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Stem Cell Treatment/Therapy COST in India| DheerajBojwani.Com


Get your Stem Cell Treatment in India with Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants

Stem Cell treatment is an intricate process. Stem Cell transplant patients need utmost care with respect to both emotionally and physically. Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants is a prominent medical tourism company in India making world-class medical facilities from best surgeons and hospitals accessible for international patients looking for budget-friendly treatment abroad.

Mrs. Marilyn Obiora - Nigeria Stem Cell Therapy For her Daughter in India

Hi, my name is Mrs. Marilyn Obiora, and I am from Nigeria. I came to India for my daughter's Stem Cell Therapy in India. My daughter had her first stroke in 2011. She couldn't sit, talk and had lost control of her neck. We could not find suitable help for her condition and searched for treatment in India.

We sent a query to the and received fast reply. Within no time we were in India for my daughter's treatment. We are very pleased with the treatment offered and there has been serious improvement in her condition in just two weeks. Thanks to the Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants, my daughter is regaining proper body functions and recuperating well.

Medical science has come a long way since its practice began thousands of years ago. Scientists are finding superior and more resourceful ways to cure diseases of different organs. Stem cells are undifferentiated parent cells that can transform into specialized cell types, divide further and produce more stem cells of the same group. Stem Cell therapy is performed to prevent or treat a health condition. Stem Cell Treatment is a reproductive therapy where nourishing tissues reinstate damaged tissues for relief from incurable diseases. Stem cell treatment is one of the approaches with a potential to heal a wide range of diseases in the near future. Science has always provided ground-breaking answers to obdurate health conditions, but the latest medical miracle that the medical fraternity has gifted to mankind is the Stem Cell Therapy.

Stem cell therapy is an array of techniques intended to replace cells damaged or destroyed by disease with healthy functioning ones. Even though the techniques are relatively new, their applications and advantages are broad and surprising the medical world with every new research. Stem cells are obtained from bone marrow or human umbilical cord. They are also known as the fundamental cells of our body and have the power to develop into any type of tissue cell in the body. Stem cell treatment is based on the principle that the cells move to the site of injury and transform themselves to form new tissue cells to replace the damaged ones. They have the capacity to proliferate and renew themselves indefinitely and can form mature muscle cells, nerve cells, and blood cells. In this type of therapy, they are derived from the body, kept under artificial conditions where they mature into the type of cells that are required to heal a certain part of the body or disease.

Stem cells are being studied and used to treat different types of cancers, disorders related to the blood, immune disorders, and metabolic disorders. Some other diseases and health conditions that may be healed using stem cell treatment are,

Recently, a team of researchers successfully secured the peripheral nerves in the upper arms of a patient suffering peripheral nerve damage, by using skin-derived stem cells (SDSCs) and a previously developed collagen tube, premeditated to successfully bridge gaps in injured nerves.

A research has found potential in bone marrow stem cell therapy to treat TB. Patients injected with new mesenchymal stromal cells derived from their own bone marrow showed positive response against the TB bacteria. The therapy also didnt show any serious adverse effects.

Stem cells are also used to treat hair loss. A small amount of fat is taken from the waist area of the patient by a mini-liposuction process. This fat contains dormant stem cells, and is then spun to separate the stem cells from the fat. An activation solution is added to the cells, and may be multiplied in number, depending on the size of the bald area. Once activated, the solution is washed off so that only cells remain. Now, the stem cells are injected into the scalp. One can find some hair growth in about two to four weeks.

Damaged cones in retinas can be regenerated and eyesight restored through stem cell. Stem cell therapy could regenerate damaged cones in people, especially in the cone-rich regions of the retina that provide daytime/color vision.

Kidney transplants have become more common and easier thanks stem cell therapy. Normally patients who undergo organ transplants need a lifetime of costly anti-rejection drugs but the new procedure may negate this need, with organ donors stem cells. Unless there is a perfect match donor, patients have to wait long for an organ transplant. Though still in early stages, the stem cell research is being considered as a potential player in the field of transplantation.

Transplanted stem cells serve as migratory signals for the brain's own neurogenic cells, guiding the new host cells towards the injured brain tissue. Stem cells have the potential to give rise to many different cell types that carry out different functions. While the stem cells in adult bone marrow tend to develop into the cells that make up the organ system from which they originated. These multipotent stem cells can be manipulated to take up the characteristics of neural cells.

Experts are using Stem cell Transplant to treat the symptoms of spinal cord injury by transplantation of cells directly into the gray matter of the patients spinal cord. Expectedly, the cells will integrate into the patients own neural tissue and create new circuitry to help transmit nerve signals to muscles. The transplanted cells may also promote reorganization of the spinal cord segmental circuitry, possibly leading to improved motor function.

Stem cells are capable of differentiating into a variety of different cell types, and if the architecture of damaged tendon is restored, it would improve the management of patients with these injuries significantly.

A promising benefit of stem cell therapy is its potential for cardiac tissue regeneration to reverse tissue loss underlying the development of heart failure after cardiac injury. Possible mechanisms of recovery include generation of heart muscle cells, stimulation of new blood vessels growth, secretion of growth factors.

It is a complex and multifarious procedure, with several risks and complications involved and is thus recommended to a few patients when other treatments have failed. Stem Cell therapy is recommended when other treatments fail to give positive results. The best candidates for Stem cell Treatment are those in good health and have stem cells available from a sibling, or any other family member.

India has been recognized as the new medical destination for Stem Cell therapies. Hundreds of international patients from around the world visit to India for high quality medical care at par with developed nations like the US, UK, at the most affordable costs. The Hospitals in India have the most extensive diagnostic and imaging facilities including Asias most advanced MRI and CT technology. India provides services of the most leading doctors and Stem Cell Therapy professionals at reasonable cost budget in the following cities

India offers outstanding Stem Cell Treatment at rates far below that prevailing in USA or other Western countries. Even with travel expenses taken into account, the comprehensive medical tourism packages still provide a savings measured in the thousands of dollars for major procedures. A cost comparison can give you the exact idea about the difference:

There are many reasons for India becoming a popular medical tourism spot is the low cost stem cell treatment in the area. When in contrast to the first world countries like, US and UK, medical care in India costs as much as 60-90% lesser, that makes it a great option for the citizens of those countries to opt for stem cell treatment in India because of availability of quality healthcare in India, affordable prices strategic connectivity, food, zero language barrier and many other reasons.

The maximum number of patients for Stem Cell Treatment comes from Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, USA, UK, Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh

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Stem Cell Treatment/Therapy COST in India| DheerajBojwani.Com

To Read More: Stem Cell Treatment/Therapy COST in India| DheerajBojwani.Com
categoriaIPS Cell Therapy commentoComments Off on Stem Cell Treatment/Therapy COST in India| DheerajBojwani.Com | dataJune 25th, 2018
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Repairing the Damaged Spinal Cord – Scientific American

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Editor's Note: This story, originally printed in the September 1999 issue of Scientific American, is being posted due to a new study showing that nerve cells can be regenerated by knocking out genes that typically inhibit their growth.

For Chinese gymnast Sang Lan, the cause was a highly publicized headfirst fall during warm-ups for the 1998 Goodwill Games. For Richard Castaldo of Littleton, Colo., it was bullets; for onetime football player Dennis Byrd, a 1992 collision on the field; and for a child named Samantha Jennifer Reed, a fall during infancy. Whatever the cause, the outcome of severe damage to the spinal cord is too often the same: full or partial paralysis and loss of sensation below the level of the injury.

Ten years ago doctors had no way of limiting such disability, aside from stabilizing the cord to prevent added destruction, treating infections and prescribing rehabilitative therapy to maximize any remaining capabilities. Nor could they rely on the cord to heal itself. Unlike tissue in the peripheral nervous system, that in the central nervous system (the spinal cord and brain) does not repair itself effectively. Few scientists held out hope that the situation would ever change.

Then, in 1990, a human trial involving multiple research centers revealed that a steroid called methylprednisolone could preserve some motor and sensory function if it was administered at high doses within eight hours after injury. For the first time, a therapy had been proved to reduce dysfunction caused by spinal cord trauma. The improvements were modest, but the success galvanized a search for additional therapies. Since then, many investigatorsincluding us have sought new ideas for treatment in studies of why an initial injury triggers further damage to the spinal cord and why the disrupted tissue fails to reconstruct itself.

In this article we will explain how the rapidly burgeoning knowledge might be harnessed to help people with spinal cord injuries. We should note, however, that workers have also been devising strategies that compensate for cord damage instead of repairing it. In the past two years, for example, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved two electronic systems that regulate muscles by sending electrical signals through implanted wires. One returns certain hand movements (such as grasping a cup or a pen) to patients who have shoulder mobility; another restores a measure of control over the bladder and bowel.

A different approach can also provide grasping ability to certain patients. Surgeons identify tendons that link paralyzed forearm muscles to the bones of the hand, disconnect them from those muscles and connect them to arm muscles regulated by parts of the spine above the injury (and thus still under voluntary control). Further, many clinicians suspect that initiating rehabilitative therapy earlyexercising the limbs almost as soon as the spine is stabilizedmay enhance motor and sensory function in limbs. Those perceptions have not been tested rigorously in people, but animal studies lend credence to them.

The Cord at Work The organ receiving all this attention is no thicker than an inch but is the critical highway of communication between the brain and the rest of the body. The units of communication are the nerve cells (neurons), which consist of a bulbous cell body (home to the nucleus), trees of signal-detecting dendrites, and an axon that extends from the cell body and carries signals to other cells. Axons branch toward their ends and can maintain connections, or synapses, with many cells at once. Some traverse the entire length of the cord.

The soft, jellylike cord has two major systems of neurons. Of these, the descending, motor pathways control both smooth muscles of internal organs and striated muscles; they also help to modulate the actions of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates blood pressure, temperature and the bodys circulatory response to stress. The descending pathways begin with neurons in the brain, which send electrical signals to specific levels, or segments, of the cord. Neurons in those segments then convey the impulses outward beyond the cord.

The other main system of neurons the ascending, sensory pathwaystransmit sensory signals received from the extremities and organs to specific segments of the cord and then up to the brain. Those signals originate with specialized, transducer cells, such as sensors in the skin that detect changes in the environment or cells that monitor the state of internal organs. The cord also contains neuronal circuits (such as those involved in reflexes and certain aspects of walking) that can be activated by incoming sensory signals without input from the brain, although they can be influenced by messages from the brain.

The cell bodies in the trunk of the cord reside in a gray, butterfly-shaped core that spans the length of the spinal cord. The ascending and descending axonal fibers travel in a surrounding area known as the white matter, so called because the axons are wrapped in myelin, a white insulating material. Both regions also house glial cells, which help neurons to survive and work properly. The glia include star-shaped astrocytes, microglia (small cells that resemble components of the immune system) and oligodendrocytes, the myelin producers. Each oligodendrocyte myelinates as many as 40 different axons simultaneously.

The precise nature of a spinal cord injury can vary from person to person. Nevertheless, certain commonalities can be discerned.

When Injury Strikes When a fall or some other force fractures or dislocates the spinal column, the vertebral bones that normally enclose and protect the cord can crush it, mechanically killing and damaging axons. Occasionally, only the gray matter in the damaged area is significantly disrupted. If the injury ended there, muscular and sensory disturbances would be confined to tissues that send input to or receive it from neurons in the affected level of the cord, without much disturbing function below that level.

For instance, if only the gray matter were affected, a cervical 8 (C8) lesion involving the cord segment where the nerves labeled C8 originatewould paralyze the hands without impeding walking or control over the bowel and bladder. No signals would go out to, or be received from, the tissues connected to the C8 nerves, but the axons conveying signals up and down the surrounding white matter would keep working.

In contrast, if all the white matter in the same cord segment were destroyed, the injury would now interrupt the vertical signals, stopping messages that originated in the brain from traveling below the damaged area and blocking the flow to the brain of sensory signals coming from below the wound. The person would become paralyzed in the hands and lower limbs and would lose control over urination and defecation.

Sadly, the initial insult is only the beginning of the trouble. The early mechanical injury triggers a second wave of damageone that, over the subsequent minutes, hours and days, progressively enlarges the lesion and thus the extent of functional impairment. This secondary spread tends to occur longitudinally through the gray matter at first before expanding into the white matter (roughly resembling the inflation of a footballshaped balloon). Eventually the destruction can encompass several spinal segments above and below the original wound.

