Risks and benefits of stem cell therapy – Video
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Risks and benefits of stem cell therapy
Tony Velasquez and Karmina Constantino talk to Philippine Stem Cell Society founding member president of Philippine Academy of Aesthetice Academy Dr. Levi ...
By: ANCalerts
Experience in Stem Cell Therapy – Video
By daniellenierenberg
Experience in Stem Cell Therapy
#3588; #3640; #3603; #3649; #3614; #3607; #3652; #3604; #3657; #3649; #3594; #3619; #3660; #3611; #3619; #3632; #3626; #3610; #3585; #3634; #3619; #3603; #3660; #3649; #3621; #3632; #3612; #3621; #3621; #3633; #3614; #3608; #3660; #3607; #3637; #3656; #3588; #3640; #3603; #3649; #3617; #3656; #3588; #3640; #3603; #3649; #3614; #3607; #3652; #3604; #3657; #3619; #3633; #3610; #3585; #3634; #3619; #3619; #3633; #3585; #3625; #3634; #3650; #3604; #3618; #3585; #3634; #3619; #3593; #3637; #3604; Stem Cell #3651; #3609; #3591; #3634; #3609; "Thailand Innovative Medical Tourism" #3607; #3637; #3656; #3592; #3633; #3604; #3586; #3638; #3657; #3609; #3651; #3609; #3623; #3633; #3609; #3648; #3626; #3634; #3619; #3660; #3607; #3637; #3656; 29 #3617; #3636; #3606;...
By: Pat R
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Experience in Stem Cell Therapy - Video
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Head Injury by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. – Video
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Head Injury by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India.
Improvement seen after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Head Injury by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1) Sensations all over the body...
By: neurogenbsi
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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Head Injury by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. - Video
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Dopamine Responsive Dystonia by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Dopamine Responsive Dystonia by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India.
Improvement seen after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Dopamine Responsive Dystonia by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. His neck and...
By: neurogenbsi
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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Dopamine Responsive Dystonia by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. - Video
Flax Day 0 Stem cell Therapy 360p – Video
By raymumme
Flax Day 0 Stem cell Therapy 360p
By: WichitaEquineSm
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Flax Day 0 Stem cell Therapy 360p - Video
Giving hope: The promise of stem cell therapy – Video
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Giving hope: The promise of stem cell therapy
MANILA - As stem cell treatment begins to gain traction among Filipinos, a surgeon believes the country is now entering a new phase in medicine.
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Giving hope: The promise of stem cell therapy - Video
Please like the official Facebook page of Philippine Medical Association https://www.facebook.com/PhilippineMedicalAssociation Anthony Taberna discusses Lega...
By: PhilMedAssociation
The rest is here:
By Sykes24Tracey
By: Jesus G. Dureza Posted: July 1, 2013 8:28 am
Over the last few days, Fresh Stem Cell Therapy (FCT) got into the headlines due to some controversy involving alleged deaths and complaints mentioning prominent names blaming stem cell treatment for their alleged negative effects.Naturally, just like any controversy, the stories unduly put under cloud this innovative and pioneering science of regenerative medicine that is reputed to treat illnesses, bring well being and rejuvenation.
MY FRIENDS The current news reports caught public attention and went viral. Many friends who were following Beths FCT experience and who were planning to also undergo FCT were calling. They were bothered by the reports. I was myself personally disturbed because all of them who were mentioned as having experienced negative results, I knew in person. Congressman ERICO AUMENTADO of Bohol and Camiguin Congressman LOLOY ROMUALDO both were my close friends and whom I worked with when I was with the government. And the controversy all the more struck me because I and my wife Beth saw and experienced for ourselves the positive NOT NEGATIVE results of FCT seven months after treatment at VILLA MEDICA in Germany.
Let me trace back. I knew Congressman Erico well even when he was still Bohol Governor. His successful efforts in clearing his province of armed insurgency gained national attention. When I was Malacanang Presidential Peace Adviser, I used the Bohol experience as example of a success story. So, when initial reports surfaced about FCT having caused his death, I sat up and took special attention. Later, his son came out publicly DENYING the story saying his father died of pneumonia and NOT due to FCT. He said his fathers lungs were already in serious condition but after getting a first infusion of FCT, his condition suddenly and dramatically improved and he was hitting the election campaign trail like superman. In fact they were preparing to again return to Germany for another infusion encouraged by its initial favorable results when death intervened and overtook events.
