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Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy at Rostock University

By daniellenierenberg

In Germany, studies testing treatments with stem cells after myocardial infarction exist since 2001. One of the first physicians worldwide to perform a bone-marrow-derived stem cell transplant to the myocardium during a bypass surgery was Prof

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Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy at Rostock University

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Designer Life: repair brain, heart with stem cells – Future Health keynote speaker

By Sykes24Tracey Repair damaged heart or brain following heart attack or stroke. Treatment for cardiac damage, brain damage, degenerative brain disease including potential new treatment for Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, encephalopathy, micro emboli, brain trauma. Experimental treatments to regenerate healthy brain tissue using adult stem cells -- rather than embryonic stem cells.

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Designer Life: repair brain, heart with stem cells - Future Health keynote speaker

To Read More: Designer Life: repair brain, heart with stem cells – Future Health keynote speaker
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Cancer Update: Autologus Stem Cell (Bone Marrow) Transplant

By daniellenierenberg

my second update from the hospital regarding my stem cell transplant. shortly after i filmed this, I found out that i'll need to be given blood today, which sucks. But I still feel pretty good.

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Cancer Update: Autologus Stem Cell (Bone Marrow) Transplant

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Stem Cells Made From Human Skin

By raymumme

Scientists have made ordinary human skin cells take on the chameleon-like powers of embryonic stem cells, a startling breakthrough that might someday deliver the medical payoffs of embryo cloning without the controversy.

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Stem Cells Made From Human Skin

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Coffee, Sex, Smog Can All Trigger Heart Attack, Study Finds

By Dr. Matthew Watson

(HealthDay News) -- A major analysis of data on potential triggers for heart attacks finds that many of the substances and activities Americans indulge in every day -- coffee, alcohol, sex, even breathing -- can all help spur an attack.

Because so many people are exposed to dirty air, air pollution while stuck in traffic topped the list of potential heart attack triggers, with the researchers pegging 7.4 percent of heart attacks to roadway smog.

But coffee was also linked to 5 percent of attacks, booze to another 5 percent, and pot smoking to just under 1 percent, the European researchers found.

Among everyday activities, exerting yourself physically was linked to 6.2 percent of heart attacks, indulging in a heavy meal was estimated to trigger 2.7 percent, and sex was linked to 2.2 percent.

The researchers stressed that the risk for heart attack from any one of these factors to a particular person at any given time is extremely small. But spread out over the population, they can add up.

For example, air pollution is a minor trigger for heart attacks, but since so many people are exposed to smog, it triggers many more heart attacks than other more potent triggers, such as alcohol and cocaine. Read more...

Immunice for Immune Support


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Stem Cell Therapy (Regenerative Medicine) in New Jersey

By raymumme

Dr. Damon Noto at Spine and Joint Center in New Jersey offers cutting-edge, non-invasive regenerative medicine including stem cell treatment and PRP to treat patients with spinal and joint problems.

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Stem Cell Therapy (Regenerative Medicine) in New Jersey

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DermaStem Renewal Serum – Stem Cells for Your Skin from STEMTech – New Paradigm in Beauty!

By LizaAVILA ( USA ) , ( Canada ) Now DermaStemâ„¢ Renewal Serum supports the renewal of the body's largest organ, the skin, by supporting the natural role of skin stem cells while providing regenerative properties and protection to the skin, fighting the signs of premature aging by restoring firmness, elasticity and tone to the epidermis. Working in partnership with the adult stem cells that are delivered to the dermis by Stemtech's nutritional supplements, DermaStem restructures the skin at the cellular level.

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DermaStem Renewal Serum - Stem Cells for Your Skin from STEMTech - New Paradigm in Beauty!

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categoriaSkin Stem Cells commentoComments Off on DermaStem Renewal Serum – Stem Cells for Your Skin from STEMTech – New Paradigm in Beauty! | dataAugust 30th, 2011
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Sims 2 Mafia Story Part 7 – Farewell, Godfather/Stem Cell Medicine

By Dr. Matthew Watson

~ Part 7 ~ Three years have passed since Danielle (Neyla) escaped from the Mafia, and things are going well for her: She lives in the fabulous suburbs of Miami Shores, makes an honest living as a Registered Nurse at the local hospital, makes a lot of money, has lots of friends, is a god-fearing Catholic, and is more stronger, wiser, mature and a whole different person than she once was before. But while things are looking up for Danielle, things are going downhill for the Mafia, as "Godfather" Roscoe Genevieve, falls ill with terminal cancer as a side effect of overdosing on anti-aging drugs, leaving members of the mafia in grief and turnoil, as they all are about to lose someone very dear to them in their small, close-knit family, and are not sure what hand fate will deal them while Roscoe is on his deathbed...... Meanwhile, Danielle, having trouble trying to rest, accidentally stumbles upon a secret scientific discovery in regenerative medicine,as she finds a vial containing an engineered substance called Re-Gen, a chemical agent that uses the application of stem cells and other elements to regenerate any cell in the human body and alter their functions to heal any injury, wound, illness, or dysfunction of any kind in the human body, created by Kenneth, who tells her that he's been keeping it secret from the greedy corporate bigwigs at Empire to prevent them from stealing his research and using it for evil....

