I dont have time for glamour Aminah Sagoe
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Aminah Sagoe
Aminah Sagoe recently developed a skincare range called Emmaus. She opens up on why she set up the brand
Q: How did you delve into skincare treatment?
A: The inspiration came about while I was trying to treat my skin condition called keratosis pilaris, aka chicken skin. It is a common skin condition that causes rough patches and small, acne-like bumps, usually on the arms, thighs, cheeks and buttocks. The bumps are usually white, sometimes red, and generally do not hurt or itch. The condition can be frustrating because it is difficult to treat. In my quest to find a cure, I developed a skin care range to treat the condition. I have always been a product junkie.
Q: How long did this take?
A: It took 22 months of research to come up with these products. It has been very hectic but we kept going with the flow. It can be used by both sexes and it is the first natural skincare line in this part of the world to mix plant stem cells with natural ingredients. It can be used by people with eczema, psoriasis, scaly skin and uneven skin tone but it doesnt bleach. The ingredients are extremely healthy and safe for the skin. The three step range consists of the pampering smiling beads body wash, touch of love mini towels and a soothing softness bliss body lotion that nourishes and protects the skin
Q: What does Emmaus mean?
A: It is a biblical word and signifies a rebirth or a new beginning. I am a convert; I was born a Muslim but I am now a Christian. I got converted after I got married to my husband who is a Christian. I was in my late 20s when I picked up the Bible, read it and believed. Believing in Christ has brought me so much joy, peace and clarity.
Q: What are some of the challenges you faced while developing the products?
A: The formulation took so long to be formulated because it is made up of natural products and preservatives. At some point, we had issues where one product will interact with another and that took a lot of time to fix. The products do not bleach or alter your skin colour. The process took 15 months to complete.
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I dont have time for glamour Aminah Sagoe
BABOR Launches Innovative Anti-Aging Collection ReVersive
By raymumme
Delray Beach, FL (PRWEB) March 27, 2015
Inspired by the latest advances in skin aging, BABORs Research and Innovation Center has developed a groundbreaking new skincare innovation: the anti-aging collection ReVersive, with the ultra-effective RE-YOUTH COMPLEX.
ReVersive is unique, as it contains a high-performance formula with four active ingredients that interact in perfect synergy. Designed as a complete anti-aging system, ReVersive restores youthful radiance and luminosity, leaving the complexion looking firmer and smoother with a beautifully even appearance.
In a recent study conducted by the independent research organization, Derma Consult, the ReVersive collection showed impressive results. Testing was conducted on 100 women, aged 35 to 67, and in just 4 weeks time users reported the following exciting results:
Telovitin: Keeps cells younger for longer Telovitin, an active ingredient based on Nobel Prize-winning research, combats skin aging at its source: cell activity. It protects the telomeres (the ends of the chromosomes) and thus extends the life cycle of the skin cells.
Agicyl: Activates defenses against skin aging This multifunctional active ingredient, which is extracted from the stem cells of the Alpine plant Globularia cordifolia, prevents the break down of the collagen fibers so that the skin retains its elasticity. It also neutralizes free radicals and environmental aggressors.
Lumicol: Creates luminosity and radiance The active radiance-boosting ingredient Lumicol, which is extracted from microalgae, can activate a protein that destroys these dark pigmentation and age spots to ensure an even-looking complexion and restore radiance.
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BABOR Launches Innovative Anti-Aging Collection ReVersive
Julie Gramyk 3 21 2015 Youtube – Video
Julie Gramyk 3 21 2015 Youtube
Julie Gramyk, Medical Esthetic, explains how Momentis #39; new skincare system is the first in the world to penetrate beyond the skin #39;s barrier and target the skin #39;s stem cells resulting in rebuilding...
By: judyrstak
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Julie Gramyk 3 21 2015 Youtube - Video
Stem cells make similar decisions to humans
By NEVAGiles23
5 hours ago
Scientists at the University of Copenhagen have captured thousands of progenitor cells of the pancreas on video as they made decisions to divide and expand the organ or to specialize into the endocrine cells that regulate our blood sugar levels.
The study reveals that stem cells behave as people in a society, making individual choices but with enough interactions to bring them to their end-goal. The results could eventually lead to a better control over the production of insulin-producing endocrine cells for diabetes therapy.
The research is published in the scientific journal PLOS Biology.
