Stem cell-grown hair could help those with hair loss
By NEVAGiles23
For the first time, researchers have been able to use pluripotent stem cells to generate cells that can grow new hair.
Hair growing on hairless mice thanks to induced pluripotent stem cells. Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
It's been theorised for years, but now human stem cells have resulted in hair growth for the very first time.
"We have developed a method using human pluripotent stem cells to create new cells capable of initiating human hair growth. The method is a marked improvement over current methods that rely on transplanting existing hair follicles from one part of the head to another," said Alexey Terskikh, Ph.D., associate professor in the Development, Aging and Regeneration Program at Sanford-Burnham.
"Our stem cell method provides an unlimited source of cells from the patient for transplantation and isn't limited by the availability of existing hair follicles."
The process started with human pluripotent embryonic stem cells -- that is, stem cells that are capable of developing into any other cell -- which were then developed into neural crest cells. These are cells that can develop into a variety of cells on the head, including brain cells, cartilage, bone and muscle cells.
From the neural crest cell point, the team coaxed the cells to grow into dermal papillae cells, the cells that nourish the skin and regulate follicle growth and formation. When transplanted -- in the case of this study, into hairless mice -- these cells flourish.
Another part of the study examined whether the same result could be achieved using dermal papillae cells taken from the scalps of adult humans. Outside the body, living in culture, these cells are not suitable for hair transplants, since they lost their ability to induce follicle formation. The number of hairs their produced was insignificant.
"In adults, dermal papilla cells cannot be readily amplified outside of the body and they quickly lose their hair-inducing properties," said Terskikh. "We developed a protocol to drive human pluripotent stem cells to differentiate into dermal papilla cells and confirmed their ability to induce hair growth when transplanted into mice."
The researchers say that their research represents the first step towards a cell-based treatment for hair loss, which affects 40 million men and 21 million women in the United States.
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Stem cell-grown hair could help those with hair loss
Antibiotics as new cancer treatments? Conversation with schoolgirl sparks idea
By NEVAGiles23
A way to eradicate cancer stem cells, using the side-effects of commonly used antibiotics, has been discovered by a University of Manchester researcher following a conversation with his young daughter.
Professor Michael P. Lisanti, Director of the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Unit, led the research. He was inspired to look at the effects of antibiotics on the mitochondria of cancer stem cells by a conversation with his daughter Camilla about his work at the University's Institute of Cancer Sciences.
His new paper, published in Oncotarget, opens up the possibility of a treatment for cancer, which is highly effective and repurposes drugs which have been safely used for decades.
Mitochondria are the 'engine' parts of the cells and are the source of energy for the stem cells as they mutate and divide to cause tumours. Cancer stem cells are strongly associated with the growth and recurrence of all cancers and are especially difficult to eradicate with normal treatment, which also leads to tumours developing resistance to other types of therapy.
Professor Lisanti said: "I was having a conversation with Camilla about how to cure cancer and she asked why don't we just use antibiotics like we do for other illnesses. I knew that antibiotics can affect mitochondria and I've been doing a lot of work recently on how important they are to the growth of tumours, but this conversation helped me to make a direct link."
Professor Lisanti worked with colleagues from The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York and the Kimmel Cancer Centre, Philadelphia. The team used five types of antibiotics -- including one used to treat acne (doxycycline) -- on cell lines of eight different types of tumour and found that four of them eradicated the cancer stem cells in every test. This included glioblastoma, the most aggressive of brain tumours, as well as lung, prostate, ovarian, breast, pancreatic and skin cancer.
Mitochondria are believed to be descended from bacteria which joined with cells early on in the evolution of life. This is why some of the antibiotics which are used to destroy bacteria also affect mitochondria, though not to an extent which is dangerous to people. When they are present in stem cells, mitochondria provide energy for growth and, crucially, for division, and it is this process going wrong which leads to cancer.
In the lab, the antibiotics had no harmful effect on normal cells, and since they are already approved for use in humans, trials of new treatments should be simpler than with new drugs -- saving time and money.
Professor Lisanti said: "This research makes a strong case for opening new trials in humans for using antibiotics to fight cancer. Many of the drugs we used were extremely effective, there was little or no damage to normal cells and these antibiotics have been in use for decades and are already approved by the FDA for use in humans. However, of course, further studies are needed to validate their efficacy, especially in combination with more conventional therapies."
Dr Matthew Lam, Senior Research Officer at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said: "The conclusions that the researchers have drawn, whilst just hypotheses at this stage, are certainly interesting. Antibiotics are cheap and readily available and if in time the link between their use and the eradication of cancer stem cells can be proved, this work may be the first step towards a new avenue for cancer treatment.
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Antibiotics as new cancer treatments? Conversation with schoolgirl sparks idea
Schoolgirl comment points to antibiotics as new cancer treatments
By daniellenierenberg
Professor Michael P. Lisanti, Director of the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Unit, led the research. He was inspired to look at the effects of antibiotics on the mitochondria of cancer stem cells by a conversation with his daughter Camilla about his work at the University's Institute of Cancer Sciences.
His new paper, published in Oncotarget, opens up the possibility of a treatment for cancer, which is highly effective and repurposes drugs which have been safely used for decades.