The other prominent name mentioned with FCT was former Congressman Loloy. We were together as colleagues in Congress. The Romualdo family had dominated politically the Camiguin island province for a long time up to the present. The circumstances of his undergoing stem cell treatment , however, are not yet clear. My cursory check results showed that he did NOT get FCT from Villa Medica in Germany. This will have to be further validated though.
The other prominent name was former Customs official (and now with Dangerous Drugs Board) ANTONIO BEBOT VILLAR. We were together in the Arroyo administration. He said he and his wife had FCT in a 5-star hotel in Metro Manila, by German and Thai doctors but NOT in Germany. His condition allegedly worsened after the treatment. MY OWN STORY I will not venture to further deal on those incidents simply because they are now subject of further close look by the authorities. And I am not privy with the true facts surrounding their cases. But I will deal on some information that are of my own personal knowledge and the personal experience I and my wife BETH can competently attest to.
As I have written previously, I and my wife Beth traveled all the way to EDENKOBEN, GERMANY last November, 2012 some seven (7) months ago for FCT in the VILLA MEDICA (VM) clinic facilities as an alternative remedy to her deteriorating kidney condition. We were NOT assured that there would be positive results by VM representatives but we took the chance after I made extensive research and consultations with doctors and experts. We even traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to make further inquiries. We were encouraged by reports of well-being and regenerative effects on vital organs. And we took efforts to talk to those who themselves underwent the procedure. We gathered that VILLA MEDICA and its FCT, using fresh stem cell from the fetus of clinically controlled and raised sheep had been recognized, authorized, licensed and closely monitored by stringent standards imposed by GERMAN HEALTH AUTHORITIES of the German government. VILLA MEDICA, founded in 1963 had also a long track record of about 50 YEARS. Fresh cell therapy was pioneered by Dr PAUL NIEHANS in 1931. Another doctor in 1980, GUNTER BIOBEL scientifically dissected the technology and was awarded in 1999 the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
After some soul-searching and weighing our options, we decided and took the trouble of traveling to Germany at some cost even when we were told that there were stem cell treatments also being done in the Philippines, at more considerable costs, although still in their infancy stage. We had no way of verifying the reliability of local Philippine FCT providers due to their fairly recent track record. When I checked with St. Lukes Hospital Regenerative division at Global City, the division chief told me they were into this procedure: harvesting human stem cells from the patients themselves, usually from the bone marrow, churn them for 2 weeks in the laboratory using German-made machines and injecting them back to the patient over a 12 month period. However she declined to cite or give an example of a success story simply because they had been into the procedure fairly recently. Also, we were informed that to achieve optimum results, fresh stem cells must be injected (in the buttocks) within two hours from its harvesting from the donor fetus. So getting the FCT infusion right there in the clinic in Germany was far better than having the injectables flown from Germany or elsewhere and get the infusion in Manila, travel time obviously reducing the stem cells efficacy or potency. More importantly, seven months ago, there were NO clear Philippine regulations yet governing FCT, due to its infancy, to give us some level of reasonable comfort and assurance. On the other hand, the procedure in Germany we were told adhered to strictest German standards imposed by the German government. These regulations even cover the growing and maintenance of donor sheep and the harvesting of stem cells from 18-week old fetus under clinical control and conditions. And specific success stories were many.
And more importantly, we were in a desperate mode due to the continuous decline of Beths kidney conditions. As preparatory steps, Beth went through a series of tests which were screened and studied by her doctors in Manila and even through German doctors in Villa Medica in Edenkoben who had to make the final decision whether she was qualified to get the treatment. Even her Nephrologist who happens to be also a family friend and a known kidney transplant surgeon at the National Kidney Institute recommended that we try FCT. That sealed our decision.
So, off we went to Germany last November, 2012. Of course at great expense. (Treatment costs EURO 15,000 or about 830,000 PHP ) But nonetheless. AFTER 7 MONTHS Today, seven months after the treatment, and in contrast to the sketchy stories surrounding the cases of my friends ERICO, LOLOY and BEBOT as reported in the media, our own testimonials of the FCT at VILLA MEDICA are a bit different from those horror stories. I also personally met and discussed with others who themselves went to the German facility for FCT and our testimonials coincided.
