[Full text] Retrospective Study on Implantation of Autologous-Cultured Osteoblasts | ORR – Dove Medical Press
By daniellenierenberg
Osteonecrosis of the femoral head is a progressive disorder that causes pain and often progresses to hip joint collapse, finally resulting in disabling arthritis.1,2 It occurs between 30 to 50 years of age, and prevails at a relatively younger age in Asians compared to their western counterparts.3 It is estimated that approximately 20,00030,000 new cases of osteonecrosis are diagnosed in the United States each year, accounting for 10% of total hip arthroplasties performed.4 The Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons has reported that more than 50% of all hip replacements in India are performed for osteonecrosis.5 Many studies have reported osteonecrosis to be more prevalent in men compared to women (3 or 5:1).3 The underlying pathophysiology of osteonecrosis remains unclear; however, it is multifactorial and several traumatic and nontraumatic etiological factors may contribute to its development. Traumatic events that may cause osteonecrosis include femoral neck/head fracture, hip dislocation, or slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Nontraumatic factors include use of steroids, alcoholism, metabolic disorders such as Cushings syndrome, and inherited disorders such as sickle cell disease.6,7 Besides the known traumatic and nontraumatic causes, some cases of osteonecrosis are idiopathic.1,8
Osteonecrosis of the femoral head may progress to secondary arthritis, and degeneration of articulating surface from advanced osteonecrosis necessitates total hip arthroplasty (THA). A primary treatment target of osteonecrosis of femoral head is to delay/prevent progression to osteoarthritis. Core decompression (CD) is the most widely used procedure in clinical practice; however, it has shown poor clinical outcomes, with up to 40% of patients having to undergo THA despite undergoing core decompression procedure.8 Therefore, a more pathophysiological approach may be required to treat osteonecrosis of femoral head. Osteonecrosis is characterized by a reduction in the osteogenic progenitor cells, an increase in osteoblast death, and altered intramedullary vascular supply due to trauma.1 It was observed that the number and function of mesenchymal cells in hematopoietic tissue and stroma of the bone marrow decreased in osteonecrosis patients.2 This observation indicated potential for using bone marrow stromal cells for the treatment of osteonecrosis, and consequently, several clinical studies have demonstrated encouraging results.2 A meta-analysis also showed that treatment with cell therapy compared to core decompression alone increased Harris hip score, decreased necrotic area of femoral head and collapse of femoral head, and reduced THA conversion rate.9 However, a recent randomized study has shown that bone marrow cell implantation in addition to core decompression did not improve THA conversion rate in patients with grade 3 osteonecrosis.10 The ideal treatment goal for osteonecrosis is to facilitate new bone formation in the place of dead bone that can provide pain relief, cease disease progression, prevent joint collapse, and preserve the joint. The fact thatbone marrow aspirate consists of mesenchymal stem cells raised a possibility if bone marrow cells could be differentiated into bone forming cells or osteoblasts and characterized by bone alkaline phosphatase. In a randomized trial, autologous osteoblast implantation was shown to significantly delay the evolution to subchondral fracture and reduce pain compared to bone marrow aspirate.11
OSSGROW (Regrow Biosciences Pvt Ltd., Mumbai, India) is a commercially available technology that involves implantation of autologous adult live-cultured osteoblasts (AALCO) derived from mesenchymal stem cells sourced from the bone marrow aspirate for osteonecrosis of the hip that received conditional marketing approval in India in March 2017.12 Here, we evaluated the efficacy of OSSGROW implantation technique by assessing retrospective data from patients with osteonecrosis who underwent the procedure. We also evaluated the correlation between Ficat-Arlet stages of osteonecrosis and clinical outcomes of the AALCO implantation procedure.
This retrospective, observational, non-comparative study was conducted at 37 centers in India. We retrospectively reviewed the data of patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head who had undergone OSSGROW (AALCO) from 2010 to 2015. Key inclusion criteria were patients aged 12 years with a confirmed diagnosis of osteonecrosis in one or both hip joints who had undergone AALCO implantation. Diagnosis, analysis, and classification of osteonecrosis were done according to Ficat-Arlet based on radiography, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. Patients whose medical records were not complete or were lost to follow-up were excluded from the study.
The protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee - Regrow Biosciences Pvt Ltd. and as this study was a retrospective study, informed consent was not required to review medical records. We also sought permission from the head of the institutes/departments before data collection. Patient data confidentiality was maintained in this study.
All the patients had undergone AALCO implantation on the recommendation of their consulting orthopedic surgeon after having received an explanation of the complications of osteonecrosis, the therapeutic options available, and the risks involved with the implantation procedure. Osteoblasts from patients were obtained from bone marrow aspiration from the posterior/superior iliac crest. Mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow were isolated and differentiated ex vivo into osteoblasts. Osteoblasts were then cultured for approximately 4 weeks under stringent laboratory conditions and multiplied up to 48 million osteoblasts (Figure 1). The cultured cells were implanted using a gel (Tisseel kit from Baxter) at the site of osteonecrosis through a minimally invasive surgery in a 3-step procedure: core decompression, curettage, and injection of osteoblasts (Figure 2).
Figure 1 Microscopic image of osteoblast in culture used for the final cell product before cell implantation.
Figure 2 Steps of osteoblasts implantation. (A) Step 1 Insertion of guide wire in center of lesion as identified on the MRI. (B) Step 2 Guide wire and 8mm cannulated drill for core decompression. The entry point of the guide wire is near the vastus ridge, to prevent a fracture due to stress-riser, greater width of femur and faster healing due to cancellous bone. (C) Step 3 Curettage: a variety of angulated curettes is used to do forage (curettage to remove necrotic bone). This bone is sent for biopsy.
