Neural Crest Stem Cells From Skin Without Genetic Modifications … – UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences News
By daniellenierenberg
Stelios Andreadis, PhD, is leading a team of researchers who have discovered how to convert adult skin cells into stem cells without modifying their genetics.
UB researchers have found that adult skin cells can be converted into neural crest cells without any genetic modification.
The discovery, which was several years in the making, proves that these stem cells can yield other cells that are present in the spinal cord and brain.
The applications could be very significant, ranging from studying genetic diseases in a dish to generating possible regenerative cures from a patients own cells.
Its actually quite remarkable that it happens, says Stelios Andreadis, PhD, professor of biomedical engineering, who recently published a paper on the results, titled Reprogramming Postnatal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes Toward Functional Neural Crest Fates, in the journal Stem Cells.
The identity of the cells was further confirmed by lineage tracing experiments, where the reprogrammed cells were implanted in chicken embryos and acted just as neural crest cells do.
This image shows Keratinocyte-derived neural crest stem cells turning into neurons as shown by typical neuronal morphology.
Stem cells have been derived from adult cells before, but not without adding genes to alter the cells. The new process yields neural crest cells without addition of foreign genetic material. The reprogrammed neural crest cells can become smooth muscle cells, melanocytes, Schwann cells or neurons.
In medical applications this has tremendous potential because you can always get a skin biopsy, says Andreadis, who is also professor and chair of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
We can grow the cells to large numbers and reprogram them without genetic modification. So, autologous cells derived from the patient can be used to treat devastating neurogenic diseases that are currently hampered by the lack of easily accessible cell sources, he says.
The process can also be used to model disease. Skin cells from a person with a genetic disease of the nervous system can be reprogrammed into neural crest cells. These cells will have the disease-causing mutation in their chromosomes, but the genes that cause the mutation are not expressed in the skin.
The genes are likely to be expressed when cells differentiate into neural crest lineages, such as neurons or Schwann cells, thereby enabling researchers to study the disease in a dish. This is similar to induced pluripotent stem cells, but without genetic modification or reprogramming to the pluripotent state.
The discovery was a gradual process, taking almost five years, Andreadis says, as successive experiments kept leading to something new.
It was one step at a time. It was a very challenging task that involved a wide range of expertise and collaborators to bring it to fruition, he says.
Collaborators include:
Andreadis credits the persistence of his then-doctoral student, Vivek K. Bajpai, for sticking with it.
He is an excellent and persistent student, Andreadis says. Most students would have given up.
The research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Andreadis also credits a seed grant from UBs Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Developments IMPACT program that enabled part of the work.
The work recently received a $1.7 million NIH grant to delve into the mechanisms that occur as the cells reprogram, and to employ the cells for treating the Parkinsons-like symptoms in a mouse model of hypomyelinating disease.
This work has the potential to provide a novel source of abundant, easily accessible and autologous cells for treatment of devastating neurodegenerative diseases, Andreadis says. We are excited about this discovery and its potential impact and are grateful to NIH for the opportunity to pursue it further.
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Neural Crest Stem Cells From Skin Without Genetic Modifications ... - UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences News
Three women blinded after clinical trial went wrong – Normangee Star
But its always been clear that they could be risky too, especially if theyre not used carefully. The LCSB team has published its results in the scientific journal PLOS Biology.
This study shows that for the first time, targeting the proliferating tumor mass and dormant cancer stem cells with combination therapy effectively inhibited tumor growth and prevented metastasis compared to monotherapy in mice, said Wang, who is a member of the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center and of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA. However, as of April 2016, new rules on human cells and tissue require FDA oversight and approval for such procedures.
Although the women had moderate vision loss prior to the stem cell treatments, a year later their vision ranged from total blindness to 20/200, which is considered legally blind.
NPR contacted the FDA, and was told by a spokeswoman that the agency is now finalizing a series of new guidelines regulating how clinics could use stem cells for treatment purposes. So far, however, scientists only partially understand how the body controls the fate of these all-rounders, and what factors decide whether a stem cell will differentiate, for example, into a blood, liver or nerve cell. He wrote an editorial accompanying the two papers.
As reported Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the women, a 72-year-old, went completely blind after doctors injected stem cells into her eye in an attempt to cure the disease.
But within a week of starting the off-the-charts dangerous therapy at an American clinic, the patients suffered complications.
Two of the patients sought treatment at the universitys hospital for the complications they suffered. The agency also noted that it had previously issued a warning to patients. She said that they were treating patients with their own stem cells.
In addition to charging a fee for treatment, there were several other red flags in the Florida cases that consumers should watch for when considering participation in a clinical trial, Goldberg said. They sought treatment at a Florida clinic that had announced a study to treat the condition on, a federal database of research studies.
Within days of the stem cell injections she was almost blind and ultimately progressed to complete blindness. Their attorney, Andrew Yaffa of Coral Gables, said that the case was resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties but that neither he nor his clients could comment beyond that.
She acknowledged, however, that the clinic had been performing the stem cell procedures.
Shoddy preparation of the stem cells may have led to some of the complications, said the study authors. We feel very confident about the procedures that we do, and weve had great success in many different indications. We believe that regenerative medicine / cellular therapeutics will play a large role in positively changing the natural history of diseases ultimately, we contend, lessening patient burdens, as well as reducing the associated economic impact disease imposes upon modern society.
The body produces a variety of stem cells. It is also costly, at almost $900,000 to develop and test the iPS cells for the first trial, Takahashi adds.
Whatever happened, experts said there was no evidence to suggest the procedure would have helped restore vision, since so little study has been done on whether adipose-derived stem cells can mature into the kinds of retinal cells that are involved in macular degeneration.
This represents a landmark, says Daley. But it proved too slow and expensive, says Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan, who first discovered how to create iPS cells and is a co-author of the NEJM paper. The registry may be useful as a starting point, but patients should then discuss potential trials with qualified physicians, an academic medical center.
A second patient was supposed to be treated, but transplantation was called off after the cells were found to have potential genetic problems. The cells were extracted their from fat, mixed with blood plasma and injected into their eyes.
Even though the safety and effectiveness of this procedure is unknown, all three patients received injections in both eyes. Dr. Thomas Albini of the University of Miami examined the women after they were treated at a clinic in Florida.
Before the procedure, all three women still had at least some vision. Medical experts said the episode raises questions about whether the government and doctors are doing enough to protect patients from the dangers of unapproved therapies.
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Three women blinded after clinical trial went wrong - Normangee Star
Human heart muscle made from stem cells – Free Press Journal
By Sykes24Tracey
By FPJ Bureau|Mar 20, 2017 06:26 pm
Melbourne: Scientists have created a functional beating human heart muscle from stem cells, a significant step forward in cardiac disease research. Researchers at The University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia developed models of human heart tissue in the laboratory so they can study cardiac biology and diseases in a dish.
The patented technology enables us to now perform experiments on human heart tissue in the lab, said James Hudson from the UQ School of Biomedical Sciences. This provides scientists with viable, functioning human heart muscle to work on, to model disease, screen new drugs and investigate heart repair, said Hudson.
In the laboratory we used dry ice to kill part of the tissue while leaving the surrounding muscle healthy and viable, Hudson said. We found those tissues fully recovered because they were immature and the cells could regenerate in contrast to what happens normally in the adult heart where you get a dead patch. Our goal is to use this model to potentially find new therapeutic targets to enhance or induce cardiac regeneration in people with heart failure, he said.
Studying regeneration of these damaged, immature cells will enable us to figure out the biochemical events behind this process. Hopefully we can determine how to replicate this process in adult hearts for cardiovascular patients, said Hudson.
Each year, about 54,000 Australians suffer a heart attack, with an average of about 23 deaths every day, researchers said. Heart Foundation Queensland CEO Stephen Vines said the charity was excited to fund such an important research project.
Heart attack survivors who have had permanent damage to their heart tissue are essentially trying to live on half an engine, Vines said. The research will help unlock the key to regenerating damaged heart tissue, which will have a huge impact on the quality of life for heart attack survivors, he added.
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Human heart muscle made from stem cells - Free Press Journal
Stem cell treatments can go wrong – Jamaica Observer
By NEVAGiles23
Stem cells are the foundation of all our body cells before they differentiate to become specialised cells that grow into our tissues and organs, such as kidney cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, and so on.
They commonly come from two sources: The embryo (embryonic stem cells formed in early development after the human egg is fertilised by a sperm); and adult tissue (adult stem cells, such as those existing in bone marrow to later differentiate to form red blood cells, white blood cells and other components of the blood).
