Blood and Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation – The …
Stem cell transplant (also known as bone marrow transplant or BMT) is an established treatment for many cancers and blood diseases once considered incurable. For some types of blood diseases, transplantation is the standard of care. For others, it is only considered if other treatments have not been successful. Ongoing advances in stem cell transplant are expanding its availability and improving outcomes for patients, young and old.
Here at the University of Chicago Medicine, the brightest minds in medicine are ready to meet the needs of all patients considering a stem cell transplant. We offer the latest promising approaches in blood and bone marrow stem cell transplant. Our team is known -- and recognized -- for our experience and expertise in:
We provide outstanding and compassionate care in a patient-centered environment. The Stem Cell Transplant Unit, located on the top floor of the Center for Care and Discovery, offers the newest technology as well as many thoughtful patient and family amenities. The unit integrates both inpatient and outpatient stem cell transplant care services in one convenient location.
As part of the internationally recognized University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center (UCCCC), we participate in national clinical trials testing new and emerging therapies. A primary site for early-phase clinical trials, we offer our patients access to more new treatment protocols than any other hospital in the region.
As a leading center for advanced care, the University of Chicago Medicine attracts patients from throughout the region, the country and around the world. We provide customized services for patients who travel from other countries. For more information, contact the Center for International Patients.
In the late 1940s, University of Chicago researcher Dr. Leon Jacobson discovered that he could save a mouse, whose bone marrow and spleen had been destroyed with radiation, by transplanting healthy spleen tissue from another mouse. The donated tissue repopulated the marrow and restored production of the blood cells. This groundbreaking work influenced many scientists investigating bone marrow transplant for humans, including the winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
For information about stem cell transplant for children and teens, visit the Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant page on the University of Chicago Comer Childrens Hospital website.
UCH_008151 (19)
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Blood and Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation - The ...
Cellogica Stem Cell Review Gain A Healthy And Vibrant Looking Skin With Cellogica – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Cellogica Stem Cell Review Gain A Healthy And Vibrant Looking Skin With Cellogica
Read Terms And Condition First Before Claiming Your Cellogica Stem Cell Risk Free trial: Read More About Cellogica Stem Cell Here:
By: Mil.Inc
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Cellogica Stem Cell Review Gain A Healthy And Vibrant Looking Skin With Cellogica - Video
Fat Stem Cell Therapy
By NEVAGiles23
AUTOLOGOUS Adipose Stem Cells
Stem Cell Therapy is not a new technology. As a matter of fact it has been around for more that 60 years now. The problem is most people know it as a bone marrow transplant. And well when you finish saying that people are already screaming "That's Painful". A bone marrow transplant essentially extracts stem cells from your own bone marrow and then returns them back to you. It has been used to help people suffering from conditions like Leukemia and Lymph Node Cancer.
How does it work? Stem Cells hone in on "chemokine" signals that are secreted by injury. When they arrive they alert regenerative cells to go to work and repair the damage, or grow tissue.
At birth, the human body has around 80 million active stem cells working. At age 40 we have less than 25 million active stem cells working. Therefore it takes longer for the body to heal and in some cases damage is often ignored. This is the aging or degeneration process of the body.
In 1998 a little known about Bio Tech Company discovered that there was an enormous amount of stem cells in abdominal fat, commonly referred to as Adipose fat. In fact there are about 1-2 million stem cells and regenerative cells in 1 cc of abdominal fat. Bone marrow contains less than 10% of that. The stem cells in the abdomen are in a dormant or inactive state. The challenge lay only in how to activate them.
In early 2000 the problem had been solved. A special separation process was used to isolate stem cells from abdominal fat and a perfected heliotherapy process activated the stem cells. These super-charged stem cells were now ready to go to work healing your body.
Fat Stem Cell Therapy has been used for over a decade now as therapy for a variety of medical problems as well as an alternative to painful cosmetic surgery. Fat Stem Cell Therapy can help patients suffering from medical conditions such as, Osteoarthritis, Pulmonary Disease, and Diabetes Type II, as well as some Cosmetic Procedures like Face Lifts, Breast Augmentation, and Anti-Aging.
