Limitless Lab-Grown Blood Is ‘Tantalizingly Close’ After 20 Years – Singularity Hub
By Sykes24Tracey
Blood stem cells are things of wonder: hidden inside each single cell is the power to reconstitute an entire blood system, like a sort of biological big bang.
Yet with great power comes greater vulnerability. Once these master cells are compromised, as in the case of leukemia and other blood disorders, treatment options are severely limited.
A bone marrow transplant is often the only chance for survival. The surgery takes a healthy donors marrowrich with blood stem cellsand reboots the patients blood system. Unfortunately, like organ transplants, finding a matching donor places a chokehold on the entire process.
According to Dr. George Daley at Harvard Medical School, a healthy sibling gives you a one in four chance. A stranger? One in a million.
For 20 years, scientists have been trying to find a way to beat the odds. Now, two studies published in Nature suggest they may be tantalizingly close to being able to make a limitless supply of blood stem cells, using the patients own healthy tissues.
"This step opens up an opportunity to take cells from patients with genetic blood disorders, use gene editing to correct their genetic defect and make functional blood cells," without depending on donors, says Dr. Ryohichi Sugimura at Boston Childrens Hospital, who authored one of the studies with Daley.
Using a magical mix of seven proteins called transcription factors, the team coaxed lab-made human stem cells into primordial blood cells that replenished themselves and all components of blood.
A second study led by Dr. Shahin Rafii, a stem cell scientist at Weill Cornell Medical College took a more direct route, turning mature cells from mice straight into genuine blood stem cells indiscernible from their natural counterparts.
This is the first time researchers have checked all the boxes and made blood stem cells, says Dr. Mick Bhatia at McMaster University, who was not involved in either study, That is the holy grail.
The life of a blood stem cell starts as a special cell nestled on the walls of a large blood vesselthe dorsal aorta.
Under the guidance of chemical signals, these cells metamorphose into immature baby blood stem cells, like caterpillars transforming into butterflies. The exact conditions that prompt this birthing process are still unclear and is one of the reasons why lab-grown blood stem cells have been so hard to make.
These baby blood stem cells dont yet have the full capacity to reboot blood systems. To fully mature, they have to learn to respond to all sorts of commands in their environment, like toddlers making sense of the world.
Some scientists liken this learning process to going to school, where different external cues act as textbooks to train baby blood stem cells to correctly respond to the body.
For example, when should they divide and multiply? When should they give up their stem-ness, instead transforming into oxygen-carrying red blood cells or white blood cells, the immune defenders?
Both new studies took aim at cracking the elusive curriculum.
In the first study, Daley and team started with human skin and other cells that have been transformed back into stem cells (dubbed iPSCs, or induced pluripotent stem cells). Although iPSCs theoretically have the ability to turn into any cell type, no one has previously managed to transform them into blood stem cells.
A lot of people have become jaded, saying that these cells dont exist in nature and you cant just push them into becoming anything else, says Bhatia.
All cells in an organism share the same genes. However, for any given cell only a subset of genes are turned into proteins. This process is what gives cells their identitiesmay it be a heart cell, liver cell, or blood stem cell.
Daley and team focused on a family of transcription factors. Similar to light switches, these proteins can flip genes on or off. By studying how blood vessels normally give birth to blood stem cells, they found seven factors that encouraged iPSCs to grow into immature blood stem cells.
Using a virus, the team inserted these factors into their iPSCs and injected the transformed cells into the bone marrow of mice. These mice had been irradiated to kill off their own blood stem cells to make room for the lab-grown human replacements.
In this way, Daley exposed the immature cells to signals in a blood stem cells normal environment. The bone marrow acts like a school, explains Drs. Carolina Guibentif and Berthold Gttgens at the University of Cambridge, who are not involved in the study.
It worked. In just twelve weeks, the lab-made blood stem cells had fully matured into master cells capable of making the entire range of cells normally found in human blood. Whats more, when scientists took these cells out and transplanted them into a second recipient, they retained their power.
This a major step forward compared with previous methods, says Guibentif.
In contrast, the second study took a more direct route. Rafii and team took cells lining a mouses vessels, based on the finding that these cells normally turn into blood stem cells during development.
With a set of four transcription factors, the team directly reprogrammed them into baby blood stem cells, bypassing the iPSC stage.
These factors act like a maternity ward, allowing the blood stem cells to be born, says Guibentif.
To grow them to adulthood, Rafii and team laid the cells onto a blanket of supporting cells that mimics the blood vessel nursery. Under the guidance of molecular cues secreted by these supporting cells, the blood stem cells multiplied and matured.
When transplanted into short-lived mice without a functional immune system, the cells sprung to action. In 20 weeks, the mice generated an active immune response when given a vaccine. Whats more, they went on to live a healthy 1.5 yearsroughly equivalent to 60 years old for a human.
Rafii is especially excited about using his system to finally crack the stem cell learning curriculum.
If we can figure out the factors that coax stem cells to divide and mature, we may be able to unravel the secrets of their longevity and make full-fledged blood stem cells in a dish, he says.
Calling both experiments a breakthrough, Guibentif says, this is something people have been trying to achieve for a long time.
However, she points out that both studies have caveats. A big one is cancer. The transcription factors that turn mature cells into stem cells endow them with the ability to multiply efficientlya hallmark of cancerous cells. Whats more, the virus used to insert the factors into cells may also inadvertently turn on cancer-causing genes.
That said, neither team found evidence of increased risk of blood cancers. Guibentif also acknowledges that future studies could use CRISPR in place of transcription factors to transform cells into blood stem cells on demand, further lowering the risk.
The techniques will also have to be made more efficient to make lab-grown blood stem cells cost efficient. Itll be years until human use, says Guibentif.
Even so, the studies deter even the most cynical of critics.
After 20 years, were finally tantalizingly close to generating bona fide human blood stem cells in a dish,"says Daley.
Image Credit: Pond5
See the article here:
Limitless Lab-Grown Blood Is 'Tantalizingly Close' After 20 Years - Singularity Hub
A new baldness treatment? | University of California – University of California
By raymumme
In experiments in mice, UC San Francisco researchers have discovered that regulatory T cells (Tregs; pronounced tee-regs), a type of immune cell generally associated with controlling inflammation,directly trigger stem cells in the skin to promote healthy hair growth. Without these immune cells as partners, the researchers found, the stem cells cannot regenerate hair follicles, leading to baldness.
Our hair follicles are constantly recycling: when a hair falls out, a portion of the hair follicle has to grow back, saidMichael Rosenblum, M.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at UCSF and senior author on the new paper. This has been thought to be an entirely stem cell-dependent process, but it turns out Tregs are essential. If you knock out this one immune cell type, hair just doesnt grow.