Mitochondria are the 'engine' parts of the cells and are the source of energy for the stem cells as they mutate and divide to cause tumours. Cancer stem cells are strongly associated with the growth and recurrence of all cancers and are especially difficult to eradicate with normal treatment, which also leads to tumours developing resistance to other types of therapy.
Professor Lisanti said: "I was having a conversation with Camilla about how to cure cancer and she asked why don't we just use antibiotics like we do for other illnesses. I knew that antibiotics can affect mitochondria and I've been doing a lot of work recently on how important they are to the growth of tumours, but this conversation helped me to make a direct link."
Professor Lisanti worked with colleagues from The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York and the Kimmel Cancer Centre, Philadelphia. The team used five types of antibiotics - including one used to treat acne (doxycycline) - on cell lines of eight different types of tumour and found that four of them eradicated the cancer stem cells in every test. This included glioblastoma, the most aggressive of brain tumours, as well as lung, prostate, ovarian, breast, pancreatic and skin cancer.
Mitochondria are believed to be descended from bacteria which joined with cells early on in the evolution of life. This is why some of the antibiotics which are used to destroy bacteria also affect mitochondria, though not to an extent which is dangerous to people. When they are present in stem cells, mitochondria provide energy for growth and, crucially, for division, and it is this process going wrong which leads to cancer.
In the lab, the antibiotics had no harmful effect on normal cells, and since they are already approved for use in humans, trials of new treatments should be simpler than with new drugs - saving time and money.
Professor Lisanti said: "This research makes a strong case for opening new trials in humans for using antibiotics to fight cancer. Many of the drugs we used were extremely effective, there was little or no damage to normal cells and these antibiotics have been in use for decades and are already approved by the FDA for use in humans. However, of course, further studies are needed to validate their efficacy, especially in combination with more conventional therapies."
Dr Matthew Lam, Senior Research Officer at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said: "The conclusions that the researchers have drawn, whilst just hypotheses at this stage, are certainly interesting. Antibiotics are cheap and readily available and if in time the link between their use and the eradication of cancer stem cells can be proved, this work may be the first step towards a new avenue for cancer treatment.
"This is a perfect example of why it is so important to continue to invest in scientific research. Sometimes there are answers to some of the biggest questions right in front of us but without ongoing commitment to the search for these answers, we'd never find them."
Originally posted here:
Schoolgirl comment points to antibiotics as new cancer treatments
Asymmetrex Scheduled to Present Unique Perspectives in Stem Cell Biology and Recent Advances in Technologies for Adult …
Boston, MA (PRWEB) January 29, 2015
Dr. James Sherley, Director of the new biotech start-up Asymmetrex, LLC (formerly known as The Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLC) is looking forward to four upcoming opportunities in 2015 to continue to impress both academic and industry audiences with his companys very frank take on what is needed to accelerate progress in stem cell medicine.
Asymmetrex has set the focus for its efforts on adult stem cells that are found in the organs and tissues of children and adults. Unlike human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), adult stem cells are free of induced mutations, are not tumor-forming, and have the essential ability to continuously regenerate mature human tissue cells like those in children and adults. To date, hESCs and iPSCs have only been able to regenerate immature cells, and even those not continuously.
Previously, the two main challenges hindering wider use of adult stem cells for drug development and medical therapies have been difficulty producing them and difficulty counting them. Asymmetrex has reported, and in many cases secured patents for, new technologies that reduce or eliminate both of these challenges. At the coming conferences, Dr. Sherley will describe the companys most recent technological advances in this regard and discuss the science that led to them.
In particular, he will highlight the companys newest technology developed with partner AlphaSTAR Corporation for estimating adult stem cell number in any human tissue. The two companies are developing the new technology as an assay to detect drug candidates that will fail in expensive pre-clinical animal studies and clinical trials because of intolerable toxicity against tissue stem cells. By screening-out such drugs earlier in the drug development process, Asymmetrex and AlphaSTAR estimate that together they could save the U.S. pharmaceutical industry $4-5 billion each year.
The four scheduled conferences include the 7th Annual Predictive Toxicology Summit, February 16-18, in London; the 5th World Congress on Cell and Stem Cell Research, March 23-25, in Chicago; the 2015 Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology, March 28-April 1, in Boston; and the Inaugural 3D Cellular Models Conference, June 11-12, also in Boston.
The breadth of conference topics reflects the many important roles that adult tissue stem cells play in human biology and cellular medicine. Dr. Sherley offers that, Because of the importance of adult stem cells in normal body function, it is not surprising that Asymmetrexs technologies impact so many different facets of stem cell biology, regenerative medicine, and drug development.
About Asymmetrex
Asymmetrex, LLC is a Massachusetts life sciences company with a focus on developing technologies to advance stem cell medicine. Asymmetrexs founder and director, James L. Sherley, M.D., Ph.D. is an internationally recognized expert on the unique properties of adult tissue stem cells. The companys patent portfolio contains biotechnologies that solve the two main technical problems production and quantification that have stood in the way of successful commercialization of human adult tissue stem cells for regenerative medicine and drug development. In addition, the portfolio includes novel technologies for isolating cancer stem cells and producing induced pluripotent stem cells for disease research purposes. Currently, Asymmetrexs focus is employing its technological advantages to develop facile methods for monitoring adult stem cell number and function in clinically important human tissues.