Infinite Horizons Medical Center and its association with a leading Bio Tech company are able to deliver these high tech therapies with precision, expertise and a level of care which rivals any in the world. These painless medical procedures uses the clients' own adult stem cells to treat clients' medical problems. The procedures themselves take roughly 3.5 - 7 hours to complete.
The procedure involves extracting autologous adipose stem cells, enriching them, activating the enriched stem cells and finally returning these stem cells back into the clients' body. The procedure only requires a local anesthetic, is 100% safe, 100% effective and there is a 0% chance of rejection. For more detailed information see our procedure page.
Infinite Horizons Medical Center has put together an incredible program for clients in search of medical treatment with fat stem cell therapy for, Pulmonary Disorders, like IPF or COPD, Diabetes Type II and Osteoarthritis. It has also put together special programs with fat stem cell therapy for cosmetic procedures like Anti-Aging, Breast Augmentation and Face Lifts.
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Fat Stem Cell Therapy
Arthritic knees; 7 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. – Video
Arthritic knees; 7 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D.
Barbara describes her outcome seven months after her stem cell injections for her arthritic knees by Harry Adelson, N.D.
By: Harry Adelson, N.D.
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Arthritic knees; 7 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. - Video
Stem Cell Treatment for COPD | StemRx Bioscience Solutions – Video
Stem Cell Treatment for COPD | StemRx Bioscience Solutions
Dr.P V Mahajan expertise in Stem Cell Therapy | For More details please visit
By: StemRx BioScience
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Stem Cell Treatment for COPD | StemRx Bioscience Solutions - Video
Stem Cell Therapy in Switzerland Life Cell Injections …
By Sykes24Tracey
Stem Cell Therapy Plus is also called Live Cell Therapy or Regenerative Medicine.
Anecdotal evidence shows that through the usage of Stem Cell Therapy Plus, improvements can be seen in the following cases of degenerative diseases:
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Stem cells are cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells. Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells.
When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a nerve cell, or a brain cell.
Stem Cell Supplements are developed based on the merits of stem cells and they are applied for degenerative diseases treatments and to stimulate the formation of all the different tissues of the body: muscle, cartilage, tendon, ligament, bone, blood, nerve, organs, etc.
Stem Cell Supplements bring essential anti-ageing, health & beauty benefits by providing necessary elements to the body to improve cellular regeneration, organ rejuvenation and tissue healing.
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Stem Cell Therapy in Switzerland Life Cell Injections ...
Repairing Chronic Muscle Tears with Stem Cells – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Repairing Chronic Muscle Tears with Stem Cells
Chronic muscle tears like hamstring pulls and shoulder rotator cuff muscles are tough to heal. Research suggests that injecting bone marrow stem cells into the area may solve that problem.
By: Chris Centeno
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Repairing Chronic Muscle Tears with Stem Cells - Video
Stem Cell Treatment Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell Research
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell treatment and stem cell therapy may be considered controversial and are, perhaps, viewed as akin to science fiction by some people. However, stem cell treatments have been used regularly in veterinary practice since 2003 for the repair of bone and tissue damage, and have a wealth of research highlighting their efficacy in both humans and other animals. Stem cells are found in plentiful supply in embryonic tissue, but are also found in adult tissues. These cells have the ability to self-renew, giving rise to countless generations of new cells with varying abilities to differentiate into specific cell types. By introducing stem cells into an area of damage or pathology, the body can be encouraged to repair and renew regardless of how old the trauma is. Stem cells also show application for inhibiting the death of cells (apoptosis) through disease, making them candidates for use in treating degenerative illnesses such as Lou Gehrigs disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers.
Stem cells from embryos are considered more flexible in terms of their ability to become either new liver cells, new neurons, new skin cells, and so on, whereas adult stem cells tend to be more restricted to the tissue type from which they were taken. New research is showing that this might not necessarily have to remain the case however, with the plasticity of adult stem cells now under investigation. Stem cell use carries little risk of the resulting tissues being rejected, it appears safe, efficient, and almost endless in its possibilities for application.
