Replacing insulin through stem cell-derived pancreatic cells under the skin
By NEVAGiles23
Contact: Susan Gammon Ph.D. 858-795-5012 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
LA JOLLA, Calif., March 25, 2014 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham) and UC San Diego School of Medicine scientists have shown that by encapsulating immature pancreatic cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESC), and implanting them under the skin in animal models of diabetes, sufficient insulin is produced to maintain glucose levels without unwanted potential trade-offs of the technology. The research suggests that encapsulated hESC-derived insulin-producing cells hold great promise as an effective and safe cell-replacement therapy for insulin-dependent diabetes.
"Our study critically evaluates some of the potential pitfalls of using stem cells to treat insulin-dependent diabetes," said Pamela Itkin-Ansari, Ph.D., adjunct assistant professor in the Development, Aging, and Regenerative Program at Sanford-Burnham, with a joint appointment at UC San Diego.
"We have shown that encapsulated hESC-derived pancreatic cells are able to produce insulin in response to elevated glucose without an increase in the mass or their escape from the capsule. These results are important because it means that the encapsulated cells are both fully functional and retrievable," said Itkin-Ansari.
In the study, published online in Stem Cell Research, Itkin-Ansari and her team used bioluminescent imaging to see if encapsulated cells stay in the capsule after implantation.
Previous attempts to replace insulin-producing cells, called beta cells, have met with significant challenges. For example, researchers have tried treating diabetics with mature beta cells, but because mature cells are fragile and scarce, the method is fraught with problems. Moreover, since the cells come from organ donors, they may be recognized as foreign by the recipient's immune systemrequiring patients to take immunosuppressive drugs to prevent their immune system from attacking the donor's cells, ultimately leaving patients vulnerable to infections, tumors, and other adverse events.
Encapsulation technology was developed to protect donor cells from exposure to the immune systemand has proven extremely successful in preclinical studies.
Itkin-Ansari and her research team previously made an important contribution to the encapsulation approach by showing that pancreatic islet progenitor cells are an optimal cell type for encapsulation. They found that progenitor cells were more robust than mature beta cells to encapsulate, and while encapsulated, they matured into insulin-producing cells, which secreted insulin only when needed.
Originally posted here:
Replacing insulin through stem cell-derived pancreatic cells under the skin
Finger-prick technique opens door for DIY stem cell donors
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Harvesting samples for producing stem cells can be rather painful. Techniques can involve collecting large amounts of blood, bone marrow or skin scrapes. The reality is intrusive measures such as these can be very off-putting. But what if it was as simple as a finger-prick? Such a DIY approach, which is so easy it can be done at home or in the field without medical staff, has been developed by researchers at Singapore's A*STAR Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB).
Unlike previous techniques that require comparatively large cell samples, the ICMB team has managed to successfully reprogram mature human cells into hiPSCs with high efficiency using less than a single drop of blood. Pluripotent stem cells are important in many forms of medical research and treatment as they have the potential to become any other cell type in the body.
"It all began when we wondered if we could reduce the volume of blood used for reprogramming," says Dr Loh Yuin Han Jonathan, Principal Investigator at IMCB. "We then tested if donors could collect their own blood sample in a normal room environment and store it. Our finger-prick technique, in fact, utilized less than a drop of finger-pricked blood."
It is hoped that this much less invasive method of sample collection will help attract more donors to increase the samples available to researchers. Blood samples have been found to remain viable for 48 hours after collection and in culture this can be extended to 12 days, opening up remote areas for potential cell harvesting. This could benefit research and treatment with the recruitment of donors with varied ethnicities, genotypes and diseases now possible. It is hoped the technique will also lead to the establishment of large-scale hiPSC banks.
"We were able to differentiate the hiPSCs reprogrammed from Jonathans finger-prick technique, into functional heart cells," says Dr Stuart Alexander Cook, Senior Consultant at the National Heart Centre Singapore and co-author of the paper. "This is a well-designed, applicable technique that can unlock unrealized potential of biobanks around the world for hiPSC studies at a scale that was previously not possible."
The team has filed a patent for their innovation and their paper has been published online at Stem Cell Translational Medicine.
Source: A*STAR
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Finger-prick technique opens door for DIY stem cell donors
'Stem Cell Tourism' Takes Advantage of Patients, Says Law Professor
By daniellenierenberg
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Newswise MADISON, Wis. Desperate patients are easy prey for unscrupulous clinics offering untested and risky stem cell treatments, says law and bioethics Professor Alta Charo of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who is studying stem cell tourism.
