Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Problems and Advantages …
By daniellenierenberg
Acta Naturae. 2010 Jul; 2(2): 1828.
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Research Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Research Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are a new type of pluripotent cellsthat can be obtained by reprogramming animal and human differentiated cells. In this review,issues related to the nature of iPSCs are discussed and different methods ofiPSC production are described. We particularly focused on methods of iPSC production withoutthe genetic modification of the cell genome and with means for increasing the iPSC productionefficiency. The possibility and issues related to the safety of iPSC use in cell replacementtherapy of human diseases and a study of new medicines are considered.
Keywords: induced pluripotent stem cells, directed stem cell differentiation, cell replacement therapy
Pluripotent stem cells are a unique model for studying a variety of processes that occur inthe early development of mammals and a promising tool in cell therapy of human diseases. Theunique nature of these cells lies in their capability, when cultured, for unlimitedselfrenewal and reproduction of all adult cell types in the course of theirdifferentiation [1]. Pluripotency is supported by acomplex system of signaling molecules and gene network that is specific for pluripotent cells.The pivotal position in the hierarchy of genes implicated in the maintenance of pluripotency isoccupied by Oct4, Sox2 , and Nanog genes encodingtranscription factors [2, 3]. The mutual effect of outer signaling molecules and inner factors leads tothe formation of a specific expression pattern, as well as to the epigenome statecharacteristic of stem cells. Both spontaneous and directed differentiations are associatedwith changes in the expression pattern and massive epigenetic transformations, leading totranscriptome and epigenome adjustment to a distinct cell type.
Until recently, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) were the only wellstudied source ofpluripotent stem cells. ESCs are obtained from either the inner cell mass or epiblast ofblastocysts [46]. A series of protocols has been developed for the preparation of variouscell derivatives from human ESCs. However, there are constraints for ESC usein cell replacement therapy. The first constraint is the immune incompatibility between thedonor cells and the recipient, which can result in the rejection of transplanted cells. Thesecond constraint is ethical, because the embryo dies during the isolation of ESCs. The firstproblem can be solved by the somatic cell nuclear transfer into the egg cell and then obtainingthe embryo and ESCs. The nuclear transfer leads to genome reprogramming, in which ovariancytoplasmic factors are implicated. This way of preparing pluripotent cells from certainindividuals was called therapeutic cloning. However, this method is technologyintensive,and the reprogramming yield is very low. Moreover, this approach encounters theabovementioned ethic problem that, in this case, is associated with the generation ofmany human ovarian cells [7].
In 2006, the preparation of pluripotent cells by the ectopic expression of four genes Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc in both embryonic and adult murine fibroblasts was first reported[8]. The pluripotent cells derived from somatic ones werecalled induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Using this set of factors(Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc), iPSCs were prepared later from variousdifferentiated mouse [914] and human [1517] cell types. Human iPSCs were obtainedwith a somewhat altered gene set: Oct4 , Sox2 , Nanog , and Lin28 [18].Induced PSCs closely resemble ESCs in a broad spectrum of features. They possess similarmorphologies and growth manners and are equally sensitive to growth factors and signalingmolecules. Like ESCs, iPSCs can differentiate in vitro intoderivatives of all three primary germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and formteratomas following their subcutaneous injection into immunodeficient mice. MurineiPSCs injected into blastocysts are normally included in the development toyield animals with a high degree of chimerism. Moreover, murine iPSCs, wheninjected into tetraploid blastocycts, can develop into a whole organism [19, 20]. Thus, an excellent method thatallows the preparation of pluripotent stem cells from various somatic cell types whilebypassing ethical problems has been uncovered by researchers.
