Stem cells: the future of medicine – Medical Xpress
June 23, 2017
Imagine being able to take cells from your skin, transform them into other types of cells, such as lung, brain, heart or muscle cells, and use those to cure your ailments, from diabetes to heart disease or macular degeneration. To realise this, however, challenges still remain, Professor Janet Rossant, a pioneer in the field, says.
All across the world, scientists have begun clinical trials to try and do just that, by making use of the incredible power and versatility of stem cells, which are special cells that can make endless copies of themselves and transform into every other type of cell.
While human embryos contain embryonic stem cells, which help them to develop, the use of those cells has been controversial. The scientists are using induced pluripotent stem cells instead, which are other cells that have been reprogrammed to behave like stem cells.
"There are still significant challenges that we need to overcome, but in the long run we might even be able to create organs from stem cells taken from patients. That would enable rejection-free transplants," said Professor Janet Rossant, a pioneer in the field.
The mouse that changed everything
A speaker at the recent Commonwealth Science Conference 2017 held in Singapore and organised by Britain's Royal Society and Singapore's National Research Foundation, Prof Rossant gave an overview of stem cells' origins, history, uses and potential.
Now a senior scientist at The Hospital for Sick Children (also known as Sick Kids) in Toronto, Canada, after a decade as its chief of research, she was the first scientist to demonstrate the full power of stem cells in mice.
In the early 1990s, scientists believed that stem cells could only become certain types of cells and carry out limited functions. Based on her own research and that of others, however, Prof Rossant believed that they were capable of far more.
Working with other scientists, she created an entire mouse out of stem cells in 1992, upending the conventional wisdom. "We went on to create many baby mice that were completely normal, and completely derived from stem cells grown in a petri dish," she said.
"That was an amazing experiment, and it was instrumental in making people believe that human embryonic stem cells could have the full potential to make every cell type in the body," she added.
When scientists learned how to remove stem cells from human embryos in 1998, however, controversy ensued. Many lobbied against the cells' use in medical research and treatment due to the moral implications of destroying even unwanted embryos to gain the cells.
In Canada, Prof Rossant chaired the working group of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research on Stem Cell Research, establishing guidelines for the field. These guidelines helped to keep the field alive in Canada, and were influential well beyond the country's borders.
In 2006, Japanese researchers succeeded in taking skin cells from adult mice and reprogramming them to behave like embryonic stem cells. These revolutionary, induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells allowed scientists to sidestep the ongoing controversy.
The challenges in the way
While stem cells have been used for medical treatment in some cases bone marrow transplants, for example, are a form of stem cell therapy there are several challenges that need to be overcome before they can be used more widely to treat diseases and injuries.
"We need to get better at turning stem cells into the fully mature cells that you need for therapy. That's going to take more work. Another issue is that of scale-up. If you're going to treat a patient, you need to be able to grow millions of cells," said Prof Rossant.
She added: "Safety is another concern. One of the most exciting things about pluripotent stem cells is that they can divide indefinitely in the culture dish. But that's also one of the most scary things about them, because that's also how cancer works.
"Furthermore, because we need to genetically manipulate cells to get IPS cells, it's very hard to know whether we've got completely normal cells at the end of the day. These are all issues that need to be resolved."
She noted that some scientists are working on making "failsafe" IPS cells, which have a built-in self-destruct option if they become dangerous. "Bringing stem cells into regenerative medicine is going to require interdisciplinary, international collaboration," she said.
In the meantime, stem cells have been a boon to medical research, as scientists can use them to create an endless supply of different cells to study diseases and injuries, and test drugs. "That's the biggest use of IPS cells right now," Prof Rossant said.
Sick kids and how to help them
At SickKids, which is Canada's largest paediatric research hospital, she has been using stem cells to study cystic fibrosis, a frequently fatal genetic disorder that causes mucus to build up and clog some organs such as the lungs. It affects primarily children and young adults.
SickKids discovered the CFTR gene that, when mutated, causes the disease. It was also the first to produce mature lung cells, from stem cells, that can be used to study the disease and test drugs against it.
Even better, Prof Rossant and her team were able to turn skin cells from cystic fibrosis patients into IPS cells and then into lung cells with the genetic mutation specific to each of them. This is critical to personalising treatment for each patient.
"Drugs for cystic fibrosis are extraordinarily expensive, and patients can have the same mutation and yet respond differently to the same drug," Prof Rossant explained. "With our work, we can make sure that each patient gets the right drug at the right time."
In 1998, Prof Rossant also discovered a new type of stem cell in mice, now called the trophoblast stem cell. These surround an embryo and attach it to the uterine wall, eventually becoming the placenta. She is using such cells to study placenta defects and pregnancy problems.
By using IPS cells to create heart cells and other cells, pharmaceutical companies can also test their new drugs' effectiveness and uncover potential side effects, as well as develop personalised medicines.
"There are still huge amounts of opportunities in pluripotent stem cells," said Prof Rossant, who has won numerous awards for her research, including the Companion of the Order of Canada and the 2016 Friesen International Prize in Health Research.
She is also president and scientific director of the Toronto-based Gairdner Foundation, which recognises outstanding biomedical research worldwide, and a professor at the University of Toronto's molecular genetics, obstetrics and gynaecology departments.
"Meetings like the Commonwealth Science Conference are a fantastic opportunity for scientists to come together, learn about each other's work and establish new relationships, which will help to push science forward, including in stem cell research," she said.
She noted: "The world of science is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, so this kind of meeting of minds across nations, cultures and scientific fields is really the way of the future."
Explore further: Cardiac stem cells from heart disease patients may be harmful
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Stem cells: the future of medicine - Medical Xpress
Human head transplant: Chinese researchers claim success with rats – Alphr
By NEVAGiles23
A quick glance at your calendar will reveal that we're now in 2017. 2017, you may recall, is the year when contraversial surgeon Sergio Canavero has promised to perform the world's first human head transplant.
But just how feasible is a human head transplant? Is it the stuff of science fiction, or does it have a basis in current scientific thinking? Read on for everything you need to know about 2017 most alarming scientific development.
The most recent news comes from the journal CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, where Xiaping Ren from the Harbin Medical University claims to have successfully repaired severed spinal cords in rats using the same principals that Dr Canavero wants to use on humans before the year is out.
Nine rats were treated with polyethylene glycol (PEG). Eight were still alive a month after the operation, and by day 28 they had regained the ability to walk two were described as being "basically normal".
Canavero told Newsweek that this showed his critics were wrong: "Critics said the transected spinal cord is unrecoverable and thus a human head transplant is impossible...The scans show the reconstructed cord. No pain syndrome emerged over the duration of the study, again rebutting a critics worse than death remark."
Time will tell the team plans to move onto dogs next. It shoud be noted, however, that even if this is right and even if it is applicable to humans, this relates to repairing severed spinal cords not attaching a new head. If the research is accurate, it is indeed a point for Canavero and his proposed methods but we're a long way from it being anything close to the finished article.
A human head transplant is exactly what it sounds like taking one living head and putting it onto a new body.
But actually, thats a little misleading. In real terms, its a body transplant, as the head will be gaining a new body to control. However, as the term whole body transplant is already used to mean transferring the brain between bodies, calling it a head transplant makes it clear that the whole head is to be switched, brain included.
Until recently, a head transplant seemed totally implausible, but the Italian scientist Dr Sergio Canavero believes its possible, and intends to conduct the first surgery in 2017.
Canavero outlines the procedure in detail here, but these are the basics of the process. Remember: dont try this at home, kids.
The donor body and the head to be attached are first cooled down to 12-15C to ensure that the cells last longer than a few minutes without oxygen. The tissue around the neck is then cut, with the major blood vessels linked with tiny tubes. The spinal cord on each party is then severed cleanly with an extremely sharp blade.
"Post coma, Canavero believes the patient would immediately be able to move, feel their face and even speak with the same voice."
At this point, the head is ready to be moved, and the two ends of the spinal cord are fused using a chemical called polyethylene glycol, encouraging the cells to mesh. This chemical has been shown to prompt the growth of spinal cord nerves in animals, although Canavero suggests that introducing stem cells or olfactory ensheathing cells into the spinal cord could also be tried.
After the muscles and blood supply are successfully connected, the patient is kept in a coma for a month to limit movement of the newly fused neck, while electrodes stimulate the spinal cord to strengthen its new connections.
Following the coma, Canavero anticipates that the patient would immediately be able to move, feel their face and even speak with the same voice. He believes physiotherapy would allow the patient to walk within a year.
He explains his suggested methods in the TED talk below.
Sceptical would be a nice way of putting it. Horrified would, in most cases, be more accurate.
