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Cellarity Releases Novel, Open-Source, Single-Cell Dataset and Invites the Machine Learning and Computational Biology Communities to Develop New…

By daniellenierenberg

SOMERVILLE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cellarity, a life sciences company founded by Flagship Pioneering to transform the way medicines are created, announced today the release of a unique single-cell dataset to accelerate innovation in mapping multimodal genetic information across cell states and over time. This dataset will be used to power a competition hosted by Open Problems in Single-Cell Analysis.

Cells are among the most complex and dynamic systems and are regulated by the interplay of DNA, RNA, and proteins. Recent technological advances have made it possible to measure these cellular features and such data provide, for the first time, a direct and comprehensive view spanning the layers of gene regulation that drive biological systems and give rise to disease.

Advancements in single-cell technologies now make it possible to decode genetic regulation, and we are excited to generate another first-of-its-kind dataset to support Open Problems in Single Cell Analysis, said Fabrice Chouraqui, PharmD, CEO of Cellarity and a CEO-Partner at Flagship Pioneering. Developing new machine learning algorithms that can predict how a single-cell genome can drive a diversity of cellular states will provide new insights into how cells and tissues move from health to disease and support informed design of new medicines.

To drive innovation for such data, Cellarity generated a time course profiling in vitro differentiation of blood progenitors, a dataset designed in collaboration with scientists at Yale University, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, and Helmholtz Munich. This time course will be used to power a competition to develop algorithms that learn the underlying relationships between DNA, RNA, and protein modalities across time. Solving this open problem will help elucidate complex regulatory processes that are the foundation for cell differentiation in health and disease.

While multimodal single-cell data is increasingly available, methods to analyze these data are still scarce and often treat cells as static snapshots without modeling the underlying dynamics of cell state, said Daniel Burkhardt, Ph.D., cofounder of Open Problems in Single-Cell Analysis and Machine Learning Scientist at Cellarity. New machine learning algorithms are needed to learn the rules that govern complex cell regulatory processes so we can predict how cell state changes over time. We hope these new algorithms can augment the value of existing or future single-modality datasets, which can be cost effectively generated at higher quality to streamline and accelerate research.

In 2021, Cellarity partnered with Open Problems collaborators to develop the first benchmark competition for multimodal single-cell data integration using a first-of-its-kind multi-omics benchmarking dataset (NeurIPS 2021). This dataset was the largest atlas of the human bone marrow measured across DNA, RNA, and proteins and was used to predict one modality from another and learn representations of multiple modalities measured in the same cells. The 2021 competition saw winning submissions from both computational biologists with deep single-cell expertise and machine learning practitioners for whom this competition marked their first foray into biology. This translation of knowledge across disciplines is expected to drive more powerful algorithms to learn fundamental rules of biology.

For 2022, Cellarity and Open Problems are extending the challenge to drive innovation in modeling temporal single-cell data measured in multiple modalities at multiple time points. For this years competition, Cellarity generated a 300,000-cell time course dataset of CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) from four human donors at five time points. HSPCs are stem cells that give rise to all other cells in the blood throughout adult life, and a 10-day time course captures important biology in CD34+ HSPCs. Being able to solve the prediction problems over time is expected to yield new insights into how gene regulation influences differentiation.

Entries to the competition will be accepted until November 15, 2022. For more information, visit the competition page on Kaggle.

About Open Problems in Single Cell Analysis

Open Problems in Single-Cell Analysis was founded in 2020 bringing together academic, non-profit, and for-profit institutions to accelerate innovation in single-cell algorithm development. An explosion in single-cell analysis algorithms has resulted in more than 1,200 methods published in the last five years. However, few standard benchmarks exist for single-cell biology, both making it difficult to identify top performing algorithms and hindering collaboration with the machine learning community to accelerate single-cell science. Open Problems is a first-of-its-kind international consortium developing a centralized, open-source, and continuously updated framework for benchmarking single-cell algorithms to drive innovation and alignment in the field. For more information, visit

About Cellarity

Cellaritys mission is to fundamentally transform the way medicines are created. Founded by Flagship Pioneering in 2017, Cellarity has developed unique capabilities combining high-resolution data, single cell technologies, and machine learning to encode biology, predict interventions, and purposefully design breakthrough medicines. By focusing on the cellular changes that underlie disease instead of a single target, Cellaritys approach uncovers new biology and treatments and is applicable to a vast array of disease areas. The company currently has programs underway in metabolic disease, hematology, immuno-oncology, and respiratory disease. For more info, visit