The use of human embryonic stems cells for treatment or research is often frowned upon by some people, as they regard the human embryo as a person that should not be discarded after such endeavours. Consequently, much scientific work has recently been focused on the use of adult stem cells.
Stem cells may be beneficial in treating diseases that are amenable to cell replacement. However, this is still a young science, and belief that a particular treatment helps two or three people does not convince the scientific community or the whole society that the treatment will work for everyone so afflicted.
Scientific proof comes from conducting clinical trials, the international gold standard often involving hundreds of people so afflicted and comparing them with an equivalent number of people not afflicted to determine whether a treatment really works for those who receive it.
Whilst many stem cell research projects are currently being conducted in various centres around the world to determine whether they produce benefits, and what may be the possible risks involved, there are also medical clinics that are using stem cells not in a registered research project, but rather in the actual treatment of affected people.
A recent report in the highly respected New England Journal of Medicine informed that three elderly women in Florida had been blinded by an unproven treatment.
They had signed up for a purported clinical trial in 2015 for which they had to pay US$5,000 each. Before surgery, the vision in their eyes varied from 20/30 to 20/200, but within one week after surgery, they experienced a variety of complications, including vision loss, detached retinas and bleeding into their eyes, resulting in total blindness.
The authors of the article from the Standard University School of Medicine sought to make patients, doctors and the various regulatory agencies aware of the risks of such a minimally regulated, patient-funded research. It stated that some clinics appeal to patients that are desperate for care and who hope that stem cells will be their answer, but as in the case of these women, some of these current enterprises are very dangerous.
At this particular clinic, fat cells were taken from the patients abdomens and processed to obtain stem cells which were then injected into their eyes. The patients reported that the entire process took less than one hour. The patients had both eyes treated at once, even though most doctors would opt for a conservative approach to observe how the first eye responds.
The article stated that while there is a lot of well-founded evidence for the positive potential of stem cell treatment for many human diseases, such treatments should be conducted in a well-designed clinical trial based on pre-clinical research.
The treatment done for the women lacked nearly all the components of a properly designed clinical trial, including a hypothesis based on laboratory experiments, the involvement of a control group of people and a treatment group, the safe collection of data, the masking of clinical and patient groups, and plans for follow-up.
Clinics offering stem cell treatments exist in Jamaica, The Bahamas and Cuba. However, while both The Bahamas and Cuba have developed regulations that stipulate in law the conditions to be met for stem cell treatments and research within their jurisdictions, Jamaica has developed no such regulation.
The Medical Act of Jamaica was passed in 1976, but does not mention or provide any guidance or protection regarding research with human participants.
Its focus was to: Register medical practitioners; appoint examiners to conduct exams for people applying for registration, and ensure the maintenance of proper professional conduct by practitioners.An amendment in 2004 added the requirement of continuing medical education for practitioners.
Guyana and St Lucia are the only countries in the Caribbean that have joined the progressive countries who all have legislation governing research with human participants within their borders. Regulations should stipulate the requisite conditions, including that treatment and research be monitored by an appropriate ethics committee to meet all international standards.
Without this, vulnerable people seeking health benefits will unknowingly continue to subject themselves to risks of harm without the protection that proper regulations can provide.
Derrick Aarons MD, PhD is a consultant bioethicist/family physician, a specialist in ethical issues in medicine, the life sciences and research, and is the Ethicist at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). (The views expressed here are not written on behalf of CARPHA)
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Stem cell treatments can go wrong - Jamaica Observer
Unproven Stem Cell Treatment Blinds 3 Florida Women – ClickLancashire
By raymumme
The Food and Drug Administration recommends that people who consider getting a stem cell treatment need to make sure it has been approved or is being studied in a clinical trial that federal health regulators have allowed. The kind that have generated the most excitement - and controversy - are human embryonic stem cells, which are derived from early human embryos and can be coaxed to become any kind of cell in the body. After 20 years of research, Italian scientists recently received European regulatory approval for a stem cell-based treatment for a type of blindness that results from damage to the cornea, the surface of the eye. The fat tissue was then processed with enzymes with the goal of obtaining stem cells.
However, they immediately suffered complications, including retinal detachment and hemorrhage, which caused total loss of eyesight. "It's just not the case".
None of the women are named in the study.
In 2013, the company listed a trial on titled, "Study to Assess the Safety and Effects of Cells Injected Intravitreal in Dry Macular Degeneration", according to the site. Both lawsuits were settled, with the women receiving payments.
He warned that patients could be misled by "rogue clinics" which failed to distinguish between the many different types of stem cell. Those efforts have stalled, however. She stated that this was not a drug it was a simple procedure. Albini says the complications could have come from injecting a contaminant into the eye, or from the fact that the stem cells may have turned into myofibroblasts after the injections, which are cells associated with scarring.
The cases show that patients need to be warned that something that "sounds too good to be true may indeed be too good to be true and may even be disgusting", Albini says.
The company appeared to have plans to do more such procedures. Small molecule inhibitors for cancer stem cells in this study are available or being utilized in clinical trials for other diseases. The two women told Albini that they did not recall signing documents other than the single page form.
"Patients and physicians in the United States should be made aware that not all "stem cell" clinics are safe, and that "stem therapy" as provided in private clinics in the U.S. is unproven and potentially harmful", says Thomas Albini at the University of Miami's Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Florida, who subsequently treated two of the women.
Each woman paid $5,000 for the procedure.
The doctors say patients should also check if anything purporting to be a clinical trial is affiliated with an academic medical centre and inform themselves about stem cell treatments.
"These women had fairly functional vision prior to the procedure. and were blinded by the next day", said ophthalmologist Dr Thomas Albini of the University of Miami, whose team examined the women after their treatment at a clinic in Florida. In the case of the eye injections, the clinic injected both eyes at once, which is highly unusual and unsafe for an experimental treatment.
The trial was not preceded by laboratory experiments and lacked comparison between treated patients and "control group" participants given a dummy therapy.
It's still not clear what went wrong, but the report says the treatment raised several red flags from the beginning.
But even if executed correctly, there is no evidence suggesting that the procedure could help restore vision, Goldberg and Albini said. A year later, the patient suffered none of the additional vision loss that would be common with the condition. iPS stem cells have a body of research behind their potential healing abilities, while the fat-based cells used in the procedures do not. It offers stem cell treatments for a variety of diseases and injuries, according to the company's website.
"With this new and exciting study, Dr. Wang and his team have provided the building blocks for understanding the cellular and genetic mechanisms behind squamous cell carcinoma", said Dr. Paul Krebsbach, dean of the UCLA School of Dentistry. "Doing the procedure in rats might have shown whether there are safety problems".
Without regulation of stem cell isolation and delivery processes at stem cell clinics, it's hard to know whether their cocktails contain harmful chemicals leftover from the isolation process - or whether they contain stem cells at all. In a regulatory filing, it reported that its techniques can treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hip and knee conditions, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, autism, colitis, and lupus.
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Unproven Stem Cell Treatment Blinds 3 Florida Women - ClickLancashire
Young blood: Scientists say this protein could be key to reversing aging process – Yahoo News
By NEVAGiles23
The suggestion that young blood may be the key toreversingsome of the negative aspects of aging sounds like the setup to a horror movie. In reality, however, itrefers to some groundbreaking work being carried out byscientists at the University of Ulm in Germany.
Theyve been examining the ways that old blood can be made young again, and they hypothesize that it might help fight some of the effects of aging.To achieve this, theyve discovereda protein capable of boosting blood stem cells, which prompts them to act like the stem cells of younger people.
More: Scientists may have discovered how to reverse the natural aging process
Older stem cells have several disadvantages, Dr. Hartmut Geiger, co-author of a paper describing the work, told Digital Trends. Theyresult in fewer red blood cells, and fewer of an important immune cell that fights infection. They also tend to produce more leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood. All of this is linked, at least in part, to the aging of stem cells. If you have younger stem cells, we think that we can reverse some of these effects.
Older stem cells tend to possess these negative characteristics thanks to the declining number of so-called mother stem cells in our bone marrow as we age. This decline triggers the effects Geiger describes.
In trials with mice, Geiger and his team discovered that older mice have lower levels of a protein called osteopontin. They decided to testthe effect of this protein on blood stem cells.
We took the stem cells from aged mice, incubated them with the osteopontin protein, and then gave them back, he continued.These blood stem cells, which had come from older animals, were found to have a lot of the features of stem cells coming from much younger animals in terms of function.
Its still early days for the research, but the suggestion that osteopontin could make stem cells behave in a more youthful way is certainly promising. The team is now developing a drug made up of osteopontin and a protein for activating it.
