The Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLC Launches A Marketing Campaign To License Adult Stem Cell Biotechnologies

By Dr. Matthew Watson

Boston, MA (PRWEB) July 31, 2014

Bostons Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLC (ASCTC) finds itself flush with innovative adult stem cell biotechnologies. Currently the company holds seven recently issued patents and has three additional patent applications currently under examination by the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office.

The patented inventions address two of the most vexing problems in adult stem cell biology research and regenerative medicine. Adult stem cells are difficult to identify; and they have been difficult to multiply to sufficient numbers to support regenerative medicine applications.

ASCTC has addressed the identity problem by developing patented biomarkers that are found exclusively on adult stem cells. The biomarkers are based on ASCTCs expertise in defining properties of adult stem cells that are not shared by any other normal cell types in the body. The patented biomarkers also identify some types of cancer stem cells. Therefore, they have applications in both stem cell medicine and cancer medicine.

ASCTCa success in developing procedures for producing adult stem cells in large numbers is due to the companys expertise in adult stem cell growth control. ASCTCs technology uses natural compounds found in the body to instruct adult stem cells to multiply in a controlled manner as during normal body growth.

The companys patented method for controlling adult stem cells to multiply without losing their stem cell properties has applications for many different types of adult stem cells. ASCTCs approved patents demonstrate the application of the method for production of human liver stem cells, hair follicle stem cells, and human pancreatic stem cells; but the technology has general application to adult stem cells found in many other types of organs and tissues.

In addition to the main focus on adult stem cell technologies, ASCTCs most recently issued patent applies its cell multiplication methods to produce induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) without transferring exogenous genes. This gene-free single agent method should offer significant value to the many mushrooming companies that supply iPSCs and iPSC production reagents.

As a small start-up, ASCTC is employing a social media marketing strategy. In the past week, the company has launched patent licensing ads on LinkedIn, Vocus, and Facebook, as well increased its advertising references within its recently established Twitter presence.

It would be a shame for these technologies to lie dormant, just because our hands are full with other projects at the moment. James Sherley, director of ASCTC, relates that the companys two main business efforts require only a fraction of its available intellectual property. ASCTC is currently focused on bringing laboratory-scale production of human liver stem cells to manufacturing scales and developing a computer simulation assay for preclinical detection of drug candidates with intolerable toxicity due to adverse effects on adult stem cells.

Sherley adds, We already have a few companies that have expressed interest in licensing. But we could do a lot better at reaching others whose development efforts would benefit from ASCTCs unique technologies. Love to hear from ViaCyte!

The Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLC Launches A Marketing Campaign To License Adult Stem Cell Biotechnologies

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