Stem Cell Therapy in Switzerland Life Cell Injections …
By Sykes24Tracey
Stem Cell Therapy Plus is also called Live Cell Therapy or Regenerative Medicine.
Anecdotal evidence shows that through the usage of Stem Cell Therapy Plus, improvements can be seen in the following cases of degenerative diseases:
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Stem cells are cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells. Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells.
When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a nerve cell, or a brain cell.
Stem Cell Supplements are developed based on the merits of stem cells and they are applied for degenerative diseases treatments and to stimulate the formation of all the different tissues of the body: muscle, cartilage, tendon, ligament, bone, blood, nerve, organs, etc.
Stem Cell Supplements bring essential anti-ageing, health & beauty benefits by providing necessary elements to the body to improve cellular regeneration, organ rejuvenation and tissue healing.
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Stem Cell Therapy in Switzerland Life Cell Injections ...
Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells – Video
Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells
IASO SOL Iaso Sol Day Antioxidant Cream With Apple Stem Cells and Ganoderma. The newest anti-aging technology in skin care. Iaso Sol Daytime Repair Anti-Aging Formula will cast shadows on...
By: Mona Leggett
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Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells - Video
Stem Cells for Skin Tissue Engineering and Wound Healing
By Dr. Matthew Watson
1. Keratinocytes
There are two approaches to commit ES cells and adult stem cells (of non-epidermal origin) to the keratinocyte lineage in vitro. One approach would be to expose the cells to a cocktail of exogenous cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and extracellular matrix (ECM) substrata over a prolonged duration of in vitro culture. Only a fraction of the stem cells would be expected to undergo commitment to the keratinocyte lineage, because many of these cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and ECM substrata would exert non-specific pleitropic effects on stem cell differentiation into multiple lineages. At best, the cocktail combination of various cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and ECM substrata can be optimized by trial and error, to maximize the proportion of stem cells committing to the keratinocyte lineage, while at the same time yielding a large number of other undesired lineages. Hence, extensive selection/purification and proliferation of the commited keratinocyte progenitors is likely to be required.
By using such an approach, Coraux et al.54 managed to achieve commitment and subsequent differentiation of murine ES cells into the keratinocyte lineage, in the presence of a cocktail combination of bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4), ascorbate, and ECM derived from human normal fibroblasts (HNFs) and murine NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the study of Coraux et al.54 also reported a high degree (approximately 80%) of non-specific differentiation into multiple uncharacterized lineages, and no attempt was made to purify differentiated keratinocytes or keratinocyte progenitors from the mixture of lineages derived from murine ES cells. Bagutti et al.61 reported that coculture with human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) as well as HDF-conditioned media could induce beta integrin- deficient murine ES cells to commit and differentiate into the keratinocyte lineage. However, as with the study of Coraux et al.,54 the keratinocytes were interspersed with differentiated cells of other lineages. Recently, differentiation of human ES cells into the keratinocyte lineage was also reported by Green et al.62 However, this study was based on in vivo teratoma formation within a SCID mouse model, and to date, there are no parallel in vitro studies that have been reported.
With adult stem cells of non-epidermal origin, there are also few studies 63, 64 which have successfully achieved re-commitment and trans-differentiation to the keratinocyte lineage. Even so, these studies were based primarily on the transplantation of undifferentiated stem cells in vivo, with the observed trans-differentiation occurring sporadically and at extremely low frequencies. Moreover, the validity of the experimental data may be clouded by controversy over the artifact of stem cell fusion in vivo.65 To date, there are no parallel in vitro studies that have achieved recommitment and trans-differentiation of non-epidermal adult stem cells to the keratinocyte lineage. It can therefore be surmised that the use of exogenous cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and ECM substrata to induce ES cell and nonepidermal adult stem cell commitment to the keratinocyte lineage is a relatively inefficient, time-consuming, and labor-intensive process that would require extensive selection and purification of the committed keratinocyte progenitors. Hence, it would be technically challenging to apply this to the clinical situation.
The other approach for inducing ES cell and non-epidermal adult stem cell commitment to the keratinocyte lineage is through genetic modulation. This may be achieved by transfecting stem cells with recombinant DNA constructs encoding for the expression of signaling proteins that promote commitment to the keratinocyte lineage. Of particular interest are the Lef-1/Tcf family of Wnt regulated transcription factors that act in concert with b-catenin,66, 67 c-myc which is a downstream target of the Wnt-signaling pathway,68, 69 and the transactivation domain containing isoform of transcription factor p63 (Tap63).70, 71 Interestingly, the transcription factor GATA-3, which is well known to be a key regulator of T-cell lineage determination, has also been shown to be essential for stem cell lineage determination in skin, where it is expressed at the onset of epidermal stratification and Inner Root Sheath (IRS) specification in follicles.72 Recombinant overexpression of p6373 and c-Myc74 has been reported to promote commitment and differentiation to the keratinocyte lineage.
The disadvantage of directing differentiation through genetic modulation is the potential risks associated with utilizing recombinant DNA technology in human clinical therapy. For example, the overexpression of any one particular protein within transfected stem cells would certainly have unpredictable physiological effects upon transplantation in vivo. This problem may be overcome by placing the recombinant expression of the particular protein under the control of switchable promoters, several of which have been developed for expression in eukaryotic systems. Such switchable promoters could be responsive to exogenous chemicals,75 heat shock,76 or even light.77 Genetically modified stem cells may also run the risk of becoming malignant within the transplanted recipient. Moreover, there are overriding safety concerns with regard to the use of recombinant viral based vectors in the genetic manipulation of stem cells.78 It remains uncertain as to whether legislation would ultimately permit the use of genetically modified stem cells for human clinical therapy. At present, the potential detrimental effects of transplanting genetically modified stem cells in vivo are not well studied. More research needs to be carried out on animal models to address the safety aspects of such an approach.
More recently, there is emerging evidence that some transcription factors (which are commonly thought of as cytosolic proteins) have the ability to function as paracrine cell to cell signaling molecules.79 This is based on intercellular transfer of transcription factors through atypical secretion and internalization pathways.79 Hence, there is an exciting possibility that transcription factors implicated in commitment to the keratinocyte lineage may in the future be genetically engineered to incorporate domains that enable them to participate in novel paracrine signaling mechanisms. This in turn would have tremendous potential for inducing the commitment of ES cells and non-epidermal adult stem cells to the keratinocyte lineage.