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Asymmetrex Scheduled to Present Unique Perspectives in Stem Cell Biology and Recent Advances in Technologies for Adult ...
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr.PV Mahajan – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr.PV Mahajan
Patient testimonial of Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy treated by StemRx Bioscience Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
By: StemRx BioScience
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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr.PV Mahajan - Video
Arthritic knees three months after bone marrow stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. – Video
By daniellenierenberg
Arthritic knees three months after bone marrow stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D.
Holly, three-time World Cup Downhill Gold Medalist and Olympian, discusses her outcome from bone marrow stem cells for her arthritic knees performed at Docere Clinics
By: Harry Adelson, N.D.
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Arthritic knees three months after bone marrow stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. - Video
A cure for hair loss? Scientists grow hair on rats using stem cells – and they say the treatment could work on humans …
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Achievementmade after coaxing stem cells to become papilla cells Dermal papilla is a special type of cell which is vital to follicle formation It could provide an unlimited source of cells for hair transplant procedures
By Ellie Zolfagharifard For
Published: 14:15 EST, 27 January 2015 | Updated: 16:16 EST, 27 January 2015
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Finding a cure for baldness has become the holy grail for scientists the world over.
Now researchers in Orlando have come a step closer to a natural treatment after successfully growing new hair using human stem cells.
The breakthrough was achieved after coaxing stem cells to become dermal papilla cells a special type of cell which is vital to follicle formation.
Researchers in Orlando have come a step closer to a natural treatment for baldness after successfully growing new hair using human stem cells. Pictured is the hair growth on the leg of an adult rat
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A cure for hair loss? Scientists grow hair on rats using stem cells - and they say the treatment could work on humans ...
Researchers advance the science behind treating patients with corneal blindness
By NEVAGiles23
LOS ANGELES (Jan. 27, 2015) - Researchers in the Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute have devised a novel way to generate transplantable corneal stem cells that may eventually benefit patients suffering from life-altering forms of blindness.
Scientists used human corneal cells to generate pluripotent stem cells that have a capacity to become virtually any body cell. Then, putting these cells on natural scaffolds, researcher's facilitated differentiation of these stem cells back to corneal cells.
"Our research shows that cells derived from corneal stem cells are attractive candidates for generating corneal cells in the laboratory," said Alexander Ljubimov, PhD, director of the Eye Program at the Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute and principal investigator on this research study.
This research, published in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, marks an important first step toward creating a bank of corneal stem cells that may potentially benefit patients who suffer from many forms of corneal blindness. The group is now working to optimize the process with National Institutes of Health funding.
Corneal deficiencies may have genetic or inflammatory roots or be caused by injuries, like burns to the skin in occupational accidents. They result in damage or death of stem cells that renew the outermost part of the cornea. If left untreated, they often cause compromised vision or blindness.
Over 150,000 Americans and more than 3 million individuals worldwide are affected by corneal blindness.
Study collaborators include Clive Svendsen, PhD, director of the Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute and professor of biomedical sciences and medicine; Dhruv Sareen, PhD, director of the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Core and assistant professor of biomedical sciences; Mehrnoosh Saghizadeh, PhD, assistant professor of biomedical sciences; Yaron Rabinowitz, MD, director of the Division of Ophthalmology Research; and Vincent A. Funari, PhD, director of the Genomics Core and assistant professor of pediatrics.
Citation: Sareen D, Saghizadeh M, Ornelas L, et al. Differentiation of human limbal-derived induced pluripotent stem cells into limbal-like epithelium. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2014; 3(9):1002-12.
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Researchers advance the science behind treating patients with corneal blindness
Keeping the Kraken asleep
By Dr. Matthew Watson
IMAGE:CDK6 is needed for leukemic stem cell activation (left). When CDK6 is absent, the LSC remains in a quiescent state and leukemia formation is prohibited (right). view more
Credit: Angelika Berger / Vetmeduni Vienna
Despite enormous progress in cancer therapy, many patients still relapse because their treatment addresses the symptoms of the disease rather than the cause, the so-called stem cells. Work in the group of Veronika Sexl at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna has given a tantalizing clue to a solution. In the current issue of Blood, the scientists report that the cell-cycle kinase CDK6 is required for activation of the stem cells responsible for causing leukemia.
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are normally inactive, i.e. quiescent. When new blood cells are needed, for example to replace blood that has been lost, HSCs start to multiply and develop into mature blood cells. If the process is initiated at an inappropriate time, hematopoietic diseases such as leukemia may result and leukemic stem cells may develop. These represent a major challenge to leukemia therapy: they are quiescent and thus protected from elimination by the immune system and from treatment such as chemotherapy. Leukemic stem cells frequently cause relapse in cancer patients, often years or even decades after an apparently successful treatment.