Why one cell matters
In a joint collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and University of Cambridge, Professor Anne Grapin- Botton and a team of researchers including Assistant Professor Yung Hae Kim from DanStem Center focused on marking the progenitor cells of the embryonic pancreas, commonly referred to as 'mothers', and their 'daughters' in different fluorescent colours and then captured them on video to analyse how they make decisions.
Prior to this work, there were methods to predict how specific types of pancreas cells would evolve as the embryo develops. However, by looking at individual cells, the scientists found that even within one group of cells presumed to be of the same type, some will divide many times to make the organ bigger while others will become specialized and will stop dividing.
The scientists witnessed interesting occurrences where the 'mother' of two 'daughters' made a decision and passed it on to the two 'daughters' who then acquired their specialization in synchrony. By observing enough cells, they were able to extract logic rules of decision-making, and with the help of Pau Ru, a mathematician from the University of Cambridge, they developed a mathematical model to make long-term predictions over multiple generations of cells.
Stem cell movies
'It is the first time we have made movies of a quality that is high enough to follow thousands of individual cells in this organ, for periods of time that are long enough for us to follow the slow decision process. The task seemed daunting and technically challenging, but fascinating", says Professor Grapin-Botton.
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Stem cells make similar decisions to humans
Scientists create functioning "mini-lungs" to study cystic fibrosis
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have grown functional "mini-lungs" using stems cells derived from the skin cells of patients with a debilitating lung disease. Not only can the development help them in coming up with effective treatments for specific lung diseases like cystic fibrosis, but the process has the potential to be scaled up to screen thousands of new compounds to identify potential new drugs.
Creating miniature organoids has been the focus of many a research group, as it allows scientists to better understand the processes that take place inside an organ, figure out how specific diseases occur and develop or even work towards creating bioengineered lungs.
The research team from the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute studied a lung disease called cystic fibrosis, which is caused by genetic mutation and shortens a patient's average lifespan. Patients have great difficulty breathing as the lungs are overwhelmed by thickened mucus.
To create working mini-lungs, the researchers took skin cells from patients with the most common form of cystic fibrosis and reprogrammed them to an induced pluripotent state (iPS), which allows the cells to grow into a different type of cell inside the body.
They then activated a process called gastrulation which pushes the cells to form distinct layers such as the endoderm and foregut. The cells were then pushed further to form distal airway tissue, the part of the lung that deals with exchange of gases.
In a sense, what weve created are mini-lungs," says Dr Nick Hannan, the lead researcher. While they only represent the distal part of lung tissue, they are grown from human cells and so can be more reliable than using traditional animal models, such as mice."
To find out whether the mini lungs could actually be used to screen drugs, the team tested them out with the aid of chloride-sensitive fluorescent dye. Cells from cystic fibrosis patients typically malfunction and don't allow the chloride to pass through, so there's no change in fluorescence levels.
The team added a molecule that's currently undergoing clinical trials and noted a change in fluorescence, signaling that it was effective in getting the diseased lung cells to function properly and that the mini lungs could, in principle, be used to test potential new drugs.
"Were confident this process could be scaled up to enable us to screen tens of thousands of compounds and develop mini-lungs with other diseases such as lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis," says Dr Hannan. "This is far more practical, should provide more reliable data and is also more ethical than using large numbers of mice for such research."
The research was published in the journal Stem Cells and Development.
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Scientists create functioning "mini-lungs" to study cystic fibrosis
Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid study of cystic fibrosis
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Scientists at the University of Cambridge have successfully created 'mini-lungs' using stem cells derived from skin cells of patients with cystic fibrosis, and have shown that these can be used to test potential new drugs for this debilitating lung disease.
The research is one of a number of studies that have used stem cells -- the body's master cells -- to grow 'organoids', 3D clusters of cells that mimic the behaviour and function of specific organs within the body. Other recent examples have been 'mini-brains' to study Alzheimer's disease and 'mini-livers' to model liver disease. Scientists use the technique to model how diseases occur and to screen for potential drugs; they are an alternative to the use of animals in research.
Cystic fibrosis is a monogenic condition -- in other words, it is caused by a single genetic mutation in patients, though in some cases the mutation responsible may differ between patients. One of the main features of cystic fibrosis is the lungs become overwhelmed with thickened mucus causing difficulty breathing and increasing the incidence of respiratory infection. Although patients have a shorter than average lifespan, advances in treatment mean the outlook has improved significantly in recent years.
Researchers at the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute used skin cells from patients with the most common form of cystic fibrosis caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene referred to as the delta-F508 mutation. Approximately three in four cystic fibrosis patients in the UK have this particular mutation. They then reprogrammed the skin cells to an induced pluripotent state, the state at which the cells can develop into any type of cell within the body.