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Type 2 diabetes patients transplanted with own bone marrow stem cells reduces insulin use
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Public release date: 28-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Robert Miranda cogcomm@aol.com Cell Transplantation Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair
Putnam Valley, NY. (June 28 2013) A study carried out in India examining the safety and efficacy of self-donated (autologous), transplanted bone marrow stem cells in patients with type 2 diabetes (TD2M), has found that patients receiving the transplants, when compared to a control group of TD2M patients who did not receive transplantation, required less insulin post-transplantation.
The study appears as an early e-publication for the journal Cell Transplantation, and is now freely available on-line at http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cog/ct/pre-prints/ct0920bhansali.
"There is growing interest in the scientific community for cellular therapies that use bone marrow-derived cells for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications," said study corresponding author Anil Bhansali, PhD professor and head of the Endocrinology Department at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education in Chandrigarh, India. "But the potential of stem cell therapy for this disease is yet to be fully explored."
While there is growing interest in using stem cell transplantation to treat TD2M, few studies have examined the utility of bone marrow-derived stem cells. By experimenting with bone marrow-derived stem cells, the researchers sought to exploit the rich source of stem cells in bone marrow.
Their study aimed at evaluating the efficacy and safety of autologous bone marrow-derived stem cell transplantation in patients with T2DM and who also had good glycemic control. Good glycemic control emerged as an important factor in the transplantation group and in the non-transplanted control group.
Cell transplantation had a significant impact on the patients in this study as those administered cells demonstrated a significant reduction in insulin requirement. A significantly smaller reduction in the insulin requirement of the control group was also observed but a "repeated emphasis on life style modification" was believed to be a contributing factor in this effect.
According to Dr. Bhansali, the strength of their study included the inclusion of a homogenous patient population with T2DM which exhibited good glycemic control, and the presence of a similar control group that did not get cell transplants.
"The efficacy and safety of stem cell therapy needs to be established in a greater number of patients and with a longer duration follow-up," concluded Bhansali and his co-authors. "The data available so far from animal and human studies is encouraging, however, it has enormous limitations."
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Type 2 diabetes patients transplanted with own bone marrow stem cells reduces insulin use
‘Bebot’ Villar: Stem cell therapy made me weaker – Video
By NEVAGiles23
#39;Bebot #39; Villar: Stem cell therapy made me weaker
MANILA, Philippines - A government official on Thursday said he is no believer in stem cell therapy after undergoing the procedure but getting zero health be...
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'Bebot' Villar: Stem cell therapy made me weaker - Video
FDA urges hotels to guard vs stem cell therapy
By Sykes24Tracey
By: Jet Villa, InterAksyon.com June 29, 2013 6:55 PM
A scientist working on stem cells in a laboratory. AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE
InterAksyon.com The online news portal of TV5
MANILA, Philippines -- The Food and Drug Administration has asked hotels to guard against allowing stem cell therapy to be performed in their premises.
FDA acting director Dr. Kenneth Hartigan-Go said hotels may be held liable for guests found performing or undergoing stem cell therapy in their rooms.
Go pointed out that performing medical procedures like stem cell therapy in a non-health facility is illegal.
Under Republic Act 9711 or the Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009, violators face a fine of up to P500,000 plus closure of the establishment and jail terms.
In FDA Advisory 2013-012 issued May 15, the agency warned the pubic against "receiving unapproved stem cell preparations in non-health facilities."
"Patients who might receive stem cell preparations and therapy without prior FDA-Department of Health approval run the risks of contracting infectious diseases and severe complications which may lead to permanent disabilities, physical deformities, serious iatrogenic harm, autoimmune diseases and worst death, and without the benefit of health insurance coverage," the advisory said.
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FDA urges hotels to guard vs stem cell therapy
Gov’t to tighten rules on stem cell therapy
By Sykes24Tracey
By Michael Lim Ubac Philippine Daily Inquirer
Hospitals offering stem cell therapy have until Aug. 31 to seek or renew their accreditation from the Department of Health (DOH), a Palace official said Friday.
