Sistemic to Moderate Regenerative Medicine Panel at 2012 Bio International Convention
By JoanneRUSSELL25
Sistemic Ltd., a leading provider of microRNA-based problem-solving services and kit-based products to the Cell Therapy community, announced today that chairman and CEO Jim Reid is moderating a panel discussion at the 2012 Bio International Convention on Wednesday, June 20, in Boston. Featuring leaders from the regenerative medicine space, the panel is titled Stem Cell Therapies Fact or Fiction, and will share the lessons learned to-date from Scottish, European and American perspectives on the path to successfulcommercialization of stem cell therapies.
Jim Reid, Sistemic CEO, commented, "Sistemic is very active in the CellTherapyarena and aremembersof Alliance for Advanced Therapies (AAT) and the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM). We see the ability to raise this topic at the leading world event, BIO 2012, as animportantstep on the path to commercialization of these products which will be transformational in healthcare, and bring hope and cures to many people around the globe."
More information on the panel at BIO 2012:
What: Panel Discussion Featuring Leaders in the Regenerative Medicine Space
When: Wednesday, June 20, 3:00PM EDT
Where: Boston Convention Center, Room 254A
Who: Leaders of the Regenerative Medicine space:
Panel objectives include evaluating lessons learned and best practice including from the Scotland Roadmap for the commercialization of stem cell therapies; identifying global (US and EU) examples of progress in stem cell therapy commercialization; and facilitating a debate on the need for a global, multi-disciplinary approach to successful commercialization of stem cell therapies.
About Sistemic Ltd
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Sistemic to Moderate Regenerative Medicine Panel at 2012 Bio International Convention