Using these cells -- known as induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells -- the researchers were able to recreate embryonic lung development in the lab by activating a process known as gastrulation, in which the cells form distinct layers including the endoderm and then the foregut, from which the lung 'grows', and then pushed these cells further to develop into distal airway tissue. The distal airway is the part of the lung responsible for gas exchange and is often implicated in disease, such as cystic fibrosis, some forms of lung cancer and emphysema.
The results of the study are published in the journal Stem Cells and Development.
"In a sense, what we've created are 'mini-lungs'," explains Dr Nick Hannan, who led the study. "While they only represent the distal part of lung tissue, they are grown from human cells and so can be more reliable than using traditional animal models, such as mice. We can use them to learn more about key aspects of serious diseases -- in our case, cystic fibrosis."
The genetic mutation delta-F508 causes the CFTR protein found in distal airway tissue to misfold and malfunction, meaning it is not appropriately expressed on the surface of the cell, where its purpose is to facilitate the movement of chloride in and out of the cells. This in turn reduces the movement of water to the inside of the lung; as a consequence, the mucus becomes particular thick and prone to bacterial infection, which over time leads to scarring -- the 'fibrosis' in the disease's name.
Using a fluorescent dye that is sensitive to the presence of chloride, the researchers were able to see whether the 'mini-lungs' were functioning correctly. If they were, they would allow passage of the chloride and hence changes in fluorescence; malfunctioning cells from cystic fibrosis patients would not allow such passage and the fluorescence would not change. This technique allowed the researchers to show that the 'mini-lungs' could be used in principle to test potential new drugs: when a small molecule currently the subject of clinical trials was added to the cystic fibrosis 'mini lungs', the fluorescence changed -- a sign that the cells were now functioning when compared to the same cells not treated with the small molecule.
"We're confident this process could be scaled up to enable us to screen tens of thousands of compounds and develop mini-lungs with other diseases such as lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis," adds Dr Hannan. "This is far more practical, should provide more reliable data and is also more ethical than using large numbers of mice for such research."
See the article here:
Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid study of cystic fibrosis
Fountain of youth might hide in 'relaxed' stem cells: Study
New York, March 20 (IANS): High stress levels can have a critical impact not only on the surface, making our skin age, but also on a molecular level, when stressed cells cannot cope with the pressure and perish much faster than the ones which can.
In a new research report released on Thursday, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, analysed blood stem cells and found that the cell's ability to repair damage in the mitochondria, their power source, was critical to their survival.
Researchers tried to "relax" these stressed-out cells by slowing down the activity of their mitochondria.
"We found that by slowing down the activity of mitochondria in the blood stem cells of mice, we were able to enhance their capacity to handle stress and rejuvenate old blood. This confirms the significance of this pathway in the aging process," Xinhua news agency quoted Danica Chen, an assistant professor with the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology.
This pathway lies mainly in the multitude of proteins that need to be folded properly for the mitochondria to function correctly. When the folding goes awry, the mitochondrial unfolded-protein response, or UPRmt, kicks in to boost the production of specific proteins to fix or remove the misfolded protein.
Researchers found that certain proteins known as SIRT7 help cells cope with the stress of unfolding the proteins in the mitochondria, helping those with higher levels of SIRT7 survive longer by making them "unwind". But the levels of SIRT7 decrease as people age.
"The protein level decreases as years go by," Chen said. "But if we increase this protein in blood stem cells, we can make them live longer. Cells in general don't just die suddenly; they are submitted to high stress levels and lose their functions with age."
Chen does not want to encourage the thought that she and other researchers have found the "fountain of youth", but more of a new path for study.
"We still don't know if this would work on other kinds of stem cells, such as pancreatic stem cells or heart cells, and we don't have any expertise with those tissues, so we would be very happy to collaborate with other laboratories to tackle the matter," she said.
The study, published on Thursday in the Science journal, is expected to help researchers gain more insight into the aging process, and even slow it down.
Continued here:
Fountain of youth might hide in 'relaxed' stem cells: Study
Scientists pinpoint molecule that controls stem cell plasticity by boosting gene expression
Stem cells can have a strong sense of identity. Taken out of their home in the hair follicle, for example, and grown in culture, these cells remain true to themselves. After waiting in limbo, these cultured cells become capable of regenerating follicles and other skin structures once transplanted back into skin. It's not clear just how these stem cells -- and others elsewhere in the body -- retain their ability to produce new tissue and heal wounds, even under extraordinary conditions.
