Childbirth – Wikipedia
This article is about birth in humans. For birth in other mammals, see birth.
Childbirth, also known as labour and delivery, is the ending of a pregnancy by one or more babies leaving a woman's uterus.[1] In 2015 there were about 135 million births globally.[2] About 15 million were born before 37 weeks of gestation,[3] while between 3 and 12% were born after 42 weeks.[4] In the developed world most deliveries occur in hospital,[5][6] while in the developing world most births take place at home with the support of a traditional birth attendant.[7]
The most common way of childbirth is a vaginal delivery.[8] It involves three stages of labour: the shortening and opening of the cervix, descent and birth of the baby, and the pushing out of the placenta.[9] The first stage typically lasts twelve to nineteen hours, the second stage twenty minutes to two hours, and the third stage five to thirty minutes.[10] The first stage begins with crampy abdominal or back pains that last around half a minute and occur every ten to thirty minutes.[9] The crampy pains become stronger and closer together over time.[10] During the second stage pushing with contractions may occur.[10] In the third stage delayed clamping of the umbilical cord is generally recommended.[11] A number of methods can help with pain such as relaxation techniques, opioids, and spinal blocks.[10]
Most babies are born head first; however about 4% are born feet or buttock first, known as breech.[10][12] During labour a women can generally eat and move around as she likes, pushing is not recommended during the first stage or during delivery of the head, and enemas are not recommended.[13] While making a cut to the opening of the vagina is common, known as an episiotomy, it is generally not needed.[10] In 2012, about 23 million deliveries occurred by a surgical procedure known as Caesarean section.[14] Caesarean sections may be recommended for twins, signs of distress in the baby, or breech position.[10] This method of delivery can take longer to heal from.[10]
Each year complications from pregnancy and childbirth result in about 500,000 maternal deaths, 7 million women have serious long term problems, and 50 million women have health negative outcomes following delivery.[15] Most of these occur in the developing world.[15] Specific complications include obstructed labour, postpartum bleeding, eclampsia, and postpartum infection.[15] Complications in the baby include birth asphyxia.[16]
The most prominent sign of labour is strong repetitive uterine contractions. The distress levels reported by labouring women vary widely. They appear to be influenced by fear and anxiety levels, experience with prior childbirth, cultural ideas of childbirth and pain,[17][18] mobility during labour, and the support received during labour. Personal expectations, the amount of support from caregivers, quality of the caregiver-patient relationship, and involvement in decision-making are more important in women's overall satisfaction with the experience of childbirth than are other factors such as age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, preparation, physical environment, pain, immobility, or medical interventions.[19]
Pain in contractions has been described as feeling similar to very strong menstrual cramps. Women are often encouraged to refrain from screaming, but moaning and grunting may be encouraged to help lessen pain. Crowning may be experienced as an intense stretching and burning. Even women who show little reaction to labour pains, in comparison to other women, show a substantially severe reaction to crowning.
Back labour is a term for specific pain occurring in the lower back, just above the tailbone, during childbirth.[20]
Childbirth can be an intense event and strong emotions, both positive and negative, can be brought to the surface. Abnormal and persistent fear of childbirth is known as tokophobia.
During the later stages of gestation there is an increase in abundance of oxytocin, a hormone that is known to evoke feelings of contentment, reductions in anxiety, and feelings of calmness and security around the mate.[21] Oxytocin is further released during labour when the fetus stimulates the cervix and vagina, and it is believed that it plays a major role in the bonding of a mother to her infant and in the establishment of maternal behavior. The act of nursing a child also causes a release of oxytocin.[22]
Between 70% and 80% of mothers in the United States report some feelings of sadness or "baby blues" after giving birth. The symptoms normally occur for a few minutes up to few hours each day and they should lessen and disappear within two weeks after delivery. Postpartum depression may develop in some women; about 10% of mothers in the United States are diagnosed with this condition. Preventive group therapy has proven effective as a prophylactic treatment for postpartum depression.[23][24]
Humans are bipedal with an erect stance. The erect posture causes the weight of the abdominal contents to thrust on the pelvic floor, a complex structure which must not only support this weight but allow, in women, three channels to pass through it: the urethra, the vagina and the rectum. The infant's head and shoulders must go through a specific sequence of maneuvers in order to pass through the ring of the mother's pelvis.