Working with stem cells isolated from mice, Ruth Scheicher and colleagues at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna have investigated possible differences between leukemic stem cells and the healthy stem cells in the body. They looked in particular at the function of the CDK6 protein, which is known to be involved in controlling the cell cycle. Surprisingly, CDK6 was also found to regulate the activation of hematopoietic and leukemic stem cells, which it does by inhibiting the transcription factor Egr1. Upon loss of CDK6, Egr1 becomes active and prevents stem cells from dividing. In a further twist to the tale, the mechanism operates only when hematopoietic stem cells are stressed, e.g. in leukemia, and not in the normal physiological situation.
Scheicher is quick to note the significance of her finding. "CDK6 is absolutely necessary for leukemic stem cells to induce disease but plays no part in normal hematopoiesis. We thus have a novel opportunity to target leukemia at its origin. Inhibiting CDK6 should attack leukemic stem cells while leaving healthy HSCs unaffected".
Service: The article 'CDK6 as a key regulator of hematopoietic and leukemic stem cell activation' by Scheicher R, Hoelbl-Kovacic A, Bellutti F, Tigan AS, Prchal-Murphy M, Heller G, Schneckenleithner C, Salazar-Roa M, Zchbauer-Mller S, Zuber J, Malumbres M, Kollmann K and Sexl V. was published in the journal Blood.
About the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna in Austria is one of the leading academic and research institutions in the field of Veterinary Sciences in Europe. About 1,300 employees and 2,300 students work on the campus in the north of Vienna which also houses five university clinics and various research sites. Outside of Vienna the university operates Teaching and Research Farms.
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Keeping the Kraken asleep
Stem Cell Transplantation at BLOOD – Video
By NEVAGiles23
Stem Cell Transplantation at BLOOD
24.10.1423.01.15 BLOOD: NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED Twenty five provocative works that explore the scientific, symbolic and strange nature of blood. This vide...
By: Science Gallery Dublin
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Stem Cell Transplantation at BLOOD - Video
Fred Hutch Bone Marrow Transplant Program at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Recognized Nationally for Outstanding …
By daniellenierenberg
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Newswise SEATTLE The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Bone Marrow Transplant Program at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) was recently recognized for outperforming its anticipated one-year survival rate for allogeneic transplant patients. The new performance results were calculated by the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) and published in the 2014 Transplant Center-Specific Survival Report. The annual report is designed to provide potential stem cell transplant recipients, their families, and the public with comparative survival rates among transplant centers. This is the second consecutive year the Fred Hutch Bone Marrow Transplant Program at SCCA has achieved higher than expected one-year survival rates, an accomplishment that only 12 other institutions have achieved.
Credited with pioneering the clinical use of bone marrow and stem cell transplantation more than 40 years ago, the Fred Hutch Bone Marrow Transplant Program at SCCA has performed over 14,000 bone marrow transplants more than any other institution in the world. Dr. E. Donnall Thomas groundbreaking work in transplantation won the Nobel Prize in 1990 and many current SCCA and Fred Hutch transplant experts have trained alongside Dr. Thomas.
To arrive at its findings, CIBMTR independently examined the survival rates of 20,875 transplants performed to treat blood cancers at U.S. centers in the NMDP network between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012. During this three-year period, 757 allogeneic transplants were performed at SCCA.
Although centers are required to report their data, the process of comparing transplant centers is complex and must address a number of variables, such as cancer type and stage, patients age, and preexisting medical issues. The intensive findings allow researchers to compare themselves to other centers, leading to improved outcomes. The report also provides patients and their families with valuable information necessary when evaluating where to undergo treatment.
The information provided in the report is invaluable to patients faced with making difficult treatment decisions, explains Dr. Marco Mielcarek, medical director of the Adult Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at Fred Hutch and SCCA. While we are happy our patients outcomes exceeded expectations over a three-year period, we are always working to further improve the transplantation process.
Allogenic transplants use stem cells from a donor who may or may not be related to the patient. Stem cell transplants, including bone marrow transplants, are used to treat a wide range of leukemias and lymphomas, as well as other diseases including severe aplastic anemia and sickle cell disease.
These findings reflect our teams continued efforts to improve patients outcomes by investigating every aspect of the transplant process, said Dr. Fred Appelbaum, Deputy Director at Fred Hutch. Im pleased that our transplant patients continue to have high survival rates, but there is still more work to do.
SCCAs success in helping patients survive a wide range of cancers continues to be recognized by National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) rankings. SCCA has ranked at the top of NCDB patient survival rankings since 2002.
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Fred Hutch Bone Marrow Transplant Program at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Recognized Nationally for Outstanding ...
Sanford-Burnham's hair-raising study
Hair growing from human dermal papillae cells, which were cultivated from pluripotent stem cells.
Cells needed to grow hair have been produced from human stem cells, according to a study led by scientists at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in La Jolla. The first-time feat could uncork a bottleneck in developing hair-replacement therapies, the scientists say.
Called the dermal papillae, these cells regulate hair follicle formation and growth cycles. They rapidly lose their hair-generating ability after being grown outside the body, limiting their use for hair regrowth. Another cell type derived from stem cells effectively substitutes for the dermal papillae, the scientists found.
These artificial dermal papillae cells were grown from pluripotent stem cells, which can be derived either from human embryos or a patient's own skin cells. The latter, called induced pluripotent stem cells, are of the most interest, said lead researcher Alexey V. Terskikh. Patients can donate their own IPS cells, which can be grown into the replacement dermal papillae in "unlimited" quantities," he said.