The new study published online May 26 inCell suggests that defects in Tregs could be responsible for alopecia areata, a common autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, and could potentially play a role in other forms of baldness, including male pattern baldness, Rosenblum said. Since the same stem cells are responsible for helping heal the skin after injury, the study raises the possibility that Tregs may play a key role in wound repair as well.
Normally Tregs act as peacekeepers and diplomats, informing the rest of the immune system of the difference between friend and foe. When Tregs dont function properly, we may develop allergies to harmless substances like peanut protein or cat dander, or suffer from autoimmune disorders in which the immune system turns on the bodys own tissues.
Like other immune cells, most Tregs reside in the bodys lymph nodes, but some live permanently in other tissues, where they seem to have evolved to assist with local metabolic functions as well as playing their normal anti-inflammatory role. In the skin, for example, Rosenblum and colleagues have previously shown that Tregs help establish immune tolerance to healthy skin microbes in newborn mice, and these cells also secrete molecules that help with wound healing into adulthood.
Rosenblum, who is both an immunologist and a dermatologist, wanted to better understand the role of these resident immune cells in skin health. To do this, he and his team developed a technique for temporarily removing Tregs from the skin. But when they shaved patches of hair from these mice to make observations of the affected skin, they made a surprising discovery. We quickly noticed that the shaved patches of hair never grew back, and we thought, Hmm, now thats interesting, Rosenblum said. We realized we had to delve into this further.
In the new research, led by UCSF postdoctoral fellow and first authorNiwa Ali,several lines of evidence suggested that Tregs play a role in triggering hair follicle regeneration.
First, imaging experiments revealed that Tregs have a close relationship with the stem cells that reside within hair follicles and allow them to regenerate: the number of active Tregs clustering around follicle stem cells typically swells by three-fold as follicles enter the growth phase of their regular cycle of rest and regeneration. Also, removing Tregs from the skin blocked hair regrowth only if this was done within the first three days after shaving a patch of skin, when follicle regeneration would normally be activated. Getting rid of Tregs later on, once the regeneration had already begun, had no effect on hair regrowth.
Tregs role in triggering hair growth did not appear related to their normal ability to tamp down tissue inflammation, the researchers found. Instead, they discovered that Tregs trigger stem cell activation directly through a common cell-cell communication system known as the Notch pathway. First, the team demonstrated that Tregs in the skin express unusually high levels of a Notch signaling protein called Jagged 1 (Jag1), compared to Tregs elsewhere in the body. They then showed that removing Tregs from the skin significantly reduced Notch signaling in follicle stem cells, and that replacing Tregs with microscopic beads covered in Jag1 protein restored Notch signaling in the stem cells and successfully activated follicle regeneration.
Its as if the skin stem cells and Tregs have co-evolved, so that the Tregs not only guard the stem cells against inflammation but also take part in their regenerative work, Rosenblum said. Now the stem cells rely on the Tregs completely to know when its time to start regenerating.
Rosenblum said the findings may have implications for alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that interferes with hair follicle regeneration and causes patients to lose hair in patches from their scalp, eyebrows, and faces. Alopecia is among the most common human autoimmune diseases its as common as rheumatoid arthritis, and more common than type 1 diabetes but scientists have little idea what causes it.
After his team first observed hair loss in Treg-deficient mice, Rosenblum learned that the genes associated with alopecia in previous studies are almost all related to Tregs, and treatments that boost Treg function have been shown to be an effective treatment for the disease. Rosenblum speculates that better understanding Tregs critical role in hair growth could lead to improved treatments for hair loss more generally.
The study also adds to a growing sense that immune cells play much broader roles in tissue biology than had previously been appreciated, said Rosenblum, who plans to explore whether Tregs in the skin also play a role in wound healing, since the same follicle stem cells are involved in regenerating skin following injury.
We think of immune cells as coming into a tissue to fight infection, while stem cells are there to regenerate the tissue after its damaged, he said. But what we found here is that stem cells and immune cells have to work together to make regeneration possible.
Niwa Aliof UCSF was the lead author on the new study. Additional authors were Bahar Zirak,Robert Sanchez Rodriguez, Mariela L. Pauli,Hong-An Truong, Kevin Lai,Richard Ahn, Kaitlin Corbin, Margaret M. Lowe, PharmD,Tiffany C. Scharschmidt, M.D., Keyon Taravati, Madeleine R. Tan,Roberto R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, M.D., Audrey Nosbaum, M.D.,Wilson Liao, M.D., andAbul K. Abbas, MBBS, of UCSF; Frank O. Nestle, M.D., of Kings College London; Marta Bertoliniand Ralf Paus, M.D., of the University of Mnster in Germany; and George Cotsarelis, M.D., of the University of Pennsylvanias Perelman School of Medicine.
The work was primarily supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (K08-AR062064, DP2-AR068130, R21-AR066821), the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, a Scleroderma Research Foundation grant, the National Psoriasis Foundation and the Dermatology Foundation.
See original here:
A new baldness treatment? | University of California - University of California
SpaceX to launch heart, bone health experiments to space station Thursday – CU Boulder Today
A SpaceX rocket is slated to launch two University of Colorado Boulder-built payloads to the International Space Station (ISS) from Florida Thursday, including oneto look at changes in cardiovascular stem cells in microgravity that may someday help combat heart disease on Earth.
The Dragon spacecraft
The second payload will be used for rodent studies testing a novel treatment for bone loss in space, which has been documented in both astronauts and mice. The two payloads were developed by BioServe Space Technologies, a research center within the Ann and H.J Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering,
We have a solid relationship with SpaceX and NASA that allows us to regularly fly our flight hardware to the International Space Station, said BioServe Director Louis Stodieck. The low gravity of space provides a unique environment for biomedical experiments that cannot be reproduced on Earth, and our faculty, staff and students are very experienced in designing and building custom payloads for our academic, commercial and government partners.
The experiments will be launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida and carried to the ISS on the companys Dragon spacecraft. The SpaceX-CRS-11 mission launching Thursday marks BioServes 55th mission to space.
The cardiovascular cell experiments, designed by Associate Professor Mary Kearns-Jonker of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in Loma Linda, California, will investigate how low gravity affects stem cells, including physical and molecular changes. While spaceflight is known to affect cardiac cell structure and function, the biological basis for such impacts is not clearly understood, said BioServe Associate director Stefanie Countryman.