Potential Stem Cell Treatments
Conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury, and cancer, among others, are considered possible candidates for stem cell treatment. Cures for some of these diseases could be closer than previously thought with clinical trials already showing impressive results where stem cells have been used in cases thought intractable. The rapid rate of progression in research and clinical use means that some of the controversial issues, such as the use of embryos as a source of stem cells, have been overcome, with governments around the globe subtly altering their legal policies in order to accommodate new scientific advances. In the US, Bill Clinton was the first president to have to consider the legal issues surrounding stem cells, and subsequent presidents have been forced to readdress the issues time and again in line with medical discoveries. Worldwide, governments have remained generally cautious over the use of this technology but are gradually improving funding access, whilst keeping an eye on the ethics of stem cell treatment, in order to explore the tremendous benefits that appear possible. The credibility of research remains a concern, with some stem cell studies discredited by ethics committees after initial general acceptance of their veracity.
Stem cells may be garnered from living adult donors and, indeed, already are in the case of bone marrow transplants. More usually they are taken from discarded embryos leftover after IVF treatment, or from the placenta after birth. Previously the removal of stem cells resulted in the destruction of these embryos, but now it is possible for scientists to remove the stem cells without this occurring. This development negates some of the criticism faced by the technology from religious groups and ethical bodies over the sanctity of life and the attribution of sentience and autonomy to embryos, gametes, and the foetus. Clearly, some debate remains about these issues in relation to stem cell research, but recent improvements in methodology may remove the need for these considerations completely. Clinicians have demonstrated the possibility of taking adult stem cells and seemingly teaching them to become cells of a different type to their site of removal, effectively returning them to a similar state to that of the embryonic stem cell. Whilst stem cells from embryos remain more reliable and more economical to work with, the use of adult tissue-derived stem cells could revolutionize the research in this field.
As well as stem cell use in pathology and disease, there are also applications in personal aesthetics such as the regeneration of hair follicles and an end to baldness through stem cell treatment. Stem cells are also considered useful in regenerating the skin after injury, without the scarring usually associated with repair. There are reports of paralyzed patients becoming mobile after years in a wheelchair through the use of stem cells injected into the spinal cord, and the rapid disappearance of tumors in brain tissue after stem cells were injected.
Stem cell treatment provides an exciting possibility to change the face of modern medicine, alleviating pain and suffering, and improving the prognosis for millions withe diseases previously thought incurable.
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Stem Cell Treatment Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Therapy Market in Asia-Pacific to 2018 – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Stem Cell Therapy Market in Asia-Pacific to 2018
GBI Research, the leading business intelligence provider, has released its latest research Stem Cell Therapy Market in Asia-Pacific to 2018 - Commercialization Supported by Favorable Government...
By: Betty Collins
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Stem Cell Therapy Market in Asia-Pacific to 2018 - Video
Stem Cell Therapy for Low Back Pain – Video
By Sykes24Tracey
Stem Cell Therapy for Low Back Pain
Erik is a 70 year old engineer who had stem cell therapy for his chronic low back pain. He is now 2 weeks post therapy and has had an 80% improvement in his symptoms.
By: mark walter
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Stem Cell Therapy for Low Back Pain - Video
My Life After MS: Ep 2 part 1-How I Got Pregant – Video
By raymumme
My Life After MS: Ep 2 part 1-How I Got Pregant
This is the Video Journal of Kristen Henry King, after recieving stem cell therapy to treat her MS. She #39;s is now a stem cell activist and is working hard to make sure that Stem Cell treatment...
By: Kristen Henry King
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My Life After MS: Ep 2 part 1-How I Got Pregant - Video
Mesenchymal stem cells: the ‘other’ bone marrow stem cells …
By Sykes24Tracey
What can mesenchymal stem cells do?
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an example of tissue or 'adult' stem cells. They are multipotent, meaning they can produce more than one type of specialized cell of the body, but not all types. MSCs make the different specialized cells found in the skeletal tissues. For example, they can differentiate or specialize into cartilage cells (chondrocytes), bone cells (osteoblasts) and fat cells (adipocytes). These specialized cells each have their own characteristic shapes, structures and functions, and each belongs in a particular tissue.
Some early research suggested that MSCs might also differentiate into many different types of cells that do not belong to the skeletal tissues, such as nerve cells, heart muscle cells, liver cells and endothelial cells, which form the inner layer of blood vessels. These results have not been confirmed to date. In some cases, it appears that the MSCs fused together with existing specialized cells, leading to false conclusions about the ability of MSCs to produce certain cell types. In other cases, the results were an artificial effect caused by chemicals used to grow the cells in the lab.