About Flagship Pioneering

Flagship Pioneering conceives, creates, resources, and develops first-in-category bioplatform companies to transform human health and sustainability. Since its launch in 2000, the firm has, through its Flagship Labs unit, applied its unique hypothesis-driven innovation process to originate and foster more than 100 scientific ventures, resulting in more than $100 billion in aggregate value. To date, Flagship has deployed over $2.9 billion in capital toward the founding and growth of its pioneering companies alongside more than $19 billion of follow-on investments from other institutions. The current Flagship ecosystem comprises 41 transformative companies, including Denali Therapeutics (NASDAQ: DNLI), Evelo Biosciences (NASDAQ: EVLO), Foghorn Therapeutics (NASDAQ: FHTX), Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA), Omega Therapeutics (NASDAQ: OMGA), Rubius Therapeutics (NASDAQ: RUBY), Sana Biotechnology (NASDAQ: SANA), and Seres Therapeutics (NASDAQ: MCRB).

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Cellarity Releases Novel, Open-Source, Single-Cell Dataset and Invites the Machine Learning and Computational Biology Communities to Develop New...

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Equine Joint Injections: Case by Case The Horse –

By daniellenierenberg

My gold standard would be the use of an orthobiologic joint treatment, such as autologous protein solution, as it would be the least invasive joint treatment for a pregnant mare as only one injection is recommended, while other regenerative products often recommend a series of treatments for best effects, she adds.

Orthobiologic treatments are processed using the horses own blood, often stallside, to isolate properties beneficial to the joint. These treatments can provide targeted pain relief without the potential negative physiological and metabolic side effects (e.g., spontaneous abortion, harm to the fetus) of steroid use. The downside is these treatments are significantly more expensive than steroids.

In most cases I would feel comfortable injecting a fetlock joint in a pregnant mare with a low dose of a steroid such as triamcinolone if I felt it was indicated for the quality of life of the mare and orthobiologic treatments were not an option financially, Crosby says. Treatment with polyacrylamide (hydro)gel (PAAG) could also be considered, although (manufacturers of) these formulations often recommend pretreatment with a steroid for best effects. Polyacrylamide gel works by reducing friction in a joint, which can be a very effective option for advanced arthritis.

Fitz is a 14-year-old Morgan gelding with early onset pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID, formerly equine Cushings disease). His condition is well-controlled on 1 milligram of pergolide (Prascend) daily, and his owner shows him regularly in saddle seat shows. Earlier this year Fitz was diagnosed with coffin joint osteoarthritis. He improved on a polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (Adequan) series but is still experiencing performance issues.

Bonny Henderson, DVM, IVCA, CVA, CREP, owner of Henderson Equine Clinic, in Avon, New York, is a huge proponent of adjunct therapies. Prior to injections she recommends her clients try a variety of nutraceuticals to provide building blocks for the healing process and to decrease systemic inflammation. She says shes had incredible results with this approach.

I like to combine Eastern and Western medicine for my patients, Henderson says. I try to get people to treat the whole horse, identify what is causing the lameness and why exactly the cause occurredin other words, the functional limitations predisposing the horse to the injury itself. Then I treat both the lameness and the underlying cause.

This case requires careful attention because of the horses endocrine disease. PPID horses can be more sensitive to steroids, and this can result in laminitis, says Henderson. Even if hes well-maintained, you have to take into account his body condition score and hoof capsule. If the hoof capsule contains external growth rings wider in the heel than the toe, youve likely had some prior clinical or subclinical (not showing obvious signs) laminitic episodes. There is a lot of concussion going through these horses feet; ground force reactions are much more pronounced due to the shoeing package and actions of the horse and have a greater impact on the hoof. You have to watch out for a subclinical condition of what we used to term road founder that would compound the metabolic issue of PPID.

In these complex cases Henderson says she reaches for an orthobiologic. I would first ultrasound this joint to visualize the health of the cartilage, she says. If there is cartilage present, I would start with an autologous protein solution. If the lameness is from an injury or if there is a lot of (inflammation in the joint fluid), I would recommend injecting -2 macroglobulin, followed by the autologous protein solution once the inflammation is resolved.

The -2 macroglobulin injections are relatively novel treatments in equine practice. This orthobiologic isolates the horses natural -2 macroglobulin, a potent anti-inflammatory with molecules typically too large to cross into the joint. The veterinarian can then inject the -2 macroglobulin into the joint to reduce the synovitis (joint inflammation) without the negative effects of corticosteroids.