Six phases of a typical vertex (head-first presentation) delivery:
Station refers to the relationship of the fetal presenting part to the level of the ischial spines. When the presenting part is at the ischial spines the station is 0 (synonymous with engagement). If the presenting fetal part is above the spines, the distance is measured and described as minus stations, which range from 1 to 4cm. If the presenting part is below the ischial spines, the distance is stated as plus stations ( +1 to +4cm). At +3 and +4 the presenting part is at the perineum and can be seen.[25]
The fetal head may temporarily change shape substantially (becoming more elongated) as it moves through the birth canal. This change in the shape of the fetal head is called molding and is much more prominent in women having their first vaginal delivery.[26]
There are various definitions of the onset of labour, including:
In order to avail for more uniform terminology, the first stage of labour is divided into "latent" and "active" phases, where the latent phase is sometimes included in the definition of labour,[30] and sometimes not.[31]
Some reports note that the onset of term labour more commonly takes place in the late night and early morning hours. This may be a result of a synergism between the nocturnal increase in melatonin and oxytocin.[32]
The latent phase of labour is also called the quiescent phase, prodromal labour, or pre-labour. It is a subclassification of the first stage.[33]
The latent phase is generally defined as beginning at the point at which the woman perceives regular uterine contractions.[34] In contrast, Braxton Hicks contractions, which are contractions that may start around 26 weeks gestation and are sometimes called "false labour", should be infrequent, irregular, and involve only mild cramping.[35] The signaling mechanisms responsible for uterine coordination are complex. Electrical propagation is the primary mechanism used for signaling up to several centimeters. Over longer distances, however, signaling may involve a mechanical mechanism.[36]
Cervical effacement, which is the thinning and stretching of the cervix, and cervical dilation occur during the closing weeks of pregnancy and is usually complete or near complete, by the end of the latent phase.[citation needed] The degree of cervical effacement may be felt during a vaginal examination. A 'long' cervix implies that effacement has not yet occurred. Latent phase ends with the onset of active first stage, and this transition is defined retrospectively.
The active stage of labour (or "active phase of first stage" if the previous phase is termed "latent phase of first stage") has geographically differing definitions. In the US, the definition of active labour was changed from 3 to 4cm, to 5cm of cervical dilation for multiparous women, mothers who had given birth previously, and at 6cm for nulliparous women, those who had not given birth before.[37] This has been done in an effort to increase the rates of vaginal delivery.[38]
A definition of active labour in a British journal was having contractions more frequent than every 5 minutes, in addition to either a cervical dilation of 3cm or more or a cervical effacement of 80% or more.[39]
In Sweden, the onset of the active phase of labour is defined as when two of the following criteria are met:[40]
Health care providers may assess a labouring mother's progress in labour by performing a cervical exam to evaluate the cervical dilation, effacement, and station. These factors form the Bishop score. The Bishop score can also be used as a means to predict the success of an induction of labour.
During effacement, the cervix becomes incorporated into the lower segment of the uterus. During a contraction, uterine muscles contract causing shortening of the upper segment and drawing upwards of the lower segment, in a gradual expulsive motion.[citation needed] The presenting fetal part then is permitted to descend. Full dilation is reached when the cervix has widened enough to allow passage of the baby's head, around 10cm dilation for a term baby.