New research at Rockefeller University has identified a protein, Sox9, that takes the lead in controlling stem cell plasticity. In a paper published Wednesday (March 18) in Nature, the team describes Sox9 as a "pioneer factor" that breaks ground for the activation of genes associated with stem cell identity in the hair follicle.
"We found that in the hair follicle, Sox9 lays the foundation for stem cell plasticity. First, Sox9 makes the genes needed by stem cells accessible, so they can become active. Then, Sox9 recruits other proteins that work together to give these "stemness" genes a boost, amplifying their expression," says study author Elaine Fuchs, Rebecca C. Lancefield Professor, Robin Chemers Neustein Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development. "Without Sox9, this process never happens, and hair follicle stem cells cannot survive."
Sox9 is a type of protein called a transcription factor, which can act like a volume dial for genes. When a transcription factor binds to a segment of DNA known as an enhancer, it cranks up the activity of the associated gene. Recently, scientists identified a less common, but more powerful version: the super-enhancer. Super-enhancers are much longer pieces of DNA, and host large numbers of cell type-specific transcription factors that bind cooperatively. Super-enhancers also contain histones, DNA-packaging proteins, that harbor specific chemical groups -- epigenetic marks -- that make genes they are associated with accessible so they can be expressed.
Using an epigenetic mark associated specifically with the histones of enhancers, first author Rene Adam, a graduate student in the lab, and colleagues, identified 377 of these high-powered gene-amplifying regions in hair follicle stem cells. The majority of these super-enhancers were bound by at least five transcription factors, often including Sox9. Then, they compared the stem cell super-enhancers to those of short-lived stem cell progeny, which have begun to choose a fate, and so lost the plasticity of stem cells. These two types of cells shared only 32 percent of their super-enhancers, suggesting these regions played an important role in skin cell identity. By switching off super-enhancers associated with stem cell genes, these genes were silenced while new super-enhancers were being activated to turn on hair genes.
To better understand these dynamics, the researchers took a piece of a super-enhancer, called an epicenter, where all the stem cell transcription factors bind, and they linked it to a gene that glowed green whenever the transcription factors were present. In living mice, all the hair follicle stem cells glowed green, but surprisingly, the green gene turned off when the stem cells were taken from the follicle and placed in culture. When they put the cells back into living skin, the green glow returned.
Another clue came from experiments performed by Hanseul Yang, another student in the lab. By examining the new super-enhancers that were gained when the stem cells were cultured, they learned that these new super-enhancers bound transcription factors that were known to be activated during wound-repair. When they used one of these epicenters to drive the green gene, the green glow appeared in culture, but not in skin. When they wounded the skin, then the green glow switched on.
"We were learning that some super-enhancers are specifically activated in the stem cells within their native niche, while other super-enhancers specifically switch on during injury," explained Adam. "By shifting epicenters, you can shift from one cohort of transcription factors to another to adapt to different environments. But we still needed to determine what was controlling these shifts."
The culprit turned out to be Sox9, the only transcription factor expressed in both living tissue and culture. Further experiments confirmed Sox9's importance by showing, for example, that removing it spelled death for stem cells, while expressing it in the epidermis gave the skin cells features of hair follicle stem cells. These powers seemed to be special to Sox9, placing it atop the hierarchy of transcription factors in the stem cells. Sox9 is one of only a few pioneer factors known in biology that can initiate such dramatic changes in gene expression.
"Importantly, we link this pioneer factor to super-enhancer dynamics, giving these domains a 'one-two punch' in governing cell identity. In the case of stem cell plasticity, Sox9 appears to be the lead factor that activates the super-enhancers that amplify genes associated with stemness," Fuchs says. "These discoveries offer new insights into the way in which stem cells choose their fates and maintain plasticity while in transitional states, such as in culture or when repairing wounds."
Excerpt from:
Scientists pinpoint molecule that controls stem cell plasticity by boosting gene expression
Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid the study of cystic fibrosis
By daniellenierenberg
Scientists at the University of Cambridge have successfully created 'mini-lungs' using stem cells derived from skin cells of patients with cystic fibrosis, and have shown that these can be used to test potential new drugs for this debilitating lung disease.
The research is one of a number of studies that have used stem cells - the body's master cells - to grow 'organoids', 3D clusters of cells that mimic the behaviour and function of specific organs within the body. Other recent examples have been 'mini-brains' to study Alzheimer's disease and 'mini-livers' to model liver disease. Scientists use the technique to model how diseases occur and to screen for potential drugs; they are an alternative to the use of animals in research.