Skin appendages, including hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, are linked to the epidermis but project deep into the dermal layer. The skin epidermis and its appendages provide a protective barrier that is impermeable to harmful microbes and also prevents dehydration. To perform their functions while being confronted with the physicochemical traumas of the environment, these tissues undergo continual rejuvenation through homeostasis, and, in addition, they must be primed to undergo wound repair in response to injury. The skins elixir for maintaining tissue homeostasis, regenerating hair, and repairing the epidermis after injury is its stem cells.
The hair follicle is composed of an outer root sheath that is contiguous with the epidermis, an inner root sheath and the hair shaft. The matrix surrounding the dermal papilla, in the hair root, contains actively dividing, relatively undifferentiated cells and is therefore a pocket of MSCs that are essential for follicle formation. The lower segment of each hair follicle cycles through periods of active growth (anagen), destruction (catagen) and quiescence (telogen).80 A specialized region of the outer root sheath of the hair follicle, known as the bulge, is located below the sebaceous gland, which is also the attachment site of the arrector pili muscle, receiving inputs from sensory nerve endings and blood vessels. Furthermore, the hair follicle bulge is a reservoir of slow-cycling multipotent stem cells.81, 82 Subsets of these follicle-derived multipotent stem cells can be activated and migrate out of hair follicles to the site of a wound to repair the damaged epithelium; however, they contribute little to the intact epidermis. These hair follicle stem cells can also contribute to the growth of follicles themselves and the sebaceous gland. For example, in the absence of hair follicle stem cells, hair follicle and sebaceous gland morphogenesis is blocked, and epidermal wound repair is compromised.83 In addition to containing follicle epidermal stem cells, the bulge contains melanocyte stem cells.84 Recent studies show that nestin, a marker for neural progenitor cells, is selectively expressed in cells of the hair follicle bulge and that these stem cells can differentiate into neurons,85 glia, keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells, melanocytes and even blood vessels.86, 87 Examination of close developmental and anatomical parallels between epithelial tissue and dermal tissue in skin and hair follicles has revealed dermal tissue to have stem cells. Paus et al. indicated that hair follicle dermal sheath cells might represent a source of dermal stem cells that not only incorporate into the hair-supporting papilla, low down in the follicle, but also move up and out from the follicle dermal sheath into the dermis of adjoining skin.88 Hair follicle dermal sheath cells taken from the human scalp can form new dermal papilla, induce the formation of hair follicles, and produce hair shafts when transplanted onto skin.89 There is also a clear transition from dermal sheath to dermal papilla cells.90 When the follicle dermal cells are implanted into skin wounds, they can be incorporated into the new dermis in a manner similar to that of skin wound-healing fibroblasts.91 However, these cell populations still lack specific markers for purifying and distinguishing the stem cells from their progeny. Furthermore, of prime importance is improving our understanding of the relation between bulge cells and interfollicular epidermal stem cells and between bulge cells and other stem cells inhabiting the skin and the mechanisms of hair growth.
Recently, cell replacement therapy has offered a novel and powerful medical technology for skin repair and regeneration: a new population of stem cell, called a neural crest stem cell, from adult hair follicles, was discovered to have the ability to differentiate in vitro to keratinocytes, neurons, cartilage/bone cells, smooth muscle cells, melanocytes, glial cells, and adipocytes.9296 In mammalian skin, skin-derived neural progenitors were isolated and expanded from the dermis of rodent skin and adult human scalp and could differentiate into both neural and mesodermal progeny.97, 98 Skin-derived neural progenitor cells were isolated based on the sphere formation of floating cells after 37 days of culture in uncoated flasks with epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor, and characterized by the production of nestin and fibronectin, markers of neural precursors. In addition, skin-derived neural progenitor cells were identified as neural crest derived by the use of Wnt1 promoter driving LacZ expression in the mouse. Some of the LacZ-positive cells were found in the skin of the face, as well as in the dermis and dermal papilla of murine whisker.99 These skin derived neural crest cells have already shown promising results in regenerative medicine such as the promotion of regenerative axonal growth after transplantation into injured adult mouse sciatic nerves 95 or spinal cord repair,100 resulting in the recovery of peripheral nerve function. This new study marks an important first step in the development of real stem-cell-based therapies and skin tissue regeneration.
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Stem Cells for Skin Tissue Engineering and Wound Healing
5 Things You Need to Know About Stem Cells in Skin Care …
By daniellenierenberg
courtesy of Daily Glow
Between anti-aging ingredients that are worshipped (retinol) to the ones that are obscure (bee venom), figuring out which ingredient will kick Father Times ass is enough to give you wrinkles. And now skin-care manufacturers have added another anti-aging contender: stem cells.
Medical researchers have long studied the ability of stem cells, which can regenerate and form almost any cell type in the body, to treat numerous chronic diseases. Now skin-care brands like Lifeline and Origins are hoping that stem cells can deliver the powerful results in the cosmetics industry that they have in medicine. But are they worth the hype? Here are five facts you should know about stem cells before you spend a dime.
1. Skin care contains either plant or human stem cells. In the case of Lifeline, human stem cells are derived from unfertilized eggs (so, youre not putting human embryo on your face).
2. Plant and human cells actually operate in comparable ways. There are similarities in the way stem cells function in both plants and animals to sustain growth and repair tissues, says Jeanette Jacknin, MD, a dermatologist in San Diego and author of Smart Medicine for Your Skin. To perform their functions, stem cells, unlike other cells, are able to produce copies of themselves over long periods of time.
3. Stem cells contain two key components: growth factors, which play a role in cell division, the growth of new cells, and the production of collagen and elastin; and proteins, which regulate that stem-cell division. When applied to your skin, these two components help firm wrinkles and slow the development of new lines.
4. Theres no definitive call on how well plant stem cells work. While theres evidence that human stem cells, when harnessed with growth factors, stimulate epidermal stem cells to thicken the skin, which leads to tightening, theres no scientific evidence that plant-stem-cell growth factors work in the same way, says Ronald L. Moy, MD, cosmetic and plastic surgeon in Los Angeles and former president of the American Academy of Dermatology. After all, how could a plant cell have any effect on human skin? But plant stem cells still have benefits. Products that contain antioxidant-rich fruits or plants as a source still offer free-radical-fighting benefits.