Mesenchymal stem cell differentiation: MSCs can make fat, cartilage and bone cells. They have not been proven to make other types of cells of the body.
MSCs were originally found in the bone marrow. There have since been many claims that they also exist in a wide variety of other tissues, such as umbilical cord blood, adipose (fat) tissue and muscle. It has not yet been established whether the cells taken from these other tissues are really the same as, or similar to, the mesenchymal stem cells of the bone marrow.
The bone marrow contains many different types of cells. Among them are blood stem cells (also called hematopoietic stem cells; HSCs) and a variety of different types of cells belonging to a group called mesenchymal cells. Only about 0.001-0.01% of the cells in the bone marrow are mesenchymal stem cells.
It is fairly easy to obtain a mixture of different mesenchymal cell types from adult bone marrow for research. But isolating the tiny fraction of cells that are mesenchymal stem cells is more complicated. Some of the cells in the mixture may be able to form bone or fat tissues, for example, but still do not have all the properties of mesenchymal stem cells. The challenge is to identify and pick out the cells that can both self-renew (produce more of themselves) and can differentiate into three cell types bone, cartilage and fat. Scientists have not yet reached a consensus about the best way to do this.
No treatments using MSCs are yet available. However, several possibilities for their use in the clinic are currently being explored.
Bone and cartilage repair The ability of MSCs to differentiate into bone cells called osteoblasts has led to their use in early clinical trials investigating the safety of potential bone repair methods. These studies are looking at possible treatments for localized skeletal defects (damage at a particular place in the bone).
Other research is focussed on using MSCs to repair cartilage. Cartilage covers the ends of bones and allows one bone to slide over another at the joints. It can be damaged by a sudden injury like a fall, or over a long period by a condition like osteoarthritis, a very painful disease of the joints. Cartilage does not repair itself well after damage. The best treatment available for severe cartilage damage is surgery to replace the damaged joint with an artificial one. Because MSCs can differentiate into cartilage cells called chondrocytes, scientists hope MSCs could be injected into patients to repair and maintain the cartilage in their joints. Researchers are also investigating the possibility that transplanted MSCs may release substances that will tell the patients own cells to repair the damage.
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Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells – Video
Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells
IASO SOL Iaso Sol Day Antioxidant Cream With Apple Stem Cells and Ganoderma. The newest anti-aging technology in skin care. Iaso Sol Daytime Repair Anti-Aging Formula will cast shadows on...
By: Mona Leggett
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Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells - Video
Stem Cells for Skin Tissue Engineering and Wound Healing
By Dr. Matthew Watson
1. Keratinocytes
There are two approaches to commit ES cells and adult stem cells (of non-epidermal origin) to the keratinocyte lineage in vitro. One approach would be to expose the cells to a cocktail of exogenous cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and extracellular matrix (ECM) substrata over a prolonged duration of in vitro culture. Only a fraction of the stem cells would be expected to undergo commitment to the keratinocyte lineage, because many of these cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and ECM substrata would exert non-specific pleitropic effects on stem cell differentiation into multiple lineages. At best, the cocktail combination of various cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and ECM substrata can be optimized by trial and error, to maximize the proportion of stem cells committing to the keratinocyte lineage, while at the same time yielding a large number of other undesired lineages. Hence, extensive selection/purification and proliferation of the commited keratinocyte progenitors is likely to be required.
By using such an approach, Coraux et al.54 managed to achieve commitment and subsequent differentiation of murine ES cells into the keratinocyte lineage, in the presence of a cocktail combination of bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4), ascorbate, and ECM derived from human normal fibroblasts (HNFs) and murine NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the study of Coraux et al.54 also reported a high degree (approximately 80%) of non-specific differentiation into multiple uncharacterized lineages, and no attempt was made to purify differentiated keratinocytes or keratinocyte progenitors from the mixture of lineages derived from murine ES cells. Bagutti et al.61 reported that coculture with human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) as well as HDF-conditioned media could induce beta integrin- deficient murine ES cells to commit and differentiate into the keratinocyte lineage. However, as with the study of Coraux et al.,54 the keratinocytes were interspersed with differentiated cells of other lineages. Recently, differentiation of human ES cells into the keratinocyte lineage was also reported by Green et al.62 However, this study was based on in vivo teratoma formation within a SCID mouse model, and to date, there are no parallel in vitro studies that have been reported.