Cystic fibrosis is a monogenic condition - in other words, it is caused by a single genetic mutation in patients, though in some cases the mutation responsible may differ between patients. One of the main features of cystic fibrosis is the lungs become overwhelmed with thickened mucus causing difficulty breathing and increasing the incidence of respiratory infection. Although patients have a shorter than average lifespan, advances in treatment mean the outlook has improved significantly in recent years.
Researchers at the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute used skin cells from patients with the most common form of cystic fibrosis caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene referred to as the delta-F508 mutation. Approximately three in four cystic fibrosis patients in the UK have this particular mutation. They then reprogrammed the skin cells to an induced pluripotent state, the state at which the cells can develop into any type of cell within the body.
Using these cells - known as induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells - the researchers were able to recreate embryonic lung development in the lab by activating a process known as gastrulation, in which the cells form distinct layers including the endoderm and then the foregut, from which the lung 'grows', and then pushed these cells further to develop into distal airway tissue. The distal airway is the part of the lung responsible for gas exchange and is often implicated in disease, such as cystic fibrosis, some forms of lung cancer and emphysema.
The results of the study are published in the journal Stem Cells and Development.
"In a sense, what we've created are 'mini-lungs'," explains Dr Nick Hannan, who led the study. "While they only represent the distal part of lung tissue, they are grown from human cells and so can be more reliable than using traditional animal models, such as mice. We can use them to learn more about key aspects of serious diseases - in our case, cystic fibrosis."
The genetic mutation delta-F508 causes the CFTR protein found in distal airway tissue to misfold and malfunction, meaning it is not appropriately expressed on the surface of the cell, where its purpose is to facilitate the movement of chloride in and out of the cells. This in turn reduces the movement of water to the inside of the lung; as a consequence, the mucus becomes particular thick and prone to bacterial infection, which over time leads to scarring - the 'fibrosis' in the disease's name.
Using a fluorescent dye that is sensitive to the presence of chloride, the researchers were able to see whether the 'mini-lungs' were functioning correctly. If they were, they would allow passage of the chloride and hence changes in fluorescence; malfunctioning cells from cystic fibrosis patients would not allow such passage and the fluorescence would not change. This technique allowed the researchers to show that the 'mini-lungs' could be used in principle to test potential new drugs: when a small molecule currently the subject of clinical trials was added to the cystic fibrosis 'mini lungs', the fluorescence changed - a sign that the cells were now functioning when compared to the same cells not treated with the small molecule.
"We're confident this process could be scaled up to enable us to screen tens of thousands of compounds and develop mini-lungs with other diseases such as lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis," adds Dr Hannan. "This is far more practical, should provide more reliable data and is also more ethical than using large numbers of mice for such research."
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Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid the study of cystic fibrosis
Stem cell "mini-lungs" created in Cambridge University lab
By Sykes24Tracey
Cambridge stem cell scientists searching for new cystic fibrosis treatments have grown "mini-lungs" in a laboratory.
The millimetre-wide cell clusters were created using stem cells derived from the skin of patients with the devastating lung disease.
They are the latest in a line of 3D "organoids" produced to mimic the behaviour of specific body tissues, following "mini-brains" for studying Alzheimer's disease and "mini-livers" to model diseases of the liver.
Dr Nick Hannan, led the team from Cambridge University.
He said: "In a sense, what we've created are 'mini-lungs'.
"While they only represent the distal (outer) part of lung tissue, they are grown from human cells and so can be more reliable than using traditional animal models, such as mice.
"We can use them to learn more about key aspects of serious diseases - in our case, cystic fibrosis."
Cystic fibrosis occurs when the movement of water to the inside of the lungs is reduced, causing a build up of thick mucus that leads to a high risk of infection.
The scientists reprogrammed ordinary skin cells to create stem cells that could be transformed into lung tissue.
See the original post here:
Stem cell "mini-lungs" created in Cambridge University lab
Why Stem Cell Beauty Products are Causing a Buzz in Anti-Aging
By NEVAGiles23
(Source: Thinkstock; art by Tanya Leigh Washington)
We're no strangerswhen it comes to wild beauty products. Snail venom, check. Probiotic bacteria, of course. Charcoal, yes, please. But when we started noticing stem cells popping up as ingredients in beauty products, we raised an eye brow.