Patients were operated on under spinal anesthesia. Core decompression tunnels were created into the subchondral necrotic lesion of the femoral head, approximately 23 mm away from the joint cartilage, by using 2.0-mm K-wires under fluoroscopic guidance through the greater trochanter and the femoral neck, and over drilled using trephine was performed by the centrally positioned K-wire. Cultured osteoblasts were injected following the curettage, and necrotic tissues were removed.
The patients had to undergo appropriate rehabilitation therapy after the implantation, which included complete bed-rest for 4 weeks post-implantation. After 4 weeks, passive lower limb exercises were performed for 2 weeks following post-implantation. Accordingly, non-weight bearing, partial weight bearing, and full weight bearing exercises were suggested as per the study protocol. Descriptive demographic and clinical data recorded before and after the procedure were collected from patient records. Past medical history, concomitant medications, and surgical treatments undertaken before and after the AALCO were recorded. Pre-existing risk factors for osteonecrosis such as steroid intake, alcohol consumption, comorbid conditions, or trauma were also noted.
Improvement in functional capacity and pain reduction were evaluated using Harris Hip Score (HHS) and visual analog scale (VAS) respectively at the time of pre- and post-operative consultations. Continued use of steroids or alcohol consumption after undergoing the AALCO implantation was recorded. The main outcome of the study was the need for THA (THA conversion rate). Based on these parameters, the treatment outcome was determined to be either improved (better score after AALCO implantation), stable (same condition as before AALCO implantation), or progressive (worse scores following AALCO implantation).
Continuous and quantitative variables were summarized using descriptive statistics and compared using Students t-test or nonparametric test, as applicable. Categorical data were presented as frequency count (n) and percentages (%) and were compared using the 2 test or Fishers exact test. P-values <0.05 were considered significant. All analyses were performed using the SPSS version 10.0.
Data from 64 patients were collected and analyzed as per the study protocol, and 101 hip joints were assessed. The age of patients ranged from 1270 years and BMI ranged from 20.632 kg/m2. The majority of the patients were men (79.7%). The mean duration since diagnosis of osteonecrosis was 7.4 1.6 years and the mean duration of AALCO treatment was 6.3 1.4 years (Table 1). Unilateral involvement of the hip joint was seen in 42.2% of cases. Bilateral involvement of hip joints was seen in 57.8% of patients. The majority of hips diagnosed were grade III (42.1%) and grade IV osteonecrosis (10.5%). While the exact cause for osteonecrosis was not known (idiopathic) in 25% of patients, 35.9% of cases were linked to steroid use and 26.6% to alcohol abuse. Records of concomitant medications revealed that 91.9% of patients were on analgesics, 8.1% were on ayurvedic treatment, and 1 patient took bisphosphonate.
Table 1 Demographic Characteristics
A total of 98 hip joints were assessed as data of 3 patients were not available for changes in mean VAS scores (improvement in pain), before and after the AALCO implantation. As shown in Figure 3A, the mean VAS score reduced significantly after a mean 6.3 years of AALCO treatment compared to the baseline (32.2 32.1 vs 58.8 13.8; mean difference: 26.5 35.2, p = 0.001) indicating significant improvement in pain. Similarly, HHS also improved post-operatively (47.1 12.3 vs 63.7 27.7; mean difference: 16.7 28.7, p = 0.001) showing functional improvement of patients. We categorized patients based on their HSS score (<70: poor, 7080: fair, 8090: good, 90100: excellent). At baseline, 96 hips (98%) had HSS score of <70, each of the two remaining hips had scores of <80 and <90, respectively. Improvement in HSS scores was seen at follow-up with 42 hips (43.3%) with HSS <70, 11 (11.3%) with 7080, 26 (26.8%) with 8090, and 18 (18.6%) with HSS scores of 90100.
Figure 3 (A) Changes in visual analog scale (VAS) and Harris hip scores. (B) Need for hip replacement surgery in different grades of osteonecrosis. (Osteonecrosis graded according to Association Research Circulation Osseous criteria).
The mean follow-up period since diagnosis of osteonecrosis was 6.3 years (range 49 years). Following AALCO treatment, 29 (28.7%) hips underwent THA, indicating that AALCO treatment could prevent and delay THA for 71.3% of hips. The mean time to THA was 3.2 2.0 years (range: 19 years). A total of 9 (39.1%) grade II, 11 (47.8%) grade III, and 3 (13%) grade IV hip joints required THA surgery (Figure 3B). In other words, AALCO treatment could delay THA for up to 3 years in 80% of hips in early stage osteonecrosis (Grades I and II) and 72% of hips in late stage osteonecrosis (Grades III and IV). Univariate analysis showed that the age of the patient, BMI, gender of patients, the side of osteonecrosis, and duration of disease had no effect on the clinical success of the procedure. Following AALCO treatment, 35.9% of patients continued using steroids and 29.7% continued with alcohol consumption. Of the total 29 hip joints that required surgery at follow-up, 20.7% and 41.4% had an associated etiology of alcohol consumption and steroid intake, respectively (Figure 4A). Overall, a significantly greater number of patients with underlying etiologies of alcohol consumption, smoking, or taking steroids required THA compared to those without these etiologies (14 [37.8%] vs 3 [11.1%], p = 0.017).
Figure 4 (A) Need for hip replacement stratified as per etiology of osteonecrosis. (B) Overall outcome stratified as per the grades of osteonecrosis.