As part of the study, the researchers will be comparing changes in heart muscle stem cells in space with similar cells simultaneously cultured on Earth, said Countryman. Researchers are hopeful the findings could help lead to stem cell therapies to repair damaged cardiac tissue. The findings also could confirm suspicions by scientists that microgravity speeds up the aging process, Countryman said.
For the heart cell experiments, BioServe is providing high-tech, cell-culture hardware known as BioCells that will be loaded into shoebox-sized habitats on ISS. The experiments will be housed in BioServes Space Automated Bioproduct Lab (SABL), a newly updated smart incubator that will reduce the time astronauts spend manipulating the experiments.
The second experiment, created by Dr. Chia Soo of the UCLA School of Medicine, will test a new drug designed to not only block loss of bone but also to rebuild it.
The mice will ride in a NASA habitat designed for spaceflight to the ISS. Once on board, some mice will undergo injections with the new drug while others will be given a placebo. At the end of the experiments half of the mice will be returned to Earth in SpaceXs Dragon spacecraft and transported to UCLA for further study, said Stodieck, a scientific co-investigator on the experiment.
BioServes Space Automated Byproduct Lab
In addition to the two science experiments, BioServe is launching its third SABL unit to the ISS. Two SABL units are currently onboard ISS supporting multiple research experiments, including three previous stem cell experiments conducted by BioServe in collaboration with Stanford University, the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota.
The addition of the third SABL unit will expand BioServes capabilities in an era of high-volume science on board the ISS, said Countryman.
BioServe researchers and students have flown hardware and experiments on missions aboard NASA space shuttles, the ISS and on Russian and Japanese government cargo rockets. BioServe previously has flown payloads on commercial cargo rockets developed by both SpaceX, headquartered in Hawthorne, California, and Orbital ATK, Inc. headquartered in Dulles, Virginia.
Since it was founded by NASA in 1987, BioServe has partnered with more than 100 companies and performed dozens of NASA-sponsored investigations. Itspartners include large and small pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, universities and NASA-funded researchers, and investigations sponsored by the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, which manages the ISS U.S. National Laboratory. CU-Boulder students are involved in all aspects of BioServe research efforts, said Stodieck.
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SpaceX to launch heart, bone health experiments to space station Thursday - CU Boulder Today
SpaceX rocket will be carrying CU experiments –
By raymumme
Jaime Berg, KUSA 3:00 PM. MDT May 31, 2017
Source: University of Colorado
KUSA - A SpaceX rocket is scheduled to launch Thursday -- and on board will be two payloads built by researchers at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The payloads include studies that could be life-changing for people on earth.
One of the experiments involves cardiovascular stem cells. The work is with some researchers in California.
Theyre investigating how gravity affects stem cells, including physical and molecular changes. The information, could help lead to stem cell therapies to repair damaged cardiac tissue.
One of the experiments has to do with rodents.
Mice are actually being sent to the international space station, in a NASA habitat, designed for spaceflight.
The mice will be going through a series of experiments to study bone loss in space.
The experiments will be sent in shoebox sized habitats.
Both undergrad and graduate students at CU are involved in the research efforts.
2017 KUSA-TV
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SpaceX rocket will be carrying CU experiments -
Scientists Close to Generating Unlimited Blood Supply from Stem Cells – Wall Street Pit
Two separate research teams have succeeded in generating blood stem cells using completely different procedures. One team was led by stem cell biologist Dr. George Q. Daley of Harvard Medical School and Boston Childrens Hospital. The other team was spearheaded by Dr. Shahin Rafii of the Weill Cornell Medicines Ansary Stem Cell Institute in New York.
In both cases, reprogrammed blood stem cells were able to successfully produce blood cells when implanted into mice. And if either or both procedures turn out to be viable for humans, a future where blood donors will no longer be needed may soon be in the horizon because science has provided us with a way to produce unlimited blood supply.
Stem cells are specially programmed cells that are responsible for creating all of the bodys other cells. There are two types of stem cells embryonic and adult. Embryonic stem cells are located you guessed it in the embryo where they stay before they start to specialise. Adult stem cells are the ones used to repair and replace worn out or old cells.
Those are the natural types. Theres another type, though. Theyre called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells for short). Unlike the first two types, iPS cells arent naturally present. Theyre actually adult stem cells that were converted back to their primitive state, which means they can be coaxed to turn into any type of cell.
Dr. Daley and his team chose to use both embryonic stem cells and iPS cells for their research. Using a combination of proteins, they coaxed the cells to turn into hemogenic endothelium a kind of embryonic tissue that eventually turns into blood stem cells. Next, they tested several transcription factors genes that tell other genes what to do until they came up with the combination (specifically: ERG, HOXA5, HOXA9, HOXA10, LCOR, RUNX1, and SPI1) that pushed the hemogenic endothelium into a blood-forming or blood stem cell state. They then injected those modified cells into the bone marrow of their mice subjects. After several weeks, portions of the mices blood and bone marrow developed different types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and even immune cells.
As Daley described the feat: Were tantalizingly close to generating bona fide human blood stem cells in a dish.
On the other hand, Rafii and his team chose a different route. They didnt make use of iPS cells. Instead, they created true blood stem cells, starting off by extracting stem cells from the blood vessel lining of mature mice. Next, they inserted transcription factors (Fosb, Gfi1, Runx1, and Spi1) into the genomes of the extracted cells, then kept these cells in Petri dishes designed to replicate the environment within human blood vessels.
Over time, the cells turned into blood stem cells and multiplied. They then injected those stem cells into mice treated with radiation (which meant most of their blood and immune cells were gone). The stem cells regenerated not just the blood, but the immune cells too. Consequently, the mice recovered and went on to live for over 1.5 years in the lab.
As described by Rafii, the procedure they used is similar to a direct aeroplane flight, while Daleys is like a flight that took a detour prior to reaching its ultimate destination. Doing away with the iPS part kind of makes Rafiis method slightly better than Daleys because it minimizes the threat of tumors forming or the body rejecting the stem cells, which is a typical reaction that iPS cells might cause. But if Daleys team is able to refine their process to eliminate this risk, then that will level the playing field, so to speak.
Whatever happens from here on, both procedures are nonetheless considered significant breakthroughs. And even though its not yet certain which method will turn out to be the better one for humans, whats clear is that both methods have the potential to be game-changers when it comes to any kind of treatment involving blood infusion and transfusion.
Both studies have been published in the journal Nature, with Daleys under the title Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from human pluripotent stem cells and Rafiis under the title Conversion of adult endothelium to immunocompetent haematopoietic stem cells.