Dr Hunt Batjer has attracted headlines for being particularly blunt: I would not wish this on anyone. I would not allow anyone to do it to me as there are a lot of things worse than death.
Dr Jerry Silver witnessed the 1970s monkey head transplant experiment more on which later and describes the procedure as bad science, adding that just to do the experiments is unethical. This is a particular blow to Canavero, as he states that Silvers own work in reconnecting rats spinal cords should give hope to the human head transplant. Silver dismisses this: To sever a head and even contemplate the possibility of gluing axons back properly across the lesion to their neighbours is pure and utter fantasy in my opinion.
Dr Chad Gordon, professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery and neurological surgery at Johns Hopkins University, agrees that Canaveros claims are scientifically implausible. He told BuzzFeed: Theres no way hes going to hook up somebodys brain to someones spinal cord and have them be functional.
On the conservative side, were about 100 years away from being able to figure this out, he continued. If hes saying two, and hes promising a living, breathing, talking, moving human being? Hes lying.
Dr Paul Myers, associate professor of biology at the University of Minnesota at Morris, puts it even more explicitly: This procedure will not work... Try it with monkeys first. But he cant: the result would be, at best, a shambling horror, an animal driven mad with pain and terror, crippled and whimpering, and a poor advertisement for his experiment. And most likely what hed have is a collection of corpses that suffered briefly before expiring.
Others wonder whether Canavero might simply be enjoying the limelight with a PR stunt, including Dr Arthur Caplan, director of ethics at the NYU Langone Medical Centre. Describing the doctor as nuts, he explained to CNN: Their bodies would end up being overwhelmed with different pathways and chemistry than theyre used to, and theyd go crazy.
"We'll probably see a head on a robot before we see it on [another] body," he told Live Science.
Dr John Adler of Stanford University's school of medicine is slightly more optimistic... but not much more. "Conceptually, much of this could work, but the most favourable outcome will be little more than a Christopher Reeve level of function," he told Newsweek.
Canavero is aware of this criticism, claiming that silently hes received a lot of support from the medical community. Of Dr Batjers comments that the surgery would be a fate worse than death, Canavero is scathing. Hes a vascular surgeon. A vascular surgeon of the brain, yes, but he knows nothing, he argued. How can you say such a thing? Its incredible.
"The world is moving, the critics are dwindling. Of course, there will always be critics. Science teaches us that when you propose something groundbreaking, you must be confronted by criticism. If no critics really step forward, you are saying nothing special," he told Medical News Today.
Dr Canavero also believes that the operation could essentially be used to revive the dead, if brains were suitably frozen and stored. In an interview with German magazine Ooom, Canavero said: "We will try to bring the first of the company's patients back to life, not in 100 years. As soon as the first human head transplant has taken place, i.e. no later than 2018, we will be able to attempt to reawaken the first frozen head.We are currently planning the world's first brain transplant, and I consider it realistic that we will be ready in three years at the latest."
No-one has ever attempted a human head transplant before, and attempts on animals have to put it charitably had limited success.
Image: from Motherboard, uploaded under fair use from a 1959 issue of Life
The photo above really does show a dog with two heads and its not a fake. This was the work of Soviet scientist Vladimir Demikhov, and for four days the hybrid of two dogs lived as normally as such a scientific horror could be expected to. Then they died.
Demikhov tried the experiment more than 24 times, but was unable to find a way of avoiding the dogs dying shortly after surgery. Although the results are horrifying to see, Demikhovs research did pave the way for human organ transplants.
"For four days this hybrid of two dogs lived as normally as such a scientific horror could be expected to. Then they died."
But back to the topic of head transplants. The first time a straight swap was successful, was by Dr Robert White, in an experiment on a rhesus monkey in 1970. I feel the need to qualify the word successful with quotation marks, because although the monkey did live, he didnt live very long. Eight days, to be exact, and as the spinal cord wasnt attached to its new body, the monkey was paralysed for its remaining days. However, it could indeed see, hear, smell and taste before the body rejected the foreign head.
According to Canavero in his paper on human head transplants, the monkey lived eight days and was, by all measures, normal, having suffered no complications. However, Dr Jerry Silver who worked in the same lab as Dr White has more haunting memories. He toldCBS: I remember that the head would wake up, the facial expressions looked like terrible pain and confusion and anxiety in the animal. The head will stay alive, but not very long. It was just awful. I dont think it should ever be done again.
More recently, Chinese doctor Xiaoping Ren claims to have conducted head transplants on more than 1,000 mice. The Wall Street Journal reports to have witnessed a mouse with a new head moving, breathing, looking around and drinking. But, crucially, none of these mice have lived longer than a few minutes.
Still, Dr Rens studies continue, and the latest reports are said to be promising, offering a possible answer to the risk of severe blood loss (or brain ischemia) during transplantation. The experimental method that we have described can allow for long-term survival, and thus assessment of transplant rejection and central nervous system recovery, bringing us one step closer to AHBR in man, the researchers wrote.
Ren himself has not ruled out taking part in the first human head transplant operation, according to the Daily Mail. "A human head transplant will be a new frontier in science. Some people say it is the last frontier in medicine. It is a very sensitive and very controversial subject but if we can translate it to clinical practice, we can save a lot of lives," he said.
"Many people say a head transplant is not ethical. But what is the essence of a person? A person is the brain not the body. The body is just an organ," he added.
In January 2016, Canavero told New Scientist that a head transplant had been successfully completed on a monkey in China, although details were sparse. "The monkey fully survived the procedure without any neurological injury of whatever kind," he said, although the article notes that the monkey only kept alive for 20 hours after the surgery for "ethical reasons," limiting its use as a comparison somewhat.
In September 2016, Canavero revealeda further trial of the head transplant on dogs.New Scientisthas seen video footage of a dog appearing to walk three weeks after its spinal cord was severed, with Canavero claiming that the outcome is the result of the same techniques he plans to use on Spiridonov next year.
However, speaking to a number of scientists for their view on the new evidence, New Scientistcould find few sceptics converted. "These papers do not support moving forward in humans," said Jerry Silver a neuroscientist at Cape Western Reserve University in Ohio.
"The dog is a case report, and you cant learn very much from a single animal without controls. They claim they cut the cervical cord 90 per cent but theres no evidence of that in the paper, just some crude pictures," added Silver.
In May 2017, Canavero claimed success with another animal model: rats. Canavero and his team of Chinese surgeons claimed they were able to transplant the head of a donor rat onto the back of a larger one, creating a two-headed animal. The creature's donor head was allegedly able to blink and respond after the operation, although it only lived for 36 hours, which may not inspire confidence even with rodents' reduced lifespans.
You could say so, though Canavero doesn't see it quite like that. In fact, controversially he sees it more as a failure of other types of medicine, telling Medical News Today, "It will be about curing incurable neurological disorders for which other treatments have failed big time, so gene therapy,stem cells- they all just came to nothing. We have failed despite billions of dollars being poured into this sort of research."
"So actually, head transplant or body transplant, whatever your angle is, is actually a failure of medicine. It is not a brilliant success, a brilliant advancement to medical science. When you just haven't tackled biology, you don't know how to treat genes, you don't really understand, and you really need to resort to a body transplant, it means that you've failed. So this must not be construed as a success of medical research," he added.
See original here:
Human head transplant: Chinese researchers claim success with rats - Alphr
Testing For Cardiotoxicity In 3D – Asian Scientist Magazine
By Sykes24Tracey
Researchers from Singapore have developed a 3D tissue model than can be used to test drugs for their effects on the heart in a more realistic manner.
Asian Scientist Newsroom | June 22, 2017 | In the Lab
AsianScientist (Jun. 22, 2017) - Researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) have engineered a three-dimensional heart tissue from human stem cells to test the safety and efficacy of new drugs on the heart. Their research has been published in Biofabrication.
Cardiotoxicity, which can lead to heart failure and even death, is a major cause of drug withdrawal from the market. So it is important to test as early as possible whether a newly developed drug is safe for human use. However, cardiotoxicity is difficult to predict in the early stages of drug development, said Professor Jackie Y. Ying, Executive Director at IBN.
A big part of the problem is the use of animals or animal-derived cells in preclinical cardiotoxicity studies due to the limited availability of human heart muscle cells. Substantial genetic and cardiac differences exist between animals and humans. There have been a large number of cases whereby the tests failed to detect cardiovascular toxicity when moving from animal studies to human clinical trials.
Existing screening methods based on 2D cardiac structure cannot accurately predict drug toxicity, while the currently available 3D structures for screening are difficult to fabricate in the quantities needed for commercial application.
To solve this problem, the IBN research team fabricated their 3D heart tissue from cellular self-assembly of heart muscle cells grown from human induced pluripotent stem cells. They also developed a fluorescence labelling technology to monitor changes in beating rate using a real-time video recording system.