The duration of labour varies widely, but the active phase averages some 8 hours[41] for women giving birth to their first child ("primiparae") and shorter for women who have already given birth ("multiparae"). Active phase prolongation is defined as in a primigravid woman as the failure of the cervix to dilate at a rate of 1.2cm/h over a period of at least two hours. This definition is based on Friedman's Curve, which plots the typical rate of cervical dilation and fetal descent during active labour.[42] Some practitioners may diagnose "Failure to Progress", and consequently, propose interventions to optimize chances for healthy outcome.[43]
The expulsion stage (stimulated by prostaglandins and oxytocin) begins when the cervix is fully dilated, and ends when the baby is born. As pressure on the cervix increases, women may have the sensation of pelvic pressure and an urge to begin pushing. At the beginning of the normal second stage, the head is fully engaged in the pelvis; the widest diameter of the head has passed below the level of the pelvic inlet. The fetal head then continues descent into the pelvis, below the pubic arch and out through the vaginal introitus (opening). This is assisted by the additional maternal efforts of "bearing down" or pushing. The appearance of the fetal head at the vaginal orifice is termed the "crowning". At this point, the woman will feel an intense burning or stinging sensation.
When the amniotic sac has not ruptured during labour or pushing, the infant can be born with the membranes intact. This is referred to as "delivery en caul".
Complete expulsion of the baby signals the successful completion of the second stage of labour.
The second stage of birth will vary by factors including parity (the number of children a woman has had), fetal size, anesthesia, and the presence of infection. Longer labours are associated with declining rates of spontaneous vaginal delivery and increasing rates of infection, perineal laceration, and obstetric hemorrhage, as well as the need for intensive care of the neonate.[44]
The period from just after the fetus is expelled until just after the placenta is expelled is called the third stage of labour or the involution stage. Placental expulsion begins as a physiological separation from the wall of the uterus. The average time from delivery of the baby until complete expulsion of the placenta is estimated to be 1012 minutes dependent on whether active or expectant management is employed[45] In as many as 3% of all vaginal deliveries, the duration of the third stage is longer than 30 minutes and raises concern for retained placenta.[46]
Placental expulsion can be managed actively or it can be managed expectantly, allowing the placenta to be expelled without medical assistance. Active management is described as the administration of a uterotonic drug within one minute of fetal delivery, controlled traction of the umbilical cord and fundal massage after delivery of the placenta, followed by performance of uterine massage every 15 minutes for two hours.[47] In a joint statement, World Health Organization, the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and the International Confederation of Midwives recommend active management of the third stage of labour in all vaginal deliveries to help to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.[48][49][50]
Delaying the clamping of the umbilical cord until at least one minute after birth improves outcomes as long as there is the ability to treat jaundice if it occurs.[51] In some birthing centers, this may be delayed by 5 minutes or more, or omitted entirely. Delayed clamping of the cord decreases the risk of anemia but may increase risk of jaundice. Clamping is followed by cutting of the cord, which is painless due to the absence of nerves.
The "fourth stage of labour" is the period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for about six weeks. The terms postpartum and postnatal are often used to describe this period.[52] It is the time in which the mother's body, including hormone levels and uterus size, return to a non-pregnant state and the newborn adjusts to life outside the mother's body. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes the postnatal period as the most critical and yet the most neglected phase in the lives of mothers and babies; most deaths occur during the postnatal period.[53]
Following the birth, if the mother had an episiotomy or a tearing of the perineum, it is stitched. The mother should have regular assessments for uterine contraction and fundal height,[54] vaginal bleeding, heart rate and blood pressure, and temperature, for the first 24 hours after birth. The first passing of urine should be documented within 6 hours.[53] Afterpains (pains similar to menstrual cramps), contractions of the uterus to prevent excessive blood flow, continue for several days. Vaginal discharge, termed "lochia", can be expected to continue for several weeks; initially bright red, it gradually becomes pink, changing to brown, and finally to yellow or white.[55]
Most authorities suggest the infant be placed in skin-to-skin contact with the mother for 1 2 hours immediately after birth, putting routine cares off till later.
