Physiology, Spinal Cord – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf
By daniellenierenberg
Within the spinal column lies the spinal cord, a vital aspect of the central nervous system (CNS). The three primary roles of the spinal cord are to send motor commands from the brain to the body, send sensory information from the body to the brain, and coordinate reflexes. The spinal cordis organized segmentally, with thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves emanating from it. A spinal cord injury disrupts this conduit between the body and brain and canlead to deficits in sensation, movement, and autonomic regulation, as well as death.
The spinal cord is composed of gray and white matter, appearing in a cross-section as H-shaped gray matter surrounded by white matter. The gray matter consists of the cell bodies of motor and sensory neurons, interneurons,and neuropils (neuroglia cells and mostly unmyelinated axons). In contrast, the white matter is composed of interconnecting fiber tracts, which are primarily myelinated sensory and motor axons. The supports of the gray matters H make up the right dorsal, right ventral, left dorsal, and left ventral horns. Running longitudinally through the center of the spinal cord is the central canal, which is continuous with the brains ventricles and filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
The white matteris organized into tracts. Ascending tracts carry information from the sensory receptors to higher levels of the CNS, while descending tracts carry information from theCNS to the periphery. The major tracts and their most defining features are as follows:[1]
Ascending Tracts
Dorsal column: contains the gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus, which togetherform the dorsal funiculus. The dorsal column is responsible for pressure and vibration sensation, two-point discrimination, movement sense, and conscious proprioception. The dorsal column decussates at the superior portion of the medulla oblongata and forms the medial lemniscus.
Lateral spinothalamic: carries pain and temperature information. The lateral spinothalamic tract decussates at the anterior commissure, two segments above the entry to the spinal cord.
Descending Tracts
Lateral and anterior corticospinal: involved in conscious control of the skeletal muscle. The majority of lateral corticospinal tract fibers decussate at the inferior portion of the medulla oblongata, while anterior corticospinal descends ipsilaterally in the spinal cord and decussates at the segmental level. The lateral corticospinal tract, also called the pyramidal tract, innervates primarily contralateralmuscles of the limbs, while the anterior corticospinal tract innervates proximal muscles of the trunk.
Vestibulospinal: carries information from the inner ear to control head positioning and is involved in modifying muscle tone to maintain posture and balance. The vestibulospinal tract does not decussate.
Rubrospinal: involved in the movement of the flexor and extensor muscles.The rubrospinal tract originates from the red nuclei in the midbrain and decussates at the start of its pathway.
There is a laminar distribution of neurons in the gray matter, characterized by density and topography:
Lamina II is composed mainly of islet cells with rostrocaudal axes, which contain GABA and are thought to be inhibitory, and stalked cells with dorsoventral dendritic trees.
Lamina V and VI are composed of medium-sized multipolar neurons that can be fusiform or triangular. These neurons communicate with the reticular formation of the brainstem.
Lamina VII is composed of homogenous medium-sized multipolar neurons and contains, in individual segments, well-defined nuclei, including the intermediolateral nucleus (T1-L1), which has autonomic functions, and the dorsal nucleus of Clarke (T1-L2), which make up the dorsal spinocerebellar tract.
Lamina VIII consists of neurons with dorsoventrally polarized dendritic trees.
Lamina IX has the cell bodies of motor neurons, with dendrites extending dorsally into laminas as far as VI. Lamina IX also has Renshaw cells, inhibitory interneurons, placed at the medial border of motor nuclei.
Neurulation begins in the trilaminar embryo when part of the mesoderm differentiates into the notochord. The formation of the notochord signals the overlying ectoderm to form the neural plate, the first structure that will become the nervous system. The neural plate folds in on itself, creating the neural tube, initially open at both ends and ultimately closed. From the neural tube comes the primitive brain and spinal cord.[9]The development of the nervous system begins seventeen days after gestation, and in the fifth week, myotomes start to form, allowing the development of rudimentary reflex circuitries. Myelination of the motor tracts begins in the first few months of life and continues into adolescence.
An interesting note is that reciprocal excitation changes to inhibition between nine and twelve months of age. Before that age, supraspinal descending fibers activate interneurons, resulting in extension or flexion. During this period of development, glycine and GABA are excitatory.[10]
The spinal cord is the conduit between the brain and the rest of the body. It sends motor commands from the motor cortex to the muscles of the body and sensory information from the afferent fibers to the sensory cortex. Additionally, the spinal cord can act without signals from the brain in certain instances. The spinal cord independently coordinates reflexes using reflex arcs.Reflex arcs allow the body to respond to sensory information without waiting for input from the brain. The reflex arc starts with a signal from a sensory receptor, which is carried to the spinal cord via a sensory nerve fiber, synapsed on an interneuron, carried over to the motor neuron, which stimulates an effector muscle or organ.[11]The spinal cord also has central pattern generators, which are interneurons that form the neural circuits, which control rhythmic movements. Although the existence of central pattern generators in humans is controversial, the lumbar spinal cord produces rhythmic muscle activation without volitional motor control or step-specific sensory feedback, suggesting their role in human movement.[12]
Three connective tissue layers,termed meninges, conceal the spinal cord. Directly lining the spinal cord is the pia mater, which also thickens to form the denticulate ligament, anchoring the spinal cord in the middle of the vertebral canal. The next layer of meninges is the arachnoid mater.Between the pia mater and arachnoid mater is the subarachnoid space, which contains CSF. On top of the arachnoid mater is the last layer of meninges, the dura mater, then the epidural space separating the meninges from the vertebral column.[13]
The spinal cord extends from the medulla oblongata of the brain stem at the level of the foramen magnum. In an adult human, the spinal cord gives rise to thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves, each of which originates from the adjacent spinal cord segment:
Spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord as rootlets, whichjoin together to form two nerve roots.The anterior nerve roots contain motor fibers extending from the anterior horn to peripheral target organs. The motor neurons are multipolar, with at least two dendrites, a single axon, and one or more collateral branches. They control skeletal muscles and the autonomic nervous system. The posterior nerve roots contain sensory fibers and dorsal root ganglia. They contain sensory fibers transmitting sensory information from the periphery towards the CNS. The sensory neurons located at the dorsal root ganglia are pseudounipolar. The anterior and posterior nerve roots converge into spinal nerves, which split into dorsal and ventral rami.A dermatome is a skin area innervated by a single spinal nerve root (or spinal cord segment).
There are five spinal plexuses, which include sensory and motor nerves from the anterior rami:
Cervical plexus (C1-C5): the deep branches innervate neck muscles, and the superficial branches innervate the skin on the neck, head, and chest. The cranial plexus also has an autonomic function, including controlling the diaphragm and interactions with the vagus nerve.
Brachial (C5-T1): controls movement and sensation of the upper extremity.
Lumbar (L1-L4): controls movement and sensation of the abdominal wall, thigh, and external genitals.
Sacral (L4, L5, S1-S4): controls movement and sensation of the foot, leg, and thigh.
Coccygeal (S4, S5, Co): innervates the skin around the tailbone.
In adults, the spinal cord tapers to an end, termed the conus medullaris, at the second lumbar vertebra level. Past the conus medullaris, a bundle of spinal roots extends termed the cauda equina. The cauda equina and the subarachnoid space continue until S2 and is the target location for a lumbar puncture (spinal tap).
Electrophysiological Testing
Evoked potentials (EPs) measure electrical signals going to the brain and can determine whether there is motor or somatosensory impairment. The signal is detected by electroencephalography (EEG) or electromyography (EMG). Evoked potentialsmay be used to assess spinal cord damage in the setting of spinal cord injury and tumors, and measure functional impairment and predict disease progression in multiple sclerosis.[15]Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and motor evoked potentials (MEPs)are frequentlyused intra-operatively for monitoring and can be used post-operatively as surrogate endpoints to check muscle strength and sensory status.[16]
Nerve conduction studies determine whether there has been an injury to a spinal nerve root, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction, muscle, cranial nerve, or spinal nerve. They can also be used to pinpoint spinal cord lesions.Nerve conduction studies work by stimulating nerves close to the skin or using a needle placed near a nerve or nerve root. Neurologists often use them with needle electromyograms.[17]
Lumbar Puncture
A lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, samples the CSF from the subarachnoid space. The needle to obtain the sample should be inserted between lumbar spinal canal levels L3 and L4 to avoid contact with the spinal cord.[18]TheCSF is then sent to a laboratory to establish whether any insult can be determined.For instance, a lumbar puncture can confirm or exclude bacterial meningitis, which will produce a cloudy fluid suggestive of a high leukocyte count. It is also important to know when not to use a lumbar puncture. Contraindications to lumbar puncture include signs of cerebral herniation, focal neurological signs, uncorrected coagulopathies, or cardiorespiratory compromise.[19]
Deep Tendon Testing
One aspect of theneurological exam is a test of the deep tendon reflexes, which are involuntary motor responses to various stimuli that function via reflex arcs within the spinal cord. They can be used to test the function of the motor and sensory nerves at specific spinal cord levels.Reflex grading is on a scale of 0 (absent reflex) to 5+ (sustained clonus).[20]Some commonly tested reflexes are as follows:
Additionally, the Babinski reflex, or the extensor plantar reflex, can be seen in newborns but is an abnormal response aftersix to twelve months of age. If the Babinski reflex is seen after 12 months of age, it may indicate an abnormality in the corticospinal system.[21]
Spinal Cord Injury
Primary spinal cord injury occurs due to local deformation of the spine, such as direct compression. Secondary spinal cord injury occurs following primary damage and involves cascades of biochemical and cellular processes, including electrolyte disturbances, free radical damage, edema, ischemia, and inflammation.[22]Secondary spinal cord injury has several phases: acute, subacute, and chronic. During the acute phase (up to 48 hours after the primary injury), hemorrhage and ischemia lead to ion balance disruption, excitotoxicity, and inflammation. During the subacute phase (up to two weeks following primary injury), there is a phagocytic response and a reactive proliferation of astrocytes, which leads to a glial scar in the chronic phase. The thinking is that scarification is the critical component to permanent disability because it prevents axonal regeneration; axons otherwise could regenerate, but their growth is blocked. However, that notion has been subject to challenge, and there are suggestions that astrocyte scar formation could aid in regeneration.[23]In the chronic phase (over six months after the primary injury), the scarification process is complete.[24]
Open neural tube defects occur when there is a failure of the neural tube to close. If it fails to close at the cranial end, the fetusmay develop anencephaly. If the failure is at the caudal end, the fetusmay have myelomeningocele or open spina bifida. Craniorachischisis can also occur if the entire neural tube remains open. Closed neural tube defects are spinal cord development problems that are skin-covered, such as occult spina bifida.Folic acid supplements lower the risk of neural tube defects, although severe folate deficiency in mouse models does not lead to neural tube defects unless there is already a genetic predisposition. Suggestions are that folate can overcome a genetic predispositionfor adverse effects, potentially leading to neural tube defects.[25]
A spinal cord injury can be classified as complete or incomplete. A complete injury, based on the International Standard Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) examination, developed by the American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA), implies that there is no sensation at the inferior segments of the spinal cord (S4-S5); no deep anal pressure (DAP) or voluntary anal contraction (VAC) is present. If no perianal sensation is present and DAP and VAC are absent, the present function below the level of injury is a zone of partial preservation.[26]
An injury in the cervical region often results in quadriplegia if both sides of the spinal cord are affected and hemiplegia if only one side is affected. Nerves from C3, C4, and C5 stimulate the phrenic nerve, which controls the diaphragm, so injury to C4 and above may result in a permanent need for a ventilator. An injury to the thoracic region often limits the function of nerves related to the lower torso and lower extremities. Usually, it does not affect the upper torso and upper extremities, except in rare cases such as subacute posttraumatic ascending myelopathy (SPAM).[27]Injury to thespinal cord often causes loss of bowel and bladder control, loss of sexual function, and blood pressure dysregulation, as the spinal cordrelays autonomic and somatic information.