The new heart tissue exhibited more cardiac-specific genes, stronger contraction and higher beating rate compared to cells in a 2D structure.
Using the 3D heart tissue, we were able to correctly predict cardiotoxic effects based on changes in the beating rate, even when these were not detected by conventional tests. The method is simple and suitable for large-scale assessment of drug side effects. It could also be used to design personalized therapy using a patients own cells, said lead researcher Dr. Andrew Wan, who is Team Leader and Principal Research Scientist at IBN.
The researchers have filed a patent on their human heart tissue model, and hope to work with clinicians and pharmaceutical companies to bring this technology to market.
The article can be found at: Lu et al. (2017) Engineering a Functional Three-Dimensional Human Cardiac Tissue Model for Drug Toxicity Screening.
Source: A*STAR; Photo: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of AsianScientist or its staff.
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Testing For Cardiotoxicity In 3D - Asian Scientist Magazine
StemoniX Wins Red Herring Top 100 Award – PR Newswire (press release)
By NEVAGiles23
"Being named a Red Herring Top 100 winner is an incredible honor," said StemoniX CEO Ping Yeh. "We truly believe in the importance of what we're doing and in making medicine more effective and safer for everyone. This award is affirming not only for us, but also for our investors, who continue to make it possible for us to pursue our mission of making sure medicine works the first time. Our commitment to improving our technology, and our work with some of the country's top producers of therapeutic cures, will ensure we achieve our vision."
StemoniX was born out of Yeh's own medical battle. 5 years ago, he survived a frightening bout with cancer. During treatment, his only option to beat the disease was a drug that may have destroyed his heart. There was no way for doctors to test the effectiveness of that treatment or Ping's survival rate ahead of time. Convinced there had to be a better way to test medication, he poured his life savings into starting StemoniX. In only three years, the company has made scientific breakthroughs that may forever alter how people are treated.
"Every year, Red Herring North America Top 100 selects an amazing group of disruptive companies. But a few carry an exceptional weight because they will change the world. StemoniX is one of them," said Red Herring chairman Alex Vieux. "Ping Yeh and his team are receiving continued and increased market validation for their technology. StemoniX will revolutionize drug discovery research and has pioneered a novel approach. Hence the jury was enthused at the opportunity to recognize StemoniX among the Top 100 Red Herring North America 2017."
StemoniX is on a mission to accelerate the discovery of new medicines. The company develops and scalably manufactures human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cardiac and neuronal platforms for drug discovery and development. Their human models enable scientists to quickly and economically conduct research with improved outcomes in a simplified workflow. StemoniX microHeart products, which come in high-density plate formats, provide researchers with structurally aligned human iPSC-derived cardiac cells that exhibit accelerated features of maturity resembling heart tissue.
StemoniX microBrain products will launch later this year, containing physiologically relevant human iPSC-derived neural microtissue in high-density plates with biology, activity and functional maturity that mimic brain tissue.
StemoniX also offers Discovery as a Service. The company has the ability to develop custom-iPSC-based disease models, test compounds with its in-house screening capabilities and operationalize their customers' human iPS cells at large scale for high throughput screening.
Following StemoniX's Top 100 win, they are invited to present at the Top 100 Global event in November that will encompass the best-in-show from the Top 100 Europe, North America and Asia.
About StemoniX: StemoniX is transforming how medicine is discovered. By using skin or blood to create functioning microHearts and microBrains, StemoniX is making it possible to test medication on humans without that medication ever entering their bodies. This method of drug testing will speed up the search for new cures and enable the ability to test drug effectiveness on an individual person, so medicine works correctly the first time. Learn more at
Media Contact: Ryan Gordon Phone Number: 612-440-7836 Email: Website:
To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:
SOURCE StemoniX, Inc.
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StemoniX Wins Red Herring Top 100 Award - PR Newswire (press release)
An LAPD officer needs a bone marrow transplant. His ethnicity limits his chances of getting one – Los Angeles Times
Matthew Medinas doctors diagnosed him with a rare blood disease a few months ago and told him he would probably die without a bone marrow transplant.
With that prognosis came another: The 40-year-old Los Angeles police officer had a less than 50% chance of finding a donor because he is not white.
Most successful matches for bone marrow transplants involve a donor and patient of the same ethnicity. But the majority of the 25 million registered donors nationwide are white, and Medina is Filipino. So far, no match has been found.
Youre basically looking for a genetic twin, said Athena Mari Asklipiadis, who runs Mixed Marrow, an L.A.-based organization that is trying to increase diversity in the bone marrow donor registry. Its not like we have more of a chance we would get a disease, or that were harder to match, its just that theres not representation in the national registry.
Its a familiar problem for any nonwhite person who has needed a bone marrow transplant.
A white American of European descent has a 75% chance of finding a perfect match in the national donor registry, compared with a 40% chance for Filipinos. Few Filipinos in the U.S. have signed up as potential donors, and there is no registry in the Philippines.
Researchers are experimenting with ways to perform bone marrow transplants on people who cant find matches. But while those treatments are being perfected, thousands of people are diagnosed every year with leukemia, lymphomas and other blood diseases whose only hope for a cure is a marrow transplant. And for them, it can come down to ethnicity.
Medinas wife, Angelee, has watched dozens of people at sign-up events across Southern California, particularly in the Filipino community, volunteer to donate bone marrow with the hope of curing her husband. Were very thankful for that, she said. Were hoping something comes up.
For now, Medina is being kept alive with transfusions.
All you want is for that loved one to have a chance, said Officer Dante Pagulayan, Medinas partner at the LAPD and a childhood friend. Thats what were praying for.
Medina went to the doctor in March because he had a rash. His blood work revealed something far more dangerous.
Medina was diagnosed with aplastic anemia, a disease in which the bone marrow stops working. Bone marrow is spongy material inside bones that produces the essential components of blood white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.
Between 600 and 900 Americans are diagnosed with aplastic anemia each year, according to the Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation. The disease can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals or a virus, but most cases, including Medinas, are unexplained.
One day he wakes up and the doctor tells him he has this. It could happen to anyone, said Pagulayan, who went to high school and Cal State Long Beach with Medina and now works alongside him in the gang unit in the LAPDs Harbor Division.
Blood transfusions can sustain Medina for now, but the only possible cure for aplastic anemia is a transplant, said Dr. Len Farol, a bone marrow transplant specialist at City of Hope National Medical Center and one of Medinas physicians.
Medina is quarantined at his home in Bellflower, where he lives with his wife and two young daughters. But he needs a transplant soon because his immune system is so weakened from his disease that exposure to a common virus could kill him, Farol said.
Doctors checked to see if Medinas sister could be a match, but she wasnt siblings provide a match only about 25% of the time. They started combing through the registry, but trying to find a donor there can be like finding a needle in a haystack, Farol said.
Doctors look to see if the patient and potential donor share eight cell markers called human leukocyte antigens, or HLA. All eight have to match, but thats rare because there are thousands of possibilities for each marker, experts say.
There could be billions of combinations, said Stephen Spellman, director of immunobiology and observational research for the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Within any group, finding a match for HLA is difficult.
Spellman said that people whose ancestors are from the same place tend to have the same markers because they evolved over time in response to different pathogens and diseases that were present in their environment.
According to a 2014 report in the New England Journal of Medicine, a person of white European descent has the highest chance of finding a perfect match eight out of eight HLA markers in the national registry of any ethnic group.
What's your chance of finding a perfect match? If you're...
Source: HLA Match Likelihoods for Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Grafts in the U.S. Registry, New England Journal of Medicine, 2014
Pagulayan, who is also Filipino, said neither he nor Medina knew ethnicity would affect his chances of being cured. Finding out that less than 1% of people in the registry were Filipino was very disheartening, he said.
There are international registries, but the vast majority of people worldwide whove signed up to donate bone marrow are from the U.S and Europe.
Plus, nonwhite populations in general tend to have more genetic diversity. African Americans, for example, have highly diverse genetics because of mixing with other groups since arriving in the United States, experts say. Filipinos are also very diverse because of the countrys long history of colonization.
Still, experts say that everyone who wants to help Medina should sign up for the registry, regardless of ethnicity.
Matches often break down along ethnic lines, but not always. Sometimes markers in one population also appear in another, or people dont know their lineage.
Maya Chamberlin, who is half Indian and half white, had two bone marrow transplants after she was diagnosed with a rare blood disease called HLH in 2009 when she was 4.
Mayas first donor was half Japanese and half Latino, and her second was half Japanese and half Filipino.
So you never know how this works until you get on the registry, said her mother, Mina Chamberlin, who lived in Torrance when Maya was diagnosed but has since relocated to Cincinnati to be closer to physicians who specialize in her daughters disease. You just never know.