First off, these aren't the stem cells that have caused a lot of controversy in recent years. These are (typically) stem cells extracts from plants andfruits and are believed by some to encourage cell regeneration, restoration and repair. However, some products are using human stem cell derived proteins as active ingredients. The basic idea is this:stem cell extracts uppotential growth for collagen and elastinyou know, those tissues that keep us looking youthful.
Althoughthe jury is still out on the effectiveness of stem cell-based products, one thing's for surethispossible fountain of youth comes at a steep price tag. Due to the extraction and cultivation process of stem cell extracts, products tend to be on the higher end side.
If stem cell technology sounds like something you're ready to invest in, take a peek at a view of the products on the market that caught our eyes.
Rodial Stemcell Super-Food Cleanser, $40, atus.spacenk.com
Stem cell technology from thePhytoCellTec Alp Rose mixed with Coconut Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Rose Wax and Cocoa Butter hydrate and cleanses.
Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Lifting Neck Cream, $55, atjuicebeauty.com
This blend of fruit stem cells are infused into a Vitamin C, resveratrol rich grapeseed formula to provide antioxidant protection and firm up skin.
StemologyCell Revive Smoothing Serum, $99, at stemologyskincare.com
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Why Stem Cell Beauty Products are Causing a Buzz in Anti-Aging
Scientists pinpoint molecule that switches on stem cell genes
By NEVAGiles23
Experiments placed Sox9 at the crux of a shift in gene expression associated with hair follicle stem cell identity
IMAGE:Researchers made stem cells fluoresce green (at the base of hair follicles above) by labeling their super-enhancers, regions of the genome bound by gene-amplifying proteins. It appears one such protein,... view more
Credit: Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development at The Rockefeller University/Nature
Stem cells can have a strong sense of identity. Taken out of their home in the hair follicle, for example, and grown in culture, these cells remain true to themselves. After waiting in limbo, these cultured cells become capable of regenerating follicles and other skin structures once transplanted back into skin. It's not clear just how these stem cells -- and others elsewhere in the body -- retain their ability to produce new tissue and heal wounds, even under extraordinary conditions.
New research at Rockefeller University has identified a protein, Sox9, that takes the lead in controlling stem cell plasticity. In a paper published Wednesday (March 18) in Nature, the team describes Sox9 as a "pioneer factor" that breaks ground for the activation of genes associated with stem cell identity in the hair follicle.
"We found that in the hair follicle, Sox9 lays the foundation for stem cell plasticity. First, Sox9 makes the genes needed by stem cells accessible, so they can become active. Then, Sox9 recruits other proteins that work together to give these "stemness" genes a boost, amplifying their expression," says study author Elaine Fuchs, Rebecca C. Lancefield Professor, Robin Chemers Neustein Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development. "Without Sox9, this process never happens, and hair follicle stem cells cannot survive."
Sox9 is a type of protein called a transcription factor, which can act like a volume dial for genes. When a transcription factor binds to a segment of DNA known as an enhancer, it cranks up the activity of the associated gene. Recently, scientists identified a less common, but more powerful version: the super-enhancer. Super-enhancers are much longer pieces of DNA, and host large numbers of cell type-specific transcription factors that bind cooperatively. Super-enhancers also contain histones, DNA-packaging proteins, that harbor specific chemical groups -- epigenetic marks -- that make genes they are associated with accessible so they can be expressed.
Using an epigenetic mark associated specifically with the histones of enhancers, first author Rene Adam, a graduate student in the lab, and colleagues, identified 377 of these high-powered gene-amplifying regions in hair follicle stem cells. The majority of these super-enhancers were bound by at least five transcription factors, often including Sox9. Then, they compared the stem cell super-enhancers to those of short-lived stem cell progeny, which have begun to choose a fate, and so lost the plasticity of stem cells. These two types of cells shared only 32 percent of their super-enhancers, suggesting these regions played an important role in skin cell identity. By switching off super-enhancers associated with stem cell genes, these genes were silenced while new super-enhancers were being activated to turn on hair genes.
To better understand these dynamics, the researchers took a piece of a super-enhancer, called an epicenter, where all the stem cell transcription factors bind, and they linked it to a gene that glowed green whenever the transcription factors were present. In living mice, all the hair follicle stem cells glowed green, but surprisingly, the green gene turned off when the stem cells were taken from the follicle and placed in culture. When they put the cells back into living skin, the green glow returned.
Another clue came from experiments performed by Hanseul Yang, another student in the lab. By examining the new super-enhancers that were gained when the stem cells were cultured, they learned that these new super-enhancers bound transcription factors that were known to be activated during wound-repair. When they used one of these epicenters to drive the green gene, the green glow appeared in culture, but not in skin. When they wounded the skin, then the green glow switched on.