In the first works on murine and human iPSC production, either retro or lentiviralvectors were used for the delivery of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc genes into somatic cells. Theefficiency of transduction with retroviruses is high enough, although it is not the same fordifferent cell types. Retroviral integration into the host genome requires a comparatively highdivision rate, which is characteristic of the relatively narrow spectrum of cultured cells.Moreover, the transcription of retroviral construct under the control of a promoter localizedin 5LTR (long terminal repeat) is terminated when the somatic celltransform switches to the pluripotent state [21]. Thisfeature makes retroviruses attractive in iPSC production. Nevertheless, retroviruses possesssome properties that make iPSCs that are produced using them improper for celltherapy of human diseases. First, retroviral DNA is integrated into the host cell genome. Theintegration occurs randomly; i.e., there are no specific sequences or apparent logic forretroviral integration. The copy number of the exogenous retroviral DNA that is integrated intoa genome may vary to a great extent [15]. Retrovirusesbeing integrated into the cell genome can introduce promoter elements and polyadenylationsignals; they can also interpose coding sequences, thus affecting transcription. Second, sincethe transcription level of exogenous Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc in the retroviral constructdecreases with cell transition into the pluripotent state, this can result in a decrease in theefficiency of the stable iPSC line production, because the switch from the exogenous expressionof pluripotency genes to their endogenous expression may not occur. Third, some studies showthat the transcription of transgenes can resume in the cells derived fromiPSCs [22]. The high probability thatthe ectopic Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc gene expression will resume makes it impossible to applyiPSCs produced with the use of retroviruses in clinical trials; moreover,these iPSCs are hardly applicable even for fundamental studies onreprogramming and pluripotency principles. Lentiviruses used for iPSC production can also beintegrated into the genome and maintain their transcriptional activity in pluripotent cells.One way to avoid this situation is to use promoters controlled by exogenous substances added tothe culture medium, such as tetracycline and doxycycline, which allows the transgenetranscription to be regulated. iPSCs are already being produced using suchsystems [23].
Another serious problem is the gene set itself that is used for the induction of pluripotency[22]. The ectopic transcription of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc can lead to neoplastic development from cells derived from iPSCs,because the expression of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4, and cMyc genes is associated with the development ofmultiple tumors known in oncogenetics [22, 24]. In particular, the overexpression of Oct4 causes murine epithelial cell dysplasia [25],the aberrant expression of Sox2 causes the development of serrated polypsand mucinous colon carcinomas [26], breast tumors arecharacterized by elevated expression of Klf4 [27] , and the improper expression of cMyc is observed in 70% of human cancers [28].Tumor development is oberved in ~50% of murine chimeras obtained through the injection ofretroviral iPSCs into blastocysts, which is very likely associated with thereactivation of exogenous cMyc [29, 30].
Several possible strategies exist for resolving the above-mentioned problems:
The search for a less carcinogenic gene set that is necessary and sufficient for reprogramming;
The minimization of the number of genes required for reprogramming and searching for the nongenetic factors facilitating it;
The search for systems allowing the elimination of the exogenous DNA from the host cell genome after the reprogramming;
The development of delivery protocols for nonintegrated genetic constructs;
The search for ways to reprogram somatic cells using recombinant proteins.
The ectopic expression of cMyc and Klf4 genes isthe most dangerous because of the high probability that malignant tumors will develop [22]. Hence the necessity to find other genes that couldsubstitute cMyc and Klf4 in iPSC production. Ithas been reported that these genes can be successfully substituted by Nanog and Lin28 for reprogramming human somatic cells [18;] . iPSCs were prepared from murine embryonic fibroblastsby the overexpression of Oct4 and Sox2 , as well as the Esrrb gene encoding the murine orphan nuclear receptor beta. It has alreadybeen shown that Esrrb , which acts as a transcription activator of Oct4 , Sox2 , and Nanog , is necessary for theselfrenewal and maintenance of the pluripotency of murine ESCs. Moreover, Esrrb can exert a positive control over Klf4 . Thus, the genes causingelevated carcinogenicity of both iPSCs and their derivatives can besuccessfully replaced with less dangerous ones [31].
The Most Effectively Reprogrammed Cell Lines . Murine and humaniPSCs can be obtained from fibroblasts using the factors Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4,but without cMyc . However, in this case, reprogramming deceleratesand an essential shortcoming of stable iPSC clones is observed [32, 33]. The reduction of a number ofnecessary factors without any decrease in efficiency is possible when iPSCsare produced from murine and human neural stem cells (NSCs) [12, 34, 35]. For instance, iPSCs were produced fromNSCs isolated from adult murine brain using two factors, Oct4 and Klf4, aswell as even Oct4 by itself [12, 34]. Later, human iPSCs were produced by the reprogramming offetal NSCs transduced with a retroviral vector only carrying Oct4 [35] . It is most likely that the irrelevanceof Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc is due to the high endogenous expression level of these genes inNSCs.
