Newborns Could Soon Be Screened for Rare Pompe Enzyme Deficiency Disorder
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Shortly after a baby’s first wail at birth she or he receives a tiny prick on the heel. A few drops of blood are caught on special filter paper to screen for myriad diseases. [More]
Tracking the Fruits of California Stem Cell Agency Research
By Dr. Matthew Watson
cell agency yesterday shed some interesting light on the awards in its $41
million round this week and their pathway to actually producing a product that
can be used to treat persons who are suffering from diseases.
long journey to generate usable therapies, a process poorly understood by the
public, which was promised in 2004 that the stem cell agency would produce
cures for ailments afflicting half the population of the state.
She said,
“Many scientists who
receive our early translation awards first got their idea for a therapy while
carrying out research with one of our other awards. In fact, eight of the
scientists in this round of funding had previous CIRM funding for an earlier
stage of research. If a scientist's early translation award provides good
results, the scientists are then able to apply for one of our disease team
awards, which fund the effort of compiling data to convince the Food and Drug
Administration to allow them to test it in people. Other organizations
fund only early discovery research or only preclinical research. Under those
conditions, researchers continually pause their projects to look for new
sources of funding as the project moves through the phases toward clinical
the California stem cell agency is its promise of a continued stream of
funding. Former Chairman Robert Klein used to tout that particular aspect of
the agency, particularly in light of limited federal resources.
implicitly raise important questions concerning CIRM’s entire portfolio. How
many CIRM grants have led to additional funding from CIRM? How many are
basically one-off shots that have not led to research that has advanced the
development of stem cell therapies, either via CIRM or other funding. What is the
therapeutic and scientific significance of the research that is linked by more
than one CIRM award? What previously
funded CIRM research could be fruitfully funded again to advance the science
and not necessarily through the traditional grant rounds, which sometimes have
awkward timing?
item is an application from a UC Irvine researcher that came up at Wednesday’s
meeting of the governing board of the stem cell agency. The woman, whose name
was not clearly audible on the Internet audiocast, publicly appealed rejection
of her application by reviewers. She noted that it was an extension of work
that was previously funded by the agency. She also noted that the score on her
review was all but identical to work that was funded. The board, however,
turned her appeal aside, which had already been rejected behind closed doors by
CIRM staff.
such case in CIRM history. But they are virtually impossible to track systematically
because of the structure of the CIRM grant-making progress. It is also not
clear whether the agency itself is tracking its research awards to determine if
they result in continuing, fruitful research in a specific area. Nonetheless,
the matter deserves some public attention.
UCLA Takes Four of 13 Awards Today; One Business Wins
By Dr. Matthew Watson
The California stem cell agency has
made it official, sending out its press release on the $41 million in grants
approved today for institutions throughout the state.
the agency. Individual board members, however, are barred from voting on specific grants
to their organizations.
institution received more than one, including only one business, Numerate, Inc., of San Bruno,
via John
Griffin, the firm's chief scientific officer. The lack of awards
to businesses has long been a sore subject in the biotech community.
identified one of the five researchers who lost their appeals on negative grant
review decisions. He is Evan
Snyder, leader of stem cell research at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research
Institute in La Jolla, who
had a $5 million request before the agency.
Stem Cell Agency Seeks Stronger Ties with Possible Industry Funding Partners
By Dr. Matthew Watson
The California stem cell agency today triggered a new program aimed at recruiting major biotech and venture capital firms to assist in providing tens of millions of dollars for research by California enterprises.
The effort, part of an $80 million business-friendly initiative, was approved by the agency's governing board on a voice vote.
UCLA Snags $3.6 Million from California Stem Cell Agency
By Dr. Matthew Watson
UCLA scored today with at least two grants, totaling $3.6 million, from the California stem cell agency.
Seeking the cash were Donald Kohn, application 6823, and Gerald Lipshutz, application 6831. Both of the grants are for $1.8 million each.
$41 Million in California Stem Cell Grants Virtually Approved
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Directors of the California stem cell agency today all but approved about $41 million in early translational grants, rejecting all appeals by applicants and accepting staff recommendations on marginal grants.
The roll call vote was held open this morning to record a vote by one board member who was not present at the time. It is virtually certain that the member will vote in favor of affirmative action on the applications in question.
One member of the board, Joan Samuelson, abstained from voting on any of the applications. She said she did not think the board had adequate information on its total grant portfolio, particularly in view of the declining amount of money available.
The agency has about $600 million in uncommitted funds and is scheduled to run out of cash for new grants in 2017.
The research acted on today is aimed at “proof of concept for development of a therapy candidate and/or studies to select a development candidate. The approved grants can be found on this CIRM website page and are listed in tier one and tier two. Identities of the applicants are withheld by CIRM to avoid embarrassing rejected candidates and to avoid disclosing the names of applicants to board members before they vote. However, applicants often appear before the board, as they did today, and identify themselves.
Five applicants appealed negative decisions on their applications by grant reviewers. The agency declined to disclose the appeal letters or identify the applicants, information that was a public record under the previous appeal procedures. New processes were put in place this spring that moved the appeals behind closed doors and made them subject to staff instead of board review. Nonetheless, rejected researchers have a legal right to address the board on appeals or any other matters.