Clover is a 22-year-old Thoroughbred mare. She is a retired racehorse-turned-jumper-turned-dressage horse. Her multitude of careers has left her with relatively severe carpal arthritis of her right forelimb, with osteochondral fragments and excessive bony changes. She has a very caring owner who has tried just about anything to keep the mare comfortable, including rounds of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan, intravenous hyaluronic acid, and systemic anti-inflammatories. Clover is still lame and resistant to flexion of the carpus. This joint is end-stage.

When osteophytes (bone spurs) are present in a joint, they are not usually the direct cause of a horses pain. In my experience, the greater pain comes from synovitis and the lack of cartilage. I would talk to the owner about -2 macroglobulin, because these cases often require a multiple-layered treatment plan, says Henderson. I would also recommend following the -2 macroglobulin with a 2.5% polyacrylamide hydrogel once the severe inflammation is controlled.

Researchers have shown that the 2.5% PAAG provides the synovial lining with structure and stability and facilitates increased production of joint fluid. The integration of the product into the membrane, thickening the structure, also provides shock absorption. It essentially increases joint lubrication and provides a cushion in these end-stage joints.

Often, horses with end-stage OA stop responding to medical management, at which point surgical fusion of the joint can offer long-term comfort.

Cole is an 8-year-old Warmblood stallion who competes in the hunter/jumper ring. His attending veterinarian has diagnosed him via radiographs and computed tomography with osteoarthritic changes in his distal cervical vertebrae, causing a left forelimb lameness.

Cervical pain and dysfunction in the horse has become increasingly recognized as a cause of poor performance and can be more involved than just pain originating from the joint proper, says Michael Caruso III, VMD, Dipl. ACVS-LA, owner of Reedsdale Equine Specialists, in Nashville, Tennessee, who specializes in equine lameness diagnosis and treatment.

While OA can affect any joint, the cervical vertebrae can be an insidious location. Osteoarthritis of the cervical articular process joints (is) obviously a disease of the cartilage surface and bone, but other structures are involved and intimately associated with the joint, including the joint capsule, synovium, subchondral bone (beneath the cartilage), and paraspinal muscles, Caruso explains.

Because cervical OA is so complex, vets must combine multiple methods to treat it. I believe that many horses with cervical facet joint pain/osteoarthritis require a multimodal approach to treatment depending upon the age of the horse and severity of the dysfunction, he says. We know that horses with neck arthritis can present with a wide range of issues, from poor performance and intermittent forelimb lameness to ataxia (incoordination).

Cervical joint OA can disrupt the adjacent spinal cord nerve roots, causing this neurologic manifestation.

Injection must be performed using ultrasound guidance, Caruso says. I would inject the articular process joints with a corticosteroid (betamethasone or triamcinolone), plus or minus hyaluronic acid, plus or minus (the antimicrobial) amikacin and, depending on the horses range of motion and muscle tension, might prescribe a muscle relaxant (methocarbamol) and/or perform mesotherapy and shock wave for any muscular/fascial pain adjacent to the affected joints.

Caruso says he would take any metabolic issues into account before injecting corticosteroids. In horses that have some sort of metabolic dysfunction, I will routinely utilize orthobiologics in the affected joints, he says, adding that his personal preferences are platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and autologous conditioned serum.

All horses treated for cervical pain are prescribed therapeutic rehabilitation, Caruso says. Dynamic exercises of not only the cervical region but also the whole body appear to positively affect muscle activation and strengthening. The exercise program aims to improve joint stability and range of motion by focusing on the deep paravertebral muscles.

Remington is a 6-year-old Warmblood gelding who competes in the jumpers. He becomes lame in the right hind, and his veterinarian isolates the lameness to the stifle. On imaging, the medial (toward the midline) meniscus looks enlarged and mottled. He is referred for an arthroscopy of his medial femorotibial joint. The surgeon suggests injecting it six weeks following the procedure.

With this case, Caruso says hed first recommend injecting mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into the medial femorotibial joint. While we have lots to learn about stem cells, in the stifleespecially postoperatively with meniscal damagestem cells have been shown to improve the long-term outcome for return to work in the horse, he says.