Abbreviations: RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematous.
Based on the pre- and post-operative data, the condition of 65.6% of patients improved and 1.6% remained stable following AALCO treatment. Overall, the condition of 65.9% of hips (56/85) in grade I to grade III improved (Figure 4B). For quick reference, the pre- and post-operative radiograph images for a given patient are presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Pre- and posttransplantation MRI and X-ray images (A): pre-operative MRI (male patient [35 years]): Ficat and Arlet Stage II B with a subchondral fracture of right hip with a large anterolateral lesion(arrow) involving more than 40% of femoral head and less than 2mm depression at high risk of collapse. Etiology is post steroid AVN. (B) Post-operative MRI at 5 months post-surgery. (C) Post-operative X-ray at 4 years after surgery; anteroposterior (AP) view and lateral view.
We retrospectively studied the clinical outcomes of AALCO treatment. Our results showed that there was a reduction in pain and improvement in joint function following AALCO implantation, as was evident from a statistically significant reduction in the mean VAS score and increase in the HHS score. Of all the hips that underwent the AALCO implantation, 60% improved and 38% worsened with a THA conversion rate of 28%.
AALCO is a minimally invasive, surgical 3-step procedure with each step contributing significantly to the overall effectiveness of the treatment. The first step is core decompression that reduces pressure allowing increased blood flow. In the second step, the necrotic bone is debrided by a curette that promotes new bone formation. The third and most important step is implantation of osteoblasts that form new bone. The THA conversion rate is reported lower with core decompression compared to natural progression of disease, but approximately 40% of patients still required THA.8 Bone marrow cell therapy was shown to improve the THA conversion rate further.9 In a recent randomized trial, implantation of autologous bone marrow aspirate concentrate did not show any improvement in patients with grade 3 osteonecrosis.10 In our study, AALCO implantation avoided THA in 72% of hips in late grade osteonecrosis, suggesting that the technique may even benefit patients in advanced stages of disease; however, our results are limited by the relatively small numbers of patients belonging to each stage.
The differences in the THA conversion may not be directly comparable to those with others may be due to the diversity in the presentation of patients, differences in the follow-up period, or the AALCO technique.13,14 The THA conversion rate certainly remains low with AALCO treatment compared to 75% THA conversion rate reported in patients with natural progression to osteoarthritis resulting from osteonecrosis of the femoral head.15,16 A randomized study found autologous osteoblastic cells implantation to be more efficacious than bone marrow implantation as an adjunct to core decompression. The disease progression rate was found to be 20% in patients who had undergone autologous osteoblasts implantation vs 47% in patients in the bone marrow implantation group.11 Bone alkaline phosphatase-characterized osteoblasts have better regenerative potential compared to heterogeneous bone marrow cells.17,18 Use of these characterized cells could explain the favorable outcomes of AALCO implantation in our study.
Intake of alcohol and/or steroids is known to adversely affect bone renewal by causing an imbalance between the normal progenitor cells and the fat-storing bone marrow progenitor cells.1,19,20 The latter phenotype also leads to fat embolism and arteriosclerosis reducing the blood supply to necrotic tissues.1,19,20 In our study, alcohol and steroid intake were associated with occurrence of osteonecrosis of the femoral head in more than a quarter of patients. These results highlight the adverse impact of alcohol and steroid intake on the progression of osteonecrosis that is already evident in the literature in the pathogenesis of osteonecrosis.2125 As expected, THA conversion rate was also higher among patients who consumed alcohol and/or used steroids compared to those who did not in our study, signifying the adverse impact of alcohol and steroids on the AALCO treatment outcomes. However, a consensus on the specific mechanisms leading to these observations is yet to be reached.
A major limitation of our study was the retrospective data collection, and the lack of assessments of radiographic progression of the affected hips.
The results of this study substantiate the therapeutic potential for AALCO in improving clinical outcomes in terms of pain and functional activity, and reducing the risk of disease progression and the need for THA in patients with osteonecrosis. However, this study was limited by the small sample size and the retrospective data collection limiting the power of study for some subgroup comparisons. Further, clinical studies and long-term trials are warranted to confirm the findings of this study.
Authors acknowledge CBCC Global Research for providing medical writing and submission support funded by Regrow Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
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India Stem Cell Market speedy growth at US$ 1.27 Bn by 2028 with Thermofisher Scientific India, Pluristem Technologies, Becton Dickinson Private…
By daniellenierenberg
India Stem Cell Market to surpass huge revenue of USD 1.27 Billion at CAGR +13% by 2028.
Stem cell therapy in India helps in treating several diseases, including leukaemia, lymphoma, thalassemia, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, etc. Stem cell therapy in India has shown promising results in India and as well as all over the world.
In comparison, in India it costs INR 10-20 lakh in private hospitals, while in government hospitals it is much cheaper INR 3-6 lakh depending on the type of procedure, he said
On average, private banking of stem cells derived from cord blood costs INR 50,000-70,000. Banks claim to freeze the cells in liquid nitrogen so that it can be used up to 20 years from the date of preservation.
Researchers hope stem cells will one day be effective in the treatment of many medical conditions and diseases. But unproven stem cell treatments can be unsafe so get all of the facts if youre considering any treatment. Stem cells have been called everything from cure-alls to miracle treatments.