Hopefully human trials can follow in the not-too-distant future while were still around to benefit from them.
Young blood: Scientists say this protein could be key to reversing aging process - Yahoo News
Scientists know how to grow human heart tissue – Institute …
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Scientists used stem cells to grow human heart tissue that contracted spontaneously in a petri dish marking progress in the quest to manufacture transplant organs.
A team from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, used induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells generated from human skin cells to create precursor heart cells called MCPs. iPS cells are mature human cells reprogrammed into a versatile, primitive state from which they can be prompted to develop into any kind of cell of the body. The primitive heart cells created in this way were attached to a mouse heart scaffold from which the researchers had removed all mouse heart cells, they wrote in the journal Nature Communications.
The scaffold is a network of non-living tissue composed of proteins and carbohydrates to which cells adhere and grow on. Placed on the 3D scaffold, the precursor cells grew and developed into heart muscle, and after 20 days of blood supply the reconstructed mouse organ began contracting again at the rate of 40 to 50 beats per minute, said a University of Pittsburgh statement.
It is still far from making a whole human heart, added senior researcher Lei Yang. Ways have to be found to make the heart contract strongly enough to pump blood effectively and to rebuild the hearts electrical conduction system. However, we provide a novel resource of cells iPS cell-derived MCPs for future heart tissue engineering, Yang told AFP by email. We hope our study would be used in the future to replace a piece of tissue damaged by a heart attack, or perhaps an entire organ, in patients with heart disease.
According to the World Health Organisation, an estimated 17 million people die of cardiovascular ailments every year, most of them from heart disease. Due to a shortage of donor organs, end-stage heart failure is irreversible, said the study. More than half of patients with heart disease do not benefit from drugs. Heart tissue engineering holds a great promise based on the reconstruction of patient-specific cardiac muscle, the researchers wrote.
Last month, scientists in Japan said they had grown functional human liver tissue from stem cells in a similar process. Creating lab-grown tissue to replenish organs damaged by accident or disease is a Holy Grail for the pioneering field of stem cell research. Until a few years ago, when iPS cells were created, the only way to obtain stem cells was to harvest them from human embryos. This was controversial because it required the destruction of the embryo, a process to which religious conservatives and others object.
As the Chief Doctor of the Institute of Cell Therapy, Y.V.Gladkikh, MD, PhD, Dr. med. sc. commented: In addition to laboratory success in obtaining the functional cardiac tissue, currently there is evidence of successful implantations of heart valves and blood vessels fragments, grown from stem cells, to patients. And in 2012, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine officially approved method of treatment of critical limbs ischemia with the use of cell preparation Angiostem, developed by the biotechnological laboratory of the Institute of Cell Therapy.
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Scientists know how to grow human heart tissue - Institute ...
Measuring Heart Toxicity of Cancer Drugs | Technology Networks – Technology Networks
A stem cell-derived heart muscle cell. Proteins that are important for muscle cell contraction are highlighted in red and green, and cell nuclei are blue. Credit: Joseph C. Wu, M.D., Ph.D., Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
Using human heart cells generated from adult stem cells, researchers have developed an index that may be used to determine how toxic a group of cancer drugs, called tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), are to human cells. While 26 TKIs are currently used to treat a variety of cancers, some can severely damage patients hearts, causing problems such as an irregular heartbeat or heart failure.
For the study, reported February 15 in Science Translational Medicine, the researchers used stem cell-derived heart cells from 13 volunteers to develop a cardiac safety index that measures the extent to which TKIs kill or alter the function of heart cells. They found that the TKIs' toxicity score on the index was generally consistent with what is known about each drug's heart-related side effects.
This work follows on the heels of an earlier study from the same research team, published in Nature Medicine, in which they assessed the heart cell toxicity of doxorubicin, a chemotherapy drug that also causes heart-related side effects, including heart failure. In that study, the researchers used stem cell-derived heart cells from women with breast cancer to correctly predict how sensitive each womans heart cells were to doxorubicin.
Such tests could ultimately help the pharmaceutical industry identify drugs that cause heart-related side effects earlier in the drug development process and help the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during the drug review and approval process, said the study's senior author Joseph C. Wu, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute.
I hope this research will be helpful for individual patients, once we further implement precision medicine approaches, he added.
Ranking Heart Toxicity
To assess the potential risk of heart toxicity for drugs in development, pharmaceutical companies use laboratory tests involving animals (usually rats or mice) or cells from animals or humans that are engineered to artificially express heart-related genes. Drug candidates that appear to have an acceptable balance of benefits and risks typically proceed to testing in human clinical trials.
But there can be biological differences between these existing models and humans, so non-clinical lab tests can have significant limitations, explained Dr. Wu.
Currently, the first time humans are exposed to a new drug is during clinical trials, he said. We think it would be great if you could actually expose patients heart, brain, liver, or kidney cells to a drug in the lab, prior to clinical treatment, allowing researchers to determine whether the drug has any toxic effects.
Dr. Wu, a cardiologist by training, studies toxicities cancer drugs cause in heart cells. Human heart muscle cells (called cardiomyocytes), however, are hard to obtainrequiring risky heart surgery that may be of no direct benefit to the patientand are notoriously difficult to grow in the lab.
As an alternative, researchers have developed a method to produce heart cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). hiPSCs are created by genetically engineering normal human skin or blood cells to express four specific genes that induce them to act like stem cells. Chemical treatments can prompt hiPSCs to develop into mature cell types, such as heart muscle cells.
A large body of research has established that human adult stem cell-derived heart cells, which function and grow in cell culture, can be used as an initial model to screen drug compounds for toxic effects on the heart, said Myrtle Davis, Ph.D., chief of the Toxicology and Pharmacology Branch of NCIs Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, who was not involved in the studies.
For the Science Translational Medicine study, Dr. Wu and his colleagues set out to determine if a panel of human stem cell-derived heart cells could be used to evaluate the heart toxicity of 21 different FDA-approved TKIs.
They generated hiPSC-derived heart endothelial, fibroblast, and muscle cells from 13 volunteers: 11 healthy individuals and 2 people with kidney cancer who were being treated with a TKI. Using drug concentrations equivalent to what patients receive, the investigators next determined how lethal each TKI was to the heart cells.
They found that several TKIs were very lethal to endothelial, fibroblast, and heart muscle cells from all 13 individuals, while others were more benign.
Stem cell-derived heart muscle cells grown in a dish spontaneously contract as a beating heart does, so the researchers also analyzed the effects of TKIs on the cells beat rate, or contractility. They found that several TKIs altered the cells beat rate before they were killed by the drug treatment. If severe enough, an irregular heartbeat (called an arrhythmia), can disrupt normal heart function.
From these lethality and contractility experiments, the team developed a cardiac safety index, a 0-to-1 scale that identifies how toxic a TKI is to heart cells (with 0 being the most toxic). They then used the index to rank the 21 TKIs. The control treatment scored a 1, while a few TKIs that are labeled by the FDA with boxed warnings for severe heart toxicity scored close to 0.
Safety indices like this one can be very useful during drug discovery, said Dr. Davis, and the applicability of the index developed by Dr. Wu and his colleagues will become clear when they evaluate its performance with more compounds.
And for the safety index to be applicable to more patients, the panel of cells used to develop it would need to be gathered from a sufficiently representative population of people reflecting different ages, races/ethnicities, health statuses, and other characteristics, said Lori Minasian, M.D., deputy director of NCIs Division of Cancer Prevention, who was not involved in either study.
For example, the study did not include cells derived from patients with [pre-existing] cardiac disease, said Dr. Davis.
A Personalized Approach
In addition to their potential application during drug development, Dr. Wu believes that stem cell-derived heart cells could potentially be used to predict toxicity risk for individual patients. He and his colleagues explored this possibility in their Nature Medicine study.
Doxorubicin, used on its own or in combination with other drugs, is an effective treatment for breast cancer and several other types of cancer. Like TKIs, however, it is known to cause heart toxicities, such as arrhythmias and heart failure, in a small proportion of patients. But there has been no way to predict which patients will experience these side effects.
The researchers developed stem cell-derived heart cells from eight women with breast cancer who had been treated with doxorubicinhalf of whom experienced cardiotoxicity from the treatment and half who did not.
In several different lab tests, the heart cells from women who had experienced cardiotoxicity were more sensitive to doxorubicin than those from women who had not. More specifically, in heart cells from women who had experienced cardiotoxicity, doxorubicin treatment caused more severe irregularities in cell contractility, and even low concentrations of the drug killed the cells.