The end result is a complex state of disrepair. Axons that have been damaged become useless stumps, connected to nothing, and their severed terminals disintegrate. Often many axons remain intact but are rendered useless by loss of their insulating myelin. A fluid-filled cavity, or cyst, sits where neurons, other cells and axons used to be. And glial cells proliferate abnormally, creating clusters termed glial scars. Together the cyst and scars pose a formidable barrier to any cut axons that might somehow try to regrow and connect to cells they once innervated. A few axons may remain whole, myelinated and able to carry signals up or down the spine, but often their numbers are too small to convey useful directives to the brain or muscles.

First, Contain the Damage If all these changes had to be fully reversed to help patients, the prospects for new treatments would be grim. Fortunately, it appears that salvaging normal activity in as little as 10 percent of the standard axon complement would sometimes make walking possible for people who would otherwise lack that capacity. In addition, lowering the level of injury by just a single segment (about half an inch) can make an important difference to a persons quality of life. People with a C6 injury have no power over their arms, save some ability to move their shoulders and flex their elbows. But individuals with a lower, C7 injury can move the shoulders and elbow joints and extend the wrists; with training and sometimes a tendon transfer, they can make some use of their arms and hands.

Because so much damage arises after the initial injury, clarifying how that secondary destruction occurs and blocking those processes are critical. The added wreckage has been found to result from many interacting mechanisms.

Within minutes of the trauma, small hemorrhages from broken blood vessels appear, and the spinal cord swells. The blood vessel damage and swelling prevent the normal delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells, causing many of them to starve to death.

Meanwhile damaged cells, axons and blood vessels release toxic chemicals that go to work on intact neighboring cells. One of these chemicals in particular triggers a highly disruptive process known as excitotoxicity. In the healthy cord the end tips of many axons secrete minute amounts of glutamate. When this chemical binds to receptors on target neurons, it stimulates those cells to fire impulses. But when spinal neurons, axons or astrocytes are injured, they release a flood of glutamate. The high levels overexcite neighboring neurons, inducing them to admit waves of ions that then trigger a series of destructive events in the cellsincluding production of free radicals. These highly reactive molecules can attack membranes and other components of formerly healthy neurons and kill them.

Until about a year ago, such excitotoxicity, also seen after a stroke, was thought to be lethal to neurons alone, but new results suggest it kills oligodendrocytes (the myelin producers) as well. This effect may help explain why even unsevered axons become demyelinated, and thus unable to conduct impulses, after spinal cord trauma.

Prolonged inflammation, marked by an influx of certain immune system cells, can exacerbate these effects and last for days. Normally, immune cells stay in the blood, unable to enter tissues of the central nervous system. But they can flow in readily where blood vessels are damaged. As they and microglia become activated in response to an injury, the activated cells release still more free radicals and other toxic substances.

Methylprednisolone, the first drug found to limit spinal cord damage in humans, may act in part by reducing swelling, inflammation, the release of glutamate and the accumulation of free radicals. The precise details of how it helps patients remain unclear, however.

Studies of laboratory animals with damaged spinal cords indicate that drugs able to stop cells from responding to excess glutamate could minimize destruction as well. Agents that selectively block glutamate receptors of the so-called AMPA class, a kind abundant on oligodendrocytes and neurons, seem to be particularly effective at limiting the final extent of a lesion and the related disability. Certain AMPA receptor antagonists have already been tested in early human trials as a therapy for stroke, and related compounds could enter safety studies in patients with spinal cord injury within several years.

Much of the early cell loss in the injured spinal cord occurs by necrosis, a process in which cells essentially become passive victims of murder. In the past few years, neurobiologists have also documented a more active form of cell death, somewhat akin to suicide, in the cord. Days or weeks after the initial trauma, a wave of this cell suicide, or apoptosis, frequently sweeps through oligodendrocytes as many as four segments from the trauma site. This discovery, too, has opened new doors for protective therapy. Rats given apoptosisinhibiting drugs retained more ambulatory ability after a traumatic spinal cord injury than did untreated rats.

In the past few years, biologists have identified many substances, called neurotrophic factors, that also promote neuronal and glial cell survival. A related substance, GM-1 ganglioside (Sygen), is now being evaluated for limiting cord injury in humans. Ultimately, interventions for reducing secondary damage in the spinal cord will probably enlist a variety of drugs given at different times to thwart specific mechanisms of death in distinct cell populations.

The best therapy would not only reduce the extent of an injury but also repair damage. A key component of that repair would be stimulating the regeneration of damaged axonsthat is, inducing their elongation and reconnection with appropriate target cells.

Although neurons in the central nervous system of adult mammals generally fail to regenerate damaged axons, this lapse does not stem from an intrinsic property of those cells. Rather the fault lies with shortcomings in their environment. After all, neurons elsewhere in the body and in the immature spinal cord and brain regrow axons readily, and animal experiments have shown that the right environment can induce axons of the spinal cord to extend quite far.

Then, Induce Regeneration One shortcoming of the cord environment turns out to be an overabundance of molecules that actively inhibit axonal regenerationsome of them in myelin. The scientists who discovered these myelin-related inhibitors have produced a molecule named IN-1 (inhibitorneutralizing antibody) that blocks the action of those inhibitors. They have also demonstrated that infusion of mouse-derived IN-1 into the injured rat spinal cord can lead to long-distance regrowth of some interrupted axons. And when pathways controlling front paw activity are severed, treated animals regain some paw motion, whereas untreated animals do not. The rodent antibody would be destroyed by the human immune system, but workers are developing a humanized version for testing in people.

Many other inhibitory molecules have now been found as well, including some produced by astrocytes and a number that reside in the extracellular matrix (the scaffolding between cells). Given this array, it seems likely that combination therapies will be needed to counteract or shut down the production of multiple inhibitors at once.

Beyond removing the brakes on axonal regrowth, a powerful tactic would supply substances that actively promote axonal extension. The search for such factors began with studies of nervous system development. Decades ago scientists isolated nerve growth factor (NGF), a neurotrophic factor that supports the survival and development of the peripheral nervous system. Subsequently, this factor turned out to be part of a family of proteins that both enhance neuronal survival and favor the outgrowth of axons. Many other families of neurotrophic factors with similar talents have been identified as well. For instance, the molecule neurotrophin- 3 (NT-3) selectively encourages the growth of axons that descend into the spinal cord from the brain.

Luckily, adult neurons remain able to respond to axon-regenerating signals from such factors. Obviously, however, natural production of these substances falls far short of the amount needed for spinal cord repair. Indeed, manufacture of some of the compounds apparently declines, instead of rising, for weeks after a spinal trauma occurs. According to a host of animal studies, artificially raising those levels after an injury can enhance regeneration. Some regeneration- promoting neurotrophic factors, such as basic fibroblast growth factor, have been tested in stroke patients. None has been evaluated as an aid to regeneration in people with spinal cord damage, but many are being assessed in animals as a prelude to such studies.

Those considering neurotrophic factors for therapy will have to be sure that the agents do not increase pain, a common long-term complication of spinal cord injury. This pain has many causes, but one is the sprouting of nascent axons where they do not belong (perhaps in a failed attempt to address the injury) and their inappropriate connection to other cells. The brain sometimes misinterprets impulses traveling through those axons as pain signals. Neurotrophic factors can theoretically exacerbate that problem and can also cause pain circuits in the spiral cord and pain-sensing cells in the skin to become oversensitive.

After axons start growing, they will have to be guided to their proper targets, the cells to which they were originally wired. But how? In this case, too, studies of embryonic development have offered clues.

During development, growing axons are led to their eventual targets by molecules that act on the leading tip, or growth cone. In the past five years especially, a startling number of substances that participate in this process have been uncovered. Some, such as a group called netrins, are released or displayed by neurons or glial cells. They beckon axons to grow in some directions and repel growth in others. Additional guidance molecules are fixed components of the extracellular matrix. Certain of the matrix molecules bind well to specific molecules (cell adhesion molecules) on the growth cones and thus provide anchors for growing axons. During development, the required directional molecules are presented to the growth cones in specific sequences.

Establish Proper Connections At the moment, no one knows how to supply all the needed chemical road signs in the right places. But some findings suggest that regeneration may be aided by supplying just a subset of those targeting moleculessay, a selection of netrins and components from the extracellular matrix. Substances already in the spinal cord may well be capable of supplying the rest of the needed guidance.

A different targeting approach aims to bridge the gap created by cord damage. It directs injured axons toward their proper destinations by supplying a conduit through which they can travel or by providing another friendly scaffolding able to give physical support to the fibers as they try to traverse the normally impenetrable cyst. The scaffolding can also serve as a source of growth-promoting chemicals.

For instance, researchers have implanted tubes packed with Schwann cells into the gap where part of the spinal cord was removed in rodents. Schwann cells, which are glia of the peripheral nervous system, were chosen because they have many attributes that favor axonal regeneration. In animal experiments, such grafts spurred some axonal growth into the tubes.

A second bridging material consists of olfactory-ensheathing glial cells, which are found only in the tracts leading from the nose to the olfactory bulbs of the brain. When those cells were put into the rat spinal cord where descending tracts had been cut, the implants spurred partial regrowth of the axons over the implant. Transplanting the olfactory-ensheathing glia with Schwann cells led to still more extensive growth.

In theory, a biopsy could be performed to obtain the needed olfactory ensheathing glia from a patient. But once the properties that enable them (or other cells) to be competent escorts for growing axons are determined, researchers may instead be able to genetically alter other cell types if desired, giving them the required combinations of growthpromoting properties.

Fibroblasts (cells common in connective tissue and the skin) are among those already being engineered to serve as bridges. They have been altered to produce the neurotrophic molecule NT-3 and then transplanted into the cut spinal cord of rodents. The altered fibroblasts have resulted in partial regrowth of axons. Along with encouraging axonal regrowth, NT-3 stimulates remyelination. In these studies the genetically altered fibroblasts have enhanced myelination of regenerated axons and improved hind limb activity.

Replace Lost Cells Other transplantation schemes would implant cells that normally occur in the central nervous system. In addition to serving as bridges and potentially releasing proteins helpful for axonal regeneration, certain of these grafts might be able to replace cells that have died.

Transplantation of tissue from the fetal central nervous system has produced a number of exciting results in animals treated soon after a trauma. This immature tissue can give rise to new neurons, complete with axons that travel long distances into the recipients tissues (up and down several segments in the spinal cord or out to the periphery). It can also prompt host neurons to send regenerating axons into the implanted tissue. In addition, transplant recipients, unlike untreated animals, may recover some limb function, such as the ability to move the paw in useful ways. What is more, studies of fetal tissue implants suggest that axons can at times find appropriate targets even in the absence of externally supplied guidance molecules. The transplants, however, are far more effective in the immature spinal cord than in the injured adult cordan indication that young children would probably respond to such therapy much better than adolescents or adults would.

Some patients with long-term spinal cord injuries have received human fetal tissue transplants, but too little information is available so far for drawing any conclusions. In any case, application of fetal tissue technology in humans will almost surely be limited by ethical dilemmas and a lack of donor tissue. Therefore, other ways of achieving the same results will have to be devised. Among the alternatives is transplanting stem cells: immature cells that are capable of dividing endlessly, of making exact replicas of themselves and also of spawning a range of more specialized cell types.

Various kinds of stem cells have been identified, including ones that generate all the cell types in the blood system, the skin, or the spinal cord and brain. Stem cells found in the human adult central nervous system have, moreover, been shown capable of producing neurons and all their accompanying glia, although these so-called neural stem cells seem to be quiescent in most regions of the system. In 1998 a few laboratories also obtained much more versatile stem cells from human tissue. These human embryonic stem cells (in common with embryonic stem cells obtained previously from other vertebrates) can be grown in culture and, in theory, can yield almost all the cell types in the body, including those of the spinal cord.

Stem Cell Strategies How might stem cells aid in spinal cord repair? A great deal will be possible once biologists learn how to obtain those cells readily from a patient and how to control the cells differentiation. Notably, physicians might be able to withdraw neural stem cells from a patients brain or spinal cord, expand the numbers of the still undifferentiated cells in the laboratory and place the enlarged population in the same persons cord with no fear that the immune system will reject the implant as foreign. Or they might begin with frozen human embryonic stem cells, coax those cells to become precursors, or progenitors, of spinal cells and implant a large population of the precursors. Studies proposing to examine the effects on patients with spinal cord injuries of transplanting neural stem cells (isolated from the patients brains by biopsy) are being considered.