Several syndromes correlate with spinal cord injury. Central cord syndrome usually occurs in individuals who suffer a hyperextension injury, and it often leads to incomplete injury with weakness predominantly affecting the upper limbs. The reason for this phenomenon is the organization of the fibers in the spinal cord: the fibers running to the lower extremities are longer than those running to the upper extremities; the longer fibers are located more laterally in the spinal cord (L-L rule). As the central portion of the spinal cord is injured, there is a sparing of the fibers running to the lower extremities. Brown-Sequard syndrome is due to a spinal cord hemisection,leading to a complete loss of sensation at the level of the lesion, as well as deficits below the lesion loss of proprioception, vibration, and motor control, ipsilaterally, and a loss of pain and temperature sensation, contralaterally. Anterior cord syndrome is due to a compromised blood supply to the anterior two-thirds of the spinal cord, damaging the corticospinal and spinothalamic tracts.This syndrome is associated with several deficits at and below the lesion, including motor loss and a loss of pain and temperature sensation. However, light touch and joint position sense from the dorsal columns are left intact.[26]Injury to T12-L2 segmentsmay result in conus medullaris syndrome, while injury to L3-L5 segmentscan lead to cauda equina syndrome. Usually, these syndromes present as incomplete injuries and result in neurogenic bladder and/or bowel, loss of sexual function, and perianal loss of sensation.[28]
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Physiology, Spinal Cord - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
IMAC Holdings, Inc. Announces Completion of Third Cohort of its Phase 1 …
By daniellenierenberg
BRENTWOOD, Tenn., Sept. 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IMAC Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: BACK) (IMAC or the Company), today announces it has completed the third cohort of its Phase 1 clinical trial for its investigational compound utilizing umbilical cord-derived allogenic mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of bradykinesia due to Parkinsons disease.
The third cohort consists of five patients with bradykinesia due to Parkinsons disease receiving an intravenous infusion of a high concentration stem cell treatment. The third and final cohort of the Phase 1 clinical trial was completed on Tuesday, September 6, 2022.
About IMACs Phase 1 Clinical Trial
The Phase 1 clinical trial, consisting of a 15-patient dose escalation safety and tolerability study, is being conducted at three of IMACs clinical centers in Chesterfield, Missouri, Paducah, Kentucky, and Brentwood, Tennessee. The trial is divided into three groups: 1) five patients with bradykinesia due to Parkinsons disease received a low concentration dose, intravenous infusion of stem cells, 2) five received a medium concentration intravenous dose, 3) and five received a high concentration intravenous dose. All groups will be subsequently tracked for 12 months. IMACs medical doctors and physical therapists at the clinical sites have been trained to administer the treatment and manage the therapy. Ricardo Knight, M.D., M.B.A., who is medical director of the IMAC Regeneration Center of Chicago, is the trials principal investigator.
The Institute of Regenerative and Cellular Medicine serves as the trials independent investigational review board, while Regenerative Outcomes provides management of the study. Further details of the trial can be found at
About Bradykinesia Due to Parkinsons Disease
In addition to unusually slow movements and reflexes, bradykinesia may lead to limited ability to lift arms and legs, reduced facial expressions, rigid muscle tone, a shuffling walk, and difficulty with repetitive motion tasks, self-care, and daily activities. Parkinsons disease is the typical culprit of bradykinesia, and as it progresses through its stages, a persons ability to move and respond declines.
According to Zion Market Research, the global Parkinsons disease therapeutics market was $2.61 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow to $5.28 billion by 2025. The Parkinsons Disease Foundation estimates that nearly 10 million people are suffering from Parkinsons disease, and almost 60,000 new cases are reported annually in the U.S.
About IMAC Holdings, Inc.
IMAC Holdingsowns and manages health and wellness centers that deliver sports medicine, orthopedic care, and restorative joint and tissue therapies for movement restricting pain and neurodegenerative diseases.IMACis comprised of three business segments: outpatient medical centers, The Back Space, and a clinical research division. With treatments to address both young and aging populations,IMAC Holdingsowns or manages outpatient medical clinics that deliver regenerative rehabilitation services as a minimally invasive approach to acute and chronic musculoskeletal and neurological health problems. IMACs The Back Company retail spinal health and wellness treatment centers deliver chiropractic care within Walmart locations. IMACs research division is currently conducting a Phase I clinical trial evaluating a mesenchymal stem cell therapy candidate for bradykinesia due to Parkinsons disease. For more information
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This press release contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements, and terms such as anticipate, expect, believe, may, will, should or other comparable terms, are based largely on IMAC's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond IMAC's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, risks and uncertainties associated with its ability to raise additional funding, its ability to maintain and grow its business, variability of operating results, its ability to maintain and enhance its brand, its development and introduction of new products and services, the successful integration of acquired companies, technologies and assets, marketing and other business development initiatives, competition in the industry, general government regulation, economic conditions, dependence on key personnel, the ability to attract, hire and retain personnel who possess the skills and experience necessary to meet customers requirements, and its ability to protect its intellectual property. IMAC encourages you to review other factors that may affect its future results in its registration statement and in its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these risks and uncertainties, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking information contained in this press release will in fact occur.
IMAC Press Contact:
Laura Fristoe
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IMAC Holdings, Inc. Announces Completion of Third Cohort of its Phase 1 ...
Revolutionary Jab that Could Repair Spinal Cord Injuries Developed by Scientists – Good News Network
By daniellenierenberg
The green colors are increased synapses resulting from a regeneration in nerve axons SWNS
A revolutionary treatment that could repair spinal cord injuries has been developed by scientists which regrew nerves in paralyzed mice within three months.
The medication triggers cells of long spindly parts of the severed nerves called axons to regenerative themselves.
Currently, spinal cord injury does not have any effective treatments that involves a repairing of what was damaged. Physical rehabilitation can help patients regain some mobility, and a number of electrical stimulation technologies can stimulate nerves and muscles to act as before, but never with the precision of the real thing.
This work shows a drug called TTK21 that is administered systemically once a week after a chronic spinal cord injury in animals can promote neuronal regrowth and an increase in synapses that are needed for neuronal transmission, said lead author Dr. Simone Di Giovanni, of Imperial College London.
This is important because chronic spinal cord injury is a condition without a cure where neuronal regrowth and repair fail.
Damage to the spinal cord interrupts the constant stream of electrical signals from the brain to the body. It can lead to paralysis below an injury.
The study published in the journal PLOS Biology showed TTK21 aided the regrowth of sensory and motor neurons when given to mice 12 weeks after severe injury.
It belongs to a group of therapies known as epigenetic activators which target damaged DNA.
In experiments, lab rodents with severe spinal cord injury lived in an enriched environment with opportunities to be physically activeas is encouraged in human patients.
Treatment lasted for 10 weeks. Several improvements were identified, the most noticeable being the sprouting of more axons in the spinal cord. Retraction of motor axons above the point of injury was also halted, and sensory axon growth increased.
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The next step will be to boost the effects even more and get regenerating axons to reconnect to the rest of the nervous system so animals can regain their ability to move with ease.
We are now exploring the combination of this drug with strategies that bridge the spinal cord gap such as biomaterials as possible avenues to improve disability in SCI patients, said Di Giovanni.
For decades, this has remained a major challenge. Our bodys central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, does not have any significant capacity to repair itself.
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In the U.S., an estimated 300,000 people and another 50,000 in the UK are living with a spinal cord injury.
Last year GNN reported that Yale had used stem cells to repair patients injured spinal cords, which could be another future avenue to repairing nerves and axons.
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Revolutionary Jab that Could Repair Spinal Cord Injuries Developed by Scientists - Good News Network
Unlocking the Mysteries of Brain Regeneration Groundbreaking Study Offers New Insight – SciTechDaily
By daniellenierenberg
Neuron generation trajectories. Credit: BGI Genomics
Because of its distinctive and adorable look, the axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum is a popular pet. Unlike other metamorphosing salamanders, axolotls (pronounced ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) never outgrow their larval, juvenile stage, a trait known as neoteny. Its also recognized for its ability to regenerate missing limbs and other tissues including the brain, spinal cord, tail, skin, limbs, liver, skeletal muscle, heart, upper and lower jaw, and ocular tissues like the retina, cornea, and lens.
Mammals, including humans, are almost incapable of rebuilding damaged tissue after a brain injury. Some species, such as fish and axolotls, on the other hand, may replenish wounded brain regions with new neurons.
Tissue types the axolotl can regenerate as shown in red. Credit: Debuque and Godwin, 2016
Brain regeneration necessitates the coordination of complex responses in a time and region-specific way. In a paper published on the cover of Science, BGI and its research partners used Stereo-seq technology to recreate the axolotl brain architecture throughout developing and regenerative processes at single-cell resolution. Examining the genes and cell types that enable axolotls to renew their brains might lead to better treatments for severe injuries and unlock human regeneration potential.
Cell regeneration images at seven different time points following an injury; the control image is on the left. Credit: BGI Genomics
The research team collected axolotl samples from six development stages and seven regeneration phases with corresponding spatiotemporal Stereo-seq data. The six developmental stages include:
Through the systematic study of cell types in various developmental stages, researchers found that during the early development stage neural stem cells located in the VZ region are difficult to distinguish between subtypes, and with specialized neural stem cell subtypes with spatial regional characteristics from adolescence, thus suggesting that various subtypes may have different functions during regeneration.