An Improved Model
While the stem cell-derived heart cell model may be an improvement over the current [drug testing] system, its not perfect, said Dr. Minasian. For example, the model does not capture contributions of other organs and cells to the toxic effects of a drug, she explained. The drug may be broken down in the liver, for instance, and side products (called metabolites) may also cause toxic effects.
In addition, the lab-grown stem cell-derived version of someones heart cells are not going to be exactly the same as the cells found in that persons heart, Dr. Wu noted. Nevertheless, they reflect the same genetics and they are pretty good at predicting drug response, he said.
Looking forward, Dr. Minasian said, figuring out how to best use this approach is going to take more work, but being able to better predict human response [to cancer drugs] is important.
The research teams next steps include conducting prospective studies to determine whether they can use a patients stem cell-derived heart cells to potentially predict if that person will develop heart toxicity before they actually receive cancer treatment.
This article has been republished frommaterialsprovided byNCI. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.
Sharma, A., Burridge, P. W., McKeithan, W. L., Serrano, R., Shukla, P., Sayed, N., ... & Matsa, E. (2017). High-throughput screening of tyrosine kinase inhibitor cardiotoxicity with human induced pluripotent stem cells. Science translational medicine, 9(377), eaaf2584.
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Measuring Heart Toxicity of Cancer Drugs | Technology Networks - Technology Networks
Swedish scientists successfully implant 3D-printed human cartilage cells in baby mice – TechCrunch
By Sykes24Tracey
In what could potentially serve as an importantmoment in the quest to 3D-print body parts, a team of scientists from Swedens Sahlgrenska Academy and Chalmers University of Technology have managed to successfully implant human cartilage cells in six-week-old baby mice.
The researchers created a gel composed of human cartilage cells, printed it through a CELLINK3D bioprinter and implanted the material inside the lab mice. Once implanted, the tissue began to grow and proliferate inside the animal, eventually vascularizing, with blood vessels growing inside the implanted material. After two months, the material began to more closely resemble human cartilage, which was further stimulated with the addition of stem cells.
The team worked with local plastic surgeons to implant the material, which could one day be used to create more natural implants for patients who have lost ears, noses or knees due to accidents or diseases like cancer.
There is no solution for missing ears, research lead professor Paul Gatenholm tells TechCrunch. You have plastic and silicone implants, which you need to put in with a titanium screw. Thats it. The surgical procedure is that you put in cartilage from a rib from the patient and carve. Its very painful and the outcome is very bad. If we can use cells from the nose and beef it up with stem cells from the patients bone marrow or fat, we will be able to print that full 3D structure.
Gatenholm adds, hopefully, It will have a great impact on healthcare for tissue regeneration and implementation. I think the first breakthrough will be of the skin and then the cartilage and then the bone. Beyond that, the technology could some day also be used for even more complex human parts like organs.
Gatenholm cites a paper from February of last yearin his discussion. In it, a team of researchers, including regenerative medicine professor Anthony Atala, detail how theyve used 3D bioprinting to construct bone and muscle using computer imaging to translat[e] the model into a program that controls the motions of the printer nozzles, which dispense cells to discrete locations.
Similarly, 3D modeling in the form of CAD (computer-aided design) files can be used by the printer to create better anatomical pieces than plastic surgery modeling.
The process is still a ways from becoming a viable reality for future reconstructive surgery, including all of the regulatory approvals that come with implementing of this sort of invasive procedure. But the teams work marks a promising step in the process, which could some day extend beyond cartilage to other key human tissue.
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Swedish scientists successfully implant 3D-printed human cartilage cells in baby mice - TechCrunch
Scientists May Have Found A Way To Make Old Stem Cells Act … – Digital Trends
By NEVAGiles23
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Nobody likes getting older. Reversing some of the bad aspects of the process helps us all age gracefully.
The suggestion that young blood may be the key toreversingsome of the negative aspects of aging sounds like the setup to a horror movie. In reality, however, itrefers to some groundbreaking work being carried out byscientists at the University of Ulm in Germany.
Theyve been examining the ways that old blood can be made young again, and they hypothesize that it might help fight some of the effects of aging.To achieve this, theyve discovereda protein capable of boosting blood stem cells, which prompts them to act like the stem cells of younger people.
More: Scientists may have discovered how to reverse the natural aging process
Older stem cells have several disadvantages, Dr. Hartmut Geiger, co-author of a paper describing the work, told Digital Trends. Theyresult in fewer red blood cells, and fewer of an important immune cell that fights infection. They also tend to produce more leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood. All of this is linked, at least in part, to the aging of stem cells. If you have younger stem cells, we think that we can reverse some of these effects.
Older stem cells tend to possess these negative characteristics thanks to the declining number of so-called mother stem cells in our bone marrow as we age. This decline triggers the effects Geiger describes.
In trials with mice, Geiger and his team discovered that older mice have lower levels of a protein called osteopontin. They decided to testthe effect of this protein on blood stem cells.
We took the stem cells from aged mice, incubated them with the osteopontin protein, and then gave them back, he continued.These blood stem cells, which had come from older animals, were found to have a lot of the features of stem cells coming from much younger animals in terms of function.
Its still early days for the research, but the suggestion that osteopontin could make stem cells behave in a more youthful way is certainly promising. The team is now developing a drug made up of osteopontin and a protein for activating it.
Hopefully human trials can follow in the not-too-distant future while were still around to benefit from them.
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Scientists May Have Found A Way To Make Old Stem Cells Act ... - Digital Trends
Man with 45% burns healed with stem cell treatment –
By raymumme
Mumbai: A 45-year-old man -- suffering from 45 per cent burns due to a chemical spill at work -- has been healed with stem cell treatment, said the authorities at a hospital here on Friday.
Ram Naik (name changed) was brought to city-based StemRx Bioscience hospital after receiving first aid in another hospital. Nearly 45 per cent of his upper body was burned due to a chemical spill during work.
The impact of the burns led to a charred look on his face and body. Also, joint mobility due to the burns was reduced. The outer layer of the skin was affected, facial burns were of grade II level and in some instances grade III burns were also present, leading to deeper structures like the subcutaneous tissue also being affected.
According to the doctors, burn wound healing involves a series of complex processes, with healing time and scar tissue being the most important parameters that affect treatment outcomes. Burn injuries, especially severe ones, are proving to have devastating effects on the affected patients.
They said that stem cells have been recently applied in burn wounds to promote superior healing of the wounds. Not only have stem cells been shown to promote better and faster healing of the burn wounds, they are also capable of decreasing inflammation and prevent scar progression and fibrosis.
Therefore, the doctors decided to provide Naik stem cell treatment.
Regenerative Medicine researcher at Stemrx Bioscience hospital Pradeep Mahajan said that within two days, a notable improvement in his condition was observed and the swelling and charred appearance started reducing.
"Mild eyelid movements were noticed and on the third day the burns started drying on the face and he could open his mouth and eyes. Growth factors derived from platelets, cells, fibroblasts, collagen-based gel etc. was used during treatment. In addition, in areas with deep burns, sheets of PGLA coated with cells and growth factors were used," said Mahajan, adding that different medication and treatments were imparted and closed dressing was avoided.
"Blood transfusion and supplementary fluids were given intravenously to maintain systemic homeostasis," said Mahajan.
Stating that on 5th and 6th day following treatment, dry scales from the face and body started peeling off, the doctor's team also observed impressive changes such as new skin forming within a week of treatment with cells and growth factors.
By conventional modalities, it takes more than eight weeks for the patient to heal and many additional months for the patient to be able to regain joint and facial movements.
"By the 10th day of the treatment, dry scales completely peeled off and by the 14th day the patient had no tenderness or burning pain. Joint movements became free as well, Steady rate of progression of healthy skin formation is being noticed. Areas with deep burns are also healing at a rapid rate and I am confident that within a month we will accomplish thorough healing and the patient will be back to normal," Mahajan said.
Medical sciences say that such cases are challenging to manage considering the degree of impairment they result in due to prolonged healing period. Also, through conventional therapeutic modalities healing occurs with scar formation and results in contractures. Chances of systemic complications and infection are also high.
However according to the medical team, by using stem cells, the natural healing potential of the body is used, leading to reduction of healing time and promoting regeneration of affected tissues. This also reduces the mental trauma and financial burden that a patient goes through when under conventional management.
"Stem cell-based therapy has offered a novel and powerful strategy in almost every medical specialty including burns and wound management. Stem cells have proven to have tremendous potential in enhancing wound healing and facilitating skin regeneration," Mahajan said.