Simply implanting progenitor cells into the cord may be enough to prod them to multiply and differentiate into the needed lineages and thus to replace useful numbers of lost neurons and glial cells and establish the proper synaptic connections between neurons. Stem cells transplanted into the normal and injured nervous systems of animals can form neurons and glia appropriate for the region of transplantation. Combined with the fetal tissue results, this outcome signifies that many important cues for differentiation and targeting preexist in the injured nervous system. But if extra help is needed, scientists might be able to deliver it through genetic engineering. As a rule, to be genetically altered easily, cells have to be able to divide. Stem cells, unlike mature neurons, fit that bill.

Scenarios involving stem cell transplants are admittedly futuristic, but one day they themselves may become unnecessary, replaced by gene therapy alone. Delivery of genes into surviving cells in the spinal cord could enable those cells to manufacture and release a steady supply of proteins able to induce stem cell proliferation, to enhance cell differentiation and survival, and to promote axonal regeneration, guidance and remyelination. For now, though, technology for delivering genes to the central nervous system and for ensuring that the genes survive and work properly is still being refined.

Until, and even after, cell transplants and gene therapies become commonplace for coping with spinal cord injury, patients might gain help through a different avenuedrugs that restore signal conduction in axons quieted by demyelination. Ongoing clinical tests are evaluating the ability of a drug called 4-aminopyridine to compensate for demyelination. This agent temporarily blocks potassium ion channels in axonal membranes and, in so doing, allows axons to transmit electrical signals past zones of demyelination. Some patients receiving the drug have demonstrated modest improvement in sensory or motor function.

At first glance, this therapy might seem like a good way to treat multiple sclerosis, which destroys the myelin around axons of neurons in the central nervous system. Patients with this disease are prone to seizures, however, and 4-aminopyridine can exacerbate that tendency.

Neurotrophic factors, such as NT-3, that can stimulate remyelination of axons in animals could be considered for therapy as well. NT-3 is already entering extensive (phase III) trials in humans with spinal cord injury, though not to restore myelin. It will be administered by injection in amounts capable of acting on nerves in the gut and of enhancing bowel function, but the doses will be too low to yield high concentrations in the central nervous system. If the drug proves to be safe in this trial, though, that success could pave the way for human tests of doses large enough to enhance myelination or regeneration.

The Years Ahead Clearly, the 1990s have seen impressive advances in understanding of spinal cord injury and the controls on neuronal growth. Like axons inching toward their targets, a growing number of investigators are pushing their way through the envelope of discovery and generating a rational game plan for treating such damage. That approach will involve delivery of multiple therapies in an orderly sequence. Some treatments will combat secondary injury, some will encourage axonal regrowth or remyelination, and some will replace lost cells.

When will the new ideas become real treatments? We wish we had an answer. Drugs that work well in animals do not always prove useful in people, and those that show promise in small human trials do not always pan out when examined more extensively. It is nonetheless encouraging that at least two human trials are now under way and that others could start in the next several years.

Limiting an injury will be easier than reversing it, and so treatments for ameliorating the secondary damage that follows acute trauma can be expected to enter human testing most quickly. Of the repair strategies, promoting remyelination will be the simplest to accomplish, because all it demands is the recoating of intact axons. Remyelination strategies have the potential to produce meaningful recovery of function, such as returning control over the bladder or bowel abilities that uninjured people take for granted but that would mean the world to those with spinal cord injuries.

Of course, tendon-transfer surgery and advanced electrical devices can already restore important functions in some patients. Yet for many people, a return of independence in daily activities will depend on reconstruction of damaged tissue through the regrowth of injured axons and the reconnection of disrupted pathways.

So far, few interventions in animals with well-established spinal cord injuries have achieved the magnitude of regrowth and synapse formation that would be needed to provide a hand grasp or the ability to stand and walk in human adults with long-term damage. Because of the great complexities and difficulties involved in those aspects of cord repair, we cannot guess when reconstructive therapies might begin to become available. But we anticipate continued progress toward that end.

Traditionally, medical care for patients with spinal cord injury has emphasized compensatory strategies that maximize use of any residual cord function. That focus is now expanding, as treatments designed to repair the damaged cord and restore lost functionscience fiction only a decade agoare becoming increasingly plausible.

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Repairing the Damaged Spinal Cord - Scientific American

To Read More: Repairing the Damaged Spinal Cord – Scientific American
categoriaSpinal Cord Stem Cells commentoComments Off on Repairing the Damaged Spinal Cord – Scientific American | dataJune 21st, 2018
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Mending a Broken Heart: Stem Cells and Cardiac Repair …

By Sykes24Tracey

Charles A. Goldthwaite, Jr., Ph.D.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, and congestive heart failure (CHF), has ranked as the number one cause of death in the United States every year since 1900 except 1918, when the nation struggled with an influenza epidemic.1 In 2002, CVD claimed roughly as many lives as cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, accidents, diabetes mellitus, influenza, and pneumonia combined. According to data from the 19992002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CVD caused approximately 1.4 million deaths (38.0 percent of all deaths) in the U.S. in 2002. Nearly 2600 Americans die of CVD each day, roughly one death every 34 seconds. Moreover, within a year of diagnosis, one in five patients with CHF will die. CVD also creates a growing economic burden; the total health care cost of CVD in 2005 was estimated at $393.5 billion dollars.

Given the aging of the U.S. population and the relatively dramatic recent increases in the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity and type 2 diabetes,2,3 CVD will continue to be a significant health concern well into the 21st century. However, improvements in the acute treatment of heart attacks and an increasing arsenal of drugs have facilitated survival. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 7.1 million people have survived a heart attack, while 4.9 million live with CHF.1 These trends suggest an unmet need for therapies to regenerate or repair damaged cardiac tissue.

Ischemic heart failure occurs when cardiac tissue is deprived of oxygen. When the ischemic insult is severe enough to cause the loss of critical amounts of cardiac muscle cells (cardiomyocytes), this loss initiates a cascade of detrimental events, including formation of a non-contractile scar, ventricular wall thinning (see Figure 6.1), an overload of blood flow and pressure, ventricular remodeling (the overstretching of viable cardiac cells to sustain cardiac output), heart failure, and eventual death.4 Restoring damaged heart muscle tissue, through repair or regeneration, therefore represents a fundamental mechanistic strategy to treat heart failure. However, endogenous repair mechanisms, including the proliferation of cardiomyocytes under conditions of severe blood vessel stress or vessel formation and tissue generation via the migration of bone-marrow-derived stem cells to the site of damage, are in themselves insufficient to restore lost heart muscle tissue (myocardium) or cardiac function.5 Current pharmacologic interventions for heart disease, including beta-blockers, diuretics, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and surgical treatment options, such as changing the shape of the left ventricle and implanting assistive devices such as pacemakers or defibrillators, do not restore function to damaged tissue. Moreover, while implantation of mechanical ventricular assist devices can provide long-term improvement in heart function, complications such as infection and blood clots remain problematic.6 Although heart transplantation offers a viable option to replace damaged myocardium in selected individuals, organ availability and transplant rejection complications limit the widespread practical use of this approach.

Figure 6.1. Normal vs. Infarcted Heart. The left ventricle has a thick muscular wall, shown in cross-section in A. After a myocardial infarction (heart attack), heart muscle cells in the left ventricle are deprived of oxygen and die (B), eventually causing the ventricular wall to become thinner (C).

2007 Terese Winslow

The difficulty in regenerating damaged myocardial tissue has led researchers to explore the application of embryonic and adult-derived stem cells for cardiac repair. A number of stem cell types, including embryonic stem (ES) cells, cardiac stem cells that naturally reside within the heart, myoblasts (muscle stem cells), adult bone marrow-derived cells, mesenchymal cells (bone marrow-derived cells that give rise to tissues such as muscle, bone, tendons, ligaments, and adipose tissue), endothelial progenitor cells (cells that give rise to the endothelium, the interior lining of blood vessels), and umbilical cord blood cells, have been investigated to varying extents as possible sources for regenerating damaged myocardium. All have been tested in mouse or rat models, and some have been tested in large animal models such as pigs. Preliminary clinical data for many of these cell types have also been gathered in selected patient populations.

However, clinical trials to date using stem cells to repair damaged cardiac tissue vary in terms of the condition being treated, the method of cell delivery, and the primary outcome measured by the study, thus hampering direct comparisons between trials.7 Some patients who have received stem cells for myocardial repair have reduced cardiac blood flow (myocardial ischemia), while others have more pronounced congestive heart failure and still others are recovering from heart attacks. In some cases, the patient's underlying condition influences the way that the stem cells are delivered to his/her heart (see the section, quot;Methods of Cell Deliveryquot; for details). Even among patients undergoing comparable procedures, the clinical study design can affect the reporting of results. Some studies have focused on safety issues and adverse effects of the transplantation procedures; others have assessed improvements in ventricular function or the delivery of arterial blood. Furthermore, no published trial has directly compared two or more stem cell types, and the transplanted cells may be autologous (i.e., derived from the person on whom they are used) or allogeneic (i.e., originating from another person) in origin. Finally, most of these trials use unlabeled cells, making it difficult for investigators to follow the cells' course through the body after transplantation (see the section quot;Considerations for Using These Stem Cells in the Clinical Settingquot; at the end of this article for more details).

Despite the relative infancy of this field, initial results from the application of stem cells to restore cardiac function have been promising. This article will review the research supporting each of the aforementioned cell types as potential source materials for myocardial regeneration and will conclude with a discussion of general issues that relate to their clinical application.

In 2001, Menasche, described the successful implantation of autologous skeletal myoblasts (cells that divide to repair and/or increase the size of voluntary muscles) into the post-infarction scar of a patient with severe ischemic heart failure who was undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery.8 Following the procedure, the researchers used imaging techniques to observe the heart's muscular wall and to assess its ability to beat. When they examined patients 5 months after treatment, they concluded that treated hearts pumped blood more efficiently and seemed to demonstrate improved tissue health. This case study suggested that stem cells may represent a viable resource for treating ischemic heart failure, spawning several dozen clinical studies of stem cell therapy for cardiac repair (see Boyle, for a complete list) and inspiring the development of Phase I and Phase II clinical trials. These trials have revealed the complexity of using stem cells for cardiac repair, and considerations for using stem cells in the clinical setting are discussed in a subsequent section of this report.

The mechanism by which stem cells promote cardiac repair remains controversial, and it is likely that the cells regenerate myocardium through several pathways. Initially, scientists believed that transplanted cells differentiated into cardiac cells, blood vessels, or other cells damaged by CVD.911 However, this model has been recently supplanted by the idea that transplanted stem cells release growth factors and other molecules that promote blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) or stimulate quot;residentquot; cardiac stem cells to repair damage.1214 Additional mechanisms for stem-cell mediated heart repair, including strengthening of the post-infarct scar15 and the fusion of donor cells with host cardiomyocytes,16 have also been proposed.

Regardless of which mechanism(s) will ultimately prove to be the most significant in stem-cell mediated cardiac repair, cells must be successfully delivered to the site of injury to maximize the restored function. In preliminary clinical studies, researchers have used several approaches to deliver stem cells. Common approaches include intravenous injection and direct infusion into the coronary arteries. These methods can be used in patients whose blood flow has been restored to their hearts after a heart attack, provided that they do not have additional cardiac dysfunction that results in total occlusion or poor arterial flow.12, 17 Of these two methods, intracoronary infusion offers the advantage of directed local delivery, thereby increasing the number of cells that reach the target tissue relative to the number that will home to the heart once they have been placed in the circulation. However, these strategies may be of limited benefit to those who have poor circulation, and stem cells are often injected directly into the ventricular wall of these patients. This endomyocardial injection may be carried out either via a catheter or during open-heart surgery.18

To determine the ideal site to inject stem cells, doctors use mapping or direct visualization to identify the locations of scars and viable cardiac tissue. Despite improvements in delivery efficiency, however, the success of these methods remains limited by the death of the transplanted cells; as many as 90% of transplanted cells die shortly after implantation as a result of physical stress, myocardial inflammation, and myocardial hypoxia.4 Timing of delivery may slow the rate of deterioration of tissue function, although this issue remains a hurdle for therapeutic approaches.