In the third part of the study, the researchers generated a group of spatial transcriptomic data of telencephalon sections that covered seven injury-induced regenerative stages. After 15 days, a new subtype of neural stem cells, reaEGC (reactive ependymoglial cells), appeared in the wound area.
Axolotl brain developmental and regeneration processes. Credit: BGI Genomics
Partial tissue connection appeared at the wound, and after 20 to 30 days, new tissue had been regenerated, but the cell type composition was significantly different from the non-injured tissue. The cell types and distribution in the damaged area did not return to the state of the non-injured tissue until 60 days post-injury.
The key neural stem cell subtype (reaEGC) involved in this process was derived from the activation and transformation of quiescent neural stem cell subtypes (wntEGC and sfrpEGC) near the wound after being stimulated by injury.
What are the similarities and differences between neuron formation during development and regeneration? Researchers discovered a similar pattern between development and regeneration, which is from neural stem cells to progenitor cells, subsequently into immature neurons and finally to mature neurons.
Spatial and temporal distribution of axolotl brain development. Credit: BGI Genomics
By comparing the molecular characteristics of the two processes, the researchers found that the neuron formation process is highly similar during regeneration and development, indicating that injury induces neural stem cells to transform themselves into a rejuvenated state of development to initiate the regeneration process.
Our team analyzed the important cell types in the process of axolotl brain regeneration, and tracked the changes in its spatial cell lineage, said Dr. Xiaoyu Wei, the first author of this paper and BGI-Research senior researcher. The spatiotemporal dynamics of key cell types revealed by Stereo-seq provide us a powerful tool to pave new research directions in life sciences.
Corresponding author Xun Xu, Director of Life Sciences at BGI-Research, noted that In nature, there are many self-regenerating species, and the mechanisms of regeneration are pretty diverse. With multi-omics methods, scientists around the world may work together more systematically.
Reference: Single-cell Stereo-seq reveals induced progenitor cells involved in axolotl brain regeneration by Xiaoyu Wei, Sulei Fu, Hanbo Li, Yang Liu, Shuai Wang, Weimin Feng, Yunzhi Yang, Xiawei Liu, Yan-Yun Zeng, Mengnan Cheng, Yiwei Lai, Xiaojie Qiu, Liang Wu, Nannan Zhang, Yujia Jiang, Jiangshan Xu, Xiaoshan Su, Cheng Peng, Lei Han, Wilson Pak-Kin Lou, Chuanyu Liu, Yue Yuan, Kailong Ma, Tao Yang, Xiangyu Pan, Shang Gao, Ao Chen, Miguel A. Esteban, Huanming Yang, Jian Wang, Guangyi Fan, Longqi Liu, Liang Chen, Xun Xu, Ji-Feng Fei and Ying Gu, 2 September 2022, Science.DOI: 10.1126/science.abp9444
This study has passed ethical reviews and follows the corresponding regulations and ethical guidelines.
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Unlocking the Mysteries of Brain Regeneration Groundbreaking Study Offers New Insight - SciTechDaily
How the ‘Love Hormone’ Oxytocin May Help Heal Heart Muscles – Healthline
By daniellenierenberg
Oxytocin is a neurohormone called the love hormone because it promotes social bonds and generates pleasurable feelings.
It also regulates lactation, uterine contractions, the movement of sperm, and testosterone production.
Now, a new study suggests that the hormone might someday help regenerate damaged heart muscles.
The researchers said that previous research has concluded that the epicardium, a membrane found in the layers of the heart, can partially regenerate injured heart cells. In mammals, however, this process doesnt work independently but might if cells are reprogrammed.
Researchers noted that zebrafish produced oxytocin after their hearts were injured by extreme cold, leading to a response that promotes heart regeneration.
The heart possesses a population of cells, called epicardial cells, that reside in its outer layers, said Aitor Aguirre, Ph.D., one of the authors of the study and an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at the Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering at Michigan State University.
After a massive cardiac injury, such as a heart attack, epicardial cells become epicardial stem cells and can then regenerate muscle, blood vessels, and other cardiac tissues, but their numbers are far too small for any long-lasting impact, he told Healthline.
What we have found in this study is that oxytocin induces the formation of these stem cells and promotes their expansion, increasing their efficiency in heart regeneration, Aguirre added. It is interesting because this demonstrates that the brain controls some regeneration, so there could be factors in addition to the oxytocin that promotes regeneration.
He noted that the most common role of oxytocin relates to bonding and pleasure, which suggests that being in a caring and loving environment might promote heart healing. You could say that the love hormone fixes broken hearts.
Zebrafish are known for their ability to regenerate cells throughout their body.
Past research has reported that these fish can regenerate organs, including the retina, spinal cord, parts of the brain, and certain internal organs. Experts say this makes them a good resource for studying this concept.
The researchers conducting the current study reported that within three days of the heart injury, the Zebrafish increased the expression of oxytocin in the brain by about 18-fold.
The oxytocin then traveled to the epicardium, which bound to the oxytocin receptor, triggering cells to develop new cells. These cells migrated to the myocardium and developed into cardiomyocytes, blood vessels, and other heart cells, replacing the injured ones.
Oxytocin had a similar effect on human cells in a laboratory. The scientists tested 15 neurohormones and they said oxytocin had the strongest effect on stimulating the regeneration of human cells.
Oxytocin is currently used during labor and delivery. It is used to begin or speed up contractions during labor and typically takes effect about 30 minutes after injection. It can also help to reduce bleeding after birth.
The risk of using oxytocin during labor is overstimulation of the uterus and causes it to contract too often, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This may lead to changes in the fetal heart rate.
While there are benefits to using oxytocin during labor and delivery, there are also risks. These risks and benefits will need to be considered as researchers look at the hormones potential use for stimulating heart regeneration.
Oxytocin, or a similar analog that stimulates its receptor, could conceivably be utilized to regenerate the heart in humans after acute or chronic injury, said Dr. Rigved Tadwalkar, a cardiologist at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in California.
The current study reveals the beneficial effects of oxytocin in zebrafish in vivo and on human tissue in vitro, Tadwalkar told Healthline. The findings suggest that the pathway involved in stimulating stem-like cells to the myocardium is preserved in humans, at least to a degree.
Unfortunately, oxytocin has a short half-life, meaning that it exists only briefly in human circulation, Tadwalkar added. However, we could take advantage of this beneficial signaling pathway in humans by creating drugs that are higher in potency or with longer half-lives.
Since we already use oxytocin clinically, this is not inconceivable, he noted. Even if the effects are limited, the benefit would be splendid in this population. For example, if oxytocin is shown to only have a preventative role, as opposed to a regenerative one, this would still be welcome, as to avert subsequent damage to the heart.
See the original post here:
How the 'Love Hormone' Oxytocin May Help Heal Heart Muscles - Healthline
In Conversation: How to understand chronic pain – Medical News Today
By daniellenierenberg
Chronic pain, a disease process that is so complex that we are only just beginning to understand its triggers, has recently been gaining recognition as a medical condition on its own. But how does living with chronic pain feel? And how do the body and brain deal with it?
Aching, dull, gnawing, burning, sharp, shooting, piercing
These are just some of the words people tend to use to describe their pain.
Now imagine you had to endure a bit of this every waking day until you dont know what its like to go about your day without this baseline of pain slowly depleting your mental and physical energy in the background.
That is the reality for many people who deal with chronic pain.
Some days may be great, some days bad; the signs may not always be visible and it may be an inward battle hidden behind gritted teeth and forced smiles.
But how does chronic pain become, well, chronic?
In the latest installment of our In Conversation podcast dedicated to Pain Awareness Month, Medical News Today dives into the science behind chronic pain with Dr. Hilary Guite and Dr. Tony L. Yaksh, professor of anesthesiology and pharmacology at the University of California, San Diego, as Joel Nelson, longtime psoriatic disease and arthritis patient and advocate, shares his personal journey with pain.
Chronic pain may often be dismissed as purely a symptom of a larger problem or not taken as seriously because it is not life threatening. However, the burden of chronic pain is not only personal but also societal.
Studies show that people with chronic pain may have difficulty in going about their daily lives and doing activities, as well as have poorer overall health. People with chronic pain may also have to deal with job insecurity or unemployment.
It wasnt until 2018 that the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) gave chronic pain its own code, in the preliminary version of the new ICD-11 coding system, paving way for its recognition and diagnosis.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chronic pain is now classified into two categories: chronic primary pain and chronic secondary pain.
Primary pain, according to this classification, refers to pain that is not caused by or cannot be explained by another medical condition. Some examples may be fibromyalgia or chronic primary low back pain.
Fibromyalgia [is] a condition that varies from person to person, but is a widespread pain condition affecting at least 4 to 5 regions of the body and lasts at least 3 months but usually longer. No other cause is found for the pain and it is, therefore, a type of primary chronic pain, Dr. Guite explained.
Secondary pain, on the other hand, is secondary to or caused by an underlying medical condition. Arthritis, cancer, or ulcerative colitis-related pain would fall within this umbrella.
[M]y chronic pain started around 10 years old. And [since] then, chronic pain has kind of been an intermittent part of my life right through to the present day, Joel Nelson told MNTs In Conversation.
Joel is now 38 years old, which means hes been living with chronic pain for a good few decades.
[M]y first experience with pain was [when] I got a pain in my hip; it was like a gravelly sort of burning feeling. And it just progressed; the more I used the joint, the [more it got] worse, it got to the point where I [was] sort of losing mobility, he said.
That was the point he decided to reach out for helpas most people do.
Joel said one word to describe his chronic pain is noise.
I always have described it as noise because on the days when that pain is intense, my ability to absorb other information, deal with multiple things at a time, its just gone, he said.
Living with my condition today, I think the most important takeaway about the experience is the fluidity of it. [U]ltimately, [my limits and mobility] can range from anything to where I can do more than walking, and I might be able to do a bit of running and cycling like I am currently, to next week I might be back on crutches. [A] lot of that is dictated by pain. So with arthritis, I get a lot of morning stiffness, but its the pain that limits my ability to do things. Joel Nelson
Likening it to a series of chapters, Joel said its not easy to anticipate what will happen next with his chronic pain.
Behind acute pain becoming chronic, scientists have found that a gateway receptor called Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) may be a controlling factor.