Here is the original post:
Scientists Close to Generating Unlimited Blood Supply from Stem Cells - Wall Street Pit
Skin grafts from stem cells – NHS
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Friday November 20 2009
Human embryonic stem cells
Stem cells could create new skin to help burn victims, BBC News reported. It said that French researchers have duplicated the biological steps that occur during skin formation in embryos. This could potentially provide an unlimited source of temporary skin replacements for burn victims while they wait for grafts from their own skin.
The study in mice behind this report used human embryonic stem cells to make keratinocytes (the most common cell types in the skin). These cultured cells were used to create skin equivalents, which grew successfully when they were grafted onto the backs of mice.
This well-conducted research has potentially developed a successful method of culturing tissue in the laboratory that resembles human skin. Only human trials of the technology will show whether such grafts will be accepted (i.e. not rejected by human patients) as permanent transplants or can provide a temporary skin replacement before grafting.
The research was carried out by Dr Hind Guenou and colleagues from the Institute for Stem Cell Therapy and Exploration of Monogenic disease, and BIOalternatives SAS in France along with colleagues in Madrid. The research was funded by the Institut National de la Sant et de la Recherche Mdicale, University Evry Val dEssonne, Association Franaise contre les Myopathies, Fondation Ren Touraine, and Genopole. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest and say that the funders had no role in the studys design, analysis or write-up.
The research was published in thepeer-reviewed medical journal the Lancet.
BBC News has covered this research in a balanced way, pointing out that thiswas animal research and that human studies will follow.
This well-conducted research involved laboratory and animal research which investigated whether epidermal stem cells could be cultured in the laboratory and used in skin grafts.
Burn patients are often treated using autologous skin grafts. These involve a section of healthy skin being removed from another part of the body to harvest the patients own skin cells for culture. A graft for the burn site is produced from this culture. There is a delay of about three weeks between the harvesting of the skin and the graft to allow the cells to grow. During this time, the patient is at risk of dehydration and infection.
Having a ready source of skin cells for temporary grafts while patients are waiting for their autologous grafts would improve the outcome of treatment. With this in mind, the researchers investigated whether keratinocytes (the major cell constituent of the outer layer of the skin, or epidermis) could be derived from human embryonic stem cells.
The researchers began by culturing embryonic stem cells in a specialised medium that encourages cell differentiation (the process whereby cells become specialised). Embryonic stem cells can renew themselves and also have the potential to develop into any type of specialised cell.
Cultures of human embryonic stem cells were then grown on a framework made of fibroblast cells and collagen (a fibrous protein that can form a mesh-like structure) made by fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are the cells that form the underlying structure of tissues and are involved in healing.
The stem cells were manipulated so that they developed into epidermal cells, and monitored throughout their specialisation process to make sure the cells were developing into skin cells. The researchers named the cells keratinocytes derived from human embryonic stem cells (K-hESCs).
After several rounds of subculturing and replication, the cells could be frozen and used in further experiments. Bioengineered skin equivalents were then created by growing the K-hESCs on an artificial matrix. These were then grafted onto the backs of five six-week-old immunodeficient female mice. After 10 to 12 weeks, samples were taken from the implants for analysis.
The researchers confirmed thatthe embryonic stem cells differentiated into keratinocytes, which could be grown in culture medium and which replicated well. These derived skin cells were structurally and functionally similar to normal skin cells in that they could be grown on an artificial matrix using classic techniques.
After 12 weeks of growth on immunodeficient mice, the grafted epidermis had developed into a structure that was consistent with mature human skin.
The researchers concluded that their findings build on previous research and show that K-hESCs can develop into a multi-layer epithelium. This epithelium resembles normal human skin both in cell cultures (in vitro) and following grafting onto live animals (in vivo).
They say that growing human skin from human embryonic stem cells could provide an unlimited resource for temporary skin replacement in patients with large burns who are waiting for autologous skin grafts.
If it can be demonstrated that it works in humans, this technology could improve outcomes for burns patients. The researchers report that the first human trial is currently underway.
At present, skin from deceased donors is used to treat burns patients while they wait for their own skin transplant, but there are often problems with rejection. The researchers highlight several potential benefits of an epidermis reconstructed using K-hESCs, including:
It is important to note that, at present, the researchers are only investigating this technology for providing temporary grafts. They say that whether it can be used for permanent grafts for patients who cant use their own cells needs further investigation. They say that for temporary use, the grafts would only be used for the three-week period while the patients permanent graft is grown.
This is a good study and the findings are exciting in this field, but only human research will tell whether it will have a wider application in the treatment of burns patients.
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Skin grafts from stem cells - NHS
Patients’ stem cells point to potential treatments for motor | Cosmos – Cosmos
By Sykes24Tracey
Physicist Stephen Hawking is perhaps the most famous sufferer of motor neuron disease, a crippling degenerative condition that affects an estimated 150,00 people around the world.
Karwai Tang / Getty
In news that may bring hope to Stephen Hawking and hundreds of thousands of others around the world, British scientists have used reprogrammed skin cells to study the development of motor neuron disease.
Its like changing the postcode of a house without actually moving it, explains neuroscientist Rickie Patani, referring to research offering startling new insights into the progress and treatment of the crippling degenerative condition, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Patani, together with colleague Sonia Gandhi, both from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London, in the UK, led a team of researchers investigating how the disease destroys the nerve cells that govern muscle movement.
The results, published in the journal Cell Reports, comprise the most fine-grained work to date on how ALS operates on a molecular level and suggest powerful new treatment methods based on stem cells.
Indeed, so exciting are the implications of the research that Ghandi and Patani are already working with pharmaceutical companies to develop their discoveries.
The neurologists uncovered two key interlinked interactions in the development of motor neuron disease, the first concerning a particular protein, and the second concerning an auxiliary nerve cell type called astrocytes.
To make their findings, the team developed stem cells from the skin of healthy volunteers and a cohort carrying a genetic mutation that leads to ALS. The stem cells were then guided into becoming motor neurons and astrocytes.
We manipulated the cells using insights from developmental biology, so that they closely resembled a specific part of the spinal cord from which motor neurons arise, says Patani.
We were able to create pure, high-quality samples of motor neurons and astrocytes which accurately represent the cells affected in patients with ALS."
The scientists then closely monitored the two sets of cells healthy and mutated to see how their functioning differed over time.
The first thing they noted was that a particular protein TDP-43 behaved differently. In the patient-derived samples TDP-43 leaked out of the cell nucleus, catalysing a damaging chain of events inside the cell and causing it to die.
The observation provided a powerful insight into the molecular mechanics of motor neuron disease.
Knowing when things go wrong inside a cell, and in what sequence, is a useful approach to define the critical molecular event in disease, says Ghandi.
One therapeutic approach to stop sick motor neurons from dying could be to prevent proteins like TDP-43 from leaving the nucleus, or try to move them back.