Embryonic and adult stem cells have been investigated to regenerate damaged myocardial tissue in animal models and in a limited number of clinical studies. A brief review of work to date and specific considerations for the application of various cell types will be discussed in the following sections.

Because ES cells are pluripotent, they can potentially give rise to the variety of cell types that are instrumental in regenerating damaged myocardium, including cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. To this end, mouse and human ES cells have been shown to differentiate spontaneously to form endothelial and smooth muscle cells in vitro19 and in vivo,20,21 and human ES cells differentiate into myocytes with the structural and functional properties of cardiomyocytes.2224 Moreover, ES cells that were transplanted into ischemically-injured myocardium in rats differentiated into normal myocardial cells that remained viable for up to four months,25 suggesting that these cells may be candidates for regenerative therapy in humans.

However, several key hurdles must be overcome before human ES cells can be used for clinical applications. Foremost, ethical issues related to embryo access currently limit the avenues of investigation. In addition, human ES cells must go through rigorous testing and purification procedures before the cells can be used as sources to regenerate tissue. First, researchers must verify that their putative ES cells are pluripotent. To prove that they have established a human ES cell line, researchers inject the cells into immunocompromised mice; i.e., mice that have a dysfunctional immune system. Because the injected cells cannot be destroyed by the mouse's immune system, they survive and proliferate. Under these conditions, pluripotent cells will form a teratoma, a multi-layered, benign tumor that contains cells derived from all three embryonic germ layers. Teratoma formation indicates that the stem cells have the capacity to give rise to all cell types in the body.

The pluripotency of ES cells can complicate their clinical application. While undifferentiated ES cells may possibly serve as sources of specific cell populations used in myocardial repair, it is essential that tight quality control be maintained with respect to the differentiated cells. Any differentiated cells that would be used to regenerate heart tissue must be purified before transplantation can be considered. If injected regenerative cells are accidentally contaminated with undifferentiated ES cells, a tumor could possibly form as a result of the cell transplant.4 However, purification methodologies continue to improve; one recent report describes a method to identify and select cardiomyocytes during human ES cell differentiation that may make these cells a viable option in the future.26

This concern illustrates the scientific challenges that accompany the use of all human stem cells, whether derived from embryonic or adult tissues. Predictable control of cell proliferation and differentiation requires additional basic research on the molecular and genetic signals that regulate cell division and specialization. Furthermore, long-term cell stability must be well understood before human ES-derived cells can be used in regenerative medicine. The propensity for genetic mutation in the human ES cells must be determined, and the survival of differentiated, ES-derived cells following transplantation must be assessed. Furthermore, once cells have been transplanted, undesirable interactions between the host tissue and the injected cells must be minimized. Cells or tissues derived from ES cells that are currently available for use in humans are not tissue-matched to patients and thus would require immunosuppression to limit immune rejection.18

While skeletal myoblasts (SMs) are committed progenitors of skeletal muscle cells, their autologous origin, high proliferative potential, commitment to a myogenic lineage, and resistance to ischemia promoted their use as the first stem cell type to be explored extensively for cardiac application. Studies in rats and humans have demonstrated that these cells can repopulate scar tissue and improve left ventricular function following transplantation.27 However, SM-derived cardiomyocytes do not function in complete concert with native myocardium. The expression of two key proteins involved in electromechanical cell integration, N-cadherin and connexin 43, are downregulated in vivo,28 and the engrafted cells develop a contractile activity phenotype that appears to be unaffected by neighboring cardiomyocytes.29

To date, the safety and feasibility of transplanting SM cells have been explored in a series of small studies enrolling a collective total of nearly 100 patients. Most of these procedures were carried out during open-heart surgery, although a couple of studies have investigated direct myocardial injection and transcoronary administration. Sustained ventricular tachycardia, a life-threatening arrhythmia and unexpected side-effect, occurred in early implantation studies, possibly resulting from the lack of electrical coupling between SM-derived cardiomyocytes and native tissue.30,31 Changes in preimplantation protocols have minimized the occurrence of arrhythmias in conjunction with the use of SM cells, and Phase II studies of skeletal myoblast therapy are presently underway.

In 2001, Jackson, demonstrated that cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells could be regenerated in a mouse heart attack model through the introduction of adult mouse bone marrow-derived stem cells.9 That same year, Orlic and colleagues showed that direct injection of mouse bone marrow-derived cells into the damaged ventricular wall following an induced heart attack led to the formation of new cardiomyocytes, vascular endothelium, and smooth muscle cells.11 Nine days after transplanting the stem cells, the newly-formed myocardium occupied nearly 70 percent of the damaged portion of the ventricle, and survival rates were greater in mice that received these cells than in those that did not. While several subsequent studies have questioned whether these cells actually differentiate into cardiomyocytes,32,33 the evidence to support their ability to prevent remodeling has been demonstrated in many laboratories.7

Based on these findings, researchers have investigated the potential of human adult bone marrow as a source of stem cells for cardiac repair. Adult bone marrow contains several stem cell populations, including hematopoietic stem cells (which differentiate into all of the cellular components of blood), endothelial progenitor cells, and mesenchymal stem cells; successful application of these cells usually necessitates isolating a particular cell type on the basis of its' unique cell-surface receptors. In the past three years, the transplantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNCs), a mixed population of blood and cells that includes stem and progenitor cells, has been explored in more patients and clinical studies of cardiac repair than any other type of stem cell.7

The results from clinical studies of BMMNC transplantation have been promising but mixed. However, it should be noted that these studies have been conducted under a variety of conditions, thereby hampering direct comparison. The cells have been delivered via open-heart surgery and endomyocardial and intracoronary catheterization. Several studies, including the Bone Marrow Transfer to Enhance ST-Elevation Infarct Regeneration (BOOST) and the Transplantation of Progenitor Cells and Regeneration Enhancement in Acute Myocardial Infarction (TOPCARE-AMI) trials, have shown that intracoronary infusion of BMMNCs following a heart attack significantly improves the left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction, or the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with each heartbeat.3436 However, other studies have indicated either no improvement in LV ejection fraction upon treatment37 or an increased LV ejection fraction in the control group.38 An early study that used endomyocardial injection to enhance targeted delivery indicated a significant improvement in overall LV function.39 Discrepancies such as these may reflect differences in cell preparation protocols or baseline patient statistics. As larger trials are developed, these issues can be explored more systematically.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are precursors of non-hematopoietic tissues (e.g., muscle, bone, tendons, ligaments, adipose tissue, and fibroblasts) that are obtained relatively easily from autologous bone marrow. They remain multipotent following expansion in vitro, exhibit relatively low immunogenicity, and can be frozen easily. While these properties make the cells amenable to preparation and delivery protocols, scientists can also culture them under special conditions to differentiate them into cells that resemble cardiac myocytes. This property enables their application to cardiac regeneration. MSCs differentiate into endothelial cells when cultured with vascular endothelial growth factor40 and cardiomyogenic (CMG) cells when treated with the dna-demethylating agent, 5-azacytidine.41 More important, however, is the observation that MSCs can differentiate into cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells in vivo when transplanted to the heart following myocardial infarct (MI) or non-injury in pig, mouse, or rat models.4245 Additionally, the ability of MSCs to restore functionality may be enhanced by the simultaneous transplantation of other stem cell types.43

Several animal model studies have shown that treatment with MSCs significantly increases myocardial function and capillary formation.5,41 One advantage of using these cells in human studies is their low immunogenicity; allogeneic MSCs injected into infarcted myocardium in a pig model regenerated myocardium and reduced infarct size without evidence of rejection.46 A randomized clinical trial implanting MSCs after MI has demonstrated significant improvement in global and regional LV function,47 and clinical trials are currently underway to investigate the application of allogeneic and autologous MSCs for acute MI and myocardial ischemia, respectively.

Recent evidence suggests that the heart contains a small population of endogenous stem cells that most likely facilitate minor repair and turnover-mediated cell replacement.7 These cells have been isolated and characterized in mouse, rat, and human tissues.48,49 The cells can be harvested in limited quantity from human endomyocardial biopsy specimens50 and can be injected into the site of infarction to promote cardiomyocyte formation and improvements in systolic function.49 Separation and expansion ex vivo over a period of weeks are necessary to obtain sufficient quantities of these cells for experimental purposes. However, their potential as a convenient resource for autologous stem cell therapy has led the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to fund forthcoming clinical trials that will explore the use of cardiac stem cells for myocardial regeneration.

The endothelium is a layer of specialized cells that lines the interior surface of all blood vessels (including the heart). This layer provides an interface between circulating blood and the vessel wall. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are bone marrow-derived stem cells that are recruited into the peripheral blood in response to tissue ischemia.4 EPCs are precursor cells that express some cell-surface markers characteristic of mature endothelium and some of hematopoietic cells.19,5153 EPCs home in on ischemic areas, where they differentiate into new blood vessels; following a heart attack, intravenously injected EPCs home to the damaged region within 48 hours.12 The new vascularization induced by these cells prevents cardiomyocyte apoptosis (programmed cell death) and LV remodeling, thereby preserving ventricular function.13 However, no change has been observed in non-infarcted regions upon EPC administration. Clinical trials are currently underway to assess EPC therapy for growing new blood vessels and regenerating myocardium.

Several other cell populations, including umbilical cord blood (UCB) stem cells, fibroblasts (cells that synthesize the extracellular matrix of connective tissues), and peripheral blood CD34+ cells, have potential therapeutic uses for regenerating cardiac tissue. Although these cell types have not been investigated in clinical trials of heart disease, preliminary studies in animal models indicate several potential applications in humans.

Umbilical cord blood contains enriched populations of hematopoietic stem cells and mesencyhmal precursor cells relative to the quantities present in adult blood or bone marrow.54,55 When injected intravenously into the tail vein in a mouse model of MI, human mononuclear UCB cells formed new blood vessels in the infarcted heart.56 A human DNA assay was used to determine the migration pattern of the cells after injection; although they homed only to injured areas within the heart, they were also detected in the marrow, spleen, and liver. When injected directly into the infarcted area in a rat model of MI, human mononuclear UCB cells improved ventricular function.57 Staining for CD34 and other markers found on the cell surface of hematopoietic stem cells indicated that some of the cells survived in the myocardium. Results similar to these have been observed following the injection of human unrestricted somatic stem cells from UCB into a pig MI model.58

Adult peripheral blood CD34+ cells offer the advantage of being obtained relatively easily from autologous sources.59 Although some studies using a mouse model of MI claim that these cells can transdifferentiate into cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells at the site of tissue injury,60 this conclusion is highly contested. Recent studies that involve the direct injection of blood-borne or bone marrow-derived hematopoietic stem cells into the infarcted region of a mouse model of MI found no evidence of myocardial regeneration following injection of either cell type.33 Instead, these hematopoietic stem cells followed traditional differentiation patterns into blood cells within the microenvironment of the injured heart. Whether these cells will ultimately find application in myocardial regeneration remains to be determined.

Autologous fibroblasts offer a different strategy to combat myocardial damage by replacing scar tissue with a more elastic, muscle-like tissue and inhibiting host matrix degradation.4 The cells may be manipulated to express muscle-specific transcription factors that promote their differentiation into myotubes such as those derived from skeletal myoblasts.61 One month after these cells were implanted into the post-infarction scar in a rat model of MI, they occupied a large portion of the scar but were not functionally integrated.61 Although the effects on ventricular function were not evaluated in this study, authors noted that modified autologous fibroblasts may ultimately prove useful in elderly patients who have a limited population of autologous skeletal myoblasts or bone marrow stem cells.

As these examples indicate, many types of stem cells have been applied to regenerate damaged myocardium. In select applications, stem cells have demonstrated sufficient promise to warrant further exploration in large-scale, controlled clinical trials. However, the current breadth of application of these cells has made it difficult to compare and contextualize the results generated by the various trials. Most studies published to date have enrolled fewer than 25 patients, and the studies vary in terms of cell types and preparations used, methods of delivery, patient populations, and trial outcomes. However, the mixed results that have been observed in these studies do not necessarily argue against using stem cells for cardiac repair. Rather, preliminary results illuminate the many gaps in understanding of the mechanisms by which these cells regenerate myocardial tissue and argue for improved characterization of cell preparations and delivery methods to support clinical applications.