5. The amount of stem cells in the product matters. Dont get suckered into spending a fortune simply because a product says stem-cell derived on the front label. Check the ingredient list on the back label to see how much of the active ingredients are in the product, Dr. Jacknin says. Stem cells should be listed first on the ingredient label; if theyre listed last, that indicates the product contains such a small percentage that the effect is likely to be minimal.
Tell us: Would you try stem cell skin care? Or are you weirded out by it?
xx, The FabFitFun Team
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5 Things You Need to Know About Stem Cells in Skin Care ...
Stem Cells, Fecal Transplants Show Promise for Crohn's Disease
By Sykes24Tracey
By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, April 10, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Two experimental therapies might help manage the inflammatory bowel disorder Crohn's disease, if this early research pans out.
In one study, researchers found that a fecal transplant -- stool samples taken from a healthy donor -- seemed to send Crohn's symptoms into remission in seven of nine children treated.
In another, a separate research team showed that stem cells can have lasting benefits for a serious Crohn's complication called fistula.
According to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, up to 700,000 Americans have Crohn's -- a chronic inflammatory disease that causes abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation and rectal bleeding. It arises when the immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the digestive tract.
A number of drugs are available to treat Crohn's, including drugs called biologics, which block certain immune-system proteins.
But fecal transplants take a different approach, explained Dr. David Suskind, a gastroenterologist at Seattle Children's Hospital who led the new study.
Instead of suppressing the immune system, he said, the transplants alter the environment that the immune system is reacting against: the "microbiome," which refers to the trillions of bacteria that dwell in the gut.
Like the name implies, a fecal transplant involves transferring stool from a donor into a Crohn's patient's digestive tract. The idea is to change the bacterial composition of the gut, and hopefully quiet the inflammation that causes symptoms.
And for most kids in the new study, it seemed to work. Within two weeks, seven of nine children were showing few to no Crohn's symptoms. Five were still in remission after 12 weeks, with no additional therapy, the researchers reported in a recent issue of the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
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Stem Cells, Fecal Transplants Show Promise for Crohn's Disease
Stem cell disease model clarifies bone cancer trigger
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), a team led by Mount Sinai researchers has gained new insight into genetic changes that may turn a well known anti-cancer signaling gene into a driver of risk for bone cancers, where the survival rate has not improved in 40 years despite treatment advances.
The study results, published today in the journal Cell, revolve around iPSCs, which since their 2006 discovery have enabled researchers to coax mature (fully differentiated) bodily cells (e.g. skin cells) to become like embryonic stem cells. Such cells are pluripotent, able to become many cell types as they multiply and differentiate to form tissues. The iPSCs can then be converted again as needed into differentiated cells such as heart muscle, nerve cells, bone, etc.
While some seek to use iPSCs as replacements for cells compromised by disease, the new Mount Sinai study sought to determine if they could serve as an accurate model of genetic disease "in a dish." In this context, the dish stands for a self-renewing, unlimited supply of iPSCs or a cell line - which enables in-depth study of disease versions driven by each person's genetic differences. When matched with patient records, iPSCs and iPSC-derived target cells may be able to predict a patient's prognosis and whether or not a given drug will be effective for him or her.
In the current study, skin cells from patient with and without disease were turned into patient-specific iPSC lines, and then differentiated into bone-making cells where both rare and common bone cancers start. This new bone cancer model does a better job than previously used mouse or cellular models of "recapitulating" the features of bone cancer cells driven by key genetic changes.
"Our study is among the first to use induced pluripotent stem cells as the foundation of a model for cancer," said lead author Dung-Fang Lee, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. "This model, when combined with a rare genetic disease, revealed for the first time how a protein known to prevent tumor growth in most cases, p53, may instead drive bone cancer when genetic changes cause too much of it to be made in the wrong place."
Rare Disease Sheds Light on Common Disease
The Mount Sinai disease model research is based on the fact that human genes, the DNA chains that encode instructions for building the body's structures and signals, randomly change all the time. As part of evolution, some code changes, or mutations, make no difference, some confer advantages, and others cause disease. Beyond inherited mutations that contribute to cancer risk, the wrong mix of random, accumulated DNA changes in bodily (somatic) cells as we age also contributes to cancer risk.
The current study focused on the genetic pathways that cause a rare genetic disease called Li-Fraumeni Syndrome or LFS, which comes with high risk for many cancers in affected families. A common LFS cancer type is osteosarcoma (bone cancer), with many diagnosed before the age of 30. Beyond LFS, osteosarcoma is the most common type of bone cancer in all children, and after leukemia, the second leading cause of cancer death for them.
Importantly, about 70 percent of LFS families have a mutation in their version of the gene TP53, which is the blueprint for protein p53, well known by the nickname "the tumor suppressor." Common forms of osteosarcoma, driven by somatic versus inherited mutations, have also been closely linked by past studies to p53 when mutations interfere with its function.
Rare genetic diseases like LFS are good study models because they tend to proceed from a change in a single gene, as opposed to many, overlapping changes seen in more related common diseases, in this case more common, non-inherited bone cancers. The LFS-iPSC based modeling highlights the contribution of p53 alone to osteosarcoma.
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Stem cell disease model clarifies bone cancer trigger
Fecal transplant, stem cells may help Crohn's disease
By Sykes24Tracey
Two experimental therapies might help manage the inflammatory bowel disorder Crohn's disease, if this early research pans out.
In one study, researchers found that a fecal transplant -- stool samples taken from a healthy donor -- seemed to send Crohn's symptoms into remission in seven of nine children treated.
In another, a separate research team showed that stem cells can have lasting benefits for a serious Crohn's complication called fistula.
According to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, up to 700,000 Americans have Crohn's -- a chronic inflammatory disease that causes abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation and rectal bleeding. It arises when the immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the digestive tract.
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Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from the potentially life threatening C. difficile bacterial infection in their intestines. CBS News' Marl...
A number of drugs are available to treat Crohn's, including drugs called biologics, which block certain immune-system proteins.
But fecal transplants take a different approach, explained Dr. David Suskind, a gastroenterologist at Seattle Children's Hospital who led the new study.
Instead of suppressing the immune system, he said, the transplants alter the environment that the immune system is reacting against: the "microbiome," which refers to the trillions of bacteria that dwell in the gut.
Like the name implies, a fecal transplant involves transferring stool from a donor into a Crohn's patient's digestive tract. The idea is to change the bacterial composition of the gut, and hopefully quiet the inflammation that causes symptoms.
