmentation.
When the authors deleted the SCF gene (KITLG gene) in the hair progenitor cells in mouse models, the animals hair turned white.
When they deleted the KROX20-producing cells, no hair grew and the mice became bald.
We uncovered this explanation for balding and hair graying while studying a disorder called Neurofibromatosis Type 1, a rare genetic disease that causes tumors to grow on nerves, Dr. Le said.
Scientists already knew that stem cells contained in a bulge area of hair follicles are involved in making hair and that SCF is important for pigmented cells.
What they did not know in detail is what happens after those stem cells move down to the base, or bulb, of hair follicles and which cells in the hair follicles produce SCF or that cells involved in hair shaft creation make the KROX20 protein.
If cells with functioning KROX20 and SCF are present, they move up from the bulb, interact with pigment-producing melanocyte cells, and grow into pigmented hairs.
But without SCF, the hair in mouse models was gray, and then turned white with age. Without KROX20-producing cells, no hair grew.
We will now try to find out if the KROX20 in cells and the SCF gene stop working properly as people age, leading to the graying and hair thinning seen in older people as well as in male pattern baldness, Dr. Le said.
Chung-Ping Liao et al. Identification of hair shaft progenitors that create a niche for hair pigmentation. Genes & Development, published online May 2, 2017; doi: 10.1101/gad.298703.117
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Stem Cell Tourism Is the Controversial Subject of a New Cannes Documentary –
By raymumme
A fascinating documentary that is making the rounds at film festivals like Tribeca and Cannes gives a rare view of a controversial treatment that more and more Americans are paying up to $50,000 to receive. Stem cell therapy is widely considered to be the next big hope in medicine, with researchers everywhere from Stanford to Johns Hopkins investigating the technologys potential to treat seemingly every ailment known to mankindAlzheimers, cancer, joint injuries, even basic signs of aging. The only hitch: With one tiny exception, it isnt legal in the United States.
We all know the stem cell revolution is occurring outside the U.S., says Brian Mehling, M.D., a Manhattan-based orthopedic surgeon who is certainly doing his part to foment the insurgency. A coproducer of the film, as well as its charismatic recurring subject, Mehling is bringing stem cell tourism into the spotlight and determined to lift the curtain on a medical field that remains mysterious to most. His Blue Horizon medical clinics, with locations in China and Slovakiaand three more set to open in Mexico, Israel, and Jamaicacater to American tourists looking to cutting-edge therapy for help when traditional medicine fails.
Stem cells are the undifferentiated cells that abound in newborns and have the ability to transform into blood, nerve, or muscle cells and aid the body in self-repair. Proselytizers like Mehling say they constitute the latest in holistic medicine, allowing the body to healwithout drugs, surgery, or side effects. At clinics such as Mehlings, doctors either inject the cells, which are generally obtained from umbilical cords during C-sections, into a patients spinal cord (much like an epidural), or administer them via IV drip. The process is alarmingly quick, and patients can typically check out of the facility by the end of the day. One of the few stem-cell therapies approved for use in the United States is one used to treat the blood disease known as beta thalassemia; in that instance, the treatment replaces damaged blood in the immune system and saves tens of thousands of lives each year. Few other stem cell applications, however, have been proven effective in the rigorous clinical trials the Food and Drug Administration requires before signing off on any treatment.
In fact, stem cell clinics remain completely unregulated, and there have been incidents of related troubles. In one recent report , Jim Gass, a resident of San Diego who traveled to stem cell clinics in Mexico, China, and Argentina to help recover from a stroke, later discovered a sizable tumor on his spinal columnand the cancerous cells belonged to somebody else. Troubling cases also emerged at a loosely regulated clinic in Sunrise, Florida where, earlier this spring, three women suffering macular degeneration reported further loss of vision after having stem cells, extracted from their belly fat via liposuction, injected into their eyes. Though, on the whole, reports of treatments at clinics gone awry remain relatively few.
In his film, Stem Cells: The Next Frontier , which is set to appear at Cannes Film Festival this month, Mehling offers a persuasive side of the story, with rapturous testimonials from patients, some of whom who have regained the ability to walk after their stem cell vacations. Added bonus: They come home with better skin, bigger sex drive, and (in the case of at least one balding patient) more hair.
However compelling, there is scant evidence that the injections actually make a difference, and most American doctors caution against buying into the hype. Stem cell researcher Jaime Imitola, M.D. and Ph.D, director of the progressive multiple sclerosis clinic research program at Ohio State University, says he is impressed by the evidence that stem cells can help with neurological disorders in animals. But the question is how can you translate it into clinical trials? We still dont know what were doing when we put stem cells in people.
