The Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLC Launches A Marketing Campaign To License Adult Stem Cell Biotechnologies
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Boston, MA (PRWEB) July 31, 2014
Bostons Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLC (ASCTC) finds itself flush with innovative adult stem cell biotechnologies. Currently the company holds seven recently issued patents and has three additional patent applications currently under examination by the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office.
The patented inventions address two of the most vexing problems in adult stem cell biology research and regenerative medicine. Adult stem cells are difficult to identify; and they have been difficult to multiply to sufficient numbers to support regenerative medicine applications.
ASCTC has addressed the identity problem by developing patented biomarkers that are found exclusively on adult stem cells. The biomarkers are based on ASCTCs expertise in defining properties of adult stem cells that are not shared by any other normal cell types in the body. The patented biomarkers also identify some types of cancer stem cells. Therefore, they have applications in both stem cell medicine and cancer medicine.
ASCTCa success in developing procedures for producing adult stem cells in large numbers is due to the companys expertise in adult stem cell growth control. ASCTCs technology uses natural compounds found in the body to instruct adult stem cells to multiply in a controlled manner as during normal body growth.
The companys patented method for controlling adult stem cells to multiply without losing their stem cell properties has applications for many different types of adult stem cells. ASCTCs approved patents demonstrate the application of the method for production of human liver stem cells, hair follicle stem cells, and human pancreatic stem cells; but the technology has general application to adult stem cells found in many other types of organs and tissues.
In addition to the main focus on adult stem cell technologies, ASCTCs most recently issued patent applies its cell multiplication methods to produce induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) without transferring exogenous genes. This gene-free single agent method should offer significant value to the many mushrooming companies that supply iPSCs and iPSC production reagents.
As a small start-up, ASCTC is employing a social media marketing strategy. In the past week, the company has launched patent licensing ads on LinkedIn, Vocus, and Facebook, as well increased its advertising references within its recently established Twitter presence.
It would be a shame for these technologies to lie dormant, just because our hands are full with other projects at the moment. James Sherley, director of ASCTC, relates that the companys two main business efforts require only a fraction of its available intellectual property. ASCTC is currently focused on bringing laboratory-scale production of human liver stem cells to manufacturing scales and developing a computer simulation assay for preclinical detection of drug candidates with intolerable toxicity due to adverse effects on adult stem cells.
Sherley adds, We already have a few companies that have expressed interest in licensing. But we could do a lot better at reaching others whose development efforts would benefit from ASCTCs unique technologies. Love to hear from ViaCyte!
Early stem cell transplant may cure "bubble boy" disease
By Dr. Matthew Watson
"Bubble boy" David Vetter lived in a protective environment designed by NASA engineers. He died of complications after receiving a bone marrow transplant in 1984, at the age of 12. Baylor College of Medicine Photo Archives
Babies born with so-called "bubble boy" disease can often be cured with a stem cell transplant, regardless of the donor -- but early treatment is critical, a new study finds.
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), as the condition is medically known, actually refers to a group of rare genetic disorders that all but eliminate the immune system. That leaves children at high risk of severe infections.
The term "bubble boy" became popular after a Texas boy with SCID lived in a plastic bubble to ward off infections. The boy, David Vetter, died in 1984 at the age of 12, after an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant -- an attempt to give him a functioning immune system.
15 Photos
Immune disorder forced David Vetter to live in bubble - but breakthroughs from his story now enable similar kids to live free
In the best-case scenario, a child would get stem cells -- the blood-forming cells within bone marrow -- from a sibling who is a perfect match for certain immune-system genes.
But that's not always an option, partly because kids with SCID are often their parents' first child, said Dr. John Cunningham, director of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at the University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital. He was not involved in the study.
In those cases, doctors typically turn to a parent -- who is usually a "half" match, but whose stem cells can be purified to improve the odds of success. Sometimes, stem cells from an unrelated, genetically matched donor can be used.
The good news: Regardless of the donor, children with SCID can frequently be cured, according to the new findings. But early detection and treatment is vital.