Angelee Medina canceled her familys vacation to Mexico scheduled for this summer. Shed been commuting to a job as a graphic designer 20 miles from home when Matt was diagnosed, but found a closer place to work so she could take care of the kids and be near her husband.
It was very, very overwhelming in the beginning, she said. With all the support were getting from everyone around us, it feels hopeful.
More than 1,000 people have signed up to donate bone marrow over the past few months through dozens of drives for Medina, said Chris Chen, a recruitment coordinator for Little Tokyo-based nonprofit A3M, which focuses on getting more Asians to sign up for the Be the Match registry to donate bone marrow.
Potential donors submit cell samples by having the inside of their cheek swabbed. The cells are then analyzed to determine their HLA markers.
About 70% of transplants employ a process called peripheral blood stem cell donation, which is similar to a blood donation but can take several hours. In the other 30% of cases, donors are admitted to the hospital and anesthetized so doctors can remove marrow from their pelvic bone with a needle.
Ayumi Nagata, recruitment manager for A3M, knows that asking people to volunteer for a medical procedure they dont need themselves can be a hard sell. But she tries to impress upon them how they could be the cure for someones cancer or other disease and save their life.
How often do we have that kind of opportunity? Nagata said.
The Medinas 8-year-old daughter, Cassiah, made a sticker thats distributed at donor drives that says, Keep calm and help our daddy fight! When Angelee picked up Cassiah from day care recently, she found out that her daughter had been asking the other kids parents: Did you get swabbed? Have you gotten swabbed yet?
Doctors are testing ways to perform transplants on patients who cant find a bone marrow match. Some are using umbilical cord blood, donated by mothers whove just given birth, which scientists say has a lower chance of rejection even if its not a complete match.
Haploidentical transplants, in which the donor and patient share only half of the eight markers, have also been successful in clinical trials, Spellman said.
Medinas doctors think his best shot is still a perfect match for a bone marrow transplant, his wife said.
Thats just what were waiting for, she said. I remind him one day soon, hopefully everything will be better.
What to know about joining the bone marrow registry
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Read this article:
An LAPD officer needs a bone marrow transplant. His ethnicity limits his chances of getting one - Los Angeles Times
Aging-related mutations in blood cells represent major new risk factor for cardiovascular disease – Medical Xpress
By daniellenierenberg
June 22, 2017 Credit : Susanna M. Hamilton, Broad Communications
Scientists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have found that a set of genetic mutations in blood cells that arises during aging may be a major new risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In contrast to inherited genetic predispositions and traditional lifestyle risk factors, such as smoking or an unhealthy diet, the new mutations are "somatic mutations" that originate in stem cells in the bone marrow as people age.
Because the mutations are relatively common in older people (over 10% of people over the age of 70 harbor at least one of these mutations), potential future efforts to screen for the mutations in blood cells, identify people at increased risk for coronary heart disease, and reduce risk in those individuals through lifestyle changes or therapeutic interventions could have a significant clinical impact, according to the researchers.
"There is more work to be done, but these results demonstrate that pre-malignant mutations in blood cells are a major cause of cardiovascular disease that in the future may be treatable either with standard therapies or new therapeutic strategies based on these findings," said Benjamin Ebert, a co-senior author of the new study, an institute member at the Broad, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a hematologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Featured in the New England Journal of Medicine, the work also contributes to the broader understanding of pathogenesis in coronary heart disease by supporting the hypothesis that inflammation, in addition to elevated cholesterol levels, plays an important role in this illness and potentially other diseases of aging.
"A key finding from this study is that somatic mutations are actually modulating risk for a common disease, something we haven't seen other than in cancer," said first author Siddhartha Jaiswal, a pathologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and researcher in the Ebert lab. "It opens up interesting questions about other diseases of aging in which acquired mutations, in addition to lifestyle and inherited factors, could modulate disease risk."
Previous research led by Ebert and Jaiswal revealed that some somatic mutations that are able to confer a selective advantage to blood stem cells become much more frequent with aging. They named this condition "clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential," (CHIP), and found that it increases the risk of developing a blood cancer more than 10-fold and it appeared to increase mortality from heart attacks or stroke. In the new study, the researchers analyzed data from four case-control studies on more than 8,000 people and found that having one of the CHIP-related mutations nearly doubled the risk for coronary heart disease, with the mutations conferring an even greater risk in people who have previously had a heart attack before age 50.
While the human genetics data showed a strong association between CHIP and coronary heart disease, the team hoped to uncover the underlying biology. Using a mouse model prone to developing atherosclerosis, the scientists showed that loss of one of the CHIP-mutated genes, Tet2, in bone marrow cells leads to larger atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, evidence that this mutation can accelerate atherosclerosis in mice.
Atherosclerosis is believed to be a disease of chronic inflammation that can arise in response to excess cholesterol in the vessel wall. To examine this on a cellular level the team turned to the macrophage, an immune cell found in atherosclerotic plaques that can develop from CHIP stem cells and carry the same mutations. Because Tet2 and other CHIP-related mutations are known to be so-called "epigenetic regulators" that can alter the activity of other genes, the team examined gene expression levels in the Tet2-mutated macrophages from mice. They found that the mutated cells appear to be "hyper-inflammatory" with increased expression of inflammatory molecules that contribute to atherosclerosis. In support of this finding, humans with TET2 mutations also had higher levels of one of these molecules, IL-8, in their blood.
The work demonstrates that CHIP associates with coronary heart disease in humans, that mutation of the CHIP-related gene Tet2 causes atherosclerosis in mice, and that an inflammatory mechanism likely underlies the process. More work is needed to show whether other genes that are mutated in CHIP also lead to increased inflammation. The team is also exploring whether interventions such as cholesterol lowering therapy or anti-inflammatory drugs might have benefit in people with CHIP.
Inflammation is also thought to modulate several other diseases of aging besides cardiovascular disease, such as autoimmune disorders and neurodegenerative disease. Because CHIP also increases in frequency with age, somatic mutations that alter inflammatory processes could influence several diseases of aging, though more work is needed to test this possibility.
"By combining genetic analysis on large cohorts with disease model and gene expression studies, we've been able to confirm the earlier hints of CHIP's surprising role in cardiovascular disease," said co-senior author Sekar Kathiresan, director of the Broad's Cardiovascular Disease Initiative, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and director of the Center for Genomic Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. "Beyond the mutations that you inherit from your parents, this work reveals a new genetic mechanism for atherosclerosismutations in blood stem cells that arise with aging."
Explore further: A role for mutated blood cells in heart disease?
More information: Siddhartha Jaiswal et al. Clonal Hematopoiesis and Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, New England Journal of Medicine (2017). DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1701719
A new study provides some of the first links between relatively common mutations in the blood cells of elderly humans and atherosclerosis.
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Warwick man’s plea for more organ donors as he heads to World Transplant Games – Warwick Courier
11:59 Thursday 22 June 2017
A cancer survivor and transplant athlete from Warwick has issued a fresh plea for people to sign up to be an organ donor as he heads off to Malaga for the World Transplant Games.
Simon Perkin was diagnosed with blood cancer in 1991 at the age of 26 and after years of treatment and his deteriorating health, was left with no alternative but to have a bone marrow transplant in July 2012, when a donor match was found.
Since the operation, Simons health has steadily improved.
A major part of his recovery has been keeping himself in the best possible shape, which included taking part in the London Marathon just 18 months after his transplant.
In July 2016 Simon took part in the British Transplant Games in Liverpool, which is a qualifier for the World Transplant Games, where he won four gold medals.
Simon was selected for Team GB at this years World Transplant Games, and is part of the countrys largest ever team at the event, with 200 transplant athletes, including 20 juniors, 10 live donors, and 200-plus supporters.
The Games take place every two years, this year starting on the 25 June, and are supported by the International Olympic Committee.
They represent the largest organ donor awareness event in the world, featuring a week of 17 sporting events, 1000 transplant athletes, from 60 countries across the globe.
All of Team GBs athletes have survived either a heart, lung, kidney, pancreas, liver, small bowel or bone marrow transplant.
Simon has now launched a fresh plea to get more people to sign up to the Organ Donation Register.
He said: Every twenty minutes someone in the UK finds out they have a blood cancer.
Around 2,000 people in the UK are in need of a bone marrow or stem cell transplant every year. Like me, this is usually their last chance of survival
I was diagnosed with blood cancer in 1991 at the age of 26 and after years of treatment and deteriorating health, my only option was a bone marrow transplant. I was lucky as the Anthony Nolan Trust found a donor match in July 2012, and so my recovery began.
As training for the World Transplant Games enters its final phase, its a reminder of how far I have come and all I have achieved. It makes me feel so proud to be alive and representing Team GB at the Games.