Alexey V. Terskikh, Principal Investigator, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute / Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
Sanford-Burnham is now looking for business partners to commercialize the discovery. More information can be found at:
The study was published last week in the journal PLOS One. Terskikh is the study's senior author. Ksenia Gnedeva is first author.
In the lab, the human embryonic stem cells were first turned into neural crest cells, which produce brain cells, cartilage, bone, pigment and muscle cells. The cells were then converted into the artificial dermal papillae cells. These human cells induced hair formation, when transplanted along with mouse skin epidermal cells into immune-deficient and nearly hairless "nude mice".
Because nude mice were created from albino ancestors, the transplanted skin cells were chosen from dark-haired mice. This let the scientists distinguish hairs grown by the mice from cells grown by the transplanted cells.
Transplanted epidermal cells alone caused "minimal" growth, the study said.
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Sanford-Burnham's hair-raising study
BioTime Announces Issuance of 14 New Patents in the Fields of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Technology, and Cancer …
By NEVAGiles23
Pluripotent stem cells are cells capable of indefinite expansion and then differentiation into any and all of the cell types of the human body. Examples of pluripotent stem cells are human embryonic stem cells (hES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. These stem cells potentially offer a new technology platform for the manufacture of a wide array of cell types designed to be transplanted into the body to restore healthy tissue function.
BioTime and its subsidiaries are focused on developing and commercializing a broad portfolio of innovative cellular therapeutics and diagnostic products, while also continuing to build value in other ways, such as through the addition of new patents to our industry-leading intellectual property estate, said Dr. Michael D. West, Ph.D., BioTimes Chief Executive Officer. We are making significant strides in patenting our core platform of pluripotent stem cell technology and strengthening our competitive position in regenerative medicine. For the first time in history, pluripotent stem cells offer a means of manufacturing previously rare and valuable human cell types in a cost-effective manner and on an industrial scale. We plan to utilize our strengthened patent position to drive value for our shareholders as the field of regenerative medicine begins to address the large and growing markets associated with chronic and age-related degenerative disease.
New Patents Owned by BioTime or one of its subsidiaries:
European patent 1809739 This issued patent claims cell culture media for the proliferation and scale-up of hES cells. The patent issuing in Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland and Sweden provides a propagation medium for culturing hES cells in the laboratory such that the cells proliferate without differentiating as defined in the claims. The technology allows the user to rapidly produce high-quality embryonic stem cells for use in therapy and drug discovery, in a cost-effective and controlled manner, from defined or commercially available reagents. The patent is therefore useful for manufacturing products from hES cells. Patents in the same family have previously issued in the United States, Australia, UK, Israel, Singapore and Hong Kong, with additional applications pending.
Canada patent 2559854 and China patent ZL200580008779.0 These patents claim a differentiation method for making high purity heart muscle preparations from pluripotent stem cells such as hES cells suitable for use in regenerative medicine. The issued claims cover methods wherein the pluripotent stem cells are treated with specific growth factors and differentiation conditions to manufacture beating heart muscle cells. The patents are therefore useful in the manufacture and commercialization of heart muscle cells for research, for the testing of drugs on the heart, and potentially for regenerating heart muscle following a heart attack or heart failure. Patents in the same family have previously issued in the United States, Australia, UK, Israel, Japan and Singapore, with additional applications pending.
South Korea patent1543500B The patent titled, Hematopoietic Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, claims methods for using pluripotent stem cell technology for inducing immune tolerance of cells transplanted into a patient (that is, in helping to prevent the rejection of transplanted cells). As such, the patent claims may be useful in commercializing diverse types of transplantable cells. Patents in the same family have previously issued in Australia, UK, Israel, Japan and Singapore, with additional applications pending.
Canada patent 2468335 The patent describes cartilage-forming cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells such as hES cells. The claims in the patent relate to a system of making the cartilage-forming cells using factors of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) family, of immortalizing the cells with the human telomerase gene, pharmaceutical formulations of the cells for therapeutic use in arthritis, as well as other claims. The patent is therefore useful for the manufacture of such cells for use in research and potentially in therapy for a number of applications in orthopedic medicine. Patents in the same family have previously issued in the United States, Australia, Singapore, Israel and South Korea, with additional applications pending.
Israel patent208116 The patent titled, Differentiation of Primate Pluripotent Stem Cells to Hematopoietic Lineage Cells, claims methods for the manufacture of dendritic cells from primate pluripotent stem cells. Dendritic cells are cells that trigger an immune response to a particular molecule. Often their role is to stimulate the immune system to attack microorganisms such as bacteria. BioTimes subsidiary Asterias Biotherapeutics is developing hES cell-derived dendritic cells modified to trigger an immune response to specific antigens related to cancer. A patent in the same family has previously issued in the United States, with additional applications pending.
Singapore patent 188098 The patent titled, Synthetic Surfaces for Culturing Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes, claims certain polymers upon which heart muscle cells derived from pluripotent stem cells may be cultured. The patent is potentially useful for the manufacture of human heart muscle cells for drug screening and toxicity testing and for use in the manufacture of such cells for transplantation into human subjects for the treatment of heart disease. A patent in the same family has previously issued in the United States, with additional applications pending.