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Man with 45% burns healed with stem cell treatment -
Four Ways to Younger Skin Right Now – Forbes
By daniellenierenberg
Forbes | Four Ways to Younger Skin Right Now Forbes Her Hydrating and Plumping Serum No1 combats the environmental stressors that skin faces every day to detoxify and rejuvenate the face and subsequently enacting anti-aging properties. By using plant-stem cells, hyaluronic acid, marine snail peptides ... |
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Four Ways to Younger Skin Right Now - Forbes
Hadassah is winning the battle with MS – Heritage Florida Jewish News
By daniellenierenberg
March is Multiple Sclerosis Month and Hadassah leads the world in the stunning success and implementation of the research at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Malia is just one of the many stories of triumph in Prof. Dimitrios Karussis program.
Malia was a top Dallas trial attorney-a senior partner in a law firm and the mother of three children, the youngest, age five. Her energy level was high and her life was full. And then, 18 years ago, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).
In the beginning, her symptoms were mild. For example, she was a little unsteady in her walking. She began taking a weekly injection of Avonex because, as her doctor told her, "You wouldn't want me to treat you for high blood pressure only after you had a heart attack."
Malia took Avonex for about 10 years. Still, her life became a journey of declining energy and mobility. Her biggest fear was that she would lose her vision and not be able to drive her children around. Fortunately, she didn't experience any problems with her vision, but her gait did get worse, as did the fatigue.
Ultimately, she could only walk a very short distance with a walker. Her balance became more unsteady. Her speech was harder to understand. And the fatigue got so bad that even taking a shower was so exhausting that she needed a nap afterward.
Malia tried four or five different medicines, but none seemed to help. As she explained, however, the promise of these medicines is only to slow the progression of the disease, not to improve upon one's symptoms.
At one point on this odyssey of decline, Malia fell and broke her leg and found herself in a wheelchair for six weeks. She began to research other treatment options, surfing the Internet extensively. It was how she came upon the innovative stem-cell work of Prof. Dimitrios Karussis, senior neurologist at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and head of its Multiple Sclerosis Center. She learned that Prof. Karussis was conducting a unique MS clinical trial involving the injection of a patient's own bone marrow-derived stem cells directly into the spinal cord.
When she met Prof. Karussis for the first time, she was walking with a walker, but couldn't walk any real distance. It was December 2014. In the spring of 2015, Malia, who was accepted into one of Prof. Karussis' clinical trials, traveled back to Hadassah to have a bone marrow extraction, which would be the basis for her stem-cell transplant. As she explains, just a syringe of cells is extracted, but then these cells are enhanced in culture for six months. In the fall of 2016, Malia received her first infusion. The actual infusion, itself, Malia relates, took only five minutes!
"I got the infusion at 2 p.m.," Malia recalled, "and eight hours later, I did something I had not done in two to three years." She explained that before the infusion, whenever she got out of bed, to get back in, she would have to lift her right leg with her hands. This time, post infusion, after she got up to go to the bathroom, she was able to get back into bed by just lifting her right leg onto the bedwithout holding it! She called the kids; her husband, David, made a video of her new ability. When her doctors came in that next morning to see how she was doing, she showed them her new skill. "Everyone was sobbing," she recalled; "we were all so excited by how amazing it was."
Malia said: "The most important thing of all was that the level of my fatigue was so improved."
Taking herself back to the night she returned home from that first infusion, Malia recalled: "We arrived back home at midnight. The next morning at 8, I was up writing my blog. Then I unpacked, did laundry, and made a five-course dinner for my husband, after which he went to bed, exhausted from the jet lag. I, however, stayed up to crochet a new blanket until midnight."
That renewed energy has never disappeared since Malia started getting stem-cell infusions at Hadassah. She received two more in 2016 and the most recent in February 2017. The kind of improvements varied with each infusion-sometimes the improvement in her gait was most noticeable; other times, it was the clarity of her speech. With the 2017 infusion, it was her balance. A year or so ago, she could only balance herself on a "whole body vibration machine" for about a minute and a half. Then she worked this up to five minutes. After this fourth infusion, she could stay on the machine for 12 minutes and even let go of the bar with one hand.
In addition, before every infusion, a baseline measurement of her abilities is taken. The most recent baseline, Malia reported, was higher than ever before. By the same token, her overall physical improvements are the best they've been.
Malia's recovery is not without its setbacks. As the stem-cell treatment wears off, she does experience some backsliding in her improvements-perhaps in her speech or the way she walks. Nevertheless, after she has a treatment, the improvements return or surpass the previous ones.
"I had forgotten what it was like to feel like a regular person, like someone with a normal level of energy; I had forgotten what it was like to feel good," Malia said.
When she is out and about with her walker, she sees people looking at her with sympathy. But she doesn't feel sorry for herself, she notes, because she has gotten her life back. Malia feels blessed that she has come this far. "Until you've been there, you can't really understand just how important it is to feel like a regular person."
Malia had stopped practicing law when she was diagnosed with MS. But just recently she reactivated her law license. She took on a case, with a colleague. And in the beginning of April, she will be going to trial.
"When you feel like you can do things you used to do, life is as it should be," Malia said.
Malia no longer takes any medication for MS and being an MS patient is no longer a central focus of her life. But, she is now a stem-cell activist and fundraiser on behalf of Hadassah because "I feel I have been given a gift and I want to ensure that more people with MS can be helped."
While she doesn't know the other participants in the clinical trial, she did meet one man from London last time she was at the hospital for her infusion. As she relates, this man was "giddy with excitement, lifting his cane in the air with one hand." They began to talk and he explained that he just had his first stem-cell infusion and, overnight, he was able to lift his cane up in the air with his right hand when for 15 years he had been unable to even hold anything in that hand.
"What I would like Hadassah supporters around the world to understand," Malia related, "is that yes, I get the wonderful benefits of Prof. Karussis' stem-cell treatments (and, of course, she does not minimize his trailblazing hard work and miraculous success), "but I also was surprised to learn that I have this large Hadassah cheering squad that gives me hope and supports me-making me believe in possibilities for improvement. As Malia recalled, when she sits with a visitor from Hadassah and sees the look of awe on the face of this Hadassah supporter because of the leap in her improvement, it gives her renewed strength. "There are many things I want to do with the rest of my life," Malia said, "and raising money for Hadassah is at the top of the list."
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Hadassah is winning the battle with MS - Heritage Florida Jewish News
Measuring Heart Toxicity of Cancer Drugs – Technology Networks
By Dr. Matthew Watson
A stem cell-derived heart muscle cell. Proteins that are important for muscle cell contraction are highlighted in red and green, and cell nuclei are blue. Credit: Joseph C. Wu, M.D., Ph.D., Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
Using human heart cells generated from adult stem cells, researchers have developed an index that may be used to determine how toxic a group of cancer drugs, called tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), are to human cells. While 26 TKIs are currently used to treat a variety of cancers, some can severely damage patients hearts, causing problems such as an irregular heartbeat or heart failure.
For the study, reported February 15 in Science Translational Medicine, the researchers used stem cell-derived heart cells from 13 volunteers to develop a cardiac safety index that measures the extent to which TKIs kill or alter the function of heart cells. They found that the TKIs' toxicity score on the index was generally consistent with what is known about each drug's heart-related side effects.
This work follows on the heels of an earlier study from the same research team, published in Nature Medicine, in which they assessed the heart cell toxicity of doxorubicin, a chemotherapy drug that also causes heart-related side effects, including heart failure. In that study, the researchers used stem cell-derived heart cells from women with breast cancer to correctly predict how sensitive each womans heart cells were to doxorubicin.
Such tests could ultimately help the pharmaceutical industry identify drugs that cause heart-related side effects earlier in the drug development process and help the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during the drug review and approval process, said the study's senior author Joseph C. Wu, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute.
I hope this research will be helpful for individual patients, once we further implement precision medicine approaches, he added.
Ranking Heart Toxicity
To assess the potential risk of heart toxicity for drugs in development, pharmaceutical companies use laboratory tests involving animals (usually rats or mice) or cells from animals or humans that are engineered to artificially express heart-related genes. Drug candidates that appear to have an acceptable balance of benefits and risks typically proceed to testing in human clinical trials.
But there can be biological differences between these existing models and humans, so non-clinical lab tests can have significant limitations, explained Dr. Wu.
Currently, the first time humans are exposed to a new drug is during clinical trials, he said. We think it would be great if you could actually expose patients heart, brain, liver, or kidney cells to a drug in the lab, prior to clinical treatment, allowing researchers to determine whether the drug has any toxic effects.