Original post:
Early stem cell transplant may cure "bubble boy" disease
What clinical trials for gene and stem cell therapy are under way in your London laboratory? – Video
By Sykes24Tracey
What clinical trials for gene and stem cell therapy are under way in your London laboratory?
Robin Ali, BSc, PhD, FMedSci, internationally known for his research in gene and cell-based therapy for the treatment of retinal degeneration, has joined the U-M Department of Ophthalmology...
By: Kellogg Eye Center - Ann Arbor
Go here to read the rest:
What clinical trials for gene and stem cell therapy are under way in your London laboratory? - Video
"Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injuries" by Priya …
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Working Paper
Stem cell-based therapies are an emerging branch of medicine with the purpose of restoring tissue function for patients with serious injuries, such as a spinal cord injury. As a result, scientists and engineers are increasing research efforts in the field of regenerative medicine. Due to the delicate nature of stem cells, producing the large quantity required for a successful therapy has proved challenging. In recent years, research has shown the potential of stem cell-based therapies, and thus there is a need for the commercialization of these treatments. The proposed facility targets the demand for spinal cord injury treatments and can support production for both clinical trials and a commercial release. Bioreactors designed specifically for the culture and growth of stem cells have flexibility in their ability to support different stem cell lines for various therapies. Small reactors in parallel can easily adapt to changes in production size. This process also takes advantage of the best options currently available for purification and preservation to maximize the product yield.
Due to the strict regulations set in place by the FDA and lack of adequate funding, there is an untapped market for stem cell therapies for spinal cord injuries. Approximately 250,000 people in the United States suffer from spinal cord injuries, varying in severity, and this patient base increases at a rate of 12,000 new injuries every year (Spinal Cord Injury Facts and Figures, 2009). Future markets include expansion into Europe and Asia.
There are two steps to this proposal: the upstream process and the downstream process. The upstream process includes the scale-up, differentiation, and purification of human embryonic stem cells; the downstream process consists of the scale-up of neurons for injection. The upstream process will be built initially and yield enough cells for clinical trials, without incurring the capital costs of building the entire plant. Upon success of the clinical trials, the downstream process will be built for maximum production. The profitability of this proposal is based on running 26 batches a year at 1.02x1010 cells per batch or 2.66x1011 cells per year. By targeting 5,000 patients, two percent of the current market, and charging $45,000 per dose, a profitable profile can be created. Assuming 50% production capacity the first year and a ten-year plant life, the ROI, NPV, and IRR of the proposal are 226.09%, $961,892,600, and 242.81% respectively. Using a 50% production capacity allows for higher profit margins upon expansion. The proposed plan will meet the need of this growing market.
Date Posted: 25 July 2014
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"Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injuries" by Priya ...
Key to Aging Immune System Is Discovered
By daniellenierenberg
Theres a good reason people over 60 are not donor candidates for bone marrow transplantation. The immune system ages and weakens with time, making the elderly prone to life-threatening infection and other maladies, and a UC San Francisco research team now has discovered a reason why.
Emmanuelle Passegu, PhD
We have found the cellular mechanism responsible for the inability of blood-forming cells to maintain blood production over time in an old organism, and have identified molecular defects that could be restored for rejuvenation therapies, said Emmanuelle Passegu, PhD, a professor of medicine and a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCSF. Passegu, an expert on the stem cells that give rise to the blood and immune system, led a team that published the new findings online July 30, 2014 in the journal Nature.
Blood and immune cells are short-lived, and unlike most tissues, must be constantly replenished. The cells that must keep producing them throughout a lifetime are called hematopoietic stem cells. Through cycles of cell division these stem cells preserve their own numbers and generate the daughter cells that give rise to replacement blood and immune cells. But the hematopoietic stem cells falter with age, because they lose the ability to replicate their DNA accurately and efficiently during cell division, Passegus lab team determined.
Especially vulnerable to the breakdown, the researchers discovered in their new study of old mice, are transplanted, aging, blood-forming stem cells, which lack the ability to make B cells of the immune system. These B cells make antibodies to help us fight all sorts of microbial infections, including bacteria that cause pneumonia, a leading killer of the elderly.