To cover his own costs of getting to the World Transplant Games and raise money for Transplant Sport UK, Simon has launched a fundraising campaign that has so far, raised 2,030 of his of 2,500 target.
Warwickshire law firm Lodders has already donated 600 to Simons fundraising, making it his largest supporter to date.
Lynne Holt, Team GB Manager added: In spite of the constant training, fitting in work, school, exams, and hospital clinic appointments, these athletes receive no government support, and have to raise the funding themselves.
Sadly, many could not accept their place on the team, because of the heavy financial burden.
The team are supported by management, coaches, captains and a medical/physio team, all who are volunteers and are also self-financing.
Their motivation to be Fit for Life, the opportunity to represent their country, celebrate life and pay tribute to their donors who gave them life, is the goal.
These athletes certainly deserve the same recognition as the recent Olympic and Para Olympic Games. Not only are they ambassadors for our country, but they are also representing the charity, Transplant Sport, and hope to raise awareness here in the UK and globally, of the need for more people to sign on to the Organ Donor Register and discuss their wishes with their family and friends.
View original post here:
Warwick man's plea for more organ donors as he heads to World Transplant Games - Warwick Courier
There are millions of protein factories in every cell. Surprise, they’re not all the same – Science Magazine
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Ribosomes, which build a protein (black) from an RNA strand (blue), may specialize in making particular sets of proteins.
By Mitch LeslieJun. 21, 2017 , 11:00 AM
The plant that built your computer isn't churning out cars and toys as well. But many researchers think cells' crucial protein factories, organelles known as ribosomes, are interchangeable, each one able to make any of the body's proteins. Now, a provocative study suggests that some ribosomes, like modern factories, specialize to manufacture only certain products. Such tailored ribosomes could provide a cell with another way to control which proteins it generates. They could also help explain the puzzling symptoms of certain diseases, which might arise when particular ribosomes are defective.
Biologists have long debated whether ribosomes specialize, and some remain unconvinced by the new work. But other researchers say they are sold on the finding, which relied on sophisticated analytical techniques. "This is really an important step in redefining how we think about this central player in molecular biology," says Jonathan Dinman, a molecular biologist at the University of Maryland in College Park.
A mammalian cell may harbor as many as 10 million ribosomes, and it can devote up to 60% of its energy to constructing them from RNA and 80 different types of proteins. Although ribosomes are costly, they are essential for translating the genetic code, carried in messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, into all the proteins the cell needs. "Life evolved around the ribosome," Dinman says.
The standard view has been that a ribosome doesn't play favorites with mRNAsand therefore can synthesize every protein variety. But for decades, some researchers have reported hints of customized ribosomes. For example, molecular and developmental biologist Maria Barna of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and colleagues reported in 2011 that mice with too little of one ribosome protein have short tails, sprout extra ribs, and display other anatomical defects. That pattern of abnormalities suggested that the protein shortage had crippled ribosomes specialized for manufacturing proteins key to embryonic development.
Definitive evidence for such differences has been elusive, however. "It's been a really hard field to make progress in," says structural and systems biologist Jamie Cate of the University of California (UC), Berkeley. For one thing, he says, measuring the concentrations of proteins in naturally occurring ribosomes has been difficult.
In their latest study, published online last week in Molecular Cell, Barna and her team determined the abundances of various ribosome proteins with a method known as selected reaction monitoring, which depends on a type of mass spectrometry, a technique for sorting molecules by their weight. When the researchers analyzed 15 ribosomal proteins in mouse embryonic stem cells, they found that nine of the proteins were equally common in all ribosomes. However, four were absent from 30% to 40% of the organelles, suggesting that those ribosomes were distinctive. Among 76 ribosome proteins the scientists measured with another mass spectrometry-based method, seven varied enough to indicate ribosome specialization.
Barna and colleagues then asked whether they could identify the proteins that the seemingly distinctive ribosomes made. A technique called ribosome profiling enabled them to pinpoint which mRNAs the organelles were readingand thus determine their end products. The specialized ribosomes often concentrated on proteins that worked together to perform particular tasks. One type of ribosome built several proteins that control growth, for example. A second type churned out all the proteins that allow cells to use vitamin B12, an essential molecule for metabolism. That each ribosome focused on proteins crucial for a certain function took the team by surprise, Barna says. "I don't think any of us would have expected this."
Ribosome specialization could explain the symptoms of several rare diseases, known as ribosomopathies, in which the organelles are defective. In Diamond-Blackfan anemia, for instance, the bone marrow that generates new blood cells is faulty, but patients also often have birth defects such as a small head and misshapen or missing thumbs. These seemingly unconnected abnormalities might have a single cause, the researchers suggest, if the cells that spawn these different parts of the body during embryonic development carry the same specialized ribosomes.
Normal cells might be able to dial protein production up or down by adjusting the numbers of these specialized factories, providing "a new layer of control of gene expression," Barna says. Why cells need another mechanism for controlling gene activity isn't clear, says Cate, but it could help keep cells stable if their environment changes.
He and Dinman say the use of "state-of-the-art tools" makes the results from Barna's team compelling. However, molecular biologist Harry Noller of UC Santa Cruz doubts that cells would evolve to reshuffle the array of proteins in the organelles. "The ribosome is very expensive to synthesize for the cell," he says. If cells are going to tailor their ribosomes, "the cheaper way to do it" would entail modifying a universal ribosome structure rather than building custom ones.
Read the original:
There are millions of protein factories in every cell. Surprise, they're not all the same - Science Magazine
How Close Are We to Successfully Cloning the First Human? – Futurism
When Will We Clone a Human?
Human cloning may endure as one of the go-to science fiction tropes, but in reality we may be much closer to achieving it than our fictional heroes might imply. At least in terms of the science required. On of the most prominent hurdles facing us may have less to do with the process and more to do with its potential consequences, and our collective struggle to reconcile the ethics involved.That being said, while science has come a long way in the last century when it comes to cloning a menagerie of animals, cloning humans and other primates has actually proven to be incredibly difficult. While we might not be on the brink ofcloning entire human beings, were already capable of cloning human cells the question is,should we be?Click to View Full Infographic
The astoundingly complex concept of cloning boils down to a fairly simple (in theory, at least) practice:you need two cells from the same animal one of which is an egg cell from which youve removed the DNA. You take the DNA from the othersomatic cell and put it inside the devoid-of-DNA egg cell. Whatever that egg cell goes on to produce for offspring will be genetically identical to the parent cell.While human reproduction is the result of the joining of two cells (one from each parent, each with their own DNA) the cellular photocopy technique does occur in nature.Bacteria reproduce through binary fission: each time it divides, its DNA is divided too so that each new bacterium is genetically identical to its predecessor. Except sometimes mutations occur in this process and in fact, that can be by design and function as a survival mechanism. Such mutations allow bacteria to, for example, become resistant to antibiotics bent on destroying them. On the other hand,some mutations are fatal to an organism or preclude them coming into existence at all. And while it might seem like the picking-and-choosing thats inherent to cloning could sidestep these potential genetic hiccups, scientists have found thats not necessarily the case.
Image Credit: Pixabay
While Dolly the sheep might be the most famous mammal science has ever cloned, shes by no means the only one: scientists have cloned mice, cats, and several types of livestock in addition to sheep. The cloning of cows has, in recent years, provided a great deal of knowledge to scientists about why the processdoesnt work: everything from implantation failure to those aforementioned mutations that render offspring unable to survive.Harris Lewin, professor in the UC Davis Department of Evolution and Ecology, and his team published their findings on the impact cloning has ongene expression in the journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesback in 2016. In the studys press release Lewin noted that the findings were certainly invaluable to refining cloning techniques in mammals, but that their discoveries also reinforce the need for a strict ban on human cloning for any purposes.
The creation ofentiremammals via reproductive cloning has proven a difficult process both practically and ethnically, as legal scholar and ethicist Hank Greely of Stanford University explained toBusiness Insiderin 2016:
The cloning of human cells,however, may be a far more immediate application for humans.Researchers call it therapeutic cloning, and differentiate it from traditional cloning that has reproductive intent. In 2014, researchers created human stem cells through the same cloning technique that generated Dolly the sheep. Because stem cells can differentiate to become any kind of cell in the body, they could be utilized for a wide variety of purposes when it comes to treating diseases particularly genetic diseases, or diseases where a patient would require a transplant from an often elusive perfect match donor.This potential application is already well underway: earlier this year a woman in Japansuffering from age-related macular degeneration was treated with induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells created from her own skin cells, which were then implanted into her retinas andstopped her vision from degenerating further.