Here is the original post:
Fecal transplant, stem cells may help Crohn's disease
MaryannAstle published Tried & Tested: Best beauty products new to the market
By Dr. Matthew Watson
From cleansers and toners to salt scrubs and perfumes there's plenty of beauty treats that have just been released. Mary-ann Astle puts forward some of the best new releases on the beauty market....
NURISS Swiss Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenator Serum
Skincare and wellness brand Nuriss has a new star product in the making. The Swiss Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenator Serum (30ml, 120) uses the longevity found in stem cells of the rare species of Swiss apple (the Uttwiler Sptlauber) to repair and rejuvenate your skin. When applied to the skin it can help with wrinkle reduction and increase collagen production.
Without wanting to blind you with science the serum is created by cultivating the apple's stem cells which are rich in phytonutrients and proteins which are beneficial to human skin. You don't need to use a lot to see the benefits after cleansing and toning, smooth one or two drops over your face and neck. Use morning and night to get the best results.
Click here to go to Nuriss
LouLouBelle Skincare of London
LouLouBelle has a new range of skincare products that will not only pamper you but which also smell absolutely gorgeous.
With tantalising blends like Geranium and Tea Tree, Lavender and Cypress and Palmarosa and Patchouli, LouLouBelle London is a boutique aromatherapy brand that uses natural ingredients to help make your skin feel great and smell delightful. It's also reasonably priced with cleansers (200ml, 19.95), toners (150ml, 17.95) and moisturisers (50ml, 24.95).
Every product is formulated from its own unique recipe that is created by selecting essential oils, plant essences and floral waters to match the specific requirements of a given skin type. The result is a refreshing range of cleansers, toners and moisturisers that are available in a different blend for each of the three main categories of skin dry skin, combination skin and problem/oily skin.
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MaryannAstle published Tried & Tested: Best beauty products new to the market
Tiny hair follicle offers big clues about the life and death of stem cells
By raymumme
18 hours ago by Vicky Agnew
Inside the microscopic world of the mouse hair follicle, Yale Cancer Center researchers have discovered big clues about how stem cells regenerate and die. These findings, published April 6 in the journal Nature, could lead to a better understanding of how the stem cell pool is maintained or altered in tissues throughout the body.
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that replenish themselves and, based on their tissue location, can become specialized cells such as blood or skin cells. The hair follicle is an ideal site for exploring stem cell behavior because it has distinct and predictable oscillations in the number and behavior of stem cells, said the study's lead author, Kailin R. Mesa, a third-year doctoral student in the lab of Valentina Greco, associate professor of genetics, cell biology, and dermatology.
Using live microscopic imaging to track stem cell behavior in the skin of living mice, researchers observed that the stem cell niche, or surrounding area, plays a critical role in whether stem cells grow or die.
"Prior to this, it wasn't clear whether stem cell regulation was intrinsic or extrinsic, and now we know it is external in that the niche instructs the stem cells," Mesa said. "In terms of cancer, we can next explore how we might perturb or change the niche in hopes of affecting the growth of cancer stem cells."
Also, researchers were surprised to find that the stem cells within the pool fed on other dying stem cells. This reveals a mechanism for removing dead cells, a process previously observed in mammary glands but never in the skin.
Explore further: Limited self-renewal of stem cells in the brain
More information: Niche-induced cell death and epithelial phagocytosis regulate hair follicle stem cell pool, Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature14306
Journal reference: Nature
Provided by Yale University
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Tiny hair follicle offers big clues about the life and death of stem cells
Tiny hair follicle holds big clues about the life and death of stem cells
By daniellenierenberg
Inside the microscopic world of the mouse hair follicle, Yale Cancer Center researchers have discovered big clues about how stem cells regenerate and die. These findings, reported in the journal Nature, could lead to a better understanding of how the stem cell pool is maintained or altered in tissues throughout the body.
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that replenish themselves and based on their tissue location can become specialized cells such as blood or skin cells. The hair follicle is an ideal site for exploring stem cell behavior because it has distinct and predictable oscillations in the number and behavior of stem cells, said the study's lead author Kailin R. Mesa, a third-year doctoral student in the lab of Valentina Greco, associate professor of genetics, cell biology and dermatology.
Using live microscopic imaging to track stem cell behavior in the skin of living mice, researchers observed that the stem cell niche, or surrounding area, played a critical role in whether stem cells grow or die.
"Prior to this, it wasn't clear whether stem cell regulation was intrinsic or extrinsic, and now we know it is external in that the niche instructs the stem cells," Mesa said. "In terms of cancer, we can next explore how we might perturb or change the niche in hopes of affecting the growth of cancer stem cells."
Also, researchers were surprised to find that the stem cells within the pool fed on other dying stem cells. This reveals a mechanism for removing dead cells, a process previously observed in mammary glands but never in the skin.
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The above story is based on materials provided by Yale Cancer Center. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Tiny hair follicle holds big clues about the life and death of stem cells
New advancements in 3-D designs for neural tissue engineering
By JoanneRUSSELL25
IMAGE:These are examples of 3-D neural tissue construct designs. 3D tissue and organoid models will provide incredible new tools and insights into neurological injury and disease, as well as great... view more
Credit: Richard McMurtrey / Institute of Neural Regeneration & Tissue Engineering
It is well known that neurological diseases and injuries pose some of the greatest challenges in modern medicine, with few if any options for effectively treating such diagnoses, but recent work suggests a unique approach for reconstructing damaged neural tissue. In an article published in the journal Neural Regeneration Research, several new designs for 3D tissue constructs are described for using stem cells grown on nanofiber scaffolding within a supportive hydrogel.
"The idea that neural structure can be guided in three dimensional hydrogels using nanofiber scaffolding and biochemical cues is quite unique," said Dr. Richard McMurtrey, the author of the work. "Evidence from in vitro work thus far has been fairly surprising, showing that after only a few days neurons can grow long neurite extensions that track along the coated nanofibers."
The tissue constructs have been designed for guidance of neural connections, acting like a road map for the growth of the neurons. "One of the weaknesses with prior studies of stem cell implantation into the nervous system is that no guidance is given for what the cells should do once they are implanted," says McMurtrey. "But if we combine signaling molecules and three-dimensional topographical guidance along with the stem cells, the chances of the cells achieving their intended function is much greater." Dr. McMurtrey likens the transplantation of cells into the harsh environment of the nervous system to dropping people off in the mountains with no resources and hoping that they form a functional civilization. "What we hope to do, however, is build some of the roads, bridges, street signs, and homes that can guide and protect the cells when they are transplanted. In this case, that infrastructure includes nanofibers, biochemical cues, and hydrogel composites."