Singapore patent 176957 The patent titled, Differentiated Pluripotent Stem Cell Progeny Depleted of Extraneous Phenotypes, claims methods for the purification of pluripotent stem cell-derived oligodendrocytes by the removal of contaminating cells that display an antigen called epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM). This method is potentially useful in the purification of such oligodendrocytes prior to their use in research or human therapy. Patents in the same family have previously issued in the United States and China, with additional applications pending.
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BioTime Announces Issuance of 14 New Patents in the Fields of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Technology, and Cancer ...
Local Teen Selected As Semi-Finalist In Intel Science Talent Search
ELK GROVE (CBS13) Hes only 17, but hes already making big waves in the science community.
A local high school senior was selected as a semi-finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search. His research on stem cells set him apart from the rest. Out of hundreds of applicants, Ryan Fong, a senior at Sheldon High School in Elk Grove, is being recognized for his research in stem cells. Its an opportunity he says he wont soon forget.
Each of these cells is genetic material from one cell, he explains.
He doesnt come from a line of doctors or medical researchers. Fong is just a teenager interested in stem cells.
Its such a young field and it holds so much potential to redefine what we think is medically possible, he says.
Fong wasnt always intrigued by science, but a couple of years ago, at the request of a teacher, he decided to enter the Teen Biotech Challenge and happened to win an internship at the UC Davis School of Medicine.
I didnt know anything about research and I didnt know what I was getting into, but I dived in head first, said Fong.
That internship became a launching pad for Fong. He was published in a medical peer review journal called Stem Cells. And this past summer, he spent his time in Stanford among doctors and researchers working on reprogramming cells from a layer of skin so that it can match any cell type in the body.
So were taking someones cells from their skin and turning them into cells that can be found in the lungs, said Fong.
Their research on the topic won Fong a spot as a semi-finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search, and a $1,000 scholarship.
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Local Teen Selected As Semi-Finalist In Intel Science Talent Search
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center Announces the Opening of a New Office in The Villages
By NEVAGiles23
The Villages, Florida (PRWEB) January 22, 2015
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center announces the opening of a new office in The Villages, Florida on January 28, 2015, with Dr. Thomas A. Gionis, Surgeon-in-Chief and Dr. Nia Smyrniotis, Medical Director and Surgeon.
Their new office is located at the Villages Endoscopy & Surgical Center, 10900 SE 174th PL. Rd., Summerfield, FL 34491. If you have any questions or would like further information please call us at (561) 331-2999.
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center (Miami; Boca Raton; Orlando; and now The Villages), along with sister affiliates, the Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center (Irvine; Westlake Villages, Ca.) and the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group (Manhattan, New York), abide by approved investigational protocols using adult adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) which can be deployed to improve patients quality of life for a number of chronic, degenerative and inflammatory conditions and diseases. ADSCs are taken from the patients own adipose (fat) tissue (found within a cellular mixture called stromal vascular fraction (SVF)). ADSCs are exceptionally abundant in adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is obtained from the patient during a 15 minute mini-liposuction performed under local anesthesia in the doctors office. SVF is a protein-rich solution containing mononuclear cell lines (predominantly adult autologous mesenchymal stem cells), macrophage cells, endothelial cells, red blood cells, and important Growth Factors that facilitate the stem cell process and promote their activity.
ADSCs are the bodys natural healing cells - they are recruited by chemical signals emitted by damaged tissues to repair and regenerate the bodys injured cells. The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center only uses Adult Autologous Stem Cells from a persons own fat no embryonic stem cells are used; and no bone marrow stem cells are used. Current areas of study include: Emphysema, COPD, Asthma, Heart Failure, Heart Attack, Parkinsons Disease, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Lou Gehrigs Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohns Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Inflammatory Myopathies, and degenerative orthopedic joint conditions (Knee, Shoulder, Hip, Spine). For more information, or if someone thinks they may be a candidate for one of the adult stem cell protocols offered by the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center, they may contact Dr. Gionis or Dr. Smyrniotis directly at (561) 331-2999, or see a complete list of the Centers study areas at:
About the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center: The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center, along with sister affiliates, the Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center and the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group, is an affiliate of the California Stem Cell Treatment Center / Cell Surgical Network (CSN); we are located in Boca Raton, Orlando, Miami and now The Villages, Florida. We provide care for people suffering from diseases that may be alleviated by access to adult stem cell based regenerative treatment. We utilize a fat transfer surgical technology to isolate and implant the patients own stem cells from a small quantity of fat harvested by a mini-liposuction on the same day. The investigational protocols utilized by the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center have been reviewed and approved by an IRB (Institutional Review Board) which is registered with the U.S. Department of Health, Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP); and our studies are registered with, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). For more information, visit our websites:,, or
See the article here:
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center Announces the Opening of a New Office in The Villages
Parkinson’s Disease: Mr Garnet’s experience 6 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Parkinson #39;s Disease: Mr Garnet #39;s experience 6 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D.
At Docere Clinics, our clinical focus is on the treatment of musculoskeletal pain disorders. On rare occasions, we have patients, usually relatives of satisf...