We asked the Futurism community to predict when they think well be able to successfully clone a full human, and the majority of those who responded agree that it feels like were getting close: nearly 30 percent predicted well clone our first human by the 2020s. We have replaced, and replicated almost every biology on earth, said reader Alicja Laskowska, [the] next step is for cures and to do that you need clean DNA, and theres your start.
Originally posted here:
How Close Are We to Successfully Cloning the First Human? - Futurism
He broke ground in stem-cell research. Now he’s running for Congress. – Washington Post
By daniellenierenberg
The small pack of scientists running for political office has grown by one.
Stem-cell researcher Hans Keirstead, 50, announced last week that he will try to unseat Californias Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R). Keirstead, a Democrat with a PhD in neuroscience from the University of British Columbia, was a professor at the University of California at Irvinebefore launching and selling several biotech companies.
Rohrabacher, who represents the 48th District in Southern California, has been in Congress since 1988. Democrats there see 2018 asa vulnerable year for the incumbent. Although Republicans outnumber Democrats in thedistrict, Hillary Clinton swung it in the 2016 election. And Rohrabacher has come under scrutiny for his support of acloser relationship with Russia. In May, the chair of Orange County Democrats toldThe Washington Post that challengers were coming out the woodwork to oppose him. Five candidatesbesides Keirstead have declared they are running for the seat.
Keirstead emerged from academic and entrepreneurial fields. Hepioneered a technique to purify stem cells You cant go putting toenails into the spinal cord, he said and applied this method to spinal-cord injuries and diseases such ascancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. In 2014,he sold a stem-cell company in a deal reportedly worth more than $100 million. (He will not fundhis own campaign, he told the Los Angeles Times.) Keirstead has thesupportof314 Action, a nonprofit group that encourages scientists to seek public office.
The Post spoke by phone with the first-time candidate. The following is lightly edited for space and clarity.
TWP: Your opponent, who is a member of the House Science Committee, told Science magazine in 2012 that he loved science. How would you compare your approaches to science?
Keirstead:Im delighted that Dana Rohrabacher loves science. Thats fabulous. But Im also very convinced that he doesnt understand science. Theres a real big difference. If you love science, thats one thing. If you dont understand it, you cant effect change, and you make wrong decisions.
Dana Rohrabacher does not understand global warming. He actually attributed it to the flatulence of dinosaurs, in a serious manner, a while back. [Rohrabacher hassaid this wasa joketo make fun of scientists who study cow methane.]
His inaction and lack of understanding has tremendous detriment on the scientific community. Likewise is the funding to health care and how to fix the health-care system that [former president Barack] Obama put in place. That was not a perfect system by any means; its got problems.But it has also bettered our system. It needs to be worked with in order to further better our system.
TWP: Has your career in stem-cell research influenced your politics?
Keirstead:I was front and center in the national and international debate on stem cells. I was the first scientist in the world to have developed a treatment for spinal-cord injury using stem cells. The dramatic nature of the recovery we saw in rodents, going from paralyzed to walking, drew a great deal of attention and really put me at the center of this issue as it was just coming to light in the public forums.
I did a lot of advising of senators and congressmen all throughout those years and periodically since that time. . . . I was one of the key scientific advisers to Proposition 71 that turned into the $3 billion California Institute of Regenerative Medicine, a not-for-profit that distributes $300 million every year for regenerative medicine in a broad sense.
That was a very good example of how medical breakthroughs and discoveries and advancement are not at odds with economic development. You do not have to cut medical budgets to stimulate the economy. Any scientist and medical doctor will tell you: Give me some time, and I will generate a treatment. And most of the time they are right. What happens with that treatment is small companies are born, people stop dying, quality of life improves.
I see what the governments doing right now as very much opposite that. Frankly, when I look at the deficits of Congress, I see why. When I look at who is in the administration, the types of individuals that we have in Congress, I see very hard-working people doing what they feel is a terrific job. But there is just not the broad and deep field experience in the medical and health-care sectors.
TWP: Was it this perceived deficit that motivated you to run for Congress?
Keirstead:First and foremost, I see it as a continuation of my lifelong pursuits of trying to help people.
I see Congress as a larger stage to effect positive change. If I could have some positive influence in Congress, I could aid [those] that are trying to do good in the world but are having difficulty.
Let me give you an example: Im now expanding into brain cancer. Im running a Phase 2clinical trial with my team.I will not be able to do that if these policy changes of Trumps are instituted and a small company like mine is faced with double user fees. Its not in the budget. I cant ask an investor for another half of a million dollars for an administrative fee.
I see the administration putting insurmountable challenges in front of small businesses. Im about generating treatments to help people, putting medicines in peoples homes. And Im looking to the future and seeing that tap shut off.
Read more:
As scientists erupt in protest, a volcanologist runs for Congress
This group wants to fight anti-science rhetoric by getting scientists to run for office
Tens of thousands marched for science. Now what?
The rest is here:
He broke ground in stem-cell research. Now he's running for Congress. - Washington Post
Stem cell therapy relying on patient’s own unhealthy heart may be dangerous – Genetic Literacy Project
By raymumme
A new study at Tel Aviv University shows that stem cell therapy, one of the few treatments available to patients with severe and end-stage heart failure, can actually harm them unless it is done differently.
We concluded that stem cells used in cardiac therapy should be drawn from healthy donors or be better genetically engineered for the patient, said lead researcher Jonathan Leor of the universitys Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sheba Medical Center.
Doctors use tissue or adult stem cells to replace damaged tissue, which encourages regeneration of blood vessel cells and new heart muscle tissue. But cardiac stem cells from a diseased heart can lead to a toxic interaction via a molecular pathway between the heart and the immune system, the study found.
We found that, contrary to popular belief, tissue stem cells derived from sick hearts do not contribute to heart healing after injury, Leor said. Furthermore, we found that these cells are affected by the inflammatory environment and develop inflammatory properties. The affected stem cells may even exacerbate damage to the already diseased heart muscle.
[Read the fully study here (behind paywall)]
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post:Study says some stem cells dangerous for heart patients
Stem Cell Clinics List | Stem Cells Freak
By NEVAGiles23
Here we have compiled a list of several clinics offering stem cell treatments. Please note that the "conditions treated" refers to the conditions that THEY claim to treat. Most, if not all, stem cell treatments (except hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) aren't FDA approved, meaning that they haven't been clincally tested for safety or efficacy. Please be aware that receiving an unapproved medical treatment isrisky and may cause serious complications and possibly death.
It was only a few years ago when Europe's most popular stem cell clinic (XCell-center) was forced to close after one of the treatments caused the death of a boy. In the past, we have also covered the case of a woman that had serious adverse effects following an unapproved cosmetic stem cell treatment(facelift).
We have not included clinics offering hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, as this treatment is medically approved and offered virtually in any country that has an above the average hospital.
The stem cell clinics are categorised by alphabetical order. We are not paid by any of them and we have listed them for your ease. We have probably missed a few ones, feel free to leave a comment and we will add them asap.
Stem cell clinics list
Beijing Puhua International Hospital
Conditions Treated:Diabetes, Epilepsy, Stroke, Ataxia, Spinal Cord Injuries, Parkinson's Disease, Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Batten's Disease
Interview of a patient treated in Beijing Puhua International Hospital. The video is from the hospital's official youtube channel, so it may be biased
Elises International
Conditions Treated: No info available at their website
Advertisement video ofElises International
Conditions Treated:ALS, Alzheimer's,Anemia, Cancer, Eye Diseases, Diabetes, Liver Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson, and other
EmCell Advertisement
Global Stem Cells
Conditions Treated:Type 2 Diabetes, Hepatitis C, Osteoarthritis, joint pain, hair regrowth, cosmetic anti-aging, ulcerative colitis, heart disease
Location:Bangkok Thailand
MD Stem Cells
New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic
Stem Cell Institute
Video of a patient treated in theStem Cell Institute. The video is taken from the clinic's official youtube channell,so it may be biased.
Okyanos Heart Institute
Conditions Treated:Cardiac conditions
Okyanos Promotinal Video
Stemedix, Inc
Conditions Treated:Multiple sclerosis, COPD, ALS, Alzheimers Disease, Parkinsons, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other
Location:Florida, United States
Conditions Treated: Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer, Parkinson, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other
Location:San Diego, California.
Stem Cells Thailand
Conditions Treated:Alzheimer, Autism, Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction, Face lift, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis and other
Conditions Treated: Regennex mainly offers treatments for bone and cartilage regeneration in all major joints like knee, ankle, hip, back, shoulder etc
Dr. Centeno, founder of the clinic, talking about Regenexx
The rest is here:
Stem Cell Clinics List | Stem Cells Freak
Study says some stem cells dangerous for heart patients | The Times … – The Times of Israel
By JoanneRUSSELL25
A new study at Tel Aviv University shows that stem cell therapy, one of the few treatments available to patients with severe and end-stage heart failure, can actually harm them unless it is done differently.