Tissue at its most basic level is made of two parts: cells and the matrix outside of cells called the extracellular matrix. The approach discussed in the article seeks to provide both of these components for more complete reconstruction of the tissue. "The idea that neurons need scaffolding guidance along with biochemical signals is not entirely foreign," McMurtrey says. "During early development, precursor cells that will become neurons must migrate along a sort of scaffolding of radial glial fibers in the nervous system, and it is during this process that many anatomical pathways and lines of communication between neurons form." The materials used in building these constructs are compatible with implantation into the tissue of the brain and spinal cord and will biodegrade after a few weeks to months. It is hoped that this will give just enough time to help the implanted cells integrate into the nervous system.
Many challenges are expected in the development and implementation of this technology. Nevertheless, there is reason for optimism Dr. McMurtrey says: "Scientists must have a bit of skepticism," he says, "but they also need to have vision to try things that haven't been done before. Prior studies have implanted cells in hydrogels without patterned scaffolding and demonstrated better cell survival than when cells were implanted alone, so the idea of combining patterned and functionalized nanofiber scaffolds within protective hydrogels really makes a lot of sense. We know there will be challenges along the way, but we hope to be able to anticipate and overcome the difficulties that will likely arise. In many ways, this may be like the search for an ideal light bulb--we are looking for the right combinations of nanofiber filaments, hydrogel polymers, and molecular signals that will enable implanted neural cells to connect and communicate across lesions of neural tissue."
Much more study will be needed before a patient's own stem cells can be used clinically for things like spinal cord injury, stroke, or neurodegenerative disease, but the first implantation of a patient's own reprogrammed stem cells has recently been performed for a patient with macular degeneration in Japan in 2014 as a collaboration of researchers at RIKEN, one of the world's leading stem cell research centers. Dr. McMurtrey says that much more research and funding would be necessary to bring guided cell therapies into clinical use for neurological diseases, and even then it would not likely be a perfect cure. "The structure and function of the nervous system is more complex than anything else in the universe," says McMurtrey, "so this is not just something like rewiring a circuit board; rather, what we are doing is laying carefully designed pathways through space that neurons can use to reconnect relay centers, but the patient will still have to learn how to use and adapt to these new connections."
The technology may also have many applications apart from just regenerative medicine. These applications include constructing and studying simple artificial neural networks, testing new drugs, and investigating models of human neurological diseases on tissue-like structures in a dish. The Institute has successfully created 3D neural structures from a patient's skin cells that were reprogrammed into stem cells ("induced pluripotent stem cells") and then transformed into 3D neural tissue analogs, which opens up numerous possibilities for exploring complex neurological processes and diseases in human cells rather than in animal models.
"We hope that this approach will give us new capabilities to guide neural extensions, to study neural functions, and ultimately to achieve functional reconstruction of neural architecture in the brain and spinal cord. Henry David Thoreau wrote that 'We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood.' In clinical medicine, the protocols are all spelled out, but there are many diseases and limitations in medicine that move you, that frustrate you, and that inspire you, and I think this is the pice de rsistance, if you will. Just the chance that this work might help alleviate the long-term suffering of so many people with neurological injuries makes it a privilege to be part of such an endeavor despite all the challenges."
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New advancements in 3-D designs for neural tissue engineering
Research in the News: Tiny hair follicle offers big clues about the life and death of stem cells
By daniellenierenberg
Inside the microscopic world of the mouse hair follicle, Yale Cancer Center researchers have discovered big clues about how stem cells regenerate and die. These findings, published April 6 in the journal Nature, could lead to a better understanding of how the stem cell pool is maintained or altered in tissues throughout the body.
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that replenish themselves and, based on their tissue location, can become specialized cells such as blood or skin cells. The hair follicle is an ideal site for exploring stem cell behavior because it has distinct and predictable oscillations in the number and behavior of stem cells, said the studys lead author, Kailin R. Mesa, a third-year doctoral student in the lab of Valentina Greco, associate professor of genetics, cell biology, and dermatology.
Using live microscopic imaging to track stem cell behavior in the skin of living mice, researchers observed that the stem cell niche, or surrounding area, plays a critical role in whether stem cells grow or die.
Prior to this, it wasnt clear whether stem cell regulation was intrinsic or extrinsic, and now we know it is external in that the niche instructs the stem cells, Mesa said. In terms of cancer, we can next explore how we might perturb or change the niche in hopes of affecting the growth of cancer stem cells.
Also, researchers were surprised to find that the stem cells within the pool fed on other dying stem cells. This reveals a mechanism for removing dead cells, a process previously observed in mammary glands but never in the skin.
This study was supported by the Yale Dermatology Spore, National Institutes of Health, American Cancer Society, and New York Stem Cell Foundation.
Citation: Nature
(Photo via Shutterstock)
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Research in the News: Tiny hair follicle offers big clues about the life and death of stem cells
Lifeline Stem Cell Skin Care | Lifeline Skin Care Coupon …
By daniellenierenberg
Lifeline Skin Care is stem cell skin care -- the only skin care products in the world based on non-embryonic Human Stem Cell Extracts. These extracts from highly-potent stem cells -- the same stem cells active early in life -- will stimulate your skins own abilities to repair itself and create smooth, beautiful skin. Non-embryonic stem cells means no embryos are created or destroyed.
Stem Cell Extracts Help New Skin Begin Lifeline stem cell skin care uniquely helps your skin build millions of new, young, healthy skin cells. You restore volume and fullness, you fill in lines around the eyes and mouth, and help reverse the damage caused by the sun's UV rays. It's literally "out with the old skin cells, in with the new, young, healthy skin cells."
What Specific Results Does Lifeline Provide? Stem cells are special cells that go to work whenever your skin needs to repair itself. But they become less potent with age. Lifeline Skin Care has discovered a patented, ethical way to take extracts from non-embryonic human stem cells, which then help create millions of new skin cells that rejuvenate skin. An independent clinical study showed the following results:
improve skin hydration by 93% increase skin elasticity by 73% decrease wrinkles appearance by 67% improved skin tone and brightness by 63%
Profits from Lifeline Skin Care are applied to fund stem cell research for curing degenerative diseases like diabetes and Parkinson's Disease, diseases of the liver, and blinding diseases of the eye.