Until recently babies born in hospitals were removed from their mothers shortly after birth and brought to the mother only at feeding times. Mothers were told that their newborn would be safer in the nursery and that the separation would offer the mother more time to rest. As attitudes began to change, some hospitals offered a "rooming in" option wherein after a period of routine hospital procedures and observation, the infant could be allowed to share the mother's room. However, more recent information has begun to question the standard practice of removing the newborn immediately postpartum for routine postnatal procedures before being returned to the mother. Beginning around 2000, some authorities began to suggest that early skin-to-skin contact (placing the naked baby on the mother's chest) may benefit both mother and infant. Using animal studies that have shown that the intimate contact inherent in skin-to-skin contact promotes neurobehaviors that result in the fulfillment of basic biological needs as a model, recent studies have been done to assess what, if any, advantages may be associated with early skin-to-skin contact for human mothers and their babies. A 2011 medical review looked at existing studies and found that early skin-to-skin contact, sometimes called kangaroo care, resulted in improved breastfeeding outcomes, cardio-respiratory stability, and a decrease in infant crying. [56][57][58] A 2007 Cochrane review of studies found that skin-to-skin contact at birth reduced crying, kept the baby warmer, improved mother-baby interaction, and improved the chances for successful breastfeeding.[59]
As of 2014, early postpartum skin-to-skin contact is endorsed by all major organizations that are responsible for the well-being of infants, including the American Academy of Pediatrics.[60] The World Health Organization (WHO) states that "the process of childbirth is not finished until the baby has safely transferred from placental to mammary nutrition." They advise that the newborn be placed skin-to-skin with the mother, postponing any routine procedures for at least one to two hours. The WHO suggests that any initial observations of the infant can be done while the infant remains close to the mother, saying that even a brief separation before the baby has had its first feed can disturb the bonding process. They further advise frequent skin-to-skin contact as much as possible during the first days after delivery, especially if it was interrupted for some reason after the delivery.[61] The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence also advises postponing procedures such as weighing, measuring, and bathing for at least 1 hour to insure an initial period of skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant. [62]
Deliveries are assisted by a number of professions include: obstetricians, family physicians and midwives. For low risk pregnancies all three result in similar outcomes.[63]
Eating or drinking during labour is an area of ongoing debate. While some have argued that eating in labour has no harmful effects on outcomes,[64] others continue to have concern regarding the increased possibility of an aspiration event (choking on recently eaten foods) in the event of an emergency delivery due to the increased relaxation of the esophagus in pregnancy, upward pressure of the uterus on the stomach, and the possibility of general anesthetic in the event of an emergency cesarean.[65] A 2013 Cochrane review found that with good obstetrical anaesthesia there is no change in harms from allowing eating and drinking during labour in those who are unlikely to need surgery. They additionally acknowledge that not eating does not mean there is an empty stomach or that its contents are not as acidic. They therefore conclude that "women should be free to eat and drink in labour, or not, as they wish."[66]
At one time shaving of the area around the vagina, was common practice due to the belief that hair removal reduced the risk of infection, made an episiotomy (a surgical cut to enlarge the vaginal entrance) easier, and helped with instrumental deliveries. It is currently less common, though it is still a routine procedure in some countries. A 2009 Cochrane review found no evidence of any benefit with perineal shaving. The review did find side effects including irritation, redness, and multiple superficial scratches from the razor.[67][needs update] Another effort to prevent infection has been the use of the antiseptic chlorhexidine or providone-iodine solution in the vagina. Evidence of benefit with chlorhexidine is lacking.[68] A decreased risk is found with providone-iodine when a cesarean section is to be performed.[69]
Active management of labour consists of a number of care principles, including frequent assessment of cervical dilatation. If the cervix is not dilating, oxytocin is offered. This management results in a slightly reduced number of caesarean births, but does not change how many women have assisted vaginal births. 75% of women report that they are very satisfied with either active management or normal care.[70]
In many cases and with increasing frequency, childbirth is achieved through induction of labour or caesarean section. Caesarean section is the removal of the neonate through a surgical incision in the abdomen, rather than through vaginal birth.[71] Childbirth by C-Sections increased 50% in the U.S. from 1996 to 2006, and comprise nearly 32% of births in the U.S. and Canada.[71][72] Induced births and elective cesarean before 39 weeks can be harmful to the neonate as well as harmful or without benefit to the mother. Therefore, many guidelines recommend against non-medically required induced births and elective cesarean before 39 weeks.[73] The rate of labour induction in the United States is 22%, and has more than doubled from 1990 to 2006.[74][75]
Health conditions that may warrant induced labour or cesarean delivery include gestational or chronic hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, diabetes, premature rupture of membranes, severe fetal growth restriction, and post-term pregnancy. Cesarean section too may be of benefit to both the mother and baby for certain indications including maternal HIV/AIDS, fetal abnormality, breech position, fetal distress, multiple gestations, and maternal medical conditions which would be worsened by labour or vaginal birth.