We concluded that stem cells used in cardiac therapy should be drawn from healthy donors or be better genetically engineered for the patient, said lead researcher Jonathan Leor of the universitys Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sheba Medical Center.
Doctors use tissue or adult stem cells to replace damaged tissue, which encourages regeneration of blood vessel cells and new heart muscle tissue. But cardiac stem cells from a diseased heart can lead to a toxic interaction via a molecular pathway between the heart and the immune system, the study found.
We found that, contrary to popular belief, tissue stem cells derived from sick hearts do not contribute to heart healing after injury, Leor said. Furthermore, we found that these cells are affected by the inflammatory environment and develop inflammatory properties. The affected stem cells may even exacerbate damage to the already diseased heart muscle.
The findings could suggest a way to make stem cell therapy safer for heart disease patients. The treatment is often a last resort, apart from getting a transplant.
Researchers discovered a molecular pathway involved in the toxic interaction while studying stem cells in mice with heart disease. By deleting the gene that makes the pathway, the cells ability to regenerate healthy tissue can be restored, they found.
The researchers are now testing a gene editing technique to delete the problem gene.
We hope our engineered stem cells will be resistant to the negative effects of the immune system, Leor said.
The study was conducted by TAUs Dr. Nili Naftali-Shani and published in the journal Circulation.
Read the rest here:
Study says some stem cells dangerous for heart patients | The Times ... - The Times of Israel
How LifeCell became the most accredited stem cell bank in India – Financial Express
Founded in 2004, LifeCcell has technological collaboration with the US-based Cryo-Cell Internationalthe worlds first private stem cell bank with over 25 years of experience. (PTI)
Chennai-based LifeCell, the provider of preventive healthcare services for family wellness, is the worlds second-largest provider of umbilical cord stem cells. Founded in 2004, the company has technological collaboration with the US-based Cryo-Cell Internationalthe worlds first private stem cell bank with over 25 years of experience. As many as 2 lakh Indian parents have chosen to trust their newborns umbilical cords to LifeCell through its umbilical cord banking service BabyCord. The company has a 60% share in the Indian market.Stem cells are mother cells that have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. One of the main characteristics of stem cells is their ability to self-renew or multiply, while maintaining the potential to develop into other types of cells. These cells can repair and rebuild damaged tissue. The uses of stem cells are still being researched. In fact, stem cell tissues have proved effective in cancer treatment too. The applications have been steadily increasing in the last few years. They have been used for treating wound healing, including diabetic foot ulcers. In a country where concepts like bone marrow donations and stem cell banking are still not widely known, Mayur Abhaya, the CEO and managing director of the company, is betting on these treatments of the future.
The company is the most accredited stem cell bank in the country, with certifications from national and international organisations for standards. It is also the only player in the industry providing comprehensive stem cell solutions, including menstrual stem cell banking, R&D and point-of-care stem cell therapy for orthopaedic and vascular specialities.Mayur has been heading LifeCell since 2008. He comes from the family that set up Shasun Group of companiesthe provider of contract pharmaceutical manufacturing services for global companies. Mayur studied biotechnology in India and the US, and then worked in the US for a year. Before moving to LifeCell, he worked for many years at Shasun Pharmaceuticals, where he led their new product development, intellectual property and licensing initiatives. In 2013, LifeCell International got an investment of Rs35 crore from Helion Venture Partners, an India-focused venture fund, to support its plans of increasing market penetration of stem cell banking in India and enabling the development of novel cell-based therapies.
Also Watch: Mayur says LifeCell currently operates in 150 cities, employing more than 1,500 people. We have given an opportunity to our sales people to become their own bosses. They remain on company rolls and get to enjoy all the company benefit plans, such as insurance and welfare schemes. They grow with the company and also have the opportunity to explore and add non-conflicting products or services to their distribution network and enhance their earnings. These internal franchisees bring 50% of our revenue and it is growing. More than 50 such entrepreneurs have been created.LifeCell recently bought over the stake held by Helion Ventures with borrowings from family-owned firms. Three months ago, it changed its business model. We are introducing an on-demand model for sharing cord blood cells, Mayur says. Parents can let the company know if their babies cord blood cells can be used for other needy patients. Cancer patients cannot be treated with their own stem cells. Patients usually do not have much time. Cord cells can be used even if all the six parameters that are required to transplant tissues do not match. By letting their stem cells be used by others, parents and their children get access to cord blood cellsof the entire cord blood cell bankwhen they are in need. So far, stem cells were banked only for the baby from whom these were removed.
Our inventory will come to the aid of people who do not have babies. We will refund the amount paid for having their babys stem cell stored. The processing fee is Rs17,000 and the storage fee each year is Rs4,000. Mayur says that the worlds largest birthing country has a long way to go to create a viable stem cell bank. We are going to follow the blood bank model and hope to bank 2,50,000 cords, which is the critical amount, he adds. We hope to contribute significantly to the ever-developing scope of transplant medicine. Currently, India is importing cord cells, which are prohibitively expensive. With scale, prices will come down in the country. Parents in India will have higher future access to stem cells than even those enjoyed by patients in advanced countries such as the US. We will have a linkage with global inventory. Earlier this month, LifeCell was invited by AABB (formerly American Association of Blood Banks) to present the concept of Community Stem Cell Banking at the 15th International Cord Blood Symposium held in San Diego, US. In 15 years, it is the only second stem cell bank to present its innovation at such a prestigious global platform.
With a turnover of Rs126 crore, LifeCell is operationally profitable. It has enough cash to run its business, but is yet to make net profits. However, Mayur believes very soon LifeCell will turn profitable, and that this year the number of stem cells brought into the labs will be higher by at least 30%. Mayur has extended LifeCells services to introduce and popularise the concept of essential preventive diagnostics for mothers and babies. BabyShield has been introduced to bring down infant mortality ratio. Addressing gaps in marketplace and with innovative business models, it has established market leadership in newborn screening. It has also acquired a prenatal screening service provider. In India, only 2% babies go through prenatal and newborn screening. Nobody has focused on this. We will also be providing diagnostic medication. Doing this can prevent so many false positives. We are building all this together as a package and are offering it at an affordable price, he says.
See the original post here:
How LifeCell became the most accredited stem cell bank in India - Financial Express
US Stem Cell’s Chief Science Officer Co-Authors Featured Paper – Investing News Network (press release) (registration) (blog)
By raymumme
A paper co-authored by Kristin Comellas, chief science officer for U.S. Stem Cell (OTCQB:USRM)about an intra-articular injection for the treatment of osteoarthritis in the latest issue of the Journal of Translational Medicine.
As quoted in the press release:
Comella is a world-renowned expert on regenerative medicine with a focus on adipose derived stem cells. She was named number 24 on Terrapins list of the Top 50 Global Stem Cell Influencers and number 1 on the Academy of Regenerative Practices list of Top 10 Stem Cell Innovators. Comella has pioneered stem cell therapies from various sources including cord blood, bone marrow, muscle, and adipose.
Entitled, Intra-articular injection in the knee of adipose derived stromal cells (stromal vascular fraction) and platelet rich plasma for osteoarthritis, the scientific paper was co-authored by Kristin Comella, Himanshu Bansal, Jerry Leon, Poonam Verma, Diwaker Agrawal, Prasad Koka and Thomas Ichim. Below is a link and abstract to the paper:
Click here to read the full press release.
Grape skin and seeds may help fight against colon cancer, says study – Hindustan Times
Start eating grapes daily, as a research has revealed that the compounds, found in the skin and seeds of grapes, may help in killing colon cancer stem cells. The compounds, resveratrol, which are found in grape skins and seeds, could also eventually lead to treatments to help prevent colon cancer, said Jairam K.P. Vanamala from Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute.
The combination of resveratrol and grape seed extract is very effective at killing colon cancer cells, Vanamala added. The researchers suggest that the findings could pave the way for clinical testing of the compounds on human colon cancer, which is the second most common cancer in women and the third in men.
If successful, the compounds could then be used in a pill to help prevent colon cancer and lessen the recurrence of the disease in colon cancer survivors.
Vanamala noted that according to cancer stem-cell theory, cancerous tumors are driven by cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are capable of self-renewal, cellular differentiation and maintain their stem cell-like characteristics even after invasion and metastasis.
When taken separately in low doses, resveratrol and grape seed extract are not as effective against cancer stem-cell suppression as when they are combined together, according to the researchers.
Grape compounds could now be used in a pill to help prevent colon cancer and lessen the recurrence of the disease in survivors. (HTFile photo )
This also connects well with a plant-based diet that is structured so that the person is getting a little bit of different types of plants, of different parts of the plant and different colors of the plant, said Vanamala.