Stem cells are cells that can form many types of cells in the body, and that makes them inherently promising and dangerous. Stem cell tourism refers to people traveling, both within the U.S. and abroad, in pursuit of advertised stem cell therapies to purportedly treat a variety of medical conditions.
The evidence for therapeutic use of stem cells is very limited, except for bone marrow stem cells, but patients all over the world are convinced stem cells will cure their disease, says Charo. While there are some very promising results in the early clinical trials for stem cell therapies using embryonic and other kinds of stem cells, the treatments being advertised by these clinics are dubious, mostly ineffective, and sometimes positively harmful.
Patients are being hoodwinked, but there are dilemmas about tackling (the treatments) at regulatory or political levels.
The outrage over failures in stem cell tourism is limited, Charo says. Patients may pay tens of thousands of dollars for procedures that may carry no promise of success or carry grievous risks of failure. Most people have no reason to pay attention, and those who are paying attention are sick, so they are focused on trying anything, Charo says. If it does not work, they are already in a bad position with plenty to think about.
During a search for stem cell therapies on the web, Charo found products that supposedly enhance the natural formation of stem cells in the skin alongside approved and unapproved treatments in the United States, and stem cell clinics outside the United States, like a stem cell treatment for spinal conditions that might be innocuous, but is probably useless.
Some American operators are trying to slip through Food and Drug Administration regulation, says Charo, who served as senior policy advisor in the Office of the Commissioner of the FDA between 2009 and 2011. The FDA regulates medical devices, tissue transplants and drugs, but not organ transplants or the way medicine is practiced.
To sell a product that can heal without claiming it is a drug, some clinics remove stem cells from a patient, grow them with minimal manipulation, and then reinsert the resulting cells back to the same patient. There has been a long-running battle over whether that is a tissue transplant akin to organ transplantation and thus the practice of medicine, or a tissue transplant that is acting like drug, Charo says. If the latter, then what you do is subject to FDA [regulation], so you have to prove that your product is safe and effective, which almost always requires expensive clinical trials.
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'Stem Cell Tourism' Takes Advantage of Patients, Says Law Professor
Should stem cell therapy be used in DLCBL? – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Should stem cell therapy be used in DLCBL?
Response based on the findings of the case study presented by Prof. Marek Trnn Transcript: The question to consider is whether a stem cell transplant is su...
By: Emmet Dunne
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Should stem cell therapy be used in DLCBL? - Video
A/Professor Dr Chin on Stem Cell Therapy – Video
By daniellenierenberg
A/Professor Dr Chin on Stem Cell Therapy
Interview on Bernama TV - Dr Chin Sze Piaw, Consultant Physician Cardiologist SUBSCRIBE: FACEBOOK: http://face...
By: Beverly Wilshire
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A/Professor Dr Chin on Stem Cell Therapy - Video
Heart Stem cell therapy – Video
By raymumme
Heart Stem cell therapy
Clara answers some questions regarding the stem-cell therapy she received for congenital heart disease. For more info visit:
By: stemaid
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Heart Stem cell therapy - Video
Stem Cell Therapy and Hair Transplantation Methods – Video
Stem Cell Therapy and Hair Transplantation Methods
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By: TV5 News
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Stem Cell Therapy and Hair Transplantation Methods - Video
Wounded Pa. soldier seeks Chinese stem cell cure
YORK, Pa. (AP) - A York County soldier left partially paralyzed when he was shot in Afghanistan nearly two years ago is banking on stem cells to help him regain movement.
Matthew Hanes, 22, of Manchester Township will head to China in April to undergo surgery to repair part of his damaged spinal cord.
Doctors essentially will use minor surgery and stem cell therapy to build a bridge over two vertebrae that were shattered when Hanes was shot.
At the minimum Ill get at least some feeling back where I dont have it in certain places, but I could get everything back if it goes well, Hanes said.
U.S. Army Cpl. Hanes was shot while on patrol in Afghanistan in June 2012. He was left with limited use of his upper body and no use of his lower extremities.
RESEARCH: Soon after he returned to the U.S., Hanes began researching stem cell therapy as possible treatment.