Successful reprogramming was also achieved in experiments withother cell lines, in particular, melanocytes of neuroectodermal genesis [36]. Both murine and human melanocytes are characterized by a considerableexpression level of the Sox2 gene, especially at early passages.iPSCs from murine and human melanocytes were produced without the use of Sox2or cMyc. However, the yield of iPSC clones produced from murine melanocytes was lower(0.03% without Sox2 and 0.02% without cMyc) in comparison with that achieved when allfour factors were applied to melanocytes (0.19%) and fibroblasts (0.056%). A decreasedefficiency without Sox2 or cMyc was observed in human melanocyte reprogramming (0.05%with all four factors and 0.01% without either Sox2 or cMyc ). All attempts to obtain stable iPSC clones in the absence of both Sox2 andcMyc were unsuccessful [36]. Thus, theminimization of the number of factors required for iPSC preparation can be achieved by choosingthe proper somatic cell type that most effectively undergoes reprogramming under the action offewer factors, for example, due to the endogenous expression of pluripotencygenes. However, if human iPSCs are necessary, these somatic cellsshould be easily accessible and wellcultured and their method of isolation should be asnoninvasive as possible.
One of these cell types can be adipose stem cells (ASCs). This is aheterogeneous group of multipotent cells which can be relatively easily isolated in largeamounts from adipose tissue following liposuction. Human iPSCs weresuccessfully produced from ASCs with a twofold reprogramming rate and20fold efficiency (0.2%), exceeding those of fibroblasts [37].
However, more accessible resources for the effective production of humaniPSCs are keratinocytes. When compared with fibroblasts, human iPSC productionfrom keratinocytes demonstrated a 100fold greater efficiency and a twofold higherreprogramming rate [38].
It has recently been found that the reprogramming of murine papillary dermal fibroblasts(PDFs) into iPSCs can be highly effective with theoverexpression of only two genes, Oct4 and Klf4 ,inserted into retroviral vectors [39;].PDFs are specialized cells of mesodermal genesis surrounding the stem cells ofhair follicles . One characteristic feature of these cells is the endogenous expression of Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc genes,as well as the geneencoding alkaline phosphatase, one of the murine and humanESC markers. PDFs can be easily separated from other celltypes by FACS (fluorescenceactivated cell sorting) using life staining with antibodiesagainst the surface antigens characteristic of one or another cell type. The PDF reprogrammingefficiency with the use of four factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc) retroviral vectorsis 1.38%, which is 1,000fold higher than the skin fibroblast reprogramming efficiency inthe same system. Reprogramming PDFs with two factors, Oct4 and Klf4 , yields 0.024%, which is comparable to the efficiency of skinfibroblast reprogramming using all four factors. The efficiency of PDF reprogramming iscomparable with that of NSCs, but PDF isolation is steady and far lessinvasive [39]. It seems likely that human PDF lines arealso usable, and this cell type may appear to be one of the most promising for human iPSCproduction in terms of pharmacological studies and cell replacement therapy. The use of suchcell types undergoing more effective reprogramming, together with methods providing thedelivery of pluripotency genes without the integration of foreign DNA into thehost genome and chemical compounds increasing the reprogramming efficiency and substitutingsome factors required for reprogramming, is particularly relevant.