For the animal study, they separated 52 mice with colon cancer tumors into three groups, including a control group and groups that were fed either the grape compounds or sulindac, an anti-inflammatory drug, which was chosen because a previous study showed it significantly reduced the number of tumors in humans.
The incidence of tumors was suppressed in the mice consuming the grape compounds alone by 50 percent, similar to the rate in the group consuming the diet with sulindac.
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Grape skin and seeds may help fight against colon cancer, says study - Hindustan Times
Spinal cord | Define Spinal cord at
Contemporary Examples
Infections can strike joints, airways, the lungs, the brain and the tissues lining the spinal cord, or the bloodstream.
Other spinal cord regeneration efforts involve using stem cells to regrow damaged or lost neurons.
As a result, Smith lost his right arm underneath the elbow and parts of his leg, hip and spinal cord.
Generally, a human will only be infected if they eat the nerve tissuebrains or spinal cordof an infected animal.
The bulleta live fire bulletexited through his back but not before severing his spinal cord.
British Dictionary definitions for spinal cord Expand
the thick cord of nerve tissue within the spinal canal, which in man gives rise to 31 pairs of spinal nerves, and together with the brain forms the central nervous system
spinal cord in Medicine Expand
spinal cord n. The thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue that extends from the medulla oblongata down through the spinal column and from which the spinal nerves branch off to various parts of the body. Also called spinal marrow.
spinal cord in Science Expand
The long, cordlike part of the central nervous system that is enclosed within the vertebral column (spine) and descends from the base of the brain, with which it is continuous. The spinal cord branches to form the nerves that convey motor and sensory impulses to and from the tissues of the body.
spinal cord in Culture Expand
The thick column of nerve tissue that extends from the base of the brain about two thirds of the way down the backbone. As part of the central nervous system, the spinal cord carries impulses back and forth between the brain and other parts of the body through a network of nerves that extend out from it like branches.
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Spinal cord | Define Spinal cord at
Israeli Scientists: Stem Cell Therapy Not Good for All Heart … – The Jewish Press –
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Photo Credit: Nati Shohat / Flash 90
Patients with severe and end-stage heart failure have few treatment options available to them apart from transplants and miraculous stem cell therapy. But a new Tel Aviv University study has found that stem cell therapy may in fact harm patients with heart disease.
The research, led by Prof. Jonathan Leor of TAUs Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sheba Medical Center and conducted by TAUs Dr. Nili Naftali-Shani, explores the current practice of using cells from the host patient to repair tissue and contends that this can prove deleterious or toxic for patients. The study was recently published in the journal Circulation.
We found that, contrary to popular belief, tissue stem cells derived from sick hearts do not contribute to heart healing after injury, said Prof. Leor. Furthermore, we found that these cells are affected by the inflammatory environment and develop inflammatory properties. The affected stem cells may even exacerbate damage to the already diseased heart muscle.
Tissue or adult stem cells blank cells that can act as a repair kit for the body by replacing damaged tissue encourage the regeneration of blood vessel cells and new heart muscle tissue. Faced with a worse survival rate than many cancers, a number of patients with heart failure have turned to stem cell therapy as a last resort.
But our findings suggest that stem cells, like any drug, can have adverse effects, said Prof. Leor. We concluded that stem cells used in cardiac therapy should be drawn from healthy donors or be better genetically engineered for the patient.
Hope for improved cardiac stem cell therapy
In addition, the researchers also discovered the molecular pathway involved in the negative interaction between stem cells and the immune system as they isolated stem cells in mouse models of heart disease. After exploring the molecular pathway in mice, the researchers focused on cardiac stem cells in patients with heart disease.
The results could help improve the use of autologous stem cells those drawn from the patients themselves in cardiac therapy, Prof. Leor said.
We showed that the deletion of the gene responsible for this pathway can restore the original therapeutic function of the cells, said Prof. Leor. Our findings determine the potential negative effects of inflammation on stem cell function as theyre currently used. The use of autologous stem cells from patients with heart disease should be modified. Only stem cells from healthy donors or genetically engineered cells should be used in treating cardiac conditions.
The researchers are currently testing a gene editing technique (CRISPER) to inhibit the gene responsible for the negative inflammatory properties of the cardiac stem cells of heart disease patients. We hope our engineered stem cells will be resistant to the negative effects of the immune system, said Prof. Leor.
Meanwhile, for those unable to profit from stem cell therapy, researchers at Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have developed a revolutionary new drug that may reverse the damage and repair the diseased heart.
The newly developed drug is a polymer which reduces the inflammation in cardiovascular tissue and stops plaque build-up in arteries. Then it goes one step further and removes existing plaque in the heart, leaving healthy tissue behind.
Professor Ayelet David, a researcher at BGU revealed the drug might also help people suffering from diabetes, hypertension and other conditions associated with old age.
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Israeli Scientists: Stem Cell Therapy Not Good for All Heart ... - The Jewish Press -
‘Yoga, meditation counters gene expression changes that cause stress’ – Daily Times
By NEVAGiles23
In a new study, researchers have uncovered a molecular explanation for the stress-relieving effects of such practices.
Study leader Ivana Buric, of the Centre for Psychology at Coventry University in the United Kingdom, and colleagues found that mind-body interventions (MBIs) "reverse" changes in DNA that cause stress.
For their study, the researchers looked at whether MBIs influence gene expression, the process by which genes create proteins and other molecules that affect cellular function.
From their analysis, the researchers found that people who practice MBIs experience reduced production of a molecule called nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), which is known to regulate gene expression.
The researchers explain that stressful events trigger activity in the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which is responsible for the "fight-or-flight" response.
This SNS activity leads to the production of NF-kB, which produces molecules called cytokines that promote cellular inflammation. If this molecular reaction is persistent, it can lead to serious physical and mental health problems, such as depression and cancer.
The study suggests that MBIs, however, lower the production of NF-kB and cytokines. This not only helps to alleviate stress, but it also helps to stave off the associated health conditions.
"Millions of people around the world already enjoy the health benefits of mind-body interventions like yoga or meditation, but what they perhaps don't realize is that these benefits begin at a molecular level and can change the way our genetic code goes about its business," says Buric.
"These activities are leaving what we call a molecular signature in our cells, which reverses the effect that stress or anxiety would have on the body by changing how our genes are expressed. Put simply, MBIs cause the brain to steer our DNA processes along a path which improves our well-being."
The team says that future studies should explore how the molecular effects of MBIs on stress compare with other interventions, such as exercise and diet.
"But this is an important foundation to build on to help future researchers explore the benefits of increasingly popular mind-body activities," Buric concludes.
Separately, a new study has found that the treatment can be more harmful than helpful if cardiac stem cells are involved.
Researchers found that using patients' own cardiac stem cells to repair damaged heart tissue may not only be ineffective, but that the stem cells may also develop inflammatory properties that cause further heart damage.
Study leader Prof Jonathan Leor, of the Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sheba Medical Center at Tel Aviv University in Israel, and colleagues recently reported their findings in the journal Circulation.
Prof Leor and colleagues came to their findings by isolating stem cells derived from the cardiac tissue of mice that had left ventricular dysfunction caused by a heart attack.
The team then injected the stem cells back into the hearts of the mice and assessed how they affected heart remodelling and function, compared with a saline solution.
Instead of repairing the rodents' damaged heart tissue, the researchers found that the transplanted stem cells developed inflammatory properties, which may increase heart damage."We found that, contrary to popular belief, tissue stem cells derived from sick hearts do not contribute to heart healing after injury," explained Prof Leor.
"Furthermore, we found that these cells are affected by the inflammatory environment and develop inflammatory properties. The affected stem cells may even exacerbate damage to the already diseased heart muscle."
An increasing number of end-stage heart failure patients are turning to stem cell therapy as a "last resort," but the researchers believe that the treatment should be approached with caution.
"Our findings suggest that stem cells, like any drug, can have adverse effects. We concluded that stem cells used in cardiac therapy should be drawn from healthy donors or be better genetically engineered for the patient."
Read the original post:
'Yoga, meditation counters gene expression changes that cause stress' - Daily Times
Ex-Hadassah head of bone-marrow transplants loses license for 6 months – The Jerusalem Post
By Sykes24Tracey
The Jerusalem Post | Ex-Hadassah head of bone-marrow transplants loses license for 6 months The Jerusalem Post The Health Ministry suspended for at least six months the license of Prof. Shimon Slavin, the much-celebratad former head of bone-marrow transplantation at Hadassah University Medical Center, who retired in 2007 and set up a private clinic in Tel Aviv. |
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Ex-Hadassah head of bone-marrow transplants loses license for 6 months - The Jerusalem Post