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Lifeline Stem Cell Skin Care | Lifeline Skin Care Coupon ...
Researchers produce iPSC model to better understand genetic lung/liver disease
By JoanneRUSSELL25
(Boston)--Using patient-derived stem cells known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) to study the genetic lung/liver disease called alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency, researchers have for the first time created a disease signature that may help explain how abnormal protein leads to liver disease.
The study, which appears in Stem Cell Reports, also found that liver cells derived from AAT deficient iPSCs are more sensitive to drugs that cause liver toxicity than liver cells derived from normal iPSCs. This finding may ultimately lead to new treatments for the condition.
IPSC's are derived from the donated skin or blood cells of adults and, with the reactivation of four genes, are reprogrammed back to an embryonic stem cell-like state. Like embryonic stem cells, iPSC can be differentiated toward any cell type in the body, but they do not require the use of embryos. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a common genetic cause of both liver and lung disease affecting an estimated 3.4 million people worldwide.
Researchers from the Center for Regenerative Medicine (CReM) at Boston University and Boston Medical Center (BMC) worked for several years in collaboration with Dr. Paul Gadue and his group from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to create iPSC from patients with and without AAT deficiency. They then exposed these cells to certain growth factors in-vitro to cause them to turn into liver-like cells, in a process that mimics embryonic development. Then the researchers studied these "iPSC-hepatic cells" and found the diseased cells secrete AAT protein more slowly than normal cells. This finding demonstrated that the iPSC model recapitulates a critical aspect of the disease as it occurs in patients. AAT deficiency is caused by a mutation of a single DNA base. Correcting this single base back to the normal sequence fixed the abnormal secretion.
"We found that these corrected cells had a normal secretion kinetic when compared with their diseased, parental cells that are otherwise genetically identical except for this single DNA base," explained lead author Andrew A. Wilson, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and Director of the Alpha-1 Center at Bu and BMC.
They also found the diseased (AAT deficient) iPSC-liver cells were more sensitive to certain drugs (experience increased toxicity) than those from normal individuals. "This is important because it suggests that the livers of actual patients with this disease might be more sensitive in the same way," said Wilson, who is also a physician in pulmonary, critical care and allergy medicine at BMC.
According to Wilson, while some patients are often advised by their physicians to avoid these types of drugs, these recommendations are not based on solid scientific evidence. "This approach might now be used to generate that sort of evidence to guide clinical decisions," he added.
The researchers believe that studies using patient-derived stem cells will allow them to better understand how patients with AAT deficiency develop liver disease. "We hope that the insights we gain from these studies will result in the discovery of new potential treatments for affected patients in the near future," said Wilson.
Funding was provided by an ARRA stimulus grant (1RC2HL101535-01) awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to Boston University School of Medicine, Boston Medical Center and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Additional funding was provided by K08 HL103771, FAMRI 062572_YCSA, an Alpha-1 Foundation Research Grant and a Boston University Department of Medicine Career Investment Award. Additional grants from NIH 1R01HL095993 and 1R01HL108678 and an ARC award from the Evans Center for Interdisciplinary Research at Boston University supported this work.
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Researchers produce iPSC model to better understand genetic lung/liver disease
iPSC model helps to better understand genetic lung/liver disease
Using patient-derived stem cells known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) to study the genetic lung/liver disease called alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency, researchers have for the first time created a disease signature that may help explain how abnormal protein leads to liver disease.
The study, which appears in Stem Cell Reports, also found that liver cells derived from AAT deficient iPSCs are more sensitive to drugs that cause liver toxicity than liver cells derived from normal iPSCs. This finding may ultimately lead to new treatments for the condition.
IPSC's are derived from the donated skin or blood cells of adults and, with the reactivation of four genes, are reprogrammed back to an embryonic stem cell-like state. Like embryonic stem cells, iPSC can be differentiated toward any cell type in the body, but they do not require the use of embryos. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a common genetic cause of both liver and lung disease affecting an estimated 3.4 million people worldwide.
Researchers from the Center for Regenerative Medicine (CReM) at Boston University and Boston Medical Center (BMC) worked for several years in collaboration with Dr. Paul Gadue and his group from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to create iPSC from patients with and without AAT deficiency. They then exposed these cells to certain growth factors in-vitro to cause them to turn into liver-like cells, in a process that mimics embryonic development. Then the researchers studied these "iPSC-hepatic cells" and found the diseased cells secrete AAT protein more slowly than normal cells. This finding demonstrated that the iPSC model recapitulates a critical aspect of the disease as it occurs in patients. AAT deficiency is caused by a mutation of a single DNA base. Correcting this single base back to the normal sequence fixed the abnormal secretion.
"We found that these corrected cells had a normal secretion kinetic when compared with their diseased, parental cells that are otherwise genetically identical except for this single DNA base," explained lead author Andrew A. Wilson, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and Director of the Alpha-1 Center at Bu and BMC.
They also found the diseased (AAT deficient) iPSC-liver cells were more sensitive to certain drugs (experience increased toxicity) than those from normal individuals. "This is important because it suggests that the livers of actual patients with this disease might be more sensitive in the same way," said Wilson, who is also a physician in pulmonary, critical care and allergy medicine at BMC.
According to Wilson, while some patients are often advised by their physicians to avoid these types of drugs, these recommendations are not based on solid scientific evidence. "This approach might now be used to generate that sort of evidence to guide clinical decisions," he added.
The researchers believe that studies using patient-derived stem cells will allow them to better understand how patients with AAT deficiency develop liver disease. "We hope that the insights we gain from these studies will result in the discovery of new potential treatments for affected patients in the near future," said Wilson.
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Boston University Medical Center. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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iPSC model helps to better understand genetic lung/liver disease
Can Cells From a Babys Foreskin Give You Youthful Skin?
By raymumme
That's the promise of a high-end new facial treatment.
In a tiny room inside an Upper East Side dermatologist's office, I'm attempting to regain my youth. Or, at the very least, look better. I've come to try the HydraFacial, a multistep treatment that promises to erase wrinkles, reverse sun damage, lighten dark spots, and prevent acne. All of these transformations come from one key innovation using stem cells from an infant's foreskin to trick skin into behaving young again.