For the information of the public, the DOH is accrediting hospitals for this kind of treatment, and come Aug. 31, these hospitals should file their accreditation requirements (with DOH) for them to continue to offer this treatment, said deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte.
The government is eyeing stricter regulation of hospitals offering stem cell therapy amid speculations that the recent deaths of three politicians were due to the xenogenic (animal-based stem cell) treatment they had received in Germany last year.
Dr. Leo Olarte, president of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) and spokesperson of the Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine, said the groups were still trying to determine whether the politicians had died due to their illness or due to hypersensitivity reaction from the xenogenic stem cells.
Last week, the PMA also warned of a possible scam involving German doctors coming over to perform stem cell therapy on patients in five-star hotels at around P1 million per shot.
Valte echoed a similar warning from the DOH against doctors offering the procedure in their clinics, saying that hospitals, not (individual) doctors, nor stand-alone clinics, are the ones being accredited.
Not a cure all
The Palace official also cautioned the public against claims that stem cell therapy was a cure all (for diseases).
There is no treatment that will cure all of your ills. Much less your love problems, Valte said.
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Gov’t to tighten rules on stem cell therapy
Old wheat, new genetic engineering may protect crop from deadly pest – Ars Technica
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Ars Technica | Old wheat, new genetic engineering may protect crop from deadly pest Ars Technica Currently, roughly 20 percent of humanity's caloric intake comes from wheat. Agricultural strains, specialized for bread or pasta production, have been bred for high productivity and resistance to many agricultural pests. But over the past few years ... Genes Found to Fight Wheat DiseasePayvand |
What Is Biotechnology Again? – Motley Fool
By Dr. Matthew Watson
What Is Biotechnology Again? Motley Fool Understanding the ins and outs will come with time, but to get there investors need to grasp some of the basics. For instance: the difference between biotechnology and "traditional" pharmaceuticals. The two terms are often used (mistakenly ... |
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Cytos Biotechnology Ltd: Shareholders … – PR Newswire (press release)
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Cytos Biotechnology Ltd: Shareholders ... PR Newswire (press release) Cytos Biotechnology Ltd (SIX:CYTN) today announced that its shareholders have approved all resolutions at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2013. The Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Cytos Biotechnology Ltd took place at the company's headquarters in ... |
Biotechnology Recognized for contribution to renewable energy. – ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release)
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Biotechnology Recognized for contribution to renewable energy. ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release) June 28, 2013 - BIO applauded President Barack Obama's recognition of contributions made by biotechnology to design of new biofuels and to agricultural productivity in the President's Climate Action Plan. BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwood ... BIO Applauds Legislation That Levels the Playing Field for Renewable ChemicalsThe Herald | HeraldOnline.com |
A joint campaign against GM crops, Biotechnology Bill – The Hindu
By Dr. Matthew Watson
The Hindu | A joint campaign against GM crops, Biotechnology Bill The Hindu Cutting across party lines, several political leaders participated on Tuesday in a joint campaign with civil society groups and farmers' organisations against Genetically Modified crops and the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill at ... |
Prosensa Holding (RNA) IPO Opens Sharply Higher – StreetInsider.com (subscription)
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Prosensa Holding (RNA) IPO Opens Sharply Higher StreetInsider.com (subscription) Prosensa Holding is an innovative biotechnology company engaged in the discovery and development of ribonucleic acid-modulating, or RNA-modulating, therapeutics for the treatment of genetic disorders. The company's primary focus is on rare ... Prosensa leaps in 1st day of Nasdaq tradingThe Idaho Statesman |
Puma Biotechnology to Join Russell 3000 Index – EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Puma Biotechnology to Join Russell 3000 Index EON: Enhanced Online News (press release) LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (NYSE: PBYI), a development stage biopharmaceutical company, is set to join the broad-market Russell 3000® Index following Russell Investments' annual reconstitution of its comprehensive set ... |
OICR congratulates Dr. Thomas J. Hudson on being named to the Order of … – Canada NewsWire (press release)
By Dr. Matthew Watson
OICR congratulates Dr. Thomas J. Hudson on being named to the Order of ... Canada NewsWire (press release) In 2007, Dr. Hudson was appointed Professor in the Departments of Molecular Genetics and Medical Biophysics at the University of Toronto and he is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is editor-in-chief of the journal Human Genetics and has ... |