Dr. Wu, a cardiologist by training, studies toxicities cancer drugs cause in heart cells. Human heart muscle cells (called cardiomyocytes), however, are hard to obtainrequiring risky heart surgery that may be of no direct benefit to the patientand are notoriously difficult to grow in the lab.
As an alternative, researchers have developed a method to produce heart cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). hiPSCs are created by genetically engineering normal human skin or blood cells to express four specific genes that induce them to act like stem cells. Chemical treatments can prompt hiPSCs to develop into mature cell types, such as heart muscle cells.
A large body of research has established that human adult stem cell-derived heart cells, which function and grow in cell culture, can be used as an initial model to screen drug compounds for toxic effects on the heart, said Myrtle Davis, Ph.D., chief of the Toxicology and Pharmacology Branch of NCIs Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, who was not involved in the studies.
For the Science Translational Medicine study, Dr. Wu and his colleagues set out to determine if a panel of human stem cell-derived heart cells could be used to evaluate the heart toxicity of 21 different FDA-approved TKIs.
They generated hiPSC-derived heart endothelial, fibroblast, and muscle cells from 13 volunteers: 11 healthy individuals and 2 people with kidney cancer who were being treated with a TKI. Using drug concentrations equivalent to what patients receive, the investigators next determined how lethal each TKI was to the heart cells.
They found that several TKIs were very lethal to endothelial, fibroblast, and heart muscle cells from all 13 individuals, while others were more benign.
Stem cell-derived heart muscle cells grown in a dish spontaneously contract as a beating heart does, so the researchers also analyzed the effects of TKIs on the cells beat rate, or contractility. They found that several TKIs altered the cells beat rate before they were killed by the drug treatment. If severe enough, an irregular heartbeat (called an arrhythmia), can disrupt normal heart function.
From these lethality and contractility experiments, the team developed a cardiac safety index, a 0-to-1 scale that identifies how toxic a TKI is to heart cells (with 0 being the most toxic). They then used the index to rank the 21 TKIs. The control treatment scored a 1, while a few TKIs that are labeled by the FDA with boxed warnings for severe heart toxicity scored close to 0.
Safety indices like this one can be very useful during drug discovery, said Dr. Davis, and the applicability of the index developed by Dr. Wu and his colleagues will become clear when they evaluate its performance with more compounds.
And for the safety index to be applicable to more patients, the panel of cells used to develop it would need to be gathered from a sufficiently representative population of people reflecting different ages, races/ethnicities, health statuses, and other characteristics, said Lori Minasian, M.D., deputy director of NCIs Division of Cancer Prevention, who was not involved in either study.
For example, the study did not include cells derived from patients with [pre-existing] cardiac disease, said Dr. Davis.
A Personalized Approach
In addition to their potential application during drug development, Dr. Wu believes that stem cell-derived heart cells could potentially be used to predict toxicity risk for individual patients. He and his colleagues explored this possibility in their Nature Medicine study.
Doxorubicin, used on its own or in combination with other drugs, is an effective treatment for breast cancer and several other types of cancer. Like TKIs, however, it is known to cause heart toxicities, such as arrhythmias and heart failure, in a small proportion of patients. But there has been no way to predict which patients will experience these side effects.
The researchers developed stem cell-derived heart cells from eight women with breast cancer who had been treated with doxorubicinhalf of whom experienced cardiotoxicity from the treatment and half who did not.
In several different lab tests, the heart cells from women who had experienced cardiotoxicity were more sensitive to doxorubicin than those from women who had not. More specifically, in heart cells from women who had experienced cardiotoxicity, doxorubicin treatment caused more severe irregularities in cell contractility, and even low concentrations of the drug killed the cells.
An Improved Model
While the stem cell-derived heart cell model may be an improvement over the current [drug testing] system, its not perfect, said Dr. Minasian. For example, the model does not capture contributions of other organs and cells to the toxic effects of a drug, she explained. The drug may be broken down in the liver, for instance, and side products (called metabolites) may also cause toxic effects.
In addition, the lab-grown stem cell-derived version of someones heart cells are not going to be exactly the same as the cells found in that persons heart, Dr. Wu noted. Nevertheless, they reflect the same genetics and they are pretty good at predicting drug response, he said.
Looking forward, Dr. Minasian said, figuring out how to best use this approach is going to take more work, but being able to better predict human response [to cancer drugs] is important.
The research teams next steps include conducting prospective studies to determine whether they can use a patients stem cell-derived heart cells to potentially predict if that person will develop heart toxicity before they actually receive cancer treatment.
This article has been republished frommaterialsprovided byNCI. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.
Sharma, A., Burridge, P. W., McKeithan, W. L., Serrano, R., Shukla, P., Sayed, N., ... & Matsa, E. (2017). High-throughput screening of tyrosine kinase inhibitor cardiotoxicity with human induced pluripotent stem cells. Science translational medicine, 9(377), eaaf2584.
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Measuring Heart Toxicity of Cancer Drugs - Technology Networks
‘If that was my little girl I’d want someone to step up’: Stem cell donor on lifesaving transplant – ChronicleLive
By NEVAGiles23
Selfless Ray Noble may never meet the stranger whose life he saved.
The 29-year-old registered as a stem cell and bone marrow donor four years ago after a young girl his wife knew was diagnosed with cancer.
If that was my little girl Id want someone to be there for her, he said.
Ive been a blood donor for a while, so I thought why not sign up to the stem cell register as well.
And last year dad-of-one Ray, from Wallsend, made a life-saving donation after being told he was a match for an unknown patient in urgent need of a transplant.
Now blood cancer charity Anthony Nolan have urged more people to follow Rays example after a survey revealed that 50% of young men from the North East could not be encouraged to sign up to a blood stem cell or bone marrow register for any reason.
Every year there are 2,000 people in the UK in need of a bone marrow or stem cell transplant. This is usually their last chance of survival.
For Ray, the path to becoming a blood cancer patients last hope started when a relative of his wifes friend was diagnosed with the disease.
The process was pretty simple, he said.
I followed the instructions on the Anthony Nolan website about how to sign up.
Within a week or two they sent me a spit test, where I basically had to spit into a tube and send it off so it could be analysed.
I then got a card a few weeks later saying I was on the register.
Since signing up, Ray has been identified as a potential match for two patients.
About two years ago Anthony Nolan got in touch to say that I was a potential match for someone and I had to go and give some samples.
On that one they managed to find a closer match - I was eight out of 10 and they found a 10 out of 10, which was obviously better for the patient.
Then around Christmas last year they confirmed that I was a match for someone.
After undergoing several health checks and injections to stimulate the stem cells in his blood, Ray travelled down to Sheffield in April last year to make the donation.
All in all it took about four or five hours, he said. Id been aching a bit before the procedure because of the injections but afterwards I felt totally fine.
Ray, who is dad to two-year-old Ariana, has since convinced several friends and relatives to sign up.
For me its a question of, why not?, he said.
Its not that likely that youre ever going to be asked to donate - its just a case of being on there for someone if they need it.
I always ask people: How would you feel if it was your child or parent or cousin, if they needed a donor and you werent a match - would you want someone to step up and help them?
Every 20 minutes someone in the UK finds out they have a blood cancer.
Around 2,000 people in the UK in need of a bone marrow or stem cell transplant every year. This is usually their last chance of survival.
75% of UK patients wont find a matching donor in their families. So they turn to Anthony Nolan to find them an unrelated donor.
Healthy adults aged between 16 and 30 can sign up for a simple, pain-free test through the Anthony Nolan Trust.
The charity particularly need more young men to sign up. They produce more stem cells than women and are six times more likely to donate, but make up just 15% of the register. They also need more donors from black and minority ethnic backgrounds as they often struggle to find matches for people in these groups.
Check the list of criteria to make sure youre eligible to join and fill in an application form, either online or at an Anthony Nolan recruitment event.
If you come to a recruitment event and your application is OK, you can give your saliva sample there. If you apply online, youll be sent spit kit in the post. All you need to do is spit into a small tube and post it back.
The sample will be tested and the results put in the charitys database. Every time someone needs a transplant, theyll automatically compare their tissue to yours and the 620,000 other individuals on the register.
You can donate your stem cells in two ways.
Nearly 90% of people donate their stem cells quickly and easily in a process similar to giving blood, called peripheral blood stem cell collection.
The other 10% donate through bone marrow, where they give cells from the bone marrow in their pelvis.
If youre on the register, you must be happy to donate stem cells in either way.