Thats how he found Puhua International Hospital in Beijing, where he will fly on April 1 for the treatment. Hes slated to return stateside later that month.
Its coming up slowly now that I know its on, Hanes said.
During his research, Hanes said he found the U.S. is so far behind on stem cell research compared to some countries in Asia, such as China, and Europe.
For years, the federal government imposed tight restrictions on stem cell research until it was loosened in 2009 by President Barrack Obama.
Here is the original post:
Wounded Pa. soldier seeks Chinese stem cell cure
Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy
Short fun video about Stemaid #39;s Embryonic Stem Cells Visit
By: stemaid
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Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy - Video
Arthritic shoulders; Len discusses his results 9 months after stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Arthritic shoulders; Len discusses his results 9 months after stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson
Arthritic shoulders; Len discusses his results 9 months after stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson
By: Harry Adelson, N.D.
Excerpt from:
Arthritic shoulders; Len discusses his results 9 months after stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson - Video
Should stem cell therapy be used in DLBCL? – Video
By daniellenierenberg
Should stem cell therapy be used in DLBCL?
By: Lymphoma Hub
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Should stem cell therapy be used in DLBCL? - Video
The furor over fresh-cell therapy (which is NOT stem cell therapy)
The Philippines is the biggest market for the popular, if highly controversial, alternative treatment in Germany called fresh-cell therapy (FCT). Fresh cells derived from the fetus of an unborn lamb are injected into patients, and are said to cure a large number of illnesses.
Despite the high cost of the treatment, wealthy Filipinos are undeterred, and typically arrive in droves in a sleepy town outside Frankfurt, their hopes of being cured or rejuvenated pinned on the life of every donor sheep.
Given its renown, its no surprise that questions about the efficacy and safety of FCT has been the subject of discussions among health professionals. There have also been rumors of deaths after FCT.
The proponents of FCT in Germany, however, claim that all talk about patient deaths and questionable safety standards are unfounded, and an uncouth effort to discredit FCT so that the same medical professionals here could promote stem-cell therapy, which is allowed in the country. They deny the rumors of deaths and challenge their accusers to show proof. They also maintain that FCT is a decades-old, legitimate and safe naturopathic treatment.
Theres also a rivalry in Edenkoben between the famous clinic Villa Medica and the breakaway practice of Dr. Robert Janson-Mller, who used to work at the same clinic.
Dr. Mller now administers FCT in a hotel, which doubles as his clinic. This gave rise to talks questioning the standards of a practice that is done in a hotel, not a hospital. Some accounts also say that there have been Filipino patients fooled into believing they were bound for Villa Medica, only to find themselves in Dr. Mullers hotel.
Inquirer Lifestyle visits the two rival clinics in Germany, and we experience firsthand what FCT is all about.
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The furor over fresh-cell therapy (which is NOT stem cell therapy)
Stem cell findings may offer answers for some bladder defects, disease
By NEVAGiles23
For the first time, scientists have succeeded in coaxing laboratory cultures of human stem cells to develop into the specialized, unique cells needed to repair a patient's defective or diseased bladder.
The breakthrough, developed at the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures and published today in the scientific journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, is significant because it provides a pathway to regenerate replacement bladder tissue for patients whose bladders are too small or do not function properly, such as children with spina bifida and adults with spinal cord injuries or bladder cancer.
"Our goal is to use human stem cells to regenerate tissue in the lab that can be transplanted into patients to augment or replace their malfunctioning bladders," said Eric Kurzrock, professor and chief of the division of pediatric urologic surgery at UC Davis Children's Hospital and lead scientist of the study, which is titled "Induction of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Urothelium."
To develop the bladder cells, Kurzrock and his UC Davis colleagues investigated two categories of human stem cells. In their key experiments, they used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which were derived from lab cultures of human skin cells and umbilical blood cells that had been genetically reprogrammed to convert to an embryonic stem cell-like state.
If additional research demonstrates that grafts of bladder tissue grown from human stem cells will be safe and effective for patient care, Kurzrock said that the source of the grafts would be iPS cells derived from a patient's own skin or umbilical cord blood cells. This type of tissue would be optimal, he said, because it lowers the risk of immunological rejection that typifies most transplants.
In their investigation, Kurzrock and his colleagues developed a protocol to prod the pluripotent cells into becoming bladder cells. Their procedure was efficient and, most importantly, the cells proliferated over a long period of time -- a critical element in any tissue engineering application.
