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Targeted viral therapy destroys breast cancer stem cells in preclinical … – EurekAlert (press release)

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Targeted viral therapy destroys breast cancer stem cells in preclinical ...
EurekAlert (press release)
... Endowed Chair in Cancer Research and co-leader of the Cancer Molecular Genetics program at VCU Massey, chairman of VCU School of Medicine's Department of Human and Molecular Genetics and director of the VCU Institute of Molecular Medicine.

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Angelina Jolie, Medical College of Wisconsin and genome sequencing – The Business Journal of Milwaukee (blog)

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Angelina Jolie, Medical College of Wisconsin and genome sequencing
The Business Journal of Milwaukee (blog)
Howard Jacob, director of the college's Human and Molecular Genetics Center, told me. “That's really where we want to spend our time. There are plenty of places out there that have more firepower in the research arena than we do.” Rich Kirchen is The ...


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Ami Ahern-Rindell Brings 20 Years of Experience to Undergraduate Research … – Newswise (press release)

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Ami Ahern-Rindell Brings 20 Years of Experience to Undergraduate Research ...
Newswise (press release)
She earned her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Genetics and Cell Biology from Washington State University and was an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Molecular Genetics at the University of California, San Diego. In 1992, she received her first ...

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RUSNANOPRIZE Award 2013 for Achievements in Nanomaterials and Surface … –

By Dr. Matthew Watson
RUSNANOPRIZE Award 2013 for Achievements in Nanomaterials and Surface ...
Professor Lukyanov also had a successful business in the field of molecular genetics, and a score of 40 in the Hirsch Index at the same time. Anatoly Chubays, the RUSNANO CEO, presents the RUSNANOPRIZE Award to Prof. Sergey Lukyanov at the 2012 ...


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Student news published June 28, 2013 – Helena Independent Record

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Student news published June 28, 2013
Helena Independent Record
A 2010 graduate in cell biology, Harlen will use his fellowship to research molecular genetics in the department of genetics at Harvard Medical School. He would eventually like to become a professor. MedStart Summer Camp attendees. Kaitlin Kroll and ...


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Cost of a Stem Cell Therapy? An Estimated $512,000

By Dr. Matthew Watson

The likely costs of potential stem cell therapies
and cures receive almost no attention in the media as well as
publicly from scientists and the biotech firms.
Usually any public discussion is
obliquely framed in the context of “reimbursement,” as if
industry is owed something instead of making a business decision
about what will make a profit. Euphemisms and jargon cloak unpleasant realities such as astronomical patient costs. But what reimbursement really involves are, in fact, pricing decisions and profit margins along with
lobbying campaigns for inclusion of
therapies in normal coverage of health insurance and Medicare
And today a singular figure – $512,000
for one stem cell treatment – appeared in the Wall Street
. The story by Kosaku Narioka and Phred Dvorak dealt
with what would be the first-ever human study of a treatment that
uses reprogrammed adult stem cells.
They reported that the study received
preliminary approval on Wednesday from a key panel of the Japan
Health Ministry.
The treatment involves a form of age-related macular
degeneration, which has also been targeted by the California stem
cell agency with different approaches.
Buried deep in the Wall Street Journal
article, with little other discussion, was this sentence:

“One eventual obstacle, even if tests
go well, could be cost: (Masayuki) Yamato (of Tokyo Women's Medical
) says initial estimates for the treatment run around ¥50
million ($512,000) per person."

The subject of costs for potential stem
cell treatments has rattled around in the background for years
without much deep public discussion. One reason is that high costs of
treatments are controversial and can trigger emotional debate.
Another reason is that it is very early in the therapy development
process and estimates are not likely to be entirely reliable.
A few years ago, however, the California stem
cell agency commissioned a study involving costs of stem cell therapies. The UC Berkeley report said,

“The cost impact of the therapy is
likely to be high, because of a therapy’s high cost per patient,
and the potentially large number of individuals who might benefit
from the therapy. This expense would put additional stress on
the Medicare and Medicaid budgets, cause private
insurance health premiums to increase, and create an incentive for
private plans to avoid covering individuals eligible for a therapy.”