Chemical Compounds Increasing Cell Reprogramming Efficiency. As was noted above,the minimization of the factors used for reprogramming decreases the efficiency of iPSCproduction. Nonetheless, several recent studies have shown that the use of genetic mechanisms,namely, the initiation of ectopic gene expression, can be substituted by chemical compounds,most of them operating at the epigenetic level. For instance, BIX01294 inhibitinghistone methyltransferase G9a allows murine fibroblast reprogramming using only two factors,Oct4 and Klf4, with a fivefold increased yield of iPSC clones in comparison with the controlexperiment without BIX01294 [40]. BIX01294taken in combination with another compound can increase the reprogramming efficiency even more.In particular, BIX01294 plus BayK8644 elevated the yield of iPCSs 15 times, andBIX01294 plus RG108 elevated it 30 times when only two reprogramming factors, Oct4 andKlf4, were used. RG108 is an inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases, and its role in reprogrammingis apparently in initiating the more rapid and effective demethylation of promoters ofpluripotent cellspecific genes, whereas BayK8644 is an antagonist of Ltypecalcium channels, and its role in reprogramming is not understood very well [40]. However, more considerable results were obtained inreprogramming murine NSCs. The use of BIX01294 allowed a 1.5foldincrease in iPSC production efficiency with two factors, Oct4 and Klf4, in comparison withreprogramming with all four factors. Moreover, BIX01294 can even substitute Oct4 in thereprogramming of NSCs, although the yield is very low [41]. Valproic (2propylvaleric) acid inhibiting histone deacetylases canalso substitute cMyc in reprogramming murine and human fibroblasts. Valproic acid (VPA)increases the reprogramming efficiency of murine fibroblasts 50 times, and human fibroblastsincreases it 1020 times when three factors are used [42, 43]. Other deacetylase inhibitors,such as TSA (trichostatin A) and SAHA (suberoylanilide hyroxamic acid), also increase thereprogramming efficiency. TSA increases the murine fibroblast reprogramming efficiency 15times, and SAHA doubles it when all four factors are used [42]. Besides epigenetic regulators, the substances inhibiting the proteincomponents of signaling pathways implicated in the differentiation of pluripotent cells arealso applicable in the substitution of reprogramming factors. In particular, inhibitors of MEKand GSK3 kinases (PD0325901 and CHIR99021, respectively) benefit the establishment of thecomplete and stable pluripotency of iPSCs produced from murineNSCs using two factors, Oct4 and Klf4 [41, 44].
It has recently been shown that antioxidants can considerably increase the efficiency ofsomatic cell reprogramming. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can essentially influence the efficiencyof iPSC production from various murine and human somatic cell types [45]. The transduction of murine embryonic fibroblasts (mEFs) with retrovirusescarrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , and Klf4 genes results in a significant increase in the production level of reactive oxygen species(ROS) compared with that of both control and Efs tranduced with Oct4 , Sox2 , cMyc , and Klf4 . Inturn, the increase in the ROS level causes accelerated aging and apoptosis of the cell, whichshould influence the efficiency of cell reprogramming. By testing several substances possessingantioxidant activity such as vitamin B1, sodium selenite, reduced glutathione, and ascorbicacid, the authors have found that combining these substances increases the yield ofGFPpositive cells in EF reprogramming (the Gfp genewas under the control of the Oct4 gene promoter). The use of individualsubstances has shown that only ascorbate possesses a pronounced capability to increase thelevel of GFPpositive cells, although other substances keep theirROSdecreasing ability. In all likelihood, this feature of ascorbates is not directlyassociated with its antioxidant activity [45]. The scoreof GFPpositive iPSC colonies expressing an alkaline phosphatase hasshown that the efficiency of iPSC production from mEFs with three factors (Oct4, Sox2, andKlf4) can reach 3.8% in the presence of ascorbate. When all four factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, andcMyc) are used together with ascorbate, the efficiency of iPSC production may reach8.75%. A similar increase in the iPSC yield was also observed in the reprogramming of murinebreast fibroblasts; i.e., the effect of vitamin C is not limited by one cell type. Moreover,the effect of vitamin C on the reprogramming efficiency is more profound than that of thedeacetylase inhibitor valproic (2propylvaleric) acid. The mutual effect of ascorbate andvalproate is additive; i.e., these substances have different action mechanisms. Moreover,vitamin C facilitates the transition from preiPSCs to stablepluripotent cells. This feature is akin to the effects of PD0325901 and CHIR99021, which areinhibitors of MEK and GSK3 kinases, respectively. This effect of vitamin C expands to humancells as well [45]. Following the transduction of humanfibroblasts with retroviruses carrying Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc and treatment with ascorbate, theauthors prepared iPSCs with efficiencies reaching 6.2%. The reprogrammingefficiency of ASCs under the same conditions reached 7.06%. The mechanism ofthe effect that vitamin C has on the reprogramming efficiency is not known in detail.Nevertheless, the acceleration of cell proliferation was observed at the transitional stage ofreprogramming. The levels of the p53 and p21 proteins decreased in cells treated withascorbate, whereas the DNA repair machinery worked properly [45]. It is interesting that an essential decrease in the efficiency of iPSCproduction has been shown under the action of processes initiated by p53 and p21 [4650].
As was mentioned above, for murine and human iPSC production, both retro andlentiviruses were initially used as delivery vectors for the genes required for cellreprogramming. The main drawback of this method is the uncontrolled integration of viral DNAinto the host cells genome. Several research groups have introduced methods fordelivering pluripotency genes into the recipient cell which either do notintegrate allogenic DNA into the host genome or eliminate exogenous genetic constructs from thegenome.