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Key players profiled in the report includes:
Thermofisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd., Pluristem Technologies Ltd., Becton Dickinson Private Limited, Stem Cell Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Merck Lifescience Pvt. Ltd., Cordlife India Pvt. Ltd., LifeCell International Pvt. Ltd., StemCyte India Therapeutics Private Limited, Stempeutics Research Private Limited, ReeLabs Private Limited, CryoSave, Indu Stem Cell Bank, Path Care Labs Pvt
The aim of the report is to equip relevant players in deciphering essential cues about the various real-time market based developments, also drawing significant references from historical data, to eventually present a highly effective market forecast and prediction, favoring sustainable stance and impeccable revenue flow despite challenges such as sudden pandemic, interrupted production and disrupted sales channel in the India Stem Cell market.
Market segments on the basis of:
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India Stem Cell Geographical Segmentation Includes:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.)
Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)
Some Major TOC Points:
Chapter 1. Report Overview
Chapter 2. Growth Trends
Chapter 3. Market Share by Key Players
Chapter 4. Breakdown Data by Type and Application
Chapter 5. Market by End Users/Application
Chapter 6. COVID-19 Outbreak: India Stem Cell Industry Impact
Chapter 7. Opportunity Analysis in Covid-19 Crisis
Chapter 9. Market Driving Force
And More
In this latest research publication a thorough overview of the current market scenario has been portrayed, in a bid to aid market participants, stakeholders, research analysts, industry veterans and the like to borrow insightful cues from this ready-to-use market research report, thus influencing a definitive business discretion. The report in its subsequent sections also portrays a detailed overview of competition spectrum, profiling leading players and their mindful business decisions, influencing growth in the India Stem Cell market.
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World Cancer Day 2021: Know All About The Different Types Of Blood Cancer From Expert – NDTV Doctor
By daniellenierenberg
World Cancer Day: Blood cancer can be managed with treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy
World Cancer Day 2021: This day is observed on February 4. Blood cancer originates in the blood forming tissues when abnormal blood cells start growing out of control, thereby interrupting the functioning of the normal blood cells. The normal blood cells help strengthen the immune system by fighting infection and producing new blood cells. Most blood cancers begin in the bone marrow where blood is produced. The three most common blood cancers are lymphoma, leukaemia and multiple myeloma. The common symptoms include weakness, shortness of breath, minimal injury resulting in fractures, excessive or easy bruising, bleeding gums, recurrent infections and frequent vomiting sensations. Blood cancer can be managed with treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and stem cell transplant.
Multiple myeloma
Multiple Myeloma develops in the bone marrow and affects plasma cells of the body. Plasma cells are responsible for producing antibodies that attack infections and diseases. When these cells become cancerous, they collect in the bone marrow and weaken the bones, causing pain on movement. They also produce antibodies that are useless and make the body weaker. Some common symptoms for multiple myeloma include low blood count, high calcium levels, kidney problems and spinal cord compression due to weakened bones.
Also read:Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy: Here's All You Need To Know
Lymphoma affects the lymphatic system, which is responsible for getting rid of toxins in the body. When the immune cells, or lymphocytes, grow out of control, they collect in the lymph nodes, spleen and in other tissues, and organs. The main types are Hodgkins and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Some common symptoms for lymphomas include painful swelling in the neck, groin, and armpits, fever and drenching sweats, fatigue, unexplained weight loss and shortness of breath.
Leukaemia is cancer in the bone marrow that gradually spreads to the bloodstream. It is the most common cause of death due to cancer in India. In Leukaemia, the bone marrow produces metamorphosed cells, that outgrow the healthy blood cells gradually. There are multiple forms of leukaemia, but the diagnosis is determined based on speed of symptom development and the type of blood cells that accumulate. Some common symptoms for leukaemia include severe and frequent infections, recurrent nosebleeds, tiny red spots on the skin and excessive sweating and pain in the bones and joints.
While lymphomas and leukaemia affect both children and adults, Myeloma is more prevalent among adults.
Also read:What To Do When A Cancer Patient Tests Positive For COVID-19?
There are several therapies that can be used for treating the different kinds of blood cancer such as:
While there have been developments and advancement in therapies and treatments available for cancer, a significant portion of the future cancer burden can be prevented if we take necessary precautionary measures in the early stages. Better control on tobacco sale and consumption, dietary changes, expansion and equitable distribution of medical facilities, awareness about education programs and risks, prevention, and knowing the benefits of bone marrow donation can go a long way in reducing the burden of blood cancer.
Also read:Alarming Cancer Symptoms Men Should Not Ignore
(Dr Nitin Sood, Director, Hemato Oncology and Stem Cell Transplant Medical and Haemato Oncology, Cancer Institute, Medanta)
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
See the original post:
World Cancer Day 2021: Know All About The Different Types Of Blood Cancer From Expert - NDTV Doctor
MPN Efforts Set Sights on Improved Survival and Symptom Burden – OncLive
By daniellenierenberg
Combinations of JAK inhibitors and novel agents, such as epigenetic regulators, could help prolong survival in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), providing patients with more than a reduction in spleen size and symptomatic relief, explained Shella Saint Fleur-Lominy, MD, PhD, who added that for patients who have already progressed on ruxolitinib (Jakafi), fedratinib (Inrebic), momelotinib, and pacritinib could be potential second-line options.
A lot of these agents will probably be used in combination with ruxolitinib for the most optimal response. Its very promising to see all those different agents emerge that have an effect on disease outcome and modulation of the bone marrow, said Saint Fleur-Lominy. For every symptomatic patient who gets diagnosed with myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera [PV], or essential thrombocythemia [ET], we need to determine if theyre a candidate for a clinical trial, because thats how we advance the treatment landscape.