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Scientists pinpoint molecule that switches on stem cell genes
Stem Cells, Skin Care and Dr Newman | Skin Care
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Stem cells are special cells that can turn into any kind of cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. There are two main types of human stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells are cells that come from an unborn baby (embryo). Those are NOT the cells that are used for this product.LUMINESCEformulation uses technology derived from the study of Adult Stem Cells.
Stem cells communicate with tissue cells to induce repair. They produce many different growth factors and "communication" chemicals to do this.Dr Nathan Newmanhas been able to take stem cells in the lab, and separate them from the solution that holds the growth factors. This media is the foundation of theLUMINESCEproduct.
What is the relationship between growth factors and the stem cell technology?
The patent-pending technology ofLUMINESCEprovides for the delivery of key growth factors found in natural skin. As we age, the production of these growth factors within skin is reduced, and leads to wrinkling and thinning of the skin. By re-introducing these factors through the daily application ofLUMINESCE, damaged skin cells may be repaired, and skin tissue re-generated.
Stem cells are cells that have the ability to grow into any kind of cell in the body, and they rely on special signals to tell them what cells they will ultimately become. If you know the stem cell language, then you could communicate to the cells.
In this way, you could have stem cells that become new young skin cells, rebuild collagen, and deliver a new younger looking skin.
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Stem Cells, Skin Care and Dr Newman | Skin Care
Now, same-sex couples can make babies
By daniellenierenberg
The author has posted comments on this articlePTI | Feb 23, 2015, 12.47AM IST
Ten different donor sources have been used so far and new germ-cell lines have been created from all of them, researchers said.
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Scientists at Cambridge University collaborated with Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science and used stem cell lines from embryos as well as from the skin of five different adults. Researchers have previously created live baby mice using engineered eggs and sperm, but until now have struggled to create a human version of these 'primordial germ' or stem cells.
Ten different donor sources have been used so far and new germ-cell lines have been created from all of them, researchers said.
"We have succeeded in the first and most important step of this process, which is to show we can make these very early human stem cells in a dish," said Azim Surani, professor of physiology and reproduction at Cambridge, who heads the project.
"We have also discovered that one of the things that happens in these germ cells is that epigenetic mutations, the cell mistakes that occur with age, are wiped out," said Surani, who was involved in research that led to the birth of Louise Brown, the world's first test-tube baby, in 1978.
Jacob Hanna, the specialist leading the project's Israeli arm, said it may be possible to use the technique to create a baby in just two years.
"It has already caused interest from gay groups because of the possibility of making egg and sperm cells from parents of the same sex," he said. The details of the technique were published in the journal Cell.
Read the original here:
Now, same-sex couples can make babies
Heart on-a-chip beats
By NEVAGiles23
March 12, 2015 // R. Colin Johnson
Living beating hearts on-a-chip were recently created from pluripotent stem cells discovered by 2010 Kyoto Prize Winner, Shinya Yamanaka.
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Bioengineers at the University of Berkeley aim to create all of the human organs on-a-chip then connect them with micro-fluidic channels to create a complete human-being on-a-wafer.
"We have learned how to derive almost any type of human tissue from skin stem cells as was first discovered by Yamanaka," professor Kevin Healy told EE Times. "Our initial application is drug screening without having to use animals, but putting organs-on-a-chip using the stem cells of the patient could help with genetic diseases as well."
"For instance, one drug might solve a heart problem, but create toxins in the liver," Healy told us. "Which would be much better to find out before administering to the patient."
As to creating living robots in this way, Healy said that was not their mission on the current project, since their funding in coming from the National Institutes of Health's (NIH's) Tissue Chip for Drug Screening Initiative, an interagency collaboration specifically aimed at developing 3-D human tissue chips for drug screening.
However, the technology being creating, especially the microfluidic channels connecting the organs-on-a-chip so that they interact, could someday serve as a basis for making robot-like creatures.
"What we would need for that is sensors and actuators. Sensors would be the easiest, but MIT in particular is working on artificial muscles to serve as actuators," Healy told us.
Living beating hearts on-a-chip were recently created from pluripotent stem cells discovered by 2010 Kyoto Prize Winner, Shinya Yamanaka.
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Heart on-a-chip beats
'Stem cell' test could identify most aggressive breast cancers
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Testing breast cancer cells for how closely they resemble stem cells could identify women with the most aggressive disease, a new study suggests.