We know that under a tissue [or nerve] injury of various sorts that we can activate signaling that normally is associated with what we call innate immunity. And one of the mediators of that is something called the toll-like receptor and it turns out that while those are normally there to recognize the presence of foreign bugs, for example, E. coli, those bugs have in their cell membrane, something called lipopolysaccharide, or LPS. We dont have that normally in our system, but it comes from bacteria, said Dr. Yaksh.
Youre born with it, you dont have to develop it. Its there all the time. What weve come to find out over the last years [t]hat there are many products that your body releases that will [a]ctivate those very same toll-like receptors, he added.
Toll-like receptors may prime the central immune system for heightened states of pain. In response to harmful stimuli, stressors, or tissue injury, especially in the microbiome or the gastrointestinal tract, the body starts to release products from inflammatory cells.
When this happens, these products that are released from our own body can [a]ctivate these toll-like receptors, and theres [one] we call TLR4 [which] is present on inflammatory cells, and its also present on sensory neurons, he explained.
Dr. Yaksh said that activating TLR4 itself doesnt cause as much pain, but that it sets the nervous system up to become more reactive.
Coupled with this priming, if there are other stressors present at the timesuch as a bad diet or psychological distress, pointed out Dr. Guite this can set off a whole cascade that can fuel this transition to chronic pain.
[The activation of TLR4] sets up a whole series, a cascade in which there will be an increased expression of a large number of receptors and channels that are able to drive an enhanced response of the system. When this happens, you get this enhanced response downstream to the initial tissue injury. Its not so much that [it] causes the pain condition, it just sets the system up to be more reactive. Dr. Tony Yaksh
He said Joels situation fits within the notion that a person can transition from one type of pain to another.
[T]hat can be exacerbated by the stresses that are psychological which can exacerbate a pain state to one that may, in fact, have an underlying physiological component that we may not really understand, he added.
In Joels case, for example, Dr. Yaksh suggested it was likely that the stress (and joy) of becoming a father and all the other aspects played a role in what exacerbated Joels condition, and made it harder to keep the pain under control. He stressed that this did not make the pain any less real.
I think that probably there was this very strong, emotive component thats associated what Joels situation was, [] that the pain condition and the events that were associated with the psoriatic diagnosis and other aspects, perhaps, in fact, did establish the transition from one state to another [what] we call a transition or an acute to chronic, or the chronification of the pain state, he elaborated.
Theories so far suggest pain happens at the intersection of where the body meets the brain.
[Y]our comment about pain [being] in the brain is absolutely the correct way to think about it; the output function of anything comes from the higher centers, said Dr. Yaksh.
It all boils down to how the brain registers pain when there is tissue damage.
Pain is a crucial function for our survival; it is essentially a warning system that alerts our bodies that there is damage or illness to deal with. After an illness or injury, the nerves surrounding the area start sending signals up to the brain through the spinal cord, which encourages us to get help and stop further damage.
After the body sustains an injury, the damage to the bodys organs and tissues triggers an acute inflammatory response that involves immune cells, blood vessels, and other mediators. However, sometimes, even after this initial injury phase passes and the body heals, the nervous system may stay in this state of distress or reactivity.
When this happens, the body may become hypersensitive to pain. If this increased sensitivity is to heat or touch around the injured area, this is called peripheral sensitization.
[I]f I were to jam my finger, or if I were to develop, in Joels case, an event that leads to a local autoinflammation of the joint, then, in fact, that inflammation leads to the release of factors, which now sensitize the innervation of that joint, Dr. Yaksh elaborated.
Dr. Yaksh said this is something all people experience, regardless of whether it is chronic pain. He explained that after an injury, however, an innocuous activity such as wiggling ones finger can [become] extraordinarily noxious.
He described this as a sensitization generated by peripheral injury and inflammation, where this information is then relayed to the brain through the spinal cord.
The brain is now seeing what is otherwise an innocuous event, generating a signal that looks as if, as we would say, hell has frozen over, bad news is coming up the pipe. Dr. Tony Yaksh
However, sometimes this prolonged response to the initial injury may cause the lingering pain to be widespread, rather than localized to the injured area. This is called central sensitization.
[I]ts interesting in [Joels case], that you clearly have a peripheral issue, whether its the inflammation of a joint, inflammation of the skin, or changes in peripheral nerve function. And so not only do you get changes in joint morphology and things of that sort, but you actually get changes that lead to changes in the way that the information that goes into the spinal cord, and then to higher centers, Dr. Yaksh explained, and youve activated specific populations of sensory fibers that are normally activated only by severe injury.
[I]ts possible for that spinal cord, which is now, in a sense, organizing the input-output function from the periphery to the brain can become reorganized very much like if I were to take a radio and turn the volume upthe signal to the radio hasnt changed, but the volume gets louder. So, think of the spinal cord as a volume regulator. Dr. Tony Yaksh
And it says, bad news has happened. But we now know actually, that some of that input that comes up the same pathway [g]oes to areas of the brain that has nothing to do with where that pain [comes] fromonly that it is intense, he said.
These outputs that travel up the spinal cord inform the brain of where and how intense the pain is. One area these are processed in is the limbic system, or the old smell brain, said Dr. Yaksh.
These are areas of the brain that are, in fact, associated in humans with the input associated with emotionality, he added.
This stress can also modulate how pain is perceived by the body; it can cause muscles to tense or spasm, as well as lead to a rise in the levels of the hormone cortisol. This may cause inflammation and pain over time.
This can, in turn, can lead to sleeping problems, irritability, fatigue, and depression over time, creating a vicious cycle that adds to an already stressed nervous system, worsening the pain.
Although treatments for acute pain often involve taking various medications such as acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or opioids, treatment and management strategies for chronic pain are quite limited.
[W]e started out this conversation by saying pain is in the brain. And your perceptions of what the world is about impact you very directly, and in a way that is actually experimentally definable, changes the way your brain reacts. So when I say pain is in the brain, I am not saying its, its any less real in any way, shape, or form. Its a real thing, said Dr. Yaksh.
We now teach medical students that, you know, just because you dont see the primary diagnosis as being a swollen joint doesnt mean the patient doesnt have something, he pointed out.
Dr. Yaksh said mindfulness is often used in therapy to treat or manage fibromyalgia. He said that this doesnt mean there is no physiological component of fibromyalgia and indeed, recent research has shown that it is very likely to be an autoimmune condition just as real as the presence of antibodies that define the presence of an arthritic joint, he said.
Mindfulness, in a way, can help the individual respond to the nature of the afferent traffic thats coming up the spinal cord; its not something you could become mindful enough to say have surgery done. But it might [t]ake the edge off of some of the things that are, in fact, driving this exaggerated response. Fibromyalgia is a perfect example. Dr. Tony Yaksh
[Mindfulness] doesnt make the pain state any less real [but it] demonstrates that changing the way you think about your pain condition [can] help you deal with that pain condition, he said.
Joel added that, from the perspective of someone with chronic pain, it is a journey to see how the brain and the body work together to maintain pain:
.[I]t is a really delicate conversation when you talk about pain and it residing in the brain and, as somebody whos gone full circle through that journey of being horrified when that was first suggested to going through pain management, and then understanding it so that I could process it better. It changed everything for me.
What the future holds for treating chronic pain currently remains unclear. However, hope is that drugs might be developed to impact receptors such as TLR4 in a way that might not result in the pain going from acute to chronic, and that our understanding of how psychological processes interact with the neuro-immune interface increases over time.
Read more here:
In Conversation: How to understand chronic pain - Medical News Today
Stem Cells Therapy for Autism: Does it Work?
By daniellenierenberg
Most of us are familiar with the scientific fact that any living, breathing animal, insect etc. is made up of cells. These cells form tissues and organs that support the existence of the host. Many of us have also heard of stem cells therapy for autism but are unsure about its validity.
Scientists have studied the underlying mechanism of cells, as well as their functioning, and have discovered ways of using the cells to improve the lives of humans and treat diseases. To do so, scientists have discovered stem cells; think of it as the building blocks of a fully differentiated cell.
Stem cells are human cells that can be developed and differentiated into other cell types. These cells can be derived from any part of the body, for example, stem cells from the brain, muscle, bone marrow, etc. Stem cells are versatile in that they can be used to fix damaged tissues. The two essential characteristics of stem cells include: Firstly, the ability to self-renew to create successors identical to the original cell. Secondly, stem cells, unlike cancer cells, are controlled and highly regulated, therefore, stem cells need to be able to give rise to specialized cell types that become part of the healthy body.
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The purpose of stem cell therapy is to regenerate and repair damaged tissues and cells in the body. There are two main classes of stem cells. Pluripotent stem cells have the potential to become any cell in the adult body and multipotent stem cells are much more restricted to a specific population or lineage of cells. Other stem cell types include totipotent and unipotent.
Lets look at pluripotent and multipotent stem cells in detail.
Pluripotent stem cells are generated from somatic cells. These mainly come from embryos and, as such, theyre often referred to as embryonic stem cells.
Lets discuss three types of embryonic stem cells that are used to generate pluripotent cells. These include true embryonic stem cells (ES), nuclear transfer of somatic cells (ntES), and parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells (these are stem cells from unfertilized eggs).
The true embryonic stem cells are made from unused embryos, such as those that undergo IVF (in vitro fertilization). The process of IVF is such that the eggs and sperm are fertilized in a lab dish. What then happens is that, through this process, more embryos are generated, usually more than the couple actually need. Those that arent used can be donated to science.
Pluripotent cells made from these unused embryos are not genetically matched to the original hosts. These are mainly used in science for studies to learn how stem cells regenerate.
Every cell contains an organelle called a nucleus. The nucleus contains all the cells genetic information essential to its function. The word somatic refers to any cell in the body.
The process of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) extracts the nucleus from a somatic cell and transfers it into another cell that has had its own nucleus removed; i.e. the nucleus from the previous cell is being transferred to an egg cell that does not contain a nucleus (unnucleated).
When the nucleus is transferred to another cell, it activates the process of pluripotent cell generation that reprograms the generation of genes in that cell. The egg then becomes a zygote nucleus or a fertilized egg, the cell then replicates and through it embryonic stem cells are created.
Imagine being able to fertilize an egg without fertilization by sperm. Unusual, but science makes crazy things happen.
Parthenogenesis is the process whereby an unfertilized egg develops an embryo without fertilization. This can be achieved through chemical, physical or combined activation methods.
The parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells have the capacity for infinite proliferation and self-renewal, and maintain the ability to differentiate into one or more specialized types of cell or tissue.
pESCs are especially useful for regenerative medicine, and therefore allow the generation of functional cells that could potentially be used as treatment for many incurable diseases in the future.