CreloxP Mediated Recombination. To prepareiPSCs from patients with Parkinsons disease, lentiviruses were used,the proviruses of which can be removed from the genome by Cre recombinase. To do this, the loxP site was introduced into thelentiviral 3LTRregions containing separate reprogramming genesunder the control of the doxycyclineinducible promoter. During viral replication, loxP was duplicated in the 5LTR of the vector. As aresult, the provirus integrated into the genome was flanked with two loxP sites. The inserts were eliminated using the temporary transfection ofiPSCs with a vector expressing Cre recombinase[51].
In another study, murine iPSCs were produced using a plasmid carrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4I, and cMyc genes in the same reading frame in which individual cDNAs were separatedby sequences encoding 2 peptides, and practically the whole construct was flanked with loxP sites [52]. The use ofthis vector allowed a notable decrease in the number of exogenous DNA inserts in the hostcells genome and, hence, the simplification of their following excision [52]. It has been shown using lentiviruses carrying similarpolycistronic constructs that one copy of transgene providing a high expression level of theexogenous factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc is sufficient for the reprogramming ofdifferentiated cells into the pluripotent state [53,54].
The drawback of the CreloxP system is the incomplete excisionof integrated sequences; at least the loxP site remains in thegenome, so the risk of insertion mutations remains.
Plasmid Vectors . The application of lentiviruses and plasmids carrying the loxP sites required for the elimination of transgene constructsmodifies, although insignificantly, the host cells genome. One way to avoid this is touse vector systems that generally do not provide for the integration of the whole vector orparts of it into the cells genome. One such system providing a temporary transfectionwith polycistronic plasmid vectors was used for iPSC production from mEFs [29]. A polycistronic plasmid carrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , and Klf4 gene cDNAs, as well as aplasmid expressing cMyc , was transfected into mEFs one, three, five,and seven days after their primary seeding. Fibroblasts were passaged on the ninth day, and theiPSC colonies were selected on the 25th day. Seven out of ten experiments succeeded inproducing GFPpositive colonies (the Gfp gene wasunder the control of the Nanog gene promoter). The iPSCsthat were obtained were similar in their features to murine ESCs and did not contain inserts ofthe used DNA constructs in their genomes. Therefore, it was shown that wholesome murineiPSCs that do not carry transgenes can be reproducibly produced, and that thetemporary overexpression of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc is sufficient for reprogramming. The maindrawback of this method is its low yield. In ten experiments the yield varied from 1 to 29 iPSCcolonies per ten million fibroblasts, whereas up to 1,000 colonies per ten millions wereobtained in the same study using retroviral constructs [29].
Episomal Vectors . Human iPSCs were successfully produced fromskin fibroblasts using single transfection with polycistronic episomal constructs carryingvarious combinations of Oct4 , Sox2 , Nanog , Klf4 , cMyc , Lin28 , and SV40LT genes. These constructs were designed on the basis of theoriP/EBNA1 (EpsteinBarr nuclear antigen1) vector [55]. The oriP/EBNA1 vector contains the IRES2 linker sequence allowing theexpression of several individual cDNAs (encoding the genes required for successfulreprogramming in this case) into one polycistronic mRNA from which several proteins aretranslated. The oriP/EBNA1 vector is also characterized by lowcopy representation in thecells of primates and can be replicated once per cell cycle (hence, it is not rapidlyeliminated, the way common plasmids are). Under nonselective conditions, the plasmid iseliminated at a rate of about 5% per cell cycle [56]. Inthis work, the broad spectrum of the reprogramming factor combinations was tested, resulting inthe best reprogramming efficiency with cotransfection with three episomes containing thefollowing gene sets: Oct4 + Sox2 + Nanog + Klf4 , Oct4 + Sox2 + SV40LT + Klf4 , and cMyc + Lin28 . SV40LT ( SV40 large T gene )neutralizes the possible toxic effect of overexpression [57]. The authors have shown thatwholesome iPSCs possessing all features of pluripotent cells can be producedfollowing the temporary expression of a certain gene combination in human somatic cells withoutthe integration of episomal DNA into the genome. However, as in the case when plasmid vectorsare being used, this way of reprogramming is characterized by low efficiency. In separateexperiments the authors obtained from 3 to 6 stable iPSC colonies per 106transfected fibroblasts [55]. Despite the fact that skinfibroblasts are wellcultured and accessible, the search for other cell types which arerelatively better cultured and more effectively subject themselves to reprogramming throughthis method is very likely required. Another drawback of the given system is that this type ofepisome is unequally maintained in different cell types.