In old blood-forming stem cells, the researchers found a scarcity of specific protein components needed to form a molecular machine called the mini-chromosome maintenance helicase, which unwinds double-stranded DNA so that the cells genetic material can be duplicated and allocated to daughter cells later in cell division. In their study the stem cells were stressed by the loss of activity of this machine and as a result were at heightened risk for DNA damage and death when forced to divide.
The researchers discovered that even after the stress associated with DNA replication, surviving, non-dividing, resting, old stem cells retained molecular tags on DNA-wrapping histone proteins, a feature often associated with DNA damage. However, the researchers determined that these old survivors could repair induced DNA damage as efficiently as young stem cells.
"Old stem cells are not just sitting there with damaged DNA ready to develop cancer, as it has long been postulated" Passegu said.
See the original post:
Key to Aging Immune System Is Discovered
'Most stem cell-based cosmetic surgeries fake'
Next time you come across an advertisement offering cosmetic stem cell procedures not only to give your skin a glowing look but also to stop it from growing old, beware.
Most of such ads claim benefits from procedures that have not undergone rigorous scientific evaluation - including potential risks related to stem cell and tissue processing and the effects of ageing on stem cells, a new research warns.
"Stem cells offer tremendous potential but the marketplace is saturated with unsubstantiated and sometimes fraudulent claims that may place patients at risk," warned Michael T. Longaker from Stanford University's Medical Center.
The procedures marketed as "stem cell facelifts" are often just "lipofilling" procedures, "an established fat injection technique with no prolonged anti-ageing effect", Longaker added.
To gain insight into these claims, researchers performed a Google search for cosmetic stem cell treatments, the most common of which was "stem cell facelift".
Most procedures used "stem cells" isolated from fat.
However, the websites provided little information on the quality of the stem cells used.
Without advanced cell-sorting procedures, the products used in these procedures likely contain many other types of cells besides fat-derived stem cells.
To date, just one stem cell procedure for cosmetic purpose has received the approval from the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).
That product, designed to treat fine facial wrinkles, is undergoing extensive post-approval surveillance.
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'Most stem cell-based cosmetic surgeries fake'
Osiris Stem Cells To Compliment Mannkind's Afrezza In Disrupting Diabetes Market
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Published at Retail Investor 360: Monday, 28 July 2014 20:02 by Doctor Hung V. Tran, MD, MS
Disclosure: I am long on MNKD.
Due to its capacity to self-renew and give rise to cells of various lineage, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have generated a great amount of enthusiasm over the past decade as a novel therapeutic paradigm for a variety of diseases. The leading, integrated stem cell company Osiris Therapeutics (NASDAQ:OSIR) thus indeed has captured and gained a significant impact in this unique market since infancy with its capabilities in groundbreaking research, development, manufacturing, marketing and distribution of stem cell products to treat unmet medical conditions in orthopedic, sport medicine and specifically wound care markets.
Source: Stem Cell
Giving the diabetes mellitus market is growing at a rapid rate globally; roughly 25 million or 8.3% of the U.S. population suffer from this condition. With its FDA approved super rapid acting insulin, Afrezza, that could mimic the actions of healthy pancreas, Mannkind Corporation (NASDAQ: MNKD) is already positioned it self to become the new leader in this huge insulin market. Diabetic complications such as diabetic foot ulceration, infection, and gangrene are significant complications and the leading causes of hospitalization in patients with diabetes mellitus. We believed that Afrezza's disruptive technology to deliver Technosphere insulin via a small whistle-like device Dreamboat enabling patient's with convenience, ease of use, hence, removing barriers leading to the aforementioned complication. Regardless of Afrezza's superiority or any other potential drugs, a sizeable number of patients, not having access to care due to poverty, transportation, or rural setting would not be able to optimally control their blood sugar, thus, succumb to diabetes complications. These complications often precede lower-extremity amputation. Prompt and aggressive treatments of diabetic foot ulcers are essential to prevent exacerbation of the problem and eliminate the potential for amputation. Osiris, thus, successfully tapped into this market and established a new standard in diabetic wound care, as well as proven the tremendous impact of stem cell can have in medicine.
