Discgenics Successfully Completes Pilot Efficacy Study of Injectable Discosphereâ„¢ Cell Therapy
By Sykes24Tracey
SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Discgenics announces the successful completion of an animal study demonstrating safety and efficacy of its novel therapy for reducing back pain caused by degenerative disc disease. This product, known as Injectable Discosphere Cell Therapy (IDCT), features Discgenics' patented, allogeneic, human disc-derived stem cell technology. The study showed that after one injection of IDCT in degenerated discs there was a restoration of disc height and tissue architecture, while noting no inflammatory response.
Discgenics CEO Flagg Flanagan said, " We are very encouraged by the results of the small animal pilot study as it shows the initial safety and efficacy of IDCT, which is produced from adult human disc-derived stem cells.We are optimistic that these early results will be indicative of our therapy's performance in further animal studies and will accelerate us toward human clinical studies and, ultimately, to an FDA cleared product.We believe this technology will revolutionize the way back pain is treated." Discgenics is currently conducting further studies of safety and efficacy in multiple animal species to support future scientific publications and for use in gaining regulatory clearance.
About Discgenics, Inc.
Discgenics is a privately funded spinal therapeutics company that is utilizing adult human disc stem cells within a tissue engineering approach to treat patients debilitated by degenerative disc disease. News and other information on the company are available at: http://www.discgenics.com.
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Discgenics Successfully Completes Pilot Efficacy Study of Injectable Discosphereâ„¢ Cell Therapy