"What's exciting about this discovery is that it also opens up an array of opportunities using pluripotent cells," said Jan Nolta, professor and director of the UC Davis Stem Cell program and a co-author on the new study. "When we can reliably direct and differentiate pluripotent stem cells, we have more options to develop new and effective regenerative medicine therapies. The protocols we used to create bladder tissue also provide insight into other types of tissue regeneration."
UC Davis researchers first used human embryonic stem cells obtained from the National Institutes of Health's repository of human stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can become any cell type in the body (i.e., they are pluripotent), and the team successfully coaxed these embryonic stem cells into bladder cells. They then used the same protocol to coax iPS cells made from skin and umbilical cord blood into bladder cells, called urothelium, that line the inside of the bladder. The cells expressed a very unique protein and marker of bladder cells called uroplakin, which makes the bladder impermeable to toxins in the urine.
The UC Davis researchers adjusted the culture system in which the stem cells were developing to encourage the cells to proliferate, differentiate and express the bladder protein without depending upon signals from other human cells, said Kurzrock. In future research, Kurzrock and his colleagues plan to modify the laboratory cultures so that they will not need animal and human products, which will allow use of the cells in patients.
Kurzrock's primary focus as a physician is with children suffering from spina bifida and other pediatric congenital disorders. Currently, when he surgically reconstructs a child's defective bladder, he must use a segment of their own intestine. Because the function of intestine, which absorbs food, is almost the opposite of bladder, bladder reconstruction with intestinal tissue may lead to serious complications, including urinary stone formation, electrolyte abnormalities and cancer. Developing a stem cell alternative not only will be less invasive, but should prove to be more effective, too, he said.
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Stem cell findings may offer answers for some bladder defects, disease
Stem cell findings may offer answers for some bladder defects and disease
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Contact: Charles Casey 916-734-9048 University of California - Davis Health System
(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) For the first time, scientists have succeeded in coaxing laboratory cultures of human stem cells to develop into the specialized, unique cells needed to repair a patient's defective or diseased bladder.
The breakthrough, developed at the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures and published today in the scientific journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, is significant because it provides a pathway to regenerate replacement bladder tissue for patients whose bladders are too small or do not function properly, such as children with spina bifida and adults with spinal cord injuries or bladder cancer.
"Our goal is to use human stem cells to regenerate tissue in the lab that can be transplanted into patients to augment or replace their malfunctioning bladders," said Eric Kurzrock, professor and chief of the division of pediatric urologic surgery at UC Davis Children's Hospital and lead scientist of the study, which is titled "Induction of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Urothelium."
To develop the bladder cells, Kurzrock and his UC Davis colleagues investigated two categories of human stem cells. In their key experiments, they used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which were derived from lab cultures of human skin cells and umbilical blood cells that had been genetically reprogrammed to convert to an embryonic stem cell-like state.
If additional research demonstrates that grafts of bladder tissue grown from human stem cells will be safe and effective for patient care, Kurzrock said that the source of the grafts would be iPS cells derived from a patient's own skin or umbilical cord blood cells. This type of tissue would be optimal, he said, because it lowers the risk of immunological rejection that typifies most transplants.
In their investigation, Kurzrock and his colleagues developed a protocol to prod the pluripotent cells into becoming bladder cells. Their procedure was efficient and, most importantly, the cells proliferated over a long period of time a critical element in any tissue engineering application.
"What's exciting about this discovery is that it also opens up an array of opportunities using pluripotent cells," said Jan Nolta, professor and director of the UC Davis Stem Cell program and a co-author on the new study. "When we can reliably direct and differentiate pluripotent stem cells, we have more options to develop new and effective regenerative medicine therapies. The protocols we used to create bladder tissue also provide insight into other types of tissue regeneration."
Excerpt from:
Stem cell findings may offer answers for some bladder defects and disease
Now, stem cells created from a drop of blood
By raymumme
Home > News > health-news
Washington, March 21 : Researchers have developed a method to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from a single drop of finger-pricked blood.
The method also enables donors to collect their own blood samples, which they can then send to a laboratory for further processing.
The easy access to blood samples using the new technique could potentially boost the recruitment of greater numbers and diversities of donors, and could lead to the establishment of large-scale hiPSC banks.
By genetic reprogramming, matured human cells, usually blood cells, can be transformed into hiPSCs.