He cites one study (Ferris et al., 2014) on the outcome of horses undergoing stifle surgery plus bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell injections. The researchers found that of the horses treated for stifle injury with surgery and stem cells, 75% returned to some level of work postoperatively, which compares to previous reports of 60-63% with surgery alone.

The stifle is one joint that I will recommend injection with bone-marrow-derived MSCs following arthroscopic surgery as a first-line treatment, Caruso says. This is one joint that I believe stem cells have an advantage if finances allow.

Veterinarians typically harvest stem cells from the horse at the time of surgery, usually from the sternum, pelvis, or tibia. While they have potent healing factors, they are generally more expensive than the other orthobiologics mentioned. If an owner cant afford that price tag following stifle surgery, Caruso recommends PRP.

Clinically, I see a great response (from PRP) both in soft tissues and in joints, he says. I feel that MSC injection in stifle cases with proper rehabilitation following meniscal injury are more successful with less convalescent time.

While joint injection techniques are well-documented, the tricky part is what goes into the syringe. Gone are the days of simple corticosteroid injections as our only optionthough theyre still used and have a place in equine medicine. The insights from these veterinarians show we have several ways to approach a lameness, especially a complicated joint case.

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Tilray Medical Bolsters Market Leading Position in Europe With Market Authorization in Poland

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Polish Ministry of Health Approves Tilray Branded Medical Cannabis for Pharmaceutical Distribution in Addition to Wholesale Approval Polish Ministry of Health Approves Tilray Branded Medical Cannabis for Pharmaceutical Distribution in Addition to Wholesale Approval

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Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Expands Operational Footprint in Vietnam

By Dr. Matthew Watson

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB) ("Company" or "Kraig Labs"), the biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of spider silk, announces that the Company has now been granted a business license to begin operations in Lam Dong Province.

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Magenta Therapeutics Appoints Michael Vasconcelles, M.D. to the Board of Directors

By Dr. Matthew Watson

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Magenta Therapeutics (Nasdaq: MGTA), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel medicines designed to bring the curative power of stem cell transplant to more patients, today announced that it has appointed Michael Vasconcelles, M.D. to its board of directors. Dr. Vasconcelles will also serve on the company’s R&D Committee and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.

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Magenta Therapeutics Appoints Michael Vasconcelles, M.D. to the Board of Directors

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Enlivex Receives Israeli Ministry of Health Approval for the Initiation of a Phase I/II Trial Evaluating Allocetra™ Alone and in Combination with a…

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Nes-Ziona, Israel, Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enlivex Therapeutics Ltd. (Nasdaq: ENLV, the “Company”), a clinical-stage macrophage reprogramming immunotherapy company, today announced that the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) authorized the initiation of a company-sponsored Phase I/II clinical trial designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability and preliminary efficacy of Allocetra™ alone, and in combination with a PD1 checkpoint inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors.

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Oncotelic Participating at Biotechgate Digital Partnering

By Dr. Matthew Watson

AGOURA HILLS, Calif., Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oncotelic Therapeutics, Inc. (“Oncotelic” or the “Company”) (OTCQB:OTLC), developer of treatments for rare and orphan indications, including Parkinson Disease and various cancers, today announced that the Company will be participating at Biotechgate Digital Partnering – a business development & licensing event - Aug 29 - Sep 2, 2022. An updated investor slide deck will be available at our website after the event.

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Blue Water Vaccines Announces Exploration of Its Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Platform for Use in Monkeypox Vaccine Candidate

By Dr. Matthew Watson

CINCINNATI, Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blue Water Vaccines Inc. (“BWV” or “Blue Water Vaccines” or “the Company”), a biopharmaceutical company developing transformational vaccines to address significant global health challenges, today announced that the Company plans to explore the potential to develop a novel monkeypox vaccine using its norovirus shell and protrusion (S&P) virus-like particle (VLP) platform.

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Blue Water Vaccines Announces Exploration of Its Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Platform for Use in Monkeypox Vaccine Candidate

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Palisade Bio Announces First Patient Enrolled and Dosed in Pivotal Phase 3 Study Evaluating LB1148 for Postoperative Return of Bowel Function

By Dr. Matthew Watson

CARLSBAD, Calif., Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Palisade Bio, Inc. (Nasdaq: PALI), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company advancing therapies for acute and chronic gastrointestinal (GI) complications, today announced the first patient has been dosed in its Phase 3 study evaluating LB1148 to accelerate the return of bowel function in adult patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery.