Why foreskin? Dr. Gail Naughton, a leader in regenerative science she developed technology to growhuman tissues and organs outside the body explains it this way: When we're born, our skin is in its best shape. Our cells naturally secrete proteins known as growth factors "that keep the cells healthy and stimulate them to divide," Naughton says. As we age, our cells divide at a slower rate, which contribute to the telltale signs of aging, like wrinkles and loss of firmness and luminosity. Growth factors captured from the donated foreskin of a baby (just one can generate over a million treatments) are at their peak ability in promoting rapid cell turnover. Applied topically, they spur adult skin cells to regenerate. This is said to have a smoothing effect on the skin.
I'm here to see if the process actually works specifically, on my nasolabial folds, the hereditary creases that stretch from my nose to my mouth. I'm told that three HydraFacial treatments will smooth the creases into near invisibility.
There are five parts to the HydraFacial. My skin is first wiped clean with a cleanser and then treated with a salicylic-and-glycolic-acid peel using a giant machine that looks like a cousin of R2D2. This is the HydraFacial machine, a fully equipped device with tiny suction tubes as arms and bottles of facial-treatment mixtures attached at the belly.
The salicylicand glycolic acids, like micro sandblasters, sweep away dead cells lingering on the surface of skin. The chemicals are a lightweight goop that feels cool on my face. Zahra, my esthetician, keeps asking me if I feel any tingling on my skin. I don't but she tells me that most people feel a slight burning sensation at this point. Must be my thick skin.
Next up is the extraction step. The tube that deposited the peel now works in reverse and becomes a micro vacuum cleaner. Blackheads and flaky skin are swept up in what feel (and looks) like the suction tube from a dentist's chair. It's an odd but not unpleasant feeling. I can actually see tiny deposits of my skin now swirling around in the extraction cup. Gross, but also kind of cool.
After my pores are cleared, a blend of skin-nourishing antioxidants and hydrating hyaluronic acid is smeared over my face. Here's where the foreskin extracts come in they're smeared on, too. The growth factors from the foreskin stem cells don't feel different than any other serum as the esthetician applies them to my face.
The final step of the facial is a quick, light therapy session, where a blue and red LED light targets oily skin, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. In all, the entire facial lasts 30 minutes and induces not the faintest trace of redness or irritation.
Of course when it comes to facials, the proof is in the mirror. My skin glows in a way that I thought only Jennifer Lopez could glow. Fresh from the facial, I saunter into a photo shoot wearing no makeup because my confidence is at Beyonc levels. My nasolabial folds are still visible, although a bit less pronounced now. (Presumably, two more treatments would help even more.) And a part of me feels like a Disney evil queen, draining youth from a newborn for a few weeks of a restored complexion. Is this the future of facials? And if so, is it wrong that I want more?
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Can Cells From a Babys Foreskin Give You Youthful Skin?
Using patients' own cells to accelerate research into neurological disease
By daniellenierenberg
$1 M gift from Mr. J. Sebastian van Berkom launches translational research into neurological disease
This news release is available in French.
A patient's very own skin cells may hold the key to new treatments and even cures for devastating neurological diseases. A generous $1 million donation from Mr. J. Sebastian van Berkom, and critical partnerships with Brain Canada, Laval University, Marigold Foundation and the FRQS-Rseau Parkinson Quebec are driving an innovative, iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cell) research platform that will transform research into Parkinson's and other neurological diseases.
Millions of Canadians are affected by diseases of the brain such as ALS, Parkinson's and brain tumours, for which there are limited treatments and no cures. By 2020, neurological conditions will become the leading cause of death and disability. "Everyone's lives are touched in some way by neurological disease, says Mr. van Berkom, President of Van Berkom and Associates Inc." In creating The van Berkom Parkinson's Disease Open-Access Fund, I hope to change lives and support new research that will lead to new treatments and one day cures. The iPSC platform is a new paradigm for neuroscience research and as one of the world's great neuroscience centres, The Neuro is the place to drive it forward."
"This is the ultimate bench to bedside paradigm, from patient to the bench, back to the patient," says Dr. Guy Rouleau, Director of The Neuro. "With a unique interface between fundamental and clinical research, The Neuro is uniquely positioned to be a central hub in the iPSC platform. Partnering with Mr. Van Berkom, a generous and visionary philanthropist, propels The Neuro toward the goal of significantly deepening insight into disease mechanisms with unprecedented efficiency."
Patients' skin cells will be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) at Laval University, under the leadership of Dr Jack Puymirat, and then differentiated at The Neuro into disease relevant cells for research. For example, in the case of Parkinson's this could be dopamine neurons. The cells can also be genome-edited, a state-of-the-art technique that can introduce or correct disease associated mutations - creating the most accurate disease models. These iPSCs will be made widely and openly available to researchers across Quebec for neuroscience research. This open-access approach exponentially increases the likelihood of breakthroughs in neurological disease.
"The unique and exciting aspect of this platform is that we are creating the most specific cells for studying disease using the patient's own tissue, which has distinct advantages over using generic cells or animal models," says Dr. Edward Fon, neurologist and co-Director of the Quebec iPSC platform. "Disease models using human samples are increasingly shown to be far more efficacious in trials, as they much more accurately mimic the disease condition. In the iPSC platform, not only can specific mutations be introduced but, cells are from patients' whose specific clinical history and genetic profile are known, a first step on the road toward neurological personalized medicine. The Neuro has access to a large and well-characterized patient population, who can help create a rich clinically-and genetically-derived registry and biobank. The initial targets in the platform will be ALS and Parkinson's disease (PD), using dopamine neurons for PD and both motor neurons and astrocytes for ALS."
The Quebec iPSC core facility is a provincial core headed by Drs. Fon and Puymirat. Reprogrammed cells at Laval University will be created from different sources such as skin biopsies, blood or urine. The Neuro's component of the platform will consist of two core facilities. The iPSC neuronal differentiation core - which differentiate iPSCs into functional neurons, headed by Dr. Eric Shoubridge, and the iPSC genome-editing core providing unprecedented ability to study the influence of disease mutations, headed by Dr. Peter McPherson.
The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
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Using patients' own cells to accelerate research into neurological disease
Trial Shows Stem Cells Provide Long-Term Relief from Dangerous Crohns Side Effect
By Sykes24Tracey
Durham, NC (PRWEB) March 31, 2015
Stem cells may provide Crohns disease sufferers relief from a common, potentially dangerous side effect fistulas according to the results of a phase 2 clinical trial published in the latest issue of STEM CELLS Translational Medicine (SCTM). After receiving an injection of their own adipose-derived stem cells (ASC), which are collected from fat tissue, the fistulas in 75 percent of the trial participants were completely healed within eight weeks of their last treatment and remained so two years later.