Researchers found that breast cancers with a similar pattern of gene activity to that of adult stem cells had a high chance of spreading to other parts of the body.
Assessing a breast cancer's pattern of activity in these stem cell genes has the potential to identify women who might need intensive treatment to prevent their disease recurring or spreading, the researchers said.
Adult stem cells are healthy cells within the body which have not specialised into any particular type, and so retain the ability to keep on dividing and replacing worn out cells in parts of the body such as the gut, skin or breast.
A research team from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, King's College London and Cardiff University's European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute identified a set of 323 genes whose activity was turned up to high levels in normal breast stem cells in mice.
The study is published today (Wednesday) in the journal Breast Cancer Research, and was funded by a range of organisations including the Medical Research Council, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), Breakthrough Breast Cancer and Cancer Research UK.
The scientists cross-referenced their panel of normal stem cell genes against the genetic profiles of tumours from 579 women with triple-negative breast cancer - a form of the disease which is particularly difficult to treat.
They split the tumour samples into two categories based on their 'score' for the activity of the stem cell genes.
Women with triple-negative tumours in the highest-scoring category were much less likely to stay free of breast cancer than those with the lowest-scoring tumours. Women with tumours from the higher-scoring group had around a 10 per cent chance of avoiding relapse after 10 years, while women from the low-scoring group had a chance of around 60 per cent of avoiding relapse.
The results show that the cells of aggressive triple-negative breast cancers are particularly 'stem-cell-like', taking on properties of stem cells such as self-renewal to help them grow and spread. They also suggest that some of the 323 genes could be promising targets for potential cancer drugs.
Read this article:
'Stem cell' test could identify most aggressive breast cancers
Human skin may harbor obesity cure
Researchers have recently converted human skin cells into appetite controlling neurons for the first time ever, which might eventually provide obesity cure.
The study, led by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) and at the New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF), found that cells provided individualized model for studying obesity and testing treatments.
To make the neurons, human skin cells were first genetically reprogrammed to become induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Like natural stem cells, iPS cells are capable of developing into any kind of adult cell when given a specific set of molecular signals in a specific order.
The iPS cell technology has been used to create a variety of adult human cell types, including insulin-producing beta cells and forebrain and motor neurons.
The CUMC/NYSCF team determined which signals are needed to transform iPS cells into arcuate hypothalamic neurons, a neuron subtype that regulates appetite. The transformation process took about 30 days.
The neurons were found to display key functional properties of mouse arcuate hypothalamic neurons, including the ability to accurately process and secrete specific neuropeptides and to respond to metabolic signals such as insulin and leptin.
The study is published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. (ANI)
See the rest here:
Human skin may harbor obesity cure
IUPUI biologist receives NIH grant to study how glaucoma develops in stem cells
By daniellenierenberg
IMAGE:This is Assistant Professor of Biology Jason Meyer, Ph.D. of the School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis with graduate students Sarah Ohlemacher (left) and Akshaya Sridhar. view more
Credit: School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
INDIANAPOLIS -- Jason Meyer, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology in the School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, has received a National Institutes of Health grant to study how glaucoma develops in stem cells created from skin cells genetically predisposed to the disease. The five-year, $1.8 million grant is funded by the NIH's National Eye Institute.
Glaucoma is a group of degenerative diseases that damage the eye's optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. It is the most common disease that affects retinal ganglion cells. These cells serve as the connection between the eye and the brain. Once these cells are damaged or severed, the brain cannot receive critical information, leading to blindness.
Meyer's research uses human induced pluripotent stem cells, which can be generated from any cell in the body. In this case, they are created from skin cells of patients predisposed to glaucoma. These cells are genetically reprogrammed and then given instructions to develop into cells of the eye's retina.
"Our hope is that because these cells have the genetic information to develop the disease, they will do so in our lab," Meyer said. "Hopefully, we can figure out what goes wrong in those cells and then develop new ways to fix that."
Meyer and two School of Science graduate students are now creating the stem cells and observing their features to determine what isn't going the way it should. They will determine whether they can identify the cause of damage or death of the retinal ganglion cells.
"This is a five-year award, so our hope is that toward the end of the award we can use the information we gather to start developing customized strategies to fix what's going wrong," Meyer said.
He sees this as an exciting approach to stem cell research. Often, stem cells are transplanted to replace cells damaged by disease. While that's a possibility, Meyer's research instead could lead to repairing the existing cells in the eye and restoring vision for patients.
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IUPUI biologist receives NIH grant to study how glaucoma develops in stem cells
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