In an interview with OncLiveduring a 2020 Institutional Perspectives in Cancer webinar on hematologic malignancies, Saint Fleur-Lominy, an assistant professor, Department of Medicine, at NYU Langone Healths Perlmutter Cancer Center, discussed the current landscape of MPNs and the importance of addressing disease burden and progression.
Saint Fleur-Lominy: Downstream of JAK, there are STAT dependent and independent pathways that are involved in disease modulation. A number of newer agents target those signals downstream of JAK. For example, theres the oral kinase inhibitor alisertib, which is downstream of cNeT, which is downstream of JAK. Its one of the molecules that is upregulated in this disease. The phase 1 study was very small, but when they analyzed bone marrow samples pre- and posttreatment, they saw that there was improvement in the degree of fibrosis, and preclinical data showed the same thing.
Other agents include epigenetic regulators. We have an ALS21 inhibitor. We have BT inhibitors. One was studied in combination with ruxolitinib in [JAK-inhibitor nave patients] and patients who didnt have a good response to ruxolitinib. One of the themes among these different agents is that that they modulate the disease. One of the key findings, particularly for the LSD1 inhibitor was that the bone marrow fibrosis and variant allele frequency was reduced significantly. Those diseases dont just have the JAK mutation, they have a lot of other genes that could be mutated and that have [an effect on] survival, disease progression, and response to treatment. Having drugs that target those repeated clones is very significant. Theres also a telomerase inhibitor, and there is a phase 3 trial that is being planned.
Patients can have thrombotic events like clots, and we see that across the different subtypes of PV, ET, and myelofibrosis. Patients who have a low level of fibrosis can have those complications. It doesnt matter how much fibrosis you have in the bone marrow. The risk is usually lower in younger people, but as you age, you see [patients at greater] risk.
There is also a risk of bleeding events as well, especially in ET when people have a very high platelet count. There is also a risk of leukemic transformation because MPN is a disease that has mutations in hematopoietic stem cells, and those stem cells can transform [and] acquire new high-risk mutations and other chromosomal abnormalities and transform into acute leukemia.
In terms of symptom burden, a very large study looked at the symptomatic manifestation of MPNs [and found that] the burden is really high. Approximately 80% of patients have a really high symptomatic burden, [ranging] from fatigue to other symptoms like reduced appetite, early satiety because of big spleen, or the big spleen causing abdominal discomfort. As high as 60% of patients have abdominal discomfort, or early satiety. Up to 80% of patients reported fatigue.
Other symptoms like itching and night sweats [were also common]. Itching you see more with PV. Weight loss, fever, and bone pain [are additional symptoms that patients may experience]. The severity varies, so some patients have mild symptoms, and some patients have more severe symptoms. The main thing is that patients with MPNs have a very high symptomatic burden. Thats one of the reasons [a lot of studies] evaluating drugs in this disease usually use spleen reduction size and symptomatic relief as end points.
One of the most common mutations is JAK2. These are diseases of abnormal JAK signaling. About 95% of patients with PV have the classic JAK2 V617F mutation, and the rest usually have [a JAK exon 12 or exon 14 mutation]. The JAK V617F mutation is found in up to 60% of patients with ET or myelofibrosis. MPL and CALR mutations are found in up to 30% [of patients].
Ruxolitinib was the first JAK inhibitor that was approved for the treatment of higher-risk myelofibrosis, and then later on was approved for the treatment of patients with PV who are intolerant to hydroxyurea or have not responded to hydroxyurea and are symptomatic.
[The end point that was evaluated in the pivotal trial] in myelofibrosis was reduction of spleen volume and symptomatic relief. The COMFORT-I and COMFORT-II trials were both randomized controlled trials. The COMFORT-I trial had a placebo [control] and the COMFORT-II trial had best available therapy [as the control]. Both of these studies also had significant crossover. Once the investigators realized that ruxolitinib [led to a significant improvement in] patient outcomes and symptom relief, and that there was a signal for overall survival [OS], [patients were] allowed crossover [to receive ruxolitinib]. In COMFORT-II, there wasnt really a significant [improvement in] OS, but the crossover [probably] affected that.
In terms of PV, patients were higher risk and were not responding to hydroxyurea or were intolerant to hydroxyurea. These patients were phlebotomy dependent. A significant number of patients achieved phlebotomy independence and had a reduction in spleen volume and symptoms.
Fedratinib [Inrebic] is a selective JAK2 inhibitor compared with ruxolitinib, which is a JAK1/2 inhibitor. The thought is that [fedratinib] will be better tolerated than [ruxolitinib. When the investigators did the randomized placebo-controlled trial for fedratinib, they evaluated 2 different doses of fedratinib. At the higher dose, they saw a rare but serious complication of Wernicke encephalopathy. Because of that, were using the lower dose of 400 [mg].
In terms of the decrease in spleen size and symptoms, there didnt seem to be a difference between the 400 [-mg] and the 500 [-mg] dose. Therefore, it makes sense that the 400 [-mg dose] is the one that were using. [Although fedratinib] results in less thrombocytopenia, ruxolitinib is the go-to drug for patients who can tolerate it. You can still use fedratinib post-ruxolitinib, but I dont know about the reverse [sequence].
We saw updated data [for momelotinib from the SIMPLIFY-1 and -2 studies] at the 2020 ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. [Momelotinib] inhibits JAK1/2 and Activin receptor 1. One of the studies was a noninferiority study that randomized JAK-inhibitor nave patients to ruxolitinib or momelotinib. The outcome was about the same. The other study was designed to be a superiority trial that was against best available therapy in patients who were post-ruxolitinib. The primary end point was clinical response rate, and it met the end point. [We also saw an improvement in] the total symptom scores and transfusion independence. The sustained responses and the survival benefit [for momelotinib] makes it a very promising [agent], especially for patients post-ruxolitinib compared with best available therapy.
