Stem Cell Therapy for Autism || Treatment Information …
By raymumme
Autism Protocol
Current investigative therapies for autism attempt to reverse these abnormalities through administration of antibiotics, antiinflammatory agents, and hyperbaric oxygen. Unfortunately, none of these approaches address the root causes of oxygen deprivation and intestinal inflammation.
Mesenchymal stem cells can regulate the immune system. It is thought that they may help to reverse inflammatory conditions and is currently in the final stages of clinical trials in the US for Crohns disease, a condition resembling the gut inflammation in autistic children.
Through administration of mesenchymal stem cells, we have observed improvement in subjects to whom weve administered stem cells at our facilities. The biological basis for our scientists appears in a peer-reviewed publication Journal of Translational Medicine: Stem Cell Therapy for Autism.
The adult stem cells used in the autism clinical investigation at the Stem Cell Institute come from human umbilical cord tissue (allogeneic mesenchymal). These stem cells are recovered from donated umbilical cords. Before they are approved for use, all umbilical cord-derived stem cells are screened for viruses and bacteria to International Blood Bank Standards. In some cases, we also utilize stem cells harvested from the subjects own bone marrow. Umbilical cord-derived stem cells are ideal for the autism protocol because they allow our physicians to administer uniform doses and they do not require any stem cell collection from the subject, which for autistic children and their parents, can be an arduous process. Because they are collected right after (normal) birth, umbilical cord-derived cells are much more potent than their older counterparts like bone marrow-derived cells for instance. Cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells pose no rejection risk because the body does not recognize them as foreign.
Because HUCT stem cells are less mature than other cells, the bodys immune system is unable to recognize them as foreign and therefore they are not rejected. Weve performed thousands of procedures with umbilical cord stem cells and there has never been a single instance of rejection. HUCT stem cells also proliferate/differentiate more efficiently than older cells, such as those found in the bone marrow and therefore, they are considered to be more potent.
The umbilical cord-derived stem cells are administered intravenously by a licensed physician.
Below is an example of a typical autism schedule. Our investigational clinical protocol for autism ( NCT02192749) has been approved by the National Institutional Review Board for Clinical Protocols.
Proper follow-up is an essential part of the autism clinical investigation process. Our primary goal is to ensure that your child is progressing safely. Regular follow-up also enables us to evaluate efficacy and improve our autism clinical protocols based on observed outcomes.
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