Originally posted here:
Sims 2 Mafia Story Part 7 - Farewell, Godfather/Stem Cell Medicine

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Reverse Heart Disease without Meds

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Each day the media presents horrific news of death and destruction caused by war, terrorism, and other violence. It virtually ignores a silent but much more deadly enemy . . . heart disease.

More than 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year, with 1 million deaths resulting from heart attacks (or a death every 30 seconds). When it comes to combating heart disease, most information sources promote drugs and surgery as the only viable defenses. We need to keep in mind that angioplasty and bypass surgery have some significant adverse outcomes, including heart attacks, stroke and death. Most people treated with such interventions continue to suffer from, and eventually die from, heart disease. The average person is not aware that there are safer, more effective options available. Read more...

Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement


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The nightmare world of ‘trans-humanism’ –

By Dr. Matthew Watson
The nightmare world of 'trans-humanism'
You've heard of bio-engineering or genetic engineering. Well, it doesn't just involve crops and animals any more. Now there are active efforts under way to "improve" mankind – even to achieve immortality through science. If you want to get a glimpse of ...


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Rockets, gunfire and the kindness of strangers –

By Dr. Matthew Watson
Rockets, gunfire and the kindness of strangers
His name was Adel Alyaser, 35, a post-graduate student of genetic engineering. After the mayhem outside the flat seemed unreal; pine furniture, thick carpets and a flat-screen television. He supported the revolution – to my relief – and the two ...


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San Diego’s Genomatica, a Pioneer in Industrial Biotechnology, Files for IPO – Xconomy

By Dr. Matthew Watson

San Diego's Genomatica, a Pioneer in Industrial Biotechnology, Files for IPO
The San Diego company, which was founded in 1998, has emerged in recent years as a pioneer in industrial biotechnology. Using a proprietary software technology to model metabolic processes, the company has successfully demonstrated its ability to ...
Green chemicals company Genomatica files for IPOCNET
Genomatica Files For

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To Read More: San Diego’s Genomatica, a Pioneer in Industrial Biotechnology, Files for IPO – Xconomy
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Generex Biotechnology Corporation (OTC:GNBT): AE37 Update Unable to Move Share … – Market Playground

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Market Playground
Generex Biotechnology Corporation (OTC:GNBT): AE37 Update Unable to Move Share ...
Market Playground
By VFC's Stock House Generex Biotechnology Corporation (OTC:GNBT) subsidiary Antigen Express provided an update on its cancer immunotherapy AE37 last week, but the news – which was the announcement of positive interim results – failed to move the GNBT ...

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International Stem Cell Corporation presents "The Promising Cells" Video

By Dr. Matthew Watson

In this video presentation, see and hear an overview of International Stem Cell Corporation (ISCO.OB). ISCO has developed a process to derive stem cells similar to Embryonic Stem Cells without the need for fertilized embryos and with minimal exposure to non-human cells. These factors provide ISC a unique leadership role in the field of regenerative cell therapy. You'll hear directly from Executive Chairman, Kenneth Aldrich. Lifeline Cell Technology and Skin Care Products, revenue generating units of ISCO are also reviewed.

This presentation was produced by Big Sky Productions, INC (BGSI.OB), Co-Executive Producers Ellis Martin and Bob Lange. 

Unfortunately, this content is currently being updated and will be posted again soon.


To Read More: International Stem Cell Corporation presents "The Promising Cells" Video
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Read All Interview – "International Stem Cell Corp Develops Similar Embryonic Stem Cells Without Fertilized Embryos"