Pitocin is the most commonly used agent for induction in the United States, and is used to induce uterine contractions. Other methods of inducing labour include stripping of the amniotic membrane, artificial rupturing of the amniotic sac (called amniotomy), or nipple stimulation. Ripening of the cervix can be accomplished with the placement of a Foley catheter or the use of synthetic prostaglandins such as misoprostol.[74] A large review of methods of induction was published in 2011.[76]
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines recommend a full evaluation of the maternal-fetal status, the status of the cervix, and at least a 39 completed weeks (full term) of gestation for optimal health of the newborn when considering elective induction of labour. Per these guidelines, the following conditions may be an indication for induction, including:
Induction is also considered for logistical reasons, such as the distance from hospital or psychosocial conditions, but in these instances gestational age confirmation must be done, and the maturity of the fetal lung must be confirmed by testing.
The ACOG also note that contraindications for induced labour are the same as for spontaneous vaginal delivery, including vasa previa, complete placenta praevia, umbilical cord prolapse or active genital herpes simplex infection.[77]
Some women prefer to avoid analgesic medication during childbirth. Psychological preparation may be beneficial. A recent Cochrane overview of systematic reviews on non-drug interventions found that relaxation techniques, immersion in water, massage, and acupuncture may provide pain relief. Acupuncture and relaxation were found to decrease the number of caesarean sections required.[78] Immersion in water has been found to relieve pain during the first stage of labor and to reduce the need for anesthesia and shorten the duration of labor, however the safety and efficacy of immersion during birth, water birth, has not been established or associated with maternal or fetal benefit.[79]
Some women like to have someone to support them during labour and birth; such as a midwife, nurse, or doula; or a lay person such as the father of the baby, a family member, or a close friend. Studies have found that continuous support during labor and delivery reduce the need for medication and a caesarean or operative vaginal delivery, and result in an improved Apgar score for the infant.[80][81]
The injection of small amounts of sterile water into or just below the skin at several points on the back has been a method tried to reduce labour pain, but no good evidence shows that it actually helps.[82]
Different measures for pain control have varying degrees of success and side effects to the woman and her baby. In some countries of Europe, doctors commonly prescribe inhaled nitrous oxide gas for pain control, especially as 53% nitrous oxide, 47% oxygen, known as Entonox; in the UK, midwives may use this gas without a doctor's prescription. Opioids such as fentanyl may be used, but if given too close to birth there is a risk of respiratory depression in the infant.