The findings did not seem to be exactly
welcomed. The agency sat on the 2009 study for seven months until it
was uncovered by the California Stem Cell Report in April 2010. Then
the agency was careful to say that the study did not reflect the view
of CIRM management or board leadership.
Their wariness of being out in front on the issue could be well-advised. The pharmaceutical industry received some unpleasant attention this spring when more than 100 influential cancer specialists from more than 15 countries publicly denounced the cost of cancer drugs that exceed more than $100,000 a year.
Nonetheless pricing is critical
to both patient accessibility and therapy development. If companies
cannot make a profit on a possible therapy, it is virtually certain
not to appear in the marketplace.
While the subject remains in the
background, it does not mean there is a lack of interest. The copy of
the Berkeley stem cell cost study that was posted online by the California
Stem Cell Report has been read 11,701 times since it was made
available in April 2010 on
A copy of the study can be found below.


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Bluebird and Banking: Media Pluses for California Stem Cell Agency

By Dr. Matthew Watson

The California stem cell agency scored
a couple of favorable publicity points last week as the result of a
successful stock offering by an award recipient and another piece
about creation of a stem cell bank in Northern California.
The IPO by bluebird bio (the company's
preferred spelling) of Massachusetts was a big winner for the
company, raising millions of dollars more than anticipated.
The Boston Globe wrote,

“Shares of the Cambridge life
sciences company bluebird bio Inc. soared almost 60 percent on their
first day of trading (last) Wednesday, an impressive debut for a
business that endured years of stagnation and another encouraging
sign for the biotechnology industry.

“The local gene therapy company
raised $101 million in an initial public offering priced at $17 per
share, higher than the $14 to $16 estimated by investment bankers.
Bluebird shares closed at $26.91 per share on Wednesday.”

The stock continues to trade around $25
a share at the time of this writing, which is good news generally for
the biotech industry.
The company received a $9.4 million
award last fall from the $3 billion stem cell agency. The company has yet to receive any actual cash from the agency as both parties work
out final details of an agreement, a spokesman for the agency said
last week.
The stem cell agency touted the
successful IPO in a blog item by  that said,

“Bluebird Bio, one of the oldest
companies in the struggling gene therapy field, is having an
outstanding first day in the stock market today, and largely by
marrying its gene therapy technology with stem cell science. The
company’s financial milestone brings hope and excitement to both

However, the news stories about the IPO
failed to mention the stem cell agency's involvement, which would
have been nice for the agency but was to be expected given the way
news is covered.
The story about the stem cell bank
appeared on Xconomy, an Internet news service dealing with
technology. Written by Bernadette Tansey, a former San Francisco
reporter, the piece dealt with the both business and science of stem cell banking. She wrote,

“One of the main goals of
California’s $3 billion stem cell research agency is to draw
companies into the state so they can vie for a share of the funding.

"With a recently funded $32 million
initiative, the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine
(CIRM) has attracted two of
the biggest US players in stem cell banking to Novato, CA, to form
one of the largest biobanks of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS
cells) in the world.”

The stem cell bank effort has become a
minor staple in recent news coverage of CIRM, surfacing in a number
of articles since the awards were approved. One of the reasons for that is that the project has a relatively straight-forward story line compared to many research efforts and the concept of "banking" is familiar to editors, writers and readers. 


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Stem Cell Therapy Becomes More Widely Available | Video ABC News – Video

By daniellenierenberg

Stem Cell Therapy Becomes More Widely Available | Video ABC News
Beverly Hills Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Raj appeared on ABC #39;s Good Morning America to share the breatkthrough stem cell treatment that #39;s now available to weeken...

By: AHPRvideo

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Stem Cell Therapy Becomes More Widely Available | Video ABC News - Video

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Punto por Punto: Phil Medical Association, nagbabala sa iligal na pagsasagawa ng stem cell therapy – Video

By JoanneRUSSELL25

Punto por Punto: Phil Medical Association, nagbabala sa iligal na pagsasagawa ng stem cell therapy
MANILA - Punto por Punto host Anthony Taberna discusses the possible dangers of illegal stem cell therapy.


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63 year old stroke victim was greatly improved through stem cell therapy – Video

By daniellenierenberg

63 year old stroke victim was greatly improved through stem cell therapy

By: Gökhan Akdo #287;an

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63 year old stroke victim was greatly improved through stem cell therapy - Video

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Cell Therapy Catapult – World Stem Cells Regenerative Medicine Congress 2013 – Video

By raymumme

Cell Therapy Catapult - World Stem Cells Regenerative Medicine Congress 2013
We spoke with some of the sponsors at Europe #39;s largest stem cells and regenerative medicine industry conference. This is a three day congress that stages a s...