A lot of those patients are older, and they may not be candidates for transplant. Therefore, having something that can prolong survival and make them feel better, post-ruxolitinib, is really important. When you withdraw ruxolitinib, patients can have symptoms rebound, which also seems to have an effect on survival, so if you have another JAK inhibitor that can keep them going, thats very helpful. Im hopeful for momelotinib and pacritinib.
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MPN Efforts Set Sights on Improved Survival and Symptom Burden - OncLive
GEMoaB Announces UniCAR-T-CD123 Data from its Ongoing Phase I Study in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory AML (rrAML) to be Presented at Virtual 3rd…
By daniellenierenberg
DRESDEN, Germany, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- GEMoaB, a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of next-generation immunotherapies for hard-to-treat cancers, today announced interim data from the ongoing Phase I study of their lead asset UniCAR-T-CD123 in relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia (rrAML) at the Virtual 3rd EHA-EBMT European CAR-T-Cell Meeting, which is held from February 04-06, 2021. The data are being presented as oral presentation by Dr. Martin Wermke, University Hospital Dresden, Germany (February 05, 12:20 CET) and as a poster presentation by Dr. Sabrina Kraus, University Hospital Wrzburg, Germany (Abstract 68).
"These clinical results present a promising step forward as we continue to evaluate the safety and efficacy of UniCAR-T-CD123," said Professor Gerhard Ehninger, Chief Medical Officer of GEMoaB. "We are highly encouraged by the fact that UniCAR-T-CD123 has demonstrated a favorable safety and efficacy profile in rrAML. The clinical data nicely confirm our UniCAR key platform claims and provide the clinical proof of UniCAR's rapid switch on/off and re-activation capability. We look forward to progressing our study and positioning UniCAR as a potentially superior cellular immunotherapy platform for patients with hard-to-treat advanced hematologic malignancies and solid tumors."
Data highlights for the oral presentation titled: "Proof-of-Concept for Rapidly Switchable Universal CAR-T Platform with UniCAR-T-CD123 in Relapsed/Refractory AML" include:
The poster named "Re-activation of UniCAR-T-Cells with 2nd Cycle of Targeting Module TM123 in a Patient with Relapsed/Refractory AML" is summarizing data obtained on re-activation and re-expansion of UniCAR-T cells, leading to a CRi in the respective patient.
Both presentations will be available on the GEMoaB website following the congress.
About the UniCAR-T-CD123 Phase IA Study
This first-in-human phase I study is an open-label, non-randomized, dose-finding study designed to evaluate the safety and activity of UniCAR-T-CD123 in up to 16 CD123 positive patients with relapsed/refractory AML. Its purpose is to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) as well as Dose limiting toxicities (DLT) of the combined application of a single dose of UniCAR-T and the continuous infusion of TM123 over 25 days. Application follows post bridging therapy and lymphodepletion. The study also investigates response rates, response duration, persistence of UniCAR-T cells over time as well as the ability to rapidly switch UniCAR-T cells on and off in case of side effects through stopping TM infusion. The study takes place at selected Phase I, Acute Leukemia and CAR-T experienced University centers in Germany. The study is supported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (project "TurbiCAR"). To learn more about the trial, please visit clinicaltrials.gov.
About UniCAR
GEMoaB is developing a rapidly switchable universal CAR-T platform, UniCAR, to improve the therapeutic window and increase efficacy and safety of CAR-T cell therapies in challenging cancers, including acute leukemias and solid tumors. Conventional CAR-T cells depend on the presence and direct binding of cancer antigens for activation and proliferation. An inherent key feature of the UniCAR platform is a rapidly switchable on/off mechanism (less than 4 hours after interruption of TM supply) enabled by the short pharmacokinetic half-life and fast internalization of soluble adaptors termed TMs. These TMs provide the antigen-specificity to activate UniCAR gene-modified T-cells (UniCAR-T) and consist of a highly flexible antigen binding moiety, linked to a small peptide motif recognized by UniCAR-T.
About GEMoaB
GEMoaB is a privately-owned, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that is aiming to become a fully integrated biopharmaceutical company. By advancing its proprietary UniCAR, RevCAR and ATAC platforms, the company will discover, develop, manufacture and commercialize next-generation immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer patients with a high unmet medical need.
GEMoaB has a broad pipeline of product candidates in pre-clinical and clinical development for the treatment of hematological malignancies as well as solid tumors. Its clinical stage assets GEM333, an Affinity-Tailored Adaptor for T-Cells (ATAC) with binding specificity to CD33 in relapsed/refractory AML, and GEM3PSCA, an ATAC with binding specificity to PSCA for the treatment of castrate-resistant metastatic prostate cancer and other PSCA expressing late stage solid tumors, are currently investigated in Phase I studies and globally partnered with Bristol-Myers Squibb. Phase IA dose-finding studies of the first UniCAR assets UniCAR-T-CD123 in hematological malignancies and UniCAR-T-PSMA in solid tumors are currently recruiting patients.
Manufacturing expertise, capability and capacity are key for developing cellular immunotherapies for cancer patients. GEMoaB has established a preferred partnership with its sister company Cellex in Cologne, a world leader in manufacturing hematopoietic blood stem cell products and a leading European CMO for CAR-T cells, co-operating in that area with several large biotech companies. More information can be found at http://www.gemoab.com.