Multipotent stem cells are unspecialized cell types that have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cell types. However, these cells are specific to the type of tissue or organ. For example, a multipotent adult stem cell from the bone marrow can become specialized to produce all blood cell types; and cells in the stem cells from neural networks in the brain can specialize to glial and neuronal cells.
When we talk about all blood cell types, we have to get a little scientific, but for the curious mind, all blood cell types refers to platelets, B and T lymphocytes, natural killer cells, dendritic cells.the list goes on.
In addition, for the curious mind, various types of stem cells include hematopoietic stem cells (the ones that make blood cell types), mesenchymal stem cells (differentiate into bone, fat, cartilage, muscle, and skin), and neural stem cells (from neural networks).
Now that weve covered the types of stem cells, the question remains, can stem cell therapy cure autism? Lets have a look.
To answer this question, I refer to the review by Price (2020) as it is the latest up-date data on this subject. It is important to note however, that at the time of reading this article there may be other research data published on this topic.
Several research studies cite immune dysfunction as the cause and effect of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). By virtue of this analogy, it has informed the basis of the stem cell therapy approach for treating autism. This is founded on the properties that regulate the immune system (immuno-regulatory properties).
From the review, it was also found that when exposed to inflammatory stimuli, this may lead to the development of postnatal diagnosis of ASD. Inflammation to the cell describes the process that occurs when the cell is exposed to harmful stimuli such as bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat, and pathogens. The affected cells then release chemicals that cause blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, causing swelling.
Therefore, an inflammatory stimuli is that which influences the occurrence of an inflammatory response.
Other bodies of research found an altered level of proteins called cytokines which are essential for interaction and communication between cells in ASD. These may also be the cause of the development of autism spectrum disorder. Some genetic studies propose an association between a genetic loci (a specific point on the genome of the autistic individual) and ASD whose function is related to immune function. While others suggest a possible anomaly in the neuronal signaling pathway that directs communication and information transfer between neurons
All these are proposed reasons that hypothesize the use of stem cell therapy to treat autism biologically. However, all these propositions do not lead to one voice, there are too many hypotheses that make it difficult to narrow down the target area that would potentially treat autism or autism symptoms. Keeping in mind that autism traits are diverse, therefore, narrowing this information down to one plausible pathology is an even greater challenge.
So, is stem cell therapy effective? The answer to this is unknown.
Is ASD caused by genetic, immune dysfunction, or inflammatory stimuli? The answer to this is not clear and theres a vast number of studies that argue different theories.
It is even more disturbing to consider these hypotheses because, for example, each person can experience bacterial or viral infections, or stress that can impact immune functioning and/or lead to inflammation but were not all on the spectrum. Therefore, we cant say that factors which alter our immune functioning lead to the development of neurodevelopmental conditions.
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However, according to Price, the study by Riordan et al. (2019) proposes the influence of cytokines for the treatment of autism.The data proposed could be a point in a positive direction to answering whether stem cell therapy could potentially treat autism symptoms.
Unfortunately, there is no data to positively state the effectiveness of stem cell therapy for treating autism. As more research is developed in this field, theres hope that more understanding of autism will arise, and perhaps an alternative form of treatment of autism symptoms can be developed. It is also worth noting the possibility of genetic markers that could help diagnose autism during pregnancy or during the prenatal development stage.
The studies highlighted in this article are simply preliminary assessments. Further research needs to be conducted in order to understand the potential of cell therapies for treating autism.
The findings of these studies vary in hypothesis and this makes generalization hard. Science has developed greatly over years, therefore, for those that believe in the potential of science and all that it could offer, theres a reason to hope that stem cell therapy could potentially be used as treatment for autism in the near future.
Biehl, J. K., & Russell, B. (2009). Introduction to stem cell therapy. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, 24(2), 98105.
Price, J.(2020). Cell therapy approaches to autism: a review of clinical trial data. Molecular Autism, 11, 37 .
Thermo Fisher Scientific. An Overview of Pluripotent and Multipotent Stem Cell Targets.
Yu, Z., Han, B. (2016). Advantages and limitations of the parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells in cell therapy. Journal of Reproduction and Contraception, 27 (2), Issue 2, 118-124.
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Stem Cells Therapy for Autism: Does it Work?
Stem-like CD8 T cells mediate response of adoptive cell … – PubMed
By daniellenierenberg
Figure 2.. CD39 - CD69 - CD8 + TILs in infusion product are in a
(A) t-SNE plot of all CD8+ TILs from CR and NR I.P. (5 CRs, 5 NRs). (B) Frequency distribution of each cluster (1 through 8) expressed as a % of total CD8+ T cells in the I.P. for each patient. (C) Data points representing % of S.Cluster.A (top) and % of S.Cluster.B (bottom) per each patient I.P. between CRs and NRs. S.Cluster.A encompasses clusters C0, C2, C5, C6, and C7; S.Cluster.B comprises clusters C1, C3, C4, and C8. P-values by two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test are shown. (D) Heatmap of top 15 discriminating genes between S.Cluster.A and S.Cluster.B displayed for each cell. All discriminating genes are listed in Table S4. (E) t-SNE plot of clustered cells displayed by the top two quartiles of CD39-CD69- (DN) gene signature expression, and top two quartiles of CD39+CD69+ (DP) gene signature expression. (F) Each patient I.P. was scored by DN and DP gene signature scores and their mean scGSEA values are plotted. CRs are in red, and NRs are in black. P-values by two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing the mean DN and DP signature scores between CRs and NRs are shown. (G) Flow cytometric analysis of inhibitory and memory markers within each subset (DN [CD39-CD69-], SP [CD39-CD69+, CD39+CD69-] and DP [CD39+CD69+] of patient I.P. in the validation set (n=38) expressed as % of each subset (parent gate). * P < 0.05 **P < 0.01 ***P < 0.001 ****P < 0.0001 by Tukeys multiple comparison test. (H) Flow cytometry of intracellular TCF7 expression for DN and DP subsets showing representative patient I.P. sample (top) and quantitation for 18 I.P. (bottom). P-value by two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test is shown. (I) Phenotypes of DN, SP, and DP states before and after CD3/CD28 stimulation at 48 hours showing flow cytometry plot in a representative patient sample (left) and summary of daughter cells in each state after stimulation of 6 patient I.P. (right). ***P < 0.001 by two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test. (J) t-SNE clusters of CD8+ TILs from Melanoma ICB cohort (15) (K) t-SNE plot colored by top two quartiles of DN and DP gene signatures, DN: red, DP: black (L) TILs from pre ICB therapy were scored by the top DN and DP gene signature scores and mean scGSEA scores are plotted. Cells from responding lesions are in red, and cells from progressing lesions are in black. Cell numbers and P-values by two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test are shown. (M) Clustered correlation matrix of gene signatures from other studies (Table S5) along with DN and DP scGSEA scores on pre-ICB cells from the cohort.
Go here to read the rest:
Stem-like CD8 T cells mediate response of adoptive cell ... - PubMed
6 Under Eye Products You Need To Have STAT – Grazia India
By daniellenierenberg
Looking for that bright-eyed look? Here you go!
If there's one overlooked aspect of a persons skincare routine, it is moisturising the under eyes. The middle child of the skin care routine, oftentimes applying this product is overlooked for a full coverage concealer. Your deepening dark circles aren't thanking you for those sleepless nights spent binge watching your favourite comfort shows after a long, hard day at work. Eye creams are your best friend when it comes to wanting to look like you have your life together the next day at 9 am in the office. From depuffing to helping fade dark circles, fine line reduction and hydrating the delicate skin of your under eye, you name it, these products do it!
The Dear, Klairs Fundamental Nourishing Butter provides the essential moisture needed for the under eye and special antioxidant care for those battling dryness. So you can bid a happy adieu to fine lines and dark circles while also boosting the inherent elasticity of your skin. As its name rightfully suggests, its soft butter-like consistency easily absorbs into the skin to moisturise and brighten the under eyes. With the goodness of Vitamin A and E,quad peptide as well as sunflower seed oil to protect the delicate skin of our eyes, this nourishing eye butter goes well under your makeup giving you a smooth base like no other. Additionally, this cream can also be applied on the neck and nasolabial folds to reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Avocado in your smoothies, salads, face packs and now once again the glorious avocado in your eye cream. An eye cream with potent ingredients for skin that is dehydrated. The Kiehls Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado is an excellent choice to give your skin radiance and make your eyes appear more alert. Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, and Beta-Carotene, a naturally derived antioxidant that is found in carrots and oranges and is known to sharpen the eye sight ,are used in its formulation to keep your skin moisturised and hydrated all day. These substances' qualities also combat ageing symptoms including wrinkles and fine lines. Excellent for all skin types!
The Innisfree Black Tea Youth Enhancing Eye Serum is a powerful product that reduces fine lines and wrinkles and camouflages signs of fatigue around the eyes. The serum emulsifies active components into the skin to nourish it back to health. With a brownie point earned for no stickiness left, it is brightening and highly nourishing in its make up. The exclusive innisfree green tea ( formulated after intense research) is fermented to make the star ingredient of this product the black tea. The Black Tea is then steeped in mineral water for 12 hours to extract all of the potent antioxidants and anti-aging ingredients. Reset Concentrate, a powerful active component, was produced using this exclusive extraction technique.
The Daughter Earth microemulsion under eye serum is a power packed eye serum that incorporates the Ayurvedic Super Triad- amalaki, haritaki and bibhitaki, popularly known as Triphala. Using modern scientific breakthrough apple stem cell technology and probiotics, this under eye serum will moisturise and nourish the sensitive skin of your undereyes with 8 Super Fruits, 5 Peptides, 3 Ceramides and 8 Amino Acids in a lightweight and potent formula. Its ingredients are tailor made to give you the most benefit. Caffeine, Quinoa and the skin loving ingredient niacinamide work towards eradicating dark circles and depuffing the eyes. Plant stem cells reduce fine lines and peptides and wild roselle make your skin supple and firm.
Enriched with the power of Anise, the Forest Essentials Intensive Eye Cream incorporates an Innovative formulation created especially for the delicate eye area. Papaya and potato starch active extracts aid in minimising the appearance of dry and dehydrated lines. It reduces the stubborn appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and dull skin. Along with sweet, cold pressed almond oil that deeply moisturises and adds a glow to the skin, the cream also has properties of cucumber in it that leads to reduced pigmentation and blemish free skin. With consistent use, the eye area becomes more brilliant and clear thanks to anise and chakshushya.
The Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Eye Concentrate combats signs of ageing and drooping skin and defends your delicate under eyes against damage in one application. If you're guilty of scrubbing your eyes till you see all black like me this serum is made for you. It heals your skin against the harsh friction and other environmental factors and is the perfect pre-treatment before your eye serums to give that extra boost to your daily skincare.
See the original post:
6 Under Eye Products You Need To Have STAT - Grazia India
A protocol for isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells from …
By daniellenierenberg
We explain a protocol for straightforward isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from mouse bone marrow (BM) to supply researchers with a method that can be applied in cell biology and tissue engineering with minimal requirements. Our protocol is mainly on the basis of the frequent medium change in primary culture and diminishing the trypsinization time. Mouse mesenchymal stem cells are generally isolated from an aspirate of BM harvested from the tibia and femoral marrow compartments, then cultured in a medium with Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) and fetal bovine serum (FBS) for 3 h in a 37 degrees C-5% CO(2) incubator. Nonadherent cells are removed carefully after 3 h and fresh medium is replaced. When primary cultures become almost confluent, the culture is treated with 0.5 ml of 0.25% trypsin containing 0.02% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid for 2 min at room temperature (25 degrees C). A purified population of MSCs can be obtained 3 weeks after the initiation of culture.
The rest is here:
A protocol for isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells from ...
Bone Marrow: What it is & Why it is Important – Cleveland Clinic
By daniellenierenberg
OverviewWhat is bone marrow?
Bone marrow is the soft, fatty tissue inside of bone cavities. Components of your blood including red and white blood cells and platelets form inside of your bone marrow.
Bone marrow makes nearly all the components of your blood. It's responsible for creating billions of red blood cells daily, along with white blood cells and platelets. Bone marrow also stores fat that turns into energy as needed.
Bone marrow makes the components of your blood that you need to survive. Bone marrow produces red blood cells that carry oxygen, white blood cells that prevent infection and platelets that control bleeding. The absence of bone marrow can be fatal since it's an essential part of your body.
Yes, bone marrow and the healthy cells it produces are necessary for humans to live. Often, cell mutations harm healthy bone marrow cells, and a bone marrow transplant would be a treatment option for people diagnosed with blood cancers like leukemia.
A bone marrow transplant takes healthy cells from a donor and puts them into your bloodstream. The donors cells help your body grow healthy red and white blood cells and platelets.
There are three parts to the anatomy of your bones: compact bone, spongy bone and bone marrow. Compact bone is the strong, outer layer of your bones. Spongy bone makes up the ends of your bones. Bone marrow is in the center of most bones and in the end of spongy bones in your body. Bone marrow and blood vessels fill cavities in your bones, where they store fat and stem cells and produce blood cells that make your whole blood.
Bone marrow is a spongy, soft tissue that resembles a jelly or jam that you would spread on toast. It comes in two colors, red and yellow. Bone marrow fills the cavities of your bones and holds cells that create red and white blood cells and platelets, which make whole blood. The color of red bone marrow is the result of red blood cell production.
There are two types of bone marrow in your body, which are characterized by their color. Your body holds just under 6 lbs. (about 2.5 kg.) of red and yellow bone marrow.
Red bone marrow makes up all of your bone marrow until about age seven. Yellow bone marrow gradually replaces red bone marrow as you age.
Bone marrow is made of stem cells. These stem cells make red bone marrow, which creates blood cells and platelets for your blood. Yellow bone marrow consists mostly of fat and stem cells that produce bone and cartilage in your body.
Directly targeting bone marrow is leukemia, which is a blood and bone marrow cancer. Leukemia forms when a cell mutation occurs in your bone marrow and mutated cells multiply out of control, reducing the production of healthy, normal cells.
Since bone marrow is the foundation for the creation of blood cells, blood-related conditions often are the result of abnormally functioning bone marrow. These conditions include:
Common symptoms of bone marrow conditions include:
There are two tests to check the health of your bone marrow and/or blood cells:
For a bone marrow test or donation, youll receive an anesthetic, so you won't feel any pain during the procedure. After the procedure, you may feel side effects, which include aches and pain at the site of the incision. Each individual experiences pain differently, so the severity could vary from person to person. The pain may last for a few days or up to several weeks.
Treatments for bone marrow conditions vary based on the severity and progress of the diagnosis. Treatment options include:
Bone marrow is the foundation of your bones, blood and muscles. Keeping your bone marrow healthy focuses on supporting components of your body that grow from bone marrow cells. You can keep your bone marrow healthy by:
A note from Cleveland Clinic
Bone marrow is the soft center of the bones in your body. Bone marrow is necessary to create components of your blood and store fat. The best way to keep your bone marrow healthy is to support the parts of your body that your bone marrow produces, like your blood, muscles and bones.
See the original post here:
Bone Marrow: What it is & Why it is Important - Cleveland Clinic
Long-Term Data from Omidubicel Phase 3 Trial Demonstrates Overall Survival and Sustainable Durable Outcomes for Patients with Blood Cancers at the…
By daniellenierenberg
BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gamida Cell Ltd. (Nasdaq: GMDA), the leader in the development of NAM-enabled cell therapies for patients with hematologic and solid cancers and other serious diseases, today announced the presentation of new long term follow-up data and health-related quality of life scores of patients treated with omidubicel at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO), being held in Houston, Texas.
These data reinforce our commitment to advance transformational cell therapy research and underscore the potential of our NAM technology platform. Our lead stem cell therapy candidate, omidubicel, addresses the unmet need for patients with hematologic malignancies, demonstrated by the robust and growing body of encouraging clinical evidence, including the long-term follow up data and quality of life improvement, said Ronit Simantov, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Gamida Cell. As we approach the PDUFA date of January 30, 2023, and upon potential FDA approval, we are prepared to execute our plan that ensures access to those patients who can benefit from omidubicel as quickly as possible.
The long-term, durable clinical benefit of omidubicel was observed at three years across a patient population that typically has a poor prognosis. A study titled, Multicenter Long-Term Follow Up of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with Omidubicel: A Pooled Analysis of Five Prospective Clinical Trials, highlighted long-term follow-up of 105 patients transplanted with omidubicel between 2006-2020 (median follow-up of 22 months). The data demonstrated an overall survival and disease-free survival of 63% (95% CI, 53%-73%) and 56% (95% CI, 47%-67%) at three years, respectively, as well as durable long-term hematopoiesis and immune competence. Learn More
Overall well-being health-related quality of life scores for patients treated with omidubicel demonstrated clinical benefit compared to standard of care. A study titled, Health-Related Quality of Life Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with Omidubicel Versus Standard Umbilical Cord Blood featured an analysis of 108 patients that completed validated health-related quality of life (HRQL) surveys on screening and days 42, 100, 180, and 365 post-transplant. Measures of physical and functional well-being and other HRQL scores were more favorable with omidubicel. These data suggest clinically meaningful and sustained improvements in physical, functional, and overall well-being compared to umbilical cord blood transplantation. Learn More
About NAM Technology
Our NAM-enabling technology is designed to enhance the number and functionality of targeted cells, enabling us to pursue a curative approach that moves beyond what is possible with existing therapies. Leveraging the unique properties of NAM (nicotinamide), we can expand and metabolically modulate multiple cell types including stem cells and natural killer cells with appropriate growth factors to maintain the cells active phenotype and enhance potency. Additionally, our NAM technology improves the metabolic fitness of cells, allowing for continued activity throughout the expansion process.
About Omidubicel
Omidubicel is an advanced cell therapy candidate developed as a potential life-saving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell (bone marrow) transplant for patients with blood cancers. Omidubicel demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in time to neutrophil engraftment in comparison to standard umbilical cord blood in an international, multi-center, randomized Phase 3 study (NCT0273029) in patients with hematologic malignancies undergoing allogeneic bone marrow transplant. The Phase 3 study also showed reduced time to platelet engraftment, reduced infections and fewer days of hospitalization. One-year post-transplant data showed sustained clinical benefits with omidubicel as demonstrated by significant reduction in infectious complications as well as reduced non-relapse mortality and no significant increase in relapse rates nor increases in graft-versus-host-disease (GvHD) rates. Omidubicel is the first stem cell transplant donor source to receive Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the FDA and has also received Orphan Drug Designation in the US and EU.
Omidubicel is an investigational stem cell therapy candidate, and its safety and efficacy have not been established by the FDA or any other health authority. For more information about omidubicel, please visit
About Gamida Cell
Gamida Cell is pioneering a diverse immunotherapy pipeline of potentially curative cell therapy candidates for patients with solid tumor and blood cancers and other serious blood diseases. We apply a proprietary expansion platform leveraging the properties of NAM to allogeneic cell sources including umbilical cord blood-derived cells and NK cells to create therapy candidates with potential to redefine standards of care. These include omidubicel, an investigational product with potential as a life-saving alternative for patients in need of bone marrow transplant, and a line of modified and unmodified NAM-enabled NK cells targeted at solid tumor and hematological malignancies. For additional information, please visit or follow Gamida Cell on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram at @GamidaCellTx.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including with respect to timing of initiation and progress of, and data reported from, the clinical trials of Gamida Cells product candidates (including omidubicel), regulatory filings submitted to the FDA (including the potential timing of the FDAs review of the BLA for omidubicel), commercialization planning efforts, and the potentially life-saving or curative therapeutic and commercial potential of Gamida Cells product candidates (including omidubicel), and Gamida Cells expectations for the expected clinical development milestones set forth herein. Any statement describing Gamida Cells goals, expectations, financial or other projections, intentions or beliefs is a forward-looking statement and should be considered an at-risk statement. Such statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including those related to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic could have on our business, and including the scope, progress and expansion of Gamida Cells clinical trials and ramifications for the cost thereof; clinical, scientific, regulatory and technical developments; and those inherent in the process of developing and commercializing product candidates that are safe and effective for use as human therapeutics, and in the endeavor of building a business around such product candidates. In light of these risks and uncertainties, and other risks and uncertainties that are described in the Risk Factors section and other sections of Gamida Cells Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on May 12, 2022, as amended, and other filings that Gamida Cell makes with the SEC from time to time (which are available at, the events and circumstances discussed in such forward-looking statements may not occur, and Gamida Cells actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied thereby. Although Gamida Cells forward-looking statements reflect the good faith judgment of its management, these statements are based only on facts and factors currently known by Gamida Cell. As a result, you are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements.
1CIBMTR 2019 allogeneic transplants in patients 12+ years with hematological malignancies.2Gamida Cell market research
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Long-Term Data from Omidubicel Phase 3 Trial Demonstrates Overall Survival and Sustainable Durable Outcomes for Patients with Blood Cancers at the...