Popular medical pain control in hospitals include the regional anesthetics epidurals (EDA), and spinal anaesthesia. Epidural analgesia is a generally safe and effective method of relieving pain in labour, but is associated with longer labour, more operative intervention (particularly instrument delivery), and increases in cost.[83] Generally, pain and stress hormones rise throughout labour for women without epidurals, while pain, fear, and stress hormones decrease upon administration of epidural analgesia, but rise again later.[84] Medicine administered via epidural can cross the placenta and enter the bloodstream of the fetus.[85] Epidural analgesia has no statistically significant impact on the risk of caesarean section, and does not appear to have an immediate effect on neonatal status as determined by Apgar scores.[86]
Augmentation is the process of facilitating further labour. Oxytocin has been used to increase the rate of vaginal delivery in those with a slow progress of labour.[87]
Administration of antispasmodics (e.g. hyoscine butylbromide) is not formally regarded as augmentation of labour; however, there is weak evidence that they may shorten labour.[88] There is not enough evidence to make conclusions about unwanted effects in mothers or babies.[88]
Vaginal tears can occur during childbirth, most often at the vaginal opening as the baby's head passes through, especially if the baby descends quickly. Tears can involve the perineal skin or extend to the muscles and the anal sphincter and anus. The midwife or obstetrician may decide to make a surgical cut to the perineum (episiotomy) to make the baby's birth easier and prevent severe tears that can be difficult to repair. A 2012 Cochrane review compared episiotomy as needed (restrictive) with routine episiotomy to determine the possible benefits and harms for mother and baby. The review found that restrictive episiotomy policies appeared to give a number of benefits compared with using routine episiotomy. Women experienced less severe perineal trauma, less posterior perineal trauma, less suturing and fewer healing complications at seven days with no difference in occurrence of pain, urinary incontinence, painful sex or severe vaginal/perineal trauma after birth, however they found that women experienced more anterior perineal damage with restrictive episiotomy.[89]
Obstetric forceps or ventouse may be used to facilitate childbirth.
In cases of a cephalic presenting twin (first baby head down), twins can often be delivered vaginally. In some cases twin delivery is done in a larger delivery room or in an operating theatre, in the event of complication e.g.
Historically women have been attended and supported by other women during labour and birth. However currently, as more women are giving birth in a hospital rather than at home, continuous support has become the exception rather than the norm. When women became pregnant any time before the 1950s the husband would not be in the birthing room. It did not matter if it was a home birth; the husband was waiting downstairs or in another room in the home. If it was in a hospital then the husband was in the waiting room. "Her husband was attentive and kind, but, Kirby concluded, Every good woman needs a companion of her own sex."[90] Obstetric care frequently subjects women to institutional routines, which may have adverse effects on the progress of labour. Supportive care during labour may involve emotional support, comfort measures, and information and advocacy which may promote the physical process of labour as well as women's feelings of control and competence, thus reducing the need for obstetric intervention. The continuous support may be provided either by hospital staff such as nurses or midwives, doulas, or by companions of the woman's choice from her social network. There is increasing evidence to show that the participation of the child's father in the birth leads to better birth and also post-birth outcomes, providing the father does not exhibit excessive anxiety.[91]
A recent Cochrane review involving more than 15,000 women in a wide range of settings and circumstances found that "Women who received continuous labour support were more likely to give birth 'spontaneously', i.e. give birth with neither caesarean nor vacuum nor forceps. In addition, women were less likely to use pain medications, were more likely to be satisfied, and had slightly shorter labours. Their babies were less likely to have low five-minute Apgar scores."[80]
For monitoring of the fetus during childbirth, a simple pinard stethoscope or doppler fetal monitor ("doptone") can be used. A method of external (noninvasive) fetal monitoring (EFM) during childbirth is cardiotocography, using a cardiotocograph that consists of two sensors: The heart (cardio) sensor is an ultrasonic sensor, similar to a Doppler fetal monitor, that continuously emits ultrasound and detects motion of the fetal heart by the characteristic of the reflected sound. The pressure-sensitive contraction transducer, called a tocodynamometer (toco) has a flat area that is fixated to the skin by a band around the belly. The pressure required to flatten a section of the wall correlates with the internal pressure, thereby providing an estimate of contraction[92] Monitoring with a cardiotocograph can either be intermittent or continuous.
A mother's water has to break before internal (invasive) monitoring can be used. More invasive monitoring can involve a fetal scalp electrode to give an additional measure of fetal heart activity, and/or intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC). It can also involve fetal scalp pH testing.
It is currently possible to collect two types of stem cells during childbirth: amniotic stem cells and umbilical cord blood stem cells.[93] They are being studied as possible treatments of a number of conditions.[93]
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The "natural" maternal mortality rate of childbirthwhere nothing is done to avert maternal deathhas been estimated at 1500 deaths per 100,000 births.[95] (See main articles: neonatal death, maternal death). Each year about 500,000 women die due to pregnancy, 7 million have serious long term complications, and 50 million have negative outcomes following delivery.[15]
Modern medicine has decreased the risk of childbirth complications. In Western countries, such as the United States and Sweden, the current maternal mortality rate is around 10 deaths per 100,000 births.[95]:p.10 As of June 2011, about one third of American births have some complications, "many of which are directly related to the mother's health."[96]
Birthing complications may be maternal or fetal, and long term or short term.