Future clinical trials that use stem cells for myocardial repair must address two concerns that accompany the delivery of these cells: 1) safety and 2) tracking the cells to their ultimate destination(s). Although stem cells appear to be relatively safe in the majority of recipients to date, an increased frequency of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, an arrhythmia, has been reported in conjunction with the use of skeletal myoblasts.30,6264 While this proarrhythmic effect occurs relatively early after cell delivery and does not appear to be permanent, its presence highlights the need for careful safety monitoring when these cells are used. Additionally, animal models have demonstrated that stem cells rapidly diffuse from the heart to other organs (e.g., lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen) within a few hours of transplantation,65,66 an effect observed regardless of whether the cells are injected locally into the myocardium. This migration may or may not cause side-effects in patients; however, it remains a concern related to the delivery of stem cells in humans. (Note: Techniques to label stem cells for tracking purposes and to assess their safety are discussed in more detail in other articles in this publication).

In addition to safety and tracking, several logistical issues must also be addressed before stem cells can be used routinely in the clinic. While cell tracking methodologies allow researchers to determine migration patterns, the stem cells must target their desired destination(s) and be retained there for a sufficient amount of time to achieve benefit. To facilitate targeting and enable clinical use, stem cells must be delivered easily and efficiently to their sites of application. Finally, the ease by which the cells can be obtained and the cost of cell preparation will also influence their transition to the clinic.

The evidence to date suggests that stem cells hold promise as a therapy to regenerate damaged myocardium. Given the worldwide prevalence of cardiac dysfunction and the limited availability of tissue for cardiac transplantation, stem cells could ultimately fulfill a large-scale unmet clinical need and improve the quality of life for millions of people with CVD. However, the use of these cells in this setting is currently in its infancymuch remains to be learned about the mechanisms by which stem cells repair and regenerate myocardium, the optimal cell types and modes of their delivery, and the safety issues that will accompany their use. As the results of large-scale clinical trials become available, researchers will begin to identify ways to standardize and optimize the use of these cells, thereby providing clinicians with powerful tools to mend a broken heart.

Chapter 5|Table of Contents|Chapter 7

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Mending a Broken Heart: Stem Cells and Cardiac Repair ...

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Combination of Mesenchymal and C-kit+ Cardiac Stem Cells …


Brief Summary:

This is a phase II, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial designed to assess feasibility, safety, and effect of autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and c-kit+ cardiac stem cells (CSCs) both alone and in combination (Combo), compared to placebo (cell-free Plasmalyte-A medium) as well as each other, administered by transendocardial injection in subjects with ischemic cardiomyopathy.

This is a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial designed to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and effect of Combo, MSCs alone, and CSCs alone compared with placebo as well as each other in subjects with heart failure of ischemic etiology. Following a successful lead-in phase, a total of one hundred forty-four (144) subjects will be randomized (1:1:1:1) to receive Combo, MSCs, CSCs, or placebo. After randomization, baseline imaging, relevant harvest procedures, and study product injection, subjects will be followed up at 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months post study product injection. All subjects will receive study product injection (cells or placebo) using the NOGA XP Mapping and Navigation System. Subjects will have delayed-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DEMRI) scans to assess scar size and LV function and structure at baseline and at 6 and 12 months post study product administration. All endpoints will be assessed at the 6 and 12 month visits which will occur 180 30 days and 365 30 days respectively from the day of study product injection (Day 0). For the purpose of the endpoint analysis and safety evaluations, the Investigators will utilize an "intention-to-treat" study population, however an as treated analysis will also be conducted.

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Combination of Mesenchymal and C-kit+ Cardiac Stem Cells ...

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iPS Cell Therapy – Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy

By Dr. Matthew Watson

iPS Cells and Therapeutic Applications for Duchenne

We are currently in the optimization/validation phase of pre-clinical development.

This research is being done in the lab of Dr. Rita Perlingeiro at the University of Minnesota, in partnership with the University of Minnesota Center for Translational Medicine and the Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics Facility. This work is currently funded by the Department of Defense (DoD).

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) are adult cells that have been reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state.There has been tremendous excitement for the therapeutic potential of iPS cells in treating genetic diseases. Our current research builds on our successful proof-of-principle studies for Duchenne performed with mouse wild-type and dystrophic iPS cells as well as control (healthy) human iPS cells. These studies demonstrate equivalent functional myogenic engraftment to that observed with their embryonic counterparts following their transplantation into dystrophic mice.

Our goal now is to apply this technology to clinical grade GMP-compliant iPS cells, and generate a cell product, iPS-derived myogenic progenitors, that can be delivered to muscular dystrophy patients.

Optimization of methodology, characterization of cell product, scalability with GMP-compliant method, followed by safety and efficacy studies. Once these have been achieved, we will be ready to move into a clinical trial.

2-3 years (it depends largely on how much funding we have available to conduct these studies).

University of Minnesota

In the first phase, adults with confirmed diagnosis of Duchenne (> 18 years old).

You can learn more about this research at the website for Dr. Perlingeiros lab: will post all clinical trials once they are actively recruiting patients.

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iPS Cell Therapy - Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy

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Next Steps for Cardiac Stem Cells – MedStar Heart …

By Sykes24Tracey

To determine why the first stem cell trials were not providing the anticipated therapeutic potential, all variables, such as which stem cells were used, and how they were developed and administered, were open to consideration, says Dr. Epstein.

A key issue was the use of autologous stem cells in all previous studies. Studies demonstrated these old stem cells are functionally defective when compared to stem cells obtained from young healthy individuals. So harvesting a healthy young donors bone marrow and growing the resident stem cells might produce more robust cells.

However, giving a patient allogenic stem cells raised an important issue: whether such cells will be rejected by an immune response. But research showed mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), a type of adult stem cell, have been designed by nature to be stealth bombers, explainsDr. Epstein. They express molecules on their surface that prevent the body from recognizing the cells as foreign, so the patient does not reject the donated MSCs.

To further explore and refine potential stem cell cardiovascular therapies, MHVI expanded the translational research team to include Michael Lipinski, MD, PhD, an expert in molecular biology and scientific lead for preclinical research at the MedStar Cardiovascular Research Network, and Dror Luger, PhD, an expert in immunology and inflammatory responses. By bringing together these diverse areas of expertise, we forged a team with the potential to produce research that could lead to important breakthroughs in understanding how stem cells might work and thereby provide more successful treatment of patients with cardiac disease, says Dr. Epstein.

CardioCell, a San Diego-based stem cell company focused on stem cell therapy for cardiovascular disease, found that MSCs grew faster and showed improved function when cultured in a reduced oxygen environment. Stem cells typically grow in the body, in bone marrow and other tissues, in a low oxygen environmentonly five percent oxygen, as opposed to room air, which is about 20 percent, explains Dr. Lipinski. All previous stem cell trials used cells exposed to, and grown under, room air oxygen conditions.

Using CardioCells low oxygen-grown MSCs, the MHVI scientists demonstrated biologically important effects occurred, even when the MSCs were administered intravenously. This mode of administration was previously rejected by scientists who thought cells would be trapped in the first capillary bed they traversedthe lungsand never reach the heart.

However, the MHVI team demonstrated a small percentage of these IV administered MSCs did reach the heart, where they could exert beneficial effects. The cells seek out inflamed cardiac tissue after a heart attack because they upregulate receptors that allow them to be attracted to and penetrate inflamed tissue in high numbers, says Dr. Luger.

The investigators also found the cells residing in other tissues could provide other benefits. It has been shown that a heart attack activates the immune and inflammatory systems, including those in the spleen, explains Dr. Luger. The systemic anti-inflammatory effects produced by MSCs in the spleen, lungs and other tissues caused by the molecules secreted by the MSCs could exert positive effects as well. Dr. Epstein added that such anti-inflammatory effects could also benefit the excessive inflammatory activities that exist in many heart failure patients.

For the clinical heart failure trial, MHVI is partnering with CardioCell, which will grow and provide stem cells already used in Phase I and 2a clinical trials and approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

As an extension of their stem cell work, the MHVI investigators are building on the fact that any beneficial effect of adult stem cells will not derive from their transformation into heart muscle, but rather from the molecules they secrete; these, in turn, stimulate pathways favoring tissue healing. The team is investigating the use of liposomes as therapeutic delivery vehicles for these secreted products, which include those with anti-inflammatory and angiogenesis activities.

If successful, using MSCs for anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory effects could have implicationsfor many different diseases, including arthritis and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Epstein cautions that a great deal of research is yet to be done before such applications can be routinely used to treat patients with these conditions. For now, they hope the current studies in heart failure patients will demonstrate effectiveness. If so, Dr. Epstein says, it changes the whole playing field for stem cells.

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Next Steps for Cardiac Stem Cells - MedStar Heart ...

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Spinal Surgery Stem Cell Treatment | ProMedSPINE

By daniellenierenberg

Stem cells have the incredible ability to develop into a variety of different cell types within the body. In addition, stem cells can play a crucial role in internally repairing many types of tissues. During this process, stem cells divide, replenishing other cells without limit.

While stem cells have been used by medical professionals for a wide variety of reasons in order to treat injuries, ailments, and diseases affecting every part of the body, the use of stem cells in the treatment of spinal damage may be the most exciting and potent use yet. Through the application of these spinal treatments, patients have the ability to recover not only more completely, but also in a more natural and therefore more complete manner than ever before. When paired with the insight of a skilled spinal surgeon, the results can be astonishing.

If you or a loved one is suffering from spine damage and are looking to learn more about how stem cell treatments can help you, get in touch with the expert back team at ProMed SPINE today by filling out ouronline contact form. Schedule a consultation with us and begin the path to recovery today!

Stem cells differ from other cell types because they are unspecialized and therefore capable of renewing themselves through cell division. Under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they have the ability to become tissue or even organ-specific cells with special functions. Given these unique regenerative abilities, stem cells offer new potential in the enhancement of every surgery.

Rather then undergoing an invasive surgery that wont actually repair damage from degenerative disc disease, stem cell spinal treatments are short, minimally invasive and capable of healing the damage that has been done to the disc. Stem cell therapy produces new disc cells inside the disc itself, allowing it to rebuild to a like-new condition. When treating degenerative disc disease, bone marrow is extracted from the patients hipbone and stem cells are filtered out using a centrifuge. Then stem cells are injected into the disc with the help of an x-ray. After this step, the patient is free to go home and begin the recovery process. Over the next few months to a year, patients will experience a lessening of back pain as the disc begins to restore itself. It is quite common for patients who have undergone stem cell injections to experience complete relief from back pain and a vast improvement in their overall quality of life.

Stem cells can also be used to enhance the effects of a spinal fusion surgery. A lack of useful new bone growth after this type of surgery can be a significant problem. This new technology helps patients grow new bone and avoid harvesting a bone graft from the patients own hip or using bone from a deceased donor. By avoiding these steps, patients are able to recover faster and prevent painful procedures.

A major component of stem cells is their ability to reinforce stronger, healthier healing in patients. Oftentimes, the body is in a weakened state following a surgical procedure and therefore more susceptible to developing infection. Stem cells unique ability to replenish themselves offers the body fresh, healthy cells that are not nearly as vulnerable to incurring infection so that the body can heal more quickly and effectively.

After undergoing a surgery and the rehabilitation process that follows, many patients are left with unsightly scars. These scars are often painful reminders of a traumatic event and, in some cases, cause self-consciousness or outright embarrassment due to their appearance. Stem cells have become an increasingly useful aid in ridding patients of unattractive scars so that they can fully recover from their injuries. Stem cells are useful in the treatment of scarring in three major ways: they carry anti-inflammatory properties that prevent excessive scarring, are capable of replenishing normal cells in the tissue through differentiation, and finally, stem cells dissolve the excess collagen in scar tissue by emitting large amounts of enzymes whose specific function is to dissolve scar tissue.

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The potential medical benefits of stem cell research are unparalleled in the healing and rejuvenating processes following a spinal procedure. Whether you are facing a major surgery or are considering your options concerning continued pain and physical limitations, knowing what options may be best for you is vital in the search for skilled medical care. Schedule an appointment with a laser spine surgeonto find out how stem cell therapy can be used to help you find a healthier and happier life.

Next, please read about disc replacement surgery.