By: biopharmachannel

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Foreign doctors behind illegal stem cell therapy – Video


Foreign doctors behind illegal stem cell therapy
The Philippine Medical Association wants to go after foreign doctors who are reportedly conducting unauthorized stem cell procedures in the country.


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Paralyzed German Shepard Receives Revolutionary Stem Cell Therapy! – Video

By JoanneRUSSELL25

Paralyzed German Shepard Receives Revolutionary Stem Cell Therapy!

By: Stemlogix, LLC

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Paralyzed German Shepard Receives Revolutionary Stem Cell Therapy! - Video

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DOH: Solons who died after stem cell therapy were sick


MANILA - Two congressmen who died after undergoing stem cell therapy abroad were already sick before getting treatment, Health Secretary Enrique Ona said Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters, Ona refused to say if stem cell treatment caused the deaths of congressmen Erico Aumentado and Pedro Romualdo. Both lawmakers died of pneumonia.

"First hindi ko alam yun. Second, ang information that we got: It has nothing to do Ibig sabihin, they were already very sick bago nagpa-so-called stem call, baka sakali," he said in the interview.

On the other hand, the health secretary said clinics or hospitals in the Philippines offering stem cell treatments should be duly licensed by the Department of Health.

Dapat yung mga clinic or mga ospital na gumagawa noon kailangang mayroong license, approved ngayon ng DOH. Kaya iinspekyunin sila," he said.

House Speaker Sonny Belmonte earlier confirmed Aumentado and Romualdo had died after undergoing stem cell treatment in Germany last year. He clarified that it has not been established whether stem cell therapy was the cause of death.

Belmonte said that after having stem cell therapy, the 2 felt rejuvenated and may have exerted themselves during the last election campaign.

Belmonte said Aumentado even started walking around without a cane.

Aumentado's son, Aristotle, earlier said his father had leg thrombosis for which he had to undergo bifemoral bypass and stem cell therapy .

After stem cell therapy, his father started walking without a cane, and sometimes had low-blood sugar. However, he said they forgot to get him stem cell treatment for his father's pneumonia, which he had before the stem cell treatment in Germany last September.

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DOH: Solons who died after stem cell therapy were sick

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House seeks probe on stem-cell therapy link to solons’ deaths

By Sykes24Tracey

Should there be a law on stem cell therapy? The House of Representatives (HOR) has no idea. And for the sake of finding answer, House leaders intend to consult with medical experts about the issues surrounding the procedure. Speaker Feliciano Sonny Belmonte Jr. admits lawmakers need an expert opinion before they take any legislative action on reports about the negative effects of the expensive treatment. At this point, we have absolutely no basis to say that it was wrong (or) it wasnt wrong (or) it should be regulated, it should not be regulated, Belmonte said. Belmonte issued the statement after the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) said it is looking into the recent deaths of three politicians, who died after receiving xenogenic treatment in Germany. PMA president Dr. Leo Olarte said his group is still trying to find out whether politicians died due to their illness or due to hypersensitive reaction from animal-based stem cell treatments they received. On Monday, Belmonte revealed that Camiguin Rep. Pedro Romualdo underwent stem cell treatment in Germany before he died in April due to pneumonia. Incoming Bohol Rep. Aris Aumentado also admitted his father, the late Bohol Rep. Erico Aumentado, had undergone similar treatment in September before he died last Christmas, also due to pneumonia. We are still awaiting the word of the experts and the medical experts, not political experts on how, if anything, is demanded from us, Belmonte said. Olarte, who is the spokesperson of Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine, cited initial information that the politicians received stem cell therapy that used sheeps. He reiterated that receiving animal-based stem cell is dangerous because it may trigger complications such as graft versus host reaction. The expert advised Filipinos and public officials to choose autologous adult stem cell treatment, which is derived from the patients own blood, bone marrow or fat. Last March, the Department of Health (DOH) has restricted hospitals and other facilities from using genetically-altered cells and tissues of human in carrying out stem-cell therapy and treatments in the country. Health secretary Enrique Ona added their department also prohibits the use of umbilical cord, fat-derived human stem cells, and live animal stem cells for the conduct of the procedure locally.