Are immunotherapy and chemotherapy the same thing? How cancer treatments work – Nebraska Medicine
By daniellenierenberg
As cancer treatments continue to advance and new therapies are introduced, it's easy to get lost in your search for information. To help you better understand the differences between specific cancer treatments and how they work, we spoke with medical oncologist Bhavina Sharma, MD, MPH.
"Chemotherapy are drugs designed to directly attack all rapidly dividing cells in the body, including cancer cells," explains Dr. Sharma. "It relies on the idea that cancer cells reproduce much faster than most healthy cells in our body."
Chemotherapy drugs can be given by infusion or in pill form. Unfortunately, these drugs can't tell the difference between cancerous cells and fast-growing healthy cells like the gastrointestinal tract and hair follicles, leading to side effects such as diarrhea and hair loss. Thankfully, recent advancements in chemotherapy have helped lessen side effects such as nausea, pain and lethargy.
Targeted therapy are special drugs designed to target differences within cancer cells that help them thrive. Unlike chemotherapy, targeted therapy drugs actually change the inner workings of the cancer cell. Because targeted therapy focuses on the part of the cancer cell that makes it different from the normal, healthy cell, it often has fewer side effects than standard chemotherapy treatments.
Immunotherapy is very different than chemotherapy in that it helps our immune system to find and kill cancer cells.
"Cancer cells are abnormal cells that have formed in our body because of cell damage or mutations," explains Dr. Sharma. "Cancer cells hide from your immune system by shutting down certain pathways of the immune response. Immunotherapy unlocks those pathways so your immune system can recognize and remove the cancer cells."
Cellular therapies are treatments that improve the body's ability to fight cancer. "Stem cell therapy falls under the umbrella of cellular therapy," explains Dr. Sharma. "It uses stem cells to mount an immune response to attack your cancer cells."
Stem cells from blood and bone marrow can be used in transplants. These stem cells can either come from a matched donor (allogeneic) or from the patient themselves (autologous).
Chimeric antigen receptor therapy or CAR T-cell, is a type of cellular therapy.
"T cells are white blood cells that help our bodies fight infection and cancer," explains Dr. Sharma. "With CAR T-cell therapy, your own T cells are collected from your blood. These T cells are modified to recognize cancer as a foreign cell and attack it."
CAR T-cell therapy has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma.
Hormone therapy slows or stops the growth of cancer that uses hormones to grow. It is also called hormonal therapy, hormone treatment or endocrine therapy. Hormone therapy is recommended for cancers that are hormone-receptor positive, such as certain breast and prostate cancers. It can't be used in cancers that don't carry hormone receptors.
"Hormone therapy can be used for both early stage and metastatic hormone-receptor positive breast cancers," explains Dr. Sharma. "In patients with early-stage breast cancer, it is used after surgery to help reduce the risk of the cancer coming back."
Chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy are just a few of the treatments we use to treat cancer. Many of these cancer treatments can be combined with others like cancer surgery and radiation therapy. Every person's journey through cancer is different. Your oncology team will help you sort through the best therapies available to create your treatment plan.
The information in this article is for information purposes only. For specific questions regarding your medical condition or treatment plan, please consult with your doctor directly. To schedule an appointment with a Nebraska Medicine cancer specialist, call 402.559.5600.
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Are immunotherapy and chemotherapy the same thing? How cancer treatments work - Nebraska Medicine
Prevalence Of Blood Cancer In India: Know Its Prevention And Management | – TheHealthSite
By daniellenierenberg
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Blood Cancer By Dr Gaurav Kharya
Written by Tavishi Dogra | Updated : October 4, 2022 9:56 PM IST
In India, the increase in cancer cases over the past ten years has become a significant public health problem for the country. These cases have a long latent period, are primarily lifestyle-related and require specialised infrastructure and human resources to be treated. Cancer's physical, psychological and financial toll on people, families, communities and health systems keeps rising. The prevalence of cancer varies across India's regions, making prevention and management extremely difficult. Due to cancer not being a notifiable disease, the national burden assessment is still a task for which many developing nations, including India, rely on statistical models. The estimated number of cancer-related Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (AMI) in India in 2021 was 26.7 million, and that number was predicted to rise to 29.8 million in 2025.
Each year, 1.24 million new instances of blood cancer are reported worldwide, making up about 6% of all cancer cases. Blood cancer develops in the bone marrow, tissues that create blood and compromise the immune system. According to incidence rates, there are primarily three different forms of blood cancers: lymphoma/leukaemia, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)/myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). In addition, blood cancer may arise when the body produces abnormal White Blood Cells (WBCs). It typically starts in the bone marrow, which produces blood in our body. This malignancy impairs the normal development, growth and functioning of blood cells that fight infection and produce healthy blood cells.
White blood cells produced by the body during leukaemia are incapable of battling infections. Depending on the type of blood cell involved and whether it is fast-growing or slow-growing (acute or chronic), leukaemia is divided into distinct forms (myeloid or lymphoid). Consequently, it can be broadly divided into four subtypes: acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Apart from these are some rare blood cancers such as Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML).
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Blood Cancer By Dr Gaurav Kharya, Clinical Lead Apollo Center & Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
Various diagnostic techniques are used to identify blood cancer, including clinical examination, blood testing, bone marrow tests, cytogenetic/karyotyping, molecular analyses, and flow cytometry. Most pediatric patients diagnosed with ALL or AML can be treated by chemotherapy. However, a smaller percentage of patients who don't respond well to chemotherapy are candidates for Bone marrow transplant to offer a long-term cure to these patients. In contrast, almost half of adult patients need BMT as consolidation to provide long-term treatment. If required, BMT can safely be done now using half HLA identical donors in case HLA matching donors are unavailable in experienced centres.
In most cases, the doctor will make a treatment recommendation based on research on the most effective treatments and national recommendations developed by experts. They will assess the type of blood cancer, the outcomes of any tests the patient has had, the state of the overall health, the available therapies, their effectiveness, and any potential risks or side effects.
There is a range of different treatments for blood cancer. But the most common ones include:
The cost of blood cancer therapy in India has several significant advantages. First, the most outstanding hospitals in India, equipped with the most cutting-edge equipment and a staff of oncologists and doctors with years of experience, are accessible to offer blood cancer patients comprehensive care.
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Prevalence Of Blood Cancer In India: Know Its Prevention And Management | - TheHealthSite
CAR T-cell therapy is new approach to fighting cancer, other diseases – MetroWest Daily News
By daniellenierenberg
Dr. Jeff Hersh| Daily News Correspondent
Q: What is CAR T-cell therapy?
A: Our immune system protects our bodies from "invasion"by harmful substances, infections and abnormal cells (for example cancer cells). T-cells (also called T-lymphocytes or thymocytes) develop from stem cells in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus (a body organ in the neck that is part of the lymphoid system, along with the spleen, lymph nodes and the red bone marrow).
Cytotoxic T-cells identify body cells that have certain antigens (proteins on the surface of certain cancer cells, cells that have become infected, other cells) and directly kill them.
Helper T-cells detect various "invasions"and release cytokines to activate other immune system cells (including cytotoxic T-cells) to combat them.
Regulatory T-cells help moderate the immune response to maintain balance and the bodys ability to tolerate (rather than attack) itself (for example helping minimize inappropriate inflammatory responses).
This description of T-cells shows why it would be helpful to "manipulate"them in a specific manner to leverage the immune system to help fight certain diseases/conditions. This is where chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cells come into play.
White blood cells (including T-cells) are collected from the patient by taking some of their blood via an intravenous (IV) catheter and filtering out the white cells using a leukapheresis machine, and then putting the filtered blood (minus the extracted white blood cells) back into the patient via a second IV catheter.
The T-cells are then separated from the other white blood cells, and a gene for the "targeted" antigen is added to the cells (you can think of this as a "lock and key"mechanism, with the antigen being the "lock"and the protein added to the T-cell being the "key"used to identify the "invading" cell with that particular antigen "lock."
These modified cells (the CAR T-cells) are then "multiplied"in the lab to create a large number of them. The CAR T-cells are then infused into the patient (again via an IV). These CAR T-cells can now specifically "hunt"the specific "invading"cell(s) they have been created to target.
There are many steps needed to create this personalized CAR T-cell treatment for an individual patient, and therefore it can take weeks to produce these treatments. In the future it may be possible to pre-prepare treatments from donor T-cells (possibly modifying these cells to target specific antigens using techniques like CRISPR, mRNA techniques, etc.) and then transfuse the appropriate CAR T-cells in a manner similar to how other blood products (for example red cells, platelets, etc.) are transfused to help a patient.
Since 2017 CAR T-cells have been specifically designed and utilized to treat individual patients with several different types of "blood cancers"(lymphomas, leukemias and multiple myelomas) that did not respond to the standard treatments (for example chemotherapy for that type of cancer).In many patients with very difficult to treat blood cancers, these treatments have been very effective.
Solid tumors (as opposed to blood cancers), such as brain, breast, lung and pancreatic cancers, are a bit more challenging to address with the CAR T-cell approach.This is because having the CAR T-cells gain "access"to the solid tumor cancer cells is more difficult.
From the description of T-cells above, it seems that this same conceptual approach might be utilized to treat certain autoimmune conditions (conditions where a patients own immune system "overreacts"and attacks the patients own body cells), and this has recently been studied. In this study, five patients with severe lupus who had not responded to standard treatments were treated with specifically designed CAR T-cells to "wipe out"the aberrant B cells causing their autoimmune complications, and all five showed very significant improvement. Future clinical studies will no doubt be designed to see what other conditions might benefit from this treatment approach!
However, treatment with CAR T-cells is not without risk, as these treatments can sometimes cause serious and even life-threatening complications. For example, some patients have had:
Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), where the patient reacts to the CAR T-cell infusion with an aggressive release of cytokines that causes an inflammatory reaction (for example causing symptoms like fever, breathing issues, gastrointestinal issues, other symptoms); nervous system issues (for example headaches, seizures, alterations in consciousness, others), and there may bemany other possible complications.
Bottom line: CAR T-cell therapy has become a more and more accepted therapeutic approach, and in the future it may be utilized earlier in a patients disease (rather than only for refractory cases), and for a broader array of disease states (not just blood cancers, but potentially autoimmune conditions, maybe certain solid tumors, and potentially other diseases).
Jeff Hersh, Ph.D., M.D., can be reached at
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CAR T-cell therapy is new approach to fighting cancer, other diseases - MetroWest Daily News
Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute: Treating Pain with PRP and Stem Cell Therapy – Community News
By daniellenierenberg
It gnawsat you. It drains you. It becomes the focus of your life.