With adult stem cells of non-epidermal origin, there are also few studies 63, 64 which have successfully achieved re-commitment and trans-differentiation to the keratinocyte lineage. Even so, these studies were based primarily on the transplantation of undifferentiated stem cells in vivo, with the observed trans-differentiation occurring sporadically and at extremely low frequencies. Moreover, the validity of the experimental data may be clouded by controversy over the artifact of stem cell fusion in vivo.65 To date, there are no parallel in vitro studies that have achieved recommitment and trans-differentiation of non-epidermal adult stem cells to the keratinocyte lineage. It can therefore be surmised that the use of exogenous cytokines, growth factors, chemicals, and ECM substrata to induce ES cell and nonepidermal adult stem cell commitment to the keratinocyte lineage is a relatively inefficient, time-consuming, and labor-intensive process that would require extensive selection and purification of the committed keratinocyte progenitors. Hence, it would be technically challenging to apply this to the clinical situation.
The other approach for inducing ES cell and non-epidermal adult stem cell commitment to the keratinocyte lineage is through genetic modulation. This may be achieved by transfecting stem cells with recombinant DNA constructs encoding for the expression of signaling proteins that promote commitment to the keratinocyte lineage. Of particular interest are the Lef-1/Tcf family of Wnt regulated transcription factors that act in concert with b-catenin,66, 67 c-myc which is a downstream target of the Wnt-signaling pathway,68, 69 and the transactivation domain containing isoform of transcription factor p63 (Tap63).70, 71 Interestingly, the transcription factor GATA-3, which is well known to be a key regulator of T-cell lineage determination, has also been shown to be essential for stem cell lineage determination in skin, where it is expressed at the onset of epidermal stratification and Inner Root Sheath (IRS) specification in follicles.72 Recombinant overexpression of p6373 and c-Myc74 has been reported to promote commitment and differentiation to the keratinocyte lineage.
The disadvantage of directing differentiation through genetic modulation is the potential risks associated with utilizing recombinant DNA technology in human clinical therapy. For example, the overexpression of any one particular protein within transfected stem cells would certainly have unpredictable physiological effects upon transplantation in vivo. This problem may be overcome by placing the recombinant expression of the particular protein under the control of switchable promoters, several of which have been developed for expression in eukaryotic systems. Such switchable promoters could be responsive to exogenous chemicals,75 heat shock,76 or even light.77 Genetically modified stem cells may also run the risk of becoming malignant within the transplanted recipient. Moreover, there are overriding safety concerns with regard to the use of recombinant viral based vectors in the genetic manipulation of stem cells.78 It remains uncertain as to whether legislation would ultimately permit the use of genetically modified stem cells for human clinical therapy. At present, the potential detrimental effects of transplanting genetically modified stem cells in vivo are not well studied. More research needs to be carried out on animal models to address the safety aspects of such an approach.
More recently, there is emerging evidence that some transcription factors (which are commonly thought of as cytosolic proteins) have the ability to function as paracrine cell to cell signaling molecules.79 This is based on intercellular transfer of transcription factors through atypical secretion and internalization pathways.79 Hence, there is an exciting possibility that transcription factors implicated in commitment to the keratinocyte lineage may in the future be genetically engineered to incorporate domains that enable them to participate in novel paracrine signaling mechanisms. This in turn would have tremendous potential for inducing the commitment of ES cells and non-epidermal adult stem cells to the keratinocyte lineage.
Skin appendages, including hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, are linked to the epidermis but project deep into the dermal layer. The skin epidermis and its appendages provide a protective barrier that is impermeable to harmful microbes and also prevents dehydration. To perform their functions while being confronted with the physicochemical traumas of the environment, these tissues undergo continual rejuvenation through homeostasis, and, in addition, they must be primed to undergo wound repair in response to injury. The skins elixir for maintaining tissue homeostasis, regenerating hair, and repairing the epidermis after injury is its stem cells.