Current sample collection for reprogramming into hiPSCs include invasive measures such as collecting cells from the bone marrow or skin, which may put off many potential donors.
Although hiPSCs may also be generated from blood cells, large quantities of blood are usually required. Scientists at Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) showed for the first time that single-drop volumes of blood are sufficient for reprogramming into hiPSCs.
The finger-prick technique is the world's first to use only a drop of finger-pricked blood to yield hiPSCs with high efficiency.
The accessibility of the new technique is further enhanced with a DIY sample collection approach. Donors may collect their own finger-pricked blood, which they can then store and send it to a laboratory for reprogramming. The blood sample remains stable for 48 hours and can be expanded for 12 days in culture, which therefore extends the finger-prick technique to a wide range of geographical regions for recruitment of donors with varied ethnicities, genotypes and diseases.
The paper has been published online in the Stem Cell Translational Medicine journal.
See original here:
Now, stem cells created from a drop of blood
UC Davis Stem-Cell Researchers Findings May Offer Answers for Some Bladder Defects and Disease
Sacramento, CA (PRWEB) March 21, 2014
For the first time, scientists have succeeded in coaxing laboratory cultures of human stem cells to develop into the specialized, unique cells needed to repair a patients defective or diseased bladder.
The breakthrough, developed at the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures and published today in the scientific journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, is significant because it provides a pathway to regenerate replacement bladder tissue for patients whose bladders are too small or do not function properly, such as children with spina bifida and adults with spinal cord injuries or bladder cancer.
Our goal is to use human stem cells to regenerate tissue in the lab that can be transplanted into patients to augment or replace their malfunctioning bladders, said Eric Kurzrock, professor and chief of the division of pediatric urologic surgery at UC Davis Children's Hospital and lead scientist of the study, which is titled Induction of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Urothelium.
To develop the bladder cells, Kurzrock and his UC Davis colleagues investigated two categories of human stem cells. In their key experiments, they used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which were derived from lab cultures of human skin cells and umbilical blood cells that had been genetically reprogrammed to convert to an embryonic stem cell-like state.
If additional research demonstrates that grafts of bladder tissue grown from human stem cells will be safe and effective for patient care, Kurzrock said that the source of the grafts would be iPS cells derived from a patients own skin or umbilical cord blood cells. This type of tissue would be optimal, he said, because it lowers the risk of immunological rejection that typifies most transplants.
In their investigation, Kurzrock and his colleagues developed a protocol to prod the pluripotent cells into becoming bladder cells. Their procedure was efficient and, most importantly, the cells proliferated over a long period of time a critical element in any tissue engineering application.
Whats exciting about this discovery is that it also opens up an array of opportunities using pluripotent cells, said Jan Nolta, professor and director of the UC Davis Stem Cell program and a co-author on the new study. When we can reliably direct and differentiate pluripotent stem cells, we have more options to develop new and effective regenerative medicine therapies. The protocols we used to create bladder tissue also provide insight into other types of tissue regeneration.
UC Davis researchers first used human embryonic stem cells obtained from the National Institutes of Healths repository of human stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can become any cell type in the body (i.e., they are pluripotent), and the team successfully coaxed these embryonic stem cells into bladder cells. They then used the same protocol to coax iPS cells made from skin and umbilical cord blood into bladder cells, called urothelium, that line the inside of the bladder. The cells expressed a very unique protein and marker of bladder cells called uroplakin, which makes the bladder impermeable to toxins in the urine.
The UC Davis researchers adjusted the culture system in which the stem cells were developing to encourage the cells to proliferate, differentiate and express the bladder protein without depending upon signals from other human cells, said Kurzrock. In future research, Kurzrock and his colleagues plan to modify the laboratory cultures so that they will not need animal and human products, which will allow use of the cells in patients.
See the article here:
UC Davis Stem-Cell Researchers Findings May Offer Answers for Some Bladder Defects and Disease
Stem cell study finds source of earliest blood cells during development
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Contact: Matthew Inlay 949-824-8226 University of California - Irvine
Irvine, Calif., March 20, 2014 Hematopoietic stem cells are now routinely used to treat patients with cancers and other disorders of the blood and immune systems, but researchers knew little about the progenitor cells that give rise to them during embryonic development.