PiggyBacTransposition . One promising system used foriPSC production without any modification of the host genome is based on DNA transposons.Socalled PiggyBac transposons containing2linkered reprogramming genes localized between the 5 and3terminal repeats were used for iPSC production from fibroblasts. The integrationof the given constructs into the genome occurs due to mutual transfection with a plasmidencoding transposase. Following reprogramming due to the temporary expression of transposase,the elimination of inserts from the genome took place [58, 59]. One advantage of the PiggyBac system on CreloxP is that the exogenous DNA iscompletely removed [60].
However, despite the relatively high efficiency of exogenous DNA excision from the genome by PiggyBac transposition, the removal of a large number of transposoncopies is hardly achievable.
Nonintegrating Viral Vectors . Murine iPSCs were successfullyproduced from hepatocytes and fibroblasts using four adenoviral vectors nonintegrating into thegenome and carrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc genes. An analysis of the obtainediPSCs has shown that they are similar to murine ESCs in their properties(teratoma formation, gene promoter DNA methylation, and the expression of pluripotent markers),but they do not carry insertions of viral DNA in their genomes [61]. Later, human fibroblastderived iPSCs wereproduced using this method [62].
The authors of this paper cited the postulate that the use of adenoviral vectors allows theproduction of iPSCs, which are suitable for use without the risk of viral oroncogenic activity. Its very low yield (0.00010.001%), the deceleration ofreprogramming, and the probability of tetraploid cell formation are the drawbacks of themethod. Not all cell types are equally sensitive to transduction with adenoviruses.
Another method of gene delivery based on viral vectors was recently employed for theproduction of human iPSCs. The sendaivirus (SeV)based vector wasused in this case [63]. SeV is a singlestrandedRNA virus which does not modify the genome of recipient cells; it seems to be a good vector forthe expression of reprogramming factors. Vectors containing either all pluripotencyfactors or three of them (without ) were used for reprogramming the human fibroblast. The construct based on SeV is eliminatedlater in the course of cell proliferation. It is possible to remove cells with the integratedprovirus via negative selection against the surface HN antigen exposed on the infected cells.The authors postulate that reprogramming technology based on SeV will enable the production ofclinically applicable human iPSCs [63].
Cell Transduction with Recombinant Proteins . Although the methods for iPSCproduction without gene modification of the cells genome (adenoviral vectors, plasmidgene transfer, etc.) are elaborated, the theoretical possibility for exogenous DNA integrationinto the host cells genome still exists. The mutagenic potential of the substances usedpresently for enhancing iPSC production efficiency has not been studied in detail. Fullychecking iPSC genomes for exogenous DNA inserts and other mutations is a difficult task, whichbecomes impossible to solve in bulk culturing of multiple lines. The use of protein factorsdelivered into a differentiated cell instead of exogenous DNA may solve this problem. Tworeports have been published to date in which murine and human iPSCs wereproduced using the recombinant Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc proteins [64, 65] . T he methodused to deliver the protein into the cell is based on the ability of peptides enriched withbasic residues (such as arginine and lysine) to penetrate the cells membrane. MurineiPSCs were produced using the recombinant Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMycproteins containing eleven Cterminal arginine residues and expressed in E. coli . The authors succeeded in producing murine iPSCs during four roundsof protein transduction into embryonic fibroblasts [65].However, iPSCs were only produced when the cells were additionally treatedwith 2propylvalerate (the deacetylase inhibitor). The same principle was used for theproduction of human iPSCs, but protein expression was carried out in humanHEK293 cells, and the proteins were expressed with a fragment of nine arginins at the proteinCend. Researchers have succeeded in producing human iPSCs after sixtransduction rounds without any additional treatment [64]. The efficiency of producing human iPSC in this way was 0.001%, which isone order lower than the reprogramming efficiency with retroviruses. Despite some drawbacks,this method is very promising for the production of patientspecificiPSCs.