Newborn mortality at 37 weeks may be 2.5 times the number at 40 weeks, and was elevated compared to 38 weeks of gestation. These "early term" births were also associated with increased death during infancy, compared to those occurring at 39 to 41 weeks ("full term").[73] Researchers found benefits to going full term and "no adverse effects" in the health of the mothers or babies.[73]
Medical researchers find that neonates born before 39 weeks experienced significantly more complications (2.5 times more in one study) compared with those delivered at 39 to 40 weeks. Health problems among babies delivered "pre-term" included respiratory distress, jaundice and low blood sugar.[73][97] The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and medical policy makers review research studies and find increased incidence of suspected or proven sepsis, RDS, Hypoglycemia, need for respiratory support, need for NICU admission, and need for hospitalization > 4 5 days. In the case of cesarean sections, rates of respiratory death were 14 times higher in pre-labour at 37 compared with 40 weeks gestation, and 8.2 times higher for pre-labour cesarean at 38 weeks. In this review, no studies found decreased neonatal morbidity due to non-medically indicated (elective) delivery before 39 weeks.[73]
The second stage of labour may be delayed or lengthy due to:
Secondary changes may be observed: swelling of the tissues, maternal exhaustion, fetal heart rate abnormalities. Left untreated, severe complications include death of mother and/or baby, and genitovaginal fistula.
Obstructed labour, also known as labor dystocia, is when, even though the uterus is contracting normally, the baby does not exit the pelvis during childbirth due to being physically blocked.[98] Prolonged obstructed labor can result in obstetric fistula, a complication of childbirth where tissue death preforates the rectum or bladder.
Vaginal birth injury with visible tears or episiotomies are common. Internal tissue tearing as well as nerve damage to the pelvic structures lead in a proportion of women to problems with prolapse, incontinence of stool or urine and sexual dysfunction. Fifteen percent of women become incontinent, to some degree, of stool or urine after normal delivery, this number rising considerably after these women reach menopause. Vaginal birth injury is a necessary, but not sufficient, cause of all non hysterectomy related prolapse in later life. Risk factors for significant vaginal birth injury include:
There is tentative evidence that antibiotics may help prevent wound infections in women with third or fourth degree tears.[99]
See the original post:
Childbirth - Wikipedia
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- Culture of human nasal olfactory stem cells and their extracellular vesicles as advanced therapy medicinal products - Newswise - August 10th, 2022
- Curious kids: what is inside teeth? - The Conversation - August 10th, 2022
- Human placental mesenchymal stem cells derived exosomes improved functional recovery via attenuating apoptosis and increasing axonal regeneration... - August 2nd, 2022
- How the Regenerative Properties of Glioblastoma Can Be Terminated - Gilmore Health News - August 2nd, 2022
- New TSXV listing looks to address the $3B spinal cord injury treatment market (NRX.V) - FXStreet - July 25th, 2022
- Human iPSC co-culture model to investigate the interaction between microglia and motor neurons | Scientific Reports - - July 25th, 2022
- Negligence in treatment of diseases like glioblastoma can be fatal, seminar told - The News International - July 25th, 2022
- What lab-grown cerebral organoids are revealing about the brain - New Scientist - July 25th, 2022
- Innovative Therapies, Care Equity Highlight 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting - Targeted Oncology - July 16th, 2022
- Global Stem Cell Manufacturing Market Value Projected To Reach USD 21.71 Billion By 2029, Registering A CAGR Of 9.1% - Digital Journal - July 16th, 2022
