Reneuron tests stem cell stroke treatment
By Dr. Matthew Watson
The treatment involves injecting up to 20 million stem cells into patients' brains. It was tested on patients at Glasgow's Southern General Hospital in 2012.
The Surrey-based company said it would work at 10 sites across the UK, including the Southern General, on a Phase II efficacy study of the ReN001 treatment involving 41 patients.
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The treatment is designed to deliver a meaningful improvement in upper limb function in disabled stroke patients.
In May, the company said data from a long-term follow- up involving 11 patients included in a Phase I safety study of ReN001 at the Glasgow hospital observed sustained reductions in neurological impairment and spasticity in most patients. No cell-related or immunological adverse events were reported .
Yesterday, Reneuron said it has also started a Phase I safety study at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee of its ReN009 therapy for people with lower limb ischaemia. It will involve nine patients.
Reneuron says the disease is common in patients with diabetes and can lead to amputation of the limb.
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Reneuron tests stem cell stroke treatment