In a study published April 8 in Stem Cell Reports, Matthew Inlay of the Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center and Stanford University colleagues created novel cell assays that identified the earliest arising HSC precursors based on their ability to generate all major blood cell types (red blood cells, platelets and immune cells).
This discovery of very early differentiating blood cells, Inlay said, may be very beneficial for the creation of HSC lines for clinical treatments.
"The hope is that by defining a set of markers that will allow us to make purer, cleaner populations of these precursor cells, we'll be able to reveal the key molecular events that lead to the emergence of the first HSCs in development. This could give us a step-by-step guide for creating these cells in a dish from pluripotent stem cell lines" added Inlay, who is an assistant professor of molecular biology & biochemistry at UC Irvine and conducted the study while a postdoctoral researcher in the Irving Weissman lab in the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University.
The work was performed in collaboration with Thomas Serwold, now an assistant professor in the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School.
The research reported in this article was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grants 5 T32 AI07290, R01HL058770, R01CA86085 and U01HL09999), the California Institute for Stem Cell Research (grants T1-00001, RT2-02060 to I.L.W.), the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, the Siebel Stem Cell Institute, the Thomas and Stacey Siebel Foundation, and the Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Fund for Cancer Research.
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Stem cell study finds source of earliest blood cells during development
Stem Cell Training, Inc. and Bioheart, Inc. Complete First U.S.-based Stem Cell Training Course
By daniellenierenberg
Miami (PRWEB) March 21, 2014
Stem Cell Training, Inc., a division of the Global Stem Cells Group, and Bioheart, Inc. have announced the successful completion of their first joint stem cell training course held in the U.S.
Titled Adipose Derived Harvesting, Isolation and Re-integration Training Course, for the advancement of stem cell procedures, the two companies hosted 14 students in Miami for the training, conducted by Bioheart CSO Kristin Comella.
The two-day, hands-on intensive training course was developed for physicians and high-level practitioners to learn techniques in harvesting and reintegrating stem cells derived from adipose (fat) tissue and bone marrow. The objective of the training is to bridge the gap between bench science in the laboratory and the doctors office by teaching effective in office regenerative medicine techniques.
Comella, Chief Scientific Officer for Bioheart, has more than 15 years experience in cell culturing and developing stem cell therapies for degenerative diseases, and experience in corporate entities, with expertise in regenerative medicine, training and education, research, product development and senior management.
The two companies will conduct 12 stem cell training courses in the U.S. during 2014. For more information, visit the Stem Cell Training, Inc. website, email info(at)stemcelltraining(dot)net, or call 305-224-1858.
About Stem Cell Training, Inc.:
Stem Cell Training, Inc. is a multi-dimensional company offering coursework and training in 35 cities worldwide. Coursework offered focuses on minimally invasive techniques for harvesting stem cells from adipose tissue, bone marrow and platelet-rich plasma. By equipping physicians with these techniques, the goal is to enable them to return to their practices, better able to apply these techniques in patient treatments.
The companys training courses are designed to make the best use of stem cell technology available to treat various diseases in a manner that is accessible to everyone. Stem Cell Training, Inc.s mission is to introduce the promising world of cellular medicine to everyone who can benefit from its application, and to provide high quality, effective and efficient training that complies with the highest medical standards to physicians worldwide.
About the Global Stem Cells Group:
Stem Cell Training, Inc. and Bioheart, Inc. Complete First U.S.-based Stem Cell Training Course
Stem Cell Therapy for Pets in Summit County Colorado Proves to Be a Success for Local Dog Suffering from Pain
Poway, California (PRWEB) March 21, 2014
Ruby, a 10 year old Border Collie mix from Breckenridge, Colorado, has found relief from the pain of arthritis with stem cell therapy by Vet-Stem, Inc. Rubys owners came to Jamie Gaynor, DVM at Frisco Animal Hospital for a second opinion after being told Ruby would need a total hip replacement to relieve her constant pain and discomfort. Her quality of life had diminished so rapidly they feared losing her.
Dr. Gaynor began performing stem cell therapy by Vet-Stem for pets in 2006, in Colorado Springs. Paralleling his specialties in pain management, he has now helped well over one hundred pets in the state of Colorado, and ones that traveled just to have his expertise. His credentials and experience made Dr. Gaynor the perfect fit for helping Rubys worsening bilateral hip arthritis despite aggressive drug therapy. Ruby would become Dr. Gaynors first stem cell therapy case at Frisco Animal Hospital; Summit Countys first and oldest animal hospital.