Key Factors Involved in the Development of Diabetic Foot Problems
Diabetic foot ulcer is among the most common complications of diabetes, accounting for as many as 20% of all hospitalizations in diabetic patients at an annual cost of $200 to $350 million. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), 15% of diabetic patients experience significant foot ulcer during their lifetime.
Approximately 71,000 lower-extremity amputations, often sequelae of uncontrolled infection, are performed each year on diabetic patients; this represents up to 70% of all nontraumatic amputations in the United States. Also, approximately 20% of diabetics will undergo additional surgery or amputation of a second limb within 12 months of the initial amputation.
Original post:
Osiris Stem Cells To Compliment Mannkind's Afrezza In Disrupting Diabetes Market
Stem cell discovery may make tissue regeneration more efficient
By Sykes24Tracey
A new stem-cell discovery might one day lead to a more streamlined process for obtaining stem cells, which in turn could be used in the development of replacement tissue for failing body parts, according to UC San Francisco scientists who reported the findings in the current edition of Cell.
The work builds on a strategy that involves reprogramming adult cells back to an embryonic state in which they again have the potential to become any type of cell.
The efficiency of this process may soon increase thanks to the scientists identification of biochemical pathways that can inhibit the necessary reprogramming of gene activity in adult human cells. Removing these barriers increased the efficiency of stem-cell production, the researchers found.
Our new work has important implications for both regenerative medicine and cancer research, said Miguel Ramalho-Santos, Ph.D., associate professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences and a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCSF, who led the research, funded in part by a prestigious NIH Directors New Innovator Award.
The earlier discovery that it was possible to take specialized adult cells and reverse the developmental clock to strip the mature cells of their distinctive identities and characteristics and to make them immortal, reprogrammable cells that theoretically can be used to replace any tissue type led to a share of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine being awarded to UCSF, Gladstone Institutes and Kyoto University researcher Shinya Yamanaka, M.D., in 2012.
These induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are regarded as an alternative experimental approach to ongoing efforts to develop tissue from stem cells obtained from early-stage human embryos. However, despite the promise of iPS cells and the excitement surrounding iPS research, the percentage of adult cells successfully converted to iPS cells is typically low, and the resultant cells often retain traces of their earlier lives as specialized cells.
Researchers generate stem cells by forcing the activation within adult cells of pluripotency-inducing genes starting with the so-called Yamanaka factors a process that turns back the clock on cellular maturation.
Yet, as Ramalho-Santos notes, From the time of the discovery of iPS cells, it was appreciated that the specialized cells from which they are derived are not a blank slate. They express their own genes that may resist or counter reprogramming.
But the nature of what exactly was getting in the way of reprogramming remained poorly understood. Now, by genetically removing multiple barriers to reprogramming, we have found that the efficiency of generation of iPS cells can be greatly increased, he said. The discovery will contribute to accelerating the safe and efficient use of iPS cells and other reprogrammed cells, according to Ramalho-Santos.
Miguel Ramalho-Santos
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Stem cell discovery may make tissue regeneration more efficient
Heal Interstitial Cystitis with Stem Cell Therapy – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Heal Interstitial Cystitis with Stem Cell Therapy
via YouTube Capture.
By: Minecraft madness and mayhem
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Heal Interstitial Cystitis with Stem Cell Therapy - Video
Gift from Bacardi family will help Mayo Clinic researchers in Jacksonville close in on 'the future of medicine'
By daniellenierenberg
The future of medicine is regenerative medicine.
Thats a view shared by Thomas Gonwa, associate director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Regenerative Medicine in Jacksonville, and by Jorge and Leslie Bacardi.
Regenerative medicine will be the cutting-edge medicine of the 21st century, Gonwa says.
We think it is the most important thing happening in medicine, Leslie Bacardi said.
Now the Bacardis, who live in Nassau in the Bahamas, have given what Mayo Clinic officials call a substantial gift to fund ongoing research and clinical trials in regenerative medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville.
Jorge Bacardi, part of the family that has been making rum and other spirits for 150 years, declined to specify the amount of the gift. Were not people who boast about the amount we give, he said.