ONA released Administrative Order (AO) 2013-0012, which seeks to ensure the safety of people who want to undergo human stem cell and cell-based therapies.

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Giving hope: The promise of stem cell therapy

By Dr. Matthew Watson

MANILA - As stem cell treatment begins to gain traction among Filipinos, a surgeon believes the country is now entering a new phase in medicine.

Dr. Levi John Lansangan, one of the founding members of the Philippine Stem Cell Society, said there is much promise in stem cell therapy because of the hope it gives to ailing patients.

"Before it was only physiologic, then it became pathologic, which deals with diseases. Then it became pharmacologic, wherein we give medicine. But now it is regenerative, wherein the body heals by itself," Lansangan told ANC's "Prime Time" on Wednesday.

Stem cell treatment involves harvesting stem cells, processing them, and injecting them back to the body.

Lansangan said the autologous treatment, which harvests stem cells from the patients own system, is the safest type of stem cell procedure.

The procedure may last for up to 4 hours, depending on the patients health. It may cost up to P1.6 million.

Stem cell treatment is believed to have the potential to cure illnesses including diabetes, heart ailments, brain damage such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers, osteoarthritis, stroke, baldness and even sports injuries.

The hardest thing to say to a patient is hopelessness. If you say there is no hope for the disease, it is very unacceptable for the patient. But with stem cell, were giving hope. Not hope in the sense that we are just giving placebo but hope that there is really something into it thats really big, Lansangan said.

But Lansangan warned that there are also risks involved in the process, particularly if stem cells are derived from animals such as rabbits and black sheep.

There are a lot of sources for stem cell. But the only stem cell sources approved by the DOH [Department of Health] come from the bone marrow, fats and blood of the patient itself. We dont recognize xenograph, or from animals. That is where the problem lies, he said.

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After P900K stem cell therapy, PH official feels worse


MANILA - A government official on Thursday said he is no believer in stem cell therapy after undergoing the procedure but getting zero health benefits.

Speaking to radio dzMM, Dangerous Drugs Board chairman Antonio "Bebot" Villar said he was enticed to try out the procedure after hearing from other people about the near-miraculous effect of stem cell therapy.

He noted that even former President Joseph Estrada has attributed his rejuvenated health to stem cells.

"Kasi nababalitaan ko maganda itong stem cell. Ako ay madalas na [masakit] ang buto ko. Siguro nanghihina yung buto ko na at tsaka medyo mahina ang katawan ko kaya sinubukan ko ito," he said.

Villar said he paid 16,000 euros or more than P900,000 to Villamedica for stem cell therapy to cure aches and pains in his bones and general body weakness.

He said he underwent treatment with his wife at Makati Shangri-la hotel, along with at least a dozen others.

"July 9 may schedule na stem cell sa Shangri-la EDSA. Mga dose or kinse kami. Halos buong floor, yun chairman doctor kasama assistants na taga-Thailand," he said.

The DDB chief said he received several injections on the buttocks and ordered to stay in the hotel for a day so doctors could monitor their blood pressure. He said the stem cells were harvested from lambs.

He said that after the treatment, he tried to see if he got stronger but only felt worse.

"Ang lakas ng loob ko at naniniwala ako. Naglakad ako. Abay, sumakit ang mga paa ko. Parang wala itong epekto," he said.

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After P900K stem cell therapy, PH official feels worse

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Stem Cell Therapy Clinics – Regenerative Medicine with Research Studies – Video

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Stem Cell Therapy Clinics - Regenerative Medicine with Research Studies R3 Stem Cell Clinics offer stem cell injection treatments, such as platelet rich plasma therapy, bone marrow derived stem cells and amn...

By: USPainNetwork

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Usapang Pangkalusugan – Stem Cell Therapy – Video

By JoanneRUSSELL25

Usapang Pangkalusugan - Stem Cell Therapy

By: untvweb

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Rylee May Post Stem Cell Therapy – Video

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Rylee May Post Stem Cell Therapy
This was taken about 7-8 months after stem cell therapy. We have a great improvement in the ability to walk without pain from hip dysplasia.

By: Tim O #39;Neill, DVM

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