The first lines of human pluripotent ESCs were produced in 1998 [6]. In line with the obvious fundamental importance of embryonic stem cellstudies with regard to the multiple processes taking place in early embryogenesis, much of theinterest of investigators is associated with the possibility of using ESCs and theirderivatives as models for the pathogenesis of human diseases, new drugs testing, and cellreplacement therapy. Substantial progress is being achieved in studies on directed humanESC differentiation and the possibility of using them to correct degenerativedisorders. Functional cell types, such as motor dopaminergic neurons, cardiomyocytes, andhematopoietic cell progenitors, can be produced as a result of ESCdifferentiation. These cell derivatives, judging from their biochemical and physiologicalproperties, are potentially applicable for the therapy of cardiovascular disorders, nervoussystem diseases, and human hematological disorders [66].Moreover, derivatives produced from ESCs have been successfully used for treating diseasesmodeled on animals. Therefore, bloodcell progenitors produced from ESCs weresuccessfully used for correcting immune deficiency in mice. Visual functions were restored inblind mice using photoreceptors produced from human ESCs, and the normal functioning of thenervous system was restored in rats modeling Parkinsons disease using the dopaminergicneurons produced from human ESCs [6770]. Despite obvious success, the fullscale applicationof ESCs in therapy and the modeling of disorders still carry difficulties, because of thenecessity to create ESC banks corresponding to all HLAhaplotypes, whichis practically unrealistic and hindered by technical and ethical problems.
Induced pluripotent stem cells can become an alternative for ESCs in the area of clinicalapplication of cell replacement therapy and screening for new pharmaceuticals.iPSCs closely resemble ESCs and, at the same time, can be produced in almostunlimited amounts from the differentiated cells of each patient. Despite the fact that thefirst iPSCs were produced relatively recently, work on directed iPSCdifferentiation and the production of patientspecific iPSCs isintensive, and progress in this field is obvious.
Dopamine and motor neurons were produced from human iPSCs by directeddifferentiation in vitro [71, 72]. These types of neurons are damaged in many inherited oracquired human diseases, such as spinal cord injury, Parkinsons disease, spinal muscularatrophy, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Some investigators have succeeded in producingvarious retinal cells from murine and human iPSCs [7375]. HumaniPSCs have been shown to be spontaneously differentiated in vitro into the cells of retinal pigment epithelium [76]. Another group of investigators has demonstrated that treating human andmurine iPSCs with Wnt and Nodal antagonists in a suspended culture induces theappearance of markers of cell progenitors and pigment epithelium cells. Further treating thecells with retinoic acid and taurine activates the appearance of cells expressing photoreceptormarkers [75].
Several research groups have produced functional cardiomyocytes (CMs) in vitro from murine and human iPSCs [7781]. Cardiomyocytes producedfrom iPSC are very similar in characteristics (morphology, marker expression,electrophysiological features, and sensitivity to chemicals) to the CMs ofcardiac muscle and to CMs produced from differentiated ESCs. Moreover, murineiPSCs, when injected, can repair muscle and endothelial cardiac tissuesdamaged by cardiac infarction [77].
Hepatocytelike cell derivatives, dendritic cells, macrophages, insulinproducingcell clusters similar to the duodenal islets of Langerhans, and hematopoietic and endothelialcells are currently produced from murine and human iPSCs, in addition to thealreadylisted types of differentiated cells [8285].
In addition to directed differentiation in vitro , investigators apply mucheffort at producing patientspecific iPSCs. The availability ofpluripotent cells from individual patients makes it possible to study pathogenesis and carryout experiments on the therapy of inherited diseases, the development of which is associatedwith distinct cell types that are hard to obtain by biopsy: so the use ofiPSCs provides almost an unlimited resource for these investigations.Recently, the possibility of treating diseases using iPSCs was successfullydemonstrated, and the design of the experiment is presented in the figure. A mutant allele wassubstituted with a normal allele via homologous recombination in murine fibroblastsrepresenting a model of human sickle cell anemia. iPSCs were produced fromrepaired fibroblasts and then differentiated into hematopoietic cell precursors.The hematopoietic precursors were then injected into a mouse from which the skin fibroblastswere initially isolated (). As a result, the initialpathological phenotype was substantially corrected [86].A similar approach was applied to the fibroblasts and keratinocytes of a patient withFanconis anemia. The normal allele of the mutant gene producing anemia was introducedinto a somatic cell genome using a lentivirus, and then iPSCs were obtainedfrom these cells. iPSCs carrying the normal allele were differentiated intohematopoietic cells maintaining a normal phenotype [87].The use of lentiviruses is unambiguously impossible when producing cells to be introduced intothe human body due to their oncogenic potential. However, new relatively safe methods of genomemanipulation are currently being developed; for instance, the use of synthetic nucleasescontaining zinc finger domains allowing the effective correction of genetic defects invitro [88].
Design of an experiment on repairing the mutant phenotype in mice modeling sickle cell anemia development [2]. Fibroblasts isolatedfrom the tail of a mouse (1) carrying a mutant allele of the gene encoding the human hemoglobin -chain (hs) were used for iPSCproduction (2). The mutation was then repaired in iPSCs by means of homological recombination (3) followed by cell differentiationvia the embryoid body formation (4). The directed differentiation of the embryoid body cells led to hematopoietic precursor cells (5)that were subsequently introduced into a mouse exposed to ionizing radiation (6).
The induced pluripotent stem cells are an excellent model for pathogenetic studies at the celllevel and testing compounds possessing a possible therapeutic effect.
The induced pluripotent stem cells were produced from the fibroblasts of a patient with spinalmuscular atrophy (SMA) (SMAiPSCs). SMA is an autosomalrecessive disease caused by a mutation in the SMN1 ( survival motorneuron 1 ) gene, which is manifested as the selective nonviability of lower motor neurons. Patients with this disorder usually die at the age of about two years.Existing experimental models of this disorder based on the use of flatworms, drosophila, andmice are not satisfactory. The available fibroblast lines from patients withSMA cannot provide the necessary data on the pathogenesis of this disordereither. It was shown that motor neurons produced from SMAiPSCs canretain the features of SMA development, selective neuronal death, and the lackof SMN1 transcription. Moreover, the authors succeeded in elevating the SMNprotein level and aggregation (encoded by the SMN2 gene, whose expressioncan compensate for the shortage in the SMN1 protein) in response to the treatment of motorneurons and astrocytes produced from SMAiPSCs with valproate andtorbomycin [89;]. iPSCs and theirderivatives can serve as objects for pharmacological studies, as has been demonstrated oniPSCs from patients with familial dysautonomia (FDA) [90]. FDA is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder manifested as thedegeneration of sensor and autonomous neurons. This is due to a mutation causing thetissuespecific splicing of the IKBKAP gene, resulting in a decreasein the level of the fulllength IKAP protein. iPSCs were produced fromfibroblasts of patients with FDA. They possessed all features of pluripotent cells. Neuralderivatives produced from these cells had signs of FDA pathogenesis and low levels of thefulllength IKBKAP transcript. The authors studied the effect of threesubstances, kinetin, epigallocatechin gallate, and tocotrienol, on the parameters associatedwith FDA pathogenesis. Only kinetin has been shown to induce an increase in the level offulllength IKBKAP transcript. Prolonged treatment with kinetininduces an increase in the level of neuronal differentiation and expression of peripheralneuronal markers.
Currently, a broad spectrum of iPSCs is produced from patients with variousinherited pathologies and multifactorial disorders, such as Parkinsons disease, Downsyndrome, type 1 diabetes, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, talassemia, etc., whichare often lethal and can scarcely be treated with routine therapy [51, 87, 89, 9194]. The data on iPSCs produced by reprogramming somaticcells from patients with various pathologies are given in the .
Functional categories of M. tuberculosis genes with changed expression level during transition to the NC state
One can confidently state that both iPSCs themselves and their derivativesare potent instruments applicable in biomedicine, cell replacement therapy, pharmacology, andtoxicology. However, the safe application of iPSCbased technologies requires the use ofmethods of iPSCs production and their directed differentiation which minimizeboth the possibility of mutations in cell genomes under in vitro culturingand the probability of malignant transformation of the injected cells. The development ofmethods for human iPSC culturing without the use of animal cells (for instance, the feederlayer of murine fibroblasts) is necessary; they make a viralorigin pathogen transferfrom animals to humans impossible. There is a need for the maximum standardization ofconditions for cell culturing and differentiation.
This study was supported by the Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium ProgramMolecular and Cell Biology.
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