By: Harry Adelson, N.D.
Read this article:
Parkinson's Disease: Mr Garnet's experience 6 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. - Video
Telomere extension turns back aging clock in cultured human cells, Stanford study finds
By Dr. Matthew Watson
A new procedure can quickly and efficiently increase the length of human telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that are linked to aging and disease, according to scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
Treated cells behave as if they are much younger than untreated cells, multiplying with abandon in the laboratory dish rather than stagnating or dying.
The procedure, which involves the use of a modified type of RNA, will improve the ability of researchers to generate large numbers of cells for study or drug development, the scientists say. Skin cells with telomeres lengthened by the procedure were able to divide up to 40 more times than untreated cells. The research may point to new ways to treat diseases caused by shortened telomeres.
Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of the strands of DNA called chromosomes, which house our genomes. In young humans, telomeres are about 8,000-10,000 nucleotides long. They shorten with each cell division, however, and when they reach a critical length the cell stops dividing or dies. This internal "clock" makes it difficult to keep most cells growing in a laboratory for more than a few cell doublings.
'Turning back the internal clock'
"Now we have found a way to lengthen human telomeres by as much as 1,000 nucleotides, turning back the internal clock in these cells by the equivalent of many years of human life," said Helen Blau, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford and director of the university's Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology. "This greatly increases the number of cells available for studies such as drug testing or disease modeling."
A paper describing the research was published today in the FASEB Journal. Blau, who also holds the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Professorship, is the senior author. Postdoctoral scholar John Ramunas, PhD, of Stanford shares lead authorship with Eduard Yakubov, PhD, of the Houston Methodist Research Institute.
The researchers used modified messenger RNA to extend the telomeres. RNA carries instructions from genes in the DNA to the cell's protein-making factories. The RNA used in this experiment contained the coding sequence for TERT, the active component of a naturally occurring enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase is expressed by stem cells, including those that give rise to sperm and egg cells, to ensure that the telomeres of these cells stay in tip-top shape for the next generation. Most other types of cells, however, express very low levels of telomerase.
Transient effect an advantage
The newly developed technique has an important advantage over other potential methods: It's temporary. The modified RNA is designed to reduce the cell's immune response to the treatment and allow the TERT-encoding message to stick around a bit longer than an unmodified message would. But it dissipates and is gone within about 48 hours. After that time, the newly lengthened telomeres begin to progressively shorten again with each cell division.
Original post:
Telomere extension turns back aging clock in cultured human cells, Stanford study finds
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center Announces Adult Stem Cell Public Seminars in Naples, Florida
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Naples, Florida (PRWEB) January 23, 2015
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center announces a series of free public seminars on the use of adult stem cells for various degenerative and inflammatory conditions. They will be provided by Dr. Thomas A. Gionis, Surgeon-in-Chief and Dr. Nia Smyrniotis, Medical Director and Surgeon.
The first seminar will be held on Sunday, January 25, 2015, at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm at the Hilton Naples, 5111 Tamiami Trail North, Naples, FL 34103. Please RSVP at (561) 331-2999.
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center (Miami; Boca Raton; Orlando), along with sister affiliates, the Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center (Irvine; Westlake Villages, Ca.) and the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group (Manhattan, New York), abide by approved investigational protocols using adult adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) which can be deployed to improve patients quality of life for a number of chronic, degenerative and inflammatory conditions and diseases. ADSCs are taken from the patients own adipose (fat) tissue (found within a cellular mixture called stromal vascular fraction (SVF)). ADSCs are exceptionally abundant in adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is obtained from the patient during a 15 minute mini-liposuction performed under local anesthesia in the doctors office. SVF is a protein-rich solution containing mononuclear cell lines (predominantly adult autologous mesenchymal stem cells), macrophage cells, endothelial cells, red blood cells, and important Growth Factors that facilitate the stem cell process and promote their activity.
ADSCs are the bodys natural healing cells - they are recruited by chemical signals emitted by damaged tissues to repair and regenerate the bodys injured cells. The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center only uses Adult Autologous Stem Cells from a persons own fat No embryonic stem cells are used; and No bone marrow stem cells are used. Current areas of study include: Emphysema, COPD, Asthma, Heart Failure, Heart Attack, Parkinsons Disease, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Lou Gehrigs Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohns Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Inflammatory Myopathies, and degenerative orthopedic joint conditions (Knee, Shoulder, Hip, Spine).
For more information, or if someone thinks they may be a candidate for one of the adult stem cell protocols offered by the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center, they may contact Dr. Gionis or Dr. Smyrniotis directly at (561) 331-2999, or see a complete list of the Centers study areas at:
About the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center: The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center, along with sister affiliates, the Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center and the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group, is an affiliate of the California Stem Cell Treatment Center / Cell Surgical Network (CSN); we are located in Boca Raton, Orlando, Miami and The Villages (opening soon), Florida. We provide care for people suffering from diseases that may be alleviated by access to adult stem cell based regenerative treatment. We utilize a fat transfer surgical technology to isolate and implant the patients own stem cells from a small quantity of fat harvested by a mini-liposuction on the same day. The investigational protocols utilized by the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center have been reviewed and approved by an IRB (Institutional Review Board) which is registered with the U.S. Department of Health, Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP); and our studies are registered with, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
For more information, visit our websites:, , or
Original post:
The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center Announces Adult Stem Cell Public Seminars in Naples, Florida
Growing bone in space: Study to test therapy for bone loss on the International Space Station
By Dr. Matthew Watson
UCLA has received grant funding from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) to lead a research mission that will send rodents to the International Space Station (ISS). The mission will allow astronauts on the space station and scientists on Earth to test a potential new therapy for accelerating bone growth in humans.