The second critical insight was derived from the behaviour of astrocytes, which turned out to function as a kind of nursemaid, supporting motor neuron cells when they began to lose function because of protein leakage.
During the progression of motor neuron disease, however, the astrocytes like nurses during an Ebola outbreak eventually fell ill themselves and died, hastening the death of the neurons.
To test this, the team did a type of mix and match exercise, concocting various combinations of neurons and astrocytes from healthy and diseased tissue.
They discovered that healthy astrocytes could prolong the functional life of ALS-affected motor neurons, but damaged astrocytes struggled to keep even healthy motor neurons functioning.
The research reveals both TDP-43 and astrocytes as key therapeutic targets, raising the possibility that the progress of ALS might be significantly slowed, or perhaps even halted.
Our work, along with other studies of ageing and neurodegeneration, would suggest that the cross-talk between neurons and their supporting cells is crucial in the development and progression of ALS, says Patani.
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Patients' stem cells point to potential treatments for motor | Cosmos - Cosmos
Neurosurgeon Dr. Jay Jagannathan discussed the future of spine surgery, motion-sparing techniques and minimally … – PR Newswire (press release)
By Sykes24Tracey
TROY, Mich., May 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --Jay Jagannathan, M.D., known as one of the United States' top neurosurgeons, was featured on WJR AM-760 radio show Anything is Possible! hosted by Jack Krasula on May 27, 2017. During the one-hour show, Dr. Jagannathan discussed the importance of patient-centric care in spine surgery. "It is important that patients know the full spectrum of surgical and non-surgical options," he said, adding that "a full understanding of their options puts patients in a position to make the best decision for themselves."
When asked by Jack Krasula show about the future of spine surgery, Dr. Jagannathan specifically pointed to motion-sparing techniques. Motion-sparing techniques aim to preserve motion in the spine, and are increasingly relevant given the recent FDA approval of 2-level cervical artificial disks. "The idea of preserving motion will permit many patients who were not previously candidates for spine surgery to have procedures that can help with pain while still maintaining normal spinal motion and hopefully reducing the future need for re-operation," he said. Dr. Jagannathan also discussed the importance of stem cells, which are undifferentiated, primitive cells that have the capability of maturing into specific tissue types. According to Dr. Jagannathan, "stem cells not only have the ability to possibly enhance spinal fusion outcomes, but also to serve as a vector to induce healing following spinal cord injury or stroke." Dr. Jagannathan also pointed to the advances in imaging modalities and technology, which has allowed surgeons to provide minimally invasive treatment for pathology which previously were untreatable. "What MIS has taught us is that using image-guided targeting while decreasing tissue manipulation can greatly reduce post-operative pain, hospital stays and post-operative drug use."
Read the original here:
Neurosurgeon Dr. Jay Jagannathan discussed the future of spine surgery, motion-sparing techniques and minimally ... - PR Newswire (press release)
World Multiple Sclerosis Day 2017: Cellular Therapy helps induce long-term remission of Multiple Sclerosis – TheHealthSite
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Genetically and immune-mediated disease, Multiple Sclerosis symptoms and progression are unpredictable at the time of diagnosis.
Multiple Sclerosis is an inflammatory disease that affects the brain and spinal cord of an individual. It occurs due to the combination of genetic susceptibility and can also occur due to low vitamin levels, virus, and environmental factors. The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation estimates that more than 400,000 people in the United States and about 2.5 million people around the world have Multiple Sclerosis. No large epidemiological studies have been reported from India but calculations based on hospital data in the 1970s suggested an approximate prevalence rate of only 0.17 to 1.33 per 100,000 in different parts of India. Increased awareness and the rise in the number of neurologists and availability of MRI has led the current estimates to about 7 to 10 per 100,000. As there are many Indians who still do not have access to adequate medical facilities especially in the rural sector, there can be a rise in the figures mentioned too. As per hospital-based studies within India, an increase in the incidence of Multiple Sclerosis from 1.58% to 2.54% has been noted in the last decade.
This immune-mediated disease affects the protective covering (myelin sheath) around the nerves which result in neurological defects. With the help cellular therapy, utilising the various properties of stem cells, Multiple Sclerosis can be treated. In autologous cell-based therapy, stem cells from the patients own body are transplanted, which resets the immune system. A patient suffering from Multiple Sclerosis is often treated with immune-suppressive drugs and monoclonal antibodies. But, these agents are associated with side effects with long-term use and are not entirely effective in managing symptoms. Autologous stem cells are neuroprotective and also have other paracrine properties by which patients of Multiple Sclerosis can benefit. The immunomodulatory properties of the stem cells help reduce damage in the central nervous system of patients with Multiple Sclerosis. It also helps in regeneration of the injured nerves, said Dr Pradeep Mahajan, Regenerative Medicine researcher at StemRx Bioscience Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The time taken to heal varies from patient to patient and can go from 2 months to 1 year. There are various ways to administer the stem cells back into the body, the route depending on the condition and requirement of the patient. In neurological conditions, the appropriate route of administration would be the one which facilitates cell delivery into the brain.
Published: May 30, 2017 4:09 pm | Updated:May 30, 2017 4:10 pm
Disclaimer: does not guarantee any specific results as a result of the procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.
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World Multiple Sclerosis Day 2017: Cellular Therapy helps induce long-term remission of Multiple Sclerosis - TheHealthSite
Baby Max can only survive with a constant supply of stem cells … – Devon Live
By NEVAGiles23
A Devon family are swimming to Great Ormond Street Hospital to help a mum whose 15-month-old son has been diagnosed with very rare syndrome called Diskeratosis Congenita. Little Max Hilton's treatment is reliant on a steady supply of stem cell donors and after being around children with similar conditions Max's mum, Becca, is determined to encourage donors to come forward.
Through a touching Facebook group called Be There For Buzz Man Becca, has charted her son's journey and the difficulty they both face.
Becca's North Devon family have sprung into action to help spread the message that the UK needs more Stem Cell donors and to raise funds for the Antony Nolan Register, an organisation dedicated to researching stem cells and matching donors to those in need of help.
"We're delighted with the support we have received by so many people in aid of raising money for Anthony Nolan, including Reef, Tace and Aimee who are based in North Devon, have organised a charity swim called Swimming to Max; swimming 250 miles from Barnstaple to Romford, the distance between them and Max, over 20 weeks to raise as much as they can for the charity," said Becca.
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"Nobody ever expects their newborn child to be diagnosed with such a rare condition, to see him fighting every day is extremely painful, and to see so many brave children in the same ward really does showcase the need of more stem cell and bone marrow donors. Great Ormond Street Hospital are doing all they can, and we'd like to thank the staff for providing invaluable support to both Max and our family.