Its an amount that should be sufficient to fund the ongoing research into regenerative medicine in Jacksonville, he said.
Doctors at the Mayo Clinic both in Jacksonville and in Rochester, Minn., now envision a future in which new organs can be grown for patients, using their own cells, and a time when the injection of stem cells can be used to repair a damaged organ.
Last year, Tim Nelson, a physician with the Center for Regenerative Medicine in Rochester, removed tissue from the arm of ABC Nightline reporter Bill Weir and created what Weir called a tiny piece of my cardiac tissue that had dramatically formed into the shape of a heart a pumping, three-dimensional glimpse into a future when this kind of cell could theoretically be injected into a heart-attack victim or a diseased child and literally mend the person from within.
That, to us, was just mind-boggling, Leslie Bacardi said. ... Regenerative medicine is for us an investment in our future and the future of medicine. It may take a while to reap any benefits, but when those benefits do come, it will make the investment seem small.
Here is the original post:
Gift from Bacardi family will help Mayo Clinic researchers in Jacksonville close in on 'the future of medicine'
How does microRNA-124 promote the neuronal differentiation of BMSCs?
By NEVAGiles23
Contact: Meng Zhao 86-138-049-98773 Neural Regeneration Research
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important regulatory role in the self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells. Dr. Defeng Zou and co-workers from the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, China focuses on the effect of miRNA overexpression on the differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into neurons. In the study released on the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 9, No. 12, 2014), researchers used GeneChip technology to analyze the expression of miRNAs in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, neural stem cells and neurons. They constructed a lentiviral vector overexpressing miR-124 and transfected it into bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Intracellular expression levels of the neuronal early markers -III tubulin and microtubule-associated protein-2 were significantly increased, and apoptosis was reduced in transfected cells. After miR-124-transfected bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells were transplanted into the injured rat spinal cord, a large number of cells positive for the neuronal marker neurofilament-200 were observed in the transplanted region. The Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan locomotion scores showed that the motor function of the hind limb of rats with spinal cord injury was substantially improved. These results suggest that miR-124 plays an important role in the differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into neurons, providing novel strategies for enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for spinal cord injury.
Article: "Overexpression of microRNA-124 promotes the neuronal differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells" by Defeng Zou1, Yi Chen2, Yaxin Han1, Chen Lv1, Guanjun Tu1 (1 Department of Orthopedics, First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China; 2 Department of Orthopedics, Jinhua Central Hospital of Zhejiang University, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China)
Zou DF, Chen Y, Han YX, Lv C, Tu GJ. Overexpression of microRNA-124 promotes the neuronal differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(12):1241-1248.
Contact: Meng Zhao 86-138-049-98773 Neural Regeneration Research
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How does microRNA-124 promote the neuronal differentiation of BMSCs?
'I promised brave cancer teenager Alice I'd lose 11st so I could donate bone marrow'
By Dr. Matthew Watson
When Karen Mitchell read the popular blog written by teenage terminal cancer sufferer Alice Pyne, not only was she deeply moved but also inspired.
Pride Of Britain winner Alice, who had Hodgkins lymphoma from the age of 12, took to social media to urge people to join the bone marrow register. Karen decided she too would sign up to donate her stem cells and save lives.
But there was one thing holding her back her weight.
She was 25st and had a BMI of 60, well above the healthy range of 18-25, and when she began the online registration for Anthony Nolan with her weight and height 5ft 6in she was rejected as being too fat.
So, instead she sent brave Alice a tweet, promising she would lose weight to join the register. And when Alice replied, urging her not to give up, Karen swore that she would not fail.
Now shes lost an incredible 11st 7lb and next week she will make a life-saving donation in memory of Alice, who died in January 2013.
Alice told me not to give up and I didnt want to let her down, says Karen. Her amazing legacy can go on saving lives and I hope everyone reading this will donate as well not for me but for Alice.
Karen, from Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, had battled with her weight for as long as she could remember. Her teenage years were a misery as she was forced to dress in size 18 clothes. Even turning vegetarian and making her staple food cheese at 15 didnt help solve her weight problem.
I longed to wear trendy clothes like the other girls at my school but I could only shop in the fat section of shops, she says.