For further information please contact Jana Fiebiger [emailprotected] Tel.: +49 351 4466-45012
Investor Contact Michael Pehl [emailprotected] Tel.: +49 351 4466-45030
Forward-looking Statements. This announcement includes forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside of our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results and matters discussed in the forward looking statements. Forward looking statements include statements concerning our plans, goals, future events and or other information that is not historical information. The Company does not assume any liability whatsoever for forward-looking statements. The Company assumes that potential partners will perform and rely on their own independent analyses as the case may be. The Company will be under no obligation to update the Information.
World Cancer Day 2021: Know The Symptoms And Risk Factors Of Leukemia – NDTV Doctor
By daniellenierenberg
World Cancer Day 2021: Leukemia is a type of blood cancer
World Cancer Day: It is true that most of the cancers get diagnosed at a later stage and the precious time is lost to give a patient a quality life ahead. But effective screening methods implemented in the early diagnosis of blood cancer can help save lives. India ranks third highest in reporting blood cancer cases, after US and China. Almost a lakh of new cases of blood disorder are reported each year. There are several different types of blood cancer depending upon the type of blood cells it affects primarily.
There are three types of blood cancers - leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Leukemia occurs when one can suffers from rapid production of abnormal cancer cells in the bone marrow. Thus, due to the abnormal cancer cells, the bone marrow's ability of the production of red blood cells and platelets gets affected. Leukemia occurs most often in adults older than 55, but it is also the most common cancer in children younger than 15.
Having a risk factor, or even several risk factors, does not always mean that a person will get the disease, and many people get cancer without having any known risk factors.
While, in most of the cases, the exact cause of Leukemia is not known, but certain risk factors can attribute to the risk of Leukemia, like:
a. Radiation exposure - High-dose radiation exposure (such as being a survivor of an atomic bomb blast or nuclear reactor accident) increases the risk of developing acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Radiation treatment for cancer has also been linked to an increased risk of AML. The risk varies based on the amount of radiation given and what area is treated.
b. Previous chemotherapy for cancer
c. Smoking and drinking
Family history of leukemia - Although most cases of AML are not thought to have a strong genetic link, having a close relative (such as a parent, brother, or sister) with AML increases your risk of getting the disease. Someone who has an identical twin who got AML before they were a year old has a very high risk of also getting AML.
Genetic Disorder - e.g. Down syndrome, Fanconi anaemia
Exposure to certain chemicals - For example, long-term exposure to benzene is a risk factor for acute myeloid leukemia, a type of blood cancer. Benzene is a solvent used in the rubber industry, oil refineries, chemical plants, shoe manufacturing, and gasoline-related industries, and is also found in cigarette smoke, gasoline and motor vehicle exhaust, and some glues, cleaning products, detergents, art supplies, and paints.
World Cancer Day 2021: Leukemia can lead to shortness of breathPhoto Credit: iStock
Awareness, early diagnosis and treatment are the key:
Early diagnosis and awareness of symptoms allows for more treatment options and can improve survival rates in Leukemia. Some early cancers may show signs and symptoms but that may not always be the case. Initially, doctors make a note of family history and conduct a complete physical examination of the patient. Blood tests may include complete blood count with evaluations of liver and kidney function tests. Bone marrow examination is eventually done to diagnose blood cancers. Diagnostic imaging tests such as CT scan, PET scan, MRI, and/or X-rays may be performed to assess the extent of the disease at diagnosis, and also to assess response after treatment. There is no way to prevent Leukemia at large, but avoiding tobacco and exposure to pesticides and industrial chemicals might help in reducing the risk of Cancer. It is important to also ensure that people with cancer have access to safe and effective treatment that also includes pain relief.
There are several treatment options for blood cancer. The type of treatment depends upon the type and stage of blood cancer, age of the patients and the other underlying medical conditions. Most blood cancers generally include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell transplant (bone marrow and cord blood transplant), and immunotherapy.
Symptoms to watch for:
To spread awareness on early diagnosis, people need to be educated on various symptoms of blood cancer and seek timely intervention
(Dr. Sunil Bhat, MBBS, MD (Pediatrics) Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre, Narayana Health City, Bengaluru)
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
Original post:
World Cancer Day 2021: Know The Symptoms And Risk Factors Of Leukemia - NDTV Doctor
Catalyst Biosciences Presents Pre-clinical SQ Treatment of Bleeds Data from its Marzeptacog alfa (activated) (MarzAA) Program at the 14th Annual EAHAD…
By Dr. Matthew Watson
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Catalyst Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBIO) today presented positive pre-clinical data from its Marzeptacog alfa (activated) – MarzAA, program, the Company’s subcutaneously (SQ) administered next-generation engineered activated coagulation Factor VII (FVIIa) for the treatment of episodic bleeding that is entering a Phase 3 registration trial. The data were presented by Tom Knudsen, D.V.M., Ph.D., vice president of translational research and Howard Levy, M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D., M.M.M., chief medical officer in poster sessions at the virtual 14th Annual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD).
electroCore to Participate in the BTIG Virtual MedTech, Digital Health, Life Science & Diagnostic Tools Conference
By Dr. Matthew Watson
ROCKAWAY, N.J., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- electroCore, Inc. (Nasdaq: ECOR), a commercial-stage bioelectronic medicine company, announced today that management will participate in a fireside chat at the BTIG Virtual MedTech, Digital Health, Life Science & Diagnostic Tools Conference, which is being held virtually February 17-19, 2021.