"For us, converting the negativity we have experienced with Max into making a positive impact for other patients in the same position will make our day.
"If just one person who reads our story decides to see if they're eligible, that could then continue to save a life. Please don't let it affect someone you love to then decide to register. There are so many patients waiting for suitable donors."
For Becca, telling Max's story is not just important for friends and family, but primarily to raise awareness of the desperate need for donors.
To see if you're eligible to donate stem cells, you must be 16 or over, and it is as easy as spitting in a cup to provide a saliva sample for Anthony Nolan to then assess eligibility to then donate - all done through a free sample kit sent via post, from their website.
Donating bone marrow and stem cells is not invasive at all; 9 out of 10 people donate stem cells via the bloodstream, in a procedure called peripheral blood stem cell collection. One in 10 people will have stem cells taken from the bone marrow itself, whilst under general anaesthetic.
Neither procedure hurts, and it's time more is done to increase the people on the register so patients, similar to Max, have a chance in recovering from their rare conditions with the help of those that are genetically matched to their blood type.
The Be There For Buzz Man Facebook page can be found at, and to find out how to donate stem cells visit
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Baby Max can only survive with a constant supply of stem cells ... - Devon Live
Unrelated donor transplants to aid thalassemics – The Hindu – The Hindu
The Hindu | Unrelated donor transplants to aid thalassemics - The Hindu The Hindu A study carried out at Chennai's Apollo Speciality Cancer Hospital now gives hope to children who have no related donors. |
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Unrelated donor transplants to aid thalassemics - The Hindu - The Hindu
Stem cells show promise in helping to heal eye injuries in horses … – Horsetalk
By raymumme
These photomicrographs show the initial scratches created with a pipette tip compared with the same scratch 36 hours later and at end of study, at 72 hours, for each experimental group. ac show the control group, from left, at the start, after 36 hours, and after 72 hours. df show the results for the same horse with use of the supernatant solution; and gi show the results for the same horse from the stem cell group. Images: Sherman et al DOI: 10.1186/s13287-017-0577-3
Stem cells taken from bone marrow may substantially improve corneal wound healing in horses, evidence from a study suggests.
Eye injuries are common in horses, most likely because of the size of their eyes and their prominent position in the head.
Researchers from the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine conducted a laboratory experiment to assess the performance of stem cells taken from bone marrow in the breast bone of five horses.
Amanda Sherman and her colleagues, writing in Stem Cell Research & Therapy, described the process by which they collected and isolated the autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells for their study.
Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent connective-tissue cells that can change into a variety of cell types to form the likes of bone, cartilage, muscle and fat.
The supernatant solution comprising cell-medium sediment left over from the centrifuging process was also used in the study to compare its performance against the stem cells. A naive culture media was used as a control.
Corneal stromal cells were cultured and transferred on to six collagen-coated plates. A scratch was then placed the length of these equine corneal fibroblast cultures using a fine pipette.
The plates were then exposed to either the stem cells, the supernatant solution or the naive culture medium.
The researchers reported a significant percentage decrease in the scratch area remaining in the stem cell and supernatant groups compared to the control group after 72 hours.
The decrease was significantly greater in the stem-cell group compared to the supernatant group 36 hours after exposure and at all times thereafter.
The performance of the supernatant solution was most likely due to the presence of the growth factor TGF-1, which was identified on analysis. TGF-1 was found in even greater concentrations in the stem cell group.
The researchers concluded that the use of autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells may substantially improve corneal wound healing in horses.
The supernatant solution may also improve corneal wound healing, given the significant decrease in scratch area compared to control treatments, and would be an immediately available and cost-effective treatment option, they said.
The researchers said studies in live horses were warranted to evaluate the potential treatments safety and effectiveness for corneal wound healing.
The universitys study team comprised Sherman,Brian Gilger,Alix Berglund and Lauren Schnabel.
Effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and stem cell supernatant on equine corneal wound healing in vitro Amanda B. Sherman, Brian C. Gilger, Alix K. Berglund and Lauren V. Schnabel Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2017 8:120 DOI: 10.1186/s13287-017-0577-3
The study, published under a Creative Commons License, can be read here.
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Stem cells show promise in helping to heal eye injuries in horses ... - Horsetalk
Toronto artist exposes the hidden architecture of cells – The Globe … – The Globe and Mail
One giant photo looks like a cocoon enmeshed in strands of silk. Another, like a distant nebula as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. A third brings to mind rivulets of lava pouring down the sides of a volcano atnight.
Yet all of the images in Toronto artist Radha Chaddahs latest exhibition show the same thing: adult-human stem cells that have been reprogrammed to change from skin into neural tissue. The overall effect is similar to taking a voyage through a world that is both utterly exotic yet intimately related to thevoyager.
These are the most striking pictures for me, said Ms. Chaddah, directing attention to a photo in which a cell has been carefully prepared to reveal its cytoskeleton a network of protein fibres that helps maintain shape and function. People dont generally think of cells as having an internalarchitecture.
The Fall.
Courtesy of ArtaGallery
This is not the classic microscope view of the cell, familiar to anyone who has cracked open a high-school biology textbook. Often, the images do not show cell membranes or other recognizable components. Instead, they highlight the hidden structures within cells, which Ms. Chaddah tags with fluorescent antibodies and then blasts with a laser so they glow with vivid colour at the moment she captures the photo. Once the photo is taken, Ms. Chaddah can never go back. So intense are the exposures she requires, that her tiny subjects are destroyed in the act of imagingthem.
Researchers are keen to exploit the potential of stem cells because they can be induced to switch identity. This property holds tremendous promise for regenerative medicine. For example, in the future, a patients skin cells may be reprogrammed and used to help restore ailing vision due to a deterioratingretina.
This is the kind of possibility that Ms. Chaddah was helping to explore when she was a graduate student in cell and molecular biology a decade ago, eventually publishing her work on stem cells in the Journal ofNeuroscience.
courtesy of ArtaGallery
But, like the cells that fascinate her, Ms. Chaddah found herself changing identities. She had started off with training in fine arts and art conservation before going back to school to become a stem-cell researcher. After completing her masters degree, she turned to the arts again, this time with science as herinspiration.
Her current exhibition, which has been on display in Toronto as part of the annual Contact photography festival, is the product of a meeting of those two worlds. As a graduate student, she needed to repeatedly image the cells she was working with a laborious and frequently frustrating process that could sometimes produce results that were beautiful to look at even when they werent scientificallyusable.