Karen married when she was 27 but says she knew when she walked down the aisle in her size 28 wedding dress that the marriage was already doomed.
'I promised brave cancer teenager Alice I'd lose 11st so I could donate bone marrow'
Stem cell advance may increase efficiency of tissue regeneration
By Dr. Matthew Watson
6 hours ago Induced pluripotent stem cellsknown as iPS cells, and which act very much like embryonic stem cellsare here growing into heart cells (blue) and nerve cells (green). Credit: Gladstone Institutes/Chris Goodfellow
A new stem-cell discovery might one day lead to a more streamlined process for obtaining stem cells, which in turn could be used in the development of replacement tissue for failing body parts, according to UC San Francisco scientists who reported the findings in the current edition of Cell.
The work builds on a strategy that involves reprogramming adult cells back to an embryonic state in which they again have the potential to become any type of cell.
The efficiency of this process may soon increase thanks to the scientists' identification of biochemical pathways that can inhibit the necessary reprogramming of gene activity in adult human cells. Removing these barriers increased the efficiency of stem-cell production, the researchers found.
"Our new work has important implications for both regenerative medicine and cancer research," said Miguel Ramalho-Santos, PhD, associate professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences and a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCSF, who led the research, funded in part by a prestigious NIH Director's New Innovator Award.
The earlier discovery that it was possible to take specialized adult cells and reverse the developmental clock to strip the mature cells of their distinctive identities and characteristics and to make them immortal, reprogrammable cells that theoretically can be used to replace any tissue type led to a share of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine being awarded to UCSF, Gladstone Institutes and Kyoto University researcher Shinya Yamanaka, MD, in 2012.
Turning Back the Clock on Cellular Maturation
These induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are regarded as an alternative experimental approach to ongoing efforts to develop tissue from stem cells obtained from early-stage human embryos. However, despite the promise of iPS cells and the excitement surrounding iPS research, the percentage of adult cells successfully converted to iPS cells is typically low, and the resultant cells often retain traces of their earlier lives as specialized cells.
Researchers generate stem cells by forcing the activation within adult cells of pluripotency-inducing genesstarting with the so-called "Yamanaka factors" a process that turns back the clock on cellular maturation.
Yet, as Ramalho-Santos notes, "From the time of the discovery of iPS cells, it was appreciated that the specialized cells from which they are derived are not a blank slate. They express their own genes that may resist or counter reprogramming."
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Stem cell advance may increase efficiency of tissue regeneration
Cell Therapy IPS Cell Therapy IPS Cell Therapy
By NEVAGiles23
What is Okyanos Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy? Cardiac stem cell therapy is a promising new treatment option for advanced heart disease patients. This short video explores the procedure and benefits of adult stem cell therapy for severe
By: Okyanos Heart Institute
Go here to see the original: What is Okyanos Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy? Video
David's Stories from Detroit David in Detroit for Netroots Nation 2014 On the Bonus Show: A Russian man beats the bank at it's own game, stem-cell therapy gone awry, Rhode Island's accidental legal prostitution experiment
By: David Pakman Show
Visit link: Davids Stories from Detroit Video
Kellie van Meurs, pictured with her husband Mark, died while undergoing stem cell treatment in Russia. Photo: Facebook
Supporters of a Brisbane mother-of-two who died while undergoing a controversial stem cell treatment in Russia say it did not cause her death, nor have others been discouraged from seeking it.
Kellie van Meurs suffered from a rare neurological disorder called stiff person syndrome, which causes progressive rigidity of the body and chronic pain.
She travelled to Moscow in late June to undergo an autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) under the care of Dr Denis Fedorenko from the National Pirogov Medical Surgical Centre.
See the original post here:
Cell Therapy IPS Cell Therapy IPS Cell Therapy
Stem Cells to Renew the Health and Lives of People – Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Chennai – Video
By NEVAGiles23
Stem Cells to Renew the Health and Lives of People - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Chennai
Stem Cells to Renew the Health and Lives of People - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Chennai - RedPix 24x7 #AishwaryaRai #AishwaryaRaiBachchan #StemCells #LifeCell LifeCell is India #39;s first and...