Injection with own stem cells alleviates chest pains, angina, study finds – Genetic Literacy Project
By Dr. Matthew Watson
A non-surgical treatment that uses a patients own bone marrow stem cells to treat chest pain or angina improved both symptoms and the length of time treated patients could be physically active, according to recent research.
We injected a catalyst molecule that caused bone marrow stem cells to enter the patients blood, then harvested them to re-inject into the patient,said Hadyanto Lim, Ph.D., study senior author.
Thirty minutes after the cell separation procedure finished, the collected stem cells were injected back into the patient through an IV.
Four weeks after receiving the treatment, patients experienced significantly fewer angina-related symptoms, and they were able to exercise at a higher intensity and for a longer period of time.
The studys limitations are the small number of patients and absence of a control group. Because no control group was used, the placebo effect cannot be ruled out, Lim noted.
Although this treatment is currently used to treat some cancers multiple myeloma and lymphoma it will need more investigation before it can be made available to the general public to treat angina, according to Lim.
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post:Hard to treat chest pain may be improved with a patients own stem cells
For more background on the Genetic Literacy Project, read GLP on Wikipedia.
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Injection with own stem cells alleviates chest pains, angina, study finds - Genetic Literacy Project
Space wombs for stem cells: Satellites could help accelerate the discovery of disease cures – Salon
By JoanneRUSSELL25
This week a very special delivery was made from space that will help further research that could eventually lead to a mind-blowing, futuristic way to cure diseases: shooting unmanned satellite wombs into orbit and then retrieving from them batches of stem cells that can be used to treat patients. Regardless of the outcome, the scientific experiment will still advance our knowledge of these unique cells.
On Thursday Dr. Abba Zubairat the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, received frozen stem cells grown at the International Space Station. The package was part of the 5,400 pounds of scientific samples and equipment that splashed down on Sunday off the coast of California inside a SpaceX Dragon-10 capsule completing a historic round-trip mission.
Up there, one of the astronauts helped us to image the cells, harvest the cells and freeze them in a way that we can use them here on Earth and compare them to cells we grew here in the lab, Zubair, the principal investigator of the stem cell experiment, told Salon.
Zubairs team will look to see if the culture grown in the near-zero gravity of low-space orbit, about 250 miles above the Earths surface, results in healthier cells than onesgrownin aterrestrial lab. If so then it would helpconfirm the theory that microgravity, which resembles the weightless-likebuoyancyof female womb, is best environment for growing stemscells.
Stem cells, from which all other types of cells originate, are the bodys raw materials, and as such offer immense potential to cure many diseases. Doctors already use stem cells forbone-marrow transplants and treating blood-related diseases like leukemia, as well asfor some eye-related disorders. Researchers believe were only in the very early stages of developing revolutionary stem cell therapiesto combat cancer, Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, Type 1 diabetes, heart disease and strokes. In the future, stems cellscience could even lead to growing organs in a lab that can be transplanted into humans.
But stem cells are finicky. As they replicate in a lab, many of them develop imperfections and have to be discarded. It can take a month to grow the roughly 200,000 cells needed to treat one patient, Zubair said. Gravity might be the culprit.
In nature, these cells start their life after an egg is fertilized. Humans, right from conception, develop almost in a microgravity environment, Zubair said. Fetuses develop in amniotic fluid. Theyre buoyant, which cancels the effect of gravity because theyre suspended in a liquid. Thats how three-dimensional growth in a fluid environment is possible. We think gravity does play a role in the shape and development of the cells and how organs develop.
In other words, if the cells are suspended in fluid, they can grow and move in any direction, producing more of them, compared withhow they grow on a flat surface, like in a petri dish.
This is why stem cells are typically grown in a bioreactor, a common bioengineering tool that gently stirswater containing the seed cells and certain nutrients that promote growth. But because of the way gravity affectsfluids, many of the cells become damaged and cant be used for treatment. (In the language of physics, the problem has to do with something called shearing force.) By placing a bioreactor in the microgravity of orbit, the effects of gravity on liquid mechanics is virtually eliminated.
If growing stem cells in spaceproves to be efficient, thats when things get interesting. Growing stem cells at the International Space Station is anexperimental endeavor, so its not really a viable place to begin manufacturing themin great quantities. But theoretically, Zubair says, bioreactor satellites could be put into orbit and left there to grow cells until theyre remotely called back to Earth or sent wherever future interplanetary pilgrims wind up. As the cost of sending small satellites into low orbit falls, this system could be commercially viable.
There are companies that are interested in developing a floating lab in space to grow not only stem cells but also tissues and organs down the road for human use or for use elsewhere as we hopefully colonize other planets, like Mars, Zubair said.
This might seem out of this world, but the technology for growing stem cells remotely already exists. If space is the place to grow human parts and this research will help to determine that then designing systems and deploying these bioreactor space wombs might not be that far off in the future.
See the rest here:
Space wombs for stem cells: Satellites could help accelerate the discovery of disease cures - Salon
Stem cell transplant reduces Culver woman’s MS symptoms – Bend Bulletin
By daniellenierenberg
Lacey Miller will probably never forget her sons first birthday, at least not for the usual reasons. She threw him a party at a park near their home in Culver. Throughout the whole thing, she couldnt walk and could barely see, merely moving was a challenge.
I just kind of sat there and everyone cleaned up and they got me back to the house, she said.
Miller has a form of multiple sclerosis, a disease that disrupts communication between the brain and the rest of the body. The symptoms numbness, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision and fatigue come in cycles and tend to worsen over time.
When she was diagnosed in 2012 at age 27, Millers symptoms werent so bad: little things like numbness in her legs and blurry vision. It wasnt until three years later, when she became pregnant with her son, that things went downhill fast. She had to be induced into labor early because she had so much trouble walking. After that, there was vertigo, vision loss and walking became more difficult. Her worsening symptoms culminated in an emergency room trip following her sons first birthday party.
I was going to be in a wheelchair in probably a year, she said.
Internet exploration brought her to a study at Northwestern University in Chicago that is further exploring the idea of, in a sense, resetting the immune systems of multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple sclerosis develops when a persons immune system attacks the protective covering of nerve fibers in the central nervous system, making it difficult for the brain to communicate with the rest of the body.
Miller applied to join the study in June 2016 and was approved in September. She started her testing and treatment in early January, embarking on what would be months of grueling treatments and travel.
Through it all, Miller thought about her now-18-month-old son, Emmerick.
Even on the days when it was like, This sucks. This is really hard, it was like, Im doing this for him so he can have a mom who can run down to the park with him and do things with him, she said.
Thats a win
A handful of prominent studies in recent years have raised hope that a procedure called hematopoietic stem cell transplantation can prevent further disability among patients with multiple sclerosis.
A study on 25 multiple sclerosis patients published last month gave further hope. Three years after undergoing stem cell transplants, disability symptoms in nearly 80 percent of the patients had not worsened, according to the study, published in the in the Journal of the American Medical Association Neurology. At five years, nearly 70 percent of the patients symptoms still had not worsened.
Dr. Linda Griffith, an author on the study and a medical officer at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which sponsored the study, said being able to halt existing symptoms is a big advance.
To us, thats a win if they dont get worse, she said. We have no notion of being able to cure MS here and make it go away. Its not going to go away. Its a bad disease. But medical investigators are really thrilled and excited when they can find that the disease isnt getting worse.
Dr. Richard Burt, a professor of medicine and chief of immunotherapy at Northwesterns Feinberg School of Medicine, found similar results in a 2015 study he and his team published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Five years after undergoing stem cell transplants, only 10 percent of multiple sclerosis patients had worsened symptoms.
The majority got better and stayed better, he said. Thats a paradigm change.
Creating hope
The stem cell transplant procedure involves extracting a patients bone marrow stem cells using a long needle and using chemotherapy and other toxic medications to clear out the rest of the cells. In multiple sclerosis patients, the patients own stem cells are then put back into the body.
It is now immature, just like if you were a child again and your immune system was learning all over again whats its supposed to be reacting against versus not, Griffith said.
While it sounds exciting, Griffith cautions the research is far from conclusive. She hearkens back to the hype around early studies that showed the procedure could be helpful for breast cancer patients. It ultimately wasnt.
What needs to happen next, she said, is a randomized study that compares groups of multiple sclerosis patients who either receive the transplant or the medications typically used to treat the condition, following them over time.
Not for everyone
Burt, the first doctor to perform these stem cell transplants for multiple sclerosis patients in the U.S., performed the procedure on Miller.
He cautions that only a specific subset of multiple sclerosis patients will benefit from the procedure. They must have a common form of the condition called relapse-remitting, meaning symptoms come in waves that recur over time. He doesnt perform the procedure on people who have progressed to a later stage, as it would be too late to help them, he said. Imaging on their brain and spine must show new lesions, indicating the disease is active.
