Questions you should ask to doctor for Alzheimer disease
By Dr. Matthew Watson
Alzheimer’s Disease is a critical health condition that cannot be defined in a specific way.It is a very common form of Dementia. Dementia in itself is not a disease. Rather, it is a group of symptoms that start occurring due to occurrence of some other disease or medical condition.Person suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease can face difficulty in remembering even the most recently happened events. This is the initial stage. The disease can lead to death of a person too! The disease starts to occur in people who have crossed 65 years of age or more. Those who get diagnosed with this difficult disease, a good doctor needs to be consulted at the earliest. There are certain questions that need to be placed before the doctor related to the disease. Some of the most important questions are listed below:
What is the usual course of the Alzheimer’s disease?
Life long.
What type of new treatments are available?
Since it is not a disease, there is no particular treatment available. However, some medicines are available but that too works at the early stages.
Are the drugs used to treat the AD symptoms effective?
Yes, at times and mostly during the early stages.
Does these drugs have any sort of side effects?
At time, yes. It can cause poor eyesight problem, gaining weight, as well itching problems.
Does the AD affects a person for the remaining part of his/her living days?
Yes, definitely.
What is the total time period for a person to act in a very normal way post Alzheimer’s diagnosis?
The first and middle stages are still OK with the patients. Although slight changes start taking place but still the behavior doesn’t get completely out of the mark. But, once the patient reaches advanced stage, scenarios tend to become more complicated.
Can a patient of Alzheimer’s Disease be a threat to other or themselves?
The Patient can be a real threat to him/herself. At advanced stage, the patient can even forget her/his own address, name, etc. Scenarios can get real complicated when the patient fails to identify his/her relatives, family members and friends.
Is home or nursing home the best place to take care of the person suffering from AD?
No, there is no such a thing. A lonely person with no one to take care of can stay best in a nursing home. But a person with good family and friends can easily stay in the home. Alzheimer’s is a not a disease but a syndrome that can be as deadly as any other disease. But, there is no specific treatment for it. So, there is no need to spend unnecessary money booking a bed in the nursing home.
What are the necessary precautions to take in order to make the home surroundings safe for someone who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?
A clean surrounding can definitely help. The person suffering from AD should be kept stress free. The patient should have more interaction with family members and friends. However, by no means the patient should be made excited or furious. It can provide extra stress on the brain. This can cause some negative repercussions.
What are the best available support and services are available in the local area related to Alzheimer’s disease?
This is a very important question to ask the doctor. Remember, if local medicinal help can be availed, then much of worries are eliminated.
Is Alzheimer’s considered a hereditary disease?
Yes, definitely. But it is only a small part of the bigger process. AD can develop due to several factors, most important being strong stress.