I would go into that little microscope room and be lost in there for five or six hours, she said. Then Id come out with zero data, a major headache and a few amazingpictures.
Courtesy of ArtaGallery
Recognizing the visual potential of the technique, Ms. Chaddah made a deal with her supervisor, University of Toronto stem-cell scientist Derek van der Kooy: In exchange for some additional research she conducted in the lab, she was given access to the microscope to pursue herart.
I think its a great idea because we look at these cells under the microscope and they look fantastic to us, but they should be fantastic to everyone, Dr. van der Kooysaid.
He added that while he was delighted to see Ms. Chaddahs images appreciated as art, he wished there was more about the science behind them in the exhibition. Ms. Chaddah has taken a less direct route, sparking the viewers curiosity by giving the images biblical titles a choice that is also meant to draw attention to the way medical discoveries can be viewed with something approaching religious reverence. While stem cells are the subject of legitimate research, they have also spurred the desperate to seek miracle treatments based on questionableevidence.
Courtesy of ArtaGallery
Yet, there is also plenty to feed a sense of wonder at the machinery of life. In a piece called Exodus, which is also the name of the exhibition, Ms. Chaddah has captured a neural cell in the act of migration a reminder, she said, that when human cells are cultured in a Petri dish they can revert to acting as individuals rather than as part of a larger organism. On another level, it also refers to the new world of medical benefits and risks that the manipulation of cells is leading us to as asociety.
But even without such layers of meaning, Ms. Chaddah said she is often surprised by the sense of connection her images seem to evoke, even when visitors are not entirely sure what they are looking at as they wander into thegallery.
Its interesting how many people stand amazed in front of these things and they have some feeling that it has something to do with them even before they read that it came from human skin, she said. I want to draw people in with beauty but I would love it if people would think beyond thebeauty.
Courtesy of ArtaGallery.
Exodus is on display until May 31 at the Arta Gallery, 14 Distillery Lane, Toronto, as part of the Scotiabank Contact PhotographyFestival.
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Toronto artist exposes the hidden architecture of cells - The Globe ... - The Globe and Mail
A New Drug for ALS, but the Diagnosis Remains Dire – New York Times
New York Times | A New Drug for ALS, but the Diagnosis Remains Dire New York Times A.L.S. attacks the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movements, like chewing, walking, breathing, swallowing and talking. It is invariably progressive. Lacking nervous system stimulation, the muscles soon begin to ... |
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A New Drug for ALS, but the Diagnosis Remains Dire - New York Times
This Company Has Pretty Much Invented Harry Potter’s ‘Skele-Grow’ – UPROXX
UPROXX | This Company Has Pretty Much Invented Harry Potter's 'Skele-Grow' UPROXX EpiBone uses a combination of a patient's own stem cells and a 3D printer in a lab to actually grow new bones in under three weeks. The implications of ... I was growing cardiac and neural tissue, and he was growing bone and cartilage. So this is ... |
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This Company Has Pretty Much Invented Harry Potter's 'Skele-Grow' - UPROXX
Sickle cell cure is real, as this Kansas patient proves – Kansas City Star
By daniellenierenberg
Sickle cell cure is real, as this Kansas patient proves Kansas City Star Intense pain. Fatigue. Repeated infections, emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Desiree Ramirez endured them often until she became the first adult cured at a Kansas hospital of sickle cell disease. Bone marrow stem cells donated by a ... |
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Sickle cell cure is real, as this Kansas patient proves - Kansas City Star
Bone marrow donor drive honors Iowa City boy battling lymphoma … – The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines
By raymumme
By By Elianna Novitch, The Gazette
May 29, 2017 at 5:00 am | Print View
IOWA CITY More than 20 million people are registered as bone marrow donors in the Be the Match registry, the largest and most diverse donor registry in the world.
But none can help Calder Wills, a 12-year-old Iowa City boy battling stage 4 T-cell lymphoma, or cancer of the blood.
Only one person has been identified as a 100-percent match for Calder, but that person was deemed medically unable to donate bone marrow.
This has left the Wills family with few options.
And so, friends of the family are hosting a donor registry drive on Tuesday to raise awareness about the need for more marrow donors and to perhaps find a match for Calder and others like him.
The event takes place from 3 to 8 p.m. inside the gym at Hoover Elementary School, 2200 E. Court St., Iowa City. Those who attend can join the Be The Match registry. Those who are unable to attend can register online at
Calder was diagnosed with lymphoma in February 2016. He went into remission within the first 30 days but found out on April 11 the day after his 12th birthday that he had relapsed and would need a bone-marrow transplant. He is one of thousands searching for a match.
He is among the 70 percent of patients who surprisingly dont have a match in their own family, explained Colleen Reardon, manager of the Iowa Marrow Donor Program at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. We are looking for a tissue type match and each sibling has about a 25 percent chance of being a match.
Calder has three siblings, a twin brother Grayson and sisters Charlotte, 7, and Arden, 5, all of whom were not matches. The next best chance a patient has, statistically, is to find an unrelated donor that is a 100-percent match.
Calders mother Brianna Wills described it as devastating when the family found out that the 58-year-old woman who matched with Calder was deemed medically unable to donate.
That left us with no match, no options, she said. Weve decided to pursue cord blood for his transplant, Wills said. He is going to have a cord blood transplant at the University of Minnesota because a bone marrow match wasnt available and he couldnt wait until one became available.
According to the Be The Match website, cord blood is one of three sources of blood-forming cells used in transplant. The others are bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells. Cord blood can be used to treat more than 80 diseases, including blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma. Cord blood comes from a babys umbilical cord.
Wills said that even though Calder is receiving a different type of transplant, she does not want people to not register as a marrow donor.
I dont want that to dissuade people from continuing to do it because he has about a two out of three chance that this transplant will fail because he has T-cell lymphoma that is very aggressive and very hard to treat, Wills said. Realistically, statistically, we are looking at him needing a second transplant down the road and thats when we hope that well find a donor and we can use a bone marrow match then.
Please still do it and not just for Calder, do it for the thousands of people who also dont have a match.
According to Reardon, of every 540 people who register as a donor, only one will be identified as that perfect match for someone and be asked to donate.
Were not realistically hoping to find Calders donor, I mean that would be amazing, but really were hoping to expand the database. Were just hoping that some family in Texas or somewhere else in the world is also doing this and maybe theyll find Calders donor, Wills said. If were all doing it, were going to expand the database for everyones benefit.
Wills recognizes that even though the drive is in Calders honor, it is truly to the benefit of thousands of other people who dont have donors.