- Stem Cell Therapy Market Is Expected To Reach USD 455.61 Billion By 2027 At A CAGR Of 16 percent By Forecast 2027 Says Maximize Market Research (MMR)... - June 30th, 2022
- This startup wants you to have a personal stem cell stash - Freethink - June 30th, 2022
- Parents of 12-Year-Old Boy Praying for a Miracle, Appealing UK Judge's Decision to Remove Life Support - - June 30th, 2022
- The end of Roe v. Wade affects more than just abortion - - June 30th, 2022
- Horizon Therapeutics plc Submits Regulatory Filing for UPLIZNA (inebilizumab) in Brazil - Business Wire - June 20th, 2022
- Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Spinal Cord Injury: In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis - Newswise - June 11th, 2022
- First-of-its-Kind Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Highlighted at Annual Stem Cell Meeting - Newswise - June 11th, 2022
- UK Judge to Decide if 12-Year-Old Will Be Removed from Life Support, Parents Beg for More Time to Heal - - June 11th, 2022
- 'This is my life, and I'll try anything to save it': Woman with MS raising funds for treatment - The Brandon Sun - May 29th, 2022
- Racing Thoughts: Quadriplegic Man Drives Race Car With His Brain - Newsy - May 29th, 2022
- Physical therapy for vertigo: Exercises, benefits, and more - Medical News Today - May 29th, 2022
- Researchers find new function performed by almost half of brain cells - Medical News Today - May 13th, 2022
- Texas Family Fights to Access $2.1 Million Treatment for Baby - NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth - May 13th, 2022
- Severe COVID-19 may cause cognitive deficits equivalent to 20 years of aging - Medical News Today - May 13th, 2022
- Stem Cell Magic: 5 Promising Treatments For Major Medical Conditions - Study Finds - April 29th, 2022
- Neural Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Cord Injury To Tap Into The Potential Of Stem Cells - Optic Flux - April 15th, 2022
- Still Blooming: Sams mission to raise money for spinal cord injury research - 7NEWS - April 15th, 2022
- Lineage and Cancer Research UK Announce Completion of Patient Enrollment in Phase 1 Clinical Study of VAC2 for the Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung... - April 15th, 2022
- Lineage Announces Pipeline Expansion to Include Auditory Neuronal Cell Therapy for Treatment of Hearing Loss - Galveston County Daily News - March 22nd, 2022
- COVID-19: Even mild to moderate infection may cause brain anomalies - Medical News Today - March 22nd, 2022
- Scots mum with MS says 50k treatment abroad is 'last hope' of halting disease - Daily Record - January 18th, 2022
- Mending the gap: U of T's Molly Shoichet joins team developing new treatments for spinal cord injuries - News@UofT - January 18th, 2022
- Spinal Cord Injury Information Page | National Institute ... - January 3rd, 2022
- Dancing molecules successfully repair severe spinal cord ... - January 3rd, 2022
- Best 2021 Medical Breakthroughs And Treatments to Beat Cancer, Alzheimer's, Diabetes & More - Good News Network - January 3rd, 2022
- Global Regenerative Medicine Market is Expected to Reach USD 57.08 Billion by 2027, Growing at a CAGR of 11.27% Over the Forecast Period. -... - December 23rd, 2021
- Scientists unravel a gene function that helps the genesis of neurons - Research Matters - December 23rd, 2021
- The 10 Most Compelling Research Stories of 2021 PharmaLive - PharmaLive - December 23rd, 2021
- 2021: The year in review | YaleNews - Yale News - December 23rd, 2021
- Polymyositis Pipeline to Progress with New and Emerging Drugs for Treatment, Analyzes DelveInsight - GlobeNewswire - December 10th, 2021
- Cell and Gene Therapy Market to reach US$ 47,095.2 Mn by end of 2028, Says Coherent Market Insights - PRNewswire - November 22nd, 2021
- From asthma to cancer to infertility, the new treatments, jabs and meds making us healthier... - The Sun - November 22nd, 2021
- Improving motor neuron-like cell differentiation of hEnSCs by the combination of epothilone B loaded PCL microspheres in optimized 3D collagen... - November 8th, 2021