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electroCore to Participate in the BTIG Virtual MedTech, Digital Health, Life Science & Diagnostic Tools Conference
Vaxart Announces Positive Preliminary Data from Phase 1 Clinical Trial Evaluating Its Oral COVID-19 Tablet Vaccine Candidate
By Dr. Matthew Watson
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaxart, Inc., (NASDAQ: VXRT), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing oral vaccines administered by tablet, today announced preliminary data from its Phase 1 study of VXA-CoV2-1 showing that its oral COVID-19 tablet vaccine candidate was generally well-tolerated, and immunogenic as measured by multiple markers of immune response to SARS-CoV-2 antigens.
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Vaxart Announces Positive Preliminary Data from Phase 1 Clinical Trial Evaluating Its Oral COVID-19 Tablet Vaccine Candidate
Enzo Announces Issuance of U.S. Patent for Polyclonal Antibodies Against Osteoporosis Drug Target Sclerostin
By Dr. Matthew Watson
NEW YORK, NY, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enzo Biochem, Inc. (NYSE:ENZ) (“Enzo” or the “Company”), a leading biosciences and diagnostics company, today announced the recent issuance of U.S. Patent No. 10,899,827 entitled “Antibodies Specific for Sulfation Sites of Sclerostin”.
Visit link:
Enzo Announces Issuance of U.S. Patent for Polyclonal Antibodies Against Osteoporosis Drug Target Sclerostin
Telo Genomics Retains Former Abbott & Siemens Veteran Gregg Mayer to Lead the Development of the Company’s Industry Partnership Strategy
By Dr. Matthew Watson
TORONTO, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Telo Genomics Corp. (TSX-V: TELO) (the “Company” or “TELO”) is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a consulting agreement with the biomedical industry veteran Gregg Mayer, Founder & Principal of BioCore Strategies, LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and former executive of Abbott Diagnostics, Siemens and a number of early-stage biopharma and medical device companies, both public and privately held. Mr. Mayer will lead TELO’s efforts to develop and execute the Company’s industry partnership strategy with Biopharma and Diagnostics industries.
PDS Biotech Announces Preliminary Efficacy Achievement in Phase 2 Combination Trial of PDS0101 Led by the National Cancer Institute
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Full enrollment triggered by observation of 3 objective responses in continued evaluation of the initial group of 8 patients Full enrollment triggered by observation of 3 objective responses in continued evaluation of the initial group of 8 patients
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PDS Biotech Announces Preliminary Efficacy Achievement in Phase 2 Combination Trial of PDS0101 Led by the National Cancer Institute
AXIM® Biotechnologies Begins Clinical Trials on Its ImmunoPass Rapid Diagnostic Test With Vaccine Recipients
By Dr. Matthew Watson
SAN DIEGO, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AXIM® Biotechnologies, Inc. (OTCQB: AXIM) (“AXIM® Biotech,” “AXIM” or “the Company”), an international healthcare solutions company targeting oncological and COVID-19 research, announced today the initiation of clinical trials for ImmunoPass, the Company’s rapid point-of-care test that semi-quantitatively measures levels of neutralizing antibodies to COVID-19.
See more here:
AXIM® Biotechnologies Begins Clinical Trials on Its ImmunoPass Rapid Diagnostic Test With Vaccine Recipients
Marrone Bio Innovations Issues Shareholder Letter
By Dr. Matthew Watson
DAVIS, Calif., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ: MBII) (“Marrone Bio”), an international leader in providing growers with sustainable bioprotection and plant health solutions to support global agricultural needs, today released a letter to shareholders from Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Helash.
See more here:
Marrone Bio Innovations Issues Shareholder Letter
Generex Biotechnology Announces Call-in Details and Agenda for Shareholder Conference Call on Friday February 5, 2021 at 9:00 AM
By Dr. Matthew Watson
The access information for the investor conference call is as follows: Domestic US/Canada - 1-(866) 342-8588Direct Toll / International - 1-(203) 518-9865 Program Title: Generex Biotechnology Conference Call Conference ID – 61174
Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Responds to EU Beating Cancer Plan
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Responds to EU Beating Cancer Plan
Go here to read the rest:
Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Responds to EU Beating Cancer Plan
Skye Bioscience to Participate in Investment Conferences in February
By Dr. Matthew Watson
San Diego, Calif., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Skye Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: SKYE) (“SKYE” or the “Company”), a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing proprietary, synthetic cannabinoid-derived molecules to treat glaucoma and other diseases with significant unmet need, announced that members of its leadership team will present at several upcoming investment events in February, including the Small-Cap Growth Investor Conference, the Money Show February Virtual Expo, and the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference taking place virtually.
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Skye Bioscience to Participate in Investment Conferences in February
Red Light Holland Announces Increase in Bought Deal Equity Financing to $10 Million
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Originally posted here:
Red Light Holland Announces Increase in Bought Deal Equity Financing to $10 Million
Medexus Announces Upsize to Previously Announced Bought Deal Public Offering
By Dr. Matthew Watson
See the rest here:
Medexus Announces Upsize to Previously Announced Bought Deal Public Offering
Yield10 Bioscience Announces Closing of $12.7 Million Public Offering
By Dr. Matthew Watson
WOBURN, Mass., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (Nasdaq: YTEN), an agricultural bioscience company, today announced the closing of its previously announced underwritten public offering of 1,040,000 shares of its common stock at a public offering price of $12.25 per share. Gross proceeds before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and other offering expenses are approximately $12.7 million. Existing investors, including shareholder Jack W. Schuler, as well as institutional and retail investors participated in the offering.
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Yield10 Bioscience Announces Closing of $12.7 Million Public Offering