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Spinal Surgery Stem Cell Treatment | ProMedSPINE

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Cure Spinal Cord injury Research, therapies, treatments, 2018

By JoanneRUSSELL25

Update: January 2018

Background information:One of the biggest issues preventing recovery after achronicspinal cord injury is the scar that appears a few days or weeks after the injury and prevents any axon from growing away from the lesion area. One of the key scar reduction strategies involves using the Chondroitinase enzyme.

In this chapter we are also covering the therapeutic strategies that are used to neutralize growth inhibitors (often referred to as NoGo) after the spinal cord injury, and /or promote nerve growth.

The intrathecal delivery of the NoGo Trap protein delivery has shown axonal growth associated with a certain recovery of function by rats. It is reported to promote nerve sprouting and synaptic plasticity, as well as, to a lesser extent, axonal regeneration. The ReNetX company is now planning a clinical trial for cervical injury patients.

Input from Spinal Research, who initiated the project: since 2014, the CHASE-IT consortium has achieved several critical milestones by working on, and overcoming, many of the issues related to creating a safe gene therapy for chondroitinase:

-The gene for chondroitinase can now be expressed in an active form in human cells-Expression of chondroitinase in the spinal cord can now be controlled, switching it on and off using an inducible switch responsive to the antibiotic doxycycline-Treatment gives rise to improved walking and unprecedented upper limb function in clinically-relevant spinal cord injury models

-Demonstrate inducible chondroitinase gene therapy works in chronic injuries-Transfer the inducible gene therapy machinery developed in the lentiviral vector to the more clinically-acceptable Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector-Eliminate any background expression of chondroitinase when system in the uninduced off state-Confirm chondroitinase-AAV retains comparable efficacy as chondroitinase-L

-UK:alternative delivery method for Chase. More info: here-CANADA:alternativedelivery method for Chase.-USA:studyof non-human primates.-USA: Rose Bengal Study by Dr. A. Parr (University of Minnesota). See January 2018 publication

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Cure Spinal Cord injury Research, therapies, treatments, 2018

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Stem Cell Basics

By JoanneRUSSELL25

The human body comprises more than 200 types of cells, and every one of these cell types arises from the zygote, the single cell that forms when an egg is fertilized by a sperm. Within a few days, that single cell divides over and over again until it forms a blastocyst, a hollow ball of 150 to 200 cells that give rise to every single cell type a human body needs to survive, including the umbilical cord and the placenta that nourishes the developing fetus.

Each cell type has its own size and structure appropriate for its job. Skin cells, for example, are small and compact, while nerve cells that enable you to wiggle your toes have long, branching nerve fibers called axons that conduct electrical impulses.

Cells with similar functionality form tissues, and tissues organize to form organs. Each cell has its own job within the tissue in which it is found, and all of the cells in a tissue and organ work together to make sure the organ functions properly.

Regardless of their size or structure, all human cells start with these things in common:

Stem cells are the foundation of development in plants, animals and humans. In humans, there are many different types of stem cells that come from different places in the body or are formed at different times in our lives. These include embryonic stem cells that exist only at the earliest stages of development and various types of tissue-specific (or adult) stem cells that appear during fetal development and remain in our bodies throughout life.

Stem cells are defined by two characteristics:

Beyond these two things, though, stem cells differ a great deal in their behaviors and capabilities.

Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they can generate all of the bodys cell types but cannot generate support structures like the placenta and umbilical cord.

Other cells are multipotent, meaning they can generate a few different cell types, generally in a specific tissue or organ.

As the body develops and ages, the number and type of stem cells changes. Totipotent cells are no longer present after dividing into the cells that generate the placenta and umbilical cord. Pluripotent cells give rise to the specialized cells that make up the bodys organs and tissues. The stem cells that stay in your body throughout your life are tissue-specific, and there is evidence that these cells change as you age, too your skin stem cells at age 20 wont be exactly the same as your skin stem cells at age 80.

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Stem Cell Basics

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Stem Cells Can Create Skin For Burn Victims | IFLScience

By JoanneRUSSELL25

When burn victims need a skin graft they typically have to grow skin on other parts of their bodies - a process that can take weeks. A new technique uses stem cells derived from the umbilical cord to generate new skin much more quickly. The results were published in Stem Cells Translational Medicine by lead author Ingrid Garzn from the University of Granadas Department of Histology.

Not only can the stem cells develop artificial skin more quickly than regular normal skin growth, but the skin can also be stored so it is ready right when it is needed. Tens of thousands of grafts are performed each year for burn victims, cosmetic surgery patients, and for people with large wounds having difficulty healing. Traditionally, this involves taking a large patch of skin (typically from the thigh) and removing the dermis and epidermis to transplant elsewhere on the body.

The artificial skin requires the use of Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells. As the name implies, Whartons jelly is a gelatinous tissue in the umbilical cord that contains uncommitted mesenchymal stemcells (MSC). The MSC is then combined with agarose(a polysaccharide polymer) and fibrin (the fibrous protein that aids in blood clotting). This yielded two results: skin and the mucosal lining of the mouth. The researchers are very pleased to have found two new uses for the stem cells of Whartons jelly, which have not previously been researched for epithelial applications.

Once the epithelial tissues have been created, researchers can store it in tissue banks. If someone is brought into the hospital following a devastating burn or accident, the tissue is ready to graft immediately; not in a few weeks. However, the stem-cell skin is not able to fully differentiate in vitro. After the graft, it has complete cell-cell junctions and will develop all of the necessary layers of normal epithelial tissue.

The MSCs are taken from the umbilical cord after the baby has been born, which poses no risk to either the mother or the child. This method is relatively inexpensive and has been shown to be more efficient than stem cells derived from bone marrow.

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Stem Cells Can Create Skin For Burn Victims | IFLScience

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Spinal Cord Injury and Stem Cells | Cells4Life

By Dr. Matthew Watson

The spinal cord is a collection of nerve fibres and other tissues contained with the spine. The nerves within the spinal cord connect the peripheral nervous system to the brain forming the central nervous system. The spinal cord is essential for the transmission and reception of electrical messages to and from the brain to other areas of the body. Should the spinal cord become damaged, the impacts can be devastating or even fatal.

Preventable causes such as violence, falls and road traffic accents account for the majority of spinal cord injuries. Every year, between 250,000 and 500,000 people suffer a spinal cord injury globally. Unfortunately, those with a spinal cord injury are 2 to 5 times more likely to suffer premature death than those without.[1]

A spinal cord injury can affect anyone at any time and unfortunately there is currently no effective treatment available to those with a spinal cord injury.

The cost of spinal cord injury to the UK alone is estimated at 1 billion per annum.[2]

While there is currently no effective treatment for spinal cord injury available to the general public, stem cells could hold the key to successful spinal cord repair in the future. A British professor, Geoffrey Raisman, headed research which used stem cells to enable a paralysed man to walk again.

The research used a type of stem cell called olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) from the nose of the patient and transplanted them into the spinal cord. OECs are specialist cells which form part of the sense of smell enabling nerve fibres in the olfactory system to continually renew. It was previously thought that severed nerve fibres in the spinal cord were unable to repair themselves. However, once OECs have been transplanted into the spinal cord it appears they facilitate the growth of the ends of severed nerve fibres and even enable them join together.[6]

In addition to Raismans research, Dr. Carlos Lima of Portugal had transplanted olfactory stem cells to treat spinal cord injury in over 100 patients. Lima and his team showed that a few patients were able to regain some motor function and sensation thanks to the transplanted olfactory stem cells.[7]

Promisingly, there are currently 38 clinical trials investigating the application of stem cells in spinal cord injury.[8]

The information contained in this article is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical expert. If you have any concerns about your health we urge you to discuss them with your doctor.

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Spinal Cord Injury and Stem Cells | Cells4Life

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Press Releases Viacyte, Inc.

By Sykes24Tracey

12.15.17CIRM Grants ViaCyte $1.4M to Create Immune-Evasive Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines

SAN DIEGO, December 15, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, today announced that the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) approved a grant of $1.4 million to support the initial development of []

ViaCyte is developing PEC-Direct to address the urgent medical need of high-risk type 1 diabetes and provide a potentially life-saving therapy SAN DIEGO,December 6, 2017 ViaCyte today announced that CONNECT, a premier innovation company []

SAN DIEGO, October 4, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, today announced upcoming company presentations at the Cell and Gene Meeting on the Mesa and the BIO Investor Forum. In addition, ViaCyte []

SAN DIEGO, September 28, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, today announced that the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) approved a grant of $20 million to support the clinical development of []

Developing PEC-Direct to address urgent medical need in patients with high-risk type 1 diabetes SAN DIEGO, September 21, 2017 Today, ViaCyte announced that its PEC-Direct product candidate has been selected as one of three []

SAN DIEGO, September 7, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held, leading regenerative medicine company, today announced upcoming scientific presentations. ViaCyte is developing novel stem cell-derived islet replacement therapies for insulin-requiring diabetes. ViaCytes product candidates have []

San Diego, August 1, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held, leading regenerative medicine company, announced today that the first patients have been implanted with the PEC-Direct product candidate, a novel islet cell replacement therapy in []

SAN DIEGO, June 15, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, today announced a presentation at the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 2017 Annual Meeting in Boston. ViaCyte is developing novel []

San Diego, May 22, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held leading regenerative medicine company, announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed the companys Investigational New Drug Application (IND) for the []

San Diego, May 22, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held leading regenerative medicine company, announced today $10 million in financing to support operations. Participants in the financing included Asset Management Partners, W.L. Gore & Associates, []

New York and San Diego, May 22, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held leading regenerative medicine company, and JDRF, the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes research, jointly announced today JDRF grant funding to []

ViaCyte to also present at World Advanced Therapies and Regenerative Medicine Congress in London SAN DIEGO, April 24, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, today announced two presentations on April 27 at []

SAN DIEGO, California and NEWARK, Delaware, March 29, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, and W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (Gore), a global materials science company, today announced a collaborative research []

SAN DIEGO and SAN FRANCISCO, February 23, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, and Beyond Type 1, a not-for-profit advocacy and education group for those living with type 1 diabetes, today []

SAN DIEGO, February 21, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, today announced four presentations at upcoming healthcare events. ViaCyte is advancing two novel cell replacement therapies as long-term diabetes treatments. ViaCytes product []

President and CEO, Paul Laikind, PhD to present at 2017 Biotech Showcase SAN DIEGO, January 4, 2017 ViaCyte, Inc., a privately-held regenerative medicine company, today announced the addition of twenty-two new patents in 2016. []

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Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy Milwaukee, WI …


Advanced Therapy with Advanced Results

Since 1968, the medical community has been harnessing the incredible healing, and regenerative power of bone marrow-derived stem cells. Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Therapy takes stem cells isolated from your bone marrow and relocates them to heal, regenerate and treat damaged areas and chronic conditions. This revolutionary technology is a result of decades of evidence-based research and advancements in the area of stem cells.

A process called hematopoiesis, which occurs inside your bones, has been working to grow and regenerate cells in your body since you were in the womb. The human body is in constant high demand for blood cells, so the hematopoiesis process stays hard at work to produce. During hematopoiesis, hematopoietic stem cells are produced with the raw potential power to develop into white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Blood cells are vital to immune function and healing, so these stem cells are rich in growth factors that facilitate the repair and replacement of damaged cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are also found in bone marrow. Mesenchymal stem cells are reserved adult stem cells that help facilitate the regeneration of tissue naturally in the body. They are an integral part of wound healing, regulation of aging, and stabilizing vital organs. These mesenchymal stem cells are considered to be raw potential meaning they can differentiate into the tissue cells needed in a specific area. These mesenchymal stem cells have the potential to repair damaged cartilage, bone, tendons, muscle, skin, and connective cell tissue.

Stem cell therapy is one of the newest and most cutting-edge therapies for chronic joint pain. Using this therapy, our providers offer patients essential properties for healing and restoring joint health:

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Bone marrow transplant – Mayo Clinic

By raymumme


A bone marrow transplant is a procedure that infuses healthy blood stem cells into your body to replace your damaged or diseased bone marrow. A bone marrow transplant is also called a stem cell transplant.

A bone marrow transplant may be necessary if your bone marrow stops working and doesn't produce enough healthy blood cells.

Bone marrow transplants may use cells from your own body (autologous transplant) or from a donor (allogeneic transplant).