The hair follicle is composed of an outer root sheath that is contiguous with the epidermis, an inner root sheath and the hair shaft. The matrix surrounding the dermal papilla, in the hair root, contains actively dividing, relatively undifferentiated cells and is therefore a pocket of MSCs that are essential for follicle formation. The lower segment of each hair follicle cycles through periods of active growth (anagen), destruction (catagen) and quiescence (telogen).80 A specialized region of the outer root sheath of the hair follicle, known as the bulge, is located below the sebaceous gland, which is also the attachment site of the arrector pili muscle, receiving inputs from sensory nerve endings and blood vessels. Furthermore, the hair follicle bulge is a reservoir of slow-cycling multipotent stem cells.81, 82 Subsets of these follicle-derived multipotent stem cells can be activated and migrate out of hair follicles to the site of a wound to repair the damaged epithelium; however, they contribute little to the intact epidermis. These hair follicle stem cells can also contribute to the growth of follicles themselves and the sebaceous gland. For example, in the absence of hair follicle stem cells, hair follicle and sebaceous gland morphogenesis is blocked, and epidermal wound repair is compromised.83 In addition to containing follicle epidermal stem cells, the bulge contains melanocyte stem cells.84 Recent studies show that nestin, a marker for neural progenitor cells, is selectively expressed in cells of the hair follicle bulge and that these stem cells can differentiate into neurons,85 glia, keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells, melanocytes and even blood vessels.86, 87 Examination of close developmental and anatomical parallels between epithelial tissue and dermal tissue in skin and hair follicles has revealed dermal tissue to have stem cells. Paus et al. indicated that hair follicle dermal sheath cells might represent a source of dermal stem cells that not only incorporate into the hair-supporting papilla, low down in the follicle, but also move up and out from the follicle dermal sheath into the dermis of adjoining skin.88 Hair follicle dermal sheath cells taken from the human scalp can form new dermal papilla, induce the formation of hair follicles, and produce hair shafts when transplanted onto skin.89 There is also a clear transition from dermal sheath to dermal papilla cells.90 When the follicle dermal cells are implanted into skin wounds, they can be incorporated into the new dermis in a manner similar to that of skin wound-healing fibroblasts.91 However, these cell populations still lack specific markers for purifying and distinguishing the stem cells from their progeny. Furthermore, of prime importance is improving our understanding of the relation between bulge cells and interfollicular epidermal stem cells and between bulge cells and other stem cells inhabiting the skin and the mechanisms of hair growth.
Recently, cell replacement therapy has offered a novel and powerful medical technology for skin repair and regeneration: a new population of stem cell, called a neural crest stem cell, from adult hair follicles, was discovered to have the ability to differentiate in vitro to keratinocytes, neurons, cartilage/bone cells, smooth muscle cells, melanocytes, glial cells, and adipocytes.9296 In mammalian skin, skin-derived neural progenitors were isolated and expanded from the dermis of rodent skin and adult human scalp and could differentiate into both neural and mesodermal progeny.97, 98 Skin-derived neural progenitor cells were isolated based on the sphere formation of floating cells after 37 days of culture in uncoated flasks with epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor, and characterized by the production of nestin and fibronectin, markers of neural precursors. In addition, skin-derived neural progenitor cells were identified as neural crest derived by the use of Wnt1 promoter driving LacZ expression in the mouse. Some of the LacZ-positive cells were found in the skin of the face, as well as in the dermis and dermal papilla of murine whisker.99 These skin derived neural crest cells have already shown promising results in regenerative medicine such as the promotion of regenerative axonal growth after transplantation into injured adult mouse sciatic nerves 95 or spinal cord repair,100 resulting in the recovery of peripheral nerve function. This new study marks an important first step in the development of real stem-cell-based therapies and skin tissue regeneration.
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Stem Cells for Skin Tissue Engineering and Wound Healing
5 Things You Need to Know About Stem Cells in Skin Care …
By daniellenierenberg
courtesy of Daily Glow
Between anti-aging ingredients that are worshipped (retinol) to the ones that are obscure (bee venom), figuring out which ingredient will kick Father Times ass is enough to give you wrinkles. And now skin-care manufacturers have added another anti-aging contender: stem cells.
Medical researchers have long studied the ability of stem cells, which can regenerate and form almost any cell type in the body, to treat numerous chronic diseases. Now skin-care brands like Lifeline and Origins are hoping that stem cells can deliver the powerful results in the cosmetics industry that they have in medicine. But are they worth the hype? Here are five facts you should know about stem cells before you spend a dime.