At the request of the California Stem Cell Report, the agency provided the numbers of the grants on which appeals were filed. They are: 06787, 06888, 06761, 06793 and 06830. Review summaries on the applications can be found here.
We have asked the agency to provide its legal and policy justification for now withholding information that was once a public record.
Stem Cell Agency Pays Tribute to the Late Duane Roth
By Dr. Matthew Watson
The governing board of the California stem cell agency today paid tribute to the late Duane Roth, co- vice chairman of the agency, who died recently as the result of a bicycle accident.
With members of Roth's family present, CIRM Chairman J.T. Thomas characterized Roth, 63, as a "voice of reason" on the 29-member board. The video included testimonials from both staff and board members.
He was described as a "kind person" who could find "common ground" on difficult issues. Roth was deeply involved in San Diego affairs that went well beyond the stem cell agency. More than 1,000 persons attended memorial services for Roth earlier this month in San Diego.
CIRM President Alan Trounson said following the video that he will "miss (Roth) terribly" and expressed "hope that his memory will lighten and brighten the day for all of us."
Jeanne Loring, a stem cell researcher at Scripps, said Roth "inspired us to do more than we thought we could do." She said he was an unusual kind of businessman who respected science. "I wish I could thank him one more time," she said.Source:
Skin in California’s Stem Cell Game
By Dr. Matthew Watson
financial future makes a big, $200 million assumption.
public-private partnership to continue with the agency’s work after 2017, when
its cash basically runs out.
assumptions for development of the proposed partnership, which is now in the very early stages of being crafted by a Marin County consultant, James Gollub.
He was told that whatever he comes up with can assume a onetime, $50 million to
$200 million public contribution.
the 1940s -- is how to raise that sort of cash. Consider two unappetizing possibilities.
The 29 members of the agency’s governing board could go to Sacramento and ask
lawmakers and the governor to give them the money, a prospect that most of them
would not relish. Such a move would open the door to tinkering or more with the
agency’s structure and operations. Or
the board could seek more bond financing via a statewide election, requiring an
electoral campaign that would cost many millions to mount. In both cases, there
is no guarantee that funds would be forthcoming. Money is still tight in
California government, and voters may not fancy spending more on stem cell
research, especially if the agency has not delivered on the promises of the
2004 ballot campaign that created the $3 billion program.
be difficult considering pressures to spend all that the agency has. The
board of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), as the agency
is formally known, has about $600 million in uncommitted cash. It could take
$200 million off the table and reserve it as seed money for whatever future
plans would involve. Or the board could simply roll back commitments it has
made for lower priority grant rounds – ones that have not yet been initiated.
Some are in concept stages, and others have not yet been posted as RFAs.
the condition of all board members. The question of priorities on spending came
up last month in connection with the agency’s generous, $69 million researcher
recruitment effort that benefits many institutions represented on the agency’s
board. Jeff Sheehy, who is a patient advocate member of the board but also a
communications manager at UC San Francisco, and others bridled at adding more money to the
recruitment program. Sheehy cited scarcity of funds and said it was a “distraction”
from more important efforts. His view, however, did not prevail.
totaling only $37 million. Board members, if they wish, could indicate that the
surplus $33 million be designated as a down payment on the future of the agency
– an organization in which they take great pride.
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India
Improvement seen after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy PT assessment: Objective...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
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Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Transverse Myelitis by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India - Video
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India – Video
By NEVAGiles23
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India
Improvement seen in just 6 months after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Earli...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma – Video
By raymumme
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma
Improvement seen in just 3 months after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Num...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
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Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma - Video
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebellar Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India – Video
By daniellenierenberg
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebellar Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India
Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Ball throw...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
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Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebellar Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India - Video
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Peripheral Nerve Injury by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Peripheral Nerve Injury by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai
Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Peripheral Nerve Injury by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Dee...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
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Short video of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Peripheral Nerve Injury by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai - Video
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India – Video
By raymumme
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India
Improvement seen in just 3 months after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. He ca...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
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Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India - Video
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India – Video
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India
Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Command foll...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
See the article here:
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Palsy by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai India - Video
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Dopamine Responsive Dystonia by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai – Video
By NEVAGiles23
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Dopamine Responsive Dystonia by Dr Alok Sharma Mumbai
Improvement seen after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Dopamine Responsive Dystonia by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. His neck and...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – Video
By NEVAGiles23
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Improvement seen in just 3 months after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
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Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - Video
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma. He is a known case of MD with history of gradual onset of progressive lower extremities...
By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
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Short video on Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Dr Alok Sharma - Video
Adult Stem Cell Therapy for COPD: Stage-4 patient – Video
By daniellenierenberg
Adult Stem Cell Therapy for COPD: Stage-4 patient
Stage 4 COPD patient Ron Delkie arrived at the Regenerative Medicine Institute at Hospital Angeles Tijuana by ambulance, with very little hope of long term s...
By: nuehealth
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Adult Stem Cell Therapy for COPD: Stage-4 patient - Video
Stem Cell Therapy Day 0 -1 :-) – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Stem Cell Therapy Day 0 -1 🙂
Montana starting to build new hips.
By: MoviesByMontana4Dogs
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Stem Cell Therapy Day 0 -1 🙂 - Video