By: Red Pix 24x7
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Stem Cells to Renew the Health and Lives of People - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Chennai - Video
David’s Stories from Detroit – Video
David #39;s Stories from Detroit
David in Detroit for Netroots Nation 2014 --On the Bonus Show: A Russian man beats the bank at it #39;s own game, stem-cell therapy gone awry, Rhode Island #39;s accidental legal prostitution experiment...
By: David Pakman Show
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David's Stories from Detroit - Video
Skinspirations Study Supports Medical Findings: Stem Cell Treatment Triggers Tissue Regeneration
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Tampa Bay, FL (PRWEB) July 28, 2014
Nearly 53 million Americans today are suffering with arthritis, with the majority of them diagnosed with osteoarthritis. (1) Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of joint cartilage and its underlying bone, causing significant pain and stiffness. While osteoarthritis has no cure, stem cell therapy has been demonstrated to induce profound healing in many forms of arthritis, according to the Stem Cell Institute. (2) Dr. Cynthia Elliott of Skinspirations, a center for cosmetic enhancement devoted to non-surgical aesthetics and now also specializing in administering regenerative medicine by stem cell, has made use of these services in a recent case study, which resulted in improved health in one of their clients.
Stem cells are unique from other cells for the following reasons:
(a)They can renew themselves through cell division; and (b)Under certain conditions, they can become tissue or organ-specific cells.
Stem cells are revered for their ability to make replacement tissues, as it relates to regenerative therapy. (3) Medical scientists and researchers are discovering the seemingly endless possibilities of what stem cells can treat, including brain damage, bone repair, kidney disease, etc. (4) This treatment is starting to boom in the medical world as a viable procedure, but Skinspirations has already had these practices in place, establishing them as progressive practitioners in the field.
Skinspirations is specifically studying the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF)another term for stem cell treatmentand how it affects knees with severe arthritis. According to Dr. Elliott, Stromal Vascular Fraction can help to repair, replace and restore any damaged cells within the bodyDr. Elliott performed the stem cell procedure on her uncle after first treating other patients during her training, and he experienced the following results:
Case in Point:
Joe Elliott, a 63-year-old male, had severe arthritis in one knee. Doctors advised him to get a knee replacement, but Joe was hoping to avoid surgery for as long as possible. After talking to Dr. Elliott about the treatment, he drove to Skinspirations from Missouri to go forward with the stem cell procedure.
Dr. Elliott performed the treatment with the following steps:
(1)Numbed his abdomen with anesthesia; (2)Removed about 100 cc of fat; (3)Processed the fat to isolate the SVF; (4)Numbed the arthritic knee; and (5)Injected the pellet of SVF into the joint of his arthritic knee.
View original post here:
Skinspirations Study Supports Medical Findings: Stem Cell Treatment Triggers Tissue Regeneration
What is Okyanos Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy? – Video
By Sykes24Tracey
What is Okyanos Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy?
Cardiac stem cell therapy is a promising new treatment option for advanced heart disease patients. This short video explores the procedure and benefits of ad...
By: Okyanos Heart Institute
The rest is here:
What is Okyanos Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy? - Video
Cell therapy for multiple sclerosis patients: Closer than ever?
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Scientists at The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute are one step closer to creating a viable cell replacement therapy for multiple sclerosis from a patient's own cells.
For the first time, NYSCF scientists generated induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells lines from skin samples of patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis and further, they developed an accelerated protocol to induce these stem cells into becoming oligodendrocytes, the myelin-forming cells of the central nervous system implicated in multiple sclerosis and many other diseases.
Existing protocols for producing oligodendrocytes had taken almost half a year to produce, limiting the ability of researchers to conduct their research. This study has cut that time approximately in half, making the ability to utilize these cells in research much more feasible.
Stem cell lines and oligodendrocytes allow researchers to "turn back the clock" and observe how multiple sclerosis develops and progresses, potentially revealing the onset of the disease at a cellular level long before any symptoms are displayed. The improved protocol for deriving oligodendrocyte cells will also provide a platform for disease modeling, drug screening, and for replacing the damaged cells in the brain with healthy cells generated using this method.