1. Skin care contains either plant or human stem cells. In the case of Lifeline, human stem cells are derived from unfertilized eggs (so, youre not putting human embryo on your face).
2. Plant and human cells actually operate in comparable ways. There are similarities in the way stem cells function in both plants and animals to sustain growth and repair tissues, says Jeanette Jacknin, MD, a dermatologist in San Diego and author of Smart Medicine for Your Skin. To perform their functions, stem cells, unlike other cells, are able to produce copies of themselves over long periods of time.
3. Stem cells contain two key components: growth factors, which play a role in cell division, the growth of new cells, and the production of collagen and elastin; and proteins, which regulate that stem-cell division. When applied to your skin, these two components help firm wrinkles and slow the development of new lines.
4. Theres no definitive call on how well plant stem cells work. While theres evidence that human stem cells, when harnessed with growth factors, stimulate epidermal stem cells to thicken the skin, which leads to tightening, theres no scientific evidence that plant-stem-cell growth factors work in the same way, says Ronald L. Moy, MD, cosmetic and plastic surgeon in Los Angeles and former president of the American Academy of Dermatology. After all, how could a plant cell have any effect on human skin? But plant stem cells still have benefits. Products that contain antioxidant-rich fruits or plants as a source still offer free-radical-fighting benefits.
5. The amount of stem cells in the product matters. Dont get suckered into spending a fortune simply because a product says stem-cell derived on the front label. Check the ingredient list on the back label to see how much of the active ingredients are in the product, Dr. Jacknin says. Stem cells should be listed first on the ingredient label; if theyre listed last, that indicates the product contains such a small percentage that the effect is likely to be minimal.
Tell us: Would you try stem cell skin care? Or are you weirded out by it?
xx, The FabFitFun Team
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5 Things You Need to Know About Stem Cells in Skin Care ...
What Happens During My Stem Cell Therapy Procedure? – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
What Happens During My Stem Cell Therapy Procedure?
Ever wonder what happens during your stem cell therapy procedure? This video describes the process step-by-step with Orlando Orthopaedic Center #39;s Dr. G. Grady McBride. For more visit http://www.
By: OrlandoOrtho
What Happens During My Stem Cell Therapy Procedure? - Video
STEM CELL therapy incredible results for severe MS – Video
By Sykes24Tracey
STEM CELL therapy incredible results for severe MS
get some STEM CELL on ya! some basics on the buzz!
By: Multiplesclerosis Tv
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STEM CELL therapy incredible results for severe MS - Video
Phytoscience Philipine celebrity Share good effect of stem cell Therapy – Video
Phytoscience Philipine celebrity Share good effect of stem cell Therapy
for more infor about the products visit reach us: 0927-2329074 / 0923-6062834 / (02) 463-9400 like us:
By: Shoppers Estore
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Phytoscience Philipine celebrity Share good effect of stem cell Therapy - Video
Clinical Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy – Video
By daniellenierenberg
Clinical Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy has made medical breakthroughs. Watch to see the clinical benefits of stem cell therapy.
By: Norgen Healthcare International
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Clinical Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy - Video
Health Beat: Stem cells for paralysis: 1st of its kind study
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Two years ago, Brenda Guerra's life changed forever.
"They told me that I went into a ditch and was ejected out of the vehicle," Guerra said.
The accident left the 26-year-old paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair.
"I don't feel any of my lower body at all," she said.
Guerra has traveled from Kansas to UC San Diego to be the first patient to participate in a groundbreaking safety trial, testing stem cells for paralysis.
"We are directly injecting the stem cells into the spine," said Dr. Joseph D. Ciacci, professor of neurosurgery at UC San Diego.
The stem cells come from fetal spinal cords. The idea is when they're transplanted they will develop into new neurons and bridge the gap created by the injury by replacing severed or lost nerve connections. They did that in animals, and doctors are hoping for similar results in humans. The ultimate goal is to help people like Guerra walk again.
"The ability to walk is obviously a big deal not only in quality of life issues, but it also affects your survival long-term," Ciacci said.
Guerra received her injection and will be followed for five long years. She knows it's only a safety trial, but she's hoping for the best.
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Health Beat: Stem cells for paralysis: 1st of its kind study