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Ken Aldrich, Executive Chairman of International Stem Cell Corporation [OTC:ISCO] was interviewed by OneMedRadio where he discussed the company’s regenerative medicine therapies.
Brett Johnson:  Good day, this is Brett Johnson in New York City with OneMedRadio. Today, I am with Ken Aldrich. He is the co-founder and executive chairman for International Stem Cell, symbol ISCO on the bulletin board. It is a Carlsbad, California company in the stem cell business.  Ken, thanks for joining us today.
Kenneth Aldrich: Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you.
BJ: Ken, go ahead and tell us a little bit about the business of International Stem Cell and what you guys are doing that’s unique and distinctive.
KA: I’d be happy to. International Stem Cell is in the regenerative medicine business broadly speaking. We produce and develop therapies that are based on what are called pluripotent stem cells. Pluripotent stem cell simply means a stem cell that can be converted  (the technical word is differentiated) into any cell in the body and theoretically treat any kind of disease that can be treated with cell therapy.
There are today basically only two ways to create a pluripotent stem cell. One is what’s been around for ten years called embryonic stem cells derived from a fertilized human embryo, and the other is parthenogenesis, which is our own creation, our own patent. Our people really developed it from the very beginning.
They function very much the same but we have two unique advantages. One, we take the ethical issue right off the table. We do not use a fertilized egg and we never damage or destroy anything that could become a human being. And second, the DNA that results when we go through that process of using only an unfertilized egg is a much simpler DNA structure. It’s complete, but simpler in its form. It enables us to use a single cell line from a single donor to match very large numbers of people. So it gives us the potential a few years down the road to have a true stem cell bank. And by that I don’t mean the banking of somebody’s own cells, but a bank much like a blood bank in which any patient who needs stem cells can come, get cells that will match their immune system and thereby eliminate or reduce the need for immunosuppressant drugs.
We think ultimately that’s going to be the single defining differentiator for our company because a cell transplant is like a miniature organ transplant. If the body rejects it, there’s no benefit, and we’re working on a way to provide cells that anyone can use at any time for any disease that any scientist is smart enough to figure out a way to treat with cells. It’s a tall order but we think we’re up to it.
To read the full text or listen to the interview, please visit onemedplace -


To Read More: Interview – "International Stem Cell Corp Develops Similar Embryonic Stem Cells Without Fertilized Embryos"
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International Stem Cell Corporation to Present at the Southern California Investor Conference on Monday, August 29th

By Dr. Matthew Watson

International Stem Cell Corporation (OTCBB: ISCO) announced today that Kenneth Aldrich, Chairman, will be presenting at the 2011 Southern California Investor Conference on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific (4:30 p.m. Eastern). The conference takes place at The Island Hotel in Newport Beach, California.

The Southern California Investor Conference is the only conference focused exclusively on the wealth of exciting growth companies from Southern California. The annual one-day conference features more than 35 companies from the region presenting to attendees from throughout the nation. The conference is open to the public and investors can find a list of 2011 presenting companies and registration information at

A webcast of the International Stem Cell Corporation presentation will be accessible online at or from the link on the Company's web site at An archived version will be available for 30 days.

About International Stem Cell Corporation
International Stem Cell Corporation is focused on the therapeutic applications of human parthenogenetic stem cells and the development and commercialization of cell-based research and cosmetic products. ISCO's core technology, parthenogenesis, results in the creation of pluripotent human stem cells from unfertilized oocytes (eggs). hpSCs avoid ethical issues associated with the use or destruction of viable human embryos. ISCO scientists have created the first parthenogenic, homozygous stem cell line that can be a source of therapeutic cells with minimal immune rejection after transplantation into hundreds of millions of individuals of differing genders, ages and racial background. This offers the potential to create the first true stem cell bank, UniStemCell™. ISCO also produces and markets specialized cells and growth media for therapeutic research worldwide through its subsidiary Lifeline Cell Technology, and cell-based skin care products through its subsidiary Lifeline Skin Care. More information is available at

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International Stem Cell Corporation
Kenneth C Aldrich, Chairman

Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates
Don Markley


To Read More: International Stem Cell Corporation to Present at the Southern California Investor Conference on Monday, August 29th
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WikiLeaks: Ambassador Warlick: Bulgarian Government Walks Tight Rope on GMOS –

By Dr. Matthew Watson
WikiLeaks: Ambassador Warlick: Bulgarian Government Walks Tight Rope on GMOS
(SBU) Summary: A draft law that would bring Bulgaria's current restrictive biotechnology regime into EU compliance has been seized upon by anti-GMO groups. As a result, as a tactical response, the government is proposing, as a supplement to the draft ...

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Spinal Cord Injury – Stem Cell Therapy

By daniellenierenberg

Franklin is a patient with spinal cord injury. This video is the experience of Franklin R. who underwent stem cell treatment to improve his condition after an accident that left him paraplegic.

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Spinal Cord Injury - Stem Cell Therapy

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categoriaUncategorized commentoComments Off on Spinal Cord Injury – Stem Cell Therapy | dataAugust 26th, 2011
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Cardiac Stem Cells in End-Stage Human Failing Hearts: Are they functional?

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Sunjay Kaushal USA

Cardiac Stem Cells in End-Stage Human Failing Hearts: Are they functional?

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Stem cell therapy in Guatemala – (closer than China)

By NEVAGiles23

Medicenter, a Stem Cells clinic in Guatemala, Central America. Mr. Gemperline had a stem cell transplantation

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Stem cell therapy in Guatemala - (closer than China)

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