Mayo Clinic's approach

A bone marrow transplant may be used to:

Bone marrow transplants can benefit people with a variety of both cancerous (malignant) and noncancerous (benign) diseases, including:

Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside some bones. Its job is to produce blood cells. If your bone marrow isn't functioning properly because of cancer or another disease, you may receive a stem cell transplant.

To prepare for a stem cell transplant, you receive chemotherapy to kill the diseased cells and malfunctioning bone marrow. Then, transplanted blood stem cells are put into your bloodstream. The transplanted stem cells find their way to your marrow, where ideally they begin producing new, healthy blood cells.

A bone marrow transplant poses many risks of complications, some potentially fatal.

The risk can depend on many factors, including the type of disease or condition, the type of transplant, and the age and health of the person receiving the transplant.

Although some people experience minimal problems with a bone marrow transplant, others may develop complications that may require treatment or hospitalization. Some complications could even be life-threatening.

Complications that can arise with a bone marrow transplant include:

Your doctor can explain your risk of complications from a bone marrow transplant. Together you can weigh the risks and benefits to decide whether a bone marrow transplant is right for you.

If you receive a transplant that uses stem cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant), you may be at risk of developing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). This condition occurs when the donor stem cells that make up your new immune system see your body's tissues and organs as something foreign and attack them.

Many people who have an allogeneic transplant get GVHD at some point. The risk of GVHD is a bit greater if the stem cells come from an unrelated donor, but it can happen to anyone who gets a bone marrow transplant from a donor.

GVHD may happen at any time after your transplant. However, it's more common after your bone marrow has started to make healthy cells.

There are two kinds of GVHD: acute and chronic. Acute GVHD usually happens earlier, during the first months after your transplant. It typically affects your skin, digestive tract or liver. Chronic GVHD typically develops later and can affect many organs.

Chronic GVHD signs and symptoms include:

You'll undergo a series of tests and procedures to assess your general health and the status of your condition, and to ensure that you're physically prepared for the transplant. The evaluation may take several days or more.

In addition, a surgeon or radiologist will implant a long thin tube (intravenous catheter) into a large vein in your chest or neck. The catheter, often called a central line, usually remains in place for the duration of your treatment. Your transplant team will use the central line to infuse the transplanted stem cells and other medications and blood products into your body.

If a transplant using your own stem cells (autologous transplant) is planned, you'll undergo a procedure called apheresis (af-uh-REE-sis) to collect blood stem cells.

Before apheresis, you'll receive daily injections of growth factor to increase stem cell production and move stem cells into your circulating blood so that they can be collected.

During apheresis, blood is drawn from a vein and circulated through a machine. The machine separates your blood into different parts, including stem cells. These stem cells are collected and frozen for future use in the transplant. The remaining blood is returned to your body.

If a transplant using stem cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant) is planned, you will need a donor. When you have a donor, stem cells are gathered from that person for the transplant. This process is often called a stem cell harvest or bone marrow harvest. Stem cells can come from your donor's blood or bone marrow. Your transplant team decides which is better for you based on your situation.

Another type of allogeneic transplant uses stem cells from the blood of umbilical cords (cord blood transplant). Mothers can choose to donate umbilical cords after their babies' births. The blood from these cords is frozen and stored in a cord blood bank until needed for a bone marrow transplant.

After you complete your pretransplant tests and procedures, you begin a process known as conditioning. During conditioning, you'll undergo chemotherapy and possibly radiation to:

The type of conditioning process you receive depends on a number of factors, including your disease, overall health and the type of transplant planned. You may have both chemotherapy and radiation or just one of these treatments as part of your conditioning treatment.

Side effects of the conditioning process can include:

You may be able to take medications or other measures to reduce such side effects.

Based on your age and health history, your doctor may recommend lower doses or different types of chemotherapy or radiation for your conditioning treatment. This is called reduced-intensity conditioning.

Reduced-intensity conditioning kills some cancer cells and somewhat suppresses your immune system. Then, the donor's cells are infused into your body. Donor cells replace cells in your bone marrow over time. Immune factors in the donor cells may then fight your cancer cells.

Your bone marrow transplant occurs after you complete the conditioning process. On the day of your transplant, called day zero, stem cells are infused into your body through your central line.

The transplant infusion is painless. You are awake during the procedure.

The transplanted stem cells make their way to your bone marrow, where they begin creating new blood cells. It can take a few weeks for new blood cells to be produced and for your blood counts to begin recovering.

Bone marrow or blood stem cells that have been frozen and thawed contain a preservative that protects the cells. Just before the transplant, you may receive medications to reduce the side effects the preservative may cause. You'll also likely be given IV fluids (hydration) before and after your transplant to help rid your body of the preservative.

Side effects of the preservative may include:

Not everyone experiences side effects from the preservative, and for some people those side effects are minimal.

When the new stem cells enter your body, they begin to travel through your body and to your bone marrow. In time, they multiply and begin to make new, healthy blood cells. This is called engraftment. It usually takes several weeks before the number of blood cells in your body starts to return to normal. In some people, it may take longer.

In the days and weeks after your bone marrow transplant, you'll have blood tests and other tests to monitor your condition. You may need medicine to manage complications, such as nausea and diarrhea.

After your bone marrow transplant, you'll remain under close medical care. If you're experiencing infections or other complications, you may need to stay in the hospital for several days or sometimes longer. Depending on the type of transplant and the risk of complications, you'll need to remain near the hospital for several weeks to months to allow close monitoring.

You may also need periodic transfusions of red blood cells and platelets until your bone marrow begins producing enough of those cells on its own.

You may be at greater risk of infections or other complications for months to years after your transplant.

A bone marrow transplant can cure some diseases and put others into remission. Goals of a bone marrow transplant depend on your individual situation, but usually include controlling or curing your disease, extending your life, and improving your quality of life.

Some people complete bone marrow transplantation with few side effects and complications. Others experience numerous challenging problems, both short and long term. The severity of side effects and the success of the transplant vary from person to person and sometimes can be difficult to predict before the transplant.

It can be discouraging if significant challenges arise during the transplant process. However, it is sometimes helpful to remember that there are many survivors who also experienced some very difficult days during the transplant process but ultimately had successful transplants and have returned to normal activities with a good quality of life.

Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.

Living with a bone marrow transplant or waiting for a bone marrow transplant can be difficult, and it's normal to have fears and concerns.

Having support from your friends and family can be helpful. Also, you and your family may benefit from joining a support group of people who understand what you're going through and who can provide support. Support groups offer a place for you and your family to share fears, concerns, difficulties and successes with people who have had similar experiences. You may meet people who have already had a transplant or who are waiting for a transplant.

To learn about transplant support groups in your community, ask your transplant team or social worker for information. Also, several support groups are offered at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

Mayo Clinic researchers study medications and treatments for people who have had bone marrow transplants, including new medications to help you stay healthy after your bone marrow transplant.

If your bone marrow transplant is using stem cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant), you may be at risk of graft-versus-host disease. This condition occurs when a donor's transplanted stem cells attack the recipient's body. Doctors may prescribe medications to help prevent graft-versus-host disease and reduce your immune system's reaction (immunosuppressive medications).

After your transplant, it will take time for your immune system to recover. You may be given antibiotics to prevent infections. You may also be prescribed antifungal, antibacterial or antiviral medications. Doctors continue to study and develop several new medications, including new antifungal medications, antibacterial medications, antiviral medications and immunosuppressive medications.

After your bone marrow transplant, you may need to adjust your diet to stay healthy and to prevent excessive weight gain. Maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other negative health effects.

Your nutrition specialist (dietitian) and other members of your transplant team will work with you to create a healthy-eating plan that meets your needs and complements your lifestyle. Your dietitian may also give you food suggestions to control side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, such as nausea.

Your dietitian will also provide you with healthy food options and ideas to use in your eating plan. Your dietitian's recommendations may include:

After your bone marrow transplant, you may make exercise and physical activity a regular part of your life to continue to improve your health and fitness. Exercising regularly helps you control your weight, strengthen your bones, increase your endurance, strengthen your muscles and keep your heart healthy.

Your treatment team may work with you to set up a routine exercise program to meet your needs. You may perform exercises daily, such as walking and other activities. As you recover, you can slowly increase your physical activity.

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New Jersey Stem Cell Therapy – Stem Cell Center Of NJ

By raymumme


Over 32 million Americans suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (also known as COPD). COPD is a progressive lung disease, however regenerative medicine, such as lung regeneration therapies using stem cells are showing potential for COPD by encouraging tissue repair and reducing inflammation to the diseased lung tissue.

Following up with stem cell therapy and exome therapy immediately in the first 36 to 48 hours after stroke symptoms surface has proven to be crucial to long-term recovery and regaining mobility again. Cell therapy also calms post-stroke inflammation in the body, and reduces risk of serious infections.

Parkinsons is a neurodegenerative brain disorder caused by the gradual loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. It afflicts more than 1 million people in the U.S., and currently, there is no known cure. Stem cell therapies have been showing incredible progress. Using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, a mature cell can be reprogrammed into an embryonic-like, healthy and highly-functioning state, which has the potential to become a dopamine-producing cell in the brain.

A thick, full head of hair is possible, naturally! Stem cell and exosome therapy promotes healing from within to naturally stimulate hair follicles, which encourages new hair growth. Using your own stem cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and exosomes, you can regrow your own healthy, thick hair naturally and restore your confidence!

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Regenerative medicine offers a non-surgical option that commonly uses the patients own stem cells, exosomes, and other sources of growth factors to regenerate healthy tissue to improve performance and sensation.

If chronic joint pain is derailing your active lifestyle, then youre not alone. Regenerative medicine offers a non-surgical option that commonly uses the patients own stem cells, exosomes, and other sources of growth factors to reduce inflammation, promote natural healing and regenerate healthy tissue surrounding the joint for relief.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects 400,000 people in the U.S., and occurs when the body has an abnormal immune system response and attacks the central nervous system. Regenerative medicine now offers treatment for MS with stem cell therapy, which is an exciting and rapidly developing field of therapy. Stem cells work to repair damaged cells these new cells can become replacement cells to restore normal functionality.

Spinal cord injuries are as complex as they are devastating. Today, cellular treatments, usually a combination of therapies, such as stem cell, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and exosome therapy with growth factors are showing promise in contributing to spinal cord repair and reducing inflammation at the site of injury.

If you have chronic nerve injury pain that doesnt fade, your health care provider may recommend surgery to reverse the damage. However, regenerative medicine offers a non-surgical option to repair damaged tissue and reduce inflammation at the site of injury. Stem cell therapy commonly uses the patients own stem cells, exosomes, and other sources of growth factors to regenerate healthy tissue.

Neuropathy also called peripheral neuropathy occurs when nerves are damaged and cant send messages from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, skin and other parts of the body. Simply put, the two areas stop communicating. Stem cell and exosome therapies treat damaged nerves affected by neuropathy, and they have the ability to replicate and create new, healthy cells, while repairing damaged tissue.

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Stem Cell Treatments – Brain and Spinal Cord

By Sykes24Tracey

Because stem cells have the potential to generate cells designed to replace or repair cells damaged by spinal cord injury, advocates of stem cell research and treatment believe that the benefits far outweigh the negative aspects. Opponents of this research and treatment, however, typically bring up the issue of embryonic stem cells, which are harvested from embryos and fetal tissue. Accordingly, they feel the use of these embryonic stem cells is not moral or ethical. Because stem cells are harvested from embryos and fetal tissue, they feel it is not moral or ethical. Secondly, opponents are concerned about the health and safety of the participants in human stem cell research trials. It is important to note that non-embryonic stem cells, called somatic or adult stem cells, have recently been identified in various body tissues including brain, bone marrow, blood vessels, and various organ tissues.

Lets talk about how stem cell research could possibly impact spinal cord injury. Stem cell research came on the scene in 1998, when a group of scientists isolated pluripotent stem cells from human embryos and grew them in a culture. Since then, specialists have discovered that stem cells can become any of the 200 specialized cells in the body, giving them the ability to repair or replace damaged cells and tissues. While not yet known to have the diversification potential of embryonic stem cells, adult somatic cells act similarly and are generating excitement in the research and medical community.

When all is said and done, could stem cell treatment be the miracle cure for spinal cord injury and paralysis? Well, we dont really know. Because of all of the controversy, much of the evidence that shows stem cells can be turned into specific cells for transplantation involves only mice, whose cells are significantly different than human cells. Nevertheless, some initial research points to promising results. One hurdle that remains to be cleared is whether an immune response would reject a cellular transplant.