Its frustrating because people learn about this on Facebook and want to get it, she said. Theyre upset when we decline them.
Burt is confident, however, that he knows who his procedure can help and who it cant help.
We developed this over many decades, he said.
When Miller, who is now 32, went in for testing with Burt, it was in the middle of an attack. She could barely walk into the office at Northwestern; her dad had to hold her arm for balance.
Although she was accepted into the study, getting her health insurance carrier on board proved to be a struggle and logistical issues delayed her ability to officially participate. Burt is still treating her under the study protocols, however, on whats referred to as a compassionate basis.
Millers first trip to Chicago was a short one for pre-study testing: imaging to check the progression of her multiple sclerosis, among other evaluations. She flew back to Chicago on Jan. 21 for what would be a two-week trip. First, they gave her chemotherapy to kill her stem cells and suppress her immune system. That meant she lost her hair.
Then they put a long needle into her neck to remove the remaining stem cells. She still has a tiny, round scar where the needle went in.
On Feb. 12, she flew back to Chicago again to have her stem cells put back into her body. She was discharged on March 1.
Sometimes, Burt said his patients notice right away the so-called MS fog, the fatigue and inability to think clearly, is lifted once they finish the procedure.
Miller said that was the case for her. She noticed other things right away, too. Walking around downtown Chicago was much easier after the surgery than before. She no longer had to use a cane or wall to guide her and she no longer had to stop and rest.
The other day, her fiance, Chris, asked her what the score of the basketball game was. She told him.
He was like, Can you see that? she said. I was like, Yeah! I didnt realize things are just so crisp and clear.
The near-constant numbness in her legs also isnt as bad as it used to be.
We were kind of joking the other day because my fiance touched my foot, she said. I was like Oh my god, I can feel that! I hadnt been able to feel my feet.
No more drugs
Burt theorizes that in addition to helping peoples quality of life, stem cell transplants could also help them financially, a point he hopes to flesh out in his current research.
A 2015 study in the journal Neurology found multiple sclerosis drugs cost patients roughly $60,000 per year. The price of the drugs increased annually between 1993 and 2013 at rates of five to seven times higher than the rate of prescription drug inflation, according to the study.
Miller, who works as a juvenile parole officer in Jefferson County, estimates she was spending about $500 a month on the drugs after her insurance paid its portion. She had to quit one medication a shot she gave herself three times per week because it gave her flu-like symptoms. Not having to take medications anymore was one of the main reasons Miller said she wanted to enroll in Burts study.
Im kind of one of those people that I dont even like taking Tylenol, she said. Id rather just not take anything.
Miller isnt currently on any multiple sclerosis medications. She said she hasnt felt this good in years. She returned to work part time this week.
Burt routinely travels to medical centers around the world explaining the procedure in hopes other neurologists will perform the stem cell transplants on multiple sclerosis patients. The older ones tend to be more set in their ways, but he believes the technique will catch on among younger doctors.
The procedure is currently being performed in England, Sweden and Brazil, Burt said. A hospital in India recently expressed interest, too.
At the end of the day, we want to help people throughout the world, Burt said, and in fact this is spreading throughout the world.
Reporter: 541-383-0304,
Stem cell transplant reduces Culver woman's MS symptoms - Bend Bulletin
Scientists Have Discovered A Secret Function Of Lungs – IFLScience
By raymumme
A good starting point for any scientist in any field is to acknowledge that theres a lot that we dont know. We dont know, for example, why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe. We dont know quite how the evolution of the dinosaurs panned out. And, perhaps most surprisingly of all, we dont know quite how many organs the human body has or what all their functions are.
This January, researchers have announced that a brand new organ had been discovered in our bodies after it had long been mistaken for something else. Now, writing in the journal Nature, a group of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), have found that the lungs in mice have a hidden feature too they help make blood.
Specifically, it appears the lungs produce over half of the platelets the components that bind blood together to stop us bleeding out when were wounded involved in circulation.
So not only do our breathing bags allow us to respire, but they also help keep our cardiovascular system full to the brim. Well thats rather lovely of them.
Thats not all. The researchers also managed to identify a cache of stem cells the type that can differentiate into almost any cell type with the right biological programming that can transform themselves into blood cells.
Bone marrow is thought to be the primary source of such stem cells, so this new revelation suggests that if our bone marrow is damaged and unable to keep up with its regular blood cell manufacture, our lungs can step in to make up for the shortfall.
This finding definitely suggests a more sophisticated view of the lungs that they're not just for respiration but also a key partner in formation of crucial aspects of the blood, senior author Mark Looney, a professor of medicine at UCSF, said in a statement.
A little caveat worth mentioning at this point is that this hasnt been directly imaged in humans, but mice. Nevertheless, the biological workings of these little critters is surprisingly similar to that of humans, which is part of the reason why theyre used in so many medical-themed studies so theres a good chance human lungs also possess the same hidden features.
Using a remarkable technique allowing the platelets to fluoresce, the team were able to directly trace the paths of the mousey platelets, and found they were coming from within the lungs. The megakaryocytes the platelet-producing cells are also seen moving back and forth between the lungs and the bone marrow, depending on where they are needed the most.
Perhaps studying abroad in different organs is a normal part of stem cell education, Looney added.
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Scientists Have Discovered A Secret Function Of Lungs - IFLScience
Man with 45% burns healed with stem cell treatment – Zee News
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Mumbai:A 45-year-old man, who was suffering from 45 per cent burns due to a chemical spill at work, has been healed with stem cell treatment, said the authorities at a hospital here on Friday.
Ram Naik (name changed) was brought to city-based StemRx Bioscience hospital after receiving first aid in another hospital. Nearly 45 per cent of his upper body was burned due to a chemical spill during work.
The impact of the burns led to a charred look on his face and body. Also, joint mobility due to the burns was reduced. The outer layer of the skin was affected, facial burns were of grade II level and in some instances grade III burns were also present, leading to deeper structures like the subcutaneous tissue also being affected.
According to the doctors, burn wound healing involves a series of complex processes, with healing time and scar tissue being the most important parameters that affect treatment outcomes. Burn injuries, especially severe ones, are proving to have devastating effects on the affected patients.
They said that stem cells have been recently applied in burn wounds to promote superior healing of the wounds. Not only have stem cells been shown to promote better and faster healing of the burn wounds, they are also capable of decreasing inflammation and prevent scar progression and fibrosis.
Therefore, the doctors decided to provide Naik stem cell treatment.
Regenerative Medicine researcher at Stemrx Bioscience hospital Pradeep Mahajan said that within two days, a notable improvement in his condition was observed and the swelling and charred appearance started reducing.
"Mild eyelid movements were noticed and on the third day the burns started drying on the face and he could open his mouth and eyes. Growth factors derived from platelets, cells, fibroblasts, collagen-based gel etc. was used during treatment. In addition, in areas with deep burns, sheets of PGLA coated with cells and growth factors were used," said Mahajan, adding that different medication and treatments were imparted and closed dressing was avoided.
"Blood transfusion and supplementary fluids were given intravenously to maintain systemic homeostasis," said Mahajan.
Stating that on 5th and 6th day following treatment, dry scales from the face and body started peeling off, the doctor's team also observed impressive changes such as new skin forming within a week of treatment with cells and growth factors.
By conventional modalities, it takes more than eight weeks for the patient to heal and many additional months for the patient to be able to regain joint and facial movements.
"By the 10th day of the treatment, dry scales completely peeled off and by the 14th day the patient had no tenderness or burning pain. Joint movements became free as well, Steady rate of progression of healthy skin formation is being noticed. Areas with deep burns are also healing at a rapid rate and I am confident that within a month we will accomplish thorough healing and the patient will be back to normal," Mahajan said.
Medical sciences say that such cases are challenging to manage considering the degree of impairment they result in due to prolonged healing period. Also, through conventional therapeutic modalities healing occurs with scar formation and results in contractures. Chances of systemic complications and infection are also high.
However according to the medical team, by using stem cells, the natural healing potential of the body is used, leading to reduction of healing time and promoting regeneration of affected tissues. This also reduces the mental trauma and financial burden that a patient goes through when under conventional management.
"Stem cell-based therapy has offered a novel and powerful strategy in almost every medical specialty including burns and wound management. Stem cells have proven to have tremendous potential in enhancing wound healing and facilitating skin regeneration," Mahajan said.
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Man with 45% burns healed with stem cell treatment - Zee News