Ruby was in constant pain and discomfort. She had to be carried up stairs and could not go on car rides; her second favorite thing to do. Her quality of life was diminishing rapidly, and we thought we were losing her, explained Rubys owners.
Rubys stem cell procedure consisted of a small fatty tissue collection, which was sent overnight to Vet-Stems lab in California for processing. Once Rubys fat was processed, and stem cells were extracted, fresh doses of her stem cells were sent overnight back to Dr. Gaynor in injectable doses. Within 48hrs of collecting a fat sample from Ruby, Dr. Gaynor was able to inject stem cells into each of her arthritic, painful hips, making Ruby his first stem cell therapy case in Summit County.
Dr. Gaynor and Rubys owners were both pleased with the successful outcome of the procedure, and had the opportunity to share during her 30 day recheck. Ruby is back! She has regained her playfulness, sassy, bossy, collie attitude. She has resumed going for car rides and can stand up and stabilize herself. She jumps out of the car without hesitation. She ascends and descends the stairs like she used to, her owners remarked about Rubys physical performance.
Her entire disposition and expressions are so animated and relaxed. I forgot how she used to smile, hold her ears up, and have endless energy. She is definitely out of pain, and her mobility is at 80%! The best part is, that she continues to heal and get stronger each week. This procedure is hands down the most effective, least traumatic therapy available, especially for the older dog, Rubys owners expressed.
About Vet-Stem, Inc. Vet-Stem, Inc. was formed in 2002 to bring regenerative medicine to the veterinary profession. The privately held company is working to develop therapies in veterinary medicine that apply regenerative technologies while utilizing the natural healing properties inherent in all animals. As the first company in the United States to provide an adipose-derived stem cell service to veterinarians for their patients, Vet-Stem, Inc. pioneered the use of regenerative stem cells in veterinary medicine. The company holds exclusive licenses to over 50 patents including world-wide veterinary rights for use of adipose derived stem cells. In the last decade over 10,000 animals have been treated using Vet-Stem, Inc.s services, and Vet-Stem is actively investigating stem cell therapy for immune-mediated and inflammatory disease, as well as organ disease and failure. For more on Vet-Stem, Inc. and Veterinary Regenerative Medicine visit or call 858-748-2004.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Pets in Summit County Colorado Proves to Be a Success for Local Dog Suffering from Pain
Cipla bets big on cell therapy
By raymumme
In India, stem cell biz may touch $8 b by 2015
Mumbai, March 21:
Stem cells are set to be a major branch of medical treatment, says Cipla Chairman YK Hamied. Regenerative medicine, or cell therapy, is a rapidly emerging area of biomedical research and would be an ideal supplement for existing medical treatments, he added.
Cell therapy refers to treatments that are founded on the concept of producing new cells to replace malfunctioning or damaged cells as a vehicle to treat disease and injury.
We have a research unit in Malaysia that is conducting research on stem cells, Hamied said while speaking about Stempeutics Research with which it has an alliance. The Manipal Group-promoted Stempeutics is developing stem cell-based medicinal products with facilities in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Bangalore.
We are partners in the Bangalore company, he said. The enormous potential of stem cells in the treatment of chronic and several incurable diseases is boosting the overall stem cells therapy market, he added.
Poised to reach an estimated $88.3 billion by 2015, the global stem cells market has been growing at a compounded annual growth rate of 14.8 per cent, driven by the increasing demand of stem cell therapy.
In India, the stem cell business is expected to touch $8 billion (48,880 crore today) by 2015. With three phase II clinical trials in progress in India for critical limb Ischemia (meaning restriction in blood supply to tissues), osteoarthritis and liver cirrhosis Stempeutics aims to bring the first product into the Indian and Malaysian markets by 2015.
Under the alliance, Cipla has invested over 50 crore in Stempeutics, with a focus on research of stem cell-based products, and has done something similar in China, where it has streamlined its investments towards its core business. The drug-maker recently exited a significant part of its investment in its Chinese partner Desano Holdings.
Despite the lack of legislation and awareness, besides quality and ethical issues that have deterred growth of the stem cell therapy business in India, the country remains the top priority for the Mumbai-based drug-maker, the Cipla Chairman told Business Line.
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Cipla bets big on cell therapy