David Scadden, a professor of medicine and stem cell and regenerative biology at Harvard, and the director of Harvards Stem Cell Institute, says that stem cell tourism is a waste of money for the time being. A world-renowned expert in stem cell science, he remains optimistic about its future applications. Researchers are currently looking into reprogramming, for instance, which effectively converts a mature cell into a stem cell. You rewind its history so it forgets its a blood cell or a skin cell and it rewinds back in time and it can become any cell type, he says. Youd be able to test drugs on these cells, and it could be used to reverse Type 1 diabetes.
For now, though, he does not recommend experimenting with stem cells before we understand them well enough to properlyand safelyharness their benefits. People call me about it all the timethey say, I have this knee thats bugging me, Im going to one of these clinics, he says. His response? For the most part they dont do harm. But nobody Ive spoken with has come back to me and said, You Harvard docs have to get on this . . . . Not yet.
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Stem Cell Tourism Is the Controversial Subject of a New Cannes Documentary -
Mussel gloop can be used to make wounds knit without any scars – New Scientist
By Sykes24Tracey
Soon to be a thing of the past?
Iolanda Astor
By Alice Klein
The humble mussel could soon help us prevent scarring. A sticky substance naturally secreted by the marine animal is one element of a glue that closes skin wounds seamlessly in rats. The glue could be used to prevent unsightly scars after accidental cuts or surgical operations.
If this can be replicated in humans, it might be the next big thing for scar therapy, says Allison Cowin at the University of South Australia, who wasnt involved in the study.
Scars form when the collagen scaffolding in skin is broken apart. Instead of re-forming in their original and neat basket-weave arrangement, the collagen fibres grow back in parallel bundles that create the characteristic lumpy appearance of scars.
One way to reduce scarring is to apply decorin, a skin protein involved in collagen organisation. But because decorin has a highly complex physical structure it is hard to synthesise and therefore not used in the clinic.
To get round this problem, Hyung Joon Cha at Pohang University of Science and Technology in South Korea and his colleagues have created a simplified version of decorin. They combined a small section of the decorin protein with a collagen-binding molecule and a sticky substance secreted by mussels.
The resulting glue was tested on rats with deep, 8-millimetre-wide wounds. The glue was spread over each wound and covered with clear plastic film. Rats in a control group had their wounds covered in plastic without any glue.
By day 11, 99 per cent of the wound was closed in the treated rats compared with 78 per cent in the control group. By day 28, treated rats had fully recovered and had virtually no visible scarring. In comparison, control rats had thick, purple scars (see images below).
Jeon EY, Choi B-H, Jung D, Hwang BH, Cha HJ.
Closer inspection under the microscope confirmed that collagen fibres in the treated wounds had returned to their original basket-weave arrangement. The new skin had also developed hair follicles, blood vessels, oil glands and other structures that arent regenerated in scars.
The glue is able to promote normal collagen growth because negative charges on the decorin fragments hold the fibres apart, says Cha. In doing so, the fibres are more easily able to weave in and out between each other instead of sticking together randomly.
Cowin says the results are impressive but there is still a way to go before the results can be translated to humans. Rats have loose skin, whereas we have tight skin, and they tend to heal better and have less scarring than we do, she says. As a result, the glue may not be as effective in people as in rats.
Cha says that the glue will now be tested in pigs, whose skin better resembles our own.
New scar treatments are greatly needed because the existing ones dont work very well, says Cowin. Silicone gels, steroids, pressure bandages, cryotherapy and laser treatments are often used to reduce the appearance of scars, but they cannot erase them completely.
Cowin is developing a scar treatment that uses monoclonal antibodies to block a type of protein that impairs wound healing. Other groups are applying embryonic stem cells to wounds, based on the observation that skin abrasions inembryos and early fetuses dont scar.These approaches are still being tested in animals.
Journal reference: Biomaterials, DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.04.041
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Mussel gloop can be used to make wounds knit without any scars - New Scientist
This Gun Sprays Stem Cells, Helps Burn Victims Grow Skin in Days – Men’s Health
By Sykes24Tracey
Men's Health | This Gun Sprays Stem Cells, Helps Burn Victims Grow Skin in Days Men's Health A revolutionary new technique is enabling burn victims to heal quicker, less painfully, and with more normal skin. And it's all thanks to a gun. The SkinGun sprays stem cells onto wounds and allows patients to grow a new, healthy layer of skin in as ... |
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This Gun Sprays Stem Cells, Helps Burn Victims Grow Skin in Days - Men's Health