There are other ethnic groups that have very little participation and to be a match you need to be matched with donors that have similar ethnic background as you do, Wills said. So African Americans, Hispanics, people that have mixed races, or Asian background wed love to have them come because there are people waiting for donors of all kinds of backgrounds.
What: Bone Marrow Donor Drive
When: 3 to 8 p.m. Tuesday
Where: Hoover Elementary School, 2200 E. Court St., Iowa City
Details: Join the Iowa Marrow Donor Program and Be The Match Registry using a simple cheek swab.
Info: or call the Iowa Marrow Donor Program at (319) 356-3337.
l Comments: (319) 368-8538;
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How a simple cheek swab can save a life – FOX31 Denver
By Dr. Matthew Watson
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DENVER -- The need is undeniable. The majority of cancer patients in need of a stem cell or bone marrow transplant are not able to get one, in part because they cant find a match.
Doctors hope more people will register to be a donor, and say all it takes to get started is a simple cheek swab.
Paige McCoy, of Parker, did find a match. After she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at age 28, she needed a stem cell transplant to survive. I honestly thought I was going to die at 28, she said.
But a total stranger absolutely saved her life.
She got to meet her donor for the first time this month at the Gift of Life Gala in New York City. When I saw him I just broke down, because here is basically my hero walking towards me, Paige said.
It was an emotional night. Her donor was a 22 year old student at the University of Tennessee who had registered with a cheek swab at a campus event.
When he agreed to donate, he had to get some shots, then the stem cells were gathered during a type of blood draw. "The blood goes out to the machine. The machine processes the blood, and returns the red blood cells and the rest of the blood products, except for some of the stem cells, back to the donor, said Dr. Michael Maris, the director of research at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute in partnership with Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Presbyterian/St. Lukes.
He says this act, that required no surgery, saved Paiges life.
But Paige knows others werent as lucky. I saw patients that didnt have a donor, and I had a donor and they didnt, and somebody could save their life. Just swab your cheek please. You could really help somebody out, and its so easy, she said.
If you would like to register, you can go to for cheek swab instructions, or a list of local donation events. Your registration could also help patients needing bone marrow transplants. But the marrow harvesting does require surgery.
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How a simple cheek swab can save a life - FOX31 Denver
Rahman lends his voice for stem cell donation – The Hindu
The Hindu | Rahman lends his voice for stem cell donation The Hindu Sign up with me as bone marrow donor, Mr. Rahman says, in a short video made by the Jeevan Stem Cell Foundation, which maintains a registry for those in need to find a stem cell match. The video has been uploaded to Youtube ahead of the World Blood ... |
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Rahman lends his voice for stem cell donation - The Hindu
We now have the first evidence that immune cells in the skin directly … – ScienceAlert
By NEVAGiles23
For the first time, scientists have discovered that a common type of immune cell directly triggers stem cells in the skin that are responsible for hair growth in mice. Without this trigger, hair follicles just don't do their job -even if they have the stem cells necessary to proceed.
As the mechanisms for hair growth in mice are similar in humans, the researchers hope their newly uncovered mechanism could lead to a better understanding of conditions like alopecia, and other types of baldness.
Among the various immune system players we have in the body, there's a subclass of immune cells called regulatory T cells, or Tregs for short.
The vast majority of Tregs live in our lymph nodes, where they help to control inflammation throughout the body. But we also have subsets of Tregs that reside in other body parts, such as muscle or lung tissue.
And studies are starting to show that these 'tissue-resident' Tregs may be performing unique roles specific to the part of body they're in.
Researchers know that both mice and humans have a lot of Tregs in the skin, but so far we know very little about their function there.
Seeing that skin-specific Tregs tend to sit around hair follicles, a team led by researchers from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) investigated the hypothesis that these immune cells were somehow involved in hair growth.
What they discovered is not just involvement, but a direct trigger - making Tregs a super-important part of the hair growth process.
"Our hair follicles are constantly recycling: when a hair falls out, a portion of the hair follicle has to grow back," senior researcher Michael Rosenblum said in a press statement.
"This has been thought to be an entirely stem cell-dependent process, but it turns out Tregs are essential."
In mammals, hair follicles regenerate in a specific pattern, cycling between growth phases (known as anagen) and rest phases (telogen).
The team tracked the amount of Tregs in the skin of mice during these different phases of hair growth, and found a tight correlation - in the telogen phase these immune cells were much more abundant.
What's more, highly active Tregs were crowding around hair follicles at three times the normal rate, right towards the end of the hair growth rest phase.
Intrigued by this correlation, the scientists took a step further to uncover the biological mechanism involved in the relationship between Tregs and the stem cells that make hair follicles do their job.
To do this, they took genetically modified mice whose Treg cells could be 'knocked out' with a simple intervention.
The researchers clipped the hair on the mice's backs and then applied a depilatory cream for 30 seconds - when you depilate the skin, hair follicles kick into the active hair growth phase.
They monitored the hair regrowth for 14 days, comparing the regrowth between control mice and the ones whose Tregs they had tampered with.
In mice whose Tregs were knocked out in the first three days after depilation, the hair just didn't grow back, leaving them with a bald patch on their backs.
A closer look revealed that Tregs directly trigger the activation of stem cells in the hair follicle through a well-known cell communication mechanism called the Notch signalling pathway, which involves a specific protein called Jag1.
They even found that when they replaced Tregs with microscopic beads covered in Jag1, it triggered the activity in the hair follicles just like Tregs would.
"It's as if the skin stem cells and Tregs have co-evolved, so that the Tregs not only guard the stem cells against inflammation but also take part in their regenerative work," Rosenblum said.
"Now the stem cells rely on the Tregs completely to know when it's time to start regenerating."
It's a really elegant demonstration of a previously unknown mechanism for hair growth in mice, but there's a lot more work to be done before we can tell whether defective skin Tregs could be the culprits behind hair loss in humans.
But there's at least one tantalising clue that the study is onto something here. In genome-wide association studies of alopecia areata, a condition characterised by 'patchy' hair loss, researchers have found mutations on genes that are involved in Treg function.
Next up, the researchers are hoping to expand their results and investigate how Tregs in the skin could be involved in wound healing, and also various hair loss conditions in humans.
"It will be important to determine whether this principle extends to human diseases of epithelial dysfunction and whether Tregs can be exploited to develop new therapies for stem-cell-mediated tissue regenerative disorders," they write in the study.
These new results are also an exciting addition to the growing body of knowledge scientists have about hair growth. Earlier this month, researchers reported the discovery of a protein that causes skin stem cells to develop into hair cells in mice. They are now investigating whether this protein is involved in hair loss in people.
The research has been published in Cell.
We now have the first evidence that immune cells in the skin directly ... - ScienceAlert