Ultimately, no one yet knows the extent to which stem cell treatment could help spinal cord injury and paralysis. Scientists remain hopeful, but currently there just hasnt been enough research done to substantiate any particular result. Additional research needs to be done before we have more definitive answers.

Again, we just dont know. Much of the answer depends upon whether the political process and moral debate continues to limitand put the hold onthe amount of research done. At this point its impossible to say for sure whenor even ifstem cells will be useful in the treatment of paralysis.

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Stem Cell Treatments - Brain and Spinal Cord

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What is a Stem Cell Transplant (Bone Marrow Transplant)? | Cancer.Net

By Sykes24Tracey

A stem cell transplant is a treatment for some types of cancer. For example, you might have one if you have leukemia, multiple myeloma, or some types of lymphoma. Doctors also treat some blood diseases with stem cell transplants.

In the past, patients who needed a stem cell transplant received a bone marrow transplant because the stem cells were collected from the bone marrow. Today, stem cells are usually collected from the blood, instead of the bone marrow. For this reason, they are now more commonly called stem cell transplants.

A part of your bones called bone marrow makes blood cells. Marrow is the soft, spongy tissue inside bones. It contains cells called hematopoietic stem cells (pronounced he-mah-tuh-poy-ET-ick). These cells can turn into several other types of cells. They can turn into more bone marrow cells. Or they can turn into any type of blood cell.

Certain cancers and other diseases keep hematopoietic stem cells from developing normally. If they are not normal, neither are the blood cells that they make. A stem cell transplant gives you new stem cells. The new stem cells can make new, healthy blood cells.

The main types of stem cell transplants and other options are discussed below.

Autologous transplant. Doctors call this an AUTO transplant. This type of stem cell transplant may also be called high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue.

In an AUTO transplant, you get your own stem cells after doctors treat the cancer. First, your health care team collects stem cells from your blood and freezes them. Next, you have powerful chemotherapy, and rarely, radiation therapy. Then, your health care team thaws your frozen stem cells. They put them back in your blood through a tube placed in a vein (IV).

It takes about 24 hours for your stem cells to reach the bone marrow. Then they start to grow, multiply, and help the marrow make healthy blood cells again.

Allogeneic transplantation. Doctors call this an ALLO transplant.

In an ALLO transplant, you get another persons stem cells. It is important to find someone whose bone marrow matches yours. This is because you have certain proteins on your white blood cells called human leukocyte antigens (HLA). The best donor has HLA proteins as much like yours as possible.

Matching proteins make a serious condition called graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) less likely. In GVHD, healthy cells from the transplant attack your cells. A brother or sister may be the best match. But another family member or volunteer might work.

Once you find a donor, you receive chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy. Next, you get the other persons stem cells through a tube placed in a vein (IV). The cells in an ALLO transplant are not typically frozen. So, doctors can give you the cells as soon after chemotherapy or radiation therapy as possible.

There are 2 types of ALLO transplants. The best type for each patient depends his or her age and health and the type of disease being treated.

Ablative, which uses high-dose chemotherapy

Reduced intensity, which uses milder doses of chemotherapy

If your health care team cannot find a matched adult donor, there are other options. Research is ongoing to determine which type of transplant will work best for different patients.

Umbilical cord blood transplant. This may be an option if you cannot find a donor match. Cancer centers around the world use cord blood.

Parent-child transplant and haplotype mismatched transplant. These types of transplants are being used more commonly. The match is 50%, instead of near 100%. Your donor might be a parent, child, brother, or sister.

Your doctor will recommend an AUTO or ALLO transplant based mostly on the disease you have. Other factors include the health of your bone marrow and your age and general health. For example, if you have cancer or other disease in your bone marrow, you will probably have an ALLO transplant. In this situation, doctors do not recommend using your own stem cells.

Choosing a transplant is complicated. You will need help from a doctor who specializes in transplants. So you might need to travel to a center that does many stem cell transplants. Your donor might need to go, too. At the center, you talk with a transplant specialist and have an examination and tests. Before a transplant, you should also think about non-medical factors. These include:

Who can care for you during treatment

How long you will be away from work and family responsibilities

If your insurance pays for the transplant

Who can take you to transplant appointments

Your health care team can help you find answers to these questions.

The information below tells you the main parts of AUTO and ALLO transplants. Your health care team usually does the steps in order. But sometimes certain steps happen in advance, such as collecting stem cells. Ask your doctor what to expect before, during, and after a transplant.

A doctor puts a thin tube called a transplant catheter in a large vein. The tube stays in until after the transplant. Your health care team will collect stem cells through this tube and give chemotherapy and other medications through the tube.

You get injections of a medication to raise your number of white blood cells. White blood cells help your body fight infections.

Your health care team collects stem cells, usually from your blood.

Time: 1 to 2 weeks

Where its done: Clinic or hospital building. You do not need to stay in the hospital overnight.

Time: 5 to 10 days

Where its done: Clinic or hospital. At many transplant centers, patients need to stay in the hospital for the duration of the transplant, usually about 3 weeks. At some centers, patients receive treatment in the clinic and can come in every day.

Time: Each infusion usually takes less than 30 minutes. You may receive more than 1 infusion.

Where its done: Clinic or hospital.

Time: approximately 2 weeks

Where its done: Clinic or hospital. You might be staying in the hospital or you might not.

Time: Varies based on how the stem cells are collected

Where its done: Clinic or hospital

Time: 5 to 7 days

Where its done: Many ALLO transplants are done in the hospital.

Time: 1 day

Where its done: Clinic or hospital.

You take antibiotics and other drugs. This includes medications to prevent graft-versus-host disease. You get blood transfusions through your catheter if needed. Your health care team takes care of any side effects from the transplant.

After the transplant, patients visit the clinic frequently at first and less often over time.

Time: Varies

For an ablative transplant, patients are usually in the hospital for about 4 weeks in total.

For a reduced intensity transplant, patients are in the hospital or visit the clinic daily for about 1 week.

The words successful transplant might mean different things to you, your family, and your doctor. Below are 2 ways to measure transplant success.

Your blood counts are back to safe levels. A blood count is the number of red cells, white cells, and platelets in your blood. A transplant makes these numbers very low for 1 to 2 weeks. This causes risks of:

Infection from low numbers of white cells, which fight infections

Bleeding from low numbers of platelets, which stop bleeding

Tiredness from low numbers of red cells, which carry oxygen

Doctors lower these risks by giving blood and platelet transfusions after a transplant. You also take antibiotics to help prevent infections. When the new stem cells multiply, they make more blood cells. Then your blood counts improve. This is one way to know if a transplant is a success.

It controls your cancer. Doctors do stem cell transplants with the goal of curing disease. A cure may be possible for some cancers, such as some types of leukemia and lymphoma. For other patients, remission is the best result. Remission is having no signs or symptoms of cancer. After a transplant, you need to see your doctor and have tests to watch for any signs of cancer or complications from the transplant.

Talking often with the doctor is important. It gives you information to make health care decisions. The questions below may help you learn more about stem cell transplant. You can also ask other questions that are important to you.

Which type of stem cell transplant would you recommend? Why?

If I will have an ALLO transplant, how will we find a donor? What is the chance of a good match?

What type of treatment will I have before the transplant? Will radiation therapy be used?

How long will my treatment take? How long will I stay in the hospital?

How will a transplant affect my life? Can I work? Can I exercise and do regular activities?

How will we know if the transplant works?

What if the transplant doesnt work? What if the cancer comes back?

What are the side effects? This includes short-term, such as during treatment and shortly after. It also includes long-term, such as years later.

What tests will I need later? How often will I need them?

If I am worried about managing the costs of treatment, who can help me with these concerns?

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy

Making Decisions About Cancer Treatment

Donating Blood and Platelets

Donating Umbilical Cord Blood

Explore BMT

Be the Match: National Marrow Donor Program

Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Understanding Transplantation as a Treatment Option

National Bone Marrow Transplant Link

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What is a Stem Cell Transplant (Bone Marrow Transplant)? | Cancer.Net

To Read More: What is a Stem Cell Transplant (Bone Marrow Transplant)? | Cancer.Net
categoriaBone Marrow Stem Cells commentoComments Off on What is a Stem Cell Transplant (Bone Marrow Transplant)? | Cancer.Net | dataApril 12th, 2018
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Syrinx of the Spinal Cord or Brain Stem – Neurologic Disorders – Merck Manuals …

By raymumme

A syrinx is a fluid-filled cavity within the spinal cord (syringomyelia) or brain stem (syringobulbia). Predisposing factors include craniocervical junction abnormalities, previous spinal cord trauma, and spinal cord tumors. Symptoms include flaccid weakness of the hands and arms and deficits in pain and temperature sensation in a capelike distribution over the back and neck; light touch and position and vibration sensation are not affected. Diagnosis is by MRI. Treatment includes correction of the cause and surgical procedures to drain the syrinx or otherwise open CSF flow.

Syrinxes usually result from lesions that partially obstruct CSF flow. At least half of syrinxes occur in patients with congenital abnormalities of the craniocervical junction (eg, herniation of cerebellar tissue into the spinal canal, called Chiari malformation), brain (eg, encephalocele), or spinal cord (eg, myelomeningocele). For unknown reasons, these congenital abnormalities often expand during the teen or young adult years. A syrinx can also develop in patients who have a spinal cord tumor, scarring due to previous spinal trauma, or no known predisposing factors. About 30% of people with a spinal cord tumor eventually develop a syrinx.

Syringomyelia is a paramedian, usually irregular, longitudinal cavity. It commonly begins in the cervical area but may extend downward along the entire length of the spinal cord.

Syringobulbia, which is rare, usually occurs as a slitlike gap within the lower brain stem and may disrupt or compress the lower cranial nerve nuclei or ascending sensory or descending motor pathways.

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PPT Bone Marrow Transplantation Stem Cell …

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For a small fee you can get the industry's best online privacy or publicly promote your presentations and slide shows with top rankings. But aside from that it's free. We'll even convert your presentations and slide shows into the universal Flash format with all their original multimedia glory, including animation, 2D and 3D transition effects, embedded music or other audio, or even video embedded in slides. All for free. Most of the presentations and slideshows on are free to view, many are even free to download. (You can choose whether to allow people to download your original PowerPoint presentations and photo slideshows for a fee or free or not at all.) Check out today - for FREE. There is truly something for everyone!

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Spinal Chord Injury Stem Cell Therapy | NSI Stem Cell


How Adipose Stem Cell Technology Develops Spinal Cord Injury Treatment

No matter where they may naturally be found in the body, Adult Stem Cells are like electricity. They are pure potential. When properly stimulated, stem cells become whatever type of cell the body needs: bone, blood, cartilage, muscle, nerve, and more. The results of studies like those published on and reported on at state that stem cells, particularly Adipose-Derived Stem Cells, have great potential in the development of Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury.*

When a Spinal Cord Injury occurs, the resulting inflammation releases inhibiting factors that ultimately cause the fibers of nerve cells to retract. Scar tissue develops, effectively preventing a bridge to be formed across the area of injury. This, in essence, is what prevents healing and causes the debilitating effects after injury. But research has shown that Adult Stem Cells, particularly Adipose-Derived Stem Cells, have the potential for bridging the gap. Additionally, stem cells might excrete substances that reduce damaging inflammation. Already, trials involving Spinal Cord Injury Therapy via stem cells are producing remarkable effects.

Studies from around the world are reporting exciting results, from trial subjects undergoing stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury who regain the capacity to feel light touch to some who were able to walk for at least an hour with the aid of a walker. An improvement in bladder and bowel control was also reported.

Where To Find Stem Cell Therapy In The U.S.

No medical clinic is better equipped and keeps a closer eye on the very latest Stem Cell Treatments than NSI Stem Cell Center in Florida. Rest assured that we are poised and ready to offer stem cell Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at its earliest development. We are already providing therapies for neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinsons Disease, as well as many treatments for a growing list of other injuries, illnesses, and chronic conditions.

Well be happy to answer any of your questions regarding the advanced and exciting field of FDA guideline-compliant Stem Cell Therapy we practice. Call (877) 278-3623 or use our Contact Page. We have a FREE brochure waiting for you.

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Spinal Chord Injury Stem Cell Therapy | NSI Stem Cell

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