Crohn's disease is a painful, chronic autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation in Crohns patients can sometimes extend completely through the intestinal wall and create a fistula an abnormal connection between the intestine and another organ or skin. Left untreated, a fistula might become infected and form an abscess, which in some cases can be life threatening.
Chang Sik Yu, M.D., Ph.D., of Asan Medical Center in Seoul, Korea, a senior author of the SCTM paper, describes the results of a clinical trial conducted in collaboration with four other hospitals in South Korea, stated, Crohns fistula is one of the most distressing diseases as it decreases patients quality of life and frequently recurs. It has been reported to occur in up to 38 percent of Crohns patients and over the course of the disease, 10 to 18 percent of them must undergo a proctectomy, which is a surgical procedure to remove the rectum.
Overall, the treatments currently available for Crohns fistula remain unsatisfactory because they fail to achieve complete closure, lower recurrence and limit adverse effects, Dr. Yu said. Given the challenges and unmet medical needs in Crohns fistula, attention has turned to stem cell therapy as a possible treatment.
Several studies, including those undertaken by Dr. Yus team, suggest that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) do indeed improve Crohns disease and Crohns fistula. Their phase II trial involved 43 patients for a term of one year, over the period from January 2010 to August 2012. The results showed that 82 percent experienced complete closure of fistula eight weeks after the final ASC injection.
It strongly demonstrated MSCs derived from ASCs are a safe and useful therapeutic tool for the treatment of Crohns fistula, Dr. Yu said.
The latest study was intended to evaluate the long-term outcome by following 41 of the original 43 patients for yet another year. Dr. Yu reported, Our long-term follow-up found that one or two doses of autologous ASC therapy achieved complete closure of the fistulas in 75 percent of the patients at 24 months, and sustainable safety and efficacy of initial response in 83 percent. No adverse events related to ASC administration were observed. Furthermore, complete closure after initial treatment was well sustained.
These results strongly suggest that autologous ASCs may be a novel treatment option for Crohns fistulae, he said.
Stem cells derived from fat tissue are known to regulate the immune response, which may explain these successful long-term results treating Crohns fistulae with a high risk of recurrence, said Anthony Atala, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of STEM CELLS Translational Medicine and director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
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Trial Shows Stem Cells Provide Long-Term Relief from Dangerous Crohns Side Effect
Research develops mini-lung structures
By Sykes24Tracey
Stem cell research has long been seen as a new frontier for disease therapeutics. By coaxing stem cells to form 3D miniature lung structures, University researchers are helping explain why.
In a collaborative study, University researchers devised a system to generate self-organizing human lung organoids, or artificially-grown organisms. These organoids are 3D models that can be used to better understand lung diseases.
Jason Spence, the assistant professor of internal medicine and cell and developmental biology, who was a senior author of the study, said one of the key implications of these lungs is the controlled environment they offer for future research.
These mini lungs will allow us to study diseases in a controlled environment and to develop and test new drugs, he said.
Specifically, Spence said, scientists will be able to take skin samples from patients with a particular form of a lung disease, reprogram the cells into stem cells and then generate lung tissue for further study. He said by analyzing the disease in a controlled environment, researchers can gain insight into the progression of various diseases and then tailor drugs for treatment.
Rackham student Briana Dye was also a lead author of the study. She said the team manipulated numerous signaling pathways involved with cell growth and organ formation to make the miniature lungs.
First, Dye said the scientists used proteins called growth factors to differentiate embryonic stem cells into endoderm, the germ layer that gives rise to the lungs. Different growth factors were then used to cause the endoderm to become lung tissue.
We add specific growth factors, proteins that turn on pathways in the cells, that will then cause them to lift off the monolayer so that we have this 3D spherical tissue, she said.
Previous research has used stem cells in a similar manner to generate brain, intestine, stomach and liver tissue. Dye said one of the advantages of stem cell research is its direct path to studying human tissue.
We have worked with many animal models in the past, Dye said. Animal models present obstacles because they dont exactly behave the way human tissue and cells do. This is why stem cells are so promising.
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Research develops mini-lung structures
Two Different Fat Graft Techniques Have Similar Effects on Facial Skin
By Dr. Matthew Watson
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Newswise March 30, 2015 Two approaches to fat graftinginjection of fat cells versus fat-derived stem cellshave similar effects in reversing the cellular-level signs of aging skin, reports a study in the April issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
Since the facial rejuvenation results are the same, the simpler approach using fat cells plus the "stromal vascular fraction" has advantages over the more time-consuming stem cell fat technique. Dr. Gino Rigotti of Clinica San Francesco, Verona, Italy, directed a research team consisting of Luiz Charles-de-S and Natale Ferreira Gontijo-de-Amorim from Clinica Performa, Rio de Janeiro; and Andrea Sbarbati, Donatella Benati, and Paolo Bernardi from the Anatomy and Histology Institute, University of Verona.
Fat Grafts vs Stem Cells for Facial Rejuvenation The experimental study compared the two approaches to fat grafting for regeneration of the facial skin. In these procedures, a small amount of the patient's own fat is obtained by liposuction from another part of the body, such as the abdomen. After processing, the fat is grafted (transplanted) to the treated area, such as the face.
The study included six middle-aged patients who were candidates for facelift surgery. All underwent fat grafting to a small area in front of the ear.
One group of patients received fat-derived stem cells. Isolated and grown from the patients' fat, these specialized cells have the potential to develop into several different types of tissue. The other group underwent injection of fat cells along with the stromal vascular fraction (SVF)a rich mix of cell types, including stem cells.
Before and three months after fat grafting, samples of skin from the treated area were obtained for in-depth examination, including electron microscopy for ultrastructural-level detail.
After injection of fat cells plus SVF, the skin samples showed reduced degeneration of the skin's elastic fiber network, or "elastosis"a key characteristic of aging skin. These findings were confirmed by ultrastructural examination, which demonstrated the reabsorption of the elastosis and the development of relatively "young" elastic fibers.
In patients undergoing stem cell injection, the skin changes were essentially identical. "This result seems to suggest that the effect of a fat graft is, at least in part, due to its stem cell component," Dr Rigotti and coauthors write.
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Two Different Fat Graft Techniques Have Similar Effects on Facial Skin