"We are so close to finding new treatments and even cures for MS. The enhanced ability to derive the cells implicated in the disease will undoubtedly accelerate research for MS and many other diseases," said Susan L. Solomon, NYSCF Chief Executive Officer.
"We believe that this protocol will help the MS field and the larger scientific community to better understand human oligodendrocyte biology and the process of myelination. This is the first step towards very exciting studies: the ability to generate human oligodendrocytes in large amounts will serve as an unprecedented tool for developing remyelinating strategies and the study of patient-specific cells may shed light on intrinsic pathogenic mechanisms that lead to progressive MS." said Dr. Valentina Fossati, NYSCF -- Helmsley Investigator and senior author on the paper.
In multiple sclerosis, the protective covering of axons, called myelin, becomes damaged and lost. In this study, the scientists not only improved the protocol for making the myelin-forming cells but they showed that the oligodendrocytes derived from the skin of primary progressive patients are functional, and therefore able to form their own myelin when put into a mouse model. This is an initial step towards developing future autologous cell transplantation therapies in multiple sclerosis patients
This important advance opens up critical new avenues of research to study multiple sclerosis and other diseases. Oligodendrocytes are implicated in many different disorders, therefore this research not only moves multiple sclerosis research forward, it allows NYSCF and other scientists the ability to study all demyelinating and central nervous system disorders.
"Oligodendrocytes are increasingly recognized as having an absolutely essential role in the function of the normal nervous system, as well as in the setting of neurodegenerative diseases,such as multiple sclerosis. The new work from the NYSCF Research Institute will help to improve our understanding of these important cells. In addition, being able to generate large numbers of patient-specific oligodendrocytes will support both cell transplantation therapeutics for demyelinating diseases and the identification of new classes of drugs to treat such disorders," said Dr. Lee Rubin, NYSCF Scientific Advisor and Director of Translational Medicine at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, distinguished by recurrent episodes of demyelination and the consequent neurological symptoms. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis is the most severe form of multiple sclerosis, characterized by a steady neurological decline from the onset of the disease. Currently, there are no effective treatments or cures for primary progressive multiple sclerosis and treatments relies merely on symptom management.
Here is the original post:
Cell therapy for multiple sclerosis patients: Closer than ever?
California stem cell agency head takes stand on 'personal ethics'
By raymumme
The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine has continued in damage-control mode since the state agencys former president, Alan Trounson, joined the board of directors at StemCells Inc. this month, just seven days after leaving the agency.
Newark-based StemCells has been awarded nearly $20 million in CIRM funding, as part of a long relationship that, in the wake of Trounson's departure, has raised concern about potential conflict of interest.
The agency's new president, C. Randal Mills, said he was taking a strong stand on personal ethics, signing an agreement not to accept a job with any company funded by CIRM for at least one year after leaving his position at the state agency.
"We take even the appearance of conflicts of interest very seriously," Mills said in a statement this month.
But a scientist whose grant proposal was turned down even though it received a higher rating than the StemCells proposal called the relationship between the state agency and the company interesting.
In my opinion, Mr. Trounson and the CIRM staff were clearly antagonistic to us and strongly supportive of StemCells, Lon S. Schneider, a scientist at USCs Keck School of Medicine, told the California Stem Cell Report ,a blog that follows news related to the stem cell agency.
And Times columnist Michael Hiltzik pointed out that the agency has hired its own law firm to conduct the investigation, rather than a completely independent party.
The unanswered question burning a hole through CIRM's credibility is whether StemCells Inc. got its money because its research was promising, or because it knew the right people, Hiltzik wrote.
The stem cell agency has also voted to cut $5 million from a $70-million effort to create a series of statewide stem cell clinics, according to the California Stem Cell Report. And even though the board has 29 members, only eight could vote because of conflicts of interest among the others, according to the report.
Following a thorough review it is my opinion that the $70-million price tag is not clearly justified in terms of the benefits it will deliver to the people of California, Mills wrote in a memo to the agency's board.
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California stem cell agency head takes stand on 'personal ethics'