Stem cell center starting trials
By daniellenierenberg
Seven months after a bill to create a regional stem cell therapy hub at the University of Kansas Medical Center took effect, two doctors from the center say it is enrolling patients in clinical trials and beginning their work.
David Prentice and Buddhadeb Dawn expressed excitement over what the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center has been able to accomplish in a short time and what possibilities it holds for the future.
"Kansas can be the leader in providing adult stem cell treatments and information to physicians and patients around the world," Dawn said.
Prentice said the center, which limits itself to research on adult stem cells, will foster "ethical, non-controversial" treatments for patients with multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, heart damage, stroke and juvenile diabetes.
At the same time he said it will serve to educate schoolchildren on the promise of adult stem cells and act as a "hub" for regional research.
Potentially physicians from across the region could be sending samples," Prentice said.
Stem cell center starting trials