The research will be led by Dr. Chia Soo, a UCLA professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery and orthopaedic surgery, who is member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research. Soo is also research director for UCLA Operation Mend, which provides medical care for wounded warriors. The study will test the ability of a bone-forming molecule called NELL-1 to direct stem cells to induce bone formation and prevent bone degeneration.
Other members of the UCLA research team are Dr. Kang Ting, a professor in dentistry who discovered NELL-1 and is leading efforts to translate NELL-1 therapy to humans, Dr. Ben Wu, a professor of bioengineering who modified the NELL-1 molecule to make useful for treating osteoporosis, and Dr. Jin Hee Kwak, an assistant professor of dentistry who will manage daily operations.
Based on results of previous studies supported by the NIH, the UCLA-ISS team will begin ground operations in early 2015. They hope that the study will provide new insights into the prevention of bone loss or osteoporosis as well as the regeneration of massive bone defects that can occur in wounded military personnel. Osteoporosis is a significant public health problem commonly associated with "skeletal disuse" conditions such as immobilization, stroke, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury and jaw resorption after tooth loss.
"NELL-1 holds tremendous hope, not only for preventing bone loss but one day even restoring healthy bone," Ting said. "For patients who are bed-bound and suffering from bone loss, it could be life-changing."
The UCLA team will oversee the ground operations of the mission in tandem with a flight operation coordinated by CASIS and NASA.
"A group of 40 rodents will be sent to the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory onboard the SpaceX Dragon capsule, where they will live for two months in a microgravity environment during the first ever test of NELL-1 in space," said Dr. Julie Robinson, NASA's chief scientist for the International Space Station program at the Johnson Space Center.
"CASIS is proud to work alongside UCLA in an effort to promote the station as a viable platform for bone loss inquiry," said Warren Bates, director of portfolio management for CASIS. "Through investigations like this, we hope to make profound discoveries and enable the development of therapies to counteract bone loss ailments common in humans."
Prolonged space flights induce extreme changes in bone and organ systems that cannot be replicated on Earth.
"Besides testing the limits of NELL-1's robust bone-producing effects, this mission will provide new insights about bone biology and could uncover important clues for curing diseases such as osteoporosis," Wu said.
Excerpt from:
Growing bone in space: Study to test therapy for bone loss on the International Space Station
Growing Bone in Space: UCLA and CASIS Announce Pioneering Collaborative Study to Test Therapy for Bone Loss on the …
By raymumme
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Newswise UCLA has received grant funding from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) to lead a research mission that will send rodents to the International Space Station (ISS). The mission will allow astronauts on the space station and scientists on Earth to test a potential new therapy for accelerating bone growth in humans.
The research will be led by Dr. Chia Soo, a UCLA professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery and orthopaedic surgery, who is member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research. Soo is also research director for UCLA Operation Mend, which provides medical care for wounded warriors. The study will test the ability of a bone-forming molecule called NELL-1 to direct stem cells to induce bone formation and prevent bone degeneration.
Other members of the UCLA research team are Dr. Kang Ting, a professor in dentistry who discovered NELL-1 and is leading efforts to translate NELL-1 therapy to humans, Dr. Ben Wu, a professor of bioengineering who modified the NELL-1 molecule to make useful for treating osteoporosis, and Dr. Jin Hee Kwak, an assistant professor of dentistry who will manage daily operations.
Based on results of previous studies supported by the NIH, the UCLA-ISS team will begin ground operations in early 2015. They hope that the study will provide new insights into the prevention of bone loss or osteoporosis as well as the regeneration of massive bone defects that can occur in wounded military personnel. Osteoporosis is a significant public health problem commonly associated with skeletal disuse conditions such as immobilization, stroke, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury and jaw resorption after tooth loss.
NELL-1 holds tremendous hope, not only for preventing bone loss but one day even restoring healthy bone, Ting said. For patients who are bed-bound and suffering from bone loss, it could be life-changing.
The UCLA team will oversee the ground operations of the mission in tandem with a flight operation coordinated by CASIS and NASA.
A group of 40 rodents will be sent to the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory onboard the SpaceX Dragon capsule, where they will live for two months in a microgravity environment during the first ever test of NELL-1 in space, said Dr. Julie Robinson, NASAs chief scientist for the International Space Station program at the Johnson Space Center.
CASIS is proud to work alongside UCLA in an effort to promote the station as a viable platform for bone loss inquiry, said Warren Bates, director of portfolio management for CASIS. Through investigations like this, we hope to make profound discoveries and enable the development of therapies to counteract bone loss ailments common in humans.