Experiencing a few pain-free moments can be euphoric; it makes you realize how long youve been living with aches and pain. You might wonder how you can find a solution to relieve the pain and regain your freedom from discomfort.
Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute on how to lesson your pain.
Dr. Ronak Patel at Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute wants you to know there are two new revolutionary answers to pain relief.
Both platelet-rich therapy otherwise known as PRP and stem cell therapy give patients new hope by using the bodys powerful healing power to accelerate the battle against pain. Dr. Patel has seen incredible success implementing these cutting-edge treatments on hundreds of patients suffering from pain-related issues.
So if you are suffering fromany of the ailments below, theres a lifeline.
Heres the best news: Neither PRP or stem cell therapy involves drug use with side effects or any surgical procedures.
Both PRP and stem cell treatments use the bodys own healing resources to repair diseased or damaged tissue and the results are quite remarkable.
PRP therapy involves injecting concentrated platelets and growth factors into damaged tissue to stimulate the faster growth of new healthy cells. Platelets are cells that prevent and stop bleeding. If a blood vessel is damaged, the body sends signals to our platelets to get on the job and start the healing. Some call platelets the bodys natural bandage.
So how does PRP therapy work? Its basically drawing a one small vial of blood from the patient and then using a centrifuge to turn it into a potent and concentrated form of platelets. It is then injected back into the patient. Think of it as a boost of your own blood only superpowered.
Recovery time for PRP therapy is far shorter than for surgery. Patients usually experience soreness for a week or so, but the gradual improvement soon begins. Unlike a steroid shot, which gives you immediate relief and quickly wears off, a PRP patient will see pain symptoms improve over a period of months, and up to 80 percent of patients will see relief for up to two years.
Stem cell therapy can be an even more powerful way to harness the bodys healing power. Stem cells are the building blocks for every cell in our body. These powerful cells can be harvested to produce powerful new cells to fight inflammation and disease.
For those suffering from osteoarthritis, stem cell therapy has proven very effective. Thats because the stem cells may help develop new cartilage cells and suppress inflammation. Stem cells can be harvested through a sample of body fat or bone marrow or be harvested from donated umbilical cord tissue.
And yes, you can even augment PRP therapy with stem cell therapy for an even bigger boost!
Stop wondering if youll have to live with your pain forever. Contact Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute today at 609-269-4451 or go to to book an appointment and learn more.
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Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute: Treating Pain with PRP and Stem Cell Therapy - Community News
Carbon Dioxide Incubators Market to Reach US$ 483.5 Million by 2027 as Application in In Vitro Fertilization Rises – Yahoo Finance
By daniellenierenberg
NEW YORK, Oct. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --
Growing Use of IVF and Stem Cell Therapies to Create US$ 323 Million Market Opportunity for Carbon Dioxide Incubator Manufacturers
The carbon dioxide incubators market is well covered by Fact.MR for the upcoming decade. The study looks closely at key growth factors such trends, future projections, and business strategies. The research also provides a thorough analysis of the top segments including product, application, capacity, and region, in order to provide well-rounded perspective.
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Fact.MR A Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Provider: The global carbon dioxide incubators market is likely to reach US$ 483.5 Million by 2027, growing at 8.4% CAGR between 2022 and 2027. Growing investment in research and clinical trial activities is likely to fuel the sales of carbon dioxide incubators during the assessment period. Further, use of carbon dioxide incubators in IVF and stem cell treatments is also likely to drive growth.
The popularity and acceptance of in-vitro fertilizations has grown significantly. According toNational Library of Medicine, around 10% to 15% couples in the U.S. have trouble in having a baby. These challenges have been well-addressed by in vitro fertilization (IVF), owing to which it has become a popular healthcare solution.
Use of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to help couples in becoming parents is likely to grow in the future, which is likely to drive demand for accessories and equipment used in this process. Owing to this, demand for carbon dioxide incubators is likely to witness an upward trend over the upcoming decade.
Further, sales of carbon dioxide incubators are also likely to increase on account of growth in overall stem cell procedures. For instance, as perHealth Resources and Services Administration, 4,864 unrelated and 4,160 related bone marrow and cold transplants were conducted in the U.S. in 2020. Growing use of stem cell treatment is likely to be a key factor driving the sales of carbon dioxide incubators during the assessment period.
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Globally, North America and Europe are likely to remain at the pinnacle of growth in the carbon dioxide incubators market. The U.S., U.K., France, and Germany are at the forefront of new innovation in R&D, and sales of medical accessories and equipment will also remain high, as per Fact.MR. Owing to these factors, carbon dioxide incubator manufacturers are likely to witness incremental growth opportunities across these regions.
Key Takeaways:
By product, water-jacketed carbon dioxide incubators are likely to reman preferred among end-users.
By capacity, below 100-liter carbon dioxide incubators are expected to witness high demand during the assessment period.
By application, use of carbon dioxide incubators in laboratory research and clinical applications is likely to remain high during the assessment period.
By region, North America and Europe are likely to hold sway over the forecast period, with the U.S. and the U.K. leading the growth.
China and India are expected to create sizeable opportunities for market players on the back of improved healthcare infrastructure.
Growth Drivers:
Increasing applications of carbon dioxide incubators in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and stem cell treatment is likely to drive the market.
Use of carbon dioxide incubators in cell culture development and tissue engineering is expected to create growth avenues for market players.
Efficiency of incubators in maintaining consistent temperature during genetically modified organism (GMO) cultivation is expected to drive growth.
Advancement in carbon dioxide incubator technology is likely to create new growth avenues for market players.
Carbon dioxide incubators are highly prone to errors due to which they require highly experienced technicians. Due to skill shortage, sales of these incubators can be limited.
Lack of standardization is a longstanding challenge and failure to address this issue might hamper growth.
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Competitive Landscape:
Carbon dioxide incubator manufacturers are focusing on launching innovative technologies to consolidate their position in the market. Further, leading players are concentrating on providing training and guidelines to end-users so their products can be used without any issue.
For instance,
In May 2021, Esco introduced an innovative incubator featuring High Heat Sterilization that is highly effective in eliminating bacteria and vegetative cells.
In January 2020, CO2Meter Inc., launched incubators that regulate and monitor bacterial development patterns.
Key Companies Profiled by Fact.MR
More Valuable Insights on Carbon Dioxide Incubators Market
In its latest study, Fact.MR offers a detailed analysis of the global carbon dioxide incubators market for the forecast period of 2022 to 2027. This study also divulges key drivers and trends promoting the sales of carbon dioxide incubators through detailed segmentation as follows:
By Product:
Water Jacketed
Air Jacketed
Direct Heat
By Capacity:
Below 100 Litres
100-200 Litres
Above 200 Litres
By Application:
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia & Oceania
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Key Questions Covered in the Carbon Dioxide Incubators Market Report
What is the estimated market size of carbon dioxide incubators in 2022?
At what pace will worldwide carbon dioxide incubators sales increase till 2027?
What factors are driving demand in the carbon dioxide incubators market?
Which region is predicted to lead the worldwide carbon dioxide incubators market between 2022 and 2027?
What are the elements driving carbon dioxide incubators market sales during the forecast period?
What is the expected market estimation of the carbon dioxide incubators market during the forecast period?
Explore Fact.MR's Coverage on the Healthcare Domain
Biological Indicator Incubator Market:The biological indicator incubators market is projected to benefit from rising biopharmaceutical production. The market for biological indicator incubators may continue to increase quickly as a result of the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals that are grown via cell culture.
Tissue Culture Incubator Market:The introduction of CO2 incubators with infrared radiation control systems and other technological advancements in tissue culture incubators, along with increased funding for tissue-based research, are anticipated to be major factors driving the growth of the tissue culture incubator market over the forecast period.
Pneumatic Nebulizers Market:Pneumatic nebulizer sales are anticipated to grow steadily at a CAGR of 4% and reach a market value of US$ 850.4 million by 2027 from US$ 699 million in 2022. An increase in local healthcare spending and patient awareness has spurred the need for pneumatic nebulizers.
Implantable Medical Devices Market: The global implantable medical devices market is predicted to reach US$ 155 billion by 2027. Key factors driving market growth include rising geriatric population & burden of chronic diseases and increasing demand for cosmetic dentistry.
Disinfection Caps Market: Key factors driving market growth include stringent regulations for safe injection practices and rising prevalence of hospital-acquired infections across the world. The global disinfection caps market is estimated to reach US$ 420 million by 2027.
Check it Out More Reports by Fact.MR on Healthcare Domain
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Fact.MR is a market research and consulting agency with deep expertise in emerging market intelligence. Spanning a wide range from automotive & industry 4.0 to healthcare, technology, chemical and materials, to even the most niche categories. We are committed to deliver insights that help businesses gain deeper understanding of their target markets. We understand that making sense of the vast labyrinth of data can be overwhelming for businesses. That's why focus on offering insights that can actually make a difference to bottom-lines.
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COMPASS Pathways to Hold Virtual Capital Market Day on 12 October 2022
By Dr. Matthew Watson
LONDON, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- COMPASS Pathways plc (Nasdaq: CMPS), a mental health care company dedicated to accelerating patient access to evidence-based innovation in mental health, announced today the agenda for its virtual Capital Markets Day on 12 October 2022 at 8:00 am ET (1 pm UK).
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COMPASS Pathways to Hold Virtual Capital Market Day on 12 October 2022
Castellum, Inc. Announces Intent to Uplist to NYSE American Exchange
By Dr. Matthew Watson
POTOMAC, Md., Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Castellum, Inc. (“Castellum”) (OTC: ONOV), a cybersecurity, electronic warfare, and IT services company, announced today that, subject to meeting all requirements (including the price requirement) at the time of listing, the Company’s application to list its shares of common stock (the “Common Stock”), has been approved to uplist to the NYSE American Exchange in conjunction with an underwritten public offering and a one-for-twenty reverse stock split of the Common Stock effective on or about October 7, 2022. The ticker symbol for the Common Stock will change to “CTM” upon listing. Trading of the Common Stock is expected to commence on or about October 7, 2022. The new CUSIP for the Common Stock following the reverse stock split will be 14838T204.
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Castellum, Inc. Announces Intent to Uplist to NYSE American Exchange
Spectral Medical Provides Update on Tigris Clinical Trial
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Robust recruitment activities experienced in closing weeks of September44 patients now enrolled
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Spectral Medical Provides Update on Tigris Clinical Trial