Palisade Bio Announces First Patient Enrolled and Dosed in Pivotal Phase 3 Study Evaluating LB1148 for Postoperative Return of Bowel Function

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Scilex Holding Company, a Sorrento Company, Announces Exclusive Product Distribution Agreement with CH Trading Group LLC to Expand Commercialization…

By Dr. Matthew Watson

PALO ALTO, Calif., Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Scilex Holding Company (“Scilex”), a commercial biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing non-opioid therapies for patients with acute and chronic pain, today announced the signing of a Product Distribution Agreement (“Agreement”) for certain designated territories with CH Trading Group LLC (“CH Trading”), an international import, export and trading company focused on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region and other markets, to distribute Scilex’s lead non-opioid commercial pain management product, ZTlido®. Scilex is a nearly 100% (or over 99.9%) majority-owned subsidiary of Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRNE, “Sorrento”).

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Scilex Holding Company, a Sorrento Company, Announces Exclusive Product Distribution Agreement with CH Trading Group LLC to Expand Commercialization...

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Alphageneron to Participate in Cell Therapy Durability Response Summit

By Dr. Matthew Watson

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alphageneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Alphageneron” or the “Company”), a clinical stage pharmaceutical company developing a diverse platform of cell and antibody-based therapeutic candidates to treat cancer, announced today that their Chief Executive Officer, Robert K. Brooks, JD, will participate in the Cell Therapy Durability Response Summit that will be held August 22-23, 2022.

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Alphageneron to Participate in Cell Therapy Durability Response Summit

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Trethera Receives U.S. Patent Office Notice of Allowance Covering TRE-515 Structural Claims, Extending Protections to Late 2041

By Dr. Matthew Watson

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trethera Corporation (“Trethera”), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company committed to developing novel drugs targeting nucleotide metabolism for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases, announces today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a Notice of Allowance for a composition of matter patent covering the polymorphic form of TRE-515. The resulting US patent will extend the patent protection for TRE-515 in the United States by seven years through November 2041. TRE-515 is a first-in-class drug targeting the enzyme deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) and currently in Phase 1 clinical trials.

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Trethera Receives U.S. Patent Office Notice of Allowance Covering TRE-515 Structural Claims, Extending Protections to Late 2041

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Cannabis Mitoviruses: An Introduction and State of Knowledge

By Dr. Matthew Watson

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Segra International Corp. (“Segra”), an agriculture technology company is pleased to announce the publishing of a landmark white paper addressing the recent widespread identification of mitoviruses in cannabis cultivars.

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ObsEva Files Second Quarter 2022 Financial Statements

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR of the SIX Swiss Exchange

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Annexon Reports Inducement Grants to New Employees Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

By Dr. Matthew Watson

BRISBANE, Calif., Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Annexon, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANNX), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing a new class of complement medicines for patients with classical complement-mediated autoimmune, neurodegenerative and ophthalmic disorders, today announced that it has granted equity inducement awards to three new non-executive employees under the terms of the 2022 Employment Inducement Award Plan. The equity awards were approved on August 16, 2022, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

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Annexon Reports Inducement Grants to New Employees Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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Avicanna Announces Closing of Strategic Private Placement

By Dr. Matthew Watson


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Avicanna Announces Closing of Strategic Private Placement

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Plus Therapeutics Awarded $17.6 Million from State of Texas

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Funding from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), the second largest global public funder of cancer research, will support the majority of the development costs of 186RNL for leptomeningeal metastases.

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Plus Therapeutics Awarded $17.6 Million from State of Texas

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Junshi Biosciences Announces Acceptance of Supplemental Application for Additional Indications of Adalimumab Injection

By Dr. Matthew Watson

-- Additional indications: treatment for Crohn’s disease, uveitis, polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, pediatric plaque psoriasis and pediatric Crohn’s disease

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Junshi Biosciences Announces Acceptance of Supplemental Application for Additional Indications of Adalimumab Injection

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Valneva Provides Update on IXIARO® Supply Contract with U.S. Department of Defense

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Saint Herblain (France), August 18, 2022 – Valneva SE (Nasdaq: VALN; Euronext Paris: VLA) a specialty vaccine company, today announced that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has decided not to exercise the second option year of the contract1 to supply Valneva’s Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine IXIARO®.

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Valneva Provides Update on IXIARO® Supply Contract with U.S. Department of Defense

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Addex Reports 2022 Half Year and Second Quarter Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Ad